#nva fic
grasslandgirl · 2 years
tangle up the true and the fable
[neverafter. rosamund/cinderella (past). cinderella pov. universe alteration of ep4. 3k.]
Stepmother always said she was prone to flights of fancy and misplaced hope. Cinderella hates it when she’s right.
(Memory is a cage. Love is a cage. Stories are a cage, and our fairy godmothers are the jailers.)
you can read it here on ao3!!
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Gender/linguistic question: When someone has multiple preferred pronouns (like she/they), is it normal to use different sets of pronouns in the same sentence? Like, "They were wearing thick socks to keep her feet warm." I ran across a fanfic the other day that did this and found it a little confusing, but if I were writing something about a character that used multiple pronouns I'm not sure I'd know the best way to do it. Thoughts?
So on a professional “I edit things for money” level, I would call this an as-yet unaddressed grammatical question that should be handled on a case-by-case basis, mostly defined by what is most coherent in the situation. On a more casual “I read and write a lot” level, I mostly opt for splitting things sentence by sentence, because it’s a bit confusing to have multiple pronouns in the same sentence referring to one person. Unless you’re trying to be confusing. In that case slap pronouns in there in whatever order speaks to you. Highly recommend No Violins Allowed et al, the cardinal Bifrost Incident fic and also my personal favorite piece of writing of all time in terms of Spicy Pronoun Use.
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aberfaeth · 1 year
anyways this is good because it means i can write my glass apple 50k reunion amnesia getting together slash getting back together slash consummating the unspoken wish that was never articulated for fear of its loss in a world designed to be cruel and ruinous fic
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strangetorpedos · 2 years
10, 20 & 30 for fic asks!
getting to these several days later but!! thank you faun!
10. Do you enjoy writing dialogue, exposition, or plot the most?
dialogue 100%! i would love for it to be plot and i think i’ve gotten so much better at it but it’s still not my strong suit. i feel like i either go too heavy on the metaphor/purple prose or not hard enough LMAO
20. What’s your favorite minor character you’ve written?
THE SUGAR PLUM FAIRY! specifically from this fic that i wrote for the d20 alphabet i just. think she’s such a cool character within that world and i loved to explore her as a warlock patron and as someone who is just! slightly off putting! she’s so cool i love her <3 i also loved the format of this ficlet i did it fairy tale style and i think it turned out so so sick
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
i actually. don’t have any planned right now! i could see myself doing some sort of long fic romance between cinderella & rosamund but i wanna wait to see how more of neverafter/their dynamic plays out before i commit to anything. in general i think nva would be fascinating to do a longform character study for so we’ll see!
send me fic writing asks (if you wanna scroll back my blog several days lol)
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lichfucker · 2 years
nva good. now go read hag fic
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thedreadvampy · 3 years
do you by any chance have a link to an explanation for Lyf fanon? bc. I would also like to understand why Lyf fanon is like that (also not judging or anything I just listened to TBI long before ever interacting with the fandom and I've been honestly confused ever since)
Ummm I don't know if I could come up with a link but my understanding from what I've been told is literally just. someone wrote a Very Popular fanfic called No Violins Allowed which is the source of most of the fanon about Lyf, including:
tenth mechanism
eldritch powers
dating Marius
nonbinary elf stuff I assume
(disclaimer I haven't. read NVA because I don't read a lot of fic and definitely not Mechanisms crew centric fic. so I may be totally off the mark about what it contains. but every single person who's tried to explain the source of a popular Lyf fanon has pointed back to this one fanfic)
it's been a persistent source of confused conversations for me bc. like. as far as me and my irl mechspals are concerned the Lyfrassir in the album is like...a sketch of a hard-boiled detective mixed with deeply uncool office worker (they're...a traffic cop...)
and mostly they're just a blank slate cipher through which the story can be told so like if you told me that Lyf was gonna be the thing the fandom latched onto I'd be like *gestures at the wide array of more fleshed-out Mechs characters*
and then I joined the online fandom and it was just. taken as read that Lyf is like. The tenth Mechanism and a Cool White Haired Elfin Figure and Eldritch so I had months where I was like ??????? and people started explaining after a while that NVA was this big influence. which is pretty fun that like the stories people get out of the mechanisms are still changing and developing but it's also. WEIRD to come into.
