#nuovo Made in Italy
silviascorcella · 7 months
Morfosis f/w 2018-19: il fascino dei contrasti, come in un film noir
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Ci vuole un guizzo intellettuale per scoprirne il segreto, certo, ma l’essenza è tutta già racchiusa nel nome: Morfosis. Senza alcun vanto, chi è avvezza agli studi classici avrà già intuito: la metamorfosi è innanzitutto una disposizione d’animo verso le cose in continuo mutamento, le atmosfere mai fisse, la vita che ci scorre intorno e le evoluzioni infinite che tutto questo, con noi infilate dentro, può godere. 
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Applicata alla questione della bellezza, poi, in particolare quella da portare indosso attraverso gli abiti, l’evocazione della metamorfosi diventa persino un atto generoso: e divertito.
Perché tutto s’impernia sul proprio punto di vista sul mondo, o sul guardaroba che per una donna è un mondo altrettanto importante: vestire è una forma d’espressione profondamente personale, il gusto è questione intimamente individuale, e la capacità d’interpretazione attraverso i capi d’abbigliamento diventa un’occasione di trasformazione quotidiana, un esercizio di scelta all’interno di un caleidoscopio di possibilità, un esercizio di stile e di styling sempre nuovo. 
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L’importante è sentire fino in fondo la grande libertà che una collezione, nata su questa visione quasi filosofica del fare moda, concede con le sue creazioni.
Dopotutto, la predilezione principale della fashion designer e fondatrice del brand Alessandra Cappiello va da sempre verso una direzione ben precisa: l’elogio dell’imperfezione, intesa come spazio di libertà di sperimentazione sull’originalità, naturalmente! 
La collezione a/ 2018-19 è un invito rinnovato a prendere parte al percorso di metamorfosi della visione del brand dedicata alla sua donna, che qui trova il suo riflesso in un’epoca del secolo scorso assai peculiare: ovvero gli anni del cinema noir.
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Chiudete gli occhi e immaginate quelle atmosfere composte di luci e ombre che giocano con i contrasti, gli ambienti densi di tinte scure e intriganti, le penombre che mentre operano una distorsione della realtà ne regala una lettura perfetta a modo suo: ecco, ed ora immaginate un’icona fra le tante, ma forse la più celebre per l’abilità a fare del contrasto una peculiarità della sua immensa bellezza, ovvero Marlene Dietrich.
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Ecco, ora spegnete la tv immaginaria e riscoprite il lato umano serbato nella diva: è lì che Alessandra Cappiello va a cogliere l’ispirazione vera per questa collezione, ovvero nella personalità forte eppur profondamente femminile, nella sensualità innata eppur consapevole, che la caratterizzano nel suo quotidiano fuori dal set, fuori dal linguaggio simbolico con cui è stata catalogata, ma dentro la libertà d’espressione del suo modo di essere e di apparire. 
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Or dunque, è questa la traccia sulla quale è nata una collezione di un’eleganza peculiare, in bilico tra l’appeal mascolino dei completi con la giacca e la femminilità intima dei dress lievi. Un’eleganza fatta soprattutto di quell’autenticità che si esprime nei contrasti dei materiali, tra le trasparenze fiorite e l’opulenza dei velluti, ma anche nelle lunghezze variabili degli abiti, una volta mini e una volta maxi, nei tagli dei pantaloni, ora affusolati come lo spirito urban suggerisce, ora ampi e piombanti a terra come le atmosfere retrò evocano, nella mutevolezza dei volumi, ora netti come nel cappotto dritto, ora rigonfi come nel piumino dall’allure couture.
Silvia Scorcella
{ pubblicato su Webelieveinstyle }
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santiagonex · 2 years
I can’t sleep. Let’s talk about the four sacred top fives of 2022 as in top 5 gay movies, top 5 gay tv ships (or shows as whole), top 5 short gay movies and for the next one, let’s change it up a little bit and I’ll provide you with top 5 upcoming gay movies (2023) I’m looking forward to and are currently in the process of pre-production, production or post-production.
