#obey me 7 brothers
Obey Me Nightbringer has the same sad feeling of watching Winx Club's character writing deteriorate by the seasons.
Like remember when all the girls/brothers were distinct? Not anymore lol.
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shootingstarrfish · 6 months
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some silly guys!! the silliest guys around!!!!!! :)
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menelron · 7 days
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Wrath’s Fall
parts; 1, 2, 3, 4
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minzart · 1 year
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And then they had an existential crisis
Shhhh I have no idea how summoning work in om let me with my headcanons it's funnier in my head
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solomiracle · 4 months
satan feels like a leap year baby
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impish-ivy · 1 year
Here’s a refresher of how Asmo and Solomon forged their pact.
Spoilers for lesson 7
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Welp. That’s that.
He was not forced or manipulated into a pact in NB. He wanted to forge a pact, he literally says so.
This pact is a huge part in Asmo fully accepting he’s a demon. By saying he was manipulated into this pact you’re taking a ton of Asmo’s agency as a character away.
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sweetbrier2908 · 10 months
i believe satan leaves cat plushies everywhere in HoL, in the library, in lucifer's secret study (how does it end up there who know), in the living room, in asmo's room (because why not?), in his room - on his favourite arm chair. belphie steals some and bring them to the attic, satan lets him. in the end, he loves beautiful things, can't help himself from buying beautiful cat plushies.
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gwenene · 1 year
Maybe it’s just the eldest child in me but I don’t think Lucifer would ever want kids. Look at him. He has eldest child trauma.
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shomaa-zz · 1 year
Levi's Lessons of Love
The 7 Dates Brothers of the Devildom (A 2023 Valentine's Day Series)
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7
"Oh, MC! You made it! I tried to leave a seat just for you." Asmo winked at them, patting the empty stool beside him.
"Hey, won't you sit beside me? We can just nap through the class." Belphie invited them, smiling softly.
MC looked at the two seats, deciding which one to sit beside. Though a different seat caught their eye.
They walked past the two, earning a whine from Asmo and a pout from Belphie. They sat down at the stool and tapped on the person beside them who was currently scrolling through his DDD for Anime updates.
"Gah!" He shouted, almost flinging his DDD across the room, before turning around to face the person. "O-oh. I thought you were someone else."
MC chuckled. "Don't worry. I just noticed you were sitting alone."
Levi raised an eyebrow. "Y-you'd rather sit with me than my brothers?" He looked at the two who sat a few rows behind them.
The seat beside Belphie's seat had just got taken by his twin brother and the one beside Asmo's seat was moved as there were a few succubi trying to surround him.
Levi looked back at MC before sobbing. "MC!!! You truly are an angel!!!!!"
"Leviathan! Be quiet!" The teacher in front shouted.
He turned to the front and composed himself, blushing at the embarrassment of being scolded by the teacher.
The teacher explains the task.
"...So we have to practice seductive speechcraft eith the person beside us?.." Levi clarified with MC.
"That's what I understood." He blushed at those words.
"It's fine, you'll do fine." MC reassured him and he just pouted. "I can go first if you want."
"Alright.." He said, composing himself.
"Hey, why don't we play games all night long? Cause not only will you win the game." They lean in closer. "You'll also win my heart."
Levi blushes even more. "Gah!!! MC's seductive speechcraft was a critical attack, Leviathan takes 999 damage!!!!!"
MC chuckles. "I wouldn't say that it was that good."
"I-it was!!!" He says, covering his blushing face with the back of his hand.
"Well then, isn't it your turn then?" MC asks him.
"A-ah... Right." He says, clearing his throat and getting ready.
"D-do you... No, that's not a good one... Y-You know... No, that also doesn't sound good..." He mumbles to himself, as if trying to think of a good thing to say.
"Ah, I got it!" Levi says, getting himself ready.
"I'd say I admire Henry, but It's no doubt that I admire you more than him." He says.
MC smiles at him. "That was good."
He lets out a sigh and puts his hands on their shoulders, his head facing the floor. "UAHHHH I COULDN'T THINK OF ANYTHING GOOD AT FIRSTT"
"Leviathan!!! Shut up! You're ruining my scene with this succubus!" Asmo shouts at the purple-haired man.
Levi tries to calm himself down again. "I don't think that was even half as good as yours.... Are you sure you liked it?"
"Mhm, it really was good. I loved it." They smiled at him.
A bell rings as the class ends.
