#now that I don't have to do that tho I do on occasion submit to the joann hysteria
itstimeforstarwars · 4 months
I can't get into a new hobby if the price of starting is more than $20 but I can easily spend $50 on sewing shit because what is $50 compared to twenty years of sewing expenses?
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youremyheaven · 4 months
The Severity, Spirituality and Stoicism of Saturnians ✊🏼🧎‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️
I will be criticizing Saturnian men throughout this post, if you don't like that, stop reading right now <3
Saturn is the planet of karma, justice, discipline, and order. In Claire's video about Saturnian men, she observed that "in Saturnian men you will find an exact duality contained here in breaking rules and doing strange stunts, pranks and having outbursts etc but also paradoxically find themselves submitting to ideologies, cults, political parties, motivational affirmations etc"
I feel like I touched upon this a bit in my first post about Saturn and in this post I'd like to go into different manifestations of this tendency along with some other things I've observed with Saturnian men.
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Timothee Chalamet, UBP Moon
Full disclosure, I've never liked him lmao,, I think the hype he gets is undeserved and 90% bc of the fact that there is a dearth of young charismatic actors in Hollywood.
But anywayyys, Timmy Tim first attracted controversy for working with Woody Allen even though he's since expressed regret for it or whatever,, then he received flak for having sex in a pool during the height of the pandemic and manyyyy blinds about him giving women chlamydia 💀💀started making the rounds and he was lowkey exposed for being a whore
Then last year he drew criticism for smoking indoors at a Beyonce concert (where smoking is prohibited) and he's literally talking to Kylie and blowing smoke ??? at the same time?? which is sooo filthy?? who tf does that??
His silence on the Armie Hammer issue and pretty much all issues lol have also been criticized. Everybody thought he'd be some woke liberal activist but he's just been dead quiet and pretty self absorbed the whole time. He loves to lap attention and give absolutely nothing in return to the community.
The thing with Saturn however is that, bad behaviour does not go unpunished. Timmy Tim has been getting A LOT of flak and the total rose tinted obsession people had with him is slowly fading (even tho he still has legions of fans). People are now starting to see his true colors.
But anyway, this is a very minor issue compared to all the other Saturnians I'm going to mention next.
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Jeffrey Epstein, UBP Moon, Anuradha Rising
I'm assuming most of you are familiar with sex offender Epstein. He has trafficked thousands of underage girls over the course of decades and to satiate numerous high profile paedophiles.
He committed suicide while in prison. One thing about Saturn is that, if you stray, are immoral, unfair, undisciplined, corrupt, foul, evil etc it WILL punish you. The truth is Saturnians know deep down that what they're doing IS wrong, they're not like Moon dominants who are completely convinced their corrupt evil idea is a "good" one. Saturnians know full well what they're doing and they do it anyway and they suffer its consequences.
Inviting Saturn's wrath upon oneself is basically how these natives find "balance", they feel like they get away with too much and they're constantly pushing their limits to see how far they can go before this wrath comes for them.
Epstein had been doing this for decades without much consequence, working with extremely high profile people including politicians and royalty. Eventually, he was caught and the truth of his immorality was exposed for all to see AND he ended his own life.
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Salvador Dali- UBP Moon
Dali was known for being an eccentric and a weirdo and you can say that the way he pushed his boundaries as an artist is a more "positive" manifestation of Saturnian individuals and their need to test limits.
However, Dali was also a pretty messed up guy
Dali admitted on several occasions to having sadomasochistic tendencies. As a child he enjoyed throwing himself down the stairs, explaining that “The pain was insignificant, the pleasure was immense”. Shockingly, he once pushed his childhood friend off of a 15-foot bridge – as his friend lay injured, Dali apparently sat calmly eating cherries.
Pleasure and pain seemed intimately entwined. Dali wanted both. One other childhood incident of note included a wounded bat. It was kept in Dali's washhouse hideaway and stayed there overnight. When Dali returned to it was being devoured by a mass of ants. He impulsively bit into the seething mass delirious with pleasure. 
I had briefly mentioned how Saturnians tend to be sadomasochistic in my previous post about Saturn and these examples just confirm it further.
When he is an adolescent a girl falls desperately in love with him. He kisses and caresses her so as to excite her as much as possible, but refuses to go further. He resolves to keep this up for five years (he calls it his ‘five-year plan’), enjoying her humiliation and the sense of power it gives him. He frequently tells her that at the end of the five years he will desert her, and when the time comes he does so.
When he first meets his future wife, Gala, he is greatly tempted to push her off a precipice. He is aware that there is something that she wants him to do to her, and after their first kiss the confession is made:
I threw back Gala's head, pulling it by the hair, and trembling with complete hysteria, I commanded: ‘Now tell me what you want me to do with you! But tell me slowly, looking me in the eye, with the crudest, the most ferociously erotic words that can make both of us feel the greatest shame!’ Then Gala, transforming the last glimmer of her expression of pleasure into the hard light of her own tyranny, answered: ‘I want you to kill me!’
He is somewhat disappointed by this demand, since it is merely what he wanted to do already. He contemplates throwing her off the bell-tower of the Cathedral of Toledo, but refrains from doing so.
George Orwell once described Dali this way:
"The two qualities that Dali unquestionably possesses are a gift for drawing and an atrocious egoism."
Art historian and critic Brian Sewell has also claimed that Dali once asked him to lie naked in front of one of his sculptures and masturbate whilst he watched.
He was also obsessed with Hitler in a perverse way.
While the vast majority of the Surrealist group professed far-Left political leanings, Dali kept curiously quiet during his early career, before being kicked out of the group for being a Nazi sympathiser, which he denied. Dali went on to make artwork addressing the Hitler, including “The Enigma of Hitler” (above) and “Hitler Masturbating”, once detailing that he “often dreamed of Hitler as a woman” and that the Nazi dictator “turned [him] on”.
He was a big old fascist who also supported the Spanish dictator Franco which made Picasso stop talking to him for the rest of his life. Orwell who fought in the Spanish civil war called Dali a "disgusting human being".
At age six, Dalí writes in his autobiography, he pre-meditated a "terrible kick" to his three-year-old sister's head "as though it had been a ball." Not simply childish not-knowing-better, this baseless cruelty continued as Dalí got older.
Here is an article that says more about his shitty behaviour.
Here is another article about his fcked up relationship with his sister
Saturn never fails to punish tho. It will let you fck up but punishment is imminent.
Dali died in his 80s, almost penniless, completely alone, as he had driven all his friends off decades prior, his wife had already passed and he was seriously ill and bedridden. He used button to call his nurse and one day that button short circuited and set him/the bed on fire. He suffered second and third degree burns all over his body. He lived for another four years in severe pain before passing away.
Just because you go a whole lifetime avoiding punishment, does not mean it isn't coming. People who suffer in old age have it the worst because you suffer 100x more
Dali was a Saturn defying narcissistic, violent, abusive person and guess what Saturn did? It saved it all up for the very end and left him without any kind of mercy. Friendless, penniless, bedridden, in excruciating pain, FOR YEARS until he finally died.
Saturn punishes you/is a harsh teacher because it wants you to uphold the Saturnian qualities of virtue, justice, fairness, doing your duty etc, you may never see the rewards of your good actions, so it may feel like a waste of time to keep being so principled but if you decide to just do whatever and disobey, you best believe Saturn will come through with that wrath. You have to keep being virtuous and morally upright even if you don't see yourself being "rewarded" for it. No one may recognise your goodness but keep being good anyway.
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Alexander Graham Bell, Venus in UBP in 2h, Saturn in Shatabhisha in 1h
He is the guy who invented the telephone but he was also a very controversial deaf educator in his time.
Bell's father was a teacher of the deaf. His method of teaching the deaf was coined "Visible Speech." Bell's mother was deaf/hearing impaired and he would often speak to her by placing his mouth close to her forehead, believing the vibrations from his voice would help her distinguish speech more clearly.
Although he married a deaf woman, a former speech pupil, Mabel Hubbard, Bell strongly opposed intermarriage among congenitally deaf people. Bell feared "contamination" of the human race by the propagation of deaf people even though most deaf people statistically are born to hearing parents.
