#now that I think about it... he looks like rex :0
kitcat22 · 2 months
Okay, okay so I’m thinking of an au mashup in which Obi Wan gets de-aged in the middle of the clone wars, except Obi Wan is now at the age when his prophetic visions and slightly offputting nature were at they’re height.
I tend to follow the belief, in Seer!Obi wan fics, that Yoda took one look at the 8 year old Obi Wan who keeps telling him increasingly creepy little snippets of his future and the looked at Sifo-Dyas rocking back and forth in the corner doodling the same face over and over, with slight variations, muttering insanities as Dooku tries to lure him out with a trail of biscuits and tea, and just went. No. Absolutely not. Not doing this again. And the council at the time just sort of agreed to put a mental block in place to stop Obi Wan from growing up into Sifo-Dyas Junior.
This is was all fine and dandy, until Obi Wan is suddenly 7 again without this block in place and planets away from anyone capable of rebuilding it again. Force forbid they allow Skywalker a go at it.
Now there’s an unsettling redheaded child making very worrying, very creepy comments.
Anakin: awww, aren’t you a cute!!!
Baby!Obi-Wan: Your hands drip with the blood of trillions, Your arrogance veils the sins you wish not to confront, Your decrepit body shall live on long past your own death, in a cage of its own making.
Anakin: : - 0
Baby!Obi-Wan: but thank you : - )
Ahsoka and Rex are very reluctant to be near the baby after he tells them how everyone they love will die and they shall continue on, surrounded but alone all the same.
Cody and the 212th choose to endure the comments on how they will die enslaved, put down by the masters that created them, deprived of personhood and kindness because creepy baby or not, that’s they’re general right there, they can figure all the freakiness out after the they’ve comforted the child. (They are immensely worried over this, though)
It’s not like Obi wan is enjoying this either. He doesn’t want to predict all this, it won’t stop!
Dooku, on the other hand is thrilled. He kind of regrets not keeping his lover Sifo-Dyas around as his own personal fortune cookie machine / Magic 8 ball. Not cause he misses him or anything. Not at all. He just thinks the tactical advantage would be wonderful! (This is slightly ignorant of how unstable and harmful Sifo’s visions were) To have his Grandpadawan back in this impressionable, powerful state would also be wonderful!
He changes his mind after about 10 minutes with said grandpadawan.
He wants the adult one back please. The 7 year old is dissecting his soul and telling him how pointless his life decisions have been :-(
Shit really hits the fan when baby!Obi-Wan accidentally bumps into Sheev.
Obi wan returns to adult form in a galaxy that sort of resembles this
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He can’t do much complaining though considering it was him that caused this.
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britcision · 1 year
Alright I’m still alive a day later so LOOK! First pass of Taaco from TV! Everything but the hat and the cape came from the closet and the shorts say IDGAF on the butt but the cape covers them 😔
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My first magic trick of the day was taking off the bra I wore to drive down without taking off the corset or shirt
My second trick was applying kinesiology tape to bind the tiddies down again, without taking off the corset or shirt
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Success rates??? Not great, I’ll grant you, but I got a couple inches off and they stayed in place with no bouncing even when I ran for the 5 hours of con! So still better than the bra
(You are not supposed to tape the tiddies for more than 4 hours the first couple times you do it apparently and this was attempt 2 so even that was pushing it, especially in 30 degree heat. I go hard or go home)
These boots also have the highest incline from toe-to-heel that I’ve worn to a con, since all my taller shoes are platforms and reasonably flat which makes them super easy to run in
Only had one minor spill while chasing down a t-rex but those photos are all on the camera so they’ll live on Insta when the time comes
The ding dang bracer that closed fine at home on two magnets decided if I was gonna move my hands it now needs 3 to keep it in place, so I’m fixing that today
The criminal in question:
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Aaaand the purple and blue pouch I sewed at the con while waiting for passes, so I think I really had a very Adventure Zone day all around
The hat? The hat crushed it, 0 problems except one attempt to take flight on our way back to the car, which I caught by the curtain wire sooooo I gotta tighten the attachments on that before I put the curtain on cuz it pulled a lil bit
Worked like a charm though, held it above my head for the dealer’s room, weighed nothing (comparatively, hence taking flight), and for the first time in 4 years I spent most of a day outside without getting sun sick
For the first time I did need to bobby pin this wig, which I shoulda seen coming given the hat. It did also keep trying to eat my ears, the pin, my earrings, and anything else that came near my head though so she may also be getting rowdy
The cape jingled merrily all day so even if I was a lil slowed down no one had to worry about losing me! 😁 all in all………. Them boots ain’t coming to Yeticon I would PERISH on the hills, but I have a couple possible substitutes
I’m hoping to have the curtain on by then though! Soooo depending on some imminent updates, we’ll see if the hat comes to con again 👀
We also watched a truck hit a soccer mom ass van and crack the damn windshield in half literally right in front of us rather than wait for the van to move over another foot so it could get through, because some genius decided that if he had to get to the back of the con at 5pm on Sunday through THE MAIN PARKING LOT he didn’t have to show up early or anything
To arrive on time. At the end of the con. On the last day.
You could barely swipe a credit card between their bumpers with how close he was tailgating the van, and then when staff came to direct an opening to slide the truck down the middle he couldn’t wait 5 more minutes for the car to actually get out of the way, sooooooo hope he liked the extra 2 hours and insurance calls
Lucky for us, we could get out of the parking lot the other way and I warned everyone in line behind him that they’d had a crash blocking that lane so they’d have a chance to turn around
I’m never parking back there again I’ll eat the $15-$20 to park at the hotel across the street for Sunday and anyone wanting a ride home with me can chip in
We actually did alright though, only took us one hour to clear the parking lot, despite lots of assholes and some poor indecisive souls who all seemed to think indicating was a polite request, not a declaration of intent
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jedi-enthusiast · 7 months
I'm bored, so here is how I'd fix 'The Bad Batch.'
Caveat: Obviously I would've preferred a show centered around clones like Rex, Cody, Fox, Wolffe, Echo, etc. instead of some random "special" clones we've literally never heard of, but that's not what we got so I'm making a post about what we have to work with. Also, obviously I'm not gonna cover every issue about the show, these are just the main things I'd change.
1. Un-whitewash them. In fact, un-whitewash all of the clones, but that's a given.
In the same vein, though, have them actually look like clones. It makes like 0 sense for them to have to hide or have to wear disguises or what have you to hide the fact that they're clones...when they don't look like clones.
I'm gonna be honest, if they weren't introduced as clones in the show, then I wouldn't have had any idea that they were clones. They look nothing like Temura Morrison or the other clones. Fix that.
Or, hell, if people are absolutely dead set on them looking different, have them hate the fact that they look different from the other clones rather than making them think they're so much better than everyone else.
Sure the Kaminoans might've said something or other about them being "better" then the other clones, due to their modifications, but they're also just as likely to have said something negative about them looking different since they want things to be uniform---not to mention that their "special modifications" probably got more attention on them from the Kaminoans, which would obviously be something that sucked ass and probably got them in more trouble/gave them more restrictions.
I feel like it'd be more plausible for them to want to blend in and not want that extra attention- (and everything that comes with it) -rather than them having a whole complex about being "so much better" than everyone else. Especially considering that, generally speaking, their modifications don't really seem to make them any more "special" than anyone else.
2. Get rid of the animosity between TBB and the rest of the clones. It makes no fucking sense.
No more of the "regs" bullshit, no more of TBB not giving a shit about other clones, no more of the bullying that apparently went on on Kamino. None of that shit.
The whole "oh the regs bullied TBB because they looked different, boo hoo" thing doesn't even make fucking sense!!! 99 looked different than all the other clones and they fucking loved him! Not to mention the importance that the clones place on individuality, distinction, and being yourself---it makes no sense for looks, of all things, to be something the other clones make fun of TBB for!!
And, honestly, given how TBB consistently talked about/treated the "regs," I'm more willing to believe that the other clones started "bullying" them in retaliation to TBB calling them "expendable" and acting like they were so much better than them.
But, that's besides the point, anyway-
Have TBB actually care about the other clones, have them be close, have TBB have more than blank faced reactions to finding out their brothers are being mind controlled---actually have them give a shit and want to help, but they're unable to.
1. In the same vein, get rid of the animosity Crosshair has with the rest of TBB. It makes no fucking sense, given the direction they're trying to take with the show.
It definitely makes no sense for them to have this whole plot/conflict thing about "saving Crosshair" when none of them actually seem to like each other.
In fact, make the whole team actually seem like they like each other---right now they seem like strangers who barely tolerate each other that just got locked inside a 7/11 together. If there's gonna be a show centered around them, that's gonna try and sell the idea that they care about each other or whatever, actually make it seem like it!!
Have them have more emotions about being separated from Crosshair, have them fuck up a mission on accident because they forgot he wasn't there, have them be more than just "😐" at everything, for the love of fuck.
3. Instead of making them boring characters that are basically just stereotypes + a one-dimensional version of Echo, give them actual personality.
Also, assuming they keep the abilities the same, let their abilities actually affect them negatively instead of just being a way for them to one up everyone.
Hunter - Give him a habit of being overly anxious. He's supposed to be a leader and he's supposed to be close to his team, so have him be worried about making a wrong decision so he often overthinks things to make sure that doesn't happen. Have him look up to Cody and maybe try to emulate him, since Cody seems to take sort of "older brother" vibes when he's around other people, people just seem to look to him for answers- (yeah because he's Marshal Commander, but also let me just have this). Give Hunter sensory issues, have him get uncomfortable and irritable and upset when things get to be too much.
Wrecker - Instead of making him "stupid, childish, and strong," actually make him smart---he's supposed to be a demolitions expert, so he's not just gonna be a dumbass. Also, maybe make him really protective over everyone and self-sacrificing, believing that he's the strongest so he can take the things that everyone else can't---have him be reckless, not because he's stupid, but because he doesn't want his brothers- (including the "regs") -to do the same thing and get hurt. Give him chronic pain. It hurts to grow and he had to grow a lot more than the others---plus, with all the injuries he's endured from protecting the others, he's bound to have been a little fucked up by those.
