#oc: guinevere chang
theredquill · 10 months
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fics : of being reckless and young ( how damage gets done ) & we’re in love
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celumine · 7 months
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every purchase comes with four (4) rat tails
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jackhkeynes · 3 months
I have a question about pluralization in your conlang! From what I understand, your nouns aren’t conjugated for number. Are there any words where the plural survived sound changes? I ask this because my accent of Spanish (Dominican accent) loses syllable final S, meaning that only some words have a plural while others can only be distinguished by number by the verb and article. I’ve also heard that French is similar in that regard but my knowledge of it is very limited.
Also this is unrelated to the first question, but I’d like to see some examples of Boral names. The etymologies of names are very interesting to me and im curious if some Celtic names still survive in your conlang!
Hi—these are great questions! :D
Final /-s/ is lost really early on in the development of Borlish; it's one of the very first sound changes that distinguishes it from the mainland Romance languages, occuring by around 500 AD. This, along with the loss of the genitive case (replaced with the ablative) makes the noun declension of typical nouns look like this:
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Notice that masculine nouns typically have only two forms, and feminine nouns only three. Once final vowels also get neutralised to schwa (and eventually lost entirely), the noun paradigm for regular nouns has completely collapsed.
A few nouns briefly retain an irregular paradigm of the following shape, with a separate nominative singular:
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However, by the late Old Borlish period these have all been levelled to (usually) the oblique form; sour "sister" is the only counterexample where instead the nominative singular survives.
Several strategies for marking noun number were innovated during the Old Borlish period, mostly involving demonstratives like ille, iste and ipse. However, the forms that survive to the present derive from the demonstrative hic "this". Specifically, we have:
oc "singular" < hoc, neuter singular ec "plural" < haec, neuter plural
In the late Old Borlish period we see the redevelopment of a proximate-distal contrast, with new distal demonstratives formed using the adverb i "there" (since lost; cf. Modern Borlish la < illāc):
oç < oc i "that" < hoc ibi eç < ec i "those" < haec ibi
Coda: Some Modern Borlish Names
There are a few Celtic names which survive in modern Borlish, for various reasons.
A very few names entered Borland Latin from the local Celtic during the Roman Empire. As a possible example, the male name Ivocq is thought to reflect Borland Celtic *iwok- "like a yew tree".
More Celtic names enter Borlish at various stages since the medieval period. One of the earliest is the female name Jonnovar, cognate with Guinevere and Jennifer, and which is also used as a common noun meaning "butterfly".
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saffricatrice · 22 days
What r ur oc stories about?
OMG HIHI I NEVER HAD SOMEONE OUTSIDE OF MY CURRENT FRIENDS ACTUALLY ASK BEFORE UMMMM OKAY SO. i have 3! main oc stories that i Really care about at the moment but im Deeply fixated on mainly 1 of them but im gonna start with the one ive been liek "promoting" the most in a sense!! under read more cuz im gonna try to exlain all three of them bless. sorry if i seem overly passionate oops i was TRYING to summarise im sorry its so long u rlly dont Have to read All of it
Forgotten Man's Symphony
his (louis manoir) character is basically a spin off from a character mentioned in the novel frankensetin exactly (1) time by name in elizabeth's letter and by far he is the most organised oc of mine cuz we do actually have a clean, understandable summary doc (thought it is a tad bit outdated but its okay). shes like the most Normal narrative-wise i suppose so i'm not exactly sure on how to explain the plot of forgotten man's symphony it's just like??? him ruining his life in front of the reader and then #Healing?? i guess?? the story is an epistolary that starts with louis' Suicide Letter. so like. yeah. BUT!! i suppose i would say his story very much concerns the concept of like identity (including gender and such she would be considred either transfemme/bigender by the modern world but also idfk cuz i made her complicated and confusing on purpose) and also the lack thereof + the negative impact that comes with trying so hard to fit into the societal norms and what people Want you to be but you just Can't be, cutting away bits of yourself to fit through some sort of hole representing the perfect version of you until theres nothing left of Who You Are expect a palatable and small version yk?? and the the endless pursuit of wanting to be loved that leads yourself to changing and changing for people who just wont care or love you for realsies + @rosaniruby 's words "making it even like that so its not YOU who is loving and being loved but the dim visage of a version of you that fits the picture of what society loves; that it's not a love between individuals, it's the love for a society that cannot ever love anything because it was made to hate. and who believes that portrayal of love will not find it and forever be stuck. smth like society loves what it deems as perfect and hates the imperfect, since perfect doesn't exist it can only do the second one. and louis wanted to love perfect victor, hated his own imperfect self. but the perfect victor doesnt exists, and neither does any version of louis."
i like her he's great. sorry if that was less telling u WHAT his story is and more like Explaining the "themes" as theyre called of the story but idrk how to describe nromal stuff so TAKE WHAT U CAN GET!!! anyways,
Domus Carnis: The Transmutation of Guinevere Manor
idk if you're aware but i have a hyperfix on architectural horror and i DON'T MEAN SCARY GHOSTS AND SERIAL ILLERS IN AN ABANDONED HOUSE I MEAN HAUNTED HOUSES THAT ARE ALIVE THAT IS A METAPHOR FOR PTSD FROM CHILDHOOD TRAUMA ETC ETC!! this story By making it started my whole obsession with the House it's crazy... scary even.. (i recommend you watch jacob geller's video essay about houses) i really do like domus carnis but it's. Messy to say the least. i do feel as if i ought to change the time period it's set in to avoid talking about the wars going on in the time period i accidentally set it in without realising but im procrastinating on that rn. it was Suppose to be late 1800s to early 1900s..
in a few simple words: flesh-and-bone made lesbian sex house. does that get your attention yet. bless
domus carnis (which literally means flesh house in latin or something) will be written in the POV of a 40ish year old widowed woman by the name of harriet wren's diary entries, occasionally switching to the POV of her 20-something year old godson percival who is like old timey jake paul and hes like either a journalistt or a radio host depending if i choose to change the time period or not. we follow them after harriet's husband dies of whatever and they find out he has a large property in a foreign country of which they had not known of prior
somewhere in germany there is a house of ex-aristocrats that no longer live there that is Alive. the House becomes alive because it is in a sense "possesed" (not haunted) the ghost of kathryna von guinevere who was the last one to die in the house, who, in life, was incredibly obsessed with The House for reasons that i fear are too long to explain without boring you and going into info pre-story?? anyways, when she "posseses" the house, the materials of the house shift to flesh, blood and bone because it Materially becomes her body. now, it would be hard to accurately label what represents what body part, because it's all strangely jumbled up and isn't like really human anatomy either cuz kathryna Can in fact see inside herself?? anyways whatever. now, the house is now both her body AND her mind. i have taken the phrase "haunted by memories/trauma" and turned it literal. the house IS haunted, but most of the ghosts aren't ghosts, theyre mostly all manifestation of Memory from her life because she actively is replaying the speech and actions of other people IN her mind to process the (typically traumatic) events of which she's seen or experienced. the ghosts CANNOT do as they please because they only exist at all Due to kathryna remembering them in these specific scenes. the hauntings include scenes of people, sounds, and shadows. unless the "scene" has a mirror, you cannot see kathy directly because you are witnessin things through HER eyes, which makes memories from wee childhood interesting because im wondering if i should make the "people" seem wayy bigger than the viewer if stuff is replayed from childhood..
