#obvs not putting this in main tag
weddelledseals · 2 years
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firehose118 · 2 months
okay but something about a major theme of 9-1-1 being that people can really thrive and be their best selves when they’re given the right environment
and lou indisputably doing the best acting we’ve ever seen from him in s7 of this show. giving layered, nuanced performances
lou saying that he’s usually typecast as a “beefcake” and isn’t given the opportunity to play deep characters
but also lou saying now that he’s playing tommy, people are seeing him for who he really is
because lou is hot, yes, very intentionally so—but he’s also sweet and sensitive and silly. and him getting to play any of that is such a rarity in his career so far. and tommy is all of that
something about tim seeing him in s2 and bringing him back because he remembered how charming he was. tim seeing potential in him to flourish and give this storyline the weight it needs
9-1-1 being a force for positive change not only within the show itself but also for its actors
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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“why are you always only ever talking about, like, spider-man 2099’s childhood and mental health issues instead of posting panels of him Biting People” uh. because... spider-man 2099 the comic book... also does this.?
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*bitch who only thinks about vocaloid voice* wow i'm getting a lot of vocaloid vibes from this...
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85-rend · 7 months
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lets fucking gooooo!!!!!!!!! fifty-six real!!!!!!!!!!
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syringesyrup · 2 years
can we talk about the fatphobia and whitewashing issue with some ghost artists because some of u need to stop drawing aether and cumulus skinny and swiss without black features like either learn how to draw big bodies and people of color or don’t draw at all. it’s fuckin nasty how some people will just draw everyone skinny and white. and the excuse of “it’s just my art style!!!” does not work like okay then Fix ur damn style ? it’s so nasty and i know u all see it and i feel like No One ever says shit about it 😐 it’s a serious fuckin problem not just with ghost artists but with artists in general sometimes.
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cowardnthief · 4 months
when you read a fic from an older fandom and it’s dated back before anything really happened. and you’re like oh sweet summer child. where are you now
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avengerphobic · 5 months
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thsc-confessions · 1 year
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"Confession, I enjoy rare pairing that people ship! My favourite art requests are rare pairs where I don’t even know who the characters are so I get to learn about them! I also get to explore how the paring would work! It’s quite nice and designing the characters into my style is fun. I also enjoy the crack ships, the ones where you question “why and how” but also start questioning the universe on “why do they work so well??” I want more fun ships and have gotten a big bored of the popular ships."
"Note nothing wrong about them I love the popular ships and ship them myself lots. I just enjoy new and fresh ships that keep things interesting. I can only do so many Henry centric ship prompts before I decide to toss him around like a rag doll… actually didn’t I already do that? (:"
From your,
Friendly Neighbourhood Eldritch Horror <3
submitted by @howlerlight
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helluvapurf · 7 months
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*claps* Soooo, its been a hot second since I uploaded a Tier list here, and since we're most likely gonna be getting the next batch of Helluva Boss eps pretty soon (dunno if in this exact month or so, given Hazbin Hotel's focus in February .3.), I figure it'd be safe to still give my general opinion of all the HB eps we've gotten so far (from the initial pilot to the Mammon ep). Hope you all enjoy reading!
