#(i miss hancocks every day)
itstimeforstarwars · 4 months
I can't get into a new hobby if the price of starting is more than $20 but I can easily spend $50 on sewing shit because what is $50 compared to twenty years of sewing expenses?
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latinasforace · 2 months
Hidden feelings
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A/N: Update!!!! Finally!!!! So so sorry for the long wait on updating… i got rlly busy irl & hit writers block as well. I also want to mention how this chapter and the story from now on will change, I was getting sick of my writing style kinda and the personality I was giving Y/N, so i’ll try to slowly implant the change. Thanks!
warnings: curse words! & typical Mean girl Boa Hancock but i can’t help it ;; she’s so Regina George coded. ugh i love them both. also
pairing: Luffy x Fem Reader
w/c: 2.5k…. ik so short <\3
previous part: here
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Chapter 3: Cruel
Time flew as you became more and more closer to Luffy and his friend group. Warming up to you and you to them as well. Not just was their influence impacting you and your confidence, you finally had a sense of belonging in this place .
After certain events last year, you serious considered transferring schools. Losing the few friendships and such an important person to you, just to be replaced by all of them in less than a month, teared your little heart. The only factor preventing you from asking your parents to transfer you, which they wouldn’t have minded at all considering you never bother them for anything ever, was the scholarship you were guaranteed to obtain if you graduated from Grand Line Academy.
The heart break was devastating but you also couldn’t allow yourself to throw all your hard work and efforts, making them be in vain for some stupid jerk who couldn’t appreciate you.
You were glad you didn’t make the decision to transfer.
For too long, you had been trapped in a cycle of loneliness and depression, hurting over the memories of your past relationship. It had been a dark period, filled with endless days of feeling isolated and unseen. But now, with Luffy and your friends, your life had taken on a vibrant new hue.
“Hey, Y/N! Catch!" Luffy's voice broke through your thoughts, and you looked up just in time to see a soccer ball hurtling towards you. With a quick reflex, you caught it.
“Nice catch!" Usopp called out, giving you a thumbs up from where he was sprawled on the grass.
“Thanks," you replied, tossing the ball back to Luffy with a little more force than necessary, causing him to stumble. You laughed as he regained his balance, shooting you a playful glare.
The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch, and you all began to gather your things. As you walked back to the school building, You felt a nice warmth wave in your chest. This was what you been missing,this sense of belonging, of being part of something more than just by yourself.
In class, Luffy sat behind you, occasionally poking you with a pencil to get your attention. Nami, who sat next to you, would roll her eyes at his antics but couldn't hide her smile at how cute you guys would tease each other. Even the most mundane classes felt more bearable with one of more of your friends around.
You had blossomed in this new environment, your confidence growing each day. You were no longer the quiet, withdrawn girl from before. Now, you walked the halls with your head held high, your beauty and charisma catching attention as time went by.
After school, your adventures continued. Whether it was racing to the arcade, lounging at the beach, or simply hanging out at the local café, every day was filled with laughter and camaraderie. Zoro and Sanji’s constant bickering, Robin’s quiet yet comforting presence, and Chopper’s endearing innocence added to the lively tapestry of their lives. As well as the chaotic actions of the others.
One afternoon, as you were walking to the park, you decided to have a little fun. You stealthily moved behind Luffy and tugged on his hat, pulling it over his eyes. “Hey! Who turned out the lights?” Luffy exclaimed, flailing his arms around comically. You stealthily moved behind Luffy, then, with a swift motion, jumped onto his back, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “Hey! What the—” Luffy exclaimed, stumbling slightly under the unexpected weight.
“Gotcha,” You laughed, your breath warm against his ear. you held on tight, feeling the solid muscles of his shoulders and the warmth of his body.
Luffy grinned, his hands coming up to hold your legs for support. “You’re gonna pay for that, Y/N!” he declared, his voice full of playful threat.
“Oh yeah? How?” you teased, leaning closer, your lips brushing against his ear as you whispered.
Luffy’s face turned a slight shade of red, but he kept his grin. “Like this!” With a sudden movement, he shifted your weight, sending you both tumbling to the ground in a fit of laughter.
As you reached the park, the group spread out, some heading for the swings, others setting up an playing soccer on the side. You, still giggling from your little teasing on Luffy, felt a surge of happiness. You were becoming more known throughout the school now, not just for your looks, but for your lively spirit and newfound confidence.
“Y/N’s really changed huh,”Nami said, joining Robin on a bench, who was calming looking over some musical sheets.
“Yeah,” Robin agreed, her eyes on you and Luffy as he tried to balance on a seesaw. “She’s out of her shell.”
Nami smiled, squeezing Robin’s arm to regain her attention back. “So you will not guess what happened yesterday when Vivi came over…”
Their days continued—filled with silly hangouts, spontaneous adventures, and the normalcy of high school life. You knew there would be some challenges ahead, especially academic ones but with Luffy and your friends support, you felt ready. For the first time in a long while, you were truly happy.
The halls of the school were unusually quiet as you made your way back to class, having spent the past hour helping a teacher with some errands. You enjoyed the occasional solitude. Your thoughts were still on the fun had y’all shared earlier in the park, your mind filled with Luffy’s laughter and the warmth of his embrace.
As you rounded a corner, your peace was disturbed. Standing in the middle of the hallway, leaning against a row of lockers, was Boa Hancock. Known for her stunning beauty and equally sharp tongue, Hancock was probably the most known girl in the entire school, mostly for glamorous looks, destined for a future in modeling. Honestly you might’ve had a slight crush on her during your freshman year. You didn’t know if it was a sense of desiring her or having admiration for her beauty. Nethertheless, it went away as you silently noted her really rude behavior once or twice before.
She fixed you with a piercing gaze, her eyes filled with a mixture of disdain and something else—jealousy, perhaps?
“Oh my god! if it isn’t the girl who can’t keep her hands off my man," Hancock sneered, pushing off the lockers and sauntering over, her movements graceful and calculated.
You straightened, your confidence momentarily faltering under Hancock’s scrutiny. "Excuse me?” you answered back, trying to keep your tone neutral.
Hancock crossed her arms, looking you up and down with critical eyes. “You’ve been getting pretty cozy with Luffy, haven’t you? It’s pathetic how you throw yourself at him. You look so desperate.
You bristled at the insinuation but kept your composure. "Um. We’re just friends."
Hancock’s lips curved into a mocking smile. "Friends? From where I’m standing, it looks like you’re acting like a total slut. Especially since I’m dating him."
You felt a cold chill run down your spine at Hancock’s words. You opened your mouth to retort but found yourself momentarily speechless. The accusation stung, but what hit harder was the claim that Hancock was dating Luffy. You knew Luffy could be oblivious, but could he really have hidden something like that from you? And why did he always refer to Hancock as just a friend? You didn’t know whether that was true or not, but a wave of reality struck you and made you insanely guilty for having made moves or touches with him before.
“Don’t look so surprised," Hancock continued, her voice softening slightly but not losing its edge. "Luffy deserves better than some desperate girl who doesn’t know her place."
Your hands clenched into fists at your sides. You took a deep breath, steadying yourself. "I don’t know what you think you’ve seen, Hancock, but I’ve never thrown myself at Luffy. We’re just friends. And if he hasn’t mentioned you, maybe you should ask yourself why."
Hancock’s eyes flashed with anger, but before she could respond, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed down the hall. You turned to see Nami and Zoro coming towards you, their expressions immediately hardening when they saw the two of your speaking.
“Hey Y/N, Hancock.” Nami greeted, stepping in, kind of protectively beside you.
“Just having a friendly chat," Hancock said smoothly, though her eyes never left Y/N’s. "Remember what I said, Y/N.”
With that, Hancock turned on her heel and walked away, her gorgeous long black hair swaying elegantly behind her. You watched her go, a mixture of anger and confusion churning in your chest. Why would Luffy not mention dating Hancock if it was true? And why did he always talk about Hancock as if she were just a good friend?
Nami placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Hey what happened? Was she bothering or something.”
“No, it’s fine. She didn’t do anything to me. But I’m so confused. Are her and Luffy actually dating?”
Nami and Zoro exchanged a glance before bursting into laughter. You frowned, feeling a mix of confusion and irritation.
“Seriously? She said that?" Zoro managed to say between chuckles.
Nami wiped a tear from her eye. "Oh, Y/N, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Luffy doesn’t give a damn about dating. He’s as oblivious as they come."
You bit your lip. "So, they’re not dating?"
“Not even close," Nami confirmed, still smiling. "Hancock might like to think she’s dating Luffy, but trust me, he’s completely unaware of it."
Zoro leaned back against the lockers, shaking his head. "Luffy’s got his mind on food and soccer. Romance isn’t even on his radar. She’s delusional and she thinks they’re dating because of this one time they—“
“And honestly, Y/N, you might be a little delusional too. Luffy friend-zoned Hancock harshly a long time ago without even knowing he did." Nami interrupted while slamming Zoro’s arm harshly
You were confused at the remark but felt a wave of relief and a twinge of embarrassment. "I guess I got a bit carried away," you admitted, your face warming.
Nami patted your shoulder reassuringly. "Don’t worry about it. Hancock likes to stir up shit all the time, just a drama queen. And honestly, Luffy’s clueless. He only thinks of her as a friend."
With that reassurance, you felt a bit more at ease. Whatever Hancock’s motives are, you knew you have your friends with you and that Luffy’s obliviousness wasn’t personal. It was just part of who he was.
Zoro nodded. “if she’s really dating Luffy, I’m a monkey’s uncle."
You managed a weak smile at that. "Haha, okay then.”
As you walked back to class together though, you couldn’t help but replay Hancock’s words in her mind.
While you do have a small (not really..) crush on Luffy, were you really throwing yourself that much at him?
