#nyx assassin
maidot · 9 months
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ppl in FB asking more ships v:
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fobosfear · 1 year
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Reddit loved those sketches I don't even know why lol
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chlorophyllclaws · 5 days
man the DotA 2 loading screens are truly beautiful
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but what i find genuinely impressive is that while some of these are obviously hand-painted, a few others seem to be painted over renders of the actual game models.
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like, if you zoom in you can still see some sharp edges potentially/leftover from polygons and vertices.
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which makes sense, as it would enable artists to remain 100% accurate to the characters' proportions and design. trust me, that's a HUGE pet peeve of mine. my 2 followers or something already know how much i hate the inconsistency in Aatrox's illustrations, and more recently in Ekko's redesign.
seeing stuff like this just gives me that little bit of joy in my heart, because it's something no one should be ashamed of doing.
ESPECIALLY new and hobbyist artsts. go get that 3D model. pose it! edit it! investigate all the little triangles that make up your favourite character's face! paint over textures! paint over renders! use them as pose reference! there's no shame in studying another artist's work!!
All images were ripped directly from the DotA 2 game files. I do not own any of the artwork shown.
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nemo-in-wonderland · 2 months
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(Consider reblogging this so I have a more ample sample).
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marcyuwu · 2 years
Anne is taller than her, if only by a few inches, and she’s chuckling as Marcy wobbles precariously. “Marcy is a pretty name,” she says, offering a blinding smile. “Well, Marcy, don’t you worry one bit; I’ll wrap that ankle up and then you definitely won’t press charges against me, right?”
“Don’t worry,” Marcy teases, “I don’t press charges against pretty girls.”
Anne just laughs, and with Marcy’s bag slung over her shoulder and her arm supporting Marcy’s weight, Marcy relaxes, most of her tension just melting away– she’s definitely had worse encounters with people she was supposed to have killed five minutes prior.
or: marcy wu has a highly unusual line of work: and anne boonchuy is her newest target. assassin au.
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nyxicnymph · 2 years
Ganyu's Role
Featuring: Ganyu Rating: Mature warnings: assassination, blood, political mismanagement. Summary: The adepti are tasked to protect Liyue, and they do, in their many different ways. But how does Ganyu play her part? General fic, no shipping.
Tags: @eenochian
Ganyu fidgeted over the paper work on her desk. A new Tianquan had just been appointed over Liyue Harbor, the previous having died in his sleep. Or so she was told, anyway. The elections for the new Tianquan had happened quickly, more quickly than Ganyu remembered them happening before. And while there was nothing wrong with things going smoothly and quickly, something just felt... off.
A throat cleared, and Ganyu's head shot up. She met the eyes of the new Tianquan, who smiled. Ganyu smiled back and nodded before clearing her throat.
"Hello, can I help you?"
The woman before Ganyu sighed. "I'm just acquainting myself with the people I'll be working with from now on. You are?"
"I'm Ganyu, the secretary. And you must be the new Tianquan."
"Very good. I'll be seeing you around. Farewell."
Ganyu watched her go with a slight frown. Something about this Tianquan just... didn't sit right with her. She didn't even give Ganyu her name.
Ganyu briefly prayed for patience and slower judgement before continuing on her paperwork.
But she did start a list about the new Tianquan.
Months passed, and the Lady Tianquan never gave Ganyu her name. Ganyu eventually figured it out from the Tianshu when he came in to discuss security for a small event. The man had seem surprised when Ganyu hadn't known the name of Lady Xixi.
Ganyu kept track of every inconsistency that Xixi displayed. Just a few examples included:
Changing her schedule whenever she felt like it despite promises to cut back on that behavior.
A disregard to other members of the Qixing in addition to ignoring the staff around her unless she needed something.
She'd claimed that she would increase the money going to farmers in Qingce Village and other remote towns in Liyue, but had instead cut back their income.
And, now, she was putting something together, something secret, that Ganyu had a bad feeling about.
Papers and papers had come across Ganyu's desk about conversations with Treasure Hoarders. Small deals, small concessions to them. In addition, Xixi was making huge confidential purchases with the money in the Qixing secretary.