Tech - They wanna make him autistic coded? Great, we need more representation, but don't feed into stereotypes this time. Make him smart when it comes to his interests---engineering, technology, etc---but then also have him be lost when it comes to things that aren't in his areas of interest, don't make him know everything because that's not realistic. Maybe give him anxiety when it comes to social situations, me and a lot of other autistic people I know get anxious because we don't know what's "right" and "wrong" in social situations, let him actually have anxiety related to his social awkwardness instead of him just- 😐 -all the time. Have him be curious about things related to his interests and prone to rambling about them---let him be excited to tell other people what he knows instead of just saying- "I thought it was obvious." I'm not really sure what Tech's special ability is supposed to be other than just "smart," so let's just say he has an eidetic memory or something. Give him insomnia. Again, me and a lot of autistic people I know have trouble sleeping, and also let him have stress related to everyone always looking to him for the answers---let him mess up and feel guilty about messing up because "he's supposed to know everything/be the smart one."
Crosshair - Don't just make him an asshole who's always looking for a fight---maybe just make him quiet but with a sarcastic sense of humor, that way it's a lot more shocking when he starts speaking up against Hunter. Let him also be anxious in social situations since he doesn't know how to navigate them, let him look to Hunter or Cody for cues on what to do. Instead of basically saying "let's leave Echo for dead, he's just a reg" in TCW, maybe have him be vocally supportive of Rex whenever someone else shows doubt---have him understand not wanting to leave someone behind, have him care deeply about his brothers, and then let that make it hit so much harder when TBB has to leave him on Kamino. He's supposed to be The Best Sharshooter Ever due to genetic engineering? Great, give him eye problems. Make really bright lights hurt him, so he has to wear his helmet to make things easier on his eyes---maybe have him struggle with seeing things really close to him.
4. Finally, change the direction of the story.
Make more of their story center around trying to help Rex save their brothers and try to figure out how to stop the Empire, not just them apparently having the world’s worst luck and being shitty bounty hunter knock-offs. When Rex asks them to help the Rebellion/their brothers/whatever, have them agree to help and go with him rather than Hunter basically just saying- "welp, that sucks ig, but I only care about my fellow "special" clones, so nah."
Have them join the Rebellion and help Rex free the other clones, use the show to give us a deeper look into the clones---what sort of culture they would’ve developed, the complicated relationship they would’ve had with the Republic, etc.
Give us episodes that center around Gregor, Cody, Wolffe, Fox, Rex, etc. and give us insight into what their lives were like after the Empire took over, rather than just having this show about a random group of "special clones" basically copying the style of The Mandalorian.
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flyingsquirrely · 1 year
Incomplete list of things in QPB’s (TWSB’s?) worldbuilding that make me laugh:
(heavy spoilers up through recent, untranslated chapters)
Demonic Beasts: What are they? We just don’t know. As far as I know, their existence hasn’t been explained beyond a couple of points, like their danger levels. For some reason a wide variety of angry, magical animals that really hate divine items populate the entire continent. Types of demonic beast range from poisonous boars to palace-sized griffins to electrical t-rexes. They live in caves called dungeons. Some dungeons make monsters increase in power level. Any other story, dungeon diving would be part of the plot, but TWSB has waaay too many other priorities. Possibly demonic beasts can be tamed because people seem to accept that the divine beasts could be tamed demonic beasts very easily, but I don’t think we’ve actually seen a real case of this either. They appear to exist purely as animate plot devices, and while I kind of respect it, I want to knoooow. Sookym, release the forbidden demonic beast research papers. I’m sure some wizard is looking into it. François?
Cardinals automatically get Latin as a second language, no studying required. Like, the Cardinal level up rewards are:
Awesome power
+1 Trauma
Language proficiency: Latin
Hyunseo loves martial arts novels so much that it infected QPB’s Europe-esque setting, but he’s pretty good at hiding it so it only appears in the most northern, middle-of-nowhere part of the Holy Kingdom. Realistically, there would have been no reason to ever go there in QPB, but the Fates decided to do some sequence breaking in the new worldline so now everyone gets to experience the random Far-East Asian set pieces in the middle of a Germanic-analogue country.
With the reveal that holy knights are only born in the Holy Kingdom in order to protect the Goddess, the implication that the Empire went from 0 holy knights in 1000 years to 4 holy knights of significant power in 1 year solely because Yeseo (second son of the Goddess) crash landed there. Like, sure, the actual characters did the hard part, but his existence had the world itself just start spitting out holy knights like a broken vending machine (including, currently, 3 whole Cardinals, at least 1 of whom may not have existed at all in the original work).
All wizards are magic nerds, even combat wizards. A wizard will look at a magical mystery and ask “anyone else going to investigate this?” and not wait for an answer.
All the worldbuilding that’s inappropriate for minors goes on the islands of Admah and Zeboim because they didn’t make it into the original work. Most of the population of that region is also atheist for the same reason.
Even though the genre changed from romance fantasy to action-adventure fantasy between worldlines, a bunch of romance tropes have enough genre inertia to keep popping up, which then proceed to interact with the new genre in fun ways. The character roles swapping around is a big one (secondary male lead -> female lead, female lead -> best friend, [file not found] -> secondary male lead), but also stuff like:
Fake dating – the participants are etherically incompatible and hate each other. When asked what they like about each other, they would rather talk about their mutual partner.
Late to school with bread in their mouth – somehow there are sea anemones involved.
(make-your-own) Soulmates – actually, this one is rather interesting because I get the impression that while it existed in QPB, it wasn’t really that important to the plot, but it’s very important in the new worldline. There’s also that unrelated accidental soulmate event that happened, though, which was very traumatic for everyone involved.
Magical item in the shape of a ring – does get exchanged! But not between Yeseo and his main pursuant. Instead, Johann took the opportunity to troll his students and his students exploded a house.
Kiss cam – somehow this exists, but not standard cameras?? François’ mind is a mystery.
Romantic personal information (the middle name thing) – ends up mostly being used practically for identity verification, or in familial contexts.
Romeo and Juliet motifs – Gain completely misuses them wonderfully. Though the background radiation of Cedric being associated with Romeo and Yeseo associated with Juliet remains fairly intact.
The Empire is the good guys. Sorry, years of Star Wars pop cultural influence has made me default to thinking Empire -> Bad Guys. It feels very strange rooting for the Empire.
The Holy Kingdom hates wizards, even the ones who only practice white magic, so the Big Bad (who operates in the Holy Kingdom) only employs warlocks, who use black magic. Except the Holy Kingdom also (nominally) hates warlocks, and they work underground (literally!) anyway, so Wilhelmina could have just used standard wizards…? I feel like she really missed out by not tapping into the standard wizard talent pool. I guess she had an ample supply of warlocks from Liliana’s leftover followers, but still. Did no one in the Holy Kingdom’s lengthy history of Trying To Usurp God ever think “wow, maybe it would be a good idea to have mages with a wide variety of specializations, not just ‘evil’”?
I should have put this one earlier, but the power ranking names of priests and holy knights being based on Catholic church clergy hierarchy cracks me up. The only cool ones are Cardinal and maaaybe Archbishop, because adding Arch- to a title immediately adds +1 coolness. It’s fortunate that all our main characters are Archbishops at minimum.
Also, the Vatican exists. Just, the Vatican. Not a thinly-veiled Vatican-analogue, it is straight up called the Vatican.
This one's more sweet than funny, but I love that probably the reason therapy exists in QPB even though many other fantasy novels don't have such a thing, and in such a positive light too, is because Hyunseo was writing it for Eunseo, who went to therapy for her depression, and now it's helping Yeseo with his PTSD.
I have a lot of thoughts about the ways Hyunseo and the trio’s mom shaped the world of QPB in a way that has looped back to affecting the “IRL world”, but most of them ended up more tragic than funny so theeey’re not going in this post.
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flyiingsly · 9 months
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Square : Echo
Pairing : Fives x gn!reader x Echo (platonic)
Warnings : Angst, implied mention of death, slight mention of drunkness, angst again
Wordcount : 1,8k
Summary : Different times, different contexts, but Life Day is always one of the most special moment of the year for you, for it always bring back memories of those you had loved and lost, no matter what.
A/N : My fifteenth and second to last submission for the @clonexreaderbingo ! Well, that’s not the prompt I was initially planning to do for this square, but I got that idea while writing my Life Day Exchange fic, and I really wanted to bring it to life because it was very close to my heart to write about memories (and thinking about it was making me awfully emotional, not gonna lie). Plus, I knew it wasn’t going to be as long as the other fics I submitted for that event, so it was a little personal challenge of mine to be able to write something short for once ! Enjoy ❤
“Tup, you ready ?” you heard Jesse enthusiastically asked.
“Just give me a second, I can't light it, there's too much wind !” the younger clone answered back, the frantic click of a lighter following his words.
“Ha, yes, that's it, I'm ready !” he finally let out a few seconds later, smiling proudly at the little flame now glowing in front of him.
"Great ! Ok let's count now !" 
Everyone’s voice followed Rex’s one, solemnly starting the countdown in unison like one single man.
“3… 2… 1… 0 !”
Silence temporarily fell on the assistance as multiple pairs of hands opened simultaneously to free a flood of vacillating and delicate paper vessels, before a wave of cheers and applauses burst through the cold air of the hangar.
The releasing of paper lanterns was a tradition on Coruscant for Life Day. Light was a very important part of the celebrations, and although a lot of its aspects have been modernized compared to the original event, this part was, at least, still here and fundamental, even if most of the population wasn’t really knowing the initial significance of it.
But for the clones, that release was wearing a very special and heavy meaning. It wasn’t only about the lights and the lanterns, like for most of the planet’s citizens these days, it was about celebrating their fallen brothers and honoring their memory.
Lighting little candles and making them travel through the sky and above the clouds was a way to show the soul of their lost one that they weren’t forgetting about them, even if they weren’t physically here anymore.
For each lost member of the battalion was a flame, and this year, there was, unfortunately, more of them than it had ever been before.
As you were staring at your own lantern ascending through the darkness, getting farer and smaller, stuck in awe by the beauty of the view, and as everyone around you was emotionally embracing each other, a violent flash of memories took over your mind.
Your cheerful smile slowly vanished without you even realizing it, and suddenly, the only thing that you were seeing in front of him was his face.
You couldn’t help it, you were looking at the sky but you weren’t really paying attention to what you were seeing anymore. His image was stuck behind your eyes, and his laugh rang in your ears as if he was only a couples of inches from you.