i really like the fact that a lot of this is based on memory because it opens a lot of doors to me when it comes to the appearance of hauntings. my friend showed me this video depicting neurons forgetting how a face looks like, and i feel as if i could use that in the story because well, realistically kathy isnt going to have a Pristine memory cuz she Was just a human before, not to mention the fact shes already suppose to have issues on facial recognition/rememberance (my friend with these sisues suggetsed htis). the alteration of the ghosts' bodies could be fucked with even more if i try to make use and research into the way that people (mostly children) can in fact like.... change the image of something traumatic in their brain and make it less scary bc the brain is trying to protect them? yeah. AND ALSO the fact that a lot of people forgets certain aspects of their trauma due to their brain trying to protect them as well but still have this feeling of Unease when it comes o specific things that they cant explain, i could incorporate this feeling in certain areas of the House, the strange uneasiness. i experience that myself so i hope ill portray it right!!
i Think that's it?? at least that should be the bare bones of the story... i have a pin board tho if u want to check it out!!
The Epinicium
THIS is the stupid fucking thnag thats ruining my entire life rn. i love it i hate it whagever man. THIS ONE ill keep short and simple because im too fucking mentally ill about it to explain in depth without being asked questions
so basically its fantasy world but not like. Completely new high fantasy i very loosely based the countries off of like real countries and stuff bc lazy as shite so its like mid fantasy maybe HOWEVER
basically its set in this world where theres a shit ton of religions and gods and shit and theres three categories of religions (the world is veyr uhnm. Categorical idk): earth, science and the arts. basically the arts religions are the majority and the gods of those religions are called the muses so thats what i'll be calling them from now on. the basic plot of epinicium is about the muses of the music religion declaring that humanity doesnt treat music as "holy enough" anymore and taking it away as a whole (songbirds go extinct as well which is importnat) which also fucks up the other arts religionsdue to the fact that artforms are very connected but they still exist yk and centuries later our main cast attempts to bring it back!!! we have this server with a channel that has the "summary" but its not a real summary its just an already outdated infodump but we are Trying to fill this doc but we're failing really hard but friendship is magic idk.
anyways thats. pretty much it i think im sorry its too long once again 😭😭 feel free to ask question esp on the epinicium!! id love to hear abt ur ocs btw ive yapped so much oops
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pendragon-of-chaos · 1 year
King of Chaos Arthur x Male!Reader
Warnings: Reader is the son of Zeldris and Gelda, Spoilers from manga chapters 104 - 108 aprox. (nothing really big, just storywise)
Word count: 1342
Thank the anon who requested it for his OC! I tried contacting him days ago because I'm not used to doing requests specifically for OCs (I prefer that my works are more "general" so the most people are able to insert themselves or their OCs in the stories) but since this was requested some time ago I couldn't receive an answer. In the end I decided to publish it writing (Y/N) instead of the OC's name, but keeping his main characteristics. That way if the OP who requested it comes through this he can just insert their name and know it was written specially for him, and at the same time other people can enjoy easily the oneshot too! Hope you like it!
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Generally speaking, Arthur's knights don't usually comprehend some of his majesty behaviours. His mood changes whenever you least expect it. Just when you think you know his strategy, he says something you would never have thought about. Was he having a good or a bad day behind that smile? Who knows. But what they do know is his hatred for other races except humans.
Except that maybe that isn't really true, since their king has been visited by a certain someone from time to time, who was not only a demon, but half demon and half vampire.
Today was one of those days. The secret entrance that connected Camelot with the demon realm (and that was made specially for him) activated, and a familiar face passed through. Arthur didn't waste no time, and upon noticing his entrance he went to welcome him back
"A surprise visit today (Y/N)? You always like to impress me, don't you?" - The King approached him laughing - "Although I would prefer if you told me beforehand, that way I can at least prepare something and make sure I have no appointments"
(Y/N) didn't change his serious expression, arms crossed and looking directly to Arthur while the entrance behind him closed.
"I wish I was here just to kill some time, but this time was urgent. I couldn't stay anymore there"
Arthur stopped laughing and tilted his head, now curious of what had happened for him to be talking like that.
"That really isn't new with you, but what happened this time?"
"The four knights have entered the demon realm" - Arthur smirked at the information, seeing that Guinevere's words weren't a lie.
"Oh, I know, some of my knights are already following them, anything else I should know?"
"Well, I know my parents have already talked to the green haired one, Percival I think it was... and he was accompanied by a few more people..." - (Y/N) looked away while thinking for a few seconds, with a subtly sorrowful expression on his face that only could be noticed while paying extreme attention to him - "Mmh... I also saw my cousin there, Tristan... don't tell me he is what I think he is" He looked back at Arthur, who was smiling once again, trying to control his laugh
"So you didn't know it? I thought your parents maybe had told you... ~ But yes, he is one of the prophecy knights"
(Y/N) frowned, not wanting to believe a close member of his family had just become one of his biggest enemies
"By my father's look, it seems that he didn't know about it"
"So Meliodas didn't want to risk his son's life by spreading information, typical of him" - Arthur shrugged and started walking, inviting (Y/N) to follow him - "It must have been a big surprise for all of you"
"Everything has been a surprise since they entered the realm if I'm being honest. I've heard my father talk wonders about Percival, it looks like the whole clan adores him since years ago, and I didn't know anything about what had happened until now. It feels like my parents decided to drop every ounce of unknown information today, and the worst part is that it affects us" - (Y/N) clicked his tongue thinking about it - "I hate it"
"Can't blame you. I don't like them either ~" - Arthur responded with a bratty laugh, followed by a deep sigh from his companion, which made him stop his laughing once again, looking at him out of the corner of his eye - "Sorry, but you already know the story behind it, I can't bring myself to tolerate them just one bit"
"Yeah, I know, I can't defend them I guess. Anyways, I do need to tell you something else"
Arthur turned his head to face him again
"Wait, there's even more?" - (Y/N) nodded, looking at his surprised violet eyes
"Did you know that another portal to Camelot has appeared in the demon realm?"
Arthur's eyes opened with surprise, being this information the only thing he really didn't know about
"I didn't have any idea. I've never done any other connection with the demon realm besides your entrance. And I also didn't sense anyone entering from there"
"No wonder, since that opening is inaccessible for now. It's on the Behemoth's back, a giant monster which was put to sleep almost 15 years ago. I heard my father say that it recently woke up and now can be a big problem for us living in the realm, since when it's active it swallows up all life, including us demons or vampires... If that isn't your doing or your knights then I don't know what's happening"
"I see, well I don't think I have to worry that much then; although it might be because of those knights of the apocalypse, everyday giving me headaches... And besides, that would gather the attention to that one entrance, and not the one I made exclusively for you, which benefits us both, don't you think so? - Arthur smiled happily, closing his eyes - "If it ever becomes a problem you can come here! That's all I care about that matter"
"Thinking about it that way, I guess you are right" - (Y/N) lowered his head, thinking about his words and all the information he had to understand in just a few hours. Arthur opened his eyes, looking at him, noticing how lost in his thoughts (Y/N) was.
