#nyam nyam boy
lostandbackagain · 11 months
dustfinger: I love all of my children equally, brianna, farid, and [looks at smudged writing on hands] john
#tcor spoilers#HATE that there was no actual resolution this#i understand fully that it can be difficult when your partner's child (who is not also yours) looks like their other parent#feelings are hard to change! sure!#but: roxane is friends with her husband's affair partner. atp he has no right to show any hurt over her remarrying#and that includes taking it out on jehan#he doesnt say himself that theres any resentment (which is odd bc he loves telling us all his shitty thiughts usually; too stressed out#for self reflection right this second?)#but nyame talks about how obvious and infuriating it is#not to say jehan's making it up (i would never never never doubt my babiest boy) but it's bad enough that people outside the family see it#('outside the family' it's his uncle but outside the home ig)#where was i going with this#having a was-hoping-id-find-the-end-of-this-thought-when-i-came-to-it moment#oh right the lack of self reflection made me wonder if dustfinger knew he was acting like this at all#and i was PRAYING for nyame to chew him out over it#there were so many good spots for that conversation too#when df was practically dead for the third time and jehan stayed with him to make sure he didnt actually die#i expected 'i dreamed about you burning alive every night for ten years' levels of dustfinger being yelled at from jehan#and we literally?? didnt get a single chapter from either of their povs at that time?? what the actual fuck man#okay not to be like 'i could write this better' but a way more satisfying conclusion to everything that started#with nyame saying the two of them are so similar#would have been [jehan rightly makes dustfinger feel bad about continuing to be a terrible father] -> [jehan storms off to orpheus' to#'offer' dustfinger in exchange for the book but the adults dont know where he went] -> [nyame comes back and also yells at df#for letting his kid run off and drive home that he really is failing jehan and points out to him their similarities] ->#[df goes oh shit i also tried trading innocent people for a book] ->#[whatever. resolution]#do u see what i mean#his ~apology~ to meggie in book 2 is so good while being in character#and he cant apologize to his stepson? he barely fking knew meggie lmao#says kenna
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writingoddess1125 · 10 months
Soo I wanted to imput my own culture on this one!
COD Men + König Dating a Jamaican Women
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• You and König had been together for quite a while. Spending most of your guys relationship in Europe and in his home country.
• But when you make to offer of having him meet your family he is more then happy to accept!
• He didn't expect to take a plane to the tropicals however- Ending up in such a touristy area at first. Till you lead him off the beaten bath to a much more rural area to introduce him to your family.
• They are a but surprised at first, seeing such a large man. However accept him with open arms- Your Mummy especially.
• You handed your mother her drink, watching her as she looked at the new member of the family who was seated playing cards with your cousin- The shorts She'd bought clearly being a size too small to fit him comforbly.
• It was like she got the son she wanted the most- Immediately having him change into more comforble clothes. Fed him, and forced you to walk him around the prettiest parts of town.
• "Why does it feel like my Mum likes you more then me!?"
• Konig could only laugh at this and shyly disagree.
• However after your Mum took him shopping since she felt like he didn't have the proper clothes he couldn't disagree further.
• He absolutely adores the beaches of your home and spends so much time swimming he gets a golden tan in a short amount of time.
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• "Gonna need to order some better shorts" You mumbled- not wanting him to have a wardrobe malfunction while around your family. Your mother laughing at this and patting your hip- "Wen yuh climb tall trees yuh get langggg branches-"
• "MUMMY!"
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• You decided that it was time for Gaz to meet your family, wanting to take that extra step together.
• They are so excited to meet him they start chattering away immediately- However Gaz figures out very quickly...
• He is more then thrilled. Having wanted to take that next step with you for quite a while- So when the plan arrived at your home he was so happy to see your family there to meet you and him there.
• He doesn't know what the fuck they are saying-
• They had accidently assumed he knew Patwah and were corrected by you quickly. Since they assumed he was Jamaican like you-
• "Wait it's not just an accent?" Gaz asks softly to you, Which leads to you explaining that it's a Creole language called Patwah.
• Your Aunty however seemed to take the liking to Kyle the most. Seeing him as great husband potential for you- As well as dropping 'hints' about a wedding. Which was amusing since she had the thickest of accents out of your entire family.
