#yes i changed her name
theredquill · 10 months
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fics : of being reckless and young ( how damage gets done ) & we’re in love
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skleechtheleech · 1 year
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some concept art featuring Eilio ig
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HEY!!! First chapter of Gorgeous Awesome Yass is out! Introducing Leslie Biyan!
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Gorgeous Awesome Yass (G.A.Y.), SI's Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Leslie Biyan (for now...) Additional Tags: High School, Magic, Elements Summary:
Talentum University accidentally put together a group of teenagers with attitudes, who will uncover the mysteries of the mysterious creatures attacking the city...
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doctorsiren · 3 months
I loved your headcannons about inukawa, reigen and reigens sister and I would really like to see what you think would happen if mob and reigens sister met and I was wondering if you could possibly draw them :D
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hello yes I accidentally made a comic after seeing this ask yesterday 😁 bro psychoanalyzed her 😨
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nattikay · 1 month
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OC lineup! All the characters that currently exist in this "story"
#oeyä ayskxawngtsyìp#some small details may be subject to change#others might also be added to the “story” later#for example a while ago I was thinking maybe Rolukx and Se'txelu also have a sister because why not#tentatively named her Mingal and she'd be a teenager in the default timeline#(for reference at that time Se'txelu and Neynari are in their early 20s and Rolukx in his late 20s)#but she doesn't have a particular design yet and I haven't decided on many details#me being me i will also prooooobably give Neynari and Se'txelu some kids of their own at some point but again so specific ideas just yet#maybe even give rolukx a love interest#for personal reasons i can't decide whether it would be more cathartic to give him one or to not give him one#idk we'll see#also btw since this is chibi style don't take it as a 100% accurate height comparison lol#fwiw on that front I think Seylana and Neynari are a bit shorter than average#Rolukx is slightly taller than average#and everyone else is pretty solidly Average™ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#also for those who didn't catch it in my previous post about these guys: Awlun is Lunaya's aunt (Awlun's brother is Lunaya's father)#hence the shared surname#also Seylana is not naturally blond; she started coloring her hair after Neynari was born to match her daughter#(there are canon Aranahe characters with hair like this such as Sa'nop and Nilngan)#(and yes I suspect it's artifical color because the tail tufts are still black. hence Seylana's tail tuft still being her natural color too#ANYWAYS#yeah#my art#neynari#se'txelu#rolukx#seylana#vontxu#awlun#lunaya
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
im having more fem Danyal thoughts. But specifically I've been thinking about Dani in this au. Now, Fem Danyal is just the alt. version of Danny to my other DAG au, which means she follows that lore. that being said. Danyal and Dani already had a pretty rocky introduction in the first place, ANd if we follow canon's setup, Dani in fem!Danyal's world would be a boy rather than a girl. I'm gonna call him Ali for easier difference (my train of thought was Daniel -> Eli -> Ali). While Danny may resemble Talia more than Bruce, Danny and Damian still look very similar to each other. Their blood relation is unquestionable.
You can imagine how fem Danyal might feel, walking into her room one day after school, and finding a little boy on her bed who looks, at first glance, like the little brother she loves to death. If meeting Ellie triggered Kill Bill Sirens in Danny's head, meeting Ali bass boosted them. For a terrifying, fleeting moment, Danny thinks Damian is right there. That somehow, her clever, intelligent little brother found out she was alive and tracked her down.
She slams the door shut, completely at a loss for words. Her heart has nearly stopped a second time. Then she realizes: this boy's eyes are blue. Not green. He looks too old to be her brother. His jawline too narrow, his hair too messy. As he talks, his voice is not the same as the sparse few videos on the internet showing Damian speaking. This is not the child she helped take his first steps with, nor the child she watched utter his first words. This is not the boy whom she taught to pick up a sword; this is not her brother.
Safe to say, Ali gets a knife pulled on him much, much faster than his female counterpart did. He lives, fortunately, but their relationship is unsteady and rocky even after Ali betrays Vlad and joins Danny.
Danny is unsettled by him, not for being her clone -- although that plays a minor part -- but because every time he drifts into her peripherals, she keeps thinking it's Damian. And it spooks her half out of her mind. She gets her hopes up at the same time her heart drops, then she turns her head, and it's not Damian; it's Dani.
It's also why she won't call him 'Dani', it's one letter too close to 'Dami' and she's afraid she'll call him that if she's not careful. So when he brings it up jokingly, she immediately shoots it down; "I'll call you Eli." instead. (Ali thinks she's boring -- he thought 'danny with a y' and 'dani with an i' was funny. Frankly, so did Danny, but she's too uncomfortable with the idea of calling him Dani.)
When he asks her why, she lies and says it's to prevent confusion. When their relationship is better, "Eli" eventually becomes "Ali".
