#now ive looked at the word style too much and it doesn't look like a word anymore but a random assortment of letters
lozislaw · 2 years
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The style of stylising Style is my favourite style
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lakesbian · 5 months
@simurghed ok here are some miscellaneous nothing thoughts ive had about undersiders team vacation for you. this is my purest form of autism theres literally nothing interesting under this post just a lot of words of me sticking undersiders into situations. thats not intended as self deprecation just fair warning
if they went in a cave where the tour guide is like "DO NOT TOUCH ANY CAVE FORMATIONS or they will BE DESTROYED, FOREVER, after THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF BEAUTIFUL EXISTENCE" brian would immediately proceed to spend the entire tour staring at aisha and alec instead of looking at the rocks and shit and preparing to grab them if either of them attempts to touch a cave formation. alec would accidentally set his hand on one w/o realizing while huffing and puffing his way up stairs or a steep incline but he would be walking behind the rest of the team so no one would notice and he would pretend it didn't happen
brian accidentally slams his forehead into top of low tunnel everyone is walking through and swears for like 20 continuous seconds and then has to go sit somewhere with an ice pack and the entire time hes like I bet aisha and alec are touching so many fucking cave formations right now.
if the undersiders went on a hike or something where there were like. Ledges. over Long Drops. aisha would without doubt go stand on them and dick around in a spry 13yo manner and it would freak brian out so much he would yell Aisha Middle Name Laborn Get Your Ass The FUCK Down From There!!!!! and then she would pretend to be startled like she was about to fall off for a moment and he would almost have a heart attack and he would be so mad for the entire rest of the day and not let her off the trail at all and keep glaring at her
if they went to a beach they could all wear cute little swimsuits...taylor would have a full bodysuit (dark gray) but mostly just spend time sitting in a chair reading. rachie wouldnt wear a swimsuit but she would just take her dogs up and down the beach on walks in normal clothes and maybe get a bit damp anyway. brian would wear swim trunks and a long-sleeved top because he also feels uncomfortable having too much skin exposed but, like, more quietly. aisha is wearing a purple tankini with one of brians giant t-shirts over top. voluntarily, to be clear, ifeel like someone might misinterpret this as "brian made her" but shes doing that on purpose. i also think she has at least one "nightgown" that is fully a massive shirt stolen from brian but thats besides the point. lisa is wearing a purple bikini with one of those like. flowy half-skirts tied around the bottom. and alec is wearing girls swim shorts and one of those sheer white swim cover tops youre supposed to take off before you get in the water except he's not taking it off
aisha keeps pestering alec to go swimming with her and he's like sure ok and lets her drag him in. and then almost drowns because he doesn't know how to swim and figured he could just "wing it." brian has to dredge him out and he spends several minutes coughing up seawater sopping wet style while brian takes the opportunity to lecture about how he's stupid. and then he spends the next half hour after that complaining about how there is Sand up his Buttcrack.
aisha and alec spend literally like over half an hour just standing next to taylors chair pestering her to make a crab rave happen. she tries to ask lisa for back-up but lisa says she also wants to see the crab rave. so it happens. very clandestinely with only a few crabs.
aisha demands a ride on brian's shoulders into the ocean. he obliges. alec demands to get to go next. he is denied, because brian thinks it would be kind of gay. he doesn't say that, but it's what he's thinking.
i think they should get to have the most miserable time on the planet all waiting for their turns to shower off in the hotel room after going swimming. reasonably they would have multiple rooms but i like to envision theres only one and everyone is shivering and holding malicious intent towards whoever is actively in the shower. they make alec go last because they know how he is with long showers and he just kind of sits tragically on the entry tile in a slowly collecting puddle of sandy water and stares into space looking haunted and intermittently shivering
undersiders trip to history museum. undersiders trip to preserved historical building. undersiders trip to preserved fancy mansion. ive posted about this one before but both alec and brian are enjoying it (for different reasons) while aisha HATES it and it's freaking all three of them out a little. alec is performatively trying to pretend he also thinks it's lame because he's (largely platonically) whipped but then he turns around and asks the tour guide an actual question and he and aisha both know that in this moment he has betrayed and abandoned her. they reconcile via shared advocacy for ice cream afterwards
alec vasil hot and tired of walking frow up incident, no deaths, intense injury to one boy's pride and also his shoes
brian laborns intense and immense joy over getting to organize and use the contents of his cargo shorts
the incredible drama of brian laborn trying to parallel park the van in a really tight spot while lisa and taylor both play unwanted spotter for him and he's like Please. just Let me Concentr-. Just let me do what i need to do just be quiet for a minute . they do stop talking for a minute, during which aisha takes the opportunity to start making fart noises
rachel lindt is fitting so many ouppie dogs in the van and theyre just kind of ferreting between everyones legs and climbing onto laps to stick their heads out the windows and shit. this starts off as something everyone but rachel is mad about but settles into a more amenable cuddle pile situation
undersiders go to aquarium or zoo....zoo would be more fun to witness because alec would complain about it being hot + smelling bad the whole time. lisa has the intelligent idea to quiet him with a blue raspberry slushie
speaking of lisa you know shes going into this entire thing like Taylor Specifically has to have the most funnest specialest time ever. shes always like "ok ill read some dinner options off the phone :)" and then all 5 of them are things taylor specifically would love. and so on and so forth.
alec vasil spotted wandering lost and ghostlike in the modern art gallery
i could go on
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ruthlesslistener · 3 months
do you have any headcanons for anything you've been holding onto, but haven't had a good chance to post about? I love your fics and I wanna peer into your mind palace
Shhdhchs EXCELLENT bc ive had a lot of thoughts but this quarter + anxiety in general has been killin me
-Okay so I'm still hyperfixated on Destiny 2 bc of a DnDestiny game I'm in, but since Hollow Knight is a special interest and I read a couple of frankly stunning crossover fics (one with the Inheritance Cycle, one with Transformers, both are outstanding and I will recc them wholeheartedly if you ask- the TF one especially blew my tits clean off which is saying something bc I have zero TF knowledge, also its 500k words but I'm rambling), my brain has been essentially locked into the concept of a crossover AU where a couple of my D2 OCs get slingshot into the HK world via a fucked-up warpgate through wish-dragon magic, and it's now got me kind of obsessed with the idea of the world of Hollow Knight taking place on an alien planet that had some convergent evolution re: general insect body plans, but went off the fuckin' rails with everything else. So here's some worldbuilding thoughts on that:
-Their planet would be far from Earth and the origin place of the Ahamkara and precursor race to the Worm Gods, who are distant relatives to each other that took to the stars to opportunistically feed off of rifts in reality. They are in turn sister taxa to the Wyrms and Higher Beings from Hollow Knight, who also feed off of the wants, desires, and gulf between what-is-desired-and-what-is-true, but unlike the worms and wish-dragons, the Higher Beings are essentially 'settled' species. They're the farming civilization to the hunter-gatherers of their Destiny-based kindred, and yes, both branches of the family tree fucking despise each other and look down scornfully on the other's lifestyle. The Higher Beings view the Worms and Ahamkara as little more than scavengers, while the Worms and Ahamkara see the Higher Beings as glorified slavedrivers with sticks up their asses- though it should be noted that since the Ahamkara's whole deal so far has been malignant trickery as a hunting style, this doesn't neccessarily carry the same negative connotations that it would in our society. I also don't know enough about the proto-Worms to say how their race would react, but the Worm Gods as they are now certainly are something that Wyrms would look down on
-(Yes that means I have thought extensively about the Pale King's ghost bristling aggressively at a baby ahamkara barely a few hours old. In my defense, it's funny, and also I almost never remember to write him as the cold, prickly, arrogant ass that he is bc his kids make him Big Sad)
-The planet would likely be smaller than Earth with lighter gravity, though how much smaller I can't say because I'm not a fuckin' physicist. I just want an excuse for making fuckoff-huge animals a thing even beyond the inherent space magic thing going on
-Oh, and most life is underground because the atmosphere is thinner than Earth and so the upper surface gets bombarded with deadly amounts of radiation, which causes the mind-wiping effects of the Wastes (where the angle towards their sun is the greatest and thus the strongest). Ngl I did briefly think about potential magnetic field fluxes also being the cause of that effect but like, I cannot overstate how little I know of things outside biology
-HK being set on an alien planet lets me do wack shit with the species there too bc I'm no longer bound by comparing them to Earthbound species. For example, I can make Quirrel an isopod with cricket legs. Who's going to stop me, God? He doesn't exist here
-That also means I can stop being bothered by Herrah's dubious leg placement bc it would kill me forever otherwise
-Also, them being on an alien planet gives me even more of an excuse to never put traditional vertebrate species in there, which is great. I've said it before, but putting Earth vertebrates in the HK setting totally ruins all the fun for me because I love the concept of all the species diversity being made up of invertebrates, and that the 'advanced' bugs we see have filled the niche that vertebrates would have otherwise taken over. Like the carboniferous period but on steroids
General HK thoughts too:
