#obviously they're not since that's a city instead of a small town
britishchick09 · 2 years
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in susan kay’s ‘phantom’, erik is born in boscherville, a little town near rouen. i checked it out and it’s a lot like giverny, where rewrite christine lived in the rewrite! :D
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green-socks · 1 year
Teenage Dream
Pairing: Willard Hewitt (2011 version) x f!reader
Summary: Moving back home turns out more exciting than you'd thought when you run into Willard, your crush from way back.
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: rated M: car sex but not explicit, only mentioned. Aged up Willard so he's mid to late 20s in this!! They're at a bar but no one's actually drunk.
Notes: I don't know if anyone but me is into this but I just wanted to hear it for the boy. Give the boy a hand!! I love him so. Much love, as always, to @a-reader-and-a-writer for betaing and for putting up with my booty-calling ass at all times <3
If you've seen the video of Miles dancing to footloose while driving, that's 100% grown up Willard, just so you know.
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Moving back to Bomont didn't feel nearly as bad as you once had thought it would. Getting out for a few years felt good, sure, and seeing more of the world even better. But now it just felt nice to return home and be closer to your family. Besides, your work allowed a remote position, so it didn't much matter where in the world you were as long as the job got done. And Bomont allegedly had great internet these days, so you figured why not.
Your friend Iris from school had also moved back two years ago, so you knew there was at least one good friend there waiting for you already. It would be nice to catch up with her and be closer again.
And what better way to catch up than go out to the closest bar (which was in the next town) where the clientele wasn't exclusively well over 55. It was a good bar. They had great cocktails and gave discounts to anyone who sang karaoke, so the people were generally in great spirits.
Around midnight, after a couple of drinks that provided an unnecessarily vivid throwback to your teenage years and a powerful duet of I Will Survive, you were on the hunt for some water.
Stumbling right into the solid chest of an actual tall drink of water wasn't on your mission plan but you were willing to roll with the punches. Only before you even had the chance to raise your head and see who the chest belonged to, the man happily shouted out your name.
"Wait– Willard?"
(It really shouldn't have surprised you that in this corner of the world you always had a chance of running into someone you knew.)
That face you recognized. That face hadn't changed basically at all in the nearly ten years that it had been since you last saw him. The rest of his body was what didn't compute. The Willard from school had been tall too, obviously, but also kind of lanky with long flailing limbs. The Willard in front of you now was huge, with broad, strong shoulders and biceps that– okay yeah you were staring. But seriously, that t-shirt had to be a size or two too small.
The man himself fortunately seemed oblivious to your gawking, and instead wrapped you in a quick but enthusiastic hug.
"Great to see you! I heard you were back but didn't expect to run into you just yet. What's it been, nearly ten years? Man, time flies," he prattled on, releasing you and looking you over as if he was cataloging if anything had changed.
"Good to see you too," you finally managed, looking up at him. "Yeah, I moved back just three days ago. But you never left, did you?"
"Hey, I went to college!" He pouted in mock offense. "But yeah, then I came straight back. Big cities freak me out." This time he pretends to shiver. "If I need to experience the wild world for a weekend I go stay with Rusty, but otherwise I'm good here."
"Oh, how is she doing? I haven't seen her in years either."
"She's doing great! She lives with her girlfriend Annie now, and they have a really cute dog," Willard said excitedly.
You knew that Rusty had a girlfriend through Iris who was the one in the loop for all gossip and followed everyone on social media, still keeping up with everything. You hadn't bothered with that so much, but it was still nice to hear these updates. You hadn't been that close with Willard or his gang, but you had some classes together and became friendly enough that way.
"How about you?" you asked. "You and Ren still going strong? Still do everything together?" You smiled a little teasingly because this one you already knew the answer to. You had heard that they had mostly taken over Ren's Uncle Wes's car shop, and apparently business was going so great people came there from out of town in search of better service.
"I accidentally put on his shirt tonight because our laundry keeps getting mixed up. Does that answer your question?" he deadpanned, making you laugh.
"That explains it. I thought your arms looked about ready to burst out of that shirt."
You immediately snapped your mouth shut, feeling embarrassed. Why would you point that out?? He brought up the shirt and your mind immediately went there again, but you didn't need to say it for crying out loud.
Thankfully Willard only laughed. "I know right? I don't understand how it keeps happening, it's not like we even have the same size most of the time. You should have seen one time I put on his sweatpants to run to the store, I thought I was gonna get arrested for public indecency or something!"
You choked a little bit on your water at that mental image.
"I'm sure the old ladies at the market were quite delighted," you chuckled.
Willard snorted. "Yeah, I got some looks alright, though I wasn't sure if they were into it or if they thought I needed Jesus."
The two of you continued catching up, moving farther to the edge of the dancefloor where you could talk without having to shout. You had no idea how much time had passed until Iris came to knock on your shoulder. After greeting Willard, she turned back to you, pulling you aside to talk a little more privately.
"How would you feel about me staying here in town for the night? We can totally head home together, but I have a chance to get laid if I stay here. Maybe you could get a ride with Willard?"
"You wanna go and have a sleepover with Alex?" you teased her. You knew Alex was her regular companion here, that she was kind of hoping would turn into something more, so you couldn't begrudge her.
"Could I?" she tried a half apologetic, half pleading smile. "You and Willard seem to be hitting it off." Her eyes were pointedly looking in the man's direction, who was still hovering a few feet behind you.
"Speaking of which. You didn't warn me he looks like that now!" you hissed. She was the one who was supposed to relay all the interesting knowledge to you!
"Well, I mean, he doesn't do anything for me. I didn't think it was important," she shrugged.
"But you know I was super into him in school, obviously he does it for me!"
"That was ages ago! I'm barely into people I liked two years ago let alone in school!"
"But it's Willard," you gesticulated broadly with your hands, hoping to emphasize the point.
"Alright, fine, I understand. But we're getting off track here." And with that Iris side-stepped you to talk to the man himself. "Hey Willard, could you take her home tonight? I'm staying in town, but I trust you to keep her safe," she smiled sweetly, playing all innocent.
You noted three things. One, she used the words take her home, and you were definitely going to kick her for that later. Two, Willard didn't even need to be buttered up, because of course he would help an old friend. And three, he honest to god puffed out his chest at Iris telling him he was trustworthy. Even tipped his hat, giving her his word that he'd take care of you.
Goodness gracious, you might not survive this night.
"Are you sure it's not too much trouble? And that you're good to drive?" you wanted to check.
"I've only had one beer tonight, I'm cool. And it's no trouble at all, I promise," he smiled.
With that, Iris took her leave, but not before giving you a hug, demanding you check in later, and threateningly muttering something about crushed testicles to Willard. He looked appropriately nauseated.
Clearing his throat a couple of times, Willard turned to you again. "Uh.. uhm, do you want to go home right now or, uh, do you wanna dance for a bit?"
"I could dance for a bit, yeah!" You were so proud of yourself for sounding totally cool and normal.
The dance floor was unfortunately packed because the night was at that point where everyone had had just the right amount of liquid courage to let loose.
But no one let loose like Willard.
You had never before danced with a guy, or anyone really, who was so willing to absolutely tear up the dance floor with no regard to how it looked. Of course, Willard looked fantastic – Ren was a great teacher after all – but more important was the fact that he was genuinely having fun with it.
It was infectious. Not just to you, but to the people around you as well, though it seemed Willard was unaware of the effect he had.
You were breathless with laughter, and sweaty as hell, but you didn't mind. That is until the song switched to something slower and sensual, and Willard held you so close you knew he could feel your sweat-soaked back. What had started as an overexaggerated "sexy" grind making you laugh wasn't that funny anymore. It had morphed from a joke into something actually hot, and you were breathless for a whole different reason.
Before you could get too in your head about it, the song changed again, this time to an upbeat rock song. You continued dancing, but the energy from before was gone and the crowd on the dancefloor was thinning, so you noticed another need taking over.
"I'm kind of hungry, would it be okay to leave now?" you asked, shouting up to Willard.
"Sure, what did you have in mind?"
You wanted a burger. So that's what Willard got you.
The night air felt exceptionally lovely after the sweaty bar. You ate your burgers on the bed of Willard's truck, because he was surprisingly strict about not getting a mess inside the car.
On the drive home, you talked more about what both of you had been up to in the last almost decade, while still jamming along to the radio. There was no stopping Willard.
"In college Ren dragged me to cheerleading tryouts. He had that gymnastics background and thought it would be fun, but, honestly, back then I thought that cheer was just for girls. I obviously don't think that anymore." He rolled his eyes – you did too. "Anyway, I got sucked into it. Now I coach two teams, so that's a lot of my free time spent with that. It's gotten pretty popular in Bomont lately!" he gushed.
"I don't doubt that, with you coaching," you chuckled.
"What do you mean?" He glanced at you.
"You know, 'cause you're so likable. You're the kind of person who gets others excited too, and I'm sure you're a really great coach."
"Oh. Thanks."
Willard was trying to hide his smile, but there was no hiding that blush. You thought it looked adorable.
As the conversation went on, you moved from trading stories to light flirting and playful banter, the mood in the truck relaxed but cheerful. At one point you made Willard laugh so hard he had to pull over to an empty lot not too far from home to avoid crashing. After the last giggles subsided into quiet hiccups, you just continued talking. It took you nearly thirty minutes of conversation to realize that a) Willard never started the car again and you had just been standing still in that same spot where he pulled over, and b) you two had drifted closer to each other while talking, so much so that Willard's face was mere inches from yours.
Which made you realize your gaze kept dropping to his lips a whole lot. They just looked so.. kissable. You'd always thought so. His lips looked so soft and plump, his smiles so warm, that you desperately wanted to lean in and get a taste.
It was nearing two am but you were wide awake, nerves alight with excitement from Willard's proximity.
And unless you were much mistaken, his pupils were fairly dilated, looking at you just now.
"In my experience, if someone looks at your lips a lot it means they want to kiss you," Willard murmured quietly.
You couldn't even bother to pretend to be embarrassed about getting caught.
"Yeah, I think that's true," you breathed, looking into his eyes that were now boring into yours.
"Do you think it's true or is it true?"
"That doesn't make any sense."
"Yes, I want to kiss you."
"Oh thank god," Willard groaned and cupped your cheek, pulling you in the rest of the way.
2:24 am
"Should we stop? You said you don't want your truck to get messy," you panted.
"I've had a shift in priorities. I no longer give a shit about my truck," he murmured into your neck without even stopping the movement of his hips.
Your text to Iris at 2:59 am:
I may have just lived a teenage dream of mine and fucked Willard Hewitt in his truck. Now home ok. Talk tomorrow❤️
You fell asleep immediately, and let the responding reaction gifs and exclamation points be tomorrow's problem.
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ihateblocks · 1 month
Arcane Order Eli has been on my mind for a few years. Eli is one of my favorite characters and has been since I joined the fandom sometime after season 2 aired; he's baby, yk? Bellroc and Skrael are sexy so full of potential that got crushed with the movie's release, which fuels my love for them. It's only natural I'd want to pair them up, which is challenging when Eli hasn't interacted with any of them in canon.
When it comes to Eli actually joining them, I've been stuck on what makes this twist of fate liable. The Arcane Order hates humanity, why would they accept this rando kid as one of them? Eli has probably the most sunny disposition of the cast, how on this green Earth would he get along with Bellroc and Skrael?
Now I'm at the point where I can post a concept that I agree with, though it surely needs some tweaks.
Eli's Side
• As we've seen at the ending of RotT, Toby isn't nearly as assertive against Steve's bullying and this continues for quite a bit even after becoming the Trollhunter. As a consequence, Steve doubles down on his bullying because no one has the nerve to humble him. Eli and Steve never become close enough to become the Creepslayerz and their relationship rots after they're paired together by Jim, who, missing the finer details of their friendship, assumes that they will become close eventually.
• Because they aren't friends, Eli doesn't bond with the Royals; he instead sees them as his bully's girlfriend/the girlfriend's brother, prompting him to keep them at arm's length for his own safety. Krel becomes the one to bond with Steve the most, though he vetos being called a Creepslayer lol.
• After being brought into the Guardians, his friendships don't seem to extend beyond talking at school. He obviously doesn't vibe with Steve, but Eli doesn't have a chance with the tight-knit Toby Trio. Douxie, Zoe, and Claire are the resident Wizards, and Eli obviously doesn't have magic(yet). Krel, being a tech genius, provides all the technological knowledge the group needs which makes his computer skills lackluster in comparison.
• Key events that previously led to Eli's discovery of the supernatural are disrupted; Jim already knows about Bular and the changelings using the museum, so there's no need to stake out Eli's house when he shows everyone the picture of the dead goblin. Toby can't keep a secret as cool as being able to form a suit of armor with a magical amulet (despite Jim's best effort lol) and manages to humble Steve sometime after Bular's defeat. Toby becomes Steve's go-to for reporting supernatural incidents, like the wild goblin in his garage. With no one believing him, Eli ultimately gives up on his conspiracy theories, instead opting for small self-improvement, like indulging in his love for scriptwriting or jogging at night.
• The supernatural worlds are gradually revealed to the public by Toby and Co., which leaves a bitter taste in Eli's mouth when he receives no credit for making his discoveries before them.
• All in all, Eli is left feeling unappreciated and isolated; Toby still entrusted a Troll Market key to him but Eli doesn't utilize it much and keeps his distance from their missions.
Arcane Order's Side
• Merlin, the only one aware of Jim's status as a time traveler, utilizes Jim's memories of the alternate universe to convince Morgana that she's on the wrong side of history so she deflects from the Order and kills her mind-broken brother to put him out of his misery. Whether time-travel shenanigans take place or not is in the air right now.
• Douxie levels up and KO's Bellroc and Skrael, the Guardians win, Merlin lives, the city remains under their protection, and the Arcane Order scurry away to plot for another 900 years...supposedly.
• Bellroc feels an odd connection to the town(actually the Heartstone below the town that they managed to briefly connect with in the movie) and risks their discovery to relocate their damaged ship behind the mountain and fix it up.
• Bellroc has generally been preoccupied with chasing Camelot around and has little time to indulge in hobbies; Skrael has slightly more freedom to chillax. As they hadn't quite written out the kinks in a wonky fixer-upper spell, Bellroc is drained after repairing the castle and comically tucks in for a week-long nap.
