#now-- now go away I'm reading hamlet
mollyrealized · 4 months
How Michael Met Neil
original direct link [MP3]
(Neil, if you see this, please feel free to grab the transcript and store on your site; I had no easy way of contacting you.)
DAVID TENNANT: Tell me about @neil-gaiman then, because he's in that category [previously: “such a profound effect on my life”] as well.
MICHAEL SHEEN: So this is what has brought us together.
MICHAEL: To the new love story for the 21st century.
DAVID: Exactly.
MICHAEL: So when I went to drama school, there was a guy called Gary Turner in my year. And within the first few weeks, we were doing something, having a drink or whatever. And he said to me, “Do you read comic books?”
And I said, “No.”  I mean, this is … what … '88?  '88, '89.  So it was … now I know that it was a period of time that was a big change, transformation going through comic books.  Rather than it being thought of as just superheroes and Batman and Superman, there was this whole new era of a generation of writers like Grant Morrison.
DAVID: The kids who'd grown up reading comic books were now making comic books
MICHAEL: Yeah, yeah, and starting to address different kinds of subjects through the comic book medium. So it wasn't about just superheroes, it was all kinds of stuff going on – really fascinating stuff. And I was totally unaware of this.
And so this guy Gary said to me, "Do you read them?" And I said, "No."  And he went, "Right, okay, here's The Watchman [sic] by Alan Moore. Here's Swamp Thing. Here's Hellblazer. And here's Sandman.”
And Sandman was Neil Gaiman's big series that put his name on the map. And I read all those, and, just – I was blown away by all of them, but particularly the Sandman stories, because he was drawing on mythology, which was something I was really interested in, and fairy tales, folklore, and philosophy, and Shakespeare, and all kinds of stuff were being mixed up in this story.  And I absolutely loved it.
So I became a big fan of Neil's, and started reading everything by him. And then fairly shortly after that, within six months to a year, Good Omens the book came out, which Neil wrote with Terry Pratchett. And so I got the book – because I was obviously a big fan of Neil's by this point – read it, loved it, then started reading Terry Pratchett’s stuff as well, because I didn't know his stuff before then – and then spent years and years and years just being a huge fan of both of them.
And then eventually when – I'd done films like the Underworld films and doing Twilight films. And I think it was one of the Twilight films, there was a lot of very snooty interviews that happened where people who considered themselves well above talking about things like Twilight were having to interview me … and, weirdly, coming at it from the attitude of 'clearly this is below you as well' … weirdly thinking I'm gonna go, 'Yeah, fucking Twilight.”
And I just used to go, "You know what? Some of the greatest writing of the last 50-100 years has happened in science fiction or fantasy."  Philip K Dick is one of my favorite writers of all time. In fact, the production of Hamlet I did was mainly influenced by Philip K Dick.  Ursula K. Le Guin and Asimov, and all these amazing people. And I talked about Neil as well. And so I went off on a bit of a rant in this interview.
Anyway, the interview came out about six months later, maybe.  Knock on the door, open the door, delivery of a big box. That’s interesting. Open the box, there's a card at the top of the box. I open the card.
It says, From one fan to another, Neil Gaiman.  And inside the box are first editions of Neil's stuff, and all kinds of interesting things by Neil. And he just sent this stuff.
DAVID: You'd never met him?
MICHAEL: Never met him. He'd read the interview, or someone had let him know about this interview where I'd sung his praises and stood up for him and the people who work within that sort of genre as being like …
And he just got in touch. We met up for the first time when he came to – I was in Los Angeles at the time, and he came to LA.  And he said, "I'll take you for a meal."
I said, “All right.”
He said, "Do you want to go somewhere posh, or somewhere interesting?”
I said, "Let's go somewhere interesting."
He said, "Right, I'm going to take you to this restaurant called The Hump." And it's at Santa Monica Airport. And it's a sushi restaurant.
I was like, “Right, okay.” So I had a Mini at the time. And we get in my Mini and we drive off to Santa Monica Airport. And this restaurant was right on the tarmac, like, you could sit in the restaurant (there's nobody else there when we got there, we got there quite early) and you're watching the planes landing on Santa Monica Airport. It's extraordinary. 
And the chef comes out and Neil says, "Just bring us whatever you want. Chef's choice."
So, I'd never really eaten sushi before. So we sit there; we had this incredible meal where they keep bringing these dishes out and they say, “This is [blah, blah, blah]. Just use a little bit of soy sauce or whatever.”  You know, “This is eel.  This is [blah].”
And then there was this one dish where they brought out and they didn't say what it was. It was like “mystery dish”, we had it ... delicious. Anyway, a few more people started coming into the restaurant as time went on.
And we're sort of getting near the end, and I said, "Neil, I can't eat anymore. I'm gonna have to stop now. This is great, but I can't eat–"
"Right, okay. We'll ask for the bill in a minute."
And then the door opens and some very official people come in. And it was the Feds. And the Feds came in, and we knew they were because they had jackets on that said they were part of the Federal Bureau of Whatever. And about six of them come in. Two of them go … one goes behind the counter, two go into the kitchen, one goes to the back. They've all got like guns on and stuff.
And me and Neil are like, "What on Earth is going on?"
And then eventually one guy goes, "Ladies and gentlemen, if you haven't ordered already, please leave. If you're still eating your meal, please finish up, pay your bill, leave."*
[* - delivered in a perfect American ‘serious law agent’ accent/impression]
And we were like, "Oh my God, are we poisoned? Is there some terrible thing that's happened?"  
We'd finished, so we pay our bill.  And then all the kitchen staff are brought out. And the head chef is there. The guy who's been bringing us this food. And he's in tears. And he says to Neil, "I'm so sorry." He apologizes to Neil.  And we leave. We have no idea what happened.
DAVID: But you're assuming it's the mystery dish.
MICHAEL: Well, we're assuming that we can't be going to – we can't be –  it can't be poisonous. You know what I mean? It can't be that there's terrible, terrible things.
So the next day was the Oscars, which is why Neil was in town. Because Coraline had been nominated for an Oscar. Best documentary that year was won by The Cove, which was by a team of people who had come across dolphins being killed, I think.
Turns out, what was happening at this restaurant was that they were having illegal endangered species flown in to the airport, and then being brought around the back of the restaurant into the kitchen.
We had eaten whale – endangered species whale. That was the mystery dish that they didn't say what it was.
And the team behind The Cove were behind this sting, and they took them down that night whilst we were there.
DAVID: That’s extraordinary.
MICHAEL: And we didn't find this out for months.  So for months, me and Neil were like, "Have you worked anything out yet? Have you heard anything?"
"No, I haven't heard anything."
And then we heard that it was something to do with The Cove, and then we eventually found out that that restaurant, they were all arrested. The restaurant was shut down. And it was because of that. And we'd eaten whale that night.
DAVID: And that was your first meeting with Neil Gaiman.
MICHAEL: That was my first meeting. And also in the drive home that night from that restaurant, he said, and we were in my Mini, he said, "Have you found the secret compartment?"
I said, "What are you talking about?" It's such a Neil Gaiman thing to say.
DAVID: Isn't it?
MICHAEL: The secret compartment? Yeah. Each Mini has got a secret compartment. I said, "I had no idea." It's secret. And he pressed a little button and a thing opened up. And it was a secret compartment in my own car that Neil Gaiman showed me.
DAVID: Was there anything inside it?
MICHAEL: Yeah, there was a little man. And he jumped out and went, "Hello!" No, there was nothing in there. There was afterwards because I started putting...
DAVID: Sure. That's a very Neil Gaiman story. All of that is such a Neil Gaiman story.
MICHAEL: That's how it began. Yeah.
DAVID: And then he came to offer you the part in Good Omens.
MICHAEL: Yeah. Well, we became friends and we would whenever he was in town, we would meet up and yeah, and then eventually he started, he said, "You know, I'm working on an adaptation of Good Omens." And I can remember at one point Terry Gilliam was going to maybe make a film of it. And I remember being there with Neil and Terry when they were talking about it. And...
DAVID: Were you involved at that point?
MICHAEL: No, no, I wasn't involved. I just happened to have met up with Neil that day.
DAVID: Right.
MICHAEL: And then Terry Gilliam came along and they were chatting, that was the day they were talking about that or whatever.
And then eventually he sent me one of the scripts for an early draft of like the first episode of Good Omens. And he said – and we started talking about me being involved in it, doing it – he said, “Would you be interested?” I was like, "Yeah, of course."  I went, "Oh my God." And he said, "Well, I'll send you the scripts when they come," and I would read them, and we'd talk about them a little bit. And so I was involved.
But it was always at that point with the idea, because he'd always said about playing Crowley in it. And so, as time went on, as I was reading the scripts, I was thinking, "I don't think I can play Crowley. I don't think I'm going to be able to do it." And I started to get a bit nervous because I thought, “I don't want to tell Neil that I don't think I can do this.”  But I just felt like I don't think I can play Crowley.
DAVID: Of course you can [play Crowley?].
MICHAEL: Well, I just on a sort of, on a gut level, sometimes you have it on a gut level.
DAVID: Sure, sure.
MICHAEL: I can do this.
DAVID: Yeah.
MICHAEL: Or I can't do this. And I just thought, “You know what, this is not the part for me. The other part is better for me, I think. I think I can do that, I don't think I could do that.”
But I was scared to tell Neil because I thought, "Well, he wants me to play Crowley" – and then it turned out he had been feeling the same way as well.  And he hadn't wanted to mention it to me, but he was like, "I think Michael should really play Aziraphale."
And neither of us would bring it up.  And then eventually we did. And it was one of those things where you go, "Oh, thank God you said that. I feel exactly the same way." And then I think within a fairly short space of time, he said, “I think we've got … David Tennant … for Crowley.” And we both got very excited about that.
And then all these extraordinary people started to join in. And then, and then off we went.
DAVID: That's the other thing about Neil, he collects people, doesn't he? So he'll just go, “Oh, yeah, I've phoned up Frances McDormand, she's up for it.” Yeah. You're, what?
MICHAEL: “I emailed Jon Hamm.”
DAVID: Yeah.
MICHAEL: And yeah, and you realize how beloved he is and how beloved his work is. And I think we would both recognise that Good Omens is one of the most beloved of all of Neil's stuff.
MICHAEL: And had never been turned into anything.
DAVID: Yeah.
MICHAEL: And so the kind of responsibility of that, I mean, for me, for someone who has been a fan of him and a fan of the book for so long, I can empathize with all the fans out there who are like, “Oh, they better not fuck this up.”
MICHAEL: “And this had better be good.” And I have that part of me. But then, of course, the other part of me is like, “But I'm the one who might be fucking it up.”
DAVID: Yeah.
MICHAEL: So I feel that responsibility as well.
DAVID: But we have Neil on site.
MICHAEL: Yes. Well, Neil being the showrunner …
DAVID: Yeah. I think it takes the curse off.
MICHAEL: … I think it made a massive difference, didn't it? Yeah. You feel like you're in safe hands.
DAVID: Well, we think. Not that the world has seen it yet.
MICHAEL (grimly): No, I know.
DAVID: But it was a -- it's been a -- it's been a joy to work with you on it. I can't wait for the world to see it.
MICHAEL: Oh my God.  Oh, well, I mean, it's the only, I've done a few things where there are two people, it's a bit of a double act, like Frost-Nixon and The Queen, I suppose, in some ways. But, and I've done it, Amadeus or whatever.
This is the only thing I've done where I really don't think of it as “my character” or “my performance as that character”.  I think of it totally as us.
DAVID: Yeah.
MICHAEL: The two of us.
MICHAEL: Like they, what I do is defined by what you do.
DAVID: Yeah.
MICHAEL: And that was such a joy to have that experience. And it made it so much easier in a way as well, I found, because you don't feel like you're on your own in it. Like it's totally us together doing this and the two characters totally complement each other. And the experience of doing it was just a real joy.
DAVID: Yeah.  Well, I hope the world is as excited to see it as we are to talk about it, frankly.
MICHAEL: You know, there's, having talked about T.S. Eliot earlier, there's another bit from The Wasteland where there's a line which goes, These fragments I have shored against my ruin.
And this is how I think about life now. There is so much in life, no matter what your circumstances, no matter what, where you've got, what you've done, how much money you got, all that. Life's hard.  I mean, you can, it can take you down at any point.
You have to find this stuff. You have to like find things that will, these fragments that you hold to yourself, they become like a liferaft, and especially as time goes on, I think, as I've got older, I've realized it is a thin line between surviving this life and going under.
And the things that keep you afloat are these fragments, these things that are meaningful to you and what's meaningful to you will be not-meaningful to someone else, you know. But whatever it is that matters to you, it doesn't matter what it was you were into when you were a teenager, a kid, it doesn't matter what it is. Go and find them, and find some way to hold them close to you. 
Make it, go and get it. Because those are the things that keep you afloat. They really are. Like doing that with him or whatever it is, these are the fragments that have shored against my ruin. Absolutely.
DAVID: That's lovely. Michael, thank you so much.
MICHAEL: Thank you.
DAVID: For talking today and for being here.
MICHAEL: Oh, it's a pleasure. Thank you.
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It's Bothering me so much that Taylor Swift is so fake smart-girl coded, I need to say this:
I have a degree in both Philosophy and English Literature....
She used the term Soliloquy wrong in her song by using it to refer to people espousing nonsense while complaining in an echo-chamber about her.
Instead, a soliloquy is the most honest and introspective a character will ever be. Often the character will stand to the front center of the stage and, as if in a dream, speak openly to themselves (and in respect to the audience) lay out the truth, or the agony of whichever conflict haunts the plot. So, anyway she's just plain wrong in her usage of the term.
I am not giving a sanctimonious soliloquy. Miss Taylor Swift, you are wrong, and I am speaking honestly.
She finishes the lyric "sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see" and I just want to mention that a soliloquy requires an audience... so she does not know what she is talking about by saying that there is no audience for a soliloquy.
Also, for the record, I don't think Taylor Swift knows anything of substance about Aristotle. I, on the other hand, took a three-hour long oral exam over Aristotle's life work while out-of-my-mind-high on Dayquil and pain meds after a surgery. I got an "A", and, somehow, I lived through that, I doubt the validity of Swift's claims to know anything at all about philosophy. Especially, considering how all her songs are about as deep as a puddle.
She's completely lost her credibility.