Bell applied his study of eugenics to his goal of preventing the creation of a deaf race and presented his paper Memoir Upon the Formation of a Deaf Variety of the Human Race to the National Academy of Sciences in 1883.4
Bell stated, "Those who believe as I do, that the production of a defective race of human beings would be a great calamity to the world, will examine carefully the causes that will lead to the intermarriage of the deaf with the object of applying a remedy."
In this paper, he proposed to reduce the number of the deaf by discouraging deaf-mute to deaf-mute marriages, advocating speech reading and articulation training for an oral-only method of education, removing the use of deaf teachers and sign language from the classroom.
Suggestions were made to enact legislation to prevent the intermarriage of deaf-mute people or forbidding marriage between families that have more than one deaf-mute member. His preventative strategies for deaf marriage included removing barriers to communication and interaction with the hearing world.
I feel like Saturnians often have a tendency to subconsciously make things harder for themselves and for others. Getting things easy is not Saturn's style. And this can manifest in sooooo many different ways. Bell grew up with a father who taught deaf people/children, his mother was deaf, he married a deaf woman YET he believed that they did not deserve to have separate schools that used communication tools specifically designed for them to make their lives easier. He spent his entire life working with deaf people but still somehow did not want things to be easier for them???
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Steve Jobs, UBP moon
He had a pretty stellar reputation for being a major asshole. He was an extremely difficult person to work with and often terrorised his employees and was a toxic vile asshole to the women he dated.
Jobs was given up for adoption by his parents and later in life, he abandoned his girlfriend and baby after he got her pregnant.
His daughter Lisa later said that her mother felt uncomfortable leaving her with Steve alone after an incident in which he questioned and teased the then-nine-year-old Brennan-Jobs about her sexual attractions and proclivities.
Once, as Jobs groped his wife and pretended to be having sex with her, he demanded that Lisa stay in the room, calling it a "family moment."
It is well known that Steve Jobs was really good at conceptualizing things and coming up with ideas (touch screen phones, macbooks, iMacs etc) but he lacked the technical expertise to build anything. His partner, Steve Wozniak was the actual brains behind all of the creations to put it simply.
Early in his career, Jobs worked for the game developing company Atari who promised him a bonus of $5000 for developing a game called Breakout. Jobs did not have the know-how to execute this, so he made his friend Wozniak who worked at a different company stay up all night for 4 nights to design this whole ass game. He gave him $350 for it and told him he was giving him half of what the company paid him. Wozniak only found out much later that Steve basically stole his ideas, used him AND gave him a paltry sum as compensation.
Before Apple went public, Jobs refused to give any major shares to the many many developers and engineers who played a crucial role in pioneering the company. Wozniak gave those employees HIS shares so that they could make a profit when the company went public.
I'm not going to detail all the ways he tormented his employees and staff. You can google it.
Eventually, Saturn's karma started kicking in and Jobs was fired from the company he founded and for 10 years, he had to stay away from Apple. This experience humbled him a bit.
Apple really suffered in his absence and they brough him back in 1997 and we all know the kind of groundbreaking work he did in the next decade there. (hint: iphones, ipods etc)
In 2011, he found out he had terminal pancreatic cancer and resigned from his position and died 6 weeks later.
He refused to get surgery and chemo and chose "alternate treatments" until his disease had progressed so far that, there was no saving him.
He would eat a single thing and only that for weeks. Like apples. He'd eat only apples for three weeks. He was convinced that made him superior to everyone else and that it made him have no body odour, so he never showered either. This made it really hard for others to be around him.
Now back to his daughter, he was incredibly abusive to Lisa. She said she was forced to move home over 13 times before age seven as her mother struggled to pay the bills through a series of cleaning positions, while Jobs, then already a multi-millionaire, refused to help.
During one visit she innocently asked if she could be given his Porsche after learning the flashy vehicle had a scratch and needed to be replaced. His scowling response shocked Lisa, then aged seven.
“‘Absolutely not,’ he said in such a sour, biting way that I knew I’d made a mistake,” she remembers. “I understood that perhaps it wasn't true, the myth of the scratch: maybe he didn’t buy new ones. By that time I knew he was not generous with money, or food, or words; the idea of the Porsches had seemed like one glorious exception. I wished I could take it back. We pulled up to the house and he turned off the engine. Before I made a move to get out he turned to face me.
“‘You’re not getting anything,’” he said. “‘You understand? Nothing. You’re getting nothing.’ Did he mean about the car, something else, bigger? I didn’t know. His voice hurt—sharp, in my chest.” (an excerpt from her memoir 'Small Fry')
Saturn may delay punishment but it will punish and whether or not you learn from it, is up to you. Some individuals are not very malleable and they suffer the most. They make the same mistake over and over again and never learn. Steve died of any entirely preventable disease but he refused treatment. He was in excruciating pain towards his end and was completely bedridden. He expressed regret about not having gotten treatment sooner but :/
It's really scary how your karma catches up with you. Its the worst when it comes for you and leaves you with no time to remedy anything, so you just suffer agony knowing there is nothing you can do.
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Woody Allen- Anuradha stellium (Sun, Mercury & Jupiter)
He molested his step daughter Dylan Farrow and is currently married to his former step daughter from the same marriage Soon Yi.
There has been a lot of misinformation regarding him molesting Dylan as a child even though the fact that he is literally married to one of his stepdaughters should be reason enough to suspect him
 Allen had been in therapy for alleged inappropriate behavior toward Dylan with a child psychologist before the abuse allegation was presented to the authorities or made public. Mia Farrow had instructed her babysitters that Allen was never to be left alone with Dylan.
 Allen refused to take a polygraph administered by the Connecticut state police. Instead, he took one from someone hired by his legal team. The Connecticut state police refused to accept the test as evidence. The state attorney, Frank Maco, says that Mia was never asked to take a lie-detector test during the investigation.
(Here is a link to the full article)
But again, Saturn's karmic lessons come through. Numerous actors have refused to work with Allen, he has been publicly condemned, lost all his reputation during #MeToo Actors such as Greta Gerwig, Colin Firth, and Mira Sorvino have recently apologized for accepting roles in Allen’s films, while many of his most avid fans have turned against him.
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Johnny Cash, Rahu in UBP in 1h
Johnny was a drug addict and very abusive to his first wife. He creepily pursued June Carter while he was still married and despite her rejecting him MANY times, he did not give up. She was in a financially unfortunate position and he gave her the opportunity of touring with him, which she had to take up to make ends meet and finally in front of a live audience, he proposes marriage to her and basically forces her to say yes.
They remained married for 50 years and died within a year of each other so idk if they had a happy marriage or a troubled one but the Saturnian persistence was coming thru.
Cash's whole life is super Saturnian. His career came to a standstill in the 70s after a stellar decade long run in the 1960s, all throughout which he was abusing drugs.
In the early 1980s, Cash had eye surgery, broke several ribs, and damaged a kneecap, all on separate occasions, and again became addicted to pills. He was hospitalized in 1983 with internal bleeding that almost killed him. Upon regaining strength, he checked into the Betty Ford Clinic and remained clean until his death.
In 1994, after a looooong period of zero hits and chart play. He collabed with Rick Rubin (the GOAT) and then released a number of successful albums until he passed away in 2003 and from 1997 onwards he had been struggling with autonomic neuropathy and was frequently hospitalized.
Its interesting to me how between 1954 to 1973, Cash was undergoing his Saturn mahadasha and this period brought him enormous success and also made him completely addicted to substances. In 1965, he started a forest fire that burned off 500 acres of forest land and killed 49 of the refuge's 53 endangered condors. When confronted about it, he said "I don't care about your damn yellow buzzards".
From 1973-1990, he was undergoing his Mercury dasha, and this was a very low period in his career as he suffered major setbacks.
