#obviously i won’t dox her or anything
hondayota · 1 year
just spent like an hour lowkey stalking this one girl on the internet that i don’t even know irl instead of doing homework
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Currently obssessing over 0308 (as usual) and the way punishment/judgement is represented as fire in Fuuta's MVs and rain/water in Amane's. The parallels are driving me insane I swear.
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Punishing someone else.
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Being punished (I assume Fuuta is supposed to be burning here).
Like okay okay listen.
CW: Online harrassment, doxxing, child abuse, cults and indoctrination, burning and drowning.
What do these things represent in the MVs? Well, like I said, it's punishment or judgement. They're these suffocating, overpowering forces of nature which feel like they swallow you whole, right?
[Backdraft] Flames closing in, are both sides losers? Flames closing in, can’t douse this FIRE
Alight, enmeshed, their eyes closing in Dodging seems impossible Bust out, explode that counter uppercut Swallowing me whole, can’t douse this FIRE
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Amane may not mention water in her lyrics, but the visuals are clear enough.
But obviously they're so so different. The fires in Bring it On and Backdraft always have human origin. It's Fuuta weilding the fire swords, it's Fuuta who uses the highly flammable spray paint. In fact, Fuuta uses the username Pazuzu, a wind demon, and wind very easily causes fires to spread and worsen (more on the Fuuta-Pazuzu connection in this post by milk-ly I highly recommend you read!). Fuuta for a long time had control of the punishment and judgement dealt out to others, he controlled the fire.
But humans don't control rain. It always comes from nature, and in Amane's eyes, from a God. It's an immutable fact of life, punishment shall come because it is ordained by a higher power.
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Right? You get it?
And there's more. Because rain and water in general is a necessity. It's something humans can't live without. Even if it's unpleasant or annoying when it does rain, people should always be grateful that it does. Even if it's inescapable, it's a gift from God. It's love.
[Magic] But it’s not scary at all, because it’s love I can really think it’s great. See, isn’t it a great thing?
Please get my girl some therapy.
Okay so that's all well and good. But probably the most important difference is the aftermath.
Because for Fuuta, fire doesn't leave anything behind, but ash. It's a completely destructive force. Even if something new can take the burnt object's place (see: agricultural uses of fire), the old object is completely destroyed. It's unforgiving, nothing good can come from being burnt.
[Backdraft] An ever-victorious FIRE, burn so high 'till it becomes ash
With just one mistake and I’m out of chances Bless me, please, with one more chance
Fuuta's lives in a world where judgement is damning. Just one mistake, and you're already burning, and no one can douse the fire. That's how it's always been for him and the people he attacked. Nothing good comes from being punished, and there are no second chances.
But rain isn't like that. After the rain comes the rainbow, right? After punishment comes reform, after being judged, one can become a better version of themselves.
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The thing that ties all the Purge March scenes with a rainbow is the theme of punishment, of rain. It first appears when Amane fumbles the Gozake flag, later when Amane heals the cat, then the last two images are after her victim killed the cat. It's the good following the judgement, the "improvement."
[Magic] I won’t say “I’ve had enough” Will you laugh with me and forgive me? I promise! I can only become a better girl!
I wonder why she won't say she's had enough punishment...
[The Purge March] The “It can’t be helped”, from the scum who can’t be helped That makes them doubtlessly, clearly, absolutely, unequivocally, beyond any doubt, GUILTY
Oh right! Because saying you won't be able to change after punishment is blasphemous and makes you "scum who can't be helped"! Right!
Please get my girl some therapy.
Okay, and why's all this paralleling important? Like sure it's neat, but this is all stuff that can be gathered individually from each MV, why do we gotta relate it to one another?
Well, because it makes it make so much more sense.
[Fuuta] Brat, you’re on the side who weren’t forgiven too, right? ……so why can you still stand? Don’t you can hear it too? The voices blaming us. ……I don’t have the energy to do anything like this. [Amane] It goes without saying. Because there’s something far more important than the voices of people we can’t even see. People are able to get back up again. As long as there’s something to guide them. Kajiyama Futa, by coincidence today happens to be your birthday, correct? Don’t you think it’s a good opportunity to be reborn?
Of course Fuuta wants to believe Amane! Because if her religion is right, then he does have a second chance!
Bless me, please, with one more chance
The use of "bless" here really became quite ironic huh. (Disclaimer, I don't have a good way of checking if there really is a religious implication in the original Japanese lyric and I actually think there isn't)
He's going through the punishment here, and he's reforming! He probably wouldn't dox anyone again after what happened with Killcheroy. Suddenly, his Guilty verdict isn't just an unforgiving fire which will consume him whole and leave nothing but ash. Instead, it's just a tiny bit of rain, and as long as he holds out, he can see the rainbow. If you feel like you're standing in an inferno, wouldn't you rather be in the rain instead?
I've always been worried about how Fuuta would react to a second Amane Guilty. I'm pretty sure Amane herself would only cling to her beliefs harder, because when the rain turns into a storm, the rainbow becomes even more necessary. If after all she's gone through she still believes in her faith, there is zero chance in my mind a second Guilty would help at all. The question is what the hell would Fuuta do if Amane suffers so much and the only thing she has left is her religion. The issue is that Amane's religion, given everything I talked about, seems like it would love martyrs, so if Fuuta is already starting to believe, he's only going to be... more impressed? Maybe? By Amane.
[Magic] I won’t say “I’ve had enough” Will you laugh with me and forgive me?
Yeah that line again.
And I don't know man, I really hope he doesn't end up attacking Shidou in Amane's stead, but I think it's not all that impossible. And it would also be very funny I think, a small part of me wants to see the reaction of people who voted Amane Guilty to protect Shidou if that happens.
Would Amane Innocent help? Not by itself, probably. But if Amane gets into a better mental state, it's possible Fuuta would be able to sorta start getting her to realize some of the bad parts of her cult and hopefully a Trial 3 inno on Amane would be enough to start a path to healing.
Listen, Shidou can survive a stab, and he can tell someone else how to heal the other injured prisoners. He and the others can probably come back from Shidou's injury. I don't think Amane can come back from a second Guilty if I'm honest. Given the Situation, I hope I'm wrong, but I am so so worried.
Come on Fuuta make a Timelines post asking us to inno Amane like Haruka did with Mu. Do it. I know it didn't go well last time but you know.
Anyways, Inno Amane please- take care!
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gyumibear · 1 year
✂️ three's a crowd — 00: my clematis
synopsis — being an ex-obsessive fan is hard, but you've been doing well so far. that is until your rival is revealed to be dating choi soobin, the idol you've been dreaming of for years! so, now your road to recovery is detoured because you're not going to let that slide. you're going to break them apart at all costs. doesn't she know three's a crowd?
taglist — open! send an ask or comment on the main masterlist to be added! @imsiriuslyreal
warnings — violation of hippa laws 😭, mentions of mental illness (codependency, obsession, parasocial relationships), allusions to suicidal thoughts and mentions of violence.
(wc — 1.5k)
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It is our intention to include a transcript of the therapeutic sessions run by Dr. [REDACTED] with his client [REDACTED]. These transcripts are protected by doctor-client confidentiality laws (HIPPA) and should only be accessed by the verified person(s). Please call [xxx-xxx-xxxx] if you are in fear of those laws being violated. 
August 24, 2019 / #Session 1
Note: C refers to client [REDACTED] while T refers to Dr. [REDACTED].
T: Hello, [REDACTED], it’s nice to see you today. 
C: I’m only here because [REDACTED] wants me to be.
T: And might I ask who that is? Is he your father?
C: He’s my cousin, in a way. He’s more like a brother though.
T: Is he your legal guardian?
C: Yes, but only for a few more days. I’m about to turn 18 soon.
T: I’ll note that down. Well, thanks for coming, and I’m happy to help you. First, I want to go over a few things with you. I just want you to know that everything we talk about here is confidential. 
C: Obviously. You’d get sued if you didn’t keep things between us.
T: *Dry laugh* You’re correct. Let’s start talking, what happened today that brought you here?
C: Hm.
T: Feel free to start whenever you’re comfortable, [REDACTED].
C: I pushed a girl down a flight of stairs.
T: Did she do something to anger you? Why did you push her?
C: She said that [REDACTED] is the weakest member of [REDACTED].
T: Can you enlighten me as to who that is? Is he a celebrity?
C: Yes, my favorite! He’s the leader of [REDACTED] which is a K-Pop group.
T: Ah, right. Why did her comment about him upset you so much?
C: Because he’s the love of my life? She was spewing absolute bullshit and she doesn’t even know him. Not like I do. I know how hard [REDACTED] works, how much he does for the group and the other members. She deserved to get put in her place.
T: Hold on, [REDACTED]. You said he’s the love of your life? Can you explain that?
C: He is. We’re gonna get married one day. I know it.
T: Let’s dig deeper into this, okay? Tell me more about [REDACTED].
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September 28, 2019 / Session 3
C: So, I doxxed her, and I got her expelled.
T: All because she said she preferred [REDACTED] to [REDACTED]?
C: Yeah! I like [REDACTED] and all, but the best member will forever be my [REDACTED]. He’s not the leader for no reason, Dr. [REDACTED].
T: I understand how you feel, but [REDACTED], she is allowed to have her own opinion. You can understand that, correct?
C: She can. That doesn’t mean she won’t face the consequences for them.
T: Hm.
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January 4, 2020 / Session #10
T: Welcome back, [REDACTED]. How was your Christmas?
C: It was pretty good, [REDACTED] bought me two [REDACTED] albums. I pulled [REDACTED] of course. It’s because he loves me. He made sure I got his PCs.
T: Hm. Have you been taking your medication regularly?
C: …
C: No. I just… forgot. [REDACTED] got really mad at me over the break and I felt like he was gonna leave me and I- I just couldn’t focus on anything else.
T: Why did he get upset with you?
C: I spent the rent money on some [REDACTED] merch cause his birthday was coming up. December 5.  He had to call [REDACTED] and ask him to pay this month. They both were really pissed at me, [REDACTED] was the angriest though. I felt bad, like genuinely bad about it.
T: When you say bad, do you really mean sad?
C: Yeah… I just, I don’t ever want him to be mad at me. He’s all I have… But, it’s like… When it comes to [REDACTED] I just can’t control myself. It’s like I’d [REDACTED] if he asked me to.
T: Do you want to [REDACTED]?
C: Sometimes.
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March 4, 2020 / Session #14
C: Lately, I’ve just been feeling… Empty? Today’s supposed to be a happy one, cause it’s their one-year anniversary, but I just… Don’t feel anything?
T: Why do you think that is? Did something happen?
C: My classmate recently started biasing him and she actually met him. She ran into him at the convenience store or something and he… talked to her.
T: Continue.
C: At first I thought she was lying, just to piss me off, but… She pulled out her phone and she showed a whole group of us. He took a picture with her and she said he even called her pretty…
T: How did that make you feel when you heard that?
C: Pretty upset. I didn’t do anything to her though, I just walked away.
T: That’s good, [REDACTED]. I’m glad nobody got hurt.
C: Doesn’t mean I didn’t want to hurt her.
T: I understand, but we’re working on that, now aren’t we?
C: Yes. Yes, we are.
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August 5, 2020 / Session #25
T: Woah, [REDACTED] you seem very upset today.
C: I’m not in the mood Doc.
T: Would you mind telling me why?
C: [REDACTED] has dating rumors. With this random bitch [REDACTED]. Literally, just because they’re working together as emcees does not mean they’re dating! He wouldn’t do that. He knows that would crush me.
T: [REDACTED], you remember [REDACTED] doesn’t know you, right?