"Too much information huh? Understandable... but I'm glad you didn't waste time and came as fast as possible to explain it to me" - Arthur patted his head softly - "I knew making an exception for you was the right decision. But I also feared this moment, the moment when you would doubt yourself and how to proceed. Now that your parents are also involved, along with your clans, and helping my enemies; you want to help me, but at the same time it becomes more difficult, am I right? Can I also say that you might be a little scared? Scared of making the wrong decision, scared of losing what you love here in Camelot if you fail, and being considered a traitor at the same time. Nowhere to go in the end"
(Y/N) looked back at him, alarmed, trying to answer him fast, but the only words that initially left his lips were gibberish
"Arthur I-! I swore to help you and I'll keep doing it, it's just... too much information for the day as you said... I'll need to prepare myself for everything" - He took a deep breath - "But I know I'm in the right place, and I won't look back now... Because, I can also count with your protection, right?"
Arthur took back his hand from his head, smiling softly
"(Y/N), I'll be clear: Your safety is my priority, don't ever think the contrary" - A tint of blush appeared on both of them - "I'm just advising you to be careful so we don't need to take greater measures. Nothing would make happier than if you could live a "normal" life seeing the circumnstances. And think about having one of my marks, it would be safer"
(Y/N) turned his eyes away from Arthur's intense glare, breathing deeply
"Hmm... I'll think about it. The problem is if they ever see it, I won't be able to cover that up as easily as the entrance"
"Fair enough. We can discuss it again when I have the coffin of eternal darkness with me, that way you'll be free from its effect" - Arthur took (Y/N)'s hand, leaning to kiss its back - "Now... if you have told me everything you wanted, what about we spend the rest of the evening here?" - Arthur separated his face from (Y/N)'s hand, and continued walking holding his hand - "I could use some company while I wait for the results of this mission"
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Sorry, bifrost incident got me.
Brian - everythings there, but no wig
Tim - i need alot of it.
Marius - same as tim.
Ivy -twchnically have her but diff wig
Dr carmilla - jusr a outfit variation and a wig
Nastya needs minor changes, same goes for good ol jonny
Raphaella - her og wings i want to do and og fit
The aurora -need a whole ass concept, so far she has long red hair
Rose red - i have tk craft a few things, but shes planned for next year
Snow - its a idea, i might do that. Same goes for red hood aswell as cinders (not sure bout cinders tho)
Ulysses - frosty blue contacts baby! But otherwise no concept regarding clothes
Orpheus - he needs a pinstripe suit.
Eurydice or ariadnes are HUGE MAYBES
Ashes as hades gets a few touch ups
Artemis - just a for fun version, a loose idea
Mordred, arthur, guinevere and lancelot - i have a cowboy hat and revolver and funky pants. I need to settle on details designwise. Fuuuck.
(Hanged man brian although he wouldnt be diff from normal brian and i cannot hang around all day lol)
Saxon ghoul - i love sfx make up and scary stuff and...ghouls...are cool :D
Loki or sigyn -WOMEN! i tend to loki cause...i lobe her...so much...
Lyfrassir amy get additional accessoires
(Odin -idk if i am brave enough to cospaly a crazy woman whos horny for a train but then agaim..who knows(
Dr.carmilla in a mad scientist labcoat.
My oc sevens moira - i really wanan cospaly tjem, since they fit so well in udad.
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michirikapchiyyy · 9 months
hey wait a second. something's not adding up. in what universe do galahad and percival make out. what in hades.
Ok so
Percival and Galahad from arthurian legend do kiss in the Holy Grail quest! I worded it as making out as a joke, they don't make out-
It's meant to be a platonic kissy obvs similar to how in Kirby you kiss when healing but it does happen
The text is actually multiple, as there are so many versions of the grail quest itself
"When the two companions had tarried there until the hour of prime and had seen enough, they left and rode until they came to a forest.
Being about to enter it, Perceval said to Galahad: “To day we must separate and each go his own way. So I commend you to Our Lord’s keeping, and may He grant that we soon meet again. For I have never found a man whose company seemed so sweet and agreeable as yours; so this parting grieves me much more than you may suppose. Yet it must be so, since it pleases Our Lord.” When he removed his helmet, Galahad did the same, and they kissed at parting, for great was their love for one another: this appeared clearly in their death, for one barely survived the other."
The Quest of the Holy Grail W.W. Comfort's translation, page 220
You might find this kiss too in other more popular books such as Le Morte D'Arthur book XVII chapter XII
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And there's other kiss later on in book XVII chapter XXII
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If you pick up the physical book there might be a chance for the word to have been changed to "embrace", but some versions of it don't touch that word.
Ramble about the grail quest below, I finally have a perfect excuse to let out all my thoughts on the story and the grail knights hehehe
Percival and Galahad in general can switch to multiple dynamics based on authors, as arthurian legend is basically a bunch of people who inserted their knights ocs into this other story and then others recreated those oc's stories to make it cooler or fit in with those times. So Percival and Galahad can go from being the same person, friends, family and other things depending on what the author chooses. This applies to all characters in Arthurian Legend, there are no actual things set in stone. The canon is messy which is why sometimes u might see people hate a character but refer to it as "I hate Lanval's Guinevere" instead of the character as a whole because there are MULTIPLE versions of that character.
I'm gonna give a basic ramble about some of the story and show interactions I like between these two from multiple books after the ramble
HOWEVER I should warn and add a CW/TW that there's character death and implied su*cide (Galahad's death), the second one being more complicated due to how it's handled as Galahad wishes and asks for death and when it comes it's more of a "guys look he ascended he is now with Jesus Christ yippeee, what a cool act don't you wanna pray now" WHICH IS HMM KINDA BAD
I should also say that some parts of the Grial Quest are quite problematic as it puts down other religions and those who follow it as "sinners" or not worthy.
The grail has multiple interpretations as to why there has to be a quest for it, to spread religion, to heal the land and multiple others. Galahad is brought to the round table and does some cool stuff such as pulling out a sword from a stone similar to King Arthur and sitting on the Siege Perilous (a seat who kills anyone who sits there unless you are the chosen one). The Quest is related in some way to Joseph of Arimathea from the bible™ and in some interpretations the grail knights meet Jesus Christ himself. After achieving the grail Galahad asks God for death as he thinks he's lived long enough (he's like, VERY YOUNG??? AS IN HE IS KIND OF A LITERAL C H I L D??). Galahad seems to just inmediatly throw himself at objects that could kill him and is very careless which is kinda sad because even if he is supposed to be a character who we admire as God's knight he is also a kid who doesn't have the best parents and barely has friends, quite literally raised and born FOR the prophecy so it's no wonder he doesn't exactly know what to do after completing his "only purpose". I personally find the grail quest quite tragic, as I love Percival who's biggest dream was being a knight (he's also a babie™) and Galahad's death affects him enough to fully retire from it. Even if it's portrayed as him being "inspired" by Galahad's death enough to convert even more to religion. Not to mention he dies soon after anyways.
