#nurse aj
thicksexyasswomen44 · 3 months
Personal Care
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Don't go out too late at night!
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justsomeunsurefancat · 8 months
“People were hanged in front of patients.”⁣
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“People were hanged in front of patients.”⁣ ⁣ Bisan Owda (@wizard_bisan1) spoke to Palestinians in December who survived Israel’s dayslong siege of the Indonesian Hospital, one of northern Gaza’s largest health care facilities. Eyewitnesses say Israeli forces tortured and killed wounded people. A nurse told AJ+ that people inside the hospital were forced to sleep in the same rooms as corpses.⁣
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tragicxensemble · 8 months
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One More Chance (At Love) (Pt.1/?)
Slowburn Mark Sloan x Reader x George O'Malley
TW/CW: Mentions of medical terms and just overall Grey's anatomy gore, social anxiety/ anxiousness, Christina being passive-aggressive to the reader of you squint, Love triangle, jump cuts
AJ's a new intern at Seattle Grace Hospital and the niece of Miranda Bailey. She has an average reputation and never heard of 'McSteamy' a.k.a Mark Sloan upon moving to Seattle and working at Seattle Grace. Not understanding the hype around him nor falling for his charm, he ends up falling first and hard because he thinks she's "hard to get". He tries his best to flirt with her but to no avail, because she never picks up on any of those social cues to realize that he has been flirting with her the entire time because of her being neurodivergent (specifically AuDHD). Besides Mark, there's also someone else who has been eyeing AJ since they met.
Ps: This is mostly a self-insert but you can still read and enjoy this!! It's been a while since I've made a fic and I think it's time for a fresh start :). This takes place in mid-season 2 (specifically episode 9, a month before the Thanksgiving part of the episode starts then jumpcuts to the events of the Thanksgiving episode) to around the end of season 3. There are a lot of jump cuts in this fic and rhe reader is black
Wc: 3.4k
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@spexialvixtimxunit @verytalented
Seattle Grace Hospital. A hospital filled with opportunities and so much drama that it could be a full-course meal. That is, of course, if you're interested in having surgeries and nonstop sleepless nights on the menu. If so, then sign me up. Having the opportunity to work in the same hospital as my Aunt was a blessing and a curse. She knew that I was studying to become a surgeon, but what she didn't know was that I would be working in the same hospital as her. The other interns around me called her 'The Nazi' but I simply called her Auntie Mandy.
No one knew that she was my aunt so they had no room to treat me differently because of my association with her. I deserved to be in that surgical program just as much as they did. I worked my ass off to become a well-respected doctor, not a punching bag for bottomless insults. So, my strategy to survive the internship came in 3 easy rules. A guide that I follow every day.
1. Befriend the Nurses.
This step was relatively easy. I'm always kind to everyone I meet unless they give me a reason to be mean. Plus, I would hate to get stuck on doing rectal exams or sutures for hours on end just because I pissed a nurse off. They're human beings just like me and deserve equal respect because it took them years of med school to get to where they are.
2. Keep to myself and only speak when spoken to (a.k.a practically become invisible to almost everyone unless I'm given instructions to complete a task.)
Now, this step is a relatively difficult one to follow. I have no clue who I will encounter upon being on Auntie Mandy's service and they would make my experience at SG unpredictable. I won't let them get to know me upon surface-level things about me. It's too risky for them to find out even the smallest incriminating detail about me. I'll just have to wait for the right moment to tell anyone that Bailey is my Aunt.
And lastly, my most hated rule.
3. NEVER unmask, unless necessary.
Masking in itself is extremely difficult. If I show any sign of my neurodivergence to neurotypicals who don't understand what it's like to hide parts of yourself every day 24/7, I'm looking at weeks of being a laughing stock and judged by everyone. Even though this is a possibility, the road to being a surgeon is never easy for anyone.
So, with that being said you would say that I have 3 impossible rules to follow. I would have to try my absolute hardest to not expose myself but also to be on top of my game in this program if I want to make it in the real surgical world.
My alarm rings at the ripe time of 5 am. I had to be at the hospital by 7:00 am before 7:30 am rounds started and before I could officially be assigned to my resident. I knew before today that I was going to be assigned to Auntie Mandy because of the letter in the mail a few weeks ago declaring my official internship and transfer to Seattle Grace. As well as what day I would start working. Transferring hospitals is like transferring schools, you have to start all over again in a new place. New environment. With completely new people. People who are already used to each other and probably friends with each other. Whereas I'm the new kid, the outcast. The kid that sits alone during lunch while everyone has already created their cliques.
I took a few deep breaths before getting out of bed to stop myself from becoming anxious at the thought of all the wrong outcomes that could happen. I made sure to pack comfort snacks the night before and an emergency meltdown/overstimulation bag that consisted of earplugs, a few small but effective fidget toys, compactable noise-canceling headphones, and an mp3 player that has my comfort songs on speed dial. I made my bed, as I usually do to start my morning. Following up on that, I meditated and did yoga for an hour and a half. It's a way to calm and ground myself before I tackle whatever the day brings me.
I did my morning routine and skin care before heading back to my room, to change into my outfit.
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By this time it was already 6:40 am. I had enough time to spare to moisturize my locs and bring a scrunchie with me so that I could put my hair up when needed at work. I made sure to grab my messenger bag and my snacks for the long shift and promptly left my apartment at 6:50 am. The drive to work was roughly 15 minutes but ended up being 20 minutes with traffic. I didn't live far away from the hospital, which was alright in my opinion. I arrived there at 7:05 am and began to park. After I parked and got out of the car, a motorcyclist drove up loud and parked 2 spots away from me.
Right in the middle of my car and the motorcycle came another car with 2 women and a guy who I'd assume knew the female motorcyclist because the group of 4 joined each other and I began walking into the building behind them. Mid-walk, another guy joins the group after what I'd assume was his morning jog. He was huffing and saying something I couldn't make out because of me keeping my distance from them so that they wouldn't assume that I was following them even though I was. I had no freaking clue on where anything in this ginormous hospital was. Sure I had a tour of the hospital but it's so easy to forget the layout when I've only been in it once.
While we waited for the elevator I quietly said, "Excuse me," as I tapped the shoulder of a brown-haired guy with cute doe eyes. He stopped talking with the blonde-haired woman and turned to face me. "I'm sorry, but could you help direct me to the surgical locker room? I'm not entirely sure where it is." As I was speaking the rest of the group turned to look at me, which was not intimidating in any way. (Yes it was.) "Yeah sure, We're actually on our way there." says the doe-eyed guy. "I'm George O'Malley by the way, that's Izzie Stevens, Alex Karev, Meredith Grey, and Christina Yang. We're all surgical interns." George introduced the names to the faces of everyone and I hoped for the best that I could remember their names.
"Oh, I'm AJ. AJ Brown. I'm also an intern here. It's my first day." I spoke. "What! That's cool, we could show you around sometime!" Izzie said as the elevator dinged. I nodded and followed their lead and got on the elevator with them, standing near the back of it. I listened as they talked about how their mornings went. The elevator stopped at the second floor. After making a few turns into the corridors, we finally made it to the locker room.
"What's your locker number?" Meredith asked as she began to walk to her locker. "Uh, it's G - 23," I responded as I looked around at my surroundings. Everyone was already getting changed. "Oh, nice you have a locker next to me!" Izzie smiled. The digital clock on the wall read 7:15 am, there was enough time to change into my scrubs and have my pager and stethoscope ready. As I was putting my shoes on Meredith spoke to me, "So, AJ, where are you from?" She asked as she closed her locker door. "Oh, I'm from a small town in Illinois," I answered. "What's a city girl like you doing all the way here in rainy ol' Seattle? Besides to work here?" Alex chimed in, "Family, stuff." I spoke shortly, in hopes of ending the conversation.
"That's nice that you can be near family here. Also, who's service are you on?" Izzie asked. "I have Dr. Bailey," I spoke as I stood up while closing my locker. "Awesome, she has the Nazi too." Christina deadpanned as they all began to finish up. "Christina, be nice!" Meredith nudged Christina's arm and tried her best to whisper that to her but failed. "We can show you where she is today." The group leaves the locker room and I trail behind them to find my Aunt.
