#now it's the main one the Steam version will remember
buttercupshands · 7 months
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I honestly can't believe it took me 7 years
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nightpool · 6 months
Hi everybody! For the past few years I've been working on an unofficial—and then later, an official—English translation for this really, really unique Chinese yuri horror VN, Chrono Jotter, and I'm happy to announce that it's now available!
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Chrono Jotter follows the perspective of one Ran Ibuki, who wakes up having lost her memory in what appears to be an abandoned, broken down school house. Having only her trusty notebook to guide her, she knows that she's here searching for her lost girlfriend, Ann Sakura, who has disappeared.
As for what she does remember....
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Ran uses her notebook to maintain a list of all of the anomalies she's found herself encountering over the past several years she's spent looking for her girlfriend. And they are, to put it mildly, wild.
So as you can imagine, she's not too surprised to find herself waking up again in another strange locale, not quite knowing how she got there.
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Eventually, Ran finds the other inhabitants of the school—6 students, who have never had a teacher and have no clue where the food in their pantries is coming from. They're not particularly worried about it though! They have... their own problems they're working on. All of these girls have deep, interconnected complexes and backstories stewing here and all sorts of tension going on and ... well.
That's not really their main problem either. You see, they keep ending up dead. And it's up to Ran to figure out why, and how they can possibly escape.
Go buy Chrono Jotter! Now on Steam!
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edgy-ella · 9 months
I am begging you. On my hands and knees. Begging. More so than anything else I’ve asked of this fandom.
Please please buy the Fang miniseries when it comes out
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Don’t just read it. Buy it. I will admit that I’m very guilty of reading through a lot of IDW Sonic through…less than legal means, and I know I’m not alone in that regard. But I think it’s really important that for this miniseries in particular, you actually go out and buy the damn thing. Show your support with your dollar.
Really think about it for a second—they gave Fang his own miniseries. Fang! An underutilized, underrated fan favorite for sure, but hardly a mainstay of the series. I’m sure that this was at least somewhat prompted by Superstars, where Fang is a major antagonist…but Bean and Bark weren’t in that game, and it already received its own online promo comic prior to the game’s release (notably, with Fang as the star).
Classic Sonic stories have also exclusively been relegated to one-shots in IDW, not a full on miniseries like what Fang is getting. Basically all of the IDW Sonic miniseries we’ve gotten so far have been plot relevant side stories to the main IDW comic that focus on side characters with little to no involvement from Sonic himself. Tangle and Whisper, Bad Guys, Impostor Syndrome…the only odd man out besides this Fang miniseries is Scrapnik Island.
Really think about it for a second. FANG is getting his own focus comic BEFORE KNUCKLES.
And that’s why it’s so important that we buy it.
I think Sega is using this comic to test the waters to see if people like Fang and want to see him in more future projects—be it comics, games, or even cartoons. But there’s more to it than just that.
See, Superstars hasn’t been doing that great. I know I said in an earlier post that people seemed to like it, but I retract that statement. It was damned by faint praise at launch, and now most of the discussion I’ve seen surrounding the game revolves around its flaws (chief among them being the middling OST and that the Steam version stealth installs an Epic Games service along with the game). No sales numbers have been projected as of writing, but it’s definitely been beaten out by Mario Wonder and Spider-Man 2.
So, Classic Sonic games aren’t doing too hot right now (I’m sure that many modern fans are jumping for joy at the prospect). But the classic characters are.
People really like the extended classic Sonic cast, just as much as they love the extended modern cast. From my experience, the two fan favorites are Mighty and Fang. Fang stands out to me in particular for a couple reasons: people were really upset that Sega specifically said no to Fang, Bark and Bean coming back after Ian snuck in a reference to them in IDW Sonic #3 (using their old team name from Archie, the Hooligans), and the fanmade 16-bit remake of Triple Trouble, Fang’s debut game, received private praise from many members of Sega and Sonic Team. People like Fang and the media he’s in, and Sega is starting to take notice. That’s why we’re getting this miniseries.
That’s why it’s so important that the miniseries sells well. If the big boys at Sega and Sonic Team see Superstars’ iffy reception but see Fang’s comic sell above expectations, then Sega will want to continue to use Fang (and potentially other “classic” Sonic characters as well) in more narrative driven projects. That means modern Sonic.
“But Sega won’t let any classic Sonic character into a modern Sonic project!” I hear you thinking. And to that I say, so? Sega changes its mind all the time. Remember that whole two worlds nonsense? That was thrown out with in Tailstube. Characters debuting in Boom and the comics were previously barred from the mainline games, but they’ve broken that “rule” in both Speed Battle and Frontiers. Hell, they’ve even been talked out of some of their sillier comic mandates, like characters not being able to wear different clothing.
For all their flaws, Sega does listen, and money speaks louder than anything. If this miniseries fails, Sega will just assume that people aren’t hot on Fang or the extended classic cast anymore and throw them back in the bar. But if the comic sells well, then Sega might take it as a sign that, hey, people like this character (and his two lackeys), we should put him in projects that fans are more interested in. Mighty and Ray probably wouldn’t be too far behind, especially given Mania’s success. Whether that means comics or games, modern or classic, who knows. What’s important is that it sends the right message to Sega, and they will listen to their consumers. That means us. If we don’t support this miniseries now, we might have to wait another thirty years for another chance.
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sukinapan · 11 months
honestly would be pretty interested in hearing about all of them, if thats alright
it's no problem o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o i like talking about this
for context, apart from making personal art i'm also an artist and character designer at Smarto Club, so I don't know if these count as OCs but i have posted art of them here: Haco from >Bubblegum Galaxy and Teacup from >Teacup.
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you can check the steam pages on those games for more info if u like. i love all my characters but i don't usually make personal art of these two since i already do it as my job.
my newest Smarto Club character is a bit different since she's more in the style of what i'm doing personally so i want to make more art of her soon. her name is Abigail:
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she's a kid who likes reading about bugs and catching them but she never hurts them : ) this is a short game in early development but it's about catching creatures called angels. it's got horrorish vibes but i don't think the end result will be full-out horror, since it's also kinda silly...
then there's Peklo, it's a game for which i created the whole concept and story but the plan is to develop it as a studio at Smarto Club. i wrote more context for it on this post, but for the characters, they're my favorites to make art about at the moment. the main ones are Kiku (the cat) and Mi (the bunny):
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i recently created these human forms of them for fun but i'm not sure whether i'll establish them as canon or not... they're trapped in limbo/hell so there's space for them to have a past human form. they don't remember their lives but Kiku feels a deep sense of regret about things unkown to her and wants to break out of Peklo. Mi feels trapped in an eternal sadness, she longs to see the ocean, she can always hear it but has never been able to reach it.
the antagonist in Peklo is a frog entity called Guppy but i haven't really shown him outside of his froggy logo
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i also have OCs from my smaller games. there's Hlina that i created specifically for >this game that was commissioned to me for a zine. i don't have any plans to use her again for now but i might make more art of her in the future for fun. she's part of a strange dream realm and is hostile to the player:
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there's iro from the >game with the same name who's my oldest game OC. i created that bitsy game for her story but she existed previously in my art degree final project, it was a version of the same story but just a section of it. it's a dream of mine to create a full-fledged 3D game for her some day.
she's a bit of a defective space exploration robot, sent to explore planetoid Iridium-3 in search of human contact. it's set in a future where humanity has dispersed among the whole galaxy so lots of groups have lost contact with each other.
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my latest game OC is Michtat, a wizard cat that i created just for this silly zine.
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lasty, there’s the characters from my comic that I’m working on, called The most distant planet. the main characters are Victor and Mitya, two 9 year olds whose families end up living together.
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i'd say these are the dearest characters to me of all. i don't post as much of them because they're mostly in the shape of comic pages and it doesn't spark as much interest as my games. i love drawing them though.
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they’re both little weirdos who isolate themselves and don’t fit in much with other children, so the friendship they develop is very special to them. they have almost opposite personalities where Victor (darker hair) is very shy and dorky but also very sweet to everyone, while Mitya mostly gives 0 fucks about what anyone thinks or says, he blurts out whatever he’s thinking and just wants to run around wild.
the story is mostly slice of life-ish but there’s also a science fiction element ^-^ Victor is obsessed with things like ghosts, aliens, etc but Mitya thinks it’s all just dumb tales.
another important character is Alyosha, Mitya’s 17-18yo brother. he doesn’t know how to talk or relate to his little brother and is kinda weirded out by him. they where very close when they were younger, but when Mitya was 2 he had an accident that Alyosha feels guilty about, and has been somehow different ever since.
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he still worries about his little brother and how isolated he is, though. at the beginning of the story the two of them live alone with their grandma who does love them but has kind of a cold and distant personality. 
Alyosha was the type of kid to be considered “gifted” but now feels completely burnt out and had to repeat a grade at school. he felt so humiliated by this he eventually stopped going entirely, so he now works part time and just studies at home. he cut contact with his old classmates but he still has 2 best friends from the last few months he spent at school in the grade below, Manon and Min Na. they’re the kind of friends who just show up unannounced at his house and job, and are very involved with his family’s life.
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i’ve also included Min Jie in some art, she’s Min Na’s younger cousin and comes into the story later:
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i should have like character sheets and stuff for all of these OCs but i’m the kind to just jump head first into drawing/modeling lol, that's why i included all these finished illustrations.
i really wanna publish this comic, i’ve been working on it for a long time and i’m currently waiting for the results of a public funding application here in my country to decide what i'll do next.
hope this could be of interest (^人^) thanks for the ask!
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omeletcat · 4 months
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SoulShattered is the name of my indie game that i have been working on for a while now!! Its a story driven pixel art bullet hell! This blog is for spreading the word about my game and recording every update and thing i add have for the future!
This post is a little info dump about everything i can share about it at this moment! so if you are in any way interested in a pixel art indie game that is coming out.. some day then follow and read this post!
The spirit world is a strange place in between earth and the afterlife, when a human is both alive and dead at the same time, they get trapped in the spirit world, A place with no sun or moon but stars lighting up the pitch dark sky. The spirit world is filled with.. spirits, humanoid creatures who just live their lives, but it is also filled with monsters. One day a human named Luca woke up in the spirit world, their soul shattered into pieces not being able to remember who they are. There they meet Rae a girl who has been looking for a way to leave the spirit world for years, Rae helps Luca  To try and find all the pieces of their soul together they will travel the spirit world trying to fix Luca's soul and find a way to get back to the human world.
this is the synopsis for my game! The main storyline is about Luca trying to repair their soul and wanting to fix their memories to remember who they were. But besides Luca there is also Rae the secondary main character. She has been in the spirit world for a long time, and has been trying to find a way to get back to earth but has been unsuccessful.
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(here are some animations of Luca and Rae)
I designed Soulshattered around moving the mouse around.
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If the mouse is inside the circle it is defined as close, and if the player attacsk it will have a different attack than if it was outside of the circle.
the player has 2 attack buttons, left and right click. then it has 2 variants for both attacks a close and a far version. i am also planning on adding combo's that create a different attack if you click multiple attacks at once. turning it to around 6 attacks. The first game will only have 2 tho, because i wanna give them slowly over time.
Besides the attacks the player can also switch between Luca and Rae. Both have their own hp and energy bar that keep track of their energy, every time you attack the energy goes down and if you go to zero you are forced to switch to another character until it isfilled back up. My idea is that this will force the player to keep switching strategies because Rae and Luca have completely different attacks.
Beside that the player will also have to switch characters to solve puzzle's or for a strategic advantage against certain enemies.
Right now Luca has these attacks
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1 Is a gravity punch, enemies that are hit with this get shot away, if it hits another enemy or a wall/object it takes damage depending on its speed. The enemy that got hit with another enemy (or an object like a crate) will also take damage.
2 Is a basic shoot attack where the player shoots a flying fist. the player will also use a flying fist in puzzle's to pick up stuff and move them around.
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1 is a blast attack, i WANT to theme it around fireworks! caus thats rly cool but i haven't been able to make it look.. like fireworks so its an explosion rn
2 is a parry, if an enemy hits the sword when it's attacking it gets stunned for a bit and takes a lot of damage.
because i didn't rly know where else to put this here are some screenshot gifs on how the game looks rn!
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right now i am working hard to get out a demo that contains the combat mechanics and a basic enemy ai, then i can see if people like what i have so far!
The game will be posted on itch.io and maybe steam to! it will however be released in parts! Because i have a very big story i wanna tell and i'm 100% sure i wouldn't be able to make it in one big part i will be releasing it in chapters! every chapter can therefor have a slight theme and semi self contained lesson and story!
the themes that i have in mind right now are these -Steampunk robot factory -disco/rave pyramids -Cloud mountain -Sea/pirate -murder mystery train -knights and castles
These are just idea's tho, don't look too much into them.
these would all have their own chapter of the game with an overarching story.
For engine i use Godot! and gdscript as my language. for my art i use this website called pixilart.com but i wanna switch to aseprite when i get some money.
For ages my dream has been to simply make something amazing, i want to make art, or even something more, a piece of content that will inspire people. My ultimate goal with this game is to create something so amazing, that it will inspire people to make things of their own.
A story that will move people and stay with them for longer than the time it took to play the game.
A game that is fun to play and simply enjoyable and cool.
Something like the amazing shows and games that have inspired me over the years.
this is the link for my itch.io page!
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Reader x Mafia! Venture (dark)
ITS DONE, behold!!! the dark version where you see the reality in Sloan's toxic and possessive behavior for you :] it all starts the same but BOY OH BOY it ends very differently >:)
(also i'd love to think that this is all the same Sloan it all depends on how well you react in the first part which can send Sloan down VERY different paths of affection.)
MIND YOU: Mention of adult toys, stalking, kidnapping, toxic relationships, cursing, the unhealthy kind of love, you get an ouchie
A faint knock that echoes through your home stirs you amidst your half-sleep. You felt your head throb as you tried to sink into the messy pile of blankets and pillows you called a bed. A groan naturally leaves your lips as you struggle to sit up holding your head.
You can't exactly recall everything that happened that night... Until you go down the events one by one, yes you remember now. The Sloan Cameron was caught burying a body by you. You finally set your heavy feet onto the floor then slowly you start to walk down the stairs which is a surprise that you have yet to slip on your butt with the hangover you have.
The constant dullness in your head makes navigating through your own dark home all harder. But living in this kind of city gives you a very good reason to shut your home up like a calm.
You grumble as you slap your hand to the knob of the door eventually getting a grip and twisting it to get flashed by the sun which is high enough already to shine light through your covered windows. You figured that you would just get whoever was at the door...or whatever, you don't see anyone but you see a letter and to your surprise. A good-looking bouquet of flowers...you pick it up, along with the attached pale yellow letter. Oh no...
Your eyes widen and look outside from side to side checking for anyone...possible suspects of whoever could possibly drop this letter at your door thinking it's a mistake. You never really found yourself attractive to the point where it would get you admirers or crushes on you. But none are either close enough or look to be the kind to crush. Your heart already races with how long you left this door open and you took the items in your arm quickly closing the door and locking it behind yourself.
"...What the hell.?"
You set the gift on the table and you slap a hand to your head groaning with the sudden rush of thoughts. God, you need something in your stomach quick... The feet find their way just below the counter holding the coffee maker. You stare out of your only open window which is right above your sink thinking hard as you pour yourself a cup of black coffee, something hard and strong to send you back to reality.
The coffee steams in your cool home on the counter. Your eyes shift back to the gifts on the table, and a million thoughts rush to assumption as you purse your lips for the burning hot which the scent alone wakes you up. But what, when, where, why...who.? Who could've made such a mistake...? You make your way towards the table steaming coffee in hand.
A hand comes to fiddle with the letter flipping it around...
"To (Y/n)"
If the coffee took too long to wake you up, then seeing your name on the letter sent with flowers would send you to your early grave. You have to admit that you were now determined to see what this whole thing is about...