Now that u know some of it I can throw some interactions at full speed at you ohohoho SOME ARE ANGSTY OTHERS ARE CUTE AND FUNNY-
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That's all tumblr is allowing me to show, also sorry Camachine for using your ask as an excuse to ramble about these two /lh. I'm big on Arthurian Legend and always wanted to ramble about it.
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Tie sweeps given to polls with a 0.2% percentage. Also I'm allowed to come up with the most messed up name possible for future polls
Propaganda is encouraged! I will reblog propaganda reblogs, as well as any propaganda that @s me. However, for the polls themselves, I will be using the propaganda submitted to me through the google form. If a ship was submitted twice with different propaganda, I will use both pieces of propaganda
Fandom ships will not be tagged with the fandom tag
Please be nice to each other. Do not tear down other ships. I will not reblog any propaganda remotely like that.
All polls are one week!
If i need to change anything, please send me a ask. I will change it I swear.
The main tag will be: #oc ship tournament
Valley Ghost (Felix Tawfic/Griffith) vs. Aurel * Kiki (critical)
Solshuu (Solaria Aoi/Shu Kurenai) vs. Elitheocecily (Elijah Scott * Theodore Churchill * Cecily Churchill, @failboyfriend)
HG^2 (Charlie "Chuck" Beaumont/Octavian "Tavi Osborne, @the-random-phan + @cabincryptid51) vs. Geheneres (Teneres/"Gehenna", @i-hear-a-sound)
LuNal (Luca/Petra/Nails, Tass) vs. Maisther (Esther/Maidy, @cafe-au-tism)
[TIE; ships will go on under the name of LuNal-Maisther!]
SpicyFlowerSnakeNoodles (Red Son/Lotus/Nyrel/MK, Fan + Hue) vs. Dexereign (Dex/Sovereign, @caekhoi)
Eraser (Ezra/Ace, Ren) vs. Anthony Mitchetti/Emily Valentino (@sing-the-beginning-of-moana)
Pruett Pennbum/Remedy Espina (Harvey Millipedia) vs. Vargas (Edgar Vargas * Scriabin, @zarla-s)
Jax * Elin (@sypersweet) vs. Amariya (Amaya/Mariya, @what-if-i-just-did-this + anon)
Ravery (Raven Scofflaw/Avery Fracas, @what-if-i-just-did-this) vs. Dairyun (Darian/Daiyu)
Acid Dragon (VSB * ESB, @silviaflowers) vs. Pip the Jackal/Agent 27 (@squidthechaotickid)
Watercolor Dreams (Oliver Fernsby & Princess Guinevere, @hermannsprecursors) vs. Graveyards (Olly Graves * Susan Yards, @thatonegaybastard)
Golden Fleece (Yang Xiao Long/Eirian Esna, @dragynkeep) vs. Blade of Justice (Jasper Jones/Ikeda Saigo, @hermannsprecursors)
Lavender (Lavon + Devion Taillien, @mx-yippeee) vs. Featherfluff (Virtue Courtenlock/Comet Mhorlborne, @timetokrill)
Archangel (Gabriel Trinh/Raphael Madsen, @gelatinous-jellyfish) vs. Ginatré/Žydrūnas (@the-land-of-eternal-winter-novel)
Marleksei (Marlowe * Aleksei, @cowboymkb) vs. Montcia (Alex Garcia * Jules Montgomery, @gelatinous-jellyfish)
Icefang/Greatness (vox) vs. Luna * Jade * Ciela * Them (@iwillstealyourjawbone)
Dairyun (Darian/Daiyu) vs. Acid Dragon (VSB * ESB, @silviaflowers)
Watercolor Dreams (Oliver Fernsby & Princess Guinevere, @hermannsprecursors) and Graveyards (Olly Graves * Susan Yards, @thatonegaybastard) vs. Golden Fleece (Yang Xiao Long/Eirian Esna, @dragynkeep)
Lavender (Lavon + Devion Taillien, @mx-yippeee) vs. Archangel (Gabriel Trinh/Raphael Madsen, @gelatinous-jellyfish)
Montcia (Alex Garcia * Jules Montgomery, @gelatinous-jellyfish) vs. Luna * Jade * Ciela * Them (@iwillstealyourjawbone)
Aurel * Kiki (critical) vs. Elitheocecily (Elijah Scott * Theodore Churchill * Cecily Churchill, @failboyfriend)
HG^2 (Charlie "Chuck" Beaumont/Octavian "Tavi Osborne, @the-random-phan + @cabincryptid51) vs. LuNal (Luca/Petra/Nails, Tass) and Maisther (Esther/Maidy, @cafe-au-tism)
Dexereign (Dex/Sovereign, @caekhoi) vs. Eraser (Ezra/Ace, Ren)
Pruett Pennbum/Remedy Espina (Harvey Millipedia) vs. Jax * Elin (@sypersweet)
Dairyun (Darian/Daiyu, @vwnz and @bowie556) vs. Golden Fleece (Yang Xiao Long/Eirian Esna, @dragynkeep)
Lavender (Lavon + Devion Taillien, @mx-yippeee) vs. Montcia (Alex Garcia * Jules Montgomery, @gelatinous-jellyfish)
Elitheocecily (Elijah Scott * Theodore Churchill * Cecily Churchill, @failboyfriend) vs. HG^2 (Charlie "Chuck" Beaumont/Octavian "Tavi Osborne, @the-random-phan + @cabincryptid51)
Eraser (Ezra/Ace, Ren) vs. Jax * Elin (@sypersweet)
For some reason tumblr wont let me put the rest of the results here so here's the link to Round 4 and beyond
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rainebxw · 1 year
HP Fic Rec Masterlist
CW: some fics include smut, but from the ones I’ve read, those sections aren’t essential to the plot and when I’ve skipped them the story has still made sense to me:)
Read (CR or Completed)
Draco/Harry -
 A little bit confused but not at all surprised by indigospacehopper
When auror-in-training Harry Potter accidentally drinks a truth potion, he’s sent straight to St Mungo’s for their expert potions master to help him. The problem? Draco Malfoy is the expert potions master, and he’s having far too much fun taunting Harry about his problem. However, more sinister things are afoot and whilst Harry and Draco bicker and flirt, dark forces prepare to make their move…
It Started With A Handshake by i_dont_read
One year after the war, Draco Malfoy is fresh out of a three-month term in Azkaban. As part of his parole, he's back at Hogwarts as an eighth year student to finish his studies. All Draco wants to do is lie low and make it out of Hogwarts in one piece, but when he finds that he's forced to room with none other than Harry Potter, that proves to be much more difficult than Draco anticipated. After a particularly eventful detention together, Harry and Draco must reconcile their relationship. What started as a volatile feud eventually becomes something much deeper than either of them could've imagined. The question is, will Draco ever come to terms with his feelings, or will he be left pining forever in secret?
red and green are complimentary colours by ace_0fhearts
After the war Hermione manages to convince Harry to go back to Hogwarts for his eighth year. Expecting an uneventful year of classes and rooming with the other Gryffindor boys, he’s surprised when McGonagall tells him he’ll be sharing a room with Draco Malfoy. Now Harry has to get through a year of arguments and awkward silences. Or he would, if Malfoy would stop ignoring him and moping around the castle alone.
