#obey me lesson 44
dresden-syndrome · 8 months
💫Whump ask game!💫
🔸Most suitable for non-BBU pet whump but can be used for whatever
🔸Anyone can use and reblog, nsfwhumpers included :)
🔸We're bringing tumblr ask culture back and ensuring no one is left excluded - sending an ask to the blog y'all reblogged it from is highly encouraged! I'll send an ask too! :)
🔸A little inspired by a wonderful ask post I wasn't able to reblog or visit that person's tumblr. Y'all hear me out. No block can stop me from playing whump ask games.
🔥For Whumper🔥
1) How did you acquire your whumpee? How hard it was?
2) From all the possibilities, why did you pick your whumpee rather than anyone else?
3) Why do you keep your whumpee captive? Why won't you let them go?
4) Is everything you do to your whumpee legal? Do you have to hide it from the authorities?
5) How open are you about keeping your whumpee?
6) Where does your whumpee live?
7) Do you bring your whumpee to your workplace? How about bringing them to your social activities?
8) How would you describe your whumpee?
9) Tell me about your whumpee's prettiest features!
10) How does your whumpee behave around you? How much did it change from the moment of capture?
11) What rules do you have for your whumpee?
12) What do you do if your whumpee misbehaves?
13) Have you ever tortured anyone aside from your whumpee? If so, what's the difference between your torture techniques for your whumpee and for others?
14) Your favorite torture method?
15) Do you give your whumpee any gifts, rewards or treats? If so, what are they? If you don't, why?
16) How possessive you are about your whumpee?
17) Has your whumpee ever tried to run away from you? What would you do/have done in that case?
18) Did you finally break your whumpee? How hard it is/was?
19) Does your whumpee fully belong to you? If not, why?
20) Is your whumpee allowed to move freely? How much?
21) Do you believe you're doing the right thing? Have you ever felt guilty about what you do to your whumpee?
22) What would you do if someone tried to take your whumpee from you?
23) Does your whumpee receive any medical care or health checks? If so, where?
24) Any advice on brainwashing or conditioning?
25) Have you made your whumpee learn something aside from rules and behavior lessons?
26) Do your friends/teammates/coworkers help you to tame your whumpee? Do you allow anyone to handle them?
27) Do you allow anyone else to talk to your whumpee?
28) Do you respect your whumpee's boundaries?
29) Did you know your whumpee before capturing them?
30) How often do you feed your whumpee? Have you ever used food as punishment?
31) What do you use your whumpee for?
32) Does your ownership of whumpee mean anything symbolic for you? Do you make any sort of statement by keeping them?
33) How would you describe the feelings you ger from owning/hurting your whumpee?
34) Have you trained your whumpee to obey your commands? How so?
35) Do you need to restrain your whumpee often? How and why so?
36) What do you dislike about your whumpee?
37) Do you decide on your whumpee's clothes? If so, what do you usually make them wear?
38) Do you ever believe you could be punished for your deeds, whether in your lifetime or after?
39) Could you tell me a bit about your values? How would you describe what you believe in?
40) What do other people usually say about your whumpee?
41) Do you use a collar or a leash on your whumpee? Do they have to wear it everyday, or only on special occasions?
42) Is your whumpee marked as your captive/possession in any way? How so?
43) Have you ever considered returning or releasing your whumpee?
44) Do you ever appear with your whumpee in public? If so, how do you make sure they won't run away?
45) Have you ever drugged or sedated your whumpee? Why?
46) Has anyone ever tried to search for your whumpee or rescue them? How do you prevent them from succeeding?
47) Which aspects of comfort do you allow your whumpee to have, if you do so?
48) Do you ever discipline/torture your whumpee when they didn't do anything wrong? For maintenance, for showing off, just because you felt like it?
49) Would you mind me to see your whumpee? Could you bring or call them to come here?
50) Your whumpee is so pretty! Can i pet them? Please :)
🌼For Whumpee🌼
1) When did you meet your whumper for the first time? How was it like?
2) What were you doing before capture? What could you tell about your life back then?
3) How were you captured?
4) Were you taken specifically for whumper from the start, or there was another reason at first?
5) Have you ever been interrogated? For what reason? Were you tortured there?
6) Do your friends or family know you're here? Do you think they miss you?
7) Have you ever planned your escape? If so, do you think it's gonna work? (We won't tell anyone)
8) How would you describe your whumper?
9) How strict your whumper has been with you?
10) At which points are you most scared of your whumper?
11) What are your thoughts on why is your whumper keeping you there?
12) Which of your whumper's rules you find harder to obey?
13) How much time are you forced to spend by your whumper's side?
14) Do you think anyone would be able to find or rescue you?
15) Have you ever tried asking anyone for help? If so, how did they react?
16) Do you hide from your whumper? Does it help? How long it takes for them to find you?
17) How often do you fight or resist your whumper? How do they react?
18) Does your whumper make you sleep in their bed?
19) Does your whumper take you outside? For walks, for any interesting places, for visiting their friends?
20) Do you have a comfort thing to feel better/safer? Does your whumper know about it?
21) Does your whumper provide you with any things of entertainment to do in your spare time?
22) Does your whumper try to brainwash you?
23) Do you have anyone to talk to aside from your whumper?
24) How often does your whumper punish you? Why?
25) Which punishment method do you hate the most?
26) Do you like it when your whumper holds or touches you? How often would they do that?
27) Has your whumper ever made you wear something you hate?
28) What do you prefer to do to comfort yourself when you've been hurt or feeling sad?
29) Do you remember how long you've been captive?
30) Does your whumper use any pet names for you? What are their favorite? Do you like them as well?
31) How much privacy do you have?
32) Where do you feel safer - with lots of people in the room or with your whumper alone?
33) How do your whumper's friends/coworkers treat you? Do they pay attention to you?
34) Did your whumper ever threaten to hurt your family or friends? Have they actually done that?
35) If you were given an opportunity to escape, what would you do? Where would you run to?
36) What does your whumper usually force you to do? Which of these things do you hate the most?
37) How often do you get sick? Do you get someone to take care of you in that case?
38) Have you ever been afraid to fall asleep? Why so?
39) What does your whumper usually say to you? Does he give more threats or compliments?
40) Does your whumper listen to your pleads, complaints or requests? What would you never ask them for even if you absolutely needed?
41) How does your whumper usually act around his friends or coworkers? Does he try to be a good person for them?
42) How much do you miss your past life, if you do so? Which aspects of it do you miss the most?
43) Are you afraid to die?
44) If you knew you'd end up like that, what would you do differently in your life?
45) Is there anything you said or did that could've led to your capture? If so, do you regret it?
46) If you could become an animal, which one would you choose? Why?
47) How much have you changed since the first day in captivity?
48) Do you have any plans or hopes for the future now?
49) Tell everything you've ever wanted to say to your whumper (we won't tell anyone!)
50) Share one of your happiest moment of freedom for us!
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666writingcafe · 21 days
Obey Me, 666writingcafe Edition (Lessons 41-60)
Lesson 41: Reunion
Lesson 42: Snapshot
Lesson 43: Confession
Lesson 44: Witness
Lesson 45: License
Lesson 46: Battle
Lesson 47: Reckless
Lesson 48: Confrontation
Lesson 49: Hunting
Lesson 50: Travel
Lesson 51: Time
Lesson 52: Message
Lesson 53: Chastity
Lesson 54: Abstinence
Lesson 55: Kidnapped
Lesson 56: Rescue
Lesson 57: Trial
Lesson 58: Fear
Lesson 59: Departure
Lesson 60: Goodbye
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ghostraves · 2 years
"The Fallen and The Flying."
Tws: Mentions of G0d, Christianity, Angst in some parts, SPOILERS FOR LESSON 16 & LESSONS 44-70.
Mc is An Angel that lived in the Celestial Realm before and after the fall of the brothers. Mc is Male in this but it's barely mentioned so. Yeah.
Also belphie isn't in the attic bc that boring. 😍
Might be a series if i find my motivation. <33
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Mc: Usually only uses the term "you", "yourself", etc. But Mc is explicitly Male because.. There's not enough Fluff&Angst Male Mc out there and I'm starving.
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Angel!Mc, Obey Me!, Before The Fall, After The Fall, avatar of virtue!mc, M!Mc, male reader x obey me!
Inspired by this comment on: https://jaeheewillalwaysbemyfav.tumblr.com/post/680632946698354688/non-lilithmc-being-a-very-tired-very-stressed
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As an Avatar of Virtue, You were up there with the big dogs.