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Top 5 Gay Movies of 2022
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5. La Santa Piccola - very different from your usual gay movies, but the scenery is gorgerous and the story made me feel things 4. Badhaai Do - amazing queer representation in Indian Cinema, "gay guy and a lesbian woman enter into holy matrimony to appease their families”... just pure comedy and romance and the friendship is beautiful 3. Fire Island - a classic rom-com, must-see 2. In from the Side - rugby gays, affair, romance... all of that 1. Sublime - since it’s finally available on VoD, I had a chance to watch it this weekend and the soundtrack and story got me... Mi mejor amigo vibes but actually gay
Top 5 Gay Ships/TV Shows of 2022
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5. Heartstopper - a classic, it was honestly hard to rate the shows because they’re all equally brilliant in my eyes 4. Heartbreak High - australian Sex Education, obsessed 3. The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself - magic, witches, gays... c’mon 2. Prisma - very important show 1. Patrick/Iván in Élite - they’re literally everything to me, if you get it you get it, if you don’t you don’t, if you know you know and if you don’t know I honestly feel bad for you like I literally cannot explain it, I don’t have the vocabulary to sit here and explain like either you get the vibe or you don’t
Top 5 Gay Shorts of 2022
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5. Catalina - a queer man and his two childhood best friends reunite for a weekend camping trip on Catalina Island... could there be sumn more? 4. Too Rough - Nick wakes up next to his boyfriend Charlie and must conceal him from his own homophobic and dysfunctional family... very sad 3. Jean est tombé amoureux - two football players of opposite teams falling in love... mm very good! 2. Swim - two swimmers develop a strong friendship during their weekly sessions, but their relationship is tested outside the pool, when true identities are revealed... this one fawked me up good 1. Hard - Mikey experiences awkwardness and struggles to navigate the uncertainties of his sexuality after his first time with a girl doesn't go as expected, forcing him to confront his feelings of desire for his best friend... this was so much fun to watch
Top 5 Upcoming Gay Movies in 2023
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5. The History of Sound - Paul Mescal and Josh O’Connor in a gay romance period drama? We’re looking forward to that actually! Anyways, they were supposed to film it this year, but they had busy schedules. Current plan is next year. Also Paul was hanging out with the director last month, so maybe something’s cooking. 4. Glitter & Doom - described as a summer romance musical feature told with the iconic tunes of folk duo Indigo Girls. Film follows a musician who wears charisma as camouflage and a carefree guy about to run away with the circus as they fall in love at first sight. Sounds fun. 3. Nuovo Olimpo - any Ferzan Özpetek fans? Any Manuel from Un professore fans? Well, looks like we won. Period drama set in Italy, following two men who have a chance encounter and then fall deeply in love, and then are torn apart. The film then follows them both over the next decades as they attempt to find each other again. 2. Strangers - yes, another one with Paul Mescal... yes, I’m crazy. And hi Andrew Scott. Directed by Andrew Haigh (Weekend, HBO’s Looking). Word on the street is that their characters will be romantically involved since Mescal's character corresponds to a woman who has a romance with the protagonist (Scott) in the original novel. We will be tuning in. 1. Bonus Track - film set in 2006, follows a small-town boy with dreams of being a gifted musician. When the son of an iconic musical duo enrols at his school, a powerful bond between the boys begins to grow. Based on an original story by Josh O'Connor (yes, him) and Michael Gilbert.
Anyways, that is it. There are a lot of movies that weren’t released THIS year yet, and I’m looking forward to them (Punch, Aristotle and Dante, Spoiler Alert,...). But I would be just repeating myself, so I’m not gonna talk about that.
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aitan · 4 months
Sono poco più di trecento gli iscritti al nuovo indirizzo di studi, che sarà disponibile in 92 scuole in tutto il paese. Secondo il ministro delle Imprese Urso "è un buon inizio".
Boh!?, forse tutta questa esaltazione ed esultanza per 300 iscritti (eran 300 erano giovani e forti...) rientra nello stile delle strategie di marketing che intendono insegnare ai ragazzi del Made in Italy, un nuovo indirizzo didattico, il cui obiettivo dovrebbe essere formare nuove generazioni con ambizioni imprenditoriali, che abbiano sviluppato competenze adeguate per promuovere i prodotti e i marchi italiani nel mondo.
Una scuola di marketing all'italiana, istituita, all'italiana, lo scorso Natale frettolosamente e, forse, anche a fini propagandistici. Tanto che, a quanto pare, per il momento esiste una programmazione e un quadro orario solo per il biennio. Dopo si navigherà a vista.
Infine, il Made in Italy sembra destinato a sostituire il già esistente Liceo Economico Sociale, ma, per esempio, riduce di un terzo le ore di seconda lingua comunitaria (la mia materia, per cui, sì, sono anche di parte).
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mezzopieno-news · 10 months
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Trasformare la polvere di marmo in tessuto, una sfida tutta italiana che sta facendo scuola. Una Start Up italiana creata da due studentesse del Politecnico di Milano ha inventato un nuovo materiale per realizzare capi d’abbigliamento con filamenti nati dallo scarto della lavorazione del marmo. Il tessuto si chiama Marm\More ed è il primo realizzato con polvere di quella che è una delle pietre più dure esistenti e simbolo dell’Italia nel mondo. Un materiale morbido e leggero con alte performance tecniche e caratteristiche estetiche molto originali e finora inesplorate. Fili Pari è diventata una linea di moda al 100% Made in Italy che trasforma gli scarti in opportunità rigenerando i sottoprodotti dell’industria della pietra e promuovendo una filiera corta e sostenibile che fa bene all’ambiente, all’economia e persino ai vegani, essendo interamente inorganica.
Impermeabile, traspirante e antivento, Marm\More utilizza materiali privi di fluoro per la salvaguardia delle persone e dell’ambiente ed una nuova tecnologia tessile che prevede la tintura su filato a basso impatto idrico che utilizza pigmenti naturali di origine minerale. “I comuni metodi di tintura utilizzano 150 litri per tingere 1 kg di filo mentre questo tessuto punta ad utilizzare tra 1 e 20 litri per ogni kg di filo” spiegano le fondatrici. La startup è diventata Società Benefit nel 2021, ufficializzando il percorso volto alla sostenibilità sociale, ambientale ed etica iniziato nel 2020. Fili Pari coordina tutta la filiera produttiva, ogni materia prima ha origine in un raggio di 120 km nel Nord Italia.
Fonte: Fili Pari
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denimbex1986 · 11 months
There's a portrait on the cover of the book American Prometheus: The triumph and tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer , it's his most famous image: the "father of the atomic bomb" has a western star face, cigarette dangles in the corner of the mouth, the very clear eyes scrutinize us. He was a charming, elegant man, tombeur de femmes. In short, a beastly physique. With piercing eyes, literally, a gaze that passes through you, he tells who met him. It is from this book that Christopher Nolan made the film Oppenheimer. It is not her habit to write screenplays with the lead actor already in mind: this time she was the exception because "Cillian's eyes", she said, "were the only ones I knew capable of conveying such intensity". We are talking about "endless pools", "the color of the sea on a sunny day", as we read on social networks where there are countless dedicated profiles (one for all, fuckyeahcillianseyes on Tumblr): a super power that Cillian Murphy , 47 years old, knows how to use very well. Irish from Cork, he is one of those actors who "the less people know about me the better". Very reserved, he goes to bed early, and has been married for twenty years to Yvonne McGuinness, a fifty-two year old Irish artist from Kilkenny, a visual artist with whom she has two children: Malachy, 18, and Aran, 16. They returned to live on their beloved island when their children's accent in London was becoming too posh . They want to raise them as Irish, by the sea, near their grandparents.
