#obviously he is a master of light and Garmadon is a master of darkness
akariarda · 5 months
Will you ever stop breaking my heart ,all over and over again...
Ep6 Misako has an unexpected guest, Garmadon thinks he has found a solution to end the rebels,in the lead with Lloyd.
"Rule with me, and Lloyd can be there if he listens."
When she heard those words, Misako lowered her head in disbelief and closed her eyes.
'Think,' she commanded herself.
'Don't let your emotions take over, maybe you can help Lloyd.'
"Misako?" Garmadon quietly asked and caught her chin, gently lifting her head so their eyes met.
They looked at each other for a few seconds, and then something sparked in Garmadon's eyes.
He lowered his head slightly and tried to kiss her, but she pushed him away with less desire than shehad wanted.
"I..." Garmadon started, moving away from her.
"I'm sorry." He almost started to apologize.
Obviously, he was embarrassed by that outpouring of weakness.
"You are a monster," Misako coldly stated.
"I am," Garmadon coldly acknowledged.
"Lloyd..."Misako sobbed.
Suddenly, she couldn't control her emotions. She worried too much about their son.
She hated herself for those moments of weakness.
"You will hurt him," she said desperately through tears.
"No!" Garmadon reflexively shouted.
"You know you will." Misako gave him a cold stare.
She wasn't crying anymore, but tears that had fallen continued to flow down her face.
"Go!" Garmadon suddenly yelled. "I want to be alone!"
"Where should I go?" Misako angrily shouted and showed him her tied hands.
"You forget that I am your prisoner?" She asked in a quiet but sharp and accusatory voice.
"No," Garmadon coldly and angrily said.
"I don't forget."
He then approached her, making her initially move back.
He grabbed her by the upper arm, not roughly to her surprise, and without a word, led her into a room.
"Rest a bit," he said coldly and turned to leave.
"Garmadon?" Misako stopped him.
"What is it?" He asked in a deep voice.
"Are you really ready to harm Lloyd?" Her voice was vulnerable.
Garmadon didn't answer her, just watched her.
"Thank yourself for being tied up," he said, gently wiping the tears from her face with his hand.
"If it were up to me, it would never be this way."
"Whatever," he began to say. "Maybe later I'll send someone to bring you a blanket."
"Better don't," Misako said with a cold and angry voice.
"Fine then," Garmadon indifferently shrugged.
"As you wish." Saying that, he left her alone, locked in the room.
"I have to admit, it's a good plan," Harumi noticed with surprise. "Even smart."
"Hey!" Ultra Violet objected. "Who are you..."
"You won't find anything in my memory," Pixal interrupted their argument.
"I don't know where Lloyd, Nya, and the Elemental Masters are."
"Doesn't matter," Ultra Violet said, plugging in a cable into Pixal. "It'll be fun."
"Let me go!" Pixal screamed as she slowly lost consciousness.
"This is not good," Misako said to herself, sitting in the corner of the room.
The room was mostly dark with small streams of light breaking through, she didn't know where from.
The room was also cold.
For a moment, she regretted not accepting the offer for a blanket, but then scolded herself.
"You have to stay strong," she motivated herself. "I hooe that Lloyd, Nya, and the others are safe."
"And Pixal," Misako yelled and suddenly stood up. "I hope she's okay."
She wanted it with all her might, even though the feeling inside her said otherwise.
She sat back in the corner of the room and tried to rest a little.
She couldn't stop thinking about Lloyd and Pixal, completely unaware of what Pixal was doing several floors below. When suddenly...
"What is that?" Misako asked.
"Who's there?" she asked softly and stood up quietly.
Maybe some animal.
"Misako?" a voice said, and she was left breathless.
A ghost appeared in front of her.
"Garmadon.." Misako spoke in a weak voice.
"Garmadon, is that realy you?"
"Not yet," Sensei Garmadon shook his head.
"You have to help me regain control of myself."
"I am a monster," Garmadon repeated to himself as he walked through the rooms.
"I am..." He couldn't control himself.
Flashbacks, unclear flashbacks that appeared in his head.
"What if I don't want to be a monster?" He asked himself.
"No!" he shouted and hit the nearest object with his powers.
"She and Lloyd occupy my thoughts too much. It doesn't matter, I'll deal with her once I save Ninjago."
"My Emperor," a voice called from the hallway.
"Yes?" Garmadon turned.
"I think we've found a way to defeat your, um, this green ninja," Harumi told him.
"Really?" Garmadon sweetly smiled.
"Start preparing. I want this madness to end as soon as possible."
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jinxed-ninjago · 2 years
So I know quite a few people don’t like the Crystalized finale because it didn’t close the series fully.
I have a counter argument.
Personally I prefer when a series ends without everything being tied up in a neat little bow. It gives more creative freedom when it comes to fanfiction.
Same goes for pre-series stuff; leaving stuff like that ambiguous allows for a lot of creative freedom for fanfiction. How did Jay, Cole, and Zane interact before meeting Kai? We don’t know because that part of the story is never talked about.
The only things we know about Ninjago outside of what’s shown in the series is myths/legends, other realms, pre-ninja character backstories, and some other lore that Tommy’s confirmed. Outside of those things, what’s happened prior to the series is left super ambiguous. We don’t even know what Zane was like before receiving the element of ice; all we know is he started acting strange after the previous master of ice visited him and Dr. Julien.
We don’t know much about Ninjago’s recent past besides wars and Garmadon, Clouse, and Chen’s backstories. The ending of the series is left quite ambiguous; how long did it take to rebuild the monastery? How long did it take for their powers to return? Are Plundar and Cole actually a thing? What’s Merlopia like under Bentho’s rule? Are the members of the Council of the Crystal King still alive? If the Overlord has to exist for there to be balance between light and dark in Ninjago, was he actually killed? We don’t know the answers to any of these because the ending was left so ambiguous, and I personally prefer it that way. It gives me more creative freedom, and it makes speculation a lot more fun.
This is obviously just my opinion, but I definitely prefer the ambiguous ending Crystalized gave the 2011-2022 era of Ninjago. It makes a lot of things a lot more fun.
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fisherrprince · 5 years
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I amn just a little creacher... and couldn’t resist SNJFK
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chaotic-major · 3 years
MPAU Part 1
For @min-play I hope you like it! This will be following Min-Play’s Movie Possession AU. Enjoy part 1!
Lloyd liked to consider himself a fairly normal person. Sure, his dad whom he’s never actually met in person attacks the city every other day but besides that, everything in his life is normal. The bullies can be a bit much, considering it's basically the entire population of the city, but his mom doesn't need to worry about anything more than her job. Lloyd can handle it, he’s fifteen. 
He fixes his hood as he walks down the street, avoiding eye contact with anyone but the ground. He’s memorized the route home by now. As the city falls into dusk, Lloyd takes a moment to gaze at a fountain in a small plaza. He doesn’t dare enter of course, but it’s nice to take in the beauty of the city once and awhile, especially if it doesn’t always last too long. 
The clouds overhead rumble as a light rain starts to fall. Lloyd sighs and watches all the people gather their things and head into their homes or find buildings to seek shelter from the rain in. He starts to continue his walk back when a dark vortex opens in the sky. Lloyd stares at it, puzzled. Is his dad somehow orchastairing this? He wouldn’t put it past him, honestly. But as soon as it opened, it closed and the rain abruptly stopped. As confused as Lloyd was, he had no energy to question it at this point. He sighed before turning on his heel and going home.
Morro realized he wasn’t entirely in the right. Holding the realm crystal in one hand and his sensei’s in the other, Morro realized it was up to him. Save himself, or save the ninja. When he looked behind master Wu to see the ninja’s scared and angry faces, he knew what choice he had to make. Putting the realm crystal in Wu’s hand and ignoring his pleas to save himself Morro looked at his sensei and let go, a sad smile on his face.
“You can’t save someone who doesn’t want to be saved.” He says as the Preeminent grasps onto him and pulls him down, closer and closer to his watery doom. Lloyd lunges forward suddenly and smacks the realm crystal, opening a portal below Morro. The Preeminent lets go and Morro is pulled down into the portal, Lloyd’s last words to him ringing in his ears.
“I forgive you, and I’m sorry.”
Morro fell through the void as if he had any weight, a force of gravity pulling him down through the opening on the other side. When Morro opened his eyes, he was floating in front of a large city, with buildings that seemed to touch the sky and with lights that glowed brighter than most others he’d seen in the past few weeks. He floated through the streets, glaring at every person who walked through him and paid him no mind regardless. 
“Hello!?” He shouted, flying above the crowd. “Can any of you fools hear me?” No one gave any response. He looked around, almost frantically, wanting to be heard.
“H-holy shit. You’re a gh-ghost.” A meek voice said from below him. Morro turned and flew down, inspecting the person who spoke. He seemed to be a young teen in a green hoodie, the hood up and covering his hair. It was blond and strands were falling over his face. His eyes were an emerald green, a colour he’d seen in someone else before…
The realization struck Morro in an instant. This was… Lloyd? He seemed nothing like the green ninja Morro had grown familiar with. This one seemed shy and scared, so much so he didn’t ever seem to take off his hood. The Lloyd Morro possessed was confident and strong, the green ninja. This Lloyd didn’t look like he could hurt a fly.
“I am. So who are you?” Morro asked, not wanting to look like a fool if he was wrong.
The boy shifted on his feet. “I’m Lloyd. What’s your name?” 
Huh. This kid really knew nothing. “I’m Morro. Master of Wind.” He looked Lloyd in the eye. “And you’re the green ninja.” That made Lloyd drop his expression of fear and trade it for confusion.
“The green ninja? What’s that?” Lloyd inquired. Morro looked like he was about to tear his hair out. What god forsaken universe did Lloyd send him to?! Death a second time would’ve been better than this! Morro groaned. 
“It doesn’t matter.” Morro said before promptly possessing Lloyd. The teen screamed as a spectral projection of him was produced, taking Morro’s spot. Morro glared at him until Lloyd realized he was basically fine. He stared at Morro, shock and confusion apparent on his face.
“Wh- what are you going to do? Now that you’ve possessed me?” Lloyd asks the specter in his body. Morro scoffed and walked away, knowing that Lloyd would be pulled after him if he got too far from the body. 
Morro walked through the streets, watching as people parted around him. He tried to ask for directions to the museum multiple times, all a fruitless effort as people either scoffed at him or threatened him away. Morro was more than agitated at this point. Everything was so bright and loud, so much space in the street and yet so little. The buildings were too tall and he felt much too small. Morro caught sight of an alley and ducked into it, breathing out a gentle sigh of relief as he escaped the loud and towering street. 
“What’s wrong with these people…” Morro mutters, walking farther into the alley. Lloyd’s small voice piped up from behind Morro.
“Um… H- hey, it’s getting pretty dark… I really shouldn’t be down here this late. We should go back.” Lloyd suggests. Morro lets out a laugh that chills Lloyd to the core.
“Wow. That’s adorable.” Morro says in a mocking tone. An apparition of himself appears before Lloyd.
“In case you haven’t noticed, you’re not in control here. So shut up and stay put.” Morro demands. Lloyd looks down before looking back to Morro.
“C- can I at least call my mom? She’ll be worried.” Morro raises a finger and opens his mouth to reply before he was thrown from the mindscape and back into Lloyd’s body. Suddenly, Morro was up against the wall, a knife to his neck.
“Make a sound and I’ll slit your throat,” The man said in a low tone. “Garmadon.” Morro grew more emranged, if that were possible. He blasted the man off of himself, kicked his legs out and pulled the man to the ground, hand in his hoodie, holding him to the ground.
“Let’s make this crystal clear.” Morro said, holding the knife to the man’s throat, hair now a jet black in contrast to the sunny blond it had been seconds ago. “ I am not Lloyd Garmadon.” He announced. “I and Morro. Master of Wind. And I will be the Green nin--” Morro was cut off as Lloyd managed to grasp hold of control.
“STOP!” Lloyd shouted. He glanced at the knife in his hands before screeching and dropping the knife before dashing out of the alley. Lloyd broke into a sprint, managing to make it three and a half blocks before breaking down. Morro let himself into spirit form, rebounding Lloyd against a wall. 
“What was THAT?” Morro shouted at the teen. “I had that! Why did you get in the way!?” Lloyd stood his ground.
“You- you were going to kill him!” Lloyd shouted back, scared and concerned. Morro digested Lloyd’s words a moment. 