Lucifer, Avatar Of Humility..
Mammon, Avatar Of Charity..
Leviathan, Avatar Of Kindness..
Asmodeus, Avatar Of Chasity..
Beelzebub, Avatar Of Temperance..
Belphegor, Avatar Of Diligence.
Lilith, Avatar Of Hope.
And you.. You were the Avatar Of Fortitude. And clearly.. you were a lovely avatar for that role.
Fortitude was something you certainly understood. Micheal always made you collect all his paperwork and complete it. Lucifer barely let you help, he had too much humility to ask for help, it was tough.. but You were the Avatar Of Fortitude. You could survive.
Then.. The Celestial War Happened.
The Celestial Realm was thrown into turmoil. Millions of brothers.. sisters and siblings, all thrown into war none truly wanted to fight.
Lucifer and His Brothers along with Lilith fought until the rebellion was brutally crushed under the once kind god's hand.
As far as you knew.. They were dead. Possibly decimated. But once some of the warlike hate grew low, You learned Lucifer had become Diavolo's right hand man.
Lucifer. The Once Avatar Of Humility Was Now So pridefully charged.. he was unrecognizable. His third set of wings ripped off. Only leaving two longing sets of wings plastered onto his back. The pain he felt was unmeasurable, and you.. avatar of Fortitude knew that it was.. reflected in his actions.
Mammon. The Once Charitable Angel that barely had anything in his pockets or his palms was now so greedy that it sickened you. His childlike innocence of wanting to give away everything he owned was now gone. Replaced with nothing but ever wanting more.
Leviathan. The Kindest and most passionate of the angels was now something unrecognizable. He was hateful and spiteful, envious of everything he could have instead of what he already did. It pained you to see such a kind angel lose what they were held so dear for.
Asmodeus. The Angel that never asked for nothing, Chasity holding him tight within it's grasps.. the desires he never had or could have wanted was something so monstrously lustful that it made you long for the sweet childlike innocence he had once owned for himself.
Beelzebub, The Angel that held his temperance locked closed.. once filled with such he never had wanted to be so.. gluttonous. Was now the thing he never wished to be true, such a monster that he could never be truly full.. ever again. The curse placed over him caused you to feel his pain, watch as he could do nothing but eat to barely satisfy his hunger.
Belphegor, The angel that was always excited and yet so very passionate about everything he held dear, His family being one of the top most priorities was nothing like it. He lost all his passion and excitement. He never wanted to lay down, he always was excited to play. And yet.. he had become too slothful to be able to tell anyone. The angel that always hopped around you, barely able to hold in his excitement for telling you about the humans he saw with Lilith was barely able to open his eyes anymore.
Lilith, The Hopeful angel she was.. the cause of this. She hoped and prayed to her heavenly father for someone to truly love. She found him, a human that seemed to be having some trouble. She had befallen to the worst mistake..
Love.And she payed the price for daring defy her fathers teachings. And your hope for her to live, slowly died out as the search for her never came to light once again.
The only virtue left. The only avatar that needn't be replaced. The one that couldn't help in the fight.
After the War had come to a close, even during and before it.. you had stayed strong in your virtue. The only God given right to you now was being able to stay, even during the war. You were never knocked down like simeon or hunted like the brothers. You were still.. The Avatar Of Fortitude.
Millennium passed by now, The Demon King Slept beneath the grounds of The Devildom. The Heavenly Father controlled The Celestial Realm like a puppet playing with it's dangling limbs, You were now stuck as Micheal's Right hand man. But you heard.. something.
Apparently.. Not only did the brothers fall losing all their grace.. they became the one thing they didn't want to be. The opposites of their virtues.
Not only that.
Satan, Avatar Of Wrath ruthlessly was born into the world through the wrath and hatred of The Heavenly Father Lucifer contained deep within his soul.
And it broke your barely holding on heart.
Not only that.. It seemed they had.. completely forgotten about you. The one they went to for help.. although Lucifer needed a little pushing. You were the Avatar Of Fortitude.. Weren't you? You could handle this.. couldn't you?
Had the angels you had once held so dear finally become true.. demons?
This.. hurt. It pained. It was soul crushing. It was something that couldn't be painted with words.. even by the most wonderful artist.
And then.. Micheal tells you something. After centuries..
The Next Demon King, Asks of you to join.. a.. wait.. what?
An Exchange Program?!
Well.. You Certainly weren't expecting this. Being told that Simeon, and your beloved adopted son, Luke.. well.. not yet but don't tell micheal.
They had to go to the Devildom.
No! Absolutely not! You refused to let them down there, but.. Simeon stopped you. You were told that Micheal and Diavolo had agreed upon it.
You had no power over it. But you were still sour about it. So you.. may or may not have asked Simeon to wear something showing.. a little more skin then usual. Luckily he liked it.
After a year, You were extremely happy to hear from Simeon and Luke once again. And Luke kept mentioning
"Mc! Lucifer and His Brothers won't stop calling me a Chihuahua! I'm not a Chihuahua!"
The small boy had exclaimed to you as soon as he got the chance. And you were.. surprised to hear those names again. Of course, as the Avatar of Fortitude, You kept quiet.
"ah- Luke, don't let them get to you.. you aren't a Chihuahua.. maybe a little bit but still."
You'd say into the DDD you were given by Solomon to keep in touch with Simeon and Luke.
"Mc!! Don't tease me!"
Luke exclaimed again, before suddenly.. you felt like his mood dropped. Something was.. on his mind. After about 10 minutes, waiting for him to hang up or.. say something. He finally did..
But you weren't sure if you liked it.
".. will you ever come down here?"
.. of course he'd ask that.
Who wouldn't?
You were the Avatar Of Fortitude. The only Avatar Of Virtue that wasn't being replaced or already replaced. You were the only one for the job.
"maybe.. someday."
You said as Luke made a happy hum and hung up.
Of course Luke would ask.
He adored Lucifer and his brothers when they were still angels. Luke was still practically an angeling. He was so small.. and he wasn't able to process it. He was only around 200.
You remembered it well.
Maybe you will join them.
Even if.. they didn't remember you..
You could still be there. Be there for Luke and Simeon, so..
When Micheal told you that you were allowed to join Simeon, Luke and Raphael down in the Devildom. You were excited, which wasn't a very common thing for you, especially due to all the work that had to be done for Micheal.
But then you realized there wouldn't be any room in Purgatory Hall.. And then you realized you were screwed.
You had to stay in
"The House Of Lamentation"
What.. a ridiculous name.
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This is quite awkward, luckily you had already transformed into a more... "Human" looking angel, much like Simeon. Sheathing your beautiful wings. Of course..
Lucifer, Avatar Of Pride. He didn't have to Introduce you to anyone. You.. KNEW everyone. Well.. Maybe except Satan.
But you weren't too keen to speak to The Avatar Of Wrath.
Afterall.. You doubted that he would be interested in speaking to an old guy like yourself.
So.. You met with everyone, not really making much of a difference.
Even by seeing them in this state.. made you spiteful. But you kept quiet.
Like the good.. Avatar of Fortitude.. you were.
Of course.. When Mammon realized he was tasked with "protecting" you.
He reasonably freaked out a little.
Who wouldn't?
But...he was odd.
He was.. flustered? Was that the word for his cheeks getting pink? Or was it just hot in the Devildom? In fact..
Why were they staring at you like that?
"Well, At least they were happy." - you said before you realized what.. truly happened.
Happiness was.. an odd thing. Happiness can be shown or not shown.
Smiles may hide Malicious Intent.
Frowns may hide the true adoration for someone.
And staring.. staring is what Lucifer and His Brothers were doing at this moment.
Looking at your outfit, your hair, looking for differences.
Atleast that was what you thought they were doing.
But the way they looked at you.
It made it seem like it was..
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Devotional Hours Within the Bible
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by James Russell Miller
The Two Great Commandments (Mark 12:28-34, Mark 12:38-44)
This scribe admired the way Jesus had answered the questions that were put to Him by His enemies. Jesus always answered well. He never got confused in His replies, as often human teachers do. He never erred in His answers to men’s questions, for He knew all truth. We know only fragments of the great body of truth, and therefore frequently find ourselves entangled when we attempt to explain difficult matters or to answer questions that are put to us. But Jesus knew truth in all its relations, and those who sought to catch Him in His words could never lead Him into any inconsistency of statement.
