#obi wan doesn't get paid enough for this
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tideswept · 3 months
Just saw this post “marriage of convenience that slowly turns into a love marriage - but both of them believe is one sided is such a delicious trope” and must know your thoughts of this trope with regards to obikin!!!
Nonnie, I'm trying to be so good and buckle down and work on WIPs and you present me with this? This delicious, tasty, let-me-lick-my-plate clean trope???
you evil, evil mastermind. glorious.
First of all, I think it's basically Obikin in a nutshell already in many ways. God knows that if Obi-Wan had just said I love you to Anakin in canon before it all went tits up, things probably would have been different. Not necessarily better™ but different. That aside, this is very much the realm of speculating about AUs (divergence or full) and I have to say...
GOD DOES IT WORK SO WELL. They're both so stubborn and guarded in their own ways, for their own reasons. It doesn't take much for Anakin's bluntness/eagerness to turn to resentment and embarrassment, a wound to be hidden because wounds are vulnerabilities, and he's been vulnerable too many times before and paid the price for it. breaking a child's legs to keep them from doing something that made them happy, something that gave them hope, because they were a slave and they were property and how dare they Tatooine is the worst
This is a slowburn I can 100% get behind. With some other circumstances mixed in, of course. Why did they get married? Political reasons? Low key (family) enemies to spouses to lovers? Is it a sham marriage in the first place, not meant to even be consummated? A business arrangement? A hostage-by-another-name situation? Is Anakin young enough that Obi-Wan has a hard time not feeling like he's cradle robbing? 34 to 18 is a hell of an age gap when the marriage comes about long before feelings do.
TLDR: good stuff, good stuff.
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des8pudels8kern · 1 year
57 - 83, correspondence in a haunted house :3
Codywan, warning for Order 66 and all that implies. Apologies to @ilthit; I know these aren't your blorbos. And apologies to everybody whose blorbos they are for the angst.
The hut looks utilitarian from the outside, in the ugly way all buildings designed for hostile environments do - a squat, ugly thing, trying to protect life in the Tatooinian deserts that are so unforgiving to it. It reminds Cody of the war, of efficiently designed ships and makeshift shelters. Obi-Wan always hated the war, despite excelling at it.
"This isn't the kind of place I expected you to settle down in."
Cody's voice is hoarse. Who's to say from what. Lack of use. Too much of it.
"And yet, you found me." Obi-Wan's words flow the same way they always did, smooth like honey and crisp like fresh water, despite his having spent the last however kriffing many years as a hermit with no one to talk to but his personal demons.
Tatooine in general is nothing like the places Obi-Wan used to be most at ease, back when they worked together. He was at home in the lively cityscape of Coruscant, and enjoyed sojourns on planets teeming with green, living things.
"Cody, I-"
His voice is closer now. Cody didn't hear him move.
"Still not one for materialism, I see."
He slowly makes his way through the main room, stepping around sparse furnishings and careful to keep his eyes off the sleeping area.
"Well, a nexu can't change its stripes."
Obi-Wan is in front of him again, as if by magic, or some Force trick. There's a softness in his voice, and it sinks into Cody's gut like a vibroblade.
"I thought I changed." He stares at the ground because he can't look up at Obi-Wan, and he can't look back at the bed.
"Oh darling, that was never you."
"It still is me. I shouldn't have come. I should have stayed away."
"I've missed you."
Obi-Wan's feet shuffle into view, soft cloth coots and soft leg wrappings silent where Cody's beaten armour creaks with each breath he takes.
To be fair, they are rather heaving breaths.
"I've missed you too. Once I could again."
He's through the kitchen, now. There's a pantry to his left, and a bathroom to his right. That's the extend of the hut; there's nowhere else to go.
Obi-Wan stays in front of him, even as he turns around.
"I mourned you. I thought I killed you. When I heard rumours that you were still alive, I couldn't help myself."
There's a side door in the kitchen. He should go there instead of back to the living area. That's where the bed is.
"Cody, dear. You came all the way to see me. Won't you look at me? I promise, all that could happen already has."
He can hear the ventilation unit running to the side. Despite its reassuring hum, Cody can't breathe properly.
"I thought I was safe for you."
"Calm yourself, Cody. You are safe for me now."
They are standing close enough now that, underneath his armour, the hairs on Cody's arms stand on edge.
Cody gives up and looks up. He never could help himself, or he wouldn't have come in the first place.
Obi-Wan's eyes are blue, so blue, and the skin around them is lined with crow's feet and sorrow. Even now, the smile they crinkle with is sad.
"There you are, darling," he says. He's so close, and yet his breath doesn't cool the sweat on Cody's face.
