#now we're like. hey everyone in our family has a job right now & is actually doing pretty well so what if we all pitch in to BUY a place
mcflymemes · 1 year
THE ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the video game, adjust as necessary
you're finally awake.
it would take a month to explain to you how that very question doesn't even make sense.
wait... i know you.
yes yes, what is it? we're all very busy here.
you're someone who can get things done. i like that.
i've been looking for you.
keep your eyes open.
looking to protect yourself, or do some damage?
i am sworn to carry your burdens.
either i'm drunk, or you're naked. possibly both.
i fight... because i must.
then it's true, what everyone is saying?
even with all my preparations, we can't be too careful.
need a ride?
i've had enough of you!
i cannot place it.
everything's for sale, my friend.
another wanderer, here to lick my father's boots. good job.
will you be a hero whose name is remembered in song throughout the ages?
is that fur? coming out of your ears?
giant spiders? what's next, giant snakes?
you picked a bad time to get lost, friend!
well ain't this a surprise!
what are you looking at? i'm not afraid of you, you know.
you were trying to cross the border, right?
everyone is obsessed with death.
what is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?
i look forward to hearing about the next person you murder.
let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll.
no lollygagging.
oh, what am i saying? of course you don't.
i will eat your heart.
perhaps this is also true.
i've been waiting for you to return, to consummate our love!
i've got important things to do. we'll speak another time.
iron sword, huh? what are you killing? butterflies?
the day might come when i am forced to draw my sword for one side or the other.
i'm a weapon in human form.
there's been word of some trouble nearby. i'm on my way to investigate.
that day has not come yet.
you've shown yourself mighty.
i've seen better. well... maybe not.
he's trying to have somebody killed!
your words give voice to that which we all feel.
time to end this little game!
i've been hunting and fishing in these parts for years.
i fight for the men i've held in my arms, dying on foreign soil.
lot of history in these walls. we're trying to make some more.
it's a lucky time to be alive.
i knew you had it in you!
um... actually i was hoping to get the ring back.
now it is up to you to decide what to do with your power and skill.
i used to be an adventurer like you.
the day when words are enough will be the day soldiers like us are no longer needed.
kill well... and often.
i've got my eyes on you.
heard about you and your... honeyed words.
watch the skies.
you're either the bravest person i've ever met... or the biggest fool.
go use your fancy magic somewhere else.
never should have come here!
i fight so that all the fighting i've already done hasn't been for nothing.
may this oath bind me to death and beyond.
family an honor. that's what it means to be one of us.
walk with the shadows.
why the elven blade, huh?
let me guess - you need a drink.
will your name be a curse to future generations?
you do not even know our tongue, do you?
you stink of death, my friend. i salute you.
your future lies before you.
you're hauling around a lot of junk.
you got no clothes. you should get some.
psst. hey! i know who you are.
you'll never find it.
my cousin's out fighting dragons, and what do i get? guard duty.
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onippep · 1 year
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And I was just thinking, like, I actually don't know that much about you. And I admit I haven't been very open or, like, talkative to you about your interests or anything like that, because you're...
(Because I'm like you?)
Yeah, it's like, a preconceived notion that because you're some sorta replica of me, we're gonna have the same interests or whatever, and that's your whole thing. And it's not. It's not fair of me to think of you like that.
(I don't blame you for that, though. Honestly. My existence isn't exactly a one-sentence deal.)
No one's is.
Croak! (Not my point. B-but...) [chuckles]
Lost your point, didn't ya. It's not that big of a deal, anyway.
(Give yourself some credit, Peppino, I think you've done a very good job at caring about me and what I do. Just in different ways than you may be used to.)
Well-- yeah. It's the least that I owe you.
(Your care is not owed. There's no cycle to feed; my affection already has its unconditional catalyst.)
Stop gettin' philosophical with me, demon! Sheesh. I'm trying to be sweet here.
(If you want to be sweet, try actually flirting.)
Is that a challenge? Alright. I can flirt. And no, it's not croaking, I've already learned my lesson from that.
[Sighing] OKAY. So. "Cutie". Uh. You come here often? Nice suit. You look nice. Handsome even. Yep. Uh huh. Wow, tall too. Double whammy. You know, everyone's taller than me, and that's fine. I like havin' a tall nasty frog to care for me all the time. Oh and the WAAAY you SNUGGLE on up to me at night; fantastic. A+. Like a weird oversized housecat. And you know just what food I like and the shows I like and how I prepare my coffee in the morning when I don't have enough time to do that before opening the store and you carry me when I'm too exhausted and you cook for me and listen to me when I gotta just yell about shit and--
[Has dissolved onto the floor]
--Ah- Oni! [laughs] Hey! Come on! [reaching into the goop] Come ooon. Is that all it takes?? That was nothing! Get back up here, you coward!
(Your face is red.)
It's-- always red! And I'm sorta tipsy! [wheezes]
[stops] Hhah, wh-- playing along? [flabberghasted] Nah nah nah, hey...! I agreed to come out here because I wanted to-- like... humour it! Try it! Not just because I was feelin' bad, you know?
[slowly reforming] MMmmn?... (You're. Serious?)
Y-yeah! I think...! Hah..!
Do I whaaat! [grabbing at him] Speak to meee! [chuckling]
Yes! YES IT IS! IT'S A DATE! I'm on a date with you!
[ugly frog shrieking]
AAHHAHAHA...!! Jeez! What was THAT?!
(Wh-what's with the change of heart?? A-and there was the whole hiding it from your family thing--)
BECAUSE I DUNNO WHAT I FEEL YET! AND-- AND BEING HERE, WITH YOU AND GUSTAVO N' BRICK, and just having so much fun, I feel like I can finally-- think! And not have some fuckin' weirdos watching me from that askbox! Or my family breathing at me! It's-- it's wild! I'M FREAKING OUT! I'M FREAKIN' OUT ONI HOLD ME--
A--BBBUHH?? [gripping him]
Everything's gonna go back to routine tomorrow, and who knows what's gonna happen. [chuckles] I don't even wanna go. I just wanna stand here.
Rrrrr... (Can you... explain a little more why you're a little... hesitant about me?)
Ah... jeez, lemme... see if I can word it right. I... have a real hard time letting people in. You see how I live. I haven't even seen Gustavo since before our window got broken. I never have people over. I don't even like talking to customers that much.
(You've gotten better at it. I wouldn't say you have gone back in such a thing, just hitting a wave where it is more difficult than usual.)
Maybe you know me more than I thought. Either way, I... I've never really been a fan of dating. Just in general. All that romance-y garbage hasn't ever worked out for me. It's like a storybook moreso than a reality. Doesn't work the way I do. It's too... strict. Closed. Weird. Ruins friendships. I've lost some good men and women to dumb shit that either I've done or they've done. It crumbles too fast and doesn't feel worth it.
(Is... forging a bond like I have in mind considered... dating?)
I dunno. Is it?
(What you're describing sounds... torturous. Nothing like what I have in mind.)
Is that so. Mind tellin' me what you have in mind, then?
Aye, aye! Hey! [squishing his cheeks] Easy! One word at a time. Let's hear it.
RIBBIT. RIBBIT. RIBBIT. RI-- RIb--ribbit... (It's... it's... almost the same as what... we have now. Just... returned?)
That's it?
You're telling me this "bond" thing you've been wanting is just, what we kinda do already, but with me "returning" it? Like-- like how?
(LIKE. L-LIKE. IF. LIKE.) [sticks his tongue out]
I already "do the deed" with you.
NO NO-- [leans in, gently licks his cheek] TH-- (I DON'T KNOW THE WORD FOR IT.)
Kissing. You're thinking of kissing--
... [ponders]
... [gum click] Wow. That, uh, changes some things, actually. And here I was thinking you wanted some sort of enchanted frog prince and princess fantasy bullshit. That's what the askbox tries to make it out as, anyway.
(I'll be honest, I'm not 100% acquainted with the more mortal and human structures of that whole concept. I don't enjoy what you've told me so far.)
[more nodding]... Huh.
Well, uh, I got some things to think about now. [chuckles] Lotta. Things.
(Please don't let this ruin anything.)
I won't! I won't. Just forgive me if it takes a while. Heh. We gotta go into work tomorrow, and focus on that, yadda yadda... I'm gonna be a little private about it.
(Shy about it.)
Yeah. [rolls his eyes, smirking]
You look so nervous. Hey.
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It's okay. Remember what we've gone over.
We'll see what this is. Together. Got it?
(Y-YEAH... yeah... you'resocloserightnowI'mreally--I--)
Sorry. Even with some drinks in me I still can't seem to kiss you. [chuckles]
(You tease.)
Just kidding.
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About The Marksmen w/ The Marksmen
Ambrose: "Interested in joining the guild, are you? Think it's that easy? We don't just take everyone in off the streets to apprentice, you know. There are expectations you need to meet to earn your marks."
Saddiqah: "To start with, you have to find yourself a mentor among the current members. Not everyone has a free pass in. (L: "Hey!") Most of us have to prove we know which end of a sword is dangerous. And from the applicants, Senior members like the old man (A: "Careful.") here get first pick who they want to train."
Link: "After that, the real fun begins. The Marksmen have three year end assessments, and they're serious benchmarks on survival skill and combat ability. The guild's looking to keep as many of its members alive as it can, so the requirements are steep. As steep as the Royal Academy is for the Royal Guards and knights. But each one you pass, you get another arrow."
Saddiqah: "If you pass them."
Link: "Most people do need to retake at least one assessment, if they decide to keep going."
Saddiqah: "Which means another year of apprenticing. Good thing we did ours on the first try though, right, Sayre?"
Link: "Another year with the old man would have been rough."
Ambrose: "Can both of you focus?"
Saddiqah: "We've been doing all of the talking so far. Unless you want to take over." (A: "...") "That's what I thought."
Link: "After you get your third arrow, you're a full member of the Marksmen. Eventually, you can make an attempt at the Senior's Trial and banner, administered by a current guild Senior. But no one but the Seniors really know what the Trial actually is."
Saddiqah: "So they can scare everyone else out of trying and keep their rates."
Ambrose: "That's not why."
Saddiqah: "Regardless of your rank in the guild, there's the matter of the work we do that usually scares most apprentices off. The Marksmen are mercenaries. We're fighters for hire. And people hire muscle for all kinds of things. Escorts, security, bounties, but recent years it's been one primary task:"
All: "Monster hunting."
Link: "Most local townships have enough guards to handle basic monsters, like Chus and Keese, or even smaller groups of Bokoblins, Kargarocs, or Wolfos. But once you get up to the smarter and bigger kinds of monsters, like Wizzrobes and Moblins, (S: "Let alone the serious threats.") most places will need to call in trained professionals. Typically, that would fall on branches of Hyrule's military, like the Hylian Knights."
Ambrose: "But monsters have been getting worse lately. And there's not enough hands to go around. Which means we stay busy."
Saddiqah: "We stay busy. You've been out of the country for months again."
Link: "Yeah, what have you been up to, Ambrose?"
