#now i look crazy and obsessed
shikakunaras · 11 months
On today's episode of I Need to Touch Grass, I sent Naruto Online Support an email bc on the Birthday Celebration Event they listed that Iruka's birthday was on 7/15 which is wrong and that day is actually Shikaku Day. What's even worse is my server character name - which is ShikakuNara - is displayed. on the support slip. Rip.
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bilolli · 4 months
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Hi @spadillelicious , yesterday I read your fic and I'm normal about it. Take a messy fanart.
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tsukiyo-7 · 2 months
Yesterday night, to end the day on a good note, I rewatched Mistery Spot and, aside from feeling bad for laughing all the time, DAMN DUDE SAM GOT IT BAD BAD for that brother of his
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carrotkicks · 2 months
(feel free to ignore this if you want pls. I know it might be a little weird) you definetly should block some people if they make you feel anything bad or disrespect you and ur preferences yk. or try to talk to them about it if its something that's bothering you and they might not directly notice that. im sure people would understand !! ur nice and if someone refuses to stop being unnecessary they should definetly be blocked (my apologize for writing this much, i just really admire you)
yeahhh i mean. idk.. i usually try to ignore or delete asks that bother me but i feel like things have been getting to me more.. Bleh :(
anyways thank you for the ask. also some of you are losing your carrotkicks privileges, goodbye <3
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
The day people stop comparing Aegon/Rhaenys/Visenya to Jon/Arya/Sansa is the day I'll know peace. People hate Daenerys (and house Targaryen by extension) but then always want to steal from her story to uplift their faves. It's past the point of being pathetic 🙄
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note-boom · 1 year
BSD S4 spoilers!
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I'm literally crying. What right does Oda have to look so tiny and adorable??
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beeholyshit · 19 days
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tunakitchen · 27 days
ohhhhhhhhhhh. ok......... damn i was hoping so much that ems admin (cherry) was being treated well. that was my number 1 hope since she was one of the people more vocal about behind the scenes that i was more familiar with. brother..........
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ieropilled · 2 years
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beloved :/
(op was so real for the 3rd pic tbh)
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big8cola · 1 month
FR ‼️ if i see someone calling anyone fattie its on sight
OH MY GOD THISSSSS like so u heard it in a tik tok audio so now its cool to go around calling people fattie and big back ..............................
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junniieesbby · 3 months
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HE LOOOKS SO DAMM FINE!!!!!!!! You guys I don’t even know what to do or how to think. These photos have broken me BROKEN MEEEEEE. GRRRRRRR. He’s insane for that.
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lifeof-pink · 3 months
yandere yoo joonghyuk for kim dokja plsplsplspls
real and true. i think they’d both be crazy for each other…. a match made in hell heaven 😌 absolute menaces to everyone around them
i mean like. post canon, would either of them let the other out of their sight???? hell no lol if they could fuse into one person to prevent the other from leaving for any reason they would
[obligatory “this is an unhealthy relationship (probably) and should not be looked to for real relationship advice” dislaimer here]
now, i think dokja would be a bit possessive of all his group (kimcom) in a kind of “mama cat” kinda way. they’re his PEOPLE, and they’re only his. if someone hurts them, any of them at all, that someone will disappear real fuckin fast. he’s the leader of the group and he’ll be damned if he can’t protect his children and his friends.
this kind of goes the other way too, the rest of the group will kick in his shins (metaphorically) and force him to stay in bed using any means necessary (remember in canon when they literally sedated him to force him to take a break?) if they believe he’s ever in danger of fucking up his own health to pursue an outside goal. (which he’s absolutely allowed to do, but NOT at the cost of his sleep or his nutrition or his mental health.)
but christ, yjh and kdj to each other?? now, they have no worries about cheating or anything god no. but god fucking forbid you hold one up for too long while the other’s waiting for them. ESPECIALLY, good lord, if you flirt with one of them? you’ll be lucky if a sword held up to your face is the only thing you get lol.
these guys are a fucking menace to their local neighborhood, it’s basically agreed upon fact that you just shouldn’t talk to one if the other isnt in the room. especially dokja, his companion is downright terrifying if he learns you talked to HIS partner without him in the room good lord. nice guy with a scary boyfriend.
not that they’d ever really be apart anyways—christ they’re like bonded cats, “do not separate”. attached at the hip isnt a strong enough word they’re fused at the damn heart
this is more er. soft yandere i suppose. i explain my thinking more in the tags but basically i think they arent as murderous as your typical sorta “crazy in love” story because they’ve stabilized each other enough that they dont feel the need to do it so much. because if the one you love is Right There next to you why would you separate from them to chase after Another Person?
perhaps this isnt really yandere at all haha, i could be totally wrong with my understanding of how the trope works
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bruhstation · 1 year
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(wip) finally arrived home from the long trip. tomorrow I’ll be going back to the dormitories GOD HELP ME!!!!!! I’M DEFINITELY GOING TO DIE HELP ME HELP HELPPPPPPP AHHHHHHH but that’s not stopping me from drawing mr dubious-yet-lively wish granter himself
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halforcdad · 2 years
Really loving how the show is exploring the beginning of Kate and Lucy's relationship and all the insecurities that still lurk in the shadows of honeymoon bliss. There's a lot to love in 2x02:
Kate blurting out, “I want to tell my boss we’re dating,” and Lucy being completely thrown off. It’s Kate’s version of “I want to be intimate,” and Lucy pointing at the coffee shop and going, “Here???”
