#oc: soleil yang
therealmofamorus · 4 months
Original Male Crossover Stud AU
What would happen if Nami sent a pic or vid of her riding Ren once again for anyone who has feelings for Ren? How would those four individuals take it?
Nora and Yang: Pure Unadultered Berserker Rage
Navy and Velvet: Silent Murderous Rage
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hotpotrandomfics · 1 year
Nightmare Shenanigans with Rory: Beacon Dance
Ciel: Nightingale?
Rory: How many times do we have to be over this? You can call me “Rory”, using my last name makes me feel if I’m in trouble.
Ciel: Rory, I have proposition. You and I go to the dance.
Rory: Are you asking me out?
Weiss: Excuse me, Rory, I was wondering if you’d accompany me to the dance.
Rory: Uhh…
Ciel: Apologize Miss Schnee, but he will be accompanying me to the dance.
Weiss: You? Surely, you’re joking.
Ciel: Well, he and I are more acquainted than you. Isn’t that correct, Rory?
Weiss: He’s been quite open to me and I’d say we have a close bond, right Rory?
Rory: Um, I uhhh… I don’t know… please stop yelling…
Weiss: He’s going with me!
Ciel: No, with me!
*Suddenly, Rory wakes up in his bed*
Flint: You good man? You were screaming.
Rory: Yeah, bad nightmare.
Flint: Was it the girls fighting again?
Rory: Yep.
Flint: You really gotta learn to say “no.”
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madmanwonder · 2 years
(Ask) Homeroom Teacher AU: Jaune is there any mothers of yours students that flirt with you? If so which ones are the ones that usually flirting with you?
"Too many to count. Too many to count. Especially the likes of Bleiss and Navy and Vernal and Yang and Emerald.”." Replied Jaune as he held her face utterly done with those of two ladies.
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meteor-spark · 3 years
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thenamesreader · 4 years
NAME: Jade Belladonna
GENDER: Female
RACE: Faunus
AGE: (V4-V6) 17
(Atlas Arc) 18
(Vacuo Arc) 19
HEIGHT: 5′4″
EYE COLOR: Left: Blue; Right: Green
HAIR: Short and dark blue-green
OCCUPATION: Student at Shade Academy
PERSONALITY: Jade is kind, dorky, mischevious, and witty. She’s also brash and somewhat impulsive.
SEMBLANCE: Boulderdash
It’s basically geokinesis. She’s still learning all she can do with it, but so far she’s been able to cause small earthquakes, make objects out of sand, and throw rocks at people with her mind. She’s also summoned pillars of earth to hit people when she’s annoyed. She can use it for long periods of time but that ultimately drains her and she might pass out if not careful with it.
PARTNER: Sonia Seraph
WEAPON(s): Lapis and Agate- Two twin dust-infused katanas, one blue and the other green, that have retractable blades. The scabbards can be used as pistols.
HISTORY: Jade is the younger cousin to Blake Belladonna and only daughter to Tendua and Bismuth Belladonna. She and Blake practically grew up together. They were always with each other as their family moved from place to place. At the age of 11, after Blake ran off with Adam, her family moved. Her father believed it was the right thing to do since the White Fang was different under Sienna’s rule and he wasn’t too fond about it. She was particularly hurt by Blake’s actions, but she kept her hurt to herself.
After moving to Vacuo, her life seemed to get even worse after discovering that her father had an affair and then her parents getting divorced right after. Her older brother, Sphene, became distant and angry for a while. He claimed he never wanted to see him again. Jade felt betrayed, as well. But despite this, her father was still very involved in her life.
After a few months, her brother applied to Coquina Oscuro Academy to learn how to be a Huntsman. Jade thought it was pretty cool and always asked him to teach her the stuff he learned. After he graduated Coquina, he went off to Shade, while Jade applied for Coquina to follow in his footsteps.
At the age of 16, Jade watched with ever-increasing dread as the Fall of Beacon started while she was watching the Vytal Tournament on live television. First was watching as Mercury Black got his leg broken and then the death of Penny before her mother turned it off. With that, she became even more determined to become a Huntress.
After graduating, Jade went to Shade and passed the entrance exam with flying colors and became leader of Team JSPR. She clicked with her team pretty well, especially Phoenix Soleil and her partner, Sonia Seraph. They soon all became the best of friends, Jade and Phoenix starting a romantic relationship by their second-year.
Jade is currently a third-year at the Academy and works as a teacher’s aid at Coquina during the summer.
Unlike her siblings, Jade still has a pretty strong relationship with her father after their parents' divorce. She knows that he regrets it and wishes he could change it. She was always quite understanding of people and their actions even when they didn’t make sense to others. She gets very excited when he visits and was happy when he told her he was in the dating pool again.