The woman did not even finish High School in a traditional, well-rounded way. I think she read a handful of Joe's books and now thinks real highly of herself.
Edit: I don't mean to make fun of her for being dumb. I'm frustrated that she's "stepping on my lawn" and making her legion of fans think that she totally knows what she's talking about when it comes to literary references in her work or philosophy. It's obvious that she does not actually understand the concepts she attempts to engage with.
Her only real literary skill is name dropping actually talented writers or philosophers in her songs.
Edit 2: Since some people want to come on this post and tell me that I am being needlessly pedantic about her use of words. Go away. A soliloquy is an ancient literary form, one which transcends cultures and centuries, and I, as a scholar of English Literature, am in the position to say that Swift is speaking about the form incorrectly. She obviously did not even google the form, it's clear she has very little real acquaintance with half the literature concept or authors she names drops.
Sure, soliloquies can be unreliable (Hamlet's "To Be, or not to be" is the most obvious example). However, the fact of the matter is that soliloquy hinges on the Honesty of the character. Swift writing that it's actually the opposite of honesty proves to me that she has no real idea about the literary form.
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nerdpoe · 1 year
Prefacing this with I haven't read the comics I just dip in and out like the canon is a pool and I'm trying to climb onto a pool floatie.
So y'all remember that weird fucked up mind game test Bruce pulled on Tim in the beginning of their bullshit? The real fucked up mindgame that made Tim quit being robin for a bit, before coming back and being all "I know I'm not gonna get an apology." And Bruce was all "good."?
What if Tim realized it for what it was.
Tim realizes the test is a test and decides to get back at Bruce in his own game.
Bruce wants to act like he doesn't care about him in an effort to protect himself from grief if another kid ends up dying? That's fine.
Bruce resorting to psychological mind games to drive Tim away from seeking any support??
Not cool.
Tim realizes, and pulls a Hamlet.
He likes Dick, doesn't want the man to go through what Bruce is about to, and goes to Bludhaven to directly tell Dick not to believe ANYTHING Batman says for a month if it relates to Tim, that he's gonna teach the old man a lesson.
Dicks like "uhhhhhhh okay? U know we can just tell him whatever he's done is wrong, right?"
And Tim's just "nah, I'm past that point. See u in like three weeks to a month. This conversation didn't happen."
He leaves a copy of Hamlet in his locker in the bat cave, the only clue he's gonna drop until all is said and done, and gets to work.
Pretends that Bruce's mind fuck has driven him mad, pretends that he's sneaking off to chase down leads, pretends to talk to people that aren't there, visits the joker just to learn how to mimic his laugh, (side bar, joker has no idea why the new robin is visiting him and disabling the cameras, or why the kid just copies what he says and when he laughs, but after like two weeks of it he may be slightly uncomfortable around the kid no lie) uses makeup to make his eye bags look worse and trashes his own house (his parents are gonna be so pissed but he's already angrier than they could ever hope to be, so they can suck it), acts so unhinged Bruce calls it off and tries to tell him the truth, only for Tim to pretend like he doesn't believe him and steal the robin uniform and run away, and then goes and sneaks away from his own house (he knew he was being watched) to a warehouse he predetermined with a conspiracy theory board and string in his room (he needs to make sure Bruce knows where Tim wants him to go) and the conspiracy theory is just an amalgamation of the bullshit Joker spews (again, joker is really confused by this strange child hero and very slightly unsettled, what the fuck Batman where the fuck did u get this robin, maybe return him to the robin store? This one's defunct), makes sure it's abandoned, and blows it to hell with the robin uniform inside
He knows Bruce will be too jarred, to lost in the major trauma buttons Tim is pushing with the warehouse explosion, to do a proper analysis. He KNOWS Bruce will want it done as quickly as possible, and try to bury Tim as quickly as he can. He knows his parents won't get any phone calls for at least a month.
Then he goes to ground for a week.
Walks back into the cave after that week, corners a grieving and broken Bruce, and asks him how he likes mind games now.
After all, it was just a TEST. There was no need to skip basic steps like DNA analysis, that's just SLOPPY Bruce.
Dick, who had been warned by Tim early on and kinda knew the kid was gonna pull a fast one of Bruce, had NO IDEA it was gonna be this depraved, and is very highly Shook. Nor did he realize Bruce had tried a mind game first, and is...disappointed but not surprised, really.
But holy shit Tim Bruce started at a 9 and you escalated to a goddamn 25.
Bruce, realizing that they may both be a bit fucked up, acquiesces to therapy. For all of them. Holy shit for all of them, because that was NOT a normal teenage response and he is beginning to sense some distinctly villainous red flags from this kid.
Next time the joker breaks out he flat out refuses to believe that Tim is a Robin, and joker is the one that starts the whole Cuckoo thing, and asks Batman if he's gonna send the kid to Arkham early or if this is a weird intervention program he's trying.
Then he tries to murder like fifty people cuz he's the motherfucking JOKER.
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ao3cassandraic · 10 months
What does Aziraphale know, and when does he know it? Prologue
This is a sequel to, and expansion of, several metas of mine:
Aziraphale is wise to the Metatron's game
because the Metatron overplayed his hand
so Aziraphale is covertly, kayfabe-ly begging for Crowley's help in the final scene.
You might also want to read my kayfabe post as background for this one.
I'm no longer as sold on the body-swap theory as I was (though if it turns out to be true, I'm fine with it). I still am pretty convinced that any analysis of The Final Fifteen Minutes predicated on "Aziraphale is 100% down with the Metatron's proposal!" or "Aziraphale's super-happy about being Heaven's Number Two and bringing Crowley back to be Number Three!" is not quite right.
(Oh shit. Number Two. The Prisoner. Yikes.)
Fortunately, one part of The Final Fifteen Minutes seems clear to me: Crowley's wholly on the level. That beautiful brave head-over-heels snake is giving his naked bruised heart in its entirety to his angel. He has dropped kayfabe, dropped the breakfast-at-the-Ritz posturing, broken through his reticence. He's all in. (Yeah, the "run away" solution is suboptimal, as many other metas point out, but it's what he has.)
Now, Aziraphale. Aziraphale has some specific behaviors that indicate he's happy, or pleased with an outcome:
He giggles (as while pulling Crowley into the dance).
He shoulder-shimmies. Sometimes he twists his whole body back and forth from the knees up (this has a bit of a roguish feel to it).
He tosses around words like "nice" and "good" and "kind" freely (often to Crowley's kayfabe-inflected dismay).
He does this little bent-arm swing with loosely-closed fists at shoulder level or above (as when he's telling Hamlet to buck up in s1, or exulting at their half-miracle in s2). In general his body is quite relaxed.
His smiles may be entirely open (watch Sheen's eyes as well as his mouth -- if his eyes are wide open while he's smiling, Aziraphale's happy), or they may be crinkle-eyed closed-mouth sometimes-even-tilted-head "awwww" smiles (as at Mary in s1, or Muriel or Crowley in s2), or they may be self-satisfied smirks. I think we can agree that these smiles are very different from the tense, guarded, eyes-not-involved, closed-mouth or too-toothy kayfabe smiles he gives when he's going-along-to-get-along with the archangels, in either season.
Similarly, when Aziraphale's dismayed or anxious, his body language communicates it, typically by tensing up. One of the commonest indicators is both his hands raised to around chest level, pushing out. Another common indicator, of course, is kayfabe-style suppression of movement -- the other angels control their body language quite strictly (though s1!Gabriel lets his face go a bit), so Aziraphale tries to as well when he's with them. He also overcontrols his body when he's irked (as when he sets up to watch Crowley's Apology Dance).
With that said, what I want to do is walk through Aziraphale's experience of The Final Fifteen Minutes from Aziraphale's chronological point of view (which isn't exactly what we see in the show). I want to look specifically at:
what Aziraphale learns, moment by moment
what his face and body are communicating about what he's feeling
what his words are and aren't saying
more speculatively, what he doesn't know that he might like to know
still more speculatively, what his plans might be, moment-to-moment
Because all this together, I think, gives us firmer ground to meta-speculate with than we seem to have managed thus far.
We'll start with Part 1.
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I saw your post and I think to ask you for a Yandere! Wild but Imagine this, isekai! Reader doesn't know anything about him or his game, is only a confused person who doesn't know how he got to this place.
Anyway, thanks for read this and sorry for my bad English, My first lenguaje is spanish and I'm not very sure for my English.
Order up!
I genuinely really like this idea so this was a lot of fun to write.
Tw: Yandere, obsessive, mentions of murder
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Long past were the days Link would protect anyone but himself. In the aftermath of the calamity, villagers were weary of those who traversed the land and of good reason. Many who did were simply were insane with the thought of leaving their inconsequential little hamlet to see the shattered world. Hatred for fellow man ran rampant, but the crazed look in the eyes of few who’ve lost themselves to Hyrule, Link couldn’t blame people’s cautiousness. Besides, it simply wasn’t within in his best interest being a protector anymore. There wasn’t much to really speak about the issue— Zelda probably would have if she were here, but she wasn’t, so blissful silence stood. He held no love in his heart for the people of Hyrule, much as they had none for him. They turned their backs on him, and so he does similarly to them. But you… you weren’t of Hyrule. So it was only natural to him that you’d be the exception.
Sent to him by strings of blue light, you awoke confused at first. You knew nothing of the lands nor people he spoke of, and eventually reached the conclusion that, you too were out of place in the world that now was. He couldn’t simply leave you at Hateno —they were cautious to accept him, they would never accept you as you are— so, instead, he just had to keep you. He played knight once before, so had hard could it truly be. So while you attuned yourself to your reality —while still ripping away for a chance back home, one he simply couldn’t permit— all he had to do was kill what turned their blades on you. It was rhythmic and mindless. But, as it turns out, He found it oddly more enjoyable to play knight when there was someone to kiss his wounds better after busting ass so you’d be safe. In reality it was you that made it worthwhile, not the work. You’d brush his hair and braid it so it wouldn’t mat, whispering stories of your home. Stories that much resembled myths with how far they were out of his hands. Stories you spoke through tight lips as he smiled. Stories that filled his head long after you stopped speaking. He’s never been much keen on people —or were they never keen on him?— and yet he couldn’t grapple if it was normal to feel this much over your friends.
His devotion to you was rooted deep within him, stiff and unwavering. It wound through his battered heart, patching it whole. As time passed and the roots grew deeper and deeper, lodging themselves more and more, he found his line of work expand. Monsters caused a threat, sure, but that begs the question— what really is a monster? That man who was following you? No way to tell what was going through his head. But it was better you’d be safe rather than him being alive. The mean shopkeep, patronising you for not fitting into a tunic? She’d ought to be nicer now she has no tongue. Homeless man lunging at your ankle? Can’t beg if he has no hands. All in the matter of keeping you safe. Hyrule was a very, very dangerous place. But you were lucky to have the Hero at your bidding. He waited on your call, on your order. Especially since you always made it worth it in ways of food and whatnot. He’d have given you his heart unseasoned if it meant you’d give him a kiss on the cheek. He’d forge the ring if it’d mean you’d marry him. He’d build a house where no man nor monster could find it so you’d live safe. He’d kill ganon a million times over so long as he could fall into your arms afterwards. You must understand how much he loves you. The time and care he’s put in, the blood he’s spilt in your name, he loves you. So much. Too much. Too much to let you go home to your stories. Your home is with him now.
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year
Kyle Broflovski x reader part 2
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Warning: Swearing, all characters are over 18
Background: You and Kyle talk during your morning coffee and talk for a bit. Suddenly Kyle asks you out on a date.
Previous part
Next part
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So it's a date?
It'd been a while since you saw Kyle. You appreciated what he did for you but knew it was probably best you two didn't interact with each other anymore. You sat down drinking your coffee for the day.
You quietly read 'Hamlet' which was much more interesting than you had anticipated so you were completely enthralled with the book. So it wasn't a shock that when Kyle sat down in front of you causing you to spill some coffee on yourself from the surprise of the sound.
"Oh fuck." You mutter trying to wipe off the coffee. You look up about to shout at who startled you.
You saw Kyle sitting there franticly trying to pass you napkins. "Shit I'm so sorry."
You smile a bit when you realize it was him. You put your book down and sigh.
"Don't worry about it didn't like this shirt anyway." You joke. "It's nice to see you again."
"Yeah, it's definitely been a while. Sorry about that phycology has been kicking my ass." He says with a chuckle.
"Tell me about it." You mutter sipping what was left of your coffee.
"But how have you been? Beat up anyone else since we last saw each other?" He jokes.
"Hmm not that I can remember but I have been tempted." You say with a laugh
Kyle smiles softly seeing how comfortable and open you are. He looks over your shoulder seeing Stan give him a thumbs up from a nearby table.
"People just got a lot going on and take it out on the wrong people," You start about to say more before an alarm on your phone goes off. "Sorry story for another time I guess. Gotta head to class."
You get up and gather your things. Kyle looks back at Stan and panics a bit not knowing what to do. Stan mouths 'Ask her out' and Kyle nods. He grabs your wrist gently making you look at him.
"W-wait. Um, do you wanna hang out sometime?" He asks blushing softly.
"Oh my god yes of course. I really have not gotten out at all since I started school here." You say handing him your unlocked phone.
He quickly puts in his number and you smile as he hands it back to you. You send him a text containing a green heart and smile brightly at him.
"Now you have my number. I don't have classes on Tuesdays and Sundays so let me know when you're free." You say
"Tuesdays work perfectly actually." He says with a smile.
"Great then it's a date." You say brushing his arm before walking out.
Kyle smiles watching you until you're out of view. He lets out a sigh. Stan walks over and sits in the seat you were once in.
"Can I go now?" Stan asked
"Dude she said it was a date!" Kyle said excitingly.
"Yeah, good for you dude. Make sure you don't do anything wrong or you'll end up like that dude." Stan laughed as he points at your ex-boyfriend who had a black eye.
"I think I got this," Kyle says confidently but as he thought about it more he couldn't help but have a bad feeling.
I mean he met you pulling you away from beating up your ex if this date didn't go well he feared he would actually end up the same. His hands got sweaty thinking about it but he still couldn't help but feel excited.
"I got this."