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Mark of a Hero (Updates on Tuesdays & Fridays, 1 of 9)
Hyrule is at peace, or so the Royal Family would have its people believe. Something is afoot in the kingdom, and someone needs to do something about it. Least likely would be Marksmen Link Sayre- a mercenary and monster hunter doing his best to get by. Until a job goes wrong, and he gets roped into the secret plans of Hyrule's princess. Now Link must play the part of the Hero to dive deeper into the mystery, and maybe stumble into a legend of his own.
AO3 - Wattpad
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belethlegwen · 9 months
The Rescue - Chp 54 - That Dark Old Friend [+ Life Update]
Hey there everyone!
So sorry about the delay in updates since the Christmas season, there's a lot of shit to blame for it and I'll get into it in more detail, but in short this was a wildly busy Christmas season where I had 0 time to write between work and family stuff from like, November-end of December, and then a whole lot of house shit started happening and I've been unbelievably stressed since just before New Years.
Longer details and stuff below the cut for people who are interested, but in short the important details are:
Updates to works on AO3 may be at random times with long delays between for the coming year. Can't be sure, but for now that's how things are looking while I have way too much shit going on IRL.
Please enjoy this little chapter for now, and if you're up for a long winding journey about why it felt like all of my hair has been falling out for two weeks, meet me below <3
So the Christmas season at my job was wildly busy, on top of that there's some issues going on there between the business owner I rent space from and the person who owns the building. It's a mess, for a while it looked like/still kinda looks like we're going to have some major issues with the lot clearing what with winter being a major issue where I live in the Frozen Nor'Atlantic. That was all bad enough.
I had been told back in the fall by my landlord, who I've been renting from for 10 years now, that her mortgage was up for renewal in January and that it looked like it was going to go up a hot amount. Rates are super fucking high in Canada right now, shit's bad, the mortgage specialist at the bank I was talking to yesterday said that it's bad enough they legitimately expect the government to be stepping in soon to do something about it before it's a crisis (or more of a crisis because personally, it's already a fucking crisis and has been, but I digress). She warned me the rent was going to have to go up, I told her I expected it, I knew it was going to happen, she's been amazing to me for 10 years, if it's gotta go up it's gotta go up, I get it.
This past fall is when my partner Zip came to visit for 6 weeks and we got engaged, and when we started to plan to move them up here so we could start immigration and the like, which we were aiming to do for the beginning of this summer.
So as we're gearing up to New Year's and everything, I am expecting to deal with the start of immigration application readying, and expecting rent to increase. December 27th, I got a message from the landlord that uh, someone wants to buy the house (as an investment property and keep the renters) and despite her best efforts to try and bounce around and get a lower mortgage rate, it didn't work out and she's going to have to sell either way. So we suddenly had to get the house ready to be listed and viewed.
Viewings were fucking hell, by the way. While priority for accepting the offer was going to someone who wanted to take the property over and keep the renters in place, Real Estate agents just want the fucking sale, so being in my home while people are wandering around it scaring my cats and talking about how my bedroom was going to be the kid's room and my office was going to be turned into something else? Shit time, don't recommend. Not to mention the agents that were showing up half-hour not just away of their own scheduled appointment but a half hour outside of when viewings were actually permitted to happen.
I'm glad we have such high paying careers available for people who are, apparently, fucking illiterate, but I was getting extremely rude to agents and their desperation for a sale by the end of it. Someone tried to show up yesterday after a offer was accepted literally the night before and we sent them packing fine enough, but now anytime the rain hits the gutters too hard I think someone is walking into my home so that's fun.
We have signs all over the house about keeping doors closed to keep the cats inside, including one on the back door (where it isn't an enclosed porch) that says in extremely large lettering Access To Patio From Outside ONLY, and there were still at least two agents that opened the back door, so. Nightmares all around.
An offering has been accepted, the person who is hopefully going to buy wants to keep us as tenants, and I'm locked in a lease until later this year anyway. Things are at least, as of yesterday when I got the confirmation that an offer was in that stage, stable now that I didn't throw up this morning. Hooray! It's been hell. I can not stress enough that this has been hell.
It still leaves the later part of the year up in the air a lot, because new landlord may still want us out at the end of the lease of whathaveyou, and between now and then I am flying down to America to drive across that wild country with a car full of stuff to move my fiancee here, then we gonna get immigration rolling and the employment switchover and everything else. My Dad has been a massive rock for me during this time in terms of trying to keep me level, and as he says: "this is all just one-step-at-a-time things. You're just keeping ducks in a row".
And as I keep saying: "Yeah but I've got a lot of fuckin' ducks, man."
So that's the kind of thing that's in the air right now for me. Lots and lots of stuff going on. I'm still picking away at writing but to make things easier on myself, I'm going to not stress about any kind of schedule or the like right now and just play with whatever flows come when I have them and have the time/ability to focus on them in the few quiet moments I have between all of the other stuff.
Much love to all of you, thank you all again as always for the wonderful comments you've all left, the kudos, the people who reached out, all of it. You're wonderful <3
Take care of yourselves out there,
~ Belle
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linagram · 9 months
[ 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖 𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎 #𝟶𝟸 ]
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oh, look, the second file is here! don't you want to open it? i wonder how the prisoners have been doing lately..
Female Prisoner A: .. Is everybody here?
Male Prisoner A: Yep, I don't think we've forgotten anyone.
Male Prisoner A: Right?
Female Prisoner B: .. I didn't have much of a choice.
Male Prisoner B: I wanted to know more about [REDACTED]'s plan. So of course I came.
Male Prisoner C: .. I need to get out of here. 
Male Prisoner C: It's either dying or getting out of here. The first option didn't work, so..
Male Prisoner C: .. I'm going with the second one.
Male Prisoner B: ...
Male Prisoner D: I just came because [REDACTED] is also here. 
Male Prisoner D: I don't really care about getting out of here, rebelling and all that shit.
Male Prisoner B: Your parents are probably worried about you though.
Male Prisoner D: ...
Female Prisoner B: Wow, [REDACTED], thank you very much for reminding us that you're the only one here who has a normal relationship with his family.
Male Prisoner B: I-it's not my fault your families suck!
Female Prisoner A: Calm down.
Female Prisoner A: We have to stay quiet. They're too busy figuring out what's wrong with [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], but they can still show up at any moment.
Male Prisoner D: !
Male Prisoner A: Hey, hey, it's okay. She's not here. She's not gonna hurt you.
Male Prisoner D: .. I-it's not like I'm scared or anything..
Female Prisoner A: So, everyone still has those.. uh..
Female Prisoner A: Christmas presents, right?
Female Prisoner B: Is that why you called all of us here?!
Female Prisoner A: It's important.
(sounds of prisoners putting their presents on the table)
Female Prisoner A: Great. Okay, we will need these, so please, make sure you don't lose them.
Female Prisoner B: Sure, whatever, but what am I supposed to do with mine-
Female Prisoner A: We'll talk about it later.
Female Prisoner A: Um.. [REDACTED]. You're the only exception here, so..
Female Prisoner A: It's okay. I know something that only you will be able to do.
Female Prisoner A: Anyway, let's talk about [REDACTED]'s present first.
Female Prisoner A: [REDACTED], you're not really that suspicious and you don't have a particularly bad reputation in this place. Actually, you've been getting better lately.
Female Prisoner A: I think you're the one who suits the best for this role-
Male Prisoner D: He's just so mid that nobody ever pays attention to him, so yeah, he's perfect for this job.
Male Prisoner B: Oh yeah? Go on, try to be our spy, if you can. Surely they won't think something weird is going on when they see a [REDACTED] running around and [REDACTED] when all he usually does is [REDACTED] and [REDACTED].
Male Prisoner B: And your precious [REDACTED] is going to be so worried..
Male Prisoner D: SHUT UP! 
Male Prisoner A: Shh, remember that we're supposed to be quiet~
Female Prisoner A: So.. I think you understand what I want you to do. 
Male Prisoner B: I'll do my best. If I see or hear anything, I will write it down.
Female Prisoner A: Thank you. Now, [REDACTED]..
Female Prisoner A: Your present will be very useful to us. You're good at distracting people and getting their attention, right?
Male Prisoner A: I sure am~
Female Prisoner A: I'm trying to think of the best time to use this..
Female Prisoner A: Ah, I know. Do you think you can [REDACTED] when [REDACTED]'s interrogation will start?
Male Prisoner A: Hm.. But what about my cell? The doors will probably be locked.
Female Prisoner A: You can ask [REDACTED] to keep your door open in case you need to get medicine or anything like that. 
Female Prisoner A: You're still recovering, right?
Male Prisoner A: Well, she will just offer to bring it herself then.
Female Prisoner A: I don't think so. [REDACTED] has.. changed.
Female Prisoner A: And she has been very busy lately, so..
Male Prisoner A: Hm, I see.. I'll do my best then~
Female Prisoner A: [REDACTED], it's still hidden inside your present, right?
Male Prisoner D: Yeah, let me just..
Male Prisoner D: Here.
Male Prisoner A: Thanks. Hey, this little guy is very useful. I think we should save him for later in case we'll need to hide something again.
Male Prisoner D: Only if you pay me first!
Male Prisoner A: Haha, sure, sure.
Female Prisoner A: Now, your present, [REDACTED]..
Female Prisoner A: It's fake, right?
Female Prisoner B: Definitely. I know [REDACTED]'s handwriting. It can't be a letter from her.
Female Prisoner B: Why the hell would they even give me a fake letter as a present? Are they mocking me-
Female Prisoner A: Maybe, but also..
Female Prisoner A: .. No. No, I'll stay quiet about this one for now.
Female Prisoner A: Anyway, can you ask [REDACTED] about it? I wonder if they are responsible for this or..
Female Prisoner A: .. Someone else is.
Female Prisoner B: I swear, if [REDACTED] wrote this, I am going to-
Male Prisoner A: Now, now, [REDACTED], this is the third trial and you've been getting nothing but [REDACTED], are you sure you want to ruin your reputation even more?
Female Prisoner B: .. Who cares, I am going to get out of here anyway.
Female Prisoner A: And now.. [REDACTED].
Female Prisoner A: Your present is not here, because..
Male Prisoner B: [REDACTED]..
Female Prisoner A: I know. Sorry.
Female Prisoner A: Still.. Do you think you can [REDACTED]? You seem to be close with her.
Female Prisoner A: Or, how should I put it..
Female Prisoner B: You're her type.
Male Prisoner C: .. Ahaha..
Male Prisoner C: .. Sure, I guess..
Male Prisoner C: .. It's not like I can do anything else in my current condition.
Female Prisoner A: And finally, my own present.
Female Prisoner A: I will use it to record everything I find suspicious, however, if you want, you can use it as well. Just tell me beforehand. No stealing, okay?
Female Prisoner B: Hey, can I use it for my interrogation? 
Female Prisoner B: .. I want to check something.
Female Prisoner A: Sure. I'll give it to you when they start interrogating everyone.
Female Prisoner B: Thanks.
Female Prisoner A: .. I think that's all. Thank you for coming, everyone.