• Skrael takes it upon himself to explore their surroundings and perhaps find Nari in the town. Speaking of Nari, her magic signature is dulled with a device that Krel creates for her safety. Not even Merlin can track her while she wears the collar device so he decides that there's no need for her to flee while Douxie is around to keep his eye on her in the safety of Arcadia. Nari feels owned grateful for Merlin's wisdom and generosity and, while she has to keep a low profile and Merlin advises her against using her magic, she enjoys her time with the kiddos.
• The Arcane Order is now without a Champion and an Enforcer, while Nari shows no interest in returning to them; things 're tough for them at the moment.
• In hindsight, a mind-broken, undead king and a witch who worked for them on emotional impulse weren't the most ideal candidates to employ.
• What they really need is someone who's ready and willing to learn from them and fight for their cause with their own free will, but fat chance of that happening anytime soon lol.
Their story starts after the battle between the Arcane Order and the Guardians of Arcadia, which happened around the same time as it happened in Wizards. Obviously, Eli doesn't become the ambassador of Akiridian-5 and only has surface-level knowledge of the events.
Eli finds Skrael entirely by accident while running in the forest, still habitually accustomed to staying up late working on his conspiracy board; when Skrael tries to leave, he grabs onto them and is teleported to the castle. This wakes Bellroc, who's a little peeved at being disturbed two days into their nap and is like "!!????"
Eli is not aware that they are the ones who caused a bunch of damage to the town recently. Seeing the majesty of their newly repaired castle is the tipping point Eli needs to finally geek out over something supernatural after restraining himself for months.
He fawns over the castle, strokes their egos a bit (which saves his life, because it's a smidge harder to kill someone who's being nice to them), and asks them if someone like him has any chance at learning magic.
Bellroc and Skrael are baffled at this twist of fate and while they certainly debate killing him, they drop it after Eli innocently tells them that he's a part-timer for the Guardians(and if they are lost wizards needing advice from the Great and All-Powerful Merlin then he can work something out blahblahblah).
Offing the guy would risk Merlin's suspicion and him striking them in a weakened state would be a major blow, like kicking a wasp's nest.
Sleepy Bellroc isn't really in their right mind but nonetheless has an idea and decides the best way to get rid of this human without homicide is by accepting his request to learn magic.
No, really.
Sleepy Bellroc plays along with his delusion of magical expertise and, after giving him a few dozen sheets that make up a single beginner's spell, makes him an offer: if he learns that spell within the week, less than five days at this point, entirely by himself, Bellroc will accept him as their apprentice. If he fails, however, he has to consent to a memory wipe of the past week and get lost. Eli accepts.
Skrael, in shock at Bellroc's supposed generosity, looks over this "beginner's spell" they gave to the boy. He quickly picks up on Bellroc's trickery and wishes Eli the best of luck before taking him back to the forest.
What Eli doesn't know is that the papers (translated to English for his convenience) are actually the directions for performing a combat spell that even young master wizards can have trouble with; about as far from the basics as a wizard can get. In other words, Eli will fail no matter how hard he tries and get his memory wiped and probably chucked off a small cliff to pass off his memory loss as an accident. Skrael can't wait to bear witness to the greatest prank ever.
Unfortunately, they severely underestimate Eli's reawakened enthusiasm for the supernatural and intense desire to belong in a group. Fueled on nothing but coffee, dreams, and that happy feeling of having passion for something new, he manages to awaken the magic inside him. Accident, or perhaps fate?
With a rough estimate from Douxie (who takes his secrecy at face value and innocently wants him to succeed) that a new spell on a beginner's level takes a few hours to around 3 days to learn, Eli manages to pull it off within 4 days, just hours before his deadline. All in all, Bellroc is pissed at his success but doesn't want to pull back on a promise. Skrael just thinks it's hysterical that Bellroc's trick completely backfired on them and is engaged in the progress of his companion's bizarre new apprentice.
Bellroc's method of "teaching", while unorthodox and not at all providing their desired result, has some basis in reality: not specifying to someone that a task is supposed to be "hard" can increase the likelihood that they can complete that task with little struggle. (Get Anyone To Do Anything! David J. Lieberman!) This doesn't work on everyone but it worked on Eli lol.
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jbk405 · 6 months
See you in the story past the story....
I just finished Bookshops & Bonedust, the prequel to Legends & Lattes. This wasn't quite the one-sitting bullrush that L&L pulled me into -- I kept getting interrupted and distracted so it took me three days to get through -- but it holds up as the next link in the chain for this world.
It's interesting seeing Viv in her early adventuring days. You can see in this younger, brash character the seeds of who she will eventually become in L&L without being too obviously telegraphed. It's got a little more action and adventure than L&L since Viv is still carrying a sword, but not enough for me to move this into the "Action" genre. The small, quiet coziness is still the point.
A problem with prequels in general is the need to fit into the predefined mold of the later works. Any romance isn't going to last, any friendship is going to end, any business is going to fail, because the characters need to end up in the positions for the "real" romance and friendship of the later work. So, instead of trying to fake us out, everybody knows that this situation is going to end.
But just because it's got an expiration date doesn't mean it doesn't have value and worth on its own.
Viv is stuck in the quiet, boring town of Murk while she recuperates after an injury. She's counting the days until her mercenary band returns, but until then she makes friends and starts to live in this quiet little small city. She befriends Fern, who owns the local bookshop. She has a summer romance with Maylee, who runs the bakery and was an adventurer herself in her youth.
It's Fern who stokes Viv's love of reading, which is a character point in L&L. Maylee is, in many ways, who Viv will eventually grow into. That is discussed explicitly between them at times, and also between Viv and others who see their relationship and know that it is destined to be short-lived because they're at two different points in their life.
Viv is marching up a hill, while Maylee is going down. They're passing each for now, and they're happy to have the time together while they do, but when their journeys continue they'll go in different directions. They're sad when it ends -- sadder than either of them predicted when they started -- but not surprised, or angry, or regretful.
The renovation of the bookshop was also a brilliant subplot, and maybe a comment on depression and executive dysfunction as well? When Viv first gets to town, the shop is in general grimy disrepair, and very uninviting for customers. Books are piled on tables and the floor, the paint is flaking, Fern's pet's dandruff and shed fur/feathers are everywhere, etc. The shop is obviously floundering because of that, and Viv pushes her into cleaning and making repairs bit by bit. None of the repairs are particularly big on their own, and they don't need to all be done at once, but nothing was done at all despite Fern's desperation to save the shop until somebody else pushed it. She was just used to the disrepair, and it all seemed insurmountable until somebody else made her see it and took a hand.
This gets a solid "Recommend" on top of Legends & Lattes.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Maybe it's the primal/prey in me. But I like the idea of fighting a werewolf during a camping trip because my friends are pusses who'd try to run while I would be like bring it on bitch. And they feel the urge to mate me instead. So they then have them try to befriend me and learn my routine as a human so they could get me alone when I'm not protecting anyone else so they could see that fear in my eyes and try to feel the urge to kill me, and they still find feel the need to make me their mate. They've seen me both vulnerable and powerful and they need to possess all of me
God, there was this idea I've been having and building on about a Reader who retreats to a small town that's more rural and closed off than a typical city and you're basically becoming burnt out on modern human society to the point you quite legitimately feel the urge to just turn into a hermit living in a shack somewhere just to get away from it all, and one night you're so sleep deprived because those goddamn wolves keep howling near your place and you're struggling with your job and you hate your life and your family and all the bad stories in the news that, you just walk outside and start running through the woods on a moonlit night, just running and running because you just feel afraid, trapped, you need to get away, you dont even know anymore, and eventually going really deep into the forest into a clearing or something before you just start screaming and wailing and calling out, just crying with your entire soul, and suddenly there are the wolves, they're there with you, not attacking or anything, just beginning to all howl with you as you scream your anguish out to the night sky
And the next morning you're going to the grocery store and your eyes are all swollen and puffy and people aren't like completely mean mugging you as an outsider anymore and you go to check out your groceries and you realize you forgot your wallet and you're about to start absolutely bawling your eyes out and about to put everything back when suddenly multiple people are stepping forward to chip in, oh its their pleasure, everyone has struggles, we've all been there right? Except?? They were all treating you like shit basically since you got here, what changed?
Gee it may have had something to do with like having a massive ass breakdown in front of a really suspiciously large number of wolves who just kind of watched over you and lowkey herded you back towards your home when you were done crying. You know how fucking big wolves are? They sure ain't dog sized. Some of these werewolf audiobooks describe the alpha wolves nearly rivaling the size of bears sometimes 😭 you're just crying and suddenly you're ready to piss yourself because the biggest wolf of the entire group is like, gingerly stepping up to you with paws the size of your fucking head and you're thinking it's slowly approaching because it's about to attack or give you a "test bite" like when bears are checking if something is edible and it just. Gives you a quick nuzzle, maybe a lick to your wet cheeks
Like imagine if, obviously you don't know this is a werewolf pack and you're probably none too keen on having your snow white moment, so if they pretended to be vicious creatures by, say, growling and approaching you really aggressively, well, youre going to take off running (unless you faint which is an entirely different problem) and maaaaybe it's a total coincidence they chase you all the way back to your house when you hadn't realized how lost and far from home you were? And maybe they also thought it was quite fun to run with you, even if you were crying and acting like a little bunny, a little piece of fragile prey for them. Wolves do love a good chase, platonic or otherwise c;
I know I derailed from what you were actually talking about though lol, but I guess the more "feral" nature of the two ideas reminded me of each other lol. I HAVE listened to werewolf audiobooks where the guy was into his mate fighting back because as a wolf, male, and alpha, it sated his natural desires to like impose dominance and control, and also just the primal sloppiness of it, so like, imagine you've got this werewolf sonuvabitch just chasing you and trying to you know "mate" and he's all but open mouth drooling because he "likes em feisty" and its like boy I am literally trying to KILL YOU? Like imagine managing to get the jump on him, like you hide and jump out from around a corner, amd bash him over the head with a rock or a big stick, and it would have worked, IF he was human, so he just turns around all "you know what, im actually impressed c:" before, you know, folding you like a pretzel and breeding you 😩💦
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I can't believe nobody has asked this but I couldn't find it in the masterpost - what if Bella went back to Phoenix before Edward got back from Alaska? And how does Carlisle react when Edward travels halfway across the country to eat her?
I like how you know where this is going, anon.
As usual, the caveats.
Bella didn't and wouldn't. Edward was weird, yes, but she's not sure what to think of it and hasn't seen him since that first day. He obviously hates her, but he seems to be sick and she's breathed a sigh of relief.
More, she left for a reason. If she goes back then she's just burdening her mother, insulting Charlie, and right back where she started. Nothing will change for the better.
And, I imagine even if Bella did think Edward might kill her, she'd view that as an acceptable outcome. If he eats her, then there's nothing she can do about it, and her mom will be happy with Phil. Tis simply a part of her suffering, equivalent to moving to Forks period.
Bella was never going back to Arizona.
Alright, She Goes Back
Charlie accidentally implies Bella's a burden on him. He in no way intended this or even implied it. He probably accidentally said something like, "Have to remember to buy twice as much food" or "I wish I could use the stove" and Bella flips shit.
She is a burden wherever she goes and seems to be more of a burden on Charlie than even Renee. At least Renee loves her, she and Charlie are practically strangers.
Bella has a good, long, cry in her room, thinks about stupid school with stupid small town people and Edward Cullen hating her for no reason and she can't do it.
She'll run away and live in a tent!
... Alright, so she can't do that, but she really wants to (I actually think she would at this point, and being Bella probably gets eaten by bears).
But to be in line with your ask, ever so reluctantly, Bella trudges home to Arizona and tells her mother it didn't work out. This is beyond embarrassing, makes her feel week and pathetic, but Renee is over the moon as Bella hasn't abandoned her to FORKS and CHARLIE. (Bella never realizes this, but I imagine it causes Renee great distress to be suddenly usurped especially when it's right after she married Phil. This is a clear sign of "Bella does not approve".)
PHIL IS GOING TO BE THE BEST STEP DAD EVER. When he's around. But Renee is determined, Bella will never think about leaving again.
Edward Returns
The girl is gone.
Edward can't help but blame himself and now is terrified as he doesn't know what she suspected. He tells himself that he has to hunt her down to assure the safety of the family, to judge what she saw and see if she'll talk.
He can't tell his family this, though, as they don't seem to see the need. Edward was just a strange kid in class, Bella now is in a large city in which no one has met the Cullens. They will never see her again and now they're assured Edward will never eat her. (Edward does not like that last argument BECAUSE HE WAS GOING TO PROVE HE COULD HANDLE IT.)
He hates the girl even more for running out on him like this. It's completely irrational, but dammit, she clearly exists to spite him.
He tells the family he's going back to Denali, that he'd rather not live in Forks after all, and leaves it to them to pack things up. Forks will just remind him of his almost failure.
Instead of that, he goes to Phoenix. He's just going to find her, see if his gift still doesn't work on her, do some surveillance, and reassure himself. It'll be over in a weekend, he'll be in and out.
On the way he keeps thinking about how she looked at him as well as her scent.
He thinks about how much he hates her, how she seems more like a plot device to make his life hellish than a person. His family will never think of him the same way again because she exists.
By the time he gets to Arizona, he's in quite a rage.
Fortunately for her (and him) he has no idea where she is. And Phoenix is larger than Port Angeles. He cannot find her. He tries, desperately, can't do it. He knows nothing about the mother or where she lives, where Bella went to school. He drives around at night hoping someone's seen her. (No one has.)
He keeps at this for several weeks.
The Family Finds Out
Alice chooses not to cover for Edward. This is a stupid decision on his part, will lead to nothing good, and she has only the vaguest idea why he's doing it, but it will likely end with him eating Bella if he finds her.
The family calls the Denali and, sure enough, Edward never came back.
He appears to be in Phoenix, driving around, looking for Bella Swan so he can eat her.
Carlisle goes to pick him up. Edward is mortified, as is Carlisle, they have a very awkward discussion about letting Bella Swan go and moving on with their lives. Edward... can't. He physically can't. Except he can't explain why he can't.