The thought made you shiver. A strange sensation washed over you, you felt paralyzed, frozen on spot, like if some kind of numbness was invading your body. You felt out of place. You were here, but not really here anymore. Your body was here, but your mind was wandering far away from it.
It seemed like time has stopped, and the near voices of the other around seemed like some distant and muffled whisperings as your brain replayed your last memories of him over and over.
You were used to it, missing someone, but you could never get over that feeling of having a little part of your heart being taking away every time that you were losing one of them.
Especially him.
“Hey, (Y/n), you okay ?”
Fives’s voice pulled you out your thoughts, and you turned your head to look at him, confused and a bit lost. When you opened your mouth to answer him, no sound could escape it at first, so you immediately closed it back, your eyes falling on the durasteel floor without a word.
“You know you can’t hide it from me, right ?” he whispered after a few moments, taking another step toward you.
“Yeah, I know, I’m sorry … I didn’t mean to make you worry about me … It’s just that …. I was thinking about …” you paused, a shy smile appearing on your lips as you felt your eyes became watery.
“… Echo ?”
“Yeah, Echo …” you breathed out, a lump growing in your throat.
“I knew it …” he muttered.
“I hope he know that we’re still thinking about him every day … I hope he is at peace now …”
You brought your hands to your face as you felt tears starting to blur your vision, trying to hide your pain as best as you could with your palms, clenching your teeth to refrain a sob.
Without expecting it, you felt a pair of strong arms gently wrapping around your body from the left side.
“I’m sure he knows …” Fives whispered in your ears as he pulled you close to his armored chest, reassuringly stroking your hair with his fingers, “And I really hope he is too …”
His voice was trembling, filled with emotions, and you knew by the sound of it that his own eyes must have been as watery as yours right now. You knew him so well.
You used to know them both so well.
It took you a moment to calm down and be able to steadily breathe again, and when you finally did, you let out a heavy sigh before allowing your hands to slip out from your face and your gaze to meet his.
You didn’t need to say much to understand each other, a simple eye contact was enough.
You slid your own arm around his waist, squeezing it gently. He was taller than you, so you settled your head on his shoulder, your gaze wandering through the sky again, the sparkles of the lanterns reflecting on your pupils.
“For Echo ...” you murmured.
“Yeah, For Echo …” the ARC trooper whispered back, resting his chin on top of your head, before closing his eyes and burying his face in your hair, tightening his embrace around you like if he was afraid that you could suddenly disappear, just like his brother.
“(Y/n) ! Echo ! Look !” Omega excitedly called for you as the two of you were trying to learn how to pronounce a bunch of new Shyriiwook words, with the help of a very patient Wookiee lady, who was trying her best to keep a straight face in front of your flawed accent.
It was your first Life Day with the Batch since you had been reunited, and you had decided to spend that very special occasion on Kashyyyk. It was Omega’s idea at first, but you all agreed with her, since all of you have heard about the magnificent celebrations hosted there, but none of you ever had the chance to see them for real.
Plus, it was the perfect excuse to pay Gungi a visit, and to spend some well-deserved days off far away from the busy Ord Mantell until Cid send you on another mission.
When you turned your head to look at the young girl, you find her and her Wookiee friend both holding a very big paper lantern, way too big for only one of them to hold alone.
They had spent the entire day and the day before the event handcrafting lanterns with the other children, and were more than proud to show you their creation.
“Oh that’s awesome ! This one is truly the biggest ! You did such a fantastic work !” you exclaimed, a warm and wide smile instantly appearing on your face.
“Come on, release it ! We want to see how this one flies !” Echo encouragingly added.
The two giggled at your remark, happy to receive that much attention.
“You ready ?” the blond girl eagerly asked her comrade, who greeted her with an excited groan.
They watched the flame raise toward the top of three without a word, with glowing eyes full of pure amazement, until it passed through the ceiling of leaves to disappear into the open sky.
Then their admirative silence turned into an explosion of euphoria as they high fived each other, triumphantly jumping around, shooting with joy and cheerfully congratulating themselves for building the most perfect lantern ever.
Seeing Omega being that happy and having the time of her life sharing moments with other children was making your heart melt.
As you were looking fondly at them, a strange sensation struck at you, a feeling of emptiness and a wave of sad thoughts suddenly invading your mind out of nowhere.
“I wish that Fives could see that ...” you whispered out loud absentmindedly, before immediately regretting your words when you noticed his smile turning into a sad expression.
“I'm sorry, I shouldn't have say that, I didn't meant to make you sad, I'm so sorry ...” you quickly apologized with guilt.
“No, please …” he cut you, “Don't be sorry for what you feel, it’s okay. Actually … I was thinking about him too ... And I was telling myself that he would have loved Kashyyyk. I mean, he loved Life Day, so I knew he would have been so excited to come here with us ! He used to love the lights, and the lantern’s releases on Coruscant, so ...”
He paused, his now shaky voice unable to say anything more, before a long, desperate sigh escaped his mouth.
"I know …” you let out with a weak smile, “I remember how thrilled he was every times that we were going to one of those releases, he was like a child, that was adorable ...”
“Do you remember that time, when we were on a mission on another planet where the locals weren’t celebrating it, but Fives wanted to do it anyway ...”
“Yeah !” you chuckled, “Of course I remember ! We had nothing to build lanterns, but we still managed to find some little candles that we lighted all over the camp !”
“Yeah, that one exactly !” he exclaimed, “That mission was awful, but that night was so great ! Do you remember it, when General Skywalker ...”
“Used the force to make the candles levitate to imitate lanterns ? Yeah, of course ! That was so beautiful, so mesmerizing ... How could I ever forgot that ? Hardcase was nearly crying of emotion that day ! And because he was a little bit drunk as well, to be honest ...” you grinned.
“Yeah, that’s true, we drank a bit too much that evening, but that’s one of my most beautiful memories ever ...”
You sighed too, tears starting to blur your vision, and then, a silence fell between you. It wasn't an awkward one, on the contrary, it was a comforting silence, a quiet moment to lose yourself in the recalling of the good old times, when every one of those you had once loved and for who you used to care so deeply were still surrounding you.
As you were talking, none of you had looked away from the top of the trees, and without a warning, without a word, you felt Echo's arm gently wrapping around your shoulders.
You instinctively leaned against him, enfolding your own arm to encircle his waist and pull his body closer to you.
“Happy life Day Echo, I’m so glad to have you back …” you whispered, a tear silently rolling down your cheek.
“And I am so lucky to still have you around … Happy life Day, (Y/n).”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 11 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I lied -Danny Words: 2,762 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter /Next Chapter Listen to: 'Girls Like You' -by The Naked And Famous
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XXX: It's Been (0) Days Since I Almost Died
Ara's parents leave her at camp for New Year's. Lily welcomes her on the hill, along with the Stolls and Nico Di Angelo.
"You piece of sh—" Ara tries to reach for his throat but Lily gets in the way.
"Hey! It's my birthday and you know the rules!"
"I want my dino back!"
"I've no idea what she's talking about," the boy smirks.
"I'm gonna feed you to my lion."
"Mrs. O'Leary and Pollo both said they like me more."
Ara gasps. "Take that back!"
"You know what, Ara, why don't you take a walk?" Travis suggests. "And maybe, by the time you come back to the Big House, your T-Rex will be right where you left it. Right, Nico?"
"Nico!" Lily berates him in Italian, to which he replies with an eye-roll.
"Okay. Yeah, maybe."
Ara flips off Nico before leaving, she doesn't want to do this, but if that's what it takes to save her dino, then she's got no choice. The girl walks into the forest and quickly loses track of time. 
"...or a raccoon."
Ara stops, there's a group of people a few feet ahead of her.
"With no toes?" 
"Piper? What do you think?" 
The girl scoffs. "Just because I'm Native American doesn't mean I can track furniture through the wilderness—'Yes, kemosabe. A three-legged table passed this way an hour ago.' Heck, I don't know."
"Okay, jeez!"
"It's probably a table. Which means Buford went across this stream." 
"You lost a table?" Ara's voice startles the trio.
"Holy crap!" Leo lands on his butt. "How are you so quiet?"
She points at the tracks. "A table did that?"
A young nature spirit—Ara thinks it's Brooke—comes out of the stream in front of them. 
"Could you be any louder? They'll hear you!"
"Are you a naiad?" Leo asks, not caring about the warning. 
"Shh! They'll kill us all! They're right over there!" 
Ara seizes her compass. "What's out there, Brooke?"
"Brooke the brook?" Jason asks with a grin, Piper hits his leg. 
"Okay, Brooke. I'm Piper. We won't let anyone harm you. Just tell us who you're afraid of." 
Brooke approaches with wide eyes. "I'm glad you're back, Ara. It's my crazy cousins. None of us is safe! Now go away. I have to hide!"
Brooke vanishes and Ara pinches the bridge of her nose. "I literally just got here."
"Crazy cousins?" Piper turns to her. "Any idea what she was talking about?" 
"No, but crazy for a Greek is probably way off the rails."
"Maybe we should keep our voices down," Jason suggests.
"We have to follow the trail," Leo insists. "I mean... we're heroes and stuff. We can handle whatever it is. And Ara's back, so that doubles our chances!"
"Right," Ara turns her compass into Almighty. Jason and Piper draw out their weapons and stand next to her, she looks at Leo and raises a brow. "Still no weapon?"
"I don't need 'em," Leo points vaguely at them. "I brought these two with me and now you're here."
She sighs. "Just tell me what's going on..."
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The only good thing about this is that Leo is so caught up in his mess that he's not acting weird around Ara. She's kind of glad Buford ran away. Leo thought she'd get angry, but honestly? She would've made the same mistake, so she's quite understanding. 
"Oh," Piper whispers, stopping dead in her tracks. "This isn't good." 
"It's bad luck to be here," Jason explains, but to Ara, it suddenly sounds like it's coming from behind a wall. "This is the battle site."
"What battle?"
"I told you," Ara speaks, unmoving. "The Battle of the Labyrinth." 
Leo grimaces. "Oh... Great. Buford had to run to the most dangerous part of the woods. He couldn't just, like, run to the beach or a burger shop."
Ara remembers the carnage with ample clarity: the way her clothes ended up bloodstained and muddy after carrying the dead campers out of here. She remembers Michael's vow, and—
"Does Buford have a round tabletop with little steam vents sticking up on one side?" Piper asks.
