#o7 frfr
voidyyzz · 7 months
I FOUND THIS BLOG: @jbms-praf-blog
From what i can see gaycyalm’s account was sadly deleted :(
We lost a real one frfr
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crumboat · 4 months
Goin to bed soon 😴 😴 I'm so eepy lately (it's because im unmedicated)
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 17 days
Rolled nat 1s on my falling asleep attempts enough times in a row that now it is nearing 3am and I am very hungry. And not much closer to being asleep
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acerathia · 3 months
i cant believe i convinced myself to rely on my short-term memory when i knowww that mine literally sucks ass
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autism-corner · 7 months
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ingapotejtoo · 11 months
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-The Vault- Good Luck, Hunters.
o7 to mf s3 my fave one up to date frfr
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demegod-dess · 5 months
draw Raven Queen singing karaoke
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She is having the time of her life frfr. Feel free to add lyrics to this as if it is that one diary of a wimpy kid meme lmao o7
(also daily click reminder as usual: https://arab.org/)
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flightyalrighty · 28 days
You probably after my object permanence remembers you exist because a notification appeared from you:
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Seriously though aughghghg I adore this comic so much, I hate that I don't remember to check in 😭 I missed 2 updates...fake fan moment frfr (silly tone intended)
Anyways, I love how you make Shadow so expressive!!! And I love the ear movements especially ehe...they're just hedgies frfr. I wanna just...hold shadow gently and tell him everything's gonna be oka- ow I've been spindashed by a bughog
Dawg, you aren't a fake fan just cuz your brain decided to make you take a break! 😭 The same thing happens with me and EVERY webcomic I've ever read!
Thank you for sticking around for so long, I get a lot of joy from reading your hashtags o7 o7 o7
Don't die okay!
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kudadaze · 11 months
Love drawing Ls from various Death Note media differently with my hcs so >:3
Silly uni doodles
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Musical L, Manga L,
Film L, Drama L :)
Also I dont feel like posting these separately so here are some more doodles I did while trying not to fall asleep in class:
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(realised I could hc my moles onto him so that's a thing now)
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He's literally me frfr
Oh here's also these things I made last night at 4 AM:
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Ok I'm gonna go and continue listening to the musical on loop o7
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mochiwrites · 9 months
Platonic crush frfr I get so excited any time we dm because you're so cool and I just want to be your friend!! I'm aro anyways and only crush after men I can not get o7
🥹💕ueueue I'm uno reversing you because your vibes are very fun and I !!!! also want to be friend!!!!
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seeing you talk about russian literature is always so interesting to me because there’s not too much of it in polish schools. and i’m here like Damn what did i miss. maybe i shouldn’t have complained about mickiewicz
i did enjoy the few things they made us read, like crime and punishment or master and margarita.but hang in there for real o7
it’s like. the thing is it’s not even The Worst. it’s not downright unreadable and like i’m sure all of it is Classic(tm) for a reason and hell i even enjoyed reading some of it, like fathers and sons by turgenev. it’s just that when you’re forced to study the same 6 russian authors and over and over again it starts driving you MAD. like it is actually MADDENING. and after 11 years of studying a few 19th century russian novels you start to Get It: this shit is all the same. it’s literally allllll the fucking same u dont even gotta read it. Like i didn’t read crime and punishment OR war and peace (which is like THEEE russian novel) because i was too hyperfixated on my ocs to even Care About Checking Their Summaries. i didnt know anything. but u know what ? i just pulled things out of my ass and reached logical conclusions and literally just bullshitted my way through (They just let anyone graduate frfr) BECAUSE U KNOW WHAT? AFTER 11 YEARS ? U start to realize it’s alllllll the same fucking shit. it’s all the same shit no matter which russian novel u read. it’s always about how love good. OR NO ! love BAD. love HURTS and it KILLS. CHECK THIS OUT! CONVOLUTED LOVE TRIANGLE WHERE THE TWO MEN HAVE A STRANGELY CLOSE HOMOEROTIC RELATIONSHIP! no one is happy. Everyone is really depressed and wants to die. LOVE INTEREST ALERT! SHE IS EITHER GENUINELY 13 OR 18-20 BUT IS STILL DESCRIBED IN SUCH AN INFANTILIZING AND WEIRD WAY AND ACTS