The practical lessons from this are important. One is that Christianity has nothing to fear from enemies who try to make its teachings appear self-contradictory. Amid all the assaults of skepticism, Christianity stands ever unharmed and secure. Their hammers are shattered and worn out but the anvil of truth is unbroken. The other lesson is that we may take to Christ all our own questions, our fears, our doubts, our ignorance, our perplexity, and He will always have for us a wise and satisfactory answer.
It is the fashion in these days, in some quarters, to decry creeds. ”Little matter what we believe ,” says one, “if only we live right.” But if we do not believe right we will not be likely to live right. The duty of loving God is based upon the truth that there is only one God to be loved. If there were more gods than one, there would be little use in teaching us to love God with all our heart. “Which God?” we might ask. So the doctrine of one God is a most practical one. There is only one God, and this one God is our Lord. What a comfort it is for us to know that the God in whom we trust is the great God of the universe!
He is our God. The little word “our” links Him to us and us to Him in closest relations. If He is our God we are under obligations to obey Him, to do His will. We belong to Him. Then, if He is our God, He belongs to us, and we have a claim on Him. “The Lord is the portion of my inheritance” (Psalms 16:5). Every child of a good father knows with what pride he points to his parent and says, “That is my father!” Still greater comfort to a believer is that he is able to point to God and say, “He is my God!” All He is, is ours His love, His grace, His goodness, His truth, His mercy.
If God is our God we should love Him. He is the God to whom we owe everything, from whom we came, to whom we go with our needs, who cares for us, watches over us, provides for us, and keeps us. He is our Father with all a father’s love! We ought to love God for Himself, for what He is in His character merciful, gracious, holy, loving, good. We ought to love Him, too, for what He has done for us. Surely the commandment is reasonable .
Notice that it is LOVE which God asks. Obedience is not enough. One might obey every divine command, and not have love for Him whom he obeys. Homage is not enough. We might pay homage to God, and yet have no affection for Him. God must have our love. Nor will a little love do. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart .” Our love for God must be greater than our love for father, mother, sister, brother, husband, wife, child, or friend. It must fill not our heart only but our soul, our mind, and our strength. That is, it must draw all the powers of our life with it. It must lead us to obedience, to service, to complete consecration. If we love God supremely, He must be the Master of our life. We must be ever ready for whatever duty or service He asks of us.
Some people’s religion seems compulsory ; they do right because they must not because they want to do so. All their work has the character of unwilling service. God says, “I want you to love Me!” And if we truly love Him, we will fly at His bidding to duty or to sacrifice with eager alacrity. “But how can I learn to love God?” asks someone. “I want to love Him but I cannot compel myself to do it. I love my father, my mother, my sister; but I cannot see God, and He seems great and awesome when I think about Him. He does not appeal to my heart as my mother does. I feel awe toward Him but not affection .
It is important to know how we can learn to love God. The incarnation was God coming down near to us, that we might love Him. The glory of Sinai did not make its appeal to men’s hearts. But when Jesus went among the people, touching them with His compassion, being their friend, comforting their sorrows it was not hard for them to love Him. We must get to know God if we would learn to love Him. We should read about Him in the Bible until we know His character, His feelings toward us, what He has done for us, especially in redeeming us. Another way to learn to love God is to begin to trust Him. “How shall I learn to love God?” asked one. “Trust Him,” was the answer. “I thought I must love Him before I could trust Him.” “No begin to trust Him and you will soon learn to love Him.”
No other duty comes before this duty of love to God. “This is the first commandment.” Until we begin to love God, no other obedience is pleasing to Him. We may do a great many things we ought to do and yet if we do not love Him all of our doings amounts to nothing. A child may obey all a father’s bidding but if there is no love in his heart, what does the father care for the obedience? A man may be very good so far as his acts are concerned but if he does not love God, all his good acts count for nothing. When Jesus tested the young ruler’s love by asking him to give up all he had for His sake, the young man went away sad. He had kept all the commandments from his youth but he did not love God; at least he loved his possessions more, and gave God up while he clung to his property.
Love to our fellow men is a very important duty but it avails nothing unless love to God is behind it and in it. Two comes after one. The second commandment can come only after the first. A good many people boast of their love for men, their humanitarianism. They take the Good Samaritan as their model. They are humane, charitable, and philanthropic. But this is the whole of their religion. They do no love God, nor worship Him, nor recognize Him in any way. They put the second commandment high up but they have no first. They do not know God, do not recognize Him, and do not love Him. The things they do are very beautiful, and if they first loved God and lived all their life inspired by love for Him, their charities and humanities would be pleasing to Him, and not the smallest of them would go unrewarded. But since they do not love God there can be nothing pleasing to Him, in their love for their neighbors.
The second comes after the first. After we have begun to obey the first commandment, the second presents itself and must also be obeyed. He who loves God will also love his neighbor. The two loves are linked together, and are inseparable. John says distinctly that he who claims to love God while he hates his brother is a liar (1 John 4:20). The love of God that does not overflow in love for our brother is not true Christian love.
Jesus was pleased with the scribe’s insight. He said to him, “you are not far from the kingdom of God.” If he would only do the truth he knew he would enter into the kingdom; he was yet outside, although so near. There are a great many people who are almost but not quite, Christians. There are those who know the way of salvation but do not with their hearts accept Christ. There are those whose character is good and beautiful. They do many of Christ’s sayings. They try to keep the second commandment, and seek to be gentle, kind, loving in temper, disposition, and act. They lack only one thing but that one thing is vital. They are not far from the kingdom of God.
Then there are those who are under conviction of sin and have a deep sense of spiritual need. They become honest inquirers, like the scribe, asking what they must do. They hear the answer of Christ and still stand hesitating, indecisive, on the point of submitting yet not yielding to Him. They are not far from the kingdom of God, and yet they are not in it. At the door, with the hand on the latch is still outside, and outside is lost! There are thousands now in eternal perdition who have been almost Christians, and yet have perished forever!
Jesus then turned to the people and said some plain things to them about the scribes. “Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted in the marketplaces, and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. Such men will be punished most severely!”
The scribes were the official interpreters of the Scriptures. It was their duty to make plain to the people, the Word and will of God. But Jesus said they were not trustworthy leaders. They professed to be guides to the people but they were not safe guides. They were fond of wearing the garb and having the honor of saintly men. They like to have people greet them as holy men ; they took the chief seats in the synagogue and at feasts; but in their private lives they were bad men. Instead of being the defenders of widows, they used on themselves, the widow’s money which was entrusted to them. Then, to balance their embezzlement; they would make longer prayers than ever in the streets. They were the most despicable hypocrites !
The beautiful story of one of these widows and her suffering, shows who were the really godly people in those days not the scribes and Pharisees, who put on the saintly airs which covered lives of shameful baseness, hardness, and evil but the poor, who were despised and robbed. This poor widow had higher honor before God than any of the rulers. Her gifts, though too small to be counted, weighed far more in God’s sight than all the great shining coins they cast into the treasury.
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wolint · 11 months
Rebirth simply means the process of being reincarnated or born again and the action of reappearing or starting to flourish or increase after a decline; a revival as stated by Jesus in John 3:3.
Christianity is a resurrection walk of life. God showed Ezekiel a valley full of dry bones which reminds us of what we are when we are full of sin, God shows us as He did Ezekiel a vision of His power to bring life to where there is death, fully revealed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones reverses the process of death-showing us that there is a spiritual process to everything in life.
One important thing to note in the text is the absolute need for the spoken word of God. Scripture is full of instructions to “speak to,” without which the word of God will be ineffective if silent. After God’s word went from Ezekiel’s mouth, the miracle of life, restoration, revival, reversal and resurrection began.
As Ezekiel prophesied, the bones came together by process, first the skeletons, then the sinew, flesh, and skin. Then finally, the wind blew upon the inanimate bodies, and they came alive. What situation, dead, stunted, slow or challenging do you need to prophesy to today, it doesn’t matter how long it’s been dead. Those dry bones, “very dried bones” can rise and live again, as seen in verse 2.
There wasn't any hope of life in them before this.
Ezekiel could have said to the Lord “It's too late, too dry, no longer needed or necessary or whatever else he felt or thought but after acknowledging that the Lord was the only one who knew what He God could do, He obeyed the Lord’s instructions, see Deuteronomy 32:29.
This vision is a lesson for us as well. These dry bones represent people. The Bible says, "He that hath the Son hath life…" 1 John 5:12. If you don’t have Jesus, your bones will be bleached and dried. Spiritually speaking, they'll have no life. Just as water gives the parched earth life, God's Word and the living water of His Spirit brings dry souls new life according to Isaiah 44:3.