We head to the elevator and we make it to the third floor, where we come to a spacious waiting area and a front desk that I'd assume contained charts and other important patient information. Among the crowd of people walking around stood Auntie Mandy, writing in a chart binder at the front desk. "Good morning Dr. Bailey." They all said one by one, before George spoke, "I think we have a new intern with us that's on your service." That sparked her to look up from the chart. "New intern? What new intern?" She said almost with an attitude. They all miraculously parted like the Red Sea to reveal my presence to her.
"Well, I'll be damned! If it isn't AJ!" Bailey replied with a smile before running up to hug me, which shocked the group as if they had never seen her act sweet towards anyone. She released me from her grasp and said, "I had no idea they were assigning you to my service! How's your mom? I know everyone must miss me back there in Illinois." Bailey chirped. I hesitated and replied shortly, "Everyone's fine and they do." I laughed awkwardly. "Wait? How do you know Dr. Bailey and how does she know you?" Christina asked, answering the burning question that was floating around in everyone's head.
"She's-" Before Dr. Bailey could finish her sentence our pagers went off. Talk about being saved by the bell. Or beep in this case. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in as we all began to follow Bailey's orders on where to be assigned. George ended up being the one to be my guide for the day as I helped him with patients and got used to doing checkups and filling out charts for a few hours. After that, Bailey assigned George to teach me how to run labs and work on sutures in the pit, as well as prescribing actual medicine to the patients. Before I knew it, it was lunchtime.
"Hey, would you like to have lunch with me? I'm usually with everyone because we all eat together sometimes." George asked softly as we headed to the cafeteria I assumed. "Uh, sure." I agreed. I brought a simple lunch with me, a turkey sandwich, apple slices, and carrots. While George offered to buy me apple juice. As I began to sit down next to George, Christina let out a loud groan and said lowly to herself, "Why did George invite someone we barely know to lunch, it's like she's his pet or something." This time Merideth kicked Christina's leg under the table, which caused her to verbally say 'ow' in response.
Upon hearing that comment, before I could start eating I got up and excused myself by saying, "I think left my pager in my locker. I'm gonna go get it." I grabbed all of my things and left immediately, what did I expect from a bunch of strangers? I found an empty hallway with abandoned beds and I ate in silence.
George's POV
AJ grabbed her things and speed walked away. Christina scoffed and spoke, "Looks like she ran off to go find her mommy, Dr. Bailey," Everyone let out laughs at Christina's 'joke' if you even call it that. "Enough!" I yelled as I slammed my hands on the table, "She has been nothing but nice to you guys and this is how you treat her on her first day? People deserve chances and you guys never even gave her that option to one." I grabbed the rest of my lunch and stormed off in hopes of finding AJ, before hearing out what everyone was going to say to my brief speech.
I was almost done eating my lunch when I heard a familiar voice say, "There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" It was George. What a relief. "You have?" I said as I finished the last of my apple slices before I threw away the remaining trash. "Look, I'm sorry that they were mean to you, they don't like new people coming into their space." George apologized before he sat somewhat next to me. "You don't have to apologize for them George, it's not your place to apologize for them." I feigned a smile to try to reassure him.
"Sometimes they make fun of me too. And I wonder if they're my friends or if I'm convincing myself that they are," George confessed. "Well, can you be yourself when you're around them?" I questioned. George didn't answer. "If you have to think about it for a long time then maybe you should reconsider if they are your friends. Real friends don't make fun of you for being you. They appreciate your uniqueness and don't judge you." I declared. "It seems like you're a friend expert." I laughed a little at his comment. "I've had a lot of friends but never kept any of them so I know what it's like." I spoke truthfully, "Thanks for the lunch, George." I thanked him before I walked away once again.
By that evening, my hands and feet were tired from walking and constantly talking to all the people. I desperately needed time to recharge my social battery because I could feel myself starting to get overstimulated. The lights were starting to get too bright and the bustling noise could make anyone go insane. I had a few minutes to myself in the on-call room so I spent it playing with my Tangle fidget toy and listening to a playlist of my favorite Michael Jackson songs in the dark while lying down on one of the beds on the bottom bunk. Needless to say, I ended up falling asleep for a good hour before I faintly heard the door open.
"AJ, wake up, Dr. Bailey needed me to find you," George said as he tapped my shoulder in an attempt to wake me. I groaned before sitting up on my elbows and glaring at him for waking me up, "I'm sorry to wake you but she needs more hands in the pit." He confessed which caused me to roll my eyes. I nodded before shoving my MP3 player and fidget toy down in my lab coat pocket. I put my shoes back on while George watched and we both headed out to the pit together.
Only a few more hours to go.
My first 12-hour shift was finally over. The aching in my feet was beyond compare even though I had comfortable shoes on made for walking. I went back to the locker room to change and I found myself left with a few people and George changing near me. "Are you autistic? I mean, if you are that's okay with me. I won't tell the others if you don't want to tell them so that they don't make fun of you. I'm not saying that they will but they can be mean sometimes. Well, not Izzie. Wait no, Izzie can be mean sometimes but not in-" I just stared at him until he finished rambling.
"Sorry, that was rude. I didn't mean to assume or anything. It's just that I-" George began again before I stopped him. This must have been on his mind all day. "Yes, I'm autistic and I have Adhd as well. And I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone because I don't want any attention on me about it. People will treat me differently." I shrugged it off to George as I grabbed my bag. "Can I ask why?" George said as he sat down on the bench. "Why what?" I replied, not looking at him. "Why don't you want to tell anyone?" I let out a huff and closed the locker before I faced him.
"This is breaking my rules," I mumbled, "Rules? What do you mean?" There was confusion in his voice but I could hear that he wanted to understand. "Ever since I was a kid, I always knew that I was different. I never had a lot of friends growing up and I never was invited to birthday parties because of how people treated me for being different. I don't normally spill my life to people I just met but I feel like I can trust you. I've been judged about my diagnosis of AuDHD. There's no point in trying to be myself when I can be what people expect me to be."
"But doesn't that get tiring? Having to mask all the time?" He asked and I nodded quickly. "It's hard to get a break and for people to not stare at me when I stim and fidget," I said disappointingly, "But what do I expect?" I shrugged it off and began to make my way to the door. "It's hard being myself in a room full of people who don't get you, but thanks anyway for trying to understand George, have a good night."
And with that, I once again walked away. It's becoming a habit now.
(A month later, at the start of episode 9)
Izzie had invited me over to help cook and decorate the house for Thanksgiving. I wore a simple outfit, a black long sleeve with denim jeans and black Converse. My favorite brand of shoes.
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When I arrived I was greeted by Izzie rushing to get me inside. "I need you to get George for me, he's upstairs and he's supposed to be helping me cook but he hasn't left his room yet," Izzie said frantically. "Oh, okay. Um. Where exactly is his room? I've never been here before." I said while taking off my leather jacket and Izzie hanging it up for me.
"It's up the stairs, down the hall, and to the right." I listened to her directions and I reached George's room. I gently knocked on the door and waited for a reply. "Come in!" George said from the other side. I carefully opened it and saw him fully clothed on his bed with his eyes shut. "Why are you just lying on your bed?" I spoke as I closed his door behind me. He quickly opened his eyes, not knowing it was me.
"AJ! I- when did you get here?" He hurried and sat up to look at me. "I got here just now, not too long ago. You know Izzie wants you downstairs to help right?" I sat down on the end of his bed before he plopped back down with a huff. "I know but I'm afraid to go out there." I quirked a brow, "Afraid? Why would you be afraid?" As I said that he held his hands up and began counting down from 10. A thunderous noise arose from downstairs, and just when he reached zero, 3 men barged into his and screamed, "O'Malley!!"
Startled by the sudden noise, I looked at George for an answer. "Because of that." George huffed again. "Georgie, since when did you have a girlfriend? And she's hot too." I was taken aback at the man's comment. "C'mon, you know Georgie never gets laid," George rolled his eyes before getting up, trying to hide his embarrassment from me. "Please ignore my idiotic brothers," He began to go to his closet and grab camo wear. "Where are you going? Aren't you going to help Izzie?" There was desperation in those chocolate-brown eyes of his, and just when he was about to explain himself the older man chimed in and said, "Our Georgie is gonna kill his first turkey this year, I can feel it!"
"Dad you know Georgie isn't gonna kill a turkey, he never does." His eldest brother spoke, "No, he's gonna chicken out like how he usually does-" "Shut up!" George says while his brothers laugh, his face turning as red as a tomato now. "I'll be back as soon as I can to help. I promise I won't miss dinner." George tells me as he puts on his beanie and I thought he couldn't look any cuter. "Well, you better tell Izzie that," I scoffed as his family began to drag him out of the room chanting 'O'Malley' over and over again until they were down the stairs and out of the door.
