#now i gotta work on act i and iii LOL
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Audience with The Demagogue
The Priestess adjusted her robes as she approached the chambers where The Demagogue was waiting to meet her.  He wouldn’t meet with just anyone, not with the stir he was causing the public and the amount of bounties and warrants on his head.  He couldn’t stay in places for very long, which meant that he would pop up somewhere, deliver his diatribes, then leave just as unexpectedly as he had appeared.  He had gained quite a following though, which meant that whatever the law did to subdue him had to be done without killing him unless they wanted angry masses rioting in the streets.
    The robed figure leading The Priestess to the temporary chambers of The Demagogue halted before a set of doors.  The place was one of the older temples in a more impoverished town, containing catacombs that led down into the sewers; the perfect sort of escape route for the controversial priest.  The populace were the sort who actually liked what The Demagogue had to say, and helped to hide him from the authorities to the best of their abilities.  The man who spoke into a little, golden mouthpiece outside of the doors wore the same robes as the rest of the Priest Sect, though his were considerably more faded, the stitching used to patch it in places obvious.  He put his ear to another device by the door, listened, nodded, and stepped back, tapping a flat rectangle on the wall that unlocked the chambers.  He turned to The Priestess, gesturing for her to enter.
This was something of an honor, seeing The Demagogue face to face.  The Priestess still couldn’t figure out why.  She wasn’t very important, and she wasn’t all that receptive to his teachings.  In fact, she was one of the minority in the Sect who saw him as a renegade priest, a man who was gorging himself on too much power and needed to be brought back down.
All these thoughts were the sort she carefully kept locked away in the recesses of her mind for this particular meeting: every single member of the Priest Sect was a telepath.  It wouldn’t do to exercise such notions in front of the very same person who she condemned when he asked her to come by special invitation.
She stepped into the room and the doors eased silently shut behind her.
It was lighter than she had anticipated, not at all the shadowy chambers with a small amount of candles offering little pools of light that she had imagined.  If she could have guessed, she would have thought that the entire room was leafed in gold from the way it glittered under the lighting.  
Statues stood in arched alcoves with ambient lighting creating harsh rims around them.  The Priestess started when she realized one of those statues was her host, separating himself from the tall figures with their heads bowed.  She hadn’t sensed him at all.  She had heard about that peculiar ability of his, hiding his presence from others, but having experienced it…she could see why he had such an aura built up around him now with more advanced abilities like that.  Something to be careful of.
“I’m pleased to see that you made it here safely, My Child.”
His voice was sibilant, soothing, instantly calming The Priestess's nerves as her pulse dropped back down.  She knew it wasn’t entirely his inflection.  Telepaths could do that to put people at ease.  It worked on those with open minds who were willing to allow some slight interference.  A squad of violent soldiers, however, would not be phased in the slightest.
She bowed her head out of respect to a more advanced priest, the shadows of the robes that swept up into a conical headdress helping to hide her face and the expression of mild fear.
“It is an honor to finally meet you—um—“
He emitted a low laugh.
“You may call me whatever you like.  Apostate, Renegade, Demagogue, Prophet, Enlightened One, Damned One  Please, choose whichever you think is fitting.”
    “I think that I would prefer to call you what you have adopted from the revilers.”
She guessed he was smiling as she straightened up to finally get a better look at him.
The first thing she noted was that The Demagogue was taller in person than she had anticipated.  He towered over six feet, his vertical red robes adding to his height by hiding his base.  Naked, pale arms with golden bracers were held clasped in front of him.  She could see how the lighting made the skin look almost translucent at times, depending on the angle.  The Demagogue’s face was, of course, hidden by a mask that covered his visage from forehead to chin.  It was as white as bone, the mouth and eyes formed into a stylized smile.  The Priestess thought she could see his eyes through the dark sockets of the mask if the lighting hit right.  They looked light brown, almost gold.  
It reminded her of a wolf.  Fitting for her situation.
“I can’t imagine why you would want to see me, My Lord,” she said, picking a point on the brow of the mask to stare at instead of catching the glint of the piercing eyes beyond it. “I’m not very important in the Sect.”
    “Nonsense,” The Demagogue snapped, laying a long-fingered hand on her shoulder.  The Priestess tamped down a shiver.  She thought his fingers would have been cold from a body that looked like a corpse, but they were oddly warm. “Everyone in The Brotherhood is important, no matter what position they occupy.  You shouldn’t think so lowly of yourself, My Child.”
The touch on her shoulder was accompanied by another one that seemed to flutter across her mind like a finger rapidly flicking over pages.  The Priestess kept her features schooled, smiling at the mask with what she hoped was an appreciative look.
“Oh, I didn’t mean to say that I don’t think that I’m nothing, just that I wasn’t sure what use I could be of to you.”
“You, My Child, are far more useful than you could possibly imagine.  We each are cogs in the machine, from a small little bolt to a radioactive core.  They are all important no matter where they’re placed–”
She could feel him probing into her mind, a hand turning over shells on a beach, looking to see if one of those shells could hold some value.  This wasn’t as obvious though.  This was a master thief palming an expensive jewel from a display while everyone watched on without even noticing.  
“–Some of them simply need a little molding, or instructions to go by to know where they fit best.  You’ve done well so far, but only well.  You can do so much more–”
She wasn’t supposed to know he was running his tendrils across her mind, pressing them here and there to see if they would sink in and take root.  He rattled at doors and peered into cracks, returning to the closed off places to try once again to get inside.  
“–All that is required is a willingness to go beyond what you are capable of as you open yourself to that potential; perform these duties and better yourself for those who wish to keep the Sect from decaying as it has been up until now, My Child.”
She felt suspicion come from his end with some of the black spots of her mind that he couldn’t look into, no matter how hard he sifted around inside.
The Priestess held her breath as she mentally fingered one of those tendrils.  It worked both ways.  She tightened her grip and shot forward.  
Everyone, even the Empaths and non-cerebri, had barriers they could instill in their minds to keep people out.  Most took the form of doors or walls too high for the interloper mind to scale.  What she nearly hit was something like a radioactive barrier, bristling with deadly energy.  She drew back before she actually made contact, sparing herself from a self-imposed vegetative state.
The Demagogue reacted with a sudden stiffening of the back, his eyes sharpening.
“Were you looking for something, My Child?”
    “You were looking first,” she countered, keeping her voice steady. “I thought it was an invitation.  You did say that we were to be open with each other.”
    Something innate said that she wasn’t supposed to know he was rifling around in her head.  A sense of self-chastisement came from him as a minor flash in his consciousness.  The hand on her shoulder tightened its grip.
    “I was only making sure that you hadn’t been handled.  I have enemies among the Sect who disguise themselves as my most loyal allies in order to sink a knife into my back or blow a hole through my head.  They’ve never come even close to that sort of thing, but, as they say, there’s a first for everything.  You’re not one of those now, are you?”
    The long needle hidden beneath false flesh on her arm started to feel more and more prominent.  The hand that she had clasping her upper arm to turn it over, rip the flesh back and grab the needle was frozen in place.
    “I wouldn’t dare dream–”
A sharp jolt of pain like the beginnings of a migraine or a white-hot poker slid its way into her head.  The Priestess realized she had been feeling that pain throughout The Demagogue’s conversation, but up until now, hadn’t noticed it.  His voice had been a kind of balm against it, or he had masked it in some way, but she could feel it now like a drill.  Still, she kept her body rigid, her eyes on the mask.  The golden background that surrounded the red-robed man before her started to melt and ooze around him, swirling away into the shadowed alcoves and stealing the light with it.  The only thing that The Priestess was aware of was The Demagogue and the pain.  A voice hissed in her head:
    I wouldn’t lie to me if I were you.
    Then let me in.  Let me in.  Let me in.  Let me in!
The Priestess bared her teeth in a grimace of a smile as she finally focused on his eyes, two balls of light in the black room.  Her fingers turned claws stiltedly tugged at the needle.
    “Poor Demagogue–can’t even tear my secrets out of my head.  Not as powerful as you think you are, hm?”
    The twin suns of gold disappeared in front of her, along with everything else as the pain was the only thing she was aware of.  Her hand fell away from the weapon to try to grab at something, anything to steady herself.  There was a cracking sensation she felt more than heard as something deep in the recesses of her mind was smashed.  Then she was floating, falling.  Nothing.
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anonymous0writer · 4 years
Saving You III JJ Maybank
Part Two: Toeing the Line
Author: @anonymous0writer
Summary: You and JJ had been best friends for as long as you lived. But the feelings that would change your status haven’t been said. Will the words ever be said?
Warnings: Parental abuse/abuse, (more in detail..) swearing.. Going into detail about emotions? I don’t know...
A/N: This one is really long bc I went back to edit and added a shit tom of detail and angst ig. Also, I tried to edit it the best I could.. Anyway, I really like this series, and I’m gonna be so sad when its done even though I’m on the second part, lol.
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There was something in the air. Maybe it was the tang of rain just before it hit. Or maybe it was the way the clouds looked a little darker than the hour before. Whatever it was, it was there. Twisting and churning feeling that sat in his gut, making his face twist in sickness. It was like stepping off a plane, the indescribable feeling of you not begin right. Like you were meant to be in the air, pressure against your ears and flying in the sky, not dropped to the ground, heavy and lost. But no matter it was, the foreboding was there. Settled into his stomach like a lithe creature, ready to strike when the moment came.
He didn’t know what it was, but it was like the calm before the storm. The crispness of the air, the sharp tang of rain about to fall, and then it hits. The consuming, hoard of dark clouds, rolling over the sky in a furious march. Clouds that left the bone quivering, earth shaking booms of thunder and the wicked crack of lightening that light up the world for a second, before plummeting it into darkness.
The storm that brought destruction and havoc and sorrow. But so elegant in the way it destroyed you didn’t even think about it until you were left with the pieces of its aftermath. 
It was like a hurricane. Blowing and whipping furiously, making it way to you, eating up the miles in its path, determined to destroy everything. It was hurtling toward you, and you were powerless to stop it, only able to hunker down and let it happen. 
Whatever it was it was going to bad, and it made him sick. It was a knot in his stomach that tightened and made him sicker. He leaned forward, eyebrows pressed together in worry. What the hell was going to happen today?
Y/N batted her friends grabby hands away, laughing at the same time. JJ smirked, able to get a loose fry with his agile fingers. Y/N squawked, her lips tugging into a frown as she watched the boy munch on the food happily. 
“JJ!” She called, her agitation masking the way she melted and loved that he felt so comfortable to do the simple act of stealing a fry. 
The boy smirked. “I’ll let you beat me to a wave today,” The boy winked, trying to make it up to her. 
Y/N hide her smile as she moved her head so her long hair slid off her shoulder, dropping in front of her face. However JJ feared that he had actually made the girl mad at him, and leaned forward, fingers subconsciously brushing her hair back, tucking the loose stands back in place.
“Are you mad at me?” 
Y/N gasped softly at the feeling of the edges of JJ’s fingertips ghosting her cheek and tucking her hair behind her ear. Her throat bobbed, and her eyes flickered to meet JJ’s. But Y/N was good at recovering fast, and she giggled, pushing the boy away again, 
“JJ, stop!” Her lips split, revealing a full smile that lit up her face and made the edges of her eyes wrinkle. JJ loved that smile with everything he got, and always hated the way it disappeared. So, trying to get the smile back, his fingers reached out to attack her sides in tickles.
