gglitchshit · 2 years
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I'd like to thank Nintendo for everything ever
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There are multiple signs of a obscure movie from the 1970s to the 2000s:
Has bad ratings and bad reviews.
Bad cinematography such as shaky cam.
And etc.
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unholy-sims · 2 months
Hi. I was wondering if you could tell me where to find the lip preset of the purple sim in your most recent post?? Also if you could tell me what skins and lashes do you usually use to create sims? Thank you.
I used this preset for her lips:
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As for skin CC, I play around with body overlays by ThisIsThem or BoatAom and Obscurus face overlay from this set. My style is Maxis Mix leaning more Alpha. For Lashes, I use mostly San33, Obscrus, and Baddiesims and I lower the opacity with sliders. Hope that helps!
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daystarvoyage · 4 months
have you watch anime’s with controversial or bad endings? And see the so called fans defend it and praise it while you are left confused and angry for not getting it like then to the point you know longer enjoy the work anymore plus seeing people who did not enjoy it like you are get harassed or get into internet arguments with those that like the ending?
Oh wow this one is a great question, now I’m an old soul who has seen a lot of classic anime in the '90s, so this one is gonna need some good unpacking, coming into anime of the 2000s. yes fully aware we didn't get the same stories from the manga to the anime so here's my 4 series, I wont say these would be in the toxic category however maybe wrong.
I say anime I didn’t like ending or not
Akame ka Kill, & Future diary
Anime I liked & watched but the ending was meh Soul eater, & Deadman wonderland
Akame ga kill
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It was a good watch, it was one of those shows that had a great action-driven pace, with a great female main, alongside a strong cast of colorful characters, however, there were some moments in which it relied too much on fanservice. I don't get the hype of this one, why it really felt its the best thing ever however it still has a fanbase also, (which normalized in anime since going mainstream) Even not even fleshing out the supporting characters, there were times I felt the plot and writing of each character got over shun by the pacing of the show & action Yknow being killing offe such cha era cuter one by one.
Future diary,
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Now this was a college watch at an anime club, I didn't really like this show cause it was kinda had so many elements, mashed into together,(Scifi & Harem tropes to an extent, not done right to the point of making Yuno a poster child of bad habits, I see Fans even ones defending or cosplaying yuno with a lewd personality justifying her actions in the show (which is understandable she was Abused, from my memory serves) Heck EVEN JOSH GRELE VOICE OF THE MAIN MALE said he didn't like it, And I Agree however I do congratulate the voice acting along akame ga kil, but come on the show was complete mind Fuck cause it left me in a doozy.
Now to the Anime I did Like But Rushed Horrid Endings
DeadMan Wonderland,
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Very great underrated show created by the same person who did Eureka seven (also a great romantic mecha show I need to finish anime-wise) This had a captivating bloody good tie with your into action horror if its not to gorey, in today's mainstream titles. however the manga takes it to a ten while the anime didn't, (cause we had a gay badass transwoman fight alongside the main cast never shown in the anime, who had a great written background alongside others.) yes I felt the show got a bad end of the stick cause it had so much going for it, in the manga, now being Cut down to 25-30 episodes, with potential remake but the ending was a major cliffhanger. I don't see a issue or toxic writing in this one since it obscrued.
Soul Eater
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Who could forget an after-school classic in my case, Its a Great series, this was one I watched, after homework alongside (Hell girl, Peach Girl & Aquarion)
I enjoyed the Anime to a high. I need a rewatch of soul eater, i did felt with time and writing progress they had the power to mash everything from the manga to the anime, understanding it takes a lot of work to draw, and pace a story like this anime with so much going for it, The voice acting served ( With Miss Cunty Medusa & Arcane Shouldve gotten more limelight to be more epic from the manga to the anime, Medusa Gave off Cyber Trakneena from Power Rangers)
AND LORD WHO CAN FORGET THE THEMES, yeah felt the show could've gone deeper or enlightened fans on the many ways the show coulda have been better but never experienced any toxicity from these Four, (glad we got Fire Force Though)
But yes felt the ending was a good one but I really wish certain characters even MAKA HAD the black BLOOD GOWN TO FINISH OFF ASHRA THOUGH.