The July Tree by oknowkiss
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail… nor well-meaning friends, nor questionable communication skills, nor seven years of hating each other’s guts can keep Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy from falling in love.
Draco/OC -
The Girl Who Lived by missingnote
A miserable childhood of neglect, Harper Potter needed someone to teach her the ability to love in order to overcome the darkest wizard of all time. She just wasn't expecting that someone to be the guy who taunted her every quidditch match.
Training Wheels by dyiansobrien
In their four years of knowing each other, Draco Malfoy and Amora Buckley have never managed to see eye to eye. However, when the pair are locked in the library overnight together, things start to change between them. And neither of them like it. Throw in Harry Potter's not-so-subtle crush on Amora, the fact that her cousin is Hogwarts' golden boy Cedric Diggory, and that her mother is the Muggle Studies professor and things are bound to get even more complicated...
You Found Me by wildermind54 (one of my fav fics ever)
The epic saga of Guinevere Easton and Draco Malfoy’s romance from their younger years as they struggle with family, growing powers, and growing up.
Choose Me Instead by dreaming_about_fanfictions
Pretending to be in a relationship with Draco Malfoy to get back at your ex might have not been the smartest idea you ever had. Especially now where you should be focusing on your last year of Hogwarts. However, you are just pretending. There's no way in hell you'll actually catch feelings for someone like Malfoy... Right?
Draco/Harry -
The Complexities of Us by indigospacehopper
The Dustless Mirrors by sugarplumsenpai
The day you bloomed by Soliblomst
The Silence of Your Love by malfoypolix
there will be time, there will be time by waterwings
Not So Different by Nightstar_Fury
Rules and Rivalries by Taylorisnotcute
Spinning Fouettés by hdbang_mod
As The Tide Pulls by TracingPatterns
Loverboys by corvuscrowned
Protected By Your Love by heartsfromheaven
Harry Potter and the End of the Line by use_it_well
survival is a talent by ShanaStoryteller
Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop
Crimson and Clover - A tale in canon by dontthrowsticksatme
Lily's Boy by SomewheresSword
Draco/OC -
Queen of the Night by dragonchallenge
Lover of Mine by unleeshedd
Bruised & Broken // Draco Malfoy by kiiia
Bound by Blood and Mind by CaityBrooklynnn
An Unexpected Ally by hollyjanepeters
I Can't Sleep (D.M. x O.C.) by bruhdawg
Cruel Fates by capricornbaby_0
Harry/OC -
Eyes of Violet by macadoodle1996
𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 | 𝐡. 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 by cottonsoxs
to be continued and expanded upon...
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let's Talk Whump
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community! I’m Malice and I’ll be your host today. 
Here today to talk all things whumpy is the fabulous @flowersarefreetherapy!
It’s an honor to have you here! Do you want to start us off with a fact or two about yourself?
Hi! I’m Marz, I’m a baby adult, and newer here to the whump scene! My favorite color is blue and I enjoy a huge variety of music. I have a Golden Retriever named Guinevere who is five years old and loves swimming, chasing tennis balls, and running through corn fields. Yeah, that’s about it! 
Let’s get straight to the point. What does whump mean to you?
As much as I love the hurt part of it, whump to me is about healing. It’s about picking yourself up even after life has beaten you into the ground. It’s finding your people who will help you and stand by your side on good and bad days. It’s taking those little steps towards healing, then looking back one day and realizing just how far you’ve come and how much you’ve accomplished. The pain and whumping of characters is horribly fun, but it’s the recovery and knowledge that there is something to lose that makes whump for me. 
How did you find the whump community and what made you want to join? 
So, I found the whump community purely by accident by jumping through writing blogs on Tumblr about three years ago, I think?? It was around 2019-2020 and I was looking for writing prompts when I stumbled onto @ashintheairlikesnow’s blog and learned there was a whole community dedicated to the hurt/comfort plotlines I had been reading all my life. Really what made me want to join was seeing there was an audience for the whump I was writing and the acceptance of OCs I was struggling to find in other writing circles. So I lurked for a while and then made the decision to join!
Do you think that your view of whump has shifted since you discovered it?
My view on whump has stayed the same, but what I write about has expanded. I’ve been exploring the BBU sandbox with different characters and different perspectives. It’s been a good challenge and one I look forward to continuing! 
Everyone’s favourite question: what are your favourite whump tropes?
Dehumanization and noncon are two of my favorites. What makes them so appealing to me is the loss of autonomy and the way it can fully break a character. Not only that, but it allows for some very fun power dynamics that I really enjoy in whump. Alongside that, those two tropes lead to the characters learning how to rebuild their world, their trust of other people, and what kind of life they want to make as part of their future. The healing that’s involved in both these tropes is messy and hard and something that is fought for, always with the support of those around them.
Would you mind sharing a favourite piece you've written? Hype yourself up, we want to hear it!
This is one of my favorite pieces! I love Thad’s breakdown here and while writing it, having that insight into how his past training impacts how he sees himself and sees the kids they’ve taken in. Another really fun piece I love is this one, mainly for the emotion and heartbreak of it all. 
Aww Thad! So much emotion in “You Are My Sunshine” ! Do you have a standard writing routine?
Chaos!! *evil laughter here* Just kidding (mostly). I tend to write when the inspiration strikes and knock out large chunks of writing at a time. Sometimes I’ll write bit by bit, especially when life is crazy, but I prefer to have the uninterrupted chunks of time. Usually I have caffeine with me as well to help the writing process speed along, in which my poison of choice there is Dr. Pepper!
And do you find some things are easier to write than others?
Dialogue! I love writing every bit of it! Using the words to both reveal and hide characters’ motives, changing what they want to say into what they can’t, playing around with hidden meaning in the phrases chosen: all of it is so good and makes it so fun to write! If I could write scenes that are all dialogue I would 
Is there anything you're working on at the moment?
Something I’ve been working on for a while is the next part of my Hold On series. It’s about to get sticky and complicated, so I'm working on how to get all the characters going the way I want them to. Of course, that’s not going to happen, but I’m trying to at least plot a path for the characters to run down.
Do you have a joke or pun you would like to share to spread some smiles today?
. . . . . . . wish I could be hilarious on command, but sadly I am cursed to not be.