C: That’s not true! He responded to my message on [REDACTED]. Twice. He knows me.
T: Oh dear. [REDACTED], I’m sorry. That was out of line on my part.
C: It’s fine, just don’t say that again. I’m already in a bad mood.
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April 16, 2022 / Session #x 
Note: C stopped seeing T for a few years due to her time in [REDACTED] after an incident in which she [REDACTED] after an altercation with her classmate. A few of her files were lost, these were the earliest we could find.
C: I’m going to [REDACTED] for University. It took a lot of hard work, but I’m gonna study fashion! [REDACTED] is paying my tuition, but I’m gonna work so I can pay him back.
T: That’s a good idea, [REDACTED]. I’m proud of you.
C: It is a little scary though…
T: What’s scary?
C: Being away from [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. Cause I have to move into a dorm, I’m not going to see them every day like usual… I’m a bit nervous. I think it’s my separation anxiety.
T: That could be it. Let’s talk more about this. 
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May 31, 2022 / Session #x
T: This is the last time I’m going to be seeing you regularly, [REDACTED]! 
C: Yeah, it feels like it was just yesterday when I met you for the first time.
T: How are you feeling? Been keeping up with your meds?
C: Yep! I’ve been feeling pretty okay! When I start feeling bad I just remember the exercises and the practices you taught me and I work around them. I’m healed, basically.
T: You were never broken, [REDACTED]. You just needed some guidance. You are doing exceptionally well, but don’t start slacking off. We don’t want you to relapse.
C: Yeah, I got you Doc. I’m gonna be on my best behavior!
T: I believe as much. So, what music do you have to share with me this week?
C: I’ve been listening to [REDACTED]! She’s so cool, she makes me wanna learn how to play an instrument.
T: That’d be a good hobby, don’t you think?
C: Yep. Also, Doc..?
T: Yes, [REDACTED]? You look concerned?
C: I, um… I saw some photos of [REDACTED] online… I blocked all the tags that I could, but I guess they just slipped through.
T: That’s alright. these things happen. How did you feel about that?
C: I felt like screaming. I don’t know how to describe it, but it wasn’t a good feeling. So I turned my phone off and I went to go talk to [REDACTED] about it.
T: Is that fully true?
C: …
T: [REDACTED], please tell me the truth.
C: Hm… No.
T: What did you really do?
C: I binge-watched all the fancams I could find of him…
T: Is that all?
C: I also argued with some people online… But then [REDACTED] came and he distracted me.
T: *Sighs* Let’s have another session tomorrow, I want to investigate something.
C: Okay…
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August 1, 2023 / Session #x
T: You’re going back to school soon. How do you feel?
C: Fine. It’s just school, you know?
T: Mhm. How’ve you been feeling?
C: Fine. I spent the weekend at [REDACTED]’s so I’m pretty out of it, haha.
T: I see. Did you keep up with your medicine?
C: Do you even need to ask? Of course. I haven’t missed a day in months.
T: I’m very proud of you. Why did you schedule this meeting though, might I ask?
C: I dunno… I just felt like I should.
T: That’s okay! I’m here for you for that very reason. So, tell me what’s on your mind?
C: There’s this girl who’s supposed to be my roommate… I don’t like her.
T: What’s her name?
C: [REDACTED]. She’s a music major.
T: What don’t you like about her?
C: She just… Seems fake? There’s something off and it makes me feel weird.
T: Hm… When was the first time you two interacted?
C: Well… Let’s see…
Note: End of recovered transcripts.
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a/n — this was just a simple prologue/teaser to show what yn's mental state is like! i've never done therapy transcripts so i'm sorry if they're an inaccurate portrayal? let me know if there's something that needs to be tagged or changed.
playlist / masterlist / next
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© GYUMIBEAR. do not repost, modify or translate my work onto other social media sites.
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firecrackerhh · 7 months
So according to hazbin Twitter I guess Viv got doxxed again and now a certain person and their supporters has been speculating on Viv’s family.
You people are fucking disgusting. Like honest to god Viv’s family has nothing to do with her myriad of controversies, leave them the fuck alone, what is wrong with you?
Just give the fuck up already you fucking amoeba brained fucks. Viv won already, this shit is not only fucking pathetic but it’s also fucking dangerous.
I hope that the Christian hell exists specifically so people this wretched can suffer for the rest of their miserable afterlives. Hell they should be suffering right now. Karma is a fucking bitch and when she comes for you, no one is going to defend you. Except the literal scum of the earth. I legit hope people like this die alone and miserable.
I’m not gonna waste time being nice about it, obviously no amount of harassing these people will change anything, same way their harassment towards Viv has done nothing. But that doesn’t mean they deserve any kindness or respect for their heinous actions.
You people make me sick. Just remember when karma rightfully kicks your ass you’ll have no one to blame but yourself.
You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God’ll cut you down.
God, karma, the universe, call it whatever you want, either way you’re gonna eventually get your fucking ass kicked, whether literally or spiritually or whatever else.
I can’t say I’m a believer in a God necessarily myself, but I like to think there’s something out there. And whatever that something is, it has no tolerance for fucking bullshit.
Just don’t come crying to us expecting sympathy when the world crashes down on you, cuz God knows you don’t fucking deserve any, you certainly won’t get mine.
🔥🧨~Firecracker out~🔥🧨
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ludwigoat909 · 2 years
God I swear I have so many things too say about MIlgram. and I still haven’t started writing my theories sdjfkghsdjfgfdg I won’t lie the way people acted on twitter scarred me when it comes too talking about theories because there’s so much woobification of the characters to the point where it almost feels like you can’t really say anything anymore + I only realized that sooner there’s been this very weird marge of difference between how people treat female characters and male characters in the series. I think the weirdest one in particular is how people comment on Muu like she’s evil and shit while Fuuta is being constantly wobified over and over and that’s just... weird. Like the former is just some obnoxious spoiled teenage brat who has absolutely zero clue on how too solve any conflicts because her parents never told her about that and instead cuddle too the point of making her overly sensitive. Meanwhile Fuuta is quite literally a 20 yo idiot who willingly went on doxxing a middle schooler which inevitably drove her too her death, the later which he obviously never intended to happen but still happen because of his stupidity.
Like dgmw I love both characters a lot but it really feels unfair the way they’re being treated with so little nuance imo. Like literally I remember when his T2 voice preview came out people dashed on too insist that “He was just doing what he thought was good, he just a good baby boy” like please for the love of god be real /lh Obviously people have the right too vote for whatever reason they want that’s one of the main aspects that makes Milgram so intresting, it presents characters that are simply human and morally gray and lets you judge wether or not you forgive them based of your own judgement. It’s just that it’s important too know what you’re talking about and that at the end of the day they’re all meant to be morally gray.
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petalsmooth · 3 years
Let’s talk Lili.
First off we only know what stars put out about themselves or other people say about them. We are not friends with these people. We are not in their homes. We don’t usually hear what they say in unguarded conversation. What we know is what is out on social media with some highly distorted soundbites from chats or DM’s with her mother that were exposed.
We were initially presented a portrait pushed by her and her family no less of a middle class family with the standard girl next door hit it big narrative. Down to earth, relatable, somewhat quirky. Strong two parent supportive household. All that was missing were the apron and pearls.
This girl came out of the gates talking about a modernized Riverdale with two girls who would be actually close and not vying for the same redhead. Feel free to add/or correct along the way of course...especially early on when not following as closely.
We got very little in the way of insight into Cole and Lili because they were trying to keep it quiet even if there were hints together. Mostly during this period what fans were fed was that she was slightly awkward socially, maybe not the most intellectual but nice and harmless. She spoke of empowering women, independence, she constantly shut down the idea of Barchie and praised Bughead. Along through the year’s she would speak to social bullying or bullying in general. She would openly talk about struggles with mental health. She’d talk and show her cystic acne and share photos not all airbrushed in ode to body positivity. She’d talk about not having an hourglass figure, and cellulite and often go out in ratty shorts and a bun sans makeup. You see she’d talk about it then follow through by showing lived the walk or calling out photoshops done of her.
Again this is “relatable girl next door quirky Lili” we told was the REAL Lili.
She would frequently talk and post about her family and dogs at home and how much she loved and missed them...though oddly not so much her older sister.
At a certain point it became undeniable Cole and Lili were together to even the hardest deniers. Of course also the Met gala eventually made official for media.
We get have her liking posts such as Miley’s about how lucky she was to have a man who checked off all the boxes. But at times there were glimpses all wasn’t kosher. People have mentioned various cons where she’d be caught flirting somewhere else, or she’d be in a bad mood giving Cole a cold shoulder. We recently saw an old video of them walking and her basically demanding he drop the fans and attend her. We have the con were Camilla is sexually harassing Cole everywhere and Lili doesn’t shut it down until Camilla tries to grind on him. It was so bad even Mads intervened. We have the interview where she is talking over him or rolling her eyes and basically being the unprofessional brat her fans claim she is not. Even though it’s ON CAMERA. Snapping at your co worker/boyfriend and rolling your eyes during a professional interview is not deniable.
Flashforward to the trip to Italy because for me there was always something off about that. That trip was obviously planned far in advance. Clearly Lili was supposed to be there. Her fans quickly blamed Cole because Lili was working. Lili didn’t have to work. It wasn’t a career changing move to do that film. It did not do well. I’m not entirely sure what was happening around that time but I have the sense Cole was disappointed/a  little angry she prioritized it over him accepting very likely the offer AFTER the trip was planned.
Lili spirals during this time. Cole comes back to clean up mess. They are quiet on social media for a long time then slowly emerge again and eventually get the photo booth shots, the wedding and her mingling with NY friends for once. Turns out close to the end for them.
I don’t want to make this a Sprousehart post though although some relevance to bring part of it up. The point is Lili put her career over her relationship. It was a calculated decision. It was also the wrong decision. Her fans talk about her being this warm giving person but that was a cynical call and a pretty lousy thing to do to your boyfriend of several year’s. I’m all for supportive partners but there are time’s where you make sacrifices if you really care for someone and this was a special trip planned long in advance. She blew it off. If I’m the partner she does this too, I question why I’m putting in the effort if it doesn’t mean to them what it means to me. 
TBH I think the bad choices she made there is why tried to make it up by meeting with his friends, the wedding etc...
Something than clearly happened because by January they were done. Not sure we’ll ever know but it looked like they were trying to fix things given the happiness hadn’t seen on Cole’s faces in a long time in those booth pics and then...it was done. We didn’t know at the time, but this is timeline Cole gave. There was a brief attempt at reconciliation where she babysits him at a photo shoot and posts a photo of them in bed and then shortly after...Cole calls it off. 
He heads to LA, she follows him there but not without making sure to shove Casey’s face into her chest to post and rent a place close to where he is staying. She posts weepy messages about the world ending etc....and weird new photos mimicking old shoots with him so naturally people think this means whatever happened they worked through. Around same time she and hers manipulated her fans to try to cancel him earlier because she misunderstood a picture of Kaia....although flat out if he had been with Kaia he was SINGLE and it was no longer her business.
She tries to walk back the firestorm she unleashed on him by “defending” him from a lesser twitter trend after realizing misconstrued the Kaia picture, All summer she weirdly seems to be trying to avoid the topic if they are together or not despite saying once if they weren’t she’d tell people. She finally puts her foot in her mouth one two many times' and Cole confirms they broke up which she doesn’t acknowledge. Because she doesn’t want to be broken up.