As he's sobering up at the Carter's family ranch, he's walking along a path. One of their ostriches is standing in the path. Well Cash thinks to himself "Hell if I'm moving" and tries to move it, so the bird starts trying to headbutt/peck at him, so he swings a punch at the bird, it responds by splitting his goddamn abdomen open with it's talon, from top to bottom. (he said the only thing that stopped the talon was it got stuck on his leather belt and couldn't go further). So he's laying on the ground, and grabs a branch (or an old fence post, can't remember) and starts beating it from the ground until it runs away.
Its interesting how his major highs in life were during his Saturn MD (He has Saturn in Uttarashada in 11h) and his biggest blows came during his Mercury MD (he does have Mercury in Shatabhisha in 12h 😬).
Mercury is not an inherently difficult dasha the way Saturn is. But what we sow, we shall reap. Saturn gives you 19 years to get your shit together and if you don't really learn during this period, it gets on your ass long after that. Jennie from Blackpink ended her Saturn MD in 2019 and some of her career's biggest moments have come since then but so have the controversies (she's currently in her Mercury MD) and it's as though the lingering after effects of the Saturn dasha really dictates how we experience our Mercury dasha.
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Winston Churchill, Anuradha Sun
In 1943 in Bengal, over 3 million people died due to starvation and Churchill was directly responsible for this.
Churchill deliberately ordered the diversion of food from starving Indian civilians to well-supplied British soldiers and even to top up European stockpiles, meant for yet-to-be-liberated Greeks and Yugoslavs (all of this happened during WW2 for context)
He basically said, this is none of my business. Even though millions of Indian soldiers fought for the British during WW2 and were British subjects until India gained independence in 1947. Also btw India was the biggest contributor to the Empire's GDP. they looted and plundered us and left us to starve, basically.
In the book, Churchill’s Secret War: The British Empire and the Ravaging of India during World War II, written by Madhusree Mukerjee, Churchill was quoted as blaming the famine on the fact Indians were “breeding like rabbits”, and asking how, if the shortages were so bad, Mahatma Gandhi was still alive. 😡🤬😠he was a racist imperialist pig to say the least.
Some people are Churchill defenders and genuinely believe that the Bengal famine was a necessary sacrifice to win the war, and that those who critiqued him were unfair and had little insight about WWII. Aka: the colonized are expendable in a war between essentially imperialist, genocidal and fascist states. And they can kiss my ass.
To Indians, Churchill is a Hitler-like figure and rightfully so.
"I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place."
Winston Churchill to Peel commission in 1937. 
Here is a thread that elaborates the many fcked up things he did.
When I talk about how cruel, brutal and callous Saturnian men can be, this is what I mean. Saturn restricts, limits and binds. This can easily mean Saturnians subject themselves and others to unnecessary rules, restrictions and limits.
Steve Jobs thought he was superior to others bc he only ate one type of food for weeks and months. Just because someone has discipline, does not automatically mean its good to have it. Free range parents can suck because they dont protect you or shelter you but disciplinarian parents also suck. Both Jupiter and Saturn struggle to learn "balance".
An unevolved Saturnian will be stingy af, very partial, biased and ill mannered. They act like cave men.
Churchill struggled with his mental health his whole life. He referred to it his “black dog:” fits of melancholia that followed Churchill throughout his life and often left him bedridden, suicidal and unshakably depressed for months at a time. It may sound cruel to say poor mental health is "karma" for his actions. (He also suffered 7 strokes and the final one, killed him). But the ways in which we are punished are often not materially obvious??? We may see terrible people thrive but often they are really suffering on the inside. Saturn often punishes by depriving you of peace of mind :/
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Thomas Alva Edison, Anuradha Rising
In 1884, Nikola Tesla moved to New York City to meet Edison, who was famous for his low-voltage, direct-current electricity. Tesla believed the higher-voltage alternating current electricity was superior and suggested creating an AC-powered motor, but Edison claimed it was too dangerous. Instead, Edison promised the recent immigrant $50,000 (over $1 million today) if he could improve upon his DC generators, or “dynamos.”
After toiling for several months and making significant advances, he returned for his reward, only for Edison to say, “When you become a full-fledged American, you will appreciate an American joke.” Tesla quit—but the bullying didn’t stop there.
George Westinghouse had purchased Tesla’s patents and became the pioneering force behind AC power and its widespread implementation. Edison, who was ideologically and financially invested in his own DC power, began a publicity campaign against AC power. The campaign was ruthless; he wanted to prove that the high voltage of AC power was too dangerous for public use, so he and his cohorts began publicly electrocuting animals—stray dogs and cats, cattle and horses, and even, notoriously, “Topsy” the elephant. (you can hate me for pointing out how unevolved Saturnians abuse animals all you want but it will not stop it from being true<333)
The story gets worse. Edison was asked whether electrocution was a humane method of execution. In reply, he claimed that with Westinghouse’s AC power, it was indeed a humane and reliable execution. Westinghouse of course tried to prevent such an association, but Harold Brown, one of Edison’s employees, was hired by the state of New York to build the first electric chair. Obviously, he used AC power.
The execution—the first use of the electric chair—took place on August 6, 1890. AC power proved neither reliable nor humane. The first, 17-second-long charge failed to kill the man, an alleged axe murderer; after waiting for the generator to recharge and amping up the voltage, the next charge at last brought an end to the horrible, 8-minute long ordeal. Westinghouse, disgusted, reportedly said, “They would have done better with an axe.”
For his last two years, a series of ailments caused his health to decline even more until he lapsed into a coma and died at the age of 84.
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Bo Burnham, Venus/Jupiter/Ketu in Pushya and Anuradha Rising
He does have a reputation for being a dick but I wanted to mention him because I think his sense of humour is VERY Saturnian. He has this tendency to humble his audience and its super Saturncoded to me. Like his whole shtick is serving you with a reality check in a slightly condescending way which is extremely Saturnian.
He often makes "ironically" misogynistic jokes or whatever and its laced with that Saturnian bitterness except he's slightly self aware I guess.
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Aziz Ansari, Venus & Mars in UBP and Jupiter in Anuradha
Tbh other than the fact that his stand up comedy routines are hella lame, I dont really have much dirt on him.
However, he did sexually assault a woman in 2018 and nobody has heard much from him since tbh. I guess its an example of "instant karma".
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Mads Mikkelsen, Anuradha Sun conjunct Ketu
Mads aka the man who made a career out of playing the bad guy
This isn't about Mads but about his most well known role, playing Hannibal Lecter.
Hannibal imo is very very Saturncoded
 He is highly intelligent and cultured, with refined tastes and impeccable manners. He is deeply offended by rudeness, and often kills people who exhibit bad manners; according to the novel Hannibal, he "prefers to eat the rude". Hopkins described Lecter as the "Robin Hood of killers", who kills "the terminally rude".
Saturnians are either extremely refined or very unkempt. There is no in-between. You can always tell when someone has an imbalanced Saturn influence based on how disorderly, messy and chaotic they are.
In the novel Red Dragon, the protagonist, Will Graham, says that psychologists refer to Lecter as a sociopath "because they don't know what else to call him". Graham says "he has no remorse or guilt at all", and tortured animals as a child, (👀) but he does not exhibit any of the other criteria traditionally associated with sociopathy. Asked how he himself would describe Lecter, Graham responded, "he's a monster. I think of him as one of those pitiful things that are born in hospitals from time to time. They feed it, and keep it warm, but they don't put it on the machines and it dies. Lecter is the same way in his head, but he looks normal and nobody could tell."
Hannibal embodies the disciplined, orderly conduct of an evolved Saturnian along with the cruelty and harshness of it.
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Charlie Puth, Anuradha Sun & Mars
half of this guy's discography is about how he hates women from LA. He literally has one song called "Nothing But Trouble (Instagram Models)" and it's just about how instagram models make problems. He has another song called "L.A. Girls" about how women in LA are fungible. It's like yeah maybe instagram models do suck but no one made you date them??? 
