#this is starting to get spicy OOPS
keikakudori · 2 years
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AH, HE COULDN'T HELP BUT SNICKER IN THE BRISK EVENING AIR, especially given the state of Aizen's glasses and the fact that his captain seemed all-too-aware of how that easily could have been something else getting cut off. More or less. ❝ Well, you did ask me to try'n hit ya. Not much to hit with a skewerin' sword that wouldn't end with ya... y'know........ skewered. ❞ A pause, then Gin grinned wickedly, smug, sly.
❝ Course, I could always stab ya if you want me to. ❞ The tease came with a hissing undertone, an equal amount of awareness as Aizen now held to his chest... a killing intent renewed in full, a snarling snake baring its fangs. I could kill you, I could make you fear me, I could make you tremble and gasp for breath, I could make your eyes widen and mouth go slack with shock as my blade fells you, I COULD DEVOUR YOUR HEART WHOLE.
Aizen sat himself next to his murderer, one step taken closer via that week-ago glimpse of power unveiled. Gin knew. Aizen knew that Gin knew it -- and they knew, mutually, what this meant. Yet here they sat together, air thickened, and the slender shoulders of the Fifth Division's lieutenant sharpened, shifting, a predator preparing to lunge. But not yet -- no, but he'd certainly show his fangs here in the moonlight's glow. Wasn't that fitting, like how they officially met?
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❝ -- as I was sayin', you ain't afraid of me and I like that. Not because I want ya to not be afraid of me, but because I want ya to one day regret that. You're gonna be proven wrong and I'll be right there at your side to see it, won't I, cap'n Aizen~? ❞
                               Oh yes, Aizen remained acutely aware that Gin could have taken his head off with that display of his Bankai. But that had come second. First had been the shock and awe that had been part of that display. Then had come the pride, his face lighting up with that emotion as it suffused his entire being and he had not been SHY about displaying it to Gin in those moments, praising not just him but his Bankai as well. He'd found himself dazzled by the power which Gin had brought forth, awed by it -- awed by Gin. In those moments prior to having that realization had struck that so easily could his head have come removed, his heart skewered with ease ---in those moments, he had praised him for that Bankai.
                               It had not been overly effusive, but it had remained clearly depicted in how he had beamed at him, eyes bright with that surge of gratification. A smile, a true smile, had been the reward given alongside the words which had filled the air.
                               Your Bankai is magnificent, Gin. I can't wait to see how capable you become with it.
                               Kyoka Suigetsu had seemed to purr at the back of his thoughts at the display wrought, her pleasure nearly a match for his own. He was aware of her fondness for the zanpakutou spirit contained within the wakizashi's blade, but he did not begrudge her that admiration. If anything, they agreed to both Gin and Shinso being so impressive. That was unanimous between both master and blade where their counterparts were concerned. So why hold back in that praise? Why restrain it?
                               But the understanding that he could indeed have been so easily cut down in those moments had come next --- along with the realization that he found the concept not alarming as others might have. No, it did not alarm him. The threat that had surfaced with the realization that Gin now held the power of Bankai in his hands was far from inspiring anything akin to fear within Aizen Sousuke. It only whispered against the awareness that Gin was dangerous -- and that he had stepped into a power which Aizen still turned away from.
                               That power would not show itself for years yet. Not for decades.
                               But oh, how dangerous the viper that coiled over his shoulders was, those fangs ready to sink into the skin of his throat.
                               How dangerous he was sitting here.
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                               Still, the snicker that Gin released alongside those words made his eyebrows lift slightly, Aizen turning to regard the young man who wore the badge still. Though, perhaps, not for much longer. Not with the fact that Shinso could hum and purr with the power of that penultimate display of power that was revealed by the strength of his Bankai. Perhaps, soon, he would be left to behold the fact that a haori would drape those slender shoulders. And, knowing Gin, it would be a size too large, something for him to be swallowed up in. Aizen knew it would suit him. He knew it because of those days when the younger man seemed to be feeling particularly chaotic, teasing and swaying and daring Aizen's gaze to trail after him.
                               And how fast he would indeed focus upon the silver-haired man, teeth itching with the urge to sink into that pale throat.
                               ❝ I'd rather you didn't right now, ❞ he stated almost idly as his gaze lingered upon the younger man. ❝ Getting bloodstains out of my haori is irritating enough when they're not mine. I think I'd be irritated even more so if the blood did belong to me. ❞
                               Still, the air was thick and how they watched one another; yes, Aizen knew. He knew that Gin was one step closer to being able to kill him. But that Bankai was still new. It was still unrefined. Ten years, they said, in order to master one's Bankai. Ten years before it would truly be at its height of power. In ten years time, perhaps Gin would be there at the state he wanted.
                               Or perhaps not.
                               Two predators in the same space and his eyes moved away for a second--- only for them to snap back with that sentiment drawled through the air and his eyes narrowed.
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                               ❝ Is that right. ❞
                               His voice came out almost neutral in those moments, a hint of a warning carried in the tone and inflection he spoke with. Of course, such warnings only ever seemed to encourage Gin rather than deter him, as if those hands sought to grip and yank the mask down and from his features. About this man, Aizen did permit it to slip; not entirely, not fully -- not yet. Yet it did slip, far more than it ever had for a man with hair spun from pin-straight sunshine. He had never wanted to see what laid behind that polite veneer.
                               Gin, on the other hand, seemed to seek it out, to lure him forth and into open view.
                               This seemed to be one of those times.
                               How those words seemed to squeeze at the hollow within his own self, however; that Gin would work to make him regret his lack of fear one day. It was COLD, that sensation, a sharp contrast to the usual warmth that was left to flow through him when the man he named his lieutenant was around. It bit at him more than the words strung together by that sharp tongue did and his gaze seemed to darken until it was nearly black as that watchful scrutiny lingered upon the silver-haired beast. Odd, how that stung him more than anything else and he found a hand lifting to finger at the cut which had been left by the demonstration of that Bankai.
                               Then he was moving, a lunge aimed to leave his hand gripping at that throat whilst slamming that slim back down into the tatami mats that served as the flooring in his quarters. A flash of temper, perhaps? Or something more? After all, it was not often that Aizen's gaze focused upon his subordinate with such a predatory darkness, nor with motes of what seemed to be gold flecking those pupils as he leaned over Gin, looming against the darkness. A viper ready to devour the sun --- but the sun was a monstrous thing all its own.
                               And Aizen had ever been so very Other.
                               ❝ Watch your mouth, Gin, or else I might decide to spank you for being so impertinent to me. ❞
                               Was he making a threat? Or, perhaps, it was a promise for how the words growled out of his throat in that rich bass. The husky purr that usually edged each syllable had rolled out into that more guttural noise, proof enough that Gin had indeed found a button to push by proclaiming such sentiments towards his own captain.
                               Gin would make Aizen regret it one day, would he?
                               Not before Aizen might make him regret sitting down for an entire week.
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darn-stupid-mutt · 1 year
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Toddler tries something very spicy for the first time (dont narc on grandpa to her parents)
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januaryembrs · 4 months
Hi!! Could I please order a spicy hot chocolate for Spencer Reid? (Like you know, the ones that people put cayenne pepper in?!)
You’re an incredible writer and human!
BROTHER'S BEST FRIEND | Spencer Reid x Reader
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description: your brother brings home his dorky college classmate, Spencer
length: 2.5k
warnings: spicy, SMUT (omg Em attempts smut and even then its pretty tame but why are my hands shaking), minors dni! heed my warnings this is not for you minors!! nipple stuff, mens genitalia mentioned, Spencer and reader get horny for one another oop. I really hope this is okay I've literally written smut once and even then I second guessed myself so much. SEASON ONE GLASSES SPENCE. BROTHER'S BEST FRIEND SPENCE. smut under the cut.
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You felt eyes on you without even having to turn where you were stuffing laundry into the washing machine, your face sweaty with the midsummer heat. 
“Jesus Christ, you look like Hot Topic threw up on you,” Your brother’s voice resounded as two sets of footsteps entered the kitchen, and someone cleared their throat where you were bent over, denim shorts riding high up your ass cheeks. 
Flicking a look over your shoulder, you pulled the spoon full of peanut butter out of your mouth, yanking a headphone out of your ear to address him. 
“Don’t shit your pants, dickbrains, it’s all I have until my clothes are clean,” You snapped at Ryan, tongue dancing with the creamy, sweet spread, and your eyes dropped to his left where his best friend fussed over his sweater cuffs, a duffel bag on his back, and your eyes softened as you saw Spencer looking flushed in your kitchen, “Hi, Spence,” 
“Hi,” He peeped shyly, and you smiled widely at the obscenely tall boy who had been to your house a number of times. Ryan had met Spencer on the first day of college, or at least his first day. For Spencer, it had been six years already, his third doctorate well underway, and the two had quickly bonded over something dumb and nerdy you’d never bothered to take note of. You clicked the dials on the machine to a low setting, pouring some detergent into the drum and pressing the ‘Start’ button.
“You guys doing homework?” You asked, fixing where your shirt slouched off the side of your shoulder, exposing your lack of bra and baring your collar bones, and you were quick to catch the way Spencer’s hazel hues fell there with something fleeting and guilty in his expression. 
“We’re not twelve years old calculating how many watermelons Sally and Jess have all together,” Your brother scoffed, screwing his lips in annoyance, just as much as any twenty year old pumped full of hormones and energy drinks. “We’re writing a paper on thermodynamics; Spencer’s staying over tonight,”
Rolling your eyes at his know it all snark, you pulled a face back at him, despite the fact you were one year older. You looked to his left where Spencer stuffed his hands in his pockets, his cheeks pink as he caught himself like a fly in honey in one of your usual arguments. 
“Do you want a drink, Spence?” You offer, ignoring Ryan’s shitty attitude, heading over to the fridge and swinging the door open, your fathers bottles of beer clinking together where they lay flat on the top shelf. 
“Soda would be great, please,” Spencer murmured, trying not to stare as you leaned over, those little, black hot pants skirting up so far his face felt feverish and he forced himself to look at the linoleum tiles in a scrambled attempt to control his thoughts. 
He felt like a kid again, with a stupid little crush on the older girl who batted her lashes and called him Spence and smiled at him like you knew exactly how you made that big brain of his turn to mush when you spoke to him. 
Handing him a Coke, he tried to ignore the way your cold fingers brushed and avoided your gaze at all cost.
“Thankyou,” He said, his voice cracking in the very middle of it in a way that made him feel like a total loser, and he heard you giggle, his neck growing a prickling hot. 
Before you could say much else, his friend grabbed his sleeve, tugging him in the direction of his room where you couldn’t bother them anymore. 
Spencer was thinking about your laugh the entire afternoon, until they gave up writing and turned to watching Star Trek, the evening air quickly turning humid and dark, and he begged the tightness in his boxers to leave him be for even just a second.
Only, he found no such luck, tortured by the thought of you being just a single flight of stairs away from him. 
You were doing dishes by the time you heard him again. Assuming it was Ryan, you made no effort to greet him since it usually was only responded with a grunt or cuss anyways. 
Except you could tell by the footsteps that were too careful, the presence that was too soft, even by the way he cleared his throat nervously, that it certainly wasn’t your obnoxious brother who had come into the kitchen for a midnight snack. 
Whirling around at the sound, Spencer stood on the other side of the dining table you'd been sitting at just a few hours ago eating pasta and listening to your mom recounting her stressful day in the office. Thin, framed glasses perched on his nose, ones you’d never seen before, glinting in the light from the oven as he blinked at you behind the lenses. 
“Spence,” You said with a tired smile, eyes dropping to his shirt and plaid trousers, “Cute jammies,” 
He paused for a second, looking down to the grey Doctor Who set, a diagram of the TARDIS splayed across his chest, and he blanked when he tried to figure out if you were kidding or being genuine, “Thank you. You too,”
He didn’t know why he’d said it, maybe because that’s just what you do when someone is being kind, except only then did he look at what you were wearing, and impossibly so it was even more scandalous than what you were wearing earlier. 
A tank top, if he could even call it that with how far it rode up, and a lacy pair of blush underwear, a pretty white bow resting just below your belly button. 
Following his gaze as it devoured your exposed appendage, you grinned at him devilishly, “Sorry, it gets pretty hot in my room at night,” 
“Y-yeah I can imagine you-you’re hot,” He stammered, realising what he said when you raised a brow at him, “B-because you’re a floor up, I mean, and heat rises because hot air has a lower particle density than cool air although some physicians believe-”
“I know what you meant, Spence,” You said with a smirk, moving around the table to stand in front of him, your feet padding softly against the cold floor. Looking up at him with a tilted head, you inspected the frames you realised were a mahogany brown now you were close enough to see them properly, you peered past the lenses and right into where his doe eyes stared back at you, skittish and flustered, “Are these new?” 
Spencer licked his lips nervously, “I used to wear glasses when I was a kid but now I wear contacts,” He said, rubbing clammy palms over his trousers. He could smell your detergent from here, the same one he’d seen you pour over your laundry just a few hours earlier, ‘Blossom breeze’ or something girly and sweet and floral like that. He didn’t know the brand, but it was entirely intoxicating, except he suspected it had nothing to do with the liquid and more to do with the fact he could see your nipples pressing against your shirt when you stood so close to him, “Girls don’t really think scrawny guys in glasses are.. hot,” 
You sniggered, though your brows furrowed the slightest bit, “Who told you that?” 