As we know know it wasn’t all rainbows on the set even before all this happened as in the musical she’d launched an object at him hard enough to have the crew concerned. Lili fans keep saying Cole is abusive but the only evidence we have of abuse is her towards him. We also had her suddenly doing a 180 from past 4 year’s and excusing cheating with Archie and promoting everyone in her live recaps except Cole/Jughead.
Back to the events following Cole’s post....then we get a sudden string of interviews taking shots at Cole, doxxing him, implying he could have strayed (just to resurrect hate against him) but can’t say he actually did because she has no proof. We know this because in those chats admit it was just suspicion and paranoia and never did have any names.
We learn that Lili has been funneling news and gossip and photos to keep her mother’s hold on the fandom in check and her mother in turn has been bullying people who would stand on Cole’s side. They sought to ruin him. This is not debatable.
For year’s people had made fun and called Bree out for being an obsessive stalker unable to let a relationship go, then Lili starts doing the same. We know she has tried to copy Ari’s style, her mother made a snide comment about breast size, Lili tried to taunt Ari from on set and Ari shut her down. A girl who almost never was in the line of sight of paps suddenly is snapped everyday following break up even before the public new. That doesn’t just happen. She wanted the attention.
I’m not going to go into all of it, you all know it. Suffice to say revealing she has a bitter vindictive attitude she has submersed herself in ever since Cole made it clear no reunion. She won’t even broach the topic of Bughead/Jughead unless forced. You can spin all you like but the split screens was not an artistic choice by RD. It was spurred by need to keep them apart.
Lili last summer was doing precious little other than a post or two of Black Lives matter and then when Cole gets arrested suddenly she jumps on the me too and sets up impulsive lives. Maybe she meant well but a part of me thinks she did it to attract his attention. Notice once she got praise for it and the initial protests faded she more or less doesn’t bring it up anymore. Cole never intended to get attention, it just happened because he’s a star and got taken in to a jail cell. He never put himself on camera for notice. 
Lili also co-opts the murder of a girl to flaunt she thinks she looks good naked. Completely tone deaf. 
Lili very rarely is seen in fan photos, only usually when she’s getting flack for it online. She, a girl who talks about bullying, went on a  midnight tirade against a guy who dares to critique or poetry setting her fans on him. Then deleted it probably because publicist in her ear.
She first said poems not about Cole, than said you could read into what you wanted to sell them. Now she doesn’t want to talk poetry or sequels because it flopped and was critically panned.
There are constant rumors about Lili on sets of productions to point they even had someone on her newer movie try to downplay. Yet we see in a video the cast barely talking and looking tense on a boat. 
The girl who used to talk about body positivity now lets them airbrush abs onto her.
The girl who used to talk of therapy and mental illness now promotes OTC supplements for $ and cults.
If she mentions cellulite she uses other tik toks of people showing not her own. 
She said she would never be on tik tok, yet now has her own and post old videos that aren’t funny.
Lili once tired to attack Cole by talking about losing yourself in drugs or alcohol or sex yet we’ve seen her drug paraphernalia because she advertises. Her friends post and laugh over her being drunk. She was in an off and on relationship with Wallis that doesn’t seem to be about anything but sex.
We were told Coles friends are bad influences but Taylor is out there solicitating questionable clients and making videos slamming LILI’S COWORKER as a bad actor and his brother,
The majority of Lili’s posts no longer feature Sunny or her family/Addy. 
She insulted Vancouver, compared to a prison, and made it clear her creature comforts were of more importance than a pandemic. Not quite the attitude of an empath. Which she claims she is with intention to be a master which require sucking more gullible people into the cult.
She brags about being a “rich man” without understand the context. She went from artistic photos to modeling pinups to fuel her lack of self esteem.
She’s in her mid 20′s, claims she had grown and matured in the last year but there is no evidence of it. Still can’t work with her ex without buffers which still influences show direction though her fans deny.. Still lives off junk food and hangovers. Those glasses aren’t just for sun. Her timeline is mostly an ode to her vanity with pictures of herself and then her dog. She doesn’t seem to have any causes she’s deeply involved in on the side apart from her cult. She’s still stalking Cole as her impulsive makeup tutorial showed. She said she cut out of her life anyone who doesn’t service her. I highly doubt she is receiving quality therapy on the regular right now. She still does not seem to possess the ability to own her mistakes and apologize when warranted, rather deflects or erases when heat becomes too hot.
The content she puts out about herself post break up is very different than the bill of goods fans were sold before. She is a far cry from that quirky girl next door that stood FOR something more than vanity and shallow affirmation. So no, I don’t see what you see in her stans. Everything that once seemed to distinguish her from other spoilt princesses has long faded. 
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
🎟 Wed 11 March 🍆
Only two days and already I got so spoiled, ready for live Louis content every day but guys... it's not happening yet. The next three scheduled shows are off and the ones after that are in serious doubt, this is so sad y'all. With Berlin, Paris, and almost certainly Stockholm cancelled or postponed the next date up is Amsterdam the 19th, which is unlikely to go ahead, then the UK shows. LTHQ has not given an official update, which is drawing criticism, but they are clearly scrambling on setting up for the long haul, adding three (big!) Mexico dates for November. I would guess they're hoping to come back to the European cities on the other end of the scheduled dates as well, and I hope very much they can, both because I want the Louis shows to happen and because it would mean this virus had been contained before the fall season causes a resurgence of infections.
Meanwhile here's Niall though, blithely tweeting that we should buy his tour tickets for next month! Um dude if sales are slow right now I'm thinking it's for a reason? I just don't know if it's the best time for that but you do you I guess. Anyway Late Late Show continues, last night he had a skit and played PALLOM, they seem to have got the HBWW thing back on track with today's lyric ("when did I first know? I always knew" from Black and White) getting posted nice and early, he's doing a giveaway of some of his truly excellent merch, and most exciting of all, the phone number from the NTMY video is active again! There's a song snippet on there!!!
Harry had a slew of pre-recorded interviews air all at once for the down under ticket releases. Apparently his brief flirtation with candor is over and he's back to normal: asked what Cherry is about he hems and haws at great incomprehensible length before finally saying "I try not to kind of explain too much you know." Well that's certainly true but he's happier to talk about (and show off) his Safe Sex shirt. That interviewer, who obviously knew what was up, spotted the tiniest sliver of it and said so that's a Keith Haring shirt huh? Harry's response was only ahh yes it umm says safe sex on it but he did take the opportunity to fully bare the graphic picture of two men jerking each other off for the television viewing audience. Others disagree but to me his face says that he had not planned on that call out or on getting those cartoon dicks out in the interview but he sure did go right ahead and do that!
W magazine posted about the jewellery 'campaign' featuring Zayn (and only Zayn) that was sent to the press yesterday to say "In a way, the real star is Gigi Hadid!" because Zayn, like, has a tattoo that's visible in like one of the pictures that's for her? Lolllllll very subtle my dudes I'm sure wow. As I said before about this 'campaign,' major Hadid shenanigans afoot! I love how Zayn's patented do-nothing-but-still-get-a-headline trick is now being expanded so neither him OR Gigi are doing anything! A true inspiration to anti-work anti-capitalists everywhere!
FIMQ has set her accounts to private after being doxxed. The person responsible for the premeditated attack (please shut the hell up about the made up pretext, it was completely fabricated as was made very clear by the attacker) bragged about getting away with literally attempting to ruin someone's actual real life because they posted things they didn't like about a couple celebrities. There is NO excuse for this! A headcanon disagreement or made up idea of what two rich white men think about what's happening in our online fan communities (hint: they don't really care that much except insofar as they need to for business reasons) is NEVER a justification to bully, harass, or threaten, what the FUCK is wrong with anyone who thinks this is somehow okay? Doxxing is a serious and terrifying abusive violation and threat. We use this as a defense against rapists and Nazis and other aggressors if necessary, we do not doxx people for making fan content you utter fucking monsters. I'm eyeing the grown ass adults out there making excuses for this behavior because they also think that a couple pop stars aren't together or are straight REAL FUCKING HARD TODAY. (To say nothing of the unbelievable homophobia of thinking being wrongly called gay is such a terrible thing but we won't talk about that...)
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Those were just some of the anons I received over night. Many want me to apologize for having this blog, accusing me of things that I have not contributed to.
I started this blog to debunk TTB who is a STRAIGHT women, manipulating a community that is greatly LGBTQ+; with a highly controlled narrative. She has admitted to the latter by saying she won’t waste her time posting things that question her/she doesn’t believe in.
Since the start, the only person I may have ever called delusional, is HER, TTB.
From the start I have said that I don’t care what Taylor’s sexuality is, I love Taylor because she’s Taylor.
From the start I have said that labeling people based on stereotype of the LGBTQ+ community, forcing a sexuality on someone based on those stereotypes, outing someone in the comments of their social media, or forcibly making statements of “we know Taylor is your real love just say it” is wrong.
From the start I have defended against the idea that Taylor would come out as bi because “it’s what the GP would accept” as a cruel and biphobic thought. Especially when the idea of her possibly being bi was thrown out of the woodwork simply because it was open up the thought that a “beard” or two might have actually been real to her. This was an idea brought on by many Kaylors, encored by people like IWHM, and double enforced by miss TTB.
From the start until now, I’ve definitely grown in understanding of perspectives and interpretations made by Swifties in the LGBTQ+ community. I’ve understood that songs will be interpreted differently by different people, which as an artist myself I always knew, but I’ve grown a deeper understanding. With that I’ve also learned that it’s not okay to force my interpretation onto some as the concrete final answer interpretation; if it is not the one that they intended.
From the start I’ve defending Taylor’s word. I’ve defended how she does not want people to speculate. How she’s stated she not a doll. How she wish to be private now after everything she been though. I have chosen to respect her word in that she’s an ally. That she’s not a part of the community. That she has a boyfriend. All words that have exited her mouth.
Never once have I encouraged bullying, doxxing, homophobic thought, etc. I’ve always said it’s not the idea of Kaylor being real, or Taylor being gay, it’s the NARRATIVE, and how people will be torn down on the process of making Taylor and Karlie look like saints. How religious conversions will be used as plot twisters and pregnancies will be called fake, and that the child was created from a loving relationship. It’s really sad. Keep in mind that TTB said Josh&Mikey are married based off a document she found online with an incorrect birthdate on it and another with his mothers name misspelled multiple times.
I’ve never said the thought of being gay is damaging, and I’m aware being gay can be damaging depending on the community you live in.
So then why is having this blog defending all the above wrong, but trying to out via social media or celebrating media articles speculating on Taylor/Karlie’s sexuality as winning okay when they are clearly in the closet and not ready to come out? It’s always this talk of a contract that’s being controlled by evil mean....but what if it’s the girls just simply deciding they don’t want to? Why is there so much anger at when it’s their lives? Yes it would be amazing if someone of Taylor’s status and career would come out and be a part of the community. Even Karlie. But we can’t control how they live their lives.
Just the same way doxing isn’t cool, by any shape or form, neither is trying to push someone out of the closet nor forcing a sexuality on them, simply because you think or in your mind know they are.
I’m obviously going to be taking a break because right now is not the time to be answering anything regarding Kaylor/Gaylor etc.
Right now is not the time to be doxxing people either. It’s not right. I hope the person who is trying to doxx TTB doesn’t do it, and no she hasn’t reached out to me. I don’t think she will.
Doxxing needs to stop, as someone who was almost doxxed, by a Kaylor may I add, it is not okay. At all. And even worse for a closeted LGBTQ+ member. So think before you act.
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callsignbaphomet · 4 years
Y'think thats enough pens? Either way I don't expect you to do somethin for aaaaaaaaaall of em lol
Gsudkblbzysuv hun, this is so beautifully chaotic!