Fingers set the coffee and join the other with the letter fiddling. Fingernail pry off the adhesive opening it with ease. You didn't care much for looking at any other smaller details going straight for the main course of the neatly folded paper ripping it out and upholding it and your eyes glaze over it before actually reading the first word.
"Well, you finally got the courage to pick up this letter mi amor! If you manage to figure out who sent this, well you got me! But anyway I just wanted to send you this so you wouldn't be too scared when more gifts come your way. I'll keep things simple for your pretty head gorgeous. Everything you do and say makes my heart skip a beat more than any heist I can pull off. I want to give you every rose in the world and make you mine for the rest of my life. Hell, I would kill everyone in the world than myself for you, my darling. You truly catch my eyes more than any other relic or artifact from the past."
"-P.S. If you know who I am (did I make it too obvious?) Please find me during the night, but you won't find me but I'll certainly find you! ;)"
Dear god. What in the fresh hell were you reading?! Some sick unrealistic fanfsty???
"Okay okay okay... Deep breaths...deep...breaths."
To say that this letter was a roller coaster of emotions is an understatement. But you know one thing and one thing only out of reading this garbage. YOU ARE NOT LEAVING THIS HOUSE. You felt that it was a horrible joke that the letter wanted to encourage you to leave the safety of your home and let whoever sent this. You know better...way better than that, especially in this place.
Your neck could break with how quick you turn to look at your calendar on your wall. The only exception was for work which was in 3 days... Yeah you can totally live stuffed in your home with a most likely possibly stalker looking for you...yeah!
You mainly sat in your own home just trying hard to find something to distract yourself, feeling a shake in your legs and arms with anything you would do. The night would soon come and you triple made sure that everything was locked and you actually made your made so that you could have an equal amount of blanket protecting your poor shaking body...
A light knock wakes you this time...much earlier in the morning. You didn't need anything to wake you up, the knock was enough. The mind contemplated on whatever you should wait a long moment before going downstairs until you hear something far more concerning...
...Was that a latter.? ...Even with your tightly closed-up window, you could see a small subtle shadow imprint on your bed. You hold your breath and your heart skips a couple beats. Although the figure is gone within seconds you felt your life flash before your very eyes. Usually, people just break into your home if they want something, but of course, that didn't make the situation any better but worse. Whoever wants you clearly isn't willing to give up after one failed attempt. Then you hear the latter be carried away.
Yeah, you were going to wait until the sun rose enough to actually see.
Thankfully it was only an hour or two when you watched your home be filled with light through the cracks then you finally rushed out of your home in slippers and your robe. You open the door to see the effect of not responding to the last gift... It was yet another but it made an even deeper pit in your stomach with the sight.
A medium-sized box to which you only glance before scooting inside and stepping afar from the front to look at whatever your stalker did to your window...
They seemed to have stuffed your window cage full of letters to the point where it piled up. You feel like you are being watched sending a shiver from the heels to your neck making you yelp in complete paranoia and rush back into the home almost tripping by your loose slipper.
"...Alright, I'm done with this awful mental game you are playing!"
You shout frustrated at the box needing to desperately rant to something. You almost want to kick it which you do until you are reminded that you are not only wearing flimsy slippers but also something is either heavy or hard in this box...
You think about the amount of letters back up with your window thinking that it's all filled with the same crazed love-sick messages towards you. With a huff wanting to rip the bandaid off as quick as possible, with a quick tear of the tape, the laps of the box open up to you...
"Oh jeez am I in some sick romcom a wine mom would find romantic.?!"
The smallest glance of everything in that makes you bury your face in the fluff of your robe with a muffled scream. There were a couple more letters but the worst was yet to take out. A heart box full of your favorite candy...including the only flavor you love to cherry-pick, a large stuffie of your favorite animal which looks hand-stitched, more roses along...is that a promise ring?! And oh god. As you dig in through the colorful paper filler you reach and feel something very phallic, you then feel yet another version of an adult toy making you rip your hand out yelping kicking the box away shaking your hand, and rushing to the sink.
"Oh god! This is disgusting.!"
You didn't even want to test if those toys were used or not but you didn't plan on testing the possibility... It's hard to not gag how far this person is going beyond your limit already...
You keep on scrubbing your hands until the water is hot and every inch of your skin is covered in soap suds. You are stunned. At this point you felt like going into work for early hours...one more day in this suffocating home is going to be the death of you...
You finally pull away from the sink going up into the bathroom not even daring to glance at the horrid box. You would never feel clean unless you took the hottest shower after touching those toys...
At this point, it had only been 2 days and you felt like you were already going insane. You needed to get out even with the risk. You can't even think about what to put on.
With a sigh feeling the non-existent glare of the box stare into your back as you finally exit into the warm and comforting light of day. A long sigh and moment is taken already feeling better with getting outside of the house even if work doesn't take you in for extra unpaid work.
"Alright (Y/n)... Just go to work and forget everything that happened today...yeah just forget it. Forget it."
You can't believe yourself, you are talking and repeating to yourself on the streets like some crazed sicko!
But again... It feels like an undying mosquito, the feeling that you are still being watched somehow even being in what you think is the safest time of the day. The pockets of your business pants are quickly stuffed with your fists you look around even checking over your shoulder. But only a couple close and distant figures surround you. A huff near the refile escapes you with entering the most boring-looking building known to man.
You'd never find yourself actually liking this building until now. The thought alone makes you chuckle, making some people glance at you with their usual frowns. At this point, anything will be 100 times better outside of that home you once loved and thought about day in and day out. You pass many cubicles before finally falling into yours decorated by the one and only, as you throw yourself into the comfy chair you feel that this place could be your new home.
Wasting time was easy for someone like you. Before you knew it was already late, and it took a couple shakes of an acquaintance to get you out of your space of mind, and with the smallest glance through the windows, you felt a sense of deja vu.
You couldn't tell if it was just yourself but this night just felt colder than the rest. The slight breeze would send the rushing blood to your legs wanting to pack up and head back home as soon as possible. Then something finally clicked in you, leaving everything the way it was on your desk, and with a shove to the lobby doors you speed walk down the street being listed by the warm colored street lights once more. A huff for every heavy rushed step, your neck aches from twisting to look at every small bang or crash in the distance.
"Come on (Y/n). Just keep on going til home. I want to go home."
The self-encouragement didn't do much as something much worse blocking the words out. Slow dragging footstep. Shit. The awful self-paranoia, self-talking, and double personality come to a close. This isn't the time to cry now, it's time to pick up your goddamn feet and save yourself.
The footsteps start to follow up on speed making your heart race and you don't give them the time of day. You begin to run down the steep street, and you don't care what happens to your joints with the pressure, all that matters is that you get home safely and fast without becoming a victim to whoever wants you.
Everything starts to come crashing down on you with hearing the step run as well and sound closer, you struggle to breathe with sniffles, tears, and now aching lungs. You can't help but shout over your shoulder eyes tighten, afraid to see what is after you.
"Please! Leave me alone! ...What did I do?!"
During your shouting, you fail to see a decent crack in the sidewalk, and your foot digs into it. And with a yelp, you fall over yourself... Yep, you definitely sprained something down there... At this point, you are sobbing away the pain, nails digging into the cement desperate for a grip, for anything besides this.
"Please! Stop it... I dont understand...please."
Then you are silent with a soft hush, then a voice.
"Shhhh... I'll help you understand. ...Just not here."
You garbble noise confused before a wet cloth is pushed into your face. You panic and struggle against the sudden pressure on your back pinning you to the ground, the whole world begins to black and fade out as you soon lose consciousness. Your ears can barely make out the muffled words before you black out.
"...Lo siento mi amor. Te lastimé. Pero no te preocupes, te arreglaré mi diamante..."
...God so many things hurt and throb all around. At first, your vision is extremely blurry and you blink awake, you shift to look around only to feel the cuffs to the chair you are bound down to. You kick your legs...yep those are cuffed too. You can't help but whimper and choke down a stressed groan. Which seems to attract some company.
"Crap, sorry guys, they are awake..."
It isn't long to eventually see the keeper of the voice to which you are stunned, to say the least. Well, you can't exactly say that you are surprised to see the Mole. You strain against the chair, and your sadness and hopelessness turn to frustration and anger. You see them open their mouth to which you interrupt them which sends them back by your tone which is full of fury.
"What the hell?! ...Did you do this to me? And most importantly...why?!"
Your brows furrow, eyes trained on Sloan. They only stare at you clearly waiting for you to finish with a lazy grin.
"...Are you done?"
You clench on your teeth scooting back on the chair and allowing them to speak which they gladly do with a chuckle of your response which only they would find cute.
"First of all, I didn't catch you to be so... Oh what's the word... You look irresistible when you are angry.!"
Your eyes widen only becoming more confused, sending Sloan into a fit of giggles and sighs...they look back into you lovingly.
"Can you answer my fucking question?"
You once again interrupt them which they don't seem to mind, they still hold that odd look. As if they had won the lottery they push their cheeks together with their hands.
"Oh, you are so different when you are strapped to a chair... Come on my love... Where the (Y/n) I met that night hm.?"
They step closer, a little too close as they gently grab onto your chin, they add pressure to their fingers making you look up at them and they are only in awe.
"W...Why are you calling me love.?"
Your brows shift all the more conflicted with why the Mole just called you, love. You try hard to move away but they only add their other hand to cup your cheek holding you in place, they grin with power.
"Because silly, I love you!"
They give you an Eskimo kiss with a delighted hum, god you feel very sick. Your eyes move down as far as they can in clear thought, Sloan notices and chuckles and boops your nose. They tease you as they take joy in watching everything click in your head.
"But... I. Since? No no no... D-did you.?"
"Yep! If you are finally figuring out through that thick but pretty skull... I sent you those gifts and letters of my dedication and love for you!"
You feel the weight in your head drop suddenly and Sloan only giggles. You are overwhelmed. You take a glance at your injured foot while a trillion thoughts storm your brain, your speech continues to remain mumbles and babbles.
"Oh yeah... I'm sorry about that leg..."
You hear them get quiet as they kneel down to examine your leg but your thoughts stay loud.
"Mmmnmghmm... I just. I dont know anymore..."
"Oh.? Oh, I think I sent you into a braindead shock or something... But that's okay.! Because that will make bathing you easier and treat that nasty sprain of yours..."
That was true, you seemed to ignore the fact that they unlocked the cuffs, they knew you wouldn't get far with one good leg. They pick you up into a bridal style and you rest into their chest still mumbling as you listen to your capports heart flutter in the moment.
"You live in a cruel city amor. But it's a great thing that someone like me loves you dearly..."
They place a kiss on your head tightening their grip on you, as if worried they would let go and you would disappear. The lights and mood change, you grip their jacket in thought as they go up some stairs and you hear distant whoops and cheers to which Sloan responds with something back. But you don't care.
You only pay minor attention when you notice they stop and place you on the edge of a large tub, you look around to see the clean and pretty bathroom. You gasp when Sloan kneels in front of you rubbing your knees with a smile.
"Now then... We can't exactly get you clean if you are still clothed you silly goose.!"
You only sigh. Frankly much much worse things can be happening right now. But you don't plan on staying hopeful with the Mole of the gang.
"To be honest with you my diamond. You can forget about your old life, you have me to see every single day.!"
"You really are full of surprises."
Your brain is fried, to say the least after tonight.
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inficetegodwottery · 6 months
I have so many people telling me to play Helldivers 2, and yet every time I tell them I just don't like the vibes of it and I played the first game and didn't like the satire, I get told I'm just not media literate enough, and that I obviously don't just get satirical treatments of overwhelmingly evil ideologies.
I've been a 40k fan since I was eight, and I've had tons of great friends and cool people into warhammer my whole life. I have dealt with countless fucking dipshits who were either outright fascists or /pol/-ass cryptofascists. I have also dealt with countless people who assume being a fan of any warhammer property is a mark of being a cryptofascist. Both of which are exhausting douchebags.
I'm also a fan of Starship Troopers, specifically the movie version that's a direct fuck you to the original author, and all the deconstruction and exploration of political propaganda that franchise has been able to put out over the years, especially its satire of the U.S.'s involvement in the Vietnam and Iraq wars.
In both of those communities, we have to constantly deal with the fact that parody (or really any portrayal) of an authoritarian ideology inevitably attracts real life fuckwit brainwashed members of that exact ideology who are all-in gung ho enthusiastic about the fictional authoritarian ideology of the setting. I'd like to think we do a good job. I'd like to think for every pasty teenage asshole screaming slurs at Eldar players, we've got ten more rational and emotionally mature folks who understand it's fiction.
So for a while I was inclined to re-examine my experience of the first game, and potentially give this new one a shot with the same caution and "media literacy" I apply to Warhammer and other games where you actively play as the villains.
...but then I actually looked up discussions of the game, and it was truly astonishing the number of times I saw supposedly levelheaded fans of the game shouting slurs (like libcuck K***), saying shit like (This is just another gamer gate/SMH why are there no straight pride flags), and typing stuff like "Kite Yams Street" at people who dared expressing their concerns at how the community actively glorifies some of the stuff in the game.
What really fucking disappointed me is how many upvotes and people agreeing with them there were, even on the main Helldivers communities.
As an example, from just a handful of Steam threads. (AND THEY ARE ALL FUCKING LIKE THIS)
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These are some of the least gross examples I could find.
Virtually any topic on Reddit, Steam, Twitter, or Discord that even mentioned fascism indirectly becomes an absolute shitstorm, with Helldivers fans actively arguing with both people who think the game fails as a parody, AND with people openly, unironically, and EXPLICITLY self-identifying as fascists.
Because saying this game about authoritarian dystopia is attracting authoritarians is stupid and bad. There are no authoritarians in our community.
But also remember to tell the authoritarians in our community that they're stupid and bad.
I have to conclude that the Helldivers community is just instinctually hostile and dismissive to people who are in any way uncomfortable with the premise or delivery of the satire or the state of the community. "Stop putting politics in our political parody game!" I guess.
If your fandom is actively in a pitched civil war with openly avowed fascists within your community, you are not "just a parody," and it's extremely immature and hypocritical of the Helldivers 2 community not to openly admit to this issue and address it without screaming invectives at people who are scared off by it the same way Warhammer, Star Wars, and Starship Troopers have been able to in the past.
So let's just say now I don't feel bad in the slightest for being completely uninterested in Helldivers 2 anymore.
If I wanted to get slurs yelled at me over voicechat by a bunch of 20-something MAGA CHUDs I'd just reinstall Mordhau or Call of Duty. That I'm used to.
But it's one of the most depressing things in the world to get yelled at by self-identified leftists just cause I said a mean thing about their funny new Not-Starship-Troopers game and how it might, possibly, have attracted some of the exact sort of people they supposedly oppose.
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journalsouppe · 5 months
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Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call!! I actually discovered ordering the game from the UK with shipping was actually cheaper than ordering the American version of the game, there were no major differences that I could tell as they still had the original English voice actors.
I enjoyed this game!! Not my top favorite installment but I still had a great time and loved the new characters. The puzzles were well designed and had nice scaled difficulty and the mini games were really neat too. The Eternal Diva references were so blatant lmfao but I’m excited for Miracle Mask! I was also super exhausted when writing the summary so sorry there’s so many errors and I use the word fun a million times ToT
The Descole and Tea sticker are from JordyDrawsMerch! All other stickers are from Daiso. Writing typed below!
Rating: 8.3
Played: Sp 2024
Port: DS on 3DS
Favorite? Y
Replayable? Y
Recommend? Y
Series: Professor Layton
Emmy and BABY LUKE!!
Ngl im so excited to watch the anime, I love the animation sm
Oh Layton is not taking Claire’s death well at all
I love how animated the background now is!!
Beautiful music as always
Does Clark have the same VA as Dmitri lol
The specter looks like one of those little kingdom hearts guys
Luke’s been a LaytonMobile hater since day one lmao
Luke is especially funny in this game
Layton taking Luke to the black market is so wild
I’m going to fight aunt taffy
Ooo we get to play as Emmy
Holy shit Emmy
Emmy asking if Layton always pokes lamps he sees is making me think he physically touches everything the player taps
The convo with the meowing man???