Cillian is the ruthless Tommy Shelby of Peaky Blinders , the Scarecrow of the Batman trilogy signed Nolan, the young doctor who joins the fighters of the Wrath in the Wind that strokes the grass of Ken Loach. Oppenheimer is his sixth film with the director of Inception. An impressive film, an announced masterpiece, the film event of the summer. To Cillian's blue eyes, Nolan entrusted the complexity of the man and his husband Oppenheimer but above all the conflicts of conscience of the scientist who, after the Trinity test, the first atomic detonation, on July 16, 1945, said the famous phrase: "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds". The film is released July 21 in the US and UK, August 23 in Italy . "I can't reveal almost anything", Cillian Murphy smiles from her home in Dublin , as if to say "Mo, I want to see you: I'm not talking about private matters and the film is top secret, what can we tell each other for half an hour?". Practically a challenge.
In one sentence, Oppenheimer is a film about…?
Chris said it's a film about the most important man who ever lived. I truly believe that the world changed forever in 1945. It is a sadly timely film that has the flavor of a thriller, exciting and incredibly immersive, a must see at the cinema.
The moral theme is central, I guess.
I don't want to spoil the pleasure but, yes, his human struggle is part of the story. You will be very surprised.
As you rightly say, nuclear power is still a current threat but we also have other dangerous weapons today.
It's interesting, I think people find a lot of similarities between nuclear fission and artificial intelligence, the development of the internet... They are all events that changed the world profoundly. Oppenheimer asks questions, gives no answers. The best films are those that provoke you and make you think, cinema must not be prescriptive, dogmatic or didactic, it must raise questions, it must shake consciences.
It is shot on IMAX 65mm, “the closest thing to reproducing the world as the naked eye sees it”. With each film Nolan tries to outdo himself. What is it like for an actor to be directed by him?
We've known each other for twenty years and every time it's a challenge, this one more than others because I'm the protagonist. He's very, very demanding, and expects the best from every member of the cast and crew. You have to show up on his sets very prepared, ready to get on the train, because as soon as you leave the station, that train never stops and goes at a furious speed. We shot it in 57 days, which is totally insane for a film like this. I had been preparing for six months, I threw myself into it, back and forth from Los Angeles to confront Chris. It's a way of working that I appreciate, it galvanizes me.
It's different, I guess, from a director like Ken Loach.
Another filmmaker who changed my professional life, another profound and stimulating experience even if it has a completely different method. Every director is different and every character is different. Sometimes they ask me what role I would have liked to play: I can't answer, because I'm convinced that every actor has a role meant for him, I can't think "it could have been me", that great film was a success because there was that director together with those actors. It doesn't make sense, I don't care, that's why I never bring works from the past to the theater. I don't want to say the same lines that someone else has said wonderfully well before me, I prefer to find new ways.
What has remained of this last job?
Each film takes different things from you and each film is a strange synthesis between the script, your acting, your personality and the director's vision. It's too early to understand what he left me, I'll tell you in about ten years », he smiles.
Nolan wanted to recreate the Trinity test the old-fashioned way, with a real explosion, no CGI. The result?
Crazy. If you can, go see it in an IMAX theater. Chris also used IMAX in black and white for the first time, it's stunning... Will you forgive me a moment? (Talk to someone, he says “Ok, I'll take care of it in 5 minutes, don't worry”). Excuse me, he was my son (he says, with an almost embarrassed smile).
Is the family happy to be back in Ireland?
Very. My wife and I have lived in London for 14 years.
You moved before Brexit, right? So it wasn't a "political" choice...
It has happened before but after Brexit we were even happier with our choice. I feel very European.
Have you ever lived in the United States?
I go there often and willingly to shoot films but I'm not made to live there. I need other cultures, to feel them around me, to be able to frequent them; I like European cinema, I like living in Ireland, I feel very connected to my country, America is too strange for me. Here I can disconnect, live a simple, normal life.
Define “simple and normal”. Farm? Animals? Hoe the garden, since he's a vegetarian?
(bursts out laughing) When I'm not working, I take care of my children for example, my dog, I like reading and watching movies, I don't go out much. I throw myself headlong into the work, I give a lot of myself and therefore I like to take a lot of free time between one commitment and another. I find it healthy. I detach and just live. I just want to exist as any human being in the world. For me it is research, study. Look around, take transport, observe people.
His wife once said that Tommy Shelby had a hard time leaving your house... Do you have a ritual to get rid of characters? Some of his colleagues shave their heads.
Definitely not that, I can't stand wigs so I always keep my hair pretty long because you never know what they'll ask you… It takes time to get back to yourself, on a set like Oppenheimer or Peaky Blinders you work 16, 17 hours a day, you're always busy busy busy and then suddenly you're not. It's alienating. It's hard to put yourself back together overnight, it's good for me to find activities to keep me busy, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do with all that energy left in me. I do some gardening, start training for a marathon, read one of those heavy tomes I've been putting off for a while.
Help his wife with her installations...
(Laughs as if to say "I don't fall for it") My wife definitely doesn't need my help.
It was a golden year for Irish cinema: Island Spirits , The Quiet Girl , Paul Mescal. Why is the land so fertile?
I'm proud of all those guys, many are friends. We Irish are natural storytellers. So much has happened in our history and in a relatively short period of time: we are very connected with our artistic, poetic part, it is our way of elaborating the story, through storytelling and music.