🖋 Ginger's a vampire but both of her dads (Lee Grimm and Glenn Grimm) are werewolves (Mist Walkers). Both are trans men.
🖋 Jelani uses male, neutral or female pronouns. Has no preference to which ones someone should use.
🖋 Trevor knows ASL. His little brother was deaf and in his memory he learned ASL.
🖋 Angelus sorta, kinda had a daughter. Ok tl;dr back in the late 1800s he ran into this little girl that was living in the street and tried to steal some money off him but she got caught. He gave her everything he had on him and then she ran off and he lost track of her. Much later he found her again but this time she was a bit older, like 11 years old. They recognized each other and they both went to get a bite to eat and she told him she ran away from home because her parents were abusive. Obviously coming from a similar background he heavily sympathized but he didn't know the first thing about kids but he still took her in. She grew up, married and had kids of her own and those kids grew up and eventually his adopted daughter (her name was Alice) grew old and died of old age. He kept in contact with his sort of grandkids obviously but as his great grandkids grew older and had families and kids of their own Angelus distanced himself. How the fuck are ya gonna explain your sort of adoptivr great grandfather looks like a 20 year old twink? He's kept an eye out on them as a "friend of the family".
🖋 AJ introduced Angelus, Mahmud, Tre and Madison to his favorite hobby: parkour. The five of them regularly get together to free run in places they think would be both challenging and fun.
🖋 Madison introduced Mahmud, AJ, Tre and Xiomara to spelunking and scuba diving as a hobby.
🖋 Sanaa loves and collects windchimes. So Ingvarr modified an alarm clock to make any chime she puts on it chime whenever she sets the alarm. So instead of some jarring alarm she wakes up to a windchime.
🖋 Angelus has an abnormally high tolerance for pain to the point where he won't react to most injuries. This was due to years of having to learn to control his cries of pain because the more he cried out the harder he'd get beaten.
🖋 Trevor holds the world record for longest confirmed sniper kill. Can't be found in any public record but it's in Oracle records and that's good enough for him.
🖋 Jelani (Loke and Jela's grandad, not J lol) and Subira made a spell called "Bright Light". Basically a faint little orb of light that when cast makes anyone near it calm down. It works for regular nervousness, anxiety, panic attacks, anger and so on. It's one of those beginner type spells that barely requires any energy and it can either hover over the caster's palm or it can be "attached" to an object.
🖋 Sunniva (she was Ingvarr's first wife and the woman who gave birth to Loke) is still alive. After she became pregnant she heavily regretted it so that's why as soon as Loke was born she ran away without telling anyone anything. Loke was always told that she disappeared but honestly speaking he never knew her so he has no attachment to her. To him Sanaa is HIS mother and only her.
🖋 Latoya was what you would consider a sickly kid. Someone in another country sneezed and she got sick. Her colds and flus lasted longer than usual and she was a super skinny little girl. When puberty hit she took up sports and when she was 18 she started lifting weights, blew up in terms of muscle tone and got laser eye surgery. Now she's like Rambo in his prime but pretty.
🖋 Abigail is constantly coloring her hair different colors but her favorite is any hue of green since that's her favorite color. She'll also help and color anyone else's if they ask her for help.
🖋 Ginger and Abigail got married on October 13th. Yes, the wedding had a Victorian goth theme to it. Even though they couldn't eat it the cake was red velvet with black frosting and everything. It almost looked like a funeral 'cause everyone was wearing black. I hope to doodle Ginger and Abby in their wedding dresses someday.
🖋 Haakon had a habit of collecting leaves from different countries he visited and kept them safe. Ingvarr and Jørgen both keep journals with leaves of different countries they've visited. They write down the tree the leaf came from, country where they got it from and date.
🖋 Anette can't drive until she's 21. When she was 14 she took Jelani's car, drove her and a bunch of her friends super late at night in winter (from what I've read driving in Norway during winter is horrible), crashed into another car after she lost control, totalled both Jelani's car and the other car and severely injured some of her friends and the other driver. The funny/not funny part is Jela was planning on giving her that car when she got her license but she totalled it. It was BMW by the way. Fuckin' teenager driving around in a 2 year old Beemer lol.
🖋 Speaking of cars. Grete (Anette's mother and Loke and Jelani's aunt) is horribly afraid of driving. She can't get behind the wheel of a car without freaking out. Anette crashing made the fear 10x worse. She can be in a car as long as she isn't driving and the car isn't going too fast.
🖋 During a visit Anette convinced both her parents and Jelani to let her stay with him during the summer. She also convinced both Leah and Xolani to stay over as well. So for a whole ass summer Jelani had three teenagers staying over as a kind of sleep over vacation. It actually turned out fun in the end, the kids had fun and Anette and her rebellious attitude kinda softened.
🖋 Anette, Xolani and Leah have one defining thing in common. None of them know what to do with the rest of their lives. Thing is Leah is very nervous about it, Xolani is kind of aloof about it and Anette is kinda of frustrated about it. Anette is frustrated which leads her to act out and cause trouble. Xolani just looks like they don't care but they do. Leah is super nervous about it. Another thing they got in common is the three of them tend to look up to Loke and Jelani 'cause they feel both understand them better than their parents do.
🖋 Ginger is kinda very obsessed with portals. She's fascinated by them but also respects them as they are incredibly dangerous and unpredictable. She is basically the only person in the world that managed to control portals even if it's for a short amount of time.
🖋 Shaine got really into explosives when she was just a kid. After an accident with a dozen cherry bombs she was left partially deaf, now has to wear a hearing aid and is the explosives expert.
🖋 Before joining Oracle Katya financed her transition by making fake IDs and passports. She also doxxed corrupt government officials and ransomed vital information she got off them.
🖋 Loke is allergic to bird dandruff but would love to have a pet pigeon. At least he can have dogs which is his other favorite animal. His favorite dog is the pitbull.
🖋 Until he got together with Jelani all of Angelus's previous relationships were short and ended in kind of disaster because he constantly compared them all to Jelani and to him they didn't measure up. He ultimately said no to relationships around the 1930s and just fucked around. Obviously until he got shit faced once and confessed to Jelani he was in love with him and the rest is history.
🖋 Tre is one of the super rare seers that can see and feel visions. He's so sensitive that merely standing in an area with a lot of energy could affect him.
🖋 In Oracle there is a head of the organization and two leaders. Current head is Aleksey with Jelani and Angelus as leaders. There's always three as kind of a callback let's call it to when Oracle was started. Aleksey and two close friends started it so from then on there's always 3 leads. When Aleksey steps down Jelani will be head, Ginger will be the second lead and Angelus is the third lead, however he plans on making Trevor the third lead. The reason is because Angelus is fully aware of what he can and can't do and he knows damn well that he isn't lead of an organization material. When he steps down he'd be the Trickster team leader, that he can handle, and since Trevor left a vacant spot Loke would take that spot.
🖋 There is a place called Kironia. It's theorized to be a sort of epicenter for portal activities. Angelus and Ginger have been tasked with keeping an eye on it but it's shrouded in so much mystery most people don't think it's real.
🖋 Despite the fact that Trevor personally knows a Maker and a goddess (Jade, Latoya's girlfriend) he's still an athiest.
🖋 Trevor didn't have a name growing up, he chose the name Trevor because it sounded pleasant. He took his surname, Ravencroft, from a woman he'd heard of from other Oracle agents. He eventually got to meet Morgana Ravencroft, she thought it was flattering he took her name.
🖋 Speaking of Morgana Ravencroft, Angelus was first introduced to the concept of magic because of her. He went with Trevor to help him with some supplies and after being completely hypnotized by some illusions she gave him a book on the basics and helped him get started.
🖋 Loke stopped aging and it's something of a weird occurrence that is brought up every so often. When he was 28 years old he and Jelani (who was 15 at the time) were delivering some supplies to another village. They ran into bandits and as usual Loke was trying to protect Jelani and in doing so he was fatally wounded. Of course Jelani freaked the fuck out and his "fail safe" kicked in. Jela doesn't remember but Loke does, he saw Jelani change form and after dealing with the bandits he turned his attention to Loke and stopped him from dying. He was rusty as fuck so he put a little more oomph behind it and a tiny portion of his energy slipped into Loke. Neither of them know but Loke is basically kinda frozen in time when it comes to aging. So because of this Loke can't die unless Jelani dies.
🖋 Loke has a black feather that's warm to the touch and small embers can be seen floating out of it. He's never mentioned it to anyone and keeps it close to him. The feather came from Jelani when he changed form to fight off the bandits. After he blacked out and changed back Loke found the feather on the ground. He knew where it came from that's why he kept it. He's never told Jelani about that day because he doesn't know what it means and he thinks telling him would only serve to confuse him further.
🖋 Continuing with Loke, he's your average run of the mill berserker. That means he cannot use magic while in berserker mode or even with his weapons. The only ones that can do that are arcanist berserkers (the Nyota tribe). Sanaa is an arcanist berserker, she can use magic while in berserker mode. However, through years of practice Sanaa managed to teach Loke one spell that her people are really fond of. Falling Stars is a spell that has the user charge a single arrow. The arrow is shot upwards and as soon as it reaches high enough it splits into hundreds of arrows that rain down on the target. Loke started practicing when he was 8 years old and by the age of 30 he managed to pull it off making him the first berserker to use magic.
🖋 Jelani and Leah are two of the extremely rare and fortunate people that have gone through a portal and have returned. Whether their return was sheer luck or the fact that he's a Maker is something I'll elaborate on later.
🖋 Haakon knew Jelani wasn't a berserker. Haakon himself had a feeling that his grandson was something far more, if that makes sense. The day Jela was born Haakon had a dream but instead of fear he just felt an insurmountable amount of wonder. He's only ever told his wife, Eli, who in turn believed him. Both always made sure Jela didn't feel out of place and Haakon frequently encouraged him.
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incarnateirony · 5 years
So for those following FindEllen, which I was mostly active about on twitter, some updates:
- The most important one is Ellen is okay, but the source of the catfishing is still at large as a problem, so we’ll take a quick checkpoint journey
- About 3 days ago now I located which shelter she was in, no I won’t post it, that defeats the point in a domestic violence situation.
- Her family confirmed she was alright
- Everything after that was fandom grudgewank/hysteria in a cocktail of bad where people kept doxxing a DV survivor’s location because They Didn’t Like The Information
- I’ve learned only the barest people in this fandom know anything about legal/criminal process
- I recently did some digging on that old number and started assembling a thread of prep to actually take this to a higher power about the person within fandom responsible for her disappearance, which is not nearly as mysterious as everybody thinks
- Last night, for a third time, her family confirmed she was alright and, like magic, and totally unrelated to the previous point, or a certain person deleting tweets that tied them to the previous point, they suddenly stopped blasting that Ellen was missing and accept it this time
- Happy days, Ellen is still as fine and as safe at a DV shelter as she was 3 days ago. Her family has made it very clear she wants nothing more to do with SPN fandom, which totally doesn’t have anything to do with the last two points, I’m sure.
But I’m done with letting this person get away with shit. Online petty crime escalated to deadass tricking someone across state lines for their own vainglory, and it’s all very clearly fucking traceable while their sycophants plug their ears and scream. Starting tomorrow I’m going to be compiling something to take this elsewhere now that there’s a flag case of very real harm done on the record rather than petty social media and minor tax fraud mischief that just confuses authorities.
I can not emphasize ENOUGH that in a domestic violence situation, the last thing anybody on this planet needs to do is blast the person’s suspected location all over the fucking internet where their abuser can find it. This was such a wild ass mis handling and I can tell you, with genuine certainty, that in my domestic violence case if people had behaved the way they behaved on Ellen’s, I’d probably be dead right now. Someone really needs to teach crisis management and domestic violence support around here because holy shit.