Bones are always associated with death, yet Scripture tells one story in which bones were a source of life. In 2 Kings 13:20-21, we find that Elisha’s bones, with a double portion of Elijah's spirit, radiated life even in the grave!
Our text is a vision of hope, that’s what God's Word and His Spirit can bring to any situation and any soul, no matter how utterly hopeless or dead it might be.
Aaron’s rod revived when it was placed in the ark of the covenant overnight, it budded, flowered, and produced almonds in Numbers 17:8! If God can make an old stick fruitful in His presence, He can do the same for us.
Verse 14 says “I will put My Spirit in you. God’s reputation is at stake in the restoration and regeneration of humanity, including ours. He must do what He promised so all will know that He is Lord.
When we come to Christ, God raises us from spiritual death, as our old nature is dying, our new nature is growing.
God has put His word in our mouths, so we must speak over matters of life and death in a world of death and decay.
Prophesy into the dry places in your life and let the wind of God restore life because God can "make those bones live" too. There is no situation into which he can't breathe life. God's Holy Spirit is His gift to you, and He can enliven even places and people who seem beyond hope.
PRAYER: Breathe upon me Lord and restore life to every dead area of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Women of light international prayer ministries.
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princeofgod-2021 · 9 months
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John 1:4
We’ve seen CONDITIONAL Prophecies, indicating PROCESSES ensuring their fulfillment.
We’ve also seen that when such Processes fail, there could be another PROPHECY [in CONSEQUENCE] replacing the Original intended Prophecy.
Let’s recap with the last scripture, last lesson.
Luk 19:43-44 For THE DAY IS SOON COMING WHEN YOUR ENEMIES WILL SURROUND YOU, pressing you in on every side, and laying siege to you. They will crush you to pieces, and your children too! And when they leave, your city will be totally destroyed. SINCE YOU WOULD NOT RECOGNIZE GOD’S DAY OF VISITATION, YOUR DAY OF DEVASTATION IS COMING!” TPT
If they had Believed and Embraced [the coming] Jesus, They would have gotten PEACE Fulfilled, but they missed that DAY, so they get DEVASTATION.
This simply means that something must be fulfilled anyhow; something must come to Pass based on either OBEDIENCE or otherwise.
Isa 1:19-20 If you will give ear to my word and do it, THE GOOD THINGS OF THE LAND WILL BE YOURS; But if your hearts are turned against me, I WILL SEND DESTRUCTION ON YOU BY THE SWORD; SO THE LORD HAS SAID. BBE
Maybe I should have included this as a TYPE of Prophecy: a CAUSE & EFFECT kind of Prophecy.
Many events and experiences in Life are Fulfilled Prophecies which come about as a RESPONSE or otherwise CONSEQUENCE for lack of expected Response, in overall obedience to God’s Word.
Obey God’s Command TODAY and your tomorrow will be alright. But disobey Him, and…
It’s that simple folks.
Today, when people die young and general Life-Expectancy is threatened, we are quick to look at Medical History and Personal Healthcare protocols, but did the Bible say something about dying young?
Let’s read it together now. But please note that this is just one of the [clear] reasons why people don’t live long; there are many references in scriptures.
Exo 20:12 Respect your father and your mother, AND YOU WILL LIVE A LONG TIME IN THE LAND I AM GIVING YOU. CEV
Okay then. So if we don’t honour Parents, we may die young, right? Are all people – even Christians - respectful to their parents today?
I think we should read again, right?
Pro 30:11-12 THERE IS A GENERATION THAT CURSES THEIR FATHER, AND DOES NOT BLESS THEIR MOTHER. There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their own filth. MKJV
Is this that Generation, or have there been such things happening for long?
Do we see children shouting at their parents, throwing tantrums and destroying things in the home because they are not allowed to have their ways?
It’s easy to answer that for ourselves, isn’t it?
Lev 20:9 EVERY MAN CURSING HIS FATHER OR HIS MOTHER IS CERTAINLY TO BE PUT TO DEATH; because of his curse on his father or his mother, his blood will be on him. BBE
Not all who die young have disrespected their parents though. After all, babies also die.
Everything actually follows its own [classified] Order of Prophetic fulfillment. For instance…
Exo 23:24-26 Never worship or serve their gods or follow their practices. Instead, you must destroy their gods and crush their sacred stones. You must serve the LORD your God, and he will bless your food and water. I will take away all sickness from among you. NO WOMAN IN YOUR LAND WILL MISCARRY OR BE UNABLE TO HAVE CHILDREN. I will let you live a normal life span. GW
Well, Stephen also didn’t die young because he disrespected his own Parent. Martyrs also have their classified Order of Prophetic Fulfillment.
Jesus prepared all of us for these things, right?
Luk 21:16-17 You will be betrayed by your own parents, brothers, family, and friends. SOME OF YOU WILL EVEN BE KILLED. Because of me, you will be hated by everyone. CEV
Most times, we can’t really put a finger on why some Negative things happen. The safest thing is to ensure that we are living in constant obedience to God. Then we can rest assured that…
Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to THEM THAT LOVE GOD, TO THEM WHO ARE THE CALLED according to his purpose. KJV
May Divine Prophecy speak well of your Life, IN JESUS NAME.
Come back on Wednesday, for more of this insightful and enlightening Sub-Subtopic.
Keep Shinning!
Brother Prince
Monday, October 02, 2023
08055125517; 08023904307
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ancestorsofjudah · 11 months
1 Kings 2: 36-46. "Home Haircuts."
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36 Then the king sent for Shimei and said to him, “Build yourself a house in Jerusalem and live there, but do not go anywhere else. 37 The day you leave and cross the Kidron Valley, "mourning" you can be sure you will die; your blood will be on your own head.”
38 Shimei answered the king, “What you say is good. Your servant will do as my lord the king has said.” And Shimei stayed in Jerusalem for a long time.
Shimei= Renown. It is one's reputation. One must not come to mourn the loss of one's reputation. This is avoided if one stays in a relationship with the Temple, and works like a dog to keep to its instructions.
The loss of one's reputation and self-esteem is a voluntary act. About this maketh no mistake:
39 But three years later, two of Shimei’s slaves ran off to Achish son of Maakah, king of Gath, and Shimei was told, “Your slaves are in Gath.” 40 At this, he saddled his donkey and went to Achish at Gath in search of his slaves. So Shimei went away and brought the slaves back from Gath.
Achich son of Maakah, "anger, son of the pusher" son of the king of the winepress. Age three is when a child is legally required to get a haircut, meaning he is of age to understand the importance of memorizing his lessons, being obedient and following the rules. He won't do this of course, but one has to start somewhere.
Two slaves means to sell oneself into slavery, probably to an addiction. When one's slaves run off and get drunk out of anger over having to learn their lessons, this is not a good sign.
41 When Solomon was told that Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to Gath and had returned, 42 the king summoned Shimei and said to him, “Did I not make you swear by the Lord and warn you, ‘On the day you leave to go anywhere else, you can be sure you will die’? At that time you said to me, ‘What you say is good. I will obey.’ 43 Why then did you not keep your oath to the Lord and obey the command I gave you?”
44 The king also said to Shimei, “You know in your heart all the wrong you did to my father David. Now the Lord will repay you for your wrongdoing. 45 But King Solomon will be blessed, and David’s throne will remain secure before the Lord forever.”
46 Then the king gave the order to Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and he went out and struck Shimei down and he died. The kingdom was now established in Solomon’s hands.
Shimei "fame" is a Gershonite. The two slaves are not named but the Clan of Gershon itself contains elements Solomon expected his name to remain intact and this involves the upkeep of the Gershonites, Kohathites, and Merarites, all classes of Levites:
17 These were the names of the sons of Levi:
Gershon, Kohath and Merari.
Gershon= “sojourner”
Kohath= “congregation”
Merari= “sad, bitter, or strong”
18 These were the names of the Gershonite clans:
Libni and Shimei.
Libni= “white”
Shimei= “that hears, obeys, also reputation or fame.”
19 The Kohathite clans:
Kohathite= care of the temple vessels
Amram, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel.
Amram= “rising nation”
Izhar= “sparkles”
Hebron= “colleague”
Uzziel= “God is my strength”
20 The Merarite clans:
Merarite= “sad, bitter, strong”
Mahli and Mushi.
Mahli= “infinity, a harp, pardon”.
Mushi= “touches, withdraws, or takes away”
"Sojourners who congregate, who are strong, noble, and listen to one another rise into a nation of Godly colleagues. Nothing can take away their peace."