Hope this answers everything have a starry Day.
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humannish · 1 month
shputout to obscrue and not well known crude drawings gotta be one of my favorite genders
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Distress and Smiles
Credence Barebone X Reader
Request: Nope ;)
Warnings: Torture. Hints at Abuse. Sadness. It’s cute and sweet, don’t get me wrong, but
(AN: Okay. Wow Credence is harder to write then Graves. And I kinda wanted him to be happy after all that had happened so this takes place post the film: Hope you like it.)
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"Okay." You sighed, "You ready?"
He nodded, grabbing you hand and taking a deep breath and looking at his straightened tie. "Okay." You continued, a small smile creeping on your lips, "So you can't stare at anyone and make sure not drink anything. Especially not anything too brightly colored. Oh and stay close! Oh and Credence?" You smiled, squeezing his hand, reviving a small hmm from him, "Thank you for coming with me." You hugged him tightly. Causing a small smile to escape onto his lips as he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist and his nose into your hair. Letting go, you looked at him with twinkling eyes and a nod, turning swiftly to the door and doing the secret knock, grabbing Credence's hand as the door swung open and walking inside the club.
Everything was going fine as you drug Credence further into the joint until he met eyes with the elf singing and froze, causing you to loosen the grip on his hand. Walking towards him and gently stroking his face so he'd look at you instead of the creature, you slowly walked backwards, making sure he was until you were both seated at the bar. Then you dropped one of his hands, leaving the other in a tight squeeze as you took out your wand, conjuring two glasses of water in front of you both. This caused Credence's eyes to twinkle slightly.
Since discovering he had magic, Credence had been so fascinated watching you perform spells, you had taught him a few, but your wand had not been do fond of him so it wouldn't normally go well. Still his interest sparked and when he had snuck out of his house at night he'd often stay up reading your old text books from school, implanting all the facts about this world he knew existed but nothing about into his head. But never before had he seen it... Or even really heard actual music before. It made his mouth gape open slightly and your cheeks heat up.
"Credence?" You asked gently, squeezing his hand to get his attention. "Would you.. I mean do you want to dance?"
This caused the boys head to drop and shake slightly, anxiety flooding his body as the girl looked down in guilt, "I-I don't... I don't know how.."
"Could I... i mean if you wanted I could teach you?"
Nodding quickly, he took your hand and pulled you onto the dance floor, looking at you for further instruction. Grabbing his hands, you placed both on your waist as you put both of yours around his shoulders as you slowly, cautiously swayed to the jazzy festive tune, humming it softly so Credence could keep up with the tempo. Quickly catching onto the gist of things, he began to experiment a bit on his own as he would spin you about quicker, a small smile growing into a large grin. "Sorry." He'd apologize when he would step on your feet but after a while the sorry would follow a chuckle, one of sheer joy. You'd never seen him so happy, or anyone this happy for that matter, it made your heart melt like butter as he grew confident and actually made you cry.
"Y/N?" Credence immediately stopped, grabbing your wrists and squeezing them, "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to step on you..." You shook your head as you threw yourself into his arms for the second time of the evening and sobbed into his shirt. Silence fell until Credence found the courage to speak, Y/N I..."
"I'm just so happy Credence." You replied cheerfully, swaying him slightly, looking up at him, you head still on his chest , "You make me so happy Credence Barebone."
Nodding slowly, he lowered his head and lips closer to yours, you closed your eyes, feeling his forehead, eye lashes, and breath meet yours while you waited for the lips. His fingers tracing your check, wiping the tears as you two inches closer, though they never met.
A crashing noise was heard and as quickly as you two had moved on the dance floor, you pushed him behind you. "Stay behind me Credence. Duck when I say. Got it?" The boy nodded as you pulled your wand out again, waiting to hear the first spell being fired.