No I will not reveal what shelter she’s at. No, nobody needs to know and no, nobody owes anything. No, no matter how many random reports people try to pitch in Pennsylvania or Milwaukee or Glendale or anything else it doesn’t make it valid, because it’s literally fandom feeding its own hysteria.
Let Ellen rebuild her life in peace away from the fandom “friends” that she’s very obviously aware are responsible for catfishing her. It’s over.
Am i mad? Fuck yes I’m mad. See former DV survivor/this shit would have gotten me killed. Fandom created a disaster, endorsed a disaster, hyped a disaster, and could have resultingly made a very real disaster. I’m not mad, I’m PISSED.
I know @saxxxology was following this closely.
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theunlimitedskye · 4 years
Tumblr Truths That Are Hard To Swallow But Need to Be Said (a.k.a Unpopular Opinions That Tumblr Will Probably Eviscerate Me For Having)
Hi. Me again. With more of the truth that this garbagefire of a platform needs to hear. I'm basing my words on things that I've seen a lot of on Tumblr as well as other platforms that need to be addressed for what they are. I'm not going to go into detail here. If you're a smart, sensible person, you'll know exactly what I mean when I say it. I don't mean to offend anyone, but merely to attempt (and who am I kidding, probably fail because this "community" is so far gone) to educate the bottom of the Tumblr barrel here. Call me a hater or an anti. I don't give a fuck.  If you're offended then you're too sensitive and need to rethink your morals.
•Contrary to popular belief, being fat is NOT OKAY. You're putting yourself at risk of diabetes, heart disease and other equally as horrible disadvantages to your health. Body positivity is fine and dandy, but when you weigh 400 pounds and keep shoveling food on top of it because you're beautiful no matter what ANYONE says, there's a problem. There's a difference between being curvy and "thicc", and being morbidly and disgustingly obese. You're not beautiful. You're not perfect. You NEED to get in shape and lose the weight. The messages of "body positivity" are all wrong. Encouraging this type of behavior is entirely fucked up and the complete wrong way to handle it. You shouldn't be discriminated against just because you're a bit plump. When you're a gigantic blob, well, that's obviously different. And, no, being told you're dangerously obese and need to get healthy is not discrimination. It's literally what a doctor would tell you, and if you're getting offended then you REALLY need to rethink yourself. Lose the weight before you lose your feet.
•Also, here's something a lot of Tumblrians won't like. AGE GAPS, TO A CERTAIN DEGREE, ARE OKAY. You will not BELIEVE how many times I've seen people try to say that when there's an age gap between two LEGAL and CONSENTING ADULTS that it's pedophilia. Excuse me, Karen, but how in the FUCK is it considered pedophilia??? When you have a minor and an adult, that's pedophilia. That shit isn't okay. But when you have two adults, then that's perfectly fine. It's pedophilia if it's a 14 year old and a 20 year old. NOT when it's a 20 year old and a 23 year old. Basically, if there's ANY age gap between two LEGAL people, then it's perfectly fucking acceptable. My mom's 40 and my dad is 42. Tell me, Tumblr, is that a pedophilic relationship? Or does something like this only apply to, say, when you don't get your way in a ship you like? I've even heard people say that it's pedophilia if one of them even remotely LOOKS like a minor. If she's legal and likes bright colors and wears pigtails then fuck off. She's also an anime character and you're getting way too invested in your so-called "waifu". Age gaps between adults are fine, and if you think otherwise then you need to get your head out of your ass you uneducated fuckfaced shitgoblin.
•Here's another one I see predominantly and almost exclusively in artwork. RACEBENDING IS NOT FUCKING OKAY. For those of you who have been blessed with the ignorance of not knowing what racebending is, it's when a bunch of minging SJWs get ahold of a character that they think would look better or somehow be a better character if their skin tone and/or ethnicity was changed. Essentially, take a character with canonically light skin. Now make their skin darker or brown. That's racebending, and it's not fucking okay in the fucking slightest. Who the fuck gave you the right to do something like that? To just DECIDE a character is better YOUR way and not on the way that the CREATOR was happy with? It's a real infuriating double standard, too. For some reason if you take that canonically skinny white blond girl and make her a thicc black woman, that's fine. But if you took a dark-skinned character and made them even SLIGHTLY lighter than their skin in canon, then you're a horrible, disgusting racist whitewasher who deserves to be doxxed and have death threats sent to you. Racebending is not okay. Changing a character's skin or ethnicity just for the sake of art is not okay. It's extremely fucking offensive and the fact that it's praised more often than abhorred is very, VERY worrisome, and rage-inducing on top of that.
•You don't get to inconvenience people just because you don't like something. The term "trigger" is thrown around so often for the stupidest fucking shit that it makes it incredibly hard for me to actually take people's "triggers" seriously anymore, and I always have to take it with an entire gallon of salt. Are they legitimately uncomfortable with this topic, or are they just using the term "trigger" as a way to get people to not talk about something they don't like? If you dislike something then that's fucking fine. But there's a difference between disliking something and being triggered by it. I'm not trying to make you feel insignificant for having trauma or difficulty with shit, and I'm not going to get into what is and isn't a legitimate trigger because that's a whole other can of worms that I'm not getting into right now. But let me tell you something. If you use the term "trigger" to describe something you're mildly discontented with or simply dislike, then you're a fucking piece of shit because you're making it way harder for everyone else to distinguish what other people's REAL triggers are when you throw it around so fucking loosely like that. I'm sorry you dislike a show or fandom and think you're entitled to bitch about it, but other people have far more important problems than you do. We're not going to trigger-warning every single fucking thing we do JUST for you. With this logic, EVERYTHING IN EXISTENCE is a trigger for SOMEONE and we all may as well never say or post ANYTHING because SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE will get a tummyache over it. Fuck off. I'm going to post what I like and if you're "triggered" then don't fucking look.
I don't know im tired and angry I'll add more as i think of shit people need to hear.
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onisiondrama · 5 years
Tumblr media
PART 17 - videos #32 & 33
(Click here for video mirrors) - These are not my words or thoughts, I’m just summarizing what Greg / James is saying in his videos. Apologies for any offensive language or comments that may appear. - I am not repeating stories anymore and will replace these stories with brackets describing what he’s talking about. If you don’t know these stories you’re going to have to go back and read previous parts or watch his previous videos.
it’s time
- Someone on Discord said they wish Sarah would just tell the truth. Greg tells Sarah if she has a strong case, present it instead of taking things out of context. No fake screen shots, no bad acting, no faking anything. Just present what happened. [She went crazy after he dumped her, wants to ruin his life, no wand, he was creeped out by her, Aladdin was very good, didn’t want to make out] He wishes Sarah would come out and talk about [Sarah trashed Billie and Ayalla for years, Ayalla wanted to sleep with her, Sarah was kicked out for misunderstanding a joke, suicide threat, all because she was rejected, she’s imbalanced.] - Greg says it would make sense if she told it like it is instead of changing her story. [She says she had love for Kai, then says Kai is a monster] He wishes Sarah would admit she knew she wasn’t supposed to have photos and didn’t send them. Greg and Kai don’t know what Sarah is talking about with the photos. - Says he knows Regina is incapable of being honest. How could someone try to make it all about them when they’re not even involved? He doesn’t remember even talking to Regina and now Regina’s part of the Hansen team. A conflict of interest. - Sarah should come out and tell the truth instead of spending tens of thousands on a lawyer to find out in court he and Kai have hordes of documentation. He would love to share that with you guys but now his Patreon, Younow, and another social platform are gone because he posted a positive text and forgot to crop out the top. You bound his hands. If he shows any proof, you guys will report it as doxing and he will lose even more of his stuff. They have 5 years of texts on their computer and in the cloud. - He tells Sarah this is over. He finally told his side and has all the documents to back it up. If she wanted to take it to court, he’d gladly show the judge the evidence. The judge is used to seeing frauds like her. People who are malicious and vindictive all because someone broke up with them. [Sarah is mentally unstable, sells prescription drugs, illegal drug use, attempted marry someone for money for their green card.] He tells her these are serious crimes and he wishes she would acknowledge who she really is and admit she’s totally screwed now that the truth came out. - There’s no way Sarah is feeling good about herself right now. When Greg was a child he took a little toy car from a library and the guilt ate him up. It still bothers him to this day. When he was very young, he tried to walk out with a smoothie he didn’t pay for because he friend did the same and he was following him. The person behind the register asked if he was going to pay for that. Greg is humiliated to this day about it. He can’t imagine how Sarah would feel knowing Kai literally hates her. Kai has never felt more betrayed by another human being in his entire life. As Greg understands it, there is no one Kai is more disappointed with and feeling a victim of than Sarah. He talks to Sarah and says he doesn’t know how she could live with herself knowing that after saying she had so much love for Kai. She doesn’t understand how much damage she did to Kai. - [Greg compares Sarah saying she sexually extorted them as a joke to Greg going into a store and pointing a fake gun. They give him money and he walks out with it, then he says it’s just a joke.] Says calling it a joke doesn’t apply because he walked out with the money. She admitted she did it when she said it was a joke. [NDA / extortion story] By Washington state standard that’s a crime.  - Greg says he would love to prove his point to a judge. He’s obviously very articulate. She knows he has all their texts and the video where she says Kai is innocent. She can blow money on a lawyer if she wants. If she has any cognitive competence, she’d know what he’s saying is true and it’s over. He tells her she should have moved on instead of trying to ruin people’s lives because she couldn’t take rejection. She wasted Chris Hansen’s time and embarrassed him. Eventually Hansen might admit what a joke this is. She’s wasted the time of the millions of people that watched the streams and believed her bullshit. It’s time to fess up.
- On twitter someone asked why Greg called the cops on Chris Hansen when Greg invited him to an interview. Greg says that’s a stupid misinformed question. - Greg points out he’s not wearing his black rubber ring because it broke. Kai got him a new one so you’ll see him wear it soon. - Says imagine you met someone on discord and invited them to Skype sometime to interview them. All the profits will go to charity. They respond through Mike Morse. Mike Morse says no, but you can go on their show and you don’t know where the money’s gong. Their show is called “to fuck you over.” It’s not called “to prove someone innocent” or “to see what the truth is.” The sole purpose of the show is to catch predators. Why would someone be dumb enough to go on a show like that and expect it to be fair and balanced? - Where is all the donation money going that these “victims” [hand quotes] are generating for Hasen? [Chris Hansen financial issues.] - The show has an obvious bias. The title of the show and the leading questions show how biased they are. - He also didn’t want to go on the show to generate money to pay of Hansen’s debts. Greg says Hansen bought another boat. - Greg says he asked for the legal information from them so he could talk to lawyers about slander and that didn’t work out so he asked Hansen to be on his livestream for charity. Vince called him a predator in an email, so why would he work with them? - Mike Morse said Hansen won’t go on Greg’s show for charity. Greg guesses Hansen doesn’t care about charity and would rather make money for himself. [Mike Morse allegations] Greg says no one’s ever taken him to court for groping because he doesn’t grope people. - Imagine if someone who you met on discord who you had legal problems with because they slandered you showed up to your house. Flew across the country, showed up to your house, and knocked on your door with 6 other dudes. 7 dudes total and your family’s inside. This dude didn’t tell you he was going to show up to your house, he admits in a video you didn’t know he was coming, you didn’t invite him to your house, then he acts like he was invited because he doesn’t want to go to jail for ignoring no trespassing signs. If Hansen said he was invited, it was a lie. He says the 6 dudes stayed up the road because they thought they weren’t breaking the law, but they were withing 50 feet of the no trespassing signs. They knew they weren’t supposed to be there.  - Hansen is known for letting pedos escape because he doesn’t know entrapment laws, for hopefully catching predators at some point, and for getting that guy to kill himself and getting sued for $100,000,000 and losing the lawsuit and his career. You just need to stop being a sheeple and do some research to find out Hansen is corrupt. You think the world is black and white, heroes and villains. Heroes are just people who hurt people and feel good about themselves. Villains know they’re evil and don’t care. Heroes are people that go to Iraq to kill a bunch of people and feel good about it. - Obviously the world is not black and white. Obviously with all the articles and court documents, Hansen is corrupt as fuck. If Hansen wanted to claim slander, he would have to take it up with the news because Greg is just passing news articles. - Greg says Vince was there too when Hansen showed up. After, Vince wrote Greg and email, “the least you could do is offer us coffee.” Greg says they showed up to his house, his family was there, he had to call the cops. The cops told Greg they waited until they all left. They also told him to file an anti harassment protection order, which is what Greg said in court under oath. [Greg sarcastically acts surprised all his stories are lining up.] Outrage culture. You guys are the worst.