“Lot’s of girls, more than once actually, it’s just kind of common knowledge,” He fumbled, his chest pricking with nerves when your fingers moved up to grip his waist gently, thumbs danced down his hip bones, the gentle touch alone stirring his cock into a painfully hard stance. He gulped, the sound loud in the sombre twilight of the kitchen, and for a guy who had aced every single test he’d ever taken, who played chess against himself for fun to guess his next five moves, Spencer had no clue where he existed outside of your body so close to his, looking at him like he was a puppy begging for treats if he gave paw. 
“I think those girls are absolute boneheads if they can’t see how pretty you are, Spence,” You said his name as if it was the only one that had ever mattered, and he couldn’t help how his chest swelled at the sentiment, even if he wasn’t so off guard as to actually believe that. You’d always had this way of making people feel special, he saw it at your family barbecue last Summer, when your cousins flocked around you like you were their Queen Bee, how you seemed to make waiters and waitresses alike flush under your preening smiles and 'please's and 'thankyou's whenever you took Spencer and your brother out for dinner. 
“T-thankyou,” He replied after a thick breath, his chest rattling as you pulled him towards your calm figure, and he let himself be guided like he were leashed, “Y-you’re pretty too,”
He wanted to tell you so much more than that, that you were beautiful like all the popular girls at school were, only humble and kind like the golden part of you glittered inside too, except before he could even attempt at expanding on his three pathetic little words he’d stammered through laboured breaths, he effectively got fully disconnected from his brain when you leaned in towards his face and brushed your nose against his, testing the waters. 
Your gaze trailed up to his innocently, so close he could feel your minty breaths fanning over his bottom lip, and he guessed you’d already brushed your teeth ready for bed. 
“You really think I’m pretty, Spence?” You asked naively, even if he knew it was just because he forgot how to speak when you were too forward, as if you were trying not to spook a deer. He nodded quickly, his eyes zeroing on where your mouth was mere centimetres away from him, one single shiver in his spine and he would be kissing you, and like you’d heard his train of thought, you pushed your lips against his softly, his body jolting with an electric shock. 
There could be sirens surrounding the entire house and he would be none the wiser, because in mere seconds his blood was rushing through his eardrums, sounding like radio static, and it was only when he felt the vibration of it against his mouth did he realise you’d whined, and his hands sprung to life, cupping both your cheeks and tugging you closer to his face as if he was clinging onto every second of the feeling. 
Spencer groaned, a sound he didn’t even realise he was going to make until he felt your fingers squeeze him lightly, and he snapped back into his body like a hair tie slinging him back into a world where the girl he’d had a teeny, tiny, maddening crush on for months was making out with him in her kitchen. 
“‘Gotta be quiet, baby, my parents are asleep,” You said, breathless as you ripped yourself away from him, despite the fact he was insistently pulling you back towards his mouth, and you smiled up at his urgency, “You ever kissed a girl before, Spence?”  
He sighed, and you’d never counted him as sassy until you heard it, almost spoiled and bratty now you’d given him a taste of heaven and held it back from him for the sake of small talk.
“Once, at recess in fifth grade, but it wasn’t like this,” He said, yanking you back towards him ravenously, and you let him devour your lips again, grinning into his desperate mouth, “Never been like this,” 
You weren’t sure whether he meant himself or what was likely a peck on the lips between kids as a dare, but you didn’t think too hard about it, as you slotted yourself back into his rough hands, calluses on the insides of his right fingertips from the years holding a pen so hard he might just break it. He felt your mouth open, and he followed your lead, your tongue feathering out with a shyness you showed nowhere else. And it was like every single statistic and number and fact about sharing saliva flew out of his head with wanton need as he dove right for the source, the tip of his tongue meeting yours with a warm nudge and he heard you mewl in pleasure. 
Spencer didn’t know what had come over him. Only moments ago he’d been too nervous to even look at you in fear of stumbled around a few syllables and calling them words. Yet here he was, his glasses slipping down his nose and pressing against the bridge of your own, your chest pressed so close to him he could feel your nipples pebbling against his TARDIS shirt, and it was like it was then he remembered you had no bottoms on except your panties. 
He hooked a hand underneath one of your legs, hiking it up to his waist and pushing even further up against you, the sudden movement making you gasp, your lower back hitting the dining table as his pubic bone ground against the ball of nerves that had been aching since you caught him shuffling around your kitchen in his damn Doctor Who pyjamas. 
Sliding his broad fingers up, your skin spread into gooseflesh and it was your turn to become putty under his touch as he bravely grabbed a handful of your arse, though his touch was still light and uncertain if he was crossing any boundaries. The change in position meant you felt yourself leaning back, your spine spreading out like a cat in warm sunlight, and he was quick to accommodate you, ever eager to please as Spencer was, moving away from the warmth of your mouth and kissing his way down to your pulse, the feeling of it making both of you hum on quietened tones in pleasure. 
“Why have we never done this before?” You asked breathlessly, your chest rising frantically as you gasped for air, a hushed moan bleeding into your airways. 
Spencer held you upright with one of his long arms, thought his mouth devoured a path over your collar bones, heading right for where your breasts lay in wait, and he didn’t even bother trying to remove your top as he kissed over your nipple with hungry, warm lips. 
“I dunno, probably because Ryan wouldn’t be too happy with me trying to fuck his sister while he’s eating dinner,” Spencer said without thinking, his tone sharp and witty as ever, like the noises you were making and the desperation in your touch seemed to rewire his thoughts into something overindulged. 
But you laughed, loud enough you slapped a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from waking up the whole house, because you had no idea how you’d explain to them why you and Spencer had ended up half sprawled on the dining table as he practically fixed himself onto every inch of you. And without warning he chuckled too, the vibration blowing over your skin that was already humming with excitement. 
“Do you think we could do this more often?” You asked, raising yourself up onto your elbows as his hands spread over your stomach, riding your top up just the smallest bit so he could kiss over your stomach, his pupils blown out into planets behind his glasses, his cheeks tinged raspberry red, his gaze drunken like he was in some sort of sugar rush only ready to stop when he’d gotten his fill, though at the rate he was going Spencer thought that day might not actually come. 
You were a drug, a nectar he’d never come close to, and he felt like every kiss to your skin only made that well in his stomach dig deeper and deeper, possibly never running dry as his every thought overflowed with drops of you, and your smell, and your taste, and your tongue. 
Missing your lips, he moved back up to your face, crashing his mouth back onto yours as your fingers raked through his hair, the sensation jolting his rod like appendage into you own pelvis, the two of you shivering with the feeling of it. 
“I think we can arrange that,” He murmured, and you grinned up at him devilishly as he fiddled with the cotton hem of your underwear nervously, his boldness wearing off as he saw that glint in your eyes that spelled trouble. But he understood that nervous and excitement felt so similar it was easy to mistake one for the other, perhaps even mesh both together at the same time, and the logical explanation for his clammy hands and racing heart seemed to soothe him the slightest bit. 
He loved sleepovers at your house.
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inkdrinkerworld · 4 months
i love your writing so much, thank you for everything <3 (especially for post!prison spencer and sunshine!reader!!!) i was thinking about spencer and r are hanging out. still, no one from the team knows yet. she saved his contact as “cutie pie” or some other pet name (and maybe even he doesn't know it yet), and he calls, but someone from the team picks up her cell phone before she does and answers like “uuuuh who are you, 'cutie pie?'” and the spencer was "what???? who's cutie pie???"
Spencer’s at home sick. He’d come over before his fever set in and he’d been delirious by the time he crawled into your bed. 
You wanted to stay home too, to take care of him and make him chicken noodle soup that would’ve been too spicy or make him take his medicine- he can be a bit of a baby about the liquid stuff. 
Instead, you had to come to work. 
You left medicine on your bedside, a large glass of water and a couple sleeves of saltines for Spencer. 
At work you’d been texting back and forth when he woke up, giggling and smiling much to Luke and Matt’s confusion. 
“Who’s got you smiling like that?” Luke asks and you lock your phone, holding it against your chest. 
“Just someone I’m talking to.” 
It’s the wrong thing to say because just as the words leave you Penelope is in the bullpen and you look up at her like you’ve been caught red handed. 
It’s not that you and Spencer are trying to keep your relationship a secret. It’s that you’ve only just started dating- maybe a month. You know Penelope will feel betrayed for a few minutes before asking for updates. 
“Who is this someone?” She asks and you shrug, not wanting to say too much. 
Your phone pings again and Matt raises his eyebrow- he’s come to be like a protective brother to you. 
“Is it serious?” He asks, watching you bite your lip to hide your smile. 
“Yeah, I’d say so.” 
Penelope squeals, your phone rings. You freeze for a moment when your phone announces, “Baby.” 
She lunges before you do, snatching your phone from your hands and then answering. 
“Who are you, ‘baby’?” Penelope says and you bite your lip, hoping Spencer is at least a bit coherent. 
“Put it on speaker, Garcia.” Luke says and you shriek, apologies already circling your head for Spencer. 
Penelope does as asked, and repeats her question. “Well mystery Baby, who are you?”
Spencer’s voice is hoarse and confused as he repeats, “Who’s baby? Penelope is that you? Where’s Y/n?” 
The entire bullpen goes quiet, a crippling sort of silence that is longing to be shattered. It goes unshattered and stretches till the tension makes the room taut. 
“I’m here, I’ll call you back Spence.” You say quickly, body hot as you rush to hang up. 
“So, the boy genius huh?” Penelope says, a chuckle breaking through your group. 
“I knew it!” Matt said, opening his hand as Luke fishes out his wallet. 
“What did you know, Simmons?” You ask, watching Luke place what looks to be a couple hundred dollars in Matt’s hand. 
“That you and the good doctor were seeing each other.” He says like it’s no big deal. “I knew it from the second day when you guys started doing your crosswords together.” 
You blow a raspberry, not even you knew you were going to end up with Spencer. 
“Rossi’s going to love this gos!” Penelope says, rushing out with a wave of her arm. 
“We are happy for you, you’re cute together.” Luke compliments, laughing when you hide behind your hands. 
When the drama dies down you text Spencer, I think everyone is now aware that we’re together. Oops 
Spencer texts back, more coherent than you’d thought he’d be given the temperature of his fever: That’s not so bad. At least now I can kiss you between the crosswords. 
You roll your eyes, You already do that, genius. 
Spencer’s response has you a mess of emotions. So, baby huh? I didn’t think you’d be fond of that one. 
Go take your medicine and get some rest, Spencer.
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bradshawssugarbaby · 6 months
Got My Mind Set On You - Jake Seresin x Reader
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A/N: I know I said fluff, but somehow I got to spicy stuff instead. Oops.
pairing: Jake Seresin x reader
content/warnings: suggested smut.
word count: 1.7k
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Jake Seresin leaned casually against the rustic exposed wooden beam of the dimly lit bar, his gaze fixed on you as you shared a moment of laughter with your friends across the room. With the air of someone who knew they were being watched, he flicked another dart effortlessly towards the board, the satisfying thud of it hitting the bullseye punctuating the room. He took a slow sip of his beer, the corner of his lips curling into a self-assured smirk as his friends marveled at his accuracy.
Javy couldn't help but prod at Jake's seemingly supernatural dart-throwing abilities. "How do you do it, man? You never even look at the board."
Jake chuckled, tapping the side of his temple with his index finger. "Photographic memory, my friend. I've got every angle mapped out up here," he said with a grin, never once breaking his gaze from you.
Bradley, ever the skeptic, scoffed from the sidelines. "Oh, please. Anyone can get lucky tossing darts at a board."
A challenge hung heavy in the air as Jake raised an eyebrow, his grin widening. "Care to put that theory to the test, Bradshaw?"
Bradley, never one to back down, accepted with a lazy smirk. "Fine. But don't blame me if your girl decides she wants a more skilled pilot."
"Bring it on," Jake replied, his confidence unwavering.
With practiced ease, Bradley sent his first dart flying, hitting the bullseye just as he predicted. Jake's expression remained cool, but there was a flicker of admiration in his eyes as Bradley repeated the feat with his second shot. Bullseye again.
Jake's smirk faltered slightly, but he quickly recovered, raising his pint glass towards the dartboard. "You can't do it a third time."
Bradley's competitive spirit flared as he confidently launched his final dart, only to miss the mark by a fraction of an inch. He turned to Jake, a hint of defiance in his eyes as he admitted defeat.
Jake couldn't resist a playful jab. "Not quite perfect, Bradley."
But any teasing was forgotten as you appeared beside him, your touch warm on his shoulder. "Hey there, sugar," Jake greeted you with a smile. "See me get a perfect streak?" Jake purposefully drawled out the word ‘perfect’, resulting in a dramatic eyeroll from Bradley. 
Jake's smile softened as he wrapped an arm around you, his gaze never straying far from yours. You grinned as he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, nodding your head as you spoke. “Sure did, honey. You did great!”, you gushed.
“I am great, darlin’, you know that.”
Bradley groaned and rolled his eyes before downing the rest of his beer. With an exaggerated sigh, he shook his head, holding his empty glass up to you and the others before speaking.
“Anyone down for another round? I’ll buy.”
You chuckled at Bradley's offer, exchanging knowing glances with Jake before nodding in agreement. "I could go for another," you said with a grin, feeling Jake's arm tighten slightly around your waist.