"I don't think they're coming back any time soon." Izzie whined, "I hope he doesn't actually kill a bird."
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gryficowa · 1 month
Boycott Disney and all Zionists! Don't give them money!
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Do you ever go back to old songs like "Forever Young" or "The Five Ghosts" albums, and because of everything that's going on in the world, these songs suddenly take on a different meaning? I don't know why, but I've had this feeling lately
I don't know, something strange happened to me and you know, I had to write about it, because I specifically go back to many old songs (Of course not Zionists like Bob Dylan…), it's just quite different and that's how I'll describe it, I can't describe it describe, but it all changed the meaning for me and well…
Now that I have your attention:
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vctrvn-ls · 1 year
Being Sick |Beta Squad|
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yeah im sick, v sad but #not3ambutsickthoughts
nice and short
「 ✦ Chunkz✦ 」
Would pull out any and every trick his mom did in his youth when he was sick. He’d tell you all about Somalian herbs, plants and how they’re good for you. For example Pelargonium and the boost it gives to your immune system. I don’t really see Chunkz as the “I’ll get off work just to take care of you” typa guy, like don’t get me wrong he’d be worried as hell but he’s too much of a busy man to drop everything, and you’d respect that because as soon as he got home all of his attention would be on you and you only, baby. Besides he believes that the best cure is a good rest (I feel like I know that for a fact)
「 ✦AJ ✦ 」
Now AJ thinks the best cure is laughter. He knows how boring it could be, staying at home for a week and lying in bed all day, so he’d try and make your days less miserable. He wouldn’t change too much, he’d still violate you and bully you, saying stuff like “you’re the only one who got sick, loser” but at the same time he’d be bringing you your medicine, food and whatever else you needed. He’d definitely feel bad at first, but as soon as you start getting better he will not hesitate to annoy you again. Honestly AJ would be around you so much that your body would fight off the disease faster just so you could get out of the house. Lovingly tho cause AJ is the best <3
「 ✦Kenny ✦ 」
Gosh where do I start? The fuss this guy would make!! First when he finds out that you’re sick he’d lecture you like a mom. “Didn’t I tell you to dress warmer?” , “Why’d you have ice cold drinks if you already had a sore throat?” , “Why didn’t you tell me straight away that you were sick?” He’d walk up and down the room waving his hands around while you sat there with a guilty look on your face. But you know he’s mad only because he cares that much for you, and it’s not long before he apologizes for acting pissed and starts running around you, bringing every type of medicine he could think of. He’d order your favorite take out, get you a warm beverage and turn on a movie for the two of you to enjoy before you dozed off to sleep on his shoulder.
「 ✦Niko ✦ 」
Yeah he’d drop everything he’s doing for you and make sure you are well before continuing on with his life. First thing he’d do is call in a nurse, and after that buy everything the nurse suggests. He might even go a little over the top with the buying. Medicine aside, he’d make sure youre happy and aware that he’s ready to do anything you need. Like cmon Niko is the most SELFLESS man on this planet, he’d actually be ready to do anything!! He’d sleep next to you, just in case you woke up at night feeling unwell, but he wouldnt sleep too close since he wouldn’t want to get sick as well, which would result in him not being able to help you get well as much as he would want to.
「 ✦ Sharky ✦ 」
Girl he’d do the opposite of Niko and literally have you in his embrace every second (unless you feeling like you need some alone time) He’d make chicken soup and as shitty as it might actually taste, you’d still eat it because he made it with aaallll his love. When you’re napping, he’d be beside you editing his videos (in headphones of course) or he’d be replying to emails and whatever else work related. Would he care that your sick? NO! KISSES EVERY DAY AND NIGHT!
“Sharks you’re gonna get sick!” You giggle and try push him away from you. “Nahh.” He’d shake his head before sprinkling your face with kisses. With all his love and support, you’ll be getting well in no time.
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i-am-aprl · 8 months
"People were hanged in front of patients."
Bisan Owda (@wizard_bisan1) spoke to Palestinians in December who survived Israel's dayslong siege of the Indonesian Hospital, one of northern Gaza's largest health care facilities. Eyewitnesses say Israeli forces tortured and killed wounded people. A nurse told AJ+ that people inside the hospital were forced to sleep in the same rooms as corpses.
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thicksexyasswomen44 · 6 months
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pilesofpillows · 1 month
Stars Aglow Ch. 4 || Okoye x Attuma
A Sea of Stars ~ Part 3 of 3
Ch. 1 • Ch. 2 • Ch. 3
Warnings: An Excessive Amount of Fluff, Talk of Marriage
Tags: @mamajankyy @xenokattz @tvreadsandsleep @ariyannah @iccedays @blissdoutbyattuma @karimk2 @umber-cinders @mickimomo @dontruinmymorning @princess-of-gondor
Okoye smothered a laugh with her hand, studiously avoiding Nakia’s eyes as they watched Toussaint peer cautiously over the oversized crib the triplets slept in. T’Challa’s son stood on his toes, glancing back and forth between Okoye and her children skeptically. His face was twisted into the most adorable of frowns, and she nearly lost the fight to keep her composure when the boy turned to them with an aggrieved sigh.
“They’re very small, umakazi. And they’re sleeping again,” T’Challa whispered— or at least, attempted to as he stepped into the space between her legs. 
Okoye hugged her precious nephew, trying to quell the laughter bubbling in her chest at his decidedly underwhelmed expression. Junior had waited an eternity (nearly three weeks) to meet the triplets, and Okoye feared the three small infants (who did very little but sleep and eat) hadn’t quite lived up to his expectations. 
“I know they are, sweet boy. But they will grow; you have to give them time,” she consoled with a chuckle. “They’ve only just arrived, you know.”
He returned her embrace, sinking into her arms and sighing again. “Can I still teach them Go Fish?”
“Probably not anytime soon, ingwe enci. But when they are old enough, I’m sure they would love to learn.” Okoye lifted T’Challa into her lap, relishing the ability to hold him close without the barrier of her belly. “You will be the first cousin they know, the one they love the most. You’ll be their best friend and greatest protector, and when the time comes, I’m sure you will be the best Go Fish teacher in all of Wakanda.”
Her nephew grinned at that, chest puffing out proudly. “I will teach them Go Fish when I am–,” he paused, counting quietly to himself, “ten!” he announced, holding out both hands, fingers splayed. “I’ll know other stuff then, too, so I can teach them lots.”
“Indeed you will, chan baláam.” Attuma’s voice sounded from the doorway of the nursery, drawing both of their attention. He and Namora stepped into the large room, both still damp from escorting Ixtli and the Talokanil nursing team to the eastern side of the Continent for the journey home. 
Toussaint wriggled from Okoye’s lap and greeted them with exclamations of joy, only looking a little abashed when Nakia reminded him to keep his voice down. Nonetheless, he took a running leap toward Attuma and giggled when he was caught and hoisted onto her beloved’s waist. Attuma received an affectionate forehead press and Namora, a series of salutes followed by an enthusiastic high-five. 
Her nephew touched Attuma’s hair, taking in his and Namora’s damp appearance, and scolded them in a loud whisper. “You’re still wet, Uncle Tuna! You and Nacomora need to use the dryer better.”
His face and countenance were so serious that Okoye lost the battle with her laughter at Nakia’s unrestrained snort, the mangled combination of Namora’s title and name sending them into a fit of hushed giggles. It didn’t help that Namora refused to correct him. She claimed it was a blessing from her chan aj baláam and even prohibited them from correcting him. 
Indulging T’Challa was a crime they were all guilty of, and Okoye could already tell it would be the same, if not worse, with her children. 
Her giggles tapered off, and she shook her head at her sister as Attuma set Toussaint down, crouching before the boy and solemnly promising to use the dryers better next time. Her nephew beamed at him, offering his littlest finger and extracting a pinky promise from his uncle before darting across the room to his mother, pestering her for the cashews she was snacking on. 
Attuma rose with a quiet chuckle and crossed the room, stopping at her side and dropping a kiss on her head. Reaching up, Okoye pushed his hair out of his face and pressed their foreheads together. He’d been gone for less than an hour, but she’d missed him like it’d been days. They hadn’t been apart since the triplets were born, and if this was how she felt now, Okoye dreaded to think of what she would feel when he went back to work. 