LIKE A GENUINE 13 YEAR OLD SO YOU WILL STILL FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE !! Love good tho. oh no sorry nvermind love makes everyone go insane and kill themselves. This character is on a perpetual downward spiral ! new generation GOOD. they have good ideas and they r smart and revolution good . Nvm i changed my mind new generation BAD because they care about NOTHING they invented NIHILISM and now don’t listen to adults. BAZINGA !!! ANOTHER CONVOLUTED ROMANCE WITH WEIRD UNDERTONES !!!!!!!! war bad. Did u know that ? war is bad. and scary. Unless we’re writing about how russia won LOL then war GOOD and SO EPIC !!!! AND THESE RUSSIAN DUDES WRECKED EVERYONE !!! but war bad ok ? promise u will remember war bad. Umm what else. oh! we’re killing ourselves again. ok. did u know the government is corrupt? did u? what if we wrote like 4037394 stories about just that . hold on what the FUCK this love interest is a ….. i cant even say it ……. p p p prostitute …..!!!!! MY GOD !!!!!!! THIS CANT BE HAPPENING !!!! SHE IS SO SICK AND IMPURE WE MUST KILL HER IMMEDIATELY. this character is steadily developing psychosis of some kind. Remember that new generation good unless they’re wrong then they’re bad. what’s the point of life ???? what’s the meaning ?????? let’s find out in this 500k word novel where the character falls in love wiyh a 13 year old and goes to war and then kills himself or something
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mellozheist · 11 months
Oh yh avsolutely :D!!! Literally loving all the shenanigans crying laughing at so many people. Especially Grian and Mumbo’s pun off that was so stupid funny frfr
Loving the secret tasks being mostly interaction based too. It’s lead to a lot more interesting interactions between ppl who don’t usually and it’s so good !!!!!!!
I’m rooting for Impulse win w Gem n the Scotts but ofc alrwsdy happy w everuone having fun lol o7
Hddhdydfxtcttxfcfg what if Jimmy goes 5/5 out first tho. What if. What if he does that. But what if Scott fucks over the Watchr’s canon event. But what if. /lh
- Deceased Anon
The fans love to take little crumb and make it angst, It's nice that He chose this concept for a silly goofy quest It's a really nice balance between Canon and Fanon
(Not that I complain of the angst, it's really fun to see ppl's creativity)
Martyn stealing Lizzie's bed while Etho is about to steal it is one of my favorites!!
2 members came back and 1 newbie who absolutely could destroy everyone! I'm so excited to see more interactions
I haven't decided Who will be my winner prediction yet
Not much team forming or base build for everyone, I think after session 2 I'll have to decide my prediction :d
and YES Jimmy's like 2nd to last of health bar rn, He COULD(definetly) make it to 5/5 canary curse
except someone will sacrifice themselves for him >:))
p.s. I'm really sorry Deceased Anon
I saw your silly idea about Cinderella Martyn! It's really fun But I just haven't gotten the energy or mood into drawing much yet (there are lots of requests I didn't make) Hope someday I'll pick them up and draw again
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kqluckity · 1 year
good luck finding cellbit on a monday frfr @ phil and tubbo o7
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amrv-5 · 1 year
5, 6, 29!
HELLO PRAX AND GOOD AFTERNOON!!!! Thank you for contributing to my Procrastination Effort o7
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
Generally I never say never. However when I was initially fucking around with the idea of Somewhere to Get To, I had considered it starting in the far future. Like, 2010s, and it would have started with a little vignette about one (or several) of Hawkeye's patients just living life (was trying to play abstractly with the question that comes up over and over again in S2G2 of, like, was it worth it for Hawkeye to have been there? What did the world gain from it? Etc.) Reveal that Hawkeye in fact is recently dead, and then a slow fall back into the primary plot with our young(er) Hawkeye. But this 1. felt weird 2. didn't work and 3. made me sad, so I chopped it. It's still around in one of my docs I think but it sucked.
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
Fff. ouughhh. Okay this is gonna be LONG and cover many fandoms sorry. Okay. So:
In general,
Designations Congruent with Things by CWR is something I reread every few years in order to have my brain exploded about how I'm never going to write something that good and also to catch feelings about wanting to be known and loved even when you don't like yourself, and to cry a little about humanity's drive for knowledge, etc.
Also Pacific Rim, irisbleufic's "Anthology" series. Haven't reread it in a while because it makes me like believe in love and the good of humanity and stuff. 'S brilliant. The end scene with Newt and Boston and the sky....... sticks with me still 5 yrs later. Awesome.
Also Welcome, Wanderer from singlecrow (TNG) which makes me crazy and is a great great great playful interesting multi-textual piece, dense and fun and fascinating and fae and good. It rules.