(sounds of footsteps becoming more and more quiet)
Male Prisoner A: Hey. Good job.
Female Prisoner A: It's nothing. I'm just glad I've found people who hate this place as much as I do. 
Male Prisoner A: They hate it for a different reason though.
Female Prisoner A: And I don't care about their reasons. The only thing I care about is them wanting to change things. I just want them to fight. I want them to be ready to stand up for themselves.
Female Prisoner A: I wanted [REDACTED] to join us, but.. She's been acting really weird lately.
Male Prisoner A: Hey.. You're a really good leader actually.
Male Prisoner A: Though I shouldn't be surprised, haha-
Male Prisoner A: !
Female Prisoner A: Be careful with your words, Kei. 
Female Prisoner A: You're still recovering, right?
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maddiehu7 · 8 months
A New Chapter | Spencer reid |
Chapter 3
~~~time skip~~~
It's been a couple weeks since I've been working for the fbi it's been good I've got really close with the team...except Spencer of course I don't know what I ever did to him but he's acting like I killed his family Rossi says it's just because I replaced prentiss the girl who died before me but I don't think I deserve to be treated like trash just because I got a job but all that doesn't really matter right now as we're currently being hunted by a serial killer called "the replicator" he hacked Garcias system and knows everything about all of us and has been taunting us with it so the fbi has decided to send us all away on a "vacation" they called it basically flying us to a private place with no technology that no one knows about so we don't get killed by a maniac sounds fun right
"So they've decided we're going to Hawaii to a private villa in Honolulu" hotch says sighing Garcia can't contain her excitement
"Yessss let's get our tan on" she says practically giddy everyone smiles looking at her
"Since we're being hunted we have to leave in an hour and no one you know can know so quickly get home pack and meet back here and please what your backs" Hotch says looking at us expectingly we all nod and get up going to get our stuff I head to my desk to grab my keys
"Hey girl, me and Morgan are riding together wanna join us" Garcia asks smiling but before I can answer Spencer jumps in
"Can I join I left some of my books I want for the trip at Morgan's" he says
"Yeah of course, Annie?" She says looking at me
"Uh...yeah sure" I say smiling at her not knowing if it's a great idea now that Reid's going but agreeing anyway
"Great let's go!" Garcia says smiling from ear to ear walking to the elevator Morgan, me, and Reid following her
We all get in the car and head to eachother apartments each of us gathering are stuff we get to my apartment when I ask Morgan to come help me carry my stuff down
"Yeah sur-" Morgan says but gets interrupted by reid
"I could help you actually...if you don't mind" he speaks up looking at me I stare at him in shock for a second
"Um...ok" I say confused he nods and gets out of the car walking up my apartment stairs with me we get to my apartment and I open the door
"Home sweet home" I say to my apartment it's small but it's home with book cases and books scattered everywhere files spread everywhere books weren't I go to pack shoving everything I could find in the tiny bag, I go out to my living room carrying my bags when I find Spencer checking out my books
"Interesting taste" he says running his hands over the rows of books
"Thanks?" I say not sure if it was a compliment or not
"All fiction hm" he says looking back at me
"Can't help it I love anything not set in shitty reality" I say setting my bags down he looks shocked at my words but ignores it
"I'm the opposite I guess" he says is he....opening up to me? this is weird I think to myself when he turns to me looking awkward
"I wanted to talk...I'm sorry" he says running his hands through his brown curly locks I'm completely shocked as I look at him
"Sorry for what" I say secretly wanting him to feel more embarrassed even though I know that's awful but just being really hurt by the way he treated me
"About...about how I've been to you I'm normally not like this I've just been going through a lot lately even though I know that's no excuse" he finishes looking at me sorrily I think for a minute
"It's ok...now that you've said sorry" I say laughing lightly he smiles I've never seen him smile but it looks cute on him, I go to pick up my bags
"Oh let me get that" he says coming over pick them up struggling a bit I laugh
"What'd you pack" he huffs out
"Never know what your gonna need" I say shrugging he smiles rolling his eyes, once we get to the car Spencer puts my stuff in the trunk and gets in the car next stop Spence's apartment, once we're done with Spence's place we head back to the bau when we get there we all walk in with our luggage going to the meeting room where we meet Rossi, hotch, seaver and some new blonde I've never seen everyone looks shocked to see here Spencer and Garcia running to hug her
"Jj!" Garcia shrieks I look her up and down a little jealous Spencer's so excited to see her.....wait what jealous
"What are you doing here" Spencer asks smiling at her
"Well surprise I'm coming with you guys!" She says smiling back at him
"Seriously!" Garcia says smiling brightly
"Yeah the bau re instated me yesterday" she says looking towards me
"Oh hello I'm jj" she comes towards me reaching her hand out towards me smiling
"Hey jj I'm Annie" I say smiling back shaking her hand
"Nice to meet you Annie" she says I nod back at her
"Well is everyone ready" hotch says smiling slightly which is a new sight
"Yep!" Garcia smiles everyone else nods
"Let's go then" he says with a full smile now everyone smiles at the rare sight we all walk out the door with hotch going to the plane, im getting more excited by the minute
( I took a complete left turn with this story so I'm a little nervous but I hope you like it regardless :) )
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Uprooted: chapter 11
(ch 1 - ch 10 - ch 12)
Scott and Jimmy adapted to life in the desert remarkably fast. They fed the cows in the morning and evening, and mostly spent the afternoons trying to stay cooled. Sometimes Scott would go into the forest to gather flowers and make dye out of them, and very occasionally Jimmy would go out hunting-- for wildlife, never people-- with Joel and his 'family'. It wasn't the same as their old life, not by a long shot, but it was some semblance of peace.
That is, until one day when Scott was approached by Grian in the morning.
“Hey Scott,” Grian said, waving at him. “Do you know where Jimmy is? I need to discuss something with the two of you.”
Scott knew it was serious when he noticed that Grian said Jimmy's name correctly. “I think he was doing something with Joel. They might be by the cows.”
The two of them walked towards the cow enclosure, and sat down in the shade of a nearby dune to wait for Jimmy.
“You've been learning to use a bow, haven't you?” Grian asked Scott, taking off his glasses. He had bags under his eyes.
“I have.” While supplies in the desert were limited, one thing they had plenty of was weapons. By way of passing the time during hot afternoons in the bunkers, Scott had been practicing with bow and arrow, and he was actually a decent shot by now.
Grian nodded. “That's good.”
Scott didn't like the sound of that, but Jimmy arrived before he could question it much further. He had some drops of blood on his shirt.
“Morning. Had a fun time killing stuff today?” Grian asked.
“Uh, yeah, I guess so,” Jimmy stammered. “Joel did most of the work though.” Everyone, Jimmy included, had been surprised at how well he'd been getting along with Joel after their initial hurdles.
“Right. Well, I'll get straight to the point: you and Scott might get a bit more action soon. See, the Desert was approached by none other than prince Cleo and prince Bdubs of Troren yesterday, and with them we made a plan to launch an attack on the king of Sanguacanis by infiltrating their castle.”
“...And you need us for that?” Jimmy asked.
“Yeah, I feel like we're the least fit for this job out of everyone in the desert,” Scott added. “I mean, I only started training with a bow like a month ago.”
“True, but more importantly, Scott, you're Green. The way the Red Army works is that a red-lived is always paired with a green-lived, so if we want to convincingly get inside, we're gonna need some Greens on the team. The princes brought some soldiers with them, but more is always nice.”
Scott shook his head. Jimmy said: “The whole reason we went to the Desert was to avoid a war!” Again, his gray skin began to flush red.
Grian grimaced. “Unfortunately, war is coming this way whether we want it or not. By joining the Red Desert you're pretty much automatically declared an enemy of Sanguacanis, and their conquest will eventually reach here if nobody stops them. It's better to fight them now, on our own terms.”
“Well, if you already have some actual soldiers for this mission, surely you'll be fine taking just them?” Scott said. “We'll stay right here, I think.”
“About that...” Grian looked at the ground. “There's two parts to this mission. Everyone not on the infiltration team is going to storm the castle from outside. We've made the agreement already that everyone in the Desert is going to participate in this.”
So that's how our peaceful life ends, Scott thought, suddenly getting angry. “So you were just never going to give us a choice anyways?” he shouted at Grian.
“You have the choice to-” Grian made an annoyed sound, and raised his arms. “Look. I like you two, which is why I'm telling you this now instead of Scar. Because he would've made it into this nice flowery story that you can't refuse, and you would've agreed to a mission without any idea of what has going to actually happen. I'd rather give you the honest story, so yes: your choice is between infiltrating or storming the castle. And if you'll believe me, I think the infiltration is probably the safest choice.”
Scott wanted to argue more, but could think of nothing to say. Grian was right; joining the Desert to avoid the army was only ever delaying the inevitable. He felt his shoulders deflate. “Well, then I guess I'm going with the infiltration.”
To Grian's credit, he didn't seem happy about winning the argument. “Alright. Now, like I said, we need pairs of Greens and Reds. I assumed you two would want to go as a pair, but if you want something else, Jimmy, then-”
“Of course we're going as a pair,” Jimmy cut him off. He sounded angry too.
“Good. We're going to work out the plan further this evening, so if you want more details, talk to me later.” With that, Grian jogged off towards the central fort of the desert.
Scott looked at Jimmy. Then, he pulled him into an embrace.
“This is just not getting any better, is it?” he murmured into Jimmy's shoulder.
Jimmy returned the embrace, holding him tight. “We'll get through it,” he said. “And if we really do kill the king with this mission, it'll all be over. Then we can go back to our own home, like normal.”
Like normal. Things hadn't been normal for a long time, and Scott doubted they ever could.
But it was a nice thing to fight for, so it'd have to do.
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derschwarzeengel · 1 year
Tumblr media
CHARMED (1998) - SEASON 1 || Sentence Starters (pt. 1)
A collection of sentence starters taken from The WB's Charmed, for roleplay purposes. Slightly NSFW (mentions of sex, violence).