“..No.” Morro said. “NO!” He exclaimed angrily. He pointed his finger at Lloyd’s throat. “HE was going to kill YOU.” Lloyd’s eyes widened. Morro was right, as much as he hated to admit it. Lloyd looked back from where he ran, stewing on Morro’s statement. He pulled his hood over his head, desperate to ignore what had just taken place. He felt his hands shake, ready to have a good cry.
“Can… can I please call my mom and let her know I’m ok?” Lloyd asked in a small voice. “Please? I’ll help you find the museum after.” Morro smacks his hands in his face and gives a long groan, letting his hands fall off his face, contemplating the suggestion. He sighs and nods silently, watching as Lloyd walks over to a “payphone”. He inserts a coin before pressing the numbers on the small pad in an order, obviously committed to muscle memory.
“Hey, mom.” Lloyd answers after a few seconds. Morro floats behind Lloyd, back turned to the boy. “Y- yeah I’m ok.” Lloyd says after a second or two of silence on Morro’s end. “I’m sorry.” He hears Lloyd apologize. Morro feels something bubble up in his chest, squeezing his nonexistent heart. He sighs and allows Lloyd to end the call and return home without stopping at the museum. 
It would’ve been closed at this hour anyways. Morro reasons with himself. As Lloyd settles into bed on the fateful Friday night, whether either of them liked it or not, they were stuck together, for better or worse. Morro looked out Lloyd’s window all night, watching the city slow down and speed up as the sun rose. Maybe… maybe he could still get what he wanted. He turned and looked at the blond, finally looking at peace for the first time Morro had seen. He turns back to the city. Just maybe.
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
So I have a question.
We know from season 9 and season 11, that true elemental power is never lost from the user, since we see Lloyd and Kai regain their abilities (I can't explain the Time Twins, tbh. Probably just a issue with lore)
But does this mean that Lloyd could potentially become the Golden Ninja again without having to take the other four's abilities?
I've been discussing this with my sisters, but we can't come to a consensus on this.
Interesting question. Here’s my thought process:
Golden power is a little different than the others. Lloyd got it through defeating the Overlord, who is basically darkness personified, in kind of a “true potential” style way.
During the fight, several comparisons were made between the golden power and light “where there’s light there’s darkness” “not if my light shines bright enough” etc, so Lloyd’s power can seem kind of like the power of light (yes yes I know there’s already an elemental master of light but there’s also an elemental master of shadow, let’s just say Lloyd and the Overlord have alternate versions of those powers just insanely more powerful.)
So Lloyd’s powers were unlocked through his “true potential” but it’s more than that. All the ninja gained a power through their true potential (other than being able to use their elemental powers without the weapons) but that quickly faded after the potential was over. Lloyd’s stayed until it was forcibly removed, then given away, so his is obviously different in that aspect too. I think he got it specifically by fighting the Overlord. If he had fought another villain that wasn’t the embodiment of darkness, I don’t think he would have gotten the powers.
Now I’d also like to point out something about Garmadon in the Oni trilogy. He gained his powers by fighting Lloyd, and his powers definitely seemed to have some connection to darkness as well, even if different from the Overlord’s. This seems to imply that Lloyd still has connection to light- whether that means there’s still a spark of the golden power somewhere inside of him, I don’t know. But if Garmadon could get his powers back by defeating Lloyd, wouldn’t it make sense that the reverse is true, also?
Now, to be clear I’m not saying that I think Lloyd could get his golden power back by fighting Garmadon. Garmadon isnt “pure darkness” like the Overlord was, especially towards the end of season 10 when he started turning from an evil character to more of a neutral one. But I definitely think that Garmadon is like a less powerful version of the Overlord right now, and that Lloyd could get his powers back in some capacity by defeating him- which is why he was able to get his powers back and drain Garmadon’s in season 9.
So, what does this mean for the golden power? Could Lloyd potentially get it back? I think, under the right circumstances, he could. If he fought the Overlord again, or another creature of darkness, I would say that it certainly wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility.
So, could he regain the golden power? I think so. Will he regain the golden power? Almost certainly not.
Nor do I want him to. Golden power was removed for a reason, it was insanely powerful and made Lloyd way too OP. The show would’ve been boring had he kept it, and Lloyd probably would’ve continue to have even more of a focus than he does right now, taking time and energy away from other characters. Taking it away was the right choice, and to give it back would be counterproductive. If it ever does come back, I can guarantee it will be temporary, but honestly, if that happened, I would assume they would’ve done it in season 10 because of the whole legacy thing. They didn’t, though, so I can hardly see it happening now. But, it opens up some interesting ideas for fan speculation, fanfiction, and AUs.
Thanks for the ask! This was interesting to think about.
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decided to post some of my ideas for a ninjago/atla au besties. tell me whatcha think
under read more cus its kinda long lmao
some background first…
here, the first spinjitzu master is smth that doesn’t actually exist in avatar bc i couldn’t for the life of me figure out what to make him so now he’s like… he’s basically the child of all the original benders: the badgermoles, the sky bison, the dragons, and the moon spirit combined. he was born of their powers, and he was the first avatar, kinda like this au’s version of raava i guess?? so this au’s version of vaatu is the overlord, and like in ninjago, they have this never-ending rivalry. and the overlord is an avatar, too, but more of a dark one. it only cares about corruption and evil.
the first bending master, as he’s called in this au, manages to banish the overlord into the spirit realm, but he knew that one day, it would return. so he creates a land called ninjago and fills it with people of all kinds, each corner of the world having one type of bending. he gave the humans bending, but only one type for each person.
he didn’t want a repeat of the overlord.
so then he has two sons: wu and garmadon. he hemmed and hawed over what elements to give to them, but eventually he chose. wu gets airbending, the element of life and serene and calm. garmadon gets firebending, rough and harsh and the element of destruction. his fire is violet and incredibly hot.
everything goes fine, and the first bending master manages to keep balance of the world as its avatar. except the overlord does indeed return.
garmadon gets corrupted by its spirit and is bitten by the great devourer. he becomes obsessed with power and wanted to be the avatar more than anything in life. he believes that his father was holding his powers back because he didn’t trust him. and he believes that his father was going to hand over his power to wu after he died. and he couldn’t have that.
wu notices his downward spiral and suggests that he take a trip to visit the mortals. maybe that would help him realize that there is reason for their father being the only avatar in the world.
so garmadon goes down into the mortal plane. and meets fire lord chen and his second in command clouse.
fire lord chen is quite interested in an old legend of what is called the serpentine: ancient tribes of snake people said to have been born from the hatred and despair of the overlord, led by the toughest and the greatest, the great devourer. chen wants to bring these serpentine back, and at first garmadon agrees to help him, if only to get revenge on his father.
but he snaps out of it, because he realizes that its the great devourer’s fault in the first place that he’s like this. he betrays chen and clouse and warns wu of their plan, but without telling him whose plan it is. together, the brothers manage to gather together an alliance of the greatest bending masters in the world. garmadon wants their father to help, but wu gives some unfortunate news.
the first bending master is near his deathbed. he is very, very ill, and he is thousands of years old at this point. he wants rest.
so, naturally, garmadon is conflicted about this. he’s ecstatic bc he thinks that he can gain the powers of the avatar once his father passes, but also he’s sad, because, well, thats still his dad after all.
but anyway, the bending alliance manages to defeat the serpentine and seal them away in the spirit realm, like the first bending master had done to the overlord. this… turns out to be a bad idea.
fire lord chen and clouse both manage to shift the blame away from them, and since garmy was the only one who knew they caused the plan, he lets it happen. because he still is a bit evil.
something happens that gives him hope, though: he meets misako, who might be the love of his life. (also in this au that weird love triangle shit don’t happen) they get married, and for a while, garmadon seems perfectly sane. but.
the first bending master dies.
lloyd is born almost right after.
no one makes the connection, though, thankfully, but it is enough for garmadon to lose whatever sanity he had left. he completely goes insane.
he races back to their family monastery believing that he can and will gain the powers of the avatar, somehow, but he doesn’t. and that is too much for him to take. all of this… all of this… waiting… for nothing?
garmadon stares at himself in the mirror. he looks down at his hand, at the bite mark blemishing his skin, and grabs a ceremonial knife. he laughs to himself and places his hand on the mirror, slowly raising his knife towards it… he thinks he can stop all this pain in one easy swoop.
garmadon, sneering at himself: maybe… maybe this will fix it… if i just cut off the damn thing…
first bending master, in the mirror: i would not recommend it, son.
garmadon, face falling: why are you here?
first bending master: i came to speak with you. and to try and help you.
garmadon, snarling: don’t pretend like you care about me! i know what you really think. you think i’m a monster.
first bending master: i think you’re conflicted. the part of you that wants to be the avatar so badly you are willing to kill for it… that part of you clashes with the real you. the one that wants everyone you care about to be safe. your brother, your friends, your wife… your son.
garmadon: *laughs and turns around* why should i care about them, father? they don’t care about me! not my brother, not my wife, not my so-called friends, and certainly not you! the only one who does care about me is my son, and thats only because he doesn’t know any better. he’ll leave one day too.
first bending master, solemnly: you are wrong. i do care about you. i always did. i love you, garmadon. i do.
garmadon shakes, his hand gripping the knife tighter. his mouths trembles, and eventually turns into a scowl. he whirls around to face the mirror and slams his knife into it, shattering it into pieces.
he gets worse from there on. he begins to attack people left and right, villages and cities, even going so far as to consider breaking the serpentine free. he doesn’t get that far, though, because his brother interrupts him.
wu is very concerned, bc, well, garmy was a bit weird but never straight up insane like he is now. so he heads over to his family’s old monastery. there, he finds garmadon, seething and stewing. garmadon doesn’t take his arrival well.
garmadon: ugh! for once, can’t you just leave me alone?!
wu: no, i cannot. this isn’t you, brother! you must snap out of it!
garmadon: this is me! this has been me for my entire life, wu! i can’t change it now, and i can’t even be the avatar. what’s the point?
wu: the point is that father trusted us to take care of ninjago once he passed on. we have a duty.
garmadon: father was a fool, and father was selfish! i am remaking the world in my own image, an image that won’t let anyone have the kind of power that he did, except for those who are worthy!
wu: that’s crazy! you can’t just pick and choose who gets to be the most powerful bender in the world!
garmadon: isn’t that what father did, though, when he died? who is the new avatar, wu?! tell me!!
wu: i don’t know. and neither will you, if you keep this up.
garmadon: *laughs* are you threatening me?
wu: i am.
garmadon: fine. you want to take control of ninjago over me? fine. fine. fine. i challenge you to an agni kai! the battle that was always meant to be.
wu: very well.
garmadon: for the record… i’m sorry it had to end this way, brother.
wu, sadly: no. you aren’t.
cue final agni kai type fight, light vs darkness. fire vs air. obviously, wu wins, and manages to chain garmadon up so he can’t attack anymore. garmadon then has a complete psychotic breakdown like azula, complete with the spitting fire and sobbing hysterically while wu watches sadly.
wu banishes garmadon to the spirit realm, because he doesn’t think there’s anything else he can do.
ninjago is saved.
or so he thinks.
see, chen and clouse are still around. as are the serpentine, biding their time in the spirit realm. they meet garmy and decide that they should work together. garmadon, so torn up by hatred and despair, agrees to help them, if he gets to destroy his brother.
meanwhile, everything is going good.
lloyd is the avatar, obviously, but he’s only like. thirteen when he finds out. he’s an airbender avatar and lived with koko (bc its my au and i get to pick the mom i use) in one of the air temples (idk which one tho). he’s raised believing that he’s just a random kid who happens to serve the avatar, kinda like kyoshi.
that avatar he believes he serves is none other than morro, the adopted son of airbender sage wu. morro is four years older than lloyd, and he was just revealed to be the airbending avatar. morro, of course, is thrilled. but he also gets an incredibly big ego over it, believing that he is better than other people bc he is the avatar. the reason he was thought to be the avatar was because he appeared to waterbend at one point, but it is later revealed to have been simple airbending that pushed the water.
but morro doesn’t realize or know this until its too late. and when he does… its a shitshow.
basically, lloyd and morro are sent to meet with fire lord chen and his daughter skylor, along with wu, koko, and some of the other air sages. skylor is a chi blocker, an incredibly talented one who has mastered all of the different bending fighting styles even tho she herself is a nonbender.
ok so clouse is obviously there. he recognizes lloyd via koko and is fucking pissed. he’s like my ex-boyfriend rival’s son is here?? what the hell?? so he keeps a close on eye on lloyd bc he doesn’t like him. morro, meanwhile, is treated like a king at the palace bc chen wants to get into the avatar’s good graces.
and uh. well, as it turns out, morro isn’t the avatar…
they’re attacked by the serpentine, bitter at the bending masters for having locked them underground. morro is excellent at fighting, but lloyd has more adrenaline.
and lloyd firebends.
cue shock and horror and anger from all sides.
wu is the most horrified of all. the son of his brother… the man he banished… is the avatar?
so yeah thats the background AT LEAST. i dont really know what happens after that but lloyd runs away or something. i will write more i promise!!!