Is there an interesting female point of view in the film Oppenheimer ? After all, the producer is a woman, Emma Thomas, Nolan's wife.
I can only say that Emily Blunt (Kitty, his wife) and Florence Pugh (psychiatrist Jean Tatlock) are magnificent. Chris was a genius in choosing Emily, she and I have known each other for a long time, we understand and respect each other, and if you take two friends to play a couple you skip a step. Kitty and Robert have an interesting, special relationship that spreads like wildfire throughout the film. Emily is phenomenal and Florence is very young but she is so wise and mature and sophisticated and brilliant.
Peaky Blinders the movie: will it be done?
I hope so. If there's another story to tell, I'm with it. But it must make sense, because I'm so proud of the series and the character, I become protective. Steve Knight is a fantastic writer, if he finds something legitimate that justifies a film I'm in it.
Tommy Shelby has his ghosts, as does Robert Oppenheimer. What does she do for his mental health?
(He widens his eyes) Me personally you mean? Look, I think it's important in life to be aware of always having to improve yourself: to try to be a better husband, a better father, a better human being. If you have this awareness and are trying, that's enough. And I strongly believe in empathy, in the ability to recognize the emotions of others and feel them.
What does being successful mean to you?
Working with people I admire. I don't want to stand still, look back or too far forward, I want to say something with my choices. I'm lucky because I've worked a lot with Chris, one of the few who manage to provoke within the mainstream system. He's someone who doesn't underestimate the viewer, he asks a lot and does well, it's the right approach.
How has your friend Nolan changed over the years?
The principles are the same but the mastery of the language, that vernacular of his making films, has improved: now he clearly knows what he wants. With Batman he has shown that he can do genre cinema incredibly well but when he started writing his films he found his true genius.
What makes it immediately "home"?
My family, the Irish countryside, our west coast which is so powerful.
Your body is a work tool, like your face, which is so particular: how do you take care of it?
I try to live healthy, to keep fit... Are you talking about wrinkles? They don't worry me, being an actor constantly puts you in front of the awareness that day after day your face changes. I try to age as gracefully as possible. I like to sleep, I sleep a lot.
He just turned 47: is everything ok?
Yes, I'm not very young anymore but I'm not old either, come on. Look, I do the job I love, I have a great family, can I ever complain about anything?
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highsocietyhq · 8 months
On the sixth anniversary of old King Ernesto's death, the time finally came for Italy to crown his heir as their new King. As he prepared to take on his new role and title, invitations were sent out and word spread about Prince Giovanni di Savoia's impending coronation. Royals from all over the world made the trip to the region of Campania to celebrate the mark of a new time for the country ( others to witness the official end of Verona's regency from up close ).
The ceremony is set to take place during the late afternoon at Gesú Nuovo Church in Naples, then move on to Caserta Palace, the official residence of the Royal family, for a coronation dinner and festivities with live music and the best of Italian cuisine to celebrate the new King.
Event: Giovanni's coronation Date: 15th of October, 2023 Dress code: Formal Location: Naples, Italy
ooc details can be found under the cut
This event will commence on the 14th of October (basically in 14ish hours because i'm a mess) and ends on the 21st. ( if you guys want to make the event longer, let us know )
HIJACKING is allowed on threads from open starters and HIGHLY encouraged !
Tag any event-related posts (including outfits, starters, moodboards) under #hshqevent043 — please don’t use the #hshqevent tag !
We ask that you put your old threads on hold for the duration of the event.
Coronations are tiara events !
Most importantly, be chaotic and have fun !
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yesterdaysanswers · 2 years
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I posted 2,696 times in 2022
That's 284 more posts than 2021!
379 posts created (14%)
2,317 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,175 of my posts in 2022
Only 19% of my posts had no tags
#art - 303 posts
#italy - 241 posts
#mauro pagani - 228 posts
#italia - 202 posts
#pfm - 194 posts
#premiata forneria marconi - 186 posts
#fashion - 129 posts
#asks - 111 posts
#cats - 104 posts
#franco mussida - 95 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#but i'm just gonna go ahead and claim ownership on the whole classic lineup of pfm mk1 & mk2 (which incl both bass players fico & djivas)
My Top Posts in 2022:
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i have no idea what you're talking about...
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21 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
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24 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
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(Nuovo Sound - March 1980)
“There is a house where terrible things happen, so the owner starts looking for the cause that triggers all this wickedness until…” The crescendo at the end of the soundtrack, something very similar in grandeur to the 'Messiah’ by Handel, covers the voice of Godfrey Salmon, the conductor.
We were desperately trying to get someone to tell us the plot of the film, even treacherously, since Dario Argento, author of the story as well as director, of course, left us in the darkest curiosity. He said that the film, despite having a specific story, has no logical connection to the series of very strange events that happen there, and it is therefore very difficult to tell: “Sometimes I had to go and reread the script myself, while I was shooting.”
Beside us, Keith Emerson is carefully listening to his music; we are in the control room of the recording studio, in full control of the mixing, and these few minutes of listening have already made me realize what magnitude this soundtrack will be, at least as mysterious as the film is. But after all, it has always been Argento's prerogative, to always keep everyone in suspense until the very end. When the interview took place, this 'colossal of terror' was being retouched after two years of work; Now that 'Inferno' is coming out regularly and unveiling its mixed content, it doesn't hurt to learn more through a faithful account of our long musical-cinematic conversation.
Why did you choose Keith Emerson for the soundtrack of this film?