"W-well then! See ya!" Levi waves, and they wave back at him as they part ways in the cafeteria.
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lynnslittlelife · 11 months
A Little Moment with Lucifer
Sorry it was a couple days after I said it would be posted...I got it done asap. I’m not the most proud of it, since Lucifer isn’t really my main. But I know a lot of people love him! And I respect that. So here it is! 
Let me know if you want me to continue this for the other brothers! In order of age, so Mammon next. 
Word Count: 1,397
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How come he was just so…mean. It made you pout as you stood in front of his desk, arms crossed over your chest. All the other brother’s were gone! Which means the only boyfriend here was Lucifer…and normally that would be fine but you’re BIG and he was IGNORING you! Even doing so much as to NOT EVEN ADDRESS YOU!
This was a mutiny.
You didn’t know why you were so upset about this, but you were. “LUCIFER!” you yelled, slamming your hands on the table. “Stop working, I wanna see you! Quality time!” You huffed. A glare was sent his way, but he barely looked up from his desk. When he did? It was scary.
One eyebrow was raised and he was still partially looking down at the table, a frown on his face. “If you’re big, go entertain yourself for now. If you’re small? You know I’ll always make time for you.” He picked up a paper that had gotten disheveled and started working once more.
Now you were ACTUALLY mad. How can he expect you to do anything on your own? All your other boyfriends were busy! They weren’t even home! Was it too hard to have a one-on-one moment with your boyfriend? He was always so busy…maybe he was overworking himself. If that was the case…
You took the paper out of his hand and threw it to the ground, a serious look on your face. “Take a break.” Wavering just a bit, knowing he might very well be mad for this. But he deserved a break! He really did. And you wanted attention, but that wasn’t as important.
His look was cold. Empty. He did that when hiding a big emotion. Usually anger. That friggin 'eyebrow still raised. He rolled his chair back slightly, and reclined in it slightly. “Come here.” He said, in that empty tone. Dang…he might actually be angry. What if he decided to spank you?
“I’m not little! You can’t-” You tried, backing away from the desk ever so slightly. His look was so scary. Sure, spanking was for when you were little, but you were big! He can’t just do that! It wouldn’t be fair at all!
“I’m not going to spank you. Come here.” He patted his lap, and when you didn’t move he said, “Either you come here, or I come over there. You know which one ends worse.” And he gave a small smirk. Almost ASKING you to try and fight back.
But you didn’t feel like dealing with a worse punishment, so you grumbled profanities as you walked over and plopped yourself in his lap. You wanted it to hurt him but you knew well by now, that it didn’t work that way. He was an extremely powerful demon. If it did hurt he would never show signs of it…
He scooted back to the desk, with your back to his chest and head on your shoulder. FINALLY! Some attention! He wasn’t usually a big cuddler though…unless you were little but you WEREN’T! You wanted to pout more, but it might make him think you were little. “Lucifer! You called, seeing as he returned to doing his paperwork.
“What? I have work to do.” You couldn’t see his expression, but you were just certain he had that smug look on his face. Now THAT made you pout. You tried turning to tables on him and getting up and leaving, but he wasn’t having any of it.
Without a word, he curled you up in a ball, with your head resting on his shoulder. Your arms instinctively moved around his shoulders, and your legs dangled over the side of the chair. He looked down at you adoringly, and went back to work. He wrote away on the papers, but you weren’t paying attention to those.
“Lucifer! This isn’t fair, put me down!” You thrashed a bit, but he only held you tighter. You kicked your feet a couple times, and your brain started to get even more fuzzy than it was prior. Absolutely not! He was not going to baby you! “Seriously! What’s this about?” You huffed, and removed your hands from around his shoulders and crossed them over your chest.
He looked at you again, that stoic expression turning adoring once more. Lucifer reached into his bottom desk drawer, pulled out one of your pacifiers and stuck it in your mouth. You protested, but he wasn’t having it. Not. One. Bit. He just smiled smugly and put it back in your mouth every time you spit it out. You would try to protest but right now…you just felt like crying.
Pacifier in your mouth, you cried. Whining behind it as the tears fell. What was happening…have you been…little this whole time? Yeah…it seems like you were. The feelings overfilled, and you clung to your daddy with all your little strength.
“Daddy!” You said, taking your paci out and letting him have it. “I jus…I jus missed you so much! You was workin and I wanted to see you! I sorry for being bratty I jus wanted to see you.” You cried and cried, feelings you had been hiding from everyone, even yourself, all day.