-been toying with the idea of wyrms having a set of evertable inner jaws like polychaete worms, which would be used for keeping dirt out of the mouth and biting off chunks to eat, while the outer jaws (the ones we see) are used for killing, digging, and sparring with other wyrms. The idea is that the outer ring of mandibles bites big circular chunks out of the substrate, which then breaks off into tiny pieces they filter out in between gaps in their mandibles and pack down into tunnel walls as they move forward
-I've also been toying with the idea of them secreting some kind of mucus as they dig that's almost a calcifying substance, but now that I think about it, I can probs just put those glands in their frontal mouth so if they need to reinforce a tunnel (like, say, one burrowed in sand instead of rock), they can mix their saliva in with the substrate to chemically solidify the tunnel walls
-Which btw is a major thing for ecosystems bc the tunnels are used for lots of different things by lots of different species. Wyrms are terraformers baybee!! Kinda the same way wildfires are, but still
-I've also been thinking about maybe making it so that the row of plates I like to draw on their backs act as a secondary pair of belly scutes, which means that wyrms can slither just as easily upside down as they can on their undersides, which helps underground. It's not as efficient as the super-smooth scales on a blind snake, but that's the tradeoff they get for needing to be so heavily armoured
-I'm also leaning towards making marine/freshwater variants that are just straight-up bobbit worms on even more steroids, but since I already have fuckoff huge marine alien bobbit worms in a scifi setting of mine, I'd need to figure out a way to make them unique
-I learned that there's internalized folds of exoskeleton for muscle attatchment in my invertebrate biology course and got really excited about that being a potential basis for the formation of skeletal elements in the world of Hollow Knight- like, maybe bug bones started off as those lil folds (i forgot their technical name which is embaressing bc i literally just took the final this night) becoming stronger and deeper-set into the body to better support the weight of larger and larger bugs, and then it spiraled into a skeleton analogue from there. Being derived from the exoskeleton probably means that it would be less strong than our bones, but it would likely also be lighter
-God I really need to write Hornet in Silksong so bad. Fuck. I need need need to write this mildly autistic unsocialized princess running amok in a civilization that isn't ready for her. Also my interpretation of Lace is basically an oc at this point but I don't want to do anything with her just yet bc that shits a lot of work, I just need to write everything down for her so far (and tbh Lurien probs also counts at this point but thats more filling a niche that TC left unfufilled)
-I've also got gijinka thoughts in that I'm leaning towards making Lurien a trans guy who didn't have any gender-affirming surgeries bc a.) I love love love making a variety of trans characters and b.) Hallownest isn't a society where the concept of being transgender is an issue, so there's no need to do it to pass, only to prioritize your own comfort. And since Lurien never expected to be seen in anything but his formalware, he never saw the point of bothering
-(The aformentioned point also applies to normal bug Lurien but this is more of a personal thing here)
-Need to focus more on how the latent magic of the god of a realm changes your eye colour, with the more intense the shade = the more involved you are with their magic. Using Lurien as an example again: his eyes were brown naturally, but after he became Watcher, they slowly shifted to shades of paler and paler blue. I also like the idea of Quirrel's eyes getting more blue the more memories of Hallownest he unlocks, until they're the same shade as the Blue Lake in his final scene
-This can also happen in reverse; for example, my Lace gijinka starts off with gold eyes to signify the church of Pharloom's hold over her, but then slowly revert back to brown as Hornet gives her more and more hope that the institution can be toppled, until they're eventually their natural deep brown with just the faintest flecks of silver in them (signifying Hornet's importance in her life)
-It just occurred to me the other day when I was at work that Striga and Morgana from Castlevania S3 are almost exactly how I imagined my Vespa and Herrah gijinkas to be and now I can't stop thinking about it. The main difference is that my Herrah is a fat spider-orc with tats and Vespa is a fae queen with bee features shimmering through her human veil, but still. Its uncanny
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glorious-spoon · 6 months
69 and Steddie for the Spotify wrapped fic meme 😊
Thank you! Number 69 this year was Holy Diver, by Dio.
down too long in the midnight sea
Post-canon, pre-relationship, hurt/comfort.
1000 words
It takes him a long time to surface. For what feels like an endless eon he drifts alone in icy darkness. Drowning, he feels like he's drowning. He remembers the taste of blood on his tongue, and he remembers that he's so cold.
He remembers that he was afraid, or is afraid, but he doesn't remember why.
Warm fingers slip into his hand, a shocking contrast to the chill flooding his body. There are voices overhead, but they belong to the world of the surface, whatever lies above the icy depths where he's currently drowning.
He can feel the warmth of that hand, though. He clings to it as he slips back down.
There's pain. There's so much pain, and his body aches, and his lungs ache, and he can't breathe, he can't breathe—
Voices above him, loud. A high thin mechanical wail. There are no warm fingers touching him now. Only metal and cold, sharp pain like—
He reaches out, twisting, grasping in the darkness. Clawing desperately for that remembered warmth.
"Eddie, hey, you gotta stop—" someone says, and he knows that voice, he does, but before he can attach a name to it, he's sinking again, drowning, gone.
Warmth. Not just in his fingers this time, although he can feel that someone is holding his hand. A thumb slides absently back and forth across the back of his knuckles, a slow, repetitive movement that Eddie holds on to as he rises up through the layers of dark water toward that warmth and light.
It's light where he is. He can tell that now, even with his eyes closed. He has eyes. He has a body, and it's lying on something soft, and there's a blanket pulled over him. He hurts everywhere, but the pain feels distant right now. Muffled somehow. Like his brain has been wrapped in cotton batting to protect against sharp edges.
They must have me on the good shit, he thinks, and it's the first coherent thought that he can remember having. Hospital. He's in the hospital; he must be. The last thing he remembers is lying in the cold dirt of the Upside Down while Dustin Henderson held him and cried. In that dark blank space after he lost consciousness, someone must have gotten him out.
He's alive. Against all expectations, he's alive.
His eyes feel like they're glued shut, but he blinks twice, wincing, and they finally open. There's a blurry hospital room, filled with diffuse light from a curtained window somewhere to the left. somewhere beyond the other wall he can hear footsteps, voices. Closer by is a monitor, an IV pole with a bag of clear fluid feeding down into a needle taped to his arm. He slides his tongue against his teeth; his mouth tastes metallic and foul. Then, slowly and painfully, he rolls his head toward the person sitting next to his bed and holding his hand.
He was expecting Wayne, but instead it's Steve Harrington slumped in a shitty hospital chair, elbow resting on the edge of the mattress, fingers loosely tangled with Eddie's. He's looking down at a book braced on his knee, lips moving like he's reading silently, so Eddie has a moment to stare at him unobserved. He's in clean clothes, his hair styled, his bruises fading to an ugly yellowish-green. He looks--well, he looks good. Even after he got dragged through hell backwards and almost eaten alive he still looked upsettingly good. But Eddie has no fucking clue what he's doing here. Out of people he'd reasonably expect to find languishing at his bedside, Steve Harrington is so far down the list that Eddie wouldn't even think to include his name.
Steve lifts his head. He takes a second, but Eddie watches the realization dawn on his face, the near-comical expression of shock. He straightens up, the book tumbling forgotten to the floor. "Hey! Oh, shit, okay, you're actually awake this time. Right?"
"Evidently," Eddie rasps. He licks his lips "What… happened? Wayne?"
"Yeah, we made him go home and get some sleep. He's been here for like three days straight--he's gonna be so pissed off you woke up while he was gone."
"Oh." Eddie's eyes slide shut again like there are weights attached to them. He blinks hard and forces them open again. "Okay? Is--everyone—?"
"Yeah, everybody's--well, okay, Max is on crutches, and Carver, like, tried to kick Sinclair's ass, but he's just got a black eye, and Robin sprained her ankle, but—" he breaks off and takes a deep shuddering breath, raking his hair out of his face with the hand not still holding Eddie's. He still hasn't let go. "Everybody made it out alive."
"Even me," Eddie whispers.
Steve's expression does something painful and complicated-looking, and then he smiles. "Yeah. Even you. Henderson is so pissed off at you, by the way."
Eddie huffs a thready laugh. "Figures."
"I should probably, um. Probably let the doctors know you're awake." Now he goes to disentangle his fingers from Eddie's. Eddie grabs for him. Or tries to, anyway; it ends up more as a pathetic sort of flopping movement. Steve stills. "Eddie?"
"Just." His mouth feels clumsy, his head fuzzy; he doesn't know how to say, please just hold on a little longer, this was the only thing that felt real this whole time. He doesn't even know if it was Steve holding his hand this whole time. Probably not. But Steve is the one who's here now, waiting here just so Eddie doesn't have to wake up alone. "Can you just. Stay. For like. A second. Please."
Steve blinks at him for a moment. Then he lets out a soft noise, almost a laugh, and nods. He picks up Eddie's hand, very deliberately, and glances up at him like he's monitoring his reaction. 
"Okay," he whispers, squeezing Eddie's palm between both of his. His hands are so warm. "Okay. Just for a minute."
"Thank you," Eddie mumbles, and lets his eyes slip shut. The darkness is still there, still cold, but now Eddie knows that he's got someone here to pull him back up.
"Yeah," Steve says quietly. And then, even quieter, "I'm really glad you're still with us."
"Mmhm," Eddie manages. And the world is fading again, but he can still feel that warmth as Steve keeps holding on.
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future-boi · 6 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game!
Thanks to @mythical-bookworm and @alex-a-fans for tagging me.
tbh this is just a song rec list LMAO [easier to open in a browser fyi]
1) Spell your name in songs
Y'all get two for the price of one cuz I couldn't decide if I wanted to go with all non-English songs or not.
The non-English songs are labeled with 🧋 in case you wanna avoid 🤪
Warning: Most of the songs in english have swear words so... just in case u got kids or ur strict parents around LMAO.