These were the Levite clans, according to their families.
21 To Gershon belonged the clans of the Libnites "purities" and Shimeites "fames"; these were the Gershonite clans. 22 The number of all the males a month old or more who were counted was 7,500, ז‎ה‎ק‎, zahak, "to speak with reverence."
23 The Gershonite clans were to camp on the west, behind the tabernacle. 24 The leader of the families of the Gershonites was Eliasaph son of Lael “belongs to God”. 25 At the tent of meeting the Gershonites were responsible for the care of the tabernacle and tent, its coverings, the curtain at the entrance to the tent of meeting, 26 the curtains of the courtyard, the curtain at the entrance to the courtyard surrounding the tabernacle and altar, and the ropes—and everything related to their use.
"Behind the Wall of Enlightenment are wise men who preserve the culture and process of sound government and protect the God Given rights of the people to speak and be heard."
27 To Kohath "The congregation" belonged the clans of the Amramites "enthralled", Izharites "He will produce oil", Hebronites "friends" and Uzzielites "strong men"; these were the Kohathite clans. 28 The number of all the males a month old or more was 8,600.[c], ��ו‎ק‎ "by law."
The Kohathites were responsible for the care of the sanctuary. 29 The Kohathite clans were to camp on the south side of the tabernacle. 
30 The leader of the families of the Kohathite clans was Elizaphan son of Uzziel. 31 They were responsible for the care of the ark, the table, the lampstand, the altars, the articles of the sanctuary used in ministering, the curtain, and everything related to their use. 
32 The chief leader of the Levites was Eleazar "helpful" son of Aaron, the priest. He was appointed over those who were responsible for the care of the sanctuary.
"Men who awaken others in the congregation are strong, very friendly and produce oil. They help each other out."
33 To Merari "bitter strong" belonged the clans of the Mahlites "those who entreat" and the Mushites "those who touch"; these were the Merarite clans. 34 The number of all the males a month old or more who were counted was 6,200,ו‎בק‎ "the firstborn of Israel."
35 The leader of the families of the Merarite clans was Zuriel "God is a rock" son of Abihail "might of the father" ; they were to camp on the north side of the tabernacle. 
"Those who touch the Face of God, who wield the might of His Instructions they are to entreat the others to follow them to the Rock."
36 The Merarites were appointed to take care of the frames of the tabernacle, its crossbars, posts, bases, all its equipment, and everything related to their use, 37 as well as the posts of the surrounding courtyard with their bases, tent pegs and ropes.
38 Moses and Aaron and his sons were to camp to the east of the tabernacle, toward the sunrise, in front of the tent of meeting. They were responsible for the care of the sanctuary on behalf of the Israelites. Anyone else who approached the sanctuary was to be put to death.
39 The total number of Levites counted at the Lord’s command by Moses and Aaron according to their clans, including every male a month old or more, was 22,000, זדטח, zadah,  meaning open field or pasture land (Genesis 29:2) or home of wild beasts (Genesis 4:8, Jeremiah 14:5).
"The young, who are bitter strong, ignorant, smelly and stubborn, who are waking up, must read and study the Parshiot and invoke the Foundation of the religion. Anyone who remains in the darkness, who chooses not to be sentient is abomination. They are are dead."
No wild beasts, addicted slaves, bitter strong smells, no deaths by home haircuts, and life in the Kingdom goes on.
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3am-dumbassery · 1 year
Ik people are upset, but I'm glad the og obey me won't be getting more lessons. The fact that it kept getting further and further from me is what deterred me from the game so much. It was like "oh cool, only 8 more lessons and I'm caught up!" Then I'd hit a bump or not play for a lil bit and "oh,, 17 more? 23?? 44?!?"
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icephas · 1 year
Lesson 4 - Offerings for Jesus
January 21-27
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Sabbath Afternoon
Read for This Week’s Study: 2 Cor. 9:6, 7; Deut. 16:17; Ps. 116:12-18; 1 Chron. 16:29; Mark 12:41-44; Mark 14:3-9.
Memory Text: “What shall I render unto the Lord For all his benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation, And call upon the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows unto the LordNow in the presence of all his people.” Psalms 116:12-14
Besides tithing, there are offerings, which come from the 90 percent that remains in our possession after our tithe is returned to God. This is where generosity begins. Different types of offerings were given by God’s people, such as sin offerings, given in response to God’s grace, or thank offerings, given to recognize God’s protection, and blessings of health, prosperity, and sustaining power. There were also offerings for the poor, and offerings to build and maintain the house of worship.
When we consider the magnitude of God’s gifts to us, we then begin to see our giving as more than just paving the parking lot or buying choir robes. We bring our gifts in response to what God has done for us, especially in the sacrifice of Jesus. “We love him, because he first loved us.” (1 John 4:19). The church, then, whether it be local, conference, or worldwide, uses our gifts to advance the cause of God. This week we will review what the Bible has to say about offerings as part of our management of God’s business on the earth.
Sunday, January 22
Motivation for Giving
We love God because He first loved us. Our giving is in response to His amazing gift to us, Jesus. In fact, we are told, “The Lord does not need our offerings. We cannot enrich Him by our gifts. Says the psalmist: ‘All things come of Thee, and of Thine own have we given Thee.’ Yet God permits us to show our appreciation of His mercies by self-sacrificing efforts to extend the same to others. This is the only way in which it is possible for us to manifest our gratitude and love to God. He has provided no other.” Ellen G. White, Counsels on Stewardship, p. 18
When we surrender “our” money to Jesus, it actually strengthens our love for Him and for others. Therefore, money can be a real power for good. Jesus spent more time talking about money and wealth than just about any other subject. One verse in every six in Matthew, Mark, and Luke is about money. The gospel’s good news is that God can deliver us from the misuse and love of money.
Read Matthew 6:31-34 and Deuteronomy 28:1-14. What does God promise to do for us if we obey Him? Is it selfishness on our part to claim the promises of God?
Our offerings are an evidence of our willingness to self-sacrifice for God. They can be a deeply spiritual experience, an expression of the fact that our lives are wholly surrendered to God as our Lord. To us, as an English idiom says, it is “putting our money where our mouth is.” You can say you love God, but generous offerings help reveal (and even strengthen) that love.
An offering comes from a heart that trusts in a personal God who constantly provides for our needs as He sees best. Our offerings rest on the conviction that we have found assurance of salvation in Christ. They are not an appeasement or a search for God’s acceptance. Rather, our offerings flow from a heart that has accepted Christ by faith as the only and sufficient means of grace and redemption.
Read 2 Corinthians 9:6, 7. What is the Lord saying to us here? What does it mean to give as one “purposeth in his heart”? How do we learn to give cheerfully?
Monday, January 23
What Portion for Offerings?
Read Deuteronomy 16:17. What criterion does God give as the basis for the amount of our offerings?
Our offerings are an acknowledgment and expression of our gratitude to God for His abundant gifts of life, redemption, sustenance, and constant blessings of many kinds. So, as we noted in the passage above, the amount of our offerings is based on what we have been blessed with. “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required” (Luke 12:48).
Read Psalm 116:12-14. How are we supposed to answer the question posed in verse 12? How does money fit in with the answer?
How could we ever repay God for all His blessings to us? The simple answer is that we never could. It seems that the best we can do is be generous with the cause of God and in helping our fellow human beings. When Jesus sent out His disciples on a missionary trip, He told them, “freely ye have received, freely give” (Matt. 10:8). Our offerings contribute to the development of a Christlike character. We are thereby changed from selfishness to love; we are to be concerned for others and the cause of God as Christ was.
Let us always remember that “God so loved …, that He gave” (see John 3:16). In contrast — as sure as day follows night — the more we hoard for ourselves, the more selfish in our own hearts we will become, and the more miserable we will feel as well.
Bringing an offering to the Lord is a Christian duty with spiritual and moral implications. To neglect this is to do spiritual damage to ourselves, perhaps more than we realize too. In addition to that, it is up to us to determine what amount we give and what entity receives our gifts.
What do your offerings, and your attitude about giving them, say about your relationship to God?
Tuesday, January 24
Offerings and Worship
The Bible does not give us an order of service for worship. But it appears that at least four things are present in worship services. In the New Testament this list includes study/preaching, prayer, music, and tithes and offerings.
Three times each year the men (and families) of Israel were all to appear before the Lord in Jerusalem. And “they shall not appear before the Lord empty” (Deut. 16:16). In other words, part of the worship experience was the returning of tithe and giving offerings. It was at Passover, Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles that God’s children brought their tithes and offerings. It’s hard to imagine someone coming to those feasts empty-handed.
