#ntu sport
opiatemasses · 2 years
Athlete welfare and the mental challenge
We all know that professional athletes are in the top tier of sportspeople in the world. They possess natural talent that has been nurtured and coached over time, which is now on show at the highest level. Athletes are some of the  hardest working people, striving to achieve to be the best. However, from this  questions arise: how do athletes compare the physical challenge to the mental challenge, and how does abuse and harassment impact on this?
There are a number of different issues to explore. The first of these relates to a woman called Mary Cain.
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Photo credit: https://gen.medium.com/it-will-take-female-coaches-to-protect-the-next-mary-cain-a0edf5ad9538
To understand some of the contest, watch the video below. 
In short, Mary Cain was one of the best up-and-coming track and field athletes in the world. She got an offer to join the Nike Oregon project from Alberto Salazar who at the time was the number one track and field coach. She had future aspirations to be the world’s best female athlete, but was instead abused by Alberto Salazar with endorsement from Nike. Some of the things she experienced included:
Dangerous levels of weight loss
Her period had stopped
Publicly humiliated
Got weighed in front of her teammates to hit a target of 114 lbs
Alongside these, Cain had to deal with severe mental health challenges as well as the physical demands of the sport and training. 
To add to this illustrative example. there are a number of other news articles which have interviews from other athletes talking about their mental health and the challenges they have faced. To see a short list, which includes some other examples see here: 12 athletes who have spoken up about their mental health
Facts and statistics
Thinking more broadly about mental wellbeing, here are some non-sport related statistics: 
The World Health Organisation stated in 2015 that an estimated 350 million people worldwide are experiencing depression or have had depression in their life
1 In 4 people are affected by mental health in any year
It is recognised as a significant public health issue
Linked to levels of functioning and work/performance
What the above illustrates is that mental health is a challenge which can affect anyone, as well as how commonplace it is. It is widely acknowledged that if someone is stressed or struggling with their mental health, a good stimulant to stop this is by taking part in physical activity or exercise. This can include both team or individual sports as well. In my case, anything I worry or stress about I love to take it out on the rugby pitch, whether it be tackling or running. It’s fun and you feel amazing at the end.
Below includes some more information on the potential mental health benefits of participating in sport and the WHO website to learn more about mental wellbeing.
World Health Organization (WHO)
10 mental benefits of sport
However, for professional athletes this might not be the same. 
Research has suggested that “athletes may be more predisposed than the general population to depression, because of the physical and psychological demands placed on them by the sporting environment. Stress is associated with depression and is inherent In the life of an athlete.” 
Taking this into consideration, this perspective provides a counterpoint, referring to the physical and psychological challenges athletes experience and so  participating in sport may also create different challenges to add to the stress already there. It also mentions that athletes could have higher levels of mental ill-health in comparison to the general population. 
Some potential reasons for this have been explored by Parham (1993). These are: 
Academic challenges
Social and leisure challenges
Challenge to succeed
Health and injury challenges
When fans stop cheering
Contextual parameters
These factors are especially particular for young athletes just like Mary Cain. They may struggle to have time to learn, struggle to meet people and have relatively little time to themselves to relax. They are always being pushed to succeed to the top level while trying to stay in peak physical shape and without injury. They are also trying to impress fans or family who support them and may respond negatively if they under-performed. Finally, it is important to recognise the background to every performer and their upbringing or other challenges they have to face alongside the stress of being an athlete.
So that begs the question, what can be done to help athletes both novice and experienced? There are many different coping methods that can be used instead of sport to provide the same effects. 
The first is meditation. Many well-known athletes including Michael Jordon use meditation. It is used to relax participants, improve mental clarity and self control.  
Another coping strategy is imagery. This can be used to increase mental stimulation and can also be used to improve performance as athletes can imagine themselves in a situation in their sport completing a task to maybe win a game or score crucial points. 
More methods of coping can be found at Oregonsportnews.com. 
Additionally, another way to help is to donate or read about the Mental Health Foundation. They have a page linked here which is specifically related to athletes.
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eurovision-revisited · 3 months
Eurovision 2005: The Stage and Set Design
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Surrounded by pillars of light and jutting forward into the crowd in the arena, you'd be forgiven for thinking that this year's stage in Palats Sportu was a grand affair. It's clear that NTU invested greatly in Eurovision this year including the host venue - despite the upheaval of the revolution. However looks can be deceptive.
The crowd size is around 5,000. This is roughly the same as 2002 and 2003. The area around the stage is not brightly lit, but just occasionally you can see how close the crowd are to it, and those shots give a sense of scale. It's actually pretty small.
The darkness surrounding the stage not only allows that size to be hidden, but also to show off the floor illuminated from below. There are LEDs on the pillars as well as size curved screens at the back from the stage - but these are still restricted to blocks of colour and screen-saver imagery of clouds.
