#now kiss!!
dryrotting · 1 year
me and my psychopathic boy toy having a homoerotic beat up sesh
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hope you guys think of me as number one lawstrader
and off topic, thinking about the music. rens route has some absolute bangers
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maluron · 2 months
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(oh good tumblr is FINALLY letting me post these pictures--it only took two days)
welp i have not one, not two, but THREE different old screencaps all titled "now kiss"--the one i was looking for, one i remembered differently (confused it with another one saved as "kiss manip" instead and i don't remember whether i ever actually finished said manip) and one i had no memory whatsoever of
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monsterfloofs · 2 years
Hello, if you are taking requests, could you do one with a holiday gift exchange with Teddy (Thaddeus) and reader, please? Thank you! Happy Holiday and New Year to you, may all your days be gentle and bright!
Thaddeus (Male Vampire) x Anonymous Reader (Sfw)
A Holiday Edition:
(Hello there! Sorry it took me so long to get back to your request! I took a holiday break from writing to do some personal art things and spend time with the family. So this is a belated response, I also had to do some background lore/world work to figure out the best way to write this! —And uh, er, this got WAY too long!!! But uhhhhh also, Teddy is a favorite and I would live in Wroughtworth if I only could. So he gets paragraphs of story because he is a precious plum. Q-QQ ) Unedited for the most part, so there are probably mistakes abound! Sowwy in advance. u n u;; ) I also hope you had a lovely holiday and new years too! )
The dark streets and looming buildings were covered in thick blankets of snow, turning the usually dark and dreary structures into a cozy and picturesque winter holiday. It was almost like stepping into a black and white photograph in the day time, and at night the snow reflected a blue midnight color that pooled into the streets and plazas.
More snow was coming, you had heard, peering out the window to watch big fluffy flakes stick to high gothic windows. You pulled a knit blanket closer to you, staring outside into the sapphire twilight.
“Tell me about this. . . gift exchange again dear?”
“It’s something we do back home,” You admitted, careful to keep out the ties of religious holidays. After all. . . you thought it wouldn’t exactly be the best of ideas to bring them up, while religions in the past had called vampires, demons and evil spirits. Finding and devising ways to harm and deter them.
“Hm. . . I suppose that would give us something to do while we are trapped inside from all this snow.” Teddy makes a face, scrunching his nose as his eyebrows knit together. “But you did say it was an exchange, that also means that I must find you a gift as well.”
Your reflection gives an awkward smile, well. . . he didn’t really have to. But you knew Teddy, he would have insisted that he have to give you something in return if you had surprised him with a present. You look back at him, his fingers steepled together in thought as the candle lit made his eyes dance and glitter.
What was that look for?
“What are you planning?” You asked suspiciously, he holds his hands up and grins. “Moi? Why— nothing, nothing!” You squint at him before slowly sinking back down to sit properly on the couch.
You didn’t believe that for a second.
“And when did you want to have this little festivity hm?”
He sounded eager, which had you taken aback. “Oh. . . whenever I suppose you want to. . .”
“Splendid,” He responds with a sudden cheerfulness, starting to rise from his seat. “Then I shall see you again within an hour or so!”
“Ah—“ You began as you watched him grab his hat, scarf, and coat.
“Teddy— th- the storm? There’s a winter storm outside—“
Thaddeus pauses on the threshold from the living room to the stairs and the doors leading outside. He grins playfully.
“Oh, sweetheart. Don’t you worry about me, I have weathered worse blizzards than this on my adventures.”
Your lips purse, “Alright. . .” taking a pause before murmuring slowly, “Please be safe,”
He tips his hat before he disappears around the corner, the door opening and closing with a heavy thud.
You sink deeper into the pillows and blankets. Well! Now you have about an hour or so to worry about what your companion was up to! You sigh and swing your legs off of the couch, your socks shuffling across the candle lit room to grab a lantern.
“Come on Pip,” A rustling sound comes from another blanket pile as a little skeletal beak pokes out from its cocoon.
