#nuka world gang
wraithsoutlaws · 3 months
ive had porter gage for 5 seconds but u know im already thinking of how he and fallout dagger have a history and probably a bloody one at that
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sniperdadmaccready · 2 months
My Courier's name is Johnny because when he woke up, he didn't really have any memories besides recalling vaguely that he was a courier, so when asked what his name is he panics and says "Johnny" because the song Johnny Guitar is playing on the radio
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obessivedork · 7 months
Big fan of the Nuka World soundtrack tbh
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thewheelofrp · 5 months
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Mags was in a mood today. The raider gangs were getting restless again and needed something to occupy them or they’d start to cause problems for her. Not that she cared much. She gave them part of her territory filled with weak settlers to do their bidding. What more could they ask for? She growled when one of her minions announced she had a visitor. “What the fuck do you want?!”
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corvidexoskeleton · 8 months
You know, I actually think that Gage's romance in fo4 is incredibly fascinating on quite a few levels, not just in how it differs from the other fo4 romances, but in how his character is constructed
Like, aside from Mac, Gage is one of the only companions in fo4 that starts out 100% not giving a single shit about you or your safety as a person. You're just a tool he's using as a means to an end, and his interest in the pc and their safety begins and ends with how it benefits his goals
From the very first words he says to the pc, his intent is purely to manipulate you into doing what he wants you to do, by trying to make you think that A) you don't have any choice, and B) that you want to do it, that it's something you want to choose to do. The way he phrases things, his word choice, and the way he is constantly reaffirming very specific points while either ignoring or talking around others, he is explicitly manipulating you
But, because of the precarious situation he's found himself in, Gage is forced to tie himself to the new overboss, not just for his own safety, but for the success of nuka world. If the new overboss he selected at random - and it was at random, Gage doesn't select you for any reason other than the fact that you happened to be the one that survived that long and listened to him - doesn't work out for one reason or another, then that's his ass on the line as well, not just yours
He only cares about your reputation as a hard strong leader because being seen as anything less will jeopardize your position amongst the gangs, and in turn jeopardize his position amongst the gangs. It's the same with the pc taking chems and drinking alcohol, he only cares about you doing it because if you're impaired, you might not be thinking clearly or make the right decisions, or more importantly, you might not be able to listen to him as well as he needs you to. He doesn't care about raiding or the things raiders generally care about, but he is adamant in encouraging you to act like a raider and be interested in those things. He needs you to fill the role of a raider leader, and in order to do that you need to act like one
Which is how we end up with this guy who hates taking orders or being subservient to others looking out for the health, safety, and well-being of what is essentially a complete stranger at that point, because you're the tool he needs to keep around to get done what he needs to do. He doesn't want to be responsible for other people or get too close to them, but with the pc, he's put himself in a position where - unless you really screw it up or deliberately try to fuck it up - it's just about inevitable for Gage to eventually end up genuinely caring for the pc. After all, he spends all that time looking out for you, trying to keep you level-headed and safe, it's not really a surprise that eventually it would become sincere instead of just a means to an end
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slocumjoe · 6 months
Concept for if Bethesda loved the other Companions same as old tricky dick
Gage; a dlc that doesn't kinda suck actually, but also properly explores what being a raider entails, and what kind of people end up as one. I don't think you could actually redeem him, but I'd like that idea to be directly confronted, as least. I've talked about this before but it's wasted potential that you can't make the Nuka Gang confront the fact that Oh Shit The Farmers Are Now Dangerous
Deacon: I don't think he needs his own side quest or even DLC, but I'd like him to have side quests attached to him, a la Nick's detective cases sidequests. He's a spy. Pls let us do spy shit
Piper: Same as Deacon, but I think she actively needs a sidequest. Her character gimmick, her plot purpose, and her actual affinity talks are so unrelated it's painful. Let her journalism actually be content, not just a bit of trivia about her. A set of side quests + a personal quest that addresses Diamond City's Problems with a capital P. Lots of societal issues in that little space and we do nothing with any of it.
Preston: just fix the Minutemen and give this man a goddamn break. The Minutemen just need a rehaul, so as to not have him be the quest giver. And give him other stuff to do! I wanna actually fight the Gunners! Bring up and address the failures of the old Minutemen!!! Please!!!