⚡️ F: Fighter Not a Lover
aro/ace people gonna love that shit ^ + no swear words
alt: fml u fucked me up
⚡️ U: URARA🧋
It translates to 'Oo-la-la', which I now realize is the magazine Biff was carrying around in the second movie... this was unintentional and the meaning of the song is very wholesome, trust me
alt: Upside Down
⚡️ T: this was a demo for this one song...
That one's like 50% f-bombs ^ i love it
alt: Toxic but its NOT Brittany, B*tch 💅
The most aggressive entry on this list
⚡️ U: Up Up and Away
The only f-bomb is in the second verse
alt: Unmei no Roulette Mawashite 🧋
'unmei' means 'destiny' so you know I had to include it
⚡️ R: Raining in Manila (half 🧋)
Couple of dudes just vibin' out in the studio, what's not to love?
^im convinced this is what suburbanites see in their nightmares
⚡️ E: Electricity (half 🧋)
alt: Extensyon
Both make up the most WHOLESOME entry in this
⚡️ -(hyphen): Hatid Sundo 🧋
Baby. Baby boi. Baby. vibes ^
alt: Hell to Sell
EVIL. vibes ^
🚫🧢 I have a problem with tonal whiplash. Did I cheat and use the hyphen to include the most wholesome and cute song right before pulling out the lowkey most scandalous song in the list? YES.
Just realized it doesn't work as well if you can't understand it, but trust me. I mean just listening to its vibes is enough 😩
⚡️ B: Balik Sa Umpisa 🧋
Any song that samples/remixes 'Stand By Me' is a W in my book.
alt: Bodybag
I'm just self-reporting at this point.
Ok the rest are very wholesome songs I swear
⚡️ O: Oretachi Rookies 🧋
alt: Oh, Imagine That
ok this one's tied for most wholesome in the list
⚡️ I: I/Me/Myself
gnc/nb people gonna love this shit ^
alt: I Really Like You
that was a struggle, R is the top pick to check out imo. E, O and I are the wholesome ones with no swear words if u care.
2) Why did you choose your URL?
Its based. ..off the song in the musical. I got back into the fandom because of the musical so I owe it that much. 'boi' sounds more gender-neutral than 'boy'
3) What is your middle name?
That's a secret!
4) If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be?
5) Favorite color?
Purple. Lavender/Periwinkle specifically.
6) Song you love right now?
What? 🧋 The amount of crackhead energy, but genuine emotion... AND AESTHETIC. it was literally made for me LMAO Ken is so aggro but hes singing about not littering. like why is he so intimidating-- but i support the eco-friendly king. but fr the song is about waving ur flag with pride??? PRIDE???? and they look androgynous asf??? whats not to love
7) Top four fandoms? (Current Fandoms?)
Back to the Future
That's it
jk uhhh, Invincible
Thats it, dont wanna get into past fandoms rn
8) Tag nine people
mf u think i know 9 people??
im playin, lemme tag some cool people... not that u have to do this, i just wanted to bother u 🤪 but feel free to do it, i wanna hear other music 🥺🥺🥺
⚡️ @jowritesfanfiction my inspo, my density, ILY. Im never shy bout bothering u in my posts HAVE U GOTTEN THE RESTRAINING ORDER AGAINST ME YET 🤪🤪😭😭😭 ive tagged this mf in every other post istg
⚡️ @moth-makay ur great frfr 😭😭 all the hugs. r u gonna post more art??? cuz u shouuuld 🥺
⚡️ @bttf-dork ur name and pfp give comfy vibes??? its very endearing. dunno how to describe it, but i like seeing u in my notifs 🥰 bUT UR ART DOHHH. immaculate. underrated.
⚡️ @pepsifox88 i hope u continue to cook ✨ everyone go and GIVE THEM SUPPORT, I AM NO LONGER ASKING
and to the rest of u, thank u for liking a bunch of my work, whenever i see long lists of likes like that, or if i see ur name often 'nuff, i always notice 😇, i never know how to say thank you!!
Didn't include everyone, but just know that i noticed you!!! 💝
watch me get reported for harassment by all these people 😂
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fastcardotmp3 · 4 months
find the word!
tagged by the illustrious @roguenancy <3 thank you friend this was a fun one!
my words are: soft, bright, time, reach, and burn
most of these are from yet-to-be-posted febuwhump fics because that's what my time has been going to preparing the past few weeks, but there are some old standards too!
i. soft (from a Kali-centric febuwhump fic)
Hunting down One and helping Eleven and her friends to take him down once and for all? That was an arena in which Kali was comfortable, an arena in which she got to be the victor, even in her sharing of the title.  But it hadn’t gone to plan. Of course not.  It hadn’t been a one-off and had instead turned into months trapped within the confines of this town, haunted by more than just those initial days Kali spent small and scared and broken as she ran from the lab and tried to find a way out.  She had been so young then. She feels it around every corner, amidst every patch of trees; she feels the younger version of herself everywhere and at some point during these past few months of battle it went and made her soft.
ii. bright (from a future installment of the bear au)
“You staying here tonight?” Nancy says on a tired exhale as she drops her bag and kicks off her shoes.  “Maybe,” Holly says at length, hands still on her keyboard but no longer typing.  The way her fair hair glows in the bright white light is almost unsettling. She’s such a beautiful girl. “Couch is yours,” Nancy tells her, “I’m going to bed.” “Mike said you flipped this afternoon.” 
iii. time (from the METAMORPHOSES sequel one-shot I'm working on :) kicks feet twirls hair etc)
They decided to move to Chicago on this porch, decided to officially move into the same bedroom on this porch, decided to kiss for the first time on this porch.  It’s a near-sacred place, these panels of wood and screws, the spot that once held a beaten-down couch and now sports the beautiful handcrafted swing that Steve had made for them completely of his own volition.  It’s sacred because it’s theirs, their home, but it’s only that because they decided it would be. They made it this bubble of earnest communication and so when Eddie asks do you ever think about it with a heavy sort of sincerity lingering on his tongue, the only context Steve needs is— “About what?” 
iv. reach (another febuwhump fic, nancy character study style)
There’s a hand around her forearm just before she reaches the edge of the pool, a hand large and strong but a hand, still, which releases his grip with a half-hearted shove from Nancy.  “Don’t,” she snaps, whirling around to look at him, avoiding the confused and concerned and baffled expressions of Robin and Eddie hovering feet away at the edge of the forest like they truly don’t know what to do with themselves. “Don’t.”  Her voice is ragged, she knows. She can see the sound of it in the harsh shine of Steve’s eyes, but she can see something else there, too.  She can see something like understanding, like the crossing of a great divide between them, where they’ve both changed irreparably in the journey, but changed into the kinds of people who can trust each other above all else. 
v. burn (febuwhump again, stobin edition)
There's so much to grieve, even after they win.  There's so much to grieve that Robin doesn't think it feels much like winning at all.  They keep going, she keeps moving forward, because that's what's supposed to happen and that's what they've always done, but no matter how much time passes between them and watching that place, that monster, burn, she still feels it.  Tastes it. Can't swallow around it some days and wakes up needing to rush to the toilet to puke it up on others.  It burns her from inside and as she gets her diploma, as they help rebuild the town into something still broken but at least standing, as people make plans and leave and get away, away, away from the mass grave that is Hawkins, Indiana, she keeps it there. Inside.
tagging with zero pressure but one million love: @kkpwnall @judasofsuburbia @cheatghost @fragilecapric0rnn @thefreakandthehair @yxlenas @snowangeldotmp3 + anyone who wants to join because this is simply fun!
your words are: new, try, still, part, and home
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ohmygs-blog · 3 months
warning: didnt reread before sending, just me yapping lmfao
ik everybody goes thru phases, that's how we discover n experiment w diff hobbies, and so for some phases you'll go thru burnout eventually which i get cos ive definitely gone thru different phases of the content i like to create for my kpop acct (ie. i was rlly into editing like graphic design style but burned out from it and went on to gif making instead),, ANYWAYS MY POINT IS- you are one of the few writers i think as a reader i would be so sad to see burn out because i enjoy reading your stuff so so much. this isn't to like shame or pressure you if u do move on from writing, but rather just wanted to say how much i hope your creative fuel will continue to burn, not to feel guilty if it doesn't work out but that know it'd be such a big loss to czennies who love ur work :(
wanna reiterate that in no way is this telling u you'll let ppl down bc that is NOT the case, but rather how precious u and ur blog are to us n we value u sm in our little corner of the internet<3
sawree i am very clearly not a writer idk how to explain stuff but pls know u r so so so loved here and we appreciate all the hard work u put in for us to read, n for free too ?? ur truly a gem 🤍
you are so beyond sweet and i’m so thankful for you and your nice words :(( i love being on this little corner of the internet and i’m glad u guys enjoy my work so much 🥹🥹this message was so sweet to get and i’m so thankful you took the time to leave it for me :))
i can’t believe how much love and support i’ve gotten from all of you guys and i’m always always grateful. hopefully, fingers crossed i won’t burn out because i love writing and all of you guys.
honestly speaking i do feel better now, and i’ve gotten like two requests done lol. i have older ones that i wrote and just weren’t happy with, so ill be looking them over n rewriting. but yes for now, im back and im so happy!!! :D
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nerdysleepybunny · 1 year
shroomieeeieei 😔
its been kinda rough these past few days and the week has only started 😭 is it okay if i can have fullscore trio hcs with a fatigued and burned out gn reader? ive been feeling very tired with my workload recently. if that's too much you can just do one of your choosing, doesn't really matter to me. tysm <3
This is exactly how I’ve felt which is why I’ve been using this schedule. 😭 I really hope it all gets better for you. Thank you so much for the request, hope you enjoy!
