#obviously being in a polycule and “dating” are not the same in his head but they're related
GhostGaz Week - 2nd chances // road trip
This one is more of a dialogue based character study than anything else, I think. I felt unhinged writing it even though very little happens.
CW: use of cigarettes, littering, discussions of gender and sexuality, past dating experiences, brief reference to simon riley's terrible awful service experiences
Gaz doesn’t hate land transport, but he’d much rather be on a helicopter than in this silent car with Ghost right now. He’s viciously bored. If it was Price, he’d know how to carry a conversation. But fresh off his third milk run with Ghost, he’s floundering. He checks the clock and groans. There’s another hour before they hit the tarmac and head home.
Desperation for something to talk about makes him blurt, “You ever been in love?”
Ghost doesn’t give much indication that he’s heard, eyes never leaving the road, hand relaxed on the top of the steering wheel. Sometimes Gaz wishes he was a photographer. The Ghost in the driver’s seat would make a great campaign poster. He’s bulky with all his gear. Solid. The picture of a man. This is the guy protecting the innocent by risking himself. A skull faced badass.
“Take the wheel,” Ghost says.
Used to the routine by now, Gaz leans over the arm rest to hold the car steady while Ghost pulls pulls a cigarette from a pack and lights it. But where he usually only lifts his balaclava over the bridge of his nose, he reaches up to take the whole thing off. It’s the work of a moment for him to light the cigarette and open the window. Gaz finds himself looking between the empty road and Ghost’s scarred jaw and the shape of his nose.
“Yeah,” Gaz says, settling back into his seat. He tries not to stare, but it’s hard. Without the mask, Ghost is still the picture of a man. Just... different.
“Why’d you ask?”
Ghost tilts his head to make brief eye contact, then looks back at the road. “Why’d you ask if I’ve ever been in love?”
Oh. “Just… curious, I guess,” Gaz flounders. “I feel like we should know each other better by now.”
The silence is near painful as Ghost takes a drag from his cigarette, and then another. Gaz can’t decide what’s worse - if he’s being ignored or if Ghost is actively offended. He’s about to apologize when he gets an answer.
“Been in love a few times. Puppy love 'fore I joined up, told myself I woulda proposed to ‘er if things were different, but probably not. Was all over the place.” He takes another drag, exhales as he talks. “Had a crush on another private in basic, gave it a go when we graduated. Dated in secret for about a year before I broke things off. Hurt a bit but tha’s a part of it all, yeah?”
“Why’d you break up?”
“Didn’t like being his secret,” Ghost says around another puff of smoke. “He didn’t like my daddy issues.”
Gaz feels his eyebrows crawl up beneath is cap. “Didn’t know you liked men.”
That makes Ghost - Simon? - laugh. “Yeah, well, now we know each other better, I guess.”
Gaz's ears burn a bit. Into the silence, he offers, “Me too. I mean… I’m… not strictly heterosexual…?”
“You askin’ me?” the man snorts a laugh. “’ve seen your beauty serums, Gaz. I know you ain’t straight. Best egg in the carton.”
Gaz scrunches his nose, he can't help it. “What does that even mean?”
Ghost grins that grin. The one that makes Price shoot his whiskey. “You ever have dreams where you’re a girl?”
“What?” Gaz blanches. Five years ago, he’d have answered, doesn’t everybody? But he’s learned his lesson since then. “No.”
Ghost’s grin doesn’t falter. “I do.”
“Bullshit,” Gaz says, because what? What even is this conversation?
“Third love of my life made me go to therapy,” Ghost continues, like he didn’t just rock Gaz’s world on its axis. “Learned a lot. Admittedly before the Ghost thing. Broke up because the therapy was working. And then all the Ghost shit happened.”
“Of course.” What else is there to say?
“Flirted with someone a couple times in the last six months, but either I’ve been too subtle or they’re not interested.”
Gaz gropes around for an appropriate response because I've only ever seen you stare silently at people feels a bit rude. “Maybe it’s the mask? You’re hard to read.”
“Maybe so,” is the answer he gets. “What about you? Ever been in love, Garrick?”
The question shouldn’t startle him, but it does. He stumbles over his answer. “I dunno. Maybe. Had crushes when I was kid. Dated in sixth form, but I don’t know if that counts.”
“Why not?”
“Well, I was a kid, yeah? Everything feels intense when you’re young,” Gaz shrugs. “Doesn’t mean it’s love.”
Ghost is quiet for a moment, nodding to himself. Finally he says, “M’ therapist says that just because it’s a kid that feels it don't make the feelings less valid. If anything, feelings are more intense for kids. Puppy love is still love.”
The realization that Ghost is a romantic snaps into place. He sits with that for a beat before saying, “Well, she cheated on me with my mate, so that ended. Took a long time for me to get over that one.”
“That’s shite,” Ghost mumbles. “You datin’ now?”
“Not much time for a civilian relationship,” Gaz admits with a shrug. “And I’m not… out on base. I’m not not, just… I don’t really care to have people in my business.”
“Fair,” Ghost answers. He flicks his cigarette out the window. “Well, if you ever do think about dating on base, keep me in mind.”
Gaz might pull something in his neck, he snaps to look at Ghost so fast. “Huh?”
Ghost just laughs.
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detectivebambam · 1 month
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@zerokrox-blog this got out of hand btw
How Keverejeandreil Got Together
obviously we start with Andreil. they've been together the longest. no surprise there, so that's step one
let's head over to USC. Jean and Jeremy are talking about Kevin and are a little tipsy and they end up kissing. PAUSE ✋
back to Palmetto. Andrew and Kevin are Juniors now, Neil is a Sophomore. around second semester Kevin is so damn exhausted that he falls asleep on Andrew. now they've been known to snuggle, but they definitely don't do that. Andrew realizes that his feelings for Kevin from his Freshman year never actually went away. the next day, he talks to Neil about it. Neil goes "if I was to date anyone else, it'd probably be Kevin or Jean". Andrew is like wait hold up, Jean is hot asf. so they talk about Jean and Kevin and how they want to dick them down etc. etc. FAST FORWARD.
now it's Kevin, Jean, and Andrew's Senior year. Jeremy is away on a pro team, and while they technically never started dating after the kiss (or even talked about it), Jean is still lonely. that's his partner, and while he's healed more since the beginning, he's still on edge. so Andrew, Neil, and Kevin fly Jean over to Palmetto for winter break. and, well.... stuff happens. Neil gets to watch Andrew put his mouth to work on someone else and realizes he quite likes it. Neil makes out with Kevin and Jean but doesn't go any further with them. Jean goes home.
and realizes that Jeremy wanted to surprise him and come back for winter break. whoops. Jeremy smiles and says he's glad Jean is making friends (Jean didn't tell him what they got up to), and he has to go back to the Pro team now. he says Jean don't worry I had a great time with my friends here, it's okay. but Jean is like no I'm gonna miss you, kisses him again, they fuck. back to Palmetto.