"How did you know?"
"Because he's right over there."
Ara tries to snap out of her war flashbacks. "Oh... good."
"That was easy," Jason tries to walk to the other end of the clearing but Leo stops him.
"Someone's coming!"
"Shh!" The boy drags them behind what used to be Zeus's fist. 
A bunch of girls skip into the clearing looking very much wasted. "They're just nymphs, Leo," Piper says, but Leo's eyes widen as she tries to stand and keeps her down.
"Crazy cousins!" He reminds them.
"Are they drunk?" Jason asks under his breath. 
A drakon slips into the scene and growls at the nymphs, but they keep giggling and fooling around like they don't care at all. 
"We've got to help them," Piper urges them. "They'll be killed!" 
"No," Ara frowns. No nymph would be so stoic about a drakon crashing their slumber party. "Let's wait."
"Ara, those are just—"
"Be quiet!" She interrupts Jason. "Stay hidden, that's an order."
It doesn't take long before her suspicions get confirmed. One of the girls approaches the creature asking if he's Dionysus, the drakon tries to burn her, and they skin the beast alive like it's a piñata.
"I saw something like this once," Ara gulps. "In that spooky movie with the clown..."
"IT?" Jason asks hoarsely.
"Oh, gods," Piper covers her eyes in terror. "Oh, gods!"
"I read about these nymphs," Leo says, trying to keep it together. "They're followers of Dionysus. I forget what they're called—" 
"Maenads," Piper continues, pressing closer to Ara. "I've heard of them. I thought they only existed in ancient times. They attended Dionysus's parties. When they got too excited..." 
"We have to get out of here," Jason concludes. 
"But they're between us and Buford! And we've only got—" Leo looks at his watch. "Thirty minutes to get the syncopator installed!" 
"Maybe I can fly us over to Buford?" Jason offers, but after a while, he gives up. "I don't know... the air feels agitated. Maybe those nymphs are messing things up. Even the wind spirits are too nervous to get close." 
"That's encouraging," Ara mutters.
"We should call Pollo."
"He's not going anywhere near those girls! They make sirens look stupid!"
"We'll have to retreat to the woods, then. If we can skirt around the Maenads—" 
Ara lets out a high-pitched scream that Leo is quick to muffle with his hand. The maenad continues like nothing's going on. 
"Are you Dionysus?" 
"Yes!" Leo pipes in quickly. "Absolutely. I am Dionysus." 
He pulls Ara up and places her between him and the crazy girls. Ara's grip tightens around her sword.
"Wonderful! My lord Dionysus? Really?" 
"Um, Lord Dionysus, what are you doing?" Piper stands behind them with the dagger in hand.
"Everything's cool! The Maenads are my attendants. I love these guys."
"Lord Dionysus, are these three sacrifices for the party? Should we rip them to pieces?" 
"No, no! Great offer, but, um, you know, maybe we should start small. With, like, introductions."
"Surely you remember me, my lord. I am Babette," the girl raises a brow.
"Um, right!" Leo gulps. "Babette! Of course." 
She continues to introduce the rest of the girls and Ara studies them making quick assessments. These are a bunch of nymphs that would make Samara Morgan go back to her creepy VHS and never look back. It doesn't look well for them.
"An interesting form you've chosen, my lord," Babette examines Leo uncomfortably close to his face. "Youthful. Cute, I suppose. Yet... somewhat scrawny and short." 
"Scrawny and short?" Ara sees his eye twitch. "Well, you know. I was going for cute, mostly."
"So, my lord," Babette grazes Leo's arm with her fingertips and Ara has to suppress the urge to slap them away. "Where have you been? We've searched for so long!" 
"Where have I—? Oh, you know! I've been doing, um, wine stuff. Yeah. Red wine. White wine. All those other kinds of wine. Love that wine. I've been so busy working—" Ara shakes her head frantically to shut him up.
"Work! Work!" The Maneads echo his words with horror. "Work! Sacrilege! Kill work!" 
"He means partying!" Piper corrects him. "Partying! Lord Dionysus has been busy partying all over the world. He's been teaching the daughter of Olympus how to live life! Right, Ara?"
The girl elbows her and Ara coughs out. "S-Sure! He's the man!" 
"Yeah! Ha-ha. Partying. Right. I've been so busy partying." 
"Who is this one, my lord? A recruit for the Maenads, perhaps?" 
"Oh. She's my, uh, party planner."
"What a shame," Babette is clearly the smart one of the group, which annoys Ara. "We can't allow mortals to witness our sacred revels."
"But I could be a recruit!" Piper insists. "Do you guys have a website? Or a list of requirements? Er, do you have to be drunk all the time?" 
"Drunk! Don't be silly. We're underage Maenads. We haven't graduated to wine yet. What would our parents think?"
"You have parents?" Jason pushes one of the Maenads away from him. "So... what are you guys drinking if it isn't wine?"
"The beverage of the season! Behold the power of the thyrsus rod! Eggnog!" Babette slams her staff against the ground and makes a geyser of the liquid burst out from there.
"You're... drunk on eggnog?" Piper wrinkles her nose.
"It's New Year's Eve," Ara points out plainly, as if that would mean anything to crazy people.
The conversation backfires to their detriment.
"Hey, um, Dionysus... maybe we should talk. Like, in private. You know... about party stuff?" Jason tries.
"We'll be right back! Just wait here, you guys. Okay?"
"No, you will stay," Babette glares at Leo. "You do not act like Dionysus. Those who fail to honor the god, those who dare to work instead of partying—they must be ripped apart. And anyone who dares to impersonate the god, he must die even more painfully." 
"Wine! Did I mention how much I love wine?" 
"If you are the god of parties, you will know the order of our revelries. Prove it! Lead us!" 
Ara raises her sword slashing at the air sideways to force the nymphs to backtrack. She also uses her charmspeak. "Step back!"
While the nymphs stumble to get away, Piper shouts "Pollo!" at the top of her lungs, and the Nemean lion runs into the scene roaring like crazy. He tackles a few drunk girls in the process, and Ara jumps on his back.
"Hop in!"
"Kill the unbelievers!" Babette snarls. 
Leo grabs a bottle from his belt and throws the contents on the girls. He summons balls of fire and hurls them at the group while the lion takes them away. 
The nymphs, of course, are unbothered by this. One of them lifts a rock from what was formerly Zeus's fist and chucks it in their general direction. "Veer left!" Leo shouts.
Ara pulls Pollo's mane to the side and makes him leap between trees. The lion is fast, but the girls have inhuman speed too, and they're not far behind. 
"How do we beat them?!" Jason screams. "They're immune to fire—They're super strong." 
"We can't kill them," Piper replies. 
"There has to be a way!" Leo says. 
"No. We can't kill them!" Piper insists, holding onto Ara's waist. "Anyone who kills a Maenad is cursed by Dionysus. Haven't you read the old stories? People who kill his followers go crazy or get morphed into animals or... well, bad stuff." 
"Worse than letting the Maenads rip us to shreds? That's just great," Jason scoffs, trying not to slip off Pollo's back. "So we have to stop them without killing them. Anyone got a really big piece of flypaper?"
"A net!" Ara exclaims. "I can make one!"
Pollo stops and they hide behind a large tree, the Maneads seem to have momentarily lost track of them. 
"We have twenty minutes until Bunker Nine explodes," Piper announces as she slips off the lion's back.
"It's impossible."
"We're dead."
"Shut up," Ara rummages through her backpack. "Deadlines are my favored stimuli and this one sure is deadly. Leo, I need..." She lists several items that he's quick to pull out from his belt. Five minutes later she's got a shrinking net-trap ready to go. "Beckendorf's finest."
"You're amazing," Leo stares at it and then at her like he can't believe she's real. Ara's creation has given him an idea. "I've got it! Jason, Ara, you'll have to find Buford. You know which way he went. Circle back and find him, then bring him to the bunker, quick!"
"What about you two?" 
"We're going to lead the Maenads out of your way," Leo takes the trap from Ara's hand. "Straight to Bunker Nine."
"Excuse me, but isn't Bunker Nine about to explode?" Piper questions.
 "Yes, but if I can get the Maenads inside, I have a way to take care of them!"
"Even if you can, we'll still have to find Buford and get the syncopator back to you in twenty minutes, or you, Piper, and a dozen crazy nymphs will blow up."
"Jason, seriously, it's like you don't know us," Ara raises a brow. "We're masters of unlikely."
"Trust us," Leo checks his watch again. "And it's nineteen minutes now." 
"I love this plan," Piper grabs Jason and kisses him. "In case I explode. Please hurry."
Ara climbs back onto Pollo and pulls Jason up behind her. "Good luck!"
As they rush up the hill, she glances at Jason over her shoulder and frowns. Before she can even ask, he blabs out an explanation. "Yeah, we started dating last week—look where we're going!"
"I can't believe I missed that!" She pouts. "Did you get thrown into the lake? That's the tradition here, you know?"
"Yeah, Piper's siblings took care of it," he snorts. "I'm sorry, Ara, this isn't how we wanted to welcome you back."
"No worries, I've had worse welcomes," Ara admits, though she's enjoying herself a lot.
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"Just hug the table!"
"Don't yell at me!" Jason screams back.
Ara's holding him by the waist while Pollo takes them to the bunker. Buford wasn't that hard to find but it is quite sneaky for a table. Jason had to seize it in a deadlock and now he's trapped in that position while the girl drags him and Buford like ragdolls through the forest.
Pollo storms into the bunker and Jason drops the table as soon as they enter, causing it to slide across the floor making a screeching noise that hurts their ears. Ara drops Jason and jumps off her lion stumbling over her feet. 
"Watch the cage!" She orders her pet as she runs past the trapped Maneads.
Leo hugs his table. "I'm so sorry, Buford. I promise I'll never take you for granted again. Only Lemon Pledge with extra-moisturizing formula, my friend. Anytime you want it!"
"We've got two minutes left!" Piper informs them, lifting Jason off the ground.
Ara moves Leo out of the way and opens Buford's drawer. Leo runs ahead and guides her to the combustion chamber. "Help, Hephaestus!" She pleads out loud.
Leo opens a lid once and Ara quickly places the syncopator in position. She seizes tubes and connects them to it as fast as she can with Leo's help. When they finish, she closes the chamber and keeps her hands on the lid, as if fearing it will snap open.