“Because I have always liked him very much. Apart from the fact that we already knew each other, it is since I saw him play in Rome in '72 and '73 that I decided to work with him. But then you know how it is, for one reason or another it could never happen, but this time I finally did it. How I approached him basically was simple, but one thing is important: the fact that he, he himself, wrote the music for ‘this’ film. It seems like a coincidence but it's not…it was destiny, I think, there were many small coincidences.”
For example?
“Well…you will know that one of Keith's first compositions was entitled ‘The Three Fates’...and coincidentally, the myth of the three Fates is something that returns very often in this film. In short; I believe that it was all destiny.”
You said that this is a very special film, why?
"It is for me because it took me a long time to do it, no less than two years: a year to write it and a year to shoot it, a truly titanic undertaking for me. Generally it always takes me a year, a year and a few months at the most, so you can imagine.”
You once said that you always feel like you're making the same movie.
“Clearly it was a joke…if not, you can understand it in the sense that basically I'm still the same Dario Argento, right?”
What was the path that led you to make this film?
“I can say that I thought about the film in three phases: I thought about the first part in New York, about three months, then I returned to Rome and for another four months I thought about it at an inn. You know, when I do these things I lead an almost prison life, always locked in a hotel or in an inn…I never write at home. I thought about the third part in New York, a month and a half. Eight months, a year total for the touch-ups.”
Why don't you at least tell us the plot?
“But...basically there is none...there is no plot, and then it is a massacre…”
You say this is the second film of a trilogy on modern alchemy. What does it mean?
“That this is an alchemical film. Like the previous one, 'Suspiria'...but by alchemy, I don't mean that of the scientist who tries to make gold, which is the most striking and even the most false part. Alchemy also meant other cultures, other myths...in reality it was a very interesting occult science that still exists today, in fact the film is set in our present day.”
Keith, why did you decide to write this soundtrack?
“I want to use my music to express other things, and on different levels. I wanted to give a purpose to what I was doing, in short, to develop things around a precise idea. It helped me a lot, because writing a soundtrack is certainly much more challenging than making an LP. Among other things, I also wanted to make my first film with the director, and after seeing 'Profondo Rosso' and 'Suspiria' and meeting Dario, I decided that was what I was looking for.”
Called into question, Dario can't help but exclaim, “Do you see it was destiny?"
Did you find it difficult to write music to adapt to scenarios? And did it ever happen, for example, to write something that Dario didn't like?
“At first, yes, I had a bit of difficulty with regards to coordination, but nothing more. For the rest, Dario was always immediately enthusiastic about the music I wrote.”
Have you used all the instruments you usually use, or a few more?
“No, all as usual…I've used seven or eight different types of synthesizers, the piano and the organ. But the most important part was the dedicated orchestra.”
Was the orchestra conducted by you?
“No, it wasn't me who conducted it. I just wrote the score, Godfrey Salmon took care of the rest. We've known and understood each other perfectly for more than three years now...it was him who conducted the orchestra in the latest EL&P tours.”
By the way, can you tell us what happened to you?
“It wasn't the music it used to be…I don't know how to explain it either, but everything had changed too much. I know Greg is recording in London and Carl is in Munich, but personally I haven't seen them for almost a year now.”
So your plans no longer have anything in common?
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27 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
Challenge: Tag a couple of your mutuals on this ask and give them a compliment. Go ahead, brighten their day. 🌟
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33 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
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40 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
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co-arch · 1 year
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Uno spazio teatrale per lo showcooking in legno all’interno di una fabbrica produttiva di frutta candita. Ci troviamo all’interno di una fabbrica che produce frutta candita, da più di cent’anni, nella Valdalpone, area agricola tra Verona e Vicenza famosa per le piantagioni di Prunus Avium, gli alberi di ciliegie. L’intervento è al primo piano di una palazzina produttiva con tetto a falda, un’altezza interna di circa cinque metri e doppie finestre sul perimetro. L’esigenza era quella di realizzare uno spazio showcooking dove poter girare video dimostrativi per l’impiego dei loro prodotti di pasticceria, una cucina con i relativi servizi e una nuova sala riunioni. Data l’altezza dello spazio interno, la strategia è stata quella di inserire un nuovo volume in legno a doppia altezza che si distaccasse dall’interno esistente industriale e che potesse ospitare tutte le funzioni richieste. L'eredità industriale è visibile nelle putrelle a vista sulle pareti perimetrali, che, verniciate come le pareti, sono come una tela bianca che mette in risalto le linee del progetto. Il volume in legno mette in evidenza l'altezza del soffitto, definendo con giochi di pieni e di vuoti il ritmo degli spazi e creando visuali interne inedite. Il nuovo volume è stato progettato come un grande mobile, ispirato al quadro di Antonello da Messina “San Girolamo nello studio”, vera e propria ossessione, in cui un uomo rinascimentale lavora all’interno di un mobile abitabile. Dipinto noto anche per l’uso impeccabile della prospettiva, restituendo l’immagine di uno spazio vissuto ma insieme utopico e rigoroso. L’altro richiamo è al teatro dovendo realizzare un’area scenica non immediatamente visibile entrando. Per enfatizzare