Kevi joins Andreil. now we have Kandreil. second step complete. Kevin gets a text from both Jeremy and Jean saying they have feelings for the other man. he makes a group chat, sends the screenshots of the messages, and leaves the group chat.
Jerejean get together. 3rd step complete.
Andrew is very gay and very horny. caves at the sight of a single ab. Kevin is emotional, just came to terms with being bi, allowing himself to be attracted to men, and realizes the same thing Andrew did. all four of these men are hot as fuck. (Jean and Jereny came to the realization a long time ago. Andrew was Jeremy's first Exy crush)
and they're all on the same Olympic team (2010). and they're all rooming together. so. they start with truth or dare. then it escalates to spin the bottle. and then escalates from there. by the time they leave the Olympics, they have a group chat jokingly (?) named "The Polycule"
they're not on the same Pro teams, so yk, it's hard. they all visit Neil during his college breaks, but for the most part they're across the country from each other.
until 2012. Neil immediately signed to Andrew's team when he graduated, Jean is on Jeremy's team, Kevin is alone and feels bad. he doesn't want to transfer just for dick though. Andrew and Neil love Colorado. Jean and Jeremy realize the pro team they're on is incredibly homophobic and can't deal with it anymore. they go "fuck you, you lost your two best players" and transfer to Kevin's team. they live with Kevin because it's easier that way. Kevin has fucked them both of course, but he's not dating them in the same way he's dating Andreil. so he calls them and he's like "babes, would it be cheating if I dated these two during the season, and dated you two in the off season?"
Andrew and Neil are confused but down, so Kevin dates Jerejean in season and Andreil out of season. step 4 ✔️
2014 Olympics time. they're all 110% chill with sharing Kevin, and things are great. they fuck again, but then Jean and Andrew are like.... making out. and not because they're horny either. so they all decide they can be long distance boyfriends. step 5 complete, Keverejeandreil Polycule complete
but long distance is frustrating
the Utah Pro team puts a bomb ass trade offer for Kevin, Jeremy, and Jean (it's fiction i can do what I want). and because Neil and Andrew's house is right on the border of Utah and Colorado, they all move in together.
Keverejeandreil 💕
sorry this got so long
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salemcantupdate · 9 months
So this is my updated shipping and favorites perspective, given my prior one I no longer agree with.
First things first, I believe in big polycule ship, everyone is together and dating. (Sobs in that’s not the case).
But! My favorite ships that isn’t just massive polycule (preface I am a multishipper):
Gale and Astarion, aka, Bloodweave. Listen, it’s all big now, we all know about it. Opposites but the same, walking the same path, they can make each other so much worse or so much better. Hubris vs self preservation, both essentially having the possibility to become a god. Both have been beaten down and belittled by beings far more powerful than them, one knowing the abuse and the other not. Also the manipulative hatefuck to love would be incredible.
Lae’zel and Shadowheart, aka Silverheart. Classic enemies to rivals to lovers. Both have been mislead and brainwashed by evil female goddesses that demanded total obedience, that both people completely dedicated themselves to until they realized everything they knew was a lie. Whats more romantic than fighting and getting bloody and then fighting over who tops?
Wyll and Karlach, (I don’t know their ship name, may I suggest Devilbound?) is one that I’m still kinda iffy about honestly. I’m not sure if I can see them as explicitly dating, but I can see them being best buddies who fuck sometimes. I can see them making a deal like “If neither of us are married in a decade let’s just marry each other.” Like they aren’t actively in love or awed by each other but there is deep respect and they would fight and die for each other. And I also headcanon that if you romance Karlach and then go to Avernus with her, Wyll HAS to join and it’s gone be a weird little polycule thing I don’t CARE.
So, another thing. I really really like a threesome of Karlach, Lae’zel, and Shadowheart. The Ladies. But like, Lae’zel and Shadowheart both immediately love Karlach. Lae’zel being like “You WILL respect her” and Shadowheart like “She could carry me to safety.” Are they not blatantly simping??? Like I think they would hatefuck and then stare at Karlach and be like “We need her too.” Two scary women and then the golden retriever girlfriend.
Wyll and Astarion isn’t one that really calls to me, though I get the appeal. Monster and monster hunter, Wyll being the hero that Astarion always dreamed of saving him so long ago. So on and so forth. I just prefer a Redeemed Durge playing that role for Astarion?? But I definitely get the appeal.
Wyll and Gale, I haven’t seen anything for. I don’t know if anyone ships them. But listen, these two would try and one up each other in wowing and wooing the other, Gale with the weave and Wyll with the stories of old. Imagine Wyll trying to get old and out-of-shape Gale to dance in his physical body. They are both 100% into worshipping their partner, so them worshipping each other would just be so cute to me.
Now, this one really surprised me. But I really like Karlach and Astarion??? Like, cause, OK. If you romance Astarion as Karlach, you can’t actually have sex with him in his first romance scene cause it’ll burn him. This causes Astarion to panic, immediately forced him out of his comfort zone, and also ensures a route in which you never have to have sex with Astarion??? Which I know I wish I could do in a normal route! So lowkey adore those two. Also, they’re literally black cat and golden retriever??? Someone who literally went through Hell and lost all bodily autonomy for so long but still laughs and smiles and has so much hope compared to someone who was beaten to hopelessness. It’s cute! But I also ship this in specifically the asexual way. They kiss and cuddle and bump heads and are adorable, but I can’t really see them having sex. That’s just me though haha.
Durge and Gortash obviously fucked and were so in love with each other in such a horrible twisted way. If Gortash ordered it, Durge would stay their hand. Durge prayed for forgiveness, begged for it, promised, swore, vowed that he would still kill everyone, kill all. But he was in love, he was obsessed, and Gortash may have been able to pull Durge from Bhaal’s grasp, only for Gortash himself to fall to the depths of depravity. I need more fucked up fics for these, with all the gore dirt and blood. I want it to be like the movie Hellraiser.
Durge and Astarion is by far my favorite for “canon” routes. It’s just, Astarion doesn’t feel like he’s a damsel in distress being saved, he doesn’t want that. He wants to be your equal, he wants to help you, and as Durge you are able to save each other from the hunger, from the urge, from the “monster”, from the Father. Both were created to be a tool, to be used, for a singular purpose to serve. And both break free, and then have the choice. Shall they become what they were made to be? What they are destined to be? Or take a shit on destiny and be truly happy?