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jackdaniel69nice · 4 years
Ninjago ATLA au Book 2 Water
Book 1
Along the way to the northern water tribe Kai is obviously injured and they need to stop somewhere for medical assistance. They stop at Tiger Widow Island (the equivalent of kyoshi island). Of course they are fire nation so they are unwelcome but once it’s revealed Lloyd is the avatar and they are escapees they are much more willing to help.
Nya meets Pixal, of the samurai-x warriors. Her insufferable ego causes her to get in a bit of an argument at first but after she apologizes Pix agrees to train her. Meanwhile Lloyd is worried about Kai and tries to forget about his feelings towards his dad and the sudden weight of responsibility. Morro shows up and its one heck of a showdown considering Lloyd had no idea he existed but luckily they are able to get away in time with the help of the samurai-x and a certain spider.
(A bunch of normal ATLA stuff happens that I won’t go into detail about lol) Clouse is also hunting Lloyd (in place of Zhao).
Lloyd enters the spirit world and FSMs dragon shows him to meet him on the dark island at the Temple of Light so he can tell him about the awakening of the Overlord. He tells him how the overlord is a powerful evil entity that will give Garmadon and the firenation enough power to take over Ninjago and that he has master the elements and defeat Garmadon before then.
They are “captured” by the northern water tribe once they arrive but are brought before Zane, the prince. He frees them and agrees to train Lloyd but immediately attacks Nya which causes her to water bend reflexively and reveals her powers (which he was able to sense).
Nya gets frustrated with training immediately and is distraught over the sudden exposure of her heritage. Kai and Nya have been orphans since they were young, Nya can’t remember either of her parents and Kai can’t remember what his mother looked like all he pictures is Nya.
Zane is also a healer and has healing sessions with Kai to help him with his eye. Kai feels unreasonablely open and vulnerable with Zane and admits his worries and fears. Zane comforts him and takes care of him so now they’re in love.
He also tells him about his own past and how he was blessed by the ocean spirit
“ooooh that’s why your hairs white, I just thought it was stress”
“*hehe* no :)”
Nya comes to terms with her issues and after a month becomes a quick water master. Everything is looking up but it isn’t to last.
Clouse attacks the North Pole with a fire nation fleet and tries to kill the moon spirit. Zane sacrifices himself to bring back the moon and becomes the new moon spirit. Kai is heartbroken.
Clouse is killed by the ocean, Morro almost gets away with Lloyd, and Nya is gifted special spirit water. They leave the north and make their way to the earth kingdom in search of an earth bending master.
Morro and Wu are officially fire nation fugitives and on the run. After lossing contact with Morro and Clouse Lord Garmadon is increasing desperate to get Lloyd back, it doesn’t help the little voice whispering in his head. He called to his most powerful pupil, shaped in his own image, Harumi to hunt him down.
Book 3, Book 4
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fabrowrites · 4 years
Oh, can I be your Bibilly Hills?
For Lloyd’s very late birthday! also on ao3 and ffn.net.
Kai stands at the entrance to the cafeteria.  The bustle in the room is loud with kids meeting up with their friends, the snapping open of lunchboxes, and chairs and tables being squeaked across the floor.
Kai exhales.  He hikes his backpack higher onto his back.  Then he squares his shoulders and walks over to the table in the far corner of the room where only one person sits, despite the overcrowding at all the rest of the tables.
Lloyd Garmadon’s eyes lift as Kai drops into the seat across from him, only to return to his plate again just as quickly.  One by one, the rest of their secret ninja crew arrive.  They send glances at each other, and at Lloyd, who has started to eat his food with laser-like focus.  
It’s only been a week since Master Wu gathered them all together for a “very important meeting”.  It’s only been a week since he told them they were ready to take the next step in their team-building.  It’s only been a week since their eternally-masked leader took off his hood, only to reveal the son of Ninjago City’s very own warlord hiding beneath it.
Needless to say, conversation is stilted.  
A hand comes down on the table with a resounding smack.  Chen, captain of the cheer team, leans over their table.  “Hey, look, everyone,” he says mockingly.  “Garmadork has a dork squad now.”  He gives their table an obvious once-over, grin widening.  “Aw, why are you sitting with him?  Are your daddies super-villains too?”
“Hi, Chen,” Lloyd says.  “Nice insult.  Much more original than your last one- what was it?  The Bad Dad Lad?”
Chen’s face twists up in a sneer.  His hand snakes out and smacks Lloyd’s water bottle over, instantly flooding his lunch.  “Oops,” he says, sounding not at all sorry.  “I didn’t see that there!  Hope that wasn’t all you had.”
He saunters off, looking inordinately pleased with himself.  Lloyd, on the other hand, stares for several long seconds at his ruined lunch.  Kai expects him to look furious, or at the very least, upset, but there’s only this sad sort of look on his face.  Like he’d been expecting it to happen.  It’s so awful to look at that something in Kai snaps.  
“Here, have some of mine,” he says, shoving his bento forward.  “I always take too much rice anyways.”
Nya gives him a near-imperceptible nod from across the table; she’s thinking the same thing.  God, Kai loves his sister so much.  “This is true,” she says.  “The day Kai doesn’t bring home leftovers is the day he’s been replaced by his evil clone.”
Kai opens his mouth, intending to say just what he thought of that, when a quiet noise brings him back to the situation at hand.  Lloyd looks at them both, mouth parting slightly.  “Are you sure?” he asks, but he can’t disguise the way he’s already eying the bento up.
“Take it,” Kai insists. “It’s not doing me any good sitting here.”
Kai can see Lloyd’s hesitation wavering.  A moment later, the other boy accepts it with a quiet, “thank you”.  
The other ninja are watching.  Kai catches their eyes and mouths ‘later’ above Lloyd’s head.  After lunch wraps up, and Lloyd excuses himself to use the restroom, they all gather near the window.
“What happened at lunch-” Kai says without preamble- “it can’t happen again.”  It’s not like he was expecting them to protest, but something warms in his chest at how intensely they immediately nod.  They must look like a pack of bobbleheads to anyone passing by.
“He was just so sad,” Nya says.  “It makes me want to punch something.  Preferably Chen’s face.”
Jay backs a step away from her, laughing that nervous laugh of his.  Cole hums.  His ever-present headphones are hanging around his neck, which is how Kai knows just how seriously he’s taking it.  Headphone removal: truly the highest form of respect in the modern age.  “We should do something for him,” he says.
“Normal human teenager things?” asks Zane.
“Exactly!” says Kai.  “He’s an only child!  I bet he’s never had a blanket fort before!”
“We can make it at his house so he can keep it up longer,” Cole says.  “I’ve dropped off homework for him before.  I still have his address in my phone.”
“I’ll take him out after school to the comic book shop so you guys have more time,” Jay offers.  He twists his hands in his ever-present orange scarf.  
“And we’ll get the snacks,” Nya finishes.  She sticks her hand out.  The rest of them do too, and then there’s a period of silence where they look at each other awkwardly.  Wow, they really are lost without Lloyd.
Cole sighs.  “Ninja go,” he says.
“Ninja go!” Kai says.  The game is afoot.  
The walk to the comic books shop is literally the definition of awkward silence.  
Jay and Lloyd walk three feet apart on the sidewalk.  Their eyes meet fleetingly across the way before skittering away.  People who pass them stare, and Jay ducks his head and meeps at each hateful glare sent his way.
“You don’t have to do this,” Lloyd mumbles.
Jay jumps.  “Huh?”  
Lloyd shoves his hands into his hoodie pocket.  “I said,” he says a bit louder, “you don’t have to do this.”
“Do what?” Jay says nervously.  He wrings his hands in his scarf.  “I’m not doing anything?”
Lloyd looks pointedly at his hands.  He huffs, dipping his head so his bangs cover his eyes,  “Make yourself be nice to me, or whatever it is that you and the rest of them are trying to do.  I have eyes, Jay,” he says, when Jay opens his mouth to protest.  He glances up at him through his curtain of hair, and something in his face softens.  “It’s okay.  I’m used to it.”
Jay doesn’t know what to say to that.  But something comes over him, and before he can talk himself out of it he’s bridging the gap to walk right beside Lloyd.  Lloyd looks up sharply.  
“We want to be nice to you,” he says softly.  “You’re part of our team, aren’t you?”
Lloyd snorts.  “Some might go as far to call me the leader,” he says, but there’s this quiet, sort of pleased look on his face.  It’s enough for Jay to stick by his side, even as they move towards the busier part of the city and the glares and angry whispers increase.  
It takes them about fifteen minutes to get to the comic book shop.  Jay swings the door open, inhaling that paper-ink-and-smelly-teenager scent he’s become intimately familiar with.  Lloyd follows more hesitantly, blinking at the racks upon racks of books, merch, and everything in between.  His eyes widen when they land on the display case right in front of them.  
“No way!” he says, springing forward.  “I didn’t know this came out!”
“What?” asks Jay, jumping sideways to see.  “Is that the new edition of Starfarer?  Wait, you like Starfarer too?”
Lloyd is already flipping through the chapter, eyes scanning the pages.  “It was my favorite as a kid!” he says excitedly.  ‘I didn’t know they were still making it.  The library only has through chapter sixteen.”
“I think there’s forty-two now,” Jay offers.  Lloyd gives him a look that’s halfway between horrified and delighted.  Jay can’t help but grin back.  He goes to say something else, but a sharp exhale nearby interrupts their moment.  
Two men are standing across the room, muttering and glaring alternatively at them.  No, at Lloyd.  One scowls at them and leaves, heading towards the front desk.
“We should go,” Lloyd says.  With great reluctance, he sets the comic back down and pats it into place.  “I don’t want you getting in trouble for me.”
It’s like that one tumblr post- and Jay will deny to the end that he has a tumblr- that’s like: ‘if somebody is more uncomfortable than me I am suddenly able to Do The Thing’.  “No, we just got here,” he says.  “We can’t leave yet.”
Lloyd looks obviously torn.  Jay sees the manager heading their way and makes the decision for him. Seizing his hand, he pulls Lloyd deeper into the store.  They speed-walk through the isles, ending up near the back.  
“They shouldn’t do that to you,” he says.  
Lloyd shrugs, eyes cast off to one side.  “It’s not like it’s anything new.”  
“Still,” Jay says, feeling his ears heat up.  The adrenaline of the moment has worn off, and now he’s feeling the embarrassment from his spontaneity.  “It’s not cool.”
Lloyd stares at him for several long seconds.  Jay squirms.  Lloyd looks like he wants to say something, but then his eyes slide past Jay and land on something behind him.
Lloyd’s entire face lights up.  “I thought they discontinued this years ago!”  He starts pawing through the container, making little mumbling comments and noises underneath his breath.  
Jay takes out his phone and surreptitiously sends a text to the group.  
bluejay: okay we are keeping him!!!
kaiguy: was that ever even an option?
The woman who opens the door for Cole and Zane looks… tired, for lack of a better way to put it.  Her hair is done up in a messy bun and there are dark circles under her eyes as she regards the pair of them warily.  
“Mrs. Garmadon?” asks Zane.
“Ms. Ito,” says the woman.  Her expression flattens the longer they stay silent.  “Look, if you’re looking to hassle me or Lloyd, it’s been a long day and-”
We’re some of Lloyd’s friends from school,” Cole blurts out.  He freezes the moment the words leave his mouth- interrupting someone?   Idiot, Mom taught you better than this - but the words themselves don’t feel false in his mouth.  They feel right, an unshakable truth like the laws of gravitation and motion, steady as the earth beneath his feet. He spares a look at Zane and finds the other nodding his agreement.