These are lyrics from the song LA Girls:
"There was Nikki, Nicole, Tiffany, and Heather But there's only room for you in my world But you say that I changed like the east coast weather How the hell did I get caught up? Messin' with these LA girls"
When I tell you the Madonna-Whore complex runs DEEP with Saturnian men. They will fool around with you and think of YOU as "cheap" for doing so and fall for the girl who never gives it up. The double standards of Saturnians are 🤮🤢
They will get frisky and frivolous with you and judge you for it :/
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Woody Harrelson, Pushya Sun, Anuradha Moon
When I think of unkempt Saturnians, I think Woody Harrelson lmao
While filming in London in 2002, Harrelson found himself at a bar when two women approached him. According to the actor, the women asked if he wanted to "take a walk on the wild side." To which Harrelson replied, "I guess I do." A third woman joined in the fun, and the foursome returned to Harrelson's accommodations and enjoyed what the outlet described as "whatever-happened-next." Unfortunately for the Rampart star, "a paparazzo was able to snap a photo that soon hit the tabloids." The worst part — his then-girlfriend and future-wife Laura Louie saw these photos in the press. This "led to a good bit of groveling on Harrelson's part," and the couple worked past the incident.
I think I have noticed about manyyyy Saturnian men is that they often have enabler wives who put up with their shit + encourage it. Steve Jobs' wife, Laurene Powell was like that. Steve was such a perfectionist that he did not even buy furniture for their house and yk what?? she was okay with that lol and they remained married until his death even though literally everybody who has ever known him describes him as an asshole.
Woody Allen's still married to Soon Yi who is also entirely defensive about him. Same goes for Harrelson's wife I guess. How on earth does someone work past a foursome??? wtf
"I used to go to bars and fight the guys I thought were bullies. I've got scars everywhere," he revealed to The Hollywood Reporter. His fighting ways continued even after becoming a famous actor. Like when he once punched a reporter and claimed he thought the photographer was a zombie. 
Saturnians never beating the abusive rumours 😩
On a different note, I've noticed how many Saturnian musicians make sad boy music with a ✨spiritual essence ✨
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Sufjan Stevens is a UBP Moon
This is from a 2015 interview:
"I still describe myself as a Christian, and my love of God and my relationship with God is fundamental, but its manifestations in my life and the practices of it are constantly changing. I find incredible freedom in my faith. Yes, the kingdom of Christianity and the Church has been one of the most destructive forces in history, and there are levels of bastardization of religious beliefs. But the unique thing about Christianity is that it is so amorphous and not reductive to culture or place or anything. It's extremely malleable."
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Tamino, UBP Moon
He said in an interview:
"We like to look at religious texts from all over the world, [and] they always share a lot of similarities. That's not because they necessarily influenced each other, it's more that our inherent experience as humans comes out through storytelling. It's awesome. So that's something that's really interesting: the story that we need to tell. And the stories that we tell will always survive longest. I think it sort of gives them a higher truth, a metaphysical truth, which makes religion quite beautiful to me. You don't have to necessarily believe in every little thing that's described in a book. I'm not a practicing believer—not in the classical sense. But I do have faith. I think a lot of people have faith without realizing [it]. Even waking up and starting your day, we all have like these little acts of fate throughout our lives without even noticing."
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Hozier- Anuradha Moon
Faith is a big theme in their work and their lives and I feel like they are some evolved Saturnian men who have embraced the stoic spirituality of Saturn and poured it into their creativity.
In one interview, Hozier described Quakerism as a doctrine which taught him during childhood “to look for the God in each person” and “the spark of the divine that’s in every individual.” In particular, Hozier seeks this spark in his lover.
Its interesting to me how all 3 of them use religious metaphors often to speak of love because the ultimate form of love is devotion and Saturnians who have transcended the grips of limitations imposed by Saturn understand this more than anybody. They know what its like to love like their life depends on it.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Pushya Sun
Many Saturnians love to talk about working hard and kicking ass. Arnold is one of them, although I will say his preachiness comes from his Punarvasu stellium lmao
Arnold is a good example of a man who has worked very very hard and abided by every Saturnian principle to climb the ladder to the top. Yet he cheated on his wife with his housekeeper. He however did not deny paternity of the son he fathered with her. He has also expressed his regret about cheating and how he lost his marriage.
Kim Kardashian, UBP Moon
She came under fire for her comments about "get your ass up and do the work" but honestly it's just Saturnian tough love
Kim is a good example of someone who has turned every single setback into a career opportunity. She is a true hustler. Obviously she's extremely privileged yada yada yada but she was Paris Hilton's assistant at one point and was at the bottom of the ladder. In 20 years she's built a fortune for herself and her family. Like, if it were Kourtney in Kim's place 🤡they wouldn't be where they are rn. Kim is a worker and its hard to deny that.
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Rose- UBP Moon
In her interview with Vogue Australia, she said:
“I ended up fighting for my life, training for my life. Because I couldn’t accept the fact that I’d just be cut and sent back, so I had no time to slack off. I remember I took every minute and every second to work on my craft so that I [could] make it,” 
“When I got [to Korea], I was like, ‘This is quite intense,’” she said of the early period of training. “I notice[d] that there [were] 12 other girls who had been training day and night for about five years. And I had just gotten there.” She feared that if she didn’t catch up to the other she would be cut and sent back to Australia, where she’d already told her school friends that she was dropping out to work on her music. "
“I [had] left and I didn’t want to fly back [to Australia] without having achieved anything,” she said of her worry at the time. “And I think it was a good drive. Just the fact that I had flown all the way from Australia gave me more strength [and] determination to strive.”
Hardworking Saturnians ✊🏼🙏🏼🧎‍♀️making the most of that Saturnian determination and reaping its rewards OOF
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asmallmoon333 · 11 months
Silly question because I was scrolling through your Tumblr blog and really wanted to ask something but nothing came to mind except L and L looking different because Reasons TM.
We have L the rich family heir in the current Time Speaks arc. He's got a Family Approved TM makeover.
But what if Light was given a chance to give L a makeover? How would this new and visually improved L be?
Also how long do you think before L takes back makeover privileges and gets back to his usual? I bet an hour, max lmao.
So I thought about this for a minute lol
The thing about Light is, I actually don't think he spends as much time on his appearance or on appearance in general as some fanon implies. Yes, he's put together and looks good, but most of that is just a clean haircut and his natural face. Light is just good-looking on his own hahahahaha, and he uses that against people as part of his repertoire of tactics. Personally tho I think he relies on the "upstanding member of society" shtick much more than his looks, despite how I personally like to comment on his face in my story.
Why did I ramble about this here, you may ask? Because I actually don't see Light as giving L a makeover or even thinking about it much, based simply on what Light finds value in or has an interest in. At best I think he'd buy L a nice suit, or at the very least some fitting clothes, and give him a haircut, but nothing more than that. This would be a special occasion with other people involved, and so L would give in since he'd see it as important enough to submit until the end of whatever occasion it is. But in daily life or a makeover just for fun? I don't think Light would do it. Their weird sexual tension is 90% cerebral, and while Light uses society's proceptions against them, I don't think he takes them seriously himself. He's an actor on a stage wearing a costume, which is also why I think he's got so may clothes, and so many "fit the situation" clothing as we see. But beyond that, he doesn't care what others look like, and certainly doesn't care about L's looks beyond that one time he called him a weirdo when they met.
Also I don't think Light knows a thing about makeup (remaining purposefully ignorant, despite Misa's attempts), but also he's possessive and wouldn't want L to look too good to other people. So even less inclination to give him a makeover lol. But he does, personally, admire what L looked like with slicked-back hair when he has the chance to see it, as in that one fan art of them in the tub I've saved. >v>
Sorry if that's not the answer you were hoping for, it was still a fun one for me to think about!
(Now, if you'd asked about Misa giving L a makeover, that's a whole other story; she would sit him down and keep him there as her doll (hah) for as long as she possibly could, and he would actually just give in cause why not, he's bored, let's see what Misa can do. And she'd go in full, she'd dress him in all types of styles and genres, from historical to modern to goth, and even go into cosplay a bit, with full makeup and accessories. She would splurge on this cause his frame would make him perfect for some anime cosplay. There would be photoshoots, face artfully averted of course, and they'd be popular online. This would include male and female outfits btw. And L would have fun, even tho he didn't expect that he would, he finds it interesting. While Light would watch from the sidelines with an annoyed look on his face (he's not fooling anyone, he's there for every shoot). L, in contrast to Light, would actually listen to Misa and learn about a full makeup and hair care routine. He'd never employ that knowledge personally, but he'd remember it even if just to bring up to Light randomly like "Light-kun could do with some moisturizing sunscreen and leave-in conditioner, you're looking a bit sun damaged" "What?" lmao.)
