#oblivious heartbreaker yuuri
droewyn · 2 years
Hello Tumblr, I finished a WIP recently and I’m very proud of it.
Title: Never Thought I’d End Up Here, With You
Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice
Relationship: Victuuri.
Rating: T
Word Count: 13,000
Content Warnings: Bullying (1 scene), Nongraphic Animal Attack (1 scene), Police.
Tags: Soulmates, Magical Animals, Shapeshifting, Canon Divergence, Alternate Sochi, Meet-Cute, Fluff, Minor Angst, Sochi-Typical Angst, Casual Nudity, Sharing a Bed, Naked Cuddling, Adult Communication, Breaking the Internet, Phichit Chulanont Is A Little Shit, Oblivious Heartbreaker Yuuri, First Kiss, and Just a PINCH of Identity Porn.
Summary:  He didn't even see who it was.  The most magical moment in a person's life, when destined partners meet, and bond, and shift for the first time, and Yuuri had missed it.  Because his back was turned.   Because he hadn't been able to face the blank politeness in Victor Nikiforov's eyes.  Because the absolute last thing he wanted was to commemorate his failure.  Because he and Mochi had been in the same room with Victor and his soul beast, and nothing had happened.  Until it did.  And he didn't even know who his soulmate was.
If you like YOI and/or soulmates, please give it a read! 
If you don’t know YOI, all you need to know is that 1) Victor Nikiforov is the greatest figure skater in history and Katsuki Yuuri has been crushing on him since Yuuri was twelve, and 2) Yuuri’s dog Vicchan canonically dies during the Grand Prix Finals -- the final event in a VERY important figure skating tournament -- which causes Yuuri to completely bomb his performance and end up in last place by a margin of 100+ points.
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flecks-of-starlight · 6 years
Some are born Chads, some achieve Chadness, and some have Chadness thrust upon them (and they love it).
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locallygrownavocado · 6 years
Adventures in Detroit ft. Latin Dance
So, if Yuuri and Phichit were rooming together during college, they definitely took classes together. Now, some of those classes were basics- history, english, etcetera. However, one lovely spring semester, Yuuri realized he needed some sort of physical activity credit. When considering his options, he made the mistake of consulting Phichit, who decided they should take Latin Dance together. Yuuri wasn’t too fond of this idea, but Phichit is a persuasive person and also good at blackmail, so long story short Yuuri ends up in a Latin Dance class.
Now, when two adorable young men such as Yuuri Katsuki and Phichit Chulanont walk into a Latin Dance class, they attract attention. The female to male ration in these classes tends to be a little skewed and any eye candy is appreciated. This was all fine and normal until one curious sophomore decided to google these boys and came to class armed with web articles and youtube footage and the biggest celebrity crush Phichit has ever seen. 
Yuuri insists that it’s not a celebrity crush. 
After all, he’s hardly a celebrity and Sandra Macaphee probably just really likes figure skating, not him in particular. 
Phichit says this is bullshit. However, at least half the girls in this Latin Dance class are crushing on Yuuri now, and Phichit has to keep coming up with ways to fend them off.
His excuses start simple. He tells Sandra Macaphee that Yuuri has a girlfriend. He tells Kristin that Yuuri’s gay. When Jenn asks, Phichit insists that Yuuri’s returning to Japan next semester and cutting all ties with the United States. Phichit tells at least two other girls that Yuuri’s aspiring to be a priest. 
Phichit conveniently forgets that girls talk to each other about these things.
And so, after the last session of Señora Herrera’s Latin Dance class, Yuuri is approached by a small army of curious females. Phichit sees them approaching and silently drifts out of the room. He does, however, watch from the window.
“Do you have a girlfriend?” Sandra Macaphee asks.
“Do you like girls?”
“Like as people?”
“Are you going back to Japan now?”
“Are you joining Cirque du Soleil?”
“Shut up, Heather, he’s becoming a priest, remember?”
“No, I’m pretty sure he’s moving to New York for a new Broadway show.”
Eventually, Yuuri cuts them off.
