primarinite · 2 months
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oh sweet
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kamillyanna · 9 months
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Oh yeah, he also got a redesign not too long ago. My cowboy bloodhunter!
🚫 Do NOT repost / trace / plagiarize / use the character / train a.i. with / etc. ! all rights reserved.
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lorata · 7 months
Dexter & Callista, 57
for @transrevolutions on your natal day, here is uhhh some ... dark ....... conversations about death and mentoring, anger and violence and tributes who don't usually get a lot of attention? (skye & jasper)
SORRY I TRIED TO WRITE CREED but this happened instead
warnings for: canon-typical violence (arena and otherwise), mentions of offscreen victor prostitution
Skye crumples to the ground, his chest a bloody ruin, and Two’s newest mentor brings home her first victor without even trying. Dexter had played nice with her because why not, kid had been terrified and heartsick like all of them their first time in the ring and soon she’d know the ugly stench of loss like everyone else, that sick little bonding ritual that brought them all together. Joke’s on him, though, looks like she didn’t need his condescension.
“Good game,” Dexter grinds out dully as he pushes himself to his feet, mostly because Phillips made such a fucking scene about it when his died and it feels like there’s a point to prove somewhere. Not that anybody notices, it’s endgame now so there are morgues to visit and families to call and consolation speeches to choke out for the losers. Starting tonight, sponsors will be looking to cash in their failed investments, but he can’t — not right now, not yet.
For the winners — well, Dexter wouldn’t know. He’s never brought one back alive.
The corridors bustle with activity, Avoxes and runners hustling and upstart nepotism-gifted junior Gamemakers barking out orders to make themselves feel important with their bosses busy upstairs. Someone slams hard into Dexter, knocking him fully sideways, but he keeps walking, ignoring the babbled apology.
Cannot go to the One floor, with its perfumed showers and apologetic escort and list of assignments likely already waiting. Not the mentor common floor, either, with the pity-party raging and where they will not welcome the almost-rans who murdered all the early losers. The roof, then — not the penthouse garden above the tribute apartments, home of District 12’s fresh meat, but like much of the Capitol there’s the glitzy, glittery parts for show and then there’s everything else. A few slipped pills to an Avox and Dexter’s in an access elevator to a square of rooftop nestled halfway up the complex between two spires.
He expects the gritty concrete and traffic grime, the blare of distant celebrations and occasional blaze of a travelling strobe light; he does not expect a goddess in athleisure with her feet propped up against the wall, smoking a noxious-smelling cigarette. “New girl won,” Dexter says, to give himself some time.
Callista exhales a long plume of smoke. After waiting a while for her reply, Dexter decides that must be it and lowers himself down across from her. “You know those things will kill you,” he says, out of some stupid compulsion. He can’t look at carbohydrates without feeling an itch to stuff his fingers down his throat and the only euphoria he’s ever experienced came in tablet form passed via Callista’s tongue, but his minders would have whipped him for that.
“I,” Callista says with grave reverence, “am microdosing on mortality.”
“What, all this isn’t enough for you?” He waves an arm behind them, where a condominium complex has projected the faces of all the tributes. As he watches, Skye and Camphor switch from full colour to black and white.
But at the same time, he knows what she means. They don’t make a drug mean enough for what he wants, they don’t make drugs that fill your lungs with tar and ash, that scrape your throat and make you rasp and cough. He failed, again. A beautiful, hopeful, stupid, cocky child has died, again. Sparkly club drugs and golden thrumming in his veins won’t help him now.
Callista hands it over. Dexter inhales deep — oh, big mistake, his lungs immediately protest — he chokes, spluttering, passes the cigarette back as his head spins and his stomach turns over. He closes his eyes and rests his head against the wall. “We were so close. So close.”
She hums. “You had a sweet one this year. How would he have fared, your boy? When they got their claws in him.”
Skye — was sweet, for One. He and Camphor had made themselves a killer pair. They’d known how to work it, too, rinsing each other off by the lake, curling up at night, teasing the audience without ever taking real advantage of each other. If it had been the two of them in the end, Dexter has no doubts they would have fought it out without hard feelings, true professionals, no hidden barbs and buried hatred coming out to play.