Ganyu didn't want to jump to conclusions right away, but her gut was telling her that maybe she should do some digging into Xixi's personal history.
Ganyu emerged from the archive late at night, a frown furrowing her brow. She'd found out enough to say that maybe her concerns had a basis in reality. She'd just locked the door, when she heard a throat clear behind her. She spun around, hiding the key to the archives in her bodice as she did.
"Lady Xixi!"
"Secretary Ganyu. Imagine meeting you here this late," the woman said smoothly.
"I'm sorry, I was just working and lost track of time while I was in there. Why are you here?" Ganyu asked, watching Xixi warily.
Xixi hummed. "Why, I was worried about you! Overworking so much, it can't be good for you." Her eyes lingered on Ganyu's horns. "Even the adepti wouldn't work this hard, would they?"
Ganyu didn't flinch. "The Yakshas work even harder than I do, my lady. I'm just a simple mortal secretary who loses track of time when working."
Xixi hummed again. "Perhaps it's time you take a vacation. I think, oh, three weeks ought to be enough for you to recover whatever sleep you might have lost while you've been 'working', don't you agree?"
"My lady?"
"Oh. don't tell me that you've never taken a vacation." Xixi's face hardened. "Three weeks. If I see you here before those weeks are up, I never want to see you here again."
"With all due respect, it is not your place to dictate when I work. My contract says that I am the only one to decide when I work or how much," Ganyu stated. That wasn't quite true, for she worked for Rex Lapis in the Qixing, but it was as much as Xixi needed to know.
Xixi got up in Ganyu's face. "You will take those three weeks off. It's only for your best interests."
Ganyu recieved a quiet message from Rex Lapis. She was to accept the vacation. Ganyu bowed her head and nodded.
"Yes, my lady."
When Ganyu returned home, she collapsed to her knees.
"Rex Lapis, why have you requested I stay out of it? Are you willing to let Liyue fall into the hands of the treasure hoarders? All because of this selfish liar of a woman?"
Her eyes flew open as she heard the voice of Rex Lapis. "My lord!"
"I wanted you to take the vacation so that you would stay alive. I need you to do something for me regarding her, and this time will give you a chance to prepare." His hands extended towards Ganyu, and glowed. The glow coalesced into a bow, a bow that Rex Lapis then placed into Ganyu's hands. "An old friend of mine gave this to me, but as I have no use for it, I believe you will make better use of it."
"Rex Lapis.... What are my orders?"
"Secure the safety of Liyue."
When Ganyu awoke the next morning, the Amos Bow still in her hands and a plan fully formed in her mind, she knew she would not let Rex Lapis down.
The day dawned. The day on which Ganyu would ensure the safety and security of Liyue.
The Tianquan Xixi was to make an announcement regarding the future of Liyue. There was a week left on Ganyu's vacation, but that had no bearing on Ganyu's task.
Ganyu had foregone her usual apparel, having settled for her dark armor from the Archon War, and further disguising herself with a shroud of mist over the rooftops where Ganyu was standing.
She was several blocks away from where Xixi was to make the announcement, but she could see what she needed to. It had been a long time since she had tapped into her Adeptal powers, and while she would never be as strong as a full blooded adeptus, she was strong enough for this task.
Xixi made her appearance then, and Ganyu raised her bow. As Xixi began to speak, the crowd became agitated. Ganyu let an icy arrow fly when the first yell of dissent reached her ears, then, cloaking herself in the mist, ran along the rooftops behind it.
Her arrow struck true, impaling Xixi's left shoulder, and imprisoning it in Cryo. Ganyu rematerialized directly in front of Xixi, and kicked the woman to the ground, nocking another arrow as she did.
"Rex Lapis does not stand for your decisions, greedy mortal," she announced, deepening her voice an octave lower than usual, what she called her "battle voice". "You have broken your contract to care for Liyue, and abandoned your people."
Xixi looked up at Ganyu's shrouded face, eyes wide with terror.