“Sure, thanks man,” Jake started, handing Bradley his empty glass, “After, why don’t we rematch? We can switch to the pool table, if you guys would rather, that way you might actually have a chance at beating me.”
Bradley scoffed and shook his head. “Fine, you’re on.”
Javy, always up for a good time, eagerly agreed. "I'm in. Let's see if lightning strikes twice for old Bradshaw here."
Bradley shot Javy a mock glare before laughing, his competitive streak undeterred. "We'll see about that," he retorted, already heading towards the bar to order everyone’s drinks.
As Bradley disappeared into the crowd, you leaned into Jake's side, relishing in the warmth of his presence. The soft buzz of conversation and clinking glasses enveloped you, creating a comforting backdrop to the evening.
"You know, I think Bradley's just jealous," you whispered teasingly, tilting your head up to meet Jake's gaze.
Jake chuckled softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he looked down at you. "Can you blame him?" he replied, his voice low and playful. "After all, he's got to compete with the best."
You rolled your eyes affectionately, swatting his chest playfully. "Smooth talker," you teased, but couldn't hide the smile that tugged at your lips.
“Besides all that, I’ve got the best girl, so really, poor Bradley didn’t stand a chance, did he?” Jake whispered as he leaned into your ear, his green eyes fixed on yours as he planted a soft kiss on your lips. 
“The best girl, huh?” You mused, raising an eyebrow, “That’s a new one for me.”
“Mhmm,” Jake hummed as he gave you a playful tap on the nose with his index finger. “You better get used to it, honey.”
As you all rounded the pool table, gathering into your teams, Bradley furrowed his brow as he gestured to you and Jake as Jake kept you close to him for his team.
“Oh no you don’t loverboy.” Bradley chided, shaking his head, “She’s on my team. Together you two’ll just end up getting handsy on the pool table and make us all lose our lunch.”
“He’s got a point there, don’t he?” Jake shrugged as he conceded, letting go of his protective, loving grip on your waist.
You watched as Bradley lined up to take his shot. Observing his form carefully, you tried to make mental notes so you could match his game - you weren’t the greatest at pool, Jake usually used teaching you as an excuse to put his hands all over you, not that you complained. It just resulted in some incredibly short lessons in pool, and some playful sessions in the bed of his Ford F-150. 
Bradley leaned in close to your ear, whispering softly as he came up with a game strategy. “How well can you accidentally distract Jake?”
“Oh, easy,” you responded with confidence, nodding your head slightly as your gaze fixated on Jake, who was lining his pool cue up for his turn.
“Perfect, do your thing.”
You sipped your cocktail and fiddled with the straw, your lips encircling the tip in a way that you knew Jake would interpret as suggestive. Sure enough, as soon as Jake looked up at you, sea-green eyes locked in a gaze at your mouth as it played with the end of your straw, he missed his shot, causing the cue ball to bounce off the edge of the table, not striking anything in its path. Jake straightened his posture, raising an eyebrow at you as you set your glass down to take your own shot. Bradley smirked from behind his beer bottle, admiring your technique for riling Jake up better than any amount of trash talk ever could.
During Jake’s next turn, you shoved your glass into Bradley’s open hand, before fiddling and unbuttoning the top two buttons of your plaid shirt, exposing just enough cleavage to have Jake’s mind wandering. Once again, as soon as Jake caught a glimpse of you, he missed his shot, shaking his head and grumbling to himself as Javy joked about him being off his game.
“I’m not off my game. Everyone has one off game.”
“Just admit it, Jake, you’re not as good at pool as they are. Bradley’s got you beat.”
Jake scoffed and rolled his eyes again, before leaning over to take his next shot, trying to follow up after you sink one of the balls into the pocket, eliciting a high-five and a cheer from Bradley. As the game progressed, Jake caught on to your little game. His cheeks blushed when you whispered what you wanted him to do to you later that evening, he had to clear his throat to cover the involuntary moan that threatened to escape his mouth when your hand caressed his bicep, and he had to position himself carefully behind the pool table while he tried to focus his mind on anything other than the mental image you put in his head when you described what kind of underwear you were wearing under your skirt. 
After losing another round, Jake felt a simmering frustration bubbling beneath his skin, an insistent urge gnawing at him with every passing moment. He clenched his jaw, struggling to rein in the primal desires coursing through him. All he could think about was laying you down on the smooth surface of the pool table, indulging in the raw passion that pulsed between you. But he knew he couldn't act on those impulses, not here, not now.
Instead, he tossed the pool cue down with an uncharacteristic huff, the weight of his competitive nature hanging heavy in the air. His typically composed demeanor faltered, a rare glimpse of vulnerability flickering in his eyes as he turned away. You exchanged a knowing glance with Bradley, silently acknowledging the tension that hung between you all, before following Jake's retreating figure outside.
The night air enveloped you like a thick blanket as you stepped out of the dimly lit bar, the humidity clinging to your skin like a second layer. Concern etched across your features, you approached Jake cautiously, your footsteps echoing in the quiet night.
"Jake?" you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper, as you closed the distance between you.
"Mhmm?" His response was gruff, his body tense as he leaned against the side of his truck, the muscles in his arms flexing beneath the fabric of his shirt.
"Are you alright?" you asked softly, furrowing your brow with worry. "I wasn’t trying to be a dick—Bradley and I just thought it’d be funny if I, you know, distracted you a little."
Jake chuckled, a hint of amusement glinting in his eyes as he turned to face you. "I'm not mad."
"You aren’t?" Relief flooded through you, easing the tension in your shoulders.
"Of course not," he reassured you, his gaze softening as he reached out to pull you into his embrace. "I mean, you got me good, I’ll give you that."
"I did?" A smile tugged at the corners of your lips, grateful for his understanding.
"Sure did, Sugar." Jake's smirk was equal parts wicked and enticing, sending a shiver down your spine.
"But now it’s my turn to get you back." His words hung in the air like a promise, igniting a fire in your veins as you met his gaze with a playful challenge of your own.
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teatroll · 9 months
+18 NSFW content ahead; MDNI
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Includes: fem!reader; inappropriate usage of showers and inaccurate depiction of shower shreks (water ain't lube, hons); unprotected piv; praising; + a bit more add-ons (headcanons, duh)
Note: should've been less detailed but i messed up halfway and it looks like a fic if you squint (oops?). anywho, thank my bestie, she buzzed off my ears 'bout this man and made this happen. (also not betaread) @cafekitsune and @saradika - banners ♡
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♡ Nanami Kento is a busy man. So his world precisely revolves around his job as a sorcerer. So does his free time. Whenever he gets home, he's too exhausted to indulge into anything but sleep.
♡ Although, he's not opposed to taking a hot steamy shower or a relaxing bath with you. It's only logical - practical AND pleasant. Two birds, one stone. Quick and easy quality time.
♡ That's what he hoped for before he found his mind wandering places when your hands started massaging shampoo into his scalp.
♡ Steam fogging up the glass shower doors; hot streams washing off soapy foam down your naked form; your glistening eyes searching for his and that tender smile that he cherishes so much...
♡ Yeah, his mind was in the gutter straight away and refused to crawl out from that pit. And he knows that's on him, because it's been way too long since the last time both of you spent some actual quality time together. Better fix this now than never, right?
♡ His touches are slow and gentle as his hands start to roam free, fingertips caressing your skin with utmost care. Nanami's heart flutters as you softly sigh close to his ear.
♡ That gives him the confidence to take it up a notch and glide his hands down to cup your rear; your sweet mewls shortly turning into whimpers as you crook your head to the side, giving him access to leave teasing nibbles on your neck.
♡ It's not long before you feel his hardened length between your thighs as he deliberately rocks his hips into yours.
♡ The sound you made afterwards made him softly hiss through gritted teeth.
♡ Normally he'd choose a different (read as more secure, because he's intolerant to bullshit) place, but with the way you cling to him now, he decides to indulge into such a messy activity as shower sex. After all, he's got places to be tomorrow, so he needs to wake up early. Two birds, one stone yet again.
(This man is practical and rational from the top of his head down to his toenails, what did you expect?)
♡ You gasp when his cock starts to slide back and forth between your thighs, teasing your clit. Your pussy clenches over nothing as you let out a needy whine into his shoulder.
♡ "Shh, baby. It's okay." His voice is a bit raspy as he coos in your ear, caressing your sides. "Let me take care of you."
♡ Another gasp escapes from you as he scoops you into his arms and lifts you up by your hips. Your legs instinctively wrapping around him, so do your arms to support your weight on him.
(But, frankly, that much is not needed. Nanami can lift you up with a single hand and still be able to sip his morning coffee with a straight face.)
♡ With his tip now pushing past your entrance, he lets out a shaky breath; his eyes flutter shut for a brief moment. The sight is divine, least to say; and you'd gladly enjoy it all day long but the way his cock slowly stretches your velvety walls makes your vision blurry.
♡ You squirm and pant into the crook of his neck as his grip on you tightens ever so slightly while he slides all the way in.
♡ There's a pause as he lets you adjust to the feeling, whispering so sweetly in your ear it almost melts your brain into mush.
♡ That man will be giving you a praise kink of the century, there's ZERO debate here. And a simple "good girl" won't cut it either.
♡ He'll shower you in praises for how well you're taking him, for how delightful your moans are, for how cute the blush spreads across your cheeks and neck. Basically, anything his senses pick up on, he'll put on a pedestal.
♡ His thrusts are slow, deep, and so fucking sensual it almost feels like a torture. Of pleasure, obviously. Doesn't dismiss the fact you crave more and make it know as you pull him into the kiss by the back of his neck.
♡ He catches your moans with his lips, savors them like candy. It heats up every nerve in his body, makes his muscles tense as he picks up the pace.
♡ How can he not provide his sweet girl with what she truly wants? Denying you of anything feels so wrong that he can't help but indulge into it all over again.
(Is it a flock of birds, one giant rock now? Probably is.)
♡ He's definitely panting. Maybe even whimpers a bit, but the sound is muffled by your lips on his and hushed by the shower, so you can't really be sure.
♡ What you can be sure of, though, is that familiar knot forming in your core. And that feeling gradually increases with each grind of his. There's quite a bit more force to it now, so that previous tenderness is replaced by pure passion.
♡ There's no escaping a headcanon of Nanami guiding you through your orgasm. Because he definitely does so.
♡ "That's it, just a little more. You can do this, baby." AND "You're so precious. Let me hear those pretty sounds, come on."
♡ SPEAKING OF WHICH, definitely tries to maintain eye contact as you finish.
♡ He wants to feel as your walls clench around him, wants to hear you gasp a choked moan, he craves to watch you crumble on his cock.
♡ That sets him off more than anything as he follows you shortly after, spilling inside you with an ecstatic grunt.
♡ Normally, he'd pull out for sure. But since you're already in the shower, why not to indulge into yet another shower session? But this time, it's your turn to be on the receiving end.
♡ After a short cock warming session as you both try to catch your breath.
(And who knows, maybe this time he'll be able to contain himself and actually just do a simple mundane activity and not waste water for half an hour.)
(Fingers crossed, but the bill will be enormous either way.)
♡ Nanami would definitely kiss your jaw/line of pulse lazily and nibble on your neck.
♡ Praising is obviously a part of aftercare as well, how can he set that aside??
♡ Would leave a gentle peck on the sweet spot just below your ear.
"Now, now, darling. Let's get you cleaned up, shall we?"
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♡ Missionary is his "to go to", because that way he can witness every little change in your expression.
♡ He's leaning closer to vanilla tbh.
♡ BUT, if he's frustrated, there will be a quickie on his desk.
♡ Dead ass will ruin you. Your hips will be sore for a week.
(Everything will be sore since we're at it.)
♡ Not to mention there WILL be hair pulling. (I see you, horny people. I know what you want.)
♡ Aftercare now involves him doing everything in his power to soothe you.
♡ Will definitely think you're sobbing because he hurt you, when, on the contrary, that was pure bliss.
♡ Remind that man of it, he tends to forget that vanilla isn't the only thing that exists.
♡ High chance he adores watching you please yourself. Both with fingers and toys.
♡ Hey, he knows you'd rather feel full on his cock, but he's not opposed to teasing.
♡ He might be pure vanilla (hello cookie run lmao), but even so, Nanami can add some spice to your shared love life once in a while.
♡ Especially when it involves giving you the best of times. (Yes, with teasing too.)
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infamous-if · 7 months
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March ✮ 2 ✮ 2024 – update
Another non-update, but I just wanted to get it out there! Happy March! I'm glad everyone liked the flashback. I quite like long content like that because it gives me more freedom. Plus, it's fun.
✮ — March will be for
Choosing the beta testers. I got A LOT of submissions, which I'm really grateful for! But I only have plans to a handful as of right now. That will change as the story gets bigger and bigger and I'll have to add more. I'll make a post when I have chosen and DM'd the beta testers.
Finishing the rewrite. Am I wild to think I can finish chapter 1 and chapter 2 this month? Yeah. Will I try anyway? YES.
Chapter 3 development. Outline done. Beginning done (I started working on it on my off-time. Oops) Hopefully I can get somewhere substantial. With beta testers now, I won't have to worry over errors and coding. That's 40% of why it takes me as long as it does. We'll see!
Patreon content as usual.
I haven't finished the spicy snippets because I haven't been able to think of good scenarios for the remaining ROs. Once I do, I'll be sure to write them!