But if he tells Carlisle that he needs alone time, Alice will just rat on him.
He tells Carlisle he has to do this, Carlisle points out he doesn't have to, at all, he just wants to. It's a pride thing and Carlisle gets it, but Edward has to get over this.
Well, that's an insult too far, and in rage Edward storms out of the conversation. On doing so he realizes... he has to leave. The family will never let him do this or understand and he has no choice.
And given last time, they'll think Edward is leaving the diet. They'll think he's eating Bella Swan, even when he wants to do anything but (except that he really would like to eat her).
Edward gives into despair, leaves, and valiantly tries to pursue the diet and find Bella Swan both. He fails in both tasks. He ends up back on his rapist diet which slips into ordinary people and Bella moves to Florida.
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stitchthesewords · 1 year
Okay so you get maybe the only ethubs-centric idea I have ever had, for some reason. I need more ethubs thoughts.
So there's this series of games called My Time At Portia and My Time At Sandrock which are both incredible fun farming/life sim style games. So that's where this idea comes from.
Okay so first, the setting would be a Minecraft fantasy world [of course] but like, far more clearly post apocalypse than I normally do. They're building new citys in the shadows of the ruins of old, or sometimes on top of them. And since this is based on hermit builds, the builds are for sure like MASSIVE - whereas comparatively the 'city' they live in is comparatively simple. I kind of want to set it on the outskirts of a jungle, which is like an ancient manmade planted forest that has WAY overgrown in the apocalypse and so there's tons to explore, along with the ruins around the city. You know, for the vibes.
Bdubs is a Builder - one of the people tasked with getting civilizations feet back under itself. He takes on any tasks - big or small. Someone needs a new chair, he builds it. There's a baby, he builds the nursery. The city needs a new wall - yep. Bdubs. And in order to encourage a ton of work getting done, Hermit Town's builders are pit against each other in friendly competition. And Bdubs absolutely wants to win at the end of the year - they earn points by getting commissions for the other citizens and city done. So obviously there's a huge draw for him to do a ton of stuff. I'm thinking Pearl and Scar are the other two like Official City Builders because I think the three of them would have a really interesting dynamic.
Etho is a part of the Civil Corps - basically the security force of the city. Also on this team are False and Gem I think. They're supposed to patrol, act as a sort of police force kind of? But also they keep the mobs at bay even in the outskirts of the town like where the builders tend to live. They're whole thing is making sure no one dies of unnatural causes. They ALSO go in and secure ruins so people like Bdubs can go claim materials and parts from the old world to be used in the new one - and info too. You see, in the ancient ruins is ton of lost redstone knowledge, and civilization has been working on relearning their roots here. So you've got like - I think Cub, Tango, and Mumbo as researchers who want that information, and Etho and Bdubs as the people who provide it.
So all that out of the way I think the plot is actually pretty simple. Bdubs is trying once again to beat Pearl and Scar at the end of the year Builder Awards by taking on more and more commissions throughout the year. More commissions means he's out and about collecting materials and building things around town and at his workshop. Being out and about more also gives him a GREAT excuse to see that smug bastard civil corps guy who he's definitely NOT infatuated with, thank you very much, which is definitely not why he conveniently needs help only when Etho is around.
I think it would be a softer plot than I normally go for where its Bdubs and Etho learning more and more about each other as the year goes on and falling in love while exploring the ruins around their city and helping each other, all the while Bdubs is working himself hard in order to win the commission competition and FINALLY beat Scar, which is what the story's plot is working towards. A lot of soft moments, some mild to moderate dangerous situations, 1 very hot civil corp member coming to save the day....do you see the vision. This would definitely be one that I would play out like Rift AU where its a series of connected stories instead of linear but god I can just like. FEEL the softness from here. The falling in love, the friendly competition. Its very different from most of my aus tbh but they deserve it.
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I love them already! Can I have an interaction between Nox and Wine? I'm curious why they are nemesis.
When Wine came to town, Nox immediately knew he was trouble. He couldn't tell why, but there was just something wrong with the guy.
First, Edge likes him. And obviously, as an Edge's hater, that's can't be good. That means Edge finds an ally to try to kill him or something. But despite that, he tried to play the nice little gentleman and welcomed him in their neighbourhood.
But very quickly Wine realised where Nox was coming from and, you know, he doesn't like competition. At first, Wine was nice. Just teasing him a little, inventing small rumors to bother him, creating chaos in the house so him and his brother fight... But that wasn't enough to make Nox go or loose his temper.
So Wine did more research and finds out about Nox's vineyard, and decided to send a better message... And went to the mayor and convinced him to sell the vineyard... To Wine, obviously. Nox was absolutely furious, even more since he was about to make his bottles of the year. But Wine didn't stop here. He doesn't give a shit about the vineyard. He burned all of it and built a giant statue of himself on what's left of the fields instead.
After that, Nox sent people to kill him. Wine only sent him the heads, and, instead, kidnapped his brother. He thought that he would calm down the little asshole and dissuade him to bother him again, but then Nox proves he's not that stupid and Coffee came back with a broken arm, as a warning, terrified. Huge mistake. Nox is lucky Rus managed to flee before Wine comes to kill him. Wine doesn't think it's funny anymore, he just wants Nox to suffer.
Since then, there's a sort of cold war between them, as they're fighting for control over the city. But Nox has one huge weakness: he doesn't search for allies. Wine went straight to the mafia boys, and that will probably not end well.
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roadtodeltarune · 5 months
Earthbound Start!
Howdy, y'all! I'm back with another week's update! Though, this is more like a day 1 update.
For the past week, I've been relaxing, fighting a cold, and working. But how far have I gone with the project? Not far. I decided to spend this week watching retrospectives on Mother 1, learning more about its creation, impact, and interpretations. I've also been letting my thoughts on Mother 1 settle into something more concrete. In short: I stand by my earlier thoughts, and you can see those in my other posts.
Today, I have big news! I started Earthbound! Yesterday, I couldn't help myself and decided to start up the game. I stayed up playing it for a long time. I almost got sucked back in this morning but pulled myself out to give the week's update.
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As promised, we're doing a fruit theme, matching the veggie theme from last time. A few things about their names: I regret not naming Ness "Strawb" instead, but "Straw" has grown on me. Plus with his dog, it's team StrawBerry. "Bana" is obviously named after a banana, but I like pronouncing it the same as "Launa". "Apple" I named 'cause of his apple-green suit. I had no clue that there was an inventor kid in this game also named Apple. Maybe they're brothers or cousins? Lastly, Grape, I was running out of fruit ideas. I was tempted to name him "Cherry" after the shape of his head, but most of my internet handles are "CherryKeri" or something similar, so I went for Grape. No particular reason, but I do like grapes.
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Now for the elephant in the room: Giygas is back. Y'know, I figured he'd be in this game, but he got here faster than I thought. After making him have an emotional breakdown from hearing the song of his dead mom, I wonder how he's doing and what made him think it would be a good idea to come back.
As for Pokey, I had hopes for him at first. He's a bit of a jerk, but I could see a change arc for him in the future. Maybe... He kinda sucks, especially after he kidnapped Bana and said his honest apology was a lie. I wanna hit him with my baseball bat, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
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When Buzz Buzz died, I felt so many emotions. Anger and sadness obviously, laughter at the funny dialogue, a sense of purpose and bravery to continue my journey, and confusion at how that all happened so fast and from the mix of feelings.
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Speaking of the dialogue, this game is hilarious. The tombstone ad in the hospital had me cracking up, and there are a bunch of little things like that all over the game! It really helps to make me want to explore and read every sign.
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After Buzz Buzz told me about how Giygas returned and it was my destiny to find some friends and kick his butt, I set out for Onett.
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The city was fun, but I kept noticing these trucks. It's funny how they used to be a serious enemy and now they're normal. A weird thing about them: I think they have set spawn locations. I was running around a lot and kept seeing them flicker on the edge of the screen. It's a very minor thing, my ADHD just kept focusing on it.
While I was in Onett, I also found out a bunch of new features that are a huge improvement over Mother 1. First off, when I find items in the wild, it lets me have the option of dropping an item from my bag; in the first game, the random encounters would just not drop things if my bag was full. Second, when I buy armor or weapons and equip them at the store, it instantly gives me the option to sell my old items. It's such a small thing, but it makes the whole game smoother and faster pace.
A difference that I wish they kept is the run button, walking is a bit too slow for me. I think I'm getting used to it, but the run button made backtracking a lot better.
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Since I was in town, I decided to defeat an evil gang. They had a key needed to get the first melody, and they were causing trouble for everyone. So I fought Franky and his Battle Franky Mark II. It was actually not too bad of a fight; I two-shot him with a SMASH and a regular bash.
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Going into the caves, I unlocked my signature move: PSI Juice! I didn't think this was how they'd use my "Favorite Thing" but I think it fits pretty well! I like to imagine I'm hitting them with so much power, that I'm wringing the juice out of them, like in a Tom and Jerry cartoon. I mostly used the move for big hits and for crowd control.
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First Melody nabbed, and I think I'll mention it now. The plot of this game, so far, is very similar to Mother 1. Mother 1: Collect the melodies and some friends to defeat Giygas. Mother 2: Collect the melodies and some friends to defeat Giygas. It's the same, except the details were changed. Mother 1: Queen Mary lost her memory and only the melodies can restore it, but the melodies are being used by aliens to do evil deeds like restoring the dead. By making friends and doing good deeds, you gain the magic music of love, and with this, you restore Queen Mary's memories and then face the one behind it all: Giygas. So far, there is no Queen Mary in this game. In Mother 2: Giygas has returned and Buzz Buzz goes back in time to stop him before it's too late. He asks for your help and you go out to make friends and collect the melodies, the magic music that can defeat Giygas. The only things that are similar in these plots are the melodies and Giygas being the big baddie, but I think that makes sense. Only love can defeat evil. Though, I am curious about one thing: how are the melodies here? Is it the same song?
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Anyway, back on the road. I got more funny dialogue with the cops and man, these guys suck. I know this game is from Japan and made in the 90s, but I can't tell if this is pro-cop or anti-cop. I wanna say anti-cop, cause they fight you and everything, but the game doesn't treat them like full-blown antagonists.
On my way to Twoson, I got mushroomed. It was fine at first cause I didn't have any party members to accidentally hit, but then my controls got weird. Luckily, I was in town already when that started, so it became a fun little challenge to get to the hospital.
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Hey so quick question: What's with the blue guys? No, not the cult, the guys that attack you in cities? Are they zombies? Drunks? Crazy people? All of the above? They're really weird. I kinda wish they weren't here, cause it makes the cities, a plan of safety in the first game, not so safe anymore.
As for those other blue guys, I don't like them. They kidnapped Bana to sacrifice? Wtf? I got geared up and went over there- I got stopped by a pencil... Well, I went back and got a Hint. I love these by the way, I think I'll be using hints when I get stuck from now on. In Mother 1, I had to use a walkthrough, but they risked spoiling me or making it too easy.
Okay, so the hint told me about the inventor kids. Other people told me about them, but I didn't think they were important and their inventions seemed expensive. I bit the bullet and donated 400 dollars and a cookie to them. Orange gave me his item and I went back- It didn't work...
When I got back through the cave, Red Apple called me and told me to meet with him. I don't know if it was a timed event after paying him, or if I accidently did the right thing by going to the pencil and trying Orange's bomb. Either way, I ran to Red Apple and got the Eraser. NOW, I made the trek.
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This area was scary, with all sorts of dangerous enemies, colds, and twists and turns. Somehow, I made my way through even though the Blue Cult broke the first bridge.
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In Happy Village, I fixed up my gear and did a little leveling up. This town is a little weird though. I mean in how they treat you at first, it's kind of the perfect representation of a cult. Most members are welcoming and subtly trying to make you join. The more extreme members notice you're a stranger who doesn't want to join, so they attack you. It's creepy. There's paint in their river, and even the cow was convinced!
Worse yet, I was getting homesick. That status condition wasn't in Mother 1, so it's brand new to me. It's very annoying, but I guess I just gotta call Mom regularly now? I thought it was cause there was something in the paint, but I think it's just a timed thing.
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What a SHOCKING fight! It was actually pretty fun! Most of his attacks didn't hurt me much, so I just wailed at him with Bashes and Juices. A small detail upped the creepy factor though: the statue. Earlier in the game, I went to X. Agerate's house and he took me to the statue he found. I think this might be the same one! How did it get here? These people know it's dangerous now, but it's not destroyed, so what'll happen to it? I want to break it to bits just to be safe!
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Two gangs down and I rescued Bana! She had been sending messages in my dreams. The people of Twoson missed her so much, but the cult had treated her horribly. Of course, I had to save her after all that! It's clear to me that she'll be like Potato(Ana) from Mother 1, but I wonder if her Bashes will be stronger or if she'll get even greater spells. Her learning set and how much damage her spells do are different from Potato, so I have some learning and training to do.
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I thought I'd go through the cave while I was there, so I used it as a place to level up Bana. She's now level 15 while Straw is level 21, so the gap is shrinking! Her Teddy Bear helped a lot, it's a great tool for training! I also learned a neat change from Mother 1 that I love!
Say you were fighting two Mega Borg in Mother 1 and you target everyone on the first, leaving the second free from damage on that turn. You'd do that because they're tough so you know you need to take it down with multiple hits. But surprised! Someone landed a SMASH, so it goes down easy. Now your party is wasting PP and time just attacking the air while the second Mega Borg is completely fine! Quite the hypothetical, but it happened to me a lot in Mother 1. Well, they fixed that! Now, if an enemy fails, your characters will instantly target the other one. This is a feature that Pokemon also has. It's very convenient and makes the fights faster-paced.
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We'll end this week's update with the Second Melody! I'm not sure what this is supposed to be, a Hat Trail?
So far, I'm loving this game! I had a great time with Mother 1 and this is so much better! I can't forget to mention the amazing music and sprite art, a huge improvement that many might not notice right away. I found myself a few times just walking around, looking at how pretty everything is.
I'm shocked at how much I've done in just a day! This was all last night! All I did this morning before stopping to make this post was leave Happy Village and get back to Twoson. Next, we'll be going to Threed. I'm not sure what my journey has in store, but I'll see you down the road.