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A/N: Hey guys hope you liked it and just want to thank you all so much, barely started posting 3 days ago after literally not knowing a thing about Tumblr and I already have almost 200 likes and some reposts. May not be a whole lot to some but it means the world to me. Check out some of my other stories if you need some more in-between posts! Thank you sm for reading love you all 🩷
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witchywriter18 · 1 year
Hufflepuff!MC: *chilling and reading a book on magical creatures under a tree*
Andrew Larson: He-
Hufflepuff!MC: No, now go away.
Andrew Larson: I didn't even ask you anything!
Hufflepuff!MC: You always ask me to go on a date with you to Hogsmead, despite me dating Sebastian. I'd rather kiss a giant purple toad then go out with you.
Andrew Larson: I thought Hufflepuffs were supposed to be nice.
Hufflepuff!MC: We are until you get on our nerves. Now leave before I decide to cast Bombarda on you and blast you to the farthest hamlet.
Sebastian: *approaches Larson and throws an arm around his shoulders* Yes, bugger off Larson. I'd threaten you as well but I'd be more scared of her then of me in this situation.
Andrew Larson: *flees*
Sebastian: *sits on ground next to MC* What a moron. He should know not to interrupt you when you're reading.... which I'm doing now. Sorry, I'll leave.
Hufflepuff!MC: You can stay. Just keep distractions to a minimum *leans against him*
Sebastian: *happy Slytherin noises*
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cranetreegang · 1 year
Tell Me, What do You See Now? - Ominis x FemReader
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AN: jesus christ and all his disciples, this chapter kicked my butt. BUT, i did it. It is DONE. and i'm very happy with how it turned out. Hopefully y'all will enjoy it too <3 thank you @roohuh for literally just letting me shove this into your face repeatedly. the ominis pov was a great idea and i love you <3
Summary: Forgiveness is hard to find, but with the help of their friends, the two lovers may once again find their way to each other. Perhaps, emerging stronger than before.
Word Count: ~6,300
Read my other Ominis Fics Here
Natty drums her fingers on her arms as the hour grows later and later. She begins to wonder if her friend will return tonight at all, or if she’s chosen the wrong place to take watch. The sound of rushing air gets her attention, and Natty lets out a soft sigh as her friend lands in the lonely courtyard. Before she can cast her Disillusionment Charm, Natty approaches her. 
“Hello, my friend,” Natty greets with a warm smile as her friend whips around with wide eyes. “Back from a flight?” 
She’s shocked for a moment before she nods, “Yes, I was just about to head inside. Were you… waiting for me?”
Despite the darkness, Natty notices how her puffy eyes are like deep wells, bottomless and devoid of their usual bright spark. Natty’s brows furrow, and she steps closer. 
“I was. After today, I was worried. Seems rightfully so, given the late hour.” 
Cursing her observant nature, the Fifth Year tries to force a genuine smile.
“I’m fine. Just… couldn’t sleep.”
“It seems we are both plagued with restlessness then. Come,” Natty turns on her heel and says over her shoulder, “Walk with me.” 
She watches Natty as she strides away with a huff. The request isn’t one to be refused, so she follows after Natty. Natty is as proficient at sneaking around after hours as she is, and they manage to go unnoticed by the Prefects patrolling the corridors. They ascend the winding staircase to the top of the Astronomy Tower. Walking into the darkened circular room, the wood boards creak under their feet and the wind chills their cheeks. They slip underneath the telescope hanging by metal wires then Natty sits down, her feet overhanging between the railing. She joins Natty and, for a brief moment, the worries of the world recede. 
The breeze is pleasant, albeit chilly, at this height and they can see for miles around.  Like glittering jewels, the soft glowing lights of the different hamlets dot the dark rolling hills of the valley. In contrast, the moon’s dark face allows the stars to shine brighter against the deep velvety black sky. The Milky Way stretches across the sky like a river and the night feels infinitely more vast.  
“I like coming up here,” Natty says in a quiet, thoughtful voice. “Makes the world feel smaller, yet huge at the same time.”
She nods in agreement. Her grimace drags down her features and she looks down at the ground far below them. With her feet swinging over the edge, her stomach does a flip at the sheer height. Like they’re teetering over the edge into oblivion. 
“What is on your mind?” Natty’s voice breaks the silence, causing her to look over at Natty. “And do not tell me ‘nothing’. I will hear no more of you saying ‘nothing’.” 
Natty’s stern stare makes her wince and she’s forced to look away.
“Ominis returned without you today,” Natty adds. “Did something happen?” 
Her brows furrow, “I don’t want to talk about it, Natty.” 
“You must,” Natty replies. “It is eating you alive. Like a sickness.”
There’s another long pause, where the only noise between them is the breeze whistling between the wooden banisters above them, and Natty sighs.
  “Do you not trust me? Is that why you are adamant about keeping me in the dark?” 
Like she’s been stricken, she whips her head over to Natty with a stern frown. 
“I do trust you. That’s not the problem,” she says with a shake of her head.
“Then what is? Mhm? Tell me.”
She frowns and looks away from Natty’s pressing gaze once more. Gnawing on her lip as she stares at the ground below; she closes her eyes, hoping when she opens them again this will all be a dream, but Natty’s heavy stare keeps her where she is. 
“It feels like everything is falling apart,” she whispers. “Things I felt so sure about, are unraveling. And Ominis-,” 
Her fingers dig into the wood boards. Even saying his name makes her heart twist and she finds it impossible to speak without shedding more hot tears. 
Natty moves closer, “What about Ominis? Has he done something?”
“Yes,” she hisses. “He… broke our promise.”
“What?” Natty exclaims with wide eyes. “Th-That doesn’t sound like something he would do. What happened?” 
Shifting in place, she can’t swallow down the lump in her throat. Natty’s hand reaches for her tightly clenched fist.
Natty’s smile is kind as she says, “You do not have to be alone in this. I want to help.”
Her fist relaxes and she holds Natty’s hand which is warm, like an inferno, against her own cold one. The tightness in her throat releases enough for her to speak.
“After class today, Ominis took me to look at flowers,” she begins. “He was asking me what happened today, and why I… haven’t been talking to him about what happened below Hogwarts.”
“Did you tell him?” Natty asks with the crane of her head.
“No. No, I-I don’t know why I can’t tell him, but I can’t!” 
As she starts to cry, Natty holds her hand tighter. 
“So what did he do?” 
She chews her lip, sucking in a sharp breath, “You can’t tell anyone this, but Ominis is a Legilimens. And I’ve been… letting him in my mind on occasion. But, today, he peered into my mind without my permission, something he swore he’d never do! A-And he saw everything. He swore he would never do such a thing, yet…,” 
She falls silent with tears streaming down her heated cheeks. Natty stares out towards the horizon in deep thought.
“I see,” Natty murmurs with downcast eyes. “That is most troubling indeed. I am very sorry, my friend. I know how much you love him, and I can see why you would not wish to speak to him again.”
Her eyes lock with Natty’s as she swiftly turns her head, her brows raised and her eyes wide. Her lips part in shock and her shoulders drop as if she's been kicked in the gut. She couldn’t imagine her life without him. And to never speak to him again… she shudders at the thought. 
Natty smirks, “Ah, I see that you are not open to that idea. That is good. Then, you may be willing to listen to what I have to say next.”
Natty turns towards her and she does the same. Natty grabs both of her hands and squeezes them.
“I have seen people in love do very strange - and very stupid - things, for those they hold dear,” Natty states. “I have noticed how Ominis is with you, and I do not believe he’s ever had someone like you in his life before. It would not be hard to imagine he would be willing to do anything to keep what he has with you.”
Natty looks down with a heavy sigh, “I fear, I too, have been wishing to find out what happened below Hogwarts. You have not been the same, and we have all been very worried about you.”
She turns away with a scowl, “So, you agree with what he did then?”
“That is not what I am saying,” Natty bites back. “What he has done is wrong, and you will need to address the matter with him. What I am saying is that I understand why Ominis did something so rash and hurtful. Because he loves you. And he feels helpless to do anything to ease your pain. For I too feel just as helpless.” 
Natty’s features contort into a heartbreaking expression. The Fifth Year’s gut twists at Natty’s anguish. 
The Fifth Year’s head lowers with a whimper, “I don’t know how to talk about any of it.”
“You have not even tried,” Natty says, frowning. “That is very unlike you. Do you think the worst in us? That we will not listen? That we do not care about you?”
“I don’t know!” She snaps with a biting tone. “I don’t know how any of you will react once you know the truth. But, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d never wish to speak to me again. Why can’t any of you just let me deal with this on my own?!”
“We are trying, but you are not getting any better on your own,” Natty grimaces and squeezes her hands once more, “If you don’t wish to talk to us, fine. But, you must talk to Ominis. If you are still wanting to be with him, then you must talk to him. Keeping him at a distance is not an act of love, nor kindness.”
Natty cups either side of the Fifth Year’s face - holding her tear stricken gaze with a determined look,
“Work through this. Together with him. You may find that you will emerge even stronger than before. But, you have to be willing to open yourself to him again. Do not be afraid of what he may do, for you do not know for certain that is how he is going to react.”
She closes her eyes and more tears slip down her cheek, “And what if he doesn’t want to speak to me.”
Natty hums in thought again then she has a sure smile, wiping her tears with her thumbs.
“I don’t think Ominis will stop speaking to you. You’re important to him. Otherwise, he’d never do something like this. We tend to hold on tightly to those we love. Even if it hurts them sometimes.”
Her shoulders sag and she falls onto Natty’s shoulder with a whimper. Natty pats her head and holds her. It’s because he loves her… that he would ever do something like this. Because she left him no choice. The bitter realization that her efforts to keep him at a distance made him do this, tightens her throat. 
“I… hurt him, too,” she murmurs into Natty’s robes. “Do you think I made him have to do this? Did I drive him to break his word?” 
Natty rubs the Fifth Year’s back as she whispers, “I cannot say for certain. Only you and Ominis would know that answer.” 
“Do you think there’s any hope for us?”
Natty giggles, “I do. You two are so in love, it’s sickening.”
She smiles and closes her eyes with a quiet sigh. She still loves Ominis - there’s no question in her mind about it. Natty releases her from her embrace, and the Fifth Year sits upright with a shuddering breath, wiping her cheeks with her sleeve.
“W-What should I do?” She questions in a near whisper.
Natty smirks, “Talk to Ominis. That is the only way to move forward. And do not keep this pain in your heart, my friend.”
Taking a deep breath, she nods, “You’re right. I’ll speak to him in the morning. Thank you, Natty. For everything.”
Natty hugs her, “That is what friends are for.”  
They both stand and head out of the Astronomy Tower, with Natty heading to her dorm and the Fifth Year towards the Room of Requirement. As the Fifth Year enters the Room of Requirement, she heads over to her Vivarium and closes her eyes. The bond between her and Ominis has been reduced to a near whisper towards the outer edges of her mind. 
She frowns at how quiet he is, retreating so far away from her. It makes her stomach twist with unease at the idea that he truly did not wish to speak to her again. Taking in a deep breath, she reaches for him anyways and whispers:
Ominis can’t bear the silence of his thoughts as he paces around the humming furnace - not even attempting to sleep. The events replay in his mind, tormenting him with their weight: her battle with Ranrok, Fig’s death, the fear of power, then all the horrible nightmares that led up to today. Bile crawls up his tight throat from the last thing he felt from her - betrayal. A sharp gasp threatens to escape his lips, but his jaw is clenched so tightly, it keeps the noise at bay. 
He’s done many regrettable things in his life, and this most certainly was one of them. How could he have done this? How could he hurt the one person he cares for, the one he loves so much? He truly is no better than his family - causing misery and pain to all those around them. He is a Gaunt, through and through - and he’s nearly sick at the thought.
In the moment, it seemed like the right thing to do. He curses himself for not thinking much further beyond glimpsing into her mind. How did he think she would react to being deceived and invaded by someone she trusted? His arms circle around himself in a vain attempt to provide some comfort, but there’s nothing to keep this coldness at bay. 
A pillow is thrown at his general direction - narrowly missing his head - followed by a mumbled, 
“Go to bed, Gaunt.” 
Then, Ominis hears the creaking of someone’s bed from the other side of the room, followed by the sounds of bare feet padding towards him.
“Come on,” Sebastian’s sleepy voice murmurs. “Let’s talk,” he grabs Ominis by his forearm and drags him out of the dorm room. 
Ominis is unceremoniously shoved onto the couch in front of the fireplace, with Sebastian settling beside him with an exaggerated sigh. Ominis shoots him an annoyed glare which Sebastian responds with an eye roll.
“What’s eating at you, Ominis? You’ve kept everyone up all night with your incessant pacing,” Sebastian grumbles.
The crackling, popping fire - a sound Ominis normally finds most pleasant - does little to ease him. Even the heat emitting from the burning logs, and the smoky wood scent, doesn’t combat the chill seeping from his heart. 
Sebastian groans, “Don’t you start giving the silent treatment too. She does that enough as is.”
Ominis whips his head over to Sebastian with a snarl, “Just go back to bed, Sebastian. I’ve already bothered you enough as is.”
Sebastian shifts and the couch slumps further - creaking and groaning from their weight - as he moves to be next to Ominis. 
“Don’t be that way. What’s wrong?” 
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?! I’ll tell you what’s wrong, everything!” Ominis hisses, his brows furrowing. 
Sebastian chuckles, “That certainly narrows it down.” 
“I’m not in the mood, Sebastian,” Ominis snaps while he goes to stand, but Sebastian yanks him back down onto the plush couch. “Quit man-handling me!” 
“Then stop acting like a child,” Sebastian replies sternly. “Tell me what’s wrong.” 
Ominis scowls in Sebastian’s direction, but the scathing action is fleeting. He lets out a heavy breath and turns away with a grimace.
“Do you ever feel that, no matter how hard you try, you can’t escape your true nature?” Ominis asks in a low, quiet voice.
Sebastian’s eyes darken, “What do you mean?”
“I mean…,” Ominis squeezes his eyes shut and his jaw clenches. “I try so hard to distance myself from my family’s legacy. Yet, n-no matter what, I-I just end up exactly like them. I will always be a Gaunt.”
Sebastian places a hand on Ominis’ shoulder, “What in Merlin’s name makes you think that? That’s not remotely true. You’re nothing like them.”
“I am,” Ominis hisses through his teeth. “I just proved it today. I-I broke our promise. She and I swore to each other something sacred, and I went and ruined it. All because I couldn’t… I couldn’t bear to feel her suffering - her wasting away - any longer.”
“Ominis, what did you do?”