X6-88: give the bitch something oh my God. Much like Gage, I don't think you can convince him to let go of the Institute, but give us a CHANCE. Emil just seems so scared to ask hard questions and use interesting concepts.
Danse; finish his arc you thots (also I think Fallout 4 really lacks some humanizing/soft moments in the world and I think Danse would be a good. Subject? For them. Like a shelter dog getting to play with ducklings. Idk but I have a vision)
MacCready: they forgot that his whole point was having a whole ass baby. Give him his child wtf.
Strong; delete
Codsworth; stronger plot presence. This robot raised that old bitch let him throw hands. Also, if you wanted to put quests in Sanctuary that spawn up as the town develops, Codsworth would be a great quest giver and tagalong as you try and keep the piece and set up some kind of society.
Curie; I've said it before. I'm saying again. Curies whole deal should have been a major plot point. She's a robot that becomes human and develops human feelings with human biology. This is not important to any faction leader. What on earth.
Cait; yall fuckin know how I feel about Cait but honestly, her personal quest sucks so much I'd rather they didn't. Just give her more and better affinity talks. She needs more time to open up and develop, and 4 conversations is not enough.
Hancock; I have quite a few nitpicks about Hancock but the fact that Micky D getting ganked and being revealed to be a synth DOESNT MATTER is insane. Macdonough's last interaction with Hancock was crucial to his character arc and not letting that circle around is so, so miserable. Also, I want politically-charged quests. Campaigning! Discussions on economy! He's a mayor of this weird little anarchy town, let us play in that space.
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wasteland-wrecker · 2 months
thinking of making an au where the Nuka World Overboss is some 14 year old in power armor, but no one *knows* he's a 14 year old. They thing he's some big bad adult who kicks ass and helps get the rest of the area unlocked for the gangs and then Gage seems him once out of power armor and is like: "....how old are you"
Considering Gage himself was a young punk teenager trying to make it in a raider gang, I think the 14 yo would remind him of his youth. He would show him respect for what he’s capable of and maybe try to protect him somehow. It could be interesting to see what would happen next but I have some doubts on Gage’s Nuka World plan. Would it work? Who knows.
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everydayyoulovemeless · 2 months
Ok, but what about the overbosses with overboss!sole who was a black widow? Like full on Natasha Romanoff vibes <3
Nuka-World Leaders with a Black Widow!Overboss
➼ Word Count » 0.5k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Platonic/Romantic
Mags Black will quickly start to see you in a familial light since you hold a bit of a semblance to her brother. You're both a bit more brooding than the other raiders here, and she'll try to win your favor as soon as you approach her and the rest of the Operators because of that fact. She has her group invent all sorts of gadgets for you to use when you go off to take care of things. Every single one is catered to your exact needs and fighting style. Most raiders like to go in, guns blazing. So they have to workshop their weapons a tad to suit your more hidden approach to fighting. She'll try to make sure you get something worthwhile out of the transaction, you'd be best suited for her and her gang after all.
William Black actually likes you as the overboss. It's very hard to get that type of acceptance from him, but the moment you step into the parlor all straight-faced and confident, he'll recognize that you're actually here to take the job seriously. He won't give you any gifts of gratitude or anything like that, but you will have his respect, and that goes a long way toward becoming accepted as the official new overboss in Nuka-World. He appreciates that you don't dally around the jobs you take and that you're efficient when it comes to completing them. That alone is enough to get him to be open enough to accept you as the new overboss.
Nisha finds you incredibly endearing. Someone as cunning and secretive as you will easily fit in with her and the Disciples and if you were to show them a little more favoritism, she'd gladly help you with whatever you needed. She'll be your best friend and your closest ally in the park. The raiders here needed someone they could take seriously and, in her eyes, you're the perfect one for the job. You and her could run circles around the others here and could benefit greatly from it as well. She may not be one to like following orders but, for you? She wouldn't mind letting go of her pride.
Mason’s probably the only one who's not all that excited about you becoming the newest overboss. You're good at what you do, sure, but you don't take any artistic liberty. You do the job and then you finish. It's efficient, but as a raider, he wants to see a leader who will toy with their victim a bit before they die. He wants you to show everyone who you really are under that mysterious exterior and have you reveal your most twisted thoughts through how you handle the people who go against you. Besides, he finds it hard to throw a party with you around with how stern and quiet you are about everything. It doesn't always have to be business.