That valentines special...Yes. I haven't forgotten it! lol
That's all for now! Hope everyone has a good day! <3
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daisybianca · 1 year
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pairing: charles leclerc x femalereader
summary: you and charles are childhood friends since like... forever?! one day, you're reading one of those books you very much like to read and he gets curious, wondering what it is about. little does he know that you're actually reading literal porn.
warnings: mentions of sexual activities, cursing words
(a/n): i got the main idea from character.ai and @ blairetaylorsversion ! Go check her work out. She's got fluffy, spicy, and also angsty stuff to read about <3
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YOU SAT ON the warm beach sand, reading a book, while your friends swam and played in the water. You were so focused on the spicy scene you were reading that you didn't notice Charles leaning over your shoulder, trying to also get a glimpse of the action. When you finally did, you jumped slightly, caught off guard by his presence. A smirk formed on his lips as he saw your face turn slightly red from embarrassment.
"Shit, you scared me, you creep!"
Charles laughed slightly, before saying, "Oops, sorry!"
He looked back down at the book in your hands and raised his eyebrows, looking pretty intrigued.
"What are you reading there?" he asked playfully.
"None of your business." Your tone was sharp.
"Well aren't you a bit sassy today, huh?" he said with a smile.
He leaned back in the beach chair next to yours, keeping his arms crossed and looking back at the book. You could tell by his facial expression that he felt stubborn and was determined to see what you were reading.
"I'm not telling you what I'm reading about."
"Aww really? Why not? You can't make me super interested in something and then deny giving me the details..." he said with a pout.
With that, he tried to reach out and take the book from your hands. When he grabbed it, his hand brushed against yours, causing him to look up at you instantly.
"Hey, quit it, Charles!"
Charles looked up at you with a small smirk. He wasn't giving in that easily.
"I'm not gonna stop until you tell me," he said, trying to look innocent.
He refused to let go of the book and was pulling it back towards his side.
"Oh, come on. Why do you even care?!"
You started to feel a slight flutter in your stomach when he wouldn't let go of the book. He was so close to you and he was being playful, which made you feel weird.
"Well now I care even more because you're not telling me. You're making me more curious," he said, moving his body closer to yours and trying to look over your shoulder to see the book.
"It's a romance book."
Charles's eyes widened instantly. He looked intrigued and excited to find out more.
"So it's about love? Is it a romance? Is it about someone falling in love with someone else? Is it juicy?" he asked quickly, his words blending together.
"Too many questions."
"Oh, please, tell me..." Charles whined playfully.
He pulled the book back towards his side, then leaned his head closer against your shoulder, resting his head on you.
"It's um... very spicy."
Charles's eyes widened again.
"Ooh, spicy, huh? Is it about two characters being in love and doing it?" he asked excitedly, his eyebrows raised.
He pulled the book back towards his side again, putting pressure on it so it wouldn't slide away easily.
"Stop acting so childish. You know my taste in books."
A wide smirk appeared on Charles' lips. "Yes. And i daresay that they are particularly mild compared to what you can do in private."
"Shhhh!" Your eyes widened as you scanned the crowd around you. "Stop it! There are lots of people here."
"What are you scared of?" Charles asked. "The news of you and me having the most perfect sex while we're supposed to be childhood friends isn't really going to make me stop flirting with you in public."
You couldn't help but rolled your eyes. "Oh, come on, Charles! Stop talking that loud! You make me wanna hate you so bad sometimes."
"Apparently, last night wasn't one of those times, right, love?"
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7ndipity · 1 year
What Types of Kisses They Give
Ot7 x Reader
Summary: The title’s pretty self explanatory.
Warnings: Lil suggestive, not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! This is probably the fastest I’ve written one of these in a while, but after running this blog for over a year, we definitely have some thoughts on this so it wasn't difficult, lol!
Requests are open
Jin: Jin might not be the highest on the list for kisses(he’s more of a cuddler, imo), but when he gives them, he goes all in, deep and intense, pulling you in by your waist or cupping your face so you feel as close as possible. Always ends longer kisses with a couple tiny pecks as a final seal of affection. Big fan of pouty, spiderman kisses whenever he catches you walking by as he’s sitting on the sofa or whatever and just tilts his head back and waits for you to notice.
Yoongi: Kisses with Yoongi are slow and grounding. Even when he’s at his neediest and all his other actions are more frantic and shaky, his lips never lose their rhythm. He definitely gets a bit messy and sloppy at times(He’s mentioned the tongue technology too many times for it to be complete bs), but it’s always a slow and easy pace, bordering on teasing, bc he doesn’t want to overwhelm you through kisses(he prefers to do that in other ways👀).
Hobi: Hobi gives the best kisses, imo. He always pays super close attention to your reactions and tries to match your mood. Can go from sweet and soft to steamy and rough in a split second. His favorites tho are when it just starts to get spicy, bc he can feel you both losing yourselves in the moment and letting go. Those are the moments he feels most connected to you. I feel like he loves giving little pecks throughout the day every chance he gets tho.
Namjoon: Again, he might not technically be the biggest fan of physical affection, but when it comes to kisses, oof! It’s almost always super intense and passionate, clinging hands and heavy breathing. He’s not into one quick peck and then on with your day, nonono. He needs at least three or four good kisses before he can even think of doing anything else.(ironically, he then tends to forget that he's supposed to be doing anything else. oops)
Jimin: His kisses are just like him, 60% playful 40% intense, often ping-ponging between both in the same session. They’re full of teasing nips and roaming, ticklish hands. One of his favorite things is when you laugh into a kiss (it just feels like the purest form of joy). Gives the softest, sleepy kisses where his lips just barely press against yours, but he has to have them before he sleeps. Loves covering any part of you that he can reach with kisses.
Taehyung: This boy kisses like he needs them for oxygen, insistent and lingering. He will find any excuse to kiss you, pulling you close and holding your face so gently while stealing your breath and nearly bruising your lips with his intensity. Tends to rest his forehead against yours afterwards, wanting to stay as close to you as possible. Loves when you randomly kiss him, even if he’s in the middle of telling a story, he just gets the biggest, boxy smile.
Jungkook: Kisses with Jk usually start out as slow and sweet but quickly escalate into messy makeouts full of roaming hands and bitten lips. Loves when you pullplay with his hair. Whereas Yoongi doesn’t want to overwhelm you with his kisses, Kook loves teasing and overwhelming you in every way possible. Would happily spend hours doing little more than kissing you, only stopping to randomly ask “Is that a new lip balm?”
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mentally-a-slut · 5 months
Staring Problem (Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader)
Rating: M (a little spicy, nothing too bad)
Summary: An innocent staring problem evolves into something out of your most romantic fantasies.
Note: Okay, so I just whipped this up to show y'all what my writing would look like, it's really last minute and unedited so don't expect too much, but I hope you like it! It's a little messy because I just kinda started writing with no real idea, but please leave feedback! Also, if enough people want it, I am open to doing a smutty part two :) enjoy!
You hadn't thought you were being obvious with your staring, but were very quickly proved wrong when Mary-Beth slid up next to you, giggling. "Enjoyin' the show?"
You spluttered and blushed at the young woman's implication, lightly shoving her. "I'm not staring!"
She giggled again and gave you a look. "I don't blame you, I do it all the time. Nothing better to do than watch the men chop wood, especially if I'm supposed to be doing chores."
"Mary-Beth! Where is that girl?"
Mary-Beth gasped. "Oops! Gotta go!"
She scuttled off back to her table, frantically fiddling with the needle and thread to make it look like she was sewing. You sighed as you tore your gaze from her, eyes settling back on the man in front of you.
Of course, you were staring. Pretty damn hard, too. But hey, when Arthur Morgan is swinging an axe in the blazing sun, sleeves bunched up around his elbows, you just have to stare.
You knew you should at least be more subtle about it, instead of standing there uselessly leaning on a wagon, but whenever your eyes snagged on him, it was almost impossible to tear them away.
You'd lost all shame anyway, ever since he sort of confronted you about your crush. It had been an awkward conversation, one filled with stuttering and apologies. He hadn't expressed any discomfort, though, and simply acknowledged the fact that you liked to stare. He didn't outright reject you, but you knew better than to read into things. And even if he wasn't interested, who were you to deny yourself a show if he didn't mind giving one?
You only tore your gaze away when you heard Miss Grimshaw turning the corner, and you hurriedly tried to look busy. It usually worked, and you were back to staring as soon as she was out of sight.
You inwardly sighed when he sent the axe splitting through the last log. Show's over.
Even as he leaned the axe against the stump and turned to leave, you couldn't avert your gaze. The light was hitting him just right, golden rays bathing his tanned skin and making him look like an angel. Your face burned when he turned and met your gaze, and he simply tipped his hat with a smile. Sometimes you wished he would straight up say something about it instead of letting you ogle him. The heat that rushed to your face every time you were caught was stifling.
You had to resist the urge to follow him and see what he was getting up to next, instead settling on joining Mary-Beth. She looked up at you with a teasing smirk when you sat down, glancing behind you at the man who held your attention. "Show's over, huh?"
You rolled your eyes, sighing. "...Yeah."
She burst into giggled at your confession, dainty fingers going up to cover her mouth. "What's so funny?"
You started at his voice, the closeness of it surprising you. You turned to look at him, craning your neck to meet his eyes. You could've sworn there was a knowing smirk on his lips, but you chalked it up to the sun in your eyes. Even though you were facing away from the sun.
"Nothing!" you said too quickly.
"We was just talking about how she was staring at you chopping that wood."
You whipped your stare around to Mary-Beth. She just giggled and shrugged, acting innocent. "I- I wasn't-"
"S'alright, I know you were."
His words only made you want to shrink into yourself, never to see the light of day again. Mary-Beth took her leave, teasingly waving goodbye. She had just left you alone, with Arthur, a blushing mess.
"I don't- you-"
You all but yelped when he sat next to you on the log bench, close enough for your legs to brush. "If I didn't like it, I wouldn't let you do it."
"I didn't mean to stare!"
He chuckled, a low noise that traveled through your body and left goosebumps in its wake. "Yeah, you did."
You tried to come up with a valid explanation that wasn't 'I think you're really hot,' but came up short. "I'm sorry, I-"
"No need. I think it's cute, your little staring problem."
You didn't think you could blush anymore, but there he went, making you lightheaded with his words. "You... me, cute?"
His eyes met yours, and you had to stop yourself from swooning. His eyes were so blue, like shining crystals in the sunlight. "Yes, you. I thought it was obvious."
"What was obvious?"
He rolled his eyes affectionately, calloused hand brushing against yours. "That I'm sweet on you."
All coherent thought disappeared from your brain at that moment. "Huh?"
Your skin tingled as his hand grasped yours, rough fingers intertwining with yours. "I like you, sweetheart."
"Is this a joke?"
He chuckled. "No. I know I didn't really go about it right before, but what I meant to say was that I feel the same. It just... didn't come out right."
Your whole body was on fire, overwhelmed at the feeling of him so close to you. "So... you've liked me back, this whole time?"
"Oh. That's... good."
"Just good?"
Your eyes found his, shining with emotion. "You know what I mean. I just can't believe..."
He stared at you, eyes shining with what must have been admiration. With his hand still holding yours, he stood, tugging you with him. "C'mere."
You stumbled after him, too awestruck to think. He led you to the spot you liked to stare at him from, the wagon obscuring the two of you from the rest of camp. Your back was to the wagon, his frame towering over you and he stood in front of you. He was close, close enough for you to lean forward and be chest to chest.
"When you stand here all clueless, drooling over me like nobody's watching," the hand that wasn't holding yours came up to rest against your cheek, "I have to force myself to keep working and not march over to you and kiss you til you can't breath."
You let out a strangled sound, breath hitching as he leaned closer. You were now trapped against the wagon, his body resting against yours. It was the best trap you'd ever been caught in.
"And when you look at me with those big, lovestruck eyes, I just wanna grab onto you and never let go."
A sigh that sounded more like a whine escaped your lips, knees threatening to give out beneath you. "Keep going."
He chuckled at your words, brushing his lips so, so close to yours.
"When you're concentrating on something, and you make those cute little noises, all I can think about is how I wanna bend you over and see what pretty little sounds I can get out of you."
"Holy shit," you whispered, eyes fluttering as his lips barely brushed against yours.
With a shaky sigh, you grabbed his collar and pulled him toward you, crashing your lips together. He let go of your hand, gripping your waist and holding you close. His lips were warm against yours, gently molding against yours. You brought a hand up to his hair, running your fingers through his short strands. An involuntary whine slipped from your lips, and it was swallowed by his increasingly desperate kiss. His hand slowly moved to your back, pressing you closer.
When his tongue brushed against your lip, you gasped, and he hummed against you as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. You recovered quickly, meeting his tongue with yours with matching desperation. Your fingers closed in his hair, tugging lightly. He groaned softly, and the sound traveled straight to your core.
When he pulled back for air, he kept his face close to yours, blue eyes darkened as he looked down at you. "You're so pretty like this, all whiny and desperate."
His praise elicited another whine from your lips and you pulled him back against your lips. This time he kept pulling away from you in between kisses, chuckling as you chased after him. He mumbled soft words against your lips, each one making you want him more and more.
"Pretty girl."
"So good for me."
"So needy."
You whined in frustration and kissed him roughly, hands running over his body. When his hands ran over your ass and gripped your thighs tightly, you jumped up and he pressed you up against the wagon. The angle was torture, your core level with his, and the heat of your arousal was overwhelming. Your hips struggled to meet his, seeking the friction you craved, but Arthur just chuckled against your lips and held you still. "Not yet, darlin'."