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The audience surround the stage on all sides and all of them have clear, unobstructed views of the stage. The darkness in which they sit is barely illuminated by some globular glowing balls on the strings which are capable of some fancy movements and choreography - enough for them to be a theme in the opening interval act for the semi-final - but when it comes to their abilities as lamps, they're not so great.
Pyro is again missing this year. There's some confetti at the end of the evening, but that's it. There's also a lack of any dry ice. These were elements not present in the original 1960s building and weren't installed in the Eurovision refit. There is however a wind machine.
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On screen graphics are on a blue and green background, with simple white text in a rather blocky font reminiscent of the what futuristic text would have been imagined as when the Palace of Sports was being built. From the perspective of decades in the future, it looks even more dated that how it would have looked in 2005.
The need for a separate scoreboard screen is once again dispensed with on the main stage. The table for the EBU officials is subsumed by the audience. When it's time for Svante Stockelius to make his appearance, he's surrounded by Croatian fans mugging for the camera to his apparent dismay.
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There's one major technical innovation this year. It's the first Eurovision to be broadcast in widescreen 16:9 format. The slogan for the year is 'Awakening', chosen to chime with Ukraine's emergence from the past into a European setting. The new Government hoped that Eurovision would not only boost Ukraine's tourist industry but also would serve as a demonstration to their intention to move towards EU membership and integration into the wider Eurovision project.
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The green room, like last year is hidden away in the backrooms of the Palace of Sports. It looks fairly compact. Everyone is squeezed in together in a jamble of glitter, sofas, champagne glasses and flags.
When it's time for Helena to emerge from it to collect the trophies - more on that later - it's only a short distance but there's an intense scrum as she gets miked up while being harried by floor managers and security staff, as the two hosts vamp for all they're worth on stage. There doesn't appear to be much in the way of private space for the performers away from the dressing rooms.
The Executive Producers was Pavlo Grytsak, with Creative Director Mikhailo Ilko and Show Producer Tarmo Krimm
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world-of-wales · 9 months
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2 OCTOBER - Catherine and William carried out engagements to mark the Seventy Fifth Anniversary of the arrival of HMT EMPIRE WINDRUSH to the UK, and the start of Black History Month. They were received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of South Glamorgan (Mrs. Morfudd Meredith) as they visited Race Council Cymru at Grange Pavilion. Afterwards, William and her visited Fitzalan High School. 4 OCTOBER - Catherine visited Vsi Razom Community Hub and was received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of the Royal County of Berkshire (Mr. James Puxley). 5 OCTOBER - Catherine was received by Mr. Christopher Oughtred (Vice Lord-Lieutenant of East Riding of Yorkshire) Allam Sports Centre as she marked Rugby League Inclusivity Day. Afterwards, she visited Hymers College. She wrote a letter to Love, Amelia charity in recognition of their work in supporting families in need. 6 OCTOBER - She held an Early Years Meeting. 10 OCTOBER - Catherine and William attended the Exploring our Emotional Worlds Forum and were received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of West Midlands (Sir John Crabtree). They also gave a short interview to BBC Radio One. 11 OCTOBER - Catherine was received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire (Sir John Peace) as she visited students from the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University at NTU's Clifton Campus. 12 OCTOBER - Catherine and William met athletes and parents taking part in a mental fitness workshop at Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre and were received by Mrs. Felicity Rutland (Deputy Lieutenant of the Royal County of Berkshire). 15 OCTOBER - Catherine was received by His Majesty's Ambassador to the French Republic (Her Excellency Dame Menna Rawlings) as she attended the England Vs Fiji Rugby World Cup Quarter Final Match in Marseille. 31 OCTOBER - Catherine held Early Years Meetings.
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icaruswalksnet · 2 months
[#EpikHighTour2024 TAIPEI]
EPIK HIGH concert happens tonight @ NTU Sports Center
Tix @ epikhigh.com
©️ blobyblo IG
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umichenginabroad · 3 months
Week 15 in Singapore: Step 15 Finishing Up
We have technically graduated but we still have a few finals to wrap up in and assignments to finish but the packing has begun. For academics, grades come out in late summer time so make sure to send those back to U of M when received. Also, dorms must be cleaned and left spotless or fees will be given to your account so start cleaning and removing items. This is also the time to start selling items that you will not take back such as a fridge (if you have one), any utensils, or dust bin. You can sell it on the whatsapp and telegram group chat for NTU marketplace. You can also sell it on Singaporean selling apps like Carousell. I tried both of these options and was able to sell a few of my items. My advice starts early. As for extra food or cooking items you can leave it in the pantry or if you have Singpaorean friends you can just donate it. If not…bin it. Get ready to understand instructions on your singpass account. If you are leaving before your pass expires then no issues but if you are staying past expiry date you need to cancel your singpass and acquire the 30 day tourist visa which allows you to stay in singapore longer. Additionally, understand the rules about key drop off make sure you drop off your key the day the housing date says so. If you do not do this, you will be charged. Hall office hours are usually up until 5pm but if you would like to drop off your keys later in the night you can have a key box. 