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zombiecakes · 13 days
15,17,27,28,29!!,37,49,52,55,59,64 🥺 (sorry lol)
APOLOGY NOT ACCEPTED (srsly tho never apologize for making me gush about my babies lmao 💕)
This is gonna be long tho, so under cut 😂
Also some plotline spoilers in here, for those who haven't done stuff like Nuka World.
15. What is their proudest moment / accomplishment?
After he killed Mason, he got a pat on the back from Nisha. He always saw her as the biggest threat to his personal safety as Overboss, so having her support definitely helps him sleep at night.
17. Do they have a job? How do they make a living?
SHAKIN DOWN DEM FARMERS. Basically, everyone and their mother just sends him tribute now as Overboss, so he swimmin in caps 😎
27. What faction(s) are they a member of / allied with?
RAIDERS. It's actually becoming an issue, because he sees the Institute as a threat, and his own gang isn't equipped to bust their way in there. He just got a vision from Mama Murphy that he should ask the Brotherhood for help, which is probs his only reasonable option. (He's HELLA paranoid of synths and would probably burn down the Railroad if he found it DISCLAIMER I DO NOT SHARE HIS VIEWS LOL and he already alienated the Minutemen soooo yeah…) He also really respects and trust Murphy the Madwoman, so he's probs gonna take that advice… at least until he gets what he wants.
28. What faction(s) do they despise?
Oops, I already answered this one lol. See above.
29. What is their moral alignment / karma?
Not pulling punches here: Zirk is evil. He lets fear and selfishness run his life, resulting in the suffering of others. He has a small handful of people he gives a shit about, but I don't think that redeems him. Almost all “good” things he does are still motivated by selfish intentions.
37. What is the worst injury they have experienced?
Zirk has been thru some shit. He didn't turn into the shitty little monster he is because his life was rainbows and sunshine. I would say, consistently ending up as the lowest rung on the social ladder in any group he was part of, and all of the abuses that entailed (for example, his teeth tattoos), were collectively his “worst injury”.
49. What item(s) do they always have on their person?
His glasses! Boy is blind as a bat (one of the things, along with his smaller/delicate stature, that made him a target for most of his life). Finding nice, VATS-connected spectacles when he was looting Vault 111 a couple years ago was a life-changer for him.
52. Can they swim?
Well enough… although it probs isn't too pretty to watch.
55. Are they past, present, or future oriented?
This is a cool question 🤔 I would say up until very recently, present-oriented, because he was constantly scrounging around for his next meal or hit. Recently, however, his gang has swept across the Commonwealth, and he's had to think further ahead so that he can feed his raiders and maintain his safety as top dog. This is not a task he enjoys doing, so he often leaves the minutiae to Gage 💕
59. Do they idolize anything / anyone?
Mama Murphy. She is the first person he's ever met who truly knows and sees him as he is, and she cares for him anyway. This is more important to him than he could ever say, but she doesn't need him to say it 💕
He's also IN LOVE with Gage (not that he'd ever use those words, even to himself), and he really respects and relies on him.
64. How / where do they generally sleep?
The how/where is actually a similar question for him!! He usually falls asleep wherever he can (bed, sleeping bag, large pile of soft dirt), but often around 2-3am, he tends toward night terrors, and often goes sleepwalking/crawling into the nearest small, enclosed space. He knows he does this, so he rarely ever goes to sleep nearby another person. Gage has only witnessed this a couple times, and while familiar with ptsd (raiders have tough lives and rough upbringings, I suspect), he still doesn't know exactly what to do when Zirk does this shit.
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fleshofmensis · 1 month
hey chat, it was my (source)birthday yesterday and i completely forgot about it ,, too busy playing fallout
and speaking of fallout! a little ramble for ya
i was rerunning the nuka world dlc and sided with the raiders like usual but this time 😏 i romanced porter gage BUT I SO WISH IT WAS SAVOY ?? i enjoy savoy so much but he's been given fucking.. unnamed npc treatment and i'm fumed — he seems like he could've been a really cool character based on his limited lines LIKE?? dixie had more interaction than him smh
on another note, when claiming territory for the gangs (i went with the pack and disciples) they wanted me to hit the slog and I REFUSE LMAO i love the ghouls in the slog / ghouls in general my sillies
i also started nuka world completely underleveled but tbh the only part that was a pain in the ass was the bottling plant, which i gave to the operators and i eventually offed them sooooo
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nerdygoth77 · 1 month
Re: Fallout Equines
This might be a bit out there, but do you think there's a similar place for Zebras in the Fallout world? Both in terms of serving those in South-East Africa but also we know from Nuka World's Gazelles and Ghoulrillas that the survival of captive zoo animals is absolutely in play. I imagine the big challenge there is that they aren't really domesticated, but I'm sure over 200 years it could work out?