You would have been embarrassed by the whine you let out if you weren't clouded with lust. You continued to wriggle against his grip, whining as he tortured you with slow, passionate kisses.
He pulled back with a groan when someone called his name, his forehead resting against yours. "Yeah?"
"Got a job for you!"
He sighed. "Be right there!"
You sighed and let your head fall against his shoulder. "I'm sorry, baby."
You hid your face in his neck, trying to hide the blush his words caused. "S'okay."
He gently set you down, hands settling on your waist. He lifted your face to his, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. When your eyes fluttered open, you were met with his darkened eyes that held a promise for things to come.
"We'll finish this later."
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mieczyslawsravenclaw · 7 months
Best Friends, Is That All? - Stiles Stilinski
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•Pairing - Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader
•Rating - 18+, Minors DNI - Smut - NSFW!!!
•Summary/Prompt - Just a regular ride in Stilesʼ jeep…Or it would be, if the love-struck fool could stop asking you how you feel about him. Guess someone's got a different kind of ride in mind...
•Warnings/Content - Pretty much all bases covered, they definitely fuck, tons of begging and mentions of markings and scratching, they use a condom bc SAFETY, oral oral lots of oral, TONS of petnames sorry its cheesy ik but I canʼt help it, lots of praise too bc thatʼs tasty, oh yeah and boys whimpering bc thatʼs just hot asf, they're in love so it's a little fluffier but still VERY spicy
•Word Count - 4.5k
•Authorʼs Note(s) - As always, just want to write about the spicy ideas I get from having spicy dreams, I feel like this oneʼs a little better than the last one but who knows? >_< /// (YA'LL I EXPECTED LIKE 4 LIKES ON MY SPENCER BLURB AND I GOT OVER 200 TY????? WTF???? )
•Additional Tags - they fuck in the jeep!, stiles is a whore for begging, theyʼre obsessed with eachother ffs, Switch!Stiles but mostly Sub!Stiles, he talks her through it UGH YES, CONSENT IS KEY, heʼs okay with whatever even if that means he doesnʼt get laid, Stiles is one cocky SOB with BDE and just a big dick oops, theyʼre for sure gonna fuck again before the night is over hehehe
“Do you get nervous?ˮ
The question takes me by surprise - Up until now, it had been a normal, routine drive with Stiles, albeit more fidgety than usual from his side. But once the question has left his lips, heʼs even more so, if thatʼs possible.
“Do I…yeah, definitely. Of course I do.ˮ I quirk my eyebrow at him; Heʼs avoiding my eyeline, focused far too much on the road ahead.
Something else, another question maybe, passes his lips, but itʼs far too quiet for me to catch. The poor thing is redder than a tomato, tapping his hands on the wheel as he starts to drive just a little faster unknowingly.
“A-About…M-mmmmm.ˮ Stiles stutters, dragging out his thought. The jeep seems to follow its driver, stuttering a bit on the road as he pushes the pedal down further.
“Sti, are you okay?ˮ
“Nervous.ˮ He repeats the word like heʼs reading it from a dictionary, not like heʼs using it as a self description. Weʼre getting further into the back roads now, and if I didnʼt know any better, Iʼd think he was bringing me out here to kill me or something.
“Pull over a sec, yeah?ˮ
He nods, bringing the jeep to a crawl along a forest road that could more accurately be called a trail, if anything. The silence is filled only by the bumping of the tires on the gravel, until we reach a stopping point, surrounded by nothing but trees for miles.
“Whatʼs eating at you, Stilinski?ˮ I turn in my seat, eyeing him in the mid-day light. Filtered through the jeepʼs dusty windows, he looks like a modern god, and my heart can hardly take it. Iʼve loved this poor boy a long time, but Iʼve never been brave enough to say it. And now, weʼre all alone in the woods for who knows what reason, and Iʼm more nervous than ever.
“Dʼyou ever get nervous…about me?ˮ He manages, his eyes squeezing shut and his fists clenching tight. He lets out a huge breath, then continues in a ramble, “God, I canʼt believe I even just asked that. Holy shit. I mean, you make me so nervous. Dʼyou know that? Youʼre my best friend, and you make me so nervous I feel like I canʼt even breathe, I want you to just reach over and break the distance between us and give in and just take me. God-ˮ
“Sti.ˮ It comes out half-choked. The lump in my throat swells - oh, my god, he likes me too? - as I scoot ever closer to him.
“Oh, of course not,ˮ He sighs, eyes still closed. He doesnʼt see me shift again, within touching distance, he just keeps on with his nervous blabber. “I mean, someone as beautiful as you with a guy like me? Come on, Stiles, get real.ˮ
“Stiles. Look at me, damn it.ˮ Hands shaking, Iʼm reaching over to touch him when he listens to me, turning and looking all in one motion.
“Oh, hi there.ˮ He blurts, flushing crimson.
“Yes, I get nervous about you, too.ˮ I can hardly believe Iʼm uttering the words. But my fear is trumped by the desperate need for him, right here and right now. I canʼt believe of all times and places, this is where itʼs gonna happen, but I donʼt quite care at the same point, either.
“You do?ˮ
“Stiles, I can barely contain myself around you. These past few months especially, I just-ˮ My reaching hands are still hanging near him, and he notices, finally, taking them in his own. I let out a shaking breath, closing my own eyes in desperate need to escape his searching gaze that sends my pulse skyrocketing. “You-Youʼre everything, do you know that? Iʼve wanted to tell you for so long, but I didnʼt think youʼd even look at me like that, I just thought-ˮ
“Best friends, nothing more?ˮ He chuckles softly, and I can sense the way his lips curl, not even needing to see it to know it. “Yeah, sounds familiar. Hey, look at me. I like you, you idiot.ˮ
My eyes open at the last few words, and seeing it straight from his mouth makes me lose myself for a moment. All I can do is blankly stare, my stomach doing flips. He likes me, he likes me, he likes me!
“Can you say something?ˮ He groans, eyes flicking between my own and down to my mouth. “Like, maybe confirm to me that you like me back? I mean, you kinda said as much, but I just really wanna hear you say it. Can you say it? Is that okay? Youʼre killing me, here-ˮ
“I like you too. Of course I do, who wouldnʼt?ˮ
“You do. For sure? Not just tryna pity me, are you?ˮ He quips, but itʼs clearly halfhearted.
“I really like you, dumbass.ˮ I move closer, dying for something to happen. Anything.
“Are you gonna kiss me now? Or am I gonna kiss you? Somebodyʼs gotta kiss somebody here, or Iʼm gonna lose it. Please, Iʼm begging you.ˮ
“Oh, youʼre begging me now?ˮ I smirk.
“Absolutely I am. If we were outside Iʼd be on my knees for you. Please, just fucking-ˮ He lets go of my hands, reaching for my waist as I grab at his collar.
We meld like itʼs second nature, lips forming together with a satisfied groan from Stiles that makes my legs weak. Somehow, I climb onto him in this cramped little jeep, bumping the steering wheel with my ass. He laughs, almost immediately going back to kissing me, a bit harder now. Itʼs clear in the way I grind my hips down to him with what I feel rising back to meet me that this is gonna take up a lot of our time together today.
I wonder for a moment if anyone will assume what weʼve gotten up to. Of course, Allison knows how I feel about Stiles, Iʼve told her a million times. I wonder if heʼs told Scott. Iʼm sure he has.
“Youʼre thinking too much,ˮ He growls, biting my lip. I moan back. “Thatʼs a lot coming from me,ˮ Another kiss, coming down my jaw now as I catch my breath. “I know. But…what can I do to get your mind back to me, hmm?ˮ
“That. Keep doing that.ˮ My hands tangle in the back of his hair, the tousled sort-of-waves that have grown out as of late being tugged as he nips at my neck.
“You want me to keep begging for you too?ˮ He teases, his lips coming up to my ear. “Cause I can do that all day, baby.ˮ
I nod, unable to grasp words with his breath against me.
“You gonna let me take you here, right now? Itʼs killing me to feel you on me like this and not have you. Please, let me have you, I canʼt stand it.ˮ
“T-tell me what you want me to do.ˮ I grasp harder at his hair, and he lets out a whimper. Oh, my god, that.
“I want you to fuckinʼ destroy me, and Iʼll beg until you do. God, Iʼm shameless, I donʼt even care if weʼre out here all alone or not, just please for the love of fuck, ride me like nothing else matters.ˮ
I pull his lips back to mine, silencing him for a time as we continue to make our own rhythm, learning one another with moans and laughs and tension unparalleled. Itʼs great, too great-I smack my head against the jeepʼs roof, letting out a yelp.
“Oh, shit-ˮ Stiles pulls me down against him, biting his lip when I land.
“Iʼm okay. Ow.ˮ
“How about we move this to the back?ˮ He pops the door open, letting me out first. Despite his words, heʼs back on my neck the moment weʼre outside, making it hard for me to push the seat down to get into the back.
“Stiles…ˮ I sigh, fumbling with the latch.
“Sorry, just want you-god, just want you so bad.ˮ He pulls back, reaching forward and sending the seat down with a practiced grasp.
I clamber inside, watching him hyperfocus on giving us as much room as possible. Front seats pushed down and forward, clutter thrown into the front, then heʼs back on me, kissing me and tugging at my shorts.
“Can I…?ˮ He motions, and I nod, letting him pull them down. His lips come back to mine, his fingers playing at the edge of my panties.
“Youʼre begging now?ˮ He chuckles, his voice lower and throatier. Gods, Iʼm wet as fuck just from that.
“Shamelessly.ˮ I echo his earlier words, earning another small laugh.
“You want me, baby? How bad?ˮ He teases, hand grasping at my hip.
“Real-Really bad. Want you so bad, want you to-ˮ I canʼt even finish the thought, as he presses against my clit with his thumb. I moan, bucking up against him.
“Sorry, Iʼm impatient, you know that.ˮ He amends, kissing down my jaw and pulling back. He sits me up against the door, pulling my legs up and pressing a deep kiss against my opening. “Youʼre soaking, I can tell even through these little things.ˮ
I shudder, eyeing him in between my legs. Itʼs a sight to behold, and he isnʼt even getting started yet.
“Howʼs about we take em off, huh? Donʼt need these where weʼre going.ˮ He discards the fabric, and when his eyes meet the heat pooling below my belly, his jaw goes slack. I could almost swear he was drooling.
For a moment, Iʼm self conscious, folding in on my body under his gaze. But he holds my thighs back down, shaking his head.
“Uh-uh. No shame, right, princess?ˮ He hovers over me, eyes flicking back and forth between his focus and my face. “Now, you just let me know what feels good and what doesnʼt, okay? Wanna make sure you enjoy yourself.ˮ
“Stiles, Iʼm dying here, please just touch me already.ˮ
He smirks, another shake of the head, this one with a cocky air to it.
“If you insist, sweetheart.ˮ He brings his lips down to meet my opening, licking a stripe up that sends my hands grasping at the jeepʼs seat.
He hums against me, his grip on my thighs tightening. A few more precise licks, and heʼs delving into my core, filling the jeep with my desperate cries. Fuck, heʼs good, and Iʼm already closer by the minute.
“Taste so good, baby…ˮ He murmurs, getting lost in the task as my hands tug at his hair. When he shifts up to suck at my clit, the noise it brings from me is almost inhuman. “Feel good?ˮ
“Yes- oh my god, yes-ˮ
“Want more? How does this feel, hmm?ˮ He presses a finger to my opening, and I push against him, wordlessly begging. He chuckles, pushing it in fluidly. One, a few motions, and clearly Iʼm still desperate so he adds in another. “Talk to me, baby. Use your words.ˮ
“You want me to talk right now?ˮ I moan, my mind spinning in the pleasure-filled void heʼs trapped me in.
“I know, itʼs just too good, huh? You donʼt have to talk, your noises are more than enough.ˮ He curls his fingers, pulling against a sweet spot that has me crying out.
Back down to me with his lips now, too, I can feel the smirk that starts up hearing me say his name like that. He knows exactly where he has me, and heʼs gonna relish in it. Not only are his fingers working magic now, but along with his tongue? Iʼm gonna break, and he knows it.
“Iʼm-Oh, donʼt stop-ˮ
A hummed approval is all I get from the usually chatty lips of Stiles Stilinski, his beard that heʼs let grow in recently brushing over me while he brings me to the edge. Iʼm practically drowning in the pleasure, and heʼs the air I need. One more fluid motion, just the right one, and Iʼm spilling curses from my mouth and wetness from my heat. He laps it up heartily, a satisfied groan from the recess of his throat vibrating against me.
“You…I just…wow.ˮ He pauses for a moment to look over me with a smile beginning to tug at the corner of his lips. I flush, back to being nervous under his eye.
“Stunned you into silence, eh, Stilinski?ˮ
“Oh, Iʼm far from done. Just figured Iʼd give you a break.ˮ He quips with a smirk.
“I donʼt need one.ˮ I blurt, the words faster than my brain.
“No?ˮ He laughs. “Okay, then. Well, if thatʼs the case, Iʼm begging you to get back to being all over me.ˮ
“In what way?ˮ I smirk, looking at his coated fingers.
He snorts, rolling his eyes.