Now for bear-daddy Halsin. He’s more difficult, as his story isn’t fully explored in the plot of the game and he was mostly added as a proper companion because he was so popular. Which I’m extremely happy about cause I fucking love him. But! Due to this, it’s hard for me to ship him with anyone. I’ve seen some people argue for Kagha or Rath, but I personally disagree. I do like Astarion and him, or a poly with him, Astarion, and Redeemed Durge. Fighting the “beast within” and all that, Halsin in the more metaphorical sense. BUT, let me offer something up as an idea, a concept if you will. Gale and Halsin. NOW, now, let me explain. This isn’t JUST them being my two favorite romance options and me being sad I can’t be with them both. But! Both were young men suddenly thrust upon with a massive amount of responsibility and faith put in them; Halsin becoming a commander and archdruid as an apprentice during the war against Ketheric, Gale with being chosen by Mystra, taught by her, and then becoming her romantic partner. A literal goddess. And I’m one of the people who headcanon that their interactions started when Gale was a teenager. Gale both believes he is the best and deserves to die, Halsin has never once believed in his ability to lead. Also Halsin explicitly notes he will miss the library at the grove, and GUESS WHAT GALE HAS? A library. But like, imagine Gale making a magic teleportation circle thing that goes from his tower to the middle of the forest with a little cabin that Halsin lives in and they can easily travel and visit each other and fbskfhwkfjw. Also, both of them having weird sex scenes (that I absolutely adore). Gale with astral projection and Halsin with bear. I bet Gale is one of the few companions who’d be like “Oh you’re a bear? Chill, not the weirdest sexual experience I’ve had.” Halsin would also smile and nod along and sip tea and Gale goes on his long long rant and then— gah it could be so cute. Cottagecore meets academia. I’m gonna call their ship name CottageAcademia. I will take criticism on that name. I’m dumb.
Speaking of, if I failed to mention, Halsin and Gale are my absolute favorite romance options. Gale makes me giddy every single play through and I break my heart every time I have to say no to him for a different romance (like Astarion). He’s just… I find him so charming and cute and I love him and I GAJDHAKSHQK.
Anyways, npc involved ships. (Also I can’t say anything about Minthara cause I literally don’t know her, never played evil route)
Karlach and Dammon is cute, but, eh? I don’t get much from it personally. I think Karlach and Alfira would be cuter.
A fucked up ship that I like is Astarion and Raphael. It… yes, I know, it’s terrible, it’s abusive. But it’s juicy, it’s delicious, the best of the poisoned apples. There’s a fic on AO3 that’s just fantastic even though it’s only got two chapters so far, it’s called Palmarosa by thespectaclesofthor
… The Emperor and Gale. LISTEEENNN, it’s just, Gale is the only one ok with mindflayer Tav. And like, Emperor is smart. It’d be funny. Come on.
Another fun fucked up ship that I haven’t seen much of, Minthara and Orin the Red. It’s bad, it’s terrible, it’s so fucked up, but I like it.
Barcus and Wulbren, no, I don’t think it’s healthy. But Barcus clearly loves Wulbren so damned much and I just want the poor stupid gnome to be happy godsdammit all.
Apikusis and Kagha. So, I don’t know if anyone else has spoken to the Druid Apikusis, but she is one of the few druids who is desperately against the rite. And when I spoke to her after, she said she saw the old Kagha in the woman, was desperate that what she saw was true. What if they were girlfriends? Then Kagha fell to the shadow druids, and now that they’re back they can fall back into love? I just see so much possibility in them!
Olly and Rugan got down and dirty after barely surviving the gnolls and I’ll put money on that.
Omeluum and Blurg, they just seem like science husbands. They’re married and I refuse to take criticism on this.
That’s all I can really think of, but for characters I’m just absolutely obsessed with: He Who Was and Abdirak are my favorite npc’s. Gale and Halsin are my favorite companions.
Now, my personal opinion on class/race Tav/Durge romance for each character.
Shadowheart: Selune Cleric for obvious reasons, race I don’t think super matters. But I do like Durge, connect on amnesia. Just figure out how cleric and a Durge works haha.
Lae’zel: Githyanki who defected from the gith and has been living peacefully in hiding until recently (so a class that gives peaceful options) Tav
Astarion: Redeemed Durge, any race any class. I’m personally doing a Drow Spore Druid. But a paladin or cleric could also be super cute.
Gale: Wild Sorcerer / Bard, and I personally prefer gnome? But any race is still fine. Also Tav or Durge work fine to me, he’s gonna be a big simp. Though, I do personally like the idea of you becoming the mindflayer in this route. He would use magic to disguise you and it’d be cute
Wyll: Tiefling Bard… I know it’s the first that’s so specific but come on. He becomes a devil, he loves stories of old, y’all dance together. I think it’s cute. I also prefer Tav here, I just can’t see a circumstance where he looks past the murder of Alfira to romance a Durge.
Karlach: Honestly she’s the one I’m least sure over, other than I like being smaller for her. I also like the idea of a paladin / bard for her?
Halsin: Literally anyone and anything as long as you’re down to fuck a bear.
These are all just my own opinion, added it cause I know sometimes I wanna see what other people think is the best “romance route” for a character.
But that’s the closing! These perspectives might change again, but for now this is my thoughts on everything shipping and romance related (that isn’t explicitly canon).
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taps on ur shoulder any mh thoughts or hcs spinning around in your head rn
Honestly, I love thinking about trans Alex Kralie so much, usually transfemme Alex because, like, look at that guy, especially in that one video where he was with Amy, "he" was She in that video I believe it with my whole soul.
But like, just thinking about Alex being closeted transfemme and in a big ol' polycule where she's the hinge partner between Amy and Jay, Tim and Brian (so Amy is Tim, Brian and Jay's metamour) like, just thinking about Alex coming out to Amy first, not because she thinks the boys wouldn't be accepting, or even that she thinks Amy would be more accepting than they would, just because to come out to any of the boys she'd then feel obligated to come out to all of them at the same time, she wouldn't want to tell one of them before the others, so she'd have to tell them all at once and that feels too big. So she just comes out to Amy first.
And that goes super well, and it's so much less scary than she thought it'd be. So she comes out to Amy and Amy starts offering to take her clothes shopping, or buy stuff for her if she doesn't feel comfy enough to buy her own stuff. She teaches Alex how to do her make up (and they definitely do that think like that one photo, with Amy sitting in Alex's lap to do her lipgloss for her and Alex has a huge sapphic crisis over it and gay panics for half an hour because holy shit her girlfriend is so fucking gorgeous and she's sitting on her and her face is so close to Alex's, and she's doing her lipgloss for her and oh my god Alex needs to kiss her and mess up that lipgloss immediately)
So it goes like that for a few months, with only Amy knowing, and Alex is slowly getting more and more comfy in herself. She knows how to do her own eyeliner and mascara, she knows how to use foundation and contour now, and she pretty much never leaves the house without nail polish any more because it just makes her feel so pretty, and if anyone asks she can say she's "just a guy who's not scared to wear nail polish, fuck off alright?"