Ganyu was no innocent lamb. She had killed before. She knew it was necessary at times. But the twinge of guilt she felt never went away.
She unshrouded her eyes just enough that Xixi could recognize her. "Now you shall suffer the wrath of the rock."
Xixi began to say, "Ga-"
But Ganyu's arrow pierced her art and froze her body. Ganyu vanished into the mist again, the adrenaline flowing through her veins carrying her away faster than she'd arrived.
She rematerialized in the backyard of her home, and quickly returned her armor to where she hid it in the floorboards, and hid the bow in the same spot. Someday she'd be able to unearth these, but not for another century or so.
She spent the next hour calming the tremors in her hands, until when at last, someone knocked on her door, she was calm.
The next few weeks were busy, with the handling of the incident, and the election and more thorough investigation of a new Tianquan.
Ganyu returned to her job as secretary as soon as her last week was up, and if the Tianshu raised an eyebrow at her when he saw her, well, he'd never much liked the previous Tianquan, anyway.
The story of the unidentified assassin of Tianquan Xixi grew more and more fantastical through the decades, eventually becoming a legend and fairytale about upholding one's contract. And Ganyu never bat an eye at it.
And Liyue continued to know safety and security.
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wheretwofacesmeet · 1 year
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Nyx can see us
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galahdborn · 1 year
|| now i want a villain muse...
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katiemakena · 1 year
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“Hells…can I just go back to thieving in Baldur’s Gate?”
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sparklecryptid · 2 years
thinkin sad thoughts. separate from the healin trauma from ages past, ardyns also watched ace get hurt over and over with no way to stop him or meaningfully help. how much he must have worried when ace almost died on the isles.
and then. then he can heal again. just a little, just enough. even if it's weaker, even if it brings bad memories, this is a way he can help someone he really cares about, who he doesn't want to lose. ;w;
I’m dying anon
That’s beautiful and good and somewhat were i was going with the idea
Although mine was much more ‘wouldn’t it be funny for an assassin to be sent after ace and for ace to get hurt because he tries to take care of it himself and for nyx and ardyn and everyone else who care for him to go no not now not after all that happened- and then Ardyn’s hands light up with healing magic and he swallows his disdain for the light and heals his nephew’
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maidot · 11 months
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emo nyx
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garbria · 2 years
I have been playing around with an Assassin's Creed au for a while.
Thousands of years ago the Assassins and Templars fought over Solheim magitak, with the Templars wanting to use it to control people and the Assassins wanting to keep it out of the hands of the powerful. Over the centuries, the Assassins thought they won as the Templars disappeared, and the outposts of the Assassins throughout Eos were slowly abandoned and they were forgotten. Except on Galahd, the ancestral home of the Assassins, who keep the traditions alive.
Cor comes from on old family of Assassins stationed in Insomnia, but no one remembers but him, and he's the last of his line, his parents having passed down what they knew before they died and he joined the Crownsguard. His assassin training is one of the reasons he's so good at what he does.
But his training is incomplete because so much knowledge has been lost, and he knows it. When he runs into Galahdans on the road trip, he realizes the assassins of Galahd are still active. He decides to go there and finish his training, learn about his heritiage.
Meanwhile, Galahd has been ramping up its operations. A lot of Galahd had let the traditions of Assassins fall to the wayside over the years, but with Niflheim's increased aggression, they realize the Templars are on the move again, and they're working on mobilizing to stop them.
Cor show up on Galahd, and runs into Nyx, who offers to train him in the Assassin's ways. It's basically an excuse for them to flirt and be snarky while they do parkour and stab things together.
I have some vague thoughts about Niflheim attacking Galahd because the Templars behind the scenes there realize Galahd training assassins, and the remaining assassins escaping to Insomnia to continue the fight against the Templars while in the glaive. Titus secretly being a Templar, Cor and Nyx working behind the scenes together, that sort of thing.
Thanks for the ask!
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yesiplaygamez · 2 years
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Happy mothers day 💓
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Starting the streaming! <3 as usual, everyone is more than welcome! <3
The Assassin!Nyx and Glaive!Jacob is happening! (and dear gods, how much I love both these two. so very much. so so so so so so much)
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fctedivided · 2 years
Tags (part 2/?)