Nothing more does happen as Cody looks at him and Cody, Cody finally gets to see him.
It already has, after all.
Through Obi-Wan, blue, blue, blue like the sky and just as untouchable, he can make out the shape of the corpse tangled in the sheets, a curl of steam still rising from the blaster hole C-2224 put between his eyes.
Good soldiers follow orders, the Jedi are traitors, and Cody sinks to the ground while the illusion of the man who paid for his mistake asks him to breathe.
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fellthemarvelous · 17 days
Darth Vader fucked up the Empire's opportunity to take out a ship carrying Force sensitive people (including his own daughter) because his obsession with Obi-Wan was the only thing driving him, and the Grand Inquisitor was probably ready to kill Vader because he's already been stabbed by one of his Inquisitors, and now Vader is just letting the other potential Jedi escape. He doesn't get paid nearly enough to deal with this bullshit.
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kotemf · 2 months
All my works listed
So, you probably have no idea who I am. I'm Kote, a Star Wars fan fiction writer and I'm asking you to check this out and maybe give my stories a try if you are interested.
I publish on both Archive of Our Own and on Wattpad under the name 'kotemereelfett'. Here are all of my fan fictions divided into groups and with summaries. MODERN AUs: CODY LEARNS TO LOVE is mainly a codywan story (there is blyla and rexsoka too), happening in a mix of modern and Star Wars world. It's a work in progress that I'm currently working on. I usually keep up daily updates, I'm taking a break for the duration of codywan week, though. Summary:
Cody was used to looking after his younger brothers. It wasn't easy but he could manage. He's been looking after Bly since he was five. Then came Rex, then Wolffe, then Fox. By the time, Cody moved out and didn't hesitate to take his little brothers in. They were better off with him than Jango.
Then he found Jesse on his doorsteps and not even a year later, Kix was also left at his door. Cody kept them, of course, but he called Jango and gave him a piece of his mind about leaving on the pavement in front of his door. That was the last time Cody has heard of him.
The next addition to his chaotic little family came in the forms of Fives and Echo. And it wasn't Jango this time who dropped them at Cody's, it was some poor girl that had the misfortune of meeting Jango in a bar. Apparently, Jango refused to have anything with her or their children but was kind enough to give her Cody's number.
He learned of Wooley's existence through a social worker because apparently Jango left the baby alone at home for an entire day and someone heard him crying. Cody was done with him.
Or so he thought. Because that was Jango knocking on the door and he had a baby in his arms. MESS OF A LIFE is a completed codywan story with 8 455 words.
Summary: Obi-Wan just put his all too energetic little siblings to sleep. While Ahsoka had mercifully fallen asleep seconds later after he tucked her under the blanket, Anakin demanded a bad time story. So there was Obi-Wan, finally free of his duties as a caretaker at 10 pm, with tons of work to catch up on, about million of chores and hope to catch more than 4 hours of sleep. And he also got an email.
Or, I got this weird idea and decided to actually write it. Also, Obi-Wan doesn't get paid enough for this and nor does Cody.
CODYWAN ONESHOT indeed is the name of my other work because I really suck at naming things. You probably figured that it's a codywan story, I write them quite a lot (all the time). The story is completed and has 6,549 words.
Obi-Wan's job as a social worker was to make sure children were treated well in their families, to verify the caretaker's ability to take care of a child and then make an objective decision. An objective decision. That's the problem. Because Obi-Wan sure isn't objective in this case.
Or, Cody trying to take care of his younger brothers and falls in love with a social worker.
KISS, MARRY, KILL is a collection of two works, first one titled Kiss, marry, kill (522 words) and the second one named Visible confusion due to my problem with naming things (871 words). There is rexsoka, codywan and a bit of blyla and anidala in these stories. Summaries: 1) Play kiss, marry, kill with us, they said. It will be fun, they said.
2) "Hey, Cody! Kiss, marry, kill? The people are your mom, my dad and... Ahsoka!"
"Kiss mom," Cody started with the obvious. He hesitated. Obi-Wan wasn't gonna be happy about what he was about to say but it will be worth the confusion on the other's faces. "Kill Ahsoka, sorry, 'Soka, nothing personal. And kiss your dad."
THEY KILLED PALPS AND EVERYTHING IS FINE: This AU where Palpatine is dead and everyone is living their lives in peace starts with the story named ANOTHER CHANCE: Fox woke up lying on his desk where he had passed out. He stretched quickly. Another day of guard duty and paperwork, great. He extended his arm to grab his data pad and managed to spill his coffee in the process. This day was getting better and better.