01. Something Wiccan This Way Comes
❝Oh my God, I don't believe it. Tell me that's not our old spirit board?❞
❝Yeah, I found it in the basement when I was looking for the circuit tester.❞
❝That girl is so in the dark, maybe a little light will help.❞
❝You're avoiding my question.❞
❝Because you don't want to know that I went to an occult shop.❞
❝You hate me don't you? You wanna see me suffer.❞
❝Right. That's an athame. It's a ceremonial tool. Witches use them to direct energy.❞
❝Some woman got whacked.❞
❝You used to always push the pointer.❞
❝Don't you think you're overreacting? We're perfectly safe here.❞
❝Don't say that. In horror movies, the person who says that is always the next to die.❞
❝Spirit boards, books of witchcraft. It figures all this freaky stuff started when you arrived.❞
❝Well, my head spun around and I vomited split-pea soup. How should I know?❞
❝Don't tell me you put on a black conical hat and spent the night flying around the neighborhood on a broomstick?❞
❝Look, I know what happened last night was weird and unexplainable, but we're not witches and we do not have special powers.❞
❝We're the protectors of the innocent. We're known as the Charmed Ones.❞
❝I thought breaking up with you was the best thing I'd ever done. But this definitely tops that.❞
❝Are you telling me that nothing strange happened to you today? You didn't freeze time or move anything?❞
❝With how much you hold inside, you should be a lethal weapon by now.❞
❝No, I'm not okay. You turned me into a witch.❞
❝You were born one. We all were. And I think we better start to deal with it.❞
❝Actually, a witch can be either good or evil. A good witch follows the Wiccan Rede. 'An it harm none, do what ye will.' A bad witch or a warlock has but one goal: to kill good witches and retain their powers. Unfortunately, they look like regular people. They could be anyone, anywhere.❞
❝You know I'm not afraid of our powers. I mean, everyone inherits something from their family, right?❞
❝Who wants to be normal when we can be special?❞
❝The Book of Shadows said our powers would grow.❞
❝The power of three will set us free.❞
02. I've Got You Under My Skin
❝News flash. Stop worrying, you'll get wrinkles.❞
❝Are you worried we're gonna be burnt at the stake?❞
❝Well, I tend to be on the persistent side. I usually get what I want.❞
❝Well, my life, it's gotten a little complicated and I just don't think that I should get involved in anything right now.❞
❝We had sex. It doesn't mean we have to elope.❞
03. Thank You for Not Morphing
❝You know, that is a sign. Let's turn back now before it's too late.❞
❝Okay, I came, I saw, I was perky. Now I just want my head on a pillow because I have to wake up early.❞
❝Oh, what a coinkidink. Look, who's here.❞
❝We've been through this. Okay, cop, witch, is not a love connection.❞
❝Now this is really creepy. If there were a dog in the house, then it had to have an owner. No dog I know can open that front door, let alone reach the top shelf.❞
❝Hey, maybe we should get a security system.❞
❝Well, either we could rely on our vicious guard cat to protect us or we could remember to lock the doors.❞
❝I don't know what kind of people you're used to dealing with but I'd lay serious coin that they aren't willing to rip you into a thousand pieces and dance on your entrails.❞
❝Ahh, so you're lawyers. And here I was assuming you were shape shifters.❞
04. Dead Man Dating
❝I was nowhere near the neighborhood, thought I'd stop by.❞
❝Maybe the ghosts need protection from me.❞
❝Yeah, well, I decided to break that tradition and start a new one.❞
❝A weekend of rest, rubdowns and room service. What's to think about?❞
❝This is not funny. Our powers are supposed to be a secret, not a marketable job skill.❞
❝Relax. They didn't hire me because they think I'm a witch, they hired me because they think I'm a psychic.❞
❝Hair splitting. You know you can't use your powers for personal gain, not without consequences.❞
❝I've tried communicating with every psychic in the city. You were my last chance.❞
❝Oh my God. I can see you but no one else can?❞
❝I'm dead, I'm a ghost.❞
❝Please, I don't have much time. Somebody has to find my body before it's too late.❞
❝It's a Chinese myth. At least I always thought it was a myth. It's called Thowhoi, when the gates of hell open. We're almost there.❞
❝If the gatekeeper, Yama, catches my soul before my body's properly buried, he'll take my to hell forever.❞
❝Yama doesn't care about good or evil. He just wants souls. I should've listened to my mother.❞
❝I'm a good witch, remember?❞
❝I don't know. I panic, I put up both hands and bad things tend to freeze.❞
❝Talk to her? And tell her what? That you're a witch in touch with the ghost of her dead son?❞
❝You of all people should know that bribery is a crime.❞
❝The first time I saw you I thought you were a ghost.❞
❝Leave it to me to fall for a dead guy.❞
❝It's an improvement. At least he wasn't a warlock.❞
05. Dream Sorcerer
❝Are your parents terrorists? ‘Cos baby you're the bomb.❞
❝When you fell from Heaven, did it hurt? ‘Cos I know an angel when I see one.❞
❝Hmm. I'm no angel. I'm a witch.❞ 
❝They have been going at if for almost an hour.❞
❝Um, I think there's been some kind of a mistake. I didn't order this.❞
❝You have a secret admirer. He ordered it for you.❞
❝You look beautiful in that dress. I knew you would.❞
❝It's your dream, but it's my fantasy.❞
❝Hehehe. You're dreaming. I'm visiting.❞
❝In dreams I can do anything. I can dance in your dreams, I can alter your dreams, and I can kill you in your dreams.❞
❝Did you know that if you die in your dreams, you die in real life?❞
❝Every bone in her body's been crushed.❞
❝The coroner said it's as if she's fallen of a twenty story building.❞
❝[name], here's the problem. You didn't read the fine print. See. It says right here. $19.95 for the video and twenty grand for the plastic surgeon.❞
❝That woman? Of course men want her. Men are not different from women. We all want what we can't have. Which is why we need to stop thinking about what men want and start thinking about what we want in a man.❞
❝Tons of fun, lots of heats and no strings attached. That's what I want.❞
❝I know this may not sound very P.C., but I want romance. Long, slow kisses, late-night talks, candle lights. I love love. I'd take what [name] has in a flat second.❞
❝There aren't any signs of external damage consistent with any type of fall. In fact there's not a scratch on her.❞
❝Yeah, well, maybe we were wrong. Maybe the body was moved.❞
❝Come on. There must be more to our powers than warlock wasting. I'm ready to have some fun with our magic.❞
❝How is it personal gain, if we're using our powers to bring happiness to another person. And in my case lots and lots of happiness.❞
❝Look, I'm not talking about marriage here. We have our 30s to freak out about that. This... this spell is about having good time.❞
❝I admit it's tempting. The dating scene can be a little frustrating. But bringing men into our life through a spell... correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a little bit desperate.❞
❝No. How is asking for what you want being desperate? I say it's not. I say it's empowering. Besides, the Book of Shadows says we could reverse this spell at any time.❞
❝Ooh. Did I say spell? I... I meant recipe. We are so busted, aren't we?❞
❝You're seriously twisted. This is the spell we have to say?❞
❝We're lucky. If we were men looking for women the spell requires putting a piece of honey cake in a sweaty armpit for day.❞
❝Scream all you want. No one can help you.❞
❝I'm in your conscious. I know your every thought and desire.❞
❝I'm the man of your dreams.❞
❝You're not real. You don't exist.❞
❝I'm going to love you to death.❞
❝Don't worry. We had safe sex. A lot of safe sex.❞
06. The Wedding from Hell
❝At certain times in our life, a cold shower is probably a good thing.❞
❝Sorry the dead man on your driveway is such an inconvenience.❞
 ❝Welcome to the lifestyles of the rich and shameless.❞
❝That's why we get paid medium bucks. To figure it out.❞
❝Can you imagine watching the man you love marry somebody else?❞
❝She's a demon. She comes to earth every two hundred years. She has to find an innocent, put him under her spell, and marry him in a sanctified wedding.❞
❝That doesn't sound any different than most of the single women in this city.❞
❝Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't we trying to stop this wedding?❞
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russeliarat · 11 months
So like incredibly short intro for us three hosts. We would introduce you to other members of the system, but we have 100+, possibly way way more so it's very hard to get intros for everyone when we don't know half the people in the noggin'
~-------❁❋❁❋❁❋ .: ʚɞ
❁❋❁❋❁❋~~~~~~Russelia ~~~~~~❁❋❁❋❁❋
So I've been running this blog probably solo for more than a year now, so y'all already know me eheh. My name's Russelia, but call me Russ. I use they/them and flutter/flutterself, and lean very very feminine presenting. I'm the host/co-host, but also function as a main protector for my system, as well as a trauma holder. In headspace, I take the form of a humanoid moth and thus have an obsession with moths - I also have children in headspace whom are varying forms of moths. I'm some form of aroace.
I'm 17 years old but change with the body's age, and I'm taken by another host in a different system <3 I formed ~2020, took over as the primary host around 2021-2022 though was dissociated with our now 'higher up' headmate, and as of recently (July 2023) I gained Jash and Whole as my co-hosts!
Those who knew me as Redd, I was actually blurred with them through a large portion of 2021- April-ish 2023 and believed myself to be them, though they are a different headmate who has too many responsibilities to take the role of host/co-host anymore.
Writing with Russ's help since apparently no one writes properly enough for em /aff
I'm Whole, CCCC fictive and co-host to the system. 22 years old and I'm taken by another headmate. Because of how marriage works, I'm Russ's stepdad, but they compare us to best friends a lot because we knew each other far before I married their dad. I'm pan, I use he/him.
Formed around May this year (2023) and I function as front's protector and soother, though I'm also a 'higher up' as we like to call the role, I have an admin job for the system essentially - manage system and the new formers, layers, stuff like that, I just get to comfort people and sort out their issues to. We work like a well-oiled clock like that, eh? I prefer to stay silently watching but I'm not against putting my opinions and reblogs here and there.
(Fun fact, Russ thought I was a fever dream when I formed)
Hey, I'm Jash, I'm a Chonny Jash factive but treat me like I'm my own person (should be an obvious thing but you'd be surprised) I'm eternally stuck at age 20 for some reason, I'm also pan and use he/him pronouns. I'm married to Whole and share memories with Russelia which make us child and father. I function as a protector, comforter and Russ and Whole's co-host. I have an interest in feminine fashion believe it or not
I've got a lot of medical issues, I tend to prefer not to talk about medical issues and stuff, but I'm not totally against chatting about it. We are bodily disabled so at some point I've got to talk about the overlap, right? I'm a bit more vocal than Whole but not as much as Russ, so yk I'll talk here and there. I'm private about my personal life though so don't push it. I find it simply hilarious the entire line up of hosts is one big family, it's incredible. Line up of 'autotune Aussies' or something as Russ puts it /lh /aff
~-------❁❋❁❋❁❋ .: ʚɞ
If there's something we want to individually talk about, we'll use tags for our names:
(examples: -Jash, -Whole, -Russ)
But, if there is none, assume it's either Russ or a combo of all three of us. You'll occasionally see a post with new name tags pop up, these are our other headmates. You'll see this a lot when we're sending asks to our friends' blogs. You can ask about them, but don't expect them/us to answer. If they do, sometimes we'll have to keep information very minimal to protect them such as in the case of a vulnerable headmate or a little for example. Do not harass them for more information, we will not respond or block you depending on the severity.
Lots of people tend to front at once, at one point we have about 20 people in front and it gave us a huge migraine lol, so if a group of people want to talk about something, we'll put multiple names in tone tags. Some of em might decide to colour code each other, let us know if the colours are hard to see ^^
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vampiiu · 2 years
Joker x Male reader
TW // CW: Sex & spanking.
What to expect: MLM smut. The reader is a bottom. PWP. This Joker can be interpreted as any Joker. Leto, Fleck, etc.
( ♡ )
We sat in the cargo of the flight. Joker sat with his hand on his legs, disappointed he had to leave his home.
"You'll always have me, J." I whispered. Joker looked at him from across the aisle. "Of course I will." Joker replied with a smile. His heart was warm.
"I'm always going to be here for you," I concluded.