Based anti-cop npc
Is Hershel gonna get a cask of amantillado’d T^T
The canals are so pretty i like the design of misthallery
Oh i do not like the police chief
Grosky is very funny
Omg the cliff death police cover up reminds me of killer frequency which i just watched a playthrough of
Where’s phoenix when you need him
I love descole’s voice
The story book stories and animations are so CUTE!!
I wonder if Naiya was added to the game to hit at the Eternal Diva
This kinda reminds me of a pokemon movie but I don’t remember which one it was
^^ it was pokemon heroes when latias and latios were caught ^^;
Creepy fucking factory music ToT
Oh dear. I seem to have stepped on a hexagonal spanner
Descole always serving massive cunt
Woah the golden garden is beautiful
Ohh so that’s why Luke was fork life certified in plvspw
I really like these little episodes from others POVS! ^_^
This was such a fun origin story for Luke and Layton. Very much a classic Layton game with world ending machinery and gorgeous environment design. I really liked both Emmy and Descole, there’s a more serious undertone than with Don Paolo as the main villain (even though I do love Don Paolo). Emmy is amazing!! I was afraid she would be sidelined like Flora was but I’m glad to she stands her ground and does what she wants to do. I alos like how we got to go on our own adventure as her to London, she’s a character that doesn’t need to rely on Hershel to solve everything. Meeting Luke was great, loved his blank stare. It was fun seeing his origins and how Clark and Hershel knew each other. I’m curious how the prequels will play into the New World of Steam, especially now that Luke’s family have stories and sprites (unlike in the original trilogy). Loved the ACAB story, v nice to play while I’m still so mad at what’s happening to university students currently. Descole was so fun, I am obsessed with his outfit and personality. Unfortunately I was spoiled on who he is but I’m very excited to learn more. I think similar to Ace Attorney, the fourth installment is that last game in the classic 2D style, which is sad but PLvsPW makes me very hopeful about 3D Layton. The overall story was fun, I really liked the sub plot about the Ravens - that was really fun (i was so tired writing this omfg). I wish we got a little more backstory on the rich guy who died, I feel like there’s more to the story. OO I loved the little episodes, especially the one about Chelmey. They added a lot of fun context and gave more life to the NPCs. Such a fun and classic Layton game, I can’t wait to play Miracle Mask! (And read the light novels). This wasn’t my favorite Layton game but I still really loved it and had a great time and loved the puzzles — that’s all I want from PL!
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yukidragon · 1 year
Sunny Day Jack - Love and Sex Headcanons
You read the title, you know what the topic is about; I’m going to be rambling off my personal headcanons for the romantic and sexual preferences of the main cast of Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack. This is as it applies to my fanfics Sunshine in Hell and Sunshine in Another World, so I’ll be including my version of the MC, Alice King.
Content warnings: This fandom/game/content is for Adults Only. There is talk of sex in this post. A lot of it. I will be going into graphic detail at times, as well as touch on some serious issues on occasion, such as SA, trauma, negative body image, toxic relationships, religious guilt, homophobia, bigotry, past child abuse, sex work, and such.
While I intend to keep things mostly spicy and sweet, sometimes darker topics affect a person’s view about sex and preferences, since sex can be complicated that way. This is especially the case if a character deals with some traumatic experience that relates to their sex life/sexuality. I will try to trod lightly on the heavier topics when I can.
I must emphasize that, while I draw information from the game’s canon as shown in both versions of the demo, Sleepy Time Jack, as well as official information/art and development images/posts, ultimately these are my personal headcanons. They might not completely line up with what’s going to be canon in the final game. These are just what’s currently canon for the Sunshine in Hell continuity and what feels right to me personally when it comes to the characters.
I say currently canon since stuff changes as I develop things and play with the characters more. They’ve definitely evolved since I first played the demo. Heck, they’ve even evolved since I started working on this post due to how long it’s taken me to get this finally finished.
Since this post will be using official/development art to help illustrate my points at times, I want to give my friend Sauce full credit for their awesome art and for creating this game with all its wonderful characters and ideas in the first place.
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Please consider supporting them and the rest of the SnaccPop Studios team by signing up for the official patreon. Also, consider buying a full size print of this steamy cropped piece of art with a special toy included. It would help out a lot of lovely hard working people and give you access to the many cool posts on there, as well as juicy lore tidbits. A fair number of these posts influenced my headcanons, which you’ll only be able to see if you join up. Remember, don't share anything privately posted on patreon!
While I’m at it, here’s links to the official twitter, tumblr, itch, steam, and kickstarter pages for Sunny Day Jack, which are also places where I got information and inspiration for these smutty headcanons.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
Okay, with disclaimers, promotions, and tags out of the way, let’s get down to the spice.
This post won’t encompass every single thing that the characters find arousing/attractive, since there’s no way that I can think of everything for one post, but I’ll write as many kinks, desires, and preferences that come to mind.
First, let’s have some general headcanons that apply to all the main characters. None of them have a preference when it comes to gender. It doesn’t matter what’s in someone’s pants or how they identify. What matters to them is what’s in their partner’s heart and usually that’s the most attractive quality a person can have.
Consent is king! All the characters want consent from their partner/love interest, particularly enthusiastic consent. While some might be pushier than others when it comes to wanting sex/romance, at the end of the day, “no” means “NO.” Everyone’s consent matters.
Now onto the specific characters, starting with the star of the show…
Jack has two sides to him - that of the character known as Sunny Day Jack that he’s trying to embody, and that of the actor who used to be known as Joseph Cullman. While he polished the rough edges off of the persona that he presents to the world, at the end of the day, he can’t change his likes and dislikes so easily. A lot of his desires as Jack have been influenced by the desires he had as Joseph… as long as they don’t cause him to break character. There’s a level of what’s “expected” and “acceptable” for him to like as the kid friendly Sunny Day Jack, and what this naughty, naughty yandere really desires deep down inside. We can see evidence of this in his BDSM test results.
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Overall, Jack is quite dominant when it comes to his sexual desires. Specifically, he’s a service top, focusing on controlling the scene with his partner’s pleasure in mind. He wants to make his partner feel his love in every sense of the word.
Jack is pansexual/panromantic. He doesn’t discriminate, and can find any sort of body type or personality attractive, but that doesn’t mean that he’s indiscriminately able to fall in love or lust with just anyone. His desire to be loved has led him to make poor choices in his past and has led to him growing attached to people who took advantage of how desperate he was to be loved.
Romantic attraction and sexual attraction are linked when it comes to Jack. He’s not going to desire someone sexually unless he’s experiencing romantic feelings towards them, so usually the two things come together at the same time.
Once Jack falls in love with someone, he is very, very loyal. It will take a lot to get him to let go of these feelings. He’s also very much the jealous type, wanting to monopolize the person he’s in love with, which results in him being fairly clingy. Though, he is willing to compromise on just how clingy he is for the sake of his partner’s wants and needs, provided that he’s not at risk of losing them. At the end of the day, he loves sincerely and wants the person he loves to be happy.
While Jack has claimed in an audio drama Q&A posted on patreon that he theoretically might be open to entering a polyamorous relationship, ultimately, what he really wants is a closed monogamous relationship. He might have lots of love in his heart to give to as many people as will accept it and him, but at the end of the day, he can’t stand the idea of losing someone who actually loves him, particularly the person he loves the most. As I’ve mentioned in past headcanon posts about Jack getting into a poly relationship, (which you can read here and here) I don’t think it would be a healthy balanced relationship between all parties if he were to go into a poly relationship, and as such I think he’s better suited to a single partner.
That isn’t to say that I don’t think Jack would refuse to have sex with someone besides his partner… provided that his partner is the one who wants him to do so. He might not want it himself, but he is willing to consent to it provided his partner is there to watch him do it. He’s willing to consent to quite a lot of things for the sake of love, even if he dislikes them or it makes him uncomfortable. After all, if he’s willing to kill for the sake of his love, there’s a lot of other unsavory things that he’ll be willing to do.
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As shown in this early development art by Sauce, Jack isn’t exactly happy to encourage his rival to hurt themselves, as we see from his forced smile, but he’ll do what he must for the sake of keeping his sunshine. Even though this is technically not-canon, it has helped shape my idea of how going down this path causes damage to his psyche and isn’t something he would want if he could avoid it.
In a lot of ways, Jack is a sexual chameleon, eager to please his partner. While he is keen to try different things and experiment in the bedroom, he won’t push any kink that his partner doesn’t want or reacts badly to. Sure, he’ll attempt to convince them to give something a try when it comes to a kink that excites him if they express reluctance, and he’ll want to know what’s wrong so he can fix it or otherwise accommodate them if possible, but at the end of the day, he won’t ever force anything onto his partner. Their pleasure is his pleasure.
Jack is addicted to his partner’s love, attention, desire, pleasure, and validation above all else. This is why he thrives on hearing his partner praise him and tell him just how much they love him. Words of affirmation is his primary love language, as we’ve seen with how ready he is to shower his sunshine with words of love, and how much it meant to him that his sunshine verbally confirms that they love him.
Jack also gets excited by the idea of others seeing him being loved so much by his partner, which is where his exhibitionist kink comes in. He’s the one who is special to his sunshine, not anyone else. They can only watch with envious eyes while he shows them exactly what they’re missing out on. It’s quite a turn on to show the world just how much he’s loved, that he’s the only one special enough to be loved by his sunshine like this. Only he deserves his partner’s love, and only he can make his sunshine feel this good and loved. He would have sex in public before an audience with his sunshine if his partner consented to it, provided that it’s made clear to everyone involved that he’s the only one his partner truly loves and needs more than anyone else.
Another factor that plays into his exhibitionism is his desire not to be forgotten. His past as Joseph is full of moments where that left him feeling discarded and unlovable. The more people who focus on him, the less likely he is to be forgotten.
Cuckolding is definitely something Jack hates, at least if he’s the one being forced to watch his partner have sex with someone else. Even if other people are involved during sex, he needs to be his partner’s primary focus. If he’s the most important person to his partner, then he can at least tolerate others’ involvement. He doesn’t want to have sex with someone that he’s not in love with (or at least not strongly emotionally connected to romantically), but if it made his partner happy, he would do it for their sake… though he would need them to shower him with love and encouragement the entire time.
However, if Jack is the one cuckolding someone else, like, say, Ian… now that’s a different story. Tied to the degrader kink, Jack wants to show that he’s more worthy than others of his sunshine’s love. If his rivals are writhing in envy and can see they don’t deserve Alice like he does, well that’s pretty darn exciting. It’s why he’ll be a poor winner and make sure that all his rivals are very much aware who Alice chose instead of them.
Yes, this means that, just like Jack is going to make sure that Shaun overhears him making love to Alice (as I’ve mentioned in previous posts), he’s going to make sure Ian knows that her pretty moans are only for Jack, now and forever. While the incident with Shaun is Jack marking his territory to prevent a possible rival from getting any ideas, with Ian it’s far more personal. Jack wants to make sure Ian feels worthless and inferior to him in every way. I haven’t decided exactly how he’ll go about this, but hopefully he won��t take it too far, hahaha.
Anyway, ultimately, when it comes to involving other people besides his partner, Jack would rather have an audience rather than additional participants: they can look, listen, and envy, but they can’t touch.
At the end of the day though, his partner has a lot of sway in this matter if others are involved in their sex life… for better or for worse.
While love and sex are closely tied in Jack’s mind, he can still perform sexually without romantic attachment, though he would prefer not to. Back before he was an actor, when he was homeless after running away from home, he had to do things that he wasn’t proud of just to survive, which included performing sex acts on a transactional basis. He was used, and he knew full well that he was being used, but he did what he could to survive life on the streets.
This is part of why Jack prefers to be the one dominating. He wants control over his sexuality in a way that he couldn’t have when sex work sometimes was the only thing that kept him from starving to death. Sex workers don’t tend to be treated well by their clients, especially if they’re a homeless drifter without any support network.
Jack did attempt to find love in the past, but oftentimes he was just exploited for his body, which led to toxic relationships similar to the Tragedy of [Redacted] theory in one of my first headcanon posts. His desperate desire to be loved was unfortunately taken advantage of, which led to unpleasant experiences. Sometimes he fell for someone’s charms and actually believed that they actually cared for him, only for that person to just want a quick fuck and not a real relationship, which stomped all over his heart and made him wonder what more he could have done to “deserve” to be loved…
Once Jack became an actor, he went from being ignored to getting too much attention… and all of it shallow, just focused on his body and fame. The interview with Dan was a sore spot for him because he was used in many ways, by people who only saw him as a sex object to use then discard and not as a human who desperately wished to be loved.
This is why Jack’s feelings for Alice are so strong. Due to their connection, he can literally feel that she cares about him in a way that he never could with anyone else. With how much he’s always craved such a connection with someone, their bond has given him reassurance that he never got to experience while alive. He can feel when he pleases her and when he makes her flustered. He can tell when she’s upset and has an easier time spotting when he’s making a mistake with her. There’s security in knowing her feelings for him, and that those feelings are sincere.
The connection also allows Jack to feel what Alice is experiencing physically to some extent, which includes sexual pleasure. For a service top like him who gets off on his partner’s pleasure, it’s addicting to be able to literally feel the pleasure that he’s giving her. He knows when he’s doing well, and he can learn quickly how best to pleasure her. He wants more and more of all of these wonderful feelings this connection with Alice gives to him, so he’ll do whatever it takes to please her so that he can feel more of her love.
While Jack has a huge exhibitionist kink, and the idea of an audience watching him make love to Alice excites him, at the same time he wants to lock her up away from the rest of the world so that they can’t take her away from him. He needs her. He loves her. His very existence depends on her. What she gives him is far too precious to risk losing for any brief moment of pleasure.
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As we’ve seen in this development art… Jack would prefer it if it was just him and his sunshine… forever. Between his past and being trapped in the tape, there’s a desperation to him now to not lose Alice and everything she’s given him… and woe be it to anyone who tries to take his sunshine away.
After being trapped in the tape and suffering a hellish fate for 40 years without rest, Jack has become touch starved and clingy. He was love/touch starved even before his death, but the tape made it so much worse. He would be very happy if Alice wanted to hold onto him 24/7. He views having a piece of his soul inside of Alice as similar to getting a hug from her all the time, and vice-versa with the piece of her that she gave to him. Although that piece of her soul is the most precious thing he possesses, he can’t help but be greedy and want more and more of her. He’ll take as much as she’ll give him.
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As one might expect, Jack isn’t keen on being separated from Alice for too long. In the past, he could handle giving his partner space for several days if they needed it, but going a full day without his sunshine is unbearable in the present. It was especially rough in the beginning when their relationship was still new, and their connection was fragile.
It just gets so cold without his sunshine…
The sensory deprivation Jack experienced in the tape affects him as well. He’s more sensitive to stimuli than he was before. This makes him so much more aware of the world, especially what he can and can’t interact with. This is especially the case when it comes to his sunshine.
Really, a sunshine that keeps Jack at a distance would just make his neediness worse, as he literally can’t interact with anything else. Sure he can see his surroundings and respond to them, but he needs to be closer to his sunshine to interact with them, including his sunshine. If all he can touch is his sunshine for a long time, it just makes his neediness to be close to them all the worse.
Fortunately, Alice pretty much accepted Jack of being capable of touching and interacting with things right away, so it’s not as bad for him as it could have been... but let’s face it, Jack’s need for sensory stimulation is going to be pretty bad regardless.
Jack is hyper aware of everything about his sunshine - the feeling of her skin, how warm each part of her body is, how soft... All the little folds and curves. He memorizes the sensation of her fingers wrapped around his and just how small she is when he holds her in his arms, completely surrounding her.
Jack is so aware of her scent too, so very, very aware. Most of the time Alice smells of vanilla cupcakes and sugar cookies due to her shampoo and deodorant, but sometimes she puts on perfume or switches things up. He notices it right away when it changes, but most of all he notices how her distinct scent without any perfumes affects it. He’s smelled her products directly - out of curiosity he swears - but it’s not the same. It’s nice... but it’s not her.