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Fandom(s): The Promised Neverland
Character(s): Norman, Ray, Emma (ft Isabella/Mom)
Reader: Gender neutral (you/they/them)
TW: None, just fluff!
Style: Hcs
Summary: You feel extremely burnt out and unmotivated, so the trio (separate) help you out!
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Ever since the escape plan had been mentioned you’ve been devoting all your free time to working on it, including play time. All the children, including Norman, were getting worried. Yet you insisted that you were just fine and were simply working out some things.
It got to a point where you skipped meals and even stayed up instead of sleeping.
Norman would wake up in the middle of the night to see you sketching out a layout and taking some notes before thinking of the pros and cons, then crumpling up your failed idea and throwing it to the side before starting anew. He’d quietly scold you before bringing you to bed with him and holding you tightly in his embrace so you couldn’t escape, you eventually giving up and staring around the room, instead doing the calculations in your head. You usually only got 1 hour of sleep if not then none.
Norman eventually got used to you not showing up to meals, and would keep your food hot to the best of his abilities whilst eating his food. Once eating time was over, he’d walk up to your room and bring you your food. Though he’d begin to notice how you only took a few bites before completely ignoring it and focusing on your work.
He soon got fed up and confronted you about it, but you wouldn’t budge. He soon gave up and instead just tried to take care of you to the best of his abilities. But over time, the sleepiness and hunger caught up to you, to the point you could barely function. You awoke in the infirmary after passing out in a pile of crumpled papers (luckily Mom didn’t find a single one), with a worried Norman by your side.
“Please (Y/N), never do that again..” You could only be ashamed of yourself as you saw the albino whimper and cry. You hadn’t realized how much you were hurting him. When you got out of the infirmary, everyone assumed you were fine. But in reality you were still out of it. Walking and talking was a challenge, so Norman walked with you and didn’t question it when you didn’t respond to something. He saw this as you learning your lesson, but didn’t rub it in your face.
Eventually, the physical effects had long since healed, but you were still mentally exhausted. You tried your absolute best, but you had no motivation to do anything, instead only being able to lay on your bed all day and occasionally eat. Norman assumed you were overworking yourself again but was surprised when he walked i to your room to see you nowhere near your work, instead you seemed to be avoiding it like the plague, getting stressed and uncomfortable when it was brought up. Finally, you gave up the act, and collapsed onto Norman’s lap with tears filling your eyes.
“Norman… I can’t do this anymore. I can barely function. I don’t want to do anything anymore..” You sobbed, soaking his shirt, but he didn’t mind.
“Lay down and rest for as long as you need to. I’ll get everything done for you.”
“Really?…” You could barely lift your head to look into his ocean eyes, but when you tried to, it was pushed back down into his chest.
“Yes, now stop pushing yourself to do things. Your body is exhausted. You and your body need rest.” You could barely listen to his words as you made yourself comfortable on your bed. Norman smiled at your sleeping form before walking over to your abandoned work. He looked over your sketches and notes and quickly built a plan, one that wouldn’t fail. He disposed of all the evidence and hid the final paper behind his bed, where he’d tell everyone the plan tomorrow. For now, he needed to give you the attention and care necessary to get you back to your old self.
You just had so much on your plate. It was so little work that could be done within just a few hours, but today was just not your day. Everything around you was stressing you out and you didn’t know what to do.
Mom wanted you to do chores, the kids wanted you to play with them, Ray wanted to read with you, you have to help with the escape plan, and you have to pretend you don’t know the secret. It was too much for you to handle, and not knowing what else to do, you cried. You hid yourself deep in your blankets and sobbed into a pillow.
Ray was walking towards the library when he suddenly heard a noise coming from your room. Cracking the door open and peeking in, he saw you sobbing your little heart out. His soft spot immediately came out and he rushed toward you, patting your head.
“(Y/N), what’s wrong?” He pulled you out of your hiding place and allowed you to sob into his shirt until you could speak.
Your tears finally came to a stop and you pulled away, drying your face with your sleeve, telling him your worries. The boy laughed a bit and ruffled your hair.
“I could easily help with that.”
“You can?”
“Yeah, I can take care of your chores, Norman or Emma can play with the kids, and I can just read to you. The Mom part is easy, just be yourself. Don’t show any signs of fear and don’t be suspicious. You need to think of reasonable excuses on the spot. I know you can do that.” You smiled at the raven haired boy and fell into his embrace once again.
“Thank you, Ray…”
“Yeah, now lay down. You want a snack or anything?” You shook your head no and he nodded, laying down next to you and pulling out the book he was holding before he came in here. Flipping to the page you two finished on, he began reading aloud to you as you rested your head on his shoulder and finally relaxed.
Emma: (this one is more female-based but still gn!)
You were on your period and just didn’t feel like doing anything, so you did just that. You and Emma were best friends, and did everything together. You were inseparable. So she of course began to get worried when you stopped hanging out with her to instead stay in your room. Did she do something wrong?
Eventually she decided to confront you about it, so she marched upstairs to your room and knocked on the door. When there was no answer from you, she opened the door and let herself in. She was mortified by the sight.
You were curled up on your bed, clutching your stomach and grumbling, shifting around trying to get comfy. There were tissues, toilet paper (let’s pretend there’s no pads cuz you aren’t expected to get your period at this age, so you gotta do it the tp way 🥲) and snacks covering your night stand. Your hair and room was an absolute mess. Emma got the hint that something was wrong but didn’t know what, since none of the orphans knew what periods were, not even you since this was your first. You just knew you were in pain and bleeding like crazy.
She ran over to you and held you in her arms.
“(Y/N) what’s wrong?! Are you hurt?!” You weakly nodded, and she began screaming for Mom.
Isabella came rushing in, seeing the mess of you. You were put in the infirmary, and you told Isabella your symptoms. She laughed, soon realizing what was wrong with you.
“You’re on your period, dear.”
“My what?”
“Your period, it comes every month.”
“I’ll explain when you’re older, dear (Y/N).” You grumbled in defeat, staring down at your stomach which felt like it was eating you from the inside.
“So I have to suffer every month?”
“I’m afraid so. It usually lasts for a week, but there are ways to ease your pain. I can also help you with the blood.” Isabella got you pads and a heating pad. She was shocked you were the first to get a period, she’s never had to deal with this before. First time for everything I suppose.
You told Emma what Mom told you so she’d somewhat understand your situation, but you made her promise not to tell anyone, especially the boys. She happily pinkie promised.
Whilst you were “sick”, as Emma told everyone to cover for you, you were completely unmotivated to do anything. It hurt to move, and you felt exhausted. Either Mom or Emma brought you your food, and Mom put your testing thing on a platform with wheels so you could take your daily tests in bed. Emma would visit you multiple times a day, only leaving your side for testing or when she had to go do something. You eventually told her about your lack of motivation and your mood swings, to which she was quick to comfort you.
“Don’t worry, I know your period makes you feel certain ways you wouldn’t normally feel. Mom said these usually last a week, and it’s been 5 days! You’ll be back to your old self in no time!” You smiled at her positivity and opened your arms for her, to which she happily collapsed into.
“Thank you Emma, I love you.”
“I love you too (Y/N)!” You felt better already. Yes, she was right, things would be back to normal soon.
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rt-lots · 10 months
hiii um i wrote a hypnospace outlaw thingy... ive never shared my writing before so i am VERY nervous and i dont know how common this'll be 4 me but ya 👍
au where zane n corey paul r in the same school and also friends... in a mildly gay way
just fyi this isnt my usual writing style. unless you like it then actually i write like this exclusively and also all the time
word count is 1275 hope u likey 🙏
Zane has never heard of a tuba cover before. To him, it sounds pretty freaking stupid.
The tuba is not an instrument Zane has ever had any conscious thought about. To him, it's solely a background instrument for nerds in band to play at school assemblies. It's not really music- not like sick-as-crap electric guitar, bass or drums. It's the instrument you take out for marches, raising school spirit, and looking really lame.
Corey Paul, of course, feels differently.
The tuba is a beautiful instrument, both in sound and aesthetic. He likes how the gold tube wraps in on and around itself, almost making art with its function. It looks purposeful, because it is, and that air of maturity makes for good art. Corey also likes the sound of the tuba. He'd never really been an outgoing kid. His voice cracks under pressure or when he laughs too much and he's never had anything important enough to say with confidence. The tuba, though, is loud by default. Its sound is rich and deep, filling the room and demanding your attention. Corey likes that; he likes that the tuba knows what it wants, and both looks and sounds good doing it.
Zane's never really had much of a reason to give a crap what Corey thinks, though. They're friends, sure, but they both know where their interests lie. Corey had once tried bridging the gap by asking Zane if he could tuba him a song for his game, but quickly shut that down after being laughed at in his face.
Point is- it was fine. Corey could be a class clown comedian with an ugly instrument and Zane could be the X-Slayer game developer with all around superior tastes. Neither needed to change the other's mind.
…Which is why Corey's next move confuses him.
Corey stops Zane after his last class, doing that thing he does where he bounces on his heels in excitement. Corey and Zane have a schedule of hanging out every Thursday after school, and it's Monday, so he's not expecting him to come barreling into Mrs. Patterson's classroom, wheezing with excess energy, like he was rushing to see him. He doesn't expect Corey, someone usually so uptight about his personal space, to eagerly grab his shoulder, either, but he does that too, and it isn't terrible.