• "Kyle lov, Wi wud waan (Y/N) married yah inna di yard. A nuh eh ah luk gud place tuh marry an av babies?" (Kyle Love, we would want married here at home. Isn't it a pretty place to marry and have babies? )
• Gaz didn't know what she said per say- But he did year the word Married and Babies.
• He does have a blast however, going out dancing with you, drinking with your family and having a grand time- But most was being fed near constantly.
• "Nyam up Maaga bwoy" (eat up skinny boy)
• Gaz was satted there in the kitchen of your family home, Staring as your Aunty adds another massive scoop of Rice and Peas to his growing plate. Filled delicious foods he could only dream of back home.
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• It seemed like there was no escape from this pleasurable hell- and he couldn't be happier
• Gaz nodded obediently as he took up more rice on his fork and continued to eat. You trying to tell your aunty to not force feed your boyfriend.
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• You bring up wanting Johnny to meet your family after officially meeting his- Seeing how it would be fair and should be a fun experience.
• Seems he found his people-
• Of course he is more then willing! Seeing it as a fun get away as well-
• When he arrives his naturally cheery personality wins over your family quickly. Ends up having a blast with them the first day and eats so much he almost gets suck.
• There is a mild language barrier- However it was overcome rather quickly.
• Your cousin seemed to absolutely ADORE Johnny. Taking the two of you out to clubs and different bars around the area.
• "We should buy a place out here- for times like this" He said, Leaning against you as the two of you walk back to your families house.
• Finds out quickly that it's relatively cheap in parts and having his nice military paychecks went a lloonnggg way here.
• Adsolutely loves the drinks. The Ginger beer, the Red Strike, Sorrel.
• Adores them honestly!
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• This man has met other half it seems as bottles seem to rain around him.
• "Yu Drunk?" Your cousin calls out to Johnny who is dancing against you with a bright smile on his face.
• "A'm Blootert!" He shouts. His accent so strong its funny-
• Johnny ends up so drunk, he's locked arms with your cousin, seated under the romada singing some imaginary song they had made up together.
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• You take the opportunity to get your hair braided as well- seeing how for once you don't have to pay an arm and a leg for it.
• It takes a lot of convincing on your part to get Simon to come meet your family. You'd been dating more then long enough and he finally agrees one day-
• However he still wears some form of mask- in his case a skull face mask that is still breathable while keeping him covered.
• Your family was a bit apprehensive of Simon of first- surprised by such a brooding figure you'd dragged with you.
• That was till your father stepped forward and welcomed Simon with open arms. Which lead to the rest of the family also being warm and welcoming-
• Simon accepts this and goes along with the kind greetings from everyone.
• Simon tags along, which surprises you. Ends up asking the hair dresser questions constantly.
• "Wah mek yu deh ask suh much?" Your hairdresser staps a bit-
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• "I want to learn how- do I can help her do her hair or our future children's" He says bluntly and truthfully.
• Wins over the whole Salon just like that.
• He has never met a group so God damn stubborn then your family- He can refuse all he wants but ends up being given or dragged some place.
• Getting a step by step on how to do different braids by the nice women at the Salon who baby him- even buying him lunch too.
• The soilder taking the day with your father. The two just enjoying the day together- Simon even smoking with him a little which made him relax more then he expected (You weren't there to tell him-)
• Didn't want a drink- Now has 4 he has finished. Refused an addional plate of food?- He had 3 more and some fruit.
• The only person who wasn't pushy was your father. Who was as stoic and laid back as Simon.
• Simon enjoyed the relaxing time with your Father- The two sitting on the front patio with their drinks sipping away as they occasionally chatted.
• This day being the same, When Simon got up prepared to be dragged to a other fun active place. But instead your father waving him over to sit with him.
• Looking to you as you just nod for him to go do as he pleased-
• By the time you came back, Both men were actually chuckling at some sort of joke together. That night you looking to Simon who laid in bed with you shocked-
• "My Dad actually likes you-" You say in disbelief. Simon only nodding and smiling at your words.
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• By the next morning he is as red as a Tomato and sunburned to high hell.
• John is willing to meet your family. Finding it would he a nice holiday and fun overall since he hadn't been to the Caribbeans since he was first in the military.