Ominis’ head falls, tears threatening to spill. He can barely breathe, his chest and throat are so painfully tight. Sebastian’s grip tightens on his shoulder as he looks at his tormented friend with a deep frown.
“I know you, Ominis,” Sebastian whispers. “I don’t believe you’re capable of doing something so terrible, especially to her.” 
“But, I did,” Ominis’ hands ball up the fabric of his pants into tight fists. “I promised I would never enter her mind without her permission, and today… I did. I became the very thing I swore I would never be. I-I was just like my father.” 
Ominis sucks in a sharp breath, his hands cover his face. Sebastian stares at the dying fire in disbelief. Ominis feels Sebastian’s arm wrap around his back, gripping onto his other shoulder in a side-hug. Even Sebastian’s fiery presence does nothing to warm him. 
“Why did you do it?” Sebastian asks softly. 
Ominis lowers his hands back down to his lap, knotting his fingers together. His lips press into a tight line, and his brows pinch. It’s the same question he’s been repeating to himself all night. Before he knows it, the words start tumbling out of his mouth.
“She’s been pushing me away - pushing everyone away - ever since she fought Ranrok. I’ve tried to be patient and let her speak to me on her own. But, after the Boggart today… I didn’t think she ever would. So, I thought if I saw what happened, she would be more willing to open up to me - or at least be comforted in knowing that I knew too, and she wasn’t alone anymore,” Ominis lets out a sharp, bitter laugh and his face twists into a cruel expression. “What a foolish thing to believe. Now, she’ll never speak to me again, and she’ll continue to suffer alone.” 
Sebastian rubs up and down Ominis’ arm, his frown etches deeply into his freckled face. 
“I doubt she’ll stop speaking to you, Ominis,” Sebastian says with a slight smile on his lips. “I know you can’t see the way she looks at you, but she’s absolutely, madly in love with you, just as you are with her.”
“And I used that against her!” 
Sebastian winces at Ominis’ anguished tone. He squeezes Ominis’ shoulder, eliciting a whimper from Ominis. 
“You’re not your father,” Sebastian insists. “You didn’t do this for some sick twisted reason. You did this out of love. And sometimes we do… anything for love. Regrettable things,” Sebastian’s voice grows quiet and Ominis turns his head towards him. 
A heaviness seeps into the air as Sebastian’s hand retracts from Ominis, and he grips onto his knees. 
“I know all too well why you did it,” Sebastian says with a solemn grin. “You were worried about her. And you went too far. That’s what you need to tell her.”
“Like that’s any excuse,” Ominis whispers, a frown creasing his face. “I doubt she’ll want to speak to me anyways. Why would she?”
Sebastian smiles, “She will. If she truly loves you - which I think she does - she’ll want to talk to you. Then you two can work this out, and our roommates will stop plotting your demise.” 
Ominis flushes, his gaze falling to his lap again.
“I… didn’t mean to keep them up,” Ominis says with a faint smile tugging on his lips as the fire’s light dances in his pale eyes. “I appreciate you pulling me aside. Although, I would appreciate it more if you weren’t so literal in the meaning.”
Sebastian tousles Ominis’ already messy hair, grinning widely, “That’s what best friends are for.” 
Ominis swats Sebastian’s hand away with a scoff.
“I should go find her,” Ominis says, mustering a smile before his features fall into a grimace as he stands. “Did you mean what you said? That I’m not… like Father?” 
“I did, and I do. You may be a Gaunt, but I’m confident when I say that you don’t live up to the family name.”
Ominis’ heavy eyes lighten for a moment and he nods, “That’s the best compliment you’ve ever given me. You must truly be exhausted.”
“I am. And on that note,” Sebastian stands with a sigh - patting Ominis’ shoulder, “I’m going to bed. Good luck.”
As Sebastian’s heavy feet trudge back towards their dorm, Ominis feels a presence pressing against his mind. He nearly resists, but he recognizes who it is  - a voice he longs to hear.
Ominis… if you can hear me, and you still… wish to speak to me… then you know where to find me.
Before he can reply, she withdraws from his mind, leaving him gasping for breath. Without hesitation, Ominis leaves the common room - determined to find her and face the conversation that awaits him.
Ominis ascends the final stair and faces down the corridor with a grimace. He walks down the hallway, cautiously approaching the place she’s taken refuge at. He stops and faces the wall - silently praying for it to reveal. Doubts fill his mind. What if the voice he heard was a product of his desperate imagination. After what he’s done, she may never want to speak to him again. His jaw clenches, gripping his wand tightly. He must try. He has to pull her off this ledge she’s so stubbornly clinging to. 
Reaching out, his hand meets the cold, metal doorknob - eliciting a gasp of relief. Closing his eyes briefly, he opens the door and steps into the Room of Requirement.
The gray waters reflect the gloomy, overcast sky, blurring the line of the horizon and the sea. Waves break to shore, washing over her legs, before retreating back into the vast expanse. She wonders if there’s an end to this ‘endless’ ocean. Would it swallow her whole, or would it spit her back out? She grimaces, considering the temptation to hide here forever. But, she knows that would be too easy. She digs her fingers into the wet sand and closes her eyes. 
Since talking with Natty, she’s been trapped in a harrowing depression. Waiting for Ominis hasn’t helped in the slightest. It’s like she’s caught in an indefinite limbo, awaiting for this storm to end. She pushed him to this point, and now they’re both laying in the wake of their actions and inactions. Ugliness pervades their beautiful relationship like a toxin, and she doubts he’ll ever want to speak to her again now that he knows the truth. Perhaps, that’s for the best for them to go their separate ways, but the mere thought makes her heart lump in her throat. 
Amidst the symphony of crashing waves, the chirps and growls of her beasts ring off in the distance. They run and play behind her - having given up on her long ago for any sort of attention. She smiles softly at their joyous noises, reminiscent of their excitement when she first enters the Vivarium. Her eyes fly open and she scrambles to her feet to turn around. There, walking towards her, is Ominis. 
The waves nudge against the back of her legs, urging her to approach him. She’s overjoyed to see him, but then the crashing reality of what happened slams into her. Her fists clench to her sides the longer she stares at him. The dormant indignation stirs within her chest and ignites her rage.
“I’m surprised you’re here,” she hisses between clenched teeth. 
Ominis turns his face towards her, her various beasts scampering away at her harsh tone.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” 
Dark circles are under his eyes and unkempt, wild hair gives him an uncharacteristically sloppy appearance. His disheveled suit and dress shirt adds to the unusual sight. She looks away, afraid of what she might find lurking within his gray eyes if she lingers any longer. Her fists form into tight balls. 
“You have some nerve,” she says, her voice cracking. She clenches her jaw, determined to keep herself from going to him.
Ominis steps closer, pleading, “Please, I only wish to talk.” 
She scoffs and shoots him her most scathing glare, “Talk? Is that what we do?” 
“No. Not lately,” he replies quietly. A haunting shadow dulls his usual vibrant eyes, and she despises how hollow he looks. Clinging harder onto her anger even more, she resists the urge to go to him.
He inhales sharply and admits, “I should not have delved into your mind.”
“No,” her voice cracks, her emotions spiraling out of control. “I trusted you, Ominis. You promised me!” 
“I know,” he whispers, his head lowering. “I broke your trust, and our promise.  And I will live with what I’ve done for the rest of my days. My word may not mean much to you right now, but I will spend every day trying to earn back your trust in me. I swear to you.” 
Every day? 
Her brows furrow as a startling realization hits her. He’s here. He chose to come back to her, despite knowing the truth. She’s not sure what to feel, so she anchors herself to her anger amidst this chaos. 
“You are such a hypocrite,” she seethes, her voice unrecognizable even to herself. “You condemned and chastised Sebastian for breaking his word, yet you had no qualms doing it yourself!”
“You had left me no choice!” His cry rattles her and he takes an intense step forward, “You weren’t going to tell me, and it was tearing you apart! Did you expect me to just sit back and let you destroy yourself?! Do you not believe that I love you? I would do anything to ensure your happiness, even at the cost of you never speaking to me again.”
His pained words matches his tormented expression and she looks away once more with a gasp. Tears brim in her eyes and she digs her nails into the flesh of her palm to keep them at bay.
“You don’t know that,” she mutters in a low tone. 
“Then tell me, would you have told me otherwise?” 
Her teeth grind together from her clenching her jaw so hard. She looks up to the overcast sky in a vain attempt to find an answer. Bitter tears stream down her cheeks like raging hot rivers, and her lip trembles. 
“Damn you, Ominis,” she seethes through her teeth. “Is that why you’ve come? To tell me you were justified in what you’ve done?” 
“No. Please,” Ominis grimaces and he reaches towards her, but she steps away from him. His brows pinch. “I’m not trying to justify anything. I’m saying we’ve both been making these terrible decisions and assumptions based out of fear, and it needs to stop.” 
She steps further away from him and shakes her head, “Why can’t you just leave me alone? It’s what’s best for both of us.” 
He takes a sharp breath,  his jaw sets as he stares her down, “No. I will not.” 
“Why?!” She screams. “Is it because of the bond we share? Did you feel obligated to come because of it? Well, don’t. In fact, I will gladly find a way to… t-to make it all stop. Then you won’t have to deal with me ever again!” 
He closes his eyes with a wince, “No. I came because I care about you. And I love you. And I… don’t want to lose you. Which is why you can’t hide away forever. It’s not good for you.” 
She lets out a bitter laugh, “Well, you would know. You know everything now!” 
He flinches at her venomous words, but he remains quiet. Her brows knit together and her nostrils flare. 
“You once asked what I see when I look at you,” she steps towards him and hisses in a cruel, harsh tone, “So, tell me, Ominis Gaunt. What do you see when you look at me now?”
He doesn’t back away. Instead, his features soften, impossibly so, and he whispers, 
“I see you, my love.”
His words carry warmth, love, and genuineness. She recoils with a sharp breath. How dare he? How can he still hold such affection for her? Her thundering rage surges, overpowering her, and she storms away. He snatches her wrist before she can get far. 
“Let me go!” She tries to wring herself from his grasp, but he grabs her other arm amidst her thrashing. Her eyes widen and she lets out a wailing scream as he pulls her towards him. 
“Let me go! Let me go!” She cries, like a child, turning around to beat against his chest. 
“I am not letting you go,” he says firmly. “I won’t ever let you go.”
She gasps, her fists clenching the starched cloth of his tweed vest. She stares at him with anguish and despair. 
“Why don’t you hate me?! Why?” She sobs. 
She fights against him as he pulls her closer to him, but it’s all but finished. As soon as her cheek touches his chest, she collapses against him in a pained cry. They fall to their knees on to the sandy beach and he clutches tight around her.
“Why are you doing this? Why can’t you let me go? Please… Ominis. I’ll only ruin you,” she pleads through her mournful sobs. 
“You will do no such thing,” he whispers into her ear. “I know you. And you have only brought joy and warmth into my life. I won’t let you lose yourself.”
It breaks his heart to hear her so… broken. He has allowed her to rot in these horrible, vile thoughts for too long. It takes all of his strength not to cry with her, but he remains stoic and silent - allowing her to unleash the pent-up feelings she’s been keeping at bay. And once she finally calms, he speaks.
“Tell me. Tell me everything,” he urges, gripping her tighter. “I want to hear it from you, from your own mouth. Your own lips. Tell me what happened. Please, stop running from me, and let me in.” 
She pulls away enough to look at him, grasping his hands tightly and placing them in her lap. 
“I promise. I am not going anywhere,” he whispers when she stays silent. “But, I will if you don’t let me in.” 
She swallows the last of her tears then takes a shaky breath. Staring at their joined hands gives her enough strength to speak.
“Before Ranrok destroyed the Repository,” she shivers as she recalls the events, “I made a promise to Professor Fig that I would try to keep the magic within, contained. But, after I fought R-Ranrok-,” her voice wavers and he squeezes her hands to urge her to continue. 
“After I fought him, the power was overloaded. It was going to surge and destroy everything. And I was left with a choice: mend the Repository and hope that no others like Ranrok would seek its power, or…,” she takes a deep breath, “I could release it. Let the magic be used by all. Used for something good instead of  hiding it away in fear.” 
She sighs, “So I made my choice. And I had to… absorb some of the power in order to stabilize it.”
Her gaze meets Ominis’, and she’s met with understanding. Not loathing, nor disappointment. She shakes her head with a grimace. 
“No, you don’t understand. I am just like Isidora! And it’s only a matter of time before that same power consumes me, as it did her,” she says, her voice filled with desperation.
Ominis frowns for a moment then shakes his head with conviction.
“You are nothing like Isidora.” 
She’s about to argue, but his pale gray eyes seem to stare right into her, silencing her. He holds both of her hands firmly and leans in close, his expression serious.
“You have been focusing only on the harm you could potentially do, that you’ve completely ignored all the good you have done. You have done great things with your abilities. You’ve saved people, countless lives, and there is more yet to come. You are good. You are kind.”
“But, so was she,” she whispers. 
“That may be. But, there’s something else which sets you two apart. She was alone,” he squeezes her hands with a soft, warm smile. “And you are not. You have so many people who love and care about you. I love and care about you. You are not alone in this. And I will not let you be consumed by this power.”
She lets out a soft gasp, “I can’t burden you with such a thing, Ominis.” 
He chuckles gently and cups her cheek, “This is no burden, my love. You are far stronger than you think you are. And if you ever stumble, or fall - I will be right there to lift you up. And before you object, I already know you would do the same for me. So, why wouldn’t I do the same for you?”
She wants to argue with him, but her words fail to form. Looking into his earnest expression she wonders why she ever assumed the worst. 
“Y-You’re too good to me,” she finally says.
His brows furrow and he shakes his head, “No, I haven’t been good to you, my love. I broke your trust in me. I was terrified of losing you, and I-,”
“Stop,” she places her finger over his lips. “Do you promise never to do it again? Do you swear to not break your word to me?” 
He nods, gripping her hand tightly, “I promise.”
“And I promise to never put you in a position like that again. I won’t keep things from you, and I won’t ever doubt your devotion again,” she replies.
She closes her eyes as a great weight seems to fall off her shoulders. Her arms wrap around his neck and he’s quick to embrace her. A warmth blooms in her chest at how good it feels to be in his arms once more. He sighs, feeling this lightness within her. Then he crashes his lips against hers in a passionate, heated kiss.
