#victoria gray
jhdanes · 1 month
MINI COMIC UPDATE! || AU-GUST 2024 || TUESDAY, 13. August || 2024
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☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆ 𖤓 WEBSITE𖤓 SUPPORT𖤓 TIKTOK 𖤓☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆ Day 13 found footage and … ? @augustwritingchallenge for #AU_gust_2024
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
Primrose Gray’s Legacy, Act One: The Younger Years, Chapter Four: The Arrangement
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A/N: Finals are finally over and holidays are over the horizon, so this series will get my undivided attention. Expect more of this series after the long radio silence! 
Summary: Primrose’s life takes a drastic change that will mark her youth 
OCs featured: William Devlin ( @unfortunate-arrow​ ) Henry of Alderly ( @gaygryffindorgal​ ) and his family 
OCs mentioned: The Stolberg-Burkes (also Gryff) the Coventries and the Hastings ( @camillejeaneshphm​ ) the Aldens ( @cursed-herbalist​ ) 
Warnings: A bit of classism of the era 
Word Count: 2.2k 
Taglist: @gaygryffindorgal​ @nicos-oc-hell​ @slytherindisaster​ @camillejeaneshphm​ @hphmmatthewluther​ @thatravenpuffwitch​ let me know if you want me to either add you or remove you!! 
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Vincent Gray had been invited to a gentlemen-only soiree, and wanting to escape the women’s scheming, he was gladdened to accept. It seemed like finally he was being accepted in high society by his fellow male peers, a bit tired of ambitious mamas.
Especially he was escaping his wife’s machinations. He could still recall their argument later in the morrow.
“Why can’t you see how advantageous this match could be?!” She shouted “Our daughter would be protected and no one would doubt her claim! Maria Elisabeth married a duke herself.”
“Yes, and that duke ruled her and Winbourne! Just like Frederick was the one taken into account while Henriette remained in the shadows.”
Victoria looked at him “What do you have against the Alderlies, exactly?”
“They are Hanoverians, Vicky!” He cried out “You know what happens to their wives! Everybody does!”
“Are you implying that Henry is not enough husband for our girl?”
“Henry’s a good lad. I’m more worried about his parents and close peers. And the fact that they’d likely swallow the estate into theirs and centuries of work would go to the seven hells!”
Victoria raised her hands “What do you suggest, then? Anyone in mind?”
“Yes. Someone who doesn’t have ties or a title to tend. Someone who will not stand in the way of her claim. Perhaps in the Wizarding World.”
Victoria turned back at him and slowly came close to him “I am the viscountess here, and our daughter will marry whom I say, end of the discussion.”
Vincent sighed, rubbing his temples. Then, suddenly, a thump woke him from his trance and saw a rather tipsy Lord Carlisle greeting him “Ah, Lord Vincent, what a surprise!”
“My lord. What brings you here?”
“Well, I’ve heard that you are looking for a groom for your girl. I have a ward her age. Shy, likes drawing and quiet. His name is William.”
Vincent’s eyebrows shot up in amusement “Are you proposing your… ward for my girl?”
He nodded, gulping another drink “You see, I’ve heard, and correct me if I’m wrong, that you wish for your daughter to marry someone who won’t stand in the way of her claim. The boy has no noble ties, no title or a name to tend to. I’m happy to educate him to be her shadow and know his place as her future husband.”
“People will talk.” Vincent remarked.
“And will you listen to what they say, my lord? It could be an advantageous match…”
Vincent observed the man for a minute, taking in everything he said. The rumours were everywhere that he was the boy’s father, and it’d cause some trouble for Primrose, but perhaps, if they were engaged, the people wouldn’t doubt him as much.
“Lord Paul, how about if you come see me this Tuesday at four o’clock so we can discuss this properly?”
He smiled, shaking his hand “I’ll be there.”
“Let us hope you remember.” He joked.
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For the next months, Paul and Vincent discussed back-and-forth how their engagement would work.
“…Of course, Primrose will be the head of the house.”
“…It’ll be wise that they have separate bank accounts.”
“…Won’t have any obligations until they’re introduced in society.”
“…Eighteen would be a good age for him to propose.”
“…Must learn in the meantime the history of the Somersets.”
“…In exchange for her hand I can give you…”
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Right a few weeks before the boy’s ninth birthday, they had already settled a contract and would meet to sign it properly, everything planned and agreed. But secretly, he had been in the lookout for any other bachelor who’d pop up.