That’s fine! Do you have any writing advice you’d like to share?
Love your writing, even the bits that seem weird or you think no one will like them. There are people who will love it and read it and scream about parts you didn’t even think were that good. You will find your writing groove and you’ll find your audience. Also, don’t delete anything! That is really important! You can always go back and edit a choppy scene or reuse a bit of dialogue, but deleting something means starting from a blank slate. Scenes can always be reworked, so keep them!
Shout out your favourite writing/whump blogs, bffs or people who've inspired you! 
Oh man, oh man, there are so many people I could highlight! Seriously, this community is fantastic and wonderful and so welcoming! I had heard that about the whump community, but experiencing it for myself has been an honor. Okay, so people to shout out: 
@for-the-love-of-angst (you know why. For everything, thank you <3) @eatyourdamnpears (chaos friend!) @whumpcereal (your writing! ah!), @winedark-whump (your responses to every one of my ramblings on discord always make my day), @ashintheairlikesnow (still in awe of your writing/characters) @pigeonwhumps (*waves*) @quietly-by-myself (your characters!!) @soheavyaburden (characters! Writing! plotline!), @blood-is-compulsory (screaming in the tags is always welcome!) and so many more I have probably forgotten (in which case you can yell at me in the comments)
Seriously, go check out each and every one of these people! They are amazing and so so so cool and you won’t regret it at all!
Finally, is there anything you'd like to add?
Thank you for this opportunity and to everyone for making this community so welcoming!
Thank you for joining us today, @flowersarefreetherapy !
And to all you lovely folk at home, have a whump-derful day!
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recurringwriter · 1 year
FE OC Week Introductions:
Miscellaneous Faerghans:
Mia Cecile Originally she* was just from my Canadian-set, Felix/oc 'Eh-U', but I've recently fit her into Fodlan by making her a magic-user from a small town on the border of Itha and Fraldarius. She is the Trickster class and writes stories, sings with Annette, and manages to cut through Felix's jagged exterior so that he's forced to look at his own behaviour. *(She/her but not in a girl way)
Guinevere Beauchêne Lambert's wife. She's undergone some changes and is now a war cleric who uses Faith and her Fists. Pinkish red hair that she keeps short. Big arms and shoulders. She and Lambert are embarrassingly lovey-dovey and use the most sugary of pet names. She and Rodrigue's wife both support their husbands being in love with each other or other au's where they are queerplatonically inclined. Ginny is hardworking and though being a queen isn't something that comes easily to her, she attempts it with grace and is beloved despite being from a small/declining noble house.
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doomed-prophetess · 5 months
To answer your questions from the last ask,
Yes of course he loves his brother, in fact he loves ALL his brothers(and by that I mean Mordred's brothers but Mordred is the favorite). Also I read somewhere that Arthur and Guinevere may at least have had daughters so I'm throwing them into the unending mix of children as well. As for Galahad, he's on ice with him even if he's not Guinevere's kid.
Y'know I've thought of giving him a unique name but uh, I ended up naming him Lleullyn....(Lleuad + Llyn *looks away in shame*)
Guinevere conscripted a Fay to help magically make a magic baby boy appear in her womb and he pops out giving off like, 97 different bad vibes but the Fay quickly hides it away lol.
As for repercussions, I mean it's a black magic boy who's true form is a bunch of meddled together human parts. So like Jennette, his appearance is a lie but unlike Jennette I don't want it to be that people just gravitate towards him. Lleullyn is just naturally charming, I don't want Mordred to end up loving him because of magic. He's gonna have to love his brother at his most eldritch if he wants to love him at his most angelic.
Also yeah Mordred is gonna be blonde.
I meant Lleu actually. What is Lleullyn appearance? Does he look just like your twp version of Lleu with freckled dark skin and black hair/dark eyes?
Lleullyn...I like that. It still allows us to shorten his name lovingly to "Lleu". I've gotten attached to the name Llacheu too. Is there a story behind the combination of the names Lleuad and Llyn? Lleuad means "moon" and Llyn means "from the lake" in Welsh. From the second name alone I would conclude that Lleu was fathered by Lancelot du Lac even though he was made from magic. Did Lancelot assist Guinevere with her plan which would make him the father in a way? Did he sacrifice something and as a result of that sacrifice Lleu inherited some traits from him? Like I said I can't believe that kind of magic doesn't require a price. They are creating life from nothing which must be an offense against god. Which brings me to the question how does a religious zealot Lancelot feels about that? It's possible that the trauma of having been raped by Elaine changed him and his attitude towards black magic changed since he's been ruined anyway both by Elaine and his affair with Guinevere. He's about to be replaced by Galahad soon anyway, there's no point in holding on to his old code of honor. Could the baby making of Lleu be partially motivated by his desire to see Elaine's plan foiled and have Lleu beat Galahad as the best knight in the world?
The name Galahad is derived from the Welsh “Gwalchafed” (“falcon of summer”) which would make Galahad the summer to Lleu's spring and Mordred's winter. Now the only missing oc is someone associated with autumn and we have the four months completed.
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To Be or Not to Be: a Valentine's Event
Thank you to everyone who participated. I hope you enjoyed the event! If I am missing something or if there is a change I need to make to the list, please let me know.
⟢Blades of Light & Shadow:⟢
Drabble [Mal x MC] by @lilyoffandoms 💖
⟢Crimes of Passion:⟢
Drabble [Trystan x MC] by @lilyoffandoms 💖
A Feverish Itch [Artura x MC] by inlocusmads 💖
Drabble [Lancelot x Guinevere] by @lilyoffandoms 💔
⟢It Lives Series:⟢
Raspberry Rose [Dan Pierce x F!MC] by @aallotarenunelma 💖
⟢Open Heart:⟢
A Mixed Up Valentine [Tobias x F!OC] by @jerzwriter 💖
Abundance [Ethan x F!MC] by @jerzwriter 💖
After Dark Part Two [Bryce x F!OC] by @storyofmychoices 💖
Dance with Me (writing + art) [Bryce x F!OC] by @storyofmychoices 💖
Death Stare [Ethan x F!MC] by @headoverheelsforramsey💖
La Vie Avec Toi [Ethan x F!MC, Sienna x M!OC] by @liaromancewriter 💖
No One Else... Part 1 of 2 [Tobias xF!MC] by @jerzwriter 💖
Simple Pleasures (writing + art)Tobias xF!MC] by @jerzwriter 💖
The Art of Doing Nothing [Ethan x M!MC] by @dr-colossal-pita💖
The Reluctant Valentine [Sienna x M!OC] by @liaromancewriter 💖
The Unexpected Valentine [Ethan x F!MC] by @liaromancewriter 💖
Valentine Memories [Ethan x F!MC] by @liaromancewriter 💖
⟢Red Carpet Diaries/Hollywood U:⟢
A White Wedding (art) [Hunt x F!OC] submitted by @theartoflovingthomashunt 💖
Above and Beyond [Hunt x F!MC] by @peonyblossom 💖
Forever in Love (art) [Hunt x F!OC] submitted by @theartoflovingthomashunt 💖
⟢Wake the Dead:⟢
An Ordinary Day [Eli x F!MC] by @jerzwriter💖
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merunair · 1 year
Well Known Knights of the Round Table Ranked
King Arthur: ???/10 So he's weird because his whole deal is that he's a Good King. The interpretation of what that is varies from person to person so he's wildly different across pretty much everything. Is he a noble and somber figure doing his best? Is he a kind of dumb but well meaning golden retriever of a man? Is he a mighty warrior and shrewd politician? Depending on the person, yes. And while that's really cool, it means I can't really rate the character because there's a million different versions of him. There's also interpretations where he's the antagonist to Lancelot and Guinevere's Whole Deal because I guess it's easier to excuse cheating by twisting the cheated-on character into a jackass. Just make it polyamorous you COWARDS
Sir Lancelot: 9/10 Fundamentally changed the entire canon and story. He's been awarded with the 'Most Accidental Teamkills' award and was voted 'Biggest Drama Queen in Camelot' 7 years running. He's inherently funny as a concept as the world's most popular OC do not steal, doubly funny taking into account that he also caused what I suspect to be the first instance of Vriscourse-esque fandom drama. Legendary. Also he's bisexual and if you give me like a week in The Hole I think that I can find pre-internet sources for this.