l’aspetto teatrale dello spazio sono state utilizzate, per oscurare le numerose finestre, tende chiare ondulate, che ricordano il sipario. Il volume è stato progettato come una vera e propria casa in legno, con struttura a balloon frame con pilastri e travi in abete, rivestiti in legno di Okumè, che ricorda nel colore il legno del ciliegio; infatti, il prodotto di punta dell’azienda sono le ciliegie. La tecnologia di costruzione è stata scelta per la leggerezza e per facilitare il trasporto e il montaggio. Gli interni del nuovo volume sono stati progettati per contenere tutte le funzioni richieste: a piano terra vicino all’ingresso una piccola area caffè, una seduta e una zona guardaroba, poi proseguendo lungo il corridoio una scala porta al piano soppalco, dietro una porta a filo muro ci sono i bagni dei clienti e proseguendo si apre la sala principale dove si trova il bancone, la cucina con il magazzino e il bagno del personale. Al piano soppalco una sala riunioni con un grande tavolo centrale. La struttura in legno è stata realizzata da una carpenteria dell’Alto Adige. Con cui è stato fatto un lavoro molto interessante sulla prefabbricazione degli elementi strutturali, che ha consentito oltre a velocità e precisione, una qualità altrimenti impossibile. Brand ARREDI E RIVESTIMENTO – Furniture and wood - Rabatto S.r.l. STRUTTURA LEGNO – Wood structure Idealhouse SRL – GMBH / Ainhauser GMBH TENDE – Curtains B&B Group srl PAVIMENTI E RIVESTIMENTI - Flooring Forbo S.r.l. INSTALLAZIONE RIVESTIMENTI DA – Flooring Biraschi S.r.l. IMPIANTO ELETTRICO – Electrical and light Flli Bari S.r.l. IMPIANTO IDRAULICO – HVAC Termoidraulica Valdalpone S.r.l. Luci / Lights Rossini Group S.r.l. https://rossinigroup.it/serie/hole/ Creative Cable https://www.creative-cables.it/sospensioni-con-paralume/19544-lampada-a-sospensione-made-in-italy-completa-di-lampadina-cavo-tessile-paralume-tub-e14-e-finiture-in-metallo.html Sedute / Seating Bd15 chairs – Equilibri Furniture ( design co.arch studio) https://www.equilibri-furniture.com/prodotti/bd15/ PROGETTO DEFINITIVO ESECUTIVO E DIREZIONE LAVORI A project by co.arch studio ARCHITECTURE Principal architects Andrea Pezzoli and Giulia Urciuoli team Matteo Torti, Deniz Agaoglu http://coarchstudio.it https://www.instagram.com/co.arch.studio/ ENGENEERING Ing Emanuele Fornalè https://studiofornale.it/ Photos by SIMONE BOSSI https://www.simonebossi.it/photographer/ https://www.instagram.com/simonebossiphotographer/ RASSEGNA STAMPA https://www.archdaily.com/997399/cesarin-showcooking-crch-studio https://divisare.com/journals/940 https://decor.design/it/cesarin-showcooking-studio-co-arch/ https://divisare.com/projects/475901-co-arch-simone-bossi-cesarin-showcooking https://homeadore.com/2023/04/21/cesarin-showcooking-industrial-design-meets-wooden-elegance/ https://www.gooood.cn/cesarin-showcooking-by-co-arch-studio.htm https://www.archiportale.com/news/2023/04/case-interni/uno-spazio-teatrale-per-il-cesarin-showcooking_93424_53.html https://wooooooow.cn/cesarin-showcooking-italy-co-arch-studio/ https://www.matrix4design.com/it/architettura/co-arch-uno-spazio-teatrale-per-lo-showcooking-in-azienda/ https://www.thisispaper.com/mag/cesarin-project-co-arch
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woodstarmilano · 7 months
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Vi presentiamo "SILVER BEAR" il nuovo bracciale da uomo WOODSTAR in legno e acciaio inox. Una nuova versione del bracciale "BLUE BEAR" realizzato con legno di Noce. L'esclusivo design creato da WOODSTAR ha permesso la creazione di questo bracciale di grande impatto estetico. La resistenza e l'estetica si uniscono in questo prodotto unico e Made in Italy. Acquistalo per natale, fai un regalo che fa la differenza. I nostri clienti ci scelgono proprio per questo. Azienda italiana, prodotti italiani, qualità italiana e assistenza sempre al tuo fianco. Woodstar Milano #woodstar #woodstarmilano #bracciale #braccialetti #idearegalo #regalodinatale #braccialeuomo #accessori #uomo #regalouomo #gioielliartigianali #gioielli #gioielliuomo #legno #handmade #madeinitaly #jewelry #bracelet #mensbracelets #wood #wooddesign
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u-more · 1 year
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Un momento delle lezioni al nuovo Liceo del Made in Italy.
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the---hermit · 1 year
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Niente Di Nuovo Sul Fronte Di Rebibbia by Zerocalcare
If you read my posts often you know Zerocalcare by now, since in the past few weeks I have been catching up with some of the graphic novels by him I hadn't read yet. This book in particular is another collection of short non fiction in graphic form. It's shorter than other books by him, but it's very dense, as the topics he talks about are quite intense. Since it's just five chapters I will say a few words on each.
The first story is about the rebellions that took place in several Italian prisons during the pandemic, with a focus on Rebibbia (since the author lives there). He shares the experiences of some people he spoke to, some who were in prison at the time, and people who had loved one in prison then. He ventures to reflect on the whole prison situation in the country, and doesn't shy away from police brutality inside prisons. It was very touching, it triggered a lot of reflections for me, and it was overall a great opening chapter to this book.
The second chapter focuses on the health care system. How it is in fact not provided as is should, since public structures are shut down so often it either pushes people into waiting lists that can last years, or into private solutions that cause people to spend an insane amount of money. It's so accurate it's scary, it makes you realize thar at the end of the day dystopic situations aren't as far off from reality as we's like to think.
The third chapter was a deep dive in cancel culture in Italy, and oh boy it was great. He did a great job at putting back into perspective all those people who love to say that "we live in an era in which you can't say anything anymore", which is a sentence I hear way too much. I think this chapter was very well done because it could reach anybody for its language and topics and it's exactly what we need.