On Victoria’s point of view, not only the Alderlies had proposed their son, the Coventries and the Aldens had proposed their respective sons. Victoria had rejected the second, for he was a bit old for her tastes and had heard that he had already picked his future bride. When the scandal of the only Coventry boy and heir being homosexual came out, Victoria wrote to them rejecting their prospect.
Another families had stepped up, offering their sons that were her age. Vincent had investigated the Greek boy, Adonis, and Victoria had liked the di Napoli boy, Ernest, if she recalled correctly. But Ernest’s family was problematic and the Greek boy didn’t have the qualities he looked for a groom in his daughter, so they were rejected as well.
In the end, he was where he started: with the Devlin boy as the final prospect. Legitimacy controversies aside, they were a good match: he was just as intelligent, knowing French as well, a capital student and in the way of becoming a sportsman. It was definitely better this way, with someone unimportant in the eyes of society so he wouldn’t outshine his girl, the important piece in the chess.
Soon, Paul called proposing a dinner at his estate to see if they’d match after their speculations and also have a celebration for their ninth birthdays, since they were very close in age. He was quick to accept and told Victoria of his intrigues. The response was a Romanian vase being thrown to his head, which he hardly missed.
“YOU ENGAGED MY DAUGHTER TO A BASTARD?! WITHOUT CONSULTING ME?!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. He had never heard her scream like that ever since last year, when she had miscarried their last child.
“I know how it seems, but we must see the bigger picture here—,”
“Oh, and what would that be?!”
“He is a good boy! A good student, intelligent, with no ambition or ties to any sort of state or title, the perfect husband that won’t outshine the important person here: Prim!”
“I don’t see why she shouldn’t marry someone of rank! Or with an actual fortune! Last night the Stolberg-Burkes called. They consider their son a worthy groom of our daughter, and so do I! And it’s never too late for Henry!”
“Please, give the Devlin boy a chance.”
Victoria scoffed “You’ve made your decision. Go on, tell me what the hell have you plotted now.”
He looked down, ready for the shouting “We have signed a contract. We only need your signature.”
Silence. Then, ruffling movement of skirts. Then, another vase was thrown, and he had to duck this time “Victoria, enough!” He cried.
He nodded, anger and bitterness building up “And I am just the lucky sperm-man who gave you what you needed to continue it, am I not?”
Victoria realised what she had said, and started to try form a sentence. He didn’t give her a chance. He instead left, slamming the door close. He didn’t hear Victoria’s sobs, but could tell that he’d be sleeping in the guest room.
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8th of July, 1889
Victoria had dressed in the Somerset blue and black, while Vincent had dressed the Slytherin green and both seemed distant to one another. Many children had been invited to their joint birthday party. Primrose, thankfully, was a good girl and was happy to share her birthday bash with someone else and make a new friend. They were now speaking to one another in French, and while weary of her presence, he seemed to like her well enough. Primrose, was, of course, intrigued by him and why the sudden interest on a minor noble family. Henry was quick to snatch her to play, and invited William along.
They ran off to the gardens, which weren’t as grand as the ones in Winbourne, but still nice to look at. Lord Paul was, of course, trying to win over Victoria, showering her with compliments and the sort of flattery, but Victoria was as cold as the Antarctica itself, offering cold and calculated smiles and dry ‘thank you’. She glared to her husband from time to time, muttering things about the decoration of choice and how one could tell that the place lacked a woman to take care of things properly.
“I’d be much obliged to tell you all about the bachelorettes who are in the lookout for a… humble husband like yourself, my lord.” She smiled, clearly trying to get a raise out of him, but it seemed that Vincent had warned him. He smiled tightly, raising his glass.
Louise leaned and whispered something about a portrait of the late viscount and Victoria laughed coldly. She looked back at the garden, where Georgia helped Primrose up and observed a quiet William drifting away. She wondered why wasn’t he following probable orders to impress the girl.
“Vicky, dear, have I ever told you about my nephew Caspian Hastings? He is available, a future marquess to the Hastings line and very much a bachelor…”
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Primrose had decided to follow the Devlin boy into a hayloft and observed he was drawing something under his shirt, focused on it.
“What are you drawing?” She asked.
The boy looked up and cleared his throat, raising a bit his sketchbook “Nothing. Aimlessly drawing.”
Primrose showed her hands “I understand if you don’t want to show. I know we’ve been introduced, but with all that noise… I’m Lady Primrose Gray of Winbourne.” She extended her hand.
“William Devlin.” He shook her hand.