And the entire Controlled Burn series by jimmymcgools in Better Call Saul, of all places (some of the most gorgeous lyrical prose I've ever seen frfr).
[voice of a guy digging through his bookmarks and downloads] I can't believe I forgot "There Are No Gays in Football" by Malu_3, Merlin fandom. Changed me. The wrangling of fame and identity...
Speaking of Merlin, Pianos are made for Falling by fishwrites. Nodame Cantabile AU, kind of. Blew my mind as a teenager and I still love it. Makes me cry.
ANYWAY in MASH, Maple Syrup by Granspn when I can emotionally handle little Hawk, and "these are the days of miracle and wonder" also by singlecrow (Radar in the field, plus also Hawkeye's century of the atom speech are 2 indelible MASH ficdom images to me). Homecoming by yaroantheo also murks me every time.... the wedding scene....... I'm sure there's others but these are the ones coming immediately to mind.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic.
Fuck. I forgot I was working on a modern AU Beejhawk just to prove to myself that I thought it was possible to do while maintaining the spirit of the show. I don't think I'll ever finish it. A chunk of that here:
Hawkeye woke him by pelting him with a ballpoint pen. 
“Hnf,” BJ said, opening his eyes, disoriented: he saw only a span of featureless beige tile. His proprioception lagged, struggling to inform him where and how he was positioned in space. He felt briefly as though he was floating, released from the perpetual falling of earthly gravity, and then groaned as direction reasserted itself. He was face-down on a floor somewhere for some reason.
Another pen contacted his face and he flinched. “Stop.” 
“You’re an hour-fifteen late,” Hawkeye informed him from somewhere far above. 
BJ’s body jolted into action without consulting his brain. He slammed his head against the underside of a table. Memory was coming back to him in pieces—a late case, scrubbing out, vision greying and fuzzing at the edges, sitting down in the mess, deciding to have a cup of coffee with Hawkeye who was only halfway through his own shift. He’d fallen asleep, evidently, or lost consciousness and then fallen asleep, but how had he ended up underneath the table?
“Which case?” BJ asked, nauseated with exhaustion, uncertain what day of the week it was, only tentatively sure of the month. Fabric shifted over his torso as he hauled himself out from under the table. Somebody had draped a lab coat over him as he slept. 
“Hunnicutt v. Hunnicutt,” Hawkeye said, voice calm and unemotive, which was a kindness. 
“Oh, fuck,” BJ said, closing his eyes, dread walloping him. He debated the merits of lying back down and sleeping until his next shift began or he died of a widowmaker—not that he’d be leaving anybody widowed once Peg’s lawyer was through with him.
“Hand me those pens, will you?” Hawkeye asked, like he hadn’t just used them as artillery. 
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berryblu-arts · 1 year
I stayed up super late binging Jupiter-Men last night and then finished the last few episodes this morning, and ajsbdhdjdbjdnd Arrio is my favourite. He's such a good guy I love him 😭. Really hope nothing romantic happens between he and Jackie, both because I think it would feel kinda forced, and also because I loooove the protective big brother thing he's got going on. But yeah, best character fr fr <333
ahshdfdggsf godspeed bestie o7 to your sleep scheduel
aaaaaa yess!!! YES YOU GET IT!!!! i absolutely love how he´s not too mature, he´s 100% undeniably a teenager, but he´s always looking out for the twins, MAJOR protective big brother vibes frfr <3!!!! his dynamic with quintin is very clearly sibling vibes, and he was pretty adamant about *not* dating jackie, so theres hope, but its a tad early to really tell where this is going *shrug*
personally rooting for him and victoria on the basis that it´d be funny and they give off opposite vibes hehe (tho that would take a *heck* ton of character development to function lmao)
anyways, dug this silly thing up from AK´s deviantart page, take it as semi canon since it´s been a while hehe (beware of spoilers if you look through there btw; knowledge is a curse as much as it is a blessing and all that)
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berryblu-soda · 7 months
Sorry for disappearing again btw, the crochet demons got ahold of me again U_U
Made little sunflowers for earrings ^^ (currently blocking them in w starch)
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Also a blueberry pouch bc I needed a coin purse asap hahaha (looks better irl)
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Also fixed up my desk setup w an old dismantled lamp xd
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Aaaand made waffles (what da heck is a diet 💥💥💥💥)
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Ok that concludes the berry update, gonna pop back in later as promised o7
Edit: waittt ok last one! I need yall to look at my pencil case!!! The whimsy is stored in the realistic fish pouch frfr!!!
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