Luci smiled, and cradled your head on his shoulder, still keeping a firm grasp of you so you wouldn’t fall. “It’s alright little one…I knew you regressed. I could tell you would, by how you slept last night. More clingy than usual, I knew you’d wake up a little.” He shushed you a couple times, continuing to wipe your tears from your face. “It’s alright…daddy’s here.” He began to rub your neck, to calm you.
You sniffled, but after a while the tears stopped falling. You were safe…here in your daddy’s arms. “I…I sorry daddy…” feeling bad for being such a brat to him. You didn’t brat often, but you didn’t wanna tell him why. How you just wanted to be around him, you ignored your little side for as long as you could. But he was one of your safe spaces, and you trusted him.
He leaned away from you for a second, to make you look in his eyes. “It’s okay little one…I know you didn’t mean it. You wanted to be big, but just remember…I love you. Big or little.” It amazed you how kind he could be when it was just you and him. “Taking care of my little one? It’s a stress relief for me too.” He slid the chair to his desk back, and stood up, placing your pacifier back in your mouth.
He cradled you close to him, and you cuddled as close to him as you possibly could. You sucked on your pacifier, and watched as he carried you to his room. No complaints from you. After all the pretending to be big stuff…you were so tired. He must know that too. He wasn’t always the best at interpreting your feelings you didn’t say when you were big. But it seemed like he ALWAYS knew when you were little.
He laid you down on the bed, and your eyes opened wide, making grabby hands at him. It caused a small chuckle to escape him, and he said “Only getting you comfy.” And he laid down beside you, putting you into the most comforting place. On top of his chest, curled up on him with your head nuzzling into his neck.
“Daddy?” You said, almost instantly falling asleep on his chest.
He rubbed your back, and nearly fell asleep, himself. “Yes, little one?” The soothing motions of his hands as they cradled you made the following words even more true. They become more and more true the longer you spend with him. It was the case for all of your daddies.
“I love you…” And you hid your face even further into his neck. You just knew he was smiling though. Those words always brought a smile to his face.
“I love you too, little one. Rest up. I have a plan for a whole special day with my favorite little.” He didn’t have to tell you twice. Within minutes, you fell asleep right there on his chest. You knew, he’d be right there with you as soon as you awoke. Sleeping, dreaming of anything and everything that you wanted to happen on this “special day.” And anticipating what was to come.
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Decided to do my take on the Demon Bros Facial Features and Demonic Forms. Now I've played games where Demons are malevolent villains and are enemies you hunt and kill so I don't really like the take demons are these beautiful flawless things so for my take on the Demon Bros I decided to make them as ugly as their sins.
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What I like to imagine is the brothers appear at the age and physical features most attractive to MC/humans in their average humanoid forms but when they go into their Demon forms they show their more malignant side and appear as beautiful as ever until they got their victims in their grasp- Then they show their true demon/human mixed form and the kicker?
The kicker is this side is truly ugly but only humans can see it- To other Demons they look gorgeous still but humans can see their ugliness when they're in that form but by then it's too late the demons got them.
Idk if that makes sense it probably doesn't but I like the idea that the demons look hideous
Anyways to go over the bros;
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• For Lucifer the idea that he has blackened Veins and visible age in his Demon form just makes sense; The once most beautiful angel has become decrepit and insidious to those who look upon him. Ugliness to reflect the blackness in his heart is a very suitable punishment from Father dont you think?
• Mammon's design I like to think his teeth become much more narrow and sharp because he'd do anything for shiny even if it means sinking them into hands that feed him- I also imagine that his Greed leaves him looking filthy because Greed makes you do the most dirty things.
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• Leviathan's form is interesting because in a way he's probably the most beautiful of demons but he just can't see that- I dabbled with the idea that in his Demon form his mouth stretches and he gets gills because he has a more aquatic theme. He's probably always gasping for relief since jealousy can be suffocating
• Satan's was a fun design as a pure Demon I imagine his skin is more worn since anger is a toxic thing so he's just spewing acid outside of his Veins and fangs and virtually everywhere because he's just poison to those affected by him. I can see MC not being able to touch him in this form because he can melt skin and bones being too close (Headcanon; Satan's nuclear)
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• So Asmodeus' is my favorite design but I can see that when he fell his face took the brunt of it; Broken jagged teeth cracked face lust crazed eyes Asmo probably had the hardest time with the Fall because his beauty is gone and now hes an ugly Demon HOWEVER he's still considered gorgeous by other demons so his constant preening and narcissism could be based on the fact that he's trying to fix his face to be what it used to be as an Angel and his obsession with his fans could be because they're as close as he'll ever get to being beloved for who he was before. I bet he'd be caught with a holy spear in his throat before showing MC his true face because they mean everything to him and it'd destroy him if they saw how ugly he truly is.