So, yeah! ^v^
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
Two of my three friends are dating now, (other people, not each other), which feels really weird to me. I feel a little behind, I guess. The third is my best friend, and I love them very much in a very platonic way. They used to have a crush on me- idk if that's still the case, everyone else sure thinks so- but sometimes I do feel like maybe they want more from me? We joke around a lot, but sometimes they say things that make me a little uncomfy. It feels a little too real for me. I don't actually know if they want more, and I feel bad that I don't know and that maybe I'm somehow leading them on? They know that I don't really feel romantic attraction though, unless they don't really believe being aromantic is a thing... Which I doubt.
BUT lately, I've really been wanting to experiment, I guess. Idk, I just want experiences. I feel like I've missed out on a lot, like I wasted all my teen years. (That's another discussion tho.) I feel worse because I don't want that with my best friend. I want us to stay where we are and how we are, but I'm afraid if I start to experiment with dating or even try to find a queer-platonic partner, that they'll wonder why not them? Idk, I know I overthink it, but it just makes me feel guilty. So I don't want to try. Why can't I just want these things and feel this way about my best friend? Why not them? It sure would be easier, but I can't force it, can I?
I just feel so lonely right now. I want someone there sometimes. I want to learn how to be physically affectionate 'cause I've never been good at it, so I can cuddle someone on occasion. (I want other things in a relationship too, but we don't need to list them all out.) Unfortunately, I have no idea how I would even go about trying to find someone. I can't drive, live in a small town, and don't get out much aside from work. Not to mention that I have no idea how to talk to people.
I love being on the aro-spec, wherever it is that I fall in it, but it's times like these I just feel so alone and like a phony. What are these different attractions anyway??
Submitted July 9, 2023
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grabthathorn · 2 years
My favourite character from PtN is Langley (my beloved), even tho I don't have her (though I spent quite a few bucks in this game I have everyone but her sadly).
I'm actually brainrotting over her being the elusive lady that she is.
As a Chief it's our duty to catch her at all cost and bring her to justice, but the ting is : she always slips away no matter how much effort we put into the chase. Like a game of cat and mouse between us that lasts for a very long time.
It's frustrating how many times she just evaded us.
But what if one day this chase turns around? Where we are the prey? And she's chasing us and will not rest till she sinks her claws into tender flesh and rips us apart with her fangs?
Just... feral criminal lady getting sick and tired of this charade of cops'n'criminals and just makes us submit to her by any means.
anon you are absolutely unhinged and i respect it so much
cw // gunplay and a smidge of blood, 18+
     By all accounts, the Chief of MBCC had made a series of grave mistakes.
     While today was one of the rare occasions she had been offered a reprieve from taxing work - work that had spanned a far greater amount of land, people, and crystals than she had initially expected - that reprieve was proving to be far shorter than she expected. Sinners were the beginning and the end of her responsibilities, inextricably tied to every move the Chief made.
     It didn’t help that many Sinners had become aware of her existence, often seeing her as a target to be eliminated.
     Not that she could blame them - after all, losing your freedom to the state is far from an ideal lifestyle.
     Yet, the Chief had been put on Langley’s case a few months back, the woman supposedly behind the breakdown of peace talks that were, for all intents and purposes, once-in-a-lifetime.
     So as she ruminated over these thoughts, the Chief stumbled into an alleyway behind the bar she drank at, blinking through alcohol-blurred vision. She could make out an imposing figure at the other end, even in the dim light. What little light crested against the details of the woman’s figure bore her signature button-up and coat, alongside the skirt that hugged her hips and thighs.
     The Chief didn’t even need to be sober to see the wide-brimmed hat that hid electric-blue eyes.
     “Funny, isn’t it?” the cock of a gun echoed in the narrow alleyway. “All this searching put on a rookie…only for you to get caught first.”
     Langley wasn’t wrong. Through the five months that the Chief had been assigned to her, there had only been one occasion in which she got close enough to possibly shackle her. Even then, Langley slipped through her fingers like grains of sand and was gone just as fast as she was found.
     There would be no way the Chief could reach her in time before a bullet was put between her eyes. 
     It seemed the Sinner knew that as well. 
     Rounding on her heel, the Chief sprinted out of the alleyway, her adrenaline outdoing the effects of liquor. Now, with her heart pounding at the ribs in her chest, she could hear steady steps behind her, unwilling to even try to match her pace. 
     The Chief reached into her pocket and grabbed her phone, dialing anyone, Nightingale, Hecate, anyone at the MBCC who might be able to reach her in time.
     The phone clattered to the floor, and the Chief’s ear and thumb began to drip blood.
     “The next shot won’t miss.”
     Turning back to face Langley, the Chief backed herself against a wall, scowling. Her head felt hot, and she could scarcely keep her legs straight. Perhaps she shouldn’t have gotten so deep into the city.
     With quick strides, Langley was inches in front of her, pressing the barrel of her gun against the underside of the Chief’s chin. Now, the officer could do little else but swallow, meeting that cold gaze with one of her own. Not that it could ever compare.
     “Thinking about shackling me?” Langley murmured.
     The frigid barrel was like a brand against the Chief’s skin. Though she knew she could easily touch Langley, the likelihood of shackling her through leather gloves and a nigh-incorruptible mind seemed unlikely. The Chief kept her gaze focused, yet kept her body still.
     “What do you want?”
     The barrel began to drag down the officer’s throat, catching at her collar. “Hm…Do you think our little game is fun?”
     “Yes, game.” Langley tugged the gun down, ripping the top two buttons of the Chief’s shirt apart. “Where you chase me, desperately hoping to get me under your thumb like the rest of your lackeys…only for me to slip away just before you touch.”
     The Chief gulped, the barrel now firmly pressed between her breasts.
     If Langley hadn’t shot her by now, there was another reason for this play.
     The Chief grabbed Langley’s wrist, and though it tensed under her touch, the trigger remained in its place. Langley chuckled, pressing her body closer.
     “Stop pretending you’re above me, that you could ever hope to shackle me.” Langley sighed. “You were mine the moment you accepted my case.”
     With one fell swoop, the gun did away with the rest of the buttons, resting the top of its barrel against the Chief’s cunt. The Chief made no move, both too paralyzed and too shocked to process what happened. No words were spoken in the moments after, and dark, warm lipstick left its mark against the Chief’s throat.
     “What are you…”
     “Shackling you.”
     Langley’s mouth opened, her teeth digging into the Chief’s neck with enough ferocity to warrant small puncture wounds. Despite herself, the Chief sighed into the pain, her hips rocking back and forth against the barrel. It had barely been a minute, but her panties were already soaked through.
     The hitman’s free hand reached up to palm one of the Chief’s breasts, digging her fingers in hard enough to leave crescent-shaped marks, even with her leather gloves. 
     “How long do you think it will take for you to break?” Langley murmured, lapping at broken flesh. “Did they train you to withstand pain?”
     The Chief’s head hung as Langley pulled away to watch the officer grind against her barrel, turning it slick. 
     Without a word, the Chief reached out to lean on Langley, grabbing her shoulders while whimpering nonsense. 
      In the back of her mind, she couldn’t fathom why she became so beholden so quickly. Perhaps, in this long-standing chase, a part of her had become fixated on Langley, wanting to find the layers beneath that murderous exterior. Or perhaps she had grown tired of controlling others, wishing those black-gloved hands would wrap around her throat.
     “Oh my, it seems you’ve already broken.” Langley chuckled, wiping her lipstick off the Chief’s neck.
      The Chief nodded, whimpering as she tugged on Langley’s tie, wanting to feel that bruising, cutting pain once more.