"Guys?" Jason calls from outside, he can't see them.
"Hold on!" Leo responds. "Hey, you're glowing!"
"What?" Ara looks down.
The combustion chamber starts abruptly, the engine roars to life and drops into a steady purring. Leo places his hand on the surface to make sure everything's working, but Ara's the one who speaks.
"No clusters or leaking. Might need to stabilize it properly by hand 'cause some liquids are out of sync," she says, her palms remaining firmly placed on the lid.
The boy stares at her in surprise. "How do you know?"
"He blessed me!" She gasps and looks back at him. "Your dad blessed me!"
"No way!" Leo holds her by the shoulders. "How does it feel?"
"Amazing!" The girl holds him in the same way, her adrenaline is off the charts and it's making her feel more alive than ever, she feels like she can conquer the world. "I'm so glad Nico stole my T-Rex!"
"No idea what that means!" Leo looks at her with pride, his brown eyes softening as he speaks. "I don't care what Hercules and Achilles did to get their titles, you're still my favorite."
Ara kisses him. Leo makes a weird noise and flames erupt from the top of his head, but Ara doesn't move, she can't feel the heat. Buford bumps into her and makes her lose balance, she breaks the kiss and holds onto Leo's forearms to steady herself.
"Guys?" Piper speaks up. "What's that noise? Is it working?"
"Y-Yeah!" Leo replies, keeping Ara in place. "That's the sound of an engine not exploding!"
He faints abruptly, dragging her along.
"Holy—!" Ara tries to stand and pull him back up but fails. "Jason!"
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Next chapter ->
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myaoiboy · 9 months
Rating All The Metal Gears By Hotness
No, not the characters. Yes, literally the Metal Gears. If I forgot any, let me know.
Metal Gear TX-55 - 4/10
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This is just a lil guy. A friend, even. Reminiscent of a gonk droid from Star Wars. Sucks that he was made to do murdering. I can see where someone would find appeal, but not really for me.
Metal Gear D - 6/10
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This one I can see. He got some depth to him. Kinda shiny. More smooth, less boxy. Kind of insectoid. In most franchises this would be like an 8, but it gets knocked down because of what comes later being so much sexier.
Also can I say that MG2's spriting? Mwah. Chef's kiss. So pretty. Didn't even read the intro the first time I started it up bc I was marveling at the pretty spritework. I fucking love good spritework, just find it so much more satisfying than equivalent-quality 3D art.
Metal Gear G - 2/10
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Never actually completed or seen in game. Was supposed to be a smaller, mass produced version of D. Kinda sexy, loses points for being so fictional that it's only theoretical even in the games.
Metal Gear REX - 7/10
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OOOO YEAH, NOW WE'RE TALKIN'!! SHINKAWA ERA BAYBEY!!! Man's got impeccable taste. He could make a literal slab of titanium look inviting.
Rex is not the sexiest Metal Gear to me, partly bc Otacon treats it like a son or a pet dog and I find a 25-yo's son-analogue to be offputting. BUT. I must concede. REX is the blueprint for all the sexy traits to come. He's got the hips. He's got the saunter. He's just a lil too brutalist for me.
Metal Gear RAY - 11/10
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I know I have psychological problems because this thing's childbearing hips and murderous mandibles distract me during the boss fight.
Why is it so sexy?? What the fuck?? It's like mecha furrybait but specifically for people who are into garrus mass effect. Please tell me I'm not the only one, I'm pretty sure my boyfriend thinks I'm insane.
Arsenal Gear - 4/10
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Basically just an aircraft carrier. I would say not fuckable but it DOES, canonically, have a digestive tract and asshole so like. Technically fuckable I think. But at what cost?
Honorable mention for making me deal with Raiden's daddy issues and fight the sexy mech in this thing's enormous rectum (damn near killed 'em).
Shagohod - 4/10
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Not technically a metal gear. I can see the appeal, but it doesn't *quite* nail the drider-esque niche for me. It does get a bonus point for the way it moves being kinda sensual tho. Additional bonus point for being piloted by an evil fa-
Intercontinental Ballistic Metal Gear - 0/10
literally could not even find an image of this that wasn't completely dwarfed by the Saturn V rocket attached to it. Not really much to look at. If you've always wanted to fuck a Saturn V, I guess this would be a good way to get introduced.
Metal Gear RAXA - 2/10
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Somehow managed to capture "first day of kindergarten" energy in a death machine. I could be convinced based on its behavior tho. Damn, Portable Ops kind of an L design-wise, huh?
Gekkos - 9.5/10
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And the feet. Like, we gotta talk about the feet. Why? Why the toes? Why does it stomp on me with its weirdly well-defined toes??? Did they make this mech specifically to appeal to dinosaur foot fetishists? Why does it bleed? Why does it MOO???
Extremely fuckable to the point that it loses half a point purely because it *feels* like horny bait.
Dwarf Gekkos - 7.5/10
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This is an object that feels like it was designed by and for lesbians. I have no notes. Slightly offputting only due to the odd number of hands but it IS the perfect number for some activities, so honestly that may be a plus.
Metal Gear Mk II/III - 1/10
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Adorable. Not fuckable. This is a gopro with a personality. Not to be confused with the vampiric gopro with a personality from Ultrakill, V1. Literally just a baby.
Outer Haven - 5.5/10
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Only technically a Metal Gear by virtue of technically being a stolen Arsenal Gear which is technically a Metal Gear. Gains .25 each for being the site of the infamous russian tuant
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and whatever fucked up display of devoted homosexuality this is:
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also additional bonus point for being piloted by an evil fa-
Pupa - 3/10
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This is just the Shagohod but with an AI pod. -1 for being touched by Huey, but balanced out by the +1 from being made by Strangelove. Even if it IS creepy that she made her dead crush/girlfriend's psyche pilot it around.
Crysalis - 6/10
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Not super sexy but it does fly and has a rail gun where one could feasibly conceptualize a dick. Kinda MILF-like (has mini-drones). Has a grappling hook, so could do bondage. Probably would, ngl.
Cocoon - 1/10
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Pupa, but less sexy. I barely even remember this boss fight because the game became such a rush right around here, pushing you to the postgame/first ending.
Peace Walker - 7/10
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Weird dog, functioning by sheer lesbian willpower. She is beauty, she is grace, she would probably rate a lot higher if my emulator didn't suck ass and make me angry every time I see her now, fuck that bitch.
Rage aside, who doesn't love killing their momgirlfriend and then reliving that multiple times throughout the course of a single game, culminating in her just straight up pulling a Virginia Woolf.
Metal Gear Zeke - 6/10
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Really just nothing that special. Okay, wait, +2 for being piloted by an evil little girl in her panties for some fucking reason.
Also +1 for the sick ass boss fight.
Walker Gear(s) - 8/10
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HERE we go!!! Hell Yeah Babey!!! Basically human sized! Has lil Fuckin' Roller Skates!!! Carries My Ammo! My Best Friend! (Okay, third best friend, after Quiet and DD)
Yeah Huey developed it but it gets WAY more bonus points for letting me manhandle him.
Sahelanthropus - 7/10
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I can't deny the raw sex appeal of Sahelanthropus. Also, it's literally piloted by pubescent rage which is something I deeply resonate with ngl.
HOWEVER it DOES get docked points for uhhh
-getting strangelove killed
-making baby otacon a child soldier
-huey :/
Battle Gear - 0/10
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Is there even a single frame of this entire thing? Especially without Huey??
negative 1 billion points for blue balling me in the late game, i want to ride this motherfucker right into the kgb outposts and let 'em have it for what they did to babygirl
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leviathanverse · 8 months
Chapter 21: Soft side Inosuke
No matter how much you tried, you couldn't stop thinking about the death of the Apatasaur.
The dinosaur, the I-rex, proved itself to be able to take down sauropods. Not to mention an Apatasaur.
If it was able to kill a sauropod, then there was no doubt that it would take all of you down. Not Zika or Nezuko, you think.
Both were dromeoasaurids, and were capable of short flight. Not to mention maybe a bit faster and great tree climbers.
No- EXCELLENT tree climbers. They had the claws and muscle power to climb those large plants.
" Um- we might have a problem?"
" Oh no... what is it?"
" The raptors- they are communicating with the I-rex."
" That- that's impossible!"
Zika and Nezuko seemed to understand everyone's shock and fear. You saw them start to comfort your new friends out of the corner of your eye.
" I think not."
You turned to look at Inosuke. He looked serious for once. Not being stupid or rash. Just- just straight up serious.
" What do you mean, Inosuke?"
" I think that thing,"
He pointed at the I-rex communicate with the raptors. His green eyes narrowed at the screen.
" is part raptor."
" WHAT?!"
" Whatever DNA they cooked up in that lab to create it, would have to contain T-rex DNA and Velociraptor DNA. Might be possible that it has other dinosaur DNA in its genetic code."
Now he was talking Greek. But, to be fair, you didn't understand a word he just said. You almost thought he was a different person for a split second.
But you recognized him when you saw him focused on reality again. This was one crazy and confusing person ever.
" I am sorry, but since when could you be this serious?"
" Shush, Zinetsu!"
" Eh?"
At this point, you and Inosuke watched Tanjiro begin to scold Zinetsu. Zika and Nezuko just sat behind you two.
Inosuke and you turned to look at each other, before slowly looking back at the chaos that had ensued
What a wonderful thing to watch.
" Should I..."
" Eh, Gonpachiro should be fine."
You just didn't question it, and went back to looking at the cameras. You didn't see the four dromeoasaurids and the I-rex anymore.
That wouldn't be good. Not when it came down to your escape plan. Now you had to look for other ways to get to the lab!
It was going to be a long time of planning. Not to mention the fact how hungry everyone was except you.
Maybe it was because you were used to not eating a lot in one day? You have been able to not eat for an entire day.
But looking at your friends...
You turned your head to look over your shoulder. Zika and Nezuko were to worry about.
Zika could only eat so many insects while Nezuko needed to eat meat. She was a carnivore after all.
You were worried about Inosuke the most. He was VERY stubborn, but the way he held his stomach?
It was as if he was trying to ease the pain.
You gritted your teeth. You didn't like seeing anyone in pain. Despite Inosuke being stubborn and a prick, you saw him as a good friend.