And when he won, it would be Dexter’s job to remind him of the cost. To sit him down, give him the list of names, and tell him exactly how they liked it, exactly as his mentor had done with him.
Anger flares, better than any drug. Dexter clings to it even as it slips through his fingers, like blood-slick intestine. “Is this you trying to make me feel better? Better he’s dead than have to suffer my life?”
Calista stares at him, incomprehending, and he could do it now, could throw himself at her and wrap his arms around her throat, bash his fists into her skull and leave her face a bloody pulp, shove her over the edge and let the sidewalk take her, every single awful, ugly urge that bubbles up when he’s on his knees but he isn’t in some plush bedroom now, is he, and she has no power over him —
“I apologize,” Callista says, and Dexter nearly screams no, don’t, I need to feel this, don’t you say you’re sorry to me but it’s too late, it all deflates. “I am furious. I want to kill. I want to feel the blood again, I want to hurt — I want to hurt.” She says it one more time, reverent, like a litany. “I wanted to hurt.”
“How can you say it like that.” Dexter almost laughs, except it’s not funny, he just — can’t make the pieces fit together. “You say these things and you’re just … sitting there, smoking. You sound like you’re ordering caviar at dinner.”
“This is how I always sound.” Callista bares her teeth in a smile that sets his skin crawling. “Ladies do not raise their voice. Ladies are elegant. Ladies —“
“Kill the guy they’re having sex with on live television and scar impressionable young boys? Come on.”
Callista huffs a sound somewhere between a snort and a snicker. “Not all of them, clearly.”
Everything is fucked, Dexter thinks, Skye should be alive and he should not be in a complicated mutilation-and-orgasms situationship with a rival mentor, but here they are. “That was still a shitty thing to say.”
Out in the streets the victory fanfare plays on tinny loop from a dessert truck. Callista closes her eyes. “I thought the Arena would make it stop,” she says. “I want to hurt — everything, everyone, all the time. I practice control with things that matter but give me an excuse and I will tear your throat out. You were wounded and I knew I could hurt you. You may take a free shot, if you’d like.”
Well, that gave him something to chew on when his brain isn’t stuffed with Skye’s death stare — Callista’s mouth on his, hand sliding between his legs, crammed into a back alley with an unconscious man’s blood pooling at their feet; the time he asked her to make him hurt and she took him close, but not quite, to using the safe word she’d taught him, and he’d cried in her arms in the comedown and they’d never talked about it, I practice control with things that matter what the fuck —
“Is that why you pick the villains?” Dexter blurted out instead, like he’s nineteen and suicidal all over again.
She exhaled through her nose. The cigarette had long burned out, and she glanced down at it, clicked her tongue, and flicked the butt away. “Never let me accuse you of being soft. Villains, really.”
“You have to know.” This year especially, Dexter has a steel stomach and even he didn’t relish those hours of watching Callista’s boy fillet the little one from Twelve. They’d all been grateful when Four took care of it. “Outliers are the underdog or the dark horse, but we’re either a hero or, well.”
Dexter, more fool him, usually went for heroes, despite the hell that waited for them. District 1 had enough angry mentors who went for the nasty ones, he could afford to try. In the end they all bled out the same.
“I hate that word.” Callista clips the words with icy precision. “They are children. Children who give the audience exactly what they want, a bloodbath. Children with no artifice, children who cannot pretty up their kills with talk of loyalty or pride or wanting to see their precious little homesteads again. The people drink up the spectacle each year and demand more, bigger, flashier. These Games teach us it is our nature to do whatever it takes to survive. My children are villains because they don’t come with equal amounts of remorse to make it palatable.”
“Sure, but this one tortured a kid,” Dexter says. Sometimes Twos really are a whole other level. “Don’t you think you’d have it easier if you picked kids who … didn’t do that? As soon as he started skinning you know they would have offed him, whether the Pack did him in or not.”
Now Callista’s eyes blaze, and for a second he thinks she’ll actually hurt him, not just throw bladed words, but the only thing that escapes her is a low hiss. “So he died regardless, knowing that he made me proud. He deserves that much. His time of glory and a mentor who loves him, even only for a month. They all deserve that. I am not in this for the safe sells, obedient little quarry sons and daughters with patriotic sponsors lined up out the door. Anyone can love those. I am here for the ones nobody else will.”