“Alright, I lost track of all your questions, so I’m just going to assume the answers are all no. Now if you’ll excuse me, I'm late to biology.”
It’s a lie. Yuuri doesn’t go to experimental biology. He grabs Phichit by the arm and starts speedwalking towards the bus stop.
“I’m never taking a class with you again,” he mutters. “I’m dropping out of college and becoming a nun.”
Phichit just laughs. “A priest, Yuuri, you can’t be a nun.”
“I’ll find a way just to spite you.”
“Hey, how many girls asked you out this semester?”
Yuui doesn’t reply.
“Exactly,” Phichit says smugly. “You’re welcome.”
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seventhstar · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Original Characters, Nishigori Yuuko, Nishigori Takeshi, At Least One Chad Because Why Not Additional Tags: Possessive Behavior, Eavesdropping, POV Victor Nikiforov, Thirsty Victor Nikiforov, Oblivious Heartbreaker Katsuki Yuuri Summary:
Viktor wants those thighs engraved on his tombstone as his cause of death. Is it undignified? Yes. Will Viktor need dignity when he’s dead? No.
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lavenderprose · 7 years
To be honest? To be honest, Yuuri was the Mark Hamill to Yuuko and Takeshi's Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford.
By which I mean, this happened many many times while they were in high school:
Yuuri, walking in on Yuuko and Takeshi in a compromising position: Oh, hey guys.
Yuuko and Takeshi: YUURI HI
Yuuri: Hey, it's weird that you're both here at the same time. What are you up to?
Yuuko and Takeshi: Um.
Yuuri: Cool. Wanna go to the ice rink?
Yuuri, many moons later when he finally realizes what they were doing, probably around the same time they announce their engagement: Ohhh.
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sinkingorswimming · 7 years
Well now I’m curious how the Nishigoris found out about Victor and Yuuri in Taker!
Well…since you asked…
The summer months are usually the slow season, but with a bona fide superstar coaching Hasetsu’s homegrown hero, this is not a typical year. During open hours, the rink does more business than it has since Yuuko’s first year working there, and she’s pleased and relieved in equal measure.
She keeps having to confiscate her phone as well as other recording equipment from her daughters. They’re enteprising young ladies, true, but Victor’s very into Yuuri’s FS surprising the competition as well as the crowds, and so she has to threaten grounding over triple the normal amount.
They’re practicing right now, Yuuri in deep concentration as he glides across the ice. Spread eagle into an Ina Bauer during a soft piano solo, Victor offering critique from the center ice with a hoodie tied around his waist. 
When the song ends and Yuuri stands in his final pose, Victor gives him a long look with one finger pressed to his lips. Yuuri skates up to him, and Victor says something too low for her to hear, Victor coaches Yuuri in a mixture of brutal honesty and soft tones like he’s a scared stray, and…it seems to work.Yuuri is thriving in a way he didn’t before he left town, and Yuuko doesn’t think it was like this under Celestino either.
The girls have school so Takeshi is on the same shifts as her. He stands close while they watch the coach and his protege confer. Yuuri smiles wide and laughs, swatting Victor’s arm before he skates back to the center with a playful look. Victor himself is quite pleased, and he moves out of Yuuri’s path.
“Huh,” Takeshi says.
“What?” Yuuko asks without looking at him. The song begins and Yuuri moves delicately and slow like a bird in flight. He’s always been so elegant on the ice, she thinks fondly.
Takeshi clears his throat. “Do you think…there’s something…like…” He can’t seem to find words so he makes a weird half and half gesture with his hand.
Yuuko gives him a weird look. “Honey, use your words.”
Takeshi sighs and jerks his head to Victor, whose eyes are a bit low on Yuuri’s body while he moves but—he’s his coach. He’s making sure his legs are in the right place. “Do you think they’re not just friends?”
Yuuko squints, watching them. Yuuri finishes with flushed cheeks and sweat on his face. Victor offers critique in his usual tactless way, but then he strokes Yuuri’s damp hair fondly and whispers in his ear.
Yuuri glows, and Yuuko wonders.
She doesn’t have to wonder for more than three days as she enters the locker area when Yuuri and Victor are present. 