Her words made you insecure. Is that what you look like? DESPERATE?
You sighed. You haven’t told anyone yet about your little crush on the particular silly dude, well besides your private small social media audience, but you were worried. Like, was it really that obvious?
You also noted Nami and Zoro’s words from before and their implications, “you might be a little delusional too.” and the “you got nothing to worry about.” Did they know already? You mentally groaned, trying to drown out the heavy embarrassment you felt.
The rest of the day passed in a blur. You couldn’t focus in class, your mind tangled in a mess of thoughts and the new insecurity of being interpreted as “desperate” and touchy. When the final bell rang, you quickly gathered your things and headed for the spot where you knew your friends would be hanging out with the rest of the crew. A little feeling of just distancing yourself and taking a different route than normal arising though. You felt a pang of longing mixed with uncertainty. You liked Luffy a lot but didn’t want to weird him out or come across as desperate.
You greeted everyone with a smile but found yourself lingering on the outskirts of the group. You laughed at their jokes and joined in the conversation, but you made a conscious effort to keep yourinteractions with Luffy to a minimum.
Luffy, as usual, seemed oblivious to the subtle shift. He glanced at you a few times, his brow furrowing in brief confusion, but quickly brushed it off, focusing back on the group’s antics.
Sanji noticed your quieter demeanor and gave you a concerned look. "You alright, Y/N?" he asked, handing you a snack he had saved.
You forced a smile. "Yeah, I’m good. Just tired, I guess."
Sanji nodded, though he didn’t seem entirely convinced. "If you need anything, I’m here for you.
As you continued their walk, you couldn’t help but feel the distance growing between you and Luffy, not physically but emotionally. It was hard pretending everything was normal when all you wanted was to be close to him. But you resolved to play it cool, hoping that, in time, things would fall into place.
Things did not fall into place following. Infact, they got ultimately worse. Your peace had been disturbed by cruel girls who didn’t have anything better to do with their lives than make other people’s worse.
With Hancock’s words creating insecurities and adding distance to you and Luffy’s relationship over the past following weeks, she took the initiative to get closer to him.
Although the rest of the gang weren’t particularly fond of her, especially Nami and Robin, whom Hancock felt threatened by for some reason. They still withstood her presence since she was a friend’s of Luffy.
Hancock didn’t even acknowledge your presence and even made mocking intimate moves on Luffy, you assumed it was to get a reaction out of you, and Luffy being completely clueless and instead, following along.
It really irritated you, especially with learning that they’re actually rather close friends due to Hancock helping Luffy in a very difficult situation involving his older brother, whom you also never heard about until right now.
After learning of those facts, you zoned out all other thoughts and continued your studying with Chopper instead of involving in conversation. Studying and being on top of your studies was the only way to distract yourself from the boiling, almost spilling over jealousy brewing inside of you.
You acknowledge that you and Luffy were just simply good friends, but it hurt, knowing that such a stunning girl, someone who you had no competition to compete with, also harbored the same feeling as you for him. Even more with the intimacy they shared, I mean she has had to already met his family if she knows his older brother. Meanwhile, you have no idea what his life is life outside of school, soccer and the hang outs. It’s almost like you had no chance now.
That wasn’t what made matters worse, however. It was the fact that you didn’t realize that Hancock Boa and another certain green haired snake bitch were good friends.
It was a few days ago when you were heading to the courtyard where you usually met up with the gang during lunch now that the weather’s nicer. You were looking forward to some of Sanji’s homemade dishes again until you noticed the 2 girls walking ahead of you.
Boa Hancock and Monet were walking together, attached to the hip, by the fountain, chatting animatedly. The sight made your stomach drop.
"Since when are those two friends?" you muttered under your breath, ducking behind a nearby tree to observe them. It wasn’t long before you pieced two and two together. Your stomach dropped coming up with the conclusion that Monet, whom was close friends with your ex-boyfriend , could possible have shared everything about your harsh and private situation with Hancock. The worst.
Your heart pounded in your chest as the realization sank in. If Monet had told Hancock, it was only a matter of time before it became hot gossip for the entire school.
As you approached the usual meeting spot, your mind raced with anxiety. What if Hancock used that information against her? What if she tells the others and they believe her without knowing your side of the story? What if Luffy thinks differently of you? thoughts were almost too much to bear. You were sick to your stomach, you headed out of the garden and on to the nurses office, where you skipped class and remained for the rest of the day in. Texting the others and apologizing for not being with them, stating you felt nauseous and puked earlier.
Those thoughts didn’t stop, provoking you and making you over think nonstop, even more. It wasn’t until you were at home, ready for bed, after hours of lying there staring at the ceiling that your eyes finally got tired, did the thoughts stop.
It was saturday morning, and no school to remind you of your previous overthinking from before. While the light stomach feeling was there, you brushed it off and continued with your morning routine of eating breakfast with your family and brushing your teeth.
You opened your phone with multiple texts from your friend’s Group chat and some seperate texts from Nami asking if you’re feeling better & if you’re gonna tag along with them as well as what you’re gonna wear.
Your friends had planned to meet up later at this new sushi place they opened up near the area. You felt bad for ditching yesterday during lunch so you gathered up the courage to get out of bed and fix yourself up to go.
Much to your dismay, Hancock was already there, sitting in the bus stop booth with a smug look on her face. You didn’t know who invited her since there was no notification or record that she was invited to the group chat, where all the details of the meet up are in, but you lightly cursed them.
"Y/N," Hancock greeted, her tone dripping with false sweetness. "I see you’re gonna be bothering us today."
You forced a smile. "Hey, Hancock. Waiting for the others?"
"Yes," Hancock replied, her smile turning sharp. "And it looks like we are alone right now. I was meaning to let you know something.”
Your stomach churned. "About what?"
Hancock took a step closer, her eyes narrowing. "About how you should be ashamed of yourself."
Your breath hitched. "What are you talking about?"
"Oh, come on, Y/N. Don’t play dumb," Hancock sneered. "I know everything about what happened with your ex. You really think you deserve someone like Luffy after that mess?"
Your heart sank. So, it happened. Monet had shared the details of YOUR breakup with Hancock. You felt a wave of anger and betrayal wash over you. “That’s none of your business, Hancock."
"None of my business?" Hancock echoed with a mocking laugh. "Please. It’s everyone’s business when you’re trying to worm your way into Luffy’s life. You don’t deserve him. If you cheated once, you’ll do it again. and Luffy doesn’t deserve a whore.”
You digged your nails into your palms, struggling to keep your composure. "You don’t know the whole story or the truth.”
"Maybe not," Hancock conceded, "but I know enough. And so will everyone else if you don’t back off from Luffy."
At that moment, the rest of the crew started to arrive, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Hancock’s expression shifted back to its usual charm, playing innocent and unaware, leaving you fuming and on edge.
As the group gathered, Luffy noticed your tense demeanor. "Hey, Y/N, you okay?"
You forced another smile, not wanting to worry him. "Yeah, I’m fine. Just a long day."
But inside, you were reeling. Hancock’s words had struck a nerve, and now you had to figure out what would you even tell your friends, Luffy, if it is that they hear Hancock’s words without your explanation.
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a/n: hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!! Would’ve been a lot LOT much longer but it’s rlly late rn for me and I have my first day of work tmr so…. I’ll try to update soon. Thank you
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nukaberries · 5 months
Hi! Can I have the non-human companions' reaction to a male sole that is very protective of them? Like if they're at a bar and someone shouts "get out of here freak/bucket of bolts/etc" he's beating the crap out of them immediately and when he's done he just goes back to the said companion and is all caring like "are you ok? Do you need anything?" Djdjfnfnejjr p l e a s e I've had this idea for so long
Non-human companions will always have a special place in my heart (especially Hancock because characters from Goodneighbor will always be superior to me), so this ask is really fun! Besides, I'm pretty sure every Hancock or Valentine fan has sided against the Brotherhood just for this reason. Also I have a feeling I could be missing someone, since I almost forgot Codsworth and Strong, so please let me know if I am, I can just add them on lmao
Non-Human Companions React to M!Sole Being Protective (Includes: Curie, Codsworth, Hancock, Nick, Strong and X6-88)
Curie She insists that Sole didn't have to go to all that trouble for her, she understands that some people are bound to dislike her simply based on her appearance and although that can be disheartening, she's come to accept it. She's a little shocked by how Sole reacts, he's never been particularly violent if he can help it, but it's more how quickly his mood changes afterwards when he goes to check on her that catches her more off guard than anything. She can't help but feel touched by the gesture though, it's nice to know that there's someone willing to look out for her.
Codsworth The Commonwealth is a lot different than it was 210 years ago, Codsworth still remembers the days when people would clamour at the opportunity to have their very own Mr. Handy. Now, all he seems to be is target practice or scrap metal to the inhabitants of the wasteland. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean he's immune to how some people tend to treat him. While Sole's act of violence is quite concerning to him, Codsworth does find himself grateful that his old friend is willing to defend him against the abuse he's become accustomed to. Codsworth assures Sole he's fine and insists that he doesn't cause so much ruckus on his behalf, but he will make a point to thank him profusely for caring, even if he is just a robot butler.
Hancock While Goodneighbor is more than welcoming to people from all walks of life, Hancock isn't blind to the treatment of his kind outside the walls. He'd seen it with his own brother in Diamond City and Hancock wishes that he'd fought as hard for the exiled ghouls as Sole had just fought for him. The name calling doesn't bother him, really, he's heard it all before and he can handle himself. What catches him off guard is Sole beating the bigot that had insulted him to a pulp. He does figure that Sole might owe him one, considering Hancock had handled Finn for him the day they'd met. Still, he assures Sole that he's fine and clarifies that he can fight his own battles, not that the show Sole had put on wasn't entertaining to watch.