Sir Kay: 9/10 Unfortunately overlooked in later works considering he's A) King Arthur's adopted brother B) Funnie and C) A good foil to a lot of the other characters. He's a hothead, bully, braggart, and a jokey kind of guy with more pride than sense that's usually there to get his shit kicked in a bit. A good chunk of knights also have him talking shit at them as their entire motivation for going off on a grand quest. They can't put him in gritty reimaginings because he'd make them too much fun to read/watch. Though I DO admit that he has the potential to be very, very annoying if written poorly. I'd also like to note that he's avoided being made into a perfect-pure-special-Christian-boy-who-does-the-chivalry for over 2000 years and has maintained his shithead status. King.
The G Boys (Gawain, Gareth, aGravaine, and Gaheris): 6/10 I wish people would stop forgetting that Gaheris and Agravaine exist and/or mashing all four of these men into One Guy. I understand the irony of me giving them a shared entry but this is a long post and they're all brothers. It's nice that Gawain got some love recently with the 2021 movie Green Knight. And by love I mean good lord people were horny for Dev Patel. Also Gareth is canonically Baby. He is the ultimate Little Brother.
Sir Mordred: 10/10 MORGAN LE FAY IS NOT HIS MOM. Shoulders the whole final act of the legend as the antagonist. Let's be honest, he'd be a Tumblr sexyman if more people knew about him. He ticks all the boxes: Misunderstood, pale, dark hair, a bit evil, tragic backstory (incest), rebellious... Personally I'd love to see him break containment and take the Sexyman Crown he so rightfully deserves. Duck from Thomas the Tank Engine managed it, so I don't see why he can't.
Sir Bedivere (Bedwyr if you're a REAL gamer): 10/10 I do not CARE if I am biased. This man is my BLORBO. He HAS BEEN since I was FOURTEEN YEARS OLD. And I am VERY UPSET that the most common spelling of his name is borderline un-google-able because of the Fate Series. I am ASSAULTED by mildly horny images of anime men that I wasn't looking for. I was LOOKING for scraggly Welshmen. It's like accidentally taking a sip of someone else's drink. I wanted COKE not TEA dammit. At least they remembered that he has a prosthetic hand. He and Arthur possess the only braincell in Camelot.
Sir Griflet: 10/10 This guy is functionally a different character from who he initially was. Who did he used to be, you ask? Nothing big, nothing important just a minor welsh faerie deity. I don't know how he got added to the canon but I'm glad he did. Now he's Bedivere and Lucan's cousin and sometimes trades places with Bedivere as the last survivor of the final battle who chucks Excalibur into the lake. I like to think of him as a faerie who just showed up, convinced Bedivere and Lucan that he's their cousin, and hangs around Camelot because he finds it all interesting. Lastly: He has like... a hundred different names.
Sir Tristan: 6/10 Look his whole deal is that he's sad. Not sad as in like... pathetic but experiencing the emotion of sadness. That is what he's known for. His name is SYNONYMOUS with being sad. The ORIGINAL Sadboy. He would have an emo cut with those weird checkerboard streaks if he lived in 2007.
Sir Galahad: 0/10 The most inherently funny character in the canon. He was invented as a middle finger to Lancelot. He EXISTS because people were mad at Lancelot. He is THE purest HOLIEST mostest special boy. We're talking 'angels come down to take him away to Heaven' special. The only reason that he's a 0/10 is because I am mad that he steals Percival's role in a lot of stuff or gets mashed with him to form a Dragon Ball Fusion.
Sir Percival: 9/10 To be perfectly honest I only like this guy as much as I do because he has the coolest name out of all the knights. He's a pretty generic 'super cool and special and handsome and chivalrous' sort of knight... But I do not care. He has a cool name and I vibe with the aesthetic it conjures in my brain whenever I read it. I'm not alone in this based on all the adventures he was given until they got given to Galahad which sort of implies that he's the blueprint for the 'godly and virtuous knight who does chivalry'.
Sir Dagonet: 10/10 This guy is great and I'm pretty sure he was almost a meme a few years back??? I just remember getting blindsided by seeing a bunch of tumblr posts about him a few years back. He started his existence as just an asshole braggart who existed to make some of the other knights look better, then a violent, bloodthirsty crazy guy, and now he's a beloved jester who got knighted. I'm a fan of the jester interpretation myself because good lord there's enough 'violent man accidentally murders people' guys running around and Kay covers the 'braggart asshole foil' role in a less obnoxious way. I imagine him with silly little jester bells tied to his armor whenever he goes out on quests.