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xoteajays · 7 months
Since my city, town, whatever you consider where I live... Since where I live is a small area where most people actually know each other (in a bad way), I think we might be a poor area. A lot of those subjects that you mentioned are not in my school.. Like back when my parents had been in school, they had workshop classes but our generation did not have it. Mostly for safety reasons. But my younger cousin who lives in the next town over, her classes were completely different than mine - back when she was still in school too. And she was in more advanced class too. She was more intelligent for someone of her age and grade.
All I know about the Great Gatsby was whatever parody the had in so many shows. But I've never actually read the books so I can't actually comment about that. I need to start reading manga again though.
Now I'm getting annoyed. How is it that there are so many characters in the Alice In Wonderland stories. Yet I can't seem to pick any of their characters? And I don't know why! There's a possibility that one of my characters would be a female equivalent to Alice, as opposed to Arisu being the male Alice. That could be one character. Obviously there's a dormouse character.. I'm trying to avoid using the dormouse if I could be able to, but that doesn't seem likely though. I don't know. Unless.. I recreate my own versions of characters (like Alice, Hatter, Hare, every one else who's already taken by canon characters). And obviously I do know there are the talking flowers which could be potential character. And.. There is the crow! In general, I do have a male original character whose animal motif is crows (and ravens). Worst case scenario then, I could use him for Borderlands as a character. But I can't ever imagine him being shipped with anyone romantically, maybe platonically but I can't see him in any romantic ships though. So there's that. There's all these characters. But I can't seem to choose. I know there's Lily being White Queen's daughter, but that could change to Ann's sister. But I'd say that I wouldn't know what the romantic ship would be for her (so I would say that's the same as your problem). Unless she's not shipped in a romantic relationship. Mary Ann is Alice's doppelganger. And the other characters Dodo, Lory, Eaglet, Duck do not seem appealing for any of my characters. Same with the Mock Turtle. The Gryphon could be a potential character for me. Maybe. I don't know. There is also the Lizard too, but Tettsu (was that his name) was basically the lizard, so I don't know if that could be a character for someone. Obviously. There was the Jabberwocky, the Jubjub Bird, even the other characters too. I don't know which characters I would want to create. What the fuck.
If I ever do create a mouse (or rat) character, then they could really be the smallest character. One of the smallest characters. That's what I'd do. I can't blame you for that.. And I still don't know which face claims I would use either. So that's another problem for me. What the fuck.
I had plenty of ideas before! I don't know why I'm stuck on ideas now..
Wait! Usagi's actress was shorter than Nijiro? But then again, they are only together in like three scenes. And they're not standing together... And Heiya's character would be shorter than him but they have never had scenes together either. Poor Nijiro being stuck with taller women.
Well.. I found out disgusting trivia that I wish that I never knew of, this is when I was searching about dormice. Apparently in some countries throughout the world, eating dormice is considered a delicacy. So ew. This is exactly why I'm a vegetarian. I would rather eat people, instead of animals. Seriously. That's not a joke either. I can't eat animals at all.
But yes. I knew that dormice are a combination of mice and squirrels.
There are the flying squirrels. They're adorable baby faced squirrels in my opinion. And.. I remember one of my favorite musicians had those kangaroo rats as pets. Kangaroo rats are also really adorable to me.
I was just looking at pictures of kangaroo rats. Until that experience is ruined for me.. A snake eating a baby kangaroo rat. I'm hating snakes.
That ruined my day.
Sugar gliders are adorable too. That's even another animal you should research about. Little flying baby marsupials. They have baby faces.
I've always wanted an exotic pet. But I also knew that I could never be able to give them the proper care they need though for every reasons.
I still haven't worked on the games yet. Mostly because I haven't even had the chance to work on my characters yet.. I'm really stuck on that right now. And I don't know why I'm so stuck on that either. But I am.
Joker Hearts? Oh! Jack Of Hearts. I don't know why my mind went to Joker. I just woke up though. What was Jack Of Clubs again. Because my mind is blank at the moment. Have I told you have much I'd hated The Beach? Seriously! That's a whole dictatorship. I need my privacy.
The Ten Hearts makes sense since everyone at the Beach has to keep participating in that game. Until they died, or beat the game. Which is making sense for that game. I don't know about any other games yet.
I realized that everyone who has a dormouse character always named her Nezumi. Which.. I guess makes sense. Nezumi means mouse and rat. And most Borderland characters have names with some themes.
Oh! I've noticed throughout different versions of Alice In Wonderland, the mouse always has either insomnia or narcoleptic disorders for the sleeping disorders. If you still decide to have disorders for the mouse.
Well.. True. That depends on the model. Or modelling type. Because a fashion model has different shapes and sizes to them, and an athletic model would have muscles. Unless you're those celebrities who could work in other careers like acting and modelling; or even musician and modelling; sometimes actor, model and musician all at the same time too. Depends on the celebrity though. Because everyone's different in that way. About every model have different shapes and sizes to them.
That's right! I remember reading he became a psychologist but I have remembered thinking gamer designer would have made more sense.. Because of his love towards video games. And that, like Niragi, I think he should have also became gamer designer but he never did though.
"i wish i could just plug in and put my thoughts down on paper without having to actually write it, but nope. gotta use my brain to figure out words. struggles of being a writer i suppose." Not including the stupid artificial intelligence machines taking jobs (or even careers too) away from people. Because I will never use those machines at all.
Maybe the don might make it out alive? I don't know. Because it does seem like everything could happen now.. But the don should've really been intelligent enough to have changed the routes after firing others (like the drug dealer friend). Or should've had him killed. Because this proves that his drugs and money were taken from him, his emperor is basically gone now. So if he does live, who knows what would happen to him then. And he's back to thinking with his dick again. He's stupid about things. So why does he keep trying to ruin his life by doing this.
Oh! That may be a plot twist... The two cops, the husband and wife, is distrusting of each other at the moment. Maybe one dies or gets very severely injured protecting the other but possibly ends up living, after the ending wraps up. They confess their feelings, that they'll still trust them and love them until they die. Basically. Actually.. That is not that much of a plot twist. But still. I could see that happening. But the cop is in too deep. Like I could see that he had to kill someone for anyone, like the boss, to trust him. But killing that many people is not really so much a good thing. He might need therapy if he makes it out alive.
And now the cop has to kill his boss? So that means he'd have to kill a lot of the other guys, like the knife guy, before they even tell the don.
The semi-competent cop? Wait! What. What happened? I'm confused now. I might be losing track on some things again.. I don't know now.
Hopefully the gunshot was towards the drug dealer or knife guy since the whole situation is completely fucked for both sides now. So yeah..
- 💋
that’s why i went for the easy ones in the dormouse and the talking flower. the card soldiers were technically the whole militant faction, so he’s not that difficult either. tho technically i could make him the actual knave if i’m making aguni the hare. he already has a food tie-in (with the knave being accused of stealing the queen’s tarts), is a card soldier, and i could see him getting on mira’s nerves.
i think the mock turtle and the gryphon could make good duo characters. like karube and chota as the walrus and the carpenter, and those two beach girls are the tweedles.
tettsu? wait, tatta? tettsu is the h&l character.
i’m using havana rose liu as the dormouse, she already looks very petite so i dont think it’d be too unbelievable to make her a bit shorter than she actually is. don’t have to change yuki yamada’s height for the card soldier tho. him being very slightly shorter than both niragi and karube is exactly what i want for the character.
tao tsuchiya is 5’1 and nijiro is 5’6! so a couple inches shorter. and yea, heiya’s about 5’3 iirc? hence why she also worked for hinami since she’s shorter than takeshi.
bleugh. i had the same reaction when i found out people eat guinea pigs. like i know it’s a different culture thing, like eating bugs in other countries but it’s still icky to me and i don’t think i could do it.
sugar gliders are like The squirrels of australia since we don’t have any native squirrels ourselves. i think i’ve only seen one in real life, i’ve seen more possums. australian possums are so much cuter than american possums. bushtail possums are just. lil babies. i remember feeding them bananas when they came around my auntie’s farm.
i want to figure out a water based game for my dormouse. for the whole ‘hatter and hare stuffing the dormouse in a teapot’. i know heiya got one, but i want one too. there’s aquariums and public pools in shibuya. i dont have an idea yet tho.
the jack of clubs was a brief scene in the game montage, it was a rope climbing challenge where you had to knock the jack’s team off the ropes while not falling yourself.
i liked the beach for the set-up and the characters. not the whole rules of the situation and the swimwear thing and hatter arbitrarily adding in the ‘death to traitors’ rule because he was starting to lose his mind. the characters tho. thank u beach arc for all my favs.
my first dormouse was named nezumi, then her first name was changed and her surname became yamane (which means dormouse. but was also the name of one of the characters in the distance game, which i did not realise until i rewatched the episode). now her surname’s nezuo, meaning ‘rat tail’.
fun fact! koma’s name uses the kanji for ‘chess/game piece’!
i’d never use ai for writing. like i still want it to be my own words. i just want to be able to physically pull them out of my head and slap them into a word document without having to do the actual writing part.
last episode!!!
the knife guy shot the cop’s friend and figured out the cop was the rat in their gang!! meanwhile the bossman’s ex-friend came back and they’re all turning on each other! the gang’s falling apart! the boss’ two friends betrayed him to the semi-competent cops (not the main cop’s team)!! boss’ getting arrested - by the wrong people!! - and it’s only 10 minutes in!! and the wife saw!!!!! let my man go!!
the cop crashed into the car the boss was getting transported in!! because if he gets arrested by the wrong people than the cop’s whole investigation was for nothing!! don’t think he even for a second considered the fact that he just committed another crime by using his car like a battering ram against the two other cops in the car!!!!
the cop’s team are lying to him and telling him that his friend didn’t die after getting shot!!!! but that man is hella dead!!
the boss’ friends have taken over the gang, but the cops gave arrested all of their dealers so they can’t get the drugs out to sell then. the associate’s bodyguard showed up to get their money because they haven’t been paid yet and apparently he’s just been carrying a hatchet around with him??? because he whipped it out of his jacket to threaten the boss’ friends.
the associate met with the boss’ friends and she does not give a fuck. immediately calls them out for betraying their boss, and just wants her money. she’s still working with the cop and scheming with him!
the semi-competent cop knows the cop’s real identity!! AND HE TOLD THE ASSOCIATE!! she called the cop to try and find out if he had any genuine feelings towards her and he was still nice to her and warned her to not go back to where her father’s gang is (because he knows chinese cops are laying in wait to arrest them all).
SHE STILL CARES ABOUT HIM DESPITE THE LYING AND SHE STABBED THE SEMI-COMPETENT COP IN THE NECK WITH A STEAK KNIFE!! it’s so sweet how much her bodyguard cares about her. he warns her not to go back to china because her father will kill her for ‘messing up the drug deal’ (not her fault btw) and he wants her to survive.
the boss’ friends made the drug deal and got the money. and the cop’s team got the name of the ship that the drugs are getting transported on. AND THE COP HANDCUFFED THE BOSS TO THE STEERING WHEEL OF HIS CAR!! AND FOR SOME FUCKING REASON DIDNT TAKE THE KEYS????
the boss’ sad lil face :( :( everyone stop betraying my boy pleASE :( :( :(
the cop’s team rolled in to arrest the boss’ friends and the boss was freaking out in the car. BUT THE COP LEFT THE HANDCUFF KEY IN THE CAR TOO??!!! AND THE BOSS JUST DROVE AWAY!!? WHATS HAPPENING?!!
all the gangs across china, japan and korea arrested a bunch of their respective gang members, including the leaders - BUT NOT THE BOSS OR THE ASSOCIATE. THE ACTUAL BOSS IN KOREA WASNT EVEN MENTIONED AND HIS LAND DEVELOPMENT THING GOT CANCELLED BECAUSE HE LOST ALL HIS GD MONEY WHEN HIS FRIENDS FUCKED HIM OVER!!!
the cop and the wife are back together but they’re still. awkward.
‘i may be a sinner, but you used my trust to deceive me. isn’t that a sin too?’ G O D!!! HE REALLY DID CARE ABOUT AND TRUST THEM!
the cop got his fucking promotion. whatever. was is fucking worth it, man? your cop friend is dead and your relationship with your wife is fucked. congrats.
stop. no. what the fuck. he put his LITERAL ACTUAL FUCKING WEDDING RING on the boss’ GRAVE with the NECKLACE HIS WIFE HAD GIVEN THE BOSS. what in the bisexual hell is happening here.
anyway. no season 2 ig since loverboy is dead, but wi ha joon was as excellent as expected.
0 notes
redrisingsun · 3 years
Swedish Holidays for all your Young Royals needs
Due to popular demand (by like five people) here’s a brief description of all the major Swedish holidays and how they’re celebrated because I can’t stand here and pretend as if we really celebrate Christmas the 25th. We have more holidays, I've only written about the ones we celebrate in my family. I come from a working class family and live in Southern Sweden, however I do have family in Stockholm. I'm not religious in any way and as far as I know, most families don't celebrate these holidays because they're religious, but because it's tradition.
yall better appreciate this, it took me literal hours
1: Dubbed as one of the collective pizza days in my household. It's the day after New Year, and most people either order in or eat leftovers.
Week 2 or 3: Most people return to their jobs, schools and other daily activities.
Fettisdagen ("Fat Tuesday"): celebrated 47 days before Easter. The actual date varies, all from early February to early March. It's an old Christian tradition where you'd eat fatty foods before the "before Easter"-fast and is supposedly a thing in other Christian countries as well. These days, most people celebrate by eating semlor with their family, and most don't fast before Easter.
The semla is a sweet bun with whipped cream and almond paste.
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Våffeldagen (Waffle Day, 25th of March): I think this day stems from a Christian tradition, but these days the day is mostly to get together with family and eat waffles.
Påsk (Easter): Again, the date varies, but Easter is usually in April. Easter stems from Christianity and is celebrated to remember Jesus' death and resurrection. Easter spans over a week, but I personally only celebrate one of those days.
Påskafton (direct translation: Easter Eve, English translation: Holy Saturday) is the Saturday of the Easter week. In my family, the children get to look for Easter eggs (often filled with candy).