In other words, for ancient Israel the giving of their tithes and offerings was a central part of their worship experience. Worship, true worship, isn’t just expressing in words and songs and prayer our thankfulness and gratitude to God, but also expressing that thankfulness and gratitude to God by the bringing of our offerings to the house of the Lord. They brought it to the temple; we bring it to the church on Sabbath (at least as one way to return our tithe and offerings), an act of worship.
Read 1 Chronicles 16:29; Psalm 96:8, 9; and Psalm 116:16-18. How do we apply the principles expressed here to our own worship experience?
As God’s children, who are tasked with the responsibility of managing His business on the earth, it is a privilege, an opportunity, and a responsibility to bring our offerings. If the Lord has given us children to raise for Him, we should share with them the joy of bringing tithes and offerings to Sabbath School and church services. In some places, people return their tithe online or by other means. However we do it, the returning of tithes and offerings is a part of our worship experience with God.
What has been your own experience with the role of returning tithe and offerings as part of worship? How does the practice impact your relationship with God?
Wednesday, January 25
God Takes Note of Our Offerings
Read Mark 12:41-44. Whether we are rich or not rich, what message can we take from this story? What’s the principle that this teaches us, and how can we apply it to our own worship experience?
Jesus and His disciples were in the temple courtyard where the treasury chests were located, and He watched those who were bringing their gifts. He was close enough to see that a widow had given two copper coins. She had put in all that she had. “But Jesus understood her motive. She believed the service of the temple to be of God’s appointment, and she was anxious to do her utmost to sustain it. She did what she could, and her act was to be a monument to her memory through all time, and her joy in eternity. Her heart went with her gift; its value was estimated, not by the worth of the coin, but by the love to God and the interest in His work that had prompted the deed.” Ellen G. White, Counsels on Stewardship, p. 175
Another very significant point is that this is the only gift Jesus ever commended — a gift to a church that was just about to reject Him, a church that greatly deviated from its calling and mission.
Read Acts 10:1-4. Why did a Roman centurion receive a visit from a heavenly angel? What two of his actions were noted in heaven?
Apparently, not only are our prayers heard in heaven, but the motive of our gifts is also noted. The passage notes that Cornelius was a generous giver. “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matt. 6:21). The heart of Cornelius followed his gifts. He was ready to learn more about Jesus. Prayer and almsgiving are closely linked and demonstrate our love to God and our fellow men — the two great principles of God’s law: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself” (Luke 10:27). The first is revealed in prayer, the second in almsgiving.
Thursday, January 26
Special Projects: Big Jar Giving
Research has shown that only about 9 percent of people’s assets are liquid and could be contributed as an offering on a moment’s notice. Cash, checking, savings, money market funds, etc., are generally considered liquid assets, at least for those possessing things like this. Most of our assets, about 91 percent, are “invested” in real estate, such as our homes, our livestock (if we are rural), or other nonliquid items.
The differences in the percentages of liquid and nonliquid assets can be illustrated by putting 1,000 pennies in two different glass jars, with 10 pennies representing each percentage point. So you would have 90 pennies in a small jar representing the 9 percent liquid assets and 910 pennies in a large quart-size jar representing the 91 percent of nonliquid assets.
Most people give their offerings or contributions from the small jar — from their liquid assets. This is what they have in their checking account or pocketbook. But when someone really gets excited about something, they give from the big jar. The Bible tells many such stories.
Read Mark 14:3-9 and John 12:2-8. Who were the main characters at Simon’s feast? What was the value of Mary’s gift? Why did she anoint Jesus at this time?
Mary’s gift was worth 300 denarii — a full year’s wages. It was, most likely, a “big jar” gift. Following this incident Judas betrayed Jesus for a little more than one third of that amount — a “little jar” gift, 30 pieces of silver (Matt. 26:15). It takes real love and commitment to make big jar gifts — from our investments. But when we get greedy, like Judas, we can sell our souls for next to nothing.
The work and activities of Barnabas are mentioned 28 times in the New Testament. We know him primarily as a companion to the apostle Paul and as a great missionary. But the foundation for all of this is established in the first passage where he is mentioned. In Acts 4:36, 37, we read of his giving, truly, a “big jar” offering. What a powerful example of Christ’s words: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matt. 6:21).
Why is sacrificial giving as important for the givers as for the recipients?
Friday, January 27
Further Thought
The heavenly record book of remembrance also notes the financial faithfulness of God’s family members. “The recording angel makes a faithful record of every offering dedicated to God and put into the treasury, and also of the final result of the means thus bestowed. The eye of God takes cognizance of every farthing devoted to His cause, and of the willingness or reluctance of the giver. The motive in giving is also chronicled. Those self-sacrificing, consecrated ones who render back to God the things that are His, as He requires of them, will be rewarded according to their works. Even though the means thus consecrated be misapplied, so that it does not accomplish the object which the donor had in view, — the glory of God and the salvation of souls, — those who made the sacrifice in sincerity of soul, with an eye single to the glory of God, will not lose their reward.” Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2, p. 518
“God desires people to pray and to plan for the advancement of his work. But, like Cornelius, we are to unite praying with giving. Our prayers and our alms are to come up before God as a memorial. Faith without works is dead; and without a living faith it is impossible to please God. While we pray, we are to give all we possibly can, both of our labor and our means, for the fulfillment of our prayers. If we act out our faith, we shall not be forgotten by God. He marks every deed of love and self-denial. He will open ways whereby we may show our faith by our works.” Ellen G. White, Atlantic Union Gleaner, June 17, 1903
Discussion Questions:
How do praying and giving go together? That is, how might praying help you know what to give to, when, and how much to give?
A well-known magazine in the United States told about young professionals on Wall Street who were making so much money and yet were so miserable, so empty, so full of angst and worry. One of them, a portfolio manager, said: “What does it matter after I die if I had made an extra one percent gain in my portfolio?” What lessons can we take from this story about how giving, even sacrificial giving, can be so spiritually beneficial to the giver, in that it helps free us from the “deceitfulness of riches” (Matt. 13:22)?
In the Ellen G. White quote above, notice the part about funds being “misapplied.” Why is it important for those of us who give to keep her point in mind?
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yhwhrulz · 1 year
Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 10th March 2023
Morning March 10
Numbers 14:44-45 44Nevertheless, in their presumption they went up toward the high hill country, though neither Moses nor the ark of the Lord's covenant moved from the camp. 45Then the Amalekites and Canaanites who lived in that hill country came down and attacked them and beat them down all the way to Hormah.
The Israelites had come right up to the border of the Promised Land but refused to go in because of fear. When they heard the alternative, they changed their mind. "If it was God's will before, won't God bless us if we do it now?" They wanted to save themselves from the consequences of sin by finally obeying, but it was too late. They had already complained, whined, and refused to obey.
The cloud did not lead them even though they were now willing. They decided to go anyway without Moses and the Ark of the Covenant, without God. They were soundly defeated.
Timing and circumstance affect the will of God. It was God's will for them to enter in when they first heard the report. After their reaction to the report, it was no longer God's will. They had to reap the consequences of their decisions. You can't go back in time and make corrections. You must face the music. If at any time you decide to go back to escape the consequences, God will not be with you. Deal with the consequences of sin asking for God's help. If you are repentant, God will be with you as you face them. Since the Jews had failed to obey, the next best thing was to obey God in the days to come, not go back and try to change things. Obey instantly when the first instruction comes. It is a tough lesson with heavy penalties. Learn to obey the first time. Realize that God's instructions are the best route for you.
Prayer: Lord, sensitize my heart to realize that your leading is best. Help me to obey your voice and not to give in to fear.
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donttalkaboutmemes · 2 years
The Jungle Book (1967) Sentence Meme
Under the cut you will find 110+ sentences from 1967 version of The Jungle Book to use for your enjoyment!    
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1.      “Many strange legends are told of these jungles.”
2.      “It all began when the silence of the jungle was broken by an unfamiliar sound.”
3.      “It was a sound like one never heard before in this part of the jungle.”
4.      “It was a man-cub.”
5.      “Had I known how deeply I was to be involved, I would have obeyed my first impulse and walked away.”
6.      “Ten times the rains have come and gone.”
7.      “No man-cub was ever happier.”
8.      “I know that someday he would have to go back to his own kind.”
9.      “Are we all in agreement as to what must be done?”
10.   “It is my unpleasant duty to tell the boy’s father.”
11.   “The council has reached its decision. The man-cub can no longer stay with the pack.”