I have actually thought about this a lot!!! Like a lot, lol
Thank you so so much for your ask!! I love questions like this!! :)
I love the thought of zebras as vicious mounts for the people of the wastelands, but sadly zebras do not have the build to carry weight. They simply are not built for riding, despite what some may say. Why is that? Well! Their bone structure is quite different from horses.
They are incredible equines but they cannot be ridden, nor are they the friendliest or easiest to train. We actually had one come through our rescue a while back and I don't think I've met a more mean and fierce equine. Strongest bite i've ever felt too!! (Luckily I didn't have to experience the kicks) And I've met some real fiery and pissed off equines. So I bet Zebra's would not work out the best for a form of mount or labor, but hybrids? I could see how they would work out well!!
Zorses, a mix between a horse and a zebra, still have some fierce and feral tendencies and can be difficult to train, but they do have the structural build to carry weight and haul. Zonkeys, a mix between a zebra and a donkey would maybe be alright for some forms of labor but their build would not be very good for much carrying. So Zorses would be the best option. Almost all mules are sadly sterile, since they are also a hybrid. So Zorses, I believe, are as well. So it would require a permeant breeder of a horse and a zebra somewhere out there in the wasteland. They'd be harder to find naturally running in herds like horses and zebras do.
I have actually thought about the use of zorses in Nuka World extensively. Like I have written multiple ideas and even a large portion of a fanfiction about these animals. I love to picture zebras and horses, along with donkeys, surviving in and around Nuka World. Just like the Gazelles, Ghoulrillas, and Brahmiluff(mutated buffalo)
I also love to picture the raiders of Nuka World using equines for multiple reasons, especially as mounts.
I have a work in progress fic about my OC overboss of Nuka World, Lilly. And her relationship with Porter Gage and their story of turning Nuka World into a raider empire. In this story they manage to keep all three gangs alive by spreading their territory to the river valley surrounding Nuka World. Taking over the old farmlands and town of Bradberton. In my little fallout world The Pack uses their animals for many many crucial things, like their dogs for hunting and their equines for many different things like mounts and haulers. and I like to think their main mount/riding horses are actually hybrids. Some form of mutated Zorse, maybe they even have mutated enough to breed on their own and have more abilities that Zorses would lack, like extra carrying strength and thicker fur for the appalcian winters. Zorses would already have an incredible advantage over horses, they would be incredibly powerful and vicious animals. They'd have the build of a horse but the viciousness of a zebra, with incredibly strong hooves and teeth that were made for murder. They'd be extra surefooted and muscular, with the ability to survive on little water and limited grass. They'd be harder to train, but in my Au the Pack has a few horse trainers, including an old world horse trainer who is a ghoul OC of mine. They train their zorses not just in bravery, but they are absolutely trained to bite and trample enemies. Their powerful bites, kicks and stomps are taken advantage of by the raiders of Nuka World. I also see The Pack painting the Zorses colorful patterns involving their equine striped patterning.
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abiding-artist · 1 year
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I didn’t want to fully color this so I did scribbles
Crowe when she was heavily into the nuka world gangs. Her upbringing was with the pack and then she became a hired bounty Hunter!
Fun fact: her real name is Eleanor
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artbyblastweave · 5 months
After reading through some of the Fallout 4 posts, I really wanna ask what you thought of the game's DLC? (if you played it). Of particular interest is the Nuka World chunk considering... well, pretty much everything about it.
Wrote up my thoughts on the DLC here. In regards to Nuka-World in particular- it suffers from the obvious problem that it introduces an "evil option" that really, really doesn't mess with how most people are going to play the majority of the base game content, and the "Good" option (Killing the fuck out of all three gangs) is a very.... watery substitute to, like, building a DLC you can actually engage with in full from multiple angles. I did enjoy several of the sidequests. And it gets points for introducing visually distinct raider gangs- extensive raider factionalism in the Fallout 4 basegame exists but there are no outward markers of it (likely because the terminal lore stuff is comparatively easy to slap together later in development.)