• When arriving he did notice some stares, since he was so clearly military and learned the distrust was real.
• But your family was open to him in extending that olive branch to him.
• Your uncle however- took some convincing. Which ended up getting John hazed of sorts.
• "Mek wi si wah yu gat Brit-" Your uncle Said with a grin. John of course accepting a challenge. From drinking, Dancing and more. Which ended up with the two shit talking each other-
• By the end of the night John and your Uncle were as thick as thieves.
• John even proud of the hand rolled cigarettes your uncle had given him.
• "Don't take his cigarettes-" You say calmly. Taking the homemade rolled cigarette from your boyfriend and handing him a packed one instead.
• While you were with some of your cousins catching up John sat out on a chair with your Uncles and cousins. The group smoking cigars and cigarettes and chatting away.
• Seemed time was lost on the both of you as John sat out in the sun far too long. Ignoring the reddening of his skin-
• Your poor Boyfriend tho-
• "Fuck-k" John mutters, wincing as he sits down with his arms held out. Your uncle laughing at him-
• You spend the evening rubbing Aloe in his skin and fanning his skin to help ease the burn.
• "Burned noice an criss Hm?" Your uncle said with a laugh making John give a fake glare at the old man.
• "Ah fuck ya you old geezer-" John winced out making the men around him laugh hard at his suffering.
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bonefall · 1 year
Better Bones Profile: Sedgecreek
RiverClan's first Lake deputy, and world famous cutie pie!
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[ID: The BB version of Sedgecreek from Warrior Cats. She is a wood-brown tabby with short, comma-shaped stripes of a darker brown. She is short and her body is long, with a chunky tail.]
Clanmew Name: Kyyrakoshu, nickname Kyyko. (Kyyra = Sedge, a type of lido grass + Koshu = Creek, a small, shady river)
Alignment: RiverClan
Relations: Ex-Mate - Greenflower Children - Swallowtail, Beechfur Nyams - Loudbelly (littermate), Duckfur (Sib-in-law) Education - Crookedstar (mentor), Grasswhisker (apprentice)
See Also: The Dragonkin Family, and the RiverClan Family Tree
Mistyfoot realized at the end of BB!TNP that Hawkfrost was not the tiger that lurked within RiverClan. He didn't choose himself as deputy while she was captured, breaking the code in the process. It wasn't his call to defy StarClan's will to delay the Great Journey. It was up to Leopardstar to punish the surviving RiverClan mercenaries who served Mudclaw's insurrection, and overrule the false sign that exiled three cats from her Clan... and she didn't.
Seated atop the stump with the sun setting behind her, Leopardstar's black silhouette invoked Mistyfoot's memory of a powerful cat lording over a pile of bones. Her eyes flashed-- Tigerstar amber, dark forest red. His ideas were an infectious sort of immortal; they will not die unless they are killed.
So with Leopardstar's sudden, 'mysterious' death to a "rogue", Mistystar realized she would need to make a strong, tactical choice of a new deputy. Someone who would be able to help her navigate the tense situation she was in, to balance out the harsh choices she was about to make, to be the honey to her sting.
The choice was obvious. Now, she would have to prepare for the hard work ahead...
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[ID: BB!Mistystar and BB!Sedgecreek leaning back to back. Mistystar grimly explains, "someone will die." Sedgecreek interjects, "of fun!!!"]
(Lots more below the cut!)
Personality and Trivia:
She is CHEERFUL! It takes a lot to make Sedgecreek upset!
Always smiling, never loses hope, always tries to see the bright side of every situation.
"A mistake is just a chance to learn what NOT to do!!"
People like her. She's just a super likeable person, the sort of cat who gets along with people you'd never expect.
She has learned that you should listen twice as much as you talk. She's always there to comfort her friends, family, and clanmates. Very approachable personality.
I imagine a lot of RiverClan warriors are "stocky," longer than they are tall, Sedgecreek especially.
She's also got a very thick tail, making her an excellent and sturdy swimmer.
Her favorite food is pike meat, which Greenflower once wooed her with. Not very many RiverClan warriors are bold enough to tangle with pikes.
Imo, Sedge is a super underrated background character. Her apprenticeship under Crookedjaw is super cute and no one ever talks about it!
and BOY OH BOY has her role been expanded in BB!!