Soon enough, Y/N was laughing madly, head thrown back and hair in her face, as she tried to take a much needed breath, her hands pushing away the relentless ones of her best friend. JJ grinned, blue eyes shining as he continued his playful assault, coaxing gasps and squeals from his best friend. 
“Alright, alright! J!” Y/N gasped, and the blonde let up, allowing her to catch a breath. 
Across from the best friends sat the rest of their group. Pope was staring with eyebrows raised, and John B. was smirking at the pair, while Kie was cleaning up their mess so her father wouldn’t get mad.
“You two are on crack, I swear.” John B. muttered, popping a fry in his mouth as he leaned back in his chair, tipping it slightly. 
“Shut up, John B!” Y/N yelled, a mischievous smirk plastered on her sunlit face. She reached into her basket of quickly diminishing fries and hurtled one at the tall boy across from her. 
A thud sounded as John B.’s chair dropped and he retaliated with a fry in Y/N’s face. The revenge blew into a full on fry fight, and the friends were laughing and ducking from the onslaught of fries headed their way.
As JJ chucked a ketchup soaked fry toward Pope, he felt so happy. His eyes wandered to see Kie and Y/N huddled together, battling away the fries raining down on them with loud rounds of laughter. He took a split second break to admire his best friend since he was eight. She was beautiful, with her laugh that made everyone join in, with her kind words and big heart and her smile that had every person that met her falling in love. 
But the fun was ended by Mr. Carrera and his sharp yell through the empty restaurant. 
“Hey, knock it off.” He frowned, eyes landing on his daughter. “I thought I told you not to waste my food.” He grumbled, soon focusing on cleaning a spot on the counter. 
“Sorry dad.” Kie winced, and smacked Pope’s hand with a glare as he tried to pick up a fry. “It’s getting late,” She comments, looking out the window of the Wreck, watching the sun sink lower into the horizon. “If we want to catch some waves,”
“We gotta go now.” Y/N finishes for her, hands scrambling to clean up the table now littered with grease soaked fries and splotches of ketchup and mustard. “John B, come on!” She chided as the boy waited a second too long to join in the collective work to clean up. 
He jumped in, but JJ held back, struck frozen by the sinking feeling in his gut. His stomach knotted, giving him the feeling he woke up with this morning. 
The calm before the storm.
“JJ?” Y/N prodded, eyes finding his as her eyebrows pushed together. She stood, brushing off her cutoffs with harsh wipes of her hands. Her eyes fixated on her friend, confusing pulling her eyebrows together.  “Hey, J?” Her voice cooed, calling out to the blonde.
“Shit,” The surfer muttered, taking his hat off to run a hand through his messy hair. His blue eye seemed distant, but they were wide, like a child who forgot to do a chore and their parent was soon to catch them. “Fuck, you guys I gotta dip.”
“What? Where are you-” Kie started, but the boy was already off, spiriting through the Wreck’s door. His figure jumped on his bike, and soon he sped away, gravel spewing and the blue shirt he wore fading into a small speck until it was gone from sight.
Kie sputtered, eyebrows pulling down as her lips curved into a soft frown. “What the hell was that?”
Y/N takes a second before pulling her eyes away from where JJ ran off. Worry churned in her gut, as she finally lets her eyes tear away from the scene.
“I don’t know.” She breaths, trying to quell the bad feeling. 
But she knows it hopeless. She’s always had a sixth sense when JJ was in trouble. Yet this time, that horrid feeling is coupled with another. It feels like her fear of something bad happening, but you have no control of it. 
To Y/N, it felt exactly like the calm before a storm.
“You worthless piece of shit!” The screams curl into JJ’s face, stale beer and bad breath hitting him in a wave. The boy presses himself back farther, the untamed wood digging into his back. His face scrunches up, and he tries desperately to block out the words.
The words crest and break in the blonde’s ear, settling deep into his brain, and joining the other nasty words thrown at him by his father. The words shook him to the core, bone quaking, eyes swimming and blood sizzling. His anger built higher and higher, growing rapidly, morphing into a beast. Anger at his father, for the shitty life handed to him and the only thing in the refrigerator was a week old beer his father downed every day. Anger at the world, for turning its back on him, shutting him out and letting him suffer. Suffer at the hands of his father. Who couldn’t stay sober for his life. And couldn’t ease the anger towards his son either. It all came to a 360, didn’t it?
But another feeling roared in him, unable to be put out like a simple fire. This feeling was almost as powerful at his anger, close, but not quite. This feeling wasn’t powerful in the ascend. Only in the descend. The emotion, the feeling that ran through his veins, running with the anger and doubling its strength was helpless pain. It was like being too close to the edge, where you looked down, breath catching, eyes watering at the wind, heart speeding. Where even though you tried to calm yourself with ragged breaths, your heart sped up into a gallop, beating wildly in your chest cavity, palms slick with sweat and ragged breaths pulling your chest in and out. It was when your hands shook, and your eyes burned and you were so angry that it took over every sense. When the anger was the only thing. Anger at nothing and everything. Anger burning in your chest as your hands lost control, and your mind reeled. Anger that clouded your brain like a disease, so fast and quick you didn’t even realize. The feeling that brought you to your knees when it rose to its height. Where your thoughts streamed so fast you could process everything and nothing. Where your bones stopped, and you sagged, the fight escaping you like a soul to a body. The fight, the survival instinct, the anger, it all faded, leaving you to break down, mind still reeling, hands still shaking, breaths still ragged. It was that feeling. The feeling of everything in you giving up to a break down. Where your thoughts broke on you, turning against you and watching you fall apart.
“Shut up!” JJ screams back, face contorting as he tries to handle the emotions raging in his chest. They were too much. He didn’t handle emotions well, not when they were like this. Not when they exploded and raged and screamed like this. He couldn’t handle the wailing symphony of his fathers words and the feelings of pain and anger rose to a crescendo in his ears. “Just shut up!”
He was yelling. Trying to block out the orchestra in his ears. To stop the emotions beating in his chest like they were alive. To stop his fathers lying, withering words from taking root in his mind and growing like a weed. He was trying to shut everything out. Because he couldn’t handle it. Couldn’t handle the way his fathers hands never failed to hurt, and his father words never failed to sting, and the way eyes never failed to pity as they landed on the bruises that seemed like permanent markings on his skin.
Luke’s fist slams into his son’s cheek, filed by rage and the abundance of alcohol. The hit sent JJ sideways, knees slamming into the floor with a hard thud as pain split across his face like a rapid spiderweb. It worked it’s way into every fiber of his face, searing and never ending. His jaw clenches, sending another wave of pain through his body, making his brain go fuzzy as his vision danced. His mind was slipping, trying to process the amount of pain, but failing to do so.
But magically, it cleared. The fog dispersed and gave way to sharp images, sending the boy back into reality, where his fathers fists were too real and the pain was too clear. But the haze only cleared to let another emotion peek through as he heard it. Heard the sound of gravel crunching under tires and brakes squeaking as the engine rumbled, dying. Pain slithered away into the corners of his brain to give way to a more powerful emotion. Fear. Fear because he knew exactly whose there’s that care belonged to. Knew exactly the way the gravel surrendered under the weight of a certain tire. Of a certain car. The car belonged to her. Y/N.
She was here, knowing something was terribly wrong the second the boy stopped reveling in the childish food fight. Because she always did. Her gut always twisted a certain way, giving her a bad feeling that never faded until she investigated. She always seemed to know when he was in trouble and came running, eager to ease the feeling and help. She’d gotten that sense the moment the boys eyes landed on her all those years back. It was a gift. A gift, a connection between two people who’s love ran deeper than blood and deeper than words itself. But in most cases, the gift was a curse. Because every time her gut twisted that way, or she’d frown because she felt undeniably wrong, JJ was hurt, beaten bloody by his own father. Most of the time she showed up when Luke was passed out drunk on the couch, chest rising in falling in a drunken slumber, JJ visiting a world of pain on the floor or gripping his head like it was going to burst as he sat, door locked in his bedroom. But now she’d shown up when Luke was towering over the blonde, words bellowing out of his heaving chest. 
“No,” JJ whispers, fear spiking in his chest, hitting a certain place in his heart. Everything- the anger, the helplessness, the crescendo of wails and words screamed by his father- died. Faded into the background to bow to the new comer. Fear. Not fear of his father. Not fear that his father would go too far and actually kill him. Not it wasn’t fear for him. This fear was for his best friend. His bright eyed, smiling friend who he’d fallen in love with,
His fear was for Y/N. Fear that she’d get hurt. And if she got hurt- JJ wouldn’t even allow the thought to fully develop or form into a real sentence. He couldn’t- wouldn’t go there. The thought brought too many already present emotions and more to the front.
As the surfer tried to scramble away, the pads of his fingers digging into the fought grain of the wooden floor, he was grabbed. Luke flipped JJ over, hands rough, and words hitting JJ’s ear, making the boy flinch. Fists started raining down on his face, head smashed into the worn floorboards of the house. The blondes eyes fluttered shut, his brain threatening to stop. JJ was in too much pain, his mind clouded and vision swimming to hear the porch door and the main door smack open. It was too late. Too late to get up, shove his dad off and beg Y/N to leave, let his father run his course. But pain was a powerful thing, leaving JJ prone on the floor as the door to the house of pain opened to reveal Y/N.
“Stop!” Her screams ran through the air, snapping her best friend out of his haze of misery. “What are you doing?” Her voice wavered, breaking as it gave away to fear and distress. Worry seeped into the words, making her cries desperate.
The boy on the floor groans, heat splitting in pain as he moves, picking himself up. He stumbles, knees threatening to give way, and face bruised and bloody. His lips are cracked and parted, blood leaking from an open wound, thick and dark. His cheek is swollen, red and puffy with purple blooming across it like a wildfire. It was like the purple of the fading sunset, elegant and soft for such an alarming, pain filled color. A cut mars his right eyebrow, breaking up the symmetry of his abuse. His eyes are sad, the azure color dulled and faded, weak without the light of his usual smile or carefree laugh. His lips don’t tug into a flirty smirk, but frown in a soft, giving up manner.
When he opens his mouth, he finds his might too dry and throat too clogged to speak. So he tried again, voice hoarse and broken. “Get out of here!” He begs, fear and desperation thick in his rough voice. His pleas reach his friend, sounding harsher than he intended. Subconsciously, the JJ places himself in front of Y/N and his seething father. His hands are still shaking, weak and bruised as he holds them up, trying to keep his fathers hands of misery away from the perfect light of his best friend.
“What is she doing her?” Luke barks, his voice rapsy with the gruffness of a man with only anger and cheap alcohol in his blood can obtain.
“I’m gonna get her out dad. Alright? We’re gonna leave.” JJ’s hands shake more as he plays mediator, eyes beseeching his unforgiving father. He swallows the lump in his throat, trying to quell the soreness. He’s begging. Begging with his father to let them go- or at least Y/N. And begging with his best friend to leave, leave so his father can keep his reign of terror focused on the blonde and not her.
“You’re not leaving!” Luke thundered, brows glaring down as he surveyed the two kids. His stained tank top lifted at uneven intervals as his chest heaved, ragged breaths pulling in and out of his frowning mouth. His lips were screwed into a disgust filled sneer.
But Y/N wasn’t having it. JJ’s cerulean eyes flickered to meet hers, seeing them spark with fire and sadness. A combination her best friend knew too well. So, with a rare surge of bravery, fear and adrenaline coursing through her veins at the best of her thundering heart, she stepped forward. Her feet groaned against the wood as she went forward, short, quiet gasps falling from her dry lips. She was now exposed to Luke’s fury. JJ was no longer in front of her, protecting her. And it was her own doing.