That wouldn’t be anytime soon, of course, so she put the thought out of her mind and tilted her chin up, kissing the corner of his mouth. Attuma turned his head and caught her lips in a brief kiss, and she gave a quiet hum.
“Ts'o'ok u taktal in wilech xan, in yakunaj [I missed you too, my love],” he whispered against her lips, kissing her quickly again. 
Okoye offered him a soft smile as he drew back and settled into the reclining rocking chair beside her, then turned to Namora. “Did Ixtli and the team get out okay?” 
“Chaac has blessed the winds and the waters are calm; their journey home should be swift,” The Talokanil general replied, softening her voice as she neared the crib. She reached a careful hand in and traced the pattern on the edge of B’atz’s blanket, smiling down at her godson. 
“Good, I’m glad to hear it.” Okoye said sincerely. “We’ll miss them— Ixtli especially. Please thank her again for me, for us.” She would always be grateful to the iyom k’exelom for helping her bring three children safely into the world. She and the Talokanil nurses had made a world of difference in the delivery room and helped immensely in the week of bed rest she’d been mandated to afterward. 
Namora gave the slightest nod of acknowledgment, eyes fixed on B’atz, gazing down at the sleeping infant with pure adoration. The Talokanil general loved all the triplets, but Okoye knew her secondborn already held a special place in her heart. Shuri and Ayo were the same with T’Khwezi and Ixazaluoh, and between their grandparents and godparents, Okoye could proudly say her children were well loved. 
“I don’t think she heard you, diosa. Her ears have gone, along with her head,” Attuma quietly teased his fellow general. He leaned close with a smirk and interwove their fingers. “You could not have known, of course, but babies are one of Namora’s greatest weaknesses.” Okoye snickered at his antics as her beloved gave a heavy sigh and a solemn shake of his head. “I fear our formidable Yeh Kaaye’ Nacom has gone k’iinich [sun-eyed].” 
The Lionfish turned to Attuma with a glare as venomous as her way and arched a sharp brow at him. “You have little depth to tread, Uncle Tuna,” Namora spat back playfully. She leaned back on the railing of the crib and crossed her arms.“You’ve been k’iinich since a K’iino [your Sun] buried her foot in your chest.” 
Attuma let out a garbled sound of protest, trying to deny it, but Namora pressed on, shooting Okoye a conspiratorial glance. “His head has been full of ja'páak'alo' [seaweed] since he hit the water. I fear our mighty Xook Nacom hasn’t been the same since,” she finished, flashing her beloved a triumphant smile. 
The petulant look Attuma sent in Namora’s direction caused Okoye to snort gracelessly, drawing chuckles from Nakia and Namora. Their amusement was only intensified by her mother entering the nursery with a bewildered reprimand clear on her face for their somewhat raucous behavior. Her stern expression nearly caused Nakia to choke on the cashews she’d been snacking on, and Okoye’s attempts to explain sent them back into fits of uncontrollable laughter, their mouths covered in failing attempts to keep quiet. 
Okoye blew out a shaky breath as their laughs faded, wiping tears from the corners of her eyes. Bast as her witness, she couldn’t remember if she’d ever been this happy. Here, in this blissful bubble where smiles didn’t cease and laughter came easier than breathing, there was only joy. She was surrounded by more love now than she’d ever known, and her heart sang.  
“I leave for 10 minutes and come back to a pack of cackling hyenas,” her mother scolded, hands on her hips.
Okoye smiled at the newly minted grandmother’s unimpressed glare. “Jokes are meant to be laughed at, mama,” she replied.
“Keep it up, and you’ll have more than just me to contend with,” the matriarch said, shaking her head, but the mirth in her eyes gave her away.
Okoye pressed her lips together to smother the last bout of giggles that threatened to escape, and she looked over to the crib where her babies slept, blissfully unaware of the lively chaos surrounding them. Namora’s attention had returned to the trio as well, and she reached her hand in again, thumbing the edge of Ixazaluoh’s blanket this time as Okoye’s youngest grizzled in her sleep. 
The Lionfish hummed, smile dimming slightly, and she cleared her throat, glancing back at Okoye. “K’uk’ulkan has also sent word— he plans to be here by the afternoon.”
Okoye couldn’t hide her wince at the words, feeling the giddy atmosphere dissipate abruptly at the mention of the Talokanil king. She cast a fretful glance toward her mother, and the matriarch scoffed as if on cue.
“He plans?” came the scathing question, her voice pitching along with her brow. “Did he ask?” 
“Mama, nceda,” she pled, seeing Namora stiffen and hearing Nakia sigh. “Ndiqinisekile ukuba unqwenela ukudibana nabantwana. [I’m sure he just wishes to meet the children.]” 
“Iminqweno yakhe ichitha iimbeko ezilula ngoku, hm? [His wishes overrule simple courtesies now, hm?]” Her mother retorted with a disbelieving huff, drawing a pointed hum from Nakia.
Okoye shot her sister a chiding look, and the woman shrugged, popping another cashew into her mouth. Nakia wasn’t an avid fan of K’uk’ulkan either, but they both knew her mother needed no aid in expressing her discontent. She turned to her mother, silently imploring her to choose peace. The woman kissed her teeth in response and gave a dismissive wave of her hand, agreeing to be civil for the time being. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, she shook her head and muttered a quick prayer, asking Bast for patience.
“Did he send word on how long he plans to stay?” she asked, turning back to Namora, who’d tuned them out, murmuring quiet words over the triplets instead. A dazed, questioning hum came in response, and Okoye elaborated. “I know M’Baku won’t mind, but Ayo certainly will.” 
The Talokanil woman blinked as she considered the question, and then her eyes widened almost comically. 
Okoye bit back a snort at her friend’s distressed expression. “I’m sure it’s fine. The guest chambers likely won’t need much preparation, and Nakia can go with you so she can assist the General with security protocols.” Her sister stopped mid-cashew, gaze narrowing at her, and Okoye smiled blithely.
“Well, I suppose I’ve been given my marching orders,” Nakia huffed with a roll of her eyes. She unfolded her legs and stood, passing the rest of her snack to Toussaint. “Come, Nacom. Let’s pray to Bast and Chaac that the General is in a gracious mood this morning.”
Okoye chuckled at the pained expression that crossed Namora’s face as they left the room. “You can always bribe her with baby cuddles,” she called after them, snickering when Nakia kissed her teeth in response. 
Hearing Ixazaluoh grunt softly, she glanced at the clock. If the pattern established in these first two weeks held true, they would all wake soon, and her youngest would wake first— loudly. She turned her head and found Attuma already standing and smiled as he leaned close, bracing his hands on the armrests of her chair.
“Any requests for your midday snack, na' in paalal? Fruit? Yogurt? One of your snack bowls, perhaps?”
“Can you check and see if we have more of those protein balls your mother made?” She cupped his cheeks and made her requests known through a series of chaste kisses against his lips. “The peanut butter and date ones?” A few more kisses because she couldn’t resist the smile in his eyes. “Maybe a cup of yogurt, too?”
“Bix in yaakunaj ku k'áatik,” he whispered in reply, kissing her soundly before beckoning Junior to come with him as they went to raid the kitchen for more snacks. 
Okoye rose from her seat, briefly meeting her mother’s knowing stare before rolling her eyes. “Don’t start…”
“Eh? Start what, intomba?” 
Her mother’s attempt at innocence was laughable, and Okoye snickered accordingly as she crossed behind the elder woman. 
“He’s a good man, Okoye,” she said, putting her hands on her hips and fixing her mother with the same earnest expression she’d been hit with far too often in the past few months, “He’s already an excellent father. Why not make him your husband?” 
Her mother harrumphed at the imitation and mirrored Okoye’s stance. “And why should you not?” she whispered exasperatedly. “Aside from the fact you’re both singularly devoted to one another and have three reasons to remain so, that man worships the very ground you walk on. Every day I become more convinced he believes the Sun rises and sets at your behest. And no matter what you are determined to call it, the two of you are certainly not ‘co-parenting’.”
She spat the word with such derision that Okoye couldn’t help but shake her head. Sighing, she scooped her own daughter from between her brothers, hushing her gently with sweet kisses to round cheeks. They’d had this conversation no less than ten times and would likely have it ten more until Okoye acquiesced— out loud. 
She already knew she was going to marry Attuma. She’d known even while she was pregnant. There’d been no moment of grand revelation or wonder, just a deep ease— something quiet and sure that settled over her while she’d lain in the cradle of his arms after one of their countless hammock naps. There, in the afternoon sun, the pieces of it, of them, fell together seamlessly. 