     In the end, Langley gave herself freely over to MBCC. While her subordinates had drawn attention to its suspicious nature, the Chief waved them off, insisting that another Sinner shackled would be a net positive, no matter what ulterior motives Langley could have.
     “Ma’am, Langley’s returned from her dispatch.” Nightingale announced. 
     With a nod, the Chief entered her office, finding Langley in her seat.
     “Do you want to know what I’ve found?” Langley murmured, undoing her tie.
     The Chief gulped, and locked the door behind her.
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awoken-artist · 3 years
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🌸🍡Please don't steal and resubmit/repost my works without my permission! thanks!🍡🌸 🌸🍡-----------------------🍡🌸 I forgot to submit this last month of 2021s final days but- eh i was busy with my own things going on. I drew this in my twitch stream because its been a very long while since Ive drawn anything Fullmetal Alchemist related. I think its cause certain FMA artists that are "popular" really was being super nit picky with my OC and its- very tiring. Now im just not giving much of a damn what they think. Just because your popular doesn't mean you get to nit pick my OC because god forbid she is paired with Edward Elric. but anywho~ onto the comic- yeah theres no words to put into it on what they said but- maybe when i finally color it [If i remember to XD] i'll add some more into the lil comic and such.  Tho anyways to explain about this real quick. 2 things: 1st being - I do have a FMA Storyline idea how Edward and Emmy have met. One of following the brotherhood storyline and 2003 Original storyline since both have different things going on it it. 2003 being more dark then anything, and humunculi being very different how theyre actually created and actually have unique weakness's and such and so on. plus different villians , etc. This one is being followed with the 2003 original FMA storyline with shamballa [conqueror of shamballa timeline after the anime series ended and now continue with the film].  2end explaining about the comic- since 2003 FMA is more darker , the storyline for these two also encounters dark shit going on and boy i have- very sad stuff to share on that one for sure.. ;; now- for the comic here- is when Ed and Em finally reunite once again. [Quick warning if you have NOT seen the conqueror of shamballa film this will contain spoilers further ahead. You've been warned.] - - - now how does this even happen?? how did emmy even manage to cross through the portal? Funny because she actually snuck onto the ship Edward was on. Now when the whole fight happened on the ship, emmy was there fighting alongside roy mustang, and alphonse. Alphonse was obviously upset that edward decided to go back to the portal, back to germany and close the portal so no other can come to his home again and try doing the same disastrous atrocities again. of course alphonse snuck onto the ship, but emmy also snuck on as well..which roy tried to convince both alphonse and emmy that they shouldnt even though they are both determined to stay by edward and not lose him again. of course roy had a feeling he would probably do this regardless since its edward. edward would literally do anything to make sure no one has to be hurt and if theres a way for him to do so he will do it in a heart beat..  so- after edward realizing alphonse snuck on and of course been busy with closing the portal finally and left. One of the guys who worked with Alphonse Hiderich heard something while helping with the other guys even hughes to get the dead soliders out of the suits, they heard breathing and found emmy in one of the suits when they moved it and the front part of the suit was loosened and she fell out. they checked her pulse and found shes alive and is just unconsious, and took her to the hospital right away.  Hughes does come back to check in on the girl, and felt she may be a friend to Edward and his brother, and tried to reach him but couldnt get much in contact, plus unsure if he should after what just even happened. He did made up with gracia and such after some time, and emmy finally awoke and Hughes took her in with Gracia so Gracia helps her out. I think emmy had a bit of a headache from the trip and saw familiar faces but realizes quickly they arnt the same as the ones back home.. so- yeah uh how many times shes seen edward and alphonse and wasnt sure - to BOTH of them, that "theres no way thats them". it took them- jesus many occasions to where they pass eachother and then just both of them would quickly look at eachother and are unsure what to say or what they can say to see if its REALLY them?  so that happens
many times, to where emmy was frustrated, edward was also kind of frustrated because he couldnt get her out of his head. [now before this encounter as seen in the comic, he was frustrated where Noah asked him whats wrong. He tells her that his friend Emmy may of snuck onto the ship as well like alphonse, but both he and alphonse didnt even know, but he isnt sure and says that its hard to even tell if its really them because everyone looks exactly the same but they arnt in this world. Noah understands its becoming frustrating for him to see someone he knows but isnt sure if its really them or just their parallel self.. Noah , even though her fore sight is better when they are asleep..asked if she can maybe see something. she sees they do meet again..but its different. she recommended if he sees her again - to ask her. The same , kind of thing, happens with Emmy but with gracia but emmy isnt sure if she should even say anything about her being from another world, until gracia sat down with her alone and told her what hughes told her. emmy felt kind of relieved and gracia was never one to judge. emmy did end up getting emotional... of how frustrating it is to see people she sees that looks exactly like the people she knew, but they arnt the same... gracia encourage her to meet up with edward if she sees him again and emmy hopes to at least see him to finally just settle things.] the comic here is where both of them had alot on their minds, edward trying to distract himself but couldnt because he just isnt sure where emmy could of gone, and emmy also isnt sure where edward is at the moment, until they pass eachother and a sense of realizing its them just hit them. they finally face eachother which they stared for a while with uncertainty until it only took both of them to reconize a few details that was stupidly overlooked. their automail. how its designed.. for edward it would be emmys scars and the locket. they both asked if they are who they think they are... and mentions some names like Amestris, Alchemy and the Philosipher stone... humuncili. Then out of a habit [between edward and emmy] is edward making a comment where idk he said something dumb where emmy just punches him in the gut because hes trying to make a joke and she was like "i wish you could of said something you fricken dork" and they both argued at eachother. then finally ends up where they couldnt look away from eachother and just- end up in a very emotional spiral where emmy was so relieved that hes okay, and that it really is him and she finally lets everything out. edward , while he hasnt cried or shed tears in- a while but still will show how upset he is... i think a few words where spoken while emmy was slowly starting to cry in the few final panels.  well- yeah uh- while edward was gone things went so bad for her.. its not his fault mind you just a shit ton of things happened. I'll explain by dialogue: -------------------------------------- Edward , still having his hands clench his stomach from the blow he received from Emmys left automail fist, he grumbles as tries to speak "damn it emmy why did you even follow us? you could of gotten hurt or worse!" "Because I WANTED to Ed! I wanted to follow because im not..Im not going to lose you again like I lost everyone else!" she clenched her sweater pretty hard after saying that as silence was all its left between them for a moment, the only sounds be the civilians and the cars passing by.  Edward stared at the sorrowful brunette as he was confused what she meant by it, but...in truth, deep inside he had a idea what it actually is but he shook his head to not even think of such worse outcomes. "Emmy what are you talking abou-" before he could continue emmy interrupted him as her voice was choked up. "hes gone...t-t-they are all gone.." "E-Emmy..what do...you mean by that?" he asked looking at her more concerned as Emmys blue eyes stared at his amber golden ones while tears threaten to stream down her face. "..w-while you...w-where gone...and m-missing.. s-so much has happened.. my g-grandparents..