She realizes how much of a distance had formed between them, and the intensity of their kiss brought a crashing wave of relief and longing. Her fingers tangle in his hair to keep him just where he is and she grips onto his shoulder for balance. 
“I’ve missed you,” he whispers against her lips, continuing their passionate kissing. Tears mingle with the salt of the sea on their lips. Lost in the feeling of her, he invigorates her senses, and the electric connection of their bond is at a crescendo. It ignites his skin and burns away the last of the cold he’s felt from having to be withdrawn from her presence. 
Lowering her onto the sand, he finally breaks the kiss with a sigh. He gently strokes her cheek, tucking aside her wind-blown hair behind her ear. She stares up at him in awe, taking in his disheveled appearance and heated face. The darkness which loomed in his eyes earlier is all but vanquished with an adoring brightness. The smile on his lips and the devotion in his gaze, ignites a fire within her. She reaches up and traces over his features, as if discovering him anew. 
His eyes soften at her gentle hand, and as she stares into his swirling mists, she’s quickly falling in love with him all over again. With a light touch, she traces the constellation of moles on his cheek, each one a unique mark of his beauty. Her fingers dance over his skin, tracing the edges and curves of each mole with a tenderness he’s only ever experienced with her. As she leans in closer, she breathes in the scent of his skin, cherishing the warmth and closeness of the moment.
Their lips meet once more, tender and full of love, making him whimper at the sweetness of it. When they part, they sigh and he kisses her cheek then he trails his lips down to her jaw, working towards her neck. Soft, loving kisses fill her neck, and he nestles himself against her chest. 
Listening to the strums of her heart and the rise and fall of her chest, he finds peace. She wraps her arms around him, holding him close to her. The weight of his body on hers brings her to a state of utter bliss. She strokes his hair and he nuzzles into her neck with a sigh. He can’t imagine being anywhere else. The ocean waves are calm as they break to shore, and the sounds of beasts as they play makes him smile. His hand remains on her cheek, stroking her fondly. He savors the feeling of her smile under his fingertips and the softness of her skin.
“I love you, Ominis,” she whispers as she kisses his forehead. “And, I won’t ever shut you out like that again. I am so much stronger when you’re by my side than I ever am alone.”
Ominis shivers at the power and sincerity in her words, releasing a breath as he fully melts into her.
“And I won’t ever betray your trust again. I will always be by your side. I love you. Fiercely. And I won’t let anything try to take us apart.” 
She kisses his forehead and his hairline, wearing a warm smile as she whispers, 
“So, you’re saying I’m stuck with you?”
He laughs into her neck and nods, “You are. As I’m stuck with you.”
“What a pity,” she giggles. 
“Indeed. A tragedy, really. But, I’m sure we’ll find a way to manage,” he teases, kissing her neck.
She’s aware of her beasts coming over. They laugh as one of the Puffskeins works its way between them with a happy chirp, while more swarm over him. He’s covered in fluffy Puffskeins and she can’t stop giggling at the sight. 
“I think they like you.”
“At least they’re soft,” he grins as he pets one. 
They both start to drift off to sleep in a pile of Puffskeins - the exhaustion of the past few days, and weeks, having finally caught up to them. She hears his faint mumblings of his adoration and love for her, his voice and warm touch soothing her into a peaceful slumber for the first time in days.
AN: probs shouldn't have added the Puffskeins at the end because of that one image going around, but i do what i want. DUDES thank god for ChatGPT and Forefront for letting me just brainstorm with the stupid AI. Forefront came up with the idea of talking to friends before Ominis and MC talked, and i was like... shiiit you on to something. and i liked the idea of Natty being rather blunt and like 'yo GIRL' and even Sebastian being a bit on the 'DUDE' side.
But yeah this chapter... i really wanted to get right because i wanted them to make up in a meaningful way. Instead of just kissing and being like 'love ya babe' like i really wanted to at times LOL.
Anyways, let me know what y'all think <3 we're nearing the end dudes. i got like one more fic for this then some letters then... yeah. on to 7th year!
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ignitesthestxrs · 8 months
I know you said you’ve gone back into it slowly but any book recs?
yes absolutely!! i have read some bangers lately tbh. also another thing i am trying to do is start uuuh reviewing what i'm reading so i will link a couple of those as well. but here is a sporadic collection of my reading enjoyments of the last year or so!
em is hands down one of the best writers i know with prose that will punch you in the face and leave you asking if you can have another, please.
IF FOUND RETURN TO HELL is a queer found family novella featuring a done-with-this protag working in a wizarding call centre who abruptly comes down with a case of 'sweet angel baby boy possessed by demon hell child' in a broken magical healthcare system where following protocol is more important than like, helping people. so what is journeyman wen to do if not, you know, help anyway?
THE DEATH I GAVE HIM is the queer scifi hamlet retelling of my dreams, which is funny because i didn't care about hamlet until this book taught me how to. a thoughtful exploration on the nature of adaptation, death & immortality, and also what happens when your best friend is an AI and you wanna fuck him.
IN COLD BLOOD by Truman Capote the original true crime novel. still stuck in my truman blorbo moment. full review here
ASSASSIN'S APPRENTICE by Robin Hobb classic 90s fantasy with surprisingly emotional focus on the protag in a way i really dug. unhinged levels of accidental queerbaiting in a way that i enjoyed rather than despaired of. full review here.
PANDORA'S JAR: WOMEN IN THE GREEK MYTHS by Natalie Haynes a great overview of classical women that takes into account multiple sources and the way they have been read over centuries, and how the time in which a tale is being told affects the tale just as much as what the text of the story actually is. does a good job of walking the middle ground between like, historical sexism and the reflexive girlbossification instinct.
IN OTHER LANDS by Sarah Rees Brennan the queer harry potter offshoot we all actually deserve. portal fantasy with an acerbic main character who will save the world out of sheer spite because the world doesn't seem to think he can save it, or want him to do it even if he could. a genuinely lovely musing on the nature of loneliness, what abuse does to a child, how it's hard but possible to overcome the prejudices you learn when you're young, and how eventually, you're going to have to make the decision to let yourself be loved.
SHE WHO BECAME THE SUN by Shelley Parker-Chan truly i don't have the word for how fucking excellent this queer epic fantasy is. set in mongol-ruled china, this book is a masterclass in political intrigue, historical fiction, military fantasy, and also genderfuckery. feat. the kind of tragedy you see coming for several hundred pages and still takes your breath away when it hits, and also lesbian fisting. anyone who says books based in history can't get queer can get fucked.
A MARVELLOUS LIGHT by Freya Marske for a total 180 in mood, here is your queer romantic fantasy set in an Edwardian England that is reflective of the fact that like, queer people did in fact exist in Edwardian England. A lighter fare that nonetheless will hit you right in the heart and leave you delighted that a) there's a second book out now and b) the third one is coming soon. also Freya is an Artiste when it comes to writing good sex scenes, which
i belatedly realise it seems like i'm focusing on in this post but i just! like a queer text that tackles queer sex with nuance and interest and the horror and/or joy of the body, and the above authors are all fucking masters at their art (which includes, but by no means is limited to, writing about fucking)
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tgrailwar-zero · 3 months
(holding the scraps of Chaotic Heroic Act 3, contemplatively)
Egh... hey, ah, Empress Nero... if we, uh...
... if we found a... really grim portent...
... when would be a good time to ruin the mood?
Asking cuz I think we found Act 3, and it's rather...
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There was a short moment of silence as NERO read, and then as it was passed around to the others to read. Eventually, it found its way back to Nero.
CONSTANTINE placed a hand on her shoulder, with a worried look.
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CONSTANTINE: "…Antecessor Nero…"
NERO shook her head, folding it up and casually sticking it within her bosom for storage. MUSASHI whistled. CONSTANTINE frowned.
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CONSTANTINE: "Antecessor Nero."
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NERO: "Do not worry for me. I am well. An Emperor knows better than to cry around her peers. I will say this- I won't forgive that Titan. I will not be satisfied until I am victorious..."
With that statement, it seemed as if the air changed from quiet contemplation to tactical plotting incredibly quickly.
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NERO: "Let us see… a Rider, a Caster, a Saber, a Foreigner, and an Avenger… and of course, whatever you are, my Ensemble. Perhaps you're the key, as you were the gestalt necro-weapon born from the Moon, and presumably one of the Titan's thralls. I'd hope so, as I do not believe we have the firepower ourselves."
She began, with a stately tone.
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KUKULKAN: "Nothing's changed then! We protect the Masters with everything we have!"
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MUSASHI: "So, the goal is simple. Gain the permission to leave from the Lair Servants, and then reach the Moon, and then win."
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AVENGER: "They'll will need to pass Saber first. With that being the case, would that not mean that Saber's alliance is with the former 'Interlopers', rather than the current? Making him an enemy of the Solar Cell, and a prospective pawn of the White Titan?"
The Avenger's voice rumbled and echoed throughout the camp, causing the campfire itself to shudder as his shadowed form grew slightly more tangible.
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CONSTANTINE: "…Right. That White Program… and what was happening to those Valkyrie..."
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MUSASHI: "That, in addition to Saber and Caster going at each other's throats… if I didn't know any better, I'd think there's a storm on the horizon…"
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AVENGER: "The War is over, so attention must be shifting elsewhere."
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MUSASHI: "Yeah, I got that from my source too. Let's scratch everything- forget red versus blue, we're dealing with four potential factions."
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KUKULKAN: "Right. First, the Lair Servants- Servants that have been summoned to the Solar Cell. We'll say that their 'Master' is the 'Heavenly Divinity' that everyone keeps going on about, though who knows how their contract works. Let's call them the 'Keepers of the Solar Cell', for simplicity. Or the Sun Buddies, maybe? That's cute, yes?"
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NERO: "Of course, there are Servants like you, Lady Musashi. Rogue entities that have the capacity to join our cause."
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KUKULKAN: "Saber has the Origins of… what was it? Berserker, Rider, Foreigner, and… Caster? And Lancer is a Lair Servant now, so that means… potentially Assassin and Archer, yes? Those are the only ones left?"
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AVENGER: "In the case that they're alive and can be reasoned with anyhow…"
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NERO: "Or their Spirit Origins haven't been altered, or used to summon a new Servant. We can't assume that trick can only belong to the Masters."
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CONSTANTINE: "Then, there are the now rogue Servants from the War. Chances are that most of them are gone, faded away without any sort of Mana Regeneration or Independent Action skill, unless they're being very careful about the souls they're stealing for mana- enough so that they don't get slaughtered by the local Lair Servant. Let's… assume that means at the very minimum, the Red Archer remains… and pray that I'm proven wrong."
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KUKULKAN: "…And finally, Saber. Visiting his city, I don't think mana resources is a problem, yes? And he has claimed two major territories. The Hamlet alone had very good leylines thanks to Doctor Asclepius… if he was smart, he'd turn that place into a battery, yes? It's not as if there are people there to oppose any terraforming."
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CONSTANTINE: "To clarify- four factions. The Keepers of the Solar Cell--"
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MUSASHI: "--Sun Buddies. I like what Kuku said."
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CONSTANTINE: "…Keepers of the Solar Cell, then King Charlemagne's Army, Rogue Servants drifting around from the prior wars, and us."
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NERO: "Lots to think about… ugh, my migraine is coming back. I'm going to retire to my chambers. Go team, and all that."
With that, she clutched her head and stumbled off to her own tent.
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MUSASHI: "...Sheesh... she knows she doesn't have to try and keep it together for us, right?"
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CONSTANTINE: "Pride is important to an Emperor. Still... she has a point. This is a lot to take in. Resting our eyes and our minds for at least a little while is probably the best course."
With that, you watched as the camp grew more and more silent as each Servant vanished off to their respective quarters, leaving you alone in the night air for a moment.
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humblemediagenius · 7 months
Can you imagine if my OCs were on Tumblr that would be sort of insane
💖 pepperminty Follow
I wish I could find someone out there for me :-( need to do a little kissing yk
7 Notes
🔎 findthetruth Follow
We need to talk about how disrespectful it is to get mad at people who study cryptids and stuff like we're people too. And the cryptids are people too. Grow up and stop being jerks
31 Notes
🍄 rockamarilla Follow
bites you bites you bites you bites you b
- mod 🎸
50 Notes
🎙️gameshowfan83 Follow
Google how to make people enjoy my music taste. Wait this isn't Google how do I stop it from recording my voice no stop recording now stop
1 Note
🥷 lloydzawesm Follow
my dad has been acting sort of weird lately I'm like dude what is the problem ... kinda worried y'know???
14 Notes
🔌 the-monitor Follow
6 Notes
📘 satellitetheatre Follow
Please reblog to get more votes!!! I'm so indecisive!!!!!
90 Notes
🟧 whatizlove Follow
I need to drop out of college my science professor is literally evil
3 Notes
🍄 rockamarilla Follow
Please note that there's only two of us running this blog and one of us is not very socially active. I don't understand what "ratio" and "L" means. Thank you.
- Mod Z
8 Notes
🔎 findthetruth Follow
Some may call it a theory but I know it's true: there's undeniable proof that the "town" of Tally, is actually a hivemind?! More actual real life proof below.
Read More
🦠 wandereringout Follow
Hey, that's sort of weird to just say this about someone's town? There's real people here, and you're just throwing around terms to make people worried over nothing. Plus, hiveminds aren't real :/
🔎 findthetruth Follow
That's what someone in a hivemind would say don't think I'm not onto you
56 Notes
💻 Sponsored by startechofficial
New year. New you. New computers.
The new Galaxy OS drops 12/7. Are you ready?
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🟧 whatizlove Follow
Lowkey getting sick of those startech ads just remember they use planned obsolescence
🥷 lloydzawesm Follow
my dad works at startech he said that they create new computers each year just to annoy you specifically
🟧 whatizlove Follow
Who tf are you
18 Notes
💖 pepperminty Follow
Anonymous said:
your mom - 🎸
2 Notes
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nodirectionhome-ao3 · 2 months
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Thanks for the tag @jamesunderwater !!!
1. Are you named after anyone? My first name is just a name that my parents happen to like, but my middle name was the first name of both my grandmother and my great-grandmother! Additional fun fact about that is that my dad's middle name is also a tribute to them!
2. When was the last time you cried? I think like a month ago? Surprising because I've generally been very stressed this month but somehow haven't cried about it😅
3. Do you have kids? Nope.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? No, I've never used sarcasm in my life (she said sarcastically).