Lucy being a supportive, stabilizing force for Kate only for us to find out she's equally as freaked out and worried later in her own time (says it to Jesse and then, as pointed out very nicely here, she punches her girlfriend's boss's arm then tries to recover by nervously complimenting his corny apron).
"No, no it's not fine, Lucy... You make it look so easy," is giving "You're always doing nice things for me... I just wanted to show my appreciation." (Both of them feeling like they're not doing enough/doing it as well as the other and trying to do something big to make sure they're reciprocating properly, resulting in them making "mistakes" they feel the need to apologize for.)
2x02 is likely an intentional callback/parallel to 1x07 to show how far they've come:
Kate hesitantly whispering in a dark corner about being compartmented  after Lucy invited her out in front of people vs. Kate, in public, outright saying she wants to introduce Lucy to her boss and coworkers and inviting her to the barbeque (and wanting Lucy's input)
Lucy being all hush-hush with Ernie in the empty hallway vs. Lucy rambling loudly to Jesse about her girlfriend possibly losing her position because of conflict of interest concerns while walking down that same hallway (and then the bullpen) now full of coworkers
Kate not wanting anyone at work, especially Lucy’s team, to find out about them (”Ernie’s not people”) vs. Kate jumping at the chance to ask Jesse for advice despite him giving her an out (in general, Jesse, who labelled Kate 'the Mean Girl™️' in the pilot, now watching her lament over her own incompetence because of a silly misunderstanding all while making silly faces and asking him how to not piss off his teammate/little sister/friend)
"You make it look so easy." "We don't have to do this today." "No, no, I want to, it's just—it's a lot for me,"
is a less combative version of,
"I'm trying to do this your way, you know, be all expressive and smiley, it's just—it's hard for me to be-" "Human?" "I'm trying here, Lucy."
They're both self-deprecating scenes for Kate. She admits she's embarrassed by herself in 1x07 and we see it in 2x02 after she confesses that this is the first time she's ever introduced a girlfriend to her coworkers. In 1x07, it's like Kate's begging Lucy to see her and understand her. In 2x02, it feels more like deep shame (especially when she looks down at "It's a lot for me") over disappointing and failing Lucy again after saying she’d do things differently this time. Lucy, who’s the most amazing woman she’s ever met, who’s crazy about her, who’s still trying to reassure her when Kate can’t even do something as simple as correct her boss when he assumes she’s dating a guy. 
A big difference is that in one, Kate knows she hurt Lucy and is delivering a necessary apology after a disagreement and in the other, Kate thinks she’s hurt Lucy, even though Lucy's tells her it's fine. Kate still insists that it's not, is quick to say “it’s my fault”, and is stressing out big time over a small mistake. It also feels like the difference between the two Kacy scenes is this feeling of Kate “has to” vs. Kate “wants to”. S1 Kate is sharing because she messed up and is trying to cling onto the potential this relationship has and S2 Kate already knows the pain of losing Lucy to her own bad choices and wants to be better (1x07 ends with Kate in that state because she was prompted, but in 2x02 she starts the episode already having decided on her own that she wants to involve Lucy).
In 1x07, Lucy’s hurt and upset, so even when Kate’s being vulnerable (after Lucy offered up some vulnerability first) and turning her assumptions on their head, she lashes out. Ernie’s advice earlier in the episode is light-hearted ribbing, but also coated in the fact that maybe Lucy was wrong to make assumptions from her own insecurities. She can’t be sympathetic towards Kate just yet. Eventually, she recognizes the effort Kate’s putting in and agrees to terms that’ll make her the most comfortable. Kate’s asking for a lot of things in this scene: forgiveness, understanding, another chance, time. 
In 2x02, Lucy can clearly see Kate's distress and realizes the big leap Kate's trying to make for her, for them. Sees the workplace stakes 1x07 Kate might have been worried about and spirals a little too before Jesse course-corrects her. When Kate admits how new this type of milestone is for her, despite it being something Lucy's wanted since s1, she prioritizes Kate's comfort and says they don't have to do this today. It's only when Kate makes it absolutely clear that this is something she wants to do, something they both want, that Lucy switches the type of support she offers.
Kate puts herself out there, lets herself be vulnerable, and Lucy meets her halfway: in 1x07 when she agrees to being a secret and in 2x02 when she's supporting Kate's decision to be transparent and open about them.
The first is a compromise in the dark, in the closed-door break room tucked in the corner of the office, after their coworkers have gone home. Lucy flirts and teases, but she walks away, leaving Kate to chase after her. It obviously means a lot to both of them, but they don't say that out loud, instead choosing to be all coy about it and deflecting. They probably spend the night together, Kate showing her appreciation in the comfort of her own home.
The second is a reminder and a promise that Kate isn't alone anymore because they're in a serious, committed relationship. Lucy reaches out, leaves no room for doubt as she links their hands together, and tells Kate earnestly that she's right there by her side, that she's here to stay no matter what. In the light of day, out in the open, on their way to meet Kate's coworkers. Then, she walks with her into the bbq, stands by her the whole time, and uses that Lucy Tara charm on everyone. And Kate repays all that by being brave, by being openly sweet, loving, and affectionate with Lucy in front of everyone.
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iloveyoumorethansoup · 4 months
the depression is doing abnormal things (im not rotting?? still there. but its not that kind rn) and god would i Love to say. the lwa obsession never left. the depression briefly (last two years) covered it. i am still so not normal at all about this show. i need it so bad in every aspect of my life
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kaladinkholins · 5 months
i think it's HILARIOUS that me-from-2018 would look at my current shipping preferences like "um...... really....??? 🙄🙄"
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