NOTE: Like with my past tiers, these are all just my own personal opinions listed below, so DO try to keep things civil if you disagree with anything here. Thank you- 🙏
-"Ozzie's" (S1 Ep. 7) By FAR the ep that truly captured all of the show's best qualities into one, and I still find myself going back to it more times than I could count!~ 🤩👏👏Everything from the gorgeously animated Lust ring visuals, the whole climax of the ep being carried out through-song, Fizzarolli & Asmodeus making their debuts as the wickedly fun power couple, and of course there's the major focus to Blitz and Stolas as a whole here :O What started as a faux-date in order for Blitz to sneak into Ozzie's club/spy on M&M, became something that truly tackled the inner flaws to both their characters; Blitz as the emotionally closed-off, insecure imp who finally told off Stolas when-alone ("-Stolas, DON'T act like what we have is anything more than You. Wanting Me. To F*** you. Okay?? You make that really clear, all the time..."), to Stolas's own transgressions being turned against him in-public ("You used to have a smoking wife! A kid! You had it ALL~! I hope you didn't give it up, so you and him could get it ooooon... you sold your life for a thruuuuuust~!")... all resulting in said prince silently reflecting on what he had done, all alone out on his front manor steps, now....💔 Just... daaaaang, now THAT was truly something I never expected to see in a silly, raunchy assassin-focused show like this... but man was I eager for more once the credits came to a close! 😭👏👏
-"Loo-Loo Land" (S1 Ep. 2) Definitely one of the more "classic" S1 eps for alot of people, and the one that most definitely got me into the show full-on~ 😊 While maaaaybe an odd choice to have the second-ever ep of a series focused on a side character (or, in this case a side character's child lol), I was very much invested in Octavia's story the more we got to know her~ 🥺✨ A lonely owl princess who used to be filled with wonder in her childhood years... torn apart by her parents' crumbling marriage (+Stolas' infidelity) as a teenager. And now with her dad trying to recapture old memories by taking her back to Loo-Loo Land, we got a new glimpse into Stolas' character as he does all he can to be a doting (if ignorant) dad, struggling to balance those attributes with his attraction to Blitz (+him & the other IMP antics at the park), only for everything to backfire at the Robo Fizz show in-question. Ultimately, all building up beautifully to Stolas being acknowledged as having acted selfishly ("I just wanna go home, but home doesn't feel like home anymore. You ruined it..."), but at the same time... also showing him capable of admitting when he's wrong, enough to make things right by his daughter 🥹Which just... d'awww, never fails to hit me in the heart ngl~ 🙏💜
-"Mammon's Magnificent Musical I'm not typing the whole title lol" (S2 Ep. 7) P h e w, quite a mouthful of an ep this was... and yet one I gladly ate up in-full for how entertaining it was!~ 👏👏 Fizzarolli coming back to show more of his insecurities/fears of losing his status in-life, all the great songs and visual imagery to explain his plight, Mammon being a surprisingly fun villain who was both bombastic and threatening, Asmodeus & Blitz serving well as supports to Fizz, and I even loved the smug-but-determined bitch energy for the Glitz & Glam twins~ 👌 Even if part of me kiiiiiinda feels like we could've gotten a whole season's worth of story with Fizz's focus here (as is, we most likely won't get another one of these with him if he's not gonna become a main-stay lead :c), I still very much recommend this one for anyone up for a good bit of musicals, angst, feels and hope for a character like Fizzie~ 🥹💜
-"Oops" (S2 Ep. 6) For the first ep that really dove into Fizzarolli in his own focus plot, this remains a pretty fun ep in alot of different ways! 😄 From Fizz being a chaotically goofy weirdo to root for, his adorable relationship with Asmodeus, the reunion with Blitz bringing back SO much angst and feels (esp as they both got kidnapped), it all really made you invested to see these two work through things once the plot got rolling~ 🥹🙏 Now, was it a "totally" perfect ep? ...Weeeeell, I'll admit I was a bit bummed that Asmodeus didn't get to do a whole lot than just sitting in a boring ol' office, Stolas (though he had some amusing lines) lowkey felt a bit pointless here as he just read a bunch of papers all day, and while I'm glad we got even more of Striker as a threat... idk, him randomly teaming up with Crimson just felt like an odd writing choice ngl .x. BUT hey, we got to see Blitz and Fizz finally making that move to amend things between them, some interesting plot potential with Stolas buying an Asmodean crystal (most likely to end his "deal" with Blitz), and the potential for Fizz to truly shine as a main lead really made it a worthwhile ep nonetheless~ :3
-"Truth Seekers" (S1 Ep. 6) The penultimate ep before the S1 finale, and boy was it a thrilling one!~ 👀 Even if the main human characters from the DHORK agency weren't too terribly interesting, the rest of the ep remained pretty solid in getting us invested to the action!👍From all the intense action of IMP racing to save one another from the human agents, the deep dives into Blitz & Moxxie's psyche as they reveal their genuine value to one another as friends (beyond just the snarky jests/insults), and even that end shot of the humans revealing they've captured everything on-camera really added to the stakes for what our protagonists could get into next~ :O Now, granted I can see why some could take issue with certain parts like the deus-ex-machina style ending (cool as it was seeing Stolas becoming an eldritch horror lol), along with some of the conflicting implications from Blitz's "trip" (like, are we meant to see Stolas in a good light with all that golden/“heavenly” imagery… or someone we’re meant to root against with Blitz being chained to him? .-.), but ultimately its not enough to take me out of the ep overall imo.