“You want to come wrap Teddy’s present with me?” A couple clicks from the beak in response before a shadow streams from the blanket and darts onto the floor. Pip appears on your shoulder, shaking their head back and forth as they snuggle into your neck. Brrrrrrrrr!
“It is chilly out here,” You agree as you step out into the hallway and start to climb the stairs. “We won’t be up here too long, I promise.”
The long climb to the top has you huffing softly, it was cold up in your studio, but it would have been colder still if the large black bricked buildings weren’t designed so intricately. You stop to catch your breath at the top, before entering the small room crammed with tools and art supplies.
Raising your lantern to give one final look over the painting on the easel. All those sketches of Teddy you made in your journal had paid off in the end. The portrait you had been working so hard to make over winter was finished. As finished as you had anticipated it being, a part of you felt that you could have done hours of work more if you really wanted to. This was to be your biggest gift although you had a few others that you had bought prior. You had hid the other presents just enough out of sight, but in places you knew where to look. Digging around in a drawer to pull out a couple of carefully wrapped parcels. A few of the books he loves so dearly, you had found and bought on the spot. . . And had gotten a number of strange looks as you handed over your coin. You stacked them in your arms before carefully picking up the painting.
You had. . . one other gift as well, though, this one wasn’t tangible like paintings or books. It was a confession, a true confession of love, the one you hadn’t been able to verbally express as your tongue had curled in knots. A part of you wondered if he already knew.
After he had seen the pictures you had drawn, there was a slight change to the air about him. He talked to you the same, but there was something funny, a little crease to the corners of his eyes. The way his hands would linger with yours for just a moment longer. Silent spaces with unsaid words. Or perhaps you had only begun to take more interest in the little things he did, now that you had been so close to letting your heart bleed onto your sleeve.
You tiptoed carefully back down the stairs, balancing books and painting as you walked. Pip peeped in your ear and you peek over the railing. “He said an hour Pip, surely he can’t be back already. Can you watch the door for me?”
With a snap of their beak Pip became a little blotchy shadow that fell upon the stair, darting down, down, down back to the doorway. It took you much longer to arrive at the bottom, and you cooed praises at the little robed bird sitting patiently in front of the door. Watching it with fierce determination.
You were able to wrap up your painting in a brown paper that crinkled invitingly under your fingers. You knelt on the floor, hunched over it as you folded the long leafy sides of paper over top of your handiwork and wrapped it with twine. You sat back with a triumphant huff, letting yourself rest for a spell before you reach for the large parcel and prop it against the coffee table.
And now you wait. . . Pip had rejoined you on the couch when you called to them, a little liquid shadow that shot up the side of the bed and back into the nest of blankets. You laughed at the little shadowy feet that kicked and flailed before disappearing.
By the time Thaddeus had returned you had stoked a fire in the hearth, sitting on top of the warming stone fireplace and listening to the pops of smoldering wood. The door opening had caused you to turn your head, dusting your hands off and hurrying to the entrance.
“Teddy— Oh!”
Thaddeus looked like he had only just escaped from being buried in a snow drift, his dark clothes lined with snow. You reach up to attempt to help him brush off his shoulders.
“A frigid night!” He beamed cheerfully, “How lucky I am to not feel the cold!”
“If you were out there any longer I think you would have resembled a snowman,” You teased, flecks of snow melting against your fingers and chilling them.
“Wouldn’t that be a marvelous idea? A snowman in front of my house. How about you and I go out tomorrow and make one?”
“People would have a fit!” You gawked and Thaddeus grinned, “They would, wouldn’t they? I bet Fairaway’s hair would turn white.” He chuckles at the mention of the head guard of the city and you looked slightly uneasy. “You probably shouldn’t provoke him. . .”
Thaddeus huffs, “Provoke. . . ? My dear that creature has an ill temper to begin with. I think the people around here are so old they’ve forgotten what fun is!”
You smile, taking his frigid hands into yours, leading him into the warm living room as he continues to complain.