 I hope this information is helpful to you but now this is what I did this week: I finished up my exams and went to Marina Bay sands and the green heart. Marina Bay each month has a new set for the trees. This month was disco month so it was very pretty to see. For Marina Bay Sands as a student you can get a pass to see all the iconic sports for a bundle! I go as much as I can because it is different each month and an incredibly beautiful place to bike. 
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This week is also a perfect time to start planning any additional activities or traveling as now studies and revising are over. To get the cheapest transportation, take a bus to Johor Bahru and then a bus to Kuala Lumpur because KL is a bigger airport than Singapore airport and the flight tickets are much cheaper. That is a route if you plan on visiting other countries other than Malaysia. It is also part of Singaporean lifestyle to visit JB, KL, Malacca, and other beautiful places in Malaysia. Remember when traveling, try new things, learn new phrases in different languages, and adapt. This is a way to respect people's culture and country. Try your hardest to stay away from incredibly touristy destinations as in recent years the culture of their people and lands have begun to disintegrate due to over tourism. For instance, places like Bali, Cherry blossom streets in Japan, Maldives, etc. Remember to do your research beforehand and work with ethical touring companies. Most importantly, see the world, try new dishes, speak with locals, and have fun!
Ayushi Chowdhury
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ahz-associates · 6 months
"Innovative Learning at Nottingham Trent University: A Bright Future Ahead" 
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Nottingham Trent University, one of the best institutions in the UK, is home to more than 28,000 students spread across its three campuses (two in Nottingham and one just outside the city). In 1843, Nottingham Trent University was founded as a college, and in 1992, it was granted university status. 93% of Nottingham Trent University students said they would suggest attending, according to the National Student Survey, and the university was named "University of the Year" by Times Higher Education in 2018.
Nottingham Trent University is more well-known for its departments of art and design, fashion, and creative arts than for being home to one of the top law schools in the UK. The university also had excellent results in the British University and College Sports divisions with its sports teams. The university will be able to carry out its ground-breaking research into cancer diagnostics and therapy thanks to the receipt of one of the biggest grants given to an establishment founded after 1992.
In Nottingham, England, Nottingham Trent University, or NTU, was founded in 1962. Over 30,000 students are enrolled at the university's campuses. The academic institution received a Gold teaching rating from the TEF and is included among the top 20 universities in the UK for student satisfaction in 2017 according to the Complete University Guide. The stunning city of Nottingham is home to the university.
International students can benefit greatly from Nottingham's vibrant cultural offerings, pleasant and creative atmosphere, hip and exciting nightlife, and abundance of green areas. Students who are interested in enrolling in Nottingham Trent University's excellent programs in architecture, law, or art and design should give it some thought. Regarding legal education, the university is among the biggest in the United Kingdom. Nottingham Trent University is well-known for winning championships in both college and university sports and for its outstanding athletic performance.
The university gained national attention for its work on cancer diagnosis and treatment when it was awarded one of the biggest grants for a 1992-founded university. Through a couple of its programs, Nottingham Trent University partners with 50 universities in 40 countries, providing students with the chance to study abroad. Furthermore, ninety-three percent of undergraduate students either continued their education beyond graduation or secured employment within six months of graduation.
Ranking and Accomplishments
The Times University Guide 2023 ranked 42nd.
The Guardian University Guide 2023 ranks 62nd.
Nottingham Trent University is the "Modern University of the Year," according to The Times and Sunday Times University Guide. It was also selected "University of the Year" for 2018 by The Times Higher Education.
Research submitted to NTU's Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing, and Pharmacy departments received ratings of either world-leading or internationally excellent, while research submitted to NTU's Engineering department received ratings of either world-leading or internationally excellent.
Animal, Rural and Environmental Sciences
Architecture, Design and the Built Environment
Nottingham School of Art & Design
Arts and Humanities
Nottingham Business School
Nottingham Law School
Science and Technology
Social Sciences
Fee Schedule
foreign pupils The starting fee is £13,450.
Academic Scholarship
For both international and EU students, Nottingham Trent University offers a number of competitive scholarship opportunities up to half of a few. After their acceptance into the university has been confirmed, scholarships for international students are eligible to apply for scholarships. To find out the scholarships they are eligible for, students only need to submit one scholarship application to the university.