“Stop it! He doesn’t deserve it.” Y/N’s voice was ragged, seeping with desperation as she begged with the inconsolable man in front of her.
JJ’s heart twisted at the words, squeezing painfully as it hammered against his bruised ribs. Breath caught, he stopped, but he was too late. He wasn’t in front of her in time, wasn’t meditating like he was begging for life. He was too late. Luke’s hand was already flying, and the loud sound of skin hitting skin filled the room. The sound was enough to make JJ flinch, a smack and cry sounding. The cry ripping from a familiar throat, provoked by the shock and pain. Y/N fell, the power of the slap sending her to her knees. She hit the floor, ground thundering as her hands flew to her cheek. Her fingers were gentle, exploring the source of pain now stinging across her face.
JJ was positive that he could hear his heart crack. Positive that the sound of it was breaking wasn’t only in his ears, adding to the decrescendo of wails and words in his ears. The boy was sure, if you looked hard enough, you could see the soft, yet strong webbing of his heart break and fall into tiny, sharp pieces, lost in his rib cage.
“Dad!” He screamed, shock forcing the words from his constricted throat. His ocean eyes brimming with tears and clouding his vision as he watched you gasp, red blooming fast on your cheek from where his father hit you. His father. Leaving his own abuse mark. On you. On the one person JJ cared about more than himself. On the one person he wouldn’t think twice about giving his life for. On the one person he promised nothing would happen to. On the one person he loved with every bit of his fucked up self.
He broke his gaze on your to look at his father. Despite his mind still trying to process everything- everything from the downhill spiral of his roaring emotions and the increased climb of his pain- he thought fast. Quicksilver. Turning to his father, he put his hands- now less shaky- up in surrender. His cerulean eyes were back to begging. “Alright.. We’re leaving. I’m getting her out of here, alright?” 
Luke’s lips curled into a sneer, and he spit on the floor, eyes hard and filled with disgust and to JJ’s relief, disinterest. His father turned away, searching for a beer like a lost man at sea for land. Once he was sure, his fathers mind was only on the cheap alcohol littering the house, JJ spun, eyes zoning in on his best friend. His blue eyes locked on your figure.
Breathing her name in a ragged whisper, JJ dropped to his knees next to her, ignoring the pain exploding like rouge fireworks in every part of his body. The wince didn’t hide the pain, but the boy was used to hiding. He ignored his pain, lips pressed together in a thin, determined line. Because the bruised ribs and face that were throbbing and screaming were nothing compared to the way his heart broke and seized at seeing you fall victim to his fathers vicious hands. 
“Hey,” He whispered, voice barely audible as he called out to his friend. His fingers reached, touching the soft underside of her jaw as his hands cupped Y/N’s cheeks like they were glass. 
Y/N’s heart ached at the way JJ cupped her face. Like she was so fragile and could break with the slightest pressure. Like he didn’t want to hurt her, and only craved to protect her. Alike he was sorry, and he couldn’t convey it in words, so he tried in touch. Like he was heartbroken over seeing her like this.
JJ’s eyes swam with unshed tears as they pooled. His attentive eyes saw the familiar welt form on your cheek bloom like a flower in spring. The welt was big and angry, making the boy clench his jaw tightly. His nostrils flared as his ears registered the gasp falling from your parted lips and the hurt look in your eyes. 
And he realized. The bad feeling this morning. The creature settling in his gut, waiting to strike. The feeling that reminded JJ of the times a hurricane would be broadcasted on the TV screen, the brightness of the pictures blaring and the detached voices of newscasters loud. This, this right here- his best friend sitting on the floor, bruising cheek cradled in his rough hands, both of them victims of his father- was the foreboding in his gut in the early morning. 
Before- that was the calm before the storm. 
And this- this was worse. This was the crashing of the waves after cresting to a scary height. This was the raging wind, coupled with the stabbing rain. This was the crescendo of the deafening music where you covered your ears with your hands, eyes squeezed shut. This was the sharp crack of lighting exploding across the night cry. This was the moment where all the fight left your body, leaving you empty and hollow, a husk of your emotions. This was the silent scream of mind tearing pain. This was the rising panic in your chest. This was the feeling of seeing Y/N and her abuse. This was the feeling of helplessness as you looked up, neck craning back as your eyes tracked the rising wave, fear heavy in your chest as your realized your fate and there was nothing you could do about it.
This was the storm.
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meruz · 4 years
some asks - sorry some of these are kind of old. I only get around to answering stuff once in a blue moon.
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I do not! Nothing against it but I just don’t personally enjoy the process so I don’t use it in my personal work. Too much transforming and filtering.. too little actual drawing. I have however used it for professional work and sometimes I will sketch things individually and collage them together to make it easier for me to work depending on the scale. But yeah, no photobashing normally.
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Thank you! (post in reference) I didn’t use any perspective grids for that drawing but occasionally for bigger pieces that require a stronger adherence to perspective I’ll use the Perspective Tools extension by Sergey Kritsky which is ABSOULTELY worth the price here on gumroad if you’re a photoshop-user - makes grids very easy to set up. You can actually see some of the grids in my process work if you’re looking for it lol
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I used to be such a square abt it like “bluh perspective is just a bunch of lines i dont need a tool to do it for me like a DUMB BABY. I can just draw the grids myself and itll be good enough!!! :\” dont be like that LOL, I started using perspective tools for work last year and ported it over to my personal work so damn fast its like one of the best artistic decisions ive made. If you can make less work for yourself, PLEASE make less work for yourself.
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I don’t remember what post this is but I’m like 90% its these brushes because these are like all the brushes I use LOL
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hi yes thank you i LOVE grookey.
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Thank you! They’re the best family!! KAROL IS MY FAVE........
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you’re SO welcome. I recently watched Last Evolution Kizuna and [spoiler] WILLIS WAS IN ONE (1) SHOT...  [/spoiler] so whoever was in my comments section telling me toei would never bring willis back, I think you owe me like $20
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Yep! My Instagram, Twitter... I don’t have a patreon because I’m too lazy to set up tiers but I have a ko-fi if you want to drop a lil tip in my metaphorical buskers hat
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You’re probably done by the game by now given how old this ask is but I’m flattered my art got you to play!! And I’m glad you love Akechi though I’m curious to know if your feelings on him have changed since sending this LOL. His latter act character stuff is one of those things that can really turn an opinion one way or another.
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Thank you! Though I want to preface this by saying I don’t take requests but you can always contact me for commissions at [email protected].
I will probably draw naruto again because like every 4 years of my life I go through a naruto phase. I have drawn dangan ronpa before many many years ago and I gotta say the only time I will ever draw it again will be if I’m commissioned to lol...Nothing against it personally, it’s just not really my thing. Kiritetsu+Colossus.... I would but honestly I don’t even know what I’d draw, I feel like I covered it with that one drawing. But if you’ve got an idea... you can always commission me!!! And I’d be happy to.
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Uhhhh they’re good! I like them! Yusuke’s character arc is maybe like my favorite or second favorite in the game and I love Ryuji first and foremost for max mittlemans voice acting and secondly because he is just so...so much better than P4 Yosuke who I truly could not stand.
I’m not big on Mishima but I think he’s an incredibly well written depiction of like. that dude in class who you didn’t really mean to talk to but ended up talking to and now its a little weird. I really like that event where you run into shinya while hanging out with mishima and shinyas like “whos this your friend” and ren is like “no, king, hes no one” LOL this is mostly because I just really like shinya. 
ships.... I like yusuke/ryuji a lot, just aesthetically and personality wise its an interesting dynamic. I like ryuji/ann bc theyre good friends. I like ann/yusuke if I close my eyes to all the early plot stuff and just pretend theyre like.....fujiko and goemon from lupin III LMAO. ryuji/makoto? kinda woke?? I mean I feel lesbian makoto deep in my bones but also their showtime opened my eyes a lil. I think they could bond over action movies. mishima/protag is kind of fun in like a sad pathetic way.. I’m a little interested in mishima/JOKER actually bc i like identity porn plotlines lol.
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YEP GO AHEAD I’ve been getting a lot of messages like this lately so I want to lay it out here and I’ll probably copy paste it into a FAQ later lol.
8Tracks and Spotify Playlists: Go ahead! please credit me either meruz.tumblr.com twitter@automeru or ig@automeruz -  AND SEND ME THE PLAYLIST this is not a requirement really but I would love to listen to it.
Twitter/Tumblr Layouts/Headers: Good by me! but again PLEASE credit me somewhere VISIBLE on the layout. If it’s a twitter header/icon credit my twitter @automeru and if its tumblr credit my tumblr @meruz​
Phone BGs, Desktop Wallpapers: definitely ok!! Any personal and non-commercial use of this nature, I’m cool with. If you ask me, I may even send you a hi-res version of the file but you have to promise to not scam me and sell it lol...
Instagram Reposts: A lot of artists would say no but I’m gonna say go ahead as long as you credit and tag me in the post, again my ig is @automeruz - if you don’t, and I find it, I will bug you about it in the comments and possibly even report you. Nothing personal, its just standard procedure.
Twitter/Tumblr Re-posts: Don’t?? Just RT or RB it from me?? whats wrong with you? I will report this.
Other site re-posts: I’ll probably say yes but again please credit and for this one PLEASE ask me first. It’s nothing personal really, I just want to know where my work shows up.
Video edits/fancams/comic dubs: Yes! Absolutely go ahead! And please send me a link I especially love to see this stuff!!
I also reserve all rights have you take it down if I do not agree with the usage or context, especially association with politics on the webpage/app/etc. 
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Thank you!!!!!!!! ;-; These are all so nice.. tucks them into a little pocket near my heart. I love drawing and I will keep trying my best to make art...! Hope you guys can look forward to it...!
29 notes · View notes
multifandomfanficss · 4 years
Benny X OC
My Babysitter’s a Vampire
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You’re Special: Part 2
Prompt: This is another Benny x OC fic. In this fic my OC Liz battles her newfound powers and a siren alongside her boyfriend Benny and her best friends. This isn’t based on any specific episode, but is sort of a continuation of part 1.
Warnings: I don’t think there are any
A/N: I’m back at it again with the OC fics. Again there is a part when it briefly switches to 3rd person point of view, but it will be clearly labeled. Tell me if you want me to keep these going.
BEEP BEEP I woke to the sound of my screeching alarm clock. It’s Thursday morning. I got out my clothes for the day and waited and listened for the front door to close down stairs. As soon as I knew my dad was gone to work for the day I sprinted to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I slipped off my bracelet and put it on the sink. Part of me was afraid that I would ruin it if I wore it in the shower. It was a beautiful old leather bracelet with magical symbols carved into it. I got it from my boyfriend’s Grandma to help control my powers. I smiled to myself. Saying my boyfriend was still new and it was a nice feeling. Benny and I had only been dating for about a week now. Being as impatient as I am I hopped in while the water was still cold and bounced around waiting for the water to warm up. The water felt nice splashing against my skin. I felt safe. I had always felt a strong connection to water, but now knowing that I had powers that come from the earth everything was a little bit different.