They’d be married next spring, just after the children’s first birthday. She’d wear blue, but not the blue of the Border. His blue. Attuma would wear white, as was Talokanil custom, and the children would wear a mix of both. Tradition also required they wed where land and sea met, and for that, Okoye could see no better place than Warrior Falls. It was fitting, and in some roundabout way, it would heal something in her she hadn’t quite found solace for yet. They’d create a new memory there, a better one. Yoltzin and her mother would watch the triplets, Nakia and Ayo would be her matrons of honor, and the Muscle Brain would escort her bridal procession. And she’d have henna this time. Maybe Mayan glyphs instead of the traditional patterns.
But the details weren’t so important as the man, and the man was perfect. 
Her mother’s insistent murmurings broke her from her idyllic reverie as she bustled around the room, grabbing Okoye’s support pillow and a few burping cloths while she pressed forward on her mission to secure herself a son-in-law. “I’m simply saying–”
“–as you’ve been saying–” Okoye mused, settling back into the rocking recliner and unfastening Ixazaluoh’s swaddling blanket with deft fingers. 
“–as I’ve been saying…” the matriarch looked ready to swat her with one of the burping cloths. “He would be an excellent husband. He will be an excellent husband. And you wouldn’t even be doing it just for you! Wouldn’t you like to give your mother a son-in-law? A good son-in-law?”
“Have I not just given you grandchildren?” Okoye asked in false exasperation. “Three grandchildren?” she added before her mother could protest. “Let’s adjust to them first, eh? Then, we can talk son-in-laws.”
Her mother huffed in acceptance as she stepped closer and helped Okoye arrange the baby and the support pillow for both their comfort. Ixazaluoh’s eyes blinked open slowly as she settled into Okoye’s arms. The depth of their color hadn’t fully settled yet, but they were dark and hooded, just like her brothers— just like Attuma’s. Her daughter huffed, face almost immediately scrunching into a frown, and her mother chuckled above them. 
She lifted her youngest from her swaddle and kissed her a few more times. “Good afternoon, intombi yam,” she whispered soft words against soft skin, “Your brothers are sleeping. Let’s not wake them just yet, hm?”
Ixazaluoh paid her no mind, nuzzling into Okoye’s shoulder with soft grunts. Patient was not an apt descriptor for their youngest; cuddles would come after food. 
Okoye balanced her daughter in one arm while undoing her dress with the other. Her mother kissed the side of her head, then Ixazaluoh’s, before excusing herself to go find Attuma and Toussaint. She nodded absently, repositioning Ixazaluoh, cradling her against her left breast and helping her latch before her sweet girl kicked up too much of a fuss. Okoye traced the ridge of her brow, lowly humming that same lullaby from her pregnancy. The soft woosh of the door sliding open alerted her to Attuma’s return, and she glanced up, smiling at the overflowing tray of snacks he carried. 
“I see she wasted no time,” her beloved said with a chuckle, setting down the tray on the small table between their chairs. 
“Does she ever?” Okoye replied, echoing his amusement. 
Attuma retook his seat and held out the cup of the peanut butter and date balls she’d asked for. She popped one into her mouth and smiled, humming in pure contentment. The man she loved smiled back, wide and warm, and Okoye never wanted to be anywhere else but here. 
With him and their children. 
In this space. 
In this time.
She couldn’t have prayed for anything better.  
~plus venire~
A/N: There's a long ass author's note on Ao3 if anyone cares to read that. It details my upcoming writing plans in a little more depth. I won't bore you with the specifics here 😂 Instead, I'll say thank you forever and always to the Attoye Fandom for their continual love and support. Sharing my writing has been a privilege, and I hope to continue as the years go on. Thank you to every reader and for every reblog, reply, comment, and kudos. You all make my heart ridiculously happy 💕
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zepuckinghockey · 1 year
It's NHL wedding season! I'm aware of 10 NHLers who got married over the July 7-8, 2023 weekend as well as two related weddings. As best as I can, I've listed them out including as many verified player guests as I could find. Shoutout to the server for helping me ID a lot of generic looking faces. I've got some teams listed for context.
Feel free to let me know of people I've missed! This list has been edited on September 9th. I'm pretty sure wedding season is over, but feel free to message me with someone I missed.
June 16th, 2023 Weddings:
Kyle Clague - Sabres Notable Guests: Nolan Patrick
July 4th, 2023 Weddings:
Colin Blackwell - Hawks Notable Guests: Alex Kerfoot
July 6th, 2023 Weddings:
Tyler Bertuzzi - Red Wings Notable Guests: Michael Rasumussen, Zach Nastasiuk
July 7th, 2023 Weddings:
Alex Nedeljkovic - currently Penguins (previously Canes, Red Wings) Notable Attendees: Scott Wedgewood
Jordan Binnington - Blues Notable Attendees: Jordan Kyrou, Marco Scandella, Sammy Blais, Faulk, Perron, Logan Brown, Joshua Leivo, Vince Dunn, Robby Fabbri, Joel Edmundson, Robert Thomas, Oskar Sundqvist, Colton Parayko, Jake Walman
July 8th, 2023 Weddings:
Tyson Barrie - currently on the Preds (previously: Oilers, Leafs, Avs) Notable Attendees: everyone. Sidney Crosby, Nathan MacKinnon, Mitch Marner, Zach Hyman, Connor McDavid, Alex Kerfoot, John Tavares, Jack Campbell, Justin Holl, Evander Kane, Darnell Nurse, Mike Smith, Bayne Pettinger, Tyler Ennis, Colin Wilson, Michael Hutchinson, Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, Cody Ceci, Evan Bouchard, Luke Schenn, Devin Shore, Gabe Landeskog
Vinni Lettieri - currently on the Wild (previously Ducks) Notable Attendees: Trevor Zegras, Jake Bischoff, Tony DeAngelo, Jimmy Vesey, Kevin Hayes, Brady Skjei, Kevin Shattenkirk, John Gibson, Zach Bogosian, Sam Carrick, Jake Gardiner, James van Riemsdyk
Sam Reinhart - currently on the Panthers (previously Sabres) Notable Attendees: Mason Marchment, Brandon Montour, Owen Tippett
Chandler Stephenson - currently on the Knights (previously Caps) Notable Attendees: Will Carrier, Reilley Smith, Mark Stone, Cody Eakin, Jack Eichel, Alex Tuch
Sam Girard - currently on the Avs (previously Preds) Notable Attendees: Nicolas Aube-Kubel, Ryan Graves
Dylan Gambrell - currently on the Leafs (previously Sharks, Sens) Notable Attendees: Mathieu Joseph, Austin Watson (thanks anon!)