Through the breaths of an unathletic teenager who just ran down two flights of stairs and through a hall, Corey explains he has a surprise for Zane, something he's been working really hard on, and he just finished it so he has to come see it right now. Although confused, Zane doesn't have any gripes with this, and he tells Corey to just wait a minute for him to pack his things and he'll come see. Corey's hand retreats from his shoulder like a wounded animal, but he's still smiling as he says OK.
Zane thinks it's gross Corey's taking him to the Band Hall, otherwise known in his mind as Nerdface Central, but he reminds himself that Corey apparently worked hard on something for him, so he should hold back on any unsavory comments- just for a little bit.
Corey leads him to the center of the hall, up an elevated stage platform and to a white soor on the left. Zane feels some apprehension going in, like Corey's just asked him to walk straight into a teacher's lounge, but Corey opens the door and holds it for him, and the gesture is so homey that it'd feel wrong to do anything other than walk straight in.
The room past the door is significantly smaller, and seems to be some kind of closet. The room is entirely cleared out save for a small speaker, Corey's tuba case on the ground, and two chairs around it. Given that the chair furthest from him is right behind the tuba case, Zane assumes the other chair is for him, and slides his backpack off his shoulder, letting it fall to the ground before he sits in his seat.
The door shuts behind him and Corey hurries over to the speaker. Zane asks him what's the surprise but Corey unsurprisingly tells him to be patient. There's a small MP3 player attached to the speaker, and Corey fiddles with it some before pressing play. No sound comes out, but Corey doesn't seem alarmed, instead simply reaching down to his case and setting up his Tuba. He gently hauls it up into his lap and adjusts it accordingly, ready to be played. Zane feels a weird sort of antsy about it, and asks Corey again why exactly he's here. This time, Corey just smiles, and answers: "I found a Nothing Left For Me instrumental online."
Suddenly, the music starts.
Zane would recognize that intro anywhere, even when scraped to just its fundamentals. The realization is sudden, but interrupted by the deep tone of Corey's tuba. Zane almost can't hear the music over the tuba at first, but he's quick to notice how the instrumental and Corey's playing interact with eachother; they're meant to be the same song
Corey is playing him a tuba cover of Nothing Left For Me.
That sentence is about the lamest string of words Zane can possibly think of, but it really doesn't feel that way in the moment. Zane knows about Seepage- everything about Seepage- and he knows they don't post tutorials on how to play tuba covers of their music. For Corey to be playing a cover of Zane's favorite song, for him, on the freaking tuba, he'd have to have come up with the composition himself.
Usually, when receiving a gift, Zane doesn't feel much beyond a vague sense of hype and excitement. But imagining Corey listening to Nothing Left For Me for hours, reimagining it in a medium he could replicate, just to play it for Zane? He feels… flattered, which isn't a feeling he's used to.
A part of the back of Zane's mind is still arguing whether or not he likes this gift. Throwing Seepage's electric metal awesomeness into the ringer only for it to come out the end of a tuba should be a disgrace to Seepage itself, it says, and Zane agrees… just only in theory. Because maybe Corey didn't just listen to the song, maybe he had an understanding of what made it so awesome to Zane in the first place. And maybe that's why it manages to sound pretty good- even with a tuba.
Zane honestly didn't realize Corey liked him that much. As much as his cool punk persona was totally based in reality, he'd never had all that many friends. Not close ones, anyway. He hung out with dudes, they hung out with him, and that was about the end of it. None of his other buddies would make him a gift, nevertheless perform it for him. Does this mean something, then? Had Corey put nearly as much thought into this as Zane is thinking he did? The confrontation of this sudden fondness is confusing, and Zane doesn't know much of what to do with it.
Conveniently, of course, the music stops then, leaving a small bit of silence where Zane isn't totally snapped out of whatever train of thought Corey's sent him on. Corey either doesn't notice or doesn't care, and simply moves the interaction along with a "So? Did you like it?"
Zane looks Corey in the eye, past his square wire frame glasses and dorky grin. He smiles, all teeth, and a quick laugh escapes him, entirely gratitude and nerves as his ears burn a little behind him.
"Dude, you're really good!"
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kairiscorner · 10 months
HI ATE!! (idk if ur older LMAO) im planning to write a fanfic! slayyyy, ive never wrote anything before, im an artist, i draw stuff, but my artworks arent that entertaining to post i guess? so i wanted to know if you had any writing tips that you could give! ty if you ever decide to reply to this!
HI OMG I'M SO PROUD <:DDD i'm looking forward to your fics, and as for tips, here's some i hope would be helpful :DD
write what you know/are familiar with most to start. writing can start to feel more fun, in my experience, when you're writing about things you understand or (also like me) are delulu and imagine a lot about :D
don't hinder your imagination if it serves the plot. fantasizing about where your plot will go is actually super helpful, and very fun! i do recommend not to add fillers though if they don't have any impact on the story, like side plots that go nowhere or random dialogue that doesn't serve any purpose to further the story or the characters' motivations ^^
liven your vocabulary. like many other authors here, i find it generally more pleasing to have more unique and plentiful ways on how to describe a characters' actions or thoughts, even describing parts on a character can be worded in longer or more unique ways! don't confuse it too much though, and i suggest not to use the same word twice when it's just been mentioned--maybe after a paragraph or two can you mention it again ^^
develop your style. like in art, writers have their own styles of writing, for example, mine is usually very descriptive and thought-provoking (wow ang yabang ni ate girl) and usually, i'll focus on the dialogue and description of the situation and story, so generally, my works are a little longer than i expect them to be ^^ you don't have to copy other writers' styles to get better though, what you can do is draw inspiration from them and ask yourself 'what is it i want my story to have?' you can try experimenting with dialogue, scenery descriptions, character descriptions, flashbacks, narration--keep trying, and you'll get to where you want to be eventually :DD
ask for feedback. this is one of the most important tips i have, because reaching out to a bigger audience about your work will help you see where your strengths and weaknesses lie. getting opinions from other people can help you accommodate many others into your works, too, through their suggestions and criticisms ^^
take breaks. this, i struggle with, so i'm kind of hypocritical for suggesting this :'D but if you ever feel like you're stuck in a certain point in the story or that you have to rush to post a story, please don't force yourself to finish it and rush, you might have a lot of regrets about the final product 😭😭😭take time to think about yourself first, then your story <:)
that's all i can think of right now, i'm really hoping your fic comes out well! i'm sure it will >:)) good luck !!
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beom-pyu · 11 months
HIII I know this is pretty early but This is for the 1k Game. My Mbti is istj, I like Video games, Volleyball and music and currently my favorite fic from you is “like the moon” with Kai 🤭
Ive always wanted to send a ask but ive been kinda nervous so i figured this is my chance 💪 also I just want to say I LOVE Your fics and writing style, please Make sure to get some rest whenever u can and dont overwork yourself. I hope u have a good Night/Morning! ❤️🫵
anonie hi!!! pls don't feel afraid to send me an ask <3 i may be incredibly awkward, but i definitely don't bite!! thank you for your kind words omg ilysm
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okay, while your mbtis are polar opposites, i think that fact can bring a lot of positives!! you bring a sense of stability to yeonjun, grounding his idealistic, extroverted nature, while yeonjun brings a taste of freedom and adventure to your more critical, introverted thinking tendencies (HOLD ON, LET ME COOK!)
when yeonjun invites you over to his place for the first time, you're incredibly nervous. partially because he has such an overwhelming, confident presence and partially because you like his so much it makes your stomach swarm with butterflies at the simple thought of him. you had expected yeonjun to want to do something crazier with you for your first official date, but surprisingly, he set up a cozy, in-home game night!!
he's astonishingly good at creating a gentle, chill environment where you can fully relax and let your guard down. you had wondered why he decided to randomly quiz you on your favorite foods a few days ago—but now it all makes sense as you see everything set out on his coffee table.
his couch is covered with blankets and pillows, all of his consoles out from his xbox to his switch. you can just tell he put a lot of thought and effort into this <3
"is everything okay? do we need anything els—?"
"everything is perfect, jun." <3
it doesn't take long for you to get comfortable and immersed, leaning into yeonjun's side as you laugh and game. as much as he talks himself up about being an incredible gamer, he's absolute trash compared to you, but he doesn't care at all!! he's too focused on your bright smile and soft cheers whenever you win, your enthused face lighting up the entire room.
he does that corny airplane thing to feed you when you're focused on your game, heat creeping up your neck when you catch him mumbling a "so cute" due to your full cheeks. he's so unabashedly enamored with you.
"you look like a little chipmunk!" he says as he pinches your cheek.
the night slowly winds down as your head rests on his shoulder, deciding to finish gaming and just watch a movie instead. he slings an arm across your shoulders, stealing glances down at you every few seconds. when you catch his eyes, he sends you cheek-bunching smile before turning back to the movie, nuzzling his head on top of yours, ending the night in his hold <3
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cherri-tomato · 4 months
Gentle hands
pairing: Bakugou x Kirishima
summary: Kirishima needs a haircut, and Bakugou just so happens to know how to cut hair
CW: brief mention of Bakugou having a trauma related panic attack but its not very descriptive
word count: 2,658
a/n: this is the first kiribaku fic ive written but i love them so much &lt;3
cross posted on AO3
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“You really need a damn haircut, shitty hair.”
Bakugou says one day while the two study for an upcoming test, well, maybe study wasn't the right word, and not because Kirishima spent very little time looking at his paper and a lot of time looking at Bakugou, although that could explain why Bakugou had to “study” with him in the first place, no, study wouldn't be the right word because that would imply they were both assisting each other, this was more of a tutoring session, one with a very angry tutor and a very distracted student. 