Open to all applications for the January 2024 intake of new postgraduate students:
Scholarships for NTU Excellence and Confetti Excellence
The tuition reduction offered by the NTU and Confetti Excellence Scholarships is 50% or 25%. Undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate extraordinary academic performance and have the potential to significantly impact the university community are eligible to apply for these awards.
Scholarships from NTU Abroad
A stringent selection process is used to award the maximum amount of £2,000 in International Scholarships to students who show a strong commitment to their academic goals.
Postgraduate Scholarships by Subject and Region
NTU offers scholarships in both subject- and regional-specific categories. The awards have monetary values ranging from £4,000 to 50% of the recipient's tuition.
Facilities and Services
Students at Nottingham Trent University have access to the well regarded NTU Student Dashboard, a learning analytics platform. The teaching and learning team at the educational institution offers one-on-one assistance with learning. The institution offers workshops on study techniques, IT, academic writing, and research skills on all of its campuses. Through NOW, the university's online workplace, a variety of online learning assistance resources are also made accessible by the university. Students now have access to global learning materials because of NOW.
Students can visit the Stamp Out Stress campaign if they require further assistance during exams. The famous and award-winning libraries of Nottingham Trent University are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, at both the Clifton and City campuses. The institution provides access to hundreds of books and eBooks for students to use. The academic institution also provides individual and group study areas. The university offers Wi-Fi, PCs, Microsoft Office 365, and on-demand printing to its students.
Student Life
The city where Nottingham Trent University is situated is well-known for being a thriving center of the arts, home to theaters, galleries, movie theaters, museums, and live music venues. Students may spend a safe night exploring the city thanks to the school. In actuality, the city has won nine Purple Flag honors in a row. Pryzm, Ink, and the Ocean are well-liked hangouts for students. Several live music venues can be found in the city, including the well-known Rock City, the massive Motorpoint Arena, and the eclectic Rescue Rooms, to mention a few.
Nottingham has been named a World City of Literature by UNESCO in recognition of its literary legacy, which includes Alan Sillitoe, DH Lawrence, and Lord Byron. Nottingham is also the location of a number of exhibition spaces, including the well-known Nottingham Contemporary, one of the
largest galleries of contemporary art in the UK. The National Ice Centre, the well-known Trent Bridge cricket field, the National Water Sports Centre, and two football teams are all located in the city.
Tentative weekly expenses for self-catered accommodations range from £101 to £179.
If prospective students reserve and pay their housing deposit by May 31, they will have assured accommodation at Nottingham Trent University. International students and postgraduate students have until July 30th to make arrangements for guaranteed UK accommodations. Students on different budgets can choose from a variety of housing alternatives offered by the educational institution.
With utility bills included in their housing fees, the university provides free internet access to all of its students. To assist in settling into their new accommodation, making friends, and beginning their academic career at Nottingham Trent University, new students can speak with the student reps.
Move around
Most utilities and tourist sites in the city are accessible on foot for students living on Nottingham Trent University's City and Creative campuses. The Brackenhurst Campus and the city center are separated by a distance of 22 km, or 14 miles, and 6 km, or 4 miles, respectively, from the Clifton Campus. Regular bus service inside the city connects the campuses of the educational institution.
A few distant residence halls are connected to the city by complimentary bus service for students. The City Campus of Nottingham Trent University has built its own tram system. For £39 plus a deposit, students can rent a bike to use for transportation across the university for the whole academic year.
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global-initiatives · 9 months
Beyond Borders: Top Engineering Universities for International Students
Engineering innovation transforms lives across borders – by studying abroad you position yourself at the axis of cross-cultural ideas, technology transfers and practical ingenuity that will drive global future-readiness. Discover some leading destinations delivering world-class engineering education.
United States
Home to tech giants like MIT, Stanford, Caltech and Georgia Tech – US universities dominate global rankings with strengths spanning practical focus areas like artificial intelligence, bioengineering, aerospace and software development. Breathakingly modern campuses, unlimited merit and sports scholarships, Optical Practical Training extensions post-study and flexible 1-4 year program options add appeal!
United Kingdom
Prestigious engineering histories and research legacies strengthen UK universities like Imperial College London, Oxford, Cambridge and Manchester today. Their integrated Masters-level degrees (MEng) allow 4 year in-depth specialization. Generous post-study work rights, exciting student lifestyle scenes blending historic British culture with modern multicultural cities and loads of industry exposure make UK engineering degrees gold standards!
This Asian tech and research tiger has outstanding engineering schools like NTU and NUS with peaks in mechanical, electrical and computer engineering fully financed by its economic blueprint towards technical talent development. Scholarships aplenty, low living costs, high tech facilities and seamless transport makes Singapore a launchpad for future engineering stars worldwide!