Gustav Forsling - currently on the Panthers Notable Attendees: Alex Wennberg, Marcus Hogberg, Patric Hornquist, Lucas Carlsson, Erik Gustafsson
Tyler Motte - (Rangers, Blue Jackets, Blackhawks, Senators, Canucks) Notable Attendees: Brock Boesser
Brett Richie - (Yotes, Flames)
Emerance Maschmeyer & Genevieve Lacasse - WoHo Olympic gold medalists Notable Attendees: Sarah Nurse, Erin Ambrose, Laura Stacey, Marie-Philip Poulin, Haley Irwin, just like all the big woho names
Dominik Tiffels - German hockey player Notable Attendees: Leon Draisaitl
Frankie Borrelli - Barstool Sports and Fore Play Golf Notable Attendees: Brock Nelson, Matt Martin, Adam Pelech, Scott Mayfield, Josh Bailey - info thanks to @barzyblogbabe
Morgan Reilly - Leafs Notable Attendees: his wife Tessa Virtue
July 13th, 2023 Weddings:
Dryden Hunt - Rangers Notable Guests: Kyle Burroughs
July 15th, 2023 Weddings:
Tyler Seguin - Stars (Bruins) Notable Guests: Jamie Benn, John Klingberg, Scott Wedgewood, Jesse Blacker, Mason Marchment, Ty Dellandrea, Justin Dowling
Luke Kunin - (Sharks, Wild) Notable Attendees: Colton Sissons, Matthew Tkachuk, Brady Tkachuk, (Taryn Tkachuk)
AJ Greer - Bruins (Avs, Devils) Notable Attendees: Scott Kosmachuk
Andy Andreoff - (Kings, Flyers, Islanders) Notable Attendees: Sean Couturier, Scott Laughton, Shayne Gostibehere, Erik Gudbranson, Milan Lucic
Juuso Valimaki - Coyotes
July 16, 2023 Weddings:
Kevin Hayes - Blues (Flyers, Rangers, Jets) Notable Attendees: Johnny Gaudreau, Tony DeAngelo, Brady Skjei, Jimmy Vesey
July 20th, 2023 Weddings:
Lawson Crouse - Coyotes Notable Attendees: Phil Kessel, Shayne Gostibehere, Liam O'Brien, Nick Schmaltz, Darcy Kuemper, Taylor Hall, Jacob Bryson, Travis Konecny
July 21st, 2023 Weddings:
Nicolas Aube-Kubel - Caps (Avs) Notable Attendees: Anthony Mantha, Julien Gauthier
Brady Tkachuk - Sens Notable Attendees: Matthew Tkachuk, Josh Norris, Thomas Chabot, Mark Stone, Mathieu Joseph, Luke Kunin, Christian Fischer, Ryan Donato, Robert Thomas, Alex Debrincat, Cam Talbot, Nick Holden, Quinn Hughes, Jack Hughes, Luke Hughes, Jake Sanderson, Shane Pinto, Dylan Gambrell, Colin White, Jacob Chychrun, Kevin Hayes
Juuse Saros - Predators Notable Attendees: Eeli Tolvanen, Kevin Lankinen
Tanner Jeannot - Lightning Notable Attendees: Brett Howden, Noah Gregor, Jayden Halbgewachs, Jeremy Lauzon, Alex Carrier
July 22nd, 2023 Weddings:
Alex Kerfoot - Coyotes (Maple Leafs) Notable Attendees: Justin Holl, Colin Blackwell, John Tavares, Morgan Reilly, Michael Bunting, Mitch Marner, Jake Muzzin
Nick Paul - Lightning (Senators) Notable Attendees: Chris Driedger, Drake Batherson, Thomas Chabot, Anthony Cirelli, Alex Killorn
Keith Kinkaid - (Devils, Canadiens, Rangers, Bruins, Avs)
July 24th, 2023 Weddings:
Anthony Mantha - Capitals Notable Guests: Nicholas Aube-Kubel, Julien Gauthier, Nick Jensen, Jonathan Benier
July 27th, 2023 Weddings:
Pavel Zacha - Bruins (Devils) Notable Attendees: Nico Hischier, Jesper Bratt
July 28th, 2023 Weddings:
Karson Kuhlman - Islanders (Kraken, Jets) Notable Guests: Kasimir Kaskiskuo
July 29th, 2023 Weddings:
Connor Murphy - Blackhawks (Coyotes) Notable Attendees: Sean Kuraly, Anthony Duclair, Dylan Strome, Jonathan Toews, Alex Debrincat, Taylor Raddysh, Mackenzie Entwistle, Brandon Hagel
Mitch Marner - Leafs Notable Attendees: Best Boy Zeus 🐶, Matt Martin, James Van Riemsdyk, Jake Gardiner, Tyler Bozak, Connor Brown, Justin Holl, Nazem Kadri, Willy Nylander, Zach Bogosian, Kyle Clifford, Jake Muzzin, Auston Matthews, Alex Kerfoot, Michael Bunting, Freddie Anderson, Rasmus Sandin, Morgan Reilly, Tyson Barrie, Connor Carrick, Joe Thorton, Patrick Marleau, Zach Hyman, Jack Campbell, TJ Brodie, Tyler Ennis, John Tavares, Timothy Liljegren
Ethan Bear - Canucks (Oilers, Hurricanes) Notable Attendees: Mat Barzal, Caleb Jones, Jujhar Khaira, Riley Stillman, Thatcher Demko, Austin Strand
Boone Jenner - Blue Jackets Notable Attendees: Zach Werenski, Seth Jones, Nick Blankenburg, Cole Sillinger, David Savard, Andrew Peeke, Scott Laughton, Elvis Merzlikins, Erik Gubranson
July 30th, 2023 Weddings:
Ryan Donato - Blackhawks (Kraken, Bruins) Notable Attendees: Jared McCann, Yanni Gourde, Matty Beniers, Adam Fox
August 3rd, 2023 Weddings:
Kevin Lankinen - Predators Notable Guests: Eeli Tolvanen
August 4th, 2023 Weddings:
Taylor Raddysh - Blackhawks (Lightning) Notable Guests: Dylan Strome, Connor Murphy, Anthony Cirelli
Kevin Hayes (2.0) - still Blues (Flyers, Rangers, Jets) Notable Guests: Keith Yandle, Scott Laughton, Shayne Gostibhere, Travis Sanheim, James van Riemsdyk, Brady Tkachuk, Matthew Tkachuk, Johnny Gaudreau, JT Miller, Zach Sanford, Tony DeAngelo, Brian Dumoulin, Brady Skjei, Paul Carey
August 5th, 2023 Weddings:
Conor Garland - Canucks (Coyotes) Notable Guests: Ryan Donato, Jakob Chychrun, Clayton Keller
Brendan Dillon - Jets (Capitals) Notable Guests: Tom Wilson, TJ Oshie, Jordie Benn, Jamie Benn, Trevor van Riemsdyke, Nic Dowd, Nick Jensen
Charlie McAvoy - Bruins Notable Guests: Hampus Lindholm, AJ Greer, Connor Clifton, Noel Acciari, Taylor Hall, Conor Sheary, Brad Marchand, Jake Debrusk, Matt Gryzeleyk, Derek Forbort, Brandon Carlo, David Krejci, Tuukka Rask, Jeremy Swayman, Charlie Coyle, Krug Torey, Matthew Tkachuk, Casey Fitzgerald, Colin White, Patrice Bergeron
Austin Watson - Senators Notable Guests: Cam Talbot, Anton Forsberg, Jarred Tinordi, Nick Paul, DJ Smith, Dylan Gambrell, Nick Holden, Thomas Chabot
Gage Quinney - Knights Notable Guests: Zach Whitecloud, Nicolas Roy, Jake Bischoff
Micke Rosell - player agent Notable Guests: William Nylander, Alex Nylander, Sam Ersson, Marcus Bjork
Joonas Johansson - Avs
August 6th, 2023 Weddings:
Dylan Larkin - Red Wings Notable Guests: Sam Gagner, Tyler Bertuzzi, Trevor Zegras, Kyle Connor, Troy Stecher, Marc Staal, Jeff Petry, Darren Helm, Zach Werenski, Mitchell Stephens, Riley Sheahan, Cole Caufield, Jack Hughes
August 11th, 2023 Weddings:
Shea Theodore - Knights Notable Guests: Ryan Reaves, Marc-Andre Fleury, Nick Holden, Mark Stone, Chandler Stephenson, Alex Tuch, Dylan Strome, Erik Haula, Jaycob Megna, Will Carrier, Jack Eichel, Alex Pietrangelo
Ryan Hartman - Wild Notable Guests: Matt Dumba, Marcus Foligno, Jared Spurgeon, Cam Talbot, Kirill Kaprizov, Jordan Greenway, Jon Merrill, Alex Goligoski, Jake Middleton, Mason Shaw, Calen Addison, Nick Schmalt, Matthew Boldy, Brandon Duhaime, Connor Dewar, Luke Kunin
August 12th, 2023 Weddings:
Chris Kreider - Rangers Notable Guests: Mika Zibanejad
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drewsbuzzcut · 1 year
Barzy’s Birthday Bash
mat barzal x model!fem!reader
a visceral in doses fic
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, mentions of birth, breastfeeding, mentions of sex, and I think that’s it
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“Let’s go wish daddy a happy birthday,” Mat hears the excitement in your voice even though it’s covered in a whisper.
He’s still laid in bed, bare chest on display and just the soft, white sheet covering his waist down. You still think he’s asleep, so he only peers at you when you’re not looking at him. He watches you carry Angel, who’s only 10 days old, in the cradle of your arms while you also guide Nolan into the room.
“Nols, go give daddy kisses. Go wake him up,” you instruct your oldest, and Mat makes note to act surprised.
“Daddy!” He feels Nolan struggles with climbing on the bed.
“Daddy up!” Nolan whisper yells, and you secure Angel in one arm while lifting Nolan up on the bed.
“Daddy,” Nolan lays down on Mat’s chest, cuddling into him.
You see the edges of his mouth turn up in a smile, realizing that he is already awake.