Long before the Great Journey was even a consideration, back during TPB…
Sedgecreek was mates with Greenflower. They welcomed their kits, Swallowkit and Beechkit, to the world just before RiverClan and ShadowClan moved to form TigerClan.
Greenflower's sibling, Duckfur, was the honor sire for the couple. Under the Queen's Rights, you don't have to explain where your kittens came from. Sedgecreek gave birth and that's that.
But supporters of Thistle Law do not respect the Queen's Rights.
When Greenflower announced openly that their kittens had been sired by Duckfur, Sedgecreek was uncomfortable, but believed she was keeping their family safe.
But... it turned out to be worse than that.
Greenflower was a true believer. She had been holding a lot of her 'worst' ideas back, but felt emboldened to speak openly with the alliance between Tigerstar and Leopardstar.
Sedgecreek knew Greenflower went to the execution of Stonefur... but she couldn't. She couldn't bring herself to.
She couldn't watch an old friend die like that, or stomach the thought of Greenflower reacting to it.
They stayed together for the children, as Sedgecreek staved off the dawning realization that her mate wasn't the cat she thought she was.
It was easy to put it off a little longer, when their next common enemy was BloodClan and RiverClan "returned to normal."
Though they nearly had a blow-out argument over RiverClan refusing to join in with the trading that WindClan and ThunderClan were doing with BloodClan... Sedgecreek apologized, and held her tongue. Suddenly, their roles had been reversed, with Sedgecreek staying quiet to "keep the peace".
Normally very cheerful and outspoken, with friends in other Clans and open-mindedness to cooperation, Sedgecreek spent almost two years of her life just trying to save her mateship. She thought that maybe Greenflower would return to the bold, loyal cat she used to adore, if she just loved her enough and made her feel heard...
But then, during the Great Journey...
Their baby Swallowtail fell in love with a ThunderClan warrior, Rainwhisker.
Greenflower "warned her" about loving cats from other Clans, "Don't make me do something I don't want to, Swallowtail."
Sedgecreek knew how powerful love can be. Rainwhisker was big, handsome, and sweet. She saw a lot of herself in him, and would have approved of him as her son-in-law in a heartbeat
Even though Swallowtail was trying to hide it after that confrontation, Sedgecreek KNEW that Rainwhisker was perfect for her. She knows her daughter better than anyone-- Swallow would never be able to fight it.
But all journey long, Greenflower was growing more and more critical of Swallowtail. Comparing her to her brother Beechfur, constantly questioning her whereabouts, making up stupid tasks to keep her busy.
Sedge and Green were fighting over it, again, but this time Sedge was starting to care less about making up afterwards.
Then, the worst possible thing happened... during the WindClan Civil War, Rainwhisker was killed in battle.
Swallowtail was inconsolable. That brought them all together, for just a little while longer.
But then, Swallowtail discovered she was pregnant. She didn't say anything about the father, and yet Greenflower LOST it. She flew into a frenzy, shouting their daughter down and threatening to disown her. The line that finally broke their mateship was simply,
"Just when it seemed like the problem was solved--"
Sedgecreek didn't even let her finish. How DARE she?? To treat their baby's painful loss, their coming grandchildren, and Swallowtail's right as a Queen, like the continuation of a problem???
So she told her to get out. Quietly at first. Greenflower refused, so she said it louder. Then she shouted it. And then she SCREAMED it, and when THAT didn't work, she THREW her out of the Cleric's den. For SEASONS she had sacrificed for the sake of her children, only for it to end in a choice between her wife and daughter.
But even then, Sedgecreek felt hot with shame that she'd caused such a scene! The whole camp saw her toss Greenflower like a rotten fish!! Sweet, cheerful Sedgecreek!!! It was mortifying, she'd never lost her temper like that, the entire Clan was surprised!
Mistyfoot saw this just like everyone else in RiverClan... and it stood out in her mind, as she shuffled home considering who her deputy would be.
It had to be someone as uncontroversial as possible... Mistyfoot's reputation had been dragged through the mud by Hawkfrost's constant challenges. A sizable portion of RiverClan did not respect her anymore.
So Swansong, her brother and greatest ally, was out of the question. He didn't have a diplomatic bone in his body.