Kirishima looks up from the textbook he was pretending to read with a pout, “what's wrong with my hair?” which was a silly question because Bakugou often told him how “shitty” his spiked up hair was, this felt different though, because Kirishima's hair was down today, shaggy red strands loose and straight, falling in his eyes and getting in his mouth. Okay, so maybe he did need a haircut, but his hair looked better when he styled it anyways and that required his hair to be long enough to style, normally, this wouldn't have been an issue, if he hadn't run out of the gel he uses, his hair would be up and spiky in all its “shitty” glory. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Bakugou says, his voice isn't as aggressive as his harsh words would make you think, though, like everything Bakugou does, he has to sound and look as pissed off as possible, even when the situation doesn't require such a tone. Kirishima was used to this by now, Bakugou's harsh words were like water off a duck's back after being friends with the fiery blonde hero-to-be. 
Kirishima lifts a piece of his dyed hair up and looks up at it, which wasn't hard considering it was already long enough to be in his face, “Maybe it's a bit long…but it doesn't look that bad, does it?” he looks to Bakugou again, his red eyes wide and his lower lip pushed out in a pout seemingly without the red head's knowledge, Bakugou scoffs, averting his gaze back to the notes laid out in front of him. Kirishima often reminded him of a lost puppy, sitting on your doorstep and silently begging to come inside and eat all of your meat, he thought this to be  especially true when he pouts like that. 
“You can barely see dumbass.” which was true, despite the fact Kirishima had spent nearly the entire time looking at Bakugou, his view would frequently be obstructed by his own mass of hair stabbing him in the eyes. Bakugou, despite being focused on actually being productive, was seemingly even more distracted with Kirishima's hair than Kirishima himself, everytime the red haired boy would blow it out of his face, or jolt in surprise as the ends of his hair poked him in the eyes, Bakugou noticed, and he was sick of this distraction. 
What Bakugou would not admit too, is the fact he was distracted by Kirishima's hair for completely different reasons as well, and this was for one simple fact that pissed Bakugou off most of all,
 Kirishima Eijiro, looked fucking hot with his hair down.
And that was worse than the constant sound of Kirishima floundering to spit the hair out of his mouth, although that was pretty distracting as well. 
Kirishima whines, lying his head down on the table in front of him, his hair falling in front of his face, “I know.” He says, and Bakugou can tell from his voice that he's still pouting. Bakugou sighs in annoyance, standing up and heading towards his bathroom. Kirishima, still slumped over the table, turns his head to look at Bakugou, “what are you doing?” he asks as the blonde disappears behind the wall.
“I'm gonna cut your damn hair” He tells him, and Kirishima blinks in surprise. Standing, Kirishima walks to the door of Bakugou's tiny dorm bathroom, where Bakugou is rummaging through the small bag of toiletries he brings to and from UA whenever he leaves for the weekend. Kirishima watches him in confusion for a moment before Bakugou retrieves a small pair of scissors from the bag and grabs a towel from the shelf next to his sink. As Bakugou turns to the bathroom door and begins to leave, he grabs hold of Kirishima's upper arm and pulls him over to his desk, where he sits him down and places the towel over his neck and the back of Bakugou's desk chair. 
“Do you uh, know what you're doing?” Kirishima asks him, the thought of Bakugou, completely untrained in hair cutting, putting a sharp object so close to Kirishima was a worrying one. Bakugou scoffs, scowling as if this was a pain for him despite being the one who suggested it, “Of course dumbass, I cut my own.” 
Which surprised Kirishima, not just because the amount of patience and precision associated with cutting one's hair seemed to directly clash with Bakugou’s aggressive and explosive ( pun very much intended ) nature , but because it looked good, like really good. Kirishima must have shown his thoughts in his expression, that or Bakugou could read him like a book with no cover, because he scowls at Kirishima like he insulted him and if Kirishima was looking closely ( and he did whenever the angry blonde was involved) it almost looked like Bakugou was pouting.
Kirishima shakes his head, taking care not to shake off the towel with it, “sorry man! I'm just surprised since it looks so well done!” he exclaims, which seemed to be the wrong response because Bakugou glares at him “And what!? You don't think I can do something as simple as cutting some hair!?” Kirishima sighs, smiling fondly at his friend, “Sorry dude, it was supposed to be a compliment.” He says.
 Bakugou scoffs, bringing the scissors up to Kirishima's hair and using his free hand to adjust his head so he was looking straight ahead. “Whatever, just stay still or I'll cut it all off.” He threatens, and Kirishima suppresses a chuckle because there wasn't any weight to it, which was obvious from the calm, almost affectionate tone Bakugou had said it in. Bakugou's hands are gentle, running through Kirishima's hair and cutting the strands with practiced ease.
 “Why do you cut your own hair?” Kirishima asks, partially because he's genuinely curious but also because he needs something to distract himself from the feeling of Bakugou's calloused fingers brushing against his neck as he works. Bakugou doesnt answer for a long moment, he knows why, but explaining it would be a pain, because the reason Bakugou started cutting his own hair was because the feeling of someone touching his neck made him sick.
 It was shortly after the sludge villain incident that his mother told him he needed a haircut, he hadn't said much about what had happened and his parents didn't push, figuring he just needed time. So, not wanting to leave the house and force her grumpy son to a hair salon, Mitsuki Bakugou had decided she would just cut his hair like she had done when he was a little boy who refused to let a stranger touch his hair. Bakugou, who just wanted to appease his mother and return to his room, allowed her to sit him down and cut his hair, but, just as her gentle hand brushed his neck, Bakugou had a panic attack.
 after he ran off, his parents attempted to talk to him about it to little success, that night, Bakugou cut his own hair for the first time, he also cut his finger, despite this, he felt better when it was his own hand near his neck, so he practiced whenever he needed a haircut and never looked back. 
That would be a mouthful though and would most likely lead to a conversion about feelings and crap, so instead, Bakugou simply responds: “I don't like my neck being touched.” 
And that was enough for Kirishima, who may not know all that much about what had happened before UA, but did know what happened during when Bakugou was kidnapped by the league of villains, and that was all the context he needed to know Bakugou didn't want to discuss it further, so he drops the topic and begins to ramble on about something stupid Kaminari did, hoping this would take his friends mind off what was troubling him.
 Bakugou isn't really paying attention, but he appreciates the thought, although he'd never say that out loud. 
After a good 15 minutes of snipping away and 15 minutes of Kirishima talking about every little thing that came to mind, other than of course, the thoughts about how good Bakugou's rough hands feel against his skin, because that would be weird right? 
Bakugou's hand ,the one that isn't holding scissors, brushes the pieces of red hair off the towel and onto the floor, Kirishima opens his eyes and looks up at Bakugou “Are you done already?” He asks, trying not to sound disappointed. Bakugou shakes his head, moving to stand in front of Kirishima, standing between him and the desk.
“Only the back.” he says, reaching forward and gently pushing some of Kirishima's hair out of his face, Kirishima holds his breath as Bakugou's fingers brush his forehead. squeezing his eyes shut to avoid looking him in the eyes, Kirishima grips the armrest of Bakugou's desk chair “j-just don't cut too much off okay?” he says with an awkward chuckle and Bakugou hums in agreement as he lifts the scissors to once again begin cutting. 
Bakugou's eyes threaten to wander, to trace every line and detail of Kirishima's face, but since he is in fact holding a sharp object, and because said object is dangerously close to Kirishima, he forces himself to focus on cutting his hair and not on admiring his pretty face. 
His movements remain confident and precise, the front of Kirishima's hair isn't as layered and takes less time to cut, to Kirishima however, it takes even longer. 
As bakugou's slender fingers work diligently on his hair, Kirishima desperately tries to conceal just how much he enjoys their current closeness, which was much easier when his back was to the blonde and he couldn't see Kirishima's flustered expression. Bakugou places the scissors on his desk and uses his hands to ruffle Kirishima's hair, causing little bits of cut red hair to fall onto the towel Kirishima opens his eyes, laughing happily from the surprisingly affectionate gesture. 
Looking up at Bakugou, he notices the small smile on his lips, one that anyone who hadn't spent so many study sessions staring at him, would have thought was a smirk, but Kirishima had in fact spent so many study sessions, and classes, and walks to the dorm, and late nights in the kitchen together, and afternoons training, looking at him, so when Bakugou smiled, as rare a sight it may be, Kirishima could tell. 
Bakugou was hard to read, but Kirishima wasn't, atleast to Bakugou, who had also spent so many study sessions, and classes, and walks to the dorm, and late nights in the kitchen together, and afternoons training, looking at Kirishima.
 And maybe it was because they could both read each other so well that when Kirishima's eyes dart to Bakugou's lips, and Bakugou sucks in a sharp breath, they both know what the other wants.
Then, with only a slight moment of hesitation, they're kissing. Bakugou, with hands still in Kirishima's hair, pulls him closer, as close as one can possibly pull someone who's still seated without pulling them right out of the chair, And Kirishima, with eyes squeezed shut, wraps his arms around Bakugous waist, pulling him closer as well, as close as you can possibly pull someone whos standing while staying seated without pulling them right down on top of you. 
But it's pretty hard to kiss the person you're,most likely, in love with while both trying not to pull the other so close you fall over, and even though Kirishima, whos dizzy from the lack of air, thinks he probably wouldn't mind tumbling to the ground with Bakugou, the floor is still covered with snippets of his hair, and even though he's sure any kiss with Bakugou will be perfect, he doesnt think its something Bakugou would appreciate, so instead, Kirishima stands, the towel falling to the floor and the chair screeching as it moves back, but luckily doesn't fall, from the force of this movement. 