After my shower I threw my clothes and my bracelet on and rushed to put a little makeup on. I don’t usually wear makeup to school. It’s a little bit annoying to wake up early just to put on makeup. These people see me everyday and we all know that nobody wants to be there anyway. I don’t need makeup for school. I’m just going to sit in front of a white board and projector for about 6 hours. I knew Benny wouldn’t care. He’s seen me without makeup a million times, but today was different. I wanted to look good and feel confident. Today was auditions for the drama club’s annual cabaret. Every year our school has a cabaret to raise money for the drama club. I love drama club. Although I don’t talk about it in front of the boys very much acting really is my passion. Benny knows how much I love it. He loves to do lights for the shows. Although Ethan and Rory always make fun of him he is such a techie. It’s really cute. I love seeing him get excited about all of the special effects that go into theatre. Even before we were dating when we were just best friends we always looked forward to drama club. It was always a good way for us to bond. We would never admit it to Ethan and Rory, but it was special to us.
I quickly ran downstairs, packed my backpack, grabbed a bagel for the go, and headed out the door. I met Benny and Ethan in front of the school with a smile on my face ready to face the day. When I got there they were arguing about the Mandela Effect and wether it was real or not. Typical. They were so into the argument they didn’t even notice me. “Benny, it’s not real. It’s not scientifically possible” Ethan argued. “Okay, Ethan, but you get visions and I have magic!” Benny responds. “And when they run out of fries in the cafeteria I throw a 6.2 on the Richter Scale...I gotta go with Benny on this one” I smile stopping in front of them. The boys look at me. “You’re just saying that because he’s your boyfriend now” Ethan says. “That’s right. She’s my girlfriend. I have a girlfriend” Benny says putting his arm around me. I blush. “Will you just shut up?” I beg him. I can’t help, but smile and giggle. He’s so stupid, but it’s the really cute kind of stupid. Thank God my bracelet is on or the school pipes would explode. Benny looked down at me and smiled. “Why do I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world?” He asks me. I blush like crazy. Usually I’m pretty cool and I’m never speechless, but Benny just puts me at a loss for words. “Guys I’m still here” Ethan breaks me out of my bliss. “Now if only we could get Ethan a girlfriend” Benny pouts at him. “Hey, there’s still hope for Sarah yet. She never actually rejected him” I remind Benny. “I’ll ask her when I’m ready” Ethan defends himself. “You better” I tell him. RING The bell goes off and we head into the school.
By the time I had made it to lunch I was already pretty nervous. The day was halfway over and my audition for the cabaret would be soon. I sat next to Benny while I stared across the cafeteria. Ethan and Rory sat across from me. Sarah and Erica were nowhere to be found because the seniors were on a field trip. I was spacing out big time as I tried to make sure I knew the lyrics to the song I was supposed to sing. “Uh...Earth to Liz” Benny said breaking me out of my thoughts. I shook my head and snapped back to reality “Yes?” I asked. “Does that sound good?” He asked. I looked at him with confusion. “Have you been listening to any of this conversation?” Ethan asked. “Sorry...I just zoned out” I apologize. I feel bad, but I’m nervous about the audition. I feel my leg shake under the table. Benny puts his hand on my knee and looks at me. I stop. “Sorry” I say quietly. “What’s up with you?” Rory asks. I shrug my shoulders. “Aren’t the auditions for that drama club thing today?” Ethan asks. I nod. “I guess I’m just a little nervous” I confess. “You’re gonna do great” Benny promises me. “Yeah! You’re Awesome!” Rory chimes in. “Besides didn’t you get like the lead last year?” Ethan asks. “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I’ll get it every time. Theatre is hard. It’s really competitive” I tell him. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. “Anyway, what’s up?” I ask. “Movie night tomorrow at Ethan’s?” Benny asks. “You know I’m there” I tell the boys. I smile as they start another debate over Star Wars: Episode III and I zone out again. This time I find myself staring at a girl I never really noticed before. I don’t know everyone at our school, but at the same time we don’t go to the biggest school. I feel like I would have at least seen her in passing. She’s probably new. She’s dressed in mostly shades of purple and black and she’s sporting a pretty cool leather jacket. She looks like she radiates so much anger; like she just wants to scream at the world.
RING The last Bell of the day went off and I made my way to the auditorium. I was scheduled to be one of the first auditions. Then I could leave with Benny and Ethan who were waiting for me outside the school. I walked through the door and put my name on the sign in sheet. I’m supposed to go second. At least I’m not first. I looked down to see a name after mine that I didn’t recognize. Who’s going third? I questioned everything when I looked at the name Emily Sirven. I looked around the room and saw the mysterious new girl. It has to be her. The drama club isn’t that big and for the most part I know everyone. I wonder if she’s any good. I walk up to her and try to strike up a conversation. “Hi. I’m Liz. I feel like I’ve never seen you around before. What’s your name?” I ask. “I’m Emily and I’m going to make you feel in a minute” She snaps. I’m not quite sure how to take the oddly vague threat. Is it even a threat? “Liz?” Ms. LOL breaks me out of my thoughts. I turn to her. “You’re up!” She tells me. I hardly noticed the boy before me had even started let alone finished. I took a deep breath as I held onto the pendant on my TARDIS necklace. I rushed up to the stage and got ready to sing one of my favorite musical theatre songs. I belted out As We Stumble Along from the Drowsy Chaperone. The song was funny and powerful. As soon as I started singing I immediately started feeling better. I always feel at home in my singing. As soon as the song ended I left the stage. I pass Emily on my way out and decide to be nice. “Break a leg” I smile at her. “Oh I’m sure you’ll break something” She tells me. What is her problem? I knew I had to stay to see her sing now. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I stood with my back leaning against the wall and waited for Little Miss Ego to start. “I’m going to be singing an original song” She informs the drama club. Is that even allowed? This a theatre cabaret not an open mic. She started the song and I completely blacked out.
Benny and Ethan were waiting outside the school for Liz when the entire building started to shake. “What’s going on?!” Ethan shouted over the nicely sized earthquake. Ethan lost his balance and fell to the ground. “We have to find Liz!” Benny responded. He knew his girlfriend was responsible. He grabbed Ethan’s hand and pulled him up, running inside the building. The boys ran to the auditorium, but as soon as they got to the doors the earthquake stopped. They took a quick look at each other and quickly ran inside.
“Liz” I heard Benny and Ethan calling my name while I was being shaken. I opened my eyes to see Benny on his knees in front of me with his hands on my shoulders. Ethan was squatting next to him. I was sitting on the ground against the wall. They looked very concerned. “What happened?” I ask. “I think you started freaking out over your audition” Ethan guess. “No, I already had my audition” I tell them as I try to remember what happened. My head starts to throb. “I have a massive headache though” I say as I rub my head. I watch Ethan look around to see everyone in the drama club struggling to get up. They all seem to be in a daze. New girl is nowhere to be found. I see all of the destruction. “Did I do this?” I ask. I feel like I already know the answer. Ethan gives me a sad look. “Well we don’t know for sure...” Benny tries to make me feel better. I’m scared. I’m afraid of myself. I hate this. “Benny, I wanna go home” I tell him. “We should probably run you past Grandma” He says as he helps me up. I fall into him. “Sorry. I’m a little dizzy” I say trying to regain my balance. “It’s okay. I’ve got you” He says holding me.
Benny kept a hand on my back making sure I was okay no matter how many times I said I was fine. I just had a little bit of a headache. Benny, Ethan, and I made our way up Benny’s porch and into his living room. “Grandma!” Benny yells. I quickly shush my loud mouth boyfriend. I hated telling him to be quiet, but my head was pounding. “Sorry! Grandma!” He whisper yelled as he walked off to find her. I cracked a smile. Ethan walked to the freezer and came back with an ice pack. “Here try this” He said. “Thanks” I say taking the ice pack and placing it on my head. “I wonder what happened to the new girl” I think aloud. “What new girl?” He asks. “There was a new girl in drama club. I think her name was like Emily Sirven or something like that. She’s really annoying. She disappeared when the little earthquake hit. It probably freaked her out” I tell him. “Little earthquake?” I hear Benny’s Grandma come down the stairs with Benny following not far behind her. “My dear, your little earthquake was big enough to make the news” She informs me. “What?!” I ask. I quickly check my phone and she’s right. “I completely blacked out. I don’t even remember it” I confess. “This is worse than I thought” She walks up to me. “Were you wearing your bracelet?” She asks. I nod. She picks up my hand and waves some magic that I won’t pretend to understand over my wrist. “It’s still intact” She says in surprise. “Isn’t that a good thing?” Benny asks. “On the contrary. You must have gone through something truly terrible if you were able to cause an earthquake that scale while wearing your bracelet” She says. I look down at the floor and look up again at her in confusion and fear. “Why don’t I remember anything?” I ask. “Your brain must be protecting you. Maybe the black out was a defense mechanism” She guesses. “I wouldn’t worry about it right now at least.” She tells us. “Something is definitely going on, but we can’t do anything about it this minute” She adds. I sigh. How can I not worry about it right now?
I wake up the next day dreading going to school. The whole day went by so slowly. I just wanted it all to end so I could finally get to movie night at Ethan’s with my friends. I just wanted it to be me, a can of soda, a couple bowls of popcorn, a sci-fi movie, and my best friends. That was the only thought getting me through the day.
By the time we got to lunch I was so ready to leave school. Usually I liked school. I enjoyed learning and I loved seeing my friends even more, but today I felt like the life was just being drained from me. I was in the lunch line with Benny when I saw her again. She was right in front of me. She was humming quietly. It was so infuriating. I had never been angrier. I couldn’t help, but think about the stuff she said to me at the auditions. I had to say something. I could feel this fire boiling in my blood. “Hey, what’s your problem?!” I ask her. Benny looks at me confusion, but I don’t care. Then he grabs my arm gently. “Cool it sparky!” He says in sort of a whisper yell. I look at him with confusion and then I look to the stove. The flames are out of control and the lunch ladies are rapidly trying to put them out. “How did I-“ I’m interrupted by Emily. She pushes me to the ground. “Stay out of my way geek” She sneers. The second she touches me it feels like a thousand knives are being stabbed into my brain. All I can hear is a loud screeching noise. I watch the water fountain on the other side of the cafeteria explode as I scream. Other kids in the cafeteria freak out and take cover from the water. They don’t notice what’s happening to me. I curl my body into a ball as tears start to form in my eyes. My ears are ringing. Benny wraps his arms around me as he tries to speak to me. I can’t hear him and I start to panic. Everything is too much. I can feel the earth below me start to shake and I can feel the heat of the flames in the kitchen next to me. I feel everything. I feel too much. Benny holds me tightly. I hide my face in his chest. I black out.
I shoot awake. My breathing is heavy and I have sweat dripping down my body. I’m in the nurse’s office. I watch as Benny quickly puts his hands on my shoulders to calm me down. He tries to talk to me, but I still can’t hear him. I look outside to see it’s pouring down rain. A flash of lightening hits the ground and the thunder shakes the whole room. I stare out the window breathing heavy. Benny understands and he places a kiss on my forehead before helping me off the cot and out of the nurse’s office. I don’t know where we’re going or what’s happening, but I can’t really ask. Benny leads me to my locker. He opens it and fills my backpack for me. I watch him silently. I try to stay calm as I worry about if my hearing will ever come back. I zone out and suddenly I find Benny putting my arms into my coat. He pulls it around me and zippers it up for me. I watch him sling my backpack over his shoulder. Then he puts my hood up before taking my hand and guiding me outside and through the storm. I jump at a bolt of lightening as I press my body to his. He holds me close as we walk home in the rain.