“Say happy birthday, nols,” you repeat yourself when you notice Nolan starting to nod off on Mat’s chest.
“‘Appy birthday, daddy,” he mumbles sleepily, leaning up to grab his father’s cheeks and kissing him on the nose.
Mat lets out a soft laugh, kissing Nolan’s forehead and telling him thank you. He lets his eyes land on you, standing by the bed, rocking Angel in your arms and looking beautiful as ever. You’re dressed in underwear and a tank top- easy access for when you need to nurse your newborn.
“Happy birthday, hotshot,” you situate yourself on your side of the bed, kissing Mat on the lips.
“Thank you, baby. Hi, aj! Hi, sweet boy,” he coos to Angel, caressing the small tuft of blond hair on his baby’s head.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t make you breakfast this morning. I’m so tired and achy, but we can go out to eat if you want,” you whisper, hand resting on the side of his face, tracing the contours of his face.
He leans into your hand, pressing soft kisses into your palm.
“You don’t need to explain or apologize. You just had a baby, so we’re all still adjusting. I’m happy to just be with you all,” he reassures you.
Before you can respond, Angel’s whines gather your attention. He is hungry and you waste no time, immediately pulling down your shirt and watching how quick he is to latch onto your nipple. Mat watches with stars in his eyes, so in awe with you. The way your body not only makes both of your boys, but provides sustenance for them, too. He watches the way Angel’s precious, little face looks so content. His eyes open, staring at you, almost the same way Mat is looking at you.
Mat’s heart grows in size, feeling Nolan nuzzle into him so he can be as close as possible. His hand rubs the soft skin on his back, and plays with his soft hair. Even though Nolan is almost 2, he still loves skin to skin contact, and Mat will never give up an opportunity to be close with his kids.
You melt at the sight of Mat being a dad. It is your favorite version of Mat. You love how his love radiates all around, but you also enjoy the sight of your boys nestled in his large arms.
Once Angel is fed and burped, Mat holds his hands out for him after he situates Nolan on the side of his body.
Your husband holds your baby in front of him, watching Angel stare back at him with wide, curious eyes. Angel scrunches his legs, mouth forming into a hint of a smile. Mat can’t handle his cuteness. On multiple occasions, Mat has cried to you, simply about how adorable your kids are. Mat brings Angel’s face closer to his, rubbing his nose against his smaller nose. He lets his lips rest on his cheek, hand caressing the back of his head softly. You watch the way your man takes deep inhales of his baby scent. A scent that you’re both addicted to. Your heart flutters when Mat kisses Angel’s squishy cheek multiple times, his large finger being held by your baby’s tiny hand. It’s enough for Mat to get emotional, eyes teary and lips pouty. You lean your body into his side, avoiding crushing Nolan who’s practically under Mat, caressing the hair on the back of his neck and kissing softly along his jaw.
He turns to look at you, pout still painting his face and you know he’s on the verge of tears. “They’re growing up so fast,” he mutters.
“I know, but they’ll always be our babies.”
“This is the best birthday I’ve ever had,” he says, getting choked up. It brings tears to your eyes.
“Better than the birthday when we spent the whole day in bed, in Italy, having a fuck fest?” You whisper all giggly in his ear, loving the way his body tensed up and the way his breathing got heavier.
“Okay… that was the second best birthday. Our babies can never compare,” he says, gathering all his composure.
“I agree!”
After a while of family bonding, you both move both boys back to their rooms, so they continue to sleep while you spend alone time with Mat.
You’re laid on your back and he is on top of your body, in between your legs, head resting on your boobs and your hand tangling in his hair. You lift his chin up, slotting your lips between his. Your hands move to run down his bare back, nails leaving soft scratch marks, eliciting a small moan from his throat. He moves off of you, preferring to hover over you. To bring him closer to you, you wrap your legs and arms around him, joining in a kiss again. Your tongue prods around the seam of his bottom lip, seeking entrance. When he grants you access, your tongue explores his familiar mouth and dances with his own. Your lips wrap around his tongue, sucking on it and moaning out when his hands start to wander around your chest. The minute you toss your head back, Mat is kissing and biting at your neck. He knows not to leave marks, but he’ll be a little tease and leave a faint red color painted on your skin.
“Maty, I love you,” you whine and whimper as he starts sucking on your earlobe.
“I love you more, forever.”
“I’m sorry we can’t have sex this year,” you apologize, torn at the thought that’s been nagging at you. You just had a baby, you weren’t cleared to be having sex, and it’d be the first time in your relationship that you don’t have sex on his birthday.
“I love sex with you, but I love you so much more. I love getting to be with you and our babies. You don’t need to apologize, ever. This is still the best birthday of my life no matter what happens, because I have you three here with me,” he comforts you, his genuine words, sinking in and allowing you to finally release your pent up emotions about the whole situation.
“Happy birthday, barzy,” you say once more, attaching your lips to his, pulling him back into your sweet moment.
a/n: Hope you all enjoy!
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twdgwritings · 4 months
Character Discussion;
Something I experienced while being in the fandom is a lot of a backlash for liking Marlon. Now I’m not saying anybody has to like him or agree with me, but I don’t think he is just a black and white character that most believe. I don’t think it’s true at all, he has many shades to him. In this post I’m going to deep dive into Marlon, the things he has done, overall opinions and stuff like that. I might even do this with other characters if y’all would be interested in hearing my thoughts.
Also my power was out for a few days, so that really set me back with writings and other stuff. So please be patient with me!
Warnings: typos, talk of parental abuse/neglect, children dying, kidnapping, accidental murder, violence, other stuff probably?, spoilers
1. Marlon’s Past
While we don’t know his past for sure, I think it’s important to consider what we do know or could influence his current behavior. I’ve headcanoned, since the first time I played, that Marlon was abused as a child. Given his problem with authority figures (adults, the headmaster, Lily and Abel), anger issues and the need to be in control I believe this is a strong point. Acting out from his terrible home life is probably what landed him in a troubled youth school, especially since we can assume his parents were possibly tired of dealing with him. Of course this isn’t canon, but I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibilities. Regardless, I think it’s important to keep a troubled past in mind when discussing a questionable character.
We know it’s been about eight or nine years-ish since the apocalypse started. (Clem was 8 when it started, and she was 11 when AJ was born. AJ is now 6 in the final season and Clem is 17.) Marlon is clearly older and confirmed 18-19, so he was 10-11 years old when the world went to hell. Imagine yourself at that age and no adult to help guide you because as we know they all but the nurse abandoned these kids. So a little kid stepped up to take care of many other kids when the adults left, and some kids died under his care and protection. (Not his fault though) As said a few times in the game there used to be a lot more of them, which means a lot of them died. Which that stress and trauma added onto Marlon’s mental issues.
2. The Twins
Let me say this; I don’t like what happened with Sophie and Minnie, but was there a choice? No. There was no right answer in this situation, the world is killed or be killed. Morals are out the window, only survival. I think Marlon caved to Lily and Able because of his trauma and fears, because of his past as mentioned above. He either said no and they all got kidnapped or killed, or he could give up two people to save the rest. Why didn’t they fight back like they did in the game? Because, as much as I love Marlon, he could never lead them and organize a battle like Clementine did. They NEEDED her, without her NONE of them would have made it. Why didn’t they go save him? Again they probably couldn’t do it without Clem, and as Marlon said he was afraid. He could die, they could all die or they could all get taken. Marlon thought he was doing the right thing. He should have told the truth of the fate of the twins, that they were kidnapped (because they were). Marlon is a coward, I’m not even going to pretend he isn’t, he knows he is. Marlon’s fear of losing his friends/family is what lead him to make the mistakes he did. He feared being casted out, them becoming angry at him, or even death(them and him).
I think it would have been interesting to see in the game Marlon witnessing what Minnie became, what he had done. To realize even more how badly he fucked up. Though unfortunately he didn’t get to see what he had done, nor was he given the chance to try to atone his mistakes; to make it up to everyone, or redeem himself.
3. Brody + Trading Aj and Clem
“He killed Brody!” “He hit/hurt Brody!” I KNOW. I’m not happy with what happened between Marlon and Brody either. We know Marlon has anger issues. We know when he gets scared he gets mad (As Brody told us) But, we also know her death was accidental. As soon as Marlon hits her he instantly regrets it and feels remorse, so much so he even goes into denial that he can save her. I fully believe he did not go into the basement with intent of hurting or killing Brody, he never wanted to hurt anyone. “He was going to trade Clem and Aj!” I doubt he saved them with an intent to trade them, I don’t think it even crossed his mind until the run in with Abel. I don’t blame him either, why give up friends you’ve known for years when you can give up two strangers.