" ..."
You sighed, rubbing your temples as a migraine hit you. Probably from getting almost no fluids in your body.
You resumed back to the cameras. Camera 06-0 had nothing going on and same for the other cameras.
All except camera 09-8.
And what you saw terrified you. You almost screamed, but shock thankfully prevented you from doing so.
Camera 09-8 showed the Spinosaurus inching closer to where you had entered. You were terrified.
Inosuke yelled so suddenly, causing you to jump in the air. You quickly whipped your head in time to see him open the bunker door and leave.
" Inosuke! No-"
" And he is gone."
You groaned, before going to the door and closed it.
After you had gone out of the bunker yourself. You could hear Tanjiro and Zinetsu yell at you from the bunker.
" I am regretting this already."
You weren't joking. You were regretting your actions and choice. You shouldn't have left the bunker.
Left Zika and the other three...
You just had to find Inosuke, stop him from trying to punch the Spinosaurus and go back! It couldn't be that complicated, right?
You were wrong.
It was a lot more complicated than you had thought originally. It wasn't very simple when you were lost in the tunnels.
Not to mention having a Spinosaurus being in the tunnels as well. He had chased you away from the smaller tunnels and into the larger ones.
Clever dinosaur.
" Stop squirming!"
You whispered to Inosuke, who was struggling in your hold. For a woman, you were very strong.
Well- not as strong as Mitsuri, but strong enough to keep someone in place. Inosuke was being a bit of an angry ch-
" Oh crumbles..."
You made sure to hold your hand over his mouth when the Spinosaurus began inching closer to where you and Inosuke hid.
He kept making noise, the muffled sounds drawing the dinosaur closer to where you two had hid.
" Shut up!"
You whacked him with your other hand, and he immediately stopped. You panicked, thinking you had knocked him out.
He just put his hand over yours that had covered his mouth. His touch was gentle. Not to mention that he had very soft skin.
He didn't make any more sounds. He seemed to understand your fear, and decided to stay quiet for your sake.
Maybe he wasn't such a prick after all.
The dinosaur's snout was next to you both. Teeth as white as can be inches away from you both.
You squeezed your eyes shut, sweating. You tried so hard to not let your breathing quicken.
You hoped so hard to not pass out. To let the dinosaur to find you both. You felt Inosuke squeeze your hand reassuringly.
You felt reassured, but not enough to calm down. He was acting... so caring and soft towards you now. It felt... nice.
Why was he acting like this? Why now put of all times? Was it because you were panicking that much?
You prayed for the Gods to spare you. Silently. Hopefully you going to receive mercy from them.
But they weren't. They weren't going to show mercy. They were showing no mercy to you after giving you a break. They were waiting for this moment. To see you suffer, a nice concoction of fear and other negative emotions in their cocktails. They were enjoying this path a lot.
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genshinimpactlife · 2 years
Can you give me headcanons of Ningguang becoming pregnant by Zhongli and gaining increased geo powers.
That shouldn't be possible (I dunno if demigods are a thing in genshin lore), she did use protection yet somehow it happened. She then asks him if he is Rex Lapis and reveals her lower stomach which had typical geo markings. What if out of sense of duty he asks for her hand in marriage.
As soon as the child born and a few months old, rumours emerge that he is the mortal incarnation of rex lapis since the baby is sourrounded by geo energy all the time without a vision of course. You also have those fanatics that still cling to Rex Lapis and think this child is destined to rule solely over Liyue. Ningguang gets more revered.
Though I am not sure if people would start to think Zhongli is Rex Lapis or if they treat him like Joseph. Probably the latter.
Zhongli Gets Ningguang Pregnant
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Ningguang knew something was wrong when her period was late.
She put off taking a test out of fear, but she knew she would have to do it sooner or later.
She and Zhongli had used protection, yet here she was, staring at those two lines that meant she was pregnant.
She didn't say anything to Zhongli immediately, deciding to wait a few weeks before telling him.
In truth, she was deciding what to do, if she would have the child or not. Could she really take care of one with all the duties she has?
When she was about three months pregnant, she decided to finally tell Zhongli, but not just because she was starting to get a slight bump… something strange was beginning to happen.
She never once had issues controlling her vision, and now she was activating it when she had no intention of doing so.
Not to mention her powers have only gotten stronger since becoming pregnant.
When she finally sat Zhongli down and told him she was pregnant, he was clearly surprised.
"I have something important to ask you, Zhongli."
Ningguang looked down at her stomach before lifting her shirt. She had one large Geo marking right in the middle of her stomach.
"Rex Lapis isn't dead… is he?"
Zhongli never confirmed nor denied what Ningguang said, instead taking her hand and talking about the child.
He brought up marriage, and Ningguang didn't agree to it right away. She had never intended to have kids or get married; she needed time to think.
But, as the months rolled by and her pregnancy became obvious, things became more complicated.
The energy that surrounded Ningguang was that of a god, and people took notice of it, especially those who still obsessively followed Rex Lapis, those who believed he would be back.
Word started to spread that Ningguang was carrying the reincarnation of Rex Lapis. Ningguang became even more famous, and people would go as far as bow to her when she passed.
Zhongli is just in the background sweating bullets at all of this.
Everyone is so close yet so far from the truth, and it's just making things difficult for the two who are just trying to have a child.
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mnyehlike · 2 years
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also whats tallyho about
im so glad you asked. im going to explode. the official pitch packet is here, now sit down and buckle up for my kinda abridged explanation based on what i know.
ok so basically there is a gay taiwanese kid and his irish adoptive father. they are running an outreach centre for monsters out of the poor part of town. there will be hijinks, lowjinks, and everything in between. quoth the packet, it is "a story revolving around outcasts" linked by coincidence to an "odd and incomprehensible fate". GAAAH I LOVE THIS grr bites it explodes
it takes place in a tax haven off the coast of england (factually incorrect i think but its funnier to describe it like that) run by a man i have been attacked REPEATEDLY over discord for liking (they are so mean to me) (but go look at salem and tell me im incorrect) and it is steampunk with heart and passion. the world itself is REALLY FUCKING INTERESTING from what they have in the pitch packet PLEEEEEASE READ IT but basically there is both steampunk AND magic and they have a SPECIAL OUTERSPACE ROCK which has magic properties (everyone loves a magic space rock) and. and the beasts. ough. the beasts...the space rocks turn men into beasts. go look at the beasts the art is very pretty. ALL THE ART IS PRETTY EXPLODES. explodes explodes the behind the scenes art is also VERY GOOD i cannot say anything on the matter though or i will be banned from the daycare aNYWAYS FOLLOW SKULLHARESTUDIOS ON TWT/TUMBLR/YOUTUBE TO STAY UP TO DATE!!! fucking watch tallyho i'll explode you with my mind if you don't
12 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
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this is the first piece ive genuinely been proud of my entire fight so fuck it. it goes on tumblr. here’s my af btw
artfight attack for @tired-t-rex​ and @superbellsubways​
17 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
im told that @asscrackcreed​ made this tier list. im ranking these guys based on whether id date them. if you ask me to elaborate i wont [link]
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19 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
he made the screen my favourite colour :]
26 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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26 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
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meltherebel22 · 1 year
Star Wars Tag Game
Tagged by my favorite local Star Wars lesbians @thestarwarslesbian
1. Ride Or Die Ship (Your OTP): Codywan or literally Obi-wan/Clone Troopers
2. Most Annoying Ship: Rexsoka (I see them as siblings, sometimes with Ahsoka being the little sister). Also this is just me but Obitine, they bicker and fight like siblings to me.
3. Second Favorite Ship: Codex or Cody/CCs like Fox, Wolffe, etc.
4. Favorite Platonic Relationship: Plo & Ahsoka or even Plo & every clone (his children), I also like Obi-wan and Quinlan
5. Unrated Ship: Wooley/Cody or Wooley/212st. I’ve since some amazing fanfics of this and it’s incredible, Wooley is literally the baby submissive that sometimes bites back. And also Quinlan/Ventress, I felt like Obi-wan and Bant would kick his ass then accept him.
6. Overrated Ship: I feel like Obitine is kinda overrated bc it’s kind of a toxic relationship. Also Tech/Phee, I don’t really think Tech would be comfortable in any type of romantic relationship but that’s my opinion. And maybe Foxiyo, no hate towards the ship but I just feel like Riyo is gay for some reason, idk.
7. One Thing I Would Change In Canon: Fives dying bc I think he would be sick in TBB and kick ass, I also want Waxer and Boil to return to Numa.
8. Something Canon Did Right: Tales Of The Jedi, I loved seeing Obi-wan and Anakin again. Favorite episode is where Anakin trains Ahsoka against 501st.
9. A Thing I’m Proud Of Creating For The Fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: I guess my fanfiction story called Tiger Lily Hysteria
10. A Character Who Is Prefect To Me (Wouldn’t Change A Thing): I’m stuck between Omega and Cody, also Rex and Ahsoka. I feel like they were made prefectly.
11. The Character I Relate Most To And Why: I felt like I can relate to Tech bc I’m terrible with people and social cues. Also with Obi-wan bc of his kinda toxic relationship with his master Qui-gon, I see it has father & son and I have a bad relationship with my dad.
12. Character(s) I Hate The Most And Why: Everyone hates Krell and so do I bc of obvious reasons and for some reason I just hate Bo-Katan. I can’t tell you why bc I don’t not know why I hate her.
13. Something I’ve Learned From The Fandom: Be a mandalorian, have morals that you can live with, also if you see someone alone within the age range of 0-200 years old, they are free to adopt.
14. Three Tags I Seek Out On Ao3: Hurt Obi-wan or hurt Fox, blind or mute obi-wan. I just really love blind obi-wan fanfics.
15. A Song I Strongly Associate With My OTP/Favorite Character: Children Of Machine By DAGames & CG5. I love it for any clone, imma nerd out about this song now.
Lyrics (These are how I see the lyrics, I’ll show you two verses):
Verse One:
He lives on through us (Jango Fett)
Born from darkness, born from lust (Literally born for war and created by money/lust)
'Cause when we reach the end
We do it all over again (I see it as them willing to die for each other again and again)
Versus Two:
Follow me, we are children of the machine (Literally bc they were made my machines)
Barely human in a city built on broken dreams (Barely human bc they are seen and looked at like replaceable machines. Broken city relates to either Kamino or Coruscant, Kamino is all about money and experiments, Coruscant is literally about money and politics. They both probably had dreams at one point but now they forget how to be people so they are broken dreams)
Follow me, we are children of the machine (Uh, uh-uh, uh-uh)
Barely human in a city built on broken dreams
There is more versus’s and lines I like but these are my top favs. I also like the beat bc it sounds like foot stomps and I just immediately them marching down a hall.