"Stupify!" You exclaimed, stunning a wizard before looking behind you to make sure Credence was in the clear, "Expellimous!" Back and forth you fired every stunning spell you could think of while credence watched in awe and panic. He was the one, in fact, who'd heart the Cruciatus curse being flown your way and with all of his reading, all he knew was it was bad news. You on the other hand didn't hear it and as it hit you, you let out a single scream and fell to the ground, collapsed in whimpering pain. It was instantly that Credence picked up your wand while he tried to think back to all the things you had said about spells, but all he could think about was his mother and the "lessons" that she taught him.
"Credence!" The whip came, "Now what have I told you about hanging about that girl! She's bad news."
"Credence! What have I told about reading those books of yours?"
" Credence! Merlin! Your poor hand... Would you like me to heal it for you?Alright now this first one may hurt a bit... Episkey! Sorry... didn't hurt too bad did it? Alright hold on... Ferula. They aren't too tight are they? No? Good! I could.. uh... teach you if you would like?"
"Hey... Lets do something to distract you eh... how about a little spell? Next time someone fires something at you, just yell Stupify to fight or merely Ablegatio..."
"Just start coming over at night. Alohmora will work with your fingers. Lumos will turn on lights around you."
"Need that book? Just think or say Acio and the title of the book and it should run to you."
"Expecto Patronum. A Positive thought is all it takes. Even a powerful one."
"Hey it's okay... she's just feisty. I really ought to get you a wand of your own someday soon. Then you won't have to deal with this stupid girl."
"Oh Credence.. Don't cry. It will all be alright. I am beside you.... What? No... I won't ever leave... I promise. It's all going to be okay."
"That smile on your face is handsome... It makes me happy to see you wear it. Truly"
"I'm just so happy Credence. You make me so happy."
The sad and dark memories were all replaced by joyful ones of your smile and he remembered everything not only he'd red but everything you'd try and teach.
"Confidently, Credence." Your voice echoed in his head, "You are strong. You are magical. You are a miracle. Let them know it."
Alright Y/N... And Y/N's wand... If you say so... Please work...
"Confundus!" He hollered at the people around him, surprised when your wand responded positively, "Protego! Stupefy!" Spell after spell, Credence and the "good guys" were able to get out of the bar. Carrying bridal style though he had no clue where to take you.
He didn't know where your home was or he'd take you there, the only place he could think of was his old home, but he'd have to use magic to fix it up... and the whole place brought bad memor- No... No you are much more important. "Repairo." He muttered, the building responding instantly as the wood rebuilt itself under his command. Steadily but slowly, he made his way into his old home, careful not to look at anything, only to rush to the nearest bedroom and put you onto the bed.
Though your squirming as though in pain, though several hours after you had been hit, Credence held your hand, rubbing your knuckles every once in a while, wishing he knew where Ms. Goldstein lived so she could help because he had no clue what to do, only squeezed your hand and whimpered when you screamed and jumped about. It worked, usually you would just falling into a pit of whimpering. It caused him a lot of anxiety, enough that would usually make him turn but ever since you had came into his life and Ms. Goldstein had began helping him learn things he hadn’t even really been able to turn regardless of if he tried or not. He had found himself at a state of life, something he never got under this roof until now. 
Minutes turned to hours turned to days yet still, Credence sat by your side, telling you stories that he remembered being told as a kid, before Mary-Lou, and talking about his many joys, mostly of how much he cared for you and his happy memories of you.
“I wish you would wake up.” He sighed, feeling helpless, “I... I know it is selfish, but I miss you eyes.” He looked at you, hoping to see a change but nothing. “I-I am s-so scared.” Weeping, he picked you up, walking around aimlessly until he found directions to Kowalski’s bakery, knowing the chances of Queenie being there, only to run into Newt who ushered the two of you into his case, immediately working on you while making small talk to Credence.
“She will wake. Haven’t seen the Cruciartus curse ever go this bad. Probably first time, poor thing.” He sighed, handing the thin boy a cup, “Where did you meet her?”
Credence shrugged, “I-Sh-She found me. I.. I like to think that anyway.” Blushing at the thought as his friend looked at him with a bright smile, “I uh.. I don’t know. It was a few m-months after the tunnel. ”
“She is lucky to have you.” Newt smiled at his friend, making brief eye contact before getting back on the girl.
No. He thought. No I am lucky to have her.