In spite of himself, Dexter’s throat feels thick. Did his mentor talk to anyone like that about him? Or does that kind of unfettered, passionate protectiveness burn out the first time you hand your victor off to the pawing crowd? He feels ancient and naked at the same time. “Well,” he says, uselessly, “here’s to dead kids who deserve better.”
Callista presses the toe of her shoe against his calf and lets her eyes fall shut. They stay outside, awake but silent, until nightfall.
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taterswithranch · 3 months
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first bath :3
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honeymoonsimmer · 2 months
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making some singles for lovestruck for them to hopefully show up on cupid's corner heheh >.<
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jay-junebug · 2 months
“Dexter, you said you like bugs, right?” Sylvester spoke up from the other side of the door, voice loud enough for him to hear.
“Yes. Why do you ask?”
“Well… we’ve been friends for a while now, and I wouldn’t usually tell someone so quickly, but I trust that you won’t freak out. You seem like a really cool guy.” The doorknob twisted, the door opening ever so slightly before being swung open to reveal Sylvester. His jacket was hanging off his shoulders, large orange and grey moth wings sticking out freely from his back now that the fabric wasn’t there to conceal them. Standing tall from his head were orange antennae, previously hidden by the red beanie he always wore. “I’m a moth person.”
Dexter’s jaw dropped as he took in the sight of his new friend’s wings and antennae. “Wow! Your wings look so cool! Are you a… regal moth?”
“Regal moth?” Sylvester said at the same time as Dexter did. “Yeah. You really think they look cool?”
“Of course.” Dexter said with enthusiasm, an emotion that Sylvester hadn’t seen come from him yet. He couldn’t hold back the big smile that appeared on his face.
“Thank you. I’m really happy to hear that.”
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cosmicgrounds17 · 2 months
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ms paint drawings of my two guys 👍
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kodapopp · 1 year
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some oc/sona stuff
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xxrainydazexx · 1 month
i think smoking is yucky but i drew my oc doing it anyway
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(no, i'm not putting a tw for HEALED SCARS so pls be nice /lh)
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trash-gremlin · 6 months
Out of all your ocs which one would be most likely to win in a game of chess, which in a game of hide and seek and which in an actual fight? 😼
ok ive answered all of them and also included information as to why i chose that answer
serious answer - Yelena Volkova. She probably doesn't know how to play chess being from the 1880's and all, but she probably picked it up after watching one game and then proceeded to dominate everyone else.
silly answer - Firefly because it keeps eating the pieces when they're opponent isn't looking.
Hide and seek:
Dexter OR Jack Tucker. Tucker is the only one serious enough about it to beat people away from his good hiding spot because he is the world's most competitive child. Dexter would probably complain about it the entire time and call it lame but still find a decent hiding spot and do surprisingly well. He would AT LEAST be in the top 2.
Actual fight:
I broke this one up into categories because depending on the rules I feel like a different character would win each time. For all of these except for the last one we're assuming no powers are being used (ie. no powers* for the guardians and no lycanthropy for the lycanthropes)
*this completely disqualifies Azrael and Lailah until the final category as their bodies are extensions of their powers. This also means we're assuming Ace/Ghost doesn't have the use of his wings. This was done because even without their "powers" they would absolutely body anyone in a fist fight.
best fighter (technique) - Alastair. He was trained into the royal guard since the moment he could walk, and is well-versed in both hand to hand and weapon combat. Even without the aid of Donaron enhancing his abilities he is a formidable fighter but he is also. like 13 years old. which is why i created the separate category for him because without the powers his bond gives him he can easily be overpowered by some of my other ocs.
wins the fight (bare hands) - This has gotta be Elijah. Working on the farm has built up some quite useful muscle! Other hard workers such as Elmer and Harry Dunnett just aren't as physically strong as he is, not even Roy Dunnett (in his prime of course, I don't think it would be hard to overpower a 60 something year old man). Of course i considered Omen for this as well, but at the end of the day, he's a cat.
wins the fight (weapons) - Now we know Alastair has trained with his sabres since a tot, and is very skilled, but he's no match for the quickest draw in the Wild West, Abigale Dunnett AKA Coyote. Coyote is of course never seen without her trusty revolver at her hip, and would catch anyone very off-guard.
wins the fight (powers included) - Surely it's gotta be Azrael or Lailah, right? WRONG. It's Saige/Jinx. Azrael and Lailah are both very physically strong, but Jinx's power is devastating. You know your done for when your opponents only power is to harm and destroy. She can't help it of course. They didn't choose it.