Bakugou lets out a soft gasp in surprise as his back gently bumps against his desk, and Kirishima, who is not standing a few inches above Bakugou, moves his hands from his waist to his face, cupping his cheeks in his hands and pushing himself impossibly closer to Bakugou, who’s arms wrap around Kirishima's neck. They stay like this, making out against Bakugou's desk, until their need for air becomes too apparent to ignore and they both pull away reluctantly, both boys gasping for the air they've denied their lungs of in favor of indulging in each other. 
Kirishima, giddy from the kiss (and lack of oxygen), laughs happily, his nose bumping Bakugou's cheek, which Kirishima has let go of to wrap his arms around Bakugou's middle once again. 
Bakugou, panting and flushed, presses a kiss to Kirishima's cheek, Kirishima pulls away just enough to look at him, still grinning and hair messy, presses kisses to Bakugou's face in quick succession before planting another sweet kiss to his lip, which are red from their previous kiss. 
This time, the kiss is soft and lacks the urgency the first one had, instead it was slow and loving, and Bakugou can't decide which he likes better, but he guesses, now that they had kissed, they could always do it again so he didn't have to choose.
 Kirishima pulls away slowly and, with eyes still closed, he rests his forehead against Bakugou’s “I like you so much Bakugou….” He says softly, his voice delicate, and Bakugou thinks it's kind of a silly thing to say because Kirishima is way to sentimental to kiss someone he didn't have feelings for, but he doesn't laugh, or point this out, because Kirishima is so sentimental and so vulnerable right now, Bakugou thinks it would be cruel. 
So instead he kisses Kirishima’s forehead and says, “Katsuki,You should call me Katsuki.” Kirishima opens his eyes, eyes which seem to sparkle when they meet Bakugou's “you know,” Bakugou Continues, “Now that we’re dating.” And Kirishima, whose bright eyes widen in surprise, smiles so sweetly, so lovingly, that Bakugou doesn't think he’ll ever grow tired of looking at.
Kirishima kisses him again, though he's still grinning, and Bakugou's smiling, so it's less of a kiss and more of an affectionate head bump of sorts, but they both think it's perfect, and Bakugou mutters a quiet “I like you too.” in between kisses, and then because of who they both are, and because Kirishima can never seem to keep his mouth shut around Bakugou, he says, 
“I think I swallowed a lot of hair, do you think the dye will make me sick?”
And even though Bakugou, who rarely smiled, and cursed like a sailor, and called Kirishima “shitty hair” more than his actual name, was pretty sure that was the least romantic thing he could have possibly said in that moment, he was even more sure he never wanted Kirishima to stop saying anything and everything that came into his brain, because Bakugou was probably in love and because Kirishima needed someone to answer every stupid question, even if he never paid attention to the answer because he was too distracted by Bakugou, and they both thought that they were happy for that fact, and of course for the fact that Kirishma Eijiro refused to cut his “shitty hair” for so long.
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atinylittlepain · 6 months
I finished Deliver Me from Nowhere immediately after you posted the final chapter. I flew through it, furiously, needing to read the ending before I could take everything in. But even as I did I captured so many lines and passages in my head. The final chapter was absolutely stunning. I don’t mean this as any offense to writers on tumblr or fan fics but when I read your work it feels so much bigger, so much more real, profound, beautiful than this platform gets credit for. Or you, really. Your work reads like short stories I read in The New Yorker. It deserves so much more than this.
These words struck something in me…
“This isn’t want, after all. Want isn’t big enough for whatever this is. Something deeper, something threaded in with all the sinew and stretch of bone, ligament, and beating tissue. This is need. Vital and visceral, and so very precarious.”
“Want is a child. But need is an animal. Need is base, bruising, battering. There is no escaping need. There is no lying about need. There is only offering it up, and hoping that someone will see it and decide yes, animal, come here, let me do something about your need, and you can do something about mine.”
“For now, the feeling of her ribs expanding and contracting against his side is all the goodness he could want, or even need. Pain yet to be understood in all the places that her breath catches. But for now, she is looking at him and smiling, and saying something about the sheep that makes him laugh.”
But this. THIS:
“In the kitchen, he would feed her his heart if he could. It’s hers anyways.”
This is everything ^^
- Please don’t ever stop writing. Ever. ❤️
Hi, so, yeah, ive been holding onto this message for two weeks now :')
i fucking love the passages you picked out because they were ones that felt important to me too - really essential viscera of this story
im gonna be so honest for a moment, just between you and me (and the rest of tumbles lol) but i've been seriously questioning my place here on tumbles - full disclosure, i started out here back in january (woof, almost a year ago) in the mindset that what i was writing didn't count as writing for me bc i was writing for the sole purpose of turning out work i thought people would like on here - and they did, and i did that for a long time, got a lot of notes on pretty vapid work etc etc, and even though i wasn't thinking about it as writing, it was a sort of stretching and contracting of musculature that eventually changed and evolved into me writing what i wanted to write.
i think june was the first departure from the canned fics i had been producing to something a little more my style, and a little less desirable to the masses of tumblr lol
the notes got fewer and fewer, but the readership ive had for works like june and deliver me (and even my cannibals, hi, freaks love ya lmao) is so close and lovely and that's been far more rewarding - getting messages from folks that this work has somehow touched them or made them feel seen or just loosened some essential emotion in them enough that they can process it and let it move through them - i love that, and writing these fics has done much the same for me - and (not but, and) and im also having growing pains
i keep coming back to fic bc it's safe and comfortable and i use it as a crutch - stakes are lower when you aren't thinking about querying or publishing or "good enough" - but, again, being honest, the fic thing doesn't feel good any more - it feels like what it is, me trying to fit something that doesn't fit any more, trying to cramp myself into something and expect people to like it when it's simply not what they come to tumblr for
ive been fighting myself on this for a while, slowly inching my way out of fic and into the reality that i want my work to go elsewhere and trying to believe that i have the chops to make that happen - your message is such a buoy and encouragement toward that future
let me make something very clear here, this is my experience, i am by no means shitting on fic writing in general at allllll - people are doing amazing shit on here, no doubt, this is just where i'm at personally with it - ive said it before and ill say it again - writing begets writing, and without all the fic i wrote this year, i know for a veritable fact i would've never gotten my first novel this year either - but i think it's time for a shift for me
all this is to say that i think an era is ending, but i'm so grateful i got it to begin with to have had the chance to share work with folks like you. maybe you'll see me in the new yorker one day :)
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How I Plan Revenge My Book
Step one, use the word "scheming" instead because that word is much more fun. I'll be staring into the distance trying to solve a plot hole as my friends exchange glances. One mutters "Scheming face". The others nod or otherwise voice their agreement.
Six of Crows reference aside, this is how I actually scheme
(Don't take these as concrete guidelines. This is just what works for me, and what will maybe work for you. Some of it will, some of it won't. Take what works)
1. Inspiration vomit. Bleghh
There must be a reason why I wanted to explore this story. Maybe a character idea, a cool scene I thought of, a piece of artwork that gave me inspiration, dialogue that popped in my head, or maybe I got really into a "what if?" question.
Either way, whatever gave me this idea, and whatever ideas I get after this? I write. It. Down. Who cares if it's messy and unorganized? I can work on that later. All that matters now is that flowing fountain of inspiration.
This doesn't only happen in the beginning of scheming, btw. For me, it happens consistently throughout the whole process.
2. Try a bit of organization. A smidge.
I try to sort ideas into factions divergent-style. I personally sort them into these categories:
- Characters
- Worldbuilding
- Plot
- Plot Devices (like a magic system if there is one, a plot-relevant event, etc.)
- Idea Dump
The last one in this case are the divergents. They are where I put the incoherent, messy ideas from the Inspiration Vomit Era. Because like I said, I'll still get unorganized ideas. This is where I put name ideas, character ideas, dialogue, general ramblings/thoughts, scene ideas, and so on.
3. Breathe
I let myself mess around with concepts and ideas and plot for a while (usually a couple of months). One time I tried to jump straight into a first draft. Then I got a really cool idea that de-railed the story. So yeah, I'll wait until my ideas have at least calmed down a little bit before I begin writing.
4. Plot. Scheme. Outline. Whatever word you wanna use
I affectionately refer to my outline as the bones of my book lol. Anyway, Ive made a template to show what my outlines usually look like, because I tried to explain them without a picture and failed horribly
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The "Overarching Story" outline is where I put the big plot points, like a drastic, narrative-changing decision, or maybe a death. The chapter outlines are where I get really detailed. I suppose I could plot character arcs too, but those are detailed and I usually need to plot The Big Plot Points before getting to that.
(Optional: In the chapter outlines, you can specify setting, POV, date, whatever. I just didn't in the example for the sake of simplicity.)
And yeah! That's about it. Like I said, take what parts of this works for you. At the end of the day, writing is supposed to be fun, and unique to each individual. If you're a total panster, your lack of planning doesn't make you any less of a writer.
Happy scheming, friends!