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Tell me abt the oc u lovingly refer to as "weird arson motherfucker" pls
HI sorry i forgot to answer this, thank you for asking abt her!!! i’m still in the process of fleshing everything out so things might change but she’s my ace attorney OC! i’m putting everything under a read more because this post ended up being longer than i meant it to be and i don’t want this to be a pain to scroll through for anyone on mobile who doesn’t wanna read me rambling about blorbo from my brain, i’m sorry if this is hard to read i have trouble putting my thoughts into words for other people to read hdjdbfbdn, also spoilers for cases 4-1, 6-1, 6-3, and 6-5
i made her because i started wondering what would happen if dhurke and amara had a daughter older than rayfa that was in line to become queen before the khura’in royal residence fire and then i accidentally got carried away with her story lmao
her name is kaba’anyi padma khura’in (i was thankfully able to figure out a name for her after i created her tag, it means something along the lines of “daughter of the sun” because sun motif go brrr. ALSO i got to that name because nyi means sun in tibetan and khura’in is in the himalayas so i figured that link made sense. i’m very proud of her name because i struggle with naming characters so being able to make up a name for a character from a country that doesn’t exist is very big for me), or anyi for short, and she uses she/her pronouns. she was born in 1998 (for the sake of timeline consistency in this version of AA dhurke and amara are around 5 years older than they are in canon because after i had already chosen a birth year for her i realized that dhurke and amara would have been too young at that point in time shdnrhdh) and i played around with the idea of her committing a couple of crimes as a member of the defiant dragons, set a couple of government buildings on fire to get back at whoever tried to kill her and amara (she didn’t know it was ga’ran at the time but since they would have had to have access to the royal palace she knew they would have to have been high ranking and probably still were in that position) which is how i got her tag name but now i’m not sure if i wanna keep that part in or not lmao, now that i have a probably-concrete name for her i might move everything in her tag over to a new one, probably should do that sooner rather than later before the tag has too many posts
anyways, no matter if it was arson-related or simply because y’know, she was the daughter of the man who the country believed had murdered the previous queen, she was arrested, but she broke out and managed to fake her death to avoid being looked for (that part may be subject to change if i can’t figure out how exactly that happened, while i have a good grasp on the rest of her story there’s a gap between the royal palace fire and her moving to the US that is just kind of a loose collection of things i thought would be interesting for now hjsjdjsjfh)
so after that, she moved to the US when she was probably around 21 (still working on a concrete timeline but that’s somewhere around the right age) because of the rebellion. she changed her name to guinevere amos (i chose guinevere because the rest of the WAA except for trucy has mythology themed names so i figured arthurian legend would fit into that even though i’ve gotten all of my knowledge of arthurian legend from the mechanisms lmao, and i just chose amos because it was the first name of the main character of the book i was reading at the time and i’m pretty sure amos is also a last name so i went with it) and ended up joining gavin & co law offices which turned into a very awkward sibling reunion with apollo, i think she would have acted as a second co counsel alongside gavin (pretty sure that happened once in dd so i’m choosing to believe that double co counsels are a normal thing in the aa legal system) during 4-1 and helped apollo and phoenix get kristoph arrested, then she joins the WAA alongside apollo (although i think she would have joined a little bit earlier than apollo as she was quicker to accept phoenix’s invite at the end of 4-1) and then she helps the WAA with the rest of AA4 as well as AA5
as for AA6, anyi decides to go with phoenix to khura’in because it’s been nearly a decade since she was last in contact with her family and the rest of the rebels and she felt it was time to go back even if only for a couple of weeks, since she was now going under a different name she decided that it was safe to go back if she could keep her head low and avoid getting into trouble, obviously that didn’t happen, which marked the beginning of Guinevere Amos AKA Kaba’anyi Padma Khura’in’s No Good Very Bad Vacation, canon shenanigans ensue, you get the idea, when i get around to replaying the AJ trilogy (i’m intending on replaying it when it comes out on the switch but i might end up doing it before then as well) i’m thinking abt doing a liveblog thing (is it still liveblogging if you’ve already played the game in question?) where i also explain how anyi would interact with the events of the games if that makes any sense
after the events of 6-5. she stays behind in khura’in with apollo, and works with him at justice & co law offices, my original thoughts were that she takes back the role of royal priestess alongside being a lawyer and then quits when she becomes queen instead of rayfa but it could also be that she stays a lawyer and rayfa becomes queen like in canon, either way i’d imagine it could be a source of conflict between the two, although i think they would be able to work it out, unlike amara and ga’ran
one last thing, i’m currently working on some art for her and i am so excited to post it here because she is literally GORGEOUS i’m so proud of her design <33
i think that’s everything! i hope this made sense lmao
also is it normal to be nervous talking about your ocs to other people? it feels so weird trying to explain the things that come out of my brain like this
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xjulixred45x · 1 year
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hace unos meses cuando me meti de lleno en el fandom de 4Kota una de las primeras artistas que ke gustaron fue @cattivedonne por su Oc Guinevere, pero también me llamo mucho la atención su concepto de Mordred, que si bien absolutamente amo, tenia que hacer mi propia version. y ahi es donde entra este jovencito, mi Oc de 4Kota inspirado en su versión de Mordred y principalmente basado en mis reintepretaciones de las Leyendas.
Mordred es un chico que fue creado a partir de la magia del Caos, después de que su "Madre" Morgana(otro oc mío) estuviera investigandola y accidentalmente ocurriera una fusión temporal, lo que creo a un Mordred bebé. Morgana al principio dejo gran parte del cuidado de Mordred al Rey Lot de Lotania, sin embargo mientras más crecía más se apegaba a él y se terminó de involucrar de lleno en su vida. Mordred creció con mucho amor tanto de su familia "biologica" cómo de la adoptiva, pero con grandes espectativas de los que sabían de dónde REALMENTE venía.
Mordred es un chico aventurero y muy extrovertido, demaciado. Es brutalmente sincero pero ingenuo, ya que por su "condición" no le permiten interactuar con mucha gente de su edad con pocas excepciones, lo que lo hace hambriento de tacto y amistad.
No es para nada conciente del miedo que infunde en los demás, no solo por ser un "hijo del caos" sino por ser completamente impredecible(nisiquiera los videntes o el Cadeiloscopio de Ginny pueden anticiparlo) por lo que se considera una potencial amenaza. Aparte de eso Mordred es alguien que siente empatía y es genuinamente Bondadoso, pero si mismo tiempo se sigue auto descubriendo, lo que deja en le aire la posición de que en el futuro eso cambie...pero esperemos que no. Por el bien de todos.
Pronto traeré más de este tipo de OC's, es realmente divertido exponerlos en Tumblr. Hasta entonces, disfruten.
A few months ago when I got fully involved in the 4Kota fandom, one of the first artists that I liked was @cattivedonne for her Oc Guinevere, but her concept of Mordred also caught my attention, which although I absolutely love, I had to do my own version. and that's where this young man comes in, my 4Kota Oc inspired by her version of Mordred and mainly based on my reinterpretations of the Legends.
Mordred is a boy who was created from Chaos magic, after his "Mother" Morgana (another oc of mine) was investigating it and accidentally a temporary fusion occurred, which created a baby Mordred. Morgana initially left much of Mordred's care to King Lot of Lotania, however the older he grew the more she became attached to him and became fully involved in his life. Mordred grew up with a lot of love from both his "biological" and adoptive families, but with great expectations from those who knew where he REALLY came from.
Mordred is an adventurous boy and very outgoing, too much. He is brutally honest but naive, as his "condition" prevents him from interacting with many people his age with few exceptions, making him touchstarbed and friendship.
He is not at all aware of the fear he instills in others, not only because he is a "child of chaos" but because he is completely unpredictable (not even psychics or Ginny's Caddyscope can anticipate it) so he is considered a potential threat. Apart from that, Mordred is someone who feels empathy and is genuinely Kind, but at the same time he continues to discover himself, which leaves the position that in the future that will change... but hopefully not. For the good of all.
Soon I will bring more of this type of OC's, it's really fun to expose them on Tumblr. Until then, enjoy.
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