She sat in front of him, a respectful distance between them “It seems like our fathers wanted us to meet. Do you think he’s fishing for allies?”
“He is… that is, he is not my father, he is my guardian.”
“…Of course, my apologies. What are your theories on this whole soiree?”
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There had been several events, and Primrose had seen for herself some suitors from her mother, and had done her best to impress everyone with her piano and harp skills, which she had practised. According to Bea, men were inclined to women who had a good sense of music and who looked pristine and put-together, so she always chose sensible colours for her presentation. The Devlin boy had been invited, but he was not present. Probably sketching somewhere.
Someone went to fetch him. Her father was going to make an announcement. Primrose looked at Henry, and he looked at her too. Perhaps they’ve finally reached an agreement? Everyone looked at her father expectantly, a choking silence filling the room.
“As you know, my wife and I have been looking for a suitable groom for our little treasure, and we like to think we’ve found the perfect man for it. Hence, I have decided to announced the engagement of my daughter, the Lady Primrose… to William Devlin, Lord Carlisle’s ward.”
Her mother said nothing, perhaps bracing herself for something.
“I’m sorry?!” Duchess Louise cried.
“This is outrageous! Victoria, you told us that we were your first priority!” Duke Thomas argued. Henry just sank in his seat.
“Hah! I can think of better men here than that—,”
“THAT’S ENOUGH!” Primrose cried. William, who had been trying to withdraw, had been seized by Primrose’s hand, and she looked defiantly at the adults. She was playing a big gamble, but William did not deserve this “It was my choice,” she declared “my father presented me with all of the candidates and I chose Mr. Devlin. I chose him, not my parents. I understand your anger, but I will not allow you to insult my bridegroom.” She lifted her chin, and William looked at her, bewildered. Everyone sat down, and she swore the duke downed his glass. “From now on, you will speak to him with respect, for my sake and Winbourne’s.”
Henry stood up and lifted his glass “To Lady Primrose and Mr. Devlin, then.” The other candidates soon followed.
As they began whispering, William finally left, taking the chance that her grip had nearly vanished and Primrose followed. She chased him to the gardens. He noticed her and turned around “Why did you do it?”
“They were insulting you, sir. I couldn’t allow it. The choice is made. We will marry when we are older, and it is our duty to look out for the other.”
Something in his face flickered, and his shoulders softened “Thank you. I don’t think anybody has defended me that way before.”
Primrose smiled tightly, and nodded “I will leave you to your own thoughts. You know where to find me.”
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Primrose walked to her room, already retiring to bed, when she found her mother there. She looked like she had aged a thousand years. She motioned her to sit with her “What you did today was brave. Not many would’ve defended a boy like him with such fierceness and bravery. But we can put an end to this if you wish. The Stolberg-Burke’s offer still stands…”
“No. I want it to leave it the way Papa has done. Besides, I think that I can finally do something good with my title. I think that his tie to me protects him from rumours.”
Victoria smiled widely and kissed her head soundly “When did my girl become so benevolent and wise?”
Primrose leaned on her mother and didn’t hear Victoria mutter “I will find a way out of this farce. You will marry for love, even if it’s the last thing I achieve, so help me God.”
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elainiisms · 29 days
that girl literally has big sad brown eyes like a baby deer and you expect me to be normal about her?????
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girllblogging777 · 3 months
if i had a nickel everytime i read a romantasy book about a poor girl from the streets who got picked to participate in a trial between rich kids with superpowers, while having to live at the palace where the two brothers fell in love with her before she betrayed them and ran away, i'd have two nickels.
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Oscar Wilde must be turning in his grave at this. I cannot possibly understand how these show runners read this marvellous book and thought of them as 'brothers'. This could have been a good exploration of their relationship in an age where homosexuality is not viewed quite like it was during Wilde's time. There is no PICTURE of Dorian Gray without Basil's fascination and love present.
It is horrifying to see this beautiful story potentially butchered and displayed where it will be accessible to millions, most of whom have probably never read or even heard of Oscar Wilde and his works.
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kosherplasmid · 7 months
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Victoria Blessington and Bella Baxter.
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10 things Henry Wotton does that scare and confuse me
Does not engage with Dorian’s antisemitism
To paraphrase MandaloreGaming, “[Henry] not being [antisemitic and/or] racist feels almost like a plot hole.”
In fact, Henry is the only one to treat Sybil’s manager like a human being.
“Lord Henry, upon the other hand, rather liked him. At least he declared he did, and insisted on shaking him by the hand and assuring him that he was proud to meet a man who had discovered a real genius and gone bankrupt over a poet.”