Fox woke up lying on his desk where he had passed out. He stretched quickly. Another day of guard duty and paperwork, great. He extended his arm to grab his data pad and managed to spill his coffee in the process. This day was getting better and better. It all felt strangely familiar to Fox.
Fox woke up lying on his desk where he had passed out. He stretched quickly. Another day of guard duty and paperwork, great. He extended his arm to grab his data pad and managed to spill his coffee in the process. This day was getting better and better. This had happened already, Fox was sure. But it didn't. Was he going crazy?
Fox woke up lying on his desk where he had passed out. He stretched quickly. Another day of guard duty and paperwork, great. He extended his arm to grab his data pad and managed to spill his coffee in the process. This day was getting better and better and better. Again.
And continues with a codywan story called WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS: The war is over for some time now. It's been exactly a year and a day since general Grievous was defeated on Utapau. Exactly a year since cody and Obi-Wan got married. They are celebrating the anniversary, discussing plans for the future and arguing because of course they are. And somehow, they find time for cuddles and kisses. Which is continued by a work I named CHANCE TO LIVE: Everyone deserve a chance to live. That's what the Jedi believe. That's what Obi-Wan believes. So when Kaminoans started offering baby clones for adoption, Obi-Wan and Cody decided to take one. And not just a regular one. But a defective one because no matter the war is over, no one wants the defectives. Except for Obi-Wan and Cody, that's it.
Or, basically, five times when Obi-Wan's and Cody's adopted, traumatized child doesn't trust them and one time he does. That is indirectly followed by SHE FELL FIRST, HE FELL HARDER: It's been a while since the war ended. A lot has changed between the day Ahsoka left the order and the day she reunited with her lost friends, her lost family. But surprisingly enough, one thing didn't change. Rex was still the same, if only a little older with a ew more scars from battles. It took time to rebuild the relationship she had with Rex. But they did it. And they were happy. But were they?
Rex was Ahsoka's closest friend for a while now. They fought in battles together but also were there for each other in between the battles. They shared secrets, a lot of them. And their paths hadn't parted even after the war has ended. Quite the contrary. When Rex decided to leave the army, Ahsoka offered him to stay in her apartment on Coruscant for a while and well, he never left. They were friends, roommates, each other's personal therapist, traveling buddies, somehow an adoptive uncle and niece through Obi-Wan and Cody... Why did it feel like it was not enough? This story is not finished and is probably not going to be finished anytime soon.
After that follows the story BRIGHT DAYS: It's been quite some time since the war has ended. Old friends meet up and they reflect. This work is also discontinued.
And that is followed by the currently last work in this serie FAMILY: Marshal commander Fox served in the Coruscant Guard. He has solved countless of tricky cases, faced dozens of dangerous criminals and one particularly sneaky Sith lord. He was prepared for everything. Or so he thought.
He wasn't prepared to be dragged into a case like that and he most certainly didn't expect to get a child in the proces. But well, shit happens. It's a foxiyo fan fiction and this one is finished.
THAT WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN is a work and a series on it's own. It's currently left unfinished but I think I will return to it sometimes later.
Summary: Something happened. Something bad. Something really bad. Something really, really bad.
Or that's how Anakin would say it. This was war. He was prepared for anything. If he saw Obi-Wan jump from a windou shouting: "Banana bread is sacred!", he wouldn't be even surprised. If he saw Ahsoka floating troopers across the cruiser and throwing them into the walls, well, that happened on daily basics. He wouldn't be surprised if the chancellor had two red lightsabers and shot lightnings while telling a sith legend. If he saw general Grievous in pyjamas dancing in the mess hall at 3 a.m., he would be surprised but it would have some logical explanation somewhere deep in the force. This... had none.
Those are all the works I wish to advertise here. Thanks to the all of you who give it a try and read some of my works, it means a lot to me.
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spokewar · 28 days
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FANTASY / URBAN FANTASY : Season of the Selkie.
what is it?
a verse for fantasy/magical worlds where obi-wan is a leopard seal selkie and magical librarian.