But obviously, eventually she feels kinda ready to tell her other partners. Amy offers to go with her, and Alex agrees immediately because god she's so nervous, even though she knows it'll all go absolutely fine. Like, Tim is trans himself, of course it'll go fine, literally how could it not, Alex already knows all her boyfriends are totally fine with dating someone who's trans. But that obviously doesn't stop the nerves. So Amy picks her up a bit early and takes her out for a little cafe date to try and help her calm her nerves: "A coffee date without the coffee because it'll just make you even more nervous and jittery. You're getting hot chocolate and that's final."
So they have their little no coffee coffee date and head on to go meet up with the others, and Alex is so nervous, like, knee bouncing, fingers tapping, picking at the skin around her nails so that she doesn't pick off the nail polish that she put on the night before. And Amy just leans over and kisses her once they're parked up outside Brian and Tim's apartment, which is where they all agreed to meet because it's the biggest of everyone's places.
Amy and Alex knock on the door and Alex is panicking over the outfit she chose to wear, even though it's her favourite outfit and Amy constantly reminds her how utterly gorgeous and pretty and so hot she is in it (and out of it). Jay's the one who answers the door and he just kinda stares at Alex for a moment like, cartoon heart eyes floating off the ground drooling at the sight of a beautiful woman, because he's a total fucking loser and gorgeous women are his weakness (gorgeous men too, but right now all he can think is "holy fuck Alex is wearing a skirt and lipstick. I MUST KISS.")
So like, they get into the apartment and the whole conversations goes absolutely fine, just like Alex knew it would, and Amy had promised it would. And the day just ends with the whole polycule (missing Sarah, because I fully believe she's in this polycule too, except she's only dating Amy and Jessica, and not Alex or any of the boys so she wasn't massively needed for this conversation) the whole polycule all cuddled up on and in front of the couch, with Alex in the middle getting just absolutely doted on because they all saw how much she was shaking and how anxious she was and just NEED to show her how loved she is. Like, everyone seems to need to have at least some part of themself touching her at all times, whether it's fingers laced between hers, their head on her shoulder, a hand on her thigh fiddling with the hem of her skirt, whatever.
And she just feels so happy. Like, she's pretty sure she's never been more in love and she can't WAIT to start wearing make up and more feminine clothes in front of her boyfriend's because she KNOWS that they'll all just trip over themselves to do what she wants. Because they already did that anyway, and she knows from their initial reactions to seeing her all dolled up that that'll just get worse as time goes on :]
As in, if she wants kisses, she will have all three of her boyfriend's waiting in line because she's wearing lipstick and they're obsessed with getting lipstick marks on their cheeks and necks and stuff. Bonus points if it's black lipstick she's wearing, Jay goes nuts over it. Amy says she looks prettiest in dark red lipstick, and absolutely takes any excuse to climb on top of her to apply it herself before they make out just so she can see it all smeared and messed up afterwards. Amy is very gay for her girlfriend who could 100% flip them over at any second but just Doesn't because she likes looking up at Amy and seeing her smile :]
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chocobothis · 1 year
Ships ask- 1, 21, 27, 34, and 44, with the ship of your choice, if you could please?
I am always on some shit so you've got three ships! I've also realized I still answer questions by restating the questions sometimes so that's an old academic habit still hanging on.
The Ships
Claire Redfield x Nico Bright (Brightfield) from Resident Evil
Pre Vizsla x Solus Ve'tra (PreSolus) from Star Wars
Libertus Ostium x Feronia "Fe" Cataegis (Liberfe) from Final Fantasy XV
1. Describe their first date.
Brightfield: It was really cute and at an arcade bar. Claire’s obviously been on many dates but Nico really hasn’t. Yes, she had a relationship with Javi in high school that looked traditional romantic but was queer-platonic instead. This is her first big Official Romantic Date. It doesn’t matter that she knows Claire because this is Different. So, the location is somewhere they can keep moving around but also provides time to talk. Yes, Nico wins Claire a stuffed animal because she’s a gentleman like that. Yes, Claire helped Nico, age 19, get a very real Fake ID (one of many) so she could buy drinks on her own.
PreSolus: They actually don’t have a first date as much as they had a many, many things happen. It was also a little bit
What happened was they met because Solus was his temporary bodyguard during a mission to figure out why Death Watch attacked a Republic Cruiser. There was a hypothetical one night stand because everyone was still buying each other's covers. He’s a reformed Governor of Concordia, she’s a devout Jedi Padawan, and this fantastic, highly compatible hooking up is happening once. Then they had a wonderful fight near the mines on Concordia where they very much tried to kill each other (and came away with trophies). He sent assassins to Coruscant after Satine, she sent back a single living one and killed the rest, and also taunted him through the comm borrowed from a dead assassin. Then she tosses away her status as a Padawan and citizen of the Republic, fucks over some Jedi information networks on Nar Shadaa, and then joins Death Watch because being a True Mandalorian got her fucked over during the Civil War.
LiberFe: In terms of first dates, it was overall pretty standard. They got dinner at a Galahdian place then went to some little glorified art house theater to see a movie. The only reason for the movie was it was in Galahdian and they love hearing their native tongue. Afterward, there was probably drinks because Nyx is demanding they meet up. They’ve already known each other a while but both put out on the first date anyway. He has a small one bedroom apartment they end up crashing at.
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
Brightfield: They’ve both lived hard, even if rewarding, lives so the little domestic things are still magical to them. Grocery shopping, washing the cars, folding laundry, etc. together means so much because it means they’re both in the same space, at the same time, and healthy. Claire’s even learning to cook out of it because she can’t but Nico can. In return, Nico gets to watch Claire be the Sexy Mechanic while working on their motorcycles.
PreSolus: They honestly do, which feels like it's the opposite of how they carry themselves. He’s this badass Manda’lor, heads Death Watch, and is focused on reclaiming Mandalore. She’s a savvy politician, assassin, and otherwise swiss army knife of a Nite Owl. But, they both really enjoy the simple things and spending time with each other doing the little things. When they have their children (twins Tarre and Jila) they share the responsibility of caring for them, while carrying on their duties to Death Watch, and adore it. Honestly, one of Solus' biggest dreams has always been to be a mother. She wants that Domestic Life.
Liberfe: They really do but it becomes most readily apparent after the Dawn. They move back to Galahd with the other half of their polycule (Nyx and Lunafreya) to live wonderfully simple lives. Getting to take in all of the little things each day with partners tastes so much sweeter with returned sunlight. Hanging clothes out to line dry, walking through real forests, and even cooking is stunning now. They all work in Their Bar but Fe and Lunafreya still work part time as medics.