Boasting historic technical universities like Aachen, Munich and Berlin– Germany equals unbeatable quality in chemical, automotive and manufacturing engineering. Low/no tuition fees, robust 2 year post-study work permits under EU Blue Card allow breaks even on costs. High salaries as engineers and vibrant student fun in Germany’s aesthetic cities are icing on the cake!
Embrace world-leading pedagogy, curriculum innovations, practical learning, dashed with intercultural perspectives and global connections by studying engineering internationally - accelerate your employability beyond borders!
#careergoals #employment #graduateoutcomes #university #studyinuk #studyineurope #studyinusa #innovation #studentlife #overseaseductionconsultant #studyinsingapore #studyingermany #technology #MIT #bioengineering #sportsscholarships #MEng #NTU #NUS # EUBlueCard #accelerateemployability #envoyoverseas #ethicalcounselling #envoystudyinUK #envoystudyinGermany #envoystudyabroad
Disclaimer: The perspectives shared in this blog are not intended to be prescriptive .They should act merely as viewpoints to aid overseas aspirants with helpful guidance .Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research before availing the services of a consultant.
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surveycircle · 2 years
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "Relationship between female athletes and sports media" https://t.co/uyvaa927YO via @SurveyCircle #women #athletes #sports #stereotypes #gender #NottinghamTrentUniversity #ntu #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/DU6jhcFBHb
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Dec 22, 2022
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eurovision-revisited · 3 months
Eurovision 2005: Welcome to Kyiv!
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Four new host countries in four years. Welcome to 2005 and Kyiv! What a year it is for Ukraine to host. They've just had a revolution. Specifically the Orange Revolution, the peaceful overthrow of a government in a popular uprising after an election marred by corruption, fraud and manipulation. That the NTU managed to organise the competition while all this was going on around them is feat that isn't given enough appreciation
That organisation included making major renovations to Палац Спорту (Palats Sportu/the Palace of Sports) where Eurovision would take place. The capacity was increased so that 5,000 fans could attend both the semi-final and the final. The Palace is a Soviet-era concert hall, indoor sports arena and ice rink situated in the centre of Kyiv
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Doing Sertab duty this year is Ruslana. She's not only opening the semi-final and performing the interval act in the final, but also interviewing acts live from the green room in the final. As she had been one of the major stars who supported the Orange Revolution and had addressed the crowds in Kyiv the previous winter, you can image just how popular she was - and she never once stopped smiling the entire evening of the final.
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The success of the semi-final the previous year has encouraged even more countries to take part this year. Both Bulgaria and Moldova are making their debuts. Hungary has returned after getting relegated in 1998 and never coming back. The Czech Republic toyed with the idea of taking part too, but withdrew.
Also wanting to take part to the extent that they selected a song was Lebanon. They were forced to withdraw in 2005 after finding out that the EBU wouldn't allow them to broadcast an advert when Israel was due to perform. Their own law against promotion of Israel meant that they couldn't broadcast the competition with Israel in it, so unfortunately Lebanese participation became one of the big what-ifs of Eurovision history.
The new countries resulted in the largest competition ever, with 39 taking part, and the biggest semi-final yet with 25 acts.
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The voting is again 100% televote, but this time with the proviso that if an undisclosed threshold on the number of televotes isn't met, then the backup jury would be used. This resulted in three backup juries being used in both the semi-final and the final. At least this time every country broadcast the semi-final and so both had 39 sets of scores. Alas, the reverse recap was not resurrected.
The structure of the show fits the pattern that Türkiye set last year. Very little faff, straight on with the shows after a brief attempt at comedy in the intro. The only difference is that the televoting gong was replaced by a set of tubular bells struck in the final by Ukrainian boxing heroes Klitschko brothers.
This year's hosts are TV hosts Masha Efrosynina and Pavlo Shylko (aka DJ Pasha).
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uonsu · 5 years
Dates for your diary - 2020
There's always lots going on at your SU and there's something for everyone! Here's a selection of key dates for your diary:
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Union Council | Thursday 6 February
The Union Council is a meeting that any student can attend and talk in. Students can bring an idea (a motion), which aims to create change around something by asking the elected Officers of the Union to work on it, or asking the Students' Union to take a stance on something.
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Democratic Review Referendum | Wednesday 12 - Wednesday 19 February
We've been carrying out a review to make sure our democratic processes are right for you. We've done a lot of research and received a lot of information, and soon it's going to be time to vote for how you want us to best represent you and your needs.
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Notts Varsity tickets on sale | Tuesday 18 February 
Get your tickets for Notts Varsity and prepare to cheer on #GreenandGold! UoN teams take on Trent University in sports ranging from ice hockey to water polo. Sporting excitement guaranteed!
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LGBT+ History Month | February
February is LGBT+ History Month, discover more about our diverse community and celebrate with us.