Obi-Wan Kenobi never knew his birth family, he was instead raised by a forest sprite by the name of Qui-Gon Jinn until his early twenties when Qui-Gon was murdered by a demon. His very first few years of life were spent as a seal, but the more he grew, the more time he spent on dry land. And though Qui-Gon had been a peacekeeper, he'd believed in defending yourself and others. Thusly, Obi-Wan was trained in the art of sword fighting and combat. His primary weapons became two enchanted reeds, hollowed out to contain water, which could be shaped into dangerous blades with his hydrokinesis. Living with Qui-Gon in various forests and jungles, Obi-Wan spent all his time swimming in freshwater and it wasn't until his mid-twenties that he was bold enough to venture into the ocean. Its call was strong and once in the water, he didn't emerge until he was miles and miles away from home. Something was clawing at his heart and he was not strong enough to ignore it. When he next touched land, he was at a coast with a looming lighthouse. It stood tall and empty at the top of a jagged cliff. It was there he met an ancient troll who called himself Yoda, claiming Obi-Wan came from a line of fae ancestry. His fae blood was thin and if it hadn't been for his selkie lineage, he wouldn't have had powers over the water at all. Still, he was fairy enough that he was given a sacred duty to guard a very old and very powerful library. The truth of who first founded it was lost to time, but the fae people saw the importance of it and decided to shield it from those who would use its secret knowledge for evil. Too dangerous to keep whole, the library's contents were split and placed in different locations across the continents. This way, the world's most powerful collection of spellbooks, artifacts, and elixirs was not so easily accessible. The library is enchanted to be hidden from regular humans (located at the top of the tower, inside the light source which shines out to the sea) and is only able to be seen by people with magic in their blood or who know a (very rare) spell to see past its glamour. Though Obi-Wan calls the lighthouse his place of residence, his true home is in the caverns beneath it. Carved deep into the cliff side and only accessible through the ocean are a series of tunnels and beaches hidden from the sunlight. It is where Obi-Wan stores his most precious items, including his pelt if he's ever forced to part from wearing it as a cloak. As an adult, Obi-Wan has two wards of his own: a powerful spellcaster by the name of Anakin and his little shadow, Ahsoka. He lives in a small coastal town—most of its residents human as can be—where the weather ranges from cold to freezing and he lives fairly under the radar. If folks come to Obi-Wan for help, he will help as best he can, but he usually doesn't seek out trouble unless his two wards are as well.
tldr: Obi is a shapeshifting seal who guards a magical library and runs a light house. he is also a trained warrior and part of a council of fairies.
when will i be using it?
oh, you know
more notes:
selkies are not seen as dangerous and this is a mistake
despite not showing it, obi-wan does have fae blood and you would do well not to do things like: give him your name or an iron skillet
he gets paid to run the lighthouse. i think he's technically a government employee
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morfinwen · 2 months
🍓, 🍄, 🪐, 🍬, and 🥐, please?
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
I'm not really sure. My sister and i started inventing stories about Star Wars not long after we first watched the original trilogy, but those were never written down (i'm not sure we could survive the embarrassment if they had been!).
Funnily enough, now that i think about it, it was Star Wars that i think prompted my entry into "fandom" proper, specifically the Knights of the Old Republic video games. I'd been a fan of things before that, and interacted with other fans, but mostly incidentally, discussing them on forums where people met for other reasons. But KotOR was when i really started writing and reading fanfic.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favorite ships or pairings
There's a conversation you can have with Atton Rand in the second KotOR game where he complains about Jedi platitudes, and you can respond jokingly with more platitudes.
Post-game, Meaghan will pull out more "platitudes" on occasion, both ones she's invented and pre-existing ones that she's misusing for the situation. Usually it's when she's trying to get Atton to do something he doesn't want to do -- he's never figured out a way to respond that doesn't give her more openings for further platitudes, so he can never win.
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
Summertime. I love summer, and i love how frequently it's been raining around here.
My job. Don't get me wrong, i'd still rather stay home any day of the week, but i remember how felt last year, sick of my current job and eager to find another one, but worried about how long it would take, and that whatever i found might end up being worse. If i have to leave the house to get paid to do things i don't particularly want to do, i'd pick getting paid by this company to do these things over any of my previous jobs.
I've been getting a lot of writing done lately. Most of it not on the story that i need to finish by next month, or in any story that is likely to be finished any time soon, but, y'know. Progress is progress.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Obi-Wan sucks. He's a poor master to Anakin, a not-much-better one for Luke, and while he arguably means well, his intentions don't add up for much when he screwed up that badly.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
If i'm not careful, i'll get hung up on what precisely counts as an "internet reference" or "always makes me laugh", so here are a couple favorites from the Internet:
"'Road work ahead'? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does!"
"Bames Nond is having a stronk, call a Bondulance."
"It goes in the square hole."
"There are four rules."
"Why would you ask us, a narnia blog, this?"
Thanks for asking!