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weenwrites · 7 months
hello!! is it okay if i ask for a romantic matchup from transformers prime? im a big fan of ur blog!! C:
so a bit about me, im a she/her and an INFP-t like literally everyone else on the internet but thats ok. im optimistic and sensitive and i always try my best to be kind, polite and friendly to everyone. im a bit moody and sometimes shy but nowadays i try to do whatever i want regardless of what people might think of me. im creative and curious and i like having fun!!! my friends often describe me as weird but in a good kind of way, as if im some strange whimsical creature 👽 im super artsy and express my weird style proudly, both in the way i dress and how i present myself. i know u said physical appearance doesn't matter but ive had a buzz cut for around half a year now and it kinda became a part of my personality lol
hobbieees. oh i have many :D overall i enjoy anything creative that requires using my hands, but i mostly spend my days drawing, playing instruments, sewing or studying. i also really like the outdoors and often explore new local and even far away places just for the fun of it. i constantly try and experiment with new things and activities. because it's just fun
i love nature, art, animals, bugs. oh im a huge bug lover. the weirder the bug the better. i like learning new things, i like space, horror movies, sweets, music, fruit, flowers, funky earrings. i like a lot of things. on the other hand there's not much things i dislike, except for the usual like.... idk bad people? violence? drama? but yeah everyone dislikes that. however specific things that i don't like include getting yelled at, being babied/underestimated and ppl who are way too pessimistic.... i don't dislike the people, just the view. it can be so exhausting to deal with🙁🙁
i express my love mostly through words and actions! i like making my friends feel good by complimenting them or giving them gifts like small trinkets and stuff😈 but sometimes i put a bit more thought into my gifts and craft small cards, drawings, bracelets or plushies for them
i like everyone but im not sure how to describe my type. aside from the usual criteria like being kind and caring towards me there's not much that i am looking for specifically. i don't need someone eccentric such as myself i just want someone who likes my weirdness and who looks at me like 😍😍 oh yeahhhh THAT'S my little gremlin
OK SORRY THIS IS SO LONG describing oneself for a matchup feels like opening up to a therapist. anyway thankyou so much for reading this all ily 🙏💞💞 here's a flower for u!!! 🌻
✎ A/N: Aa! Thank you!! I don't mind that it was long, if anything it helped me write some more stuff! Also your forgot to include your sexuality, but I hope you enjoy the match up! The rest is under the cut since it's pretty long ˆˆ
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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He's rather enthusiastic to have a partner he cares for so much, but if you've told him or if he's noticed that you'd prefer for him to turn down the hype a little, he'll definitely try to be a little more "chill" about it. He's rather inexperienced, but he's always eager to do his best in any situation, and when it comes to you he tries to bring his A-game and do his best to make you feel happy and loved.
He would absolutely love to learn about new things with you! Despite how he may seem, he's actually pretty knowledgable (when it comes to cybertronian artifacts and history, of course) and a fast learner. That isn't to mention that as a new-comer to Earth, he intends to learn as much as he can about the planet, not only because he thinks it'd be good to better understand the species he's trying to protect, but also out of genuine interest himself.
So if there are any interesting facts about the planet that you'd like to share with him, or books you'd be willing to lend him, you'll be his go-to source for everything there is to know about earth and humans. (A brief callback to one of my other things, this of course means that he'll be calling you whenever he has a question about something, but the more he does it, the more it seems like he isn't actually curious about what he's calling to ask you about, but rather he's instead doing it to hide the fact he really just wants to talk to you.)
And of course in exchange for everything you tell him about Earth, he's going to return the favor (as long as you ask him something he actually knows about)... But with your interest in space, he'd be able to tell you a lot of things about the stars and cosmos, all of which he learned about in the academy and from Alpha Trion while he was a guard at Iacon. Or he could tell you about cybertronian history, or cybertronian customs that he thinks you'd find interesting or funny.
But aside from that, he'd strive to impress you in whatever way possible, but unfortunately that's a bit... Difficult for him, since the first things that come to mind include feats of strength and shows of his fighting capabilities, but due to your dislike of violence, he decides to opt for other means instead. He quite literally searches up "ways to impress your crush" online and tries out the ones he thinks you'd like the most, like showing off his smarts, or showing that he's really interested in whatever's on your mind.
He's also the type of S/O who'd definitely try out stuff that their partner's into, so he's willing to try out a whole bunch of your hobbies if it means the two of you get to hang out together. I'd like to imagine he's particularly fond of listening to you play music, and perhaps he even hums along when he grows more familiar with the tune.
He'd definitely try to help you come out of your shell and he actively encourages you to live life whatever way makes you happy and live life with no regrets. He's also pretty quick to recognize most of his mistakes and make up for them accordingly. He also always emphasizes that he promises to learn from them (and he does for your sake).
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He's actually pretty chill and easy-going as a partner. He doesn't usually do any showy romantic expressions of love (unless you like them), but that doesn't mean he takes the relationship lightly. He particularly enjoys just spending as much time with you as he can in your day-to-day lives. You don't have to do anything special like go on dates, he's just perfectly content hanging out with you and doing whatever you can together.
And contrary to how he looks as a "big brutish tough guy", he's actually very gentle and chill when it comes to you. He enjoys joking around and maybe the two of you even have a few inside jokes that you laugh about from time to time.
He's pretty fond of the great outdoors too! And though patrolling may still be tedious work, the scenery makes it all the more worthwhile. Not to mention that it isn't as boring whenever you offer to tag along for the ride. There are other times where the two of you go on foot, and he'll let you sit up on his shoulders to let you get a good view of the area. Or if there are any neat trees you'd want a closer look at, he'll make sure to lift you up there carefully and let you pick a leaf or a flower out of them.
Whenever the two of you patrol sparsely populated areas with lots of wildlife, he'll occasionally point out animals here and there, and he'll sorta make a game out it.
"Oh hey look! Dog! One point."
"That's not a dog..."
"What do you mean it's not—oh, wait, it's a horse, right? The horns make it a horse."
"Horns on a horse would make it a unicorn. That was a moose."
"That's what a moose looks like?"
"Yeah??? What did you think a moose looked like?????"
Of course he isn't any good at naming the animals he sees, but he thinks that it's neat that you get to tell him what those animals are, or what that plant is, or what that other neat thing is that he saw on the road.
And I feel like he isn't that squeamish or disgusted by bugs, and I think he'd find beetles or any kind of resilient or strong bug super cool despite their miniature stature.
Animals aside, Knockout once recommended that Breakdown should take you out to the theater, saying that it was a romantic thing that humans do. So you can expect drive-in theater movie nights to be a frequent thing from time to time. He'll let you sit in his cab and he parks somewhere with a good view of the screen. He claims that he doesn't find horror movies all that scary, and actually nitpicks at the actual details themselves, but from time to time you'll notice the subtle way his frame begin to shake and his tires twist during some particularly scary scenes... Tease him about it if you will, but not once will he ever admit to being afraid.
And also if you're ever interested in learning self-defense, he definitely would step up and offer to teach you how to punch people in the face. "You never know when it'll come in handy" is what he says to justify it.
He's not usually someone who gets hyped over gifts. That doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't like them, it's just that he's never received many gifts before, so he doesn't truly understand the hype around them. But once you come around and give him gifts, he gets around to understanding the appeal. He gets happy and a little excited whenever you bring him something, and he also tries to get you gifts to return the favor! But given his situation as a giant robot, he can't exactly do that for you, but what the two of you could do is check out old junkyards to see if there's anything neat to take.
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angelofthursdayy · 1 year
once again can we take a minute to realise that in a sea of mlm dramas ("bl" if you will) that all follow the exact same tropey, problematic, fetishistic route, we have shows like cherry magic, not me, and bad buddy?? all 3 incorporate elements that COULD have been used in that tropey, problematic, fetishistic way and yet they DON'T, because the writers of each of these shows actually have RESPECT for their stories, and the people within them. (also im v aware that there are many others who do the same thing, but ive only seen those 3 as of yet)
like for example, look at how bad buddy subverts every typical trope to create a university story, which are typically FULL of issues or overdone tropes (hello 2gether ily but you're not excused from this) with an entirely unique premise, turning engineering vs architecture, and the premise of forbidden love, into a piece about how, as a parent, your issues are not for your child to carry, and your own expectations for your OWN life shouldn't be passed down to your children, it very explicitly has both pat and pran tell their families that their feud should NEVER have been their burden to carry. plus the women are treated with utmost respect??? and are GAY!?!? (2gether again, im sorry, but earnpear deserved so much better, this is how you should've done it!!!)
and not me, how it has sean suspect from the beginning that "black" isn't actually black at all, and how white did all but tell him he was a different person. the fact that seans heart only breaks when he confronts white because he's leaving, not cause he lied, as he kind of already knew that part, and he didn't care, not really. he fell in love with a soul, not a name,,,, it always breaks me. the scene on the container, when he holds white so so tightly- i will never recover. how it doesn't have a magically perfect ending for dan and yok, because yok is too hurt to just jump back into things with him. how it shows REVOLUTION, the POWER of the people and how social media can be an incredibly powerful tool in giving a voice to the silenced, and how with enough force behind them, people can do such incredible things. it wasn't JUST about sean and white, it was about the fight for justice. just *chefs kiss*
and cherry magic. oh cherry magic, how it took a tropey, problematic, fetishistic source and made it into something SO beautiful. adachi is someone i think we can all relate to, and his relationship with kurosawa is so incredibly balanced, and sweet, and so so loving. and fujisaki??? she is AMAZING. they really looked at a very typical "fujoshi" style character and said no no no we're not having that, instead she will be their aroace best friend and number 1 supporter and that??? now THAT is magic!!! i would start talking about this one too but ive never been able to articulate things v well, as can be seen from this post, and cherry magic especially has this feeling of just all encompassing warmth, love, and unconditional acceptance and putting that into words on a silly lil tumblr post is impossible.
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