• Beelzebub's was difficult cause I lowkey wanted to put insect pieces on him but I think I'll save that for if ever I do a different design. So Beel is a natural tank so I imagine in his Demon form his scars appear more and his "pupils" vanish because in his Demon form he's not running on logic he's running on instinct so he looks more animalistic cause of it. I feel realistically he'd be more damaged since he's a big brother always taking the hits for others so he's probably battered all over.
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• Belphegor's form is kind of lacking but honestly I can see Belphegor coming out okay while Beel and Asmo took the brunt of the fall and as such his markings aren't too bad- I will say tho that Belphegor probably has the most dangerous eyes as looking in them probably makes people paralyzed/fall unconscious because he just instantly makes their body stop/lazy so in his form he probably used that to paralyze then kill MC during Lesson 16 (Spoilers; he never apologizes you're welcome for that)
Anyways if anyone wants to add anything feel free to I feel like I may dabble with this more.
Who's your fave? :>
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otome-on-the-side · 1 year
I wonder how all those angst fic writers feel about a younger chained up satan being canon 
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menelron · 9 days
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Envy’s Fall
Part 3/7
parts; 1, 2, 3, 4
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peepee-magee · 1 year
An awkwardly quiet dinner at the HOL:
Mc: So… Here’s a fun thought experiment
Levi, who’s heard this starter before: Damn it, Mc- Please No
Mc: If every fanfic writer we’re to end up in hell, which of you would end up with the most concentration of A/B/O writers?
Lucifer: Dear father, it’s me-
*commence 3 hour long dinner/screaming match*
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solomiracle · 4 months
Do you have any ideas about Levi and the no-brothers party? That idea is so cute I can't resist asking more
Like Dark/Red/White Magic, cleric, rouge, tabaxi or stuff like that?
context: here and here
gonna admit that most of my rpg-esque/fantasy ideas come from anime, gacha games, and turn-based RPGs so my ideas probably won't align with yours anon >n<
this is gonna be pretty long oh boy BUT BEFORE WE DO THAT quick shoutout to these two posts i saw a while ago!! they're ideas for the brothers' dnd classes :D (im scared too scared to play dnd)
Roles/Classes: Mainly DPS (Black Mage, Warrior, etc) with some survivability for themselves, and maybe their teammates. If they're more support oriented, they give opponents many debuffs. And while very uncommon, some Not-Lucifers are summoners (Not-Lucifers always have magic on some level, even if they don't use it themselves)
Races: Out of all the Not-Brothers, Not-Lucifers have the most variety in races. Humans, demons, angels, elves, mermaids; basically every one you can think of, there's a Not-Lucifer variant
Ranges: All (Short, Mid, Long)
Almost always immortal
Not uncommon for them to be under some curse (sometimes the cause of their immortality), esp if it makes them broody and depressed
As you said anon, half of the time they're villains (with backstories that tug on Levi's heartstrings and he ends up crying at his PC over them)
A lot of Not-Lucifers have family trauma, some of them are even the cause of it (and either want to atone or further themselves into despair, hopefully the player can help the latter ones out)
Roles/Classes: THIEVES!!!!!!!!!!!! also Rogues, Archers, and Gunslingers (sometimes magic ones!). A mix of DPS and support, mainly focuses on buffs/debuffs
Races: Often humans, sometimes small animal-based beastmen (rabbits, weasels, etc) or halflings short kings
Ranges: All
Sillies who are at the mercy of the RNG gods :) they roll nat 1's 50 times in a row
Hell most Not-Mammons are actually kind of ass as units but Levi loves them for their personalities and he gets very very upset if people (both characters and players) trash talk them
Backstories often about families (having a lack of one and going out to find their own, being looked down in theirs and leaving to prove everyone that they're strong like some shounen protag, maybe just stealing to earn some money for their families) and/or getting into trouble (a couple Not-Mammons are just dudes running from debt collectors)
If the game has some sort of expedition mechanic, if sent out, they bring back extra money
Okay this isn't that related but I just imagined Mammon in a turn-based RPG with a cute little crow on his shoulder that's in his attack animations awawawa cries
Roles/Classes: Mages, Alchemists, Warriors and even Bards thrown in here and there for flavor (and Beastmasters of course). Not-Satans are mainly supports with buffs, debuffs, and shields, who are still capable of dealing some damage
Races: Elves, humans, vampires, occasionally demons or beastmen or angels
Ranges: Short, Mid
Many Not-Satans are scholars, a couple of them being members/in charge of magic schools
There "softer" Not-Satans (Bards, buff oriented mages and alchemists) are sometimes romantics; a few of them are even married!
