#oc: needle
sick-ada · 8 months
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might change these designs later but here r pluto's three fuzzy octoling girlfriends cause they got that callie-type rizz
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frippp · 6 months
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Just finished a lil personal project of mine, a fully poseable christmas themed sinosauropterix!
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daily-dragon-drawing · 2 months
a spiky dragon made of pine needles :3
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#91 - 松針 (sōngzhēn / pine needle) - Please refrain from putting ornaments on them...🌲🎄🪵
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inkly-heart · 3 months
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ra3kiv · 4 months
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strangegutz · 3 months
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First, you will begin to hallucinate.
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deadeyedfae · 1 month
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For the 3rd time, hopfully the last time 💜
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renonv · 4 months
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SORRYYY I don’t have any good art bc of a new Brain rot (I will elaborate soon) but here are itabros watching the Phantom (and Vene projecting)
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alleesaur · 12 days
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little berry bab 🍓
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mouzeinsoup · 6 months
merry chreimsmas and happy holidays yall
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collin mends charlies clothes for him cos he's better at sewing
and charlie likes teasing him about the needle thing
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izzystizzys · 9 days
the thing about being the highest-ranked and most-decorated officer in any GAR/Guard capacity, fox thinks, is that unsurprisingly nobody could give less of a shit or listen to anything he says. it’s not like he earned those medals and recognitions and perfect test scores or anything, now is it, kote?
or, after the zillo beast disaster, the coruscant guard medbay just so happens to be much closer than the GAR one, and surprise surprise, senators don’t want meatdroids to be treated in their facilities after they’ve just protected them with their lives. fox tries to reason against this. fox is unsuccessful, because no one listens to fox.
which is how he finds himself crammed into a corner along with cody, ponds, bly, rex and their jedi, looking out across a medbay which is quite frankly a goddamn disaster rivalling the fight with the zillo beast in proportions. skywalker tries to step out towards one of the medics, and has to be pulled back by the collar of his shirt by amidala, squawking loudly when he’s nearly rammed over by mauler, crucifix and a shrilly screaming crash cart.
it’s not like fox said this would be a bad idea or anything.
“um, vod”, cody begins, unsure, “what’s - is that guy sewing wooley up with thread?!”
meathook, who is in fact sewing wooley up with thread, and looks about as happy about it as his patient, and who fox honestly thought was going to cry when he announced the influx of patients about to descend on them, snaps something about triage over his shoulder at hound, whose arm is decidedly bent in a way it shouldn’t be, jerking his head to gesture at the rickety cot next to cody’s ARC. fox is pretty sure they salvaged the thing from a dumpster. he slaps a bandage on the stitches that fox fears might be from the same dumpster.
“putting those advanced reconnaissance training skills to use, kote”, says fox, who invariably turns into the worst possible version of himself whenever cody opens his mouth within a klick of his vicinity.
skywalker harrumphs, evidently at the end of his impressive patience. “well, why?! hey, trooper! these men need bacta!”
“do they, now? i’m sorry, i hadn’t noticed”, a low voice hisses angrily behind them, and fox is the only one who doesn’t jump on account of he’s too dead inside to be scared of his CMO anymore. a grave error, he’s sure. “i guess i’ll just go pull some out of my ass along with a tank and painkillers, then! hadn’t thought of that yet!”
warcrime, whose eye is twitching and who is holding a bloody saw in visible consideration of using it, pins skywalker with a look that has had shinies all over the guard peeing themselves. “we don’t have any fucking bacta, you absolute numbskull.”
“but that can’t be right”, cody pipes up again, next to a very troubled looking generals kenobi and windu. fox sympathises very much with the patented migraine-glare on windu’s face. “why do you not have any bacta?”
“because i like to smear meiloorun juice all over my patient’s stab wounds, commander”, warcrime says. “it’s a homeopathic medicine thing. because the chancellor refuses to give us any, genius.”
“what?!” skywalker says, bristling. “that can’t be true! he wouldn’t -“ he’s cut off by his comm pinging loudly over the moaning and crying in the medbay, and warcrime leaning close enough to be heard with a whisper.
“well, he would, and if you don’t believe me, there’s a holorecording of him telling marshal commander fox why biological weapons on the homefront have lower priority and therefore half rations of everything. now get out of my medbay or find out why they named me warcrime, sir.”
amidala, the collective braincell holder for both her husband and the senate combined (on occasion), tugs him out of the way of warcrime’s bonesaw and ire. fox, who very much enjoys not being the primary target of a medic for once, unfortunately also has to be the adult in the room. “sirs, a transfer to the GAR barracks medbay might be a preferable- AH, MOTHERFU-“
“get him, stabby!”, rabid whoops from where he’s resetting thire’s nose, who echoes a much more nasal and muffled, “go, ftabby!”
“get kriffing FUCKED, stabby, you absolute-“, fox seethes, trying to swipe for the medic’s head and nearly planting one on cody instead by accident, who unfortunately manages to evade the swing fox is admittedly projecting very obviously on account of the sedation hypo jammed into his flank.
“medbay rules, sir”, stabby calls, dancing away towards mauler and his crash cart, while someone bumps something solid and flat against the backs of fox’s thighs that he can’t help but tumble back on, already seeing two codys and blys dancing around his vision. “commander fox protocol dictates he is to be helped to sleep as often as possible, sir.”
“a desperate but well-founded measure, i’m sure”, kenobi of all people agrees, and fox waves an unsteady hand in what might be the general’s direction to the sound of cody’s scandalized gasp. “as you were, officer… stabby.”
“traitors”, fox slurs, just as his com-unit begins to ping with an urgent notification. before he can try and answer it, warcrime has ripped it off his arm and flung it somewhere out of his sight. eh, it probably wasn’t anything THAT important, fox thinks. and if he wakes up two days later to a near-hysteric meathook kissing the glass casing of the guard’s brand new bacta tank over and over again, he decides to just roll over and go back to sleep.
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starrysharks · 29 days
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get into cruciformation!
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frippp · 2 months
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The first prototype of the Sinosauropterix im planning on selling on etsy! I’ve already sold stuff like this at craft markets but i wanna go online since craft markets tend to only be around holidays and idk how ill eat in the meantime. Im going to make a line of dino felts including hopefully Spinosaurus, velociraptor and others! His eyes are alot easier to make out in person you can see the irises and orange better ive been trying to get it to pick up for ages now…
Also wondering if i should go with cartoony eyes like my old models or these more cutsy realistic ones, my irl friends like the realistic ones but i think the old ones have more personality but idk
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drawotion · 10 months
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A recent character design that popped into my mind and is now my new character, a little pin cushion spider with endless supply of thread & yarn~!
Their name is Trico.
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y2kazoo · 3 months
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HELLO!!!!! ive been very busy with a lot of projects at the moment, both academic + personal. recently as a way to cool down from all that heavier stuff, i revived an old story of mine and decided to turn it into something more casual and fun! its now called quick thrills at plainville (qtapv for short) and its been really enjoyable to work on this in the background of my larger projects. it probably wont manifest in something Super Big as again its just for fun, but even if its just a bunch of tidbits and silly antics its still a blast! theres more info on it and a basic summary of its premise + more character info and refs over on my toyhouse over here. i heavily recommend checking it out, as theres already way too much material for it than i can put in one singular post LOL
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carrotkicks · 11 months
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[sends them to school!]
1 : nap time
2 - 4 : dazai asks mori about the family business. for a friend.
5- 8 : dazai's unnamed friends want in on the tea.
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