Smelling Alice’s pillows and clothes... now there’s where he gets his hit when he can’t be close enough to breathe her in. At the start, she gave him one of her pillows that smelled just like her. She never really gets it back, and when Jack gets sneakier with slipping away to take care of himself, he brings the pillow with him. He buries his face in it as he jerks himself off to thoughts of her, imagining that he’s buried his face in her chest or between her thighs.
When Jack discovers that Alice has a pillow that she props between her legs to sleep more comfortably, he can’t help but imagine her humping that pillow imagining it’s him. She doesn’t, of course, but the fantasy gets to him, and he can’t help but be the one to enact it, imagining that he’s thrusting into where this lucky pillow usually rests. He made sure to clean it up thoroughly afterwards so she doesn’t notice, but seeing her sleep with it after that drives him crazy.
Jack knows using her pillows and clothes like that is wrong, but it’s fine, right? He’s being patient, waiting for the day that Alice is ready to do these things with him. He knows it’ll happen. He can feel how much she cares about him. With every day they get closer... and she’s slowly starting to see just how perfect they are for each other too. One day, he won’t need to settle for a pillow. One day, he’ll be thrusting his cock into all of her holes, listening to her pretty moans that are only for him.
And, well, he’s right, basically. Jack is a very, very happy man when that happens, and he makes sure Alice doesn’t regret choosing him. He’s going to make sure that she enjoys every second of their lovemaking.
Until then, Jack has his fantasies of what it’ll be like. He fantasizes about Alice on a daily basis, often lewd fantasies but sometimes wholesome and sweet like imagining them getting married. He’ll try his best to only imagine what he’s seen of of her so far without assuming what he’ll find underneath her clothes. It doesn’t matter what equipment she has after all, she’s beautiful and perfect to him just as she is. He laser focuses on every new inch of skin he sees, searing it into his mind forever and adding it to his fantasies.
Sometimes it feels to Jack as if Alice is teasing him as well. He would be convinced that she is if he couldn’t pick up on her thoughts. She’s genuinely oblivious how sexy she looks wearing only a too thin t-shirt with no bra, especially when she stretches. She doesn’t notice how her clothes ride up when she stretches or how he drinks her in when she does. He can’t help but notice just how flexible she is and imagine how he might be able to make her body bend around his in various delicious angles. Until that day though, he won’t let anything slip by his notice.
This leads into Jack’s voyeurism kink. This is pretty closely tied to the exhibitionist kink. He loves to show off his sexy body and see the desire in his partner’s eyes. He wants them to know what he has to offer, how good he can make his partner feel, and how good they make him feel. He also enjoys seeing his partner show off their body to him and watching them get off… provided that it’s not with someone else. Watching someone else make his partner moan isn’t his idea of a fun time. Sure his partner is sexy, but… it leaves him feeling insecure. What if they like the other person better? He can’t risk it. They should only be moaning because of him.
So when it comes to voyeurism, Jack would rather watch his partner get themselves off for his pleasure, preferably moaning his name or even begging him to take them. He would even enjoy watching his partner play with themselves in a deliberate effort to tease and entice him. Brat taming is something he enjoys, and making sure his partner knows who’s really in control of their pleasure as he teases them even more than they teased him is quite enticing to him.
Teasing is something that’s all in good fun, as far as Jack is concerned… as long as it remains playful of course. The degrader kink in his case isn’t done with insults like calling his partner a slut or other such degrading insults, unless they explicitly wanted him to do that of course. Rather, it’s the excitement of making his partner feel flustered and overwhelmed, even embarrassed, that’s turning him on. He knows what they’re weak against and uses it against them to leave them a blushing mess, overwhelmed by how he knows them inside and out. No one else could ever be as close to them or know them as well as he can.
An example would be Jack praising Alice for being so wet when he fingers her while she’s standing in the camera’s blind spot at Popov’s, even though she’s worried about being caught doing something so lewd at work. With how flustered she gets in general, and especially when risking getting caught by others, it can be counted as degrading to be praised for doing such a lewd act in a semi-public place. However, he is not making her feel like she’s wrong for being aroused by something she finds embarrassing.
Jack never intends to make his partner feel bad in any way. He only wants to make them feel good. Coaxing them into doing things that get them aroused and overwhelmed in a good way is exciting for him. That’s why he’s also a big fan of overstimulation and orgasm denial. He loves making his partner orgasm repeatedly and watching them come undone. If he can leave his partner a babbling mess, begging him for more or that it’s too much, while clearly enjoying every second of what he’s doing to them, he feels so needed and wanted.
Being teased can be fun as well, though Jack prefers to be teased playfully by a partner who acts a bit bratty, pushing him to work for the prize of satisfying them both. His partner proposing a challenge for him to overcome is thrilling when he can shatter their expectations and leave them totally at his mercy.
Another way Jack enjoys being teased by his partner is if they try to “escape” him, acting as prey to allow him to indulge in his predator kink and chase them down. The idea of hunting his partner, searching for them wherever they run or hide, snatching them up, and getting a good taste of his prey as his prize is delightful. Adding in a bit of bondage as well by tying up his cute little prey adds an extra thrill. Then he can tease them with praise, touch, and affection until he tames them, leaving them begging him for more.
Sure, Jack technically has a cheat mode when it comes to finding Alice due to their connection, since he can sense her wherever she is through it, but that doesn’t mean hide and seek can’t still be fun. He can just pretend that he can’t sense where she’s hiding, really heightening up the tension as he pretends to overlook her hiding spot, coming so close, putting her on edge of being found, only to pass her by. It would be a game in and of itself to tease her with the threat of almost catching her until finally he’s ready to pounce and claim his cute little prey.
Jack isn’t exactly opposed to reversing the game, with him acting as the prey, but he would quickly turn it back around on his partner. With how little control he had in his life while alive, a part of him rebels against being controlled by anyone… though his sunshine is a bit of a unique case.
Alice didn’t have to save him from hell. That was her choice. Jack might have been willing to give her anything if she saved him, but she didn’t actually want anything from him except to save him. It’s for that reason that he’ll do anything for her. He might not want to give up control, but if it was for her sake, he would let her take total control of him as long as she loves him, needs him, and never forgets him.
Really, Jack would find it cute to imagine Alice trying to hunt him down or act dominant with him in the bedroom, especially since he knows that he would soon turn the tables on her and turn her into his adorable prey. It would be more like brat taming for him in that case, teasing and tempting her until she was too flustered to continue trying to keep control, submitting to him and his love~
However, Jack only enjoys predplay if it remains play. It stops being fun if his partner is genuinely scared or in distress from the behavior. It’s the same with any kink really. A good dominant pays attention to the submissive’s comfort and needs, and he’ll be sure to satisfy all of his sunshine’s needs.
Although Jack has been shown in the test to prefer being a sadist, he’s not actually a fan of making his partner feel pain. Back when he was still alive, he could be more comfortable with various forms of mild sadism, such as spanking or hair pulling, but in the present, the idea of hurting his sunshine even in such minor ways is unthinkable. He would only be able to handle dealing out pain to his sunshine if that’s what they sincerely found pleasurable, since he would want to fulfill their needs. Of course, he would be checking in on how they’re doing a bit excessively to make sure that he never gets too tough.
Rather, the form of sadism that Jack enjoys is leaving marks on his partner’s body, particularly kiss and bite marks. It’s physical proof of his love on their skin that shows the world just how much he loves them. It’s not to the point of spilling blood or leaving a permanent scar, just leaving behind evidence of their lovemaking. It’s proof that they’re his. He’s the one who made those marks, and anyone who sees them will know his partner chose him and not them. He won’t bite unless his partner enjoys it of course. If they do, he’s going to get a taste of them and make sure it leaves a mark behind.
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I mean look at this screencap. Jack really wants to be nibbling on his sunshine instead of his lip.
This is especially true in the present. Although Jack can’t stand the idea of hurting his sunshine, seeing Alice covered in hickies and bite marks makes him feel more real. He’s left irrefutable evidence of his existence on her skin, and he makes sure to adorn her in as many as she’ll allow, especially in places that she can’t easily cover up. It gives him a thrill to think that anyone who sees her would see those marks and realize that she doesn’t need them. She chose him. She’s his just as much as he’s hers. The world might not be able to see him (yet), but he’s proving that he’s real by showing the world that he’s claimed his sunshine.
Another way that Jack wants to mark his claim on his sunshine is with his cum love. Seeing his partner as a sweaty, overstimulated mess, adorned in a pearl necklace he made for them with a dripping cream pie between their legs just does it for him. He would love to make a mess of his sunshine and admire his handiwork afterwards.
This leads to Jack having a breeding kink. When he was alive, it was more mild than it is in the present. Although being a parent was a bit intimidating for him back then due to his toxic upbringing, he always hoped that he would find a loving partner and be a father someday. Granted, a breeding kink doesn’t necessarily have to lead to procreation, but simply the act of seeding his partner can be just as fun~
With the world being unable to see/hear/touch him, Jack feels more of an urge to leave his mark. Since Alice is the only one that he can interact with, that makes him want to leave his mark on her body in any way that she’ll allow. Getting her pregnant is the ultimate proof that he’s real, and even before she is ready to have kids with him, he’s fantasized about it countless times. In the past, he was thinking of siring or adopting one kid, maybe two, but in the present he wants more kids than that - as many as his sunshine will agree to. The thought of her pregnant, watching her tummy grow larger with his child drives him crazy in the best ways.
Jack is open to experimentation and trying new things, particularly at the request of his partner. He’ll do his best to accommodate his partner’s needs, whatever they might be, even if they’re not to his tastes… provided it doesn’t put them or their relationship at risk. More extreme kinks… he’ll be willing to give them a shot, but if they’re too dangerous or damaging, he’ll try to pump the brakes or at least talk about why his partner is interested in it so that they can reach a compromise that’s healthier for both of them.
As shown in the demo, Jack is very vocal in bed. He showers his partner with praise. He can talk dirty as well, though he could only swear while he was still alive. In the present, his dirty talk is mostly innuendo, as he can’t bring himself to swear anymore. Sunny Day Jack would never swear after all, it would be utterly unthinkable for a kids TV show character. If his partner wants him to degrade them by using specific insults and terms, he’ll indulge them as best as he’s able, but he’ll make sure to dish out extra praise and affection during aftercare so that he can remind them just how much they mean to him. He thinks the world of his sunshine, and he wouldn’t want to risk them actually believing that he really does think such horrible things about them.
Jack is the king of aftercare. If his partner needs anything, he’ll get it even if he’s tired. Need water or a snack? He’s on it. Need cuddles? Oh you bet he’s all over that. Need help getting cleaned up? Don’t worry, he’ll carry his partner to the bath and change the messy bedding for them. Sore? He’ll be sure to gently massage those tense muscles into submission.
Jack’s mouth isn’t just good with words. He has quite the talent for oral play. He loves using his mouth all over his partner’s body, particularly where they’re most sensitive, or where they need extra love. His favorite place to kiss, besides their lips, is their throat, as he can feel his partner’s moans vibrate against his lips, giving him that little bit of extra feedback that he’s doing a good job.
However, the sexiest part of the body for Jack is his partner’s stomach, though he loves every inch of his sunshine. A soft round tummy just does it for the guy, though all stomach shapes are lovely. He just loves having a partner who is soft and perfect for cuddling. He enjoys having a softer partner who he can protect, especially if they’re smaller than him. Caging his soft partner underneath him makes him feel secure, and he’ll keep them trapped in his arms all night long if they let him.
Jack’s favorite positions are ones where he’s facing his partner. He wants to see the expressions they make and kiss them as they make love. He favors the mating press in particular, as it allows him to penetrate his partner as deeply as possible and hit just the right spots to make them scream his name and see stars. He wants to be totally surrounded by his sunshine’s warmth and feel their love all around him.
Jack has a very high libido, so he wants to have sex as often as possible. He would want to do it every day, even multiple times a day if possible, masturbating and fantasizing about his sunshine if not. His stamina was just a bit higher than average when he was alive, but now that he’s a supernatural entity with powers, he can keep going with a very short refractory period. If his sunshine lets him, he could make love to them for hours. Of course, he’ll be considerate about the difference in their sex drives and energy levels.
Being an actor, Jack is excellent at roleplay. In fact, he might be able to get into the part too well at times. In the past, it was easier for him to get carried away with a role (which plays a part in why he’s Jack now instead of Joseph), but in the present, if he goes too far with it, that could lead to him mentally crashing back down when he realizes that he’s acting out of character for Sunny Day Jack. If he can justify Sunny Day Jack playing such a role, he doesn’t have to suffer such dissonance, so any roleplay in the present will have a bit of a primary colored tint to it.
Of course, the more relaxed Jack gets in his relationship with his sunshine, the easier it’ll be for him to slip out of character and be more himself. If these “out of character” moments never result in anything bad and his sunshine enjoys who he is when he’s at his most open and vulnerable… then maybe he’ll be able to be more comfortable acting more like himself instead of the character he wishes he was…
This is the goal for Sunshine in Hell. Although Jack is going to try his best to stay in character as Sunny Day Jack at the start, as he spends time with Alice and the two of them grow closer, he’s able to make himself more vulnerable to her, less guarded. He’s able to experiment more, indulge in the desires he has that Sunny Day Jack would never even think about. Eventually, he’ll be able to be someone who isn’t the character that he portrays, but someone comfortable in his own skin, with someone who loves him as the flawed man that he is and not as the perfect idol that he wishes he was.
I think we’ll wrap things up for Jack on that heartwarming note… especially since his entry has ballooned into 12 14 pages at this point, hahaha. I might have more thoughts in the future, but let’s show the other characters some love too, shall we?
Speaking of love, let’s talk about Jack’s sunshine, specifically my version of the MC for this erotic yandere romance game.
As I’ve mentioned before in other headcanon rambles, Alice is on the aro/ace spectrum. While she does experience horny thoughts/urges, she doesn’t actually desire someone romantically or sexually unless she’s known them for a while and has developed a bond with them. She can objectively see that someone is attractive and admire them, even feel flustered by the attention that they give to her, but these are platonic feelings. It’s only after she’s been friends with someone and opens up to them that she might develop romantic feelings for them. Even then that’s not always a guarantee. Sexual attraction then follows only after she’s made a deep romantic connection with that person, and only with that person. This would make her orientation demi-romantic, demi-sexual.
Because it takes such deep trust and closeness for Alice to fall in love with someone, when she falls in love, she falls hard… for better and for worse.
Alice is strictly monogamous. She can’t bear the idea of sharing her partner with another person, and she’ll do all she can to serve their needs to the best of her ability. She’s also fairly clingy with her partner, as her love language is primarily physical touch. She loves holding onto her partner as much as possible, playing with their hands or hair, caressing their face, nuzzling into their touch, and in general just cuddling up to them as much as they’ll allow. She can also get silly with her affection, licking or nibbling on her partner playfully if they allow her, and writing words or symbols on their skin with her finger.
Of course, Alice is careful to be gentle when nipping her partner since she has slightly larger fangs than the average person. If she bit down hard, she could draw blood with those fangs… if her partner is into that and convinces her that they really want her to do some damage of course.
Alice is only comfortable with physical touch with someone if she trusts them and has a positive connection with them. If she doesn’t have some level of trust, being touched puts her on edge, even if it’s something as casual as a pat on the back.
The part of her partner’s body that Alice finds most attractive is their chest. Big, small, flat, soft… they’re all beautiful, and she loves to bury her face into her partner’s chest and listen to their heartbeat as often as she can, feeling them breathe as she holds them close. She also enjoys hands, snuggling into them, touching them, lacing their fingers together. It makes her feel so wanted to feel her partner’s hands reaching out to hold her.
Although Alice tends to favor being more submissive in the bedroom, she’s a service bottom, wanting to make sure her partner feels good. She’s not content to be a pillow princess, just lying there and letting things happen to her. She wants to do whatever she can to make her partner feel satisfied and happy… even if that means doing things that she isn’t exactly comfortable with.