e-even my own brother.. i.." she swallowed to try and not start bawling right away. trying hard not to cry quickly from explaining. Edward frowned..as he felt his heart sunk.. "..what happened.." he asked as his tone was softened as he got closer to her.  Emmys breath was shaking as she tries to calm down, but she couldnt stop herself from trembling "..i followed...because i couldnt lose you again...edward i thought you died for fuck sakes... my grandparents.. they passed away..both from being so bed ridden and sick.. their health declining... my brother was sent off to war.... and he was killed.... he tried his best to stay alive but he got killed..by a surprise attack.. they tried to save him..when he came home but he was long gone before they could even do anything..." her tears stream more down her face "o-once i saw you..i.. i was so relieved and happy you were alive....but so fucking mad at you too!" she clenched her sweater more "i know..you said you come back and y-you did... but seeing you leave i just couldnt just stand by and let you... so i followed... i know im leaving my home, my world i was born in...but my family thats left is gone.. i'll miss my friends of course but- i..." she started to sob as she tries wipe her hears away as edward couldnt help but teared up a bit as he kissed her forehead, seeing she was really hurting. Emmy quickly rest her head against his chest and hugged him tightly as she cried against his chest as Edward hugged her tight "...amestris may be my home...and world im from but your my world...and i dont want to let you go again.. just.. d-dont leave me alone again..." edward hugged her tightly as he burried his face against her shoulder ".. never again. im sorry your in so much pain... it'll be okay.." as he lets emmy cry as much as she can as Alphonse and Noah looked to find Edward and see him reunited with emmy, relieved they are okay.  Will say that it was also emotional for emmy to see alphonse again as they hugged it out as well, cause she and alphonses are really good friends as well so it was emotional for them to. Emmy meets Noah and the two become best friends later where they talk to eachother and everything about their troubles.  gah who cut onions in here quq I hope you guys enjoyed the dialogue at least- i hope to finally eventually make the literature work of how the two meet or finally make a comic. god either one of them- so look out for that because i havent forgotten about it just- chaos... 2021 aint helping with that. ouo; 🌸🍡-----------------------🍡🌸 Want to catch my Twitch streams when I do art?  Click here to my Twitch channel! 🌸🍡-----------------------🍡🌸 Artwork and FMA OC Emmy Rosenthal © by: @awoken-artist FMA and character Edward Elric © by: Hiromu Arakawa Programs Used: Clip Studio Paint EX
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bellsyafterdark · 3 years
okay so here's the whole thing i started as an ask and then got Way Out Of Hand:
so din isn't a brat in the ball & chain verse, not really, bc his focus is service and the desire to be good etc etc. like, he'd crawl across broken glass if his alphas even implied they would like that. he doesn't have a petty bone in his body.
paz d o e s
and the cognitive dissonance for paz has gotta be Rough bc like. he's a service top for din, but with boba and fennec? well, they kind of butt heads bc of all their dominant dispositions. after a little while, paz and fennec fall into a mostly amicable, non-antagonistic dynamic and its chill. they're partners in taking din apart tho fennec is a bit more in charge bc of how she's a bit more clinical (cue greyace fennec simping) and paz, much like din, follows orders beautifully when he wants to.
paz and boba Do Not sort themselves For A While.
for whatever reason, paz has Issues with his instincts when it comes to boba. part of him wants to submit, but its uncomfortable to admit bc alpha instincts + paz never having been in such a position before. traditional, like you said, esp bc maybe that's what has always been expected of him as Big Beefy Tank Alpha. and paz is Bad At Processing Conflicting Emotions so he's fighting what he wants and what he thinks he's supposed to want AND his instincts which are all tangled up. as a result...he brats. he doesn't get particularly violent or break things bc that would upset din so it's always petty little shit, quietly done, no fits or temper. little things to piss off boba specifically. mando style passive aggressive nonsense. maybe paz's got the mindset that boba has to earn his vulnerability? crossed with how he's always been the top and he's only now discovering switch tendencies bc he's come up against 2 alphas who makes him b e l i e v e they can take him down not in a fight way (but yeah also in a fight way lol). which can be Uncomfortable, esp as an alpha probably. like, realizing this person is someone that???? you don't have to be strong for????? you don't have to be in charge??? idk how to characterize the feeling I mean. but it has to do with the exchange of trust and power that is one of the core parts of this kind of bdsm/kinky stuff.
like. boba and fennec Know paz is strong, can take care of himself and din and probably them if necessary. they respect that. but he doesn't HAVE to be in control when they're there and he's learning what it's like to trust someone else to watch his back and din's (bc let's be honest we know paz would care abt din before himself)
idk I just have a bizarre vision of paz being a petty brat at least a little. he's definitely Extra Grumpy if din is away (visiting grogu maybe or trying to con bo-katan into taking the darksaber via sabacc) and boba is definitely Wound Up at this point and fennec is probably getting frustrated with paz too so one day they just. take him Down and show him the rewards of being their good pup and what exactly his bad behavior has earned him.
he probably still is a bit passive aggressive bratty on occasion but hopefully he figures out that he can trust boba and fennec to take the reins and be in charge at least some times
This is perfect. This is exactly what I needed for the next installment in the chronological sequence for AO3, your brain is beautiful.
Back in the covert, Paz did follow someone else -- the Armourer -- but that was a different dynamic. She earned her leadership because she was an elder with knowledge, experience and the best fighting prowess in the tribe. She could take any of them down in a fight. But she was also not an Alpha.
So Paz in himself is a little confused in unfamiliar territory. He's been in non-traditional packs before but he's never had to follow another alpha or two who 1) also wanted to be intimate with him, 2) who were (in his eyes) competitors for an object of his affections.
Subconsciously, he's still divided the four of them into us and them and until he can relinquish some of his control, accept that he can trust them with Din, he resists in these little ways. It's probably through talking to Din trying to understand why he made this choice that he's first given food for thought about the merits of not having to be strong or in control all the time, and exchanging your power. Now he just has to realise that's acceptable for all people, not only omegas, and he'll be fine.
I absolutely agree with you that Paz's main beef is with Boba because it's not Fennec who sits in that throne all day with Din in his lap.
Maybe the first time Boba and Fennec take him down together is when Din is not home so it also makes it just about Alpha to Alpha without Paz subconsciously needing to behave a certain way for Din.
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ignisnocturnalia · 4 years
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Variks x Reader Relationship HC's
Gonna write you as a new light, apologies my God-slaying siblings
News of the Pyramids over Europa reaches far and wide, as does stasis
With this discovery, relayed by a veteran guardian, also reveals news of the Eliksni who instigated the riot at the Prison of Elders
Being freshly revived, there's not much you can make out of the hostility the other Guardians offer the alien
Curious about him, you make a bold request to be stationed on Europa to "monitor" him
Of course, Zavala denies your request and speaks of how important your guns would be here at home
While you say you understand, you're secretly trying to find your way around it
The Drifter
You heard about his escapades to the frozen planet, reasons unknown, but still able to slip through Vanguard sanctions
As usual, a Guardian siding with the Vanguard approaching you with a purpose usually isn't a good thing
"Somethin' you want, kid?"
His tone is carefully jovial, bordering neutral, but you're not foolish enough to think he actually trusts you
"I need to get to Europa."
He stares at you for a solid minute before sizing you up, an inquisitive glare settling on his face
"What's in it for me?"
Having been on Strike detail for months on end, you've got a sweet heap of glimmer and nothing to use it on; you know he doesn't care a lot for the currency, so you offer up your weapons alongside it
He gives you a lopsided grin as he takes the arsenal, waving off the glimmer and taking you to his ramshackle ship
Unsurprisingly, it's a quiet ride, your own Ghost unsure of your actions
Drifter gives you little warning before transmitting you off the ship, leaving you to fall flat on your ass in the deep snow
Despite being a little upset about this, you finally see your goal, the very Eliskni that brought new questions to the ice planet
Every step you take lands your foot in a fluffy sheet of snow, sounding out with a crunch you had never heard before
Soon enough, you've completely deviated from the reason you came to the planet, completely obsessed with the snow under you
The entire time, Variks has been watching you from the window of his base making a fool of yourself
Distantly, he realizes that he thinks you're cute like that
"Here to help, yes?"
You are COMPLETELY caught off guard, turning quickly on your heel before slipping on the ice and landing flat on your ass
A shadow falls over you as you look up to see the well spoken Eliksni towering over you, and you're immensely thankful for the helmet hiding your blush
He offers you one of his real hands, helping you up and you can't help but notice how his hunched form is hiding a solid 8" from his height
Bringing you inside, you slowly decompress from the outside chill and Variks formally introduces himself
You quickly take note of how each of his sentences are punctuated by insect noises, which are quite fun to hear
You explain your circumstances and even though you can only see his eyes, you can feel the confusion in the air
"You left the Tower.. to see me? Variks does not know who you are; you do not know Variks, yes?"
You're slightly disappointed but not surprised by his suspicious behavior, after seeing how other Guardians harped about him
You then remember something very important
"I don't have a ship to get back."