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Student Leader Elections | Monday 24 February - Monday 9 March and Friday 20 - Friday 27 March
It's your chance to be a leader! SU Officers are elected every year to represent University of Nottingham students, so find your voice and nominate yourself for the Student Leader Elections. Not your thing? Then don't forget to vote for your candidates in March.
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Student Volunteer Week | Monday 10 - Monday 17 February
Student Volunteer Week is all about giving a little bit back to the communities we live in, so join our Volunteering team to have some fun, make a difference and maybe even learn some new skills.
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Notts Varsity | Sunday 29 March - Friday 3 April and Monday 4 - Sunday 10 May
Cheer on #GreenandGold as UoN sports teams take on Nottingham Trent University. From rugby and swimming to horseball, there's plenty of chance to support your fellow students, and entertainment is guaranteed!
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UoN's Got Talent | Thursday 5 March
Join us for a fun-filled evening of entertainment at UoN's Got Talent. Cheer on your fellow students as they showcase their talents live on stage.
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International Festival | Monday 16 - Friday 20 March
Join us at the International Festival, a showcase of multicultural delights including pop-up food stalls, entertainment and seminars on issues affecting the people in our diverse community.
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Scrutiny Panel | Thursday 19 March
A public meeting where any student can ask an Officer a question to hold them to account on their work on remit, manifesto and policy. The meeting is led by elected students who ask Officers most of the questions.
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Sustainability Week | Monday 2 - Friday 6 March
We're raising awareness of sustainability issues with our week-long series of events, so join us during Sustainability Week to find out more about the problems we face and what you can do to help.
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Ice Hockey | Monday 30 March
Get set for the ultimate face-off as University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent go stick-to-stick in this year's Notts Varsity ice hockey showdown. Come down to Nottingham's Motorpoint Arena to watch the action unfold and find out who'll win 2020's ice crown.
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Union Council | Tuesday 31 March
The Union Council is a meeting that any student can attend and talk in. Students can bring an idea (a motion), which aims to create change around something by asking the elected Officers of the Union to work on it, or asking the Students' Union to take a stance on something.
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Basketball | Monday 4 May
Join us at Nottingham's Motorpoint Arena for fast-paced action on the court when UoN and NTU shoot some hoops in this year's Notts Varsity basketball showdown. Get set for blink-and-you'll-miss-it speed and skill, and find out who'll be the ultimate champions.
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Sports Ball | Wednesday 6 May
Celebrate another outstanding year and recognise the efforts of the clubs, teams and individuals that represent UoN Sport at the Sports Ball.
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Activities Ball | Thursday 7 May
The Societies Ball celebrates student groups that have gone above and beyond in their mission to help students develop new skills and have a great time at University.
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Scrutiny Panel | Tuesday 9 June
A public meeting where any student can ask an Officer a question to hold them to account on their work on remit, manifesto and policy. The meeting is led by elected students who ask Officers most of the questions.
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Grad Ball | Thursday 11 June
Celebrate your graduation in style at the SU Grad Ball, a sparkling event of good food and live music (and the occasional surprise!). It's held at Colwick Hall for graduates and their guests. So gather your friends and party the night away!
All dates may be subject to change. See the events page of the SU website for up-to-date listings.
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edmonddisco · 5 years
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Une compilation « Soul Jazz Records » dédiée aux musiques blacks. Attention, dès le premier titre,”Theme de Yoyo”, interprété par l ‘Art Ensemble of Chicago’, la note est donnée : free, funky, radicale.
Stuart Baker, le patron du label anglais, extrait de nouvelles pépites de sa discothèque et propose ici une mosaïque sans œillères qui brasse des musiques noires dans tous leurs états, plus précisément gravées entre 1969 et 1977 : “Soul Of A Nation – Jazz Is The Teacher, Funk Is The Preacher”. Quel bonheur d’entendre sur le même disque le déjà cité ‘Art Ensemble Of Chicago’, les rythmes chaloupés et irrésistibles de Funkadelic (‘Cosmic Slop’, 1973), ‘Exchange Part 2’ de l’incroyable duo Rashied Ali (batterie)/Frank Lowe (flûte, saxophone), le ‘Celestial Blues’ du Ntu Troop de Gary Bartz (avec Andy Bey au micro), Gil Scott-Heron et sa touche ‘proto-rap’, ou encore ‘Brown Rice’ du génial Don Cherry.
Autant de titres qui éclairent les sillons fructueux tracés par les artistes afro-américains sur le paysage musical des États-Unis. Ou l’époque d’un âge d’or révolutionnaire.
Comme indiqué dans le titre donc, du groove de haut niveau, des cuivres farouches et pétaradants, des voix gorgées de Soul. Toute une secouante liberté qui démontre que la musique et les arts en général restent, avec l’éducation ou le sport, un média d’urgence toujours capable de faire sauter les verrous et les barrières qui entravent le cerveau des hommes.