Some of them are similar to Not-Lucifers in a couple of ways... some are villains, some are suffering from curses, some have family trauma... (a couple of them have bitter feelings for their father/older sibling...)
For the DPS oriented ones, some of them have the "more damage dealt/less HP = becomes stronger" mechanic, esp for the villains and bosses
dante from granblue fantasy i mean what
Roles/Classes: Has the widest range out of the Not-Brothers! Full healers, full supports, full DPS, the Not-Asmos have everyone! But to keep things simple, let's say buff/debuff oriented Mages.
Races: Mainly vampires and demons (specifically incubi/succubi), but there's a lot of elves, mermaids, humans, and cute animal beastmen too
Ranges: All
You know how Asmo will put on his cute little damsel in distress act? Some Not-Asmos will do this then one-shot most opponents without breaking a sweat. Sillies <3
More than a couple of them are villains, plenty with taunt/charm mechanics and "gross monster disguises themselves as something cute" stories
A small amount of Not-Asmos are closer to his more genuine and insecure side, clearly hiding their fears with fake smiles and hype. Levi adores them and wishes he could help him them out...
POISON DAMAGE. SCORPION... so much goddamn posion damage
Roles/Classes: DPS, tanks, and defense!! Warriors, Knights, Beserkers/Barbarians. Those guys with the BIGGGGG weapons. Giant axes, hammers, shields... the more depressed/creepy ones will just pull a Goldlewis and hit you with a coffin
Races: Often beastmen (bulls, carnivores like wild dogs and big cats), sometimes humans, occasionally orcs, rarely dwarves and angels
Ranges: Short
WILL consume all of your items. Ally or opponent. Get used to it
Not-Beels with light-hearted backstories often have them surrounded by food all their life (think living in a family bakery) or being renowned fighters or beast hunters. Not-Beels with sadder backstories however...
FAMILY TRAUMA!!!!!! OFTEN WITH SURVIVORS GUILT!!!!!!!! Some Not-Beels are the last members of a species, the final remnants of a noble house, people who couldn't save their loved ones or even were forced to kill them... Not-Lucifers can't even begin to compare to the level of atonement some Not-Beels are going through
But if they have the sad backstories and still have loved ones, Not-Beels are extremely protective of them
Roles/Classes: Mages centered on debuffs and damage, along with those rude healers who roll their eyes when you're on 1 HP and begging for help
Races: Same kinds of beastmen as Not-Beels and Not-Mammons, along with elves, demons, vampires, and humans
Ranges: Long
They'll fall asleep mid-battle and then get mad at opponents (and allies) who wake them up. Opponents will then be crushed by falling stars, allies might get stardust in their hair
Unsurprisingly a few of them are villains... the fans either adore them or watch videos on their fights just so they can replay the moment they die over and over again
A couple of Not-Belphies are nobles or even royalty, which comes with a special flavor of family trauma! Plenty have left their families, by their own choice or not
Debuffs will be mixed in with damage. Opponents falling asleep will get hurt, opponents waking up will get hurt, opponents getting their head filled with false dreams and illusions will get hurt, opponents getting hit by meteors will get hurt
They're all so eepy :3
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monochrome-chaos · 9 months
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[ Made some tweaks about the Ring of Light that Alacai has with him in TWST. It does the same things it does in Obey Me OG/Nightbringer (Controlling his magic/preventing it from going out of control/extending his life), but it has unintended side-effects in Twisted Wonderland.
The main ones is that Alacai can suffer the effects of Blot, but the ring suppresses it.. by siphoning it to others. Sort of like how something super heated will displace heat to everything around it.
One might think this wouldn't be so bad, but coupled with the sheer amount of magical power Alacai does have, the fact he uses it in secret, and the fact that everything had been reaching a boiling point upon his arrival well..
It was like the 'straw that broke the camels back' moment.
This is sort of my HC as to why, through the course of TWST's story, so many Overblots happen one by one. He's unintentionally causing things to 'boil over'. ]
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