Haha. The real answer is I don't use it very much online but I definitely use it A LOT in person.
5. What sports do you play/have you played? Back in my student athlete days: swimming and field hockey. I was actually very serious about both of them for a while, which is crazy because now I never exercise at all lol. I was also a lifeguard and a swim coach for a while, so basically I HATE pools now with a passion and never go to them, not even for fun😂
I also dabbled in rec league basketball for a bit when I was a child but that was ill fated, especially considering my lack of height.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people? I honestly don't know. Just, like, general demeanor I guess? Whether they seem like a nice person or not? Also, their hair.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I love plot twists but I am not a fan of jump scares!😂
8. Any special talents? I think I'm pretty good at memorizing things quickly. I used to do a lot of plays, and I never really had to work at memorizing my lines. It just sort of happened. I usually memorized everyone else's too without trying haha. So I was probably an annoying castmate😅
9. Where were you born? I was actually born in South Africa! My family isn't from there, but my parents happened to be there for work at the time (journalism). But then we moved back home to the US, which is where I grew up.
10. What are your hobbies? I dabble in a lot of things. Just to name the main ones though: writing, reading, piano, music analysis/criticism (in the form of a very detailed and probably crazy spreadsheet that nobody else has seen😅), watercolor, bracelet making, and hopefully very soon I'll be able to add record collecting to that list :)
11. Do you have any pets? No. I wish!
12. All-time fave piece of media? OOOF how do I choose just one???? I'm going to cheat and say three things because they've defined me equally: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band by The Beatles, The West Wing (the TV show), and Hamlet
13. Fave subject in school? English! (literature)
14. Dream job? I do not dream of labor!!!😅 For real though. I am the opposite of ambitious. I don't care what I do for a living. My dream is to win the lottery or something so I can stop working entirely and just spend my days frittering the hours away, entertaining myself with my myriad hobbies. (Guess I should start buying lottery tickets!)
15. Eye colour? Brown.
Oh man 15 people is so many to tag lol. Sorry if you've already been tagged! No pressure tag to: @kay-elle-cee @thecasualauthor @casquecest @suzyq31 @nena-96 @charmsandtealeaves @practicecourts @evbell @eastwindmlk @annabtg @annasghosts @sophie-hatter-jenkins @petals2fish @abihastastybeans @siriuslychessi
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ruiniel · 1 year
u know what, i'm gonna be a basic b and ask for the ever iconic it's way too cold outside so lets cuddle naked and pretend that we're not aroused trope for castlevania's alucard. gotta love some of that sweet sexual tension
Some classics are made to last and be retold, never worry! I wanted to practice some writing but was also tired so uh, took an alternate ending to a scene from an older Alucard x OFC fic that used the 'beauty and the beast' trope, changed a few things, and included your prompt. … I wouldn’t exactly call it cuddling, but gave it a dose of UST. A lot of setup, though, even some action before that. Hope you like it.
This is the continuation of Schemes (warning, major angstfest there). Schemes doesn't need to be read in order to get this one, but it sure would enhance the last scene here.
The title is part of the proverb Still waters run deep. It was just there.  
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Still waters
Fandom: Castlevania series (2017-2021)
Relationship: Alucard x fem!reader
Characters: Alucard, Reader, Original Characters
Count: 4k
Rating: M (🔞)
Tags/CW: scholar!reader, brief depiction of illness, abuse, verbal abuse, violence, attempted murder, unresolved sexual tension, Alucard is Not nice in this, Though he still means well, OK he's *kind of nice*, explicit language, post Castlevania season III, POV Reader Character, Second Person POV, references to past emotional conflict, protectiveness
Summary: He frightened you that night... but you’d been so foolish. Taking a moment of weakness for something else, pushing when you shouldn’t have. Now here you are: alone, worn, having traveled along the first dusty path you found away from the woods, aiming to be as far from that castle as possible. You have but few belongings, save a valuable manuscript he’d once gifted you.
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"And where would I go?" you asked with a newfound, raking sort of hurt pride, a wayward look of disbelief in your eyes.
"That is your concern, not mine," Alucard retorted tiredly, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Adrian—" you tried again, only to be cut off by a scalding look.
"You will regret ever setting foot here otherwise," he snapped at you, his words chopped and shaking.
Trembling like a leaf, you bit down the crippling misery that piled up your throat. "I already do," you spewed before turning on your heel and dashing out of his sight, sparing no glance back.
You shook your head wearily at the wretched, aching memory of that last encounter, and peered beyond the heavy wooden gates of the village you’d discovered in your path. You hoped someone was awake on the other side, waited for a few minutes. Nothing. You were about to knock again when a bell began its chiming chant, in reckoning of dawn. After the bell died your knuckles struck the wooden gate again.
"A’ight, ai’ght," a disgruntled elderly voice began from the other side. "Got a bad leg y'know," the voice went on, and the trap door opened level with your face. Suspicious old eyes found yours. "Your name and your business," the watchman demanded.
You gave him your name in your most steady voice, though it came harsh with disuse. "I am no more than a traveler, fatigued and in search of lodgings."
The distrustful air held, and the trap door was closed. A moment later the gate opened either way, as was the custom in some areas once daybreak hit.
"Traveling alone are ye?" the somewhat raggedy old man placed his hands on his hips, shamelessly eyeing you striding past. " ... I'd watch meself if I were you—" the watchman added, but the end of his sentence was lost on you, now too preoccupied with taking in the new view before you. It was a rather large settlement, not quite a town but far from being a hamlet. Wood and thicket houses lined the uncobbled streets, and tall wooden gates spread unevenly delimited different homesteads from one another. You noticed folk were already up and about, most garbed in similar thick linens and furs. There was a bustle of men and women of various ages heading into different directions to pursue the labors of the day.
"Pardon me," you swiftly asked one passing woman. "What is this place called?"
"Why ye find yerself in Bran," she replied hastily, rushing off before you had a chance to ask whether you could expect to find room and board of any kind. Bran. You had no notion of this place. Sleeping under the naked sky was not something you shied away from, and there was little doubt you’d resort to such again throughout your journey. But for now, well, now you needed a good long rest and a warm meal. And a batch of new memories, if possible.
You walked along the main street, eyes searching for anything which may have constituted an inn. Mud and dirt clung to your boots and the hem of your cloak, gathered along the wet road drenched in nightly rains. You sighed, shouldering the satchel containing your few belongings.
Morning, midday and afternoon passed with little commotion and no success in finding a place to stay. You felt all the more despondent, though the reason had little to do with your uncertain options for the night.
You felt empty and a little lost, in more ways than one. Something was missing, and it was not unlike an invisible string puppeteering your thoughts; they ever returned to him. You wanted to forget, but no doubt that would take time. You wanted his callous words to stop striking dents into your mind. What was causing the most distress was the way his merciless distrust had slammed into you, and during moments you could not erase from your mind however much you tried.
You regarded the bleak day, strewn with impending grey clouds looming in the distance, wondering whether he was well, whether he was at all regretful for how it all spiralled down between you. After all, he did have a human side, supposedly. You may have taken a wrong step, and as time wore on, the stronger this conviction became. But your head had been full, of both wine and him and a ruthless desire you could not rein. No use regretting it now.
Soon, there was commotion around you as you reached the village marketplace. There were various merchants selling leathers, metalwork and wooden carvings among others and there was even a stand laden with smoked meats. There was plenty of mud here as well, giving the gathering a rather splattered appearance. You also saw chickens, goats and pigs put up for sale.
You waded through the crowd, considering spending coin on whatever nourishment you could find, when a wail was heard from without. The sounds were inhuman to your ears, closer to screeches than anything. 
You approached the curious crowd that had gathered, and craning your neck to see better, you noticed a young girl, writhing on the ground. Her body was contorting in strange positions. She looked to be in her early youth, and was a sorry state. Her eyes were rolled over so the bare whites were visible, and she was uttering sounds that would have caused a night creature to flee. An older woman was on her knees and attempting to keep her flailing arms at bay.
"Witchery..." you heard the word whispered by more than one. "The devil has her, she is under its spell again," another was saying.
You sighed in annoyance, shouldering your way between them. That is no spell.
You’d seen this condition before, during your studies. It was an affliction of the mind and body, leaving one too weakened and unable to perform tasks as others would. The older woman was desperately trying to soothe the girl, now foaming at the mouth, even as you came before them and lowered yourself beside them. "Hold her jaw," you said. "I am a... healer," you offered by way of greeting, at which point the woman's eyes widened. She did as was asked.
"She must not bite her tongue," you told the frantic woman, moving the girl before pressing two fingers to a specific spot along the side of her neck. The struggling soon ceased, and her arms and legs became slack, her eyes closed.
You caught the gaze of the older woman.
"It usually takes me much longer to still her," she said, her eyes full of worry and gratitude. "I have never seen anyone achieve what you have done."
"Your child has an ailment, one she will bear if properly tended," you leaned in closer. "And it has nothing to do with God or the Devil," you whispered, looking to the somewhat wary crowd. People had begun to disperse and go about their business.
"Well, whatever it is, I am in your debt." She lowered her head.
"Let there be no debt, I do not do this for recompense."
"I am Rafilae, and this is my daughter, Maria," the woman looked to the girl now nestled in her arms. "I have a cottage at the other end of our village, and though we have no wealth to speak of, I would still wish to repay you, somehow. Come, I think we have enough food to share for tonight, and you look to be in need of rest yourself."
You could do little to deny that. You were tired, you were hungry. "If that would not be too much trouble..."  you said, with little conviction.
"Bah, no trouble at all. I'll explain all to my man. Now come," Rafilae urged, and having nothing else to do nor indeed anywhere to go, you heeded.
A cloaked figure watched you depart but did not follow, instead fading amid the crowd of the bustling market.
Evening found you seated on the ground at a wooden table in a small thatched roof hut, a steaming dish of root vegetable broth set before you. You were joined by your new acquaintances and hosts, both of whom seemed wholesome, hardworking people. Rafilae's husband Rufus had been an amenable man, and all the happier when he heard of the aid you provided. Maria lay on a bed of hay not too far away, joined by her brothers and sisters, having regained herself in the meantime.
They asked of your purpose in Wallachia, of your own lands. They were curious people, but you were at a point where you craved and welcomed the openness of human contact. You kept most of your trials to yourself, placing forward the idea that you were a traveling healer. You then instructed the couple on a few techniques to help their daughter and spoke of the condition she bore. These simple folk were looking rather incredulously at you, still somewhat unable to believe their child was not possessed by any forces of evil. It was during this conversation that a vicious knock sounded at the door of the hut.
"Rather late for visitors," Rufus said with narrowed eyes.
All conversation ceased, and the man rose, taking a heavy pitchfork in hand. You rose as well and peered outside to catch glimpse of the intruder. Your eyes widened at the sight.
Six figures, all armed and dressed in robes of black and gold were planted before the homestead.
One of them pointed a long, dirty finger at you. "That one."
Rufus went to stand as a shield before you and his wife, grasping the pitchfork firmly in his hand.
"The Lord's Horde," Rafilae placed her hand to her mouth, while you were suddenly looking about them for any possible ways of escape. Yes, you remembered their kind. You recalled the etchings of their garb and the ruthless dogmatism which drove them to blind murder. It was their kind who chased you that rainy day, whom you barely escaped; who led you to...
"Are you certain?" one of the robed men asked.
"As I live and breathe," came the confirmation. "That’s the witch Denes and the others caught in Rusi. When I saw her in the market today in the commotion I could not believe my eyes. She drew out the devil from one, so there's further proof." His voice dripped loathing. "I never thought she would dare show her face around these parts after what she did."
"What is the meaning of this?" Rufus demanded.
The second man who’d spoken neared. He clasped his hands together in his faded robe, his air one of distinction. He had a long dark beard and wore a faded black prior's cap on his short cropped hair. "You host a witch in your midst."
You scoffed, though inside you quaked. Not again, not again. 
The man continued his case. "She is responsible for the deaths of men in our brotherhood who tried to capture her near Rusi. We never saw them again."
"I am no witch!" You seethed, looking pleadingly to Rufus and his wife.
Rufus did not seem convinced either. "Do you have proof of this?" he looked back to the prior.
The prior frowned, his cold eyes gaining a mad glimmer. "You know our cause. You know we will fight for the Lord with all that we are, and against anyone who stands in the way of His justice," he looked pointedly at Rufus. "I would entreat you not to interfere with God's work, lest you are prepared to face the consequences."
The man briefly took in the various sharp weapons the others wielded. Their gazes were cold and there was the same spark of maddened devotion in their eyes.
The children had appeared at the entrance, curious and wide-eyed. You sighed upon seeing them, lowering your head.
"No," you placed a hand on the man's shoulder, then regarded the prior icily. "I will go freely." You looked to Rafilae, who was wringing her hands. "Thank you for your aid." Then swiftly you retrieved your satchel, and hands were on your shoulders, and you were dragged away before the startled eyes of the family who'd shown you kindness. It is true, everything does go in cycles the thought crossed your mind.
"What will you do to me?" you dared ask as one of the men pulled your hands to bind them. You struggled in vain, but the man forcibly revealed your wrist, still bearing marks from the incubus attack weeks ago.
"Further proof, prior Horvath," and all gasped when they saw the reddened scars as he forcibly brought your wrist upward. "Cavorting with vampires also, no doubt."
The one called Horvath sneered, his dark eyes set on your livid expression. "We take her to the river," then his smile turned vicious. "You do what you will with her." The others grinned, looking at each other. "Throw her body in when done."
"No, please," you tried reason, struggling as the bonds were tightened. "I bear nothing but knowledge, and have no skill nor anything to do with the dark arts!"
"Silence!" the prior boomed, features contorting. He thrust his face close to yours, taking a fistful of your hair and pulling so harshly you screeched in pain. "Where are our brethren then, hmm? There is nothing you can say or do to make me believe you, wench, save for their safe return. And even then," he gripped harder, causing your eyes to water. "You are still a filthy servant of the Enemy." He released you, and bid them march ahead with you dragged in tow.
As you left the village behind, you were trying to come to terms with the fact that life was apparently not on your side. None dared intervene and there were few people out and about since evening had fallen. All feared the darkness and what lurked beyond it, and rightfully so. The tall woods soon swallowed the group, and two captors lit torches.