Lloyd’s mom, however, looks like she’s been slapped in the face.  ‘Friends?” she echoes, almost like she doesn’t believe them.  Which, as Cole reflects, shouldn’t be that surprising.  He’s seen the bullying at school firsthand.  A wave of regret knocks into him for all the times he’s stayed silent and watched- not participating, just not stepping in.  Never again, he swears to himself.  
While Cole’s been having this epiphany, Zane’s been barreling on ahead without him.  “Lloyd was harassed this morning in school,” he says primly.  “We want to build a structure of blankets for him in your apartment.”
Zane, Cole thinks, internally slapping his palm against his forehead.  
But Lloyd’s mom looks so grateful that Cole feels suddenly sick.  This woman has two complete strangers standing on her doorstep, practically demanding to be let in so they can destroy her house with pillows and blankets and loud teenagers.  She shouldn’t look like they’ve just saved her dog from a house fire.
“It’s really nothing,” he grits out.  “We just wanted to do something for him.”
He’s staring at the load of blankets in his arms, so he doesn’t see Lloyd’s mom move.  Suddenly, there are hands taking the pile from him.  Her face appears in front of his.  “It’s not nothing,” she says softly.  She doesn’t elaborate, but neither of them need her to.  “Come on in.  I’ll show you where everything is.”
“Vegetable or Sriracha?’
“Does he like spicy things?”
Kai looks down at the two bags of chips in his hands.  “Both,” he decides.  “Both is good.”
Both their phones go off at the same time: Kai’s the default BorgPhone ringtone he’s never figured out how to change, Nya’s the Wilhelm Scream.  Nya digs hers out first.  “It’s Jay.”
Kai juggles the chips with the rest of the snacks in his arms.
jaybird: were almost done here
jaybird: well be at his house in like 20
jaybird: r u guys done yet?
do it for the vinyl: 👌
frozane: 😁 🥰 😚 😋 🤗 😇 🙃 😆 🤣 😘 🤪 🤩
Kai pockets his phone.  “Guess that’s our cue to go.”
They pay quickly and rush over to Lloyd’s house, using the address Cole had texted them all earlier.  
Kai hands off his bags to Zane, switching his shoes.  “Let’s see what you’ve done!”  He catches sight of the fort from the corner of his eye and his jaw drops.  “Woah.”
“Right?” Cole smirks.  
Kai’s too focused on the mass of colors and fabric swallowing up the living room, otherwise he would pick a fight.  He crawls through the entrance, a sheet hanging loose between two cushions.  
The fort is nearly tall enough to stand up in.  Cole and Zane have slung sheets from the lamp to the couch to a coat rack, using tape, clips and pillows to secure the blankets down.  A music stand supports the entire thing in the center.  Kai didn’t know that Lloyd took music, though maybe he should have expected it because, hello, Asian?  It seems like not knowing is a depressingly common thread running through all that they’ve been learning.
Kai squares his shoulders.  Nope.  Now’s not the time for beating himself up.  He’s just gonna do better, be better, from here on out.  
“Bring the snacks in already!” he hollers, sticking his head out the hole.  “Lloyd’s gonna be here any minute!”
Cole raises his eyebrow judgmentally, even as he passes him the bags of chips.  Nya has no such restraint and throws dried squid at his face.  
“Lloyd just texted to say he’s on his way,” Lloyd’s mom tells them from the kitchen entrance.  Kai thinks her expression is a mix of fear and awe, which is always a good reaction to one of Kai’s ideas.  
Kai can hear them now, feet thudding softly on the wood of the hallway through the thin walls.  They’re laughing at something- presumably a meme on Jay’s phone.  The dork has thousands of them.  Someone bangs against the door and then it swings open.  
“Hey, Mom,” Lloyd says, and Kai doesn’t think he’s ever heard him this happy.  The blond is switching his shoes, completely unaware of the spectacle behind him.  “Sorry that I’m late, we lost track of-”
He turns around and freezes.
“Surprise!” Kai shouts.  Behind Lloyd, Jay starts cheering.  Nya salutes him from her position sprawled on the couch and Cole and Zane wave at him from beside the fort.  
Lloyd’s mouth drops open.  “What?” he splutters.  “Wait, what’s going on?  What is all this?”
“Can’t we do something nice for our bro just ‘cause we feel like it?”  Kai crawls out and goes to him, slinging his arm across his shoulders.  
“Guys,” Lloyd says.  
To Kai’s horror, his eyes are wet around the corners.  Shoot, did they mess up?  “Don’t cry!” he yelps, voice cracking embarrassingly at the end.  “We’ll pick it all up, don’t worry!”
“No, no,” Lloyd says hurriedly.  “You did this for me?” he asks, awe in his voice. He glances around the room.  “All of you?”
“Of course,” Zane says.  “You are our friend.”
“We realized we’ve been a little lacking in that department,” Nya chimes in.  “So here’s us, making up for it!  We’re nowhere near done yet either,” she warns.  “Constant vigilance!”
Lloyd discreetly wipes his eyes.  “Thanks,” he says.  “I love a good threatening in my own living room.”
And for a moment, they all stay put in their places, grinning widely from Lloyd to each other.  Lloyd’s mom smiles softly, unseen, from where she stands in the kitchen.  
Kai grins.  The moment breaks.  “Well, don’t just stand there.  C’mon!  You’ve got to see what Cole and Zane did inside.”
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lesbianzane · 4 years
Misako’s Realization.
Summary: A look into Misako's thought process when she found out Lloyd is the Green Ninja.
Words: 700+
A/N: heyo! i wrote this a while ago but decided to post it as a tumblr post! hope y’all enjoy!
Lloyd is the Green Ninja.
It all makes sense. Too much sense. Her son is the legendary Green Ninja. The one destined to defend Ninjago and defeat the Dark Lord, Lloyd's father and her husband.
Misako stood up, let out a frustrated scream, and shoved all her notes and scrolls off the table. With heavy breaths, she looked at her research on the floor. Research that cost years of her life. In fact, it defined her life. But now, it has all been put to waste.
She can't have her family fight each other. He's too strong. He will get hurt. He won't survive. He's too young. He's family. He loves him. He can't hurt him.
With heavy knees, Misako fell to the ground and cried. Lloyd was only six years old; he can't be a part of this destiny. Most importantly, he was Garmadon's son. He looked up to his father no matter how much Misako tried to tell him about Garmadon's wrongdoings. Telling him that he is the one fated to fight his father would destroy him. Additionally, Garmadon would never lay a hand on his son, no matter how much evil is in him. The evil in his heart is strong, but his love for his son is stronger. This would tear them both apart. And— Oh FSM, she can't tell Wu about this. No matter how much it would pain him, he would still train Lloyd to become the Green Ninja and set destiny on its course.
She needed to prevent the prophecy from happening. It didn't seem right, but none of this is right. She can't divide her family even more than it already has.
Misako picked herself up off the ground and started gathering her scattered scrolls. In the middle of doing so, she heard the door open, and Lloyd came in, carrying a small blue blanket.
"Mom? Are you okay? What was all that noise?" Lloyd yawned, obviously woken up by the mess Misako made.
Misako wiped her eyes and rushed over to embrace her son, "Oh, I'm so sorry, little dragon. I just got a little frustrated with work, that's all." She took Lloyd by the hand and led him back to his room, "Let's go back to bed, shall we?" Lloyd let out a long yawn and nodded.
Misako was shaking. She was terrified by the thought of losing her family. She could only pray that Lloyd was too tired to notice her tremors. Lloyd needed to be saved from this cruel future, but Misako didn't have a plan.
The pair finally reached Lloyd's room. Misako tucked the boy into his bed and kissed his forehead. When she glanced above Lloyd's bed, a black poster that looked like it was ripped right out of a magazine caught her eye. She looked closer at the poster, and it advertised Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys, the school that Lloyd begged Misako to enroll him in. She always refused, but this revelation changed everything. If she could enroll him into the school of his dreams, he would be out of the prophecy's way until she learned more information.
She focused her eyes back to her son, who was half asleep. He looked so peaceful and completely unaware of the troubles the world forced onto him. Misako sighed and whispered, "Lloyd?"
His eyes widened a little bit, and softly spoke, "Yes, mom?"
Misako felt a lump in her throat and her hands shaking, but she kept her composure. "Lloyd, how about you tell me more about that Darkley school in the morning?"
The boy's eyes glowed with excitement, "Really?! Thanks, mom!" He grinned at her, and she forced a smile back. She turned off the light, and her smile fell. As she was walking towards the door, she heard Lloyd say, "I love you, mom."
Tears threatened to spill yet again, but she still managed to respond to her son. "I love you too, little dragon." She closed the door and ran as fast as she could to her study with tears streaming down her face.
"First Spinjitzu Master, I pray to thee. Please tell me my choices will at least save my son and my husband from this cruel prophecy."
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gwenbrightly · 5 years
One Does Not Simply Jump Overboard
aka the long awaited Of Milk and Cookies Chapter 14 
Lloyd was pretty sure that if there was an award for totally reckless bravery in near-death situations, Zane had just won it. He'd felt his heart drop when the nindroid dove overboard into the frothy ocean below, the dangers of losing a teammate (no, a brother) before they even made it to the Dark Island to confront his father suddenly very real. And this realization terrified him. His inner monolog of oh no, oh no, oh heck no had lasted way too long before he'd finally sighted the master of ice arriving safely back on the deck of the Bounty again. He was pretty sure Zane had no idea how not okay they would have been if he hadn't ultimately reappeared. Lloyd was barely holding himself together without this reminder that his adoptive family of awkward teenagers might not make it through this in one piece. It had been easy to channel his inner Kai while they were back in ninjago and act all cocky and confident, like nothing was wrong. But the farther from home they traveled, the less sure of himself, or their mission, he felt. The fact that he still wasn't used to his mother's somewhat smothering presence wasn't helping. She was obviously trying, but her efforts couldn't erase years of absence overnight (a fact he sometimes wondered if she realized). He wasn't oblivious to the dark looks Kai and Nya had been shooting Misako whenever they felt she was overstepping unstated boundaries, either. If only their reunion could have been like Zane and Doctor Julien's...
"So," Nya said, interrupting his thoughts as she finally managed to figure out where Lloyd had hidden himself away after dinner, "Today was kinda a lot, huh?"
He grinned wearily at her as she joined him in the little tent he'd scrapped together where the sloped roof of the Bounty flattened into a platform like surface.
"Yeah. Just, just a little." the blonde agreed. He looked out over the darkening expanse of ocean, not quite sure what else to say. They sat there in silence, enjoying the temporary peace.
"I, uh, just wanted to check on you. Make sure you weren't too furious with Zane for almost getting himself killed out there today." she explained, eventually, before wrapping herself in a spare blanket. Nya's ability to sense when he needed someone to talk to never failed to amaze him.
"Oh." Lloyd replied softly, "I – yeah… that was… How does he do it?"
"Do what?" Nya asked.
"Just jump right into helping people, without worrying about his own wellbeing?" he clarified.
"He's Zane, built to protect those who can't protect themselves. It's just who he is. I'm not even sure he realized jumping into the ocean to save that leviathan was dangerous at the time…" She told him as if it were the simplest thing in the world. Lloyd looked over at her, quietly asking, "Nya? What would we have done if – if he didn't…?" He cringed a little, not liking the way his voice cracked. She leaned against him, grounding him before he could allow himself to dwell on the what if's for too long.
"I dunno. I really don't. But he's still here. We all are. It's gonna be okay."
"Yeah, but for how long?" he couldn't help but mutter. Nya shifted sideways, regarding him for a moment before saying anything.
"You're worried about what happens when we reach the Dark Island." she observed knowingly. The Green Ninja opened his mouth, shut it, and sighed.
"I-I… it's just… everything is happening so quickly now… we'll be there by mid-day tomorrow and… I'm… not sure I'm ready for this… facing my dad? It scares me… I'm not brave like you, or Kai, or Zane… I'm just…. A scared kid in a teen's body." he stated in a small voice, turning wrapped an arm around his shoulders and squeezed them.
"You know, sometimes I wonder how you can be so amazing at seeing the good in others, but totally miss it in yourself. You're one of the bravest people I know, Lloyd."
"R-really?" Lloyd snorted wetly in disbelief.