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xxadvictoriamxx · 11 months
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a/n: I’M ALIVE— wait wait… IT’S ALIVE! anyways, sorry it’s been awhile. I unfortunately have been trying to get an MRI for an injury and it’s taken up a lot of time :( but we’ve got Gage!
warnings: dunno. let me know if you find any
• his accent. his odd, out of place, also hot as fuck accent?? expect him to use it against you
• “getting nervous or something? I’ve only got eyes for you” he really does. everyone’s too untrustworthy with something as delicate as his affection
• doesn’t necessarily like getting drunk, but will 100% drink all the Nuka Dark you can find. the more, the better
• more intelligent than he’ll ever let on. you try to tell me being a step below the guy with the target and running the show that way isn’t smart.
• secretly a cuddler. fight me
• he means it with the best intentions, but he’s honestly the most overprotective lover you could have. and a jealous one too
• he’s been at Nuka World longer than he’ll care to admit. so when you finally come around and ask him to tag along on your adventures, he’s overjoyed
• he really doesn’t care what gangs you support or don’t. he doesn’t like any of them. all the peace talks, the agreements he had to make with the gang leaders, it all just reminds him of Connor. more people to stab him in the back
• oblivious oblivious oblivious
• fun fact, he hates Nuka Cola. except Nuka Dark. most of them are too sweet for his liking
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corvidexoskeleton · 8 months
I think it would be so, so funny and thematically fitting if exactly zero people in nuka world went hostile if you kill Gage, at any point in the dlc. The bosses don't like him, the gangs don't like him, the traders probably don't like him either since the entire takeover was his idea to begin with. Nobody there likes Gage at all but everyone is stuck putting up with him and I just think it would be so fucking funny if Porter "way I see it, either you wind up gettin' shot or you're the one holdin' the gun. I know how I want it" Gage, who's dying words include "not like this.....", ended up getting merc'd by the overboss he put in charge and literally Nobody in nuka world gave a single fuck
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home-on-the-wastes · 5 months
Hell of a Ride (1/2)
When someone finally makes it through the Gauntlet, Gage's relieved that they might finally have a candidate for Overboss--until he sees that the contender's just a kid. Still, she's the first who's gotten this far in a long time, so maybe there's some merit to her skills, and would be a good fit for the role after all. Besides, kids can be bossed around, right? Characters: Porter Gage, Murk Mathis (Fallout 4 OC), Overboss Colter, Other Nuka-World residents Tags: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Nuka-World Amusement Park, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Divergence, Swearing, Killing, Murder, Raiders, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Underage Drug Use Part 1 // 2
God fucking damnit.
It was a kid. Redeye had said the new vic was on the young side, but Gage wasn’t expecting a teenager. A scrawny, wiry thing in armor that had been looted from corpses and didn’t fit right. Her gear was a hodgepodge of leather and old Gunner armor. She had gotten this far because of caution if Redeye’s commentary had a lick of truth, but slow and steady doesn’t help in a battle against Colter.
Still…maybe it was something.
Gage turned on the intercom. “All right, listen the hell up if you want to make it out alive—I’ve only got a minute.”
“Who’re you?”
The kid had already found the intercom. That was a good sign; taking initiative, or whatever.
“I’m the guy who’s gonna try and get you out of this alive, so listen up. The game’s rigged, kid—”
“It’s fucking rigged?!” echoed the kid. “Figures.”
“Shut up or I turn off this comm and you’re on your own.” Gage didn’t have the patience for this. It was easier when kids showed up wanting to be a raider, wanting to engross themselves in this life. But a kid surviving the Gauntlet was a whole different story–she couldn’t tap out or sneak off in the night. The gangs wanted a show. They wanted blood. “Now, you gonna be quiet?”
The kid said nothing.
“Good. Now, listen close.”
Gage outlined the plan. To the kid’s credit, she listened intently. She retrieved the Thirst Zapper as he instructed and paid attention to the plan. In fact, she got a little too quiet, and it made Gage nervous.
Funny, that stuff could still make him nervous.
“So, you got it?” he asked again.
“This isn’t going to work. Sure, water conducts electricity, but this is a toy.”
No shit, thought Gage. “Well, that’ll knock out his power armor long enough to let you get a few shots in. If you don’t believe me, then leave it, you little shit. You got a gun besides the zapper?”