Un disque qui, à l’image de sa très belle pochette, fait un bien fou. Empruntable aux nouveautés de la médiathèque Edmond Rostand à la cote 1.4 A.
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umichenginabroad · 3 months
Week 12 in Singapore: Step 12 Campus Insider
On days when you just don't want to leave campus and want to have a productive/moving day, here are a few activities that are a must!
First I would like to introduce the infamous NTU canteen waffles and ice coffee. Each canteen makes it differently and to each their own. For me, I highly recommend canteen 16, the person that makes my waffle makes it well but it always depends on the time you go because there may be another individual working there. Additionally, the ice coffee is very good and together it's even amazing!! Definitely going to miss it when I come back :(. 
Here is a picture of my delicious meal :) -
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Next, waling around campus is beautiful or even doing a run on campus is great. There are several routes you can take. I enjoy the blue route. The blue route is laid out clearly; it is a path with blue all around campus. One thing to look out for is the animals as NTU preaches harmony with nature so must be cautious of the monkeys, mongoose, otters, and snakes. This may sound intimidating but I have only encountered a monkey and it was harmless. Always remember to act slow and cautious and be respectful that's it! Additionally, do NOT go to the Chinese gardens at night because many animals are active there. It is beautiful in the day - must go! The other creature you should look out for are stray cats! They are absolutely cute and some may approach you BUT make sure they approach you first because some are aggressive as they do not trust humans fully. Each hall actually takes care of a cat. It is very cute. They lay out water bowls and food for these cats and are very well taken care of.  Here is beautiful cat that I met near Tanjong halls: 
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Another activity you could do is go to the gym: there are several gyms on campus, There is one near Tanjong, hall 1, Saraca(Tamarind) and there is also the Wave which is a multifunctional gym. Unfortunately, only club members can use those gyms but the track,soccer fields,and basketball/volleyball courts are open to the public. Additionally, if you would like to join a sports club team you can but must be heavily dedicated! Dedication is a key value to have when joining these teams, absences are not a possibility. If you would like to play rugby is a great club team to join. It's quite fun
Lastly, if you would like to go shopping or groceries you can cross the bridge near hall 4 and 5 and go shopping near the area. They have markets and small shops. The place I liketo go is FairPrice in Boon lay interchange. This is where I get my groceries. It is incredibly popular so make sure not to go on the weekends as it is incredibly hectic but late night or early morning weekdays is a great time to go. I go late at night and then grab a bike with basket and bike back.
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Ayushi Chowdhury
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runbeers · 5 years
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Gaurav Agarwal a.k.a. Bareilly ka Birbal (at swimming complex at NTU sports and recreation centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzrjdtWnMd6/?igshid=18o5hutm8enyg
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ahz-associates · 2 years
Nottingham Trent University
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==> Nottingham Trent University boasts students and employees from more than 150 countries, and the university's foundation is cultural diversity.
==> The educational institution was ranked 53rd in the Times University Guide 2021, 41st in the Guardian University Guide 2021, University of the Year in the Times Higher Education for 2018, Modern University of the Year in the Times and Sunday Times University, and Gold in the Teaching Excellence Framework.
==> Nottingham Trent University is committed to investing in students' futures by providing employability help and a variety of work placement options across all programmes.
Nottingham Trent University (NTU) was founded in 1962 in Nottingham, England. The university's campuses are home to more than 30,000 students. In 2017, the educational institution was named to the Complete University Guide's top 20 institutions in the United Kingdom for student satisfaction, and the TEF awarded them a gold teaching rating.
Nottingham, a lovely city, is home to the university. Nottingham has a lot to offer international students, including a vibrant nightlife, a welcoming and creative environment, a diverse cultural offering, and various green spaces.
Nottingham Trent University is a wonderful option for students interested in a good art and design programme, a law school, or an architecture programme. The educational institution is one of the largest law schools in the United Kingdom in terms of size.
Nottingham Trent University is well-known in the British University and College Sport leagues for its outstanding athletic achievements. The university gained headlines when it was awarded one of the largest grants for a university formed in 1992 for its research on cancer diagnosis and treatment.
With a few programmes at the university, Nottingham Trent University works with 50 educational institutions in 40 countries, giving students the chance to study in another nation. Furthermore, 93 percent of undergraduate students found work or continued their education six months after graduating from an educational institution.
Faculties at Nottingham Trent University
Animal, Rural and Environmental Sciences
Architecture, Design and the Built Environment
Nottingham School of Art & Design
Arts and Humanities
Nottingham Business School
Nottingham Law School
Science and Technology
Social Sciences
Breakdown of the Fee Structure
International students Fee starts from £13,450.