Joker leaned closer and smiled again. It was Joker's way of saying, 'I'll be there when you need me.' That was a promise. A promise Joker made every day. Every time we'd go into battle, or go to Arkham Asylum, and every time Joker got arrested, he never gave up hope that one day we'd get back together. Even if we were fighting alongside each other all the time, it was still hard to keep hope alive inside us, but we managed because we'll always have each other. No matter what happens, we're in this together, and no matter what comes our way, we're a team. There's not an ounce of weakness between us, and that means we'll win against any challenge. Joker is a man of his word, which means if he says he'll be there for me, then he is. He'll hold my hand through anything that comes our way, so long as I know he's going to be there beside me. And even if he isn't, I know I can count on him to come after me with a gun, just as he did before. I'm confident that he wouldn't ever let anyone hurt me...well, not anymore anyway. I've learned to rely on myself, and Joker's taught me how to trust him too, but I would still always have him by my side. I was a little shocked at the sudden declaration, but I knew exactly what he meant by it.
And now that we're out of Arkham, I can finally relax. I didn't feel the pressure of keeping up appearances, but there was a lot left undone. Like getting a place to live without Batman breathing down my neck. Or finding a job, and paying rent. And a whole list of stuff I hadn't gotten around to yet. But hey, I'm out now, so who cares? Joker has my back, so I don't really care about those things either. If it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't be standing here right now, looking out the window at the scenery. I would probably still be locked in Arkham with no friends or family.
I glanced over at Joker, wondering where his thoughts were. I wondered if he'd ever thought of leaving. I mean, he has money, and he doesn't really seem like the type to stick around. Hell, if it weren't for me he never would've gone to prison at all. I've been trying to tell him that for years. He hasn't listened, though. He won't listen. But maybe...maybe he should give himself a second chance, you know? Maybe he should find someone else to be there for him. Someone who doesn't want to kill him when they see the light shine through. Someone who actually cares about him. Maybe someone like me. My face fell a bit.
I turned away from the window, and started to wonder why I felt so bitter. Sure, Joker hasn't shown any interest in dating anyone recently, but I guess we were both busy saving the world, and life was kind of stressful. But it wasn't as though we'd ever be together, anyways. So why did I bother caring? I sighed. Yeah, that's right. It wasn't like there was any point in worrying about something that couldn't happen. I mean, sure, sometimes people might fall for each other, but what does that say about the person who they are?
Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. The pilot cleared his throat. “We’re landing soon. Everyone ready?”
We both nodded. The pilot began to descend toward a massive building. It was huge, and beautiful, like most of the places I’ve seen before.
The plane landed, and the door opened up. I was the first off, followed quickly by Joker. I walked forward, and noticed that Joker wasn’t following along. Instead, he stood, staring straight ahead. The pilot came out of the cockpit. He must have been waiting for his cue to exit. I saw that he was wearing a white suit with red accents. I guess this was supposed to make me look tough? Or maybe he was just showing off his fancy clothes?
As I walked down the ramp, Joker continued staring off in front of him. I realized that he wasn’t looking at me.
"Hey, you comin'?" I asked.
Joker looked at me and grinned. "Yeah, I'm coming."
"Oh. Great," My voice dripped with sarcasm. I stepped down onto the grass, and began walking towards a black limo that was parked near the entrance. Joker was a few feet behind me. When we reached the car, we both climbed inside.
After a minute of sitting in the car, my hand starts to make its way towards Joker's. My heart speeds up. But, before I could, the driver said, "We've arrived, sirs."
Goddammit. He hit the gas and headed towards the mansion. After about five minutes of driving, the limo stopped in front of a large, elegant house. The driver opened the door, and I jumped out. I looked behind the car and waved to Joker. He followed shortly behind. Once we got inside, the driver took our coats, and escorted us to the library. It was a very nice looking room, with plush couches and chairs surrounding a coffee table that had a chess board set out upon it. At the center of the room, there was a roaring fireplace, casting an orange glow across everything. Our escort finally left the mansion, leaving the Joker and I all alone. Joker seemed a little surprised. I think I was more than a little excited.
I approached Joker slowly, smiling. "So..."
"So," he mimicked.
I took another step. I stood in front of him now. I looked at him, admiring him from head to toe. He was dressed nicely. The black suit, white dress shirt, and red tie. All of the elements of the outfit were very stylish, almost classy. I looked at his eyes, and his green eyes met mine. The look in them told me that he wanted me. Not just sexually, but romantically. I loved it. I liked being wanted by him. I loved knowing he cared about me. It made me happy. But, that feeling disappeared quickly. This feeling was replaced with the same anxiety I'd felt in Arkham. I felt a knot in my stomach. Joker took a step closer to me. I backed up, causing us to crash into the couch. He stared while leaning towards me, making sure I was aware of his intent. I stared back with nervousness. He reached out and held my chin between his thumb and index finger. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to prepare myself for whatever he was about to do.
He brought his mouth close to my ear.
"I'm gonna fuck you so good, baby," He whispered seductively. My body stiffened as Joker kissed my cheek. I swallowed hard and opened my eyes. Joker moved his face away from me and stared directly into my eyes. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks. This situation reminded me so much of the time we had sex on the rooftop. I tried to fight my blush away, but I failed. Joker smirked.
"I know what you want, baby. You wanna make love to me. You wanna feel my dick inside you again. Well," He paused. I swallowed hard again, and nodded my head slightly. "You're about to find out just what that feels like." I looked at him, confused.
Joker leaned closer, resting his hands on my waist. His breath tickled my skin, causing goosebumps to appear. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard," he whispered before kissing my cheek again, "It'll take your breath away. I promise I won't stop until you beg for me to stop. Just remember that." Joker pulled away from me and grabbed my arm. "Let's go to bed, baby."
My mind was still spinning. Joker took me upstairs to our new bedroom and shut the door behind us. As soon as the door closed, Joker wasted no time in pulling my pants off, throwing them somewhere on the floor. I watched as Joker undressed himself, only to toss his jacket off next. He walked over to the bed, climbing into it, laying back. He beckoned me with his fingers. I crawled over to the edge of the bed, straddling him and leaning in for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around my hips as I sat above him. He smiled and leaned up to grab my chest, slightly pinching my nipples before sucking on one of them. I gasped. I was getting hard already. He ran his tongue over my nipple before continuing to suck on it. I moaned loudly as I arched my back, grinding against Joker's crotch. I gripped his shoulders and pulled myself even further down, pushing my tits against him. Joker groaned, gripping my ass with his hands and harshly slapping it. I winced and yelped. Joker laughed lightly.
"Baby, you know you want this."
I nodded frantically. Of course I did. God, how I wanted to feel his dick buried deep within me again. I needed more of that sweet relief. Needed more of his cock. Wanted his touch.
"Then let me give it to you. Let me make it so good, baby. Please, baby. Give it to me!"
I hesitated, my breathing labored. What the hell am I doing? Joker looked at me, and grabbed my wrist, pulling me onto his lap and placing my wrist against his mouth. I whimpered softly as he placed his lips on my skin, licking gently. Oh my god, he was going to eat me alive. He sucked gently on my inner thigh, eliciting a moan from me. That only made him start moving faster against me.
Joker slid his hand from beneath me and pushed himself up onto his knees, grabbing lube from the bedside table. He opened the jar, and began pouring some of the oil onto his hand. I watched in amazement as he slowly stroked himself, then began pumping into his hand. He glanced up at me, his expression turning serious. Then, his eyes began drifting downwards.
His gaze traveled lower and lower, stopping right below my belly button. I felt my cheeks flush red. I bit my lip. He stared at me for a moment, as if waiting for me to say something. I gulped. "Hurry up."
He grinned. "Say please."
I rolled my eyes. "Please...please."
He stuck his lubricated fingers into my opening, earning a gasp from me.
"That's it, baby." He praised.
Suddenly, he slammed my backside onto his cock and I screamed.
"FUCK!" I cried, followed by a long string of whines and whimpers.
Only J can make me feel like this; so special and yet unimportant to him.
I hear him moan behind me as he ruts further into me. His hips crash into mine as we settle in at a steady rate. He laughs maniacally as he slams our two bodies together. Before I could warn him, the burning sensation in my core became all too much. I exploded all over our bed sheets, and he followed soon after; cumming inside me. Our finish consisted of dragged out moans and curses until he pulled out.
Leaning over me, he pulled me into a passionate kiss which told me everything was going to be okay. I fell asleep in his arms and drifted into a far away dreamland, meeting him there once again.
this wasn't proof-read :P
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tia-amorosa · 9 months
Caracan - Sparks Family (1)
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It is shortly after midnight and the lights are still on in the mayor's house. It's like this almost every evening, because Michael wants to finish his day's tasks first.
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​"Michael, it's getting late, come to bed"/ "in a minute, my dear, I just have to write a few lines. Mmh…hm, I've forgotten the name of our new resident again"/ "His name is Keon, Michael. You're getting a bit more forgetful as time goes by, I'm sure you realize that too. You'll have to give up your post at some point. I know you don't want that…".
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"I'm still clinging to the idea that we'll leave this island one day. If possible, before I die, Vinetta. Until then, I just want to be who I am for as long as possible."/ "But at some point, you won't be able to do that anymore. You know some of the men here would like to take over your job". "hmm. I'm just not sure yet who I can hand over my position to with a clear conscience"…
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"What about Mr. Weiss, or Luck-Neckar? Or Erik Verne? "/ "Oh no, not Erik, he would confuse so many things. No, I was thinking maybe Clayton. He's the closest to what I envision as my successor. He's very eloquent, can write very well, his handwriting is flawless. And he's very competent"/ "that's right. It would certainly be a good job for him."/"But I'm still here"…
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"This year marks 15 years. I know it's not necessarily a day to celebrate. But it would still be nice if we could all gather around the table with a good roast. Dean should keep an eye out first and then bring us something that's enough for everyone"/ "if everyone wants to come at all."/ "You're right… Then the leftovers will be brought to them. I also wish we could do it differently. But it was lucky that there are wild animals here".
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Michael finished his work for the day. He then went out into the hallway with his wife. This was already an evening ritual. Checking once again that the door was locked, taking another look through the window to make sure no one was out and about. "See, everything's fine"/"Where's our daughter today, she hasn't come home"/"She's staying with the Winchesters, she and Emma have become good friends".
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There is a difference between what you tell your parents and what you do instead. The hunter's house is not far from the family home. Donna has been spending a lot of time with him recently. Lustful moans, rapid breathing and the rhythmic banging of wood against a wall are the sounds that flood his bedroom at this moment.
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Donna and the hunter. It's not official yet. They spend most of their time together in their house and enjoy everything they've only ever dreamed of. The two have known each other since they were children. They actually grew up like siblings, but the older they got, the more they realized that they wanted more than just to be friends.
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They let their feelings run free until well after midnight. "You really are incredible, Donna, but at some point even the strongest man needs a break. ". She raised an eyebrow and made a pouty face. "hnn, and I thought we could still until tomorrow morning…"/ "hahaha, oh no, really… Hey, I have to get up soon"/ "mmh. All right." He stroked her face tenderly, kissed her and then let himself fall to the side.