Victor is undoing Yuuri’s skates for him while balancing on one knee, and Yuuri listens to him chatting with a fond expression. 
“—those design sketches soon,” Victor finishes. He pulls the boot off, then slowly peels down Yuuri’s sock. He massages the ball of Yuuri’s foot carefully and…well, sensuously, she decides.
Yuuri gives him a smile. “I’ll look when we get home—there’s three options I like best, so I’ll focus on them.”
“You’ll be the most beautiful on the ice no matter what you choose,” Victor replies as he makes Yuuri sigh with the pressure of his hands.
“I think you need to get your eyes checked,” Yuuri replies but it’s not his normal, (completely unfounded) self-deprecation.
 It’s…flirting? Is Yuuri flirting? 
Yuuri had lots of admirers when before he moved to America, Yuuko remembers, but none of them ever seemed to catch his eye. He got chocolates a few times on Valentine’s Day, but Yuuko never asked what came of them until one year she was at the onsen and his mother shared them with her. Hiroko said Yuuri informed her the boy gave them to everyone, but Yuuko is pretty sure that’s not true.
Hiroko didn’t sound like she agreed with Yuuri either but ah well.
Yuuko stays out of sight and raises one eyebrow.
“No, lapochka,” Victor answers. What does ‘lapochka’ mean? “I see quite clearly, especially when it comes to you.”
Yuuko stares, taking a reflexive step back. She’s never heard Victor sound like that, like…like he’s talking to something so beyond precious to him he’s afraid to grip it tight or it’ll slide through his hands.
Yuuri laughs and gives Victor a smile Yuuko’s never seen before. His cheeks are a light pink like the April sakura, and he reaches down to touch Victor’s cheek. It’s…intimate, especially since Yuuri rarely initiates contact with others. He’s hugged her maybe five times since they were children, but he lets Victor touch freely and now he even touches back. 
Takeshi was right.
Takeshi was right.
She disappears back into the office and sits like a falling rock in the chair. Wow. Yuuri’s got his hero wrapped around his finger, and it looks like Yuuri’s wrapped as much in turn. 
Yuuko gets up, pokes her head around, and sees them though this time they’re standing and from the angel that if they’re not kissing Victor must moonlight as a dentist.
The pair then head out, walking close enough they could hold hands if they so wished, and Yuuko contemplates what to do with this info.
When her husband comes in from using the Zamboni, Yuuko gives him a look. “You were right, they are.”
“They who?” Takeshi asks absently. He opens a ledger to check the month’s finances. 
“Victor and Yuuri are a couple,” she elaborates.
He only half-listens. “A couple of wha—oh,” he finishes while blanching. “Yeah, I told you! Yuuri doesn’t let anyone remotely that close this quick!”
“No, I should have listened,” she concedes. “But how do we tell them? It seems like they think they need to hide. I don’t want them to feel that way, like they need to sneak. I’m happy for them, and I don’t want them to think we’ll judge.”
“I judge a little,” Takeshi says. “Yuuri can do better.”
Yuuko hits him across the chest and while she knows it doesn’t harm him, he still says ‘ow’ regardless.
It takes far longer than it should to get an opening, but Yuuko Nishigori at age 25 is a very patient woman thanks to the lovely-yet-unstoppable triplets she calls hers. 
Four days later, Takeshi and Victor discuss travel plans for Chugoku. Yuuko’s  handling the Ice Castle since she drew the short straw, so Takeshi and Minako are going to lend support for this early stage of Yuuri’s comeback. 
Yuuri is alone, mostly out of earshot chugging a sports drink in a new Mizuno jacket. He rotates his head around and Yuuko can hear his neck crack. She winces in response—it was loud and sounded painful. 
His bangs are limp from sweat and he put his glasses back on. Yuuko moves to his side. “So, you’re looking good!”
Yuuri gives her a bashful smile. “Thanks.”
“You’re in good spirits lately,” she continues. “Did something happen?”