Alice struggles to reject anything that her partner suggests, even if it makes her uncomfortable. She wants so badly to be a good partner who is worthy of the person she loves, since she has self-confidence issues. A lifetime of fat shaming from many sources, including society at large, has made her hate how her body looks, and she feels ugly. This is something she struggles with and though she has been called beautiful, she can’t bring herself to really believe it when the majority of people have called her ugly. It didn’t help that she was treated as a weirdo by her peers and isolated or ignored. This has led to Alice feeling a need to “make up” for how “unattractive” she is with acts of service for her partner in the bedroom.
This has led to unfortunate incidents in her sex life. Alice pushed herself to have sex before she was ready, with a partner who didn’t know what he was doing. It was clumsy, even painful, and though she tried not to think about it, she was reminded of the SA she experienced as a teenager. This was not anyone’s fault, but ignoring the warning signs of a trauma trigger can be pretty devastating.
Needless to say, Alice and Ian’s first time was… rough, and full of apologies from both of them, along with a lot of guilt. I touched on how difficult their sex life was in previous posts before, such as this one. Sadly, their sex life played a part in why their relationship turned sour.
Sex with Ian was mostly Alice servicing him with handjobs and blowjobs, with penetrative sex coming infrequently. Unfortunately, Alice didn’t really enjoy the penetrative sex, as Ian tended to go too rough with her, and they both had the misconception that pain was always involved at the start of penetration for the person being penetrated (if not for the whole experience.) Sadly, by this point in their relationship, Alice was having a hard time voicing any complaints that might make Ian feel bad or like he was wrong in some way. She mistakenly believed that she was the problem for not really enjoying or getting off on the experience. After all, there was pleasure along with the pain, and penetrative sex was what all sex led up to, right? Was it even sex without it?
Penetrative sex is so glorified in media, that Alice believes sex is incomplete without it, as if she’s denying that full connection of love with her partner if she doesn’t do it. It might be painful, but she wants that deep connection with the person she loves. Plus, Ian would always be so eager and excited for it. She found him just so cute, and it made her feel good that he desired her so much that he couldn’t hold back. It might have been painful, but it was worth it to be the only person in the world who could drive him so crazy with desire. It was so nice of him to think of her when he wanted to try out a new technique that he was sure would make her feel good, since, ho boy, did the lady in the porn ecchi enjoy it!
Unfortunately, Alice learned over time being with Ian that getting sex techniques from porn really isn’t a good point of reference. That’s why she eventually started reading articles giving advice on sex-friendly websites to get a better sense about real sex, rather than the fictionalized version depicted in porn.
But, hey, at least Ian was happy. Alice took joy in his happiness and satisfaction, and enjoyed the cuddling they did in the afterglow the most. Cuddling, kisses, listening to his satisfied sighs, and hearing how much he loved her were what she enjoyed the most about their lovemaking.
Of course, Alice found that same satisfaction with just cuddling and a nice make out session without sex involved.
Sadly, like a lot of people with little experience, Alice is under the mistaken assumption that penetration hurts at first, but soon goes away. This is an exceedingly common trope in hentai/ecchi where the bottom, regardless of gender, always feels pain at the start of being penetrated but then pleasure makes the pain disappear at some point. It’s treated as expected in this form of media, something unavoidable that must be tolerated for the sake of enjoying sex. Heck, for some people, pain during penetration is a feature of sex, not a bug.
This is why when Alice and Jack eventually have penetrative sex, the fact that it doesn’t hurt even a little bit catches her off-guard. Not that she’ll complain, obviously. This results in making her more enthusiastic about that form of sex than she ever thought that she could be.
Alice does not enjoy pain, at all. It’s not sexy to her to be spanked, choked, insulted, or to be otherwise made uncomfortable and used. She’ll try out something that she might dislike for the sake of her partner’s kinks, and she’ll tolerate things that are painful if her partner feels good, but that doesn’t mean she’ll necessarily get much enjoyment out of the experience.
Inflicting pain or insults on her partner is something that Alice doesn’t care for either. She’s too empathetic, and the idea of doing harm to her partner, whether verbal or physical, even if they take pleasure in it, makes her feel exceedingly anxious. She prefers being gentle, sweet-talking her partner and cuddling with them.
The most Alice would want to do is playful teasing and leaving kiss marks along with gentle love bites. She could be convinced to bite harder, scratch, or spank if her partner was really into that, but she’s far too much of a marshmallow to handle any sort of hard sadism or masochism. Soft, cuddly, vanilla lovemaking full of sweet words and praise is what makes her feel happiest.
Praise is Alice’s biggest weakness. Whether it’s platonic, romantic, or sexual, she gets easily overwhelmed when she’s praised. She loves it, but struggles to accept it due to her low self-esteem. It makes her happy to know she’s doing a good job, and it encourages her to do more when it comes to pleasuring her partner.
Getting positive attention, compliments, gifts, and in general being treated special is something Alice struggles with, even with her partner. It takes her a while to really believe it. Ian actually did a world of good for her self-confidence… before he completely destroyed it when he cheated on her, making it worse than it ever was. Jack has his work cut out for him.
Alice masturbates often, but as a stress relief more than anything else. It’s less about being horny or desiring someone else and more about self-care. An orgasm can be very relaxing after a stressful day. She bought toys to help her do this more efficiently, only rarely taking time out to enjoy masturbation as anything more than a quick stress release. Of course, she finds it more fun to play with toys when she’s sharing them with her partner.
After making the connection to Jack, Alice finds her libido increasing because she is picking up on his horny feelings. It leads to many confusing moments where she wonders why she’s feeling horny out of nowhere far more often than she normally did before, and she does make the connection between those feelings and Jack… but attributes it to him just being that attractive in every sense of the word, which only further confuses her feelings towards him in the beginning.
Once Alice and Jack start having sex, her libido increases substantially due to this connection and how much she enjoys the experience. He’s so attentive to her needs and is so eager to praise her when he pleases her or she pleases him that it’s hard not to get addicted to their lovemaking sessions. While she and Ian would have sex once or twice a week on average, usually to satisfy his desires and not hers, she winds up enthusiastically wanting to have sex with Jack almost daily once they finally reach that point in their relationship.
Being restrained is a complicated kink for Alice. She’s never considered herself one for bondage, and, if anything, she doesn’t think that she’ll like it. Her SA trauma has to do with being restrained against her will, so if she feels trapped during sex, it can cause her to panic. Ian has accidentally triggered this trauma in the past.
Being held down or confined by her partner isn’t so much the issue in and of itself. Alice enjoys the security of being completely engulfed in her partner’s arms, safe and secure. There are times when she would seek it out, loving the feeling of her partner lying on top of her like a weighted blanket. It’s when they won’t let her go even when she indicates she wants them to that the discomfort immediately sets in. Although she tries to power through the feeling and remind herself that she trusts her partner and that they won’t hurt her like the people who committed SA against her, and they care about her… trauma is not always that easy to reason through.
This can be a bit of an issue when you have a partner who has a tendency to lose control of his urges and refuses to let you go or come up for air until he’s satisfied.
Needless to say, this led to moments full of guilt and apologies from both sides between Ian and Alice. This, as you might expect, was one of the big contributors to why they didn’t have sex all that often.
Restraining her partner… now that’s something Alice would be surprised to find that she enjoys. Having her partner tied up and helpless as she lovingly pays attention to their body, maybe even blindfolded so they don’t know where she’s going to touch or kiss next would be exciting.
I think I just had an idea for another short fic to write sometime. Better make a note of this for later.
Ahem, moving on… Alice isn’t one for exhibitionism. She’s a very private person overall, and with her self-esteem issues, she would rather have anything more physical than a kiss or hug be kept private. She doesn’t want to have to think or worry about other people when intimate with her partner, preferring to just focus on her beloved and the intimate moment that they’re sharing. Since she can only get sexual with someone she trusts deeply, she doesn’t want to involve other people, even as an audience.
Sadly, Jack isn’t going to be able to indulge in his exhibitionism kink to the fullest with Alice because of this. Though having sex in risky places where they could get caught is a fair compromise that she winds up enjoying way more than she ever thought she would. She wouldn’t enjoy getting caught though, and it would take a lot of coaxing to get her to try again if that happened, but fortunately Jack is a very sneaky ghost(?) who knows a few tricks to make sure that no one will interrupt when he’s showing love to his sunshine.
Alice’s favorite position is missionary. She loves being held by her partner and looking into their eyes, seeing the love they have for her and how good they’re feeling. She loves the feeling of their body on top of hers like a warm weighted blanket. She loves watching them bite their lip and strain themselves to hold on, or roll their eyes up towards the ceiling from pleasure. Watching her partner’s face and knowing that she’s the one making them feel good makes her feel good in turn. She loves it when they look at her with love and desire, like she’s the only person in the world they could ever feel this way towards.
Face to face positions in general are the ones Alice prefers, though she gets anxious about any position that puts her on top. She’s chubby, and she worries about her weight being too much for her partner. For example, if they tell her to sit on their face and that they want to be crushed by her thighs, she’ll be very skeptical that it’ll end well. It’s something that would take a lot of gentle coaxing to get her to try it, and reassurance that they enjoyed doing it afterwards.
Although Alice’s worries limits her in the amount of positions she’s interested in trying, she’s actually capable of doing a lot of them. Despite being chubby, she’s very flexible, able to do vertical splits and put her ankle around her head, to name a few. This makes yoga the ideal way for her to keep in shape. She isn’t confident enough to work out at a gym, but she doesn’t mind stretching with friends or a partner. She takes pride in her flexibility and her excellent sense of balance, not yet thinking about how this ability could be used to great effect in the bedroom.
Needless to say, those attracted to Alice can be treated to quite a show when watching her do yoga. Jack especially is eager to encourage her to exercise often and is only too happy to help her get into the harder poses. He looks up just how to do them so he knows where he can put his hands just right to help her. Before they’re lovers, it’s always so tempting for him to just “slip” and touch her someplace a bit naughtier... but he respects her consent and boundaries. He won’t touch her someplace unless she wants him to, no matter how badly he wants to put his hands and mouth on every inch of her body.
Naturally, once they become lovers, yoga sessions get a bit spicy. Alice has to wonder if Jack is really eager for her to work out to help her stay fit or if he just wants to experiment with positions. Still, it’s a very pleasurable incentive that encourages her to work out more often. It also encourages her to intentionally tease him with her stretches once she grows more confident in their physical intimacy, going into a playful back and forth that she knows is going to end up with him eventually snapping from the tension, stripping of her workout clothes and taking her against the yoga mat.
Teasing her partner and encouraging them to lose control is something Alice can appreciate. It was a bit risky when it came to Ian since when he lost control it could be painful or even suffocating, so she always had to be cautious about how far to push and be prepared for fallout. With Jack though, he’s always so mindful of her comfort no matter how wild she drives him. That allows her to just cut loose and tease him to her heart’s content, knowing that he’ll never hurt her and it’s only going to feel good.
Driving her lover into losing control over their desire makes Alice feel sexy, beautiful. She wants the person she loves and desires to need her so badly that they can’t think of anyone else. She wants to be irreplaceable. She thought that she found that with Ian, so it was worth the pain, but his cheating proved that she was mistaken. Fortunately, Jack will be all too happy to make sure she knows how special she is and how there’s no one else in the world he could ever want, need, or love more than her.
In general, Alice is very vanilla when it comes to her kinks. She favors the emotional connection between her and her partner, the love and trust they share. That’s why she can only have sex with someone if she feels like she can fully trust that person. After Ian cheated, she couldn’t have sex with him again even when he wanted it, which strained their attempts to repair their relationship and helped her realize that things had gotten too toxic between them to try and go back to the way they were.
Overall, Alice is a very uncertain lover when it comes to her own pleasure or anything that might bring discomfort to her partner. She has an easier time focusing on their pleasure and getting enjoyment out of making them feel good. It’s easy for her to forget about herself in favor of her partner’s pleasure even if she’s uncomfortable, which is why she responds better to a partner who makes sure to stay mindful of her needs during the activities rather than get distracted by their own pleasure.
Speaking of a partner who gets carried away by his own pleasure…
Ian is someone who was very sheltered by his very strict religious upbringing. In his house, sexual desires were seen as shameful. Even masturbating was treated as a sin. Though he tried not to give in to his urges, he succumbed to his desires more often than not, and it made him feel weird. He loved the pleasure he felt from masturbating and the relief it gave him, but he “knew” that he was being “sinful” by doing so, which would leave him filled with shame and guilt afterwards. This would lead to a lot of repression when it comes to his sexuality. It didn’t help that his peers treated him like a weirdo and made fun of his looks/behavior/tastes, isolating him further.
Because of his upbringing, Ian always had a clear picture of what he was supposed to do to have a successful future. He needed to find one person, get married, have kids, and have a lucrative career. His mother pushed him towards a straight relationship in particular - at least when she wasn’t crushing his spirit that finding a partner was impossible for him at all - but he couldn’t help but find guys and non-binary people attractive as well. He has a lot of crushes, both fictional and not, and he has a secret stash of various media full of many waifus, husbandos, and spousus.
Alice was one such person that Ian crushed on, but with her it was far more serious than anyone else. His feelings for his first and only childhood friend were deeper than surface level. They knew each other better than anyone. She was always there for him, supporting him, and making him feel like he wasn’t such a weirdo after all. Her being a girl had nothing to do with how hard he fell for her, though it did make him feel a little less anxious about his mom finding out about their relationship than he would have if his partner wasn’t a girl.
Ian is someone in heavy denial about his desires due to his upbringing. It’s “sinful” to lust after other people, particularly outside of a straight context according to his mother and the scriptures. It’s “sinful” to have lustful thoughts outside of marriage. Heck, even in the confines of marriage, sex is meant only for the sake of procreation. It made him feel weird about desiring people, so he convinced himself that he simply… didn’t. He went into deep denial, telling himself that people were weird, and since he didn’t know them these feelings weren’t something to think about at all. It was easier that way.
Ian knew Alice though, so she became the exception to this taboo he had been taught all his life when she became his partner. For him, it was okay to lust after his partner… at least as much as it could be with anyone. Though his mother insisted lust, even towards his partner, was only selfishly satisfying his manhood in a sinful way, society often said otherwise. Media and their peers made it seem so normal to have sexual urges and want to explore them. Even Alice insisted his feelings were normal and nothing to be ashamed about. He learned more and more about what was normal once he was out from under his mother’s influence and interacted with other people.
While Ian did learn to accept and even embrace the fact that he’s pansexual/panromantic, it’s not so easy to shake the shame related to his sexuality or sex in general thanks to his mother’s toxic influence.
At his house with his mother, even the internet was restricted. Ian didn’t get access to porn until he moved out to college, and even then, that made him feel awkward. He didn’t know how to handle these weird feelings towards strangers, since he was taught that they were sinful and risked damning him to hell. Lusting after fictional characters seemed okay though. That was just a fantasy, playing pretend. Even his mother had romance books that got pretty smutty, though she wailed into him the one time she caught him going through her stash.
This was what led to Ian having a lot of fictional crushes, anime figures, and, of course, ecchi. While the local library didn’t have straight up porn or hentai, it did have more risque manga stories in the form of ecchi, which is why he insists so hard that it’s not porn. The library would never have anything like porn, so it’s not sinful! This means it’s okay that he has a collection of it. He’s not a sinful pervert!
Ecchi has a tendency to really push the boundaries of what can be constituted as porn though, and Ian absorbed all of the sex in those pages like a sponge. The people in the book always looked to be having fun. Sex was something wild and passionate. The people lost control of their desires and enjoyed themselves in a way that he was always denied. Sex was this all-encompassing force of nature in so many stories, not just in ecchi. He was fascinated by it even as he was afraid of those feelings.