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snez · 5 years
gonna go ahead and address what’s going on bc i’m being accused of being a rapist lol now. under the cut
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this accusation in and of itself would be fairly funny if not for its seriousness tbh. a couple of things: 1. nobody ‘lured’ anybody, this was a group of friends who had all known each other for years (as anybody who knew any one of us could attest to). the meetup was planned like a year in advance.  2. nobody in this group of friends was sexually involved with anybody else. that was never and still isn’t the nature of any of our friendships. (i AM now dating someone who was present for part of that meetup, but who was not present for the illness stage, for clarity’s sake.) 3. if i’m so nefarious and tricksy and evil, pretty stupid of me to ~deliberately~ get people sick right as the trip was ending and everybody was going home, yeah? if that was something within my control why wouldn’t i have done it at the start of the trip so i could (apparently) jack off over it? 4. i gotta address the biological reality of this. if i did this on purpose, how the fuck would i have procured cold viruses in order to pull this off? plus i sure as hell wouldn’t have gotten sick on purpose because i have asthma and my immune system is hot garbage and at least 50% of the time when i catch a cold it turns into bronchitis. not worth being that sick to get my sexual kicks. (also i wasn’t even the first person who got sick, so, lmao). like what even are the logistics of this scenario. you can’t get sick on command, how would i have engineered a situation in which i conveniently was sick at the exact same time people were planning to visit? i’m not like that weirdo on the forum with a 90-page thread detailing all of her doorknob-licking escapades  5. tbh, this part is just funny, but im pretty sure I WAS LITERALLY THE ONLY ONE WHO SNEEZED THE ENTIRE TIME ANYBODY WAS VISITING US, LMFAOOOOOOO
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i’m pissed off that i got roped into responding to this bc of how stupid it is tbh, but again, that... literally didn’t happen. here’s a screenshot from my blog about what happened, taken at the time (link to screenshot, link to post for those of you i haven’t blocked lmao). people didn’t say anything about it while we were all here bc again, none of us have sexual relationships with each other and it felt awkward to address? we don’t discuss our own sneezing/illness/allergies with each other except in a very clinical and detached way. maybe youre trying to fuck all of your friends (if you have any, which i doubt) all the time (which i’m sure you would if you had any) but the rest of us are like. capable of having relationships with other people with the fetish that aren’t inherently sexually charged. you’re probably not, so i guess your projection here makes sense from your perspective, but it’s fucking moronic from everybody else’s.
and WTF do you mean “that’s 100% false”? the fact that i knew them for years, the fact that they’re my friends? it wasn’t a “bunch of sneezing fetish community people,” it was friends i’ve known for forever. are you genuinely disputing this? and if so, what is your proof that i convinced a bunch of relative strangers to travel to me (on their own dime) and then groomed them into performing sex acts for me? like... you’re literally just making shit up
also, you didn’t call SHIT out you fucking idiot, the post you made was clearly made in wistful jealousy? if you were actually trying to “call me out” and point out how morally grey my supposed actions were then why the fuck didn’t you make that clear with the post? either you’re lying (this is the case, obviously) or you suck shit at addressing community concerns
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i thought your chosen name was public knowledge, tbh. you used it in the discord and for some reason i thought you used it on tumblr in general. that’s my bad, i apologize. i also found it odd that someone signed that message with their name, but like... figured i couldn’t blame anybody who wanted to put as much distance between you and them as possible. seems pretty reasonable to me.
plus that’s not what doxxing is. maybe google it.
also, sorry to say, but i didn’t claim you were guilty of misgendering. you just straight up are.
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this was right after i banned you from the discord. i have not used she pronouns for as long as i’ve been on sneeze tumblr. nice try, though.
speaking of that, actually, why were you so sad about being removed from the discord, anyway? since it was after you’d discovered me to be a dangerous sexual predator?
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hmm. really perplexing. let’s move on.
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honestly the only reason im including this screenshot is bc it’s funny. none of the people i’ve supposedly victimized are even following you (because everybody with a brain on sneeze tumblr thinks youre creepy) so how would they ever see this post unless they were following me? dumbass
also, if the intent of this post was to call me out for being a rapist, why say that “a bunch of people” were “teasing” the discord about it? if it was so non-consensual and as traumatizing as you’ve implied in your post why did people talk about it at all after the fact, let alone joke about it? 
anyway, here’s (link) another screenshot from my blog talking about the insanely creepy and jealous posts you made about our meetup. i don’t have links to those handy (wouldn’t be surprised if you deleted them in light of all of this tbh), but like... this post was 100000% about you.
and hey, just for a little flavor, i made a little collage about you, with screenshots taken from multiple discord servers:
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this is like, barely scraping the surface of shit people think about you. (and there are ten separate people in these screenshots.)
when you accuse someone of something as serious as rape the onus is on you to actually prove it. you have proven literally nothing. the only ‘evidence’ you have is that people got sick when we had a meetup a couple of years ago and talked about it on tumblr briefly. like what the fuck is wrong with you lol.
one last thing (i think?) that i want to address:
normally i’m extremely hesitant to refer to a trans woman as a freak or accuse them of being a sexual predator, for obvious reasons, but your behavior (behavior i haven’t actually addressed here bc i don’t have the energy -- hitting on snezblr people, interacting inappropriately with vanilla posts) really confirms it, tbh. it’s very obvious that i struck a nerve when i speculated that the reason you won’t share who you were on the blue forum is because you’re a sexual predator -- with that context it makes perfect sense that you’d flip that on its head and accuse me of being a rapist. that’s actually a classical abuse tactic (one i’ve had used against me in other contexts), and in this case is extremely transparent.
this shit is just beyond parody. anyway, like... burn in hell or something, i guess
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mahou-goth · 5 years
Important, please read!
Hi everyone! Sorry again for the silence, as I'm sure some of you have seen, I've been dealing with quite a bit!
On the plus side, my work has finished with mandatory overtime! What's even better, after 2 years of trying, I'm finally being moved to first shift starting this Thursday! My work schedule will be changed from 2pm to 10pm, to 6am to 2pm, which means I'll have a lot more time to devote to my art! To top it off, I have a 3 day weekend! That being said, commissions will be finished before Thursday and sent out to those who have been waiting. I sincerely apologize for the wait, but I appreciate your patience while I've been hard at work and adjusting to new changes!
Now, on to one more update that I'm sure some of you have seen floating around: there's been a callout made about me that I "support p/d/philia/inc/st," because my partners have consumed this type of (fictional) media to cope with their trauma. As mentioned in the post directly below this one, which I encourage you to read to know my full opinion, I do not support it and have talked with the both of them about it. I won't get too in to that side of it since I've already talked about it below. I've recently found out about some updates regarding the entire callout.
A new friend of mine has been talking with me and explaining who made the callout and the real reason why it was made, as well as countless screenshots proving all of it. I am extremely grateful to him for wishing to hear both sides and being so understanding. Overall, he's told me that an ex friend of mine, V, who is extremely manipulative and toxic is the one who made the callout. And what's worse, the callout was actually made to get to me, not my partners. I cut ties with her at the beginning of the year due to her manipulative behavior and for my own safety, as she's proven to be dangerous in a number of ways. (Stalking, doxxing, harassing, etc) I thought it would be left at that and we'd both get on with our lives, but apparently she's been obsessing over me and claiming I've abused her ever since. (Though I have a lot of proof that says otherwise. Which at some point I can provide links if needed. First I have to sift through my absurd amount of files in my phone.)
She's been shown to have stalked my social media and watch them like a hawk and is now attempting to ruin my social life online. V has admitted to wanting my partners and I to break up so that I'm alone, as well as try to ruin my reputation as an artist within the RWBY community. This is all quite disgusting and disturbing to find out, especially since I use RWBY and my art for it as a way to cope with the loss of my dad and dealing with my depression/anxiety. It's one of the few things right now that makes me genuinely happy, so of course I'm going to try to put a stop to this.
If you've seen the callout post, it's also very obvious that I'm her target, considering my URL is the only one on the post itself when my partners are also on tumblr and she's very aware of it. Their URLs are in the callout document, but it's curious that V didn't bother to put them on the post itself. It's pretty obvious it's only me she really wants to throw under the bus.
I will not post her URL publicly, but if you want it in order to block her or whatever, simply PM me and I will let you know. DO NOT harass her if I give it to you. That is NOT what I'm posting this for.
I only want my name to be clear and for her intentions to be known.
As for the friend who has told me all this, he will remain anonymous. He is terrified of V, and she twists the narrative to make herself seem like the victim. Several people have come to me and told me their own experiences with her and how malicious she can be and how they've been attacked and belittled for protecting themselves. (As well as myself, obviously. I was made out to be some huge monster for needing to take a step back from her for a while so I could cope with the loss of my dad only 10 days after his funeral. That sure was something.)
I will reblog this and add proof of her being the one behind all this at a later date, as right now the anon doesn't want anything shown because it would compromise his identity. Once he feels more comfortable, I'll share a link with any proof needed.
Thank you for your time and for reading all this. Stay safe guys. ♡
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daughterofluthien · 5 years
Fictober - Day 4
Fandom: Spider-Man (MCU) and Captain America (MCU)
Relationships: Peter Parker & Steve Rogers
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.3K
Prompt 4 - “I know you didn’t ask for this.”
Captain America lived in Brooklyn.
It made sense, really; Peter knew that. After all, Steve Rogers had grown up in Brooklyn back in the ‘20s, it only made sense that now that it was the 2020s and no longer in the superhero business, he’d want to move back somewhere familiar. Peter knew that he would, at any rate. If he ever woke up 70 years in the future, time travelled back to the past, then lived all the way to the future again, he would definitely move back to Queens. It only made sense.
But still. Captain America lived in an apartment in Brooklyn. 
Yeah, no, saying it multiple times didn’t make it sound any less crazy.
So that was why -- a couple days later after Peter tried really hard not to care that Captain freaking America was living in his city and was categorically unsuccessful -- Spider-Man left his standard Manhattan stomping grounds and made his way up to Brooklyn.
It wasn’t hard to figure out which building Captain Rogers lived in, but that was mainly because the tabloids had figured it out  practically as soon as he moved back. What surprised Peter was just how plain the building looked. Red brick, five stories. Normal.