Nick Valentine Being around as long as Nick has, he knows what people think of his kind and sometimes it can be hard to blame them. The Institute are dangerous and they've taken countless lives for their own selfish gain, even though it's not his fault he has to walk around looking like their poster boy, he can understand why people might take out their frustration on him. Of course, that doesn't mean he isn't quick to bite back to defend himself. On this occasion though, Sole was quicker and much more vicious and Nick had barely managed to comprehend what had just happened before Sole was back at his side asking if he was okay. Nick was fine, as usual, and only might a slightly irritated remark about Sole using his words next time rather than his fists, before thanking him.
Strong He doesn't really understand the insult being thrown at him and, although he definitely will try to join in, he isn't too sure as to why Sole is attacking a random civilian. Once Sole has made sure that Strong is okay - which, of course, he is - and once he's explained what had just happened and why, Strong isn't particularly bothered, he knows Super Mutants are the superior race, the comments of a "puny human" won't change that.
X6-88 A snide remark from a worthless scavenger means absolutely nothing to him, but apparently it means a lot to Sole, who doesn't hesitate to give the scavenger a beatdown and make him apologise to X6. He decides to wait, rather impatiently, for Sole to be done, before asking that he doesn't cause such a scene again for something so meaningless. Deep down though, Sole knows that's his way of saying thank you.
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dramaticpandabear · 5 months
I have never written fan fiction before, but I got so inspired by this song that I just had to write something. So, this is my first one and I hope you enjoy. Please let me know what you think! It’s Hancock x f!sole survivor.
God Only Knows
“You’re still messing with that thing?” said Hancock, watching with amusement as his vault-dwelling companion kept turning the dials on a beat-up radio. They were holed up in an abandoned, yet cozy, Red Rocket in front of Sanctuary Hills. The vault-dweller insisted on going to her “little hideaway” before Preston could bombard her with another settlement that needed helping.
And so, the two of them sat with a reprieve they seldom ever get, relishing it before they have to get going once more. The machine in her hands switched from a chorus of static to classical music to Travis’ stuttering and back to static once again.
“I swear it exists,” exclaimed his companion. “I heard it playing when I found an abandoned cabin not too far from Sanctuary. Apparently it’s called the “Old Gold” radio, and it plays music from before the war. Reminds me of when Nate and I--” She paused.
Opting to distract herself than deal with her grief, she directed her attention to the radio in front of her, turning the dials every which way hoping to find the elusive station. Every day she spent around Hancock it became easier to let those memories slip, but even she couldn’t bring herself to finish that sentence. Perhaps someday, but not today.
She could feel the ghoul’s eyes on her. The more they travel together, the better he gets at reading her every thought. Nevertheless, he decided not to push it as they fell into a comfortable silence.
Suddenly, the eclectic sound of an accordion mixed with a hypnotic beat starts blaring through the radio’s speakers. Hancock jolted for a moment -- he’s only ever heard Magnolia’s songs and the music Travis was able to salvage for his radio. But this, this was something else entirely.
“Finally! See, I told you it was real,” she exclaimed as he turned towards her. He saw her misty eyes, squinting nostalgically as though she could see the actual sound waves projecting from the radio in her hands. The sound of sweet, dulcet voices filled the air as they sang:
I may not always love you, but long as there stars above you…
Hancock took in a breath, and was about to ask, when she beat him to it. “It’s the Beach Boys,” she said in a daze, mesmerized as though she couldn’t believe she was hearing a song from before the world burned before her.
…You never need to doubt it, I’ll make you so sure about it…
“God, I haven’t heard this song in years!” he smirked but just before he could make a quip, she hit his shoulder playfully. Although he could read her thoughts pretty well, she easily did the same for him.
“Don’t you start with that crap. I may be 210 years old, but at least I don’t have any wrinkles, unlike some people,” she started as she shot a mischievous look his way.
“You’re right on that one Sunshine,” he replied with a raspy laugh on his lips. “I guess being frozen for all that time works wonders on the skin.”
“Oh absolutely, dermatologists hate me,” she quipped as he lightly chuckled despite not knowing what the fuck a dermatologist is. Turning back to listen to the music before her, she steeled herself with a deep sigh. “Last time I heard this was the night before Nate was deployed to Alaska. He asked me if I could dance with him.”
As she spoke, Hancock looked at her -- really looked at her. Somehow the sun shined just right as it hit her chestnut hair, casting a golden glow as she faced the radio. Although her eyes dulled with melancholy as she reminisced, he still caught the way her body swayed ever so slightly to the music, almost as if she were living inside that memory.
For a while now, they’ve been dancing around each other, both knowing they were beyond friendship at this point. Hancock knew she missed her husband dearly, but she expressed long ago that she’s ready to move on. And yet, neither of them has made the first move towards something more.
As the song entered into a (from what he considered) quirky instrumental section, Hancock figured that it was either now or never. He stood from the couch and approached her with his hand extended.
“I don’t come close to the man he was, but, if you don’t mind this ghoul before you,” and the way his black eyes gazed so tenderly into hers almost made her heart burst, rendering her speechless. “May I have this dance?”
Blinking up at him, all she could do was nod as she placed her hand in his. They began to lightly sway, coming closer as instruments were joined by carefree voices. As the music swelled, Hancock twirled her around as more words surrounded them.
…God only knows what I’d be without you. If you should ever leave me…
He spun her around so that her back was pressed against his as they continued to sway. He listened closely to these words as he looked down at her pensively. Her eyes were closed, basked in that gorgeous glow of sunlight. She looked like pure sunshine -- his sunshine.
…The world could show nothing to me, so what good would living do me…
This enchanting song was echoing the words he held deep in his heart. Words he wished he could say to her, but never felt he could. After all, who would want to spend their lives loving a ghoul such as him?
And yet, here she was -- his sunshine nestled warmly in his arms. Dancing in this abandoned Red Rocket as though it were a slice of Heaven on Earth and that the Commonwealth’s troubles didn’t exist. Hancock never thought he deserved such bliss, and as he spun her to face him, her soft voice nearly swept him off his feet as he heard her singing along with the music:
…God only knows what I’d be without you…
Hancock basked in the sight before him. Her lidded eyes were peering right into his, and he could feel her light breath as she whispered those words. Now, he’s never sang in his life, but something about this moment gave him the confidence he needed to sing these lyrics that echoed the words in his heart. As the song slowed, he gave the main melody a try with a raspy voice that was slightly off-key. But every word echoed his sincere feelings for her, pure and utter devotion poured out for her. And it was music to her ears.
…God only knows what I’d be without you.”
The chorus of voices repeated these words, blurring together as the music surrounded them in a haze. Hancock slowly inched his face closer to hers until they finally met in the middle. Never did he taste such a kiss so sweet that it made Sugar Bombs sour by comparison.
As they embraced the music continued to swell around them as if it was the sound of their own hearts singing to each other. Hancock wasn’t even sure if he deserved her, but in his mind he was silently thanking these so-called “Beach Boys” for giving him the chance to finally have her in his arms. Their kiss grew deeper as he felt an ecstasy that no chem could come close to achieving.
Even as the song made its eventual end, the pair made no effort to stop as the radio played another melody. Who knew they could ever reach perfection in the middle of a wasteland?
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imagine-silk · 10 months
Could I request what Thanksgiving is like with some of the Fallout guys?
》Hope y'all had a good one cause mine had horrible food TTMTT
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【Danse】 In the Brotherhood you weren't supposed to celebrate Thanksgivings. It was labeled as a waste of time and resources. But every year the crew would put something together in private. Everyone knew, even the higher ups, but it was left alone. So when Danse leaves he misses what he was used to. What made it better was the fact he wouldn't have to spend it alone.
【Deacon】 He disappeared and no one knew where or why. So it was another Thursday. You knew he knew what the day was, everyone was going to celebrate. You had your party with one guest missing, but that guest was almost expected to not go. After it was all done you were snatched while the others were cleaning up. Deacon all but shoved you into his little home-base to show you a dinner setup, admitting he wanted to have your attention selfishly and party. It was his way to say thanks.
【Hancock】 He loves any excuse to throw a party. He doesn't even know what Thanksgivings is and he doesn't care. Thank you bye. Someone said it involved food and family so the entire town makes food in the world's messiest potluck and throws down. Music is blasting, no one is sober, and someone is making out on the table.
【MacCready】 He had no idea what Thanksgivings was until you told him. The biggest part of him is telling him it's a waste of time and effort. That's also the part that leaves his mouth. But there's a quiet part under all that that yearns for it. The warmth of food and family on a day set aside just to relax, indulge. So during the party he doesn't complain and just sits quietly.
【Nick】 Thanksgivings is never something he really thought about. He liked the passive tradition of it but never went out of his way to do anything, even before the war. So when he woke up in the trash as a robot it didn't occur to him to keep up the tradition. But spending it with you and yours feels familiar, it feels like home again.
【Preston】 Not every year did he get to celebrate so he treasured when he could. Having warm food heat the room with people in sweaters and hiding under blankets was the best time of the years for him. Christmas was too cold and made him worry about other and the gift giving always got out of hand. Thanksgivings was his favorite. With a lot of persuasion you get others to plan the party and get him to sit out just to take a break.
【X6】 He knows what it is, why it is, how it came to be, and anything else, and he does not care. It's a holiday so he'll spend it however you want. You want him to set tables he'll set tables. You want to eat turkey he'll get it. You ask if he's enjoying himself he'll say yes. He can't tell if he's telling the truth or not.
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nicorobinmywife · 2 years
One Piece boys dealing with an insecure partner
Summary: headcanons of how they would help you to deal with your insecurities. GN reader.