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
Brightfield: There’s tons and tons of little ways. Claire makes Nico a cup of coffee, checks her for injuries when she gets back from jobs, and takes care of her hair; her hair is 3A curls so there’s a Routine. While Nico helps Claire touch up the color to her roots, baked her brownies with extra walnuts and lets her have more of the edge pieces, and makes her wind down tea in her favorite mug. It’s taking each other to doctor’s appointments when injured or showing up with favorite foods for comfort. Sharing clothes so they’re always together in some way. Even listening to each other talk about their passions at length. Nico almost cried when Claire was eagerly listening to her talk about plants instead of getting bored.
PreSolus: She always makes sure she checks over his kom’rk, even if there’s other mechanics. It’s something she has to be sure of because she needs him back. He got her a strill to protect her and keep her company while he’s gone. She tends to his injuries both traditional ways and with her knowledge of Force Healing. He found two kyber crystals for her to forge her new lightsabers. Then it’s making cups of caf or soundboarding ideas or any number of little things that’s always “I love you” in subtle words.
Liberfe: Fe suffered a traumatic brain injury as a toddler (she nearly drowned) and it crops up in a couple of different ways; along with whatever her biological family had going on. One of the ways it shows up is selective mutism. He learned to sign for her and made sure their Final Home had an open concept so everyone could see each other and communicate with her. She also tends to decompress from sensory overloads by watching light projectors on the ceiling be it fish, galaxies, etc. He kept one at his apartment in Insomnia for her and they have a real fish tank in Galahd to supplement. She knows he loves cooking so she collects fresh herbs and spices for him. It's something she’s learned to handle for her folk medicines but still a part is reserved for him. She’ll also sort, prep, and label them for him. If he’s had a hard day she draws a bath that’s peak luxury with bath salts, candles, etc. so he can fully unwind. When he wants to think out loud she's always there to listen even if it may not seem like she's listening to an outsider.
34. Do they have any inside jokes?
Brightfield: They’re full of inside jokes that range from known to their friends group/polycule (it’s almost a circle) to just the two of them. Claire’s cooking mishaps or Nico’s plant excursions rank toward the top.
PreSolus: Yes. Solus doesn’t drop that she never got a first date. Nor will she ever let it go that his ancestor outsourced Darksaber to her through the Force because Clan and House Vizsla was such a Hot Mess. She’s a morosexual and he repeatedly reminds her of it.
Liberfe: They’re not really inside jokes as much as a lot of Insomnians just can’t understand them. Someone says something in Galahdian or she’ll sign something rude/funny/etc. that he playfully refuses to translate. Their group of friends know what’s happening though.
44. Do they cuddle often? Why or why not?
Brightfield: They cuddle all of the time. Claire’s very physically affectionate person and Nico spent one and half decades extraordinarily touch starved. It worked out so, so well that they love being clued to each other.
PreSolus: I do think they cuddle fairly frequently due to how friendly Mandalorians are with their own clans/groups/etc along with their personalities. Pre doesn’t strike me as someone who’s really dated beyond Bo-Katan (who gets folded into this relationship as their third) so having the chance to just hold someone romantically is nice. Meanwhile, Solus is an only child but spends large swaths of her time surrounded by others, be it fellow Mandalorians or her friends in the Order. She seeks out physical comfort. They also just don’t get to spend as much time together because their jobs pull them in separate ways.
Liberfe: Life is too short, especially for a Kingsglaive, to not spend a lot of time together. She’s perpetually chilly due to her Messenger of Shiva Status so cuddling her is a free cool down. It’s also really nice to drift off and wake up with each other in sight and arms length. That way everything is still real. Also, she just sleeps half on top of people so it was just gonna happen.
Ship Ask Game - The Basics
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klonoadreams · 2 years
I can imagine Raihan collecting them like pokemons, style:
This is my Piers, he is a dark type but don't worry, as long as you don't touch his kid/little sister everything will be fine, he likes music and being alone in dark places, so if you see him in an isolated corner don't bother him.
This is my Gordie, rock type, he shares territory with his mother, please don't touch his glasses or bother him, I don't know what will be the worst that can happen to you, that his mother grabs you or that Brie grabs you.
The one who tries to find the door from the patio is my Leon, he is the strongest but the sweetest, just like my Piers, do not touch his little brother, I am not responsible for what happens, if he is lost for a long time, do not worry Brie will bring him back.
And this here is my Brie, be careful she's a bit territorial, she can see in the dark so if you hear something at night it must be her playing with other pokemon, she's a fairy type but you have to be careful she's the most protective, both of adults as the smallest.
I don't know how it would be with Sonia, something like "this is Sonia, Leon's partner" and I even arrived.
Sonia got dragged into this polycule, kicking and screaming, and is disappointed in herself because she feels like her standards dropped.
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(source: X and Y Adventures, by Artist Black who has done Black Adventures and has otherwise shaped my entire being towards Pokemon humor and shenanigans since 2010, when Black and White had only just released in Japan - it's intended for mature audiences in a "references Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt" kind of way - you'll know it when you see it :V)
Anyways rip to Sonia. She had some semblance of "normalcy" when she and Nessa dated briefly, but it didn't last long since the two realized they were better off as friends (not to mention, Nessa's lingering mess of a rivalry/crush on Milo is VERY distracting lmaoo)
Raihan's Pokedex, except it's the Polydex, and it's just random snaps of his polycule doing cute stuff and/or wacky shenanigans.
Gordie posing in front of the mirror to check out how his new accessories go with his uniform. He is very stylish and cute. He is embarrassed about being caught tho lmao
Piers passing out on the couch, with Leon draping a blanket over him before promptly getting lost by going outside, down a straight path.
Leon brushing out the leaves and tangles in Brie's hair after she dragged his ass out of the woods he got lost in by straying from the path (which, may I mention, WAS A STRAIGHT LINE)
And then there's Piers and Brie trading uniforms, with Leon trying to do the same with Gordie, but Gordie refuses to let ANYONE near his clothes. He's a very picky boy.
And of course, you have the final pic that Raihan treasures dearly (and later updates to include Sonia), with him taking a selfie with the polycule while they sleep on a pile of pillows. It gives him the fuzzies when he looks at it.