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coruscantiprincess · 9 months
Okay, so one I've idea I have running around in my head is a time travel fic, where sometime after the events of ROTS Obi-Wan finds himself waking about the time just before Qui-Gon finally takes him as his padawan. But Obi-Wan decides that since he has this chance he is going to do everything in his power to really help Anakin and with the Force to guide him he decides not to be a Jedi and telling Qui-Gon that he would see him on Naboo. He leaves and finds work and saves as much money as he can (It's seventeen years I think before the POM and about 8 before Anakin is born. Not 100% sure my math is right.) he goes to Tatooine probably around when Anakin is 4 or 5. He would have Gone sooner, but he had to make sure he would have enough money to free both Anakin and Shmi.
He somehow arranges with Watto for Qui-Gon to get the parts he will need in the future.
He does end up telling Shmi some of the truth as to why he came, but I don't know how much. They all move to Naboo and Obi-wan and Anakin become like brothers. (Obi-Wan accidentally call Shmi Mom at some point and she loves it.)
Obi-Wan does teach Anakin some things about the Force. One thing I came up with is that He teaches Anakin to meditate while fixing droids, because the force helps him realized that Anakin focuses better when his hands our busy. He also let Anakin fly his ship. He is trying really hard to help Anakin learn to let go, but he has Shmi to help and a better environment which helps. (Oh, maybe he should get Anakin a pet.)
Well the time for the whole invasion is coming and by this point they have moved next door to Padme's family (Obi-Wan didn't know they lived there.) and have become friends with them. They know Padme a little bit, but not well since she's been busy with her campaign and then becoming Queen.
Anyway, just before the invasion Obi-Wan tells Anakin a little more about his past, (Anakin may have known there was something about Obi-Wan's past he wasn't sharing, but he never pressed to know what it was.) mostly that he traveled through time and is trying to stop bad things from happening again and he'll explain more later, but right now they have to go hide in the swamps.
Qui-Gon is sent to Naboo and Obi-Wan's words keep coming to the forefront of his mind, but he gets the Queen off plant without encountering Obi-Wan and then on Tatooine Watto tells him the part is already paid for and he is really confused.
When he is sent back to Naboo with the Queen he thinks about Obi-Wan's words again and is not surprised when Obi-Wan shows up in the swamp with a kid (Okay, so maybe the kid is a surprise.) Padme knows Obi-Wan and Anakin a bit and is happy to have their help. (Shmi stayed in hiding at Obi-Wan's request. She probably joins the camp later once they've made peace with the Gungans.)
Obi-Wan did build himself a lightsaber at some point because he want's to save Qui-Gon since he's fought Mual so much now he is prepared.
He makes sure Anakin can take out the blockade and saves Qui-Gon making sure Mual is truly dead.
They save Naboo and Qui-Gon offers to let Anakin become a Jedi.
Obi-Wan tells him it's his choice, but makes sure Anakin understands what it means to be a Jedi. In the end Anakin decides to stay with Obi-Wan and his mother.
Obi-Wan began to train him more in the ways of the Force and tells him more about the past and the Sith and how Palpatine is one and he is the person they are trying to stop.
Because of this Palpatine can never get his claws into Anakin because Anakin doesn't trust him.
I'm a little foggy on details now, but I know that Obi-Wan and Anakin get to know Padme more and stay in touch. I think if Anakin ever did have a crush on her it didn't last because he had a different environment and she saw him grow up and kept seeing him as little boy she first meet and then as a brother. (I could chance this later,) I've also thought about her falling for Obi-Wan (Which would take him by surprise) I don't know that is up in the air.
The war still happens and Obi-Wan Anakin still fight in it but not as generals or anything cause they are not Jedi, but they are always ready to help with relief missions.
Somehow they defeat Palpatine, but I don't know how yet.
Sorry this is so long, I didn't realize how many words my daydreaming would take up.
Put "📘" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about.
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bettsfic · 11 months
Directors cut ⭐️
okay so lemon is very special to me because it marks i think a major shift in my aesthetic and the way i write relationships. i'd gotten the idea for it years before when i had car problems, and i took it to an auto shop where i was assisted by a handsome young man who was also extremely sketchy and offered me 20% off if i paid with cash. as i went to the ATM, i thought, "this would make a great anidala fic."
i wasn't into writing anidala at the time (i think those were the bellarke years), but they're my oldest and ultimate favorite ship, so i knew it was only a matter of time before i would return to them. lo, the release of obi-wan kenobi renewed my long dormant anakin skywalker emotions and i decided to come back to my deranged mechanic fucker idea.
so i had a great time writing it, but i have fun writing most things so that's not strange. what continues to truly baffle me is the response i've received on it.