Character: Luffy, Zoro and Ace.
your captain is so strong and determined and you've wondered if you really deserve him.
if he is going to become king of the pirates, he will need an equally strong partner to protect him.
when you saw the pirate empress boa hancock saving him, you couldn't hide your sadness.
" - hey y/n why are you so sad?" - he sits next to you.
"- I wish I could be strong like the pirate empress boa hancock so I could protect you, she's so powerful and beautiful, she deserves you more than me." - you cried, Luffy took off his hat and put it on your head, you were shocked, Nami was the only person he trusted his hat.
" - y/n, if I didn't think you were strong I wouldn't have asked you to join my crew, i know how hard you work to protect me, i'm so proud of you, now stop crying, you are prettier when you are smiling " - he wraps his arm around your body and hugs you.
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during a battle against marine soldiers, you were not at your best and were easily knocked down.
" - hahaha, what is a weak pirate like you is doing next to Roronoa Zoro, one of the strongest and most feared men in the world?", the soldier makes fun of you, but zoro cut him with his sword and saved you.
since that day you felt insecure and you started to avoid Zoro.
at first Zoro preferred to respect your space and leave you alone.
but of course he missed you and went to talk to you.
" - Did I do something that made you sad? why are you avoiding me?" - he sits beside you.
" - the problem isn't you, it's me, I'm tired of being weak, no matter how hard I train, I'll never be strong like you, you're the strongest man in the world, you don't have any flaws, I don't I understand why you waste your time with someone like me, you deserve someone better than me." - you sighed.
" - you are wrong, I do have my weaknesses, I also fight with my own demons every day, always trying to overcome myself in order to protect you, our captain and the others, I am also afraid of failing and disappointing everyone." - he puts his hand on your shoulder, you've never heard him talk that way, you've never seen zoro's vulnerable side.
" - I didn't know you felt that way Zoro." - He smiled and wiped a tear that was running down your cheek.
" - these are the moments where i look to you for strength, you taught me that being strong is not just about physical strength, you are strong in your own way y/n, don't let insecurities control you." - he hugs you, that's when you finally understood how important you are to him.
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note: Ace and whitebeard didn't died in this headcanon.
whitebeard decided to throw a party to celebrate ace's successful rescue.
everyone was drinking and dancing, but ace missed you and decided to look for you.
" - hey what are you doing here alone?" - he laid his head on your lap.
" - it's nothing, you don't have to worry about me." - he knows you very well and always knew when you were lying.
"- you know you can trust me, y/n, tell me, what's bothering you?" - you broke down in tears.
"- I was so scared of losing you, you were only captured because I wasn't strong enough to protect you, if you had been executed I wouldn't have forgiven myself, I can't even look you in the eye and ask your forgiveness for being so useless." - when he heard that he quickly got up and pulled you into a hug.
" - never say something like that again, it wasn't your fault okay? being captured is a risk any pirate takes, Luffy himself told me that he couldn't rescue me without your help, I trust you with my life y/n and I'm very proud of you."
" - i love you so much Ace." - you kissed him.
after this conversation, expect a lot of compliments from him, ace will do anything to make you not feel insecure.
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everydayyoulovemeless · 10 months
Hello! I hope you're well, if you don't mind, could I get some brotherly headcanons for Arcade, Hancock, Fawkes and Gob with an 18 yr old female or gender neutral reader (your choice really for gender)? Perhaps they could help the reader through the early stages of adulthood?
Thank you so much, have a good day/night/evening!
Brother!Arcade, Hancock, Fawkes, and Gob With a Teen!Reader
➼ Word Count » 0.7k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Platonic
Arcade gets more and more stressed with every passing day. You're getting older, and he's dreading the day you ask to travel on your own. He's got to let go at some point, sure, but he doesn't think he'll ever get over the fear that you'll be injured, or worse, sold into slavery. The first thing he's going to do is drill medical advice into your head, that way you'll be prepared for just about every occasion. God, it's hot out here. Is he sweating? He just can't seem to get over you becoming independent. As long as you're careful. He wants to go with you but doesn't want to come off as overbearing. You have to do your own thing at some point, autonomy is important and he needs to learn to let go. At the end of his mini freak out, he'll hug you, hand you a bag full of stimpaks, and make you promise to not get involved with anyone who could be considered even slightly dangerous or untrusting.
Hancock is the least responsible compared to the others. He's reckless, violent, and an addict, but that doesn't mean he's hopeless. He gives you tons of freedom for self-discovery. Wanna try jet? Sure, here you are. Wanna learn to shoot a gun? Let him grab Kleo. He'll never be one to prevent you from trying something out. That being said, he'd rather you leave anything more... 'hands-on' to him. You haven't seen the Commonwealth like he has, and he'd prefer to keep it that way. You don't need to see the darker parts of the world. Another benefit of being as close as you are with Hancock is that everyone in Goodneighbor treats you like the little sibling they've never had. Of course, some are resentful (Bobbi), but most will gladly break a few bones if they ever need to. When facing adulthood, Hancock just tells you to stay as free as you can. Pave your own paths and whatnot. Growing up is different for everyone, but you shouldn't let that deter you. Just live as you want, do a bit of community service here and there, and you should be fine.
Fawkes thinks it's admirable that someone so young is surviving out in the waste, however, he'll quickly put an end to you traveling on your own. You're far too young to be facing everything on your own and he is much too willing to fill in for the missing guardian role. He'd be so ready to die for you, shielding you from anything hostile that comes your way. It's rare for someone your age to still be alive and he'd never take that for granted. Anytime he can, he'll ensure you're safe and relatively unharmed. Adulthood's a weird transition, and he'll gladly be there to hold your hand every step of the way so you feel ready and prepared for when you have to face it on your own. You shouldn't be afraid of the unknowns in your life, although, he isn't all too worried you'll have any problems at all. You're strong and quick to adapt, just look at how well you handled leaving the Vault for the first time. If you still feel a bit uncertain, he's always glad to help you through everything.
The first thing Gob would try to teach you is to never get caught up in debt and never to go near Moritarity's. He's so scared that his boss will find a way to trap you into his business like he did to Gob and he'd rather you didn't lose so many years of your life doing something so mundane. Every time Nova tells him she spotted you enter Megaton, he'll quickly leave his post behind the bar and gently tell you to return to the Underworld where it's safe. Carol and Greta will care for you, so go back there, won't you? He feels bad. He wants to travel with you and try to help you navigate your life in the wasteland, but he can't afford to be beaten again, so he opts to try and finish his debt quickly. That way he can be out there with you and make sure you're doing alright. He might be a nervous wreck at the best of times, but he cares for you just as much as he does anyone in his makeshift family.
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queenvidal · 11 months
The Missing Piece
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Chapter 2: Strange Feelings
Chapter Summary: Goodneighbor is facing quite some problems but Hancock needs a break. It's hard to concentrate with his mind spiraling back to the woman from the vault.
Wordcount: 2159
Chapter Index:
Ch. 1 / Ch. 2 / Ch. 3 / Ch. 4 / Ch. 5 / Ch. 6 / Ch. 7 / Ch. 8 / Ch. 9
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The last week has been a mess.
The group of green skins that have attacked Nick and Blue settled down not far away from Goodneighbor. In fact, they came far too close for Hancock’s liking. He and Fahrenheit spend the last few days working hard on finding a solution. So hard even that John didn’t have time to take one of his little chem breaks every now and then to take off the edge.
His usually blurred mind sobered up over the time and got almost completely clear and sharp and it just wouldn’t shut up. Though being sober isn't something John is unfamiliar with, the sheer chaos in his head had kept him from concentrating. 
Thoughts were racing through his head, bringing past demons back into focus. His mind zoned out constantly, brought him back to diamond city, to the things he did and didn’t do. But the worst part was the anxiety. Out of the blue he’d feel knots tightening in his chest, making it hard to breathe. He’d find himself clenching onto his sofas or desk, his chest heaving. At first he thought it might be some kind of bad tripping or a response to the never ending flood of pictures in his head. But he knows what that feels like and it doesn’t come close to whatever is going on with him now. It’s something he has no idea how to handle.
His nerve-racking arm was just the cherry on the top. Amari couldn’t find what was causing that unpleasant feeling and ended up just injecting Med-X. It did not help in the slightest, but Hancock didn’t bother to tell her. He thanked her for her help with Blue and his arm and quickly left.
“Hancock, what the fuck?” She asks, looking up from the map on the table. John’s face stays unreadable sternly, if she wouldn’t know him as well as she does, she’d find it quite intimidating. “That’s just bullshit! Are you even listening to what I’m saying? We are low on supplies as it is.” She points onto the map. “We can't go in with two teams, the two blocks are still raider territory, we'd have to -"
Needless to say that John’s mood soured quickly over the past few days and Fatenheit is getting sick of it.
“I’ve said two teams and two teams will get sent.” His voice is uncomfortably calm. The guards around the makeshift warrable share uneasy glances. Hancock has been really on edge like he is right now. To call the atmosphere in the room tense would be an understatement. 
Fahrenheit doesn’t care about what he wants. “I won’t send our men on a suicide mission just because these mutants hurt the robots little girlfriend.”
John's knuckles are turning white from the tight grip on the table. “You do as I say.”
“Nope. Know what,  I’m out.” Fahrenheit rounds the table to go for the door. She snips into the air, getting her men moving out of the room. “I am fucking tired of your irrational and stubborn orders. We'll adjourn this whole revenge trip of yours until you get your shit together. Go get your ass to The Third Rail and get wasted or something. It is absolutely impossible to work with you right now!" And with that the woman steps out of the office, leaving Hancock alone in the dim light of a few candles. 