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Some children also dress up as Påskkärringar (Easter crones) and I think this tradition has to do with the Witch Trials in Sweden, but I'm not sure. Chances are you won't need to know anything about this for your Young Royal fics, because mostly girls dress up.
Sometimes, we decorate eggs.
Later, we sit down to eat together and spend time with our families. Common things to eat for Easter is potatoes, eggs, herring and meatballs.
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Valborgsmässoafton (Walpurgis Night, 30th): We burn a big bonfire in the evening to celebrate that spring is here. I live in a fairly small town, so mostly everyone gathers at one spot and burns the fire together. When the bonfire is burned, most people go home and that's it. It's also seen as a reason to have a party (mostly for teenagers and young adults, I think) and get drunk as fuck.
Sveriges Nationaldagen (Sweden's National Day, 6th of June): Most people are home from school and work. We hoist the Swedish flag. Idk. However, the Royal Family celebrates by getting dressed up in Swedish costumes. This year, the King held a speech and the family went to Skansen (which is an amusement park/zoo. You can read more about it here). There's music and the military does their weird little thing. You can watch the National Day Celebration on Skansen from 2014 here.
Midsommarafton (Midsummer): date varies, but is celebrated a Friday in late June. I'm sure there's a Christian explanation for this one, but I don't personally know it.
Midsommar (midsummer) means middle of the summer.
Again, this is a day to eat and spend time with your family (or drink, depending on who you are). We eat pretty much the same things for Midsummer as we do for Easter.
For Midsummer we also dance around a Midsommarstång (direct translation: Midsummer Pole, English translation: Maypole) and make flower crowns.
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How Midsummer is celebrated depends a lot on your age (most teenagers and young adults again see this as a reason to party), where you're from and a million other things.
My personal favorite Midsummer tradition is probably more common in the country than in the city, for example. You're supposed to pick seven different flowers without saying a word. Then, you sleep with the flowers under your pillow. Supposedly, you'll dream of your future husband (or wife! But I think it's more common that women and girls do this). This tradition also varies. Some people say you need nine flowers and some people say you have to climb over fencing for it to count.
Some teenagers or young adults spend time with their friends to party, instead!
You can watch part of a Midsummer celebration at Skansen here.
The Royal Family usually celebrate Midsummer privately, but I think there's usually new pictures of the entire family around this time.
Day after Midsummer: Collective Pizza Day 2. Everyone either eats takeout or leftovers because no one can be bothered to make anything and like half of the population has the worst hangover they've had since New Year.
Summer Holiday Note: most people in Sweden have four weeks of paid leave each summer.
Kräftpremiär (Crayfish party) - date varies, normally early August. Basically people get together to eat crayfish and drink. You can usually get paper plates and plastic cups and whatever with ugly crayfish motives (which is fun), but I've never done this.
Halloween (30th): Halloween is nowhere near as big in Sweden as it is in the States. We just buy some lösgodis ("loose candy", where you can throw whatever kind of candy you want in a bag. See pictures). Trick or treat is so unusual in the town I grew up I've only ever had one kid ask for candy and when I celebrated Halloween with my grandparents (in a city not far from Stockholm), it was the same. I usually buy some candy and watch a horror movie, but that's about it.
However, Halloween is (again) a reason for teenagers and young adults to drink and party.
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Alla Helgons Dag (All Saints' Day): Date varies, usually early November. It's a day to remember the dead and we usually light a candle at the grave yard.
Första Advent (First Advent): Date varies. Sunday four weeks from Christmas Eve. We mostly just light a candle, honestly. Then, each Sunday for the next four weeks, we light a candle. Here's actually the Crown Princess wishing Happy First Advent with her family! Unfortunately without English subtitles, but here's the translation: "Today is the First Advent. Advent means arrival and hope, something that feels extra important this year. (her husband lights the candle) We want to wish everyone a happy first advent!"
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Andra Advent (Second Advent): date varies. We light the second candle.
Tredje Advent (Third Advent): date varies. We light the third candle.
Fjärde Advent (Fourth Advent): date varies. We light the fourth candle. In my family we usually decorate the tree this Sunday.
Julafton (Christmas Eve): Celebrated the 24th. YES, THE 24TH. Christmas Eve obviously varies from family to family, but there's a few things most people have in common. Usually, we get one gift in our sock (which hangs on our bedroom doors in my home, because we don't have a mantle) when we wake up. As kids me and my brother almost always got a movie or something to keep us busy until it was time to leave for our grandparents house.
For lunch we eat the Christmas dinner. It's the same damned food as our other holidays. Herring, meatballs, potatoes, sausages etc, but now, we also have julskinka (Christmas ham). Some people eat ham even for Easter, but we only really eat it for Christmas in my family. Obviously the food varies a little from season to season, but as a picky eater I always just eat potatoes, meatballs and ham.
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At 3, Kalle Anka (Donald Duck) is on. Yeah, we watch the same damned stuff every year. It's tradition, alright? Anyway, Donald Duck lasts for an hour or so, and first you get to see Santa work in his workshop, then Disney characters wish you a Merry Christmas with scenes from their movies (original, I know). There's Lady and the Tramp, Donald Duck (obviously) and a million other things. Then there's also one or two trailers for movies Disney will release the coming year. I really couldn't be bothered to find everything on YouTube for you to watch, sorry!
After Donald Duck, we open the Christmas gifts in my family. Normally we just rip out gifts open lmao.
After opening the gifts, we usually eat a second time. This time it's time for porridge. Tomtegröt (Santa porridge) is sweet and often served with cinnamon. Usually, everyone is so stuffed at this point that you only eat because you "have" to eat porridge for Christmas (again, at least in my family).
The last thing we do in my family, is to get a puzzle out. My grandpa almost always gets a new puzzle for Christmas, so we'll put that on the dining table and work on it together until it's getting too late for us to stay.
The Royal Family usually release new pictures of the family for Christmas and wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
Day after Christmas: Not a collective pizza day! There's usually too much Christmas food left to be able to order pizza. Usually, we have Christmas food to eat for four-ish days after Christmas, and by then you're getting really tired of it.
Sometimes we watch something on television, but for the most part we just sit around and spend time together. I think the Crown Princess read something from the Bible this year? I'm not actually sure if the Royal Family go to the Christmas Service, but I don't think so.
Nyårsafton (New Year's Eve): last day of the year. We shoot fireworks, eat food and dessert and spend time with family. This day we normally eat something "fancy" or something you we don't usually eat.
At twelve, we go out to light some fireworks (or just watch fireworks). When that dies down, it's time for the cheese platter. My dad wants it, no one else ever eats from it, we still do it every single year because "it's not New Year's without it". When we've had the cheese platter, everyone go to sleep and that's that.
People obviously celebrate this differently, as well. It's not uncommon to go see your friends or have guests over, and some people party rather than have fancy dinner with their parents. I personally prefer spending time with my parents, because that's what New Year's is for me.
Some people give resolutions, but I think it's more common in the States.
Christmas Holiday Note: It's common for people to not work between Christmas and New Year's Eve where I'm from.
Some things you might want to know about the Swedish Royal Family and Sweden overall:
The Royal Family in Young Royals is not the real Royal Family (obviously).
The Royal Family usually spends time on Öland during the summers.
Chances are Wilhelm and his family live at Drottningholm Slott (Drottningholm Palace) and not Stockholm Slott (Stockholm Palace). Drottningholm is used as a home for the current King and Queen and is located west of Stockholm. However, the scenes where Wilhelm is home is shot at a palace called Stora Sundby Slott. I doubt Wilhelm and his family would live here if they were the actual Royal Family since it's used as a place for people to gather when they want to hunt for sport. However, if they truly live at Stora Sundby, it takes almost two hours to drive from Stockholm to the castle.
Bjärstad is AT LEAST two hours away from Stockholm.
Bjärstad to Stora Sundby Castle takes approximately an hour and a half by car, and between nine and twelve hours by bus. Which means these two boys can't just take a twenty minute bus to see each other.
Bjärstad to Drottningholm takes a little over two hours by car and four-ish hours by bus.
Bjärstad to Stockholm Slott takes over two hours by car and three and a half hours by bus.
Hillerska is shot at Kaggeholms Slott (Kaggeholm Palace), and is a hotel.
The age of consent in Sweden is 15, HOWEVER it's illegal to have sex with someone four or more years younger than you if you're not both over the age of 18. Let me illustrate: -Person A is 15 and Person B is 15. It's legal because both are 15. -Person A is 15 and Person B is 20. It's illegal, because there's a five year old gap between them. -Person A is 15 and Person B is 18. It's legal (but probably frowned upon), because they're both 15 or older and there's not a four year gap between them. -Person A is 18 and Person B is 30. It's legal, because both are 18 or older. Idk if this makes sense or if this is what it looks like anymore, but this is what it was like when I still went to school. Obviously people aren't going to run around and call you names if you happen to date someone four years younger than you (I know a girl who met a guy when she was 14 and he was over 20), but please, be mindful of this. Our age of consent doesn't give you a right to be weird and nasty to teenagers (yes, I'm talking about Edvin).
Also, the Royal Family have their own website, which you can find here. As far as I can see, there's more information on the Swedish page, but there's plenty translated to English. You can also read of the Swedish Royal Family and its history on the palaces's website, here.
All pictures have been taken straight from Google. I haven't used any sources, because this is shit I do every single year with my family. Feel free to correct me or add things you do, but keep it respectful, please!
Friendly reminder that I've simplified some parts of this to make sense, specifically the dates of the Advent celebrations.
If there's anything you don't understand or want more information on, you're welcome to contact me! I take pretty long to reply, but I'll definitely try to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
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agenderthief · 3 years
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Gazini imp of Soul (uses he/they pronouns!)
(Gazini also means blood, therefore he's literally the "blood" imp of Soul :D )
I made a fantasy drink know as Pink Demonic Essence for @slocotion 's pateron competition!
Pink Demonic Essence is a drink made out of the blood of friendships. Mainly friendships that are connected by a strong bound that seems like both pairs(or more) have their souls interconnected by fate. The drink itself is said to protect the user's friendships from evil. Though, despite it being know for it's protection, Gazini himself has created this concoction to backfire on the user. One of the Evil Eye's, the pink version of the true blue one, is inside the bottle and if the person doesn't wear the same Pink Evil Eye, the opposite of those protection's will happen.
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Instead of the above happening it will:
Ruin frienships
Cause intense Anxiety and Panic
Cause Intense feelings of Despair
The drink itself also has known side affects when drinking it as well if the user drinks it too much:
These symptoms include:
May include protection of friendship of Demonic Level (this is a given, but doesn't last long)
Corruptive Love Syndrome (a well-known side effect is emotions of said friendship isn't kept in check/ within both(or more) parties boundaries
Sloth Syndrome (only if user has shown many signs of the sin Sloth of corruptive level. Cases of this is rare)
Typically if the other syndrome's are in effect, they would have to go to Gazini himself to help reverse the effects. The rule is to, obviously, to wear a pink evil eye on their person before meeting them since he has the evil eye as a "third" eye and as a belt accessory.
In general, go for him will have the person test their friendship of their friend or friend(s) if they pass all the test the heart's emblehished on him will grow.
Despite how "somber" he looks and his nature, Gazini love's true, pure and high valued friendships. Being so, it makes it harder to find them since this imp tends to appear in social gatherings, big or small. So he's either in big cities, or far away towns. It depends what interests him at the time. They're constantly on the move, so finding him will be quiet the challenge.
Fun fact!:
He's aromantic and has a platonic life partner who's is named, Malifur( a cat Imp) who is often seen with him in ally ways of the city
It's unknown if the blood stains on their shirt are from someone or something, just for show, or from the many drinks he's made for Pink Demonic Essence(if the last one is true, it raises a lot of concerns)
(also the other and is supposed to be black! It's just makes it easier to see than if I made it black 😅 )
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klarolinelibrary · 3 years
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Hi KC readers,
We have decided to create a list of KC stories that were updated during the week which we plan to share every Friday. This is one of the ways we plan to promote different KC authors and stories in our community. 
For our first weekly releases, we have collected stories on FFN and AO3 that were updated during the week of April 16 - April 10! We hope you enjoy the new stories.
Happy reading!
He's got you mesmerised (while i die)
Author: klavscaroline
Rating: T
Length: Drabble
Summary: You gave him your sweater, it's just polyester. But you like him better a.k.a. unrequited carolijah (high school au)
Date of update: April 10 2021
Klaus POV - The Trouble with Spells (chapter 20)
Author: ilovetf
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: The Trouble with Spells as seen through Klaus's eyes and his POV. Over the years, people kept liking this story and some even asked for Klaus POV, so I decided to give it a try. Hope you enjoy it. All feedback is more than welcome. Good or bad.
Date of update: April 10 2021
Black Roses (Chapter 29)
Author: xKlaroStylesx  
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Vampires, witches and werewolves are welcomed at the Whitmore Academy for the Supernaturally Gifted but that doesn't mean they all welcome each other. Ambitious student witch Caroline Forbes shares a mutual loathing with arrogant yet mysterious vampire Klaus Mikaelson. A spiral of events occur when their two dueling worlds collide and a life changing connection is formed.
Date of update: April 13 2021
Our darkest moments (Chapter 8)
Author: CookieDuo
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Discovering her entire life has been a lie, Caroline is determined to find out the truth and travels to the small town Mystic Falls in search of answers. Meanwhile, in the woods outside of Mystic Falls, a "monster" prays on unsuspecting young woman. In time the connection between the two becomes clear... Dark Klaroline!
Date of update: April 14 2021
A Failed Sacrifice (Chapter 3)
Author: CookieDuo
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: She ruined the sacrifice to save her own life, and in order to survive she turned to the only other vampire who'd been able to survive the wrath of Klaus Mikaelson. She gets away, and learns from the master, but when Klaus eventually catches up to her, her life will never be the same again.
Date of update: April 16 2021
Always Finding Trouble
Author: Cupcakemolotov
Raiting: M
Length: Drabble
Summary: Assassins in love were so cliche, but here she was. Married, even.
Date of update: April 10 2021
In Your Hands
Author: ThrowMeAStory
Raiting: E
Lenght: Drabble
Summary: 4x16 au, Part 6. The date.