He wasn’t sure what he expected, honestly. Red, white, and blue with flashing stars announcing ‘Captain America lives here’? Maybe a giant shield over the door? Of course the building was just a building -- Captain America was just Steve Rogers who was just a guy.
It still felt insane that someone could just walk by this building and never know that an actual legend lived there. Though, that was probably what he wanted, to be fair. Captain Rogers was probably tired of being recognized all the time and just wanted to be left alone.
Peter could relate. 
Ever since Mysterio doxxed him in the middle of Times Square, Peter found that he had started to spend as much time in costume as possible. Because yes, everyone and their cousin knew that Peter Parker was Spider-Man, but when he was Spider-Man, nobody really cared about Peter Parker. All they saw was Spider-Man.
It was Peter Parker that they never left alone.
Suddenly, Peter regretted coming out here in the first place. He was just another nosy fanboy busybody bothering a guy who just wanted to live his life, and what right did he have to do that? He was literally perched on his fire escape like a stalker. A super-stalker.
Yeah, there was a perfect headline for Jameson to run tomorrow. ‘Superhero or super stalker? Spider-Man harasses national hero.’
He should probably leave before he gave the ‘news’ sites any more ideas.
He was just about to jump off the fire escape and swing to the building across the street when he heard someone calling from a couple windows over.
“Hey, Queens! You planning on sitting out there all day, or are you gonna come inside?”
Crap. He’d been spotted. 
Of course he had been, he reminded himself, this was Captain America, not some garden variety thug he was staking out.  For one wild moment Peter considered just booking it, but accepting the invitation was probably more polite at this point. So he made his way over and climbed in the window. 
Peter started talking before his feet even hit the ground. “Look I’m really sorry, I know I shouldn’t be snooping around, it’s super rude, and I’ll just be going now, okay? Really sorry to bother you, Captain Rogers. Sir.”
“Whoa, whoa, slow down there,” Captain Rogers chuckled “Sit down, make yourself comfortable. And you’re an Avenger, kid. You can call me Steve.”
“Right.” Peter pulled his mask off. “Sorry.” He didn’t move to follow Capt-- Steve as the older man made his way to the sitting room.
Steve had already lowered himself into an armchair, when he turned to see Peter still standing at the window. “Well, come on.”
“Oh, right.” Peter hurried to join him, and sat down on a couch across from the older Avenger. He then immediately proceeded to panic, as he had no idea what was supposed to happen next.
Figured, really. He was sitting in the living room of one of his childhood heroes, and he had no idea what to say.
When he finally settled on something, it came out a lot faster and more abruptly than it had been in his head. “I’m sorry I stole your shield that one time.”.
Steve actually laughed. “Ah, don’t worry about it, that’s ancient history. Literally. Besides, you were only doing your job. I was impressed, you know?”
Peter blinked. “Really? You were?”
“Like I said then, you had heart. And you obviously had the skills. Still do, from what I hear.”
Peter grinned. “Thanks!” The news might like to print more rumors than fact where he was concerned, but they did still do some actual reporting, and over the past couple of weeks Peter had managed to make the headlines in a less negative way as well. And Captain America was keeping tabs on him. “I just wish the news would focus more on what I’m actually doing than on all these rumors and conspiracy theories.”
Steve sighed. “Yeah, I’m sorry about that. I know you didn’t ask for this, Peter. Being in the spotlight.”
“How did you do it?” He hadn’t meant to ask that, but it was out there now, so Peter hurried on. “Like, I feel like I’m going crazy. These days I have put on the mask just to be myself, because everyone knows who Peter Parker is and they’re watching me, and I can’t be me, because anything I do, it’s not Peter Parker who did it. All they’ll ever see is Spider-Man.”
“Like you’re a symbol instead of a person.”
“Yeah, I know how that feels. And like I said, it was different for me because I knew what I was getting into. Well, to some extent, at least. I knew if the serum worked I’d be the poster boy of the program, at the very least.”
“You knew you’d be the guy punching Hitler in all the news reels?”
Steve chuckled. “No, that part came as a surprise to me as well.” He sobered. “I really am sorry it all got dragged out into the open like this. It should’ve been your choice.”
Peter shrugged. “It sucks, but it’s just something else I have to deal with, you know? What I worry most about is Aunt May. Practically the day after my name got out there, someone hacked into my school’s system and found out where we live. Me? I can take care of myself. But May?” He trailed off and his voice dropped lower. “I’m scared I won’t be able to protect her.”
“I’m sorry.”
Peter rubbed the back of his hand over his eyes, because he wasn’t going to cry in front of Captain America, and nodded. He was glad that the older Avenger didn’t offer any advice or try to make him feel better, because there wasn’t a solution, and he knew it. That genie could never be stuffed back in its bottle, so it was just something that he had to learn to live with. That included all of its ramifications.
“How did you do it?” Peter asked again, instead. “Not getting to ever be just Steve Rogers. How did you handle it?”
“I found people who knew me well enough that I was just Steve to them. You have to make sure you have friends, Peter.”
Peter did his best not to roll his eyes, he really did. “I do have friends, promise. Really good ones, even.”
The older man grinned wryly. “I know it sounds corny. But all of this, the spotlight? Trust me, it’s too much for any one one person to handle by themselves. Friends help.”
Right, he knows what he’s talking about. Obviously. “Okay, I’ll remember.”
“Good.” Steve looked satisfied. “And my door and/or window is always open, Peter. If you want to talk, or if you just want to get out of the spotlight, I’ll be here.”
Peter nodded. “Okay. Thanks, Steve.”
He planned to take the older Avenger up on that offer as often he could.
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brainy-storm · 6 years
S414 - ‘EL MAYARAH’ HEALED MY HEART (2/2 aka Karadox Edition)
Well, hello, hello, ladies, gentleman and esteemed NBs. We are gathered here today to witness me, a karadox fan who is too deep, commentate on and (over)analyse the happenings of that delicious episode that is Supergirl 4x14 Stand and Deliver. In the proceeding post, I will be going through many, many frames. So hold on to your dashes cause this is gonna be a hecka long post. 
Warning: Again, LONG LONG post. 95 screenshots, guys. I recommend reading this on a computer. MUCH karadox. Including Brainy’s amazing speech, ofc . And the amazingness that was Kara Zor El. 
Now, my friends. Where to start? What’s this? You wanted to go to the hand holding? We shall get there in due time. For now let us go start earlier at the 7:11 timestamp that I have. In which Brainy gets given -
The Letter
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This is Querl Dox aka Brainy. His eyebrows furrowed as one of their DEO targets was captured. I might say, he’s cautious about what this letter might be. Who knows? It could have been a threat that Menagerie or The Elite might have wanted to pass on.
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Nah, it’s a note from Supergirl, and it made him smile.
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I mean, it’s a very cute-looking note (I love Kara’s handwriting, mine’s a mess). She could’ve just written ‘from Supergirl’ but nah, gotta draw that logo in. Love it. Go Kara!
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“Supergirl left us a present, and a note.” Brainy whips this note from behind his back. He can’t just bring the note normally. No, he’s gotta whip it out like ‘surprise b*tch’. He not only likes to show off in front of Kara, but also likes to show off in Kara’s stead.  
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“Says: you’re welcome.” Brainy looks like he’s trying to return to a neutral expression here, but his tone didn’t quite hide his smugness. And throughout this scene he still looks like he wants to keep smirking.
Now, we know that Brainy’s on Kara’s side. He’s part of the super-friends, of course. I’m pretty sure that Brainy’s supposed to at least pretend he’s backing the DEO fully. But he can’t help himself from celebrating a victory for Supergirl. His loyalty is always towards Kara, and I like how they keep this consistent even if (well, especially) Kara’s not around.
Alright, now it’s time for Kara to finally interact properly with -
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“Brainy!” says Kara. What does that mean? Nothing much, she just turned around when she saw heard the door open and saw Brainy. But after several episodes of no proper interaction, it’s nice to hear her say his name. Yeah, yeah, I squealed, this is how deprived we were.
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And then, unprompted, immediately after saying his name, she walks over to stand next to him. Must...not...overanalyse...must....resist....can’t --- AIGHT look she moved next to him. Didn’t need to. Nia’s not moving. Brainy wasn’t talking to her yet. Might one say she subconsciously feels comfortable being next to Brainy?! MIGHT ONE --- okay fine, I’m reaching, I’ll stop. But go on. Rewatch the clip. 23:10 is the timestamp. 
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Oh yes, this is probably why they wanted Kara to move. To get this angle specifically and reaffirm the #SpouseEnergy radiating of these two. Exasperated dad and amused mum. Look at it. Breathe it in. Rejoice.  
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Oh, this is just to compliment Melisa Benoist and Jesse Rath, just cause they move super in sync here, almost like you’d see in a cartoon/anime and I just found it pleasing. Moving on.
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Alright, the next screencap is where Brainy thinks he’ll never see his ring again and is understandably in a bit of a shock. He looks at Nia and then Kara, then back at J’onn. Kara looks down before looking at Brainy.
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Okay, you get the point. If it looks like Kara’s getting closer to Brainy every screenshot, it’s just cause the camera angle is shifting, by the way. Although, if you watch the clip, she is shifting her weight back and forth between her feet, throughtout this whole moment, which I didn’t notice until taking these screenshots, which is some very nice subtle acting from Benoist.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this is the first time Kara has seen Brainy when he’s emotionally vulnerable (onscreen, at least lol). She wasn’t there when he was rattled by the hatred he got when his image inducer didn’t work (Alex was there). She didn’t see him cry and didn’t hear him talking about his tears of logic (Lena was there). And when he just lost his ring, she wasn’t really there either (Nia was there). Anyway, she and the others are visibly unhappy when Brainy is unhappy. Even as part of a group shot it’s nice to see it, finally. It only lasts a little while anyway, because Brainy swiftly changes the subject. 
It’s like an appetizer to the emotional main course we’re getting right after. For that moment when our beloved Brainy says -
El Mayarah - (IT’S GO TIME PEOPLE)
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“Ah...yes, it’s the march today...will you all be joining?” He finishes that sentence, looking at Kara. Because we know who he wants to go most.  Ahem *cough, cough*.
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@fairyroses pointed out that here, after J’onn has said he’ll be there and Brainy proceeds to say ‘Wonderful! ..Kara?’ That this might be the first time Brainy addresses Kara directly as ‘Kara’ when speaking to her. As in usually he’s like ‘Supergirl, we need to....’ etc. Which is strange considering we’ve been shown that he’s close enough to hang out and watch movies at the loft with her and Alex (pre-mind-wipe) but nope we haven’t had an onscreen ‘Kara’. I tried finding one to no avail. So this must be it, then. 
Also, look at that raised eye-brow right here. He’s so excited, bless.
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‘Yes, I definitely think we should be there’ - 
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‘HUZZAH’. -- Yep, Brainy is happy that they’re going. Look how excited he is.
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With the same energy from 4x01 where Kara says ‘nice work, Brainy’. 
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Okay, again, look how happy Brainy is. And he’s just looking at Kara with that smile. My actual heart eeeek.
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And then his confusion when he realises that she didn’t mean that she was going to march with him. Complete confusion.
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‘Kara...a..’ (SECOND KARA)
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‘A word’ He looks shook the whole time.
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He takes a while to actually start talking to her. He looks down again, back at her as if he’s about to start talking about then away again for a tiny moment. (also whoops got that screenshot mid when he’s licking his lips. Was an accident but...you’re welcome.) I wonder how many thought tracks he’s using to try and get the correct words to talk to Kara about this, because there seems to be some hesitation there.