He is, it’s not a line to fish for info. He’s lighter, more laid back when not focused on skating. He seems more Yuuri than Yuuri, definitely more than the Yuuri who came to this rink with his tail between his legs in March. He looks like he’s determined, like he’s let himself want it, but he’s also happy on a deep level she’s not sure he sees.
Yuuri’s expression doesn’t change but his eyes immediately dart to Victor, lingering long enough it’s a blatant tell. “Not really.”
Yuuko tries the second tactic: obvious needling. “Really. Nothing? Nothing at all?” She pretends to think. “Victor seems happy. Is he…seeing someone in town maybe?”
Yuuri’s expression is like a deer in headlights and a spy searching for an escape in combination. She can see by the way his eyes shift back and forth he’s trying to figure out what to say or what he can say that won’t out them. He finally chokes out a “…Maybe.”
Yuuko nudges Yuuri. “Really? How’d he meet them? He’s always with you.”
Yuuri’s face would blend in with a red carpet at a premier, and while Yuuko anticipated some kind of flailing denial in the language of the Yuuri, she sees now he’s actually kind of scared. Her tactic changes instantly. “Yuuri,” she offers softly. “It’s okay. I know, alright? It’s okay, we both know, and we’re happy for you.”
Yuuri’s hands cover his mouth for a minute or two. Then he drops them with a bit of resignation. “Okay. Don’t say anything. Mari and Minako know but—no one else. And don’t tell the girls! It’ll be all over the internet!”
“Why is it a secret?” Yuuko asks.
“We’re not ready,” Yuuri answers. “There’s…concerns.
“About him coaching you?” Yuuko screws up her mouth in thought.
“Yeah,” Yuuri says after a long pause. “Yeah, that’s an issue.”
Ah. “Okay, well…I’ll keep mum. So will Takeshi, promise.”
Yuuri relaxes again. His cheeks fade to their normal coloring and he drinks more of the sports beverage. 
Yuuko punches him in the arm. “You’re cute together. It’s sweet, and he’s a catch. Don’t screw it up.”
Yuuri looks at Victor with so much affection she doesn’t know how he stays upright, though when he speaks his tone is soft but a bit strained. “Don’t worry. His happiness comes first.”
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japansace · 7 years
I wrote this ficlet three months ago at five in the morning when I was stranded in the Narita Airport, and I really don’t know what to do with it, so here you go:
In the short amount of time that Yuki Katsuki-Nikiforov had been on the St. Petersburg English-Immersion Primary School recreational soccer team, her otou-san had singlehandedly become responsible for fifteen relationship squabbles, three separations, and one divorce.
(One incident, in particular, was almost brought to court, but Victor saw to it that it ended civilly. "What? You're going to sue my husband for being too gorgeous? Then he's guilty as charged!")
Really, maybe Victor should have been less jokey and more concerned about the situation. But, for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to.
(He'd seen Yuuri in shorts too, after all. Hardly anyone could be blamed for the aftermath.)
It was just a wonder Yuuri never seemed to catch on.
"What is going on with Alexis's mother?" Yuuri asked innocently, glancing between the woman in question and his own husband. "Is she... having a stroke?"
It was true that she hadn't stopped winking in Yuuri's general direction all afternoon, but to come to such a conclusion... His beloved truly was one of a kind.
"No, Yuuri," Victor told him, somehow managing not to laugh. (That finger in front of his lips was because he was in deep thought, all right?)
"But..." Yuuri squinted again at the mom. Maybe he needed a new prescription...? "She's acting awfully strange."
Before Victor could dig himself into more of a hole, blessedly, their darling daughter bounced up with a armful of prepackaged snacks.
"Look, Papa, Otou-san!" she exclaimed, holding up something strawberry flavored. "Cynthia's mom brought candy for the team!" She ambled up to Yuuri in particular, pushing a sizable amount of the loot onto him. "She gave me extra and said some of them were for you!"
Yuuri blinked. "For me? But why?"
Yuki shrugged. It wasn't a major concern for a six year old. "Didn't say," she murmured around a lollipop.
Victor barely resisted rolling his eyes. His husband just stared at the sweets in his hands as though they held the answers to the universe.
After an interminable silence, Yuuri simply sighed. "Everyone's weird," he concluded.