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lucky-sevens · 4 years
In your post about eldritch lyf you say that nva established most of the eldritch lyf fanon, but i would like to say as someone who was in this fandom before nva was published that that's not true. Eldritch!lyf was an idea being explored by the fandom a month or two before nva started, and a lot of the popular fanon was generated by the fandom bouncing ideas off of each other and writing fic about it. Nva was started on the 2nd of march, 2020, and by that time there were already quite a few eldritch lyf fics; such as the "Odin's little gift" series, which started the headcanon that lyf plays the cello. No violins allowed was certainly a big influence on a quite a few fics that came after it, but the fandom had already created quite a bit of lore before it even began.
oh, i wasn’t aware of that! fanon is always a harder thing to pin down than canon lore, and i joined the fandom in late march. i will add that as a note! (i do think there’s a few fanon things that directly did originate from it, though?)
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mikanbatake · 7 years
NVA November - Day 9-13
Here I am, not just back on track but also a day early and proud to announce that we are finally deep in the crack fic. So deep.
相変わらず「あいかわらず」as ever, as usual
見る「みる」to watch
ビーバー beaver 
買う「かう」to buy
求める「もとめる」to demand
怯える「おびえる」to become frightened, to be scared (of)
逃げる「にげる」to run away, to escape
突き当たる「つきあたる」to run into, to collide with
落ちる「おちる」to fall
なる to become
汗する「あせする」to sweat
コート coat
濡れる「ぬれる」to get wet
掴む「つかむ」to grasp, to grab
The story so far:
放課後にうさぎは友達と火川神社で宿題をした。英語の宿題のために木野まことは 高い本棚から 火野レイの辞書を取った。
うさぎは「宿題をするの、つまらないよ!」と思った。ドアを開けて、お茶を持っているレイは部屋に入った。お茶を 五つのカップに盛った。
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whumprecs · 6 years
Okay, possible in need of help: there used to be an archive for A-Team fanfic at a site called (appropriately) ateamfanfic.org. Closely related was the Virtual Asylum, which I think was a mailing group. 
Does anyone know where I can find those stories again? Because the website doesn’t show up for me, and until I found it on fanlore, I thought I was wrong about the title. I’m very specifically looking for an author named Jasmine and I cannot for the life of me remember a single title, but she had several whump fics for Face. One was about him getting captured for government experiments on armor for soldiers, one was about him getting re-captured by a crazed POW camp NVA general who had an obsession about him, and another was about Face allowing himself to be temporarily blinded to catch a mobster and I think it was something titled like “Moliere” or something like it. 
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grasslandgirl · 2 years
slasher fic 🤝 nva ep3
“hey dude wtf was that. why is everyone dead?”
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violinspector · 4 years
Hi feel free to ignore - I just saw your parasocial relationship mechs post and I was wondering what nva is?
Oh, No Violins Allowed! It’s a popular violinspector fic by @reallygoodguacamole. (It fucking slaps and I’m NOT biased thankyouverymuch I liked it before we started dating Djjd)
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mikanbatake · 7 years
NVA November - Day 3
Until now mixing the NVA challenge with fic writing went exceptionally well. But what the hell will I do with “nephew” in this story? 
What will happen now? I honestly don’t know what words are up for tomorrow, so stay tuned! Maybe they’ll have to transform and battle monsters! (But maybe they’ll have cake instead.)
甘い「あまい」sweet, delicious 
匂い「におい」odour, scent, smell
嗅ぐ「かぐ」to sniff, to smell
鳴き声「なきごえ」cry, crying voice
抜け出す「ぬけだす」to sneak
The story so far:
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mikanbatake · 7 years
12/100 Days of Productivity
Today I was lazy for too long, but then wrote summaries for two courses and did nva fic writing. Why is fic writing so hard? Even two sentences takes me hours! (Well 30 minutes, but still.)
I have to work better hours, I’ve prepared my schedule for next week and... it’s so much fuller than the one for this week. Urgh.
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