He's furious. How dare she talk to him like that? As much as he treasures their friendship, this woman is crossing lines. At the end of the day, he's the mayor and she's just his right hand. He's in charge and that's something she needs to keep in mind. it's one thing to yell at him when they are private and talking eye to eye, no problem with that. But she has to fucking stay in line when it is business related. Especially with their men around.
Her current disobedience is maddening. And the damn migraine isn't helping either. Or his shaking hands. Or the cold sweet. For fuck sake, withdrawals already? The absolute last thing he wants to do is admitting that Fahrenheit was right. Maybe he really should take a break and drown himself in cheap whisky that  would make humans go blind. Maybe combined with jet, slowing his spinning mind that won't shut up about things he'd rather not think about.
Well, If they are still having jet and whisky, or alcohol in general that is. Their supply line is still cut. Another problem Hancock still has to solve. Maybe the mutants will kill the raiders or the other way around. That would be the easiest way but that again, nothing in the Commonwealth is easy.
Whatever. There is still an untouched 'survival kit' of all kinds of chems in the drawer of the mayor's desk. It definitely won't save his life when his town of criminals and junkies revolt against him for letting them dry down but at least he would be far away in mindless bliss when they paint his office with his guts.
Damn, since when did his thoughts go down such dark roads? John shakes his head, he really needs a break before his thoughts drive him crazy. With a sigh he takes his pack of smokes and leaves for The Third Rail.
When he passes Ham with a nod in greeting and enters the bar, he gets hit by the smell of cheap perfume, booze, smoke and vomit. Home.
The ghouls face cracks a smile when he sees his favorite detective sitting right at the bar, downing a longdrink, that smells exactly like coolant. Hancock takes the chair next to him. "Look who's here. Mind some company, Nicky?"
The synth huffs a laugh and takes a sip from his drink before he answers. "Not at all. And who am I to reject the mayor of Goodneighbor?"
Hancock orders two whiskeys and downs them both in one needy gulp. The liquid slowly burns its way down John's throat. Damn, he really needed that. While savoring the slow burn, he puts the glasses down with a loud clink.
Nick eyes Hancock with a questioning frown. "Ehm. A bit eager, are we?" Charlie refills the glasses without a comment and hovers away to the other guests. 
John pulls out a pack of smokes from his pocket, taking one out and offers Nick one as well. The detective doesn't say no but the frown doesn't leave his face when he takes one.
"Long day in the office." John sighs as he lights up his cigarette before taking a long drag. "How are you doing, Nicky, everyone treating you alright?"
Nick simply nods before he takes another sip. "Yeah, yeah."
John notices the tiredness in the synth's voice. Something is the matter. "So." The ghoul starts. "And what is your excuse for being here? Despite the girls and drinks?" Hancock lets his gaze wander through the bar. All familiar faces are sitting on crates, listening to Magnolia, drinking, fainting. Nothing out of the ordinary. A black haired woman meets his eyes, she smiles at him from under her bangs. Hancock acknowledges her by tipping his hat down a bit before he returns his attention back to his friend who still didn't answer his question.
Nick's eyes are glued at the almost empty glass in his hand while he takes long drags of his cigarette. He looks lost in thought, like he is pouting for whatever reason. "C'mon Nicky, what's bothering you? Everything alright with your vaultie?"
The synth just shakes his head. Eventually he sighs, "No, not really." John feels his stomach drop at that. Were her injuries more severe than they thought, did she catch an infection? All kinds of scenarios are floating around in his head. Nick takes another drag, "But I guess the Doc already told you." 
Actually she didn't. John hasn’t talked to her since Nick and Blue came into town. His arm did really go on his nerves, but he didn’t want to bother Amari with it again. He figured it might be part of his ghoulification. Losing some parts other than the nose and ears is normal, usually a toe or two. To lose whole limbs is possible but it's  very, very rare. Definitely not something John would be looking forward to but in the end he knew what he got himself into when he made his decision to become one. 
Also the last days were very stressful.  He was so occupied with his arm and the super mutants, he simply forgot to ask the doc about the woman from a vault. 
Which is a total lie.
John found his mind taking him back to the night where Nick and Blue stumbled through the gates ever so often. But lying to himself is easier than facing his worries for a person he barely met. Or the strange clenching of his guts whenever he memorized Blue’s wound and the sheer amount of blood all over her suit and Nick.
John tears his mind away from the memory, "Haven't spoken to her since you two came here. What's wrong?"
The vague answer only adds to the uneasy feeling in Hancock guts. "Care to be a bit more precise?"
Nick just sighs. “A lot.”
"She… well, let's say she's been through a lot and it shows - mentally."
Now that just piques John's curiosity. "What do you mean?"
"You know I don't talk about running investigations, Hancock."
So Blue is an actual client of his. Why the hell would somebody from a vault leave one of the safetes places in the Commonwealth behind to ask a synth detective for help? John hits the synth on his shoulder lightly. "Come on now, Nick. Don't leave me hanging here like that."
Nick puts out his cigarette in an ashtray before looking up to answer. "She's in the Rexford. Talk to her if you want to know more about her story, it's not my place to tell."
Hancock just rolls with his eyes. Of course he could just do that but if he’s honest to himself, her private matters are none of his business. Sure, he could defend himself by playing the 'I'm the mayor of the town and saved your life' card but that's not his style. And technically did Amari save her life - He just stabbed Finn out of the way.
John cringes internally at that. Damn, shes a fucking vaultie after all, her people are not used to the harsh reality outside their giant metal doors. Hell, she even most likely never saw a ghoul before. What  must she be thinking of him-
"Good evening, mayor Hancock."
The soft voice behind the men makes them turn their heads towards the source of it. It’s the black haired girl from the table on the other side of the bar.
"Good evening yourself-" John knows her, he is certain of it but what's her name again? Mindy? Suzi? "Pretty." Or just go with harmless, flattering pet names. A method that proved to be very sufficient over the years. The woman gives him a bright smile in response. "What can I do for you?" John asks even though he already knows what she's up to.
She bites her lower lip playfully, all of the sudden acting shy. "Well, I wondered if you'd like to have some company later, you know?”
Yeah, just like John thought. Nick looks at him with a knowing smile on his face but doesn't say anything. The ghoul considers her invention for a moment. The main dilemma for the last few years, ever since he became mayor of Goodneighbor - Sex or drugs. 
Both at the same time can be fun, too. But the possibility of passing out during a one night stand, being that vulnerable around a person who is just interested in his caps or chems, or just has a weird ghoul fetish, that's stuff nightmares are made of. At least his. So no, both are not an option.
"You can have him." Nick says nonchalantly as he stands up from his chair. "I've finished my drink anyway and I have a client to take care of." 
Jealousy hits John like a bolt of lightning. A feeling he didn't have in a very long time. It's so sudden and without warning, it takes him off guard. He tries not to read too much into that and turns his attention back to Trudy. Or Ruby? The woman takes Nick's seat immediately even though John hasn't answered yet. With a sigh on the remaining of his lips he just gives in. No drugs tonight then. But before Nick is out of earshot, John calls after him. There is one burning question he needs an answer for. "Nick! Blue ain't her real name, is it?"
The synth waves at him as he makes his way to the exit. "It's not."
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Chapter Index:
Ch. 1 / Ch. 2 / Ch. 3 / Ch. 4 / Ch. 5 / Ch. 6 / Ch. 7 / Ch. 8 / Ch. 9
Taglist: @loverofclones / @squeakythedragon / @martinys-world / @id-rather-be-in-middle-earth
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aardvark-123 · 4 months
~Fallout 4 Companions React to a Quiche Lorraine~
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Ada would be mildly interested. "Ah, a savoury pastry dish with a cheese, egg, and bacon lardon filling. Packed with energy for a hard day's scavenging. It isn't often you find something that nice out here."
Cait would stare at the quiche in a mixture of desire and trepidation. "Janey Mack..." she'd whisper. "I haven't touched a quiche since my parents tried to drown me in one! Held my face under the delicious, creamy, cheese and onion-based filling until I blacked out, so they did, to punish me for sneaking food earlier. Bastards." Whoever offered Cait the Quiche Lorraine would be so horrified by her tale, they wouldn't notice her devouring the whole pastry without leaving them so much as a slice.
Codsworth would be pleasantly surprised to see such fine cuisine two hundred years after the apocalypse. "By George, where on Earth did you manage to find that?!" he'd exclaim. "Did you bake it? Good heavens, I simply MUST have the recipe!"
Curie would be worried about the quiche at first. "Alors, you cannot be certain zis dish is safe to consume! Given zat it smells so good, it cannot contain much in ze way of preservatives..." Then she'd take a small bite, and her eyes would light up. "OH! Sacre bleu, ze quiche, it is making LOVE to my tongue! Oh, help, I fear I shall BURST from ze sheer pleasure of it! Aaaah... If zis is ze last Quiche Lorraine in ze world, I shall die..."
Paladin Danse would grab your hand halfway to the quiche. "Not so fast, soldier," he'd say sternly. "One of our rules is that a knight cannot feed themself until they've fed the Brotherhood. Luckily, as I am also in said Brotherhood, you can fulfil your obligation by cutting me a slice first..."
Deacon would wear the Quiche Lorraine as a hat, after which he'd be too busy laughing to eat much of it.
Dogmeat would sniff the quiche. His ears would prick up in delight, and he'd give you a pleading look, as if asking for permission to tuck in. If you gave him the go-ahead, he'd spend five minutes chowing down on the quiche, as quite possibly the happiest dog in the world.
"Heheheh... Now, there's a tasty dish!" Porter Gage would laugh. "Reminds me of all my favourite things, like torturing innocent victims, and selling children into slavery. Good times!"