As soon as we got to Ethan and Benny’s houses we stopped by Benny’s for clothes. Our clothes were wet from the rain. I sat on his bed in soaked clothes while Benny quickly closed the shades in his room to make it darker for me. I think he’s trying not to overload my senses. Then I waited for him to find me a new tee shirt to wear. He held up different options he thought I might like. When he held up the shirt with the Captain America shield I made a hand squeezing motion in an effort to silently say ‘Give me give me’. He smiled and tossed me the shirt. I then walked over to his dresser and sprayed the shirt with the cologne Benny wears that he had stolen from his dad. He gave me a confused look. “I want it to smell like you” I tried to speak. It must have come out as a yell because Benny quickly put his finger to my lips. I could see him laughing at me. I looked up at him as he smiled down at me. I smiled back. Then I pulled his hand away. He gave me a quick kiss and then I changed into his shirt. He changed and we walked next door to Ethan’s.
As soon as we got to Ethan’s Benny led me into Ethan’s closet and shut the door. He probably just wants to help my senses. I started thinking about the time Ethan lost his hearing and he had to sit in his own closet. Then I had a big realization. “Guys I think it might be a Siren!” I said through the door. Benny opened the door with a small white board and a marker. I laughed a little, at least I think I did. I couldn’t hear it, but I obviously felt it. Written on the board was ‘Does this help?’ I nodded. He erased it. He exchanged a few words with Ethan. He seemed to be telling him what to write. Then Benny wrote ‘We think it’s a Siren too’. Ethan and Benny kept talking. I couldn’t hear them. “It’s probably that new girl” I said in what was probably more of a shout again. I watch the boys nod. “Her name was Emily Sirven” I inform them. Ethan takes the board from Benny’s hands. He quickly writes ‘Well Sirven does sound a lot like Siren’. My jaw drops. “Hey, I was a little too preoccupied blacking out or maybe I would have noticed it sooner!” I definitely shouted that time. Benny takes a phone call while Ethan sits with me. He writes on the white board ‘You should probably get your hearing back soon’. “Probably?!” I question him. Benny comes back and takes my hand. He helps me up and guides me out of Ethan’s room. “Where are we going?” I ask. “My house” I see Benny mouth the words. “Your house?” I ask. He nods. We’re probably screaming.
Once we get to Benny’s house I sit down in his kitchen. I feel someone come up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. I flinch. Benny takes my hand and mouths something I can’t quite understand. I turn around to see it’s just his Grandma. I smile. Her and Benny have a short conversation. I can only assume it’s about what happened to me. Next thing I knew I had Benny putting a pair of noise cancelling headphones on my ears. Benny’s Grandma then touched my head and I could feel a rush of magic go through me. Suddenly I could hear the sound of the blood pumping through my ears, you know the deafening sound you hear when you have noise counseling headphones on. I try to take the headphones off, but Benny puts his hands over mine. Instead he writes a message on a piece of paper. ‘You just got your hearing back all at once. It’s going to be very loud’. I nod. “So when can I take these off?” I suddenly hear how loud my voice was. I must have given a pretty socked face because I can hear Benny laugh through the headphones. I leave them on for a little bit longer. Then I start getting used to letting in more sound little by little.
Benny and I lay on the couch while we watch Supernatural with the subtitles on. He keeps the volume low for me. The headphones are off as this point, but I’m still getting used to having my hearing back. Benny looks down at me, tucking some hair behind my ear and out of my face. “How’s everything?” Benny asks. “It’s a lot better, but I’m still a little freaked out” I confess. “None of the stuff that happened today was your fault” He tried to tell me. “I know...it’s just....I’ve never controlled fire with my powers before...and the rain storm...was that me?” I ask. “Grandma thinks it might be, but you remember what happened last time with Serena. Sirens make your emotions all crazy. It’s not your fault” He reminds me. “Why do Sirens always pick dumb names that just sound like Siren. Like Serena, Sirven, come on. That is so stupid” I laugh. “Yeah what’s up with that? It’s like they’re saying please stop me I’m evil” Benny says as the credits role for the episode. We turn off the TV and decide to head back to Ethan’s for movie night.
I lay on the floor in Benny’s arms. His back is against the couch. Sarah, Ethan, and Rory sit on the couch while Jane is asleep in the chair next to us. Erica is nowhere to be found, probably out for a snack. She didn’t usually join our movie nights. I wish she did. We were watching a what was supposed to be a scary movie, but the only person who was scared was Rory. “Rory, how can you be afraid of this crap? You’re a vampire. You could easily suck that serial killer’s blood. You’re like way scarier than him” I tell him. “Really?” He asks. “Duh” I laugh. “You could beat Bill and his creepy lady with the knife any day” I promise him. “Awesome” I hear Rory say to himself under his breath. I smile as my comment seems to make him feel a little better. I’m exhausted. I guess it’s fair since I did almost rip the entire school apart today. After a long day I fall asleep in Benny’s arms. I don’t wake up until it’s time to go home and go to bed.
I woke up the next day and I knew what I had to do. Tonight is the cabaret. I had to go into dress rehearsal this afternoon and record Emily. Lucky enough I had gotten into the cabaret. I even had the big solo in the group number. If I’m being honest I’m pretty excited. I cannot let a Siren ruin it for me. I changed out of Benny’s shirt and got into the shower. I slept in his shirt. It makes me feel secure. Once I was out of the shower I threw on makeup and changed into something nice. Then I put on my shoes and headed out the door. I was a little nervous, but this was nothing I couldn’t handle and nothing my bracelet couldn’t keep down. Benny wanted to come with me to the dress rehearsal, but I assured him I could handle it on my own. All I have to do is keep my ear plugs in and get a recording of Emily. It’s pretty hard to mess that up, besides I’ve been feeling a little fragile and useless lately because of my newfound powers. I just wanna feel strong again.
The dress rehearsal went perfectly as planned. I got the recording and everything was fine. Now we just have to play it back at her during the cabaret. This could be a little harder. A couple hours passed and the auditorium started to fill up. I was happy the drama club was making so much money, but at the same time I was nervous about what could happen to all of these people. I was scheduled to go on right before Emily. Benny stood backstage with me while Ethan, Rory, Erica, and Sarah we’re getting ready for the fight. “You’re going to be fine” Benny says. “Just fine?” I ask with a laugh. “You’re going to be awesome!” Benny responds. I smile at my boyfriend. What did I do to deserve him? He can be annoying, loud, and obnoxious, but he is also sweet, funny, and a total nerd. He’s perfect for me. Ms. LOL signals for me to cone on stage and I quickly kiss Benny for good luck before walking on. I stand in front of my mic and belt my heart out. I look to the wings at Benny and get lost in the moment. Sarah, Erica, Ethan, and Rory are standing with him. No matter how much has changed and no matter how scary my life is right now I’m so happy doing what I love in front of the people that I love. Right now is the best I’ve felt in a long time. I don’t just feel safe. I feel free.
As soon as I finish the song applause roars through the audience. This does not make Emily happy. She tears onto the stage in fury. She starts to spread her gift. She sings her piercing toon, but she can’t effect me this time. I have ear plugs in. “Why can’t you feel my pain?” She asks. “Why don’t you feel this?” Ethan asks as he plays her own frequency back at her. She screams in pain. She pushes the speaker over and pushes me to the ground. Then she continues to sing. Ethan and Rory run to the sound system while Sarah and Erica try to fight Emily. Benny runs to me. “Are you okay?” He asks. “No!” I shout as I pound my fist into the stage and it shakes. “Liz, it’ll be okay” Benny promises me. I know it will. “I’m tired of feeling weak!” I shout over Emily’s noise. I stand up and I take off my bracelet and nothing goes wrong for once. “What are you doing?” Benny asks. “I’m in control” I say before shooting air from my hands. I shoot Emily with the air and keep her held to the ground long enough for Ethan to set up the sound system. Then he blasts her and she’s done. I collapse onto my knees and Benny runs to me. I watch the curtains close while everyone wears confused faces. They all try to figure out what’s going on. “How did you do that?” Benny asks as he slips my bracelet back onto my wrist. “When I was doing what I loved in front of the people that I loved I just had this emotion that was greater than any fear or any anger or any sadness I could have ever felt. Benny, I think love and happiness give me control” I smile. “You give me control” I tell him as I place my hand on his cheek. He smiles at me and we kiss. Erica makes a gagging noise. I smile and pull away. “Shut up” I tell her. “All I’m saying is that you could do a lot better” She says in her usual tone. I wrap my arms around my boyfriend and smile. Sarah elbows Erica in the arm. “Ow!” Erica exclaims. “But...” Sarah starts for her. “But I’m glad you’re...happy” Erica says through gritted teeth. Benny and I laugh it off. I look at him. “Don’t worry. You’re the best I could ever do” I say before kissing him again. Then we stand up and sit in the back of the auditorium while Ms. LOL apologizes for the weird show. This is just like the Rainbow Factory all over again. We decide to book it and hit the ice cream place on the way home. I sat on the bench under the neon lights with my best friends as I sipped my Chocolate Oreo Malt with my boyfriend’s arm around me. I knew nothing could be better than this.
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fmdhaseo · 4 years
Tumblr media
ヽ(〃^▽^〃)ノ  wOoOoOoOow i’m so excited to be here finally!! typically i’m a pretty ~ minimalistic ~ person when it comes to formatting ‘n stuff, but i’ma go a little ham on this introduction because i’m really excited!! ANYWHO, my name’s cheyenne ( but please call me chey ) and i represent the drastically under-appreciated mst. i use he/him pronouns, and for anyone who’s curious, i’m 21+!! i’ve been eying this group for awhile now, but hadn’t joined because of school and work reasons, but my town’s in lockdown, so i finally have a bunch of new time on my hands to write!! now that that’s outta the way though, please love me and my first ever muse here!! her name is jeon haseo and she’s lucid’s main vocalist and lead dancer. in my head, she sounds a bit like wjsn’s yeonjung, gfriend’s yuju, and dreamcatcher’s siyeon when she sings, and when she dances, she reminds lots of people of twice’s mina and her gorgeous face-claim, wjsn’s bona!! she’s a former prima ballerina at a dance company in korea that she was pushed out of due to accusations of favoritism, and even though the board at the school were adamant against said accusations, it was lowkey kinda true lol. her dad is a former dancer that’s received tons of acclaim in the dance world, and it’s said that his name is what landed her all her opportunities in ballet —- whoops!! she doesn’t really know that though, but before i carry on too much, you can read more of my ramblings about her below the cut!! [ youtuber vc ] don’t forget to smash that like button if you wanna plot with us!!
i.  —-  haseo was born in seoul, south korea to a dancer and plastic surgeon, so they had a lot of money to sit on while they raised their daughter. she was brought up in prestigious dance rehearsal spaces, as well as in top-of-the-line hospitals, but instead of wanting to follow in her mother’s footsteps, she decided it’d be more fun to dance like her dad!! she showed promise when she was little, so they nurtured her talents as best they could.
ii.  —-  her childhood really wasn’t all that bad, to be honest, like, she never struggled with making friends, she got everything she wanted, her parents were supportive... what more could she have really asked for, you know? she got along with everyone due to her many interests —- from ballet, to video games, to barbies, to monster trucks —- but that all sorta changed whenever she entered high school. being that she attended a school for the arts danced with a company in their junior program, and had a reputable father, a lot of people started to be really catty with her. she learned how ugly the world could be at a pretty small age, and it’s deffff affected how she sees the world and deals with her problems.