Small talk began (Credence responding to questions about the Goldsteins and such, only after requesting Credence stay the night in the case so he could watch after both of them and take them to the Goldsteins, which he was heading there himself having just finished his book. He had offered to buy the two of you copies in the morning, not expecting anyone but the sisters) and Newt quickly began talking about his newest creatures since seeing the boy last as he grabbed the girls had, abandoning his glass.
It was easy for him to drift off into sleep.
“And you see even if they are naturally such a bright they are truly, very much, brilliant camaf-” Newt’s voice cut off noticing the youngsters boy hung low, gripping the hand of the girl snoring softly beside him.
Grabbing a blanket off the shelf he draped it over the boy, he smally smiled to himself, “They will be fine. No....
“They will be perfect.”
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look i dont want to gatekeep the definition of "obscure kin" but i just saw someone say fe3h is an obscure source and honestly.... i have to laff.......
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ratsalad · 2 years
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everymlmhybrid · 3 years
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Why is it all gay/trans 💔
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timefirewrites · 5 years
First paragraph tag
@donovyn--nox tagged me for this one as well!
Edit: @pen-of-roses also tagged me for this!
Here’s the very first paragraph of Of Gods and Heroes! (This was the first thing I’ve written in A Long time and it’s the very first draft on top of it)
This is the story of how I died. No, that’s overdone. This is the story of how I saved the world. No, that already reveals how this is going to end. What did everyone tell me again? A good story starts with something that’s routine for the protagonist, only to rip them out of it shortly after? I guess in that case I’m going to start with the day everything changed forever. Is that obscrue enough? Well, it has to do now, coming up with a beginning is hard enough and I finally want to talk about the more interesting parts.
I’m tagging @marewriteblr @quilloftheclouds @dogwrites @pens-swords-stuff @touchingmadness @siarven (again, no obligation)
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weirdzootopiaframes · 5 years
Can i get a birthday frame? 1/11/1996, I hope its blurry!
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i hope this partially-obscrued jaguar is to your liking!
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wspsimsme-blog · 5 years
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Meet Skylar, she’s ow available for download.  She comes with base game clothing but all genetics, including hair will have links provided.
download here:
CC available below
eyeliner:  https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-eyeliner/title/norah-eyeliner-%2Blashes-n81/id/1405561/
hairline:  https://qwertysims.tumblr.com/post/175734908719/pixelore-organic-hairline-recolor-fix-by
eyes:  http://sims4updates.net/eyes-2/charlottes-sharp-eyes-at-nessa-sims/
eyeshadow:  https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-eyeshadow/title/frs-eyeshadow-n08/id/1441492/
skintone:  https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-skintones/title/lornas-skin/id/1436679/
baby hair:  https://candycanesugary.tumblr.com/post/151813227370/baby-hair-eve-20-i-wasnt-happy-with-the-1st
obscrue lips n5:  https://obscurus-sims.tumblr.com/post/165108878648/nosemask-n4-24-colors-teen-males-and
Hair:  https://www.simsdom.com/en/download/the-sims4/item/nadine-hair-without-bow-111792
nose mask:  https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-skindetails/title/nose-mask-01-v2/id/1398358/
lipstick:  https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-lipstick/title/lipstick--dior-lip-maximizer/id/1411033/ obscure lips n12  https://o--b-s-c-u-r-u--s.tumblr.com/post/178280218212/ddarkstonee-lips-n12-hq-compatible-32
lipstick:  http://sims4downloads.net/simpliciaty-colour-pop-ultra-metallic-lip/ lipstick:  https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-lipstick/title/%5B-petals-v2-%5D--natural-lip-colour-w-teeth-mf/id/1302753/
Sliders Used: breast sider:  http://modthesims.info/d/613226/breast-separation-slider-version-2-7-30-2019.html enhanced leg slider:  http://modthesims.info/d/614161/enhanced-leg-sliders.html breast and booty slider:  (Patreon but free)  https://www.patreon.com/posts/sims-4-booty-re-15231898   http://www.mediafire.com/file/sk3awr5j51zpa4n/B.C_Female_ButtBreastThigh%2526HipSliders.zip/file
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