#o o p s
teamdarkweek · 8 months
Hey, I've been too scared to ask so far, but would it be okay to post some of the challenges a few days late?
I'm currently sick and can't really do a lot. I managed to finish the sketching of my ideas, but I don't think I'll manage to finish the pieces in time.
Of course!
The purpose of posting the days on the day is to get a big push and have some hype going, but late entries are par for the course, and nobody should be sweating themselves over tumblr blog deadlines! Hell, I might be late with some of mine because I have to spend a day travelling and will be reliant on the data plan, and I'd rather save my internet to share you guyses work than post my own.
This blog won't be abandoned after the 7th, and I'll be keeping my notifications on, so post and share whenever you're ready and it will go in the eventual lists of entries for each day, and please do tag @teamdarkweek!
And more importantly than any of that - rest up, and I hope you feel better soon!
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eryth-arts · 1 year
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I swear I haven’t abandoned my Kirby 30th Anniversary project or anything, I’ve just been having a terribly hard time trying to make something for Forgotten Land that I’m happy with :p not to mention being a bit busy and tired all the time gdfjkgjkdf
Planning to have it done this week (hopefully)!
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buntress · 1 year
oog good thing coined genders are queued til the 20th bc i think i burnt myself out
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gaywatch · 1 year
Hey Brittany! Will you be doing any reactions to k-bl other than TES? there's a few that are really really good. Like To my star (2seasons), Our dating sim etc. Also have you watched cherry magic... it's my favorite j-bl and it's incredible.
Ohhhhhhhhhohohohoh wait, I think I've been associating the To My Star title with a different BL series 'cause I just checked out the trailer (without audio or dialogue) and that does NOT look like the show I thought it was--I could've sworn I remember it looking way more like the kind of show I'm not usually into but nooooooo I have made an error.
After Dark possibilities 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
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keikakudori · 2 years
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AH, HE COULDN'T HELP BUT SNICKER IN THE BRISK EVENING AIR, especially given the state of Aizen's glasses and the fact that his captain seemed all-too-aware of how that easily could have been something else getting cut off. More or less. ❝ Well, you did ask me to try'n hit ya. Not much to hit with a skewerin' sword that wouldn't end with ya... y'know........ skewered. ❞ A pause, then Gin grinned wickedly, smug, sly.
❝ Course, I could always stab ya if you want me to. ❞ The tease came with a hissing undertone, an equal amount of awareness as Aizen now held to his chest... a killing intent renewed in full, a snarling snake baring its fangs. I could kill you, I could make you fear me, I could make you tremble and gasp for breath, I could make your eyes widen and mouth go slack with shock as my blade fells you, I COULD DEVOUR YOUR HEART WHOLE.
Aizen sat himself next to his murderer, one step taken closer via that week-ago glimpse of power unveiled. Gin knew. Aizen knew that Gin knew it -- and they knew, mutually, what this meant. Yet here they sat together, air thickened, and the slender shoulders of the Fifth Division's lieutenant sharpened, shifting, a predator preparing to lunge. But not yet -- no, but he'd certainly show his fangs here in the moonlight's glow. Wasn't that fitting, like how they officially met?
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❝ -- as I was sayin', you ain't afraid of me and I like that. Not because I want ya to not be afraid of me, but because I want ya to one day regret that. You're gonna be proven wrong and I'll be right there at your side to see it, won't I, cap'n Aizen~? ❞
                               Oh yes, Aizen remained acutely aware that Gin could have taken his head off with that display of his Bankai. But that had come second. First had been the shock and awe that had been part of that display. Then had come the pride, his face lighting up with that emotion as it suffused his entire being and he had not been SHY about displaying it to Gin in those moments, praising not just him but his Bankai as well. He'd found himself dazzled by the power which Gin had brought forth, awed by it -- awed by Gin. In those moments prior to having that realization had struck that so easily could his head have come removed, his heart skewered with ease ---in those moments, he had praised him for that Bankai.
                               It had not been overly effusive, but it had remained clearly depicted in how he had beamed at him, eyes bright with that surge of gratification. A smile, a true smile, had been the reward given alongside the words which had filled the air.
                               Your Bankai is magnificent, Gin. I can't wait to see how capable you become with it.
                               Kyoka Suigetsu had seemed to purr at the back of his thoughts at the display wrought, her pleasure nearly a match for his own. He was aware of her fondness for the zanpakutou spirit contained within the wakizashi's blade, but he did not begrudge her that admiration. If anything, they agreed to both Gin and Shinso being so impressive. That was unanimous between both master and blade where their counterparts were concerned. So why hold back in that praise? Why restrain it?
                               But the understanding that he could indeed have been so easily cut down in those moments had come next --- along with the realization that he found the concept not alarming as others might have. No, it did not alarm him. The threat that had surfaced with the realization that Gin now held the power of Bankai in his hands was far from inspiring anything akin to fear within Aizen Sousuke. It only whispered against the awareness that Gin was dangerous -- and that he had stepped into a power which Aizen still turned away from.
                               That power would not show itself for years yet. Not for decades.
                               But oh, how dangerous the viper that coiled over his shoulders was, those fangs ready to sink into the skin of his throat.
                               How dangerous he was sitting here.