When you heard the murmur of water nearby, you swallowed. They must have neared the river. You looked left and right, seeing nothing but gloom. They’d taken your satchel away, reverently saying its contents were destined to be burned.
Then you were being dragged by two of them, struggling and panting, towards the steep edge where the river thrashed below. Your legs flailed, and a powerful strike ended your wailing. You saw stars.
"Pin her down," one said, and they were about to do just that, when something hissed past them.
You saw nothing in the dark, save for the torch fallen to the forest bed. You heard groans and muffled cries as bodies fell to the ground.
You rose swiftly to your knees, trying to rip the bonds with your teeth to no avail, fumbling onto the ground, looking for the satchel. You stared about yourself, for whatever was happening lit by the weak light of the fallen torches.
A tall figure faced the prior.
It all happened too fast. You were being dragged by the hair, caught in an armlock that had you choking. The prior stood alone, and spilled blood rose warm in the air. He was ever pacing back towards the cliff, and the river below, with you struggling in his grip.
"Stay back!" he cried, brandishing a long knife even as his opponent stepped ever closer. 
"Release your captive," the presence commanded, aiming his weapon at the prior's chest.
The voice. That voice.
"Release your captive, then jump," the voice repeated calmly as the blade swished through the air, glinting eerily. "And you may survive the river. I will count to three, at which point your heart will be pierced by my blade. Your decision," he offered as the prior kept looking back towards the gaping nothingness, then to the catlike gaze of the stranger.
True to his word, he began his count. 
"Are you mad?! Your witch will perish too, you fucking beast, because if I go, she goes with me."
If you didn’t know better, you thought you’d heard a growl. 
"Here, if you want her so badly, she’s all yours—” 
You gasped as you were forcefully flung into darkness, deafened by your own startled cry, by another short, agonized gurgle.
And then, pins and needles, and the cold numbed all.
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Pain. Everywhere and nowhere; too hot, but then too cold. You opened your eyes to what seemed like pale daylight sifting through a window, closed them again. 
Am I alive?
The capture, the darkness, the river, all came crashing down in waves of memories, and a violent quiver shook your frame. You were strewn on something softer than a forest bed. You opened your eyes anew, saw nary a movement, and felt something warm pressed to your forehead. A palm. You shivered, shivered, shivered, before losing consciousness again.
Must it be so cold everywhere? Everything hurt. As you stared blearily along your arm, you felt the bruises forming there. And then, a change: warmth at your back, much needed heat enveloping you. Pleasant and alive, and before you understood—or cared—what it was, you pressed closer. Something locked around your waist.
"You fidget," and despite the ache, the warm breath against your neck sent a different shiver down your body.
This was not actually happening. You were caught in some feverish dream, dying on the stony banks of the river.
"...where… you…"
"Don’t try to speak. Rest."
"...came for me? But how…"
An exasperated sigh. "My senses. I know your scent."
At any other time, those words might have had your heart soaring and mind reeling, but now you were too numb for even the infatuation which, even in delirium, apparently wouldn’t loosen its hold.
"You struck the waters before I reached you,"  Adrian went on in that soft voice, though its tone was rather clinical.
Yes, you struggled to remember. He did arrive, it had been him. Right before…
It was then you noticed something mortifying—you were bare under the covers, and the warmth against your back was skin. 
As if reading your thoughts, Adrian spoke again. "You were in shock when I retrieved you from the water. The medicine supplies here were mostly destroyed during the siege on the castle," he said, and you realized that what was closed around you was his arm; his bare arm, and your back was pressed to his chest. You were too tired to move, too gutted to speak. Last time you attempted closeness, he all but cast you out of the castle and now, now…
If only you had the strength to be angry.
"The heating system no longer works since then, and I had no firewood, and your condition was fastly worsening. I had no choice," he spoke again.
And the way he said the last words was killing you; like you were a chore, and a disturbance. 
Still, he… he was there.
"...I see…" you managed, feeling him warm but stiff as you lay unmoving on your side. You wished you could scream, demand an apology for his denial and his distrustful, unjust words during that last encounter but then—he saved your life.
"Why?" you croaked, staring out the window, where clouds darkened the sky above the forest.
"I told you not to speak."
"Why did you do it?" you asked stubbornly, feeling the arm tighten around your waist in an uncontrolled jerk of movement. "Why did you go through the trouble of dragging me from their clutches when you demanded I left in the first place."
"I demanded you left, but never wanted you to come to harm."
You closed your eyes. "You called me a liar." He could be so goddamn infuriating. Never a straight answer, but his warmth seeping into you felt so good it made you drowsy, and the most primal side of you felt it seeping within, lacing pleasure to pain.
Silence. You wondered if you’d finally reached him, or if it was the guilt at his past conduct that drove him to this. You could not help remembering the way he held you then, the desperate longing in his kiss, the heat rising between you as he crushed you closer—a heat not unlike the one burning you now; you no longer shivered from the cold, but were loath to tell him.
Damn you. Damn him.
His chest rose in a sigh against your naked back. "There are things you do not know. About me. I…"
You couldn’t be more bewildered if you saw a pig on white wings flying towards the sun. Adrian, being honest and straightforward? Still, you did not hedge him. Let him struggle, the petty side of you urged, the other melting with desperation and love.
"My trust was broken before," he finally said, and you waited, but Adrian added nothing else.
Still. "I did not know," you said, staring out the window. 
"I realized that. After," and for the first time, you sensed a sliver of remorse in his tone. Not an apology, but, for now, all else considered, it would do. This was not the way things went in your lustful dreams of him from before; aching all over, unable to move. 
"How do you feel?"
You swallowed. "Warm."
A pause. You’d half expected him to rise and leave, but nothing happened.
"Good," he said. He felt warmer, or maybe it was a slight of the imagination. And then, "I do not think you a liar."
You still felt resent at the memory, but on impulse, your hand reached, pressed over his own that was splayed over your abdomen. Your fingers slipped between his; he did not withdraw. 
"Please," you heard then, and the whisper held something ragged in it, and you became aware of a hardness against you, just like… like that first time you threw yourself at him like a fool with your head full of wine and body thrumming with desire.
You said nothing else, become aware of the risen heartbeat against your spine. And suddenly you wondered, and suddenly you understood. 
"Did you bring me back to cast me away again once I’m better? Will you reprise that humiliation?" You could not help it, though his words on trust haunted you already, as many of his past actions gained a new, horrible sense.
"No." It sounded pained on its own; you let it be.
You lay in silence, aware you could not even move if you tried to turn and face him, to see his eyes, to feel him closer, to tell him. "I will wait for you, Adrian," you said either way, and never heard his answer as exhausted sleep claimed you.
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More of my work is on AO3 [many stories not on tumblr]
BLOG MASTERPOST (all you need to know)
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papalo-palo · 3 months
Dear Diary
So much has happened already before I decided to start writing my memoirs. Those friends of mine that knew me before everything happened have been hounding me to put ink to paper before so much happens that I forget where I came from. That I forget where I'm going. That I forget who I have become.
That I forget who I was.
When I told them I had received the white mage soul crystal, they didn't believe me. While I am Gridanian, my hamlet is so far away from the city of Gridania that most Gridanians don't believe that I am one of them. It doesn't help that I'm neither Miqo'te nor Elezen, but Lalafell.
The elementals granted the Palo family leave to settle in the Twelveswood about the same time as they permitted the first families to leave Gelmorra. We just kept to ourselves until Gridania's need for farms reached us. We were granted citizenship as Gridanians for as long as the elementals granted us leave to remain and as long as we pay our tithes to Gridania with produce and honey, and, well, we're still here.
But for all my citizenship grants me, it doesn't grant me the horns of a Padjal, nor the sensitivities of a Hearer. Even the Seedseers are surprised that I have received the legacy of A-Towa-Cant, the crystal called the Soul of the White Mage. After all, I'm just a simple farmer.
Well, I was.
I am now the keeper of two artifacts. One is the soul crystal I mentioned already, and the other... well... I am not ready to see the other described on paper, so I will write of that another time.
For now, this being my first entry in this diary, let whomever comes to these words read this and know:
I am Papalo Palo, a Lalafell Conjurer of the Order of the Twin Adder.
May you walk in the light of the Crystal.
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sharpfamily · 1 year
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The Essay Escapade
There are no lengths at which a good brother won’t go in order to help his sister in need.
*** Just popping in to let you all know that I have a brief description of each of the Sharp children at the very end of this, just in case you want to know a little bit about them. Also at this point in time, Aesop is retired from teaching and runs a successful potions shop with his wife in the hamlet where they both live. ***
Massive, massive MASSIVE shout out to @aesopsharpmybeloved for letting me play in your sandbox and making me believe I could write something that people would actually enjoy reading. This is a companion piece to her series A New Chance at Life and if you haven’t read it what are you even doing here!
- Tea-withjamandbread
It was late, far too late to still be awake, however Theodore Sharp was unable to fall asleep. It made sense, really. As the middle of the semester approached, so did exams and essay deadlines. The fifth year Slytherin had a lot on his mind.
Call it intuition, call it a special “twin bond” like their mother often described it, but something told Theodore he didn’t really need sleep at the moment, not while Natty needed him. So he grabbed his wand and got dressed as quietly as he could before leaving his dorm room headed towards the common room. He wasn’t at all surprised to find his twin sister sitting at the table closest to the fireplace, it was her favorite spot after all. He was surprised, however, to find her surrounded by books, furiously writing on what seemed to be quite the long piece of parchment, tears forming in her eyes.
“Hey there Nat”
The girl barely slowed down her writing. “Theo. It’s late. You should be asleep.”
"Could say the same about you" Theodore placed a hand on his sister's, forcing her to stop what she was doing for a moment. “What’s that you’re working on?” The boy was genuinely confused. Judging by the furious pace at which his sister was writing, he could only deduce she was in the middle of writing an entire essay. While it wasn’t unusual for him to wait until the very last minute to finish his work, Natty was always far more organized than this and seemed to always have her work finished days before it was due for being turned in.
“My DADA essay.” Theo was no Auror (yet) but he distinctly remembered his sister mentioning she had finished writing it last week. “Why are you re-writing your DADA essay? I’m sure the one you already wrote was good enough to”
“I lost it!”
“I’m such an idiot Theo!”
“Stop that. I’m supposed to be the dramatic one between the two of us, not you. How did you lose it?”
“I was looking through everything for tomorrow’s classes and I couldn’t find it anywhere. What I DID find though is this.” She pulls out a letter addressed to her parents, back home. “I must have accidentally sent Mum and Dad my essay instead of…” She burst into tears. “So I have to re-write the whole thing now because there’s no way for me to get it back in time to turn it in first thing tomorrow!”
"Maybe if you write to them, they could send it here in time for first class?"
"Even if I DID write to them right now they wouldn't have time to send it… It's due first thing tomorrow morning and you know Mum and Dad, they're not exactly… morning people"
An idea formed in Theodore's brain. It was madness to be certain, he'd be breaking about half a dozen school rules, not to mention it could prove dangerous. "I'll go fetch it then"
Natty looked at her twin like he had grown a second head.
"You're mad"
"I'm assure you I’m not"
"You're going to fly miles away from school and then what? Break into the parents' house?"
"Not exactly. I’m going to use the floo and run the rest of the way! It’ll be good exercise! Plus does it really count as breaking in if you have the key?"
"You're going to get caught"
"Dad's a heavy sleeper"
"Dad used to be an Auror!"
"Yeah I think I've heard him mention that once or twice"
"So you KNOW he'll wake up to the sound of someone in the house when he's not expecting company. Besides, Mum's a light sleeper!"
"And she'll be SO happy to see me IF I get caught, which I don't intend on having happen!”
Natalie looked at the essay she was currently attempting to re-write. It was a mess. Barely legible and when she tried to make sense of the paragraph she had just finished, she knew she couldn't turn this in tomorrow and hope for a good grade. Professor Sallow did have a soft spot for her and her siblings, but that would only help her so much.
"Do it."
"Brilliant! I'll be back in less than an hour!"
Theodore quickly hugged his sister then started walking towards the common room door.
"Wait!" Natalie rushed towards him. "Bring this to them please" She handed her brother the letter she had meant to send her parents earlier that same day.
"Sure thing!"
"Thank you."
"Anything for you, sis!"
With one last hug to his slightly less nervous sister, Theodore was on his way.
Theodore slowed down his sprint as he approached his childhood home. The sight before him was everything he was hoping for. The chimney had the faintest trace of smoke, indicating that the fires warming the home were mere embers at the moment, and all the windows appeared dark, indicating the occupants of the house were fast asleep. He took a quick peek to the back of the house, where the window leading to his father’s cellar was located. He knew sometimes his father brewed late into the night, however tonight did not appear to be one of those nights.
It occurred to him at that moment that it really wouldn’t be the end of the world if his parents knew he’d visited. He could probably knock on the door and politely ask if he could have Natty’s essay, deliver his letter, get mildly scolded for being away from school after curfew, perhaps he’d be lucky enough to get his hand on some of his mother’s baked goods before going on his merry way. However, if he was being honest with himself, he wanted to know if he could be successful at avoiding detection. Plus, he had promised his sister he wouldn’t get caught and Theodore Ashley Sharp was a man of his word, or at least, he tried his very best to be.
Theodore knows he needs to be as quiet as can be. He didn't want to get caught after all. He cast a disillusionment charm over himself for good measure, although he really didn't think it was needed. This was his childhood home and he knew it like the back of his hand. He knew exactly which floorboards creaked when stepped on and created a mental map of his shortest path from the front door to the drawer where he knew his parents kept their correspondence.
He quietly unlocked the door and stepped inside. The faintest ruffling of feathers to his left caught his attention. Diana. The owl had been a part of their family since before they were even a family from the stories he had been told as a child, and had been retired from messenger duty some number of years ago. Theodore had anticipated the necessity of keeping her quiet and quietly but decisively, reached into his left pocket and grabbed a handful of treats. He extended his arm towards her, hoping his bribe would buy him precious minutes as he continued on with his mission.
He must admit he felt a little ridiculous, hopping from plank to plank, avoiding the ones he knew to be noisy. He wouldn't at all be surprised to learn that these particular planks were left in their squeaky state in order to make it impossible for his siblings and himself to move about the house at night without alerting their parents.