"Would I lie to you?" she retorted, booping his nose with affection and pulling some tissues out of her pocket. Yeah, she could definitely tell he'd been on the verge of crying.
"Well... If you thought it'd make me happy..." he offered up lamely. The raven-haired girl shook her head in disbelief.
"I guess you've got me all figured out, green bean." she relented, marveling at how grown up her baby brother was becoming. Even if he didn't recognize it yet.
"But I'm serious. You really are an incredibly brave person. Who came to save us when everyone got captured by Pythor?"
"I mean, I kinda got caught too, but, me." Lloyd stated.
"Who talked an entire school of future villains into embracing their inner light?" Nya continued.
"Also me. Just not sure I'd call that brave." he protested, making a face, not sure if he appreciated this trip down memory lane.
"And who used the Tomorrow's Tea to defeat the Grundle, knowing full well that it would have irreversible consequences for them?" she finished. Lloyd frowned. He'd rather not dwell on that decision. It had really done a number on him since.
"That's different..."
"Is it, Lloyd? Because I don't think you would've done any of those things if you weren't at least a little brave."
"Okay. So maybe I am brave..." the blonde caved, deciding to let Nya win this one, "But that doesn't change how terrified I am, Nya. What if I can't do it? Mom says he'd never hurt me, and I don't wanna hurt him, either..." he said, referring to his father, "But when it comes down to it, one of us is gonna have to hurt the other... I-I... we're supposed to fight..."
Nya listened to his ramblings with patience, waiting for him to trail off before she offered her own thoughts.
"Remember what I told you when we first found out you were the Green Ninja?"
"That... you couldn't wait to see Kai's face when he realized I technically won the deal?" Lloyd recalled, looking a bit less troubled at the memory.
"I wasn't wrong. His reaction was priceless!" she laughed softly, "But what I meant was... Kai and I – we promised you wouldn't be alone when the time came. We're gonna do everything in our power to keep that promise. So, you don't have to fake being okay just because you don't wanna worry us."
"Pft... I definitely haven't been doing that." he deadpanned, knowing that to deny it would be a lost cause. His sister rolled her eyes at this.
"You're allowed to be scared and unsure. Just remember, you have an awful lot of people who'd do anything for you, no questions asked. Even if some of them are total idiots in how they go about showing it." she reminded him. He put his head on her shoulder, comforted by her words. His family might not be experts when it came to acting responsibly, but he loved them just the same.
"Definitely total idiots." Lloyd agreed, laughing a little himself. Nya gave a contented sigh and let him snuggle against her. This conversation seemed to be just what he'd needed. She only wished it wasn't necessary, that she could give him some assurance about how the prophesied battle would turn out okay because he was Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, the kid with a heart of gold and an incredible sort of light radiating off of him. But she wasn't psychic. She didn't want to make false promises or whitewash the danger they were in. So instead, she settled for, "Speaking of idiots, I can think of one who needs to be told a thing or two about jumping overboard with no warning and giving us all a heart attack."
"Wanna go yell at Zane?" the Green Ninja asked with a snort.
"Do I ever!" Nya said, grinning wickedly. Together, they left the safety and seclusion of the rooftop tent in favor of locating the nindroid. As it turned out, they didn't have to look for very long. The sound of laughter drew them to the kitchen; Zane had turned his humor switch on once again, much to the bemusement of his father. Obviously he'd ended up in good company.
"Oh, Zane..." the samurai sang sweetly as she and Lloyd entered the room.
"Yes, Nya?" he answered, reverting back to his usual self. Nya took a big breath before laying into him.
"Do you have any idea how DANGEROUS it was to jump overboard like that?! You could've gotten yourself killed! Are you trying to traumatize Lloyd?!"
"Yep, I'm definitely traumatized now," Lloyd joined in, showing no mercy. Dr. Julien followed the tirade with amusement. His poor son seemed to be at a loss for words.
"But I... We... Sorry?" Zane protested weakly. He rushed over to Lloyd. He seemed... Fine? There were no visible signs of emotional scarring?
"Promise me you'll never do something like that again?" Lloyd begged, giving him his best puppy dog eyes.
"You know I am unable to completely guarantee anything, as it is my duty to protect you and others, but... I shall do my best." he told them. Having weaseled out this assurance, Nya decided that it was time for them to stop pestering Zane over his questionable life choices.
"We're glad you're okay." she stated, smiling at the nindroid to make sure he knew they weren't too terribly upset with him. "So am I." he replied. Lloyd hugged him tightly, catching him a little off guard, but he didn't mind. Tomorrow they would reach the dark island. The future was unpredictable, but for tonight, everyone was safe and sound.
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eyeofthewolfe · 6 years
Ninjago & TLNM: To Be Green
Chapter Six: A Whole New World Realm
Koko’s harsh eyes softened when she saw her older-looking son shed a tear. “Wrong?” she asked tenderly. “What’s wrong?”
Lloyd quickly wiped his eyes. “Those pictures of me...” he started as he gestured with his chin to the photos on the wall. “I have no recollection of them or the people in the photos. I mean, I see Lord Garmadon but he’s...different.”
Koko turned back, an eyebrow raised curiously. “You don’t remember any of that? Do you remember me?”
Lloyd didn’t hesitate as he shook his head. The ginger sucked in a shaky breath as she stepped back. Lloyd noticed she was starting to tense up, so he offered for them to sit down in the kitchen a few steps away.
Koko immediately put her head in her hands when she sat next to the table. Her ‘son’ uncomfortably sat across from her with his trembling hands awkwardly folded together on his lap. There was a long silence in the kitchen before she mumbled through her hands, “If you aren’t Lloyd, then where is my son?”
That was the question he feared to answer. He sat back a little more and carefully selected his words. “Well, first of all, I am Lloyd, just apparently not the Lloyd you all...know.”
She looked up at him, her face pushed together with confusion.
Lloyd continued. “However, the Lloyd you know...I don’t know where he is. I would imagine he is where I was.”
She continued to stare at him blankly as if he had spoken a completely new language. Finally she shook her head and said, “He is where you were? What does that mean?”
“I’m not from here,” Lloyd replied, trying hard to believe the words coming out of his mouth. “I am from a different Ninjago. I don’t know how that’s possible but I think maybe-“ suddenly Lloyd froze. Koko waited as her eyes slowly opened.
“Holy FSM...” Lloyd breathed as he pushed himself to his feet. His legs were shaking so much that he almost collapsed onto the ground. His ‘mom’ rose to help him, but Lloyd was already scrambling for the window. He viciously tore the curtains to the side to let him see the city. Frozen in his spot, Koko slowly joined his side with her eyes wide. “What is it?” She demanded as she wondered what about the view she’s seen all her life is terrifying to this different son of hers.
“This isn’t Ninjago,” Lloyd muttered. “I mean, obviously it is Ninjago but it’s not my Ninjago.”
Koko stared back blankly.
“That made no sense to you, I’m sure,” Lloyd continued as he pressed his palms against the side of his head as he turned back to the ginger woman. “But the Ninjago I am from has 16 realms, well, 14 now- and I’ve only been to about half of them. This must be another realm.”
“Realms?” Koko repeated with disbelief.
Lloyd didn’t hear her. “But is weird...it’s like an alternate reality for my world....it so similar yet so different.” He reached out and took her arm to turn her attention back to him. “Your son must be in my Ninjago.”
She hesitated, trying to comprehend. “How...how do we get him back?”
With a sigh, Lloyd shut the curtains slowly. “I...don’t know. I don’t even know how I got here.”
Shuddering a breath, Koko collapsed back into a chair. Lloyd instinctively dropped down to her side. “Don’t worry ma’am, I will get him back. I promise.”
She held back her tears as she gazed back at Lloyd. After what felt like a full minute she smiled and gingerly placed her hand on his cheek. “You look just like him.” She breathed a whisper. “If you are here and safe, then I can have faith my boy is safe too.”
She pulled away, but Lloyd remained still. He lifted his own hand to his face to touch where she just had her hand. She scrubbed her eyebrows together at his gesture. “What is it?”
Lloyd quickly dropped his hand. “Nothing.” Koko blinked but decided to drop it. She rose to grab a tissue from the counter to wipe her eyes. “I can’t believe I lost my son and husband on the same day,” she muttered quietly to herself to ensure the new Lloyd didn’t hear. As she tossed the tissue she subconsciously glanced at the clock. Suddenly she gasped.
“What?” Lloyd called out from by the window.
She turned back to him. “It’s getting pretty late. You should probably get back to sleep since it’s a school night.”
He rolled his eyes. “Right, school.”
She pulled her head back out of shock. “What, did you not go to school back in your...Ninjago?”
He shook his head.
Koko’s jaw dropped a little. “What kind of mom wouldn’t send her kid to school?”
Lloyd actually chuckled at that. “Oh she did, just...nevermind.” He dropped it again, his throat tightening up again.
She shook her head and then walked back to Lloyd. “Now get a good nights rest, after school tomorrow we can figure out what to do next.”
Lloyd nodded, his eyelids immediately drooping over his eyes when he thought about his must-needed sleep. He turned to a closed door.
“Uh, that’s my room,” Koko giggled as Lloyd froze. He wore an embarrassed smile as he turned to the opposite door. “Goodnight ma’am.”
“You can call me Ko- uh, mom. You can call me mom.”
Lloyd hesitated at the doorknob. He turned back with a warm smile but an aching heart. He turned the knob and slipped into the bedroom.
A closet with a bed would actually be a better name for the space Lloyd walked into. Posters covered the wall of different bands, movies, but mostly of the green ninja and the ninja ‘squad’. The room was mostly clean besides the few socks and shirts on the ground, an overflowing trash bin and an unmade bed. He slowly shut the door and inspected the tiny room that was apparently his.
“Well,” he muttered aloud to himself. “It’s me alright.”
He tracked down some pajamas (bottom drawer to the right, like always) and got himself fully ready for bed. Admittedly it was odd to go to sleep in an actual apartment rather than a room in the Temple or in a large sleeping quarters with his friends. It was even weirder once he actually got into his bed, which was cramped with walls on each side. It was as if he was caged in when he was sleeping.
The small alarm clock near his bed has an alarm already set for 6:20 in the morning. With a shrug, he set it, and then flipped off his lights. The room instantly disappeared into darkness.
Minutes passed as Lloyd laid in bed very much awake, for he wasn’t used to the background buzzing of the city outside of his window. It was odd sleeping in a room so familiar but so uncomfortably different.
His thoughts drifted to this other “Lloyd” he knew was of existence somewhere. Well, he knew where- he was back at the Temple just as confused as Lloyd is.
Lloyd cringed, his mind sore from all the double Lloyd and double Ninjago confusion. He rolled onto his side where he faced a wall, and then forced his eyes shut.
I wonder how the other me is doing right now....
“And you TOUCHED IT?”
“It was glowing-“
Lloyd slowly tightened his jaw as Nya stuffed her face in her hands. The others reacted similarly as they all leaned back some more on the training equipment they were currently leaning on. Lloyd was sitting criss-cross on the grass, picking some every once in a while anxiously.
After a few seconds of silence, Lloyd decided to continue. “After I had grasped it, the green glowing stuff dissolved into my arm. I was shocked so I fell backwards, but instead of landing on the beach I landed here.”
“So you teleported?” Jay interrupted. Lloyd hesitated before shrugging a little. “I mean...I guess? I don’t even know where I teleported to.”
Kai crossed his arms. “You are in Ninjago.”
Lloyd nodded. “That much makes sense, except I am from Ninjago.”
“That’s when it doesn’t make any sense anymore.” Cole spoke up. “There can’t be two completely different Ninjago’s.”
“Actually, perhaps there can.”
Every head turned to the robot. Zane sat forward some.
“Maybe,” Zane spoke slowly, signaling to the other ninja (expect Lloyd) that his idea was not based with fact. “....there’s another realm for Ninjago.”
The lawn fell back to silence. Lloyd stared at the other ninja, who all took that remark like it actually made sense. Finally Lloyd snorted a laugh.
“Another Realm? What are you, serious?”
The others stared at Lloyd as if he was crazy.
“Look, different worlds? Yeah they exist. I’ve been to some prrreeeeetty weird places and seen some preeeeety weird people. But a different realm? Of the same place? That’s not possible.”
Kai looked back to Zane. “He does have a point. Based on Lloyd’s story, that would mean there’s another realm that is almost exactly like ours. But....with slight differences.”