12.   “The man-cub is like my own son.”
13.   “Surely he’s entitled to the protection of the pack.”
14.   “Even the strength of the pack is no match for the tiger.”
15.   “The boy cannot survive alone in the jungle.”
16.   “I know of a man-village where he’ll be safe.”
17.   “I’m getting a little sleepy. Shouldn’t we start back home?”
18.   “This time we’re not going back. I’m taking you to the man-village.”
19.   “He has returned to this part of the jungle and he has sworn to kill you.”
20.   “Kill me? But why would he wanna do that?”
21.   “We’ll spend a night here. Things will look better in the morning.”
22.   “Is that all the better you can climb?”
23.   “Get some sleep. We’ve got a long journey ahead of us tomorrow.”
24.   “I wanna stay in the jungle.”
25.   “I’m not afraid. I can look after myself.”
26.   “Look, there’s no use arguing anymore. Now, no more talk til morning.”
27.   “You have just made a serious mistake, my friend.”
28.   “Look me in the eye when I’m speaking to you. Both eyes if you please.”
29.   “You have just sealed your doom.”
30.   “So you can look out for yourself, can you? You want to stay in the jungle, do you?”
31.   “Don’t talk in rank. It’s against regulations.”
32.   “Wipe off that silly grin, soldier. This is the army.”
33.   “That haircut is not regulation. Rather on the gaudy side, don’t you think?”
34.   “You’re going if I have to drag you every step of the way!”
35.   “From now on, you’re on your own.”
36.   “I’ve seen everything in these woods.”
37.   “That’s pretty big talk, little britches.”
38.   “Give me a big bear growl! Scare me!”
39.   “That shiftless jungle bum!”
40.   “Tell me, after you knock your pupil senseless, how do you expect him to remember the lesson?”
41.   “I’m not hurt. I’m alright. I’m a lot tougher than some people think.”
42.   “You keep circlin’ or I’m gonna knock your roof in again.”
43.   “You’re tickling! I can’t stand tickling!”
44.   “Man-village? They’ll ruin him! They’ll make a man out of him!”
45.   “I want to stay here with you.”
46.   “And just how do you think you’ll survive?”
47.   “Oh man, this is really livin’. So just try and relax, yeah.”
48.   “If you act like that bee acts, uh-uh. You’re working too hard.”
49.   “Don’t spend your time looking around for something you want that just can’t be found.”
50.   “Beautiful. That’s real jungle harmony.”
51.   “I like being a bear.”
52.   “You’re gonna make one swell bear.”
53.   “He’s no champ! He’s a chump!”
54.   “Well, it’s happened. Took longer than I thought, but it’s happened.”
55.   “I hate to think what will happen when he meets that king of theirs.”
56.   “I’m not as crazy as you are! Put me down!”
57.   “Word has grabbed my royal ear that you want to stay in the jungle.”
58.   “I’ll do anything to stay in the jungle.”
59.   “Lay the secret on me of man’s red fire.”
60.   “This will take brains. Not brawn.”
61.   “Man, that’s what I call a swingin’ party!”
62.   “Shh, keep it down. You’re gonna wake little buddy.”
63.   “He’s had a big day. It was a real sockaroo.”
64.   “You know it ain’t easy learning to be like me.”
65.   “A word? You gonna talk some more?”
66.   “The jungle is not the place for him.”
67.   “I grew up in the jungle. Take a look at me.”
68.   “Frankly, you’re a disreputable sight.”
69.   “Can’t a guy make one mistake?”
70.   “As long as he remains with you, he’s in danger.”
71.   “I love that kid. I love him like he was my own son.”
72.   “Rub that sleep out of your eyes. We’ve got a long walk ahead of us.”
73.   “Don’t you realize that you’re a human?”
74.   “What’s the matter, old papa bear?”
75.   “I’ve been trying to tell you all morning! I’ve got to take you back to the man-village!”
76.   “But you said we were partners!”
77.   “You’re not going to believe me, but I used the same words you did and he ran out on me!”
78.   “If anything happens to that little guy, I’ll never forgive myself.”
79.   “Now just a minute, you pompous old windbag!”
80.   “How would you like our boy lost and alone in the jungle?”
81.   “That boy’s no different than our own son.”
82.   “That’s what I like to see, devotion to duty.”
83.   “You don’t want me to look at you? Then you look at me.”
84.   “I can see to it that you never have to leave the jungle.”
85.   “I don’t trust anyone anymore.”
86.   “I’m not like these so-called fair weather friends of yours. You can believe in me.”
87.   “I can’t sleep so I sing myself to sleep. You know, self-hypnosis.”
88.   “I can’t be bothered with that. I have no time for that sort of nonsense.”
89.   “If you do happen to see the man-cub, you will inform me first. Understand?”
90.   “I must continue my search for the helpless little lad.”
91.   “It’s like you said. You can’t trust anyone!”
92.   “Let’s flap over to the east side of the jungle. They’ve always got a bit of action, a bit of a swinging scene.”
93.   “Things are right dead all over.”
94.   “Come on. Let’s have some fun with the little fella.”
95.   “Just look at him. What a poor little fella. You know, he must be down on his luck.”
96.   “You look like you haven’t got a friend in the world.”
97.   “We may look a bit shabby, but we’ve got hearts.”
98.   “Just to prove it to you, we’re gonna let you join our little group.”
99.   “I’d rather be on my own. Alone.”
100.  “Look kid, everybody’s got to have friends. Fellas, are we his friends?”
101.  “Bravo, bravo! An extraordinary performance.”
102.  “Why should you run? Could it be possible that you don’t know who I am?”
103.  “You don’t scare me. I won’t run from anyone.”
104.  “You have spirit for one so small. And such spirit is deserving of a sporting chance.”
105.   “Greater love hath no one than he who lays down his life for his friend.”
106.  “When great deeds are remembered in this jungle, one name will stand above all others.”
107.   “I was just havin’ fun. You know, playing it cool.”
108.   “It’s going to be a bit dull without the little bloke, isn’t it?”
109.   “You know, we’re some good sparring partners.”
110.    “Nothing or nobody is ever gonna come between us again.”
111.    “Forget about those. They ain’t nothing but trouble.”
112.   “The boy couldn’t help himself. It was bound to happen.”
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666writingcafe · 2 months
Obey Me, 666writingcafe Edition (Lessons 41-52)
Lesson 41: Reunion
Lesson 42: Snapshot
Lesson 43: Confession
Lesson 44: Witness
Lesson 45: License
Lesson 46: Battle
Lesson 47: Reckless
Lesson 48: Confrontation
Lesson 49: Hunting
Lesson 50: Travel
Lesson 51: Time
Lesson 52: Message
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wraath · 3 years
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So you're telling me Mammon is a top model, an excellent dancer, the vocalist of the school band, is good at math, crazy good at gambling, is a family-oriented man, caring, loyal, soft, tender, handsome, pretty, attractive, selfless, humorous, funny, cute, hardworking, goddamn talented or in short he's THAT amazing??? No way. No fucking way. I'm now completely devastated that he's fictional and not real and that I can't marry him fml.
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Devotional Hours Within the Bible
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by J.R. Miller
The Two Great Commandments (Mark 12:28-34 and Mark 12:38-44)
This scribe admired the way Jesus had answered the questions that were put to Him by His enemies. Jesus always answered well. He never got confused in His replies, as often human teachers do. He never erred in His answers to men's questions, for He knew all truth. We know only fragments of the great body of truth, and therefore frequently find ourselves entangled when we attempt to explain difficult matters or to answer questions that are put to us. But Jesus knew truth in all its relations, and those who sought to catch Him in His words - could never lead Him into any inconsistency of statement.
The practical lessons from this are important. One is that Christianity has nothing to fear from enemies who try to make its teachings appear self-contradictory. Amid all the assaults of skepticism, Christianity stands ever unharmed and secure. Their hammers are shattered and worn out - but the anvil of truth is unbroken. The other lesson is that we may take to Christ all our own questions, our fears, our doubts, our ignorance, our perplexity, and He will always have for us a wise and satisfactory answer.
It is the fashion in these days, in some quarters, to decry creeds. "Little matter what we believe ," says one, "if only we live right." But if we do not believe right - we will not be likely to live right. The duty of loving God - is based upon the truth that there is only one God to be loved. If there were more gods than one, there would be little use in teaching us to love God with all our heart. "Which God?" we might ask. So the doctrine of one God is a most practical one. There is only one God, and this one God is our Lord. What a comfort it is for us to know that the God in whom we trust - is the great God of the universe!