Date of update: April 10 2021
The blood in your mouth
Author: perfectpro
Raiting: T
Lenght: Drabble
Summary: After Liz Forbes's untimely death, Caroline finds herself at the helm of her mother's empire. She's been trained for this role, but Klaus Mikaelson is a man she hadn't known to expect.
Date of update: April 10 2021
Author: wincefish16
Raiting: Not rated
Lenght: Drabble
Date of update: April 11 2021
Give Me A Sign (Chapter 2)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Raiting: M
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Caroline Forbes is happy that she left founders' parties, competition over guys she'd known since elementary school, and even Mystic Falls itself behind years ago. She's not second-best to Elena anymore. Even Liz would be proud of her new life working on the side of the law. Mostly. (If you need to compel someone into giving up stolen goods, is it really a crime?). Of course he's the one person from her past who comes looking for her. Klaus does that.
Date of update: April 11 2021
The Wolf II (Chapter 31)
Author: Yokan
Raiting: E
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: The Guerreras' threat still looms over the Mikaelson house as Caroline tries to adapt to life as a vampire, away from her daughter. But an unexpected family reunion makes everything worse, taking away the little peace Klaus, Caroline and Elijah managed to find after the war that nearly broke them. [It's The Originals Season 2, but Caroline was a witch, had Klaus' baby and now she's a vampire. Klaroline, obviously.]
Date of update: April 11 2021
A smutty anniversary (Chapter 5)
Author: kcatdino
Raiting: E
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Caroline and Klaus celebrate 3 months together with a day full of smut.
Date of update: April 11 2021
One of a Kind, Two of a Kind, or the Three Musketeers (Chapter 9)
Author: Phandancee74
Raiting: T
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Caroline recognizes how hard it is for Elena to be a doppelgänger, her fate predestined as well as her face. It's pretty tough being the last of your kind too though, and Caroline is determined to protect them both, with some very helpful Bennetts on their side. A fic that integrates Malivore and the larger supernatural universe into TVD from the start.
Date of update: April 11 2021
Humanity (Chapter 8)
Author: FandomizedArtist
Raiting: Not rated
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Now with the power of an Original vampire Lucien had everything, everything except his complete revenge on the all mighty Klaus Mikaelson. With the help of a witch he had tracked down the only woman who in thousands of years Klaus had fallen in love with. Miss Caroline Forbes. Adding her name to his list of evil todo’s he created the plan to kidnap, drain the vervain and compel the newbie vampire to be his. In this fanfiction Klaus does have hope but Caroline did not have Alaric’s twins.
Date of update: April 12 2021
Magics Miracle (Chapter 5)
Author: 1Jemmagirl22
Raiting: T
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Caroline is in Paris with out her humanity after the death of her mother. It seems her friends aren't happy with her new state so they inform the one person capable of turning her emotions back on. Klaus. When a prophecy about a second Tribrid comes about in New Orleans, shock to sweeps through the city. It seems nature doesn't consider Hope such an abomination after all as an even greater one is about to be created. The hands of power are changing and when they're done even the worlds most powerful witches won't be able to stop it.
Date of update: April 12 2021
We are young (Chapter 11)
Author: kcatdino
Raiting: T
Lenght: One shots
Summary: Basically, Klaroline flirt in front of their kids who they are barely older than, and Landon is appropriately confused. Edit: Now a series of one-shots!
Date of update: April 12 2021
When Blood Calls for Blood
Author: Cupcakemolotov
Raiting: M
Lenght: Drabble
Summary: At sixteen, Caroline helped kill monsters. Hers, his, and theirs. Ten years later, and Klaus returns to Mystic Falls with unfinished business.
Date of update: April 12 2021
The War of Succession
Author: BelleMorte180
Raiting: E
Lenght: One shot
Summary: When King William I dies without a living male child, the whole of England spends two generations at war over who is the true heir to the throne, sending the houses of Lockwood and Mikaelson into battle. When the love of her life is slain in battle, Caroline realizes that her hand is betrothed to the victor since she is the only grandchild of the late king. Upon her wedding to the new king, she vows that she will hate him for all eternity but time is a fickle thing and so it the heart. Written for Au Season Enemies to Lovers. Kind of based off the War of the Roses.
Date of update: April 14 2021
Some ancient call that i've answered before (Chapter 2)
Author: klarrolines
Raiting: T
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: According to Greek mythology, humans were created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves. Or all the lives throughout time that Klaus and Caroline found each other in.
Date of update: April 14 2021
Soulmate visions (Chapter 3)
Author: kcatdino
Raiting: T
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: On your soulmate's eighteenth birthday, you see through their eyes for an hour, but they don’t know. And if your soulmate turns eighteen before you are even born, you never get a vision. Klaus gets his soulmate vision right after he orders Tyler to bite Caroline on her birthday.
Date of update: April 15 2021
World Enough and Time
Author: perfectpro
Raiting: E
Lenght: Drabble
Summary: Caroline is perfection in and of itself, and Klaus thinks that he could search the world twice over and never find a creature so endlessly fascinating, so perfectly enigmatic that he is still finding things to learn about her a thousand years later. Or, what gift is suitable to celebrate the passing of a thousand years?
Date of update: April 15 2021
Author: wincefish16
Raiting: T
Lenght: Drabble
Date of update: April 15 2021
Reasons Not to Date a Mikaelson (Chapter 2)
Author: kcatdino
Raiting: T
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Bonnie and Caroline gain a new roommate for their freshman dorm when a vision leads them to tracking down a pregnant Hayley in the Rockies. Also, Bonnie may or may not have raised a certain dead Original instead of Jeremy and Klaus takes a job at Whitmore teaching, to be annoying. He’s very good at it. This is a season 5 rewrite where the Originals never leave for New Orleans. But you know, with comedy.
Date of update: April 15 2021
Quiet Light (Chapter 4)
Author: coveredinthecolors
Raiting: E
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Caroline Forbes sets off to the Bahamas with her boyfriend, Elijah, where she'll finally meet his brother for the first time. But as it turns out... she knows Klaus Mikaelson a little too well.
Date of update: April 16 2021
AO3: Contingency Plan (Chapter 3) FFN: Contingency Plan (Chapter 3)
Author: Eliliyah  
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: When Stefan's idiocy threatens Caroline's carefully laid plans, she has no choice but to turn to Klaus Mikaelson for help. Unfortunately, the criminal king of Philadelphia won't be swayed by simple seduction and has a different kind of proposition for her. It's a good thing she has a contingency plan. Never try to overthrow an empire without one. Dark Klaroline Mafia AU. COMPLETE
Date of update: April 11 2021
AO3: Last Love FFN: Last Love
Author: kirti_01
Raiting: M
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Klaus had promised to be her last love, was sure that Caroline, will come to him. Maybe in a year, or a 100, perhaps. But Caroline decides not to wait for that long. After graduation, Caroline moves in with Klaus to give her feelings for him a chance. And Elijah finally lets go of his obsession with Katherine and finds himself attracted to a university student, his student, a human named Samara.
Date of update: April 12 2021
AO3: A Beautiful Symmetry (Chapter 153) FFN: A Beautiful Symmetry (Chapter 153)
Author: Uppity Bitch
Rating: M
Length: One shot
Summary: A collection of random AU one-shots featuring Klaroline. *2019 KC Award - Best one-shot series* Chapter 153: The Blonde Identity. Spies on opposite sides always had one mission, and nothing should ever compromise an operation. But Klaus always had a weakness for a woman who wore murder in her eyes.
Date of update: April 14 2021
AO3: Always and Forever (Chapter 8) FFN: Always and Forever (Chapter 8)
Author: WingedLadyColette
Raiting: E
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Always and Forever is put to the test when the Mikaelson siblings  all gather together once more to throw the balance of nature into disarray when the Petrova Doppelganger reappears once again in a little Virginia town of Mystic Falls. But that's not the only thing that catches the big  bad wolf's attention.
Date of update: April 16 2021
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leavaloo · 4 years
Hi Kai, Happy Holidays! Could I request what your hc would be for Milo getting a crush on an s/o from Kalos? Don't know how they ended up in Turffield but they're very obviously a poor fit as it's sorta rural and they're... not. Would it be possible for them to be taller than Milo as well? Cheers!
Maaaay have gotten carried away with this one lol It was just so cute!! How could I not?!
I wanted to send something out to you guys, because I’ve been working on my book and commissions in the background, so! I hope you enjoy this pure fluff
Milo was used to the multiplicities of the country. It was quiet, not a whole lot of people about, and everyone knew everything about everyone. So when you arrived, things got a bit more interesting in Turffield. For one, you avoided every patch of mud there was on the road, while other people in their work boots just plowed right through them. You would complain about the internet not being that good, and then huff as you put your phone away in defeat.
The gym leader had yet to interact with you, but from what he had seen, he was amused. The word around town is that one of the local family run bakeries had some of their family from out of region come and visit. It seemed very obvious that you were from a city, but what city it was, Milo had no clue. In fact, the whole family on that side was the same way, trying to make sure none of their designer stuff got dirty. It looked like the family had come out here for necessity instead of family bonding.
That was until one of Milo’s Wooloo decided that it wanted to go on an adventure. Somehow, it had rolled on over to you, and you had absolutely fallen in love with the cute little fluffy thing. It bleeted at you and nuzzled your leg, lightly bumping into you. The sun was setting when Milo had finally found both you and the Wooloo, wandering around trying to find its owner.
“Oh! Thank goodness!” Milo said, lighting jogging up to you two. He leaned down to pet the Wooloo on the head, shaking his head. “I’ve been looking for you for hours! Your brothers and sisters are worried about you, ya know?”
The Wooloo sadly bleeted, looking up at you with a sad look, which you returned. Milo stood up, adjusting his hat and giving you one of his famous smiles. “Sorry about that! Thanks for taking care of this little escape artist!”
“Oh! Uh... No problem!” Was that a blush on your face? Milo couldn’t tell in the low light and the fact that you were taller than him. “Is this your Wooloo?”
Milo nodded. “Yep! She belongs down at the ranch.”
Your eyes lit up. “There’s more of these guys??”
He laughed softly. God you were cute. “Yeah! There’s a whole buncha them. They’re part of my gym challenge, actually, along with a handful of Yamper. Do... you wanna come along with me? I can show you em.”
You basically jumped up and down with glee. “Yes!! I would love to see more of these cute fluffers! They remind me of Skiddo!”
Milo tilted his head to the side. “Skiddo huh? Never heard of them.”
From then on, you two got along spectacularly. The whole way back, the two of you bantered back and forth about the different places you two had been. He figured out that you were from Kalos, and that this was a very different experience than what you were used to. Milo offered to have you volunteer at the Wooloo farm if you were so excited about them, which you happily agreed to, saying something along the lines of “anything is better than dealing with my family”.
You family watched as you quickly became accustomed to the life in Turffield, and more specifically to Milo and the farm. They watched as you went out and bought work clothes and boots just to help out on the farm, and they watched as you and Milo got closer and closer. They watched as he asked you out on a date, and they watched as you got home from it all giddy and blushy. They watched as you started to fall in love with Turffield, as well as with Milo. And they watched your heart break when they announced that the family would have to leave here in a week, since their business was done.
When you broke this news to Milo, his heart just about shattered. He had really gotten it bad for you, and he was having so much fun that he almost forgot that your hometown wasn’t in Galar at all. You two exchanged as much as you could in terms of contact information, making sure you two stayed connected. It was late at night, the Wooloo around you fast asleep, the one that had run away that fateful day sleeping on your lap. You absentmindedly pet its fur, trying not to let tears run down your face.
“...I forgot that this wasn’t home,” you whispered.
Milo looked down at the ground, and then over at your sad features. He wanted nothing more than to hold you and tell you it would be okay, but were you there in your relationship yet? There was something between you two, that much was for certain, but how far was he allowed to go?
“You’ll come back, right?” Milo was barely able to hide the break in his voice.
Finally, a smile from you as you looked back at him, your eyes wet with the tears you were trying to hold back. “Of course I will. I can’t just...” You looked away, that familiar blush on your cheeks again. “I can’t just leave you forever...”
Milo didn’t know what came over him. Maybe it was the sad look in your eyes, or the fact that you seemed so far away in this moment, but he placed his hand on the back of your neck and gently pushed your chin towards his. He wasn’t planning on kissing you tonight, but the little surprised squeak you put into it made it worth it.
He pulled away, slowly and gingerly, before looking away as well. “...Sorry. I-I don’t... I don’t know what came over me.”
He felt your hand fall into his, the interlacing of your fingers seeming far too natural to pass by. Your head rested on his shoulders, and for the first time, the two of you cuddled each other. It was... desperate, like you didn’t want to ever let go. “It’s okay, Milo...” you said to him in a hushed tone. “...I wanted it too.”
“You’ll wait for me, right?” you asked after a little bit of cuddling among the snoring Wooloo.
“Of course. I will say, though, it’ll be a lot lonelier without you.”
You laughed softly, adjusting your head on his chest, since the two of you had laid down. “I’ll make sure to be as fast as I can, kay?”
Milo kissed the top of your head with a smile. “As long as you promise.”
“Pinky promise.”
The seeing off was... difficult. Your family had to yell at you that they were going to miss their flight back to Kalos if you kept holding onto Milo. And while you were gone, Milo could feel a small void in his heart growing bigger. It wasn’t until about a year later that you suddenly appeared at his farm, asking if you could help with the workload. Everyone in town could see the light return to Milo’s eyes, clearly evidenced by it being one of the biggest smiles he’d given since you left.
And this time, you promised you were here to stay. 
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dukereviewsxtra · 4 years
Duke's Monsterween: Halloweentown
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome Back To Duke's Monsterween...
Where We Continue Our Halloween Look At Disney...
By Talking About Our First Disney Channel Original Movie, Which Happens To Be One Of The First Disney Channel Original Movies, Halloweentown....
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This Movie Is About A Girl Named Marnie Cromwell Who Travels To Halloweentown With Her Brother And Sister To Help Their Witch Grandmother (Played By The Late Great Debbie Reynolds) Save Halloweentown From A Darkness That's Destroying Everything...
While Also Beginning Her Training As A Witch Behind Her Mortal Insistent Mother's Back...