-"Harvest Moon Festival" (S1 Ep. 5) As the first-ever introduction to our fave cowboy Striker, I'd say I still find myself having fun going back to this ep here & there :). Seeing his sly charm & charisma with our main leads, his genuine strength during the competition/end fight with the IMP crew, and the way he was able to break through Blitz's own inner-struggles with Hell's hierarchy ("-You are SO above suckin' on a disgusting, rich, pompous Goetia, only to sneak topside for scraps and work for bitter sinners, who could care less who you are, when you could be slaying Overlords...")... was just peak character-building, right there~ 👌👌 With all that said... why is this ep not ranked higher with the others above? ...Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a lil salty that this turned out to NOT be a Millie-centered ep T-T. Like... come oooon, we're right here in her hometown, her whole family's here, AND there's a whole competition about Imp fighting & Wrathian strength... you're seriously gonna give most of the spotlight to Moxxie instead, and then leave poor Millie more to the sidelines (even during the big Striker battle)? Smhhhh... -n-
-"Queen Bee" (S1 Ep. 8) About time we finally got the "official" last ep of S1... and though not quiiiite as grandiose compared to "Ozzie's", I couldn't help having fun with it nonetheless ^^. The Gluttony ring visuals were pretty, Bee(zlebub) was a fun new character, we got to see Vortex back as a supportive bud to Loona's struggles at the party, and even Loona & Blitz's father & daughter-bond focus (esp during the ending) was honestly pretty touching 🥺 Though, sadly I can't quiiiite rank this one much higher, due to this more-or-less being on the "filler"-range of eps (and Loona's development here unfortunately not carried through to S2... which ironically aired before this one did, so... oof >>; ), its still nice seeing the final vision of it after so long of waiting for it way back then 😊
-"Spring Broken" (S1 Ep. 3) One of the more "low-stakes" eps of the series, but one I still find a nice bit of charm too on its own accord ^^. We got a fun mix of cattiness from Blitz and his popstar-ex Verosika, Loona showing more of a softer side through her crush on Vortex, and a fun change of scenery by having the main IMP gang go up to challenge the Succubi at the beach (-all over a petty disagreement about a parking space, of all things lol). Granted, I do wish we could've actually seen more of a proper resolution to Blitz & Loona's fight (rather than them abruptly dropping it for a monster fish threat (+Moxxie getting drunk)?), but nonetheless its a nice lil palette-cleanser for those who want a break from shipping drama & angst :>
-"Helluva Boss" (aka: The Pilot) While it may not be considered "canon" anymore in the grand scheme of things... I honestly can't help still having a soft spot for the original pilot that kicked off this whole series ^^. For the time, it was a nice mix of casting we got from Blitz introducing his classic "raunchy dumbass" self, Moxxie being more of a down-to-earth snarker to Blitz's antics than a punching bag, and even those like Loona & Millie had a nice bit of "bite" to their characterizations (that didn't just left them feeling like the token "girls" of the group). Heck, even Stolas seemed like he would've made for a fun villainous threat with the whole phone call scene with Blitz (pushy, threatening but still keeping his posh-rich guy schtick... think Brandon Rogers' British series in a way lol). As unpolished & awkwardly-paced the pilot was in hindsight (as even story-wise it lowkey felt more like a bunch of skits than a cohesive plot, I'll admit .w.; ), I think it could still use some fan-appreciation nonetheless 👍
-"Murder Family" (S1 Ep. 1) The more "official" first ep of the series... and, while admittedly not as memorable as the OG pilot, I think its still a fine ep on its own accord imo ^^. The main cast is still generally solid, I enjoyed Mrs. Mayberry & her story against Martha (+her secret killer family lol), and though a lil low-stakes in the long run, I think it sets up some interesting potential for characters like Stolas to become more relevant (-albeit his whole "deal" with Blitz not... exactly aging well, even for his previous-established creepiness .-.;; ) Still, for what it was I'd say it was a fine start to the series👍