Because of this repression, Ian saw himself in these characters who lost themselves in moments of passion as they claimed their lover. This raw animalistic lust was exciting and really resonated with him. Once he started pleasuring himself and forgot about the guilt of his desires, he would lose control in a similar way. He would keep going until he was satisfied, completely losing himself in the experience… only to be hit with guilt once he came down from the high.
With Alice, Ian had an outlet for his sexual desires. She helped him see that these desires weren’t sinful, and she was eager to help him feel good. She made him feel wanted, beautiful, and sexy. With her help, like many things in his life, he gained more confidence in his sexual urges. He explored his sexuality more, both in fiction and with her, though he was far more hesitant and awkward with the latter.
What didn’t help was the mistakes Ian would make… but, in a way, he was used to making mistakes. He was always making mistakes, always blamed by his mother for just about every reason under the sun even if he didn’t actually do anything. All perceived problems were his fault and so he must apologize. Constantly.
Alice supported Ian when he felt sinful, filthy, and sad. She forgave him for his mistakes and even told him he didn’t have to apologize so much. She loved him and he loved her in return for how strong and supportive she was to him.
Ian would try to make amends for his mistakes with apologies, cuddling, and especially with gifts. His primary love language is gift giving, and thanks to the trust fund his absent dad left him, he could give gifts to those he cared about often. He gives friends and especially his partner presents. He even gives his mother presents to let her know that he still loves her despite everything and that he just wants them to actually have a good relationship… however futile that gesture might be.
Although Ian struggles to be vocal about what he wants when it comes to sex and romance, he can be pretty romantic at times… even if he’s got dirty thoughts in mind to go along with it. He knows how romantic a candle lit bedroom with a bed covered in rose petals while sexy jazz plays in the background really sets the mood. Too bad it didn’t actually work out the first time he tried it.
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Sadly, Ian was hoping that if he set the mood just right, he and Alice could finally go all the way and lose their virginity to each other. Too bad the mood died a painful death when Shaun walked in instead, and it was a while before Ian got the guts to try that again… at least while Alice was still rooming with Shaun. Initiating sex with her was much easier after they moved into their own place.
I’ve gone over the reasons why I think Ian cheated in previous posts, here, here, here, and here in detail, so I won’t rehash it too deeply this post.
To sum it up - Ian was on his own for the first time in his life when he moved to the performing arts school, without anyone to support him, particularly his partner. He had grown conventionally attractive as he aged, and he was surrounded by peers who shared his interests, which gave him a taste of popularity for the first time. He was given all sorts of new and exciting experiences, meeting all sorts of people who he found attractive. He grew closer to new people, and without his partner around he grew lonely… which led him to giving in to his desires in the worst way possible.
The experience was exciting. The forbidden nature of it actually made the act more enticing due to how repressed Ian was because of his background. It was all “sinful” after all…
Like a lot of people who grew up heavily repressed by religion, Ian finds arousal in things deemed forbidden and sinful. Despite being bullied as a kid, being degraded sexually is something that turns him on. Though he protests about being teased, he enjoys it, even to the point that being called a beast or a sinful slut makes him feel aroused, though he finds such feelings confusing. He likes being commanded and punished by his partner, completely at their mercy and begging them for more.
While this would suggest Ian is a submissive, he’s actually a switch vers. It doesn’t matter who’s doing the penetrating as long as it feels good. Taking control of his partner and rutting into their holes like an animal feels just as good as being taken. He just needs to learn how to better control his urges so he can pay attention to his partner’s needs and comfort to improve taking the dominant role.
Ian is the type of person who gets lost in the pleasure of sex. Once he gets to a certain point, he starts losing his inhibitions, getting more vocal and needy. He’ll praise his partner and beg for more even when he’s the one dominating, growing increasingly needier as the pleasure grows more intense.
The part of the body Ian finds most attractive is the ass. More than once he’s had thoughts of slapping or squeezing his partner’s ass, but was too shy to give into the urge except when actively engaging in sex. Because of this, his favorite position is doggy style, as we can see in this very NSFW picture by Sauce. He loves the way his partner’s ass bounces with each thrust, and he’ll add to the jiggle with the occasional slap once he loses himself in the moment. As he grows more confident in his desires and represses himself less, he’ll consciously want to explore the kink of spanking.
Bondage, both giving and receiving, is something that Ian would want to try, along with some other kinks, but he doesn’t have the courage to initiate it at this time. In general, he struggles to initiate anything related to sex, as that ties into the guilt and shame that was hammered into his upbringing. However, it’s fairly easy for him to get aroused, which would serve as an unintentional way to initiate sex more often than not.
Being an actor, Ian would thrive with roleplay in the bedroom. It would help him pretend to be someone else, someone more confident and lustful. It could help him lose himself in the moment rather than get caught up in his own doubts and insecurities.
Ian struggles with accepting his own sexual desires, which makes it harder for him to communicate with his partner about his needs. This leads to him taking cues from ecchi on what to do, not checking in with his partner like he should, and getting lost in the moment, letting the urges take him where he wants to go. Once he accepts himself as a sexual being and that it’s healthy to feel these desires, his communication difficulties with his partner should improve.
Having a partner who takes the lead is probably ideal for Ian. Being told what to do is something he’s used to, and he feels more confident with guidance. He worries about making mistakes, but if he’s guided through the scene by his partner, he has less reason to worry. In a way, being so good at taking direction is why he makes an excellent actor.
Speaking of direction, how about we switch over to the next love interest on the list?
Shaun has a bit of a wild side when it comes to sex. He loves kitten play, both being the kitten and being the master of a sweet sexy kitten. He’ll put his partner in cat ears, a tail with a butt plug, and a collar with a leash if they let him, and he’ll be open to doing the same in return.
Biting and scratching is another one of his kinks, with some minor sadism and masochism. Spanking, bondage, blindfolds… Shaun is eager to explore unconventional means of having sex.
Shaun’s favorite part of the body is thighs. He’ll happily die suffocated by his partner’s thighs. Lying down with his head in his partner’s lap will make him purr. He’ll wear their thighs as earmuffs and bend them back as he pleases, paying extra attention kissing, licking, biting, and raking his fingernails across them.
Then, of course, there’s thigh-high fishnet stockings. Wear a pair of these, especially when accented with a garter belt, and Shaun turns into a puddle of horny goo, especially if they’re worn by his partner/crush, as shown in this steamy picture by Sauce.
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To be fair, this is a very spicy sight. Shaun is a man of taste.
Overall, Shaun is a dominant vers, but he’s willing to submit and be a good kitty… eventually. Cats do what they want after all, and it’s going to take a little more than some ear scritches to get this cat daddy to submit to his partner, which is part of the fun.
Speaking of which, Shaun has a daddy kink. If his partner can be a good little kitten and let daddy pet and play with them as he pleases, he’ll be a very happy cat daddy.
While Shaun leans towards monogamy, he’s actually open to joining a poly relationship if the right people came along. He actually considered what it might be like to enter a relationship with both Alice and Ian, but he found that his vibes just didn’t mesh with Ian at all, and not just because Ian’s taste in anime is trash. He just never felt attracted to Ian like he did with Alice, and they never really connected like he did with her.
Shaun got a crush on Alice while they were taking the same class in college. He met her well before he ever knew Ian. They sat next to each other in class and wound up chatting often. They had stuff in common like horror movies, enjoying goth aesthetic, and being silly goobers who joke around with their friends. They’re also the mom/dad friend types taking care of their friend group. She was just so kind and sweet that he couldn’t help but fall hard for her.
It’s a shame that when Shaun finally gathered up the courage to ask Alice out, she casually mentioned that she was meeting with her boyfriend, breaking the poor guy’s heart.
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Poor Shaun. Alice had no idea that he was asking her out on a lunch date instead of just going to grab a bite as friends. She missed all the signals he sent her way.
After that, Shaun tried hard not to think about his crush on Alice. He tried to just be there for her as a friend and move on from his romantic feelings, if only for the sake of their friendship. It was just hard when they had so much in common and had such good chemistry… and he couldn’t help but notice some troubling red flags in her relationship with Ian.
It never really seemed to be the right time for Shaun to try to get together with Alice. First it was because she was already in a relationship. Then she had been cheated on and needed a friend rather than someone who would take advantage of her in her most vulnerable moment. She was still in love with Ian even after the breakup, and wasn’t receptive to anyone else romantically for a long time.
Throughout knowing Alice, Shaun has dated other people. He’s had other crushes and tried to get into relationships, some more serious than others, but none have really worked out so far. He has yet to find someone who clicks with him the way that she does. Hopefully one day that might change. He had hoped that when he went off to another college that the distance would allow him to let go of his romantic feelings.
Sadly, a part of Shaun still couldn’t shake the small hope that maybe someday the stars would align and things could work out between them. Coming back to see Alice again just made all the feelings he thought he got over come rushing back… only for his heart to be crushed again when he finds out that once again she has a boyfriend who isn’t him…
Poor Shaun has it rough. I feel so bad for him. This is why I struggle with writing love triangles, hahaha. Still, I’m going with the headcanon that he does find love with someone eventually, someone who he is glad finally came into his life who he just can’t live without. I don’t have a specific character in mind for that role just yet, but I do have a few possibilities that I’m playing around with…
With that said, let’s move on to the fourth and final love interest.
I’m still indecisive on Nick’s view on love at this point, beyond his crush on the cute cashier at the circus-themed frozen yogurt shop. I’m tempted to have him be a stalker yandere like I talked about in an earlier theory about all the love interests being yandere, but also I’m tempted to go with the angle of him being a sex worker who just wants someone to love him for himself and not simply see him for what he does online.
I’ll probably get a better idea of which direction I want to go with Nick eventually. After all, the audio drama for him on patreon did influence some of my headcanons for him.
Maybe I’ll go with a combination of the two extremes. It would be hilarious that a yandere stalker dom finds himself tongue-tied in front of his crush despite working as an online influencer, rather than it just being a shy mask to get the object of his affection to lower their guard. Hmm…
Regardless of which direction I choose, Nick flirting with Alice at her job didn’t earn him any favors when it came to winning her heart. If anything it made her more on guard around him and lessened his chances of getting closer with her. It’s nothing personal against him, but being hit on while she’s at work makes her feel like she’s trapped, since she can’t leave, and she has no choice but to be polite to customers no matter what happens.
While I don’t have too many love-based headcanons really solidified in my head yet when it comes to Nick, I do see his primary love language as quality time. He’ll make time for those who he cares for, no matter how packed his schedule is, and he appreciates the same from them in return.
Since we’re shy on the romantic headcanons for Nick, let’s just go right to the spice. As we see in his profile, he’s an influencer by day and a dom by night. The audio drama shows him with a very dominating and flirty personality, at least when it comes to his audience. He runs an online streaming show where he talks sweet and dirty to his viewers live on camera. He also takes requests, which vary on the donation tiers. Those requests usually involve dirty talk, exposing himself, using toys on his body, and such. He has quite a lot of subscribers on lonelyfans, and most popular are his private one-on-one shows with a special lucky viewer on rare occasions.
Nick is big into exhibitionism. He shows off his body without shame and enjoys the attention he gets from his audience. He absolutely loves to talk dirty and see how it affects people. He’s good at painting a picture in his audience’s heads with a lewd description, and he gets off on the idea that he’s driving so many of his viewers crazy with lust.
While Nick does want someone to love him as a person, he also wants to be an object of desire for many people. He enjoys his job as a sex worker and the attention he gets online as a sexy dom with his lonelyfans account. Even if he was in a relationship, he would still do his lewd performances before the camera… and maybe he’ll have a special guest star or two on his show if he’s lucky. He would love to convince his romantic partner to join him on camera and dominate them before his large audience, maybe even take the viewers’ requests to decide what he’ll do to his partner next.
Although Nick is looking to join a relationship with just one person, he’s not against the idea of entering a poly relationship, or even participating in an orgy. After all, the more the merrier, right?
Just like on his live shows, Nick is a dominant in bed. He might be shy in casual settings, but he takes control of the scene when with a partner. He’s the one setting the pace, wanting to make his partner beg him and say what exactly they want. He experiments with the kinkier side of BDSM too, such as bondage, candles, and all sorts of toys that can leave a mark on skin and make his partner scream for him.
Nick is very experienced as a dom. He knows how to practice proper BDSM safety and take care of his partner(s) afterward. He can be soft during aftercare, and he knows the benefits of cuddle time. After all, he has a couple fur babies to take care of, and Pico and Cheese make excellent cuddle companions.
I think I’ll finish up Nick’s headcanons with this final spicy tidbit. As we’ve seen in teaser art, Nick has tongue and nipple piercings. I also headcanon that he has a jacob’s ladder piercing. I won’t describe what that is here, but if you know, you know.
I’ve heard that there are people who enjoy the feeling of piercings on sensitive areas, and Nick is one of them.
That’s about all that I can think of at the moment when it comes to my general love/sex headcanons for the main cast. I hope you all enjoyed my thoughts about what turn these five on and what they look for when it comes to relationships.
Though I suspect that when the full release of the game comes out, we’re going to discover that the male leads are probably going to be a lot kinkier than a vanilla aro/ace like me can headcanon up. Just a hunch. ;)
If you are hungry for more smut involving these characters, then you might be interested in checking out Sunshine in Hell or Sunshine in Another World. Those stories are rated as explicit for a reason, and there’s only going to have more scenes of smut to come. I’ve got plenty of rough drafts in the writing tag that I need to finish polishing and post on AO3 after all.
If you like my stories and ideas, please let me know what you think! I absolutely adore all kinds of feedback. It really helps fuel my creativity. Thank you for reading and I hope that you enjoyed reading this huge collection of sugar and spice!
EDIT: Holy crap the timing. I finished this list at the same time as a new incredibly spicy audio drama for Jack dropped on patreon. Join the $5 tier if you want to give it a listen. It’s so, so good and well worth it.
It did disprove that Jack is incapable or cursing or that he would call his sunshine a slut unprompted... but I’m going to stick with that headcanon for the Sunshine in Hell telling of the story anyway. Though eventually he will be able to get pretty spicy with his language the more he loosens up.
The drama also reminded me of a couple things that I left out. I’ve added a few more headcanons to Jack and Alice’s entries since the initial post, and it’s possible I might go back and add even more if more ideas hit me, hahaha. Sorry for any inconvenience.
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intothegenshinworld · 2 years
Fate’s Destiny ~ Chapter 8 || Recollecting
You somehow, not being able to explain it, had fallen into the Genshin world you know oh-so-well. You were no new player and had explored most of the nooks and cranny’s of the world. When you first had woken up in Windrise you wondered; it might be a dream, after all, you were behind your screen usually and now- here? It made no sense, and the world was keen on keeping it that way.
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Warnings: Spoilers for main story. One curse word in the recap.
Word count: 2.6k
Summary chapter 8: In chapter 7, Zhongli invited you over to drink tea with him. After a very interesting conversation, you’re able to figure out your standing with him. Once again, you continue to confused when your memories fade away. Is there anything or anyone that can help you on your journey of remembering the past? And who exactly is The Creator?
Auteurs note: It took me 3 re-writes until I settled with this version of CH8. Hoping to get back on track with posting Fate’s Destiny once every other week, but the 1k event might delay this schedule.   
Thanks to: @threbony​​ for proofreading!
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Zhongli gives a nod to Xiao, who disappears, going off somewhere unknown. ‘Let’s sit down, shall we?’ He places a hand on the small of your back as he guides you over to the table.
You can’t help but think;
‘How the fuck did I end up here?’
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Zhongli unintentionally towers over your sitting form as he pours the tea into your teacup.
‘Do you still prefer sugar in your tea?’ You tilt your head up into his direction. His eyes are focused onto the teacup. Even from up close, you find it impossible to figure out his motives.
‘No sugar is alright.’ You awkwardly mutter out after a second.
You take a quick glance to your right where Lumine sits. Paimon is at her side, hovering and uncharacteristically silent. When Lumine’s amber eyes meet yours she gives you a reassuring smile.
Your eyes shift back to Zhongli. He fills his own cup before silently putting the tea kettle down onto the table. Aside from you, he didn’t bother pouring anyone else tea.