He is our God. The little word "our" links Him to us and us to Him in closest relations. If He is our God - we are under obligations to obey Him, to do His will. We belong to Him. Then, if He is our God, He belongs to us, and we have a claim on Him. "The Lord is the portion of my inheritance" (Psalms 16:5). Every child of a good father knows with what pride he points to his parent and says, "That is my father!" Still greater comfort to a believer is that he is able to point to God and say, "He is my God!" All He is, is ours - His love, His grace, His goodness, His truth, His mercy.
If God is our God - we should love Him. He is the God to whom we owe everything, from whom we came, to whom we go with our needs, who cares for us, watches over us, provides for us, and keeps us. He is our Father - with all a father's love! We ought to love God for Himself, for what He is in His character - merciful, gracious, holy, loving, good. We ought to love Him, too, for what He has done for us. Surely the commandment is reasonable .
Notice that it is LOVE which God asks. Obedience is not enough. One might obey every divine command, and not have love for Him whom he obeys. Homage is not enough. We might pay homage to God, and yet have no affection for Him. God must have our love. Nor will a little love do. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart ." Our love for God must be greater than our love for father, mother, sister, brother, husband, wife, child, or friend. It must fill not our heart only - but our soul, our mind, and our strength. That is, it must draw all the powers of our life with it. It must lead us to obedience, to service, to complete consecration. If we love God supremely, He must be the Master of our life. We must be ever ready for whatever duty or service He asks of us.
Some people's religion seems compulsory ; they do right because they must - not because they want to do so. All their work has the character of unwilling service. God says, "I want you to love Me!" And if we truly love Him, we will fly at His bidding to duty or to sacrifice with eager alacrity. "But how can I learn to love God?" asks someone. "I want to love Him - but I cannot compel myself to do it. I love my father, my mother, my sister; but I cannot see God, and He seems great and awesome when I think about Him. He does not appeal to my heart as my mother does. I feel awe toward Him - but not affection .
It is important to know how we can learn to love God. The incarnation was God coming down near to us, that we might love Him. The glory of Sinai did not make its appeal to men's hearts. But when Jesus went among the people, touching them with His compassion, being their friend, comforting their sorrows - it was not hard for them to love Him. We must get to know God - if we would learn to love Him. We should read about Him in the Bible - until we know His character, His feelings toward us, what He has done for us, especially in redeeming us. Another way to learn to love God is to begin to trust Him. "How shall I learn to love God?" asked one. "Trust Him," was the answer. "I thought I must love Him before I could trust Him." "No - begin to trust Him - and you will soon learn to love Him."
No other duty comes before this duty of love to God. "This is the first commandment." Until we begin to love God, no other obedience is pleasing to Him. We may do a great many things we ought to do - and yet if we do not love Him - all of our doings amounts to nothing. A child may obey all a father's bidding - but if there is no love in his heart, what does the father care for the obedience? A man may be very good so far as his acts are concerned - but if he does not love God, all his good acts count for nothing. When Jesus tested the young ruler's love by asking him to give up all he had for His sake, the young man went away sad. He had kept all the commandments from his youth - but he did not love God; at least he loved his possessions more, and gave God up - while he clung to his property.
Love to our fellow men is a very important duty - but it avails nothing unless love to God is behind it and in it. Two comes after one. The second commandment can come only after the first. A good many people boast of their love for men, their humanitarianism. They take the Good Samaritan as their model. They are humane, charitable, and philanthropic. But this is the whole of their religion. They do no love God, nor worship Him, nor recognize Him in any way. They put the second commandment high up - but they have no first. They do not know God, do not recognize Him, and do not love Him. The things they do are very beautiful, and if they first loved God and lived all their life inspired by love for Him, their charities and humanities would be pleasing to Him, and not the smallest of them would go unrewarded. But since they do not love God - there can be nothing pleasing to Him, in their love for their neighbors. The second comes after the first. After we have begun to obey the first commandment, the second presents itself and must also be obeyed. He who loves God - will also love his neighbor. The two loves are linked together, and are inseparable. John says distinctly that he who claims to love God while he hates his brother - is a liar (1 John 4:20). The love of God that does not overflow in love for our brother - is not true Christian love.
Jesus was pleased with the scribe's insight. He said to him, "you are not far from the kingdom of God." If he would only do the truth he knew - he would enter into the kingdom; he was yet outside, although so near. There are a great many people who are almost - but not quite, Christians. There are those who know the way of salvation - but do not with their hearts accept Christ. There are those whose character is good and beautiful. They do many of Christ's sayings. They try to keep the second commandment, and seek to be gentle, kind, loving in temper, disposition, and act. They lack only one thing - but that one thing is vital. They are not far from the kingdom of God.
Then there are those who are under conviction of sin and have a deep sense of spiritual need. They become honest inquirers, like the scribe, asking what they must do. They hear the answer of Christ and still stand hesitating, indecisive, on the point of submitting - yet not yielding to Him. They are not far from the kingdom of God, and yet they are not in it. At the door, with the hand on the latch - is still outside, and outside is lost! There are thousands now in eternal perdition - who have been almost Christians, and yet have perished forever!
Jesus then turned to the people and said some plain things to them about the scribes. "Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted in the marketplaces, and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows' houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. Such men will be punished most severely!"
The scribes were the official interpreters of the Scriptures. It was their duty to make plain to the people, the Word and will of God. But Jesus said they were not trustworthy leaders. They professed to be guides to the people - but they were not safe guides. They were fond of wearing the garb and having the honor of saintly men. They like to have people greet them as holy men ; they took the chief seats in the synagogue and at feasts; but in their private lives - they were bad men. Instead of being the defenders of widows, they used on themselves, the widow's money which was entrusted to them. Then, to balance their embezzlement; they would make longer prayers than ever in the streets. They were the most despicable hypocrites !
The beautiful story of one of these widows and her suffering, shows who were the really godly people in those days - not the scribes and Pharisees, who put on the saintly airs which covered lives of shameful baseness, hardness, and evil - but the poor, who were despised and robbed. This poor widow had higher honor before God than any of the rulers. Her gifts, though too small to be counted, weighed far more in God's sight - than all the great shining coins they cast into the treasury.
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whatstheoccasion · 2 years
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obeyme-kaidii · 3 years
Obey Me Angel Ranks
Season 3 (Lesson 43 & 44 spoilers) ahead!
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In Lesson 43, we learn that Simeon’s current rank is an Archangel.
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In Lesson 44, MC goes back in time and gets to see the brothers when they were still in the Celestial Realm. Based on the conversations that take place, it seems that this is shortly before the fall. And we learn that during this time Simeon is a Seraphim.
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Now, assuming they are basing the angel ranks off of Christian mythology, this means Simeon suffered a pretty big demotion at some point. It’s unclear when or why this occurred. And I really hope they explain this during this Season!
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If you remember back in Season 1, Michael himself is also referred to as an Archangel. But I think this may just be because the Obey Me team hasn’t fleshed out their lore well enough yet, and hadn’t intended on Michael and/or the Celestial Realm playing that big of a role in things.
I also read that it’s possible there are two different types of “archangels”. Arch-angels (big A) are the ones like Michael who possess a great deal of power. And archangels (little a), who are like Simeon and simply a lower ranking angel.
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In Lesson 44 we also learn some important things about the ranks of the other brothers. Beel for example is a Cherubim, which is a very high ranked angel.
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Mammon is also a very high ranking angel- serving in the role of throne. He apparently used to be an Archangel until Lucifer promoted him. This is also the first sign we see that Mammon appears to be struggling with his own insecurities since he mentions he would have rather stayed a lower rank. He tries to play it off like he’s just thinks the job is boring, but his expression hints at the fact that he has other reasons for feeling out of place.
Some of the mythology I read regarding angels had throne regarded as a pretty low tier - basically controlled by cherubim. But this seems to be contradictory to how the game talks about Mammon and his position, which seems to make it sound like it’s a very respectable and highly esteemed position.
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Levi’s rank is never mentioned, but it’s implied he’s a very high ranking angel, serving in the role of General for the Angelic Army when they were still waging war constantly with the Devildom.
(I also found it interesting that even as an angel he commanded Lotan. My husband thinks Lotan must have been so sad when Levi fell and he couldn’t find him. So he looked high and low for his best friend until finally reuniting with him in the Devildom.)
Asmo and Belphie’s ranks are never mentioned either. And Satan of course wasn’t yet “born” independent of Lucifer so he’s not present.
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