(obviously, he's shared this photo with Gordie's mom, and she just so happy that her son is popular, even though they often bump heads because of ice and rock, but shhhh, don't tell Gordie)
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daxieoclock · 1 year
🥺🛒🎶💖🦅🤩🤲 and 🧠 for Haru!!! :D
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Uhhh okay so I'm such a fucking sucker for when a character's mask involuntarily slips, but I also fucking love when a character intentionally lets down that mask as a gesture of trust. fucking kills me every time. In Red Gaia, you've got when Vee drops her unaffected shtick around Tifa and starts being full and genuine with her. And in DV, you've got when Akechi surrenders their knife to Kasumi, and early on the scene where Ren drops the lies fully for Ann that just fucking kills me every time.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
@lilyhoshikawa hooked me on scar imagery, @mcpuliotjr hooked me on egg imagery, but. masks. masks are all me. i mean it's big inspired by persona 5 obviously but i think the initial piece of media that made me start obsessing with masks was Bleach. if you know you know.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Always. always always. I sometimes have to pause it to think through tricky parts but music helps me so so much. g-d bless character playlists, really.
song wise ive been listening to the hosiers and des rocs a lot, but Worried About Ray has been my repeat song for a few weeks. still hits so hard.
💖 What made you start writing?
Can't remember! I was like eight, and I was always obsessed with stories and storytelling and it felt natural to me to make my own stories
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Column A, column B? If it's a big fic I've already outlined at least a chunk of it in my head, and I often have to write down those details to keep from losing them. Even then, I often and up coming up with stuff midway through writing that I'd never considered, or making big changes on the suggestion of my beta readers (hi jane <3). with oneshots, it's full on pants. I get a basic idea and just sit down and flow thoughts and see what happens.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
G-d. how can I even pick. Uhhh. Ann Takamaki probably. G-d I love her and I love writing her. She's so angry and loves so fully and like ALWAYS has a strong opinion about everything and I love that about her. I also adore her friendship with Ren SO much aaa they're so good for each other.
Haru...I love her so so much but she's got like five million masks that it's sometimes hard to hit on what she's actually feeling at any time. I'm confident about how she'll react, I'm just not always sure what she's feeling.
Akechi's also really fun to write but I'm not nearly as good as Jane and Jae at writing them djfgbjb.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
I'll share a few actually. All from the same oneshot, which is fully first-drafted but i have no idea how to properly contextualize it without getting into my five million unposted headcanons about a Final Fantasy mobile game.
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Anyway it's fun to jam characters from different Final Fantasy games together cause sometimes I'm just like "yeah Y'shtola (XIV) would sleep with Kurasame (Type-0) to get over her angst towards Lightning (XIII) who is currently ghosting both her and her other lover, Prishe (XI)." Messy polycules of traumatized sapphics dating traumatized sapphics from other worlds. As you do.
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
Oh hey I can bust out a relatively new one for this. My friends know it, but I haven't posted it here yet.
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actualbird · 3 years
Polyam NXX where they all fuck the depressing thoughts out of Luke? Marius fucking his ass, Artem riding his dick, Rosa riding his face, and Vyn kissing and caressing him all over, all at the same time.
n/s//f///w text in response (and also in the ask itself kjdsbfj) and oh god again why is this response so long, it is 1k words
HHGRHRGRGHR ANON....this caters to so many things i love so much, 1) luke being fucked to the high heavens, 2) LUKE TERRIBLY DEPPRESSING THOUGHTS ON HIMSELF, 3) nxx investigation polycule <3!!!
i can sense that this ask wants me to focus on the smut aspect of this and i will get to that but first i wanna talk about like. man, luke, in his relationship with the other four, would have his self doubt and self loathing magnified fourfold than if he was just with one person, i think.
he'd think terrible things like how hes dragging so many people down, how hes a greedy person, letting his life touch so many people's lives and fill their lives with sadness and worry. the other four know that luke has thoughts like this, and they all do their part in reassuring and comforting him and being there for him when hes put himself in a dark place. and it helps. it really, really helps to have people who love you, even the sad parts. but relationships also dont "fix" a person, they cant just magically get rid of doubts and insecurities. nobody in the group is under the impression that love is going to "fix" the sadness luke has, but thats not going to stop them from loving him anyway. luke is grateful, luke pours his love out to them back times a hundred...
but deep in his heart, theres a cruel voice that sounds like his own telling him it's never going to be enough, what he gives. that nothing he will do will ever make up for the fact that he's him.
still, after a while of dating the others, after a while of being steadily encouraged little by little to reach out when he needs help and comfort, luke hazards a chance to ask one day. for the first time ever.
i can imagine the scene something like this:
the whole team managing to find a space in their busy schedules to meet up together outside of nxx business. theyre at mc's apartment maybe. artem is cooking dinner while marius commentates the cooking from where he's seated at the dining nook, "when onions hit the pan, the panties hit the FLOOR." and artem throws a dishtowel at marius' face fondly. softly, music plays from some speakers hooked up to somebody's tablet, some calm old song. vyn and mc are being horrendously romantic, idly dancing to the music and laughing when marius squawks at artem's dishtowel attack. and luke sits on the couch, looking at all of them, feeling such a burst of light from his heart. these are his partners, silly and loving and wonderful, and he wants to give them all the love he has in his heart.
but the thing about luke is that his happiness has always been annotated with doubt. in the footnotes of all his joys is the dark voice inside of him, the voice that sounds like his own, telling him he doesnt deserve this.
but he can see them though. he can see how brightly they all shine, how they always coax him to stand in the light. so after dinner has been eaten (it's delicious, obviously, artem wing homecook masterchef), after the movie they picked out has been watched (it was marius' turn to pick the movie and he picked something stupidly trashy yet raucously enjoyable to watch with others), after they start retiring to go bed together (GOD, im assuming they all get like, bigger beds sjkdbfkjd, marius is the wallet of this polycule, it's fine, he'll cover it), after all that, luke asks.
he asks for help. he trembles ever so slightly as he does it, looking away, and the rest of them can see that him doing this is something agonizing for him. that admitting that hes hurting and asking for comfort is something that seems to pain him, not because he doesnt like them and the love they give, but because he doesnt like himself, because he doesnt see himself as worthy to receive that love.
"i--i dont know what im asking for, actually," luke lets out a self deprecating laugh as he starts to backpedal back into the shadows, overwhelmed by how in this moment, theyre seeing him. theyre seeing the messy part of him he hates so, so much. "sorry, you know me. my head gets like this. sorry. i'll get over--"
hes stopped before he can continue that sentence. mc is the first one to hold his face gently, to coax him to look at her, and in her gaze isnt the disgust luke was expecting. it's something open and beautiful, and when luke looks at everybody else, the same thing is clear in their eyes.
they see this part of him he hates so much and they dont turn him away like he does with himself. they accept him and their kindness starts to wash over the shores of luke's heart.
i like to think they didnt actually plan to have hot group sex focused on fucking the depressing thoughts of luke pearce. it goes more like... mc kisses luke all gentle and sweet and then marius goes to hug luke from behind and he starts praising luke in a teasing way that makes luke laugh softly against mc's lips. when mc pulls away (and she pulls away with a smile), artem is the one who kisses luke next, passionate and devoted and vyn joins in on the "praise luke pearce" agenda, whispering sweet nothings to luke as luke starts to tremble once more, not in hatred or fear this time though, but in how overwhelmed he is. eventually the reassuring kisses and touches start to get a little bit heated because come on, luke is being held and touched by four beautiful people, it's hard to NOT get hard when that happens, and the rest are also easy to get worked up when theyre all together and close and intimate like this.