“Funny.ˮ Keeping up eye contact, he licks his fingers clean. He seems to enjoy the groan it elicits from me. “Like that, huh? Iʼm looking forward to finding out what else you like.ˮ
I sit up, pressing to him once again. He tastes like me, and chuckles against my kiss. The clink of undoing his belt buckle becomes the sounds of rustling fabrics, my shirt tossed, his gone. His chest to mine, warm and inviting, and his pants kicked to the side. I fumble with my bra, my cheeks red.
“Yʼknow we can stop anytime, yeah?ˮ He amends, sensing my hesitation. “Like, of course Iʼm okay with whatever, I want you in all the ways. But only if youʼre comfortable. Consentʼs important.ˮ
“Oh, I want you. I want all of you, of course I do.ˮ I sigh. “Just…real nervous about how I look.ˮ
“You?ˮ Heʼs incredulous, pulling back and sweeping my body with his gaze. “Holy shit, no way. Nuh uh. You, youʼre…God, youʼre gorgeous, are you kidding me? Every part of you fits just right with the other, promise. You donʼt have to do anything you donʼt wanna do, but you gotta know that. You gotta know Iʼm gonna love how you look. I donʼt even need to have seen it yet to know. You just…are.ˮ
Iʼve been rendered speechless, and all I can do is take it off while he rambles.
“Not to say that you gotta just cause Iʼm saying all this. You get that, right? Iʼm not saying it just to get you to-ˮ He stops cold when Iʼve tossed the bra, my hands still hiding the majority of my chest. With a gentle grasp, he reaches to uncover me. “Can I…?ˮ
“Yeah, Iʼm just nervous.ˮ
“Thatʼs okay. Me, too. Youʼre beautiful though.ˮ He lifts my cover away softly, eyeing me with precision and adoration. He pokes at the moles and freckles that adorn my upper body, smiling as his eyes meet mine again. “See? Perfect. Nothing to worry about.ˮ
“Stiles, I adore you.ˮ I blurt, tears starting to form.
“Oh, sweetie.ˮ He pulls me closer, kissing my nose. “We can stop if youʼre really too nervous. I donʼt mind. Iʼll just jack off later or something, no big.ˮ
I snort at his words. “As much as Iʼd love to watch that. No, Iʼm okay. Just needed a moment, I guess. Trust me, Iʼm still dying for you.ˮ
His face goes red. “Youʼd- huh? Wow, thatʼs an image. Maybe another time, yeah? No shortage of things to think about for that, especially now Iʼve seen you and itʼs not just my imagination spurring me on.ˮ
“Youʼll have more to go on soon, too.ˮ I pull him back down onto me, kissing him.
“Fuck, youʼre hot.ˮ He moans. “Youʼre killing me.ˮ
“Destroying you,ˮ I correct him. “Thatʼs what you wanted, isnʼt it?ˮ
“Still want it,ˮ He grasps at me, nothing but his boxers to hide that want now. “Very much still want it.ˮ
More kissing ensues, and weʼre groping at eachother like weʼre high-schoolers again. Somehow, at some point, heʼs as bare as I am now and the way weʼre pressed to one another is the most tempting thing Iʼve ever experienced in my entire life.
“Hey, so, uh- not to seem like a copycat or anything, but…ˮ He breathes against my lips, his voice catching. “Yʼknow, nervous about how I look, now that Iʼm thinking about it. Not really very manly of me, I know, whatever.ˮ
“Fuck manliness,ˮ I amend, letting him pull back. “Youʼre perfect, you��oh, how could you not be?ˮ
What a sight he is to behold, in all his naked glory. Goosebumps pepper my skin as I look him over, from the moles that adorn him across his body the same way they do across his face, to the burning red that sits underneath his pale skin…to of course what heʼs referencing concern over the most. And thereʼs certainly none needed, in my opinion. No concerns, except how Iʼm gonna need to stretch out around that. Oh, my.
“Stiles…ˮ My voice, my gaze, softens. His shoulders drop. “Youʼre stunning.ˮ
“Not just saying that, are you?ˮ He brushes non-existent dirt from his shoulder. “My ego will be sorely bruised.ˮ
“Should I tell you or should I show you?ˮ I lick my lips, gaze going between his legs and back to his face. The noise he makes would be comical in any other circumstance.
“Fuck, definitely show me.ˮ
Now, itʼs his turn to lie back, and Iʼm in control. I must have absolutely stunned him, because heʼs got nothing to say, just watching me as I lower over him. Once I begin to kiss at and lick stripes over him, though, heʼs got plenty to say - I donʼt recognize half the curses he lets fly, they must be Polish or something. But fly they do, and his hand is at my hair when I start to take him in my mouth, grasp tight.
“Oh, my god-ˮ
I keep it up until he stops me a few moments later, a funny little quirk to his brows.
“God, I donʼt ever wanna stop this, but if you keep going like that Iʼm gonna fuckinʼ bust, and I gotta know what you feel like riding me first, please?ˮ He reaches blindly around, cursing. “Fuckinʼ - just need my wallet, whereʼd my jeans go?ˮ
I laugh, pulling back to help his search. When he comes up with the item in question, I understand- protection, no shit.
“Yeah, okay, now Iʼm ready.ˮ He nods after heʼs prepared himself, sitting up against the seat. He helps position me over him, eyes locked. “Oh, my god, is this actually real? I feel like Iʼm in some kinda magical dream.ˮ
“Very real. I remember what I had for breakfast and everything.ˮ I quip, trying to ease the nerves. They wonʼt go, though, and the knot in my stomach is ever-tighter as he brushes against my opening. “Fuck, I want you inside me, now.ˮ
“Kinda up to you, there.ˮ He holds me tight around the waist, eyes pleading. “Iʼm ready when you are, though, rock my fuckinʼ world sweetheart.ˮ
“Fuuuuuck, youʼre tight.ˮ He groans. “So thatʼs how you feel. No imagination or anything my hands can do compares to that.ˮ
The need is too great to put it off any longer; I let myself push down to meet him, the entering gasps we let out mingling in the short bit of air between us. His head falls back, his hands only guides as I bring myself further down, slowly, slowly, slowly. I take a moment around the first few inches to breathe; as ridiculous as it sounds, Iʼve never had someone quite as…gifted as him.
“Iʼm only getting started,ˮ I reply. “Genuinely, in all honesty, not a joke or anything. Youʼre…a lot to take.ˮ
“Having fun strokinʼ my ego?ˮ He chuckles.
“Tilʼ you give me something else to stroke.ˮ
“Fuck, thatʼs a promise.ˮ He ruts up against me, bringing a cry from my lips. “Shit, sorry, reflex. You feel so good, I just want more of you. Did I hurt you?ˮ
“No, it felt too good.ˮ I admit. “Just taking it slow cause Iʼm not really used to anything this…ˮ
“Big?ˮ Heʼs got the widest smirk on his face now.
“Howʼs that for your precious ego?ˮ I flirt, pushing down another bit with a sharp breath. The stretching pain is worth it for the look on his face.
“My ego is just fine. Big, just like my- Oh, my god-ˮ He stutters out, his bravado going out the window when I start to rock my hips back and forth. And was that a whimper? “Oh, please donʼt stop, keep going. Oh, god-ˮ
“Long as you keep begging.ˮ
The more I move, the easier it gets to take him, until Iʼm fairly close to bottoming out. Heʼs holding me closer than ever, kissing me whenever he gets the chance to, and the noises and whimpers havenʼt stopped. It spurs me, the collision of our bodies growing ever-faster as he cries my name and begs me not to stop. I wonʼt, I canʼt, itʼs all too good and Iʼm chasing a high that I find myself soon riding out onto him. Now, Iʼll be the one saying his name, his real name.
“God, that sounds so good coming from you,ˮ He moans, “Iʼve never heard it sound so good.ˮ
“Hereʼs to many more.ˮ I stutter out between the motions weʼre making and the sounds accompanying. Heʼs less in control now, thrusting up to meet me and pushing me down to him. Heʼs made plenty of marks on me, from the hickeys littering my skin to the surefire bruising my hips will have from his grasp. I can only hope to either hide whatʼs visible or risk the teasing the pack will no doubt give us later.
“Please, take me all the way, Iʼll help you through it.ˮ He begs, kissing me again once Iʼve come down far enough. “Youʼve got this, baby, please?ˮ
No words, just a resolute nod, and his response is a repeated thanks. I push further, to the very end of him, my nails digging into his shoulders.
“Good, baby- fuck , youʼre doing good, pretty girl. So good, so good for me. There you go.ˮ He kisses my burning skin, the devouring fire weʼve made together consuming us both as I shift around under his grasp. He doesnʼt force, only guides, and makes a rhythm for me to follow with sputtered curses abounding. “God, you feel so good. Does it feel good for you? Hurt?ˮ
“Only enough to make me want it more,ˮ I moan, letting my head drop to his shoulder. “F-fuck me.ˮ
“Is that a statement or a request?ˮ He doesnʼt wait for an answer as I slow, taking the lead and snapping up into me. Once, twice, I lose count. He seems to get lost, too, senseless mumbles and moans filling the jeep as my hand streaks the fogged window. Heʼs entirely filled me up, and I want for nothing more than to go until I canʼt anymore.
He guards my head when I raise back up, making sure I wonʼt hit the roof again, and when it starts to rain in the secluded forest weʼve hidden ourselves in, itʼs not the only thing sending waves crashing down around us. Another thing I lose count of - heʼs far too good at this, and I tell him so.
“Been thinkinʼ about this for a while, so that counts as practice, yeah?ˮ The sweat sticks a bit of his hair to his forehead, and he looks about ready to tire out.
“You losing steam on me?ˮ I tease, brushing his hair back.
“Hell, no!ˮ He groans when I move my hips, sat bottomed out but doing nothing else. “Iʼm pretty close, thatʼs all. But when Iʼm done with you here Iʼm not done with you for the night, if youʼre willing.ˮ
“Well, if youʼre close…ˮ My lips curl deviously, and I bring myself back to the pace and movement that had had him howling earlier. Heʼs back to it in an instant, but his whines are more pronounced, drug out.
“Fuck, please, please donʼt stop-ˮ
“Gonna cum for me?ˮ
“Y-yes, yes-ˮ
“Good.ˮ Itʼs like a growl from me, and his cries only grow from it, until Iʼm sure at least anyone with supernatural hearing can catch onto us if theyʼre anywhere near.
“Oh- Oh, my god, Iʼm gonna-ˮ Stiles holds me tight, the most animalistic noise of it all loosing from his lips as he loads the condom full inside me. Weʼre hot, sweaty, and as close together as we possibly can be, but he still pulls me closer, taking a deep, heavy breath.
“So…how was I?ˮ
His laugh is quick, choked.
“Are you serious? Fuck, that was amazing. Iʼd just as soon do it again, but Iʼm…a little depleted at the moment.ˮ He eyes where we meet with an eyebrow wiggle. “Hey, we just had sex.ˮ
“That we did.ˮ I laugh.
“You and me, best friends. Just had sex. Well, we might wanna rethink that whole just best friends idea, huh?ˮ He kisses my cheek, letting out a content sigh. “No rush on that, Iʼm just talking. You know how I get. Just…excited that this happened. That it is happening. And…Iʼd be okay with calling you something more than my best friend. If youʼre into that.ˮ
“Very much into that.ˮ
“Shit, I was gonna say fiancee or wife. Or soulmate.ˮ
His eyes bug for a moment, then he starts to laugh.
“Youʼre fuckinʼ with me. Youʼre hilarious. Alright, girlfriend-future-fiancee-wife-soulmate-whatever-you-want, howʼs that sound?ˮ
“A little long, if Iʼm being honest.ˮ
“Long didnʼt seem to bother you just a moment ago.ˮ
“Still sounds beautiful cominʼ from you. Like…ˮ He catches my glare, and smirks. “Nevermind. Letʼs get this cleaned up and head back, huh? Thereʼs a pizza about to be made with our names on it.ˮ
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fatkish · 5 months
Could you please do a yandere mha react to oblivious wife reader please?
Since you didn’t specify characters, I’m just going to do Bakugou, Hawks, Tomura and Dabi. Also, I hope you don’t mind but I’ll be making it a/b/o. As I wrote this, it kinda just turned into the Alpha omega relationship between you guys, oops<3
Yandere Alphas Bakugou, Hawks, Tomura, and Dabi x Oblivious Omega Reader
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You are not allowed anywhere near any Alphas or Betas and Omegas must be pre-Approved by him
You’re not allowed to leave the house without him by your side.