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Exhausted and satisfied, they lay next to each other. "How much longer do you want to wait, Donna? Your parents should be allowed to know by now, shouldn't they?"/ "hnn, I actually find it quite appealing when we have a little secret"/ "Our relationship isn't a problem… Yes, I lived under the same roof as you and your parents for many years, but everything is different now and I get on with your parents"/ "Oh Dean…"
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"What, huh? Your parents are allowed to know… We're not kids anymore, Donna"/ "I know. Hhh, okay, I'll talk to them, all right?"/
"We! I'll come with you, not that you're going to back out"/
"All right, then you're coming with me. I have to help my dad again tomorrow anyway. Man, this work is really boring, I'd rather be doing something else. And I also have to look after the three orphans".
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"oh yes, the three who live up by the waterfall…"/ "i'm the dear aunt who looks after them. but Rupert is slowly turning into a man. He wants to be a craftsman now and is attending school again.". Dean raised an eyebrow with a confident look on his face and took a deep breath. "And I can hunt." She had to smile a little. "hnhn, yes, you're very good at that. And in a few days, it'll be Gratitude Day again. We should be grateful that we ended up here and not in the floods.". Dean got a different look on his face. Annoyed. "Yeah, and I'm only allowed to hunt on assignment again and not for fun, it's really boring."
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Donna stroked his face and smiled sympathetically. "I know it's not very challenging for you. But you're the one who gets us the meat when we need it. You're the best hunter I know. And we've got everything under control so far, haven't we? I need to sleep now…"/ "O.k….". Donna lay down next to him under the comforter and closed her eyes. While he thought for a moment. "One day… One day I'll shoot a really big one!".
End of Part one
Credits: Thanks to Lover's Lab for the Passion mod, which my Sims always have a lot of fun with😊😆in (it's like the Kinky, only with fewer functions, but it's enough for me) Bed Pose by Skylar (?) I'm not sure right now. I'll check again next time.^^
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jessybarnes · 2 years
Golden Lines - Chapter Three - Secrets, Trust, and Confessions
Pairings: Chris Evans x OFC Jessica Anderson, Chris Evans x OFC Lily Stan, Sebastian Stan x OFC Jessica Anderson, Tom Hiddleston x OFC Ang DiLorenza 
Chapter Three Characters: Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Tom Hiddleston, OFC Jessica Anderson, OFC Lily Stan, OFC Ang DiLorenza, OFC Mrs. Stevens
Chapter Three Rating: Mature
Chapter Three Tags: Angst, anxiety, confessions of feelings, admission of teacher/student relationship, keeping secrets, mentions of kissing, running into Sebastian...literally, explicit language.
Chapter Three Word Count: 2,602
Chapter Three Betas: T. Thompson and @madashatters18
Chapter Three Mini Title Card: Yours Truly
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Angie practically skips to the cafeteria, quickly finding Lily and Jessica with three plates of pizza. 
"Hey, loves! Did ya miss me?" 
Lily takes a bite of her food and nods. "Yeah," she says around the bite of pizza, "we got you pepperoni and a bottle of Coke." 
Jessica makes room and smiles when Angie sits down. "So...how did your date with Romeo go?" 
Ang blushes, "I mean...we didn't kiss if that's what you're getting at." 
Lily smirks and leans on her elbow. "There's a 'but' in there somewhere, I can sense it."
Angie shakes her head. "There isn't. Nothing happened...he just explained the formulas to me and said that he'd like to spend a half hour every Wednesday after school to tutor me. Then he dismissed me, and here I am." 
Jessica squeals happily. "Oh, my god! He is totally into you! I'm gonna say y'all are gonna kiss by the third session." 
Lily tips her bottle of Coke toward Ang. "I second that!" 
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Tom sits behind his desk, his thumbnail tight between his teeth. He can't get the way Angie looked at him out of his mind. Long-term relationships aren't really his thing. He is so dedicated to his job, putting all of his energy into it, and what time he has left is spent visiting with his family in London. Sure he has little flings here and there. He has needs just like everyone else does, but he's never had a feeling like the one he has when he looks at Ang. 
He closes his eyes and runs a hand through his hair. He wants her to succeed. Hell, it's his damn job to make sure that she does. The problem is, he can't focus when she's near him. She is the only woman who's ever been able to make him feel like this, and he's not sure how to deal with these new feelings. 
A knock on his door startles him back into reality. Tom gets up and is surprised to see Chris standing on the other side. They're friends, but it's rare they see each other while at work. 
"Chris? Everything okay?" Tom watches him walk past him into his classroom. He's quiet, definitely a red flag. "Hey. What's wrong?" 
Chris sighs and turns around to face him. "Have you ever wanted something so bad knowing you weren't allowed to have it?" He shoves his hands in his pockets and looks down, "and even though you'd lose everything if someone found out about it, you would still be willing to do it...just to be happy?" 
Tom's eyes go wide. It's like Chris can read his mind. He's just spoken his entire dilemma out loud. "Um…well, I…y-yeah I have actually…" 
Chris snaps his gaze to his. "You have?" 
Tom nods. "Yeah," he sits back down and gestures for Chris to sit next to him, "and I have a feeling we're going through the same thing." 
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Ang and Lily walk to art in silence. Their arms are linked together as they maneuver through the sea of kids. Once they're seated at one of the large tables, Lily sighs. "Seb's been acting weird lately." 
Angie furrows her brows. "Weird how?" 
"Well, for starters, he's been drinking a lot more. Like, he doesn't get shit-faced or anything, but I can tell something's bothering him. Mom's back in Romania, so I'm really all he's got, as far as family is concerned, for right now. He won't talk to me, and I'm worried because he always talks to me. It's kinda our thing. Telling each other everything."
Angie reaches for her hand and holds it reassuringly. "I'm sure he'll talk when he's ready, babe. Maybe he just doesn't know how to put whatever it is into words yet." 
Lily smiles, "yeah, you're right. Thanks, Ang. You always know how to make the chaos in my life make sense." 
She squeezes her hand before pulling it away. "That's what I'm here for, dear." 
The bell rings signaling the start of class and their teacher stands up from behind her desk. 
"Good afternoon, class. My name is Mrs. Stevens, and I'll be helping all of you expand your art skills. This first week we will just be easing into things, and I figured for our first assignment you could draw whatever you want. A portrait, an aesthetic of your favorite season, etc. You can take the rest of the class to plan and sketch a mock-up of your drawing, and you'll have until Friday to finish it. There are sketchbooks in the back and supplies on the shelves for you to use at your leisure. You may begin."
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Chris stares incredulously at his friend. "Y-You…what?" 
Tom folds his hands and looks down at his lap. "I'm going to tell you something, and I'd appreciate it if you kept it between us. Please?" 
Chris nods, "Of course, man." 
Tom takes a moment to think of how to put his feelings for Angie into words. Finally, he just goes with what feels right. "I have romantic feelings for one of my students…" 
Chris’s jaw drops. "Really?" He breathes out through his nose, "I um...you were right. We are going through the same thing. Can I…can I ask who she is?" 
Tom looks over at him and licks his lips. "Angie DiLorenza." 
Chris puts a hand on his shoulder. "She's in my second-period class. It's funny because she's friends with the one I'm with." 
Tom almost chokes on his own spit. "The one you're with? You're dating her?!" 
Chris grimaces at his slip-up. "Fuck...yeah, I...we…," he hangs his head and sighs. "I'll tell you, but you have to keep my secret too. Not even Sebastian can know, okay?" 
Tom nods, "you have my word." 
"It's Jessica Anderson." Even saying her name makes his heart flutter. "I met her at the park yesterday and she took my breath away. I mean, it was like the world stopped spinning when I saw her, Tom. I can't explain it any better than that. Then she was in my second hour and I panicked because I'm scared she would be weirded out having me as her teacher, you know? I passed her a note discreetly asking her to stay after class, and it must have scared her because she had a fuckin' anxiety attack right in front of me. I haven't been that scared in a long time. I didn't know what to do, so I locked my door, took her into my arms, and talked to her. It worked, and then...she was so close to me...and we ended up kissing." 
Chris closes his eyes. "I haven't felt like this since Amanda." 
"I know exactly what you mean. Ang has me feeling a way I've never felt before in my life. She...just doesn't know it yet. Today I gave the kids an assessment paper on Pre-Calc and she had no fear. She wrote little notes next to the questions like 'I need a calculator though.' and 'how am I supposed to know?'. I should have been upset, but instead of giving her detention, I offered to tutor her after school on Wednesdays. She was blatantly flirting with me too." 
Tom stands and places his hands on his desk, leaning over slightly. "Chris, she looks at me like I'm some kind of God. I...what do I do?" 
Chris gets to his feet and rubs a hand over the back of his neck. "Go with what your heart says. That's what I'm doing. Be careful about how much you flirt with her here though. Way too many witnesses. I'm here if you need to talk, man. You've got my number." 
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Tom pulls him into a hug and claps him on the back. "You too, Chris. Thank you for talking with me about all of this. It means a lot." 
Chris smiles and walks to the door, "Anytime. I gotta get ready for my next class. Text me later." 
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Angie sighs, "any idea what you're gonna draw, love?" 
Lily shrugs and passes her a blank sketchbook. "I don't know. I thought I'd try drawing a vacation spot my Mom and I went to. What about you?" 
"I'm honestly not sure. I think I'm just gonna start sketching and see what happens." 
The room is quiet save for the occasional sound of ruffling papers and moving pencils. Angie's mind wanders to her moment with Mr. Hiddleston. She can't describe the way she feels for him, but the one thing she is certain of is he makes her feel alive. 
Her hand begins moving her pencil mindlessly across the page, her thoughts remembering every little detail. The way his calloused hand felt under her small fingers, his scent surrounding her like a warm blanket just pulled from the dryer, and the way he looked at her. She continues to draw, not even registering the image that's quickly taking shape. 
She imagines the way his mouth would feel on her skin. Those smooth lips peppering gentle kisses along her neck gradually moving lower and lower. How he'd look towering over her, caging her in while they touch each other, map out one another's bodies. She thinks about him taking her innocence. 
Angie blinks, snaps out of her trance, and looks down at the page. She stills, all the air leaving her lungs from what she sees. 
It's just a sketch, with no shading or defined lines, but it's the fact that she's never done this before. Angie has never let her mind do the thinking for her while her hand drags the graphite across the page. Suddenly, she's aware that anyone could walk by and see it and that scares her. 
Ang slams the book shut and puts her head in her hands. "Babe? What's wrong?" Lily whispers. 
"I'm screwed, that's what." She passes the sketchbook over to Lily, "I just did this without even realizing it, Lil...what am I supposed to do? I don't know what to draw, and it's not like I can turn this in. I'll get in trouble." 
Lily eyes her for a moment before flipping to the first page. Her eyes go wide. "Ang,...this is...it's amazing! Girl, what do you mean you can't turn this in?" 