Glory hasn't had much contact with baked goods before, and at first she'd be confused by the Quiche Lorraine. She'd get the picture after a few mouthfuls. "Man! Now, THERE'S a pie that can look a girl's tongue right in the eye!" she'd exclaim upon finishing the quiche. "Just needs some chips, coleslaw and a side salad, and maybe some mustard... Wait, how the Hell do I know what those things are? Weird."
Hancock would complain that the quiche was too salty and needed a side of apple juice.
MacCready would be ever so excited to have a delicious Quiche Lorraine, but he'd freeze with his fork half-way to his mouth. "Is this- is this paid for?" he'd stammer. "I don't have to pay for the quiche, do I? Just checking. I mean, it's probably worth a few caps, but I don't want any nasty surprises in the financial department. So are we all square? Right, good. Just making sure."
"Well, I'll be damned," Nick would chuckle, seeing the Quiche Lorraine just sitting there. "Genuine pastry and egg, just like old Mrs Calkowski used to make in that little place down on Mass Avenue. Times like this make a man miss having a stomach. No, don't feel bad, partner; you get some of that down you. It's cold out there, and you're gonna need your strength."
Old Longfellow would probably also eat the quiche.
Piper would cheerfully tuck in as soon as she was offered some quiche. She'd eat every crumb of the quiche, lick the plate (if there was in fact a plate involved), and immediately ask for an interview about where you found the quiche. "If there's still food like this out in the ruins, the public have a right to know! I want names, places, anything to do with the source of the quiche! This... is going to be big."
Preston would fetch some paper plates and start dividing up the quiche for everyone nearby, or everyone who needed it most.
Strong would dig out a rusty machete and hack the Quiche Lorraine in half. "Human! Eat pizza so you can grow big!" he'd bark, handing you half of the quiche. "Strong also eat pizza, so he can stay big," he'd chuckle, tucking into the other half.
X6-88 would be unimpressed. "Such a primitive pastry construction," he'd remark of the quiche. "This dish demonstrates poor nutritional balance, with excessive salt and fat. Eating too much of it may cause minor health problems. I recommend that both of us take a small slice, and we hand the rest over for molecular analysis. The Institute's scientists will surely be able to generate a better, healthier quiche."
If you've never heard of Quiche Lorraine before, it's a type of egg and ham quiche originating in Lorraine, which is in France. It's a tasty dish.
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nevraeldarya · 8 months
hello! i’m planing to draw rhea, but most of her descriptions are scattered through chapters and link-notes at the end of a few, as well as not being super specific for things like hair styles, personal aesthetics, ect. my question is, can you create an aesthetic/mood board of key traits for rhea? like color palette, hair styles & colors, accessories, maybe if you can find a photo of someone with similar facial structure to how you imagine rhea. it would be super helpful, so thank you if you do!
also, if you could add in already established accessories like her trident, bracelet, apollos laurel and whatever else i forgot that would be great too <3
feel free to add anything you think would help in drawing her ofc
- 🌙 anon
I already posted a picture (an edited picture) of Rhea, here is the post I don’t want you scrolling days of posts 🙃
But here are more details.
In the first half of the book she was 170cm tall, now in HOO she is 190cm tall, ROR Poseidon and her are the same height (we have a Boa Hancock)
She can hold a boba cup with her breasts (she joined Poseidonas, Aidoneus, Apollo and Leonidas, big boobs club, they aren't ridiculous like ROR Aphrodite but still...)
Her face rarely has any emotions, its either neutral or bored, smiles when someone or something she likes is around.
Her long black hair reaches the middle of her back, keeps her hair in a low bun during quests/battles, when there isn't any fight she let her hair free or in a braid.
Her sea green eyes change to sea blue when annoyed or angry.
Her bracelet is on her right wrist, the trident in it real form is longer than her, the blades reaches one head and a half above her.
She always wears pants that stretch and sport shoes during quests, when she isn’t in a quest she wears dresses and heels (mostly Mid-Heels)
She wears eye-liner.
ROR Apollo's laurel is on the right side of her head (exactly where he wears it).
Sometimes she pulls a Zhongli and makes a water ball go around her out of boredom (this I have yet to write).
Her nails are always painted, they are mostly dark blue.
I hope these are enough details ! Do tell me if I missed something or if you need to know more ! 😁
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bestsynthpop · 7 months
Synthpop Bracket 1: Round 1 matchups
Thomas Dolby: Europa and the Pirate Twins vs. Howard Jones: What Is Love?
M: Pop Muzik vs. Missing Persons: Destination Unknown
Sparks: Cool Places vs. Spandau Ballet: To Cut A Long Story Short
Company B: Fascinated vs. Soft Cell: Tainted Love
The Buggles: Video Killed the Radio Star vs. Prince: Raspberry Beret
Magazine 60: Don Quichotte vs. Visage: Fade to Grey
Erasure: Oh L'Amour vs. Giorgio Moroder: Chase
Bronski Beat: Smalltown Boy vs. Peter Gabriel: Shock the Monkey
Sparks: Number One Song In Heaven vs. Strawberry Switchblade: Michael Who Walks By Night
Camouflage: The Great Commandment vs. The Human League: (Keep Feeling) Fascination
Tubeway Army: Are Friends Electric vs. a-ha: Take On Me
Kate Bush: Running Up That Hill vs. Ministry: Every Day is Halloween
Laurie Anderson: O Superman vs. Shriekback: Nemesis
ABC: The Look of Love vs. Pet Shop Boys: It's a Sin
The Human League: Don't You Want Me vs. Herbie Hancock: Rockit
Heaven 17: (We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang vs. Newcleus: Jam On It
Falco: Der Kommissar vs. Til Tuesday: Voices Carry
New Order: Blue Monday vs. Electronic: Getting Away With It
Debbie Deb: When I Hear Music vs. Sandra: Maria Magdalena
Men Without Hats: Safety Dance vs. Ultravox: Vienna
Baltimora: Tarzan Boy vs. The Nails: 88 Lines About 44 Women
Thomas Dolby: She Blinded Me With Science vs. Tom Tom Club: Genius of Love
Book of Love: Pretty Boys and Pretty Girls vs. Pet Shop Boys: West End Girls
Siouxsie and the Banshees: Cities In Dust vs. Howard Jones: New Song
Fad Gadget: Collapsing New People vs. Jun Togawa: Suki Suki Daisuki
Exposé: Point of No Return vs. Sly Fox: Let's Go All the Way
New Order: Bizarre Love Triange vs. Bananarama: Cruel Summer
Devo: Girl U Want vs. Bronski Beat: Hit that Perfect Beat
Erasure: A Little Respect vs. Talking Heads: Burning Down the House
Anything Box: Living in Oblivion vs. David Bowie: Ashes to Ashes
Peter Schilling: Major Tom vs. The The: Infected
Devo: Whip It vs. The B-52s: Rock Lobster
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zirawrites · 2 years
Companions react to sole going missing during a run by themselves through the wasteland but (to their relief) sole ends up being found . Love love love ur writing btw
Cait: Her first reaction was anger; the kind where relief was less of a weight lifted from shoulders but rather hot adrenaline sending static through veins. Cait poked her finger into Sole’s chest, ignoring how her friend flinched and cutting through her own fear with harsh words. “I told ya not to run off without me! Yer just a vaultie fresh out the ground. Don’t go off without someone watchn’ yer back again, Sole.”
Curie: Poor Curie had paced Sanctuary all night waiting up for her favorite companion. It was harder to stay awake than when she had been a Miss Nanny. Living organisms (and synths) had to battle heavy eyelids and imprudent yawning that made her feel like a bad friend. When Sole finally came over the bridge, limping alongside several weathered Minutemen, Curie rushed to their aid. “I was worried sick, Sole!” She already had a bandage around Sole’s bleeding arm before anyone could tell her what was wrong. “I’ve prepared a cot in the infirmary. I insist you come there at once and allow me to evaluate your wounds.”
Danse: This wasn’t the first time Danse had lost track of a fellow soldier. The Commonwealth was unpredictable, and it wasn’t hard to picture one of his charges falling cliffside from uneven footing or losing their way in a radstorm. When a group of senior Brothers radioed Danse that Sole had been found holed up in Red Rocket to wait out a pack of feral ghoules, he huffed and asked them to put Sole on. Sole’s voice was weak and breathy as they explained they had run out of both ammo and provisions when the herd approached. “You did the right thing, soldier.” Danse made sure he was muted when he sighed, then clicked the radio back on. “But you were also grossly unprepared. I won’t lecture you. You’ve obviously learned your lesson.”
Deacon: Deacon never lost track of Sole. Hell, he was the one who tailed them weeks before the Railroad even knew they existed. So when his partner didn’t show up at HQ after a routine solo mission, he scoured their trail for clues. He eventually had to come back -- proverbial tail tucked between his legs -- when Sole could not be tracked. Luckily, Deacon had trained them well. Sole, who had been injured in a firefight, followed Railroad signs to a dead drop they knew held medical supplies for allies. They were patching themselves up when another agent found them and brought them back to the church. Deacon hugged Sole a little too long, and much too tightly. He promised to be more vigilant, and Sole couldn’t possibly imagine what that meant.
Hancock: Hancock had learned early that being friends with Sole meant thrilling highs and dangerous lows. They were the coolest smoothskin in the Commonwealth, but also the most prone to risk. Sole’s disappearance unnerved him, sure. They could have stopped at Diamond City for a drink just as easily as having been snatched by the Institute. He kept calm for a few days, but eventually sent runners out to find them. And luckily he did. Sole had been badly injured in Super Mutant territory. Hancock was happy to share his ration of pain-numbing chems over a drink, demanding Sole tell him every gritty detail of their journey.