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indulgentia · 2 years
So I had nothing to do in my cage I stumbled upon a Ruth Paul’s Drag//Race Simulator and I couldn’t resist to make my muses go through it. Yes, they all would DEFINITELY compete, I don’t make the rules. Brace yourselves because it’s quite a RIDE.
𝟏𝐒𝐓  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:LIP-SYNC SMACKDOWN! The queens will lip-sync in duos and split according to who wins and who loses! The losers will be fake eliminated and placed in the Porkchop Lounge. The highlights were:
Xue Yang and Moran will lipsync… The lip-sync song is… I Don't Care by Icona Pop! Moran, shantay you stay! Xue Yang, you're getting the porkchop…
Kanda Yu and Kuai Liang will lipsync. The lip-sync song is... Vroom Vroom by Charlie XCX! Kuai Liang, shantay you stay! Kanda Yu, you're getting the porkchop...
Wyrm, Runyu and Gwi will lipsync...The lip-sync song is... Triste com T by Pabllo Vittar! Wyrm, shantay you stay! Runyu and Gwi, you're getting the porkchop...
𝟐𝐃𝐍  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:RUMIX! Make a verse and a coreography for one of RuPaul's singles!!
Kuai Liang, Nyx, condragulations, you're the Top 2 of the week! 
Nobody is going home tonight! The Top 2 will now lip-sync... for the win! The lip-sync song is... Burning Up by Madonna! 
Nyx, you're a winner baby!
𝟑𝐑𝐃  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:RUMIX! Make a verse and a coreography for one of RuPaul's singles!!
Zack, Moran, condragulations, you're the Top 2 of the week! 
Nobody is going home tonight! The Top 2 will now lip-sync… for the win! The lip-sync song is… Till the World Ends by Britney Spears! 
Zack, you're a winner baby!
𝟒𝐓𝐇  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:DESIGN! The queens will do outfits with trash.
Wyrm, condragulations, you're the winner of today's challenge! 
Kanda Yu, Giyu, I'm sorry my dears but you are up for elimination. The lip-sync song is... Valerie by Amy Winehouse!  
Condragulations, shantay you both stay!!
𝟓𝐓𝐇  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:DESIGN! The queens will do outfits with items inspired by past Drag Race contestants.
Kuai Liang, condragulations, you're the winner of today's challenge! 
Zack, Kanda Yu, I'm sorry my dears but you are up for elimination. The lip-sync song is... Now That I Found You by Carly Rae Jepsen!
Zack, shantay you stay! Kanda Yu, sashay away...
𝟔𝐓𝐇  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:ACTING! The queens will act in a 60's inspired film about phone apps.
Shen, condragulations, you're the winner of today's challenge! 
Giyu, Runyu, I'm sorry my dears but you are up for elimination. The lip-sync song is... Burning Up by Madonna! 
Giyu, shantay you stay! Runyu, sashay away...
𝟕𝐓𝐇  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:DANCE GROUP! The queens will participate in a dance number about Ruth Paul's biography.
Gwi, condragulations, you're the winner of today's challenge! 
Zack, Wyrm I'm sorry my dears but you are up for elimination. The lip-sync song is... Friday by Rebecca Black! I've made my decision. 
Zack, shantay you stay! Wyrm, sashay away...
𝟖𝐓𝐇  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:ROAST! The queens will participate in a roast about comedy.
Junior, condragulations, you're the winner of today's challenge! 
Nyx, Gwi I'm sorry my dears but you are up for elimination. The lip-sync song is... Causing A Commotion by Madonna!
Nyx, shantay you stay! Gwi, sashay away...
𝟗𝐓𝐇  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:RUSICAL! The queens will do a musical about cancel culture.
The queens will bring it to the runway! The theme is: butch. Kuai Liang, Moran, slayed the runway! 
Kuai Liang, condragulations, you're the winner of today's challenge! 