She shakes her head, "It'll cause suspicion, Lily! I don't want him to get fired because of some drawing I did of him! I'd feel awful if that ha-" 
Mrs. Stevens approaches their table effectively cutting Angie off mid-sentence, "everything okay here girls?" 
Lily slowly closes her friend's book and steals a quick glance across the table. "Y-Yeah, it's um...we're good." 
Angie feels all the blood drain from her face. "Have you two decided what you'll be drawing?" 
Angie's mouth goes dry, "Um…" 
Her teacher looks at her with concern. "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." 
She nods silently. "Well, okay dear." She looks down at her workspace and frowns, "where's your sketchbook?" 
Ang can feel her heart rate spike. God, if she could only disappear right now. "My um…L-Lily has it." She takes it from the blonde and lays her forearms on top of it protectively. Mrs. Stevens smiles warmly. "Can I see what you've got so far?" 
Lily can feel the fear and emotion coming from Angie. She wishes she could do something, but she feels helpless. 
"I-I-I don't think that's uh...a g-good idea," Ang says quietly. 
"Nonsense, Ms. DiLorenza. I'm sure it's lovely, whatever it is. C'mon, let's see it." 
Tears pool in her eyes as she reluctantly hands her the book. She looks down at her lap and wrings her hands nervously. Lily watches as the teacher opens it, her hand covering her mouth as she looks down in shock. 
"Ms. DiLorenza...this is-'' 
Angie can't hold back her tears anymore. If she's going to get in trouble she might as well attempt to salvage Mr. Hiddleston's teaching position. "I know. I know this looks bad, but I promise it's not like that, Mrs. Stevens! I-I just…I draw my inspiration from things that...that speak to me, and Mr. H helped me with my Math earlier. He was so nice and I've never had a Math teacher be so patient with me. I just wanted to show my appreciation." She wipes her eyes with her sleeve, not making any eye contact with her teacher. 
"Ms. DiLorenza, you're not in any trouble here and neither is Mr. H. I believe you when you say that there isn't anything going on, and it isn't a crime to draw something that inspires you. This," she motions to the drawing, "is beautiful. Please finish this. Don't worry, you're not going to be punished. I actually think it would be nice to show him when it's all done, don't you?" 
Angie bit her lip. "Yeah, I-I can do that. Thank you, Mrs. Stevens." 
She looks at Lily and breathes a sigh of relief. "God, that was nerve-racking. I'm just glad he's not going to be let go or something." 
Lily nods, "me too, but what do you think he's gonna say? You know, about the picture?" 
"I don't know," Angie admits. "I just hope he doesn't get freaked out by it. I want him to like it." 
Lily reaches across the table for her hand. "He will, love. He will."
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Jessica walks out of the music wing in the direction of her locker. Her mind is definitely not focused on anything around her. She can still feel his soft lips on hers, moving slowly and sweet. He tasted like coffee and mint and it was heaven. With a dreamy sigh, she rounds the corner to the hall of lockers and collides into a firm chest. 
She falls backward and catches herself with her hands and hits the floor. Her books scatter everywhere and she groans. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention and I didn't mea-" Her eyes look up and lock onto none other than Mr. Stan. 
He stares down at her in momentary shock before quickly helping her to her feet. "Are you alright, Ms. Anderson?" 
She looks down at her mess of books. "I-I'm fine. Just got a lot on my mind. Sorry for keeping you." 
Sebastian frowns and bends down to pick up her blank book that Chris had assigned earlier in the day. His fingers curl around the spine and when he picks it up the book opens slightly, two loose scraps of paper falling out. 
Jessica's heart seizes in her chest as she watches the papers float gently to the ground in slow motion. Of course, the one with his number on it lands ink-side up. She instantly lunges for it praying to anyone who was listening that he didn't read it. "Th-Thank you for um...for uh…" She quickly grabs the book from his hands. "S-Sorry." 
He watches her practically sprint down the hallway while he stands rooted to the spot. There was definitely something fishy about everything that just happened. She was more nervous than she was in pain from hitting the tile floor. At first, Sebastian thought he'd scared her, but the moment he picked up the book for her he saw the horror flash in her eyes. He didn't understand what the big deal was until he looked down at the paper on the floor. He didn't recognize anything odd about it at first glance, but when he looked again he couldn't believe what he was seeing. 
Was that Chris’s phone number?!
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nel-world · 3 months
co worker
KWAMI: Hey there!
CO-WORKER: Hey, how's it going? Just wrapping up some reports.
KWAMI: Same here. Busy day, huh?
CO-WORKER: Definitely. Speaking of which, I need some advice unrelated to work. I've been chatting with this girl for a bit, and we're planning to hang out and grab a bite to eat.
KWAMI: Nice, sounds like a plan.
CO-WORKER: Yeah, but I'm kind of struggling to choose a restaurant. Do you have any suggestions?
KWAMI: Well, it depends on what she likes.
CO-WORKER: She loves Indian food.
KWAMI: Got it. There's a great Indian restaurant called "Bombay Bistro" nearby.
CO-WORKER: That's perfect! Thanks!
KWAMI: No problem. Gotta go now. // Kwami: Hey there! Thanks a lot for recommending the restaurant.
Coworker: No problem at all. Hope you enjoyed it.
Kwami: Actually, I need some advice. We're meeting again for a second date. Do you have any movie suggestions?
Coworker: That sounds amazing! there is a movie khkh playing at amc theater.
Kwami: By the way, are you coming to the party on Friday night?
Coworker: Not sure yet.
Coworker: By the way, did you hear what our boss said about the new project?
Kwami: No, what happened?
Coworker: He mentioned that we might need to work some weekends to meet the deadline.
Kwami: Seriously? That's going to be tough.
Coworker: Yeah, but if we manage it well, it should be fine.
Kwami: Agreed. .// scene: with co worker …party
COWORKER: Come on, man, I told you I'd get you up one of these days. Drinks?
KWAMI: You alright? You seem a little quiet.
ROOMMATE: There's a party.
ERROL: I just dont want to go to parties.
MAX: Oh, man. But parties are great! Free food, free drinks, and lots of people. What's not to like? You haven't lived until you've woken up in a stranger's garden, wearing nothing but a captain's hat and a smile on your face.
Parties are where you master the art of small talk. Do you think I was always this charming? No way. It was the parties. If you don't learn to love them, you'll end up being that weird person who never goes to parties. Is that what you want?
no man i cant do it..
// // KWAMI: It's so good to see you. It's been a while.
CO-WORKER: Yeah, it has. I really need a friend right now.
KWAMI: What's going on?
CO-WORKER: I haven't heard from her. You know, the girl I went on a date with.
KWAMI: Oh, breakup?
The most dangerous animal in the jungle: the female human. One minute she takes you to the heights of ecstasy, and the next, she can shatter your soul with a single glance.
CO-WORKER: I'll be okay. She's the first girl in ages that I've… you know, really liked.
CO-WORKER: I've started writing poems again. I find it helpful. Do you want to hear one?
CO-WORKER: "I thought I was your man, the yin to your yang. But now I sit in the dark and say damn."
KWAMI: I got it.
KWAMI: How's work? // // Father Joseph: Your grandfather saved all of his life… to bring the family to this country. He got a good job in the stockyards, had a nice little house in South Chicago. I was about 12. Somebody sold him on the idea he ought to move to the country and become a dairy farmer. Well… he buys some land, you know, and gets a couple hundred cows. Within five months, every one of those cows was dead with disease. It was the Depression. Couldn't sell the land. There was no work. So one day… he took off. Didn't come back. My brothers and me, we split up… to live with friends and relatives. Chasing a stupid dream causes nothing but you and everyone around you heartache. Notre Dame is for rich kids, smart kids, great athletes. It's not for us. You're a Ruettiger. There's nothing wrong with that. You can have a damn nice life. Frank is gonna take over plant number two. In a couple of years, he'll make more than me and Johnny. He's in charge of the expansion program.
0 notes
thezoeydiaries · 6 months
Hey there!
It's 1:05 in the morning. I'm here at our house in the province because we're spending the Holy Week with the family. I couldn't really relax right now even if I wanted to kasi ang dami ko pang need matapos for work, but because everyone is in vacation mode, there's not much I can do about it.
So to appease my busy head, I'm just going to use this time to write entries and hopefully get some sleep after. Today is Saturday (March 30th), and we will be leaving for Manila on Sunday. I would love to stay longer but unfortunately, my job is incredibly demanding and I have to get back as soon as I can.
So while I'm here, let me talk to you guys for a bit. I'm trying hard to recall kung ano nga ba yung mga nangyari sa akin for the past months (actually marami siya hindi ko lang maalala yung details). Siguro I'll start with a very mundane memory that brings me joy.
This is my Kim's Ramyun routine:
For those who don't know what Kim's Ramyun is, it's like a Self-Assisted Korean Convenience Store where you can help yourself to a wide range of instant noodles, Korean snacks, drinks, Korean side dishes, ice cream, etc.
Almost everything in the store including cooking your chosen noodles is up to you. All you have to do is choose what noodles you want to eat and other items you want to purchase (drinks, desserts, snacks like seaweed or a bag of chips, etc.) then you go up to the counter and they will assist you with the side dishes you like (if you choose to have any). Then you can have them ring up your items and you can start preparing your meal.
1ST STEP: Go to the Cooking Station
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*CTTO of this image
In one corner of the store, you will find Automatic Ramyun Cookers lined up in a row. Depending on what kind of noodles you choose (stir-fry, soup-based, etc.), there are different buttons to press to properly cook them. There are also buttons to add more water, or to extend the heating time of the stove, and there are usually instruction guides on the side of the machines. Or you can ask one of their staff to help assist you with the machine.
2ND STEP: Wait for the noodles to cook (and then drain if it's for stir-fry instant noodles)
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After you figure out how to use the machine, you wait for your noodles and sides to cook in the boiling water. Since I started eating at Kim's Ramyun, I haven't tried any soup-based noodles because I always go for Instant Jjajangmyeon from the brand Paldo. I also order mini sausages with my Jjajangmyeon and a pack of seaweed (usually the cheese-flavored ones), and I always get Grape Fanta for my drink. This has always been my go-to, and I know the pairing may be a bit odd to some but I like it.
3RD STEP: After draining, I go find my seat and enjoy my meal in peace.
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Once I reach my seat, I prepare the sauce of the Jjajangmyeon and mix it in with the noodles and sausage. And then I open my pack of seaweed and wipe off the top of my can with alcohol (It's always been a habit of mine na punasan muna yung top ng can before I drink kasi helloooo hindi ko alam kung saan at anong pinagdaanan nung can na yun hahaha). After that, I get my phone and search for a series I'd like to watch or get my AirPods to listen to some chill music/podcasts. While I figure out what to watch or listen to, it gives me time to let my noodles cool off (I'm not fond of hot food, pero depende rin siguro sa mood ko or weather).