This isn’t even him being mocking, we have seen that Henry doesn’t mock in such an involved way—he prefers to talk shit afterwards (not counting Basil :( ).
Says a ton of misogynistic shit, but never takes a misogynistic action
You would expect a guy as supposedly misogynistic as Henry to be offended and insult every woman who argues against him, but he just talks with them and genuinely takes them seriously. He tries to convince them of his ideas, but if they don’t believe him, he doesn’t push it.
Implied to have close relationships with sister and his aunt.
Gwendolyn is the only sibling that is named and that is because she is the only one he makes a point to hang out with.
Same with Aunt Agatha.
Is possibly implied to have gotten at least a bit annoyed with Dorian sleeping with Gwendolyn (his sister). *this is based off the way Dorian reacts after Basil brings it up. Considering that entire moment was added in the 1891 ver, it’s certainly interesting, but nothing definitive, so take this with a grain of salt!
Has a decent relationship with his wife
Based on the fact Victoria was able to divorce him at all, he respected her enough to not put up a legal fight (divorce in England was difficult as fuck because women essentially became property to their husbands. They didn’t own anything and couldn’t even bring up a case without a man doing so. The fact Victoria was able to do so and the fact no other family members are mentioned, implies he brought the case to court for her, thus making the divorce process much easier than it ever would have been)
Always involves the women who enter discussions with him. 
He never once objects to them out nor insults them or makes them feel inferior or otherwise unwelcome. Constantly, he cheekily, but genuinely, suggests that the women he speaks with should have their own ‘fun’ regardless of the scandal involved. Recall that Victorian society characterized women as only valuable as wives and less than human. Henry is actively inviting women to be just as bad as men, thus seeing them at the same level as men. 
More so, in chapter 17, his banter with the duchess is not done so mockingly. Like his early conversations with Basil, Henry entertains and elaborates on her ideas, never once dismissing her. Even when he points out things she’s gotten wrong in his perspective, he does so playfully, which we actually haven’t seen him do with anyone except for Basil.
The entire scene with the Duchess of Monmouth in chapter 18. 
Henry is strangely gentle and compassionate with her in a way we have never seen him be with anyone (even Dorian!). He is genuine with her in a way that is comforting, he compliments her, makes her laugh, and, weirdly, warns her not to enter a scandal.
Owns a parrot.
Is pretty accurate on the importance of youth in society
Ever since the 1960s, youth culture has absolutely dominated social norms
The concept of teenagers and childhood were created because companies realized they could sell shit to you.
Is constantly criticizing marriage because of how it limits relationships between the men and women involved. 
This is novel because marriage was an expectation of Victorian Society, especially for someone in Henry’s class. The fact he actively despises it and recommends against it would be one of the many many things that would paint him as amoral to everyone else.
“the one charm of marriage is that it makes a life of deception absolutely necessary for both parties.”
“there are other and more interesting bonds between men and women. I will certainly encourage them.”
 Disclaimer: this is headcanon: Would probably say, “I’m going to live forever” and immediately get hit by a bus.
I don’t have evidence for this, it just feels right.
Bibliography because I reference historical shit and hbomberguy has reawakened the fear of accidentally plagiarizing i have had since i was six (but i am not doing this in some college style, because ewww)
MandaloreGaming: Anonymous Agony: An Extra Edgy Adventure Game
Shanspeare: Life Doesn’t End in Your 20s: The Myth of the Teenage Dream (for the childhood part)
Mary Lyndon Shanley: Feminism, Marriage, and the Law in Victorian England, 1850-1895 (for the divorce part)
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lilith-chwan · 1 month
some stamps
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
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Alina Mikelova, m. George Somerset IV, 1876
Victoria Somerset, m. Vincent Gray, 1877
Primrose Gray, m. Lord Stolberg-Burke, 1900
tagging @gaygryffindorgal who owns Mal
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hailskhair · 11 days
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like or reblog
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softkiseu · 1 year
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garadinervi · 9 months
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Eileen Gray, Carpet Design, (gouache on paper), ca . 1925 (made) [Victoria and Albert Museum, London]
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rosquinn · 1 month
what do you mean netflix is making a tpodg adaptation and making basil and dorian brothers what
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home-phoenix · 26 days
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Victoria and Albert Museum. London.
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artnarchistwitchcraft · 5 months
poor things book vs movie
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idk finally saw the movie and read the book and had thoughts
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j1992hutch · 2 months
im bored so here are my comfort people!!
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