("Why Ali?" he'll ask her, with an ear pressed against her ribs while Danny coils one of his curls around her finger. She's steadily become more and more affectionate; Danny has the impeccable ability of making it seem so forced and stiff and natural at the same time.)
("Do you not like it?" She'll ask him, voice stilted and unsure. She's got her heart in her throat, but she's starting to stop seeing Damian whenever she looks down. "We can keep it Eli if you'd like.")
("No, no. I like it. Just... why Ali? Does it mean anything?")
(Danny will smooth her palm over Ali's forehead, scratching his hairline with her nails, and feel embarrassed. She'll be silent until he looks up at her, and then she clears her throat. "It means eminent; exalted; noble.")
(Ali stares at her in dead silence, long enough that she starts to grow worried. Then tears bubble up in his eyes, and for a moment Danny thinks she said something wrong. "I lied;" he croaks, "I love it.")
(She will hesitate, and then wipe the tears off with her thumbs. "Ali al Ghul," she'll mutter, "but that name is for you and I only. To the world, you're Ali Fenton." Perhaps she shouldn't be giving him her mother's last name, but he is of her blood now too.)
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datura-tea · 7 months
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don't worry kids, your mother can win this level just like she won the second battle of hoover dam. just watch
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nexiscool · 19 days
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Its been sooooo long since i colored a full drawing i usually doodle stuff
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dieicarian · 2 months
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[ izraya zho shan-kaah ], knight of the wilds
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front-facing-pokemon · 9 months
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Still waiting for the lars of the stars spinoff
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mikayesha · 1 year
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Lilo Fey
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When I see stuff like this I kinda want to bash my head into a wall:
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To start off, I’m not sure whether this person was commenting on book or show Cersei, but honestly, it doesn’t even matter because she’s so much more than the ‘ambitious villain’ or the ‘murderous girlboss’ tropes in both the book and show.
(Of course, I do have my issues with the way Cersei was written in the show like most people but this is simply a rant post so I’m not going to go through the differences of Show vs Book Cersei)
Cersei is a female character who was shaped by her environment, who’s insecurities were created by her environment, and she’s a woman who’s idiotic mistakes can be traced back to how her environment shaped her. She’s much more than a murderous girlboss, she’s both a victim of the system and also a beneficiary of it, while also acting as an agent of it to keep the status quo while also desiring what the system denied her.
Cersei is NUANCED and complicated and even now people hate that about her and want her to have been a purely evil woman handcrafted in a vacuum, ignoring the context of her life because readers would rather not engage with Cersei’s victimhood and nuances because that ruins their idea of: She Was The Problem and Always The Problem. (People would rather say that she deserved her walk of shame instead of interacting meaningfully with the theme of systematic gender-based violence that is so prevalent in Cersei’s story. The exploration of patriarchal violence in Show Alicent’s story is done so horribly in comparison.)
And what really pissed me off about these tags is that this person has clearly decided that they don’t care to interact with the nuance of Cersei and are fine with flattening her, and yet they shit on others for not liking Alicent.
Because of the way Alicent is written in this show, she almost always has a ‘woe is me I can do no wrong’ attitude, which of course drives people away from the character (woe is me I deserve to take a child’s eye 🥺). However, what actually annoys me is how she’s made out to be stupid, foolish, ignorant, and inconsistent due to the horrible writing of this show, all of which are deviations from her book characterization. Also, I despise it when people want me to support writing decisions and changes made in adaptations that are downright misogynistic and are meant to attract the male gaze.
But what pisses many people, including myself, off is how the changes made negatively impacted many other characters. Alicent’s terrible characterization is like a black hole that distorts and warps the whole story! It’s annoying af!
So when people like this say: ‘She’s nuanced and people just can’t handle it 🙄;’ I say: No. She’s horribly written and a different character from the book and people have a right to be critical about these changes that stripped a female character of 1) her agency and 2) her intelligence!
And the thing is, there was little reason for the writers to have made all these changes to Alicent’s characterization! In the book she is an interesting character with clear motives and understandable reactions. She’s cunning and ambitious and acts the way a noble lady who became queen would. And despite her clear ambitions and dislike of Rhaenyra, she still makes a comment wondering about who would protect the Princess from Ser Criston, and yet she then takes Cole into her service after his falling out with Rhaenyra. That’s a perfect example of nuance! Show Alicent could never compare to book Alicent’s clear moral values and consistent disregard of said moral values in pursuit of power.
And because of this, Book Alicent isn’t easy to stomach. It’s hard for most people to come to terms with a character like her and it’s even harder for people to feel sympathetic for her at the end when she went mad with grief.