Well, Victor thought, at least he understood that much.
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au-reveur · 3 years
okay Yuri fandom I am new here and I need to know
who is Chad
I've binged way too many Oblivious Heartbreaker Katsuki Yuuri fics in the past 2 days and I need to know, what???
why are there so many Chads? And Brads?
sincerely, an extremely confused member of the fandom
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kaichan24 · 4 years
Some Oblivious Heartbreaker Yuuri
1. The Chronicles of Katsuki Yuuri, Unconventional Heartbreaker. The five times Yuuri Katsuki unknowingly steals the heart of everyone around him and the one time he does it on purpose (sort of).
2. That Feeling. Yuuri Katsuki is a babe and irresistible and Victor can't help but be jealous.
3. If Perfect's What You're Searching For, Then Just Stay the Same. In which Viktor realizes that Yuuri is a somewhat unreliable narrator
4. Before the Coffee. “You’re holding my hand.
”The beautiful man turns his head, looks at her and then down to their hands and back at her again and says.
“You’re not Vitya.”
“Yuuri, darling. You’re holding the wrong hand.”
5..boy toy named yuuri used to live in detroit. Viktor wants those thighs engraved on his tombstone as his cause of death. Is it undignified? Yes. Will Viktor need dignity when he’s dead? No.
6. #oblivious.Yuuri Katsuki attracts attention, but is wholly unaware of the fact. Phichit collects pictures of various moments with adoring fans of Yuuri, who is totally oblivious.
7. Yuuri Katsuki - Figure skater and... Vine star???. It’s not uncommon for Viktor and Yuuri to be stopped in the streets by fans for autographs and photos, when you’re the power couple of the ice-skating community who’ve broken the internet multiple times it’s a given really, so when they hear several voices from a few feet away talking about pictures it’s natural to assume they’re skating fans.
8. The Passing Of The Big Stick. Viktor Nikiforov has every reason in the world to despise the Russian hockey team, and their relentless pursuit of his future husband just added to the list
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droewyn · 2 years
Never Thought I’d End Up Here, With You: A Victuuri Fanfic
Rated T
No Archive Warnings Apply
Main Pairing: Victor Nikiforov / Katsuki Yuuri
Tags: Soulmates, Shapeshifting, Meet-Cute, Alternate Sochi, Sochi-Typical Angst (Vicchan Dies), Fluff, Bullying, Animal Attack (but not really), Casual Nudity (Chris.  It’s Chris), Sharing a Bed, Naked Cuddling, Adult Communication, Police, Oblivious Heartbreaker Yuuri Katsuki, Breaking the Internet, Phichit Chulanont Is A Little Shit, First Kiss, and Just a PINCH of Identity Porn
Summary:  He didn't even see who it was.  The most magical moment in a person's life, when destined partners meet, and bond, and shift for the first time, and Yuuri had missed it.  Because his back was turned.   Because he hadn't been able to face the blank politeness in Victor Nikiforov's eyes.  Because the absolute last thing he wanted was to commemorate his failure.  Because he and Mochi had been in the same room with Victor and his soul beast, and nothing had happened.
Until it did.  And he didn't even know who his soulmate was.
Comments keep my skin clear and my crops watered!  I roll around in them like Scrooge McDuck swims in his vault.
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petitefaguette · 7 years
:D Right now I have thoughts for a short follow-up where Yuuri’s college reunion rolls around and he and Viktor show up recently bonded and very obnoxiously Together…
that one won’t be very long though, so if you guys have ideas for stuff that you’d like to see me write in this universe, please send them my way!
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theficrecfairy · 6 years
How are my two favorite people in tumbrl? Can I ask for oblivious heartbreaker Yuuri who has a LOT of people pining for him? Thanks, love you both! ❤️
Hi Anon! Thank you, we love you too! And we’re really honored to be your favorite people on tumblr!! 💚
We answered asks like this previously on the blog, here and here and here, and unfortunately for us we don’t have any new ones. We do LOVE oblivious heartbreaker Yuuri though! He’s just so beautiful!