iii.  —-  fast forward to high school graduation, haseo gets offered a spot in a professional company to dance ballet almost immediately. a little sketchy? perhaps, but what’s even sketchier is that she was offered the leading role in her first ever show. vile words spread throughout the whole school and due to the accusations of favoritism, the company decided to terminate her contract rip. she became big sad and almost didn’t dance again until [ spoiler alert ] she was given a chance to audition for dimensions entertainment!!
iv.  —-  she didn’t really wanna become an idol, but she did it anyway because she wanted to dance for a career. she really didn’t even need to have a career with how much money her parents made, but it was important to her to be financially independent, so she decided to stick with it to see if it’d work. long story short, she discovered that she’s a FAB singer, and her long history of dance def helped her standout from the crowd. she trained for two years before her debut, and like, when she was announced to be main vocalist, she literally almost died i think lmao. like, the fact that she was granted main vocal but not main dancer really shook her ass up, but she accepted her fate and tried her best.
v.  —-  the concept changes were a whirlwind, but she likes the more soft vibes that the schoolgirl trilogy gave her. she also thinks it makes better use of her dance skills, but she isn’t really the one in control here now is she? ANYWAY —- her career is blossoming a lot and she’s really excited, but at the same time, she despises that she’s a person of public scrutiny now. she never wanted that to happen at the level that it has, but she puts up with it because she feels she already made her bed, so now she’s gotta lie in it. not to mention that she has some of her old peers from dance starting an online hate group to hate on her, so you know... this isn’t exactly what she had in mind for her life, but she just takes it in stride and hopes that, someday, it’ll make for good stories to tell her grandkids lol.
vi.  —-  i realize that i haven’t really given a description of her personality or her as a person yet, and well, that sucks, so i’ma do it right here, right now!! how would i describe haseo? let’s see —- she’s kinda, like, prissy but it’s definitely more outwardly adorable than it is obnoxious, if that makes sense? she HATES getting dirt on her clothes, she hates having crud under her nails, and she hates when other people lack personal hygiene skills, but she was taught well and doesn’t really voice her harsh judgments unless she’s provoked lol. it also appears to me that she has tons of patience naturally, but is also kind of a hot-head if you actually manage to piss her off, so good luck to your muses if that happens!! she also HATES being woken up from sleep, like, she’ll literally kill you if you do. she’s more than likely gotten into tons of fights with other lucid girls because of it —- whoops!! she’s also SUPER femme, to be honest? she takes way too long to get ready before leaving the house, and almost refuses to leave looking a mess. her hair is always immaculate, her makeup is BEAT, and her clothes are gorgeous, and all paid for with daddy’s card lmao. other than all that though, she doesn’t really fit the “rich girl” stereotype in that she doesn’t act like a snob to just anyone, yk? she’s really open to meeting new people, and she’s a fiercely loyal friend to people she loves, as well as a HOPELESS ROMANTIC [ she’s a taurus, after all ] with her bfs/gfs. she’s also MAD cuddly with anyone, like, she doesn’t give a fuck, she communicates v well with physicality and touch!! if you got any questions ab her, don’t hesitate to lmk!!
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authorperson · 6 years
The Holmes Ballet
work is Proceeding Apace. I have music for most of acts 1-3 now, and we’re sitting pretty at nearly 2 hours with the prologue still to go, so it’s gonna be full length at 2.5 hours,my loves, with a perfect 3 hour run time with two intermissions (after the prologue and after act 2. gotta let the audience stew while holmes is dead after all).
showed my music selections for act 1 to my director today, she is THRILLED and also said what are you doing, we literally open Don Q this weekend so lmao i better get back to my actual job for a bit
licensing is going to be a problem because i am building my score out of film soundtracks from Holmes movies, so performances are going to be free until further notice lol, can’t have disney and warner bros breathing down my neck
need to decide on a title. working name is The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes which is somewhat bland.. Could be The Casebook or idk... Can’t be The Great Detective bc that’s what the ballet from the 30s was called. requires THOUGHT
tagging @peggaboo cuz it’s ur fault dear
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doll-in-the-walls · 6 years
Horror Movie Reviews
This is a redo of my post on my main, minus the gifs that way I can make it as long as I want. That being said, this post gets long. Not in any order really though towards the end it’s in order of me watching or remembering movies I’ve seen.
Keep in mind: These are just my personal opinions/reviews.
Rating Key - Pumpkins
🎃🔶🔶🔶🔶 - HATED IT
🎃🎃🔶🔶🔶 - Really didn’t like it but it wasn’t that horrible
🎃🎃🎃🔶🔶 - It was decent. Neutral. No strong opinion.
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 - Really liked it but probably wouldn’t watch it again.
🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 - LOVED IT. 10/10. Would watch again. (Probably already have)
Halloween (1978)
🎃🎃🎃🔶🔶 3/5 Pumpkins
It was very slow to me. Didn’t seem to really get going until the last 10-20 minutes. I don’t like movies that do ADR honestly but it’s to be expected from older movies. It was a nice start to the series. Don’t hate it. Ending definitely worked to make me watch the next one.
Halloween II (1981)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
Not sure why but I liked this one better even though I didn’t get answers to most of my questions. More action, some VERY nice camera shots (in my opinion) and cool lil moments that make you gasp.
Halloween The Curse of Michael Myers (1995)
🎃🎃🔶🔶🔶 (2/5 Pumpkins)
I left with even more questions and very few answers… Looks much better effects/fake wound wise though.
I was super happy to see Paul Rudd. Nice surprise, I didn’t know he was in it.
Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Very enjoyable to watch. (I of course was rooting for Jason the whole time. Just not a fan of Freddy). Didn’t need to watch either original movie/series to understand the two. (I’ve only seen parts of Nightmare on Elm Street, and honestly never watched Friday the 13th.)
The Boy (2016)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins)
I LOVE Brahms and CAN’T WAIT for the sequel. Movie kept me guessing and shocked me at the end (I was pleasantly shocked). The scares weren’t too in your face and the movie kept me interested the whole time. Definitely going to watch again.
House of Wax (2005)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins)
Loved it. I’ve already watched multiple times. I feel so bad for Vincent (pretty much any mask man from horror movies I seem to love. Idk why). Loved the effects and set/props (wax stuff obviously lol). Never really liked the opening scenes though, I’d rather we get right to the House of Wax but understand it’s necessary.
Child’s Play/ Chucky Movies [1-6] (1988-2013)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins)
(I’m going to do each one at some point so grouping these all together just for now).
I’ve rewatched these so much. I find 4 (Bride of Chucky) and 5 (Seed of Chucky) more funny than scary honestly.
Though no idea what they were thinking after that, the one after Seed is no good in my opinion. They should have ended it after Seed. BUT (See below)
Cult of Chucky (2017)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
Watched this only cause it was on Netflix and I gotta say it wasn’t that bad. I actually loved the ending though I’m usually one for happy endings. Probably wouldn’t watch it again but it was better than the one before
The Lost Boys (1987)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins)
Love it so much I have it on DVD. Watched it as a kid and never found it too scary but it that’s just cause I fell in love with the characters.... Love Kiefer Sutherland. Didn’t care for any of the sequels.
Friday the 13th (1980)
🎃🎃🔶🔶🔶 (2/5 Pumpkins)
It’s one of those that was probably super scary at the time it came out. I was between 2-3 Pumpkins for the rating. 1) I knew who the killer was. Hard to avoid spoilers when the movie came out in the 80s 2) I could figure out who survived 3) I like the acting by “Alice” but “Marcy” and “Annie” (omfg).... don’t get me started on Annie.
I am however excited to see the next one. Gimmie some Jason.
Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
Liked it much better than the first. Acting was better. I like how this (like Halloween II) basically showed the ending of the first movie as a reminder (though I didn’t like that it was shown as a nightmare Alice had) And I had a few issues. 1) MUFFIN 2) WHERE’S PAUL? (What was real? What was a dream?)
I also have played the Friday The 13th The Game and it was cool to see one of the maps and basically one of the challenges kill for kill. I didn’t know the challenges were based off the movies, I knew the maps were.
Friday the 13th - Part III (1982)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
I liked this one but was left with questions that I don’t know if I missed the answer or what.
Idk how I feel about them changing Jason’s face. Part 2 his face was half deformed (and he had hair!) And now suddenly it’s his whole face and he’s bald. (which, don’t get me wrong, I don’t care what he looks like. I’m just confused as to why they changed it.)
Again cool to see a place the game has as a map (I knew what rooms were what lol) and again how certain people died. And now that kill in the barn (in game not movie) makes sense to be called a revenge kill.
Can’t wait to watch the next one.
Friday the 13th The Final Chapter (1984)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
First off…. Yay tiny Cory Feldman. Second … WHAT THE WHAT?! So I liked this one and only had a few problems with it. Namely.. I thought Jason only killed people who we teens/“being bad”/on his land. The family of three had to have been there during the 3rd movie, it was only like a day after the end of that one. I think he shouldn’t have killed the only blonde mom (maybe he doesn’t trust anyone who looks like his mom anymore). And the kid did nothing
WHICH BRINGS ME TO TOMMY. (Who I didn’t know was a kid in the movies…) Why and how did him making himself look like a young Jason work? A simple “he moved” would have assured his sister he wasn’t going insane. And also, what did Jason possess him at the end?? (Or was it just to show he’d grow up to like hacking people?)
And my last problem was… Why did the “peace” girl have to die?! She wasn’t doing anything!
Also … Trish… Why didn’t you just jump over that body…you did going back. Anyway I liked it. (XD)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The beginning (2006)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
Well right off the bat I want to hug Thomas and never let go. (I also want to maim everyone who insults him and calls him the R word. I really HATE that word). Honestly didn’t know about the whole cannibal aspect to the movie(s) I just knew about the face wearing. “Hoyt” gave me the fucking creeps but I did like how he defended Thomas in the beginning. I still have to watch the movie that came before this and the originals (Where his name isn’t Thomas apparently. I like it as Thomas) but Thomas has been added to the list of Slashers I like.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
🎃🎃🎃🔶🔶 (3/5 Pumpkins)
This one was meant to be a dark comedy, which I can see how but yikes...
I watched this one before the first one just because I heard that he ends up liking a girl in it and I love Bubba so I wanted to see that. Now I know where the “Wiggles” gif comes from. I find him so adorable even though he makes the girl wear a face… I like him a bit better than the one in the first movie only cause we see more of him not just chasing someone. I’m a sucker for anything even slightly romantic.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
🎃🎃 🔶 🔶 🔶(2/5 Pumpkins)
I honestly started it and stopped it so much just cause I was bored... I kinda knew what happened so maybe that had something to do with it but for most of the movies I knew what was gonna happen, this one just kept loosing me anyways.
One of those movies that makes you wanna scream at the victims for how stupid they were. Who goes up to a house and after not getting a response the first five or so times GOES INTO THE HOUSE. That’s trespassing and STUPID.
I really both loved and hated the way Sally screamed the ENTIRE time she ran. It really made her sound actually terrified but also...if he lost sight of her it wouldn’t matter cause he could just follow the screams.
I prefer Thomas’ family better cause they’re not as mean to him...
Scream (1996)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
I had seen Scary Movie, which is a spoof/parody of this movie, so even if I didn’t already know who Billy was I would’ve known who the killer(s) was. Probably actually scary for its time but also I don’t personally get too scared by horror movies like this. Billy is very yummy though…
Took me forever to realize where I knew Stu from… The live action Scooby-Do movies… XD
Jason Lives Friday 13th Part VI (1986)
🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins)
Okay.. just reading the lil blurb on Show Box… TOMMY DID WHAT NOW? How do you accidentally… I’m just gonna watch the movie…
Was it supposed to be as funny as it was? XD The whole thing could’ve been avoided if Tommy just didn’t stab his body during a storm. (Also... Tommy is very yummy, omg)
I would honestly watch it again just because it’s so funny and I don’t mind looking at Tommy.