“No more playing about snow for tonight at least,” Thaddeus amended as he sat back into his favorite chair by the fire. “I won’t make any promises about tomorrow however.” He winks at you and you laugh softly. “I don’t think I could stop you if I tried.”
Thaddeus raises inquisitive eyebrows, “Oh, I am sure you would be able to sway me into behaving,”
You blink at the comment, “Maybe what I have for you might sway you then!” Thaddeus chuckles, before peering over at the large package by the coffee table. “M-my goodness, what pray tell is that??”
You hand him the smaller packages, “Open these ones first! Save the big one for last!” Thaddeus blinks before giving you a dubious look. “I thought we were only exchanging one gift.”
You shrug with a smile, “I go overboard with gift giving, it’s a bad habit of mine.”
Thaddeus hums mischievously, reaching into his breast pocket. “You and I had the same mind I see. Though mine are a lot smaller presents I’m afraid.” He produces a few small wrapped pieces, pressing them into your palm.
You look at the tiny wrapped treasures and swallow. “. . . You go first.”
Thaddeus wears a bemused smile as he turns the parcels over in his hands. “Well. . . by first inspection they feel like books—“
“Open them!” You chirrup with a laugh, “You won’t find out unless you open them!”
Thaddeus pulls a cheeky grin, as he gently shakes them beside one of his tapered ears. Then laughs as he watches you pull a face.
“Alright, I’ve had my fun!” He giggles faintly, before beginning to open the paper. His eyes widening as he quirks a lopsided smile. “Ah! Did you really?”
He continues to pull back the binding pressing a hand to his mouth, “And these were the ones I was missing too! Ah! How thoughtful of you!” He thumbs over the binding and gives you a grin. “You didn’t read them, perchance?”
You shake your head and wave your arms. “Nuh uh!! I got them used! I definitely was not reading your pervy books!” Thaddeus gives a goofy smile, and you sweat, your voice raising. “I did NOT!” you intone, and he cackles.
“I got weird looks from just buying them!! I was too scared to look!”
“They’re really not that bad,” Thaddeus chuckles, “I am sure the couples around here get into much worse than the occupants of these books.” You shout another complaint making Thaddeus laugh again.
You pout and thumb at your own small parcels, trying to hide the contagious smile that was spreading across your face.
“Go on,” Thaddeus prompts, resting his hand upon his cheek and watching you expectantly. “I was. . . debating on buying these for you. . . for a while now. I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate, so I held off on them.”
“That makes me nervous,” You laugh, your fingers fiddling with the tissue paper bundles.
“Now I see why you were so impatient,” Thaddeus huffs, “The suspense is killing me!”
You stick out your tongue playfully before you push yourself to unwrap the paper. Two tiny metal work bats, with delicate and ornate detailing but sat heavy in your palm.
A wisp of a smile tugs at Teddy’s lips. “One is a brooch, and it is inscribed with my house seal. Pin that on your coat, so that no matter where you go darling, everyone will know that your home is here. And, it’s a reminder for you as well, whenever you may feel lost or unwelcome. You are always welcome here.”
Your mouth dries, turning over the brooch to look at it, taking in the details of the tiny glittering jeweled eyes, and the loop of beads that dangled from its wings.
“I-I. . . I don’t know what to say. . . th-thank you Thaddeus.”
Thaddeus flashes a quick smile, before clearing his throat, “The necklace doesn’t have as deep a meaning as the brooch. I had thought that perhaps, it would look handsome on you. You do enjoy your bat motifs, if I recall, and the city is full of that.” He laughs nervously, his unhindered hand flexing against the arm of the couch.
You felt your heartbeat a thick tattoo into your throat. “C-can you help me put it on?”
It takes Teddy a moment to stirr, his eyes darting away for a moment before he gets to his feet. “Why. . . of course darling.”
You stand with your back to him, as cold hands gently reach around your neck. His fingers fiddling with the clasp. He steps back with a little hurriedness in his stride, but beams as you turn around. “Ah yes, as expected, it suits you very well.”
You smile and shuffle your feet. “Thank you Teddy, these are beautiful. . .” You reach for the last gift, lifting it up and handing it to him.