i've been posting fic for long enough, and i know my audience well enough, that i can generally accurately guess what kind of traffic and comments it will get. although i put a lot of work and effort into lemon, i figured it would have a small handful of readers who would leave kind and supportive comments while i posted each chapter, then when it was complete i would have my usual small uptick of readers who were waiting to binge it and a few more comments. but then, because anidala doesn't really have an active fandom and what fandom it does have doesn't seem to be interested in modern AUs, i assumed that would be it.
but readers seem to feel........very strongly about lemon. in the year it's been posted, i've gotten bursts of enthusiastic and thoughtful comments on it, well above and beyond my expectations. and i truly don't understand why. (it's not my best writing by a long shot, and re-reading it i cringe at a lot of the choices i made and that i would approach very differently now.) but the same is true of black-eyed, so i'm wondering if there's just a dearth of femdom modern aus in the world. or assertive submissive men with insane loyalty kink, maybe.
so the response to lemon continues to floor me, and like dirtbag, i hope to one day get back the insane writing energy i had in the latter half of 2022.
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ao3feed-obikin · 1 year
Half-Pass and Half-Pipes - An Obikin Olympics AU
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48562267 by Eden Pierce (ChunChan11) Obi-Wan Kenobi would not consider himself a snob. But as a three-time Gold Medalist as part of the Jeddah Equipe, who is very much expected to bring home his forth Gold at the Coruscant Olympics, he cannot quite see something so uncivilized as Skateboarding be anything but a detriment to the quality of the Olympics as a whole. Enter Anakin Skywalker, two-times World Champion in the Street Event, fan- and bookkeeper favorite for the first ever Gold Medal for Olympic Skateboarding. How can these two do anything but butt heads when they meet in the Olympic village. Then again, they do say that opposites attract, don't they? Words: 4217, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, CT-7567 | Rex, CC-2224 | Cody, Boga the Varactyl (Star Wars), Sheev Palpatine Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Olympics, Dressage Rider Obi-Wan, Skateboard Ace Anakin, Rivals to Lovers, Anakin And Ahsoka Are Siblings, Rex doesn't get paid enough, Neither does Cody, Boga is a Horse in this, Boga is also the best, Unreliable Narrator, Author has limited knowledge of Skateboarding, Author also has zero knowledge of actually running the Olympics, Bottom Anakin Skywalker, Top Obi-Wan Kenobi, Eventual Smut, Ahsoka is a good lil sis, I suck at tags read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48562267
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this sums up the entirety of star wars
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milfmisspiggy · 2 years
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I posted 4,736 times in 2022
That's 795 more posts than 2021!
332 posts created (7%)
4,404 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,082 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#its queue i like - 1,701 posts
#star wars - 1,438 posts
#art - 809 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 330 posts
#cj.txt - 324 posts
#anakin skywalker - 202 posts
#film - 192 posts
#luke skywalker - 129 posts
#kenobi show - 121 posts
#commander cody - 117 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#literally all my beloved lesbian friends who send images of my specific men and go hey look!!! its your guy!!!! keep my soul scrubbed clear
My Top Posts in 2022:
heat 1995 fans talking about the pacino de niro diner scene as if goncharov wasn't doing all of that and more 2 decades beforehand. literally wake up gay people
879 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
i love when i see hanleia posts talking about how their bickering/butting heads is not because they are "toxic" but because they both see each other more honestly than the other one wants because it's.... so important to me
like leia KNOWS he is a good man under the bluster. he can't abandon people, even when he tries really hard to. his heart is so big, and he HATES IT. and she sees it and he HATES THAT MORE, because it's vulnerable and she just gets right to the heart of him in one (1) millisecond
but because of all that. he KNOWS she loves him. like most ardently, most annoyingly, LOVES him, and that the feeling is so big that she doesn't have any time or bandwidth to even begin to process it
and when he presses her buttons and gives voice to the feeling she is resolutely ignoring, she gets SOOO annoyed because he sees her so clearly and then he has the audacity to be smug about it!!!! as if it wasn't trying enough
and throughout esb leia is trying to get han to admit he is a good man and han is trying to get leia to admit she loves him (except those two things are contingent on each other, leia loves him in part because he is a good man, and han is a good man in part because someone loves him so fiercely, so to admit one is to acknowledge the other, and even though they both want to be Right, they also both HATE being seen)
but then she is losing him!! and because he's sacrificing himself for them, she knows he can't run from being a good man anymore. and she can't run from her feelings either. so she says "i love you"
and when han says "i know" instead of i love you, its maybe a small part tongue in cheek i told so, because he is a smug bastard, but mostly him saying im glad you got here too. ive been waiting
so in the end, han admits he is a good man by making sure chewie will protect leia
and leia admits she loves him
and he says i know. because he has the whole time. and he's so glad she does
951 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
more people need to pay their respects to dig it in there, mr. spock. revolutionary. mind blowing. show stopping. that was on network tv in the 60s. k/s you are so special to me
990 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
"you almost make me believe in luck" "you almost make me believe in miracles" HELLO????? ARE YOU SERIOUS??????? AT WORK???????????