Jade has a stronger relationship with her mother than her father and absolutely adores her. She’s always wanting to help her mother out and always visit home on the weekends to see her since she gets homesick so easily. Her mother has always been a big part of her life and has always been an inspirational figure in her life. Sometimes people can’t tell if the two are mother and daughter or sisters because of how close they are.
Jade loves her older brother with all her heart. She looks up to him so much and followed in his footsteps to become a Huntress. Sphene and Jade might have drastically different personalities- Sphene being stoic and quiet while Jade is loud and brash- they are the best of siblings. Sphene is highly protective, though, and does background checks on everyone she associates with.
Jasper is Jade’s younger sibling. They and Jade get along pretty well. Because they are blind, Jade tends to be gentler with them so they don’t get hurt. While Jas is appreciative, they get annoyed when they feel like Jade goes too far with it. Otherwise, the two have a typical sibling relationship.
Crystal (Crys)
Crys is the youngest of the four siblings and the absolute sweetest. But, he can be just as mischevious as his older siblings. He and Jade love to hang out and he always gets excited when she visits home on her breaks. Because of his deafness, Jade is fairly fluent in sign language and the two use it to talk about people behind their backs if they’re being assholes.
Ghira is another of Jade’s role models. Her mother comments that she gets her stubbornness from him since she and her father are nothing like that. Since she was always around her Uncle Ghira when she was little, she always loved him. When she was younger, she was always trying to wear her uncle’s clothing or imitating his speeches. She sometimes memorized them, too.
Kali is pretty much Jade’s second mom. Jade often thinks that if her aunt hadn’t gotten with Ghira, Tendua would’ve been her perfect match. Kali’s always giving her great advice and is always loving on her. But, unlike her mother, Kali will let her get away with things she would usually never get away with. Like pulling pranks on certain teachers or saying things that she shouldn’t have said.
Jade and Blake are thick as thieves. Jade might’ve been hurt when Blake ran off with Adam, but she still lived her. Once Blake came to Vacuo, she was excited to see her. They act a lot like sisters, too. Blake isn’t afraid to tease her about certain things and the two tend to playfully wrestle with each other, the older of the two coming out on top most of the time.
Significant Other
Phoenix Soleil
Phoe is Jade’s soulmate. These two idiots are always getting themselves in trouble and always have each other’s backs. When one is sad, the other is there to cheer them up. When the other is angry, the other is there to calm them down. They love to be around each other all the time and get somewhat anxious when one has to go on a mission without them.
Sonia Seraph
Sonia is Jade’s best friend and can be highly protective of her because of Sonia’s naïveté. When they had met, they had clicked instantly. Jade was a bit wary at first, considering Sonia was an Atlas elite, but got rid of that wariness when the other girl proved to be quite kind.
Jade really cares about Sonia. An example of that is when Sonia’s older brother died during their first year. Jade had offered to go with her to Atlas, but Sonia had told her that she didn’t want Jade to miss anything. Throughout Sonia’s grieving, Jade was by her side until she felt better.
Sonia’s done the same with Jade whenever she started getting homesick or missing Menagerie, making the two the best of friends.
Rogue Hellion
Rogue was an interesting person to Jade. He’s strange, yes, but he was pretty nice to her. They bonded over their love of animals and Jade introduced him to her dog, Coal, when she went home once.
Domino is Jade’s best friend from Coaquina. Domino didn’t have many friends and was a bit of a recluse. Because of the skunk faunus’ low self-esteem, she was an easy target for bullies. After saving her from said bullies, Jade and Domino became good friends.
Yang Xiao Long
Jade really likes Yang. She thinks she’s pretty nice for Blake. Way better than Sun. Or Adam for that matter.
Ruby Rose
Jade and Ruby get along easily being able to relate to the struggles of being the younger sibling and Jade treats her like her little sister, too.
Weiss Schnee
Jade became quick friends with the Schnee. She was glad that a Schnee was working close with a Belladonna when they met.
Sun Wukong
Jade does not like Sun. She finds him a nuisance and was very upset when learning he followed Blake to Menagerie. She can only tolerate him so much before needing to go somewhere else.
Neptune Vasillas
She doesn’t like him, either. She dislikes him more than Sun because he continuously flirted with her even after she told him he had a boyfriend.
Sage Ayana
Jade seems to get along with him pretty well. They became friends after a patrol mission in the city.
Scarlet David
Jade gets advice about boys and makeup from him. Though, she’s not that into makeup.
Coco Adel
Jade and Coco’s relationship is pretty much that of a fan and a celebrity. Jade loves her fashion sense and is always asking her questions about how she looks that good all the time.
Velvet Scarlantina
After hearing that she was Blake’s upperclassmen, she became interested. Since she hadn’t heard from Blake in years, she wanted to learn everything about their relationship. She was kind of surprised that Blake had left the White Fang and laughed when she heard that her cousin had tied up a whole team of bullies just to help Velvet. Jade is very fond of Velvet and can’t get over how sweet she is.