SO YEAH, they get to fucking!!!! very focused on luke because the other four reach this unspoken agreement to like, make luke feel so good that his mind can go blank tonight. that he can just let go and let them take care of him.
and take care of him they DOOOOOO. in between moaning against mc's cunt, shaking from sensations of fucking artem and being fucked marius, his body relentlessly touched by vyn, all his lovers taking pleasure from luke and giving pleasure back, luke loses himself. he lets go.
the voice in his mind does not quiet so much as be spoken over by the loving voices of his lovers.
his body submits to their actions. his mind fills with their words. and his heart?
he gives that to them to take care of.
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ash-the-drawer · 2 years
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So, since that post was probably my most popular, since I'm a pretty small blog, here we go! I also have a Hashira Polycule if people are interested in that.
Anyways, I'm not the best at diagrams, as you can see. Do I'll explain all down here.
Tanjiro x Inosuke: They're obviously boyfriends. They both are super close and their relationship is definitely Tanjiro being super affectionate and Inosuke being all "Ew affection! (Blushing)"
Tanjiro x Zenitsu: They're in a three way with Inosuke. The two of them are probably really romantic and like, give each other flowers everyday or smth. They are sort of the opposite of InoTan. Zenitsu usually thinks "my idiot bfs." On most days though.
Tanjiro x Kanao: Their relationship is basically the same to Canon. Just Tanjiro opening up Kanao and helping her show her true feelings and her real personality. Cute. They adopted Kabamaru.
Tanjiro x Genya: Its literally Sunshine + Asshole. No joke. And they're in a three-way with Muichiro so its like, Sunshine and two Assholes.
Tanjiro x Muichiro: They're really close, and Muichiro loves that Tanjiro made him able to remember his lost memories, even if Tanjiro didn't actually do it.
Tanjiro x Aoi: I forgot to put this one! Yeah they're a thing but probably less. Like I feel like Aoi is asexual anyway, so they're relationship is definitely romantic. I think they are just more subtle and stuff, and are more dating because like, "Oh, our bfs are so dumb."
Nezuko x Zenitsu: They're like, dating but in a way of a newly married couple. Like Tanjiro, the two are disgustingly romantic and cute. Zenitsu is always ,aking lovey-dovey faces at Nezuko.
Nezuko x Inosuke: Zenitsu, Nezuko, and Inosuke are all in a three-way, but like ,, Inosuke is VERY different. His idea of a date is going to catch some squirrels or smth. Yeah-
Nezuko x Kanao: They're in a 3-way with Aoi. The two of them are naturally quiet people, but they get along really well anyways. The two always go out on hikes and cute stuff like that!
Nezuko x Aoi: They like hanging out in the kitchen and doing cutesy baking date stuff. They probably have a lot of picnics and bake-offs, since Aoi is super competitive.
Zenitsu x Inosuke: They have a fiery relationship, but they both acre about each other a lot. They probably get into stupid fights about like, Inosuke not freezing over winter AND PUTTING ON A DAMN SHIRT.
Zenitsu x Genya: The two are both like, head over heels in love with Tanjiro, and then I think they sort of fell with each other, even though Genya still thinks Zenitsu is a dumbass.
Inosuke x Genya: They have an instense, hot relationship, and the two are probably both super competitive with each other. So yeah!
Inosuke x Aoi: They're probably exactly like Canon so. Yep!
Genya x Muichiro: They're also dating lol. Genya is probably really shy around him while Muichiro is like, oh hey, Genya, wassup. He's probably pretty clueless at first to how Genya feels.
Kanao x Aoi: They've probably been dating for a while. I imagine it's a childhood best friends to lovers sort of situation. They're super close and they love each other, move on.
And I think that's everyone! It's complicated, I know. If I accidentally forgot someone, sorry. Reblog and like if you want to hear about my hashira polycule!
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OKAY so last night i said something in tags about “ask me about my thoughts on atla post-canon polyamory” 99% because I had typed a bunch of shit in the tags and then accidentally CLOSED THE TAB thus losing said tags, so that was a bummer, BUT like 3 different people reached out wanting to hear about it so HERE GOES. (thanks to @taibhsearachd for rambling this out with me last night)
SO. this started bc we got somehow on the topic of how much we really disliked the whole Aang/Katara kiss at the end of the show.  Not because we’re against them kissing (Aang had to already have turned 13 by then, an innocent kiss is perfectly reasonable for a 13yo in my opinion), but because the placement of the kiss made it so... CENTRAL. We were talking about how we would’ve liked the kiss to have been earlier, preferably before the big finale, and then like... they still could’ve had a soft romantic moment on the balcony but it could’ve been like.  Hand holding or sitting together with Katara’s head on his shoulder.
And Birdie mentioned she’d always liked Zutara back in Ye Olde Tymes because the whole “Aang and Katara get together when they’re barely 13 and 15″ thing just seemed... really untenable if we’re going with endgame, AND it made a lot of sense to get Katara and Zuko together politically, especially since there’s nooooo princess up north anymore since she turned into the moon and all. But the resurgence of the fandom (thank you for once Netflix!) has opened our eyes to ZUKO AND SOKKA and that’s fuckin amazing but now we’re back to square one in re: Aang and Katara. But then I realized that we can fix all of this with a) allowing for healthy breakups of relationships that don’t work yet but might work when the people involved have grown/processed things, and b) extensive polyamory.
And so here’s my thought:
Aang and Katara break up for a while probably not long after the end of book 3.  They’re fucking kids, they’re traumatized kids no less, and they both have a lot of shit they need to deal with both personally and in the world that isn’t really conducive to “baby’s first serious relationship”.  They’re still friends, they view it as “well... let’s maybe try again in a few years if we’re both still interested”.  All their friends are aware of this and supportive and in the end it’s healthy for both of them bc their traumas and coping mechanisms didn’t always play nice with each other even BEFORE all the fallout from the finale and having to take on more responsibility in the world and such.
Zuko properly gets with Sokka and Suki during this time, though there’s no talk of like. Marriage or anything. Yes, Sokka’s politically got the same sort of appeal as Katara, but the thing about politically advantageous marriages at that level is there’s sort of the assumption that you’ll be, y’know, having heirs, so Sokka’s not really cut out for that and Suki flat out refused to be official Fire Lady or whatever.