MacCready: MacCready allowed himself the reprieve of a curse when he realized Sole missed their rendezvous in Sanctuary. It wasn’t like his partner to flake, which only meant one thing: Sole was in trouble. He tried not to panic, but his distress was evident in the way his posture went rigid and brows deeply creased as he packed his bag to find them. It took him a day of traveling before he heard -- via Travis over Diamond City Radio of all things -- that Sole had been found trapped in a raider camp. The newsworthy part of the story was that Sole slaughtered the entire group and once again made the Commonwealth safer, but MacCready was just relieved they were alive. 
Preston: Preston sent out a search party the moment he realized Sole had not returned to the Castle. He spent days pacing the bricked halls and busing himself in documents. Preston knew Sole wouldn’t want him to slack off, even for their sake. When Sole was finally found uninjured, he couldn’t wipe the wide grin off his beaming face. “Glad to see you in one piece, General. Now, about the settlements...”
Piper: Piper immediately put out a joke ad in the paper: HAVE YOU SEEN THIS VAULT DWELLER? It sat directly above an unflattering picture Nat had snapped of Sole from her short stature. WANTED ALIVE, 1 CAP REWARD. It was funny up until Sole had been gone for a week. Piper wondered if Sole had seen the ad and got offended. Maybe Blue didn’t want to come home. Luckily, Piper didn’t need to wait much longer. She heard Sole greet Nat out front of Publick Occurrences, detailing their recent run-in with raiders. Then rustling newspaper, and a shout from Sole asking what the hell Piper had printed.
Nick: Nick didn’t need to explain to Sole once they were found just how lucky they were to have a detective as a best friend. It had only taken a few interviews for Nick to find where Sole had been taken. He didn’t even need to find them; the raiders heard Detective Valentine was on their trail and let them go.
X6-88: X6 had one job: ensure the safety of the future leader of the Institute. He was more frustrated with himself for failing than upset with Sole for getting lost. He followed leads and clues until he found Sole -- dehydrated but relatively unharmed -- out in the middle of the Commonwealth. X6 spared them a lecture, knowing Sole could give them one just as intense for messing up his most important directive.
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pub-lius · 1 year
RAAHHH AMERICA (lafayette pt.3)
welcome back to this i guess. i can guarantee you the whole revolution will take several posts because this is by far the longest part of my notes (obviously) soooo there will still be quite a few more of these posts for @thereallvrb0y because i still have Hamilton to do after this! that will be fun im excited. so anyway, if you missed pt. 2, here you go, and lets get right into it
Arrival in America and Becoming a Major General
Lafayette and his posse landed on the shore of North Island off the coast of South Carolina, and they were... lost! They couldn't find anyone, so they rowed further inland to try to find any sign of civilization, and they found enslaved black men fishing for oysters, and they brought them back to the plantation house.
From there, they traveled to Philadelphia. There's a common theme throughout the Frenchmen's accounts: everyone fucking loved Lafayette. Like literally everyone was so happy to see him, but literally hated the other French guys with him, so everyone else was really uncomfortable but Lafayette saw nothing wrong with what was going on.
The reason why the Americans were so hostile to the other Frenchmen was because of Silas Deane. I mentioned in pt. 2 that Deane did not do any research into whether or not Lafayette had qualifications, and he did that with every other French officer he sent over. and he sent. a lot. There was one particular incident where he sent some French engineers that ended up being completely incompetent, and when the public (and Washington's staff) heard about that, they were like "okay, we're done with the French"
But Lafayette was different because, again, he was so fucking rich. Everyone saw him as a symbol of French alliance, and a sign of hope that maybe, with foreign assistance, they could win the war. Of course, they didn't know Lafayette was there illegally, but yk. it was something.
By the way, literally everything went wrong on every journey this group went on. From North Island to Charleston saw several of the party getting sick, losing horses, risk of being mugged, and having to walk BAREFOOT through the woods at one point.
Then, on the 650 mile trip from Charleston to Philadelphia, it got. worse. They started out with 12 officers and servants in open carriages. The carriages broke after four days, they had to leave behind their luggage, and continue on horseback. Over the next 10 days, their horses collapsed, they got sick again, and everything continued to go horribly wrong.
“I started out brilliantly by carriage… we are all on horseback, after having broken the carriage, in my usual laudable fashion, and I hope to write to you in a few days that we have arrived on foot.” -Lafayette to Adrienne
The trip began on June 26, 1777, and they arrived in Philadelphia on July 27. The principal driving force for them to not give up and turn back was how enthusiastic, optimistic, and determined Lafayette was. The entire time they were literally passing out from exhaustion and exposure, Lafayette was having a grand ole time. He wasn't immune to all the horrible shit they were experiencing, he just acted like he was. He was just. so happy to be there.
So, they arrived in Philadelphia, the current seat of the Continental Congress. And they thought "oh, okay, we'll just go to the president, show him our papers, and we'll be given a command! right?"
They arrived at John Hancock's house, but he was like "what the fuck are these homeless french dudes doing at my house dressed in rags, get them out and take them to Robert Morris" (bc they had to get rid of their luggage and it was the summer they were kinda wearing the least amount as possible and were covered in filth)
Also btw the reason Hancock referred them to Morris was bc Morris was a member of the Committee of Congress for Secret Correspondence, and so he handled Deane's illegal bullshit, one of which was Lafayette being there
So, the French Gang (tm) went to Independence Hall to meet Morris, but didn't even get inside (James Lovell was also there because he spoke French). Lovell explained what happened with the engineers, basically telling them "yeah sooo we don't really trust French people anymore whoops"
The French Gang was like "what ze fuck" and they were like "okay goodnight!" so they went back to their accommodations, but the next day Lovell and WILLIAM FUCKING DUER showed up and were like "uhhhh hey guys so we actually made a mistake, but if you're willing to negotiate, Mr. Marquis de Lafayette, you could be a major general!" And Lafayette didn't question the sudden change, and went into negotiations.
By the way, the reason they changed their minds overnight was PROBABLY because Benjamin Franklin's letter of recommendation had arrived telling them "that Lafayette guy is RICH. AS. FUCK. do whatever he wants that you realistically can because he is literally so rich, you want this guy to like you." They literally just wanted an in with Versailles.
Alsooo this really only benefitted Lafayette, like Congress didn't make any offers to Lafayette's comrades, so most of them went back to France. so. that kinda sucks.
George Washington and His Staff
General George Washington was um. in a rough spot. Stationed in Chester, Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia, he had a lot on his hand, namely worrying about whether or not the British were going to try to attack the seat of Congress. This is the pre-Laurens era for the aides de camp, so we got Alexander Hamilton, Tench Tilghman, Richard Kidder Meade, Robert Hanson Harrison, John Fitzgerald, Joseph Reed, Caleb Gibbs, and another guy that was so sick I can't even remember his name, for Washington's staff.
One big issue being faced by Washington's staff was the issue of French officers.
"We are already greatly embarrassed with the Frenchmen among us... It were to be wished that our agents in France, instead of courting them to come out, were instructed to give no encouragement but where they could not help it... Be assured, Sir, we shall never be able to satisfy them [The French]; and they can be of no use to us, at least for sometime. Their ignorance of our language, of the disposition of the people, the resources and difficiencies (sic) of the country, their own habits and tempers—all these are disqualifications that put it out of their power to be of any real use or service to us." -Alexander Hamilton to William Duer, May 6, 1777
These sentiments were shared by General Washington. I mean, Washington's staff had dealt with the French engineers problem, and so they definitely were under the impression that all the French guys being sent over from Deane's office were just underqualified noblemen who thought they were better than everyone else. They definitely thought this about Lafayette at first.
On the complete other extreme, Lafayette was amazed by Washington the first time they met at City Tavern in Philadelphia on July 31. He thought he was absolutely incredible and an amazing leader. Pretty soon, Lafayette integrated himself in Washington's office, which was actually on par with orders from Franklin who basically told Washington "this guy CANNOT die because he will be FINANCIALLY FUCKED if he does", so they put him in the safest possible place in the army.
And that lasted about a month, until the Battle of Brandywine in September 1777.
Active Military Service
Prior to Brandywine, British General Howe had somehow disappeared, until he arrived at the Head of Elk, Maryland in late July with 17,000 British and Hessian troops under his belt, making their way northeast towards Philadelphia.
Blocking the British troops from reaching Philadelphia, 10,500 Americans were positioned along Brandywine Creek, knowing the British would likely cross at Chadds Ford. For his protection, Lafayette was positioned at the rear with General Sullivan's division, which, they thought, would see the least amount of action.
The battle began by late morning, and it was very foggy out, which was always a recipe for disaster. Contrary to their expectations, they ended up facing only half the British troops at Chadds Ford, while Howe lead a second column further north, attacking the Americans at the rear, where Sullivan was stationed.
Everything quickly devolved into chaos as the Americans were taken by surprise, and couldn't really see clearly because of the fog. Lafayette was trying to rally the confused troops before he was shot in the left calf with a musketball. He attempted to continue fighting, but an unidentified aide forced him off the field.
This was literally the best possible thing for Lafayette's PR. Everyone was so pleasantly surprised by the fact that a French nobleman had taken a bullet for the American cause, and it would be key to Lafayette getting his own command (finally).
Lafayette was put in a small Philadelphia town called Bethlehem to recover from his wounds. He spent a lot of his time learning about the local religious sect, the Moravians. This is the first instance I can find of Lafayette's interest in anthropology. (btw they almost convinced him to join this religion and im like. not convinced that this isn't a cult. keep that in mind, lafayette almost joined a possible cult).
He also spent his time writing letters to French relatives and officials, advocating for the American cause. While he wasn't successful necessarily in the specific endeavors he was attempting, but this established himself as an intermediary between France and America! which is super cool!