‘Is something not to your liking?’ Zhongli asks.
You shake your head. ‘No, that’s not it.’
Zhongli has been nothing but kind to you. Does he feel the same thing Lumine does? The ‘aura’? You’ve been hiding yourself pretty well, so you doubt this to be something bad. Still, the formal setting makes you uncomfortable.
Your thoughts are interrupted when Zhongli responds. ‘I’m glad everything is to your liking.’ He shortly bows his head into your direction. ‘And traveller,’ He moves his attention to Lumine. ‘I must thank you for safely guiding the Creator to Liyue.’
Paimon perks up for the first time since entering the room. She flies a bit higher and proudly places her hands on her hips. ‘We enjoy having y/n on our journey. We had lots of fun.’ She sends a smile your way.  
‘But Paimon is still confused. We saw you dead at the rite of Descension. It’s confusing to see you, you know, alive!’
You weren’t at the rite of Descension when the ‘exuvia’ fell down from the sky, but you can imagine the confusion Lumine and Paimon felt.
Ningguang clears her throat, successfully catching everyone’s attention.
‘Yes.’ Ningguang places her hands on top of each other in her lap. ‘The Exuvia at the rite of descension turned out to be an empty vessel.’ She moves her head into your direction but keeps her eyes casted away. ‘It took the Qixing a while to confirm Rex Lapis’ new vessel.’
Zhongli interrupts, ‘Times have changed – that’s not to say my position will.’ A small smile forms on his face when he looks at you.
The steam from your teacup swirls into the air in patterns. Something seems off about the story. You’re unable to reason with yourself why. You shrug it off as nerves.
Paimon starts speaking again, ‘But Paimon still doesn’t know why we’re here.’
When you gaze over to the side you see Paimon her cross her arms. You have no idea how she has so much social confidence, but you’re glad she asked the question before you had to.
Zhongli lets out a chuckle. It’s nothing intimidating, on the contrary, it’s something warm and familiar. ‘I simply wanted to catch up with the Creator.’
You blink once, and then again.
‘Oh, I’m not,’ You let out an awkward chuckle. ‘I’m not the creator.’
Zhongli’s lips curve upwards. ‘Worry not. I do not wish to reveal you to the public, at least not until you are ready to. That’s why Lady Ningguang and I arranged this secret meeting.’
Aside from this meeting being anything but a secret, you have to refrain yourself from hiding away. While this is much better than the whole imposter scenario, you’re still unsure about being the ‘Creator’. 
‘I know I look like them but,-’ 
You stop.
Are you the Creator? Surely not right? You don’t have any memories about it. Then again- , you’re certainly not an imposter either.  
‘Can’t I be an ordinary person?’
Lumine purses her lips together. She watches the scene unfold before her, unable to say anything to aid you. She feels Paimon at her side stiffen up as well. The simple wish made their gut clench.
Zhongli hums before closing his eyes. ‘I see.’ He watches you move in your chair. Your face is hidden behind the cloak. Even after all this time, corrosion will never fade his memories with you.
He moves his palm in front of his chest. You watch a golden glow radiate from the place where his chest would be. A small object seems to materialize in front of him.
The Geo Gnosis rests an inch above his hand. His golden eyes glow when he looks at you.
‘Perhaps this will aid you in your journey of recovering your memories.’ He moves his palm into your direction, and thus the gnosis as well. ‘Xiao told me about your memory loss.’
Your eyes lit up with recognition. Finally, things start to make sense.
Xiao gathered with the Adepti after you left Wangshu Inn. He then informed them that the Creator had returned. After that they’d talk about their new plans regarding Liyue and the contracts.
But then, when they heard about Rex Lapis being reborn, they must’ve visited the harbour to see it for themselves. When Xiao found Zhongli, he informed him about his meeting with you, hence him knowing even before his rebirth was publicly announced.
While you expected Xiao to inform Zhongli, you hadn’t expected it to be so soon.
You vaguely recall the conversation between you and Xiao. 
The gnosis remains in Zhongli’s hands, floating in front of your face. ‘I can’t.’ You look up, there is a slight change in his eyes.
‘Ningguang. Hold the gnosis for a moment.’ He moves his hand towards the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing. She lifts her eyebrow but opens her hand, no questions asked.
When Zhongli releases the gnosis, it falls into her palm. Unlike with Zhongli, the gnosis does not float for Ningguang, and the geo energy dissipates into the air as the golden glow disappears. You move your eyes to the geo Archon, confused.
‘The gnosis doesn’t activate with just anyone.’ Zhongli explains. When you look over, Ningguang is gazing down at the gnosis. ‘I assure you, it will when you hold it.’ He retrieves the gnosis from Ningguang’s grip. She watches intensely as it starts glowing again in his hold.
‘Perhaps a demonstration will ease your mind. It surely never hurts to try.’
While you don’t feel comfortable holding a gnosis, you hesitantly take it from his hands.
There is a rush of elemental power that flows through your entire body, but it disappeared as soon as it came. You feel energized in a way that is foreign to you, yet somehow vaguely familiar.
Still though, no memories.
When you look down, the gnosis still glows in your hold. It’s brighter in your hands than it was in Zhongli’s. It’s not the direct answer you hoped for, but enough to make you believe the geo Archon.
‘It shines, but I don’t feel any different.’
You try handing it back but Zhongli puts up his hand. ‘Keep it. You need it more than I do.’ He smiles again, ‘And as it seems, the gnosis needs you as well.’
The gnosis is unexpectedly warm against your fingers. The golden light remains bright, even when you close your fingers around it.
Your voice is small but Zhongli still hears it, ‘Thank you.’
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It doesn’t take long for you to return back to the inn. The plans of adventuring outside the city were abandoned the moment Zhongli showed up. Instead, you focus on obtaining your memories. Both through the book and gnosis.
You’re currently sitting on the familiar couch in the inn. Lumine is yet to sit down, still preparing something to drink while you and Paimon discuss the recent happenings.
‘Paimon thinks it’s because he’s an archon. That drunken bard seemed to know everything before we did as well.’ Paimon crosses her arms frustratedly as she hovers closer to you.
‘You mean Venti?’ You lift an eyebrow. A vague memory of a young boy with braids pops up in your head.
Paimon lets out an excited gasp. ‘So you remember him?’
‘I’m not sure if ‘remember’ is the right word. I never met him.’ You shrug and place the gnosis down next to the book on the small table. 
‘Maybe your memories are returning after all? Bah-‘ The pixie groans, ‘Paimon can’t imagine forgetting someone like that though!’
A smile breaks free on your face. ‘Is he scary?’ The two girls had spoken fond of the anemo Archon before. You assumed they both liked the god, yet Paimon’s current reaction made you think otherwise.
‘He’s really lazy.’ Paimon rolls her eyes in a dramatic way before stomping her feet in the air. ‘He was drunk the whole time and made us do all the hard work!’
Your eyes move over to Lumine when she responds. ‘You didn’t do much either, Paimon.’ She places the beverages down onto the table.
‘That’s not true! Paimon did a lot of things. Like… Like protecting you when that mean lady showed up.’ Lumine sits down onto the couch. 
‘Didn’t she turn you into an ice cube before anything happened?’
Paimon pouts and crosses her arms over her body. ‘It’s not fair.’
‘It sounds like a lot happened.’ You continue, ‘Did you find out who the scary lady was?’
Lumine nods. ‘It was another harbinger.’ You tilt your head, ‘Another?’
You remember the meeting with Childe in Northland bank.
‘Oh!’ Paimon holds her hand up to her mouth as she gasps. ‘We forgot to tell y/n.’
‘I’m sure it wasn’t a secret. Childe does a bad job at hiding it.’ Lumine turns her body to face you and Paimon. ‘He’s also a harbinger. But you already knew he was affiliated with the fatui right? You never questioned anything when we went into the Northland bank.’
There is a short silence as you think. It makes sense, but why were you having a hard time remembering Childe being a harbinger? Didn’t you ask anyone about this before? Maybe you had forgotten again.
‘y/n?’ Paimon puts one of her small hands on your shoulder. You hum, ‘Ah, I think I knew about it already. Otherwise I’d surely have asked about it before.’ You look over Paimon’s shoulder, ‘I also remember seeing some strange letters when we visited him in his office.’
Paimon perks up. ‘Like, secret letters?’ She turns around to face Lumine. ‘But Paimon gets the impression that it’s only long business letters.’
Lumine nods her head. ‘I don’t think he’s here to check up on the Northland bank alone.’ 
Paimon continues for Lumine in an excited tone, ‘Oh! What if he also wants the gnosis?’
Your eyes shift towards the geo gnosis on the table. If Childe wants the gnosis you might be in trouble. After all, you had no way of pushing it into your chest like Zhongli did.
‘Don’t worry y/n!’ Paimon proudly smiles. ‘He can’t take it away from you. You’re the Creator after all.’ She gives you a big smile, and when you look over her shoulder you see Lumine giving you a smaller one as well.
‘For now try focusing on regaining your memories. If you remember Venti, you’re probably closer to finding the answers than you think.’
Paimon agrees with a nod, ‘Paimon and Lumine are both happy to take on commissions to pass the time. We already met the Geo Archon; Paimon is sure Lumine can ask him questions about her sibling the next time!’
Right. You forgot you’re on separate journeys.
‘I’ll read the book while the two of you are away. I’m sure I’ll have made lots of progress once you two get back.’
You send the two a comforting smile.
You’re grateful tothe both of them for looking after you. Once you regain your memories, you’ll have to repay them.
And so, Lumine and Paimon took on more commissions the following days after.
They’d return home with mora, food, and occasionally interesting information. You, as well, had done a lot.
The gnosis was stubborn and kept it secrets to itself, but you almost finished the book. Not that it helped with the memory problem.
You should visit Zhongli again. Maybe calling Xiao would help?
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The comforting sounds of rain gently pelting against the window stirs you from your sleep. Yet light still creeps into the bedroom, the grey clouds not enough to truly blot out the sun. It seems you’ve slept in.
You lift your upper body up from the futon.
Aside from the rain, you hear little to no noise. The sounds of the market and traders outside in the city seemed to have died down, obviously due to the grey weather.
You look to your side. Lumine’s futon is empty, and there is no way Paimon could be this silent, so you assume they both are already gone.
You push the blankets off of your body. The room you had rented was very comfortable considering the mora you spent on it. It was spacious, one large room with a few screens dividing the common area from the sleeping one.
With a sigh you lift yourself up. You make your bed and, similar to Lumine, you place your pajamas on top of the pillow.
You sigh. It’s weird how much you miss Paimon’s chatter in these moments.
When you walk over to the table you see a small note with a pencil next to it. It’s addressed to you,
‘Good morning, Paimon and I are out on a commission. We bought some freshly baked bread before we left. Paimon ate half of it already, but what’s left is yours. We’ll be back before sundown. – Lumine’
You place the note back down onto the table. The gnosis rests heavy in your hand. Even after keeping it with you the whole night, no memories resurfaced. You lay the gnosis down next to the note Lumine left you.
With not much to do, you head into the shower.
As you let the water rush over your body, you start to make a new plan in your head. With the gnosis still unable to aid in regaining your memories, you’d have to meet up with the geo Archon again. If not to give it back, then to ask for more help.
It’s probably easy to find Zhongli. You’d call Xiao’s name once you’re done with the shower and ask him to take you to the geo Archon. Maybe before doing so, you’d ask the yaksha for help as well. He served the geo Archon for many decades. Perhaps he knows how to activate your memories through the gnosis?
When you’re back into your clothes you lean closer to the mirror.
Your eyes are indeed worse than before. You remember them turning duller over the past weeks, but now they seem almost transparent.
You lean your body into a few directions, trying to see if it’s the light making your eyes weird. The transparency remains.
‘I’ll have to ask Lumine about this later.’ You place your fingers under your eyelids, still inspecting the weird change. Aside from your eyes you seem to be alright. Though, you’d definitely feel much better after asking Lumine about it.
You move away from the mirror. ‘Lumine?’ You reply.
The note had said they’d be back before sundown. It’s barely noon, did something happen to them?
You quickly exit the shower and walk into the common area.
Lumine stands in the door opening of the inn. Her hair is drenched and she seems out of breath. Paimon doesn’t look much better. Though, Kaeya standing next to them, soaked to the bone, is objectively looking the worst.
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© intothegenshinworld. Do not copy, repost, translate or take heavy inspiration from my content. Thanks for reading.
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hiccupmistress · 1 year
Beware MAJOR spoilers for season 3 of Star Trek: Picard
Something about my Star Trek fandom that I’ve talked about elsewhere but only ever really hinted at on Tumblr is how and when I first got into Star Trek. Strictly speaking, my first encounter with the franchise was when I would have been about 11 or 12, I think. A TV channel was showing a one-per-week marathon of all the Star Trek movies (Nemesis was out by this point, but 2009 was still a ways off). I was too young to really appreciate it at the time, I guess; I have small memories of seeing bits of Search For Spock, Voyage Home, First Contact and Nemesis during that TV marathon, and I liked it, but I didn’t get that into it at the time. I saw the 2009 movie when it came out, but as someone with only a little bit of Star Trek experience, I simply enjoyed it as a summer blockbuster and moved on with my life.
But then around 2011, a friend on Steam messaged me asking if I liked Star Trek - apparently some online game had just gone free-to-play, and the friend wondered if I was interested in trying it out. Since I had a passing familiarity with the movies and remembered enjoying them as a kid, I figured why not and then my whole life changed forever.
Star Trek Online was (and still is) full of so many pieces of lore and information and references to past shows that it utterly piqued my interest and prompted me to start watching all the shows.
As a result of STO being my main introduction to Star Trek though, be it in its original 'Odyssey Class' configuration or its (non-canon) 'Yorktown-Type' refit configuration, the Enterprise-F is "my" Enterprise, in much the same way as those who grew up watching the early movies call the Constitution-Refit “their” enterprise, or those who grew up watching TNG call the Galaxy Class "their" Enterprise and so on. That was the big hero-flagship when I was getting into Star Trek for the first time. There was a point (like a decade ago) in the game where you could go see the Enterprise any time you wanted by looking out the window in the ship requisitions room on Spacedock. I remember standing there and being in awe of it as it loomed over the requisitions room.
I am THRILLED that Star Trek Picard made the ‘Oddy’ canon. Yes, it was disappointing that "my" Enterprise was sidelined after about 30 seconds on screen; we'd known for some time that the Enterprise-F was to be slated for "early decommission" in Picard season 3, and I'd gotten used to that fact, but I wasn't ready to see an Enterprise-G quite so soon. I actually briefly went through the stages of grief over it, not going to lie, but I've made peace with it now.
I look forward to seeing what adventures Captain Seven and First Officer Raffi have on the Enterprise-G (Star Trek: Legacy?), and I'm hoping that at some point, we might get a show, or at least flashbacks, set on or around the Enterprise-F during its prime (maybe Prodigy, since its about the right point in the timeline, as per Terry Matalas and Dave Blass’ lore about when the canon version of the ‘F’ launched).
As much as I would have liked to see more of it in those episodes, the Odyssey Class Enterprise-F, "my" Enterprise, will forever be part of Star Trek canon now and I am so grateful!
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linuxgamenews · 4 months
Uncover the Secrets of Chromatic Memories: A Mind-Bending Visual Novel
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Chromatic Memories emotional interactive visual novel game is coming to Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the talented folks at Perla Oculta for bringing this game to life. Due to make its way onto Steam. Big news from Spanish indie studio Perla Oculta! They've just announced their new visual novel, Chromatic Memories, due to launch on Linux via Steam, June 19th. This adventure takes place in the beautiful Canary Islands during the early 2000s. In this world, technology lets people mess with memories, and special "painters of memories" can access and change people’s minds. You can even erase memories! Chromatic Memories will also be part of the Steam Next Fest from June 10-17. The Chromatic Memories story kicks off with Nayara, who wakes up one day feeling something is seriously off. She notices some items in her house are missing and other things are out of place. She also can't remember why. Turns out, as a painter of memories, she’s been erasing parts of her own past! Now, Nayara is on a mission to uncover what she tried to hide from herself. She'll dive deep into her past, talk to people from those memories, while gathering pieces of information to solve the mystery. Once she gets all the info about a memory, she’ll piece it together, due to unlock new steps in her investigation.