~The Fic Rec Fairy~ 🧚‍♀️
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ao3feed-yurionice · 3 years
Added Confidence
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XU0aAv
by TheUnseenKaito99
No one could have expected that getting into a hit-and-run accident would end up with memories from an alternate timeline being transplanted into one’s head.
The result? A much more confident Katsuki Yuuri who wholeheartedly embraces his blossoming sex appeal, and all the gay panics he causes in his wake.
Words: 726, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Phichit Chulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Yuri Plisetsky, Yakov Feltsman, Vicchan (Yuri!!! on Ice), Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice), Otabek Altin, Katsuki Yuuri's Family
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri & Victor Nikiforov, Phichit Chulanont & Katsuki Yuuri, Phichit Chulanont/Christophe Giacometti, Christophe Giacometti & Katsuki Yuuri, Katsuki Yuuri & Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Memory Alteration, Confident Katsuki Yuuri, Eros Katsuki Yuuri, Vicchan Lives (Yuri!!! on Ice), Pining Victor Nikiforov, One-Sided Attraction, Oblivious Heartbreaker Katsuki Yuuri, Katsuki Yuuri & Yuri Plisetsky Friendship, Character's Name Spelled as Viktor, Eventual Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XU0aAv
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fiercyy · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, OC - Character Additional Tags: Oblivious Heartbreaker Katsuki Yuuri, Fluff, outsider pov, all stars on ice Summary:
All Stars On Ice is like skater summer camp and Joey, the lighting technician has developed a bit of a serial summer crush on the completely unattainable Yuuri Katsuki.
For @girl-in-the-library and @viktuurisummerloving
(Prompt: Oblivious heartbreaker Yuuri Katsuki before and after, and including Victor, told from an outsider's perspective or multiple outsiders' perspectives - even though Yuuri has still never been in a relationship before Victor)
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mad-march28 · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Established Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Established Relationship, Original Character(s), Cute Katsuki Yuuri, Oneshot, Starbucks, not-a-morning-person katsuki yuuri, Oblivious Katsuki Yuuri, Oblivious Heartbreaker Katsuki Yuuri, Undercaffeinated Katsuki Yuuri Summary:
“You’re holding my hand.”
The beautiful man turns his head, looks at her and then down to their hands and back at her again and says.
“You’re not Vitya.”
“Yuuri, darling. You’re holding the wrong hand.”
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
Katsuki “Heartbreaker” Yuuri
(i’m) the boy you’d die for by jenmishe | T | Yuuri/Victor, Phichit & Yuuri | 6k
v-nikiforov ✓
[Video: A short clip where Victor is laying dramatically on the couch with miserable expression. “Heartbreaker” by Marina and the Diamonds is playing.]
v-nikiforov✓ Am I the another one? (((
vitYASS victor,,,, honey,,,, i lvoe you so much,,,, but WHY are you like this.
red-blue-gay but??? does that mean that somebody has broken victor’s heart???? I DON’T UNDERSTAND
christophe-gc ✓ You’re ridiculous.
starsaregay But who recorded it?? Makkachin???
vityathebabe user @starsaregay asking the real question.
The adventures of Yuuri “Heartbreaker” Katsuki, or: how Yuuri became known as a cold player full of himself who doesn’t care about anyone. (Hint: it’s an anxiety and obliviousness.)
Accidentally Seductive by braveten | T | Yuuri/Victor | 7k
Yuuri Katsuki is a walking contradiction.
(And it’s driving Viktor mad.)
Heartbreaker by deathbycoldopen | E | Yuuri/Victor, Yuuri/Other(s) | 92k
If you ask Yuuri, he'll say that he's never been on a date, or even been asked on one.
If you ask anyone else, they'll burst into tears.
Alternatively titled "Five times someone tried and failed to ask Yuuri out on a date, and one time they didn't have to."
It’s All Gone South by Spuri | G | Yuuri/Victor, Yuuri/Minami - one-sided | <1k
Yuuri is stopped by Minami for one last request after the regionals.
...Y'know, if he were to graph the amount of hugs in his life so far, this recent increase would look pretty ridiculous.
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