Mosspelt was her sister-in-law, and she needed a deputy who could ward off accusations of nepotism.
Reedwhisker had Skyheart as his mentor, who kept him in an apprenticeship nightmare for over a year. He was too young on top of being ineligible.
But, she needed someone who would understand the threat they faced, and take it seriously. It, hopefully obviously, couldn't be one of her enemies.
And THAT was when she remembered Sedgecreek standing up to Greenflower. How she's everyone's friend, patient and enthusiastic, and yet how she still snapped at her long-time mate.
While no one knows EXACTLY why she snapped except the little family itself, Mistyfoot had a good hunch it was related to Swallowtail claiming Queen's Rights for her litter.
And that is exactly the sort of principled cat she needs by her side.
So... Sedgecreek was perfect. She was diplomatic, friendly, and yet, able to stand up for herself, ready to fight for the Clan they deserved. Her upbeat personality would be a perfect compliment to Mistystar's dour, serious one. This was the best possible choice.
During BB!OotS, Sedgecreek was targeted for replacement by the Dark Forest demons. While they managed to kill several of their targets and even cause ShadowClan to fall, Sedgecreek managed to escape an attempt on her life. But, before anyone could breathe a sigh of relief, she took it as a sign to step down so that someone younger could take over. By this point, she had become a great-grandmother and was beginning to feel her age.
Reedwhisker takes her place as deputy, and she's able to live out the last of her days in the Elder's Den. She peacefully passes away at some point in AVoS, surrounded by the family she chose to stand beside.
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solipseismic · 2 years
top ten things i like to call jaundice (my cat):
5. jaundathan
4. my son jaunthew who has every disease
3. wretched beaste
2. mr little guy mr boy mr baby guy man boy guy
1. nyam jaumsky
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dualityvn · 2 years
Would the boys let me eat their hair? It just looks very chewable I wanna nyam on it if they’re okay with it
"Well as long as you don't actually bite it off." - Keith
"No, it'll smell like spit after." - Tenebris
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neurodivenport · 2 years
chases longer hair is his best… so fluffy so cute so puppy so good boy nyam nyam so cute just wanna eat him gonna pet him n stroke his cheeks until he falls asleep in my lap nyam good boy my good boy nyam
i'm convinced u crawled into my brain and then pulled this out of my thoughts.
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i need to pet him like a fluffy cat
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aacehypez · 7 days
Kelvyn Boy – Man Down Ft Lasmid
Kelvyn Boy – Man Down Ft Lasmid
Kelvyn Boy – Man Down Ft Lasmid Man Down by Kelvyn Boy Ft Lasmid Ghanaian Afrobeat singer and songwriter, Kelvyn Boy recruits Lasmid on this brand new song titled “Man Down”. Check it out below and kindly share it with your friends and loved ones. Liked this song, Also Download this Mp3: Bogo Blay – Nyame Ayɛ Adeɛ Ft Ras Kuuku Take a listen and download this Ghana mp3 song and don’t forget to…
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petnews2day · 3 months
Love Island sparks new feud as villa boy brands rival a 'snake' in shock scene
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/Td8zB
Love Island sparks new feud as villa boy brands rival a 'snake' in shock scene
IT looks like a new feud is brewing in the Love Island villa between Omar Nyame and Joey Essex. Joey, who is in a couple with Grace Jackson, called Omar a ‘snake’. Joey and Grace had a chat about where there relationship was heading Grace said that she would be interested in Omar if Joey […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/Td8zB #ExoticPetNews
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cibadidi · 11 months
We Forgor💀
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Ciba and Didi forgot to eat!! They played a game called Ludo, and got too immersed by it. Eventually, they both collapse out of malnutrition.
Beki notices this fast! He then went the store in hurry to buy some food.
Beki: Hurry up! Eat, eat!
He bought an ice cream.
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Nyam nyam nyam...
Toto: that's not enough. They need real food!
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Now Ciba and Didi feel so full the decided to fall asleep... Silly boys...