“Like me having an accent!” Jay chimed in. He cleared his throat and tried yet again another ridiculous accent. “Horw doers thirs sournd? Clorser?”
“No,” Lloyd replied sourly. “Not even close.”
While Jay angrily snapped his fingers, Nya leaned forward. “Our Lloyd said he only have been to half of the realms. It’s possible that it could exist, it’s just odd to think there’s another realm that’s a weird mirror image of this one.”
“No, guys-“ Lloyd interrupted again by pulling up a large tuft of grass. “Realms don’t exist. Period.”
Cole snorted and opened his arms up. “Welcome to Ninjago, dude. You’ve got worlds- we’ve got realms.”
Lloyd kept his mouth open for a second before shutting it. He thought back to what Master Wu had mentioned a few years back before he had helped out other Master Builders in their worlds: “New world, new rules.”
Zane pushed himself up. “There is one way to solve this. Later today we will voyage to Hiroshima’s Labyrinth and pick up the Realm Crystal and try and find the realm.”
“Realm Crystal?” Lloyd voiced, but everyone ignored them.
“I agree,” Nya nodded. “But first, more sleep. The Lloyd’s apparently don’t want us to sleep in this morning.”
With a grunted agreement, the other ninjas rose to follow Nya and Zane back into the Temple. Lloyd scrunched his eyebrows together and glanced over his shoulder, where the rising sun had fully emerged from the horizon.
“Uh...” Lloyd called out. Slowly and reluctantly the ninja turned back around.
“Aren’t we going to school?” Lloyd asked with his eyebrows raised.
There was a long pause as the ninja debated in each of their heads if Lloyd was playing with them or not. Finally Kai burst out laughing, followed quickly the rest of the team. Lloyd, in complete shock, realized that they didn’t go to school and most possibly never have.
“Okay I get it I get it, y’all can stop laughing.” Lloyd grumbled. However, he held back a smile of pure joy of not needing to go to school.
“No no no,” Kai wheezed last his laughter. “It’s not funny that you go to high school, it’s funny that our Lloyd may have to go to high school in your place.”
Lloyd narrowed his eyes a little. “Why is that so funny?”
Kai grinned. “Cuz he has the education of a third grader.”
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parachutingkitten · 6 years
Season 4 Analysis
STANDARD DISCLAIMER: I am going to be applying the concept of criticism to a TV show you presumably love and adore as much as I do. If you do not want your idea that the show is immaculate to be challenged, I would not advise reading past this point.
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Mood for the season: It's a SuPeR fUn HaPpY pLaCe!!!!!
You don’t need to, but if you are interested, and haven’t seen my analysis of past seasons, you can find those here:
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Hey guys! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Season 4! We are here! I am SO biased with this season. It has problems man. It has ALL the problems! ALL the plot holes! ALL the stupid, stupid stuff, but I LOVE ALL OF IT! okay, let's back up. I'm about to drop some context on you. 
So, when you're a military brat you tend to make friends with whoever you can, and when I lived in Germany I had a friend who was fandom OBSESSED. She, at the time, was super into Homestuck, something I managed to avoid being sucked into, though I do know more about it than I would like. Anyway, this was the point at which I started getting sucked into Ninjago. So, I figured that if I could trust anyone with a strange obsession, it was her. I showed her the last episode of season 3, and she decided she was just going to dive head first into it with me. We watched season 4 together as it came out, we talked about it, had a bunch of inside jokes about it, I wrote some very short fanfiction about it, she made some OCs, one in particular that I remember was Stormy, a ditzy cloud master who wore pink, we shipped him with... one of my OCs, I don't remember. She hadn't watched the first two seasons, so I had to fill her in on a lot, but she was the first person I ever fandomed with, and it was over season 4. So I guess you could say season 3 was the grand beginning of my love for this show, and season 4 was the peak of my fangirl experience (at least for that phase of my life).
This season is a real mixed bag. Coming off the heels of the first season, nothing makes sense. Suddenly there are more elements, completely discrediting Lloyd's supposed power of four powers. And now it's genetic, which brings up the problem of Jay, who... if either Ed or Edna were masters, they would have slipped by now (but also like, how cool would it be if Edna just busted out with lightning powers) and then Zane who... doesn't have genes. It makes the world bigger, yes, but it also discredits the lore of the last two seasons, and brings up the question "Where the hell were the rest of the EMs when the Great Devour attacked? Or the stone warriors? Or the final battle?!" Anyway, it's a bit jarring and sudden to say the least. It definitely was not planned beforehand. There aren't even any hints in season 3. Like wouldn't it be cool if in season 3 we saw them go to the noodle shop, or Wu was really vague about elemental questions. It would make a lot more sense then. Idk. It opens the universe up to the plotlines of most of the future seasons, but it does sort of discredit the first two. This season is also kinda choppy feeling wise. You go from the mood the past season have had in the first episode to this sort of native tribal feel on the island, and then the factory and then back to Ninjago. It's kinda a mess. Overall it was just an excuse to put these characters in cool situations (which I have done before, I understand). Which I get, and it makes for some cool stuff, but I don't think any of it ends up meshing together super well in the end. When I think of this season I think of the tournament. I forget about the whole snake stuff at the end most of the time. I forget about the while Garmadon conflict. The fact that I forget that's there has to be a bad sign, right?
Character work this season is really pretty good for the most part! There are a lot of new characters. And they all are very distinct and fun, and even when two people you don't know especially well battle, you're still really invested. All of the Cole and Jay stuff is pretty good this season! Major upgrade from season 3. The whole fight scene is absolutely fantastic. Garmadon is freaking awesome this season. He keeps on trying to kill himself, and it's stupid, and the show sort of acknowledges that it's stupid, cuz Lloyd is just like 'dude, what the heck'. Kai's arch this season is pretty good, exploring his darker side and putting that intense conflict in front of him was good. I can tell you one thing, I like it a heck of a lot better than season 7, but we'll get to that when we get to that. So, yeah. Overall improvement in character! It doesn't dive super deep or anything, but it all works and is all interesting.
So... she is one of the reasons I call this season the fanfiction season. We have a whole bunch of other elemental masters we've never heard of, and one of them their power is... all the powers. I can not tell you how much this ticked me off! And she hardly ever uses them! She has pretty much infinite power, and she doesn't think to use it, pretty much ever! There are no restrictions on her! This is what I hate Skylor for. And I do mean hate. BUT aside from that, strictly character wise she is done pretty well. She feels pretty fake and overly sassy at the beginning of the season, but there's a reason for that. It's an act. But it's not like she changed her personality to fool him, she intensified her personality to cover her intentions. Her arch feels pretty natural. That one scene where she does the evil laugh... that was weird. But aside from that, it feels okay. She was raised to think that lying and cheating is the norm, so when someone presents her with another option she begins to change. It makes sense. I love the scene where Kai and her look at each other through the prison bars and (even though their freaking legos) you can feel her realization that she's ashamed of what she's doing now. And after she makes the transition, she's just really chill. Like, I would like to hang out with her. I guess it is kinda sweet that even though she had all of the powers of... ever, at the end she's happy to just run her noodle shop. It's kinda poetic. Anyway, she may be a bit overpowered, and she feels like a bit of a Mary Sue, but overall her personality and interactions are enjoyable enough for me to mostly ignore that. I do agree that she is best used in moderation. She doesn't need to be part of the team. I wish we had a quick cameo each season, but whatever. What we have now in season 9 is nice, but she definitely needs to step back out of the spotlight in future seasons (knock on wood) in order to remain as likable as she's been.
Love him. Freaking love him. Honestly, I probably relate to him the most. He's the first loser of the tournament, he avoids trouble, he sticks to what he knows, and he says it like it is. I love his interactions with everyone down in the noodle factory. He's like this perfect blend of optimism and pessimism. His interactions with Cole are beautiful. Their chemistry is really great. One of, I think everyone's favorite masters, and there's a reason why.
So... typical darkness character. Obviously selfish. But once the climax hits, I actually like him a lot. He kinda serves as an antagonist at first and then flips. It's kinda cool seeing a character with moral boundaries that far out. He's purposely suspicious to take attention away from Skylor, which I get. I think he has a lot of missed potential, but nonetheless, a decent character.
I absolutely love his power! I love his manor, I love his voice. He may well be my favorite EM. I don't even know what else to say about this guy. If Karlof is who I am, Neuro is who I'd like to think I am. Calculated, calm, reasonable, and much like Karlof again, not too risky. I like him a lot. Cool guy. I like seeing how far he's willing to go for the ninja, and where certain lines are for him. It's kinda cool to watch. He could use a friend though. I HC he and Paleman hang out. Both quiet. Both reserved. Neuro could probably locate him in a room even if he's not visible. Idk. Anyway, I like him a lot! Great character.
Griffin Turner
Classic speedster. Good enough. Not much to say. He's fun. He's cool. He's what you'd expect. Decent screen time. None of it particularly character developing. For what he is, he's good at it.
So, let's ignore the part where they made us think he was dead. He's a lot of fun. Good for them getting a blind character in there. Still confused on what his powers can... do? But I like his spunk. I think we all have a little soft spot for him.
One of the only girls and she's pretty much evil. Why do girls have to be evil at one point to be interesting? Idk. Don't really care for her, don't really think much about her. Whatever. She's there. She serves her purpose. Fine. Okay. Moving on.
Friggin love him. For the master of light to be invisible is a great move, and pretty creative. His voice is kinda obvious, but very distinct. It's a creative background character to have. I like him a lot. Again, I feel he could use some more love. See above Neuro HC. Like him a lot and... yay.
Kinda missed the "mother nature" pun... could have had at least one more female master... that's okay. He's cool enough. Kinda disappointing though. I mean, vines? Is that it?
Gravity is a dang cool power. Idk what else to say. He doesn't get a ton of screen time, so it's hard to praise him too much, but yeah. I really like that. Actually had an FC (she was a villain but you know whateves) with the power, so seeing that be a real element they used is really cool.
I don't like him. He's very strange. He's just got that one laugh. He seems comically over the top a jerk. I like the way his mouth looks though. Unique and kinda cool. I was looking on his Wiki page, and it said he and Chamille kissed in the background at one point? Is that true? I am way curious now
Okay. She's nonexistent here, no personality. I guess she's kinda tough. Yeah, this gets confirmed later in season 9, when she speaks. But even there she's pretty nonexistent. Here's my idea. Instead of having all your females being 'tough' why not flip expectation on its head? I think it would be way funny and clever if the master of poison was super friendly, and bubbly, and genuinely a nice person. I'm thinking almost like Jay's (lightning... or I guess adopted) mom, levels of talkative and nice. Wouldn't that be kinda fun? Idk. Whatever. It is what it is.
Kapau and Chope
Best villains ever 10/10. 'Nuff said.
Okay, I freaking love them! They're not my favorite couple or anything, but they work really, really well… under certain conditions. There are a few bumps I can't ignore. Can we have a protagonist in the show who doesn't send googly eyes at their future love interest the first moment they see her? And remember when they made us think Kai and Skylor were related... yeah... why did we need to do that? That was... kinda uncomfortable. BUT other than that, Skylor is exactly what Kai needed. First, he needed a redhead. Duh. Second, he needed someone who would see right through his Kai shmoltz and be real with him. Third, she had to be fun. And finally, she needed to wear the pants in the relationship. And Skylor fills ALL of those requirements! I like that Kai falls for her right away, and I love that she doesn't think she likes him until... she totally does and it's like 'Oh SNAP!'. I love that weird scene where Chen walks around with Kai like he's already his son in law, that cracks me up! I guess I like them more in theory than in practice. It feels a touch forced, and it needed a bit more time. Point being, the beginnings of the relationship are extremely awkward and strange, but towards the end of the season, it gets good! I just wish we could see more :)
The... love... triangle
Alright, by now, you guys should know how I feel about these things. They suck. They're stupid. I hate them. They're pointless. And this season is... quite possibly the stupidest. So... the whole Garma-Wu-Sako... thing this season is that Wu wrote a letter to Misako a long time ago, and Garmadon stole it, and then... Misako *groan* used it to determine which of them she was going to marry... okay. Yeah, Garmadon, that was a crap thing to do. But you know what, he was evil. Wu should have just signed the thing when he wrote it. But also, Misako... WHAT ARE YOU DOIN' GIRL?! Why... would you let a letter... be the final deciding point? I don't get that. And my main problem is that she basically chose her husband based on his writing ability. The thoughts Wu had in the letter obviously directly express what Garmadon wanted to say. In the end, his feelings for her were still the same. The only thing different is that he didn't write it. He's not good with words the way Wu is. But the show treats it like he lied about his feelings, and didn't even like her. Like he was using her for personal gain or manipulation or something. Idk. The whole thing makes no sense. Now, maybe if he did something to make Wu directly look bad or disingenuous THAT would be understandable. But... idk. I don't get it. Misako sucks. Let's move on.