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p0tat0-4rt · 3 months
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primarinite · 5 months
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"what's your original pmd story even about?" terrible women
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moths-in-the-coat · 10 months
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"Fear not, for I am DEXTER... former messenger of... The Big Guy."
ꙮ name: Unknowable to mortals, goes by DEXTER ꙮ nicknames: Dex, Dexy ꙮ age: No concept of age ꙮ birthday: Unknown, celebrates on December 17 ꙮ star sign: None? ꙮ birthplace: Primum Mobile, Paradiso, Heaven ꙮ hometown: The Empyrian, Paradiso, Heaven ꙮ ethnicity: None, just a Seraph ꙮ nationality: Heaven... ese? ꙮ languages spoken: ALL ꙮ gender: No concept of gender, any pronouns, he/him for consistency ꙮ sexuality: Pansexual (despite being unable to copulate)
ii.– appearance
ꙮ description: DEXTER is a Seraph, one of the higher-ranking angels in Heaven. His true form is incomprehensible to most beings, so their form varies. When interacting with anyone of a lower rank, he appears with a tall humanoid form with a head shaped like an Ophanim (gold rings, covered in eyes) and three pairs of white wings. ꙮ height: (perceivable form) 8'8" (264 cm.), (true form) 30'4" (925 cm.) ꙮ weight: Unknown ꙮ other distinguishing features: Variable
iii.– personality
ꙮ positive traits: understanding, trustworthy, open-minded, mature, wise ꙮ neutral traits: deadpan, sarcastic, frank, honorable, perfectionist ꙮ negative traits: nitpicky, manipulative, morbid, blunt, know-it-all ꙮ likes: cloudwatching, coffee, long naps, sweaters, relaxing ꙮ dislikes: strenuous labor, staying up late, cherubs, horror movies, cold temperatures ꙮ fears: The Big Guy. That's it. ꙮ hobbies: knitting, journaling, watching movies, cryptography ꙮ talents: intimidation, reasoning, swordfighting, writing, knitting
iv.– abilities
ꙮ status: Seraph ꙮ weapons: so fucking much. they can melt people, blind people, decapitate them with a sword, whatever. lotta manners of killing.
v.– relationships
ꙮ friends: Sammy Braddock, Ariel Merihem, most other angels (except for cherubs) ꙮ enemies: most lower-ranking demons, all demons with influence ꙮ love interest: an Ophanim named "FRANKIE"
vi.– backstory
Like all Seraphim, DEXTER was created by The Big Guy in the Primum Mobile to be a messenger. Still, they were taken out of commission after it was decided that guardian angels would be a better option for bettering humanity. After several thousand years of doing just about nothing (since The Big Guy doesn't let anyone higher than a Dominion descend to the mortal realm anymore since mortals are awful), he's getting tired and is ready for a change of pace.
…and then the fic starts.
vii.– other
ꙮ fashion style: semi-formal, cozy, light academia ꙮ voice claim: Harlan Ellison (specifically as AM) ꙮ theme song: Thirteen Angels Standing Guard 'Round The Side of Your Bed- Silver Mt. Zion ꙮ assorted fun facts: He has a flock of sheep. He's good at lying, despite it being a sin. His favorite show is Good Omens. His percievable form is 8'8 and his true form is over 30 feet tall. He enjoys Sisters of Mercy and Fields of the Nephilim. He can sleep just about anywhere.
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lorata · 6 months
Noooo a Callista/Dexter run law firm with soooo much inappropriate use of their office desks is endlessly funny to me. Idk if the rival lawyers would be more baffled or terrified.
this just reminded me that the happiest Callista & Dexter AU is a banana fish crossover where Ash survives and their law firm takes down Dino Golzine et al lmao
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taterswithranch · 3 months
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movie night with the goobies :D
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david-rambles · 1 year
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