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rainsmediaradio · 1 year
Oseikrom Sikanii - Daze Lyrics
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Oseikrom Sikanii - Daze Lyrics Nnomma no bobo me ene me ka nsem 2023 against be da ntem De Nyame ahyira no wode nakye aa wo ya asem Oba nyansafo ye bu ne be yenka na sem mmmm Eeeeiii eeeiii wei ntumi mbu ma baa mu mmm Oseikrom sikanii asikafo amba temmmm Ampa gold nkoaa ne me anthem mmmm Trap nkoaa trap nkoaa fuck adadamu mmm Eeeiii eeeiii Ya sei bibiaaa condem mmmm On dem mmmm Mmmm mmmm Gangster Na me pe se me take ne cool Nanso mo npe no saa wey I vex some Wey I do Abrantie se wo ne size enye me shoe Kwasia anibete ma obi afiri Bredi fool ooooo Nun sia bebo ama akoko bedatem bedatem Security na ye tight ye betwe a fam Yɛ betwe a fam Ma ye ye me nnoma maye le mmmm Maye le mmmm Eh eh eh biara condem ehye wo yɛm Mmm mmmm mmm Pull up with the squad Pull up with the gang SSG ta me hye aaaa Wobe kyere me den Omo se akyena mentumi ntwan John boy no ose ye fere no sen Trap king Kweku fane ten Wo ne me nye pe wo nye me ti pen Ka na me tie aaa Ose oforo awiemuhyen Eno ye de ye den Mepe sika de bi akoma me Nana Fa me di agoro Dekyemso wobedi wo Nana Me yene aa china boy wo la la Last hour ye de bɛko Vienna Amanfo girls aa ma ta yi Kumasi nkran bebiara me wo dan Shugulu girl pe me agye me asi dan Me maa no coins still ogu su ekan Fine girl bi aa ope fendi Kweku de wo wura demu na wan ndi Eye me wawa Eye nsem piii Me ye sure paaa se bibi sie Boys tete me dodo Sɛ girl no mpɛ wo aaa Enhye me su Ofeeli Kwaku Kwaku na te su Osendi ne picture aaa Wa ko sendi ne to Trap way Me se fuck adadamu Fuck adadamu Fine girl da me mpamu Ne to paaa Nnomma no bobo me ene me ka nsem 2023 against be da ntem De Nyame ahyira no wode nakye aa wo ya asem Oba nyansafo ye bu ne be yenka na sem mmmm Eeeeiii eeeiii wei ntumi mbu ma baa mu mmm Oseikrom sikanii asikafo amba temmmm Ampa gold nkoaa ne me anthem mmmm Trap nkoaa trap nkoaa fuck adadamu mmm Eeeiii eeeiii Ya sei bibiaaa condem mmmm On dem mmmm Read the full article
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ghlagatindotcom · 1 year
Fameye's Child marks third Birthday celebration, Looks So Tall And Cute In Photograph
On April 26, 2023, Arvid Famiyeh Jnr Asuah Nyame, the first child of Ghanaian singer Fameye, celebrated his third birthday. On this day, the creator of the hit song “Questions” shared a sweet picture of the young boy who had just turned three. A lot of people wished him a happy birthday, while others talked about how grown up he had become.
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mypositiveoutlooks · 2 years
Viewer uses inheritance money to buy grand piano for 11-year-old prodigy after seeing him on TV
Viewer uses inheritance money to buy grand piano for 11-year-old prodigy after seeing him on TV
In a viral TV news clip, a little boy was shown toying with piano keys like a professional. It amazed a lot of musicians including Bill Magnusson, a professional piano tuner. The kids’ incredible piano skills hit him so hard that he used his inheritance money to buy him a grand piano. Jude Nyame Yie Kofie is a typical 11-year-old boy who loves trying different activities. This was what his father…
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alchemyst3 · 3 years
Let me share with you a story by us but for all to listen.
Repost and support if you can.
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yeshawithluv · 5 years
this is important
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nyam · 6 years
So about the next episode...
I know a very big part of me will be like :( at the inevitable separation arc impending and the broken friendship to follow
But at the same time I'm SO READY to see Mob put his foot down and stand up for his friends!! Like Reigen, sweetie, we love you, but I swear the second that Mob gets mad and stands against him I'm gonna be behind him like
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
wait a damn minute his hAiR r those blonde highlights im seeing 🫧
Hyunjae looks like winnie the pooh. Coincidentally, i am obsessed with winnie the pooh
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