-"C.H.E.R.U.B." (S1 Ep. 4) Seems to be considered the general least-favorite for alot of the fandom back when it aired... buuuuut tbh, I don't really think its that bad, looking back? ^^; Like, yeeaaaah its not a perfect ep; as the Cherubs (save for the purple one) were a bit forgettable in-hindsight, the old geezer duo weren't too interesting to get invested in, and I can see why some would take issue with the lowkey-unfair ending (I mean... really, kicking the Cherubs out of Heaven purely for an accidental death? Harsh :/). ...But other than that, I'd say this ep was honestly a bit refreshing to not be focused on melodrama or ship angst... as instead it kept its focus more on the IMP crew's assassin gig & their wacky shenanigans against their squeaky-clean rivals lol. With honestly a good handful of jokes I still find myself chuckling at today, I think if this ep just had a lil bit of polish/fine-tuning, I think this could've very well been a good pattern to have kept going for the rest of the show imo. 'Cause after all... wasn't that what the show was advertised as at the start, a series of goofy assassin-based adventures? lol
-"Western Energy" (S2 Ep. 4) For the time, I'll admit to finding this among the more "okay" S2 episodes... and, I guess I still think thats the case (albeit a lil less now)? Like, yeah its not exactly the most special looking back given its... kinda clunky-handling of the "Stolas gets kidnapped" A-plot, Striker (tho fun as it is seeing him return) coming off a bit watered down character-wise, Stella becoming more & more like a one-note joke that I don't see why she's even a "threat" anymore, her brother Andrealphus (admittedly cool design aesthetic-aside) being randomly-thrown in to the villain brigade outta nowhere, and... yeaaaaah I still don't get why they only NOW decided to address the "Ozzie's" drama (...through a blink-and-you'll-miss-it text message instead of an actual conversation, wow 🤦‍♀️). ...Buuuut, at the same time, I did find myself enjoying some of the B-story with Blitz & Loona (namely through him showcasing his dad priorities of keeping her comfy at the doctor's, aww ^^), M&M getting the chance to fight Striker on their own was refreshing, and I'll admit some of the humor gave me a chuckle here & there (like Striker's annoyed rant at the singing band xD). Could the overall-writing & pacing been handled better? Oh most certainly... but for what it was, I don't mind going back to this ep for at least those lil highlights lol .3.
-"Exes and Oohs" (S2 Ep. 3) Now, admittedly I didn't mind this ep too much back when it originally aired... buuuut the more I think on it nowadays, I'm just... not sure if its "aged" the best tbh. Even with the unique premise of focusing more on Moxxie's side of things, from his family upbringing to his devotion to Millie... it ultimately fell kinda flat since Crimson (admittedly entertaining as he was at times) overall felt like your average mob boss-type villain, Moxxie's ex-bf Chaz being a painfully unfunny presence with all his "hurrhurr I'm sexyyy~" humor, and even as I wanted to enjoy Millie taking a stand for her husband's defense... idk, it just kinda felt like the same "Millie gets to be kickass while Moxxie watches" song & dance we've been used to, already 🤷‍♀️ Not to say the ep's "completely" without its merits, as I did enjoy Blitz's addition as more of a chaotic doof than his usual asshole schtick here, the murkier green atmosphere a nice change of pace setting-wise, and the childhood Moxxie flashback being chillingly sad to watch... buuuuut if yall are gonna immediately backpeddle from such intensity through a literal d***-on-the-wall gag, then like... whats the point, man? :/
-"The Circus" (S2 Ep. 1) Definitely seems to be the most... "base-breaking" ep of the series, as you've got half the fans who do love it for exploring more of Stolas' backstory... to those who can't stand it for the inevitable continuity errors, melodrama & fanfic-y writing throughout most of it. For me... while I don't outright hate it, personally (as I do still enjoy some of the pretty visuals, Paimon (voiced by Jafar lol) being an entertaining asshole-type character, and some of the flashback scenes with the kid-aged cast were cute), I just... have the hardest time fully-enjoying the ep whenever I look back on it :( Namely for this... sadly being the point to where Stolas went from such a well-balanced, complicated character w/ gray morality... to just your average "uwu poor bean who did nothing wrong & only wanted true looooove~ 🥺🥺" protagonist from literally any cheap Y/A romance story 🤷‍♀️. Nothing really seeming to be his fault anymore as we've got Stella being confirmed a heartless shrew their whole marriage, Paimon having been the catalyst that instilled the Goetia's toxic views into Stolas from childhood, and now Blitz having been shown as the one who "lead on" Stolas since the get-co (even as kids as he basically stole all his stuff under the guise of being his playmate + seduced Stolas (while drunk) as reunited adults). And like... if the show needs to bend over backwards THIS much to make you root for a character... then I just ain't interested in 'em anymore. Sorry :/