The Babadook
🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins) 
I loved this. Technically a “drama/thriller” but damn some scenes got me. I loved the meaning behind it all and would definitely watch it again.
Working on watching more movies. Below is what I still need to watch.
Friday the 13th A New Beginning (1985)
(which apparently isn’t even Jason so I’m probably going to skip it)
Friday the 13th Part VII The New Blood (1988)
Friday The 13th Part VIII Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
(What is he, a giant monster like Godzilla now?)
Jason Goes to Hell The Final Friday (1993)
Jason X (2001)
Halloween (2007)
Halloween II (2009)
Scream 2 (1997)
Scream 3 (2000)
Scream 4 (2011)
House at the End of the Street (2012)
Probably a ton more I need to see but that’s all I can think of for now. Got a movie suggestion? Lemme know.
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Mahou Shoujo Ore 5 | Yotsuiro Biyori 4 | Lupin III Pt 5 5 | Hinamatsuri 5 | BnHA 43 | Boueibu HK 5
Mahou Shoujo Ore 5
Hey hey hey, this is the second show I’ve seen ape Osomatsu-san this year. Seriously, no show is safe in a parody as a target for humour’s sake…Note Osomatsu-san is also by Pierrot, though, so they’re attacking themselves to some extent.
Now that they’ve pointed the Osomatsu-san reference though, I can’t believe I didn’t see the scarf colours last time! But…this is episode 5…
Oh, I kind of noticed it, but I’m probably too used to it since I watched the first season of Osomatsu-san – the blue lines are part of that show’s signature style.
Muscovado is apparently a substitute for sugar. It literally translates to “black sugar” though…
Sagami is…a former place in Japan…?
Tama River. I’m terrible at Japanese geography, so I don’t think you should be asking me about this…
Dang, apparently Pierrot is based in Mitaka, Tokyo so whatever joke I was chasing there fell flat.
Wow, they got really self-referential this episode…yikes.
So this is the rumoured Chiba-san? Uhh…
Oh my…I do not see the word “Japanimation” get much mileage at all these days, but I cringe every time I see it.
It’s Pokémon Go! Wow, that’s another level of meta for sure. My hopes for resolving all the stray plot threads while maintaining that wacky sense of humour (or however I phrased it) definitely went out the window…Notice the footage is dated April 24th 20X8, which is about a week before the episode went to air if the X actually hides “2018”.
Suginami. Apparently, Bones, Sunrise and other studios are stationed there…but Pierrot isn’t.
If there’s one thing I didn’t expect in MSO, it’s the fact this show became Shirobako in a sense. I still need to get around to Shirobako, by the way…
Ey, wait a second! Astral, you got your wish! We get to see…Fujimoto’s face!
Whoa! They went all out on the CGI fire effects! What is this show, Golden Kamuy?! (LOL)
Comichiya’s probably Comiket. The katakana (chi -> tsu, to -> ya) look kinda similar if mangled.
Dangit! I missed my mark on the guesswork again! Tokyo Big Sight isn’t in Suginami.
Basically, this is just a long road to admitting they couldn’t do a recap episode, but they don’t have enough content to pad this ep either. Ah, sweet revelations (sarcastic).
Is it just me, or does the bottom of Fujimoto (1)’s face look kind of like…Mohiro??? Wagh??? Update: No, the hair colour’s off.
The “on the train” technically says “on the NEXT train” (emphasis mine).
Wow, they namedropped Ishikawa (probably Kaito)! Ishikawa voices male!Saki, so it makes sense.
Oh my gosh, Mahoutsukai Watashi! What a bold move this show’s taken – it’s telling its own meta-narrative. Which means when I cover it for the collab post…it’ll be meta of meta…that’ll put my head in a spin for sure.
You can see Fujimoto and Sakuyo character designs if you pause for one scene (the one with “staff working from home”).
You can see the name Masayuki Ito (伊藤雅之) on that list with the downward arrows, but I don’t know what significance that name has unless they’re an animator or something...
Mensore is explained here.Basically it’s youkoso in Okinawan.
Jimami Tofu…isn’t tofu, as weird as that sounds. It’s an Okinawan-sponsored drama.
Well, at least this time I got a big epic battle (no matter how short it is). Nothing better than that!
They got Akira Ishida, Tomokazu Seki, Koichi Yamadera and some other guys to voice the Fujimotos this time. Notice there’s no crossover between the Osomatsu-san voices and the Fujimotos, which was probably intentional.
I thought there’d be a real Shinzo Chiba, but there doesn’t seem to be one…
There was a shot of Fujimoto (before the manager)! Wah! Was that there in previous episodes???
Every time people promise wardrobe malfunctions, they tend to…uh, deliver on that…
The Monokubo illustration this time is creepy…I like it!
Yotsuiro Biyori 4
Is this a zombie movie (LOL)?
Wow, Sui really loves cats, doesn’t…he…? (LOL)
Oh, so that weird zombie movie in medias res opening was actually one of those fakeouts…DN Angel’s anime did that, I remember…
Wow, they make Tokitaka so epic in this scene! A determined man is more handsome than one in an ordinary state, don’tcha think?
You can even see rice flying! Amazing! Tokitaka’s got such skill.
I am so spoilt for smol boys this season, between this and Boueibu HK…
Ooh! My eyes have been blessed with the hotness of Tokitaka!
There’s more chicken than usual this ep, eh?
Shiratama anmitsu.
I never thought we’d need a backstory for the resident cat, but okay. It was hilarious and fun while it lasted and now it’s almost over…huh.
Denzou? Eh? (I kinda get why the name’s badass with the kanji involved, but it’s hard to explain to a non-Japanese speaker…)
The next ep title translates to roughly “A Loving Hand for the Lost Lamb”…as in, to extend a hand to it.
Lupin 3 Pt 5 5
Okay, part 5 episode 5 is confusing when it’s just “5 5”, isn’t it?
I think the guy in the green jacket will be important later…? He’s in a key visual for this show, at least.
“This pasta called soba’s pretty good!” – LOL, soba ain’t pasta, y’know…
I’ve learnt about the stack before. Here you go.
IP camera. Hey, I’ve done something on IP cameras before, but normally Detective Conan (and most other mystery shows of the modern day) seem to be reliant on CCTV…
Chicken game…? Sounds tasty!...Not.
Ami doesn’t seem too pleased about all the shooting, LOL.
Even Ami knows bowing is a sign of Japanese respect. Just like how dragons understand the meaning of “Hatori Chise” involves birds…(i.e. I’m kind of skeptical that a real French girl would learn to bow to her Japanese friends when her life is always on the line, a la Ami.)
Episode…1? Y’mean, there’s more adventures, but no Ami? Aw, I was enjoying having her in the fray.
Hinamatsuri 5
A TV? $30??? Wow, I would fight a psychic girl for that! That’s friggin’ cheap!
“Toshibu” (sic), LOL.
Bikkuri means “surprise”, LOL.
“A teacher and a student walk into a bar…” – it sounds like a joke. Not that that could be conveyed accurately in Japanese, though. The fact it even works as an English joke must be a coincidence…
Hitomi’s such a terrible liar! Wahaha!
Nitta’s just like “I’ve given up on this girl”. Either that, or he has a hangover…(LOL)
Sayo looks kind of like Hina. If it weren’t for the hair colours I would’ve mistaken the two.
BnHA 43
Carrying a gun to a fistfight…yep, bad. Plain bad, Mustard, ol’ boy.
Sorry, there was a lot of fighting this ep and nothing much to say!
Boueibu HK 5
LOL, the bald bodyguard…he looks kinda grumpy.
Notice Kyotaro goes “ore kyoumi nai” (I have no interest in it), but the subs missed the subject of the sentence! CR, you weirdoes!
Echire butter…exists!
“You know about genetic testing?” - Irina! I think this is your department!
Ryoma’s the end of the evolutionary line!
Hmm…if there was no Ice Age in Honyara Land…might there have been something else that caused the Furanui/Karurusu conflict? There’s only animosity from one side, after all.
Bunbuku Chagama. Magozaemon was fat, so he would make a perfect teapot/tanuki…
Wait, if Maasa = Ichiro in the age department (roughly 16), that would add up. He went abroad for 4 years and held off on carbs the entire time…yikes.
“The people of this world envy those who represent the opposite of what they fear for themselves, so they criticise and attack them.” – Ooh, Ata makes a lot of sense here…! It’s a quote for the collection.
Asobukoto = It’s not really “fun” per se, but “playing” or “hanging out”. That is, if you translate rather literally.
They’re all underage (roughly 16 – 18), of course they wouldn’t drink! Of course, this is coming from a person who doesn’t drink…the only samples of alcohol I’ve had are few and far in between…
Hey, I studied this stuff in the past, you don’t have to regurgitate this info (about needing food to better absorb alcohol). Lemmee tell you, alcohol ads are weird…
They didn’t make the “glasses fogging up” a weird plot hole. Phew.
Wow, to think I’d be getting a science lesson of things I already know in my Boueibu…I never thought I’d see the day where that happened.
According to this page, one of the things the ramen shop serves is gomoku soba. Wait…that’s right! Ramen’s appeared in this show before! In the Chri-pa episode! Sorry Astral, I gotta spoil s2 for you!
Wow, this chicken carcass is even less of a threat than anything else so far! Wow-hee.
Taishi only seems vaguely fazed about the fact he’s being made to fight monsters. Interesting. I never think about the perspective of the non-red boys regarding fighting monsters until they’re pointed out, really.
So wait, the magic knight of space…makes bubbles? Uh, Astral, you might wanna learn from this…?
Hey hey, I found a page on tonkotsu ramens (sic from the Hakata anime) and paitan ramen.
Kyotaro on stairs = basically my mood when I want to imitate the “draw me like one of yor French girls” meme. (Very badly.)
So…when I said I missed individualised attacks, I never saw this coming. Sorry about that, people. (Even if that was only Ichiro’s bubble attack.)
Kyotaro makes a lot of sense here. But seriously, I think I need Astral’s easy button right now. That was easy.
Notice Karurusu is acting as a pelt…weren’t otters hunted for their pelts?
Oh, Sujikawa’s a first year, huh?
*Sujikawa picks up the boulder* - *round of applause from me* Wow!
Both Maasa and Dougo have such supportive friends, it almost makes me jealous.
The English! It’s…correct! (thinks back to a magazine article with “Difence” (sic) written on it in pink letters)
I, for one, am happy they’re tackling relationships aside from “brothers” this time. Finally, here’s something that stacks up against its competition in regards to deeper themes, even if it is a comedy!
Dougo and Maasa (Magozaemon) were in class 2, if you pause at the right time. Notably, the members of class 2 were all boys, LOL. Even with the boy to the left of Magozaemon, I think that name might be pronounced “Ai” (due to this page), but it’s in manly kanji.