The only non-omega allowed near you is Kirishima
He won’t let you cook with knives or handle hot things, he’ll let you stir the pot or help him in the kitchen but you’re not allowed to cook alone
The only things you’re allowed to ‘cook’ are microwaveable foods
No oven or stove for you
He might seem controlling but he explains it all as him protecting you and you accept it
He loves snuggling with you and constantly scents you to the point you can hardly smell your own scent
He smells like caramel and spice, like spicy pepper not like nutmeg or something
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Anything you could ever want or need is already provided for you so there’s no need to go anywhere
You want to go outside? Okay, but you gotta stay within arms reach, or better yet, just let him carry you
He’s such a good alpha right? Always taking care of you so you don’t have to lift a finger
Loves when you preen his wings as a thank you for taking such good care of him
He won’t let you cook for him, if you do, he has to be in the room with you
Hawks secretly sneaks feathers into your clothes so you constantly have his scent on you
He’ll switch out these feathers so that he’ll have the ones that smell like you
His scent is similar to buttermilk pancakes and fried chicken
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You’re naturally a homebody which is perfect for him
You don’t even notice that he slowly started to let you leave less and less often
You thought he was just looking out for you
If there’s a new manga/anime you want or if there’s a new game you want to play, don’t worry, he’ll go get it
You have Toga go buy you some sheet face masks, bath salts, body lotion and other stuff so you can pamper Tomura as a surprise
You take care of his skincare and help him with his scratching since he’s such a good alpha and you want to return the favor
Tomura loves having you pamper him
He enjoys taking baths with you and having spa days
He acts like it’s annoying but it actually helps his skin
You’ll give him full body massages with super hydrating lotions
He’ll be completely relaxed and best of all, you put his artists gloves on so he can hold you
He smells like old books, and petrichor with a hint of floral
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Your anxiety makes you the perfect omega for him
All he has to do is coddle you and enable you to stay in your comfort zone
Don’t worry about anything, he’ll keep you safe and bring you whatever you need
If you want to try to leave the house, he’s coming with, he stays by your side at all times scaring off anyone who tries to interact with you
You’re constantly treating his burns and helping him with his staples and such
He won’t admit it but he loves being taken care of since he thinks it’s so cute
He’ll growl at the league members who try to go near you
The only member allowed to be with you is Twice
He smells like pine wood smoke and wintergreen mint with a hint of musk
(Hope you enjoyed)
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shveris · 2 months
my jjk headcanons, part 2
part 1
part 3
part 4
if someone asks satoru for some change to buy snacks at the convenience store, he’ll give them a batch of ¥10.000 bills with the only request to get him some candy (shoko has been stealing money from him like this ever since their first year; rip toji he would’ve loved this)
current conversion rates (july ‘24): ¥10k ≈ $64 ≈ 58,50€
whenever yuuji passes out — from exhaustion, a punch to the face, blood loss, anything that’s not sleep sleep — he lands in sukuna’s domain. they argue &/ fight until yuuji wakes up again
satoru owns one of those password protected diaries that plays “oops! i did it again” by britney spears upon opening. he writes in it with colourful [glittery] gel pens, doodles the people he mentions in his entries, decorates the pages with stickers, etc.
megumi regularly buys treats and dog beds for his shikigami because he thinks they might feel lonely in his shadows (satoru actually started doing it first when he met the divine dogs for the first time)
toji needs reading glasses
satoru is immune to poisons and other toxins (insert traumatic childhood in which he got forced to endure all kinds of poisons etc. from the gojo clan). he says it’s really convenient in case someone tries to assassinate him with food (has happened a lot in his life already) or a cursed spirit has a CT that utilises them. shoko and suguru punched him for that statement
when they’re out in the city, model agency agents regularly try to recruit satoru, suguru and shoko
they tried the same with megumi too, at a later point in timeline — nobara shoos them off every time
the big bone structure we see in sukuna’s innate domain is yuuji’s ribcage
modern!au sukuita twins suck at school. yuuji’s only good subject is PE and sukuna’s is japanese
satoru can use the mental abacus technique (everyone is mortified whenever he does; no this is not a CT, it’s maths- no yuuta, you can’t copy th-)
modern!au sashisu live together and have no sense of privacy — shoko is taking a bath? well sucks to be her, satoru needs to pee; suguru is rubbing one off in the dead of night? well sucks to be him, shoko is drunk and needs to rant and he was stupid enough to leave his door unlocked; satoru has a migraine and is hanging over the toilet bowl, throwing up? well sucks to be him, suguru needs his help with his physics homework that’s due in 1 hour
megumi and nobara have a “if we’re still single by the age of 30, we’re marrying for financial purposes”-pact
sukuna is aroace
satoru hates drinking water. he says it tastes like nothing / it’s bland and boring and he, gojo satoru, cannot be drinking something so unworthy of him
yuuji really enjoys teas, he grew up drinking them with his grandpa
satoru can’t handle spicy food
nobara heavily dislikes anything slimy & rubbery, especially food (means she avoids seafood by default but she also doesn’t like it because “the smell is not lady-like”)
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lotsoflokilove23 · 1 year
Spicy (18+){Loki}{RP}
(18+) = Smut, Physical Touch, Gentleness, Fun
This is REALLY long beware.
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Y/n walks, staring down at her phone, she walks around the corner of the room and bumps right into Loki without realizing it. 
Loki blinks at you, “Eyes up from your phone when you're walking, darling” he said with a smile. 
Y/n’s jaw slightly dropped and you looked up at him, “Oops” You said, feeling your face start to burn, 
Loki’s smile turned into a small grin, “Now, tell me, what is so interesting on that phone of yours that causes you to run into me, unless you did it on purpose?” he smirked. 
Y/n’s eyes widened and you slightly chuckle, “Well you see-” you said, slightly walking around him, “I was uh- looking, well… technically, um.” you looked down, “Trying to find a photo of you for my lock screen…” Y/n slightly mumbled. 
“Ahhhh, I see, so, have you found the best one yet, or is there just too many on your phone to pick just one?” Loki teased. 
Y/n raised your eyes and frowns, “Yeah, haven’t found any good ones yet.” 
Loki looked offended, “Any good ones? You mean just any photo isn’t good?” He grinned though, “Do I need to pose for you so that you can get a good one?” he asked. 
Y/n laughs and looks up at him, “I suppose you could…” 
“Hmmm,” he hummed, “What kind of pose?” 
“Actually wait, come here.” Y/n said turning your camera on. You pulled him over by the arm and kissed his check, clicking the picture button on your phone at the same time. 
“Mmh,” Loki hummed again, “That one is good, but what about this one?” he hooked his finger and put it under your chin, moving your face to his and then softly kissing your lips. 
Y/n’s eyes widen but you smile, taking another picture, then shoved the phone back into your back pocket, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
Loki smirked, “I’ll take that as meaning that mine was better,” He murmured against the kiss, putting his arms around you so that they were resting on your lower back. 
Y/n grins, “Oh shut it,” you said, running your hands through his hair still kissing him. 
Loki slowly moves forward making Y/n lean against the counter that was in the kitchen, his hands moving to your waist and then to your back. 
Y/n feels the counter behind you and pulls away for a minute to catch your breath, giving you a chance to glance up at him, looking into his eyes. 
Loki’s chest heaved slightly as he looked down at you, raising an eyebrow in silence, asking you what you wanted to do without actually speaking. 
Y/n grinned as you pushed yourself up so that you were sitting up on the counter, you pulled Loki towards you by his shirt and kissed him again, moving his hands so that they were placed at your waist. You needed to feel his touch. 
Loki smiled, kissing you more, he ran his right hand down your waist to your hip, over your thigh, down to your knee and then back up to your waist again. 
You melt into the feeling of his hands moving over you. You wrapped your legs around his torso, pulling him closer to you lightly pulling his silky dark hair. 
Loki’s eyes closed when you pulled on his hair, the air feeling like it got knocked out of his lungs as you wrapped your legs around him. With his hands still over your waist, he pulled you forwards so that you were pressed against him. 
You pulled away from him again, slowly panting, you moved your hands and traced the collar line of his shirt, “I wonder…” you said with a grin on your face. 
Loki smirked, “What are you thinking, love?” he said, his voice barely above a whisper as he looked into your eyes. 
You grin, “I think…” you started running a hand over his shoulders, “I think we should take this to the bedroom.” 
Loki smirked, “Mmmh, good idea,” he said, and ran his hands from your waist down further so that he could support you and pick you up, kissing you again as he did so. 
You smile and wrap your arms around his neck so that you wouldn’t fall even though you knew he wouldn’t drop you, you kiss him back, “Don’t run into anything…” You said with a small laugh. 
Loki smiled, “If I do at least I have a really good reason for it,” he mumbled, giving you a small playful kiss on the nose. He carried you out of the kitchen and down the hall and then he propped you against the wall so he gently kicked the bedroom door open. He kissed you deeply and then carried you into the bedroom. 
You smile, slightly grinning, leaning yourself onto him so you wouldn’t fall, you let out a small chuckle as he kicked the door open and walked in. As he walked in you kicked the door with your foot so it would close and then turned back and deeply kissed him back. 
Loki hummed slightly through the kiss, walking until his knees touched the end of their bed. He pulled back and looked at you and raised his eyebrow.
You chuckle and lean down onto the bed pulling him with you. You kissed him again running your hands down his back. 
Loki drops over the bed, quickly putting his hands out so that he wouldn’t fall right on top of you. He inhaled deeply as your hands ran along his back and continued to kiss you. He props his knees up so that they are on either side of you. 
You grin through the kiss and gently pull at his shirt wanting him to take it off. 
Loki caught your meaning and pushed himself upright and took his shirt off, throwing it carelessly off to the side, revealing his lightly toned body. He looked down at you and smiled, his eyes roaming down your body and back up to your eyes and lips. 
Your eyes widen watching as Loki takes off his shirt, you slowly run a finger down his stomach slowly biting your lip. 
“Like what you see?” Loki asked you teasingly, his voice a little husky, his breath catching. 
You grin and slowly nod looking up at him with a small giggle. You sit up, kissing him, pushing him over so that you are now on top of him. 
Loki’s eyes went wide with surprise but then he just smiled, enjoying it. He reached up and put his hands on your hips, lifting his head to kiss you. “Mmmmh, what’re you going to do now, darling?” he teased, looking up at you. 
You look down at him, grinning slowly leaning down and pushing him down into the bed, continuing to kiss him, while running a hand up and down his side, you start kissing his jawline. 
“Mmm '' his insides squirm with pleasure. He tipped his head to the side a little to give you more access to his jaw and anywhere else you wanted. His hand slid down from your hips and rested at the sides of your legs right above your knees. 
You grin slowly, kissing down his jaw to his neck, running your hand down his stomach and placing it at the ring of his pants. “Mmm” you softly let out against his neck. 
Loki let out a small gasp, the combination of your hand where it was as well as the kisses you left on his sensitive neck were like a drug. His hands slid back up to your hips and then softly resting them under your shirt.
You smile against his neck and move down to his shoulder, slightly closing your eyes at the movement of his hand that sent a shiver up your back. 
While Y/n was kissing his shoulder, he moved his head and kissed your neck. Under your shirt he ran his hand up your back and then back down to your lower back, stopping when his hands touched the top of your pants. His breathing had become rapid. 
Your breathing slightly got heavier as you closed your eyes, you moved back up kissing his neck and then back to his lips slowly starting to rock your hips against him. 
Loki more audibly gasped, his breathing hitching and his eyes closing. All of the feelings that he was experiencing caused his hips to move upwards against your own. 
“Mmm” You hummed kissing his lips again. You stopped for a minute sitting up and taking your own shirt off cause it had gotten hot, you leaned back down again continuing to kiss him. 
Loki’s eyes opened and he looked at you, taking you in with his eyes and then deeply kissing you back. He moved his hips up against yours feeling his own body almost shuddering with feelings. He tipped his head up a little and started kissing your jaw down to your neck. His hands moving down to your thighs, his eyes continuing to flick up at yours. 
You lean your head forwards letting out a small groan, you flip back over so that he’s back to leaning over you on top. 
Loki grinned, now looking down at you again, seeing you differently this time though. He continued to kiss your neck, his hips now rocking against yours, his right hand resting half on your pants and half on your waist, his left hand trailing softly up and down your torso. 
You softly moaned as he kissed you and slightly gripped the sheets with one hand, you grinned, “Mmm, what are you going to do to me?” you asked, looking down at him. 
“What I please,” he said through husky breaths, his voice laced with pleasure and lust. He continued kissing a trail to the center of your collarbone, his legs straddled at the side of your legs. He looked you up and down and smiled, kissing down a straight line from your collarbone to right below your belly button and then back up to the front of your neck. 
You gasp and hold your breath leaning your head back against the pillows and closing your eyes, you lift your hips up a little. You moved your hands so they were gripping his hair. 
Loki moaned a little, his hips moving against yours, “I- I want you…” he gasped out through the kisses he planted on your neck, then moving up to deeply kiss your lips. 
You look at him with a small whimper, “I-'' you cup his face, “I want… you too.” you lead out. 
Loki smiles and kisses you, his breathing heavy. “May I?” he asked his finger sliding along against her skin underneath the top of her pants.
Your face by then had turned a bright red color and you could see it. You looked at him and smiled, giving him a small nod. 
Loki smiled, seeing your red face, he leaned down and kissed your forehead, “Don’t worry, you look beautiful, love,” he said as he slid your pants down your legs. 
You look at him shyly watching him. 
After sliding your pants off he looked at her, a soft but longing look on his face, “Care to help?” he asked, smiling and ‘struggling’ to undo his own pants. 
Your eyes widened and you leaned up with a small grin. You kissed him, running your hand down his stomach to his waist, gripping the line of his pants, you unbuckled them. 
Loki slightly sucked in his breath, he slid his pants off and let them hit the floor, he then removed his boxers and then looked at you, his manhood hanging out proud and hard, 
Your eyes widen at the sight and you show a nervous grin. “W-wow” you slightly choked out, biting your lip. 
Loki grinned and raised his eyebrows, “Too much?” he chuckled, leaning down and kissing you. “Why nervous?” he asked, frowning, tipping his head a little. 