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                               Still, the snicker that Gin released alongside those words made his eyebrows lift slightly, Aizen turning to regard the young man who wore the badge still. Though, perhaps, not for much longer. Not with the fact that Shinso could hum and purr with the power of that penultimate display of power that was revealed by the strength of his Bankai. Perhaps, soon, he would be left to behold the fact that a haori would drape those slender shoulders. And, knowing Gin, it would be a size too large, something for him to be swallowed up in. Aizen knew it would suit him. He knew it because of those days when the younger man seemed to be feeling particularly chaotic, teasing and swaying and daring Aizen's gaze to trail after him.
                               And how fast he would indeed focus upon the silver-haired man, teeth itching with the urge to sink into that pale throat.
                               ❝ I'd rather you didn't right now, ❞ he stated almost idly as his gaze lingered upon the younger man. ❝ Getting bloodstains out of my haori is irritating enough when they're not mine. I think I'd be irritated even more so if the blood did belong to me. ❞
                               Still, the air was thick and how they watched one another; yes, Aizen knew. He knew that Gin was one step closer to being able to kill him. But that Bankai was still new. It was still unrefined. Ten years, they said, in order to master one's Bankai. Ten years before it would truly be at its height of power. In ten years time, perhaps Gin would be there at the state he wanted.
                               Or perhaps not.
                               Two predators in the same space and his eyes moved away for a second--- only for them to snap back with that sentiment drawled through the air and his eyes narrowed.
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                               ❝ Is that right. ❞
                               His voice came out almost neutral in those moments, a hint of a warning carried in the tone and inflection he spoke with. Of course, such warnings only ever seemed to encourage Gin rather than deter him, as if those hands sought to grip and yank the mask down and from his features. About this man, Aizen did permit it to slip; not entirely, not fully -- not yet. Yet it did slip, far more than it ever had for a man with hair spun from pin-straight sunshine. He had never wanted to see what laid behind that polite veneer.
                               Gin, on the other hand, seemed to seek it out, to lure him forth and into open view.
                               This seemed to be one of those times.
                               How those words seemed to squeeze at the hollow within his own self, however; that Gin would work to make him regret his lack of fear one day. It was COLD, that sensation, a sharp contrast to the usual warmth that was left to flow through him when the man he named his lieutenant was around. It bit at him more than the words strung together by that sharp tongue did and his gaze seemed to darken until it was nearly black as that watchful scrutiny lingered upon the silver-haired beast. Odd, how that stung him more than anything else and he found a hand lifting to finger at the cut which had been left by the demonstration of that Bankai.
                               Then he was moving, a lunge aimed to leave his hand gripping at that throat whilst slamming that slim back down into the tatami mats that served as the flooring in his quarters. A flash of temper, perhaps? Or something more? After all, it was not often that Aizen's gaze focused upon his subordinate with such a predatory darkness, nor with motes of what seemed to be gold flecking those pupils as he leaned over Gin, looming against the darkness. A viper ready to devour the sun --- but the sun was a monstrous thing all its own.
                               And Aizen had ever been so very Other.
                               ❝ Watch your mouth, Gin, or else I might decide to spank you for being so impertinent to me. ❞
                               Was he making a threat? Or, perhaps, it was a promise for how the words growled out of his throat in that rich bass. The husky purr that usually edged each syllable had rolled out into that more guttural noise, proof enough that Gin had indeed found a button to push by proclaiming such sentiments towards his own captain.
                               Gin would make Aizen regret it one day, would he?
                               Not before Aizen might make him regret sitting down for an entire week.
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crypticcupid · 7 months
Rabbit Hole by Deco27 is,,, very applicable to a lot of my s/is,,,,
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eternvlsound · 6 months
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Neon street lights to guide you home
ig: space.ram
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egophiliac · 19 days
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last chance to guess what the new round of birthday outfits will be!
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envymourn · 1 year
I'm fucking HiGh
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ironbloodcd · 1 year
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soracities · 1 year
anyone else have a word they absolutely cannot spell as in no matter how many times you read or write this particular random word your brain just absoltuely will NOT play ball for me its "genius" and "parallel"
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NPMD best line deliveries
oh shit! oh fuck!! i didnt think thered be a skele'uhn here ?!? im so fucking scared of skele'uhnz!!!
dont frighten him pokey you nasssssty boy
were going to jail...and with my luck no one will even B O T H E R making me their bitch...
🐦 heyus the thing about a bãrbĕqüe...it brings folks together...from awl wawlks of laife...theyres a storhé behand everyh burrghurr...everyh kehbahhb...
but I...called God a sonofa B word...who am iaieEUGHAHuhuuuh...
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cartoon-goon02 · 8 months
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Miss Oranje Disco Dancer
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cryptiique · 2 years
how’d we end up on the floor, anyway? for caleb! ( @luxoned )
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a ringing series of laughter soon fades, though its echo remains behind as evidence of the mirth for a good second. it fades into giggles, and into a few hiccups as caleb stares up at the ceiling of essek's lab, admiring a new view of the room. all the interesting things from wall to wall, and even to the ceiling.
whatever it was, it had knocked the wizards on their asses, and the soot on caleb's hands may be the culprit. " i think we might have our calculations off on that particular spell, " he ventures the guess, though a few more hiccuping giggles puncture the words. his face hurts — from the blast, or simply from disuse in laughter?
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ne0nthc · 1 year
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eternvlsound · 8 months
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PlayStation 2 Ocean Blue (2002)
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