NPT: I’m Really Friends With Anyone But Here & Nobody Will Probably Reply But That’s Okay 👌
@oonaluna-art @mandowords @zinzinina @alamogirl80 @izzyovercoffee @necrophatic @commander-sunshine
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shinyelectracey · 2 years
okay... if everyone talks about toodles that literally appeared 5 seconds in the series...
why nobody talks about him?:
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I mean... just look at him
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opalesense · 3 years
Dick headcanons for Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, and Zhongli? 👀
dick headcanons
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kaeya, diluc, childe, zhongli & gn!reader (NSFW)
1.1k words • ~9 min. read
warnings: cockwarming, blood mention, size difference, liyue arc spoilers
notes: SUPER delayed response (i’m so sorry) because i genuinely took a couple days to think about some fictional characters’ dicks??? i think it’s time to touch some grass?? ANYWAY i hope i did this request justice, i’ve never thought about this stuff in detail before :0
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i’ve always imagined that kaeya really has some LENGTH. he’s slightly above average so it’s not monstrously large, but he can definitely hit your sweet spots with ease or no effort at all.
it’s to the point where he can easily make bulges in your throat or your stomach. he absolutely loves watching his entire length disappear inside you and will either tease you about how he fits inside so well or how he’s so big that he can’t fit in you. just depends, of course.
cockwarming!!!! especially if you take his entire length in so well, expect him to ask if he can bury himself in you when the opportunity presents itself.
not super related to the topic but he’s the type to “fake bang” you if you’re bent over just to tease you. also the type to discretely grind his bulge against you when he’s in the mood, whether you’re hugging, cooking a meal, or even in the middle of a conversation with someone. he will not hesitate to let you know he wants you by letting you feel how hard you make him.
i don’t think many people talk about this but i imagine he’s uncircumcised... it’s going to sound so stupid but the “always hiding something” characterization... i’ll stop talking, you probably get it now HAHA
very well groomed down there! he truly does care about appearances and cleanliness after all. you never have to worry about poor hygiene with him in general. even though he loves doing dirty things with you there’s no doubt that he will always keep his dick as clean as possible. (shouldn’t everyone, though?)
he loves feeling tightness around his cock. whether it’s your hand pumping him or his form fitting pants restricting his bulge, firm pressure against that area can make his heart race. sometimes he can just be so needy for his cock to get attention.
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despite being around average size he really has some girth on him! his cock is deliciously thick, that’s for sure.
twitchy! you can learn what he loves by the way his cock or his hips will twitch in excitement, almost as if it has a mind of its own. sometimes he can get so lost in the feeling and become speechless that those twitches would be your only indicator to keep doing what you’re doing.
his tip is so sensitive... if you lick that specific spot underneath his head or use your fingers to squeeze his tip, he will absolutely lose his mind. he also likes to shallow fuck you sometimes, loving the feeling of penetrating you over and over again.
that being said, expect him to usually take things slow and steady at first. he loves seeing the way his cock stretches you out, and especially loves seeing your hole gaping open to match his thickness. the feeling of pushing your walls apart because of how thick he is is always enough to make him weak at the knees.
he loves when you inflate his ego a little by using two hands to jerk him off rather than one. he especially loves when you use one hand to massage his balls, another sensitive spot of his. seeing you so eager and dedicated to please him will always send his heart pounding.
i like to imagine he has big, thick loads too to match his fat cock... he would definitely love dumping his cum inside you then letting it spill out so he can fuck it back inside again, penetrating you until your entrance is sore and covered in his load.
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this man is packing. he’s huge. nothing anyone can say will change my mind. out of this entire boy band group, this man packs the most. even his in game model has been proven to have such a fat cock that his bulge can literally be seen from behind???
it can tear you apart! hell, maybe it could make you bleed if he’s a touch too rough with you. but we all know that’s secretly what he would love to see... his bloodthirst might extend to intercourse too.
despite this, of course he would make sure your comfortable with his size first and would adjust accordingly in normal circumstances. he’s aware of how big he is and doesn’t want to make you feel genuine pain. maybe in other circumstances where he needs to take out his frustrations, he might not be so considerate...
if you gently touch or lick the veins that travel on the underside of his cock he goes a little feral! his veins are his weakness, just imagine the shaky moans he lets out as you tease him by tracing your finger along those veins... god help me
i believe in size kink foul legacy childe supremacy... his cock is already above average in size when he’s his normal self, but when he transforms you often tremble in borderline fear wondering how he could fit inside you. it’s mind boggling how the size difference is humanly possible.
(un?)fortunately, he can’t keep this form up for very long but rest assured he loves seeing the look on your face when he fucks you silly on such a fat cock, even if it’s just for mere moments.
that being said, expect childe to be super cocky about his size. his ego swells whenever you swoon over how big he is and he’s definitely the type of person to use this to his advantage by teasing and pushing your buttons.
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several sources have stated that rex lapis was able to change and alter his form freely... surely if zhongli could still do this even with his gnosis taken away, he would change his size to your preference if needed.
if you wanted his cock to rip you open, just say the word and he will do so accordingly. but if you’re feeling a little more mellow and wanted things to be gentle, he would gladly alter himself to be average size, or even smaller if you wanted.
but when i say he can alter his form, you best be sure that he can make it so he has two cocks at once. yes i believe in double cock zhongli supremacy... do with that information what you will.
since zhongli isn’t exactly human, his cock doesn’t exactly match that of a human’s either. in his most natural form without any changes being made, his cock is tougher and firmer than a normal human’s muscle. it doesn’t squish easy to the touch, but it’s not completely rock solid as you’d expect, which is quite ironic coming from a geo god.
you notice his veins on his cock, just like the rest of his body, are golden. they only actually show up when he’s reaching his climax where they’ll glow brighter if he’s getting closer to his orgasm. finally, with each pump of cum he lets out, these veins start pulsing with light until they eventually dim when he’s calming down from his high.
weird, huh?
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jade-parcels · 3 years
Heya! Can you write nsfw hc for osial and azhdaha? I'm mostly wondering abt first times with their s/o and what they like/what they do thank u!
;) ignore any errors, I wrote this in one sitting and posted without rereading :)
- NOTSFW!! Minors don’t interact with this post! -
Azhdaha is definitely more primal. He’s a gentle giant of course but with all the growling, grunting, clumsy pawing, biting…yeah, he’s a dragon alright
Azhdaha fully devoted himself to Rex Lapis centuries ago and followed him around like a puppy. Now that he is called ‘Zhongli’ and has retired from archon duties…Azhdaha has devoted himself to you. He’d do anything you asked. He’ll take you roughly from behind, fingers digging into your skin hard enough to leave long lasting bruises. Or…He’ll fully submit to you, allowing you to do whatever you please with his body
Azhdaha is soooo sensitive to your touch, he’d do anything to have your warm hands trailing over his skin, your pretty fingers wrapped around his throbbing cock oh archons-
When Azhdaha in his submissive mindset, he will truly obey your every command. He’ll lay back as you torture his weeping cock with featherlight touches and kisses, sobbing as you tell him not to come undone until you give him permission
As long as he gets to sink himself into your tight hole or into your welcoming mouth, he’s happy, he doesn’t care how it happens because whenever he gets to have sex with you, he’ll always treasure that time with you
He does enjoy being rough too though, don’t get me wrong. He adores the sight of you on all fours for him, begging him to fill you up. Once you start begging like that…You’re In for a long, wild night with without breaks 0-0
For your first time together he refuses to be rough with you, he’s gentle, murmuring sweet compliments against your skin as he litters your neck and cheeks with kisses. Though the sweet mood is kinda ruined when he thrusts up into you for the first time and you feel how far he’s stretching you…ouch…but…not a bad ouch…
Keep in mind…He’s like 6’5…huge, muscular…And he’s got a fat cock, he’s got length, girth and veins 0-0
He is the king of aftercare, very clingy but very kind. He’ll change the sheets, get you washed up and in new, clean pajamas. Then you’re in for the cuddle of your life! You’re wrapped up in those strong arms, face smothered into his tits chest…ah…What a nice life to live
Osial is very good at controlling his urges but when he’s horny he’ll let you know
It doesn’t matter where you are, he’ll lean over to whisper obscenities in your ear, keeping a straight face the whole time. He thinks it’s cute when you get flustered
He tends to take things slow just cause 1. He’s a tease 2. He’s old fashioned
He takes good care of his clothes, he folds them when he takes them off, yours too. At least you get an opportunity to admire his beautiful markings that lifted his arms, chest and back. Then he’ll run his cool hands all over you, rubbing your nipped between his fingers with one hand, teasing your hole with the other. All while telling you how stunning you are, a sight for only him to see
Again, Osial is a bit old fashioned. He wants you on your back, looking up at him while he fucks you slowly….He doesn’t have much experience, he didn’t get with people the way other archons did. So he knows one position that he likes very much. You’re gonna have to show him some new stuff-
The first time you ride him, he’s so surprised by this new sensation that he comes very quick..and he’s fairly embarrassed. But you guys are sharing firsts together, it’s kinda sweet!!-
Show him how to eat you out PLEASE he has a forked tongue for a reason!! He’s a quick learner ;) yank on his pretty long hair, boss him around, clench your thighs around his head, he’ll love every second of it and may decide to surprise you this way some time…In the morning before work maybe ;)
There are days where he gets frustrated, maybe by Zhongli’s incessant rambling, Azhdaha’s loud laughter or clients coming to him to complain about merchandise they purchased weeks ago. He’s all pent up now and needs a way to release this tension so of course he goes to his favorite place besides the beach: the bath tub. He’ll simmer in his anger until you get home, then he practically demands you get in the tub with him
The water is his domain, he controls it effortlessly. He can shape it into a ball, a sword, a ring…Anything. He can restrain you with just water or pleasure you with sensory play. When he’s upset though, he won’t be playing nice. He’ll leave you shaky and gasping for breath between orgasms, water sloshing out onto the bathroom floor as his ruthless thrusting sends you up and down, small waves crashing down over your shoulders and the edge of the wooden tub
He isn’t super nice with the aftercare. He does what needs to be done, wraps an arm around your waist and passes out. Of course he loves you, he’s just tired and wants to sleep. He fucked you real good and then cleaned you up…What more did you want lmao
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
I cant help but think that God Darling and that Havria follower (Wanyan) from Zhongli’s story quest would get along so well. Like, when Wanyan said that Morax was a cold hearted murderer God Darling would be like “Yeah you’re right.” Or just whenever Wanyan insulted Morax in general God Darling would be like “I wholeheartedly agree.” They both just bond over their affinity for Morax slander.