Chen is my favorite villain. Hands down. No competition. Any way you slice it. I friggin love the heck out of this dude. And here's why. First off, he's a very comedic villain that still remains extremely threatening, which is an extremely thin line to walk. I mean, think about it. With all the other villains, they were intimidating, and the henchmen provided the humor. Here, I guess you could say they flipped it cuz Clouse is pretty intimidating, but Chen is still crazy scary on his own. And here's how they do it: He's insane. Straight up, he has lost his mind. Nothing he does makes sense, but that's fine, cuz it probably makes total sense to him. You can laugh at the quirky things he does, but also live in fear knowing that he has trap doors installed EVERYWHERE. Why? Cuz he likes them! Is there a better reason than that when you're crazy! That was my problem with people with Pythor. He is so smart, why didn't he ever think that the devourer might eat him too?! There is no explanation. But with Chen, that doesn't matter! He wants to be a snake! Why? Why not?! No flaws in that thinking, right? This is also why I like Ultra Violet so much. She's the only one to rival his position, but because she's more of a side villain, I don't feel that's enough to dethrone him. With insane villains, you never have any idea what they're playing at, if it's smart, or how to counteract, cuz they're just insane. I mean, seriously,
"Chen, the ninja have figured out our plan, what should we do?"
"COOL! Let's tell EVERYONE our plan!"
And it works! I love his voice. Just the way he says things makes me so happy! He's having so much fun, and I have fun with him! 10/10 villain. Great work.
I can't get past the voice. It sounds so over the top evil and... it's kinda annoying for me? He has a decent backstory and such, but whenever he's on screen I always find myself wishing it was Chen. He just sucks the fun out of everything and leaves nothing there, so most of his interactions aren't particularly interesting. I don't know. Never really thought much of him.
Needless to say everything with Chen works! Everything with the EMs works. Jay's whole Positive Thinking streak is amazing! There's not a lot that falls flat on its face. It's really pretty fantastic.
Favorite joke: too many to count. If I had to pick one...
Chen's: the reds, the purples, the super dark purples!
This season has some damn good drama. It has my personal most sad moment in all of Ninjago. I'm of course talking about Garmadon's death...  JK! XD I WAS LAUGHING ALL THE WAY THROUGH THAT SEQUENCE! But we’ll get to that later. Okay. But for real, my personal most heartbreaking moment is when we find out Pixal is scrapped (of course it's Pixal related) but seriously, watching this for the first time, it broke my heart hardcore. I audibly gasped. They have these conversations, and she realizes he doesn't remember her, and it hurts her because they were comPATABLE GOSH DANG IT! And then he starts remembering, and she knows she can't go with him, so she lies to him to give him the motivation to make it out, and then the reveal, and Zane's heart breaks, and your heart breaks. This whole scenario reminds me of my own writing, it has all these things I enjoy using. Distinctions between fantasy and reality, characters lying to each other to protect them, and an ending realization of total and complete emptiness. Of course, Pixal is added into his head, and all is fine and dandy. It works for this season but serves her worse in future seasons. Regardless, that moment when Pixal says 'scrapped' is the most depressing thing I've ever seen. All of the Zane drama this season works really well. Zane having an identity crisis is something I didn't think the show would handle. When Zane says he's just a clone if himself I was like 'oh, dang! They went there!'. It's almost like he's comparing himself to Cryptor, and it's some heavy stuff. Everything this season is shrouded in mystery. I love that. For the first half of the season or so, I really like the tournament stuff. But as we get Cole, and especially Jay in the noodle factory, that plotline gets much more interesting. I don't get into the Nya and Lloyd and Garmadon stuff that much. The stuff with Kai is okay. But overall, there's some good stuff.
Okay, so... I... I mean I like the build up. The thing with all the trucks is really good. Most of it was really pretty good with all the EMs doing stuff the ninja would usually do. But the whole ending thing, with getting mini Pythor involved, and you know. The whole Garmadon death thing. He died an honorable death and all that, but... idk, I can't get past Lloyd's voice. As he reads him off I just couldn't stop giggling! It's so overdramatic, they feel like they need to make Lloyd mad at his dad for whatever reason so he can come back at the last second, and it all feels so forced. And then the ending is super overly cheesy for how serious the show wants to take itself at that moment. Idk. I don't like it. One of my least favorite finales.
Spotlight episode
There are some good ones to choose from this season. Some real good ones. But the one I find myself watching the most is Ninja Roll. This episode doesn't have too high stakes, it doesn't make much sense, it's kind of pointless, but it perfectly encapsulates the reason I watch Ninjago. I don't know exactly why I watch Ninjago. I'm not into the action most of the time. The romance is cute, but not potent enough to warrant watching the show. The humor isn't revolutionary, the characters aren't especially deep. No, the reason I watch Ninjago is cuz it's fun. Ninjago is just a good time. It has just enough of all of those aspects to make for something I love. It makes me smile. With seasons 8, and especially 9, Ninjago has shifted into this darker action based, lore-driven thing, which I thought I would like, and I do, but I think it's lost a bit of that fun factor. In my opinion, Ninjago is it's best when it's self-aware, and doesn't take itself overly seriously. When you don't have to end the season on an ominous dark cliffhanger. I mean really. What is this? Chima? No. I just want to go hang out with the ninja and the gang, whatever it is their doing. This episode takes advantage of every situation a roller derby with the ninja provides. Of course Jay roller skates with his mom. Of course, Kai is incompetent at it. Of course, Chen cheats, of course, it all comes down to Lloyd. Of course, there's freaking buggies that Chen releases! This whole episode makes me smile and laugh and it has a good message. This is what I miss about Ninjago, and that's why it's my spotlight.
I know everyone always teases Jay about his TV show, but what about Kai and his wrestling career? I just feel like that would come up more often
I completely subscribe to the theory that Pixal was scrapped to fix Zane cuz they beat him up so badly when capturing. I'd kinda like to think Pixal even volunteered herself for it... ONE SHOT IDEA
I have to scratch... my face.
I need a number on the trap door to button ratio on the island
This season has my favorite intro of any season. Mainly cuz the remix is FIRE and I hate the fact that they don't have an extended version that sounds more like the opening itself. 
So all together, the word to sum up season 4 is fun. Definitely not technically the best, or the smartest, or the most well done, but it's my favorite because of nostalgia, my inner child, and because it makes me smile. I love this season.
- Maya (Parachutingkitten)
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mrcupoffail · 6 years
Ninjago TV Show (CMF Draft)
The Ninjago TV had lots of costume and characters that haven’t been put into sets, so before Ninjago ends, (whenever that is), it be good if there was a CMF series of the Ninjago TV show, so people could get all the characters and costumes they wish were made into sets.
Figure 1-6 Lumberjack Cole, Red Shogun Kai, Nya, Zane, Teacher Jay, Pajama Lloyd.
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So the first few minifigures are already the original Ninjago characters, wearing non-Ninja uniform during the season.
Cole being a lumberjack in episode 35, having that hat/hair combo and a recolor axe, the torso printing would also help go well with anyone making something relating to Lumberjacks in their LEGO City.
Kai as the Red Shogun, something for those who want some wrestling figures, his accessory would be the head of his enemy…  Kruncha’s skull, what you think I was talking about.
Nya in her uniform during season 4 to 8, her right arm being printed with that watch, a hat/hair combo from episode 55 or that “clever disguise” during 56, either one would be useful for some sort of stop motion video, or studio MOC. Her accessory would obviously be the welding tool.
Zane in his pre-season 8 civilian uniform, he would be having two heads, one silver and the other yellow. Having both hair pieces, so he would not have any accessory, but if he has to have either yellow or silver, the accessory would be Pixel’s chip for the silver, and a trans-light blue bowl for the yellow.
Jay as a teacher during episode 27, he would be having some leg printing rather than just blank legs, the facial expression would be two sided, one being joyful and the other very disappointed.
Accessory are a spoon and printed lightning bowl.
Lloyd in his Pajamas, sense like Nya, Lloyd has the least amount of different clothes.  Accessory would be his phone and that small dragon made from a watermelon.
Figure 7-8 Anacondrai Garmadon and Anacondrai Skylor
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Sense there can’t be a Wu, do to all his clothes already being made into sets. There would be a Anacondrai Garmadon, along with Anacondrai Skylor, the purple hair on both of them would be useful for the low life minifigures and the Anacondrai for collectors.
They both won’t be having any accessories.
Figure 9 Dr. Julien
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Obviously not gonna get him in any of Ninjago’s future sets, because he’s dead. It would be the perfect minifigure for this series and would match well with other scientist minifigure.
Sense his uniform is unchanged from his young and old self. He would be having a double-sided face of the young and old, along with two of the same hair pieces in different colors, and the accessory would be a red oil can.
Figure 10 Lou
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His hair would be using the Obi-Own hair from the clone wars, he be good for a LEGO City with that uniform, and his accessory is a new trophy piece that could attach a claw piece, or a walking stick.
Figure 11 Cliff Gordon
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And last of the main character family member for my pick of this list. Who’s also a dead character, so he’ll fit right in with Julien; Cliff would be in his Fritz Donnegan costume, having a sand blue ray gun for his accessory.
Figure 12 Khanjikhan
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Just to add one of the villain’s family member.
Getting this guy would be nice to have that 4 arm torso recolored and without the Sky Pirate logo. From the look of the hair, he would be having the hair that been used on Aurra Sing in white. The accessory is likely nothing, him having the Djinn Blade is pretty much a hope.
Figure 13 The Mechanic
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We have literally seen this guy twice, one time in Sky Pirates, and again in Sons of Garmadon. He’ll pretty much would have a new headwear piece, and likely his left arm would be printed with a newly moulded hand, but I’m hoping it would be both a new moulded arm and hand.
He wouldn’t have any accessories, because I have no idea what his accessories could be.
Now to get 4…  pretty much no one cares about them, characters in the pick.
Figure 14-15 Simon and Tommy the Detectives
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They would get some leg printing, sense there isn’t much to them. Both would be having double sided faces and have a stun gun, which a new gun piece could be good for LEGO city, along with these printings for someone’s city.
Figure 16 Sally
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The printing would be good for a minifigures in a school MOC.
She would be having a double-sided face of happy one-side and scare the other. Accessories I have no idea what they would be.
Figure 17 Sky Pirate Soldier
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This would add more to someone’s Sky Pirate army, which is likely only one person doing that very thing, but at least you’ll get a new hat or hair piece, along with face printing from this one.
Which the soldier could either be this one with the big hair piece, or the dark red sailor hat, I would go with the sailor for the figure, because I really don’t like that layered hair piece. Either of the two would be having a different leg printing, unless there’s a big gap between the Sky Pirate sets and whenever there would be a Ninjago TV show CMF pack, that would make an acception, like with the boombox that Robin has in Batman CMF series 2.
The accessory wouldn’t be anything special. It likely be a sword and rope.
Figure 18 Jacob Pevsner
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Now to have an elemental Master from tournament of elements in this pack, is Jacob Pevsner, the elemental master of sound.
He would come with a new guitar piece, both the printing and hair he has would be great for something 70s related.
Figure 19 Golden Jay
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With Golden Kai coming out during 2017, it would be good to get the rest of the Golden Ninjas.
He’ll be updated with new leg printing as well, and hopefully this time we get the Ninja Bandana in gold, rather than a gold mask.
Also he wouldn’t have Katana as accessories, instead it would be his Techno Blade in gold.
Figure 20 Pink Ninja
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And finally is the great…     Pink Ninja
It pretty much be a complete recolor of Zane’s original Ninja uniform in dark pink, and be having a very disappointed expression.
His accessories would be the snake flute, and a 2x2 tile of his uniform folded…   and it’s pink.
I may make a round 2 pick at some point, but comment below if you want to see something of that soon. Along with what you think of my pick and what your pick for a Ninjago TV show CMF  would be in the comments as well.