Jade has dyslexia and dysgraphia. She gets frustrated with it a lot and gets even more frustrated when teachers treat her differently.
Jade might dislike Sun, but she was the one to stop her older brother from killing him.
Jade is not afraid to fight Blake over tuna. She thinks it’s fun to playfully wrestle with Blake.
Jade is terrified of cucumbers
Jade’s glad that Shade doesn’t have gendered uniforms. She always felt uncomfortable in skirts or dresses.
When Jade gets mad, you better run. You do not want to be caught in her sights.
The amount of times Jade’s used her semblance on Neptune are too many to count.
Jade’s favorite colors happen to be orange and purple.
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cryptic-selfships · 5 years
F/O List (as of Sept 2019)
Figured I'd try to compile a list of f/o's, and share with everyone. I'll try to include ship names where I can.
Yang Xiao Long (Burning Skies)
Weiss Schnee (Tsunderstorm)
Nora Valkyrie (Hammer Time)
Neo Politan (Hot Fudge Sundae)
Penny Polendina (can't think of a ship name XD)
Blake Belladonna (Black Flames)
Fire Emblem
Corrin (Altered Fates)
Tharja (Blaze of Darkness)
Soleil (working on it don't worry)
Ophelia (Destined Stars)
Severa/Selena (Scarlet Warriors)
Marina (Splatoon)
Princess Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
Oka Ruto (YanSim) (fite me)
I think that's everyone for now. This list doesn't include OCs of fan kids I may have created, that may come at another time.
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scrabbleknight · 6 years
Had this idea where RWBY characters play roles in the MCU. 
So, this is what I assume to be the roles for team RWBY.
Ruby Rose: Captain America
Yang Xiao Long: Winter Soldier
Weiss Schnee: Iron-Man
Blake Belladonna: Black Panther
And then there’s team JNPR.
Jaune Arc: Ant Man
Pyrrha Nikos: The Wasp
Nora Valkyrie: Thor Odinson
Lie Ren: Doctor Strange
There’s some others for the Avengers.
Penny Polendina: Vision
Sun Wukong: Hawkeye
Ciel Soleil: Black Widow
Mercury Black: Quicksilver
Emerald Sustrai: Scarlet Witch
Arslan Altan: The Hulk
Winter Schnee: Warmachine
Neptune Vasilias: Falcon
Oscar Pine: Spider-Man
The cast from the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Coco Adel: Peter Quill / Starlord
Fox Alistair: Gamora
Velvet Scarlatina: Rocket Racoon
Yatsuhashi Daichi: Drax the Destroyer
Maybe a Treant Grimm?: Groot
Raven Branwen: Yondu Udonta
Vernal: Nebula
Shay D. Mann: Kraglin Obfonteri
Roman Torchwick: Loki, God of Mischief
Whitley Schnee: The Mandarin
Cinder Fall: Red Skull
Adam Taurus: Killmonger
Leonardo Lionheart: Senator Stern
Salem: Thanos
Jacques Schnee: Howard Stark
Ozpin: Nick Fury
Glynda Goodwitch: Maria Hill
Neopolitan: Valkyrie
The ones I didn’t specify is because I couldn’t think of one. So, I guess OCs or someone from the existing cast.
This is just a list I made for fun. I might expand this if I find some ideas. Maybe tweak the timeline a bit.
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meteor-spark · 3 years
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tessasocs · 3 years
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hey loml 🥺 can i get a fact each about ur new tw ocs?
Of course you can bby!
Josie Argent:
Her mom is Kate Argent but her dad is a mystery, the only person who knows is Gerard, which is part of the reason he treats her so horribly. Chris is definitely the father figure in her life and while she and Allison don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, Josie can't imagine her life without her. She's also an amazing hunter, although she prefers to use a crossbow and knives rather than a compound bow or a gun.
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Mackenzie Parrish:
Mackenzie is a vanth! It's a super cool figure from Etruscan mythology. She's like a Fury, except instead of being vengeful, she guides supernatural creatures to the underworld in the event of their death. It's a lot like Bonnie in TVD when she became the anchor and in order to pass from this world, a supernatural creature needs to come into contact with Mackenzie and she has to be present the exact moment they die. It's super depressing but I love what I have planned for her. Also she and Derek went to high school together.
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Margot Dunbar:
Margot is definitely the Lydia of the new trio. She's incredibly popular, dated the hottest and most popular guy before transferring to Beacon Hills High and is HELLA SMART, although you wouldn't know it by looking at her. In a fun little parallel to Stydia, Margot had the biggest crush on Mason when she was younger before he came out but even then she never cared, because it only strengthened their bond.
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Soleil Yang:
Soleil moves to town the same year Liam transfers and almost immediately starts crushing on him. Her mom works at the local university studying and teaching occult sciences and the two are closer than sisters. No one really knows what happened to Soleil's dad, although her mom told her that he died in an electrical accident just after she was born. Soleil and Margot are best friends.
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