4. Marlon’s Death + Alt choices
Obviously his death was supposed to leave an unfinished business kinda vibe, which is dumb as hell in my opinion. I also think it’s very random of Aj to automatically shoot Marlon but not Abel? Like if he was going to kill anyone without warning it should have been the guy who was armed the entire time, not the dude who dropped the gun and was no longer a problem. It goes against everything Clementine taught Aj, and it just feels really rushed and unnecessary. I know Marlon’s death is what pushed the plot forward, but I think there were other ways to go about it. Like if you chose to kick him out, Clem and Louis/Violet could escort him out (like Violet and Louis did to Clem and Aj) and that’s when they have the run in with Lily and Abel. Obviously different out comes for what yoy decided to do with Marlon, so his death wasn’t necessary. The writers would have just had to taken more creative liberties and shit.
I think it would have been more impactful for Aj’s character is Marlon lived. It would be an opportunity to teach him that some people can change, that sometimes people can be redeemed. Marlon wasn’t a monster that deserved to be gunned down after being disarmed, something I think Aj could learn. (Lily’s situation was vastly different. Lily would always be a threat, she would have come back for revenge and needed to die). It would have been interesting to see Marlon during the battle against the raiders (probably after being coaxed to fight by the player) and maybe he was one of the people to get kidnapped. (As I stated before him seeing what Minnie became would be intriguing.) Once aboard the ship Marlon refuses to leave the cell, believing he deserves this. Then the player can talk him out of leaving or chose to leave him in the cell. Or at least give Marlon a better death, dying a hero to atone for his mistakes. Maybe instead of Louis/Violet at the bridge, it was Marlon who throws Tenn across and sacrifices himself to the walkers or tries to stop Minerva.
Final Thoughts.
Is Marlon a perfect character? No. Absolutely not. He made mistakes, stupid decisions and has flaws, that’s what makes him such a well rounded character. I always dive deep into characters, never taking them at face value which is something I think more people should do. I just find it a little strange people will beat down Marlon, but turn around and defend Minerva when she wanted to kill her own little brother(I don’t hate Minnie either). Marlon feels like wasted potential and I wish we could have gotten more development around him and his character.
I appreciate everyone who read this post and I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions! I hope you all have a great day/night!
What are your thoughts on Marlon?
What would you do if you were in his position, would you trade the twins away?
What would you want to happen if Marlon lived?
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toughpaperround · 4 months
Malcolm-Jamal Warner
Malcolm-Jamal is to appear in the later episodes of season 7 of 911 (ABC) as a character named Amir Casey, a nurse. [Deadline article - he was originally named as Brad, now Amir.]
Best known of course as Theo Huxtable, the role he played for the 8 years of 'The Cosby Show', beginning when he was 14. He used his school picture as his headshot. Even before that he was in 'Fame'.
In addition to directing and theatre work, being a poet and a bass player, he is also known for more recent TV roles across ABC/Fox such as 'Accused', 'Ten Days in the Valley' and 6 seasons as AJ in 'The Resident'. He has appeared in several other TV series and films including 'American Horror Story', 'Fools Gold'.
Along with many other celebs (including Lou Ferrigno) he appeared in Michael Jackson's music video for 'Liberian Girl'.
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He loaned his voice as The Producer for 'The Magic School Bus' among many other voice acting roles. His spoken word poetry 'Hiding in Plain View' [youtube recording] was nominated for a Grammy in 2023.
[IMDb] [other 911 cast bios]
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queeniecook · 8 months
November 2 to 8 - Part 1
We landed in Sulani early in the morning on November 2nd. Having the Vatore private plane has really come in handy.
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I put Este down on the sand after we arrived to give her a taste of the island. She didn't seem to know what to make of the new feeling under and in between her little toes and fingers. Touching sand is way different than carpet, hardwood or even dirt. Caleb took her inside for a nap and to unpack our things in my old room. I went for a swim in the ocean for the first time in months. My body felt complete again, I love our home but being a mermaid makes me long for the ocean when I'm away from it.
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Our first night in Sulani, I talked Naya and Apollo into having a Kava party with me. Caleb opted out, instead keeping an eye on the kids. I haven't had Kava in years. Sadly it couldn't be spiked since I'm nursing Este. Naya went to bed early but Apollo and I stayed up late, watching horror movies together.
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Este spent the next morning getting to know Mew Mew and hanging out with the pets. Watching Lucky play with Mew Mew confirmed for me that we need to find her a buddy for companionship.
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Caleb gave Este a bath, while myself and Lucky watched. It was a family affair.
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Apollo and I fit in time to relax together - it's a family tradition.  I've been working on getting some of the weight I put on during pregnancy off.
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Este is getting to bond with her Uncle Apollo. I want her to know her family. Apollo and I thankfully had two loving parents growing up but we didn't have any cousins or uncle or aunts. I don't want her to miss out on that.
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Which brings me to AJ, I tried my best to spend time with him during our vacation. I even got to help him with homework a few times, though Apollo is better at it. AJ is growing like a weed. We made plans for him to visit us in Hendford-on-Bagley for his Spring break. It will give AJ sometime with Caleb and I, along with Este and hopefully gives his parents some alone time together.
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Caleb was meant to be a Dad. Vampire or not, it's just something he's meant to be. He's a natural at it.
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"I love you." I said, pulling him close after he put Este down for a nap. I was thinking of when he proposed to me on the island. 
Caleb smiled at me and began swaying us like we were dancing. No music was playing but we didn't need it. We had our first dance in this house - at Apollo and Naya's wedding. That was the night Caleb caught me off guard and the idea of us began to grow in my heart. It was then that it hit me that I needed to try to help my brother keep the love he has.
The next night as we were watching the pit outside cook our dinner, I asked my brother how things are going.
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"Things are civil. I know she isn't focusing on her career to be distant on purpose. She loves AJ and I know she loves me...it's just hard to remember that sometimes when we barely see her." Apollo confided in me. 
I had noticed that even during our stay at the house, she had been putting in overtime. The night we all drank Kava was the one exception.
"She says I don't understand but she won't let me try to understand. It's really frustrating."
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I gave my baby brother a small smile, trying to be encouraging. "I think you two need to finally sit down and really talk about this. Not talking about it isn't going to make things better, for either of you or AJ. Caleb and I will take him and Este to go do something so you two can have the house to yourselves tomorrow."
I just hope I gave Apollo the right advice.
next ->
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This is something that bothers me about the mlp fim toys so much. Why didn’t they just give Applejack show accurate eyes? Like they clearly can! Nurse Redheart has very similar eyes!
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Here’s her for reference! She has figures and they have accurate eyes! The eyes in the Applejack image are from mlpmerch.com btw.
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Here are images of two toys from the same site. They’re both labeled as being from 2014. Why couldn’t they just give AJ accurate eyes? I need to repaint my AJ’s eyes because of this. Also she needs her hat. Ever since I was a small child I just wanted fully articulated show accurate toys. Is that so much to ask for Hasbro?
Don’t get me started on the Celestia who is the same color as chewed bubble gum smeared under a table.
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burningdarkfire · 10 months
Ahdkdhs ancillary justice sg? 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
HI YES thank you for asking about this one because i do love the concept and i think i could love writing it. if only i wrote it
(ask me about my WIPs!)
caleb-as-breq and essek-as-seivarden, focused mostly in the major time jump that happens in AJ (trying to keep it ambiguous for the sake of spoilers) and what happens to their relationship during that time, with many things of course shifted to the left to allow for a particularly critical role sort of flavouring
it's still a very early draft, because i quickly intimidated myself out of working on this project (😂) but i do hope to return to it someday!
here's a snippet:
Essek watched Caleb sleep.
Correctives had been applied all over his body, though most of them were hidden now under the heavy blanket. The temperature in the medical tent of the outpost was certainly warmer than outside, but it was still cold—Essek had kept his coat and sat now, hunched and miserable, to the alternating bemusement or disapproval of the two nurses that checked in once an hour.
"He won't wake for another few days." This was the disapproving one. The outpost belonged to the Dynasty—her ears were pointed and her skin a deep amethyst—but her accent was so thick Essek could hardly understand her. "You ought to be in bed yourself."
He ought to, perhaps. But Essek had always had a little trouble with ought.
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