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‘I think it would mean a lot to have Supegirl march today’ - So more obviously I think Brainy says that as a sense that the aliens attending would feel more strengthened by her marching, and of course that everyone could see who Supergirl stood with. But of course, I think he also means this, as in personally, since this is the march, that he organised. 
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“I wish I could, Brainy, but I think it’s more important for me to patrol. In case anything gets out of hand.”
Kara’s genuinely sorry here, and that glint on her glasses makes her seem even more remorseful (yay angles), and I like how she makes it clear that she wants to support Brainy and the march, but is putting her duty to protect as Supergirl first.
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“They won’t. I am American Alien. Hash-tag, American Alien.”
So, Brainy didn’t feel the need to tell the others that he himself organised the march. I think he assumed they would all be up for going, without saying. He reveals this now, to reassure Kara that as the organiser, he would be able to keep things under control. I also like how confident he is here, with his ‘they won’t’. 
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“You..you organised it?” - and now it’s Kara’s turn to be surprised. 
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“When I lost my Legion ring, I realised how much I depended on it for strength and confidence. I thought it was what made me a hero.” Oooof there you go, there’s that vulnerability that Kara has not been shown to have seen before.  “But not having it these past few days made me see, it wasn’t the ring that gave me strength.” 
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“It was fighting.” *breathe* “alongside all of you.” - @kara-querl mentioned that she thinks that Brainy wanted to just ‘alongside you’ at first, but changed his mind. Which I could totally believe. But I also think he might be remembering fighting as a Legionnaire back home as well. 
I think a reason why we didn’t see his realisation is that 1. well, airtime 2. He’s been showing that he gains strength from fighting alongside others over the past few episodes. That’s why he was so adamant on getting together a superhero team - trying to convince Nia to join them when the DEO fired Supergirl, and then being more eager about it after Alex’s mindwipe. Going to J’onn with money to try and get him to join their team. He wanted to gain their strength for Kara, but he also needed their strength too.
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“helping to make the Earth a better place.” Oof and look at Kara’s face. I think she’s getting just as emotional over this as we are. I also love how she just listens to Brainy. She doesn’t interrupt or even try to, which is excellent. Pefect communication skills. 
“In times like this change won’t come from someone with a Ring, or a cape. It will only come when each one of us answers the call to stand up and be heard” Brainy is not asking for Supergirl, the symbol and is not going as Brainiac 5, the legionnaire. He wants them to go, purely as themselves.
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“El Mayarah” - OKAY CUE ME LOSING MY SH*T RIGHT HERE. especially after making that post about wanting inside codes/jokes in Kryptonian for them, I’M   He uses Kryptonian, trying to convince her and not any old plain Kryptonian but her god dang House of El family motto. This is not about just trying to convince Supergirl, this is trying to convince Kara Zor El. 
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So Kara has been listening carefully and holding eye contact with Brainy this whole time (thank you), and when he says ‘El Mayarah’ she looks down immediately. How long has it been since she’s been specifically an El? A while. And even though she loves being Kara Danvers, and that’s who she is with Alex right now, Alex doesn’t know the Kara who she first met, the one she first met as Kara Zor El. 
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“Stronger together.” I love love love how he reiterates this 1. cause lol I’m sure a lot of viewers forgot what it meant 2. He just says the meaning again in the language of Earth, the one sh’es adopted, calls home, and is trying to protect. 
And here Brainy follows her eyeline when she looks down, coaxing it back up as he says ‘stronger together’. I’M SOFT.
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He takes another breath and breaks eye-contact and looks away. Yup, that was a lot. A lot of emotion right there. He needs a break. I need a break.  [we’re just about to hit screenshot 40 WOW I do need a break]
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I like how Kara’s still looking at him, nice. Thanks. Also Nia just streching in the background, not interuppting yet. Dad and Mum are having a Serious conversation, gotta keep busy and not make eye contact, duh.
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“Just because we’re superheroes, doesn’t mean we forget who we are.” - Beautiful. What a beautiful speech. Brainy always seems to be there to help remind Kara of what’s important. 3x10 - with her as Kara Danvers, and now 4x14 with her as Kara Zor El. He’s there to support her not only as the hero, Supergirl, but all sides of herself, all sides of Kara. 
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She takes a breath here, and I think she’s definitely conflicted . She follows with a , I’m sorry Brainy...the risk is too great.”
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BRAINY DOES A LITTLE TINY SHAKE OF HIS HEAD. Like he has more eto say but is also still shocked. And then Nia says she’s ready.
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And here Brainy is still in disbelief and worried, like look at this face and oh my god  --- I took this screenshot and then just had to replay the clip - HE’S FIDDLING WITH HIS FINGER WHERE HIS LEGION RING USUALLY IS. THE THING HE DOES WHEN HE’s FEELING ANXIOUS. Lord help me, I’m done.
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“Supergirl may be a symbol...” -- ooof they look so pretty there. 
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“but more importantly, she’s a citizen of Earth. Like the rest of us”. And he does this little shoulder raise at ‘like the rest of us’...my heart. He’s trying to appeal to her as people who both are not from Earth, but call Earth their home. [sidenote: ohoho ARE YOU EXILED FROM COLU, HUH BRAINY? IS THAT REBOOT BACKSTORY,  I HEAR? sorry, moving on] 
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Another long pause before the “Remember that” --- ahhh he still looks so soft, end me. 
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Phew. That was long. A long but beautiful secton. ALRIGHT. LET’S KEEP GOING, SHALL WE? LET’S HEAD OVER TO -
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“They’re not like you - you’re a superhero.” --- I’m starting here because I think it’s important that he doesn’t say ‘you’re Supergirl’ he says ‘you’re a superhero’, because Brainy’s whole speech’s bottom line was  “Just because we’re superheroes, doesn’t mean we forget who we are.” That they’re not just superheroes.
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And I think here, she fully understands what Brainy meant.
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“No, you’re wrong, I am just like them.” --- so in otherwords, she’s a superhero but more importantly she’s a Citizen of Earth, just like them. This episode is not just great for karadox but great for Kara’s character development because her identity as Supergirl was so at stake, that she’s put that above all else and now she remembers what she needs to be doing. I’M SO PROUD. Rip rewatching this part made me a bit teary wow what is this. KARA I LOVE YOU.
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Hmm...is Brainy the first one to look up? MAYBE SO. im not sure but shh 
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Everyone’s in awe.Also, Brainy’s fingers are steepled here, when they weren’t before. (Excitement? Perhaps? idk, hm) 
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“It’s Kara Zor-El.” KARA ZOR EL OF THE HOUSE OF EL. WITH HER GOD DANG ROBES. ‘ In times like this change won’t come from someone with a Ring, or a cape.’ -- SO SHE CAME AS HERSELF. 
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“Citizen of Earth” - Just to reiterate -- ‘ more importantly she’s a Citizen of Earth’. She says this. While maintaining eye contact with Brainy the whole time she lands and joins the march. His speech helped her make this decision directly, and she’s letting him know that it did. Her smile in this screenshot and the one above. HER SMILE. BLESS KARA.
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And now J’onn says ‘nice to have you with us’ - and they automatically hold hands. Oof and my heart, Papa J’onn. The father figure we all deserve. And...ohhhhH...hmm see Brainy is still holding his hands in position and maybe they made him do that...
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To make it clear that it wasn’t automatic. So that Kara has to offer her his hand. Look at her smile. He’s still just looking straight at her. ALSO LOL J’ONN IS LOOKING. HE SEES.
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AHAHA LOOK AT BRAINY JUST STARING DOWN. ‘oh yes, I should...hold the hand’. And kara’s smile like ‘yes, yes, it’s okay’. AND LOOK J’ONN IS SMILING AGAIN AHA.  He  ships it is proud too. hmm I wonder if J’onn was secretly listening to their convo the whole time...or hm maybe Brainy voiced how he felt that Kara wasn’t coming to the march to J’onn before it started.  I gots to know
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wow wow wow wow wow 
1. the alien march is stronger together
Brainy takes his hand and Kara tightens the hold on it. THANK YOu. THANK YOU.
See, the reason they gave this close up, I think,  is to
1.  reaffirm the themes of togetherness in this episode
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Kara is just taking a breath here but lol I still laugh at how much it looks like the Distracted Boyfriend meme. 
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“Thank you.” *turns to Kara* “Both”. So much direct eye contact this episode.
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And you can’t see it well, or much at all, until she turns but he was smiling too, even if it’s not that clear.
And off they go, to confront Lockwood at -
The Rally
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A bottle is thrown over their heads.
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“Stay peaceful! - Brainy. Kara is shaken, by the looks of it. And Brainy just instinctively holds his hand out to Kara this time.
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Takes a moment after he holds her hand...then...
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“Don’t stoop to his level.” - again, supporting each other. He takes her hand this time.
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So here they’re looking at the people who were here supporting Lockwood and I love how Brainy just looks them straight on. Kara’s also maintaining eye contact in the face of aggression. 
The Fight
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“Then where’s the real Manchester?”
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Okay, so I just like how they can switch so quickly to get into the fight. Superhero mode starts exactly now. And just look how smoothly they go about it. I love them. 
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So here, she says she’s gonna go find Hat.
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“Hello, Hat, we meet again.”
*insert fightscene that you can see giffed by @fairyroses here http://fairyroses.tumblr.com/post/183443782018*
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“You don’t need a ring, when you have friends.” Throwback to how he gets his strength from fighting alongside the team.
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“So where are your friends now?” - jinxed yourself, mate.
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Kara literally is only a blur in this scene. And lmao Brainy catches the hat, which I did not realise till I saw the gifset. I’ve included @fairyroses tags here because she says it all and I literally can’t take any credit for noticing this lol. Bless you.
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“Nice work, Brainy.” - I am fed well with all the times she has said Brainy today. Compliments today too.
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“Now get him to the DEO.” - LOOKING GOOD BRAINY.
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“Then help me get as many of these people to safety as you can.” Menagerie was brought in my the team sans Brainy, and now Brainy and Kara are taking down Hat together. I like how she says then help me. Just another confirmation of yes, you are on my team, even if you’re going back to the DEO for a tiny bit for the delivery. Again, stronger together.
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“And this was from the time me and your mum took down a villain named Hat together” - is not something that was said, but is going in my future headcanon, thanks.
And yep, that’s the beautoful end of the karadox interactions of this episode, time that I start -
Wrapping it Up
Shh, yes I have more to say, bear with me.
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“I know that Supergirl and I have not been on the same page lately, but you know, seeing her out there in that march, hand in hand with everybody else,I was inspired.” - so  ‘I think it would mean a lot to have Supegirl march today’  ---- Turns out it also meant inspiring Alex to take action too. Brainy’s speech being the root of convincing Kara and Kara taking that stand. directly inspired by Brainy grabbing Kara’s hand that second time, kthx
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“Yeah.” - Kara agrees, and then makes a funny joke about roughing Ben lockwood up lol. She did tho.
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“No, *laughs* no, you know I followed my beliefs, not the rules..and it felt really good to take a moral stance.”
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“Yeah, I think everyone at the march felt that way.” - Kara was glad to have gone to the march and she felt better for it. Oof look at that smile. Look at how good she thought the march was.
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“It just goes to show to show, no matter who you are. Alien, human, superhero. Every action counts. And every voice matters.” ---- again, throwing back to Brainy’s speech. 
“In times like this change won’t come from someone with a Ring, or a cape.  It will only come when each one of us answers the call to stand up and be heard”. 
So everything ties together nicely, in -
Thanks for bearing with me, which I assume you have if you’re all the way down here. 
To summarise: 
Brainy and Kara make an excellent team and they both are each others’ strengths, and help each other grow. They are stronger together.
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