~No. Just No...~
-"Unhappy Campers" (S2 Ep. 5) Y'know, it says alot about an episode when it becomes the universal least favorite for alot of the fandom overnight (so much that even the hardcore M&M stans prefer to pretend it doesn't exist)... myself included -_-. Like... really? This has to be the point in finally giving M&M the major-A plot together? One where they're basically both at their absolute worst (from Moxxie being a whiny drama queen, to the writer's attempt at "Millie depth" feeling more like a half-assed ploy to ward off her critics), the humor being an absolute cringe-fest all the way through (like... whyyyy oh why did they had to make the setting at a kid's camp, of all things? 🤢), and as much as I wanted to enjoy the B-story with Blitz finding his sister Barbie (even more for her not immediately forgiving him right away since he kept stalking her all day)... the fact that it was ultimately just too rushed in and forgotten about by the end doesn't do the ep any favors for me :/...
-"Seeing Stars" (S2 Ep. 2) Ughhhh... while I guess not technically the worst HB episode given the previous one I mentioned... this one just, never fails to bug me for how filled to the brim it was of missed opportunities🤦‍♀️. What should've been a wholesome & touching ep focusing on Octavia's struggles with her parents' impending-divorce, getting to bond with Loona, and allowing them space to just hangout & have fun outside of their respective homes... was instead just a pointless venture into a bland af Hollywood setting, cheesy Stol*itz fanservice at some sitcom-set eating up the runtime (-all the while not addressing any of the drama from the prior "Ozzie's" ep), Loona being WAY too violent to her dad for no reason (even beyond her usual grumpiness) that it felt OOC, M&M adding nothing but fluff for the upteenth time in yet another side-plot... ...and the worst part of it for me, was just how backwards in logic it was to paint Octavia as "wrong" for being upset at her dad... WHEN SHE HAD EVERY FREAKIN' RIGHT TO BE??😑Yes, I know Stolas loves her, and that he IS trying his best after the shitty cards he's been dealt with in-life... but jfc Stolas, did you need to stay on the phone arguing with Stella all-morning? Did you need to act so helpless and distracted at the studio with Blitz (-when you're literally the same dude who went hellish-giant bird mode to save IMP in "Truth Seekers"...WITHOUT the grimoire on top of that)?? *sighs* And like... as much as I want to give Stolas kudos for (kinda?) apologizing & making amends at the end with Via... idk, I feel like that ultimately further-added to me growing disinterested in his overall character 😔. I could go on but... yeah. Even as a Via fan, this ain't an ep I'd watch again anytime soon...
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wild-at-mind · 5 months
I get why people like the whole queer existence is resistance thing. I don't personally, because I think it puts a tonne of intracommunity pressure to exist in the 'right' way, I.e. the way that is 'radical' to the person currently scrutinising you. As a person with OCD that manifests in self scrutiny that I have to constantly concentrate on to avoid it becoming self hatred, I'm never going to be a fan of that. I kind of feel this way about any kind of assimilation conversation with regards to queerness really. I think it's an important conversation within irl communities who already care for each other- who shows up for others outside of their own interests and who doesn't, etc. But the internet makes things so impersonal and cold. It encourages people to make very serious snap judgements about others who they don't even know, and to encourage others to believe that about them. None of these people are in community together in any meaningful sense, or they wouldn't treat each other so ungenerously.
Anyway I had a bit of a realisation earlier- I think we have to tell ourselves our existence is inherently radical all the time because we're always getting the subtle message from our community and the wider activism community that having a good time or enjoying yourself is somehow bad, or insulting to people in dire straits. But instead of challenging that idea we say no it's OK because I'm doing activism simply by being here. I think it's fine to feel that way and in many ways existing as a marginalised person really is radical. I just want to make sure we aren't internalising the idea that we can't ever be happy or having a fun frivolous time without justifying it, and passing that idea along to others without meaning to.