Nyx, Shen, I'm sorry my dears but you are up for elimination. The lip-sync song is... Mesmerized by Faith Evans! 
Nyx, shantay you stay! Shen, sashay away...
𝟏𝟎𝐓𝐇  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:DANCE! The queens will participate in a dance number about Drag Race.
Xue Yang, condragulations, you're the winner of today's challenge!
Moran, Allen I'm sorry my dears but you are up for elimination. The lip-sync song is... No More Drama by Mary J. Blige! 
Moran, shantay you stay! Allen, sashay away...
𝟏𝟏𝐓𝐇  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:SNATCH GAME! The queens will do funny celebrity impersonations!
Junior, condragulations, you're the winner of today's challenge! 
Razputin, Jin Ling I'm sorry my dears but you are up for elimination. The lip-sync song is... Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls!
Razputin, shantay you stay. Jin Ling, sashay away...
𝟏𝟐𝐓𝐇  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:ACTING! The queens will act in a 80's inspired film about cancel culture.
Junior, condragulations, you're the winner of today's challenge!
Nyx, Zach,   I'm sorry my dears but you are up for elimination. The lip-sync song is... New Attitude by Patti LaBelle!
Nyx, shantay you stay! Zack, sashay away...
𝟏𝟑𝐓𝐇  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:COMEDY! The queens will participate in a comedy routine about a popular TV series.
Razputin, condragulations, you're the winner of today's challenge!
Xue Yang, Nyx, I'm sorry my dears but you are up for elimination. The lip-sync song is... Knock On Wood by Amii Stewart! 
Xue Yang, shantay you stay! Nyx, sashay away...
𝟏𝟒𝐓𝐇  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:MAKEOVER! The queens will make everyday people their drag sisters!
Xue Yang, condragulations, you're the winner of today's challenge! 
Razputin, Moran, I'm sorry my dears but you are up for elimination. The lip-sync song is... Oh No! by MARINA! 
Razputin, shantay you stay! Moran, sashay away...
𝟏𝟓𝐓𝐇  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:COMEDY! The queens will participate in a comedy routine about crime.
Xue Yang, condragulations, you're the winner of today's challenge!
Junior, Giyu, I'm sorry my dears but you are up for elimination. The lip-sync song is... Say My Name by Tove Styrke!
Junior, shantay you stay! Giyu, sashay away...
𝟏𝟔𝐓𝐇  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:THE BALL! The queens will bring three looks to the runway! The themes are: Executive realness, Rainbown, ICE QUEEN
Kuai Liang, slayed the runway (obviously)! 
Kuai Liang, condragulations, you're the winner of today's challenge!
Xue Yang, Razputin, I'm sorry my dears but you are up for elimination. The lip-sync song is... Kill The Lights by Alex Newell! 
Xue Yang, shantay you stay! Razputin, sashay away...
𝟏𝟕𝐓𝐇  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:LIP-SYNC SMACKDOWN for returning queen! The highlights were:
Zack and Moran will lip-sync The lip-sync song is… Barbie Girl by Aqua! Moran, condragulations, you'll proceed to the next stage! 
Moran, condragulations, you can return to the competition!
𝟏𝟖𝐓𝐇  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:MONOLOGUE! The queens will make a one woman show for a live audience! 
Moran, condragulations, you're the winner of today's challenge! 
Xue Yang, Kuai Liang, I'm sorry my dears but you are up for elimination. The lip-sync song is... Turn The Beat Around by Vicky Sue Robinson! I've made my decision. 
Xue Yang, shantay you stay. Kuai Liang, sashay away...
𝟏𝟗𝐓𝐇  𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄:THE FINALE! Our Top 3 will participate in a music video for Ruth Paul's newest single!
Moran, I'm sorry my dear but it's not your time. I must ask you to sashay away… 
Junior and Xue Yang, this is your last chance to prove yourself. It's time for you to lipsync.. for the CROWN!! The lip-sync song is… Dancing Queen by ABBA!
Ladies, I've made my decision. 
The Next Drag Superstar is... 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐑 !!                           ��         Now prance, my queen!
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