1,978 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
obi-wan doesn't get paid much at his meat cutting job. they make a point of telling us this. and then they make a point of showing us what he does spend his money on-- a toy ship for luke. credits for a meal for a homeless clone veteran in 501st armor. and gloves and a green cape for leia. i am crying Once Again
5,685 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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notthestarwar · 10 months
For character opinion bingo, Obi-Wan? :D
Obi Wan! Yes!!!
I have so many opinions about Obi Wan.
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I feel like fanon depictions tend to polarise him. He's either a sad wet cat defenceless as fate continues to torture him, doing whatever the Jedi want him to do because he doesn't know any better (or else is too self conscious to argue, or else he's unbelivabley bad ass, unstoppable, always with the right sarky comeback, above the Jedi, doing his own thing. Respectfully lol I couldn't disagree more with either side. I think attempting to fit characters in to one box flattens them. Humans aren't black and white. I understand where each of these extreme portrayals finds its roots. In canon Obi does do certain things that seem to indicate some kind of insecurity (and his backstory explains where that might have come from) but we usually see him acting very sure of himself and at times even arrogant.
Like most people. I don't think he's sure of himself all the time even if he does promote an image of someone who has it all figured. But he's also not unable to look after himself. I find Obi Wan a really fun character cause to me, he does have an unintended impact on people around him and does occasion inadvertently contribute to things that ultimately hurt him. A lot of the time it can be hard to talk about Obi Wan in this way cause ppl fall back on 'oh but it isn't his fault' but it's not about blame. Everyone does things they don't intend sometimes. Everyone occasionally makes a mistake that'll hurt them down the line, and possibly hurt those around them.
I like to see Obi Wan as someone who is sure of themselves, but who has some personal blindspots. He's exceptionally competent but that's thanks to his own hard work, he's no not a prodigy, he's worked for the knowledge he holds and he's respected by his people because of that. Professionally, he has mastered himself, he has control over his emotions, he is able to see things for what they are. But in certain areas of his personal life he struggles and he doesn't even see that he struggles. His relationship to Anakin, his inability to stop him, the fact that he only stopped him when pushed to his absolute limit and even then, he couldn't remain detached enough to be fair, to Anakin, or to the galaxy. He didn't want to be the one to land the final blow so he left Anakin to die, and they all paid for that. I like to think this unhealthy attachment is rooted in the unhealthy attachment Obi wan had with his own master. He felt he could never do right where qui gon was concerned (even if this wasn't true) and so he doesn't tell Anakin he IS wrong, when it matters. He's avoidant. Anakin may feel that he can do no right when it comes to obi wan, thanks to obi wan picking at the small stuff, but in reality, Obi Wan lets him get away with so much. He doesn't push when he should because he knows he won't like the answer, he knows it'll be difficult and he'll have to face up to his attachment to Anakin. This isn't a Jedi flaw, we see that other Jedi do manage to do better than qui gon, Obi Wan, and anakin himself, as masters. But ultimately they are human. These are human flaws.
It's not about blame and its certainly not about absolving Anakin or anyone else of responsibility. But Obi wan isnt perfect. And I wouldn't want him to be. As a character his imperfections make him seem human. I think that he does struggle to let go, he pushes people away because he knows that when it matters, he won't be able to let them go, like he knows he should, like he teaches.
And I'll stop now because I've talked about him for way too long. But yeah! I have many many thoughts about obi wan lol and I'm so glad you asked! He's never come up in these games before and I feel I don't get to talk about my thoughts on him so often
Thank you!
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
“Obi-Wan,” Anakin rasped. “I-I can’t see.
“Carbon sickness,” Obi-Wan told him, voice gentle. “It’ll take time for your senses to settle.”
“What happened? I don’t… I don’t remember…” Anakin wanted to reach out to Obi-Wan, but his limbs and even the Force just… weren’t cooperating. He had all the strength of a boiled noodle.
“It’ll come back to you in time. For now, Anakin… just rest.”
If Obi-Wan was there, then Anakin was safe. So he did as asked.
Anakin slipped into sleep.
From my Jedi in the Carbonite fic. Anakin has no idea what he's woken up to yet, just that if Obi-Wan's there then he's okay.
Unfortunately what he doesn't realize is that Obi-Wan's not at his most stable at the moment...