#as radio 1 used to say: you only get one life- love it#i try and tell myself that when i get bogged down in the 'my misery is activism somehow' thinking#that so many people on here reinforce#i feel the 'pride is a protest' conversation constantly turns into this#because while pride's origin is in protest on the anniversary of the stonewall riot#most prides now are parties with a march and some information stalls#and...that's fine! If people have fun at it!#not everyone finds pride fun obvs its usually boiling very overwhelming and loud#ive had some shit times at pride but had a blast at my last one#it was post coming out as trans and I'd just started drinking more regularly#after abstaining for my meds for so long#i went alone had some drinks and a dance and went home#loved it best day ever#anyway the idea that in order to do activism you have to constantly disrupt#bring your 'queer liberation not rainbow capitalism' sign#i dunno...i dont think anyone really likes rainbow capitalism but the sponsers keep entry free#thats the case at my main one anyway#i struggle because i only just started having fun a bit more and enjoying things#i hate being hit with the message of 'actually this fun time is wrong '#even in the most subtle ways- but maybe im oversensitive#i will say that if misery is activism ive more than paid my dues#why do they think people wanted to get into stonewall inn anyway???#eta- i know not all prides are free and the ones that aren't still have corporate sponsors#i just don't feel it ruins pride personally#it's mildly annoying and that's all#eta: i put activism instead of capitalism in the slogan in the tags for some reason
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mzannthropy · 4 months
I wondered about the fact that in the show, it was Camila who took the picture that became the cover art for Aurora, bc I wondered if she really had that good a lens (I don't remember exactly and I'm not ready to rewatch yet and am too lazy to look for pics/gifs, besides I have the main ship name filtered so probably wouldn't find anything anyway), but I still don't think it's likely it happened the way they presented it. As with everything Daisy and Billy related, they dialled up the drama up to the heavens; nobody argues with faces that close together. Fake drama and infantile writing. What I think happened is: Camila arrived at the photoshoot with her photographic gear and photographed them like a normal person photographs normal people--they were actually posing. Maybe the mood was bad and everyone was irritated, it was terribly windy and cold and nothing felt right, you get one of them days, then Camila came and Daisy said: "finally someone rational" and Camila asked the the two of them to pose for her bc she wanted to take a pic for her own archives, and it turned out so well they picked it for album art.
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doomzday-zone · 5 months
'would transition save her?????' <-the problem w this 4 infinite is ppl assuming infinites base character 2 be cis. which he is not. the second problem is no one who says this in the first place knows wtf theyre talking abt when it comes 2 his character,,
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aeide-thea · 1 year
so i went to reblog some fanart earlier and started to tag it #oh this is. incredible actually, and then paused and thought, @‍self why the 'actually.' what is that adverb conveying. and i contemplated it for a bit, and finally concluded: well, shit. it's reflexive deprecation.
the thing is, deprecation is my starting position pretty much always, and that's a problem in itself, but mostly my problem; but when you're talking abt somebody else's work, and you start backing defensively away from imagined negativity before anyone's even actually voiced any? you may think you're playing bodyguard, but in reality you're the vanguard of the assault, opening a wedge for enemy forces to strike.
i was talking a couple of weeks ago abt seeing ppl tag that kristin sue lucas name-multiplied-by-one post with tags like 'this is art To Me' vel sim., and honestly i think it's a similar sort of reflex—i think exposure to the tumblr vernacular often leads people (very much including me!) to produce turns of phrase like this, that ultimately serve to convey roughly
'i, a clever girlblogger,¹ am, yeah, engaging with this frivolous hai pollai²-coded material; but my relationship to it, unlike that of most she-ple, is Intellectual and Analytical and Examined! and to make that clear, i'll be dropping in these little verbal particles from time to time, in order to distinguish my own, elevated examination of the subject from the state of risible naivete³ i'm implicitly ascribing to the other, more ordinary audience members i'm conjuring up only to instantly put down—but like, it's fine, i'm a free-and-easy girlblogger(TM), so you can't think i'd ever deliberately propagate establishmentarian prejudices! never mind the effect my rhetoric might subconsciously be having, on me or on anyone else…'
and i think this framing is worth squinting at, and worth attempting to excise from one's speech and from one's mindset, because when you get right down to it? it's just yet another insidious manifestation of respectability politics, that's gotten people to adopt it via the cuckoo-chick strategy of positioning itself as cutesy tumblr idiolect.