I usually eat at Kim's Ramyun after work because one of their branches in Timog is close to our office. And when I couldn't decide on what to eat I usually opted to walk from the office to Kim's Ramyun and have myself a hearty bowl of Jjajangmyeon. Kalimitan kapag maaga akong aalis ng office and alam kong tapos na lahat ng tasks ko for the day, dito ako pumupunta for dinner. There were also days that I visited during the wee hours of the night after finishing work.
I get a sense of comfort whenever I eat at Kim's Ramyun after a long day at work. It makes me feel like an adult and that I just had a productive day. It sort of became like a sign that I just clocked out and now I'm just a regular person again (and not an employee). I also find myself alone amongst groups of people who dine there. But I don't feel the slightest embarrassment by eating on my own at Kim's Ramyun unlike when I was at that K-Grill place near my Dorm (IFYKYK, please refer to my previous entry). It also feels like some kind of "Me Time", I get to enjoy my meal in peace and catch up on episodes of my favorite series or podcasts. Whatever it is, it just brings me comfort. It may sound like a simple and incredibly mundane thing that I do, but whenever I go to eat there —I end up having a good time. It's a small win that I like to celebrate.
And that's it for today's entry. It's already 3:03 AM and medyo inaantok na ako so I guess I'm off to bed. In the next entries, I'll be talking about more random memories or ganaps from the past few months. But for now, sleep na muna tayo.
Good night my lovelies, I'll chika more soon. Bye~
Zoey na pumipikit na ang mata
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drewbacca2 · 1 year
Starkiller Saga
44 BBY Chapter two part seven
A trip to Kashyyyk
It's been six months since I've seen the hooded figure with the orange lightsaber. I've heard from Bar Lar that he's been messing with the gangs of this area. Or at least someone with his description, lightsaber included. I've been training my force power and my body these last six months in preparation for this fight I've been sensing. He hasn't been messing with Gungan Cargo. Good, but strange. Maybe he doesn't see them as a threat? Or is it something else? Anyway, I've done ten jobs for Gungan Cargo. Giving me a total of 100k and accumulatively 75k for my crew. I get the feeling that I'm needed somewhere… and as soon as I feel that I'm getting a call on my helmet. I answer it and I hear a Wookiee yelling in my ear. Well not yelling per se, but she's just a loud Wookiee when she's excited. "Grandson Grozchal! How have you been?" I say "Hey… Grandmother… I don't know how to tell you this… but- "Don't worry kid. I already felt him return to the trees… I felt all of them. I've met Bendak and your mother before you were found by your father. How did they die? If it's too hard to repeat I understand." "No, it's alright." I recount what happened. Sparing her the details of the war. "I need you to come see me." She says. "Um… not to be disrespectful… but why?" "Have you forgotten life day yesterday? Not to mention your birthday is in three days!" "Well… I'll have to see if I'm not busy today…" "I know you're in the area Grozchal. Your power has gotten stronger and better to where it's not so easy to ignore. I hope to see you soon, Grandson. Bye bye now." And before I can respond she hangs up.
I take my helmet off and go to look behind me to see if Meris is awake and- *Chop* "When were you planning on telling me you not only have a Grandmother, but your birthday is in three days?" I say "I didn't even know she saw me as her grandson. And… Well, I haven't celebrated my birthday since I was eight." "Well you better tell everyone we'll be leaving soon." She says."Right" I reply. I put my armor on and I speak over the intercom. "Alright everyone. We'll be leaving soon for a few days. But we'll come back though. Just want to pay a short visit to my grandmother. I leave the Raven to talk to Bar Lar. "Ah, there's one of my favorite Mandalorians! We unfortunately don't have any jobs for you today. Not only have you taken care of our last problem last week, nobody is needing anything done because they're busy celebrating the aftermath of life day. But is there anything I can do for you?" "Actually yes, could you reserve this landing pad for me? I should only be gone for a few days at max." "I'll see what I can do." He says "Thanks Bar Lar." "Anytime Grozchal." I walk up the loading ramp and as it's closing I turn on the intercom. "Fire up the engines Fixer. We're ready to head out." "Aye aye captain." And not long after she says that we're up in the air. I go to the cockpit and I teach Fixer and Tech how to use the weapons. Unfortunately Karrstag is too big to use the main two gunner seats. But he can use the anti personnel cannon. So I teach him to use that. "hyperspace coordinates locked for Kashyyyk. 3 2 1." She pulls the lever and we go into hyperspace. When we drop out of hyperspace I get a call from that same Wookiee. "I knew you'd come! I'm not ready with some things. Land here and I'll meet you there."
She gives me coordinates and I have Fixer follow them. We come to a wooden landing pad and I see her meditating on the floor in front of it. "You wanna come with me, vod?" He nods and Meris says "I'm coming with you. I want to meet the rest of your family." I say, "ok no problem." We walk down the ramp and she says with her eyes closed "Greetings my Grandson-" she looks up and looks past me to Karrstag and starts to tear up. "He looks like your father." "He does?" "When were you born?" She asks. "In three days, forty years ago. Why?" He says. Her eyes widened. "I knew of a Wookiee that was born forty years ago. I was going to pay him a visit but he disappeared five years ago. His mother died during childbirth. I was going to see if the rumors were true." "What rumors?" Karrstag asked. "That is if my son Karrstag had a child before he left for the Galaxy at large." Tears start to soak into her fur. "Look at him Grozchal! Does he not look exactly like your father?!" I look at him and I see it! "You're right! I don't know how I didn't see it before." "Maybe your eyes refused to let you see because of the pain of losing him." "Heh… we've been calling each other brother this entire time. While in reality we actually are." "I suppose now's a good time as any to ask." I cock my head to the left. "What do you mean?" Karrstag says. "So… I've been thinking… a lot, and I want to be a Mandalorian. If you don't-" I interrupt him with "Don't worry about how I feel about it, because I'm as happy as a loth cat getting fed and getting belly rubs at the same time! But think about what you want. It's a lifestyle, It's a culture, and a religion. There are some rules to being a Mandalorian. In no particular order, but all equally important. They consist of wearing the armor, speaking the language, defending oneself and family, raising your children as Mandalorians, contributing to the clan's welfare, and when called upon by the Mand'alor, rallying to their cause. I'll make you some armor out of durasteel. I hope we can get some Beskar and find a Beskar smith." He smiles and looks as happy as a Wookiee can get! Oh no… he hugs me and I'm dead. Never underestimate a happy Wookiee's hug. He puts me down and I then ask our grandmother what she wanted to show me. She points to the bowl in front of her and says "Sit, I have something to teach you." I then sit like she is. She says "I'm going to teach you healing. You need at least some medical knowledge. How much do you have?" I reply "I know the anatomy of every race in the Galaxy. And I'm not kidding." "I know you're not. This is good news. That means you can use this ability to its fullest potential. So, I need you to tap into the force." I do, and I wait for her instructions. "Now, do not pour too much of your essence into the target. Otherwise you may pour too much and die. You must also picture the flesh mending, the bone shaping, and the blood flowing correctly if you are to use this correctly. Now…" she grabs a ritual dagger and slits her wrist. "Dew it. You may want to hurry. I can only lose so much blood." I then reach out and I close it quickly. "I knew you would have! I think you're a prodigy Grozchal!" I rub the back of my neck. "I wouldn't go that far, but… "Oh you, always so modest. We need to go to the Shadowlands anyway. I think your present is ready. No spoilers!"
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hey um this is a real fucking vent of a post maybe dont read if ur triggered easily by family/abuse stuff. I just had to get it out im sry. its not too coherent
I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him. my dad. one second we're having a normal conversation about art. then he's screaming at me to shut the fuck up, swearing at me, telling me how behind everyone else my age I am, telling me that I DON'T deserve respect or to be treated like a human, mock-bowing to me while laughing at me and saying that I think I'm sooooo important "like some kind of fucking princess" bc I said I don't deserve to be treated like I'm not human. yelling at me over and over to "shut my fucking mouth", saying that this is why I have no friends, why I lose every friendship I care about, and that he can throw me out right now if I keep "pushing it" and he won't care and there's nothing I can do about it. that I don't have real friends and can't name them. that I'm only acting how I am because I'm "on my period and a bit wacky".
....what sparked this? I said I wash underwear in hot water after I buy it, and that it didn't matter if that was "logical" or not bc I only buy new undies once every year or two. that's what sparked this whole thing. that and me saying "How dare you.I don't deserve to be treated this way." when he blew up. ...literally just yesterday he was saying how he's so proud of me and loves me. not even 24 hours ago he was saying that he could see how hard I'm working and that he understands if I need a break because I'm doing so well. ten MINUTES AGO we were talking about art, looking at the bedsheet I'd ordered and he was complimenting my choices and saying he'd put me in charge of buying new sheets for the household soon. TEN MINUTES AGO. what HAPPENED.
...and I know he'll just go back to loving & respecting me after (insert length of time here) when he feels like it, and until then I'll be excluded from all family interactions, treated like a literal threat and monster at all times, called "my abuser" instead of "my daughter", and forced to hide. ...and then I'll be his Amazing Smart Hardworking Daughter again, unless I bring ANY of this up in which case it will go from Bad to Worst and I am now "THE abuser". this is how it goes. this is how it's gone for a decade. why do I always forget this part when things are good. Even if I write it down or record it (THAT WAS A BAD IDEA HE GOT SO PISSED) it feels...fake??? like it just doesn't exist. I am fully aware that this is gaslighting.
I am fully aware that he does this and simultaneously presents himself to the community as an example of RECOVERY from abuse and has CONSIDERED BECOMING A THERAPIST. I don't have shit on him bc I have nowhere else to go, and I'm not in physical danger. staying here until I can get into college and/or get a job IS my best bet, bc while this is traumatic and unpredictable he's fully all bark, no bite. the majority-ish of the time, things are good. He does house and support me despite having just lost his job (though I'm paying for a lot of the groceries- no job here either), and he's actually been really amazing & supportive this year in general... except when he does This.
and GOD does This suck
one day I'll figure out how to stealth-record on my phone... idk why. when things are Bad Like This i want some record to release to our community once I get independent, and blow this lie out of the water. Ik it's ungrateful but like... what the fuck dude
I'm really thankful for what he's doing for me
but what the fuck dude
it's going to mean NOTHING in a few hours/days. he's obviously letting out some internal thing that he has no idea how to channel appropriately and nobody else he can aim it at who wont fight back (except my little brother, who has never done anything wrong ever in his life and is ALWAYS dad's "son") (and the dog, who he sometimes threatens to scare until she pees if she's barking like a lunatic at the pizza guy or someone, but he's mostly-joking/ never actually does it because she's "the best dog in the world") (...I'm treated less human then the dog)
but its just so mean
(also obviously if i even raise my voice/tone a TINY BIT at him, or say a word in a way that he percieves as mildy passive-aggresive, that's a trigger for things to go from Good to Bad unless I immediately literally grovel.
...if you want to uhhhh please send funny videos, art DIYS, animals, mythology, the worst most cursed music and/or mashups you know. I could rly use it rn. just rec me something. anything. (not fanfic tho- I'm currently writing my college application essay on fandom's role in modern folklore, so for once I Do Not Want To Hear/Read Any More About It)
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