Your ship still sat in the Hangar, locked down until it was needed for use
Variks stood in front of you quietly before also noticing something unusual about you; your weapons were missing
"Stay. I will contact your Commander."
You immediately spring from your seated position, grabbing at his shoulder before he can reach the comms
He seems to understand your plead
You spend the next few days eating freeze dried food, along with MRE's supplied by another curious party on Europa
Variks doesn't join you until he's finished eating in another room, and the conversations you can strike up are limited
You ask him to teach you Eliksni
He appears shocked at first but eagerly obliges, now showing up to eat with you
It's been a good couple of weeks, and you've got a few phrases and words under your belt
Nothing translates directly, everything is interpreted based on the small word choice
Variks didn't know, but you had spent the last 3 days trying to figure out what the closest thing to "I love you" was in Eliksni
That night, when you both settle down to eat, you eye Variks with a renewed purpose
The fuzz in your brain dissipates as, astoundingly, he moves to take off his mouth cover
You can't help but stare at his revealed face not noticing how he fidgets a bit under your intense stare
"Apologies, (y/n). I did not mean to ruin your appetite."
It was now or never
Moving over to sit next to him, you shyly looked up to see he had yet to put the mask back on, instead looking at you with uncertainty
"Yu ne ze." You are my gift. I love you.
The Eliksni's eyes widen and his body stiffens and you worry for a second that you've made a mistake before he turns fully and leans into your face
"Ma yun ne."
His mandibles are often used to caress your face
You find yourself with gifts and trinkets waiting in your small room in the base
He has you spot check his weapons, testing them out and generally having a blast with them
Other Guardians have seen you on occasion, but very few have approached you to ask questions about the mysterious Eliksni
Variks loves it when you hold his hands, even more so when you pet his face
When you find out he can purr, it's one of the most sought after sounds during your intimate moments, and sometimes he will purr simply to indulge you
Even if you're an undead warrior, Variks still piles furs on to your shoulders to make sure you don't get cold during outings
You have had to fend off assassins, often at the cost of your life
This pushes you to accept the deceptive whispers of the Pyramid, carrying you all the way to the Exo Stranger's den
She reluctantly agrees to teach you because of your inexperience, and although neither of you say anything, you and Drifter make quick eye contact
Variks can smell the Darkness on you and is very disappointed, but he doesn't tip off that he knows
Instead, he uses it as an excuse to put you under house arrest
He catalogues every single symptom you have that could barely begin to resemble a sickness, encouraging you to stay inside until you're better
During the nights, you notice he holds you much more tightly against his body
You apologize for your zealousness regarding his safety
Your lessons in Eliksni continue, and soon enough you can hold your own in small conversations with him
Whenever you or Variks look at each other trying to figure something out, you both always ask about the question in your mind
Whoever is asked ends up sitting in the other's lap, but you've found that it's much more convenient to sit in his own
This exploration leads to daily petting or grooming sessions, giving way for more risque activity to take place
Nsfw 👁👄👁
Variks orients himself as a switch, but you can tell he enjoys being on the bottom a little more if his rapid breaths are anything to go by
Brushing and lightly scratching segments on his exoskeleton are immense green lights for him, especially adding just enough force to push into the seams between his limbs
He's very gentle with his teeth, but the red marks he leaves on your body are generous from the amount of fondling he carries out
He's perfectly fine with both of you being bare, so long as a heat source is nearby
This level of exposure allows you to feel every rumble, trill, and moan straight from his chest and you can't deny just how hot it is to have an entire alien making these noises because of you
He delivers plenty of foreplay, always giving you the option to back out of it
With your size difference, you have to work to move up and down his body when you're both laying down
One of his favorite things is when you drag your teeth along his neck or chest, no real threat of harm but an undeniable thrill for him
He may start slow, but towards the end? You're better off simply letting him take care of you the next day
After particularly tedious days, you will pull him into your shared room and pepper his face with kisses
Whenever he wants to nap, he selectively chooses your lap so you can massage his back or his forehead
Following the official announcement of your relationship, Zavala finally submits and gives you full permission to stay stationed on Europa, at the price of lengthy field reports at the beginning of every month
Variks, of course, teases you while writing these papers
He'll correct a mistake you made way back in the paper, laughing quietly in the back of his throat as you fume at the obvious inaccuracy
Besides Vanguard papers, you've taken it upon yourself to make him a new arm
You decide to gift it to him once the Dawning starts
Note: I leave some of my handcanons open ended for more ideas, and yes, I am aware they are more like one shot/hc hybrids, but hey, take it as an invitation to ask me to actually write out the whole thing. I will not write out explicit nsfw unless asked, and if I am asked, it will always be gratuitous and extremely detailed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Finals are eating my timbs tho, so I'm currently attempting to study for these hellspawn
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keep-your-feet · 3 years
Wow so much to update you all on!
Majority of the UK has now been double vaccinated, and it seems to be working. People are still getting I'll, but less are admitted to hospitals and dying now which is amazing.
Some indoor venues, like weddings and nightclubs etc aren't allowing people in unless you are double vaccinated or can proove a negative flow.. which is great in my opinion. However it is easy to fake or lie about it.. as you don't have to submit any evidence when reporting it which seems crazy to me. I guess we just have to have trust in one another.
Download festival 2021 ran a pilot this year too. So less people than normal and all had to test before during and after the festival. A few people contracted the virus. But not everyone so they deemed it a sucess.
Flights abroad are done in a similar fashion now too. Having to test before and if you show positive you have to quarantine for 10 days. Resulting is possibly missing your holiday 🙈. But at least it's trying to stop the spread.
My first experience of being back out in the wide world really was at a friend's wedding in July. We had to show a negative result, masks weren't needed whilst eating but we're for everything else indoors. And no dancing indoors was allowed. It was still a lovely occasion, and everyone sort of relaxed into it as the time went on. It definitely helped me knowing we all had tho show negative results.
I also went to a friend's hen do in york. I took my own sleeping bag, and pillow case, wiped surfaces and sprayed Dettol air spray everywhere when we arrived. But, reassuringly the hotel smelt of bleach as soon you opened the door anyway which relaxed me! And when we were out I just wore masks and at the restaurant I wiped my cutlery before using.
I also went to Slam dunk this year with 1000's of people. I about had a panic attack before going as I was super nervous. But I wore mask on and off and antibacked regularly. And at the club night we just stayed to our own little group. But a friend did get ill and miraculously none of the rest of us did! Even though we all shared hotel rooms, (some people even shared drinks and kissed) and a car with them.
Similar happend back in June too though, after a BBQ a friend got pinged and it meant we had to cancel all plans and spend my birthday indoors (even though we tested negative). That's changed now though, I think it's as long as you've been double vaccinated if you come into contact with someone who's tested positive you don't have to isolate, or even lateral flow. I did though, everyday for about a week. It's just so scary not knowing if you may have it.. and I'm petrified of passing it on to someone and not knowing - I even told my work colleagues to get tested just incase I have it and don't know - I just feel so responsible for everyone else lives! And I just hope others feel similar about mine and are sensible and honest.
Especially as we're having to go back to work now 5 days a week! I can't believe it. They even arranged a back to worth gathering which I just thought was irresponsible even if it was section ed off that's still a lot of people in one office.
I raised my concerns about going back to work with HR. And it was such a weird experience. O felt listened to. And semi reassured, to their degree. Bit I don't think they understand it from other people's points of views. Like do they realise I'll be having to spray and clean toilet seats and chairs before I touch them?! 😂🙈
And ok, they say I can wear a mask if I chose too. But it's not practical and I've also read masks predominantly prevent others more than me.. so what's the point if no one else is?
I've also realised I've lost a stone since start of lockdown... But more predominantly the last 10months... Without really trying.. just a change of diet and a bit of exercise. Which all stemed from my stress ibs.
So yeah, a lot has happened. And it has definitely got easier to deal with in small doses. It also helps that the news isn't banging on about it 24/7 too! But double edge sword - it's also making people act like it's gone for gone and it hasn't, and I'm not sure it ever will.....
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