You shyly shook your head, “Just- I haven’t-” you turned your head and looked in a different direction, “I just haven’t done this before-” 
Loki cupped your face and turned it so you were facing him. “If your not ready for this-” 
“But I want you…” You said interrupting him, half way through his sentence. “I- I do, I’m just scared.” you said looking at him. 
“I’ll be gentle.” he said, leaning down and kissing you, “I promise.” 
You nod as you watch him slowly trail his fingers down to your core, where you were acing the most for him. He slowly slipped his hand under your underwear and softly started touching you. 
You let out a soft moan, leaning your head back, it felt so good, his fingers felt good on you. 
“Damn, darling.” he said, biting his lip, “You're already so wet for me.” he said, with a grin, leaning over to kiss you. He shifted down so he was sitting in front of you. He slowly pulled down your underwear and threw them to the side.
You pulled your legs up so they were blocking his view, from seeing your wetness. 
Loki gave a gentle smile and placed his hands on your knees, parting them and pulling them back down to the bed, so that your legs were spread. “Oh, fuck.” he muttered to himself, admiring you for a minute. 
You looked directly at him and whimpered, “Loki…” 
Loki nodded and moved up towards you. He put his own hand on his cock and stoked it before placing it between your legs. He looked up at you before entering you, 
You nodded, gripping the sheets, ready for what was going to happen next. 
Loki frowned, he leaned himself over you, as he connected his cock with the walls of your entrance. 
“It’ll only hurt a bit…” he said, leaning over and kissing your neck. 
“I-” You moaned as he rubbed his cock softly up and down your wet heat. “I- trust… you” you manage to get out. 
With that said, Loki leaned down and harshly kissed you on the lips while slowly inching himself inside of you. He groans against your lips at the feeling of you. “Gods, you’re so tight.” he moans, kissing down your neck. 
You hold on tightly to Loki’s arm, squeezing it while he intensely kisses you. You slightly winch as he pushes himself further into you, until he is fully in you. You groan, leaning your head back. “Fu-fuck Lo-Loki” you moan. 
Loki grins looking at you, “Part one done.” he says with a chuckle, he started to move when you caught his arm. “Wait…” you said, closing your eyes.
“What? Are you okay? Am I hurting you?” he asked with concern in his eyes. “Is it too big?” he frowned softly cupping your face with his hand. 
You groan softly, looking up into his eyes, “I-” he smiles and leans down kissing your shoulder.
“I know,” he said, “I know… It’ll feel better once you get going…” he said shifting trying not to move too much, he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. 
You nod and squeeze his shoulder blades. “Ok… it’s ok…” 
Loki leaned forward and kissed you harshly again, but this time he started rocking his hips back and forth, he knew that he was already in deep but had to start moving before it started to hurt. He moans as he starts to push back and forth inside you, you could see his muscles flexing.
You moan holding onto him. “F…fuck Loki,” 
He kisses down your cheek, to your neck, softly sucking on it. You lean your head back and groan, you had never felt this much pleasure before. 
“Oh gods, you feel… so go-good” Loki moans against your skin as he picks up the pace. 
You moan running your hands down his back slightly scraping them along, “Fu- Loki I- I’m close” you said pulling on his hair as leans down and continues to suck on your neck.
Loki moans against you as he feels himself grow closer, he starts to grind into you more, losing control of himself. “Oh fuck…” he groans. 
“Oh fuck Loki I-” you moan biting down on his shoulder. 
“Do it…” Loki moans against your skin. “Cum for me… darling,” he said, as his thrusts started to get sloppy, he groaned as he pounds into you a few last times as you both hit your climax and the room was filled with both of you moaning out each other's names. 
You lean your head back panting as you loosen your grip on Loki’s arms. 
Loki leans forward and deeply kisses you on the lips, running his hands down the sides of your stomach, he pulled out fast so it wouldn’t feel like much, 
You let out a groan as he pulls out of you and lays down beside you. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head. “Fuck-” he groans, running one of his hands through your hair. “You did amazing, darling” he said, looking down at you, still out of breath.
You smile still out of breath and lean forward to kiss him. 
Loki pulled you against him so that you were leaning against his chest, he closed his eyes and softly hummed. “I’m proud of you,” he said looking down at you one last time. 
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ekingston · 2 months
Easter! I saw your ME reblog about Kaiden romance options and wanted to know what spicy thoughts you have to share with us about the game in a Supercorp context
ohhh anon. i have too many ideas for this and too many WIPs already to make myself chase after any of them, but like. take your pick honestly
in-game, save-the-world etc:
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i’d put Alex in Shepard’s shoes, make Lena an engineer or comms specialist with an Ashley-like family history (ostracised in spite of her talents), and cast Kara-as-Kaiden as Alex’s flawed-yet-optimistic biotic sister, except no one dies, and Kara and Lena fall madly in love by the end.
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Illium: a lil bit of action, a lil bit of spice
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if it’s just me playing around in the magnificent sandbox that is the greater mass effect universe, i might have Kara and Lena meet on Illium (i needed SO MANY MORE STORIES on Illium), where Lena is working high up in her ruthless family’s spotless corporate offices and Kara is one of their (again, obviously, biotic) hired guns. which could either go the way of ‘oh no my bodyguard/the woman i’m supposed to protect is HOT’ (i’d love to explore how Kara’s powers might enhance certain. ahem. experiences) to ‘oh shit i think we’re going to expose the planet’s seedy underbelly and fight for social change’
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Omega: camp
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or i could introduce them on Omega, where Kara comes looking for her sister (who doesn’t want to be found because oops she’s fallen under Morinth’s spell), and Lena is the local mechanic who lives in a tin pod above her tiny shop and has 1. perpetually engine-oil-stained fingers, 2. a suspiciously broad knowledge of the space station’s layout and the various mercenary factions and 3. a couple of personal grudges to settle. lots of campy action, wild flirtation and engine-oil-stained tin-pod sex in that one
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The Citadel: angsty babies
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if i was braver i might have Kara and Lena meet at Huerta Memorial Hospital, where Lena is a surgeon and Alex is recovering. considering that’s Mass Effect 3 it would have to be a bittersweet ‘meeting at the end of the world’ type of deal though, with an open ending at best, and i don’t know if my heart could take it
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Hyperion: a whole new world/genre
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so what if instead they get to know each other on ark Hyperion, where Lena is in charge of monitoring the cryopods on their 600-year-long journey to a new galaxy and botanist Kara keeps inexplicably waking up each time Lena does. that would start funny/sweet/flirtatious and then BAM HORROR (system malfunction/hostile alien parasites/threat of years of isolation/slow death/responsible for twenty-thousand dead colonists etc) BUT it all ends well (and they still get to take each other’s clothes off)
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if you had to pick one of the scenarios above though which would you go for? asking for a friend
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astarionapologist · 7 months
Astarion×M!Tav plsplspls I can't find anything w/ M!Tavs anywhere I'm gay and going insane helllllp
Oh boy oh boy did I hopefully deliver with this (praying I did LMAO)
Prompt: Fluff with Astarion and His majesty (little cat in The Last Nights Inn) and some smut in the l middle (OoHh tav has a spicy dream and both tav’s and Astarion’s tadpol’s connect wink wink)
Warnings: Cursing, smut, anal, and other sex related things such as preparation
Midnight Revelations at The Last Knights Inn (Astarion x M! tav)
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You and your team have finally made it to The Last Knights Inn, you were all currently unpacking for the night setting up your bed rolls in a spare room Jaheira welcomed you too. 
You sat down with a sigh as you finally let your exhausted body relax underneath the moist yet soft bed. It was at least better than sleeping on the earth swallowed completely with The Shadow Curse you thought. You looked upwards and saw the pale elf scratching behind the ears of His Majesty himself! Which of course is the resident king of the land living off warm milk and a soft bed to keep his whiskers warm and safe despite living in darkness. Asterion engaged in playful banter with the cat, his words so soft they seemed almost to form a conversation, as if he could truly understand its feline language. Curious, you stepped forward.
"You seem to be having quite a good time," you observe, a hint of amusement in your voice.
"Well, indeed, my dear," he replied with a hint of affection, gently scooping up the warm, contented feline. "It's quite difficult not to revel in the company of such a peculiar yet utterly captivating companion."
"If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you were actually holding a conversation with him," you quipped, a playful smirk dancing on your lips.
He scoffed at your attempt to tease him. "Heaven, forbid I find good conversation elsewhere! Goodness knows I can't seem to find it among any of you," he retorted, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
You chuckled, "Oh, come on, you know I'm all the conversation you'd ever need, anyway."
"Oh? Is that what you believe?" His captivating smile served as a lure, drawing you in. "A man with my appetites would require far more," he said coyly, his gaze holding yours with an enticing intensity. 
You clicked your tongue in mock disappointment. "Ah, what a shame," you remarked sarcastically, "and here I thought we were getting along famously... quite the pity." 
"Oh, my dear! Have I truly started to rub off on you that much?" he exclaimed with a touch of amusement. "You sound so much like me~ I'm delighted to see you've at least learned from the best."
"But of course!" you exclaimed, a playful glint in your eyes. "I couldn't resist the opportunity to flirt with someone as adorable as you." You reached out to pet the cat, only to be met with a loud hiss as it quickly scampered out of Astarion's arms.
He sighed in disappointment, shaking his head lightly. "You scared the poor kitty off... seems your charms aren't as potent as you believe. Perhaps you didn't learn from me" he teased, punctuating his remark with one of his signature chuckles.
"Oops... My apologies for scaring him off... Didn't realize he hated me that much," you said sheepishly, a giggle escaping as you recalled the image of the cat's irritated expression when you attempted to scratch the same spot Astarion had carefully tended to. 
"It's quite alright, handsome~" he remarked, a playful twinkle in his eye. "If you wanted my attention, you could have just said something~ No need to scare off the competition," he added with a teasing grin.
You gave him a small peck on the cheek, a fond smile playing on your lips. "You're a riot," you remarked, rolling your eyes affectionately.
"Among many other things," he replied with a smirk, his hand finding your waist and pulling you closer into a deeper kiss. 
"Oh, please, contain yourself," you chuckled, gently pushing him away. "Let's just take a breather, shall we? The last thing we need is to expend more energy on... certain activities."
"Oh, you're such a killjoy, darling~" he teased, a playful pout forming on his lips. "But if that's what you want, I'll comply, I suppose," he added with a mischievous grin.
You scoff yet again and finally prepare yourself for bed, you lay in your bed, roll onto the bed (I would not trust them crusty ass prehistoric sheets) and quietly retire for the night. 
As sleep enveloped you, you finally found solace, allowing yourself the indulgence of dreaming about him – your cunning and seductive lover. In your dreams, there was nothing but the desire to whisk him away to a serene and secluded place, where you could openly express your true feelings for him. You yearned to reveal how deeply your body and heart longed for him, how every fiber of your being craved his presence in every way possible. In truth you loved him and wanted nothing more than to take him and become with him when he was ready, when he was ready to connect with your body and soul. 
(Nsfw part here)
You shamelessly still revealed the sensation of his perfect body beneath yours, imagining the softness and plushness of his form beneath your touch….
After kissing his beautiful, red lips, you gently lay him down, his hunger sated from feeding on your neck. You could taste the iron on your tongue as he pressed his own into yours, his warmth radiating from his body, fueled by the blood he had taken from you. 
How he would gasp as you pumped yourself getting ready to enter his needy body. How you would very carefully prepare his body by placing one finger at a time in his puckering ass to prepare him for you. When he was ready you carefully pumped his aching hard cock as you rubbed the tip of your cock on the outside of his ass. Finally, as you entered him you would gently hold his face as your thrust moved from painfully slow to now dramatic and full of yearning. How you wished to do nothing more than to speak nothing but praise into his ear as he took you in so well and easy… Just as you felt the pressure in your abdomen ready to contract and fill him full of your seed… you feel a familiar hand on your chest… however this time it wasn’t in your dream, instead you opened your eyes to see a slightly red Astarion looking down at you with lust in his eyes.
(nsfw part end here!)
“Darling… had I known you felt this way... I would have told you sooner..” He whispered close to your ears. 
"Fuck—what do you mean... 'know how I felt this way'?" you whispered fiercely into his ear, your voice tinged with confusion and frustration. "What in the hells are you talking about?"
“Well, Handsome, it appears our charming guests have keenly picked up on your yearning for me and subconsciously connected with each other” he remarked with a playful grin. 
"But fret not, my love. I don't mind at all. While I may not be fully prepared for something as intense just yet, the way they seamlessly connected, mirroring your feelings towards me—it's truly something special. Darling, I'm more than grateful to have you by my side," he said softly, planting a tender kiss upon your forehead.
“I… I don’t know what to say… I’m mortified for one… but still please know that this doesn't mean you should rush into anything and-” Before you could finish, he was already shushing you. 
"Yes, my darling, I understand, and I appreciate your respect for my boundaries. But I must admit, that dream was utterly delightful... And if you'd indulge me, perhaps we could explore those depths together," he confessed, a faint blush tinting his cheeks with vulnerability.
"Of course, darling. I'm here for you, ready to explore, experiment, and support you in every way you need," you replied with a warm smile.
"I'm truly fortunate to have you," he acknowledged, "but perhaps we can save that exploration for another time... If it's not too much to ask, may I sleep next to you tonight instead?"
You chuckled softly as you unrolled your bedroll, creating ample space for Astarion to snugly fit beside you. He nestled his head into the crook of your chest, finding comfort in your presence as he drifted into a peaceful and sound sleep for the night.
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