Lafayette would rejoin Washington's troops on October 9, and would soon be named the commander of his own division on December 1, right before the Continental Army would go into winter encampment at Valley Forge *epic clifffhanger sound effect*
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delightful-dorks · 2 months
On a rainy day a while back I made some very self-indulgent playlists for what music I think Abby and Hoagie would listen to (and thought way too hard about it). I could probably never do this for every member of Sector V because I don't think my music knowledge is that bespoke, but I think my taste and what I personally see the two of them liking overlap considerably, so I had fun with it. Hoagie Abby Some rambling under the cut
Hoagie loves a wide range of music, from good stuff to corny shit-- he is cringe but free. I think of his tastes as being categorically: -Early 2000s and late 90's R&B- Troop, D'Angelo, Boyz 2 Men, to a lesser extent Luther Vandross. Probably would also overlap a bit with Rap artists like Biggie Smalls. -Solo Crooners- Your Tom Jones, your Lionel Richies, your Barry Whites. I don't really think of him as a crooner, but I'll also toss Christopher Cross in there for fun. I think Hoagie would try playing Barry White in the COOLBUS on the way back from missions and Abby would yell at him for it. She can clock the longass intro to Never Ever Gonna Give You Up instantly from repeated experience. -Classic Funk and Soul - Rick James, Average White Band, Bootsy Collins, Earth Wind and Fire, Chaka Khan. Play that Funky Music White Boy is a certified Hoagie Anthem. -Detective-Core- This isn't a scientific category, this is vibes-only. But you KNOW Hoagie has The Classics in his collection. Deacon Blues, Copacabana, Shaft, Street Life, Ride Like The Wind, I Shot The Sheriff. Actually yeah I'm putting Christopher Cross here too. Hoagie would absolutely imagine a vivid music video of himself to Ride Like the Wind. As opposed to Hoagie, I think Abby's playlist is more defined by meticulous craft and impeccable vibes rather than what's most popular. She's generally more discerning about what she considers her favorites, but there's still a lot of overlap between her and Hoagie. They've introduced each other to a lot of music. -Jazz and Jazz Fusion - Herbie Hancock. Abby and Hoagie (and probably the rest of Sector V) could sit and listen to Fat Albert Rotunda all day. It's just a good album. Bob James, (though Abby finds him hit and miss), a little bit of Pat Metheny, and a little bit of Miles Davis. -Funk and Soul...2 - Stevie Wonder, Commodores, Abby introduced Hoagie to some great jazz-influenced artists like Quincy Jones, and Hoagie introduced her to Average White Band. She also made him realize Lionel Richie had a career before going solo, lol. Both of them are all over EWF and Chaka Khan -Hip-Hop/R&B Salt N Peppa and Mary J Bilge are mainstays for Cree, which she introduced Abby to when they were younger; now the two of them are at war stealing the same 5 beat-up, scratched-to-hell CDs back and forth from each other. Cree busts down the treehouse door fully kitted out demanding to know where What's the 411 is every Saturday.
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imagine-silk · 1 year
Could I request a imagine/headcanon/whatever you are willing, on non Sole reader who is a synth and either escaped the institute somehow, and ends up finding Hancock or stumbling upon good neighbor. He quickly gains a liking for them and looks out for them, teaching them about the current world as they were created in the institute with no memories before. Eventually, maybe romance? A synth and a ghoul!
》Love it.
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Nine years, of being together indulging in the parties and bars, in the people, your people. Rolling in sheets and waking up to yellow light. Drinking and smoking, helping through bad trips. Once in a while one of you leaves and the other will wait or leave on another thing. It's just life and it's everything.
You know him inside and out. You know how he became a ghoul and how he wouldn't trade it because leads to where he is, helping the people, having his friends and family, his lover. You know he doesn't have a sweet tooth and hates fancylads. You know he'd give you every atom he has to love you.
He knows you inside and out. He knows how much your lack in memory haunts you, how much you want to know who you were as much as he told you you already were. He knows you like jet and hate psycho. He knows you would fight the entire Commonwealth to keep him safe, and he knows you would win.
Nine years of laying in the bed you were laying in now, basking in afterglow. "Just so you know, I missed one."
Hancock rolled over to lay on his side and gave you a lazy smile. "What did you miss?"
You put your hand on his waist and drew shapes, looking at him with a fond smile, "I love you."
"You said that a lot." He laughed.
"I needed to say it one more time."
He batted away your hand and moved to be on top of you. "I think I need to hear it a few more times." Leaning down and kissing you long and lazy.
It made you laugh and mumble against his lips, "I love you... I love... you... love you,"
How long you were there was not important. Never is. So when he pulled away he looked down he saw you and laughed, "You're so beautiful."
"Oh, still after all this time." You tease.
"You look," His eyebrows knitted. "Like the first day I met you." It was a weird way to say it but his face said it was because something he realized. You had never thought about it, no one wants to get old, but now it hit you like a bus. "You look exactly like the day I met you."
The rest of the day you both were a bit out of it because you both knew, just refused to say it. Others noticed and neither of you answered them, it was nothing. How could he say something? It seemed like you were tailor made for him so maybe that was true. How could you say anything? You could be a spy and no one would know, you don't know. And that happened the next day and the next until Hancock cornered you in the bedroom and you had an argument. "It doesn't matter."
You looked at him wary. "Of course it does. I might be- not safe."
"Please, I'm not going to let you leave."
"You've never done that and you never will." You always know when he was bluffing, you just wished this was a game of poker.
"You're not dangerous. If you were I think you would have killed us. How many time have you saved us, or just me? The raiders and mutants had almost done it and how many times have you been the reason we lived through those?"
"That's all the more reason I'm dangerous. Think about the damage I could cause if someone got into my brain. I want you safe."
"And I need you with me to do that." In his frustration he lunged forward and kissed you. You pushed him away and his face scrunched up. He couldn't shed tears but he was crying, sobbing. "Just stop talking. You're not going to hurt me and no one will ever to get you. There's nothing in this world that can change that."
"That's not true."
"Then let's pretend it is." He let go of you and sunk to the floor his arm hugging himself in. His crying was dry and hurt in a million ways. You wanted to leave, it was the most responsible thing to do. You swore to protect him and staying with him could be something bad, that he would always be unsafe. But he was begging for something you wanted, that could be bad. So from then on it didn't matter.
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headcanons-n-shit · 1 year
good evening i have been allowed to Spin(tm) and that should never happen so here we go
Modern-ish au
Hancock is a weeb, yes, but he's a weeb with capital, business sense, and contacts, and thus he runs one of the most respectful little Doman goods shops you can find outside of Little Doma. Yes he's spent many a late night making sure his shit is authentic, yes he has to charge pretty big markups to barely make ends meet, yes his customers are mostly shitty students or the anime-obsessed, yes sometimes he wonders if this is even worth it or if he should just go back to trading stocks in Ul'dah.
But also the old Doman ladies who can't make the half-hour each way trip to Little Doma every week are absolutely charmed that he, an ijin, speaks perfect Doman, and he carries all the snacks they like, and he always wants to hear about their grandchildren or about the recent drama from mahjong night, and he always manages to get their festival foods and ingredients in on time (even if he has to pull extra hours and every time his suppliers cut it a little close). He's learning the Steppe tongue, slowly, from the Xaela pair that come in ever wednesday to make sure their children remember the taste of home, and he's finally figured out how to greet the odd veena in the language of the Skatay (although the finer sounds of Golmorian still escape him).
Even if it means he lives in a tiny little flat, even if it means near-sleepless nights spent looking for spare gil in the books to pay rent and pinching his pursestrings on his own groceries, this place gives him something Ul'dah never did:
a community.
A community that just so happens to include one Ash'a Amari.
Ash'a is a miqote, a Bozjan expat who spent his twenties and early thirties running refugees past Imperial lines to ships waiting to take them away to the relative safety of Eorzea, and Eorzean supplies to Bozjan resistance fighters on the front lines, until a single missed iud ended that career (and nearly ended his life).
Nowadays he's wheelchair-bound, working as a tattoo artist out of the tiny spot in the mall bc despite yugiri putting in a good word for him that's about the most the Thieves' Guild is willing to shell out for him. And that's alright. His legs might not work, but his hands are as steady as ever, and if the client is willing he hires some of the local kids to do art for him, and he does all of the thieves' ink for free, and if there's a little literal magic to his work, well. He's never had any complaints.
(and maybe, every now and then, once the lights are out and the shutters are closed, one of the thieves will slip in through the back door, and the bed where customers lay in the daytime will become an impromptu operating table, and Ash'a steady hands will save lives once again, and in the morning there will be oddly gruff faces cleaning The Waking Sands from top to bottom, but a bit of gil changes hands and no one questions a thing)
And the tension of the story doesn't come from the fact that the Thieves' Guild is currently having a problem with Imperial Assassins (not like Ash'a can do anything about it, really), or even that every time the store dips into the red Hancock nearly has a fucking heart attack trying to figure out how to make ends meet.
Nah, the plot comes from where it absolutely should in these kinds of stories:
nosey Doman grandmamas.
bc dearest Hinata, bless her heart, has been on Hancocks case for so. long. now. About how "having a lady around would make things so much easier on you, wouldn't it?" Extolling the virtues of her own (single) daughters, her friends' (single) daughters, the (single) daughters she knows adjacently from Little Doma. And Hancock, bless his heart, doesn't have it in him to tell this well-meaning woman that he is very, very gay.
And thankfully! He doesn't have to! bc Ash'a pops his head into the store one day around noon bc "the microwave in my back room broke and there's no way im eating these noodles cold, can I please use yours", and Hancock accepts eagerly bc he will take literally any out from yet another matchmaking session, and suddenly Hinata is connecting dots (she's not connecting shit).
The next time mahjong night comes around, she insists that Hancock should bring that "nice miqote lad from next door he's so fond of"
And it spins(tm) from there.
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