Will The Cromwell Family Unite And Stop This Evil?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Halloweentown...
The Film Starts In The Home Of The Cromwell Family Whose House Is Not Dressed Up For Halloween Nor Is Anyone Going Out Trick Or Treating...
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With Daughter #2, Sophie (Played By Emily Roeske) Basically Being A Wallflower, Son Dylan (Played By Joey Zimmerman) Not Really Caring...
And Daughter #1 Marnie (Played By Bringing Down The House's Kimberly J. Brown) Being Upset That Her Mother, Gwen (Played By The Original April O'Neil) Won't Let Them Go Out On Halloween For Reasons Unknown...
But When The Grandmother, Aggie Flies In On A Magic Bus From Halloweentown To Spend The Holiday With Her Family, She Attempts To Get The Kids Into The Halloween Spirit Only For Gwen To Become A Buzzkill Again And Say No...
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When The Kids Go To Bed, Aggie Reads A Story On Halloweentown To The Kids Which Pisses Off Gwen More As She Wants Marnie To Live A Normal Life Instead Of The Life Of A Witch And It May Happen If Marnie's Training Doesn't Start Tonight...
But Aside From That, Marnie Is Not The Only Reason Aggie Is There Tonight, It Turns Out That She Needs Gwen's Help Dealing With An Evil That's Turning People Evil Before They Just Disappear And Fears That This Evil Is Trying To Return Them To The Dark Times...
She's Tried Asking Other Witches And Warlocks But None Want To Help So, Instead She Figures That 2 Cromwell Witches Are Better Than One...
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But Not Wanting To Abandon Her Kids To Face Some Nameless Force, Gwen Refuses
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Which Leads Aggie To Storm Off, But Unbeknownst To Gwen And Aggie, Marnie Heard Everything...
Telling Dylan This, He Doesn't Believe Her But When They See Aggie Walking Away With Her Bag Right Behind Her, They Both Get Dressed And Sneak Out Of The House To Follow Aggie To The Halloweentown Bus Stop So They Can Sneak On-Board The Bus...
Arriving In Halloweentown, Marnie And Dylan Discover That Sophie Heard Everything They Said At Home And Followed Them Onto The Bus, They Meet The Mayor, Kalabar (A Warlock Who Knew Gwen Years Ago) Who Helps Them Go Their Grandmother's By Calling For Benny (Played By The Batman)...
Seriously, The Guy Who Voices Benny In This Voiced Batman On The Animated Series Called The Batman...
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To Take Them To Aggie's House...
Along The Way, Benny Warns Them To Be Careful Around Halloweentown As He Tells Them About A Kid Named Luke, Who Got A Nose Job And A Couple Of Warts Removed With The Help Of Some Shadow Creature...
Arriving At Aggie's, They Find That The Place Is Locked, Marnie Tries Using Her Powers But They Don't Work, Luckily, However, The Lock Comes Off When Sophie Wishes The Lock To Be Turned Into A Frog...
With The Kids Knocking On Aggie's Door, Marnie Tells Her That She's There To Start Her Training And To Fight The Darkness In Halloweentown, With Aggie Saying Okay As Long As They Get Back To The Mortal World Before Midnight...
But Despite Marnie Pointing Out That That's Only 2 Hours From Now, Aggie Points Out That Time Works Differently There With 2 Hours Being Either 2 Days Or 2 Weeks...
Looking Into Aggie's Viewing Globe...I Mean, Witches Glass, She Shows Them What The Evil Apparently Looks Like And Reveals That The Only Way To Stop It Is With A Talisman That Merlin Used To End The Dark Ages In The Mortal World Years Ago...
Aggie Attempts To Reactivate It With Instant Witches Brew But The Attempt Fails Which Leaves Her Only One Choice And That's For Her And The Kids To Gather The Ingredients For The Brew And Make It Herself...
Meanwhile In The Mortal World, Gwen Discovers The Kids Are Gone While Aggie Relays To The Kids, A Brief History Of Halloweentown While Showing Them Around Before Running Into A Friend, Harriet, Who Has Obviously Been Transformed By The Darkness...
Telling Kalabar About It, He Apologizes For Not Taking Her Seriously And Believes She Has Uncovered Something Very Serious But Being Unsure Of The Details Himself He Tells Her To Leave It Alone For 2 Days While The Kids Are Here...
As Kalabar Leaves, Aggie Finds Sophie And Dylan But Realizes That Marnie Has Discovered The Brooms. Deciding To Get Her One Since It's A Witch's Rite Of Passage, They End Up Running Into Luks Who Flirts With Marnie Only To Get Seriously Shot Down By Her..
Deciding To Fly The Broom Out, Grandmother And Granddaughter Have Fun On Marnie's New Broom, When They Come Down They're Confronted By Gwen
And From There, It's Nothing But Bickering Which Sounds Like The Nostalgia Critic Doing An Impression Of Chris O'Donnell From Batman And Robin For A Few Minutes ...
(Start At 10:02, End At 10:09)
Either Way, Marnie Is Pissed That Gwen Wouldn't Let Her Train As A Witch As She Leaves With Gwen, Dylan And Sophie To Get A Bus Home...
Unfortunately, They're Unable To Get A Bus Home, So, They Go To See Kalabar Who Reminisces With Gwen For A Second Before Taking Off Saying That He Has To Deal With An Emergency..
Meanwhile, Aggie Runs Into Luke, Who Knows She Has Merlin's Talisman And That The Person He Works For Wants It, Telling Luke To Take Her To Him, They Walk Down The Street To The Old Movie Theater...
With Sophie Seeing Them, Marnie Knows Something's Up And Takes Off Despite Gwen Telling Her To Stop...
Once Inside, Aggie Is Confronted By The Darkness Who Is Revealed To Be The Shadow Creature That Benny Told The Kids About...
With The Creature Demanding The Talisman, Aggie Refuses Which Leads Him To Start Blasting At Aggie...
But When Marnie, Gwen And The Kids Enter, The Creature Blasts Both Gwen And Aggie Freezing Them...
With Aggie Telling Marnie And The Kids To Go, They Decide To Try To Save Them By Continuing Aggie's Mission By Getting The Ingredients For Merlin's Talisman...
It's Here We Get A Small Montage Of The Kids Getting The 3 Ingredients Around Halloweentown, Like They Get A Hair Of A Werewolf From A Werewolf Barber, They Get Sweat Of A Ghost From A Ghost In A Sauna And They Get Fang Of A Vampire From A Vampire At At A Dentist's Office...
After Ditching A Monstrous Benny, Marnie Creates The Witch's Brew For The Talisman But Sadly She Doesn't Remember The Spell, Luckily, Sophie Does And When They Both Say It Together, The Talisman Lights Up...
Going To The Theatre, They Try Using It On Gwen And Aggie, But It Doesn't Work On Them, This Leads Marnie To Remember That Aggie Said They Had To Install It But As To Where? Well, As Marnie Puts It, Where Do You Put A Candle On Halloween?
But Before She Can Get To The Pumpkin In Town Square, Marnie Is Confronted By Luke, Who Warns Her That The Shadow Creature Is Waiting For Her And That He Knows That She'll Attempt To Save Her Grandmother...
Despite Not Trusting Him, Luke Tells Her To Get Down As The Sky Turns Dark And The Shadow Creature Appears On City Hall Where He's Revealed To Be Kalabar, Who Wishes To Use The Creatures Of Halloweentown To, You Guessed It, Take Over The Mortal World...
But When He Spots Marnie, He Freezes Her Only To Discover That He Froze Luke And That Marnie Is At The Pumpkin...
Unfortunately Though He Does Hit Marnie And Freeze Her Before She Can Install The Talisman But Luckily The Talisman Falls In And Land Where It's Supposed To...
With Gwen And Aggie Returned To Normal, They Confront Kalabar Who Reveals That He Did This Because Gwen Chose A Human Over Him...
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Pulling The Talisman Out Of The Pumpkin, The Cromwells (Including Dylan) Unite Their Powers Together To Get The Talisman Back And Defeat Kalabar, As He Sounds Like Darth Vader When He's Defeated...
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With Gwen Apologizing To Marnie, She Goes To Check On Luke Afterwards As He's Revealed To Be A Goblin Who Only Did What He Did Because Kalabar Made Him Handsome, Either Way Though Him And Marnie Make Up...
I Would Say Become Love Interests But He Doesn't Appear In Either The 3rd Or The 4th One...
Finally Managing To Get A Special Bus Back To The Mortal Realm, Gwen Invites Aggie To Stay With Them In The Mortal World To Help Marnie With Her Training And Also Because She's Good With The Kids...
Accepting Gwen's Offer, They Get On The Bus And Go Back To The Mortal Realm As Our Movie Ends...
And That's Halloweentown And...I Love This Movie...
It Seriously Is One Of The Best DCOMS Ever Done For The Disney Channel, The Story Is Pretty Good, The Cast Fits Well In Their Roles, The Sets (May Not Look As Creative As The Nightmare Before Christmas But They, For The Most Part) Are Pretty Good, The Make Ups Are Pretty Interesting...
Now I Know There Are People Who Believe The Acting Is Hokey, The Story Is Stupid, The Town Isn't As Creative As The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Effects Are Stupid, The Monsters Look Fake And The Bad Guy Is A Mix Of The Grim Reaper And Jim Carrey's Grinch...
But To Those People I Simply Say To Turn Off Your Brains And To Think Like A Child For Five Seconds And You Might Find You Like This Movie...
But There's Another Reason That I Like This Movie And That's Because My Grandmother Loved This Movie Because Debbie Reynolds Was In It And I Used To Watch All The Movies With Her Almost Every Halloween Until Her Death...
And It's Because Of That And Because It's A Great Movie That I Definitely Say To See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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ripspaghet · 4 years
bff | 03
↳ series m.list | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 |
→ pairing: yoongi x reader
→ word count: 4,062
Prologue Summary; Your best friend’s boyfriend takes an unhealthy interest in you and just as he shows up something from your past starts to creep up on you again. Could this strange and mysterious man have something to do with it? And should you trust him, or your instincts to run far, far away from him?
→ warnings: none yet.
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“____, come on. I know I can be boring when I teach but, please, at least act like you’re listening?” The odor of old books and dust wafted through musky air. Rarely any students come here anymore, opting to study elsewhere or not at all. So, it’s fairly quiet except for the few crickets jumping around outside the glass doors of the stuffy library. 
“Ah, uh, sorry.” You pull your attention away from the tiled floor to look at your friend. He’s leaning over the table your both sat at. His long body looks awkward scrunched up in the small library chair, almost like he’s a grown man sitting in something made for a toddler. 
 A sigh passes his lips, “Let’s just call it a day. If you can’t focus it’s better to just get some sleep and study another time.” You nod along with his suggestion. He was beyond right. There’s no way you’re gonna be able to focus any time soon. Not when those dreams are still looming around in your mind and you remain unable to properly remember anything, which is no surprise but only furthers your annoyance.
“Oh, that reminds me! Sorry, I almost forgot to tell you. I’m going to be out of town for the next few days and won’t be able to help you study. Don’t panic though, I have a friend that agreed to help you until I’m back. He knows all about this stuff. He took it last year.”
Your shoulders fall limp, “You what?”
He began sliding his textbooks back into his bag with his other belongings, “I know, but it can’t be helped. My family is having a getaway and my parents wanted me to take a break with them.”
You click your tongue, “Only Kim Namjoon’s parents would want their kid to take a break from school. My mom might have my head if I ever even thought about taking a break. She’d think I was trying to drop out.”
Namjoon chuckled heartily, “I’ll be back before you know it. Don’t stress. My friend probably knows more about this stuff than me anyways. I’ll text you his number.”
“Is your friend Einstein??”
“Something like that, I guess.”
“Seriously,” You groan, losing your composure, and leaning back into your chair, “how could you do this to me? What if this guy tries to assault me or something? You can’t just leave me with some random.”
“You know, the more you hang out with Jimin the more you start to sound like him. This guy isn’t like that, trust me.”
“Jimin? What’s that supposed to-” A fist slams down on the table and you and Namjoon nearly jump out of your seats, “You’re leaving?!”
“Oh, Taehyung,” Namjoon laughs nervously, regaining his composure. 
“Who’s gonna help me with my creative writing class?! I came here to ask you for help.” 
You raise an eyebrow at the boy, “What the hell are you in a creative writing class for?” Taehyung doesn’t spare you a glance, keeping his eyes fixed on Namjoon, who’s checking twice for all his belongings.
“____ can help you with creative writing. She’s good with that stuff.”
Taehyung’s head whips over to you his eyes widened, “Really?”
“What?“ You adjust yourself to sit up straight in your chair, "Namjoon, don’t tell him that, I’m too busy as is. I can’t help him. Absolutely not.”
“Surely you could squeeze in a minute or two.”
“It can’t be helped.”
He just smiles at you knowingly, “I’ll be going. The weekend calls. Have fun you two.”
“Bye, ____. Get home safe.” Your eyes flicker over to Taehyung and you squint up at him in irritation. He’s looking at you expectantly, tapping his foot.
"I’m sure Jimin can help you." 
“I don’t have the time.” You gather up your belongings, not sparing Taehyung another glance as you make your escape.
You’d made a habit out of avoiding Taehyung since you’d met him, as you did for all the frat guys at your university. It wasn’t anything personal - it's just that the whole school knows that they're bad news. In other words, party every night until we can’t walk straight anymore and mess around with as many girls as we want, types of bad news.
Your feet drag lazily across water-covered concrete once you make it outside. It had stopped raining for the time being, but that didn’t change the fact that it was now below freezing out due to the sun being replaced by a moon that was hidden behind dull rain clouds. The streets were empty aside from the few people making their way home from a late shift at work. 
“You will soon.”
You grimace. Why is it so familiar? A voice very gravelly and intense, where have heard it before? You purse your lips in thought. Just at the remembrance of a voice, red begins to color your cheeks and your hands grow clammy. What is this? You’d never felt this way before. Except when reading something similar to a thrilling romance book. The dream had been so seemingly real, the voice so close to your ear that it was impossible to deny how intimate the situation had been.