Theodore made his way from the foyer, past the staircase, through the family room, and into the kitchen, moving to stand in front of the exact drawer he knew his parents kept their mail, successfully avoiding each and every problem plank. "The student surpasses the potions master" he thought to himself. He opened the drawer and pulled out a stack of papers, looking for his sister's essay. However, no matter how hard he looked, all he was met with was correspondence regarding his parents' potions shop. Orders, ingredient lists, accounting papers, more orders, more accounting… no essay. He put the papers back in the drawer and gently closed it. He took a few seconds to breathe, feeling his face redden and his pulse quicken. Natty was counting on him. He had promised her he'd get that essay back for her. He wasn't always the perfect brother, but he prided himself on never going back on his word, on never making a promise he didn't intend to keep. He racked his brain as to where his parents would have put the essay when his thoughts were suddenly interrupted.
A bright light came from behind Theodore and the boy froze, hoping his disillusionment charm was strong enough to withstand the scrutiny of the ex-Auror who had just cast the wand-lighting charm. He had no idea his father had woken, didn’t hear him coming down the stairs at all. He supposed he still had much to learn in terms of how to move about completely undetected. He hadn’t been caught yet, though, and he had some elements working in his favor. Perhaps his father was too sleepy to notice him, although he doubted that. He knew the man probably wasn't wearing his glasses and so maybe, just maybe he still stood a chance in completing his mission undetected.
However the bright light coming from his father's wand had caused the faintest shadow of his form to appear on the wall in front of him. Despite his very best efforts, the boy had been caught.
"Your disillusionment charm has improved, Theodore, but it's still not good enough to fool me."
Theodore promptly dropped the charm and turned to face his father, who lowered his wand and used it to reignite the fire in the hearth to provide a warm light and additional warmth to the room. He wore his dressing gown and Theodore could only imagine he was wearing his nightshirt underneath. His face showed a mixture of tiredness, confusion, slight annoyance and he thought he also detected a hint of amusement.
“How did you know it was me?”
“Maggie’s in America, Eleazar’s never been one for sneaking around and Natty’s disillusionment charm is frankly better than yours. The house is warded to alert us of any other intruders, so that leaves only one suspect, you."
“What gave me away?"
His father deflected
"I'm sure there must be an excellent explanation to your late night, actually, by now, early morning visit. One that also explains why you're currently rifling through your mother's and my private correspondence."
"Actually there IS an explanation"
"I'd love to hear it, sooner rather than later, please."
"I'm here because Nat"
Theo promptly finds himself wrapped in his mother's tight embrace. "What are you doing here? Sneaking out of school in the dead of night, what's gotten into you?"
"From what I gather from the stories you told us Mum, I get this from you"
She loosened her embrace but still kept her hands on her son's shoulders. "Oh hush now, at least I had the good sense to never get caught by your father!"
"That's not entirely accurate darling…" Aesop reached for his wife and pulled her against him, breaking the link between her and their intruder and wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing the back of her head. "I distinctly remember catching you a handful of times sneaking about the castle" She melted into her husband's embrace. "Only because I wanted you to catch me, Ace"
"If you both don't mind I'm here for Natty's DADA essay. She accidentally sent it to you instead of this and it's due first thing tomorrow" Theodore handed his parents his sister’s letter to them. “I told her I'd come and correct her mistake, deliver her letter and retrieve it. If you could just tell me where it is, I will go fetch it, be on my merry way and let you both carry on with whatever it is I don’t want to think about you doing when we’re not home.”
Aesop chuckled as (F/N) spoke.
“I’m guessing she didn’t get our note then?”
“She didn’t say anything about a note, she was too busy trying to re-write her essay from memory!”
“Oh Nat, poor thing…”
(F/N) looked at her son
“We got her essay, and we read it. It was really, really good and obviously finished so we sent it directly to Professor Sallow after dinner, along with a note to Natty letting her know not to worry about it. I’m guessing the poor owl must have forgotten about the second delivery.”
“Or delivered it to Eleazar, wouldn’t be the first time our mail got all messed up”
“Blasted, unreliable school owls.”
“We really need to get another owl Ace, with Maggie in America now and the shop doing as well as it is, Babbity could use some help.”
“Agreed.” Aesop addressed his son
“In any case, her essay is where it needs to be and if Professor Sallow hasn’t received it, have him owl me, and I’ll make sure Nat gets the O she deserves.”
Theodore looked at his parents. Tonight had turned out to be a failed mission for him. He got caught AND he didn’t retrieve his sister’s essay. He was happy though. Happy to be home, happy to be with his parents for just a little while.
"Are you hungry, dear?"
"Nah, I'm good. Ate one too many servings of mutton stew for dinner"
His eyes fell on a plate of his mother's scones.
“On second thought I'm starving Mum, they BARELY feed us at the school, you know"
(F/N) chuckled as she summoned a plate and some scones. Theodore scarfed down the first in two bites, and reached for a second one, as his mother busied herself, packing the rest of the pastries in a cloth bag for her son to bring back to Hogwarts.
“Don’t forget to share." she reminds him, as she hands him the bag.
“I should probably get going… I told Natty I’d be back within the hour and I’m cutting it close”
"Just a moment, I have something for you to bring to your sister."
His father turned and unlocked a cabinet that held a variety of potions
"Ooh, contraband!"
Aesop let out a chuckle as he handed a vial to his son.
"Wideye. She'll need it tomorrow. If I know Natty, she still won't sleep a wink tonight"
"Don't I get one too?"
"Do you want to be an Auror someday?"
"You know I do"
"Then in addition to perfecting your disillusionment charm you also need to master the art of the power nap. Learn how to function for long hours with little to no sleep."
"You're joking"
"I'm not. But there will be plenty of time for that. In the meantime here's one for you too, as well this."
His father hands him a third vial. Theodore doesn't need to read the label to know what it contains. Invisibility potion.
"This one's pretty strong, should buy you about a minute. Use it wisely."
“Anything for Eleazar while we’re at it?”
“I’m sure Eleazar already brews his own contraband.”
Theodore chuckled. Eleazar did have a natural knack for potions and always had a true passion for the subject, the art came as naturally to him as walking it seemed at times. Even Aesop couldn’t say as much about himself, having gone from quite the average student to graduating with the best potions marks in his class thanks to hard work and a drive to reach the top of his field.
“Anything else before the Sharp Delivery Service heads back to his common room?”
“No, that’ll be all” his mother says, as she pulls him into another bone crushing hug. “You’re a great son, and an amazing brother. We’re so proud of you. I love you, Theodore.”
“I love you too, Mum”
He looked up at his father, while still tightly hugging his mother.
"You never told me what gave me away. I know my disillusionment isn't quite up to snuff yet but that's not what woke you up though"
"The front door. It has a very distinct squeak when it opens. Imperceptible from the outside but can be heard from our bedroom. I could fix it, but I choose not to. That's what gave you away tonight. I must say though, I was impressed at how you managed to avoid all the bad floorboards. Well done."
"Thanks Dad. I love you."
"I love you too, son."
Aesop joined in the hug for a moment, then gently took his wife’s hands into his own, releasing their son from her tight embrace.
“Be safe on your way back”
Both parents stayed in the doorway, arms around each other, watching as their youngest son sprinted towards the closest floo flame.
Theodore didn’t waste his invisibility potion sneaking back into the castle. He was smarter than that. He knew the prefects and professors were fast asleep at that time, and his disillusionment charm, while still needing some work, was still good enough to shield him from the portraits and the ghosts roaming the castle. He didn’t hear Peeves in the vicinity, so the walk back to the Slytherin common room was easy and uneventful.
He was greeted by the sight of his sister, who had abandoned her attempted re-write, and appeared immersed in the book she was reading. A quick glance at the cover revealed that she was reading one of her favorite novels. To think that his sister would trust him so completely as to abandon her contingency plan in favor of re-visiting one of her favorite stories made his heart swell. This evening hadn’t gone according to plan, but he hoped that he’d at least be able to calm down her anxieties and maybe, just maybe, she would get a couple hours of sleep tonight.
Natty looked up from her book and took in the sight of her brother, scones and potions in hand.
"Theo? Are you OK?"
"Brilliant, actually" he says as he took a bite out of a scone
"Did someone cast the confundus charm on you?"
"I don't... think so. Why do you ask?" he took another bite
"I see scones, I see potions, do you know what I DON'T see?"
"Oh, yeah... that"
Natty put her head in her hands
He put his hand on her shoulder
"Relax Nat. They already turned it in for you."
Natty looked up at her brother, who had the biggest smile on his face.
"They... what?"
"They noticed you had sent them your essay by accident, proof-read it and owl'd it directly to Professor Sallow. Probably sounded something like this
Theodore stepped back and put on his best impression of their mother.
"Oh Ace! Our darling daughter must have sent us her essay by accident! Poor thing must be so nervous right now but I really don't understand why, this essay is incredible! I couldn't have written it better myself!"
Then Dad probably went "I can tell no shortcuts were taken when writing this paper, well done Natty, this deserves an O and nothing less!"
"I shall send it to my good friend Sebastian at Hogwarts right away! However I absolutely won't also ask about how the children are doing because that would be inappropriate"
"Wonderful idea darling. Once you're done I know something inappropriate you and I could"
"STOP IT THEO! Please. Before I need to cast scourgify on my brain!"
Theodore put an end to his re-enactment, looked at his sister, and handed her a pastry. "Scone?"
Natty took the pastry from her brother wordlessly. He could be quite ridiculous at times, but always knew just how to cheer her up. She couldn't have conjured a better twin if she tried. As Theodore sat on the sofa next to her, she was able to sense that, beneath his playful charade, something was bothering him.
"How long did it take for Dad to catch you?"
Theodore sighed.
"He was onto me the moment I opened the front door. Let me get all the way to the kitchen though, before revealing himself, I think he took pity on me."
"Wow, that's actually pretty impressive"
"Yeah… it is. I don’t know how he does it to be honest."
“He’s been doing it for years Theo, for longer than we’ve been alive. It used to be his job, and it’ll be your job one day, too. I know you’ll be a great Auror one day. So you got caught by Dad. At least you got to say hi to him and Mum, that must have been nice.”
Theodore placed his arm around his sister, pulling her towards him.
“It was. Wish you could have been there, I know you miss them, too.”
“Winter holidays will be here before we know it.” Natty’s voice started to betray the fact that she was fighting sleep. “Hey, you were able to sneak in and out of school undetected, that counts for something doesn't it?"
"I guess it does. I'll outsmart Dad next time." Theodore says, wistfully.
Natty yawned as she curled onto the sofa, resting her head on her brother’s lap. "Good luck with that."
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Theodore didn’t get an answer to his question, Natty had fallen fast asleep. He summoned a blanket from the chair across them and draped it around his sleeping sister. He was glad to have been able to be there for her, to be a good brother to her in her moment of need, to calm her anxieties to the point that her mind was able to so quickly surrender to sleep. Happy with himself, he propped his feet up on the coffee table in front of him, leaned his head back against the plush upholstery, and fell asleep as well.
A/N a brief description of the Sharp children at the time of this fanfiction
Magdala Dinah "Maggie" Sharp
Recently graduated, named after her grandmother and her father's closest friend. Fiercely intelligent, confident, but also quite humble. Te ringleader of the 4 Sharp children. Has had a lifelong passion for beasts, moved to America to study beasts native to the continent
Eleazar Sebastian Sharp
7th year, head boy, named after his mother's mentor as well as one of her closest friends. Quiet and a little shy, very kind and compassionate Demonstrated a knack for potion making practically before he showed signs of magic, and the only Sharp child to have yet to receive detention.
Theodore Ashley Sharp
5th year, named after his grandfather as well as his father's late partner. Has wanted to be an Auror for as long as he can remember, will do anything for his family and particularly his twin sister. He knows he's got charm and charisma and he's not afraid to use them to get out of trouble. Still didn't save him from landing himself in detention on his first week of school!
(F/N) Natalie "Natty" Sharp
5th year, named after her mother as well as one of her mother's closest friend. Prefers to go by her middle name because being named after the "Hero of Hogwarts" combined with her own exceptionally strong magic made it difficult for her to carve her own identity. A master negotiator with a quick wit, she can spot a lie from a mile away., Can usually keep her brother in check, and is organized enough for the two of them.
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bengiyo · 7 months
Shadow Ep 3 Stray Thoughts
Last time, Dan and Nai got punished for being by the lake, and were required to clean the church together. Other boys continue to bully them, eventually leading to a fight. That terrible teacher Yada told the boys to stay away from each other for their own good. Dan said fuck that and fuck her and so Nai opened up. We learned that he developed a crush on Anan, but Anan outed him and started the bullying. Nai confirmed that Trin had sent the drama teacher a love letter that got posted around the school. There's also weird shit going on with the Shadow and Trin and the Brother.
I wonder if I'm too read significance in Dan reading Hamlet in English.
Oh, girls are here. This is a familiar Catholic school experience.
All this calling other boys fruitcakes and the girls are here to mingle with the drama club. Also familiar.
Episode 3: The School Play
That's right, you shame Josh into helping you.
Not surprised at all that these boys are going to a monk. A lot of non-Catholics attend their schools.
I will try to remember the lore dump about the floating bodies and wild ghosts for the future.
I'm actually so excited about the lucid dreaming training.
Dream events: Parents fighting with a gun while he hides in a cupboard, tossed into a pool and left to drown, now walking through the creepy halls of a dream space to see a boy left in a room alone.
This warning about not going too far into the other realm? I love foreshadowing.
Corporal punishment! Also familiar!
At least Dan is finally sleeping. Hopefully he'll stop dozing off in the day.
I wasn't surprised that Cha-aim rushed over to get cozy with Dan, but who is this boy who jumped to pair with Nai??
Whoa, Dan's dad has stage four brain cancer? Shit.
I like Cha-aim.
Good job, Dan. Do not tell a Catholic who took vows that you're relying on help from other traditions.
Interesting, where is Dan's new ambivalence for the brother coming from? Seems like he might be uncovering some kind of memory in this dream? Was the brother the one standing over him at the pool?
Few things bring me more amusement than actors pretending they don't know how to act.
Wait, is his father already dead? Is he afraid of his dad??
Ah, he's in a coma and perhaps his spirit is roaming.
Previews don't look fun! Lots of domestic abuse in the next episode.
I'm most curious about Dan's turn on the Brother. I also noticed Nai listening in and fretting over Dan getting close with Cha-aim, and Cha-aim calling Nai on how hard he was staring at Dan.
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