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hollyhark · 7 years
Hey Holly! How’s it going with writing the action in chapter 4 of your Hunger Games AU fic? Aha, I’m having quite a rough time with writing action in one of my fics ;; nothing seems to satisfy me when it comes to getting it just right, anyway! I hope you’ve been well, always sending you lots of love xx
Hey! I do have a draft going but had to put that one on hiatus when I was feeling so stuck and blah about writing in general last month. I have a few things I want to do first (Part III of Pioneers is what I’m working on now, and then I’ll probably write this new one shot idea I just had because ofc I had a new one shot idea :B) and then I’ll get back to the HG AU, I will definitely finish the story entirely before mid-December when the new movie comes out. Lately I have my writing energy back yayyy
BUT YES, action scenes are so difficult for many reasons and one of those is that they are hard to judge as you’re working on them in terms of whether the tension is working or not. I think they are similar to sex scenes in this way (I always think writing sex scenes is going to be FUN lol and sometimes it is but usually it’s just a difficult balancing act with the pacing vs. tension) but as I’ve been writing romance stories for like 15 years now I have more tricks up my sleeve that I can sort of lean on with sex/romance scenes, whereas pure physical action scenes always feel a bit alien and unfamiliar to me. Nothing seems to satisfy me either when I’m working on drafting them, or at least it’s rare that I feel like I nailed the right mood or whatever in the way that I can sometimes tell if a sex scene works. I’ve gotten good feedback on them before so I try not to get paralyzed by my fear that I can’t handle them but then I always do anyway – it’s a big part of why this HG story has taken me all year to write!! I hide from working on it cause I’m scared of messing it up :xx  
Anyway, wishing you luck with your action scenes and thanks for asking about this story and for the note!!
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ghosthierophant · 8 years
3x09, 3x10
halt & watch every character play themselves, esp tom, THE FINALE
we jumped into the future & we’re still playing ourselves, but also trying to repatch
we jumped into the future & we’re all toxic & manipulative & right & wrong
don draper eat your heart out this pitch was incredible
sucks we had to kill off the only MOC ... but damn... did he go out... burning... & i had to listen to his last words quite a few times
????????????????????????? donna
... hi donna
you look great but
senior partner
diane, vineyard
... how much time has passed
WINDOWS 3.0 1990
wow what a huge jump in time
hi, joe
JOE’S WORKING... on what... just stocks?
who’s ray
donna back into sales almost
oh my god
they’re lowkey flirty but taking about their divorce
more space on the sign
hi... michelle
joanie’s CDS & COLLAGES
“it’s your turn”
“joe” - “it’s donna”
“are you going to comdex”
“what do you want, donna”
“you know why” lol
“this thing is perfect for her”
/ the fax
CAM W LONG HAIR???? no more bleach wow
Space Bike
the fashion, cam
there she is
“seeker” - “giver”
damn, gordo
you’re hella awkward on camera, but you doin well
“i need to get laid”
gordon out here lookin great tbh
... space goldfish lol
:) cam w girls
:) so sweet to them
there he is
& she smiles
look at these hobo joe looks
settled in
they both realized
they can be all these other things
how much changes, how much stays the same
the giant
free seafood tower
ohmygod they are fucking jamming
they are a fucking a mess still a mess
S Printer
lol gordo & the rock music
nice house, gordo
joanie don’t be a shit
joanie’s a fuckin WEEB
aw cam & joe hamming it up
omg the earrings
diamonds in those dorks
his own bed
mutiny nosedive
... ryan
angry at you, at him, at myself
“you’re not that powerful”
anger turns into sadness that’s fine that’s healthy
“stop blaming yourself”
“i win”
“don’t deprive the world of what you do”
“what is it that i do?”
“you bring people together”
“you... create change”
“michelle woman”
“she works for dad”
damn... joanie
jeez michelle chill out
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas dancing
the slaps
“i love you!”
i came to see you
4 years
“i think about mutiny every day”
“& it makes me furious”
welp donna
joanie shut the fuck up
joanie is the absolute worst i’m sorry your parents failed you
sorry you turned into a piece of shit
YOU’RE 14?
it’s a phase i’m sure of it
michelle is sweet tho
... thx for ruining things you 14 year old acting out little brat
mb joanie should’ve gotten fucked up at the party who the fuck knows
“you could do better”
“you already did once”
... oh
... sorry, cam
joe came clean
“you can trust me” - well hmm
the stark b&w of it all
“you know why” 
“tell me”
ah darn here it comes
“i came to see you”
ah damn here it comes
... are you still married to tom
... are you
... are you
if you are, don’t do this to him
... this hot tho
[ sharp moan ]
tfw you can’t leave your FP behind
well cam...
lol bonding over tv
/ eats bacon after That Whole Fight
he’s still fucked up :(
he’s degenerating :/
climbing stairs is totally dumbass
everyone & their asterisks to their... lives
why she back -
“the most fun i ever had in my life” 
this hurts me tbh
my ladies still... strained
here joe
... have we clarified joe’s HIV status or
joe you’re fuming what’s up
there it is
there donna
there a warehouse
god i think i know this building h oly SHIT
IS THIS IN THE DOGPATCH / meant to replicate it
go, donna
donna & joe, the unexpected dream team
mNET before bled
yup the quake
cam did :)
the divorce
it happens, joe
two aprils
everyone looks good
love the lighting rn
the gang’s all here
“hey joe”
i’m cam chillin against a pillar
~ dripping w sex ~
#unify the networks
how many drawings
years & years early
in europe
I COULD EAT, SURE - i’m tom
i’m tom caught in the middle of it all
i’m cam holding onto the nostalgia
“severe limitations in reality”
you a good guy, tom :(
tfw it’s not about ryan entirely
i’m gordo falling asleep, getting in a food fight w tom
“geniuses ahead of their time”
open source...
The Internet 
The Future
“a crappy version of the present”
i’m tom trying to read the room
i’m tom trying to see the room
tfw donna with joe the money people
me & cameron actually have to do it
/ hits the road
tfw no tomorrow
“this is a mess, joe”
“it’s just a mess”
hi bos
/ sailing
lol diane
what a life~  the vineyard~ sailing~
edible underwear
the bluecast omg
wine glass
i’m worried about the stairs climbing too
/ stays over
/ talks shit about their kid - SAME
joe - woken up the beast
it’s true - money person
a weird question
/ both lying
rly weird
open to... meeting someone
this guy
/ shower
or check his
the gang all back
BUILD A DOOR - let them inside
let’s get it, gang
* except tom
damn, tom
cam.. ain’t going
“i don’t want to see cameron end up like ryan”
“wives don’t get a vote” damn
.. i thought that’d happen earlier in the season
... what happened COMDEX
“making him the villain takes the blame away”
“i deserve some of the blame, too” - character development
“& it’s the same with you, you know”
“things fell apart”
“a lot of it was my fault”
... who do we get rid of, in a fucking ROOM OF PROBLEMS
the baby
/ crawl
tom you;re right tho
... cam...do you love him
do you tell him
do you
do you leave
what do you do cam
“i can;t work w you”
this is about joe
this is all of you
all of us turned into joe
take it
shit.... sobbing
.... thats how cam felt
donna u gunna sabotage or...
“i’m in love with her” - yikes
a mess
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spmackx · 7 years
let’s see.. 
Year in Review Pt. 1 1.What did you do in 2017 that you'd never done before? I stayed off heroin longer than I ever have.  I stayed out of jail longer than I have since I started going to jail lol.  I tried some new foods - chicken wings come to mind.  I fell in love in ways I never thought possible.  And I survived the breakup so far without relapsing. 2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?  I don’t think I made any, really.  I have some in mind for 2018 though. 3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Yes, Emily. 4. Did anyone close to you die?  Yes, too many to count. 5. What countries did you visit? I couldn’t legally leave the state. 6. What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? Confidence lol.  More clean time.  A year of no overdoses would be cool.  I’d like to have more money and more friends.  And happiness.  7. What date from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?  November 15.  Lil Peep died.  :(  I’m still upset about this and can’t get over it and still cry at least weekly.   8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Getting off heroin cold-turkey and staying clean so far over 10 months.  And not going back to it despite a lot of rough shit this year that just keeps coming.  I’m learning to deal with emotions without numbing myself.  It’s fucking hard some days.  But i’m doing it. 9. What was your biggest failure? I think I fail at something every day, but biggest failure of 2017?  Probably going back with my ex and trying to make that work when I knew it was bad for both of us.  Oh and the time I mixed xanax with alcohol and that sucked. 10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Yeah duh.  Withdrawals sucked & I had a few episodes this year that resulted in being hospitalized.  But hey, I didn’t die. 11. What was the best thing you bought?  Alcohol?  Idk. 12. Whose behavior merited celebration?  As much as I’m hurting over her still, I gotta say Hayley’s, because she stuck with me through a lot of shit and not a lot of people would or have.  She helped me achieve 9 months of being clean and for the most part, they were beautiful months.  She was true blue. 13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?  Also Hayley’s but I can’t say I blame her.  I guess the answer to this would be my own.  My ex’s.  My best friend’s.  I could say a lot of people but really my own behavior is at fault here.  I can do better. 14. Where did most of your money go?  For once, not on dope!  But..probably to alcohol.  Lol.  Also to Hayley. 15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?  Man this shit is getting sad and repetitive.  Hayley, always.  But also any time there were dogs around or I was around dogs.  Or getting to hang out with my friends.   16. What song will always remind you of 2017?  Awful Things  17. Compared to this time last year, are you: i. Happier or sadder? Happier ii. thinner or fatter?  Thinner iii. richer or poorer?   Richer 18. What do you wish you'd done more of? Smiling, laughing, enjoying the people around me while they were still here. 19. What do you wish you'd done less of?  Complaining, being an asshole, being suicidal and depressed. 20. How will you be spending Christmas? That shit’s over lol. >Part Two: 21. What was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in 2017? My dog (RIP) witnessing a sexual act up close and way too personal  22. Did you fall in love in 2017?  Yes. 23. How many one-night stands?  Um.. a few. 24. What was your favorite TV program?  Shameless 25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?  Hate is strong, so I’ma say no.  But there are a few people I’m heavily disappointed with and don’t fuck with atm. 26. What was the best book you read? Hamilton by Ron Chernow and Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow 27. What was your greatest musical discovery?  Nothing new really comes to mind but I think I appreciated music more this year due to being clean.  28. What did you want and get? I felt loved. 29. What did you want and not get?   I wanted to marry her, but she left me. 30. What was your favorite film of this year?  I don’t even remember what all came out this year tbh. 31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?  I turned 24 and I went out to eat with the fam and partied with my friends. 32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?  If I wasn’t so sad all the time. 33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017?  I would describe it as a hot mess.  34. What kept you sane?  My family, friends, Hayley, music, dogs, work, skating. 35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Idk 36. What political issue stirred you the most?  The entire shitshow that is the current administration. 37. Who did you miss?  My grandma. Hunter.  Peep. Hayley.  38. Who was the best new person you met?  Hayley and Hadley 39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017: Sometimes you get paranoid about shit and then people try to calm you down and tell you you’re just being paranoid and you have nothing to worry about and they lull you into a false sense of complacency only for you to be blindsided some months later when your fears turn out to be valid and true and then ya feel dumb af for letting people sway you from your initial intuition.  what i’m sayin is, if you feel on a gut level that something is up, it probably is.  if you have paranoia as a result of schizophrenia, recognize the differences between your typical paranoid thoughts (ex:mine are typically about AI and the government) and your current worries such as your girl not feelin ya anymore, and realize one is not like the other and therefore one is more likely to be real and valid and anyway my girl fucked me over and peep died and 2017 was some bullshit but it was also good for a long time so idk.  i miss my girl and we can never go back to what we had.   
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