You groan in frustration. Jimin can’t possibly be right about it being a wet dream though. “Right, because you never talk with any other man besides me.” You roll your eyes. You should’ve punched him in the gut right then. Plenty of guys talk to you, it’s just that you’re so obviously uninterested that they grow bored easily. You’re not interested in just some fling.
“Excuse me?” A tap on your shoulder drags you out of your whirlpool of thoughts, “You dropped this.” You turn, a bit startled to see a gold necklace dangled from elegant fingers, the gold clashing with the pale skin it rests on. 
Deja vu.
“Oh, thank you.” You take the necklace from his fingers. It must have fallen from around your neck without you noticing.
You lifted your gaze up from the gold now resting in the palm of your hand and meet brown orbs, that almost come off as black under the harsh yellow-toned street lamps. His dark hair hangs just above his eyes in unruly waves.
“Yoongi, ” 
An expression of slight uninterest bores into your eyes despite his surprised tone, “What are you doing out so late?” Your hands attempt to bury themselves deeper into their pockets, a knot forming in the pit of your stomach as a familiar feeling of warmth consuming your chest.
“It not that late, is it?” You force a small smile that probably ended up looking a nervous cry for help. 
He glances around at the dark city surrounding the two of you, “Seeing as it twelve o'clock at night, I’d say it is.“ 
"I was studying at the library with a friend. Lost track of time I suppose.” Another awkward smile.
“I’ll walk you home.”
“N-no, I’m fine. You don’t need to do that. My place isn’t too far and I always walk home late. I’ll be fine.”
“I insist.” His voice is firm and strict, making his words come off as more of a demand, rather than a suggestion.
“Ok, I-I guess it’s fine, ”
The walk home is quiet. You don’t spare another glance in Yoongi’s direction despite the taunting urge to. It didn’t help any that it felt like his eyes were constantly glancing over. How had the atmosphere between the two changed so much in such little time? How come you felt so utterly scandalous under his gaze? You can’t help but feel your insides coil as silence settles over the two of you and remain in it for the rest of the way to your dorm. And despite a nagging feeling telling you otherwise, nothing happens.
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The next day is another cold one, but instead of there being snow, there’s a thin layer of ice stuck to the ground as gentle rain pats down against it. Namjoon texted you his friend’s number and address this morning and informed you he’d already talked to him about it. And as per usual, decisions were made without your consent. It was bad enough you had to get up early on a weekend for work, but now instead of head straight home to bed, you have to rush off to study with some random.
"I’m so sick of the smell of coffee. I go home, my clothes smell like coffee. I go to bed, my bed smells like coffee. Drag my ass out of bed and come here, to smell what? Coffee. It’s not even nice smelling coffee either. It’s bitter and too strong, like diesel gasoline.” You keep your eyes fixed on the coffee shop’s glass doors, opting to wait for the next custom rather than acknowledge your babbling coworker. 
Namjoon told you that his friend had no other free time to spare. So, it was in the morning, or never.
“I mean, can’t they at least make it smell good? Heaven knows it already tastes like crap.” You learned rather quickly after taking this job that entertaining this man’s ranting would only add to the flames. You pity the people who walk in unknowingly and spark up a conversation with him simply for his good looks, to later find out that his mouth never shuts while doing something he despises, which would pertain to his entire job. 
“____, are you even listening to me?” His voice goes up an octave, bringing his eyebrows along for the ride.
Reluctantly you turn your head away from the doors and stare blandly at his wide rounded eyes and parted lips, “Yes, Seokjin, I’m hearing every word of what you’re saying.”
He studies you for a moment before speaking again, something he rarely does, “Ah, that’s right, you’re not a morning person. I’m sure you have it much worse. I can’t imagine already being in a bad mood and having to come here.”
“And the customers are always so rude in the morning. I don’t know how you manage." 
You don’t know how you’ve been able to keep yourself from shoving a bag of coffee beans down his throat, "Yeah,”
Work drags on as normal and as soon as the clock strikes 9:40 am you hang up your apron and fly out the door with the speed of light, completely ignoring Seokjin who calls after you, nagging about you not bothering to even tell him goodbye. 
Once outside you follow your phone’s navigation down multiple streets, your hood up while you grip an arm around your waist in a sad attempt to retain even the smallest amount of body heat. Winter, what a season that you hated to love.
“You have arrived at your destination.”
You halt. Well, that wasn’t all too far. Looking up your gaze meets a tall luxurious building.
“Madam, may I assist you?" 
You startle not realizing the man standing next to the building’s entryway, "Uh, yes? Maybe? I’m meeting a friend of mine. Would you happen to know someone by the name of Namjoon?” In your awestruck confusion, you figured that maybe the mention of Namjoon’s name would help in some way. You mean, Namjoon is the one who recommended the person who supposedly lives in, what appears to be, a tower of silver and gold.
“Ah, yes, follow me, Madam. I will show you to the floor." 
"Ok,” Your voice turns into a small whisper as you look up the building again, feeling the sheer intimidation it radiates. This can’t be the place. 
You follow the doorman inside as he leads you to an elevator at the center of a spacious lobby. Seeing as how early it is in the morning it’s not unprecedented that the whole place is empty. Most rich people probably leave as early as five in the morning to get a head start for the day, you’d assume.
“The Master is in the penthouse so we will be going rather high up. If you have a fear of heights I’d recommend avoiding the windows.” Your stomach turns as the elevator doors shut and you’re lurched up. The elevator dings each time it passes a floor and eventually you start to think that, maybe you’re going to hurl out of the top of the building and fall all the way back down to the ground because how could there be this many floors?? You supposed it was a fitting fate for one as tired as you. At least then you be getting some kind of rest.
“The Master?”
“All will be explained by the Master himself.” The doorman doesn’t even spare you a glance, his attention remaining on the rising floor number. 
“Oh,” You nod and look away wondering what exactly Namjoon had signed you up for this time. Perhaps you were about to mean a famous business leader or a master of the arts? Knowing Namjoon had set this up left nothing off the table. That guy could probably arrange a meeting with the president of the United States with his whole family’s well regarded social status.
“Here we are, Madam. Be sure to push the doorbell before entering. The Master treasurers his privacy."  The doorman bows his head and you step out of the elevator before closing the doors with the press of a button and ascending back down. 
You turn to face the other way and push the doorbell to a pair of tall smooth wooden doors as instructed. But as you wait nothing happens. You hear nothing as a whole minute ticks away and you debate just going back down in the elevator to head home for your bed. Failing any of your classes isn’t an option for you though. You hesitantly ring the bell again and pull out your phone double-checking the address just in case. It wouldn’t be all too surprising if you were in the wrong place. What kind of person around your age, that just finished school a year ago, could afford a place like this?
Once again no one comes to let you in and your impatiens begin to teeter. You swear, if this guy made you come all the way out here this early in the morning just to stand you up, you’d kill Namjoon. So, with that thought in mind, you place your index finger back on the doorbell and let it have a piece of your mind. The dinging rings out over and over again. And finally, after what felt like a thousand dings you hear a door slam from somewhere inside the penthouse, then muffled swear words and stomping just before the large door is swung open so fast you feared it might be yanked off its hinges.
"What the hell do you want from me?!” A familiar head of messy black hair, that’s even messier than normal is laid over the wrong side of his head makes you gasp. His eyes are squinted and puffy as they stare back at you in an uncouth manner.
“Wait,” He’s eyes get bigger and he reaches up to rub the sleep out of his eyes almost like he’s seeing things, “____?”
Your eyes dart away awkwardly as you try to find words to say in response, “I’ll be leaving now.” You turn on your heel to run for the elevator.
“Shit, are you Namjoon’s friend that needs tutoring? Fuck, I completely forgot about that.” You could tell from the sound of his voice he was running his fingers through that messy black hair of his, but you continued walking. Fuck that guy for being attractive. You’re getting the hell out of here. No more coincidental run-ins.
“Quite alright, no need to apologize. I’ll be going now.”
“No!” He ran out in front of you to block the elevator buttons, nearly falling down in his haste to stop you, “I mean, ” He paused hardening the expression, “I promised Namjoon I’d help you. You can’t just leave.” You looked him up and down. It was strange seeing this, a side of him normally only a girlfriend or best friend would see when you’d only just met. And you barely being qualified enough to be called an acquaintance made it so it shouldn’t have been a problem to feel so awkward, if it hadn’t been for a tiny part you that was thinking about how good Min Yoongi, not only looked in casual clothes but looked without a shirt in black baggy joggers, with bedhead, sporting a sleepy voice. In fact, the more you looked at the man the more pissed off you became. How dare he tempt you in sullying your friendship with Mina by looking like that.
Suddenly taking notice in your lingering gaze Yoongi tried composing himself, putting his hand atop his head in an attempt to hide his mess of hair, “Namjoon will kill me if I go back on my word. Just come inside.”
“Put some clothes on.” You spun around in annoyance, striding into the penthouse. In all honesty, you’d rather jump from this floor to the ground than stay here, but Yoongi had reminded you why you were here. Namjoon is gone and won’t be back until the day of the presentations and you know there’s no way in hell you’d manage on your own with an unfinished project that you knew would remain that way if not given a helping hand. You know yourself well enough to know that being uninformed and out of ideas would lead to you throwing in the towel without having even tried to make a fully finished piece.
Yoongi was close on your heels, shutting the door behind him, “Actually, I thought I’d tutor you naked. Just to switch things up a bit.”
“Excuse me?!” You spun again almost sure you’d get whiplash. Yoongi was just watching your reaction in amusement and it dawned on you he was being sarcastic.
“Just a joke, ____.”
You glared, “Yeah? Well, I’d appreciate if you didn’t joke about such things with me.”
He chuckled almost endearingly, “Why?”
“Why? What do you- You know what? This is inappropriate. I’m leaving.” Judging from this conversation you had no doubt in your mind that this man had the capability of cheating on your best friend. 
You went for the door but Yoongi grabbed your upper arm before you could get past him, “You really shouldn’t take me seriously, ____. Now, stop being a child and let’s get this over with.” He removed his hand from around your arm as if it had never been there, to begin with, and walks away from you. “I’m going to put a shirt on and I’ll meet you back in here. Make yourself comfortable.” You feel like you’ve just undergone a full 360 in a short amount of time since you entered his home. Why are you here again?
Surveying up his home you walk further into what seems to be a rather cozy living room. All the colors in the room are either warm or extremely dark, except for the occasional white pillow or blanket laying around. Even the floor is tiled with warm reddish wood. The pitch-black walls contrast against the brightness flooding in through a window that covers the whole outer wall of the room. It’s similar to homes you’d only ever seen in magazines or movies.
“Wow,” you breathe out and take a seat down on a long black leather couch in the center in the room. The place has probably been professionally decorated just to Yoongi’s liking.
“Would you like something to drink? Have you eaten?”
You jump, startled, “N-no, I’m alright.”
He nods and holds a notebook out to you now sported a baggy black sweatshirt and unruly combed hair, “Here,” You hesitantly take it from him as he takes a seat next to you, “these are my old notes from when I was in school. They should be helpful. Is there anything in particular that you’re having trouble with?”
“Ah,” Right that’s what you came here for, “I’m not very good at this music stuff which is why I needed Namjoon’s help. Its extra credit for me is all. I’m majoring in film.” You pull your bag from your side, taking out all your own notes, a few hefty textbooks, and your laptop.
“What is your focus for the project then?” He leans over you watching as you open up all the proper program on your laptop. You nervously fidget, feeling your skin heat up and try leaning away from him without it being noticeable, “I want to present a completed song.” Yoongi gives you a look of ‘You can’t be fucking serious right?’ And you sigh, “Listen, I know I don’t even major in music and don’t really know what I’m doing, so it’s dumb of me to try this. But, I have a great love for music even though it isn’t my major. If I do something with this,” You point at your laptop screen, “I want it to be my very best. I really wanna try at it and I think I can hit all the points, I just need the opinion of a professional.”
He looks at you for a while before finally speaking, “You know, me helping you with this is kind of cheating.” You rose an eyebrow at him, gesturing that he elaborates. “It wouldn’t be fair to all the other students. Can’t you just choose a different route? Like, I don’t know? Doing a piece you’d put into a film or something? Something a little more down your alley?”
You shake your head, “I’ve already started. I don’t have the time to scrap anything and restart. Here,” You turn your attention back to the laptop and plug in a pair headphones then hand them to Yoongi, “Just listen and give me your thoughts.” Reluctantly he takes the headphones from you and puts them on. You press play and watch him closely, gauging his reaction as his breathe hitches not even five minutes into the song.
You quickly pause it and he takes off the headphones confused, “Was that you?”
“Was it bad? I suppose I can use auto-tune. That’s not breaking any rules right?”
“No, no, I mean,” He stops mid-sentence staring at you.
You turn away, facing your laptop, “You’re right, maybe I should just scrap it and start over.”
“No!” You flinched away from Yoongi at his sudden outburst, “No, you shouldn’t do that.” He’s to the laptop this time, studying all of your work, “It’s very good. It caught me off guard.” He puts the headphones back on then presses play again. You stare at him, in a loss for words. It was one thing to have Namjoon tell you your work was good when he was still in school, same as you. Yoongi, on the other hand, is already a music producer and judging by your surroundings he’s a very successful one.
“Is this all you have so far?” Yoongi slides the headphones back off, eyes on the screen of your laptop.
“Yeah…This is more of the ending rather than the beginning. I have parts written out and I’ve tried doing them myself like this but it just doesn’t sound the way I want it.”
Yoongi nods, “This has lots of potential. I’d like to see the beginning half. I think you can make an amazing piece with just this alone. I like how you’ve mixed the two genres. I can understand that it wouldn’t translate when using only your voice. With the way it flows, you’ll need to almost flip back a forth with two voices. Doing that will also add to the overall emotion in the song seeing as it’s a romantic piece. You’ll need someone with a lower octave that balances while with your own sound. Finding someone to do that should be hard as your voice is pretty enough on its own to captivate any listener. The difficult part is blending the just right amount of both that’s not overdoing it.”
You nod trying to ignore the flush you feel in your cheeks as you watch him flip from line to line on your recordings. 
“I’m impressed.” He looks up to you and instantly looks away.
“Thank you.”
@im-emo-motherfuckers @team-wang-puppy @seokchella
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