So once Katara and Aang are older, like Aang’s 17 and Katara’s 19 and Zuko’s sitting over here at 21, and his advisors are all “ok but seriously Fire Lord Zuko, we really should look into at least a BETROTHAL of some sort” and he just sighs, and they’re bringing up all these Fire Nation ladies and he’s like “no it’s gotta be more diplomatic than that, she shouldn’t be Fire Nation” and so one of them’s like “well, uh, that water tribe lady you’re friends with, she’s set to be a pretty strong leader as she gets older, that would be a good way to do it.  Or that blind Earth Kingdom--” “NOT TOPH.” “ok but seriously, tho, think about it your majesty”
So Zuko’s torn because he really does like Katara, and she’d be an amazing Fire Lady in addition to being an amazing... whatever her title would be down in the Southern Water Tribe (I definitely picture her and Sokka basically being the leaders of the pan-tribal council - he handles military and adjacent stuff and she handles the rest).  But Katara’s with Aang again FINALLY not that they’ve made a big deal of it outside their friends.  BUT he knows that y’know... people can be with more than one person.  Hell, look at him and Sokka and Suki, right?
So he goes to talk to Aang like “I want to make sure I run this past you so she doesn’t have to try and do it, because I’m the one even bringing it up, and it’s obviously up to her, BUT here’s the sitch”.
And see, the thing about the Air Nomads is it really doesn’t make sense to me that they’d have the same kind of ideas about like.  Monogamy and parenthood and relationships as other nations, ‘cause like.... the kids are clearly raised communally.  Like, I vote ‘you probably know who your parents are but really all the adults are your parents, maybe you get an extra cake from them on your birthday but that’s about it’ for the most part. And y’know being with who you want to be with sort of thing. Sure you’ll have people you might be more committed to, but by and large the general consensus is “love who you love, whoever and however many people that is!”
So Zuko’s all prepared to angst for even ASKING if Aang would mind playing technical second fiddle in an heir-producing/marriage/inheritance/etc sense to HIM, ugh what if Aang hates him for even thinking it? and Aang’s just like “oh yeah that’s cool dude, if she’s down go for it! You wanna talk to her together? I don’t mind being there to reassure her it’s ok, and that you weren’t asking me permission to ask her so much as you were making sure it wouldn’t upset me if you did, and all that” and Zuko’s like “...what. I.  Ok sure?”
And Katara does like Zuko, she just y’know, also liked Aang and didn’t want to GIVE UP Aang, but Zuko’s like “it’ll be good for our people, and I’d never make you stay in the fire nation full time you have your own responsibilities and also you don’t have to stop being with Aang or even like hide it or anything, it’s not like people don’t know I’m with Sokka and stuff, it’s just, y’know, OFFICIAL HEIRS and stuff” and so she’s like “Oh!  Oh, yeah, that’s good, we can have a couple kids and stuff”
But ofc they end up a lot closer than “just a couple kids” but it’s sweet!  She has kids with Zuko and kids with Aang and really as long as one of them turns out a firebender (can the avatar have a kid of any bending type? NO ONE KNOWS but Zuko’s advisors are prepared to accept it at this point) so long as they end up with A VIABLE HEIR that Zuko will claim etc etc.
And of course Zuko and Sokka and Suki have a couple kids whose parentage is uncertain not that they really CARE, and Suki and Aang aren’t really into each other romantically but when they’re a bit older they discuss it and decide to have a kid just so they can have a shot at a potential airbender baby, because heck yeah rebuilding the airbenders, might as well get some extra genetics up in this ish.
And these kids are all largely raised together in this big pack of like 10 kids of varying ages who move between 2 or 3 different homes, and Zuko rules the Fire Nation and Sokka and Katara lead the southern water tribes, and Aang does his Avatar thing, and they all spend as much time together as possible with the kids and Suki and some of her girls from Kyoshi Island are the main people ALWAYS THERE for the kids.
And there’s at least one kind of each bender in the group (bc you can’t tell me it’s 100% you have to have a bending parent, considering neither Katara’s mother or father were benders, so one of Suki’s kids is DEFFO an earthbender) and they’re a chaotic bunch and sometimes the Gaang forgets which one of them provided the genetics for which kid but really it doesn’t matter bc they’re ALL the kids’s parents, and all the kids are ALL their kids, and it’s a big happy messy disaster of a polycule that the Fire Nation nobility and advisors despair over, but they can’t deny that it seems to be working out pretty well and that the Fire Lord is good at his job and pretty damn happy, so they don’t bitch too much about it.
...Also at some point Sokka and Toph discuss dating and end up sort of doing it for a while but then going back to being friends, but she does ABSOLUTELY get him to father one of her kids, which she then declares firmly she made out of a rock and bended to life, and most people are preeeeetty sure she’s full of shit but can’t fully discount the possibility and only the Gaang knows the truth.
so yeah that’s my avatar polyamory thoughts, it is not canon-compliant with legend of korra but who cares this is my imagination and headcanon and LoK doesn’t play into it at all. *nod*
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Fic idea that my brain barfed out that you can have because theres no way i feel like writing this out fully right now
-keefe and fitz fight over sophie
-shes like “seriously i dont want to choose, either you’re ok with me dating both of you or we dont date”
-and they’re like “thats an option????”
-and she explains polyamory
-and they’re like “this solves all our problems” (because in my head fitz is already over the whole matchmaking and society standardssituation)
-and in this au foxfire has annual dances so she dances pretty closely with both
-and everyones trying to figure out who shes dating
-and one day they’re chilling/playing bramble while waiting for sophie
-and fitz just blurts out “oh shit i think im in love with you”
-and keefes thinks it through then he’s like “shit bro 🥺 same”
-“but we’re two guys??? We better ask sophie about this”
-so she explains what being gay is and how since they were in a poly relationship it would 100% be ok if they dated
-she reassures them that they’re valid since theres no lgbt representation in the lost cities
-there is another dance and they keep on switching out and dancing full on, keefe being dramatic each time until sophie says something serious™️
-everyones double confused now but dont say anything
-bUT TAM KNOWS ALL ABOUT IT SINCE HES TRANS (that lead him to meet lots of queer people while banished) SO HE JUST SMIRKS AND MINDS HIS BUSINESS SIPPING HIS SLUSHBERRY JUICE BEING LIKE “just leave it alone”
-eventually someone builds up the courage and asks in front of the whole friendgroup (at a sleepover and the three start cuddling)
-a few who have thought about it (😏😏) but never knew it was a Thing was like “:0 u can do that???”
-keefe n fitz explain that that was their reaction too and that it was a human thing
-tam comes in and explains that its not???? That theres a hidden gay society??? Not sure about this part
-a friendgroup polycule/open relationship happens?????? (Obviously the siblings avoid eachother at all cost cuz yuck but other than that its basically a free for all)
-everyone lives happily ever after and no one is left out unless they want to be
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