Chromatic Memories Announcement Trailer
Nayara can link specific memories to emotions and even different times. Using dyes, she’ll craft new colors through fun minigames that help her remember key moments in her life. She can also revisit events that happened in the same place but at different times. Plus, she’ll look for old contacts to reconnect with friends who might hold the key to her sudden memory loss.
Key Features:
Dive into a cozy visual novel about grief, loss, memory, and acceptance.
Explore an alternate version of the Canary Islands in the 2000s.
Navigate Nayara’s memories in Chromatic Memories by investigating scenes and talking to various characters to get the main facts.
Collect new dyes as you progress and play minigames to create new colors that aid in your investigation.
Search for old phone numbers to reconnect with lost friends and discover new details about Nayara’s life and world.
Enjoy the vibrant Fauvist art style inspired by early 20th century avant garde artists.
So, mark your calendars for June 19th and get ready to explore Nayara’s mind bending journey in Chromatic Memories. Whether you're into a good emotional interactive visual novel or just like a good mystery, this game promises a unique experience. And don’t forget to check it out during the Steam Next Fest from June 10-17. So be sure to Wishlist it on Steam, coming to Linux, Mac, and Windows PC.
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shine-reblogs · 11 months
Submachine Legacy: additional commentary (Monoliths, Shattered Quadrant, and other details)
Apparently I am NOT done talking about this game, lol. To see me talking about the main levels + optional ruins, check my previous post. Beware of spoilers.
General comments
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I must comment on the map/menu/however this is called because I noticed (rather late) on my going back and forth the details literally surrounding each level. Namely, how level 3 and 'break the loop' are in the middle a spiral, I assume to symbolize the loopy nature of the locations. Level 6 is in the middle of an octagon, kind of like a shield, which goes well with it being the defence systems of the Submachine. Level 7 lays in the middle of many more concentrical circles, which I'm guessing has to do something about it being the Core of the Submachine. And level 8 rests against seven parallel lines, which goes nicely with you jumping through the seven main layers in that level.
I may be, once again, reading too much into details, but I think it makes enough sense and I like it. Kind of wondering now if level 9 shouldn't have something special about it too as the Knot.
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So, I was right in the end that we'll have to come back to this with the navigator, but wrong in the we actually can't take the navigator with us and must jump back and forth between levels (so much going back and forth). Anyway, this gives us new tidbits of Submachine lore (which is nice).
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This goes on in the Lighthouse. Love how the fact that different versions of the game exist is being incorporated to the lore.
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Finally figured how this one worked out. Turns out in the end the Loop did have a layer coordinate thingy (which I started suspecting when I didn't find one at level 7 either) it just was hidden as a secret. Kind of a pity, since I liked the idea of loops being something that maybe existed outside/beyond layers maybe. It's not like I had a lot of time to think about this/develop it into a proper theory, so it's not like I was super attached to it either, so it's fine.
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Lots of portals but no notes in level 4 (that I remember, I binge-played the unlocking Monoliths and it's kinda blurry what is from what level. Should have named the screenshots, lol). BUT! We finally can unlock that door from Sub4, which was satisfying.
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Level 5 is as in 4, meaning no notes found. But again, I like how you could finally see what was behind that closed door though!
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Lots of goodies in level 6! It was nice to get extra content while also keeping the 'secret' notes we had in the originals. Go hunting lore.
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I love this. I love the note talking about the significance of 32 when it's something we've all collectively lost our minds about. I love this xD
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Here we got the same notes we did in the originals, but as a matter of fact I did not remember the one screenshot here and WHAT?! If I weren't so sleepy right now I'd be talking about it probably (as it is I am surprised I can write anything with a semblance of coherence right now, may my insomnia fuck off and leave me alone).
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I'm gonna be very honest, I needed the help of the very kind people making guides on Steam for this because I had all the secrets but couldn't figure out how to access the secret room (previously I got the opposite problem, could access the portals but didn't have the secrets to power them). The notes are the same that we had in the originals.
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And last but not least level 10, were I thought there was only one secret area but there were two! I thought it wa really cool that you use the pearls and stone cubes for this.
The notes here seem to be more or less the same as the originals, but thw wording has been changed some and we're also being teased about the Engine which has me vibrating.
All in all, nice little extras! Shattered Quadrant will come in the reblogs when I get to play it (yes I know I'm slow playing. Do not judge me)
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Dear friends!
Today is a very important date for me. On this day, three years ago, I drew Jacob's first design, published it in Amino (his very first debut), and also with him I had the idea of AU, which you now know as Master Jacob AU.
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That's right, it's been a long time since I created his first design and which subsequently changed into what we have now.
By the way, I have something to remind you of.
Score Creeper's old design:
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The idea to make him so that he was cursed and he was a ghost came to me suddenly and also on the same day as the creation of Jacob, so I think that these two events are connected. Previously, I had not really steamed over the Creeper's design, but I realized more and more how much his mind had previously departed from both reality and cartoon logic, as if he had remained a ghost by his behavior, but he was cooking potions without reason. And yes, the idea with the potion that gave him and his ex-husband two children was also created in one day (YOU CAN'T IMAGINE HOW MANY EVENTS I CAME UP WITH THAT DAY, BUT YOU DON'T KNOW MUCH!). So, on the contrary, I am proud that I have taken up the development of Creeper again and redesigned him.
Unikitty and Puppycorn's design:
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In theory, this design of Unikitty was supposed to be a prerequisite for her mother, Princess Unica, in addition, Feebee wore the same beautiful outfit a long time ago (don't ask why, it's in the past now!), but by the time I decided to redesign Unikitty, the redesign itself also touched (in addition, the last outfit looked like very frankly something), so she's wearing this now. For Puppycorn's outfit, I was inspired by the Evil Morty in the costume of the mayor of the Citadel from Rick and Morty (I even drew a glass of cognac or call it what you want), but his design came out somehow simple and boring, to put it mildly, so I redesigned it and gave both him and his sister, "paired medals" (their Uncle Dunklecorn also has them)
Eaglecreeper fankids' old design:
Score Creeper and his ex-husband have children, but I only showed them in a deleted post, so I remind you that their names are Gwen and Leroy, and they used to have a different design.
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The design for Gwen was invented much earlier than Leroy's, but I later realized for myself that their designs seemed to be the opposite of their real ages, so I needed to change them URGENTLY!
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Well, in general, I told you about the redesigns, now I'll show you the cards on some things:
The old MJ AU's plot:
Initially, after Master Doom's death, Master Malice gave her communication, because of which she subsequently began to share her soul (which remembered nothing) with Jacob when he was born, and this had to be done in order for her to start spreading chaos again in Jacob's body (but for this Jacob had to hate himself and bring himself).
But it was all SUCH AN OLD VERSION IN THE PLOT THAT I DECIDED TO REMOVE IT COMPLETELY LATER (only what is needed and does not bother is left unchanged), because I do not want to turn my baby into a second Nikki from Mama Brock AU (I am neutral about AU itself, since I'm laughing now from reading the main one fanfic, and I'll continue reading the sequel later).
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HOWEVER (!) this doesn't mean that Jacob "won't be a lord". Or rather, he will not be a Doom Lord himself or some other bad guy 100%, but he will own magic and wear a cool outfit in the Lord's style! Expect disclosure!
Princess Unica, the Unigang (Uniteam) 0.5(?) and the birth of unicorns:
I've been wanting to show my old version of Princess Unica (Unikitty and Puppycorn's mom) here for a long time, but I think I'll show them to you here now:
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However, I had to change a lot of things, add more depth to her and her twin brother's past, and also remove Bleu Cat and Puppybum (there will be other characters instead). In this way I created Unigang 0.5:
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Now in the company of these unitwins 0.5 there is a young Richard and a certain Dr. RED, who will be known as the founder and first president of the Future Town Project, however, the President, having previously been an agent of the Doom Lords, prevented Dr. Red and at the moment no one knows what is wrong with him, but we may find out in the future. And also you will soon learn about Uni and Pup's dad.
As for the birth of unicorns, in my AU they are not born as people and are not created by storks. They are created by positive emotions and the laws of nature (similar to how fairies are born in the Disney's Fairies franchise), however, each new unicorn is born once every few years, but they can live longer.
To be continued...
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salthien · 2 months
11, 12, and 15
these are going a cut because spoilers! (also they got a little long oops)
answers for the ISAT ask game!
11- any character headcanons?
give Isabeau a few years, and I think he'd settle into being a Vaugardian version of being genderfluid. I remember reading Word of God somewhere that his Change wasn't really focused on any sort of gender or body dysphoria, and more focused on "well, what do I picture when I think of the kind of person I want to be?" and that just happened to be a big, boisterous man - the opposite of everything he was currently, everything he disliked about himself. (also - "No. Not right now." on the 'which of the cast is a woman' image.) like, don't get me wrong! he's still very obviously trans, dysphoria is not necessary for transness!! I just think that once he's more comfortable with all aspects of himself, that he'd settle on something a little less rigid. I think it would be good for him! isabeau Ultimate Transgender.
i also have a (bad) habit of just tossing little idiosyncrasies of mine onto sif whenever i think of them since there's already a ridiculous amount of overlap, down to the stupid fucking breathing thing (/aff). he doesn't like windy weather because it gives him headaches, especially postgame without his hat. he's a cat person. he'll save his favorite food on a plate for last as a treat. just silly little things
12- what got you interested in the game?
this AU made me go "hmm. that looks cute." -> look at the steam page -> "haha main character looks like me bait. they're cute. yknow, fuck it. i don't have anything going on right now. i'm going to play this." -> SMASH CUT to me, one week later, sitting at my desk at 3am, having just reached credits and feeling like I just got hit by a train. whatever i was expecting it was Not That.
15 - anything you’d change about the game? be it game mechanics, a new feature, a change in plot, etc
Honestly… not really? like I sat and thought about this for A While because while there were things that frustrated me (Loop's hints sometimes being extremely vague, forgetting where a particular book/plot point advance was and having to scour the whole House for it, etc.) like. the frustration is Part Of It. the frustration is ludonarrative harmony. you are at your Most Sifbrained when you're going "I HAVE TO GO BACK TO DORMONT AGAIN?" or "wait what am I even trying to do right now." or "shit, was the latest issue of Chateau Castle 56 or did I actually find 84? or did I just hallucinate that?" so. I wouldn't change any of the stuff that frustrated me. it's necessary. everyone comparing it to Pathologic or Funger has very obviously never played either of those fucking games lol.
And then all of the unanswered questions - about the Forgotten Country, about the King, about the world in general or postcanon - I wouldn't add anything for either! think that id5 hit the perfect level of "giving us just enough to make fanfiction/theories/fanart go WILD without stifling creativity" - I love and support adrienne's stance when it comes to fan content tbh.
I WOULD love to see the dancing event that id5 keeps hinting that they wanted to add but couldn't, so. I'll say that. I wish they'd been able to add that :(
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universestreasures · 5 months
The Amazing Digital Circus AU Verse Info For Mokuba & Kisara! (Connected to some of @lcstsons Yugioh Muses, mainly Noa and Seto.)
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Basic Information
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Human Name: Mokuba Kaiba Avatar Inside The Game Name: Locket Type Of Avatar: Human / Player Age: 12 Main Connections From Outside The Game: Seto Kaiba (Big Brother), Noa Kaiba (Step-Brother), Kisara Utahara (Friend / Big Brother's Girlfriend) Avatar Description: A small black dragon with purple eyes and a rectangle-shaped locket around his neck that has no picture inside of it. He's slightly taller than Pomni. Avatar FC: Toothless (How To Train Your Dragon)
Story Description
Following a pretty upsetting argument with his big brother Seto Kaiba, Mokuba runs off to the local arcade he often frequents to blow off some steam and try to get his mind off of things. Once there he sees on a video screen advertising a 'new' VR game called 'The Amazing Digital Circus', and that one can try it out in one of the rooms in the back. Curious and wanting some time 'outside of his own head' so to speak, he ventures back to the totally not shady place and slaps on a VR headset to enter the game. Once he does, his body goes into a comatose state, similar to what his brother experienced in the Death-T arc in canon. This luring of Mokuba was done by his step brother, Noa Kaiba, who infiltrated the circus game code and is classified as a 'Virus' in the code.
Once inside the game, Mokuba takes on the form of a black dragon (essentially fitting the 'wild beast' part of a circus troupe), forgetting various things about himself in the process, including his name, much like the other residents of the circus. What key things he does remember is his knowledge of gaming programming, his love of gaming in general, and that he does remember he has an older brother but cannot remember anything else other than that fact about him. He is also fixated on the locket around his neck, not knowing quite why but that it is very important to him and that he wants to figure out whose picture should be in the now blank spot.
He, much like Pomni, wants to find an exit and return home. He does participate in the adventures Caine creates, thinking that by 'completing' them he will be able to advance further enough into the game to find a way out. He gets along with most of the members of the circus, I'd imagine (except Jax because, well, he's a jerk), and does come to consider them friends and promises if he finds a way out, he will take them with him.
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Basic Information
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Human Name: Kisara Utahara Avatar Inside The Game Name: Hope Type Of Avatar: NPC (but in reality is a 'virus' from the outside) Age: 18 Main Connections From Outside The Game: Seto Kaiba (Boyfriend), Mokuba Kaiba (Friend / Little Brother Figure) Shiori Utahara (Elder Sister / Agent), Yuki Utahara (Father), Dr. Naomi Utahara (Mother) Avatar Description: A medium-sized white dragon with blue eyes. Essentially a more 'chibi' version of Blue-Eyes White Dragon,and most certainly not a 'Blue Eyes Toon Dragon' (Kaiba would never allow it LOL) Avatar FC: Light Fury (How To Train Your Dragon)
Story Description
Kisara Utahara, much like she is in my modern verse, is a world-famous singer and songwriter known as the Blue-Eyed Maiden, having started performing when she was 12. However, recently, she has been winding down her public performances to instead focus on pursuing the career path of a medical doctor (most likely in Pediatrics, as she has a soft spot for kids), following in her mother's footsteps. She attends Domino University's medical school and currently lives in an apartment with her elder sister and agent, Shiori, in the downtown area of Domino City, Japan. Not only did she choose to attend this university because it is in the city she mainly lives in already, but it also because this city is legally owned by and is the home of her boyfriend, the world-famous CEO of the world's biggest gaming company, Kaiba Corporation, Seto Kaiba.
Upon hearing news of Mokuba being trapped inside of the Amazing Digital Circus game, Kisara drops everything to try and help. She mainly acts as Seto's support in this situation, to prevent him from doing anything reckless in his anger over his brother being stuck inside this retro video game. To that end, once Seto finds a way to access the code and learns of Noa Kaiba's involvement with this entire situation, Kisara offers to go into the game (with him as her outside navigator / programmer) to get Mokuba out herself since he can't go into the game and help on the outside at the same time.
Thus, she enters the game through one of Kaiba Corporation's virtual pods (like the ones seen in the Legendary Heroes mini-arc in the anime), and manifests in the Digital Circus as 'Hope', a white-dragon avatar who appears as a 'NPC' (but is similar to Noa's status as a 'virus', meaning she cannot be deleted from the game by Caine but can corrupt code). Due to her being brought into the game indirectly through Seto's hacking, she fully maintains her memories, unlike the other humans inside the game. She is also able to allow Seto to speak through her or manipulate her actions, essentially 'control her avatar' if you will. She has complete trust in him to allow this.
Kisara's goal is to get Mokuba to get out of the game and regain his memories by creating an exit during a prime opportunity during an adventure, but escaping this colorful retro game is not as easy as it looks...not when you have both a crazy AI in Caine to deal with but also Noa who wants to keep the little Kaiba inside of this place...
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