The fourth chapter deals with a topic we know is very dear to this author, which is the Kurdish resistence in the Middle East. Zerocalcare has an entire graphic journalism pubblication on the topic, and continues to actively report on the situation is a great way that makes these complicated political dynamics very accessible.
Finally the last chapter is more self-reflective. It deals with his experience in creating a series with Netflix, and it mostly focuses on his personal emotional journey in embarking is such a big project. It was really good to see this side of things, and as you might know from previous reviews I wrote on his books I have a soft spot for his more self reflective stories.
I tried to give a very general and simplified idea of the topics of the book, but I surely didn't give it justice. There were several passages that physically made me shiver, it's a great book. I have praised his writing a lot and I stand by it. I love the storytelling this man is capable of, his ability to deal with incredibly important and heavy topics without letting go of a humorous side that makes everything more accessible for a larger audience. This is one of the authors I would by anything from without checking the plot because I trust him so much.
I read this book for the bright colours on the cover prompt of the jumbo reading challenge.
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silviascorcella · 7 months
Lora Nikolova p/e 2018: una preziosa “Prova di Stile” esclusiva
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Prendendo in gentile prestito il fascino dell’illusione saggia e divertita racchiusa in un celeberrimo motto a sua volta incastonato nell’arte di Magritte: “questa non è un’opera d’arte”. Ma, sorpresa! qui è necessario raddoppiare e sottolineare che: “questo non è solo un gioiello”. 
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Guardateli attentamente: contemplate con lo sguardo della mente e del gusto ogni dettaglio che compone il piccolo miracolo di ogni creazione plasmata da Lora Nikolova: quelle reti sottili su cui s’incagliano materiali più o meno pregiati, a formare suggestioni surreali, dialoghi silenti tra forme e colori, giochi d’equilibri rinnovati tra i volumi, un invito alla leggerezza mobile, che una volta poggiata indosso finisce per vestire il corpo come un sofisticato abito sartoriale.
Poi mettetevi in ascolto delle emozioni che suggeriscono al desiderio la voglia di indossare tanta unicità d’arte e di vanità. Ed infine, immergetevi senza dubbio alcuno nell’arte di quest’artigiana del gioiello e nel mondo che dalle sue creazioni si dipana: no, non si tratta solo di vezzi da indossare per decorarsi, bensì di piccole esperienze intense che nutrono la mente mentre valorizzano la bellezza di chi li sceglie.
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Le creazioni di Lora Nikolova hanno in sé, infatti, questo potere speciale: quello di sedurre al piacere dell’estetica, mentre la memoria viene accompagnata a ripercorrere le pagine della storia dell’arte che narra di personaggi che han giocato con il talento artistico e la delicatezza della fiaba surreale, che hanno assunto a mo’ di protagonisti i colori più vivi della tavolozza e le forme più essenziali della geometria, e poi li hanno lasciati liberi di occupare le tele per creare suggestioni squisitissime.
Celebrità dei colori incantevoli come  Kandinskij e Mirò, Calder con le sue sospensioni lievi e intriganti, Picasso con le sue scomposizioni dissonanti eppur esatte: ecco, il modo di immaginare e di creare di Lora Nikolova ripercorre queste strade per tirarne fuori delle suggestioni nuove e personalissime da accompagnare a sperimentazioni materiche che danno frutto a bijoux davvero unici.
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Si potrebbero quasi definire: art-à-porter. Merito già del percorso autobiografico: Lora proviene da Sofia, Bulgaria, dove sin dall’infanzia ha abbracciato e curato il penchant per l’arte che diventa creazione attraverso le mani, intanto l’educazione accademica è incentrata sulla scenografia e la conduce a Milano, dove vive tuttora, dopotutto, anche un gioiello sa essere scenografico una volta poggiato sul corpo. La pittura, poi, non l’abbandona mai: Lora dipinge ed espone in varie mostre; ma è il bijoux la forma d’arte che davvero rende concreta la sua immaginazione e il suo talento d’artigiana. In fondo, “arte” è la radice della parola art-igianato: ed il suo valore guida ogni creazione. 
Ed ogni collezione, che non asseconda le stagioni, bensì le ispirazioni, le emozioni interiori e la voglia costante di innovazione. Per la prossima Primavera-Estate 2018 Lora propone una collezione ribattezzata “Prova di Stile”, dove la natura artistica dei bijoux arriva più in superficie che mai rievocando i bozzetti fatti a mano libera, mentre gli spessori dei materiali caricano la loro presenza e valorizzano la composizione grafica, i fili sottili irretiscono l’immaginazione suggerendo scenografie intangibili, fino a quella bellissima cascata di corolle variopinte che fa ripiombare felicemente il desiderio da un mondo astratto ad una primavera in boccio.
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Il ventaglio cromatico è un’espressione variegata di delicatezza, il minimalismo acquisisce risalto nella mini-capsule di collier “dots” dove delle pietre sferiche trasparenti giocano con pietre rosse, verdi o nere. Intanto l’arte di Lora Nikolova continua a completarsi con i mono-orecchini: come fossero un gesto breve ma risoluto per agghindare anche il profilo del volto.
Silvia Scorcella
{ pubblicato su Webelieveinstyle }
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hylianengineer · 2 years
Wanna see something cool but disturbing?
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Image description: a faded blue plastic bottle with a white lid. The label reads, in Italian, “Nuovo Dolomit per vetri” End ID.
This is a bottle that once contained glass cleaner. It was made in the 1960s, and only recently found washed up on the beach in Ferrara, Italy. It’s now part of a museum called Archaeoplastica, which is, as the name suggests, all about old plastic, and uses it to raise awareness about plastic pollution. The fact that this bottle is still intact, even legible, after 50 years in the Mediterranean is frankly insane.