The silence on the other end was, to say the least, concerning. Something clattered on the other end of the intercom. Then, the voice piped up again. “Yes?”
There was another clatter. “Yes.”
Gage shut his eye and took a deep breath. This kid’s fucked. “Well, good luck, kid. Try and die quick.”
“Fuck you.”
“Save that venom, you’re gonna need it.”
Colter shouted his usual pre-match bullshit, some of the crowd going wild. The others cheered but a few looked uncomfortable at the spectacle. The kid looked a little on the young side, still obviously a teenager, but since some of them were barely out of adolescence themselves. It could have easily been them in the arena with Colter instead of sitting in the audience as their fellow gang members lost it over the bloodshed.
Colter turned to the holding area, and Gage could hear the sneer of delight in Colter’s tone. “Don’t worry, kid–it’ll all be over soon.”
On cue, Gage hit the button to open the door. The crowd cheered.
Here we go, thought Gage. He saw the Thirst Zapper at the kid’s waist, tucked in a holster. Make it quick, make it painless. Make sure that kid doesn’t know what hit her.
The kid held onto her submachine gun, finger on the trigger, and charged. At least she was willing to give them a show.
The first part of the fight was painful. Coulter clipped the kid the moment she stepped into the arena. The kid hid behind the wreckage of ride pieces, occasionally taking pot shots but they rarely hit. It was obvious the kid couldn’t aim for shit–her hands shook so bad, it was comical. Colter chased her around like a loud cat toying with a mouse–shouting jeering remarks, but not taking her very seriously. The way everyone roared in the arena, Gage couldn’t help but feel bad. He didn’t want to even look, but he made himself watch anyway.
Then, a small explosion. A ripple of energy throughout the arena made Gage’s hair stand on end, his wrapped-up feet tingling as a current surged through the floor.
“What the–what is this?!” Colter demanded. 
Gage stepped sideways to see past Colter’s hulking frame. The sparking electricity that normally cloaked Colter was gone, leaving him standing there holding his combat rifle like a goddamned idiot. He let his guard drop, just for a moment, grabbing at his armor like that would fix it, and then–that’s when the kid struck.
Throwing the Thirst Zapper aside, she charged Colter, one hand around a beat-up submachine gun, the other outstretched to grab something. For a split second, Gage eyed something shiny at her waist–the machete hanging at her hip was just unnecessary weight in the fight of her life. That machete wasn’t going to do shit against the steel plating, and how the hell was she planning on picking up the Thirst Zapper in the chaos? The electricity would be shorted only for maybe ten, fifteen seconds tops. Not enough time to kill him. Maybe her plan was to give Colter lockjaw once she ran out of ammo if she lived that long.
The charging kid forced Colter to stumble back. They were so close to the glass barrier he could see her eyes past the smudged windows–dilated pupils so wide her eyes were almost black as a ghoul’s, fixed on Colter. Gage guessed she was hyped up on chems, and if her gritted teeth and foolhardy stupid charge were anything to go by, it was Psycho. Bloodthirsty, ready to give a show. 
The kid spared Gage the briefest glance and then—ran past Colter? Was her plan to try and get into the glass room, just charge and break the glass? No, not that—she reached out and grabbed some of the metal mesh on Colter’s armor. Used it to slide on the scuffed metal floors, relying on her weight to swing behind him. The metal cut into her fingers, blood bursting out in a gory pressure display, but she didn’t let go. She shoved her fist, still clutching the machine gun, towards the back of Colter’s power armor–
“Oh, fuck,” said Gage.
The fusion core popped out, wobbling loosely in its power chamber. The kid lost momentum and slid into an upturned bumper car with a crash but then dragged herself over it to give herself some cover.
“I’m gonna tear you apart!” roared Colter, unaware of the telltale signs of the power armor shutting down until it was too late. He made it about ninety degrees before it shut down entirely, and the fusion core started to slide to the ground. “You fucking bitch—”
She lined up the shot, which was impossible to miss, even with her shitty aim.
The resulting explosion threw everyone in the immediate area off their feet. Gage blacked out for a few seconds and came to with glass showering on top of him. He heard screams of panic and excitement once the ringing in his ears faded, noises of confusion, and the gang bosses tried to corral their people for a second as he collected himself.
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