Nottingham Trent University offers a number of competitive scholarships of up to half a million pounds to both international and EU students. After their entrance to the university has been accepted, international students can apply for a scholarship. Students only need to complete and submit one scholarship application, and the institution will notify them of the scholarships they are eligible for.
Student Support
Students at Nottingham Trent University have access to the NTU Student Dashboard, a valuable learning analytics tool. The teaching and learning team at the educational institution provides one-on-one learning assistance.
Workshops on study skills, research skills, IT, and academic writing are held on all of the university's campuses. The institution also offers a variety of online learning assistance resources through NOW, the university's online workplace. Students can now access learning resources from all across the world thanks to NOW.
Students who require more assistance during their exams should visit the Stamp Out Stress initiative. On both the Clifton and City campuses, Nottingham Trent University's award-winning and famous libraries are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Students have access to tens of thousands of eBooks and publications through the institution. The educational institution also provides group and individual study areas. Students have access to laptops, on-demand printing, Microsoft Office 365, and Wi-Fi at the campus.
Student Life
Nottingham Trent University is situated in a vibrant cultural area that includes theatres, galleries, cinemas, museums, and live music venues. Students may enjoy a safe night out in the city thanks to the educational institution. In fact, the city has received a total of nine Purple Flag honours in a row.
For students, the Ocean, Ink, and Pryzm are popular hangouts. Several live music venues can be found in the city, including the eclectic Rescue Rooms, the massive Motorpoint Arena, and the famed Rock City, to name a few.
Nottingham has been designated as the World City of Literature by UNESCO in honour of its literary heritage, which includes Alan Sillitoe, DH Lawrence, and Lord Byron. Nottingham is also home to a number of exhibition spaces, including the well-known Nottingham Modern, which is one of the country's largest contemporary art galleries.
Two football teams, the National Ice Centre, the famed Trent Bridge cricket ground, and the National Water Sports Centre are all located in the city.
Living Accommodations
Self-catering lodging ranges in price from £101 to £179 a week.
New students at Nottingham Trent University are assured housing if they book and pay their housing booking fee by May 31. For international students and postgraduate students, the guaranteed housing deadline is July 30.
Students of varied budgets can choose from a variety of living alternatives within the educational institution. The university provides free internet access to students, and utility expenses are included in their housing fees.
Students who are new to Nottingham Trent University can seek assistance from student representatives to help them settle into their new residence, meet friends, and begin their university experience.
Students living on the City and Creative campuses of Nottingham Trent University may walk to most of the city's tourist attractions and amenities. The Clifton Campus is 6 kilometres (4 miles) from the city centre, while the Brackenhurst Campus is 22 kilometres (14 miles) from the city centre.
The campuses of the educational institutions are connected by a frequent bus service that runs across the city. Students are entitled to free transportation between the city and a few far-flung halls of residence. The City Campus of Nottingham Trent University has its own tram system. For £39 plus deposit, students can rent a bike to use around the educational institution for the entire academic year.
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whattheabcxyz · 8 months
Yet another person found dead & rotting in flat
Clementi residents complain of elderly couple who regularly sleep at HDB stairwell
Most expensive HDB terrace house here costs $1.28m, with just 47 years remaining on lease
New online donation platform looks to bring "Kampung Spirit" back with help from social workers
1st youth gaming survey here shows 17% feel bullied online while 14% engaged strangers beyond games
Public warning system sirens to sound on 15 Feb for Total Defence Day
Yet another charging e-bike starts blaze - happened along HDB corridor in Bedok North
A look at deforestation in Singapore over the centuries
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^ DNA can & does jump between animal species
90% of honey sold in Malaysia is fake - are they vying with China for the crown?! lol
What would a responsible AI chatbot do?
Singapore: New NTU accounting programme to focus on sustainability & helping students get qualifications faster
Football player in Indonesia killed after being struck by lightning on pitch - it wasn't even raining at the time & the bolt just hit out of the blue
Guess when & where the event shown in the foto took place
All foreign visitors to Singapore can use automated lanes at checkpoints from 2nd half of this year - "They will be able to do this without having to register beforehand. And when they leave Singapore, they will not have to present their passports." Singapore will be the 1st country in the world to utilise this system.
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seohyun-brasil · 6 years
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🗓️ 7 de Nov: Fansing • Jeju.
🗓️ 10 de Nov: Fanmeenting Asia Tour 'Memories' • Seoul. 🕰️ KBS ARENA - 6H PM.
🗓️ 17 de Nov: Fanmeenting Asia Tour 'Memories' • Bangkok.
🗓️ 24 de Nov: Fanmeenting Asia Tour 'Memories' • Taipei. 🕰️ NTU SPORTS CENTER.
*UPDATE ON 22.09.18
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