On the other hand, Show Alicent was designed in a way to garner pity, and when the writers felt like her current arc wouldn’t be enough to garner the specific reaction they wanted they would then throw in a time skip and suddenly she’s completely different and yet still Thee victim. She’s designed to be as sympathetic as fucking possible! The camera angles, the background music, and the lighting is set up in a way to make sure you the viewer feels pity or sympathy for her! Cause that’s her role in this series! She’s thee Ultimate Victim!
But too bad for the writers as many people are fed up with this kind of inconsistent writing. Even when the writers created a whole new challenge for Alicent where she’s shitted on by the green council and forced to face the beast she helped to raise, I and many others could never feel any satisfaction as it was clear that once again Alicent was being made to be Thee Ultimate Victim who was just led astray by the patriarchy and was a victim of it and was only just realizing it so don’t you pity her don’t you feel sad for her and now she’s trying to do the right thing so pls pls pls pity her 🥺~ So it shouldn’t be surprising that many people are annoyed by these eNLiGhtEnEd changes that have led to a complete deviation from the source material.
To summarize: Cersei is an excellent fucking character who’s by no means easy to stomach, and because she’s not easy to stomach she’s often reduced to annoying ass tropes by dumbasses who are reading above their comprehension level. But when you actually try to understand her, you can easily see why she turned out the way she did and you can feel sympathy for her while understanding that she’s both victim and perpetrator! On the other hand, Show Alicent is a mess and HOTD is trying to make her serve a different narrative role than she did in the books so ofc people are going to be unhappy with the changes as book readers are once again faced with the annoying reality that the writers don’t give a fuck about the source material.
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wallapology · 1 year
Talking with a friend who stopped watching Doctor Who after Matt Smith about Thoschei over the years and was like “Yeah funny that the only time The Master and The Doctor kissed on TV is when they were a straight couple lmao mysogyny” and my friend said “yeah, funny how they only made her vulnerable and needy of the Doctor when she was a woman, too” and my jaw was. On the floor
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byfulcrums · 5 months
Fuck it, Invincible Tumblr pt 2
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Why's everyone calling me "Mr Invincible", don't do that it makes me feel old
🌙 artemislover Follow
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
I don't think you understood what I was trying to say
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🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
I don't get why wars happen like can't we just Not
🦖 redinosaurus Follow
Wars are not necessary, but death is. For this world to continue living, the majority of the population needs to die — the human race is hell-bent on destroying their beautiful planet, and so destroying them is the only way to save it.
They will die creating a better world.
🌟 notsovincible Follow
Woah there Light Yagami 😭
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💥 gokaboombitch Follow
Im high as fuck rn and i was wondering if theres like virgin edibles? Like the ones without the drug in it things you can eat without getting high you know
🌟 notsovincible Follow
Bitch you mean food?????
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🌟 notsovincible Follow
I was explaining to my brother the importance of human life and why we need to treasure it and he called me a pussy?? He literally just learned how to speak wtf
🦸‍♂️ omnimansmydadbitch Follow
🌟 notsovincible Follow
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🌭 hotdoghotwoof Follow
r we not gonna talk about how invincible has a brother that's apparently his dad's biggest fan
his dad, AKA the mass murderer
🦸‍♂️ omnimansmydadbitch Follow
🌟 notsovincible Follow
Okay that's it, I'm telling mom
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🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
Have you ever made an incredible scientific discovery because you can see things on a molecular level, only for no one in your life (specifically your parents) to care about it
🌙 artemislover Follow
oof atom eve has parental issues?? just like me fr
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🌟 notsovincible Follow
"It is what it is" well I hate what it is. Can it be something else
#i don't like my life. anymore
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📸 missgrayson Follow
there's a ghost in my house wtf
🌟 notsovincible Follow
Call the Ghostbusters
📸 missgrayson Follow
Do they have an app, or a website, or something?
🌟 notsovincible Follow
No you just gotta call
📸 missgrayson Follow
Guess I'm stuck with this fucking ghost then
🌟 notsovincible Follow
Delete this post? If you do, you'll never see it again!
Yes / No
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🌟 notsovincible Follow
I accidentally just doxxed myself
🚫 globaldefenseofficial Follow
Stop compromising your identity.
We'll delete the post and every screenshot of it from social media — do NOT repeat this.
🌟 notsovincible Follow
Cecil I am SO sorry
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💥 explodeyourass Follow
woke up and invincible doxxed himself. haha what a moron
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
You literally did that yourself last week. Moron.
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
I love how ready atom eve is to roast rex splode it's so funny
🌙 artemislover Follow
his name is mentioned and she's already throwing hands 😭
#flshy n lantern vibes fr #am I the only one who knows those two superheroes?? cause they're #hilarious
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💥 explodeyourass Follow
What r the big cats called again. The ones w. Spots or SMTH?? YK like this
[Image description: Leopard.]
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
It's a LEOPARD you fucking moron
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
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luuxxart · 1 year
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the kurusu magnetism™
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