“You’ve out done me,” He teases, “I shall have to go out into the snow and find you another gift!” You smile and shake your head, “Oh no. . . I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, so this is technically a thank you gift for letting me haunt your home.
Thaddeus scoffs as he begins to open the package. “As I have said dear I don’t mind—“ He stops mid-sentence, staring down at the painting. “I. . . O-oh my.”
You smile, shoulders shrugging up as you meekly back away towards the hearth. “It’s something I have been working on for weeks. All those sketches you saw, I was afraid it was going to ruin the surprise.” He sits down heavily, eyes still drawn to the portrait. “I think. . .” He mused faintly, “You’ve made me too handsome.”
You twitter with awkward laughter, “O-oh no! Not at all! That’s exactly how I see you.” You bit your lip, staring at your socks and curling your toes. “It’s the best painting I have ever done, actually. B-because. . . I have a lot of love and tenderness for you. You are. . . more than just a dear friend to me. M-much, much, more. Just being around you. . . makes me feel like. . .” You trail off, shaking your head and laughing. “I don’t know. . . you make me feel like, the best way I can put it is, a somebody. Somebody capable of doing things, and being things, when normally I just feel lost. A-and. . . I. . .” Your eyelids flutter closed, fist closing around the little bat that sat against your collar. “I love you.” You take a deep breath, “I love you, a lot. Your friendship is so very dear to me, and I don’t want to ruin what is between us. Honestly, I am scared that I am ruining what is between us at this very moment.”
Another breath.
“But I wanted you to know. . . just how happy you make me feel. When you’re around. Your wit and your charm, your sense of humor and your smile.”
You tense as you feel a chilly thumb press against your lips. With your eyes closed you hadn’t heard him move, too caught up in trying to keep up with the words that were flowing from your mouth.
“There are lots of things that I adore about you too.” Thaddeus muses, you twitch in surprise at just how close his voice sounded in your proximity. “Your joy, your mind,” Thaddeus’ voice laughs softly, “You make me laugh, more than I think I have around anyone else. You’re like seeing the sun again, when you smile. You’re sunshine in a bottle my dear, you brighten every crevice of this house with your presence.” You tremble as he cups your cheek.
“. . . I would. . . very much like to kiss you, if you would allow me the pleasure.”
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catlaila · 3 months
justice for kabru. they put my man in the wrong genre. bro was meant to be playing psychological games with light yagami and instead he’s playing yaoi mind tennis with a blonde himbo
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deoidesign · 5 months
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sometimes I feel like discord is lacking emojis and so I make them myself. these ones in particular are my favorites
frog, toad, and soup!
Feel free to use them if you'd like!
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n4rval · 4 months
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i lied. here's a bonus.
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pokimoko · 1 year
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I can't keep being fundamentally changed as a person by animated movies, it's just not sustainable.
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 7 months
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Yuri but its toxic and they kiss about it
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nutmeggery · 2 months
actually I will say something about this:
setting up a romance line but waiting until one of the actors is a freshly legal adult before executing it is creepy, actually, especially when the co-star is 15 years older
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hinamie · 1 month
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quick itfs sketch page
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theeroticlover · 3 months
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Your Smile ☺️😊
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fiddlepickdouglas · 1 year
Saw another poll that asked what your natural hair color was with half the choices being shades of blonde and that just won't do. Let's go about this the professional way (this does not describe tone but tones are based off this level system). Some natural levels fall in between these, as human variation will do, but go with what you believe is closest.
Feel free to describe your tone in the tags!
*some level systems include levels 11 and 12 but these are strictly to describe shades lightened above a level 10 and are not considered on the naturally occurring spectrum for hair aside from going lighter with age
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rapidhighway · 3 months
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milkpansa-archive · 1 year
hi darlings reblog to give the prev person a lil forehead kiss because yes <3
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biowho · 3 months
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The first woman I ever fell in love with should at least have a tarot card if she's not going to be in Veilguard
here's bethany
Edit!!! I’ve never been more happy to be wrong
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