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p0tat0-g0ddess · 8 years
Despair Chapter 6
So it looks like I only posted up to chapter 5 of Despair on here...
@garfieldbookworm @queen-of-nerds1026
Despair/Rated K+(PG)/Adventure/Angst
Morro opened his eyes and blinked in the bright light. What happened? Where was he? Was he dead? Bracing his hands on the soft ground below him, he pushed himself upright into a sitting position. He was in a grassy field, in an unfamiliar place. Everything was kind of... green. There was a sort of green mist in the air, that changed the color of the sunlight and everything else. Even he was green. Wait. The master of wind looked down at himself. Not only was he green, but he could see through himself. Was he dreaming? Slowly, Morro got to his feet. His clothes were about the same as before, but tattered. Maybe that happened in the fight with Garmadon, and he just hadn't noticed. His wounds were gone as well, replaced by faint scars. He was like... a ghost. Was that right? He was green and could see through himself. That sounded like a ghost. Did people turn into ghosts when they die? Or, wait, maybe that spell Garmadon cast on him had something to do with this. The teenager glanced back and forth. There was no sign of anything he recognized. Was there anyone else here? There was only one way to find out, he supposed, starting to walk across the field. If there were, maybe they could tell him where in Ninjago he had ended up.
 Garmadon walked away from the village as he beat the fire off of his clothes, replacing the staff in its case. That went fairly well. He had just successfully stolen another two elements, Time and Void. Three down, about a million to go.
“Garmadon!” the brown-haired man looked up in shock at the familiar voice to see none other than Clouse running towards him, a hood pulled over his head to hide his face.
"Clouse?" he exclaimed in surprise.
"Shut up!" the black-haired man snapped. "Don't give me away!" Garmadon raised an eyebrow.
"What did you do this time?"
"Nothing. Just- Chen wants you back." The younger man thrust a scroll at him, and he unrolled it, skimming the thin papyrus.
I'm afraid I will have to cut your mission short. A war has started between the humans and the serpentine, and you are needed back in Ninjago city. Come back as soon as Clouse gets this message to you.
"Alright then." Garmadon rerolled the scroll, stowing it in his backpack. "Lead the way, then." As they started back towards the distant city, the young sorcerer cast a glance at the staff's case.
"How many powers did you collect?"
"Three so far. Wind, Void, and Time."
"Wind? I thought the Master of Wind was a friend of yours."
"I found a different one."
"Really? There's more than one?"
"I don't want to talk about it." The brown-haired man snapped, glaring at Clouse. The younger man tilted his head.
"What happened?"
"I said I didn't want to talk about it."
"What happened?"
"Why do you have to know?"
"I'm curious. Nothing bothers you, except when it has to do with your girlfriend. If you don't tell me, I'll tell Chen you're hiding something." Garmadon huffed angrily.
"Fine. The Master of Wind was a kid, and I killed him."
"Wow. That's going to go over well with your girlfriend."
"If you tell her, Clouse, I swear-" the dark lord hissed, and the younger sorcerer laughed.
"I won't. Tell me the rest."
"Fine." The olden man rolled his eyes with a sigh. "I lured him to the Caves of Despair and trapped him there. He must have starved to death by now. But I did get his element."
"Because Chen told me to, obviously."
"No, I mean, why kill him? Chen just said to take his powers."
"He knew too much."
"You spilled the beans?"
"I DID NOT! QUIT ACCUSING ME OF THINGS!" Garmadon snapped, whirling around to glare at him. Clouse stepped back, raising his hands to ward him off.
"Alright, alright, fine. I'll leave you to your brooding." The dark-haired sorcerer shrugged, turning away. "Did you set that town on fire?"
"I needed a distraction to attack the masters of Void and Time. It wasn't a big fire, just a little one in an abandoned barn. The hay will burn and make a big flash, but it won't spread since there are no buildings nearby."
"Wouldn't want to kill anyone, right?" Clouse smirked at him.
"Are you mocking me?"
"Me? No. Of course not. I'm smarter than that." The younger man shrugged, turning away again. Garmadon sighed, glancing down at the staff in his hand.
"How did the war that Chen mentioned start?"
"He started it."
"Wait, what?" the dark lord frowned.
"Well, sort of. He arranged a meeting between the leaders of the humans and the leaders of the snakes, and he sort of… told them some things about each other before the meeting. Some less-than-true things."
"And you're alright with this?"
"Hey, it doesn't affect me." Clouse shrugged. "I can continue with my training; life pretty much goes on. We just have planting strife along with our normal jobs."
"Wait, I'm confused. Why did he call me back?" Garmadon frowned again.
"To help us play the war."
"Why are we 'playing the war'? Why aren't we trying to stop it?"
"So we can benefit from it. If we wanted to stop it, we wouldn't have started it in the first place!"
"But… lives will be lost! Innocent people will be hurt!"
"Was the Master of Wind innocent?" Clouse turned to him, narrowing his eyes. "You killed him." Garmadon looked at the ground for a moment before lifting his head and meeting the younger man's eyes.
"He was one man. If this war continues, many people will be killed in senseless battles. Not just soldiers, but innocents as well."
"Don't talk to me about it, it wasn't my idea." Close shrugged, turning away. "Take it up with Chen."
"I will." Garmadon muttered, staring at the ground in front of them as they walked. What had come over Chen to start a war like this? What did he expect to get from this? As soon as he got back, he was going to have a talk with his sensei.
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eyeofthewolfe · 6 years
Ninjago One-Shot: Exhausted and Alone
Prompt from @doorlords : finding lloyd after his defeat in s8 for a oneshot?
Inspired from @veesearts latest work: here (a beautiful composition of Lloyd alone on the rooftops of Ninjago after Season 8....what inspired this one-shot!!!)
(Such a sad moment in the show, and since Lloyd is alone you get to see what’s haunting at his mind! Thank you for the prompt and grab your tissue boxes!!)
Exhausted. Alone.
How could you let that happen? The harsh words continued to repeat in his mind like a broken record. There was no response to that because Lloyd hadn’t of given one, leaving Nya to cry harder and run off, disappearing in the smoke of the fallen city. It was like it had just happened, but in reality that was a few hours ago.
From the height Lloyd was at now, he could see skyscrapers in flames, buildings slowly crumbling, and monstrous piles of concrete and glass where buildings used to stand. It was so sickening to look upon, he had to move back from the ledge and shut his eyes.
The comforting darkness only lasted just a second before the moment when the Bounty was crushed on his friends and uncle replayed in his mind.
A shudder rattled Lloyd’s body and he collapsed to his knees. He could still feel the rough and tight grasp of Harumi’s large stone hands gripping the back of his neck, holding him over the edge of the trolley. He was forced to dangle helplessly over the destruction of the city he swore to protect, watching as his nightmare unfold. He had hoped that his friends would escape, somehow hitting a booster or using their powers to free themselves from the clutches of the the giant. But no. With a crunch that shook the world, the wooden ship collapsed on top of itself, crushing his friends.
His eyes shot open, trying to escape from the nightmare. Gasping for air while preventing sobs, he fell backwards on the rough gravel of the rooftop. His sore hands barely registered the pain as the rocks dug into his scrapes. He didn’t even care if it hurt- it didn’t matter. How could he be here complaining about his minor injuries when....
The tears burned at his eyes again. He couldn’t think about it- how could he. How selfish of him! At least he was still alive.
He remembered the recap Nya had given him as they both headed to his mom and uncle. Lloyd was drained of energy, exhausted both his power and his strength, but it wasn’t until Nya told him that he was on the brink of death when he realized just how dedicated his friends were to him. They were willing to give up their powers just to save his life, even after locking them up to face his dad alone. Granted, their powers remained - according to Nya, but Lloyd’s was gone.
It was a feeling Lloyd has never felt before. It was as if the connection he had to everything was cut. Before he could sense the powers in his friends, the life forces of everything. Anything with energy...he could feel it. Now....nothing. Feeling weakened from that appendage would be an understatement. He felt like he was a dead man walking.
Where are your powers Lloyd, as your city falls? He shut his eyes, hearing Harumi’s menacing cackle as if she was next to him. She was right- where did they go? In his greatest time of need, his powers were gone. He still didn’t understand how. Now his dad- Lord Garmadon- ruled over Ninjago with his own powers, powers unmatched by his son.
Without realizing it, Lloyd had shifted his position so he sat against a wall on top of the roof. His arms were propped up on his legs. He mindlessly fixed the bandage around his left knee before letting his head fall back in exhaustion. He slowly let his eyes close.
“What are you doing?”
Lloyd’s eyes shot open. Standing in front of him with his arms crossed in a way only he could do, was the Master of Fire himself.
“K-Kai?” Lloyd breathed in shock. The spiky haired ninja didn’t acknowledge his name and repeated his question.
“What are you doing?” he said again, this time with more of an edge to his voice. Lloyd sat up a little, still speechless.
“I’ll tell you,” another familiar voice called out from next to him. With a light gasp, he turned to the right to see Cole propped up against the wall, twirling his hammer. “Our leader has given up.”
“That’s not true-“ Lloyd immediately replied, but Cole shook his head. “Look at yourself, Lloyd.”
He slowly looked down at himself before hearing someone bust out into laughter. “He actually looked at himself-“ the high pitched voice wheezed to his left. Lloyd snapped his gaze to Jay, who was trying to control his laughter. “No no, we mean look at your surroundings, your situation.”
“But you all...” Lloyd turned to the three of them, still frozen in shock. “You all are-“
“Dead?” Finally the smooth robotic tone signaled the last of the four. Lloyd turned to see Zane approach from behind Cole. “Do we appear to be dead?”
Lloyd hesitated before shaking his head. “But, I watched the Bounty get crushed on you all. There’s no way.”
Jay made a small gestured. “Well, we had to go-“
“At some point,” Kai interrupted Jay with a sharp look. “Ninja don't last forever.”
Lloyd let his gaze drop to his knees. “When...when Zane died, I kept going because I knew how important the team was to protecting Ninjago. But...now there is no team. It’s only me and Nya.”
Cole pusher off the wall to join Zane and Kai’s side. “That’s not true. There are more out there.”
Lloyd let a tear slide down his cheek. “But I can’t go on without you guys. You’ve always been there, and now-“
“We’ll be here.” Jay reassured as he pushed off the wall to stand next to Kai. “You won’t see us, but we haven’t abandoned you, buddy.”
The Green Ninja looked up at his team as they all stood before him. “What am I supposed to do now?” he asked them. “The City has fallen, everyone is now living in fear, and now my Dad rules with Harumi. There’s no-“
“Well there’s one step,” Kai took a step forward before Lloyd could finish. “You can never give up hope. You need to always be the light at the end of the tunnel.”
Cole stepped forward, his hammer leaning on his shoulder. “You need to be strong, not just for yourself but for others. They need you more than ever.”
“You must be smart,” Zane added as he took a step forward. “Your instincts will keep you alive, but relying on your friends’ advice will help you win the fight.”
Finally Jay stepped forward with a smile. “And keep a light heart. Don’t forget to smile. Don’t let the pain dominate everything, or else the battle has already been lost.”
“But first,” Kai bent over so that he was face to face with Lloyd. He lifted his hand and tapped his index finger twice on his forehead.
“You have to wake up.”
Lloyd’s eyes shot open and he pushed off the wall. As he panted for breath, he looked out across the empty rooftop, no sign that anyone had even been there.
Slowly relaxing, Lloyd leaned back up against the wall, but he was no longer exhausted. Tired, very much so, but there was a new fire in his heart, a bit of hope in the hopeless city. Lonely, obviously, but he had four of the most powerful people with him. He could never be alone.
Using the wall as support, he pushed himself to his feet. Kai was right. He had to wake up. He had to get back on his feet and stop hiding and start resisting.
Resitance, Lloyd smiled to himself. It sounded like a name you would hear in a fantasy story. But right now, maybe fantasy wasn’t a bad thing.
Suddenly the words he said earlier to Harumi came back to him. Words of so much hope, but Lloyd didn’t mean them when he said it. He just needed to put on a face of confidence to show Harumi that she didn’t win when she actually had. But now...Lloyd was confident that the battle wasn’t over. And now, he was ready for round two.
“This isn’t the end, Harumi. This is just the beginning. Without my powers, without my friends: I’m going to fight you! I’m gonna fight on! Because a ninja...”
“...never quits!!”
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