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
So for Tales of Vesperia, one of the fics I'm working on - mostly in the planning stages but there's a bit written - is about Prince Ioder having been kidnapped. This is part of a larger AU where Alexei's insurrection goes quite differently from canon (amongst other things), so Zagi has been put in charge of Ioder's kidnapping.
Zagi is an assassin, kidnapping is beneath him, is he really getting paid enough for this? Ioder might actually be able to work with this. Ioder's been the one kidnapped... but Zagi is the one stuck with him.
Meanwhile Flynn's been sent on a wild goose chase involving a missing trade caravan to keep him away from the capital during the insurrection since he would not throw his loyalty in with the Commandant. And of course, in trying to keep Flynn away from the action until its all over... he winds up right in the path of Zagi and Ioder anyway.
Zagi's a bit of a weirdo, so playing him off Ioder gives me a chance to show a side of Ioder that we don't really see directly in the game. The ability to size someone up and manipulate them. In this case he's having to figure out what Zagi wants and how to either get free or turn the assassin to his side... and all while being more than a little distracted by the fact that his nose itches and he cannot do anything about it because his hands are tied behind his back.
It's all meant to be a bit sillier than the fics that precede it, which have been largely about Yuri and Estelle fleeing the capital together and Raven rallying troops still loyal to Prince Ioder and Princess Estellise. I wanted to take it as a chance to finally flesh out Ioder's personality beyond what the game gives us. And, honestly, it'd be pretty hilarious if, by the time Flynn comes to rescue Ioder... Ioder and Zagi were friends.
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
So i do have a Red Dwarf idea that, for now, is languishing over in my Plot Bunny Adoption Agency, where I've put the bits and pieces of some of the fics that I've started but concluded I'll probably never actually finish.
It starts with the aftermath of Rimmerworld and exploring Rimmer's trauma there and the fact that he barely remembers the rest of the crew. Having to settle back in and deal with the fact that things he used to care about - promotions at a job that hasn't existed in millenia - don't really matter to him any more. He's never going to impress his parents... he barely remembers them and they're deader than he is since at least he's a hologram.
There'd be some new adventures in between the end of Rimmerworld and the start of the episode Out of Time. The introduction of Hogey the extremely bored simulant, Arnold demanding the Cat help him pick out new clothes, and Emohawk encounter that reveals just how depressed Rimmer's been (and hiding it) since the events on Rimmerworld... and a change in the friendship between Arnold and Dave that might just lead to something else. (Do I ship Rimmer/Lister? Well... yes.)
After a somewhat AU take on Out of Time, Rimmer and Lister would, tentatively have gotten together... and that's when alt!Kristine shows up and gets stuck in their universe. And while they do get a visit from Ace Rimmer, it's the newly minted Ace from the show timeline, who offers to help take Kristine home... only to get yoinked away to another reality before he can. Whoops.
Lister and Rimmer wind up having to work out jealousy issues both over Kristine and the return of Rimmer's one-off love interest from the holo-ship.
I actually had a lot of ideas for this, but I think I was struggling a bit much to get their voices right. I would still love to write this fic or pick it apart and reuse it to write other stories. So you never know, maybe it'll be rescued from the plot bunny heap one day.
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waterlily707 · 2 years
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Obi wan doesn't get paid enough.
Oh wait no one gets paid.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Anakin with a twin sister reader who stayed loyal to the light side of the force and tried to keep him from falling. When they meet years later with him as vader she instantly knows it's him and doesn't bother fighting back. Not out of love but bitter disapointment in him for all he's done. Pushing his buttons to mess with him and get him to wake up. "Do you think mom would be proud of you? Even if you got padme back, would SHE want you back? End me then brother, if you are really so far gone.."
Oof ouch!! If not Obi Wan or Padme, then it’s sis! 🥺🥲💔❤️‍🩹
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You had thought you lost track of him, even in the farthest part of the galaxy. Yet your brother and his Inquisitors were still able to find you.
You were tired. Exhausted. All of your life since the Fall of the Republic had been nothing but running and hiding, no semblance of living as you used to.
He stood before you. It was his voice, his movement and mannerisms. But there was no soul or heart left in your brother. Only a black pit of despair.
“Look at you now, brother. Our mother, gone. Your love and my love. Our friends. All gone. The price you paid to keep us safe, and you’ve lost us, Anakin.”
“Anakin Skywalker is dead. Pray you don’t make the mistake as those who were foolish enough to try.”
You sighed in resignation.
“Even now when you speak….you’re still my brother. Come back. Come home. There are still reasons to turn.”
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