Eventually at one point, Zhongli gives God Darling a warning look and they go:
god darling inventing the phrase "so true bestie" in liyue is something i never knew i needed until now.
in all seriousness though,
that story quest was so good for so many reasons. the concept of history being falsified/biased in the favor of the winning side is always interesting to explore, and the way zhongli handled things made me fall in love with his character infinitely more. how reasonable he acted during the entire thing had me wondering what would happen if someone like wanyan were to question the history between him and his precious vephar. he probably wouldn't mind if it were just a few stray scholars, things like that are inevitable. zhongli's confident enough that he destroyed any retellings from the descendants of vephar's people to keep things under control.
zhongli was fighting a war at the time though, so some artifacts/firsthand accounts are inevitably going to fall through the cracks. he might send the adepti to track down anything too incriminating if it proves an issue. the adepti are sworn to him and wouldn't stand for anything that slanders rex lapis, so it's not like they'd ask too many questions. it's very unlikely that zhongli would want the scholar themselves to be in harms way for getting close to the truth.
no, the only time zhongli would be irate is if anyone spoke lowly of vephar. they can say just about anything they want about the lord of geo, but he'll calmly debate and refute any person who disrespects vephar. he meticulously picks through their logic like his life depended on it. when zhongli gets serious, you don't want to be the subject of his ire. the known oldest being in teyvat is a man you don't want to make an enemy of.
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
Do you think we could get “ i guess somewhere along the way, i fell in love. and i don’t know how it happened, or when, but… “ with Rex, please? I read a really heart breaking fic with him last night and could just really use something sweet and fluffy with a happy ending. If not, totally fine! :)
@generaldumbbitch kindly asked: could i request rex x jedi reader with the prompt “I've been trying to talk myself out of it." "Then talk yourself into it."
Do I wanna know?
(if this feeling floats both ways)
Pairing: our precious blonde captain x jedi!reader.
Word count: 1,6k not proofread you know the drill.
Warnings: mutual pining and yearning come with their own warning. this is a lil bit of a slow burn I think ?? the use of sir is neutral in this house. mentions of rex touching himself 👀 but nothing explicit okay it's a safe space here.
It wasn't usual for Rex to get injured, but it hasn't been one of those days where he got minor scratches, maybe a few dark bruises here and there but most of the time he has been untouched.
Today, though, war has been rougher than usual, a deep cut was found on his side that he doesn't know how he got, face covered in small, little cuts and he could still taste the blood from his split lip.
Which had led him to you, in a way, as he looked for supplies he ended up finding you, and in your stubborn nature you had offered to help him clean his wounds, with a racing heart and fluttering butterflies he had no option but to let out a rushed "yes sir."
After properly applying bacta on his side, you take extra care with his face, skilled hands softly pressing the wet cloth on the wounds. He doesn't hiss, nor shows discomfort, only flinching occasionally, as if he was too familiar with the feeling, too used to the pain it brought.
Amber eyes find you sometimes, as he takes quick glances he hopes you don't notice. He takes a good look of you, the way you bite your lip in concentration, your furrowed brows, how your hair looks, the little necklace hanging from it's hidden place under your robes.
"Is there something on your mind, Rex?"
Sometimes he forgets you're a Jedi, a General, his superior, when he has you so close, this close, and when your hands brush together when he hands you whatever, his heart beating loudly in his ears, mostly when you touch him, your hand on his shoulder or back, on his forearm or waist when you pass by and to move him in the slightest.
He forgets the most at night, when he thinks on where else you could touch him, in how your lips would feel against his, your hands exploring his body and his name falling from your lips in a state of delirious bliss. Shame crawling back into his mind right after as he remembers again who you are, always out of his limit but he can't find it in himself to stop, not when you look at him like that.
"Nothing, General." He finally admits, a lie he hopes you don't sense but you do.
Pulling back to assess him, he already misses you, you give him a look, one that tells him you're not impressed.
"No need for formalities, I have already told you that." You give him an easy smile, one that feels like melting his insides and turning into a puddle.
Only you have the power to leave him nothing but helpless. He's not sure he hates it.
"Sorry, Ge–" your pointed eyes make him chuckle, quickly changing the rank for your name. You give him your most charming smile and he's left hypnotized, sucking a breath when you lean over again, going back to tend his wounds.
He's got it bad for you.
"So?" You ask, in the simplest of murmurs, as if speaking any louder would break your concentration.
"So?" He echoes, confused, warm eyes never leaving you and when your eyes meet, he blushes slightly.
There's something about the intimacy of it all that leaves him this I don't know what in his chest that makes him feel like a cadet all over again.
"The thing you want to tell me, what is it?"
"I don't–" There is something in your eyes he feels drawn to, magnetized by the color of your irises and the emotions they try to shield from him. Rex sighs, he knows there's no way around this, and he wonders if this was your plan all along, to corner him somewhere and casually urge him to confess. "I've been feeling something," he eventually mumbles, eyes looking forward to the door, he's not sure he wants to see your expression.
There's this little mhm that leaves your throat, and he can see from the corner of his eyes how your attention falls in the cut on his forehead. Your eyes flicker to his.
"I wanted to ask you..." he thinks, if you feel the same? "for an advice." He doesn't wait for you to answer, already knowing you're willing to help him out, like you have always been. "There's this– someone." You stop your movement, surprised for a moment and he finds that your unreadable expression makes him anxious.
There's no turning back now.
"And I'm not sure they feel the same, so I've been trying to talk myself out of it, and–"
"Then you should try to talk yourself into it."
You sound so sure, he's sincerely surprised. He watches you go back to the task at hand, the cloth trying to remove the dried blood from his skin.
"You think?"
"We need more love in the galaxy Rex, there's been too much pain these days to stop ourselves from feeling anything but something that resembles it, don't you think?"
He frowns, taking in your words and he supposes you must be right, you're a Jedi, at the end of the day, wiseness is something you have by default, isn't it?
"I guess."
There's a silence that follows, where it's just you working and the rumble of the machines. It's not awkward, per se, but it's not as comfortable as it was when you first begun.
"It's you," he says after a while in the most casual tone possible. He's got nothing more but his life to lose.
You take a step back, looking at him with confusion written in your face, and his hands are shaking with all the emotions he's trying to put at bay. He can't take it back. Not now. He's never been one to stand down from a fight.
"I–" he clears his throat, "the one I have uh, feelings for. I guess somewhere along the way, I fell in love." He finds your eyes, and there's nothing in them that calms him down. He panics, an awkward cough leaves his throat and he feels his neck and ears burning. "With you. And I don't know how it happened, or when, but I, I, I do."
Before he gives you a second to react, he's already standing up, probably opening the cut from his side with the action.
"I apologize if this is too unprofessional, I should probably head out and–"
"Wait," it's a whisper, and it could be humiliating the power you hold over him if it wasn't for the excuse in the back of his mind that reminds him he was bred to follow orders. "You don't want to know what I have to say?"
He hesitates, torn between wanting to know, if the gentleness in your tone and the barely-there smile you're giving him is something to go by, or not wanting to know for the possible consequences of whatever answer your might give him.
If you don't love him back, he doesn't think he'll be able to live with it, much less with how close you and his General are, always working together and Maker, Cody is never going to let him hear the end of it.
But if you do, he could be court martial if anyone finds out, but that's nothing compared to you being casted out from the order. He knows their ideals, he has heard enough from the Commander, you could be torn away from everything you know. He's not worth it, he knows. Compared to everything your life is, he's nothing.
Yet, he nods.
You walk towards him, closing the distance that separates you, Rex wishes you didn't, he can never think straight when you're so close, hence the predicament he finds himself in.
When your hand cups his cheek, he flinches, he has never felt anything close to soft against his skin, always the end of someone's knuckles, the steel of some droid, the heat of a blaster shot. Never something so tender as someone else's hand, slightly calloused by the arduous training of the art of holding a lightsaber and the constant firmness in your grip that these unrelenting times need you to have.
Your eyes fall on him, analyzing his expression that lays so vulnerable in his face when there's nothing that helps him mask it, he seems timid, and like he was about to brace for a punch that never comes.
"You know," your voice serene, warm, and he doesn't understand why, how in the middle of all this, buried in corpses and hands dripping with blood you still find a way to shine so bright, to illuminate a path for him in the chaos of everything and anchor him back. "If you weren't so ready to sprint back to your quarters, I could tell you that I'm in love with you too."
"You are?" You smile, warmed by his naiveness, and he gulps when he sees your eyes flickering to his lips.
"I thought I was obvious," you try to explain, the amused glint in his face warms his cheeks, "I've been flirting with you since I met you, Captain, what took you so long?"
"You were?"
You chuckle, pressing the lightest of kisses on the corner of his mouth, a peck, soft and sweet for him to crumble down at your feet. He feels light-headed and you have barely done anything.
"Are you going to kiss me, trooper?"
He nods, licking his lips with anticipation, taking a moment to learn by heart the gleam in your eyes, and the little marks of your face, and the shape of your lips, and everything that makes you, you.
Rex smiles lightly, closing the gap between your bodies with a single step, his own gloved hands cupping your face.
"Sir, yes sir."
taglist: @foodandbooksplease @dottiechan @ladykatakuri @tacticalsparkles @lightning-wolffe @hellothere-generalangsty @beskarprincessjenny @badbatch-simp24 @milppa @obi-bae-kenobi @rowansparrow @queencousland101 @dagobahbound @huntersbandana @kavecika @paige6768 @thetiredtoad0-0 @baroclinicinstability @murdertoothpick @ahsoka1 @kybacrystal @smoldjarin @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @amaryllis23
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