National Geographic’s got an article about this museum, or you can check out the museum website - it’s in Italian, but you can either plug it into a translator or simply scroll through the pictures in the digital museum, it’s pretty mindblowing.
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black-hole--sun · 1 year
io proporrei made in italy di rosa chemical come nuovo inno nazionale
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mezzopieno-news · 1 year
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Ridare vita alle aziende attraverso una riconversione che ne risalti la capacità di generare valore e benessere. Francesco Borgomeo è un imprenditore laziale che attraverso interventi di salvataggio e recupero industriale porta nell’attività d’impresa più principi generativi, quello di salvare posti di lavoro, valorizzare le competenze e preservare l’ambiente. Presidente del gruppo Saxa Gres sorto nel 2015 in piena crisi del settore della ceramica italiana, ha fatto rinascere una decina di aziende destinate a chiudere come la storica Ideal Standard e la Marazzi Sud, facendole diventare leader di innovazione e di economia circolare capaci di trasformare gli scarti in prodotti di valore.
Il concetto di partenza è la trasformazione delle lavorazioni attraverso nuovi approcci alle fonti di approvvigionamento dei materiali e dell’energia. “Sono settori i cui costi fino a poco tempo fa erano considerati incomprimibili” afferma Borgomeo, “Oggi siamo in grado di pensare a nuovi canali di reperimento della materia prima, guardando al mondo degli scarti e delle fonti rinnovabili, abbassando i costi e tornando a essere competitivi senza colpire le persone; questa è la immensa opportunità dell’economia circolare”. Questa idea gli ha permesso di salvare il settore della ceramica italiano attraverso la creazione delle Circular factory e anche grazie all’introduzione di un nuovo materiale ottenuto dalle ceneri di scarto degli impianti termovalorizzatori che tramite una lavorazione industriale diventa prodotto di base per l’edilizia, il Grestone, a impatto ambientale bassissimo. “Così si evita che vengano scavate le montagne nei Paesi lontani e spesso a spese di mano d’opera sfruttata”.
“Dove ci sono le competenze si può salvare il lavoro e l’esperienza, reinventando i processi e valorizzando le persone e la loro capacità” racconta l’imprenditore a Mezzopieno. “Il Made in Italy è sinonimo di cose belle e di capacità di inventare e di fare. Nel nostro Paese abbiamo persone straordinarie che permettono agli imprenditori di fare miracoli, senza delocalizzare”. “Il mio obiettivo è creare benessere nelle comunità in cui si lavora e lavoratori felici oltre a produrre qualità che dura nel tempo, salvaguardando la natura”.
“Mettere la persona al centro significa valorizzarla nel suo rapporto con la società, l’ambiente e la storia, non solo come individuo ma come elemento di una comunità umana”. “Ciò che è alla fine può diventare un inizio” suggerisce l’imprenditore, rievocando la sua laurea in filosofia e la sua ispirazione radicata nella fede cristiana. Saxa Gres è stata inserita da Forbes tra le 100 eccellenze italiane per la sostenibilità nel mondo.
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In un’era di veloci cambiamenti, la gestione delle risorse nei mutamenti dei mercati diventa un fattore fondamentale nella gestione e pianificazione dell’impresa. Ogni processo economico vive delle fasi ed ha un suo ciclo e saperne comprendere le evoluzioni e le opportunità è uno degli elementi più importanti per mantenere viva e generativa un’attività.
La riconversione è un processo che consente alle imprese di rispondere in modo più attento ai bisogni del mercato, ad essere competitive e sostenibili e ad inserirsi in settori di produzione a domanda più elevata, rispetto a quello in cui già operano, attraverso l’introduzione di nuovi processi o alla trasformazione di quelli esistenti. Lo scopo è quello di poter produrre beni o servizi differenti da quelli precedentemente prodotti o erogati e aumentare il valore dell’attività, rimanendo coerenti con il ruolo generativo dell’impresa. A differenza della ristrutturazione, la riconversione non richiede necessariamente una riduzione dei livelli occupazionali e può permettere una transizione dinamica che implementa nuovi valori, nuove figure lavorative e maggior benessere. Oltre ai motivi economici, i principi etici che spingono le imprese ad adottare una politica di riconversione possono essere guidati dalla volontà di essere più vicini al mercato, favorire l’implementazione di un progresso tecnico o di una scoperta che migliorino la vita e il mondo e cogliere le opportunità per rispondere ai bisogni della società, invece di crearne di nuovi come insegnano alcuni modelli di marketing. Riconvertire può ridare vita a settori che sono saturi o che hanno smesso di creare valore e allargare il campo di collaborazione dell’impresa nel rapporto con le università e il mondo della ricerca, con il settore bancario e finanziario e delle nuove tecnologie.
A questo proposito, le misure lanciate dal Green Deal europeo prevedono la mobilitazione di circa mille miliardi di euro per rendere l’economia del vecchio continente totalmente sostenibile attraverso un programma dalla durata trentennale che mira nei primi anni ad una riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 del 50% fino al raggiungimento dell’obiettivo finale previsto per il 2050 con un modello di società totalmente neutrale sotto l’aspetto delle emissioni. Approfittare del Green Deal può permettere una riconversione ecologica delle imprese e dell’intera economia, virando nella direzione dell’economia circolare, verso nuovi modelli di business dove il profitto è a servizio del mondo e della società.
Fonte: Francesco Borgomeo; Saxa Gres per Mezzopieno
Questo articolo è tratto dal programma Mezzopieno nelle aziende per l’organizzazione positiva del lavoro | scopri di più.
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mirmidones · 1 year
i maneskin dovrebbero fare di made in italy by rosa chemical il loro nuovo mantra di vita. solo allora ci potrà essere speranza
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