and like, circling back around to that fanart i mentioned at the outset: yeah, the tag did feel weirdly prosodically truncated to me without that 'actually'! but this way, if the artist ends up seeing my discussion of their work in their notes, they won't be getting slapped in the face with a wet dead fish first, so like. what's more important, you know?
⸻ ¹ ""(gender neutral)"" ² https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoi_polloi in the feminine, if i haven't totally fumbled my declensions… ³ phrasing nicked from a comment of @‍proudheron's.
#anyway like. this for sure isn't the definitive post abt this#and really what i'm getting at is just another facet of 'self-deprecation isn't usually actually separable from disparaging others'#but i do think there's a particular subtle flavor of it here that's worth sticking under the microscope in its own right#for those of us who may have breathed it in without noticing‚ and now be spreading it‚ again without noticing‚ in our turn#i mean. obvs also extremely possible i just *think* i've put my finger on something important bc it's late!#but like. imagine tagging‚ idk‚ the winged victory or sth with 'this is art. to me'#it would be SUCH a weird rhetorical move! but consider: it's *always* a weird rhetorical move‚ actually.#bc fundamentally it's a speech pattern that's seeking affirmation of yr own taste/authority/status as Critic#at the expense of the thing you've evaluated—#like‚ you're going 'i think this is neat!! (but that might just be me 😔)'#and then other girlbloggers are supposed to be like 'yeah no i totally see what you mean!!!' and affirm you! but the thing is—#the '(but that might just be me 😔)' part doesn't just undercut yr discernment‚ it undercuts the praise *predicated* on yr discernment#so it's like. you're dissing yourself in a way that's supposed to earn you affirmation‚ which. is fucked up actually‚ lol :)#but—it's one thing when you do it to yourself; when you incorporate it into the foundations of yr compliment#you've actually totally undermined that compliment and rendered it an insult#(not to mention undermined the idea that the thing might have merit in itself‚ beyond yr authority to bestow or withhold—#like. if you're speaking in terms of what's good/deep/Art/&c To You? you've effectively already ceded the main field of universality#and retreated to defend only yr own walled garden—and implied you'll cede even that small ground if it's disputed)#so like. in the context of yr social relationship with yr followers‚ those sorts of qualifiers are affirmation-seeking moves—#though like. also ones that reinforce yr rhetorical passive-victim positionality‚ in a way you shd perhaps consider *not* reinforcing—#but in the context of yr interaction with an OP? they're negging.#and i just think like. i get it and i'm @-ing myself here as much as anyone else! but it's not‚ like‚ a healed-world way to behave. lol.#so like. consider: tagging things 'art' without the cutesy little qualifiers. praising things without the hedging.#i'm not at all good at that but. i'm going to try.#metatumbling#language#the psyche#'close readings no one needed for 300‚ alex'#(extremely tempted to just scrap this writeup tbh but like. the thinking was worth doing‚ so a record of it is worth keeping)
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potatobugz · 2 years
hi dear mutuals + followers. n. new hyperfixation. i think. please do not blow me up with missiles and rockets☹️
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cashandprizes · 1 year
19, 20, and 21 for the VIOLENCE let’s GOOOOO
ily 💕
Thank you for engaging me <3
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
can I really say Regulus when I'm not horrified or ashamed in the slightest? And it's the same with Vega.... and Ivan.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
I won't say Brachium, Elliott, or Blake because it's not their fault I won't listen to pretty much any of their videos. I find Ollie kind of boring (he's not really my type) and I find Asher's voice tedious to listen to despite liking his character.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
funny-not-funny, Sam and Darlin. Maybe it was all the feral Darlin stans on here and tiktok but honestly the more they talked about how Sam was perfect despite his very real flaws... idk. I love Sam, but not as much anymore and I think he's just a dude. A hot one with an accent, but considering Lexi and I both can have one, it's nothing crazy.
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