starrystories2 · 2 years
Snippet of my current WIP
“I spy-”
CT-782 sighed deeply.
“-With my little eye-”
“-something blue.”
“If it’s the kriffin ocean for the fifteenth time, I will toss you into it,”
Fives chuckled as he watched the two devolve into petty squabbling for the tenth time this shift.
“And this is why I hate perimeter duty,” Echo muttered, somewhat to fives but mostly to himself.
It always ended the same. CT-782 got restless, which made him irritated. CT-4040 got bored, tried to entertain himself, and annoyed CT-782 into bickering. Droidbait sat in a corner, and it was 50/50 whether he was daydreaming or keeping watch. Fives liked to spectate CT-782 and CT-4040 going at each other’s throats, so Echo was the only one actually doing their job. 
“What do you expect me to do?” 4040 was saying, “Be silent and boring like Echo?”
Luckily Echo was too used to those comments to care. 
“YES!” 782 replied. “At least pretend you’re as miserable as the rest of us! Nothing ever happens on perimeter duty!”
“Which is why we can relax a bit!” 4040 protested.
“Yes, but quietly!” 782 countered. “Too loud, and we’ll alert others that we’re not really keeping watch.”
“Five credits, one of them ends up in the ocean,” Fives whispered to him.
“You don’t even have five credits, Fives.” Echo countered at equal volume, fighting everything in himself to lecture his two bickering brothers on protocol. It would only escalate the situation further. Nearly every time that happened, they were given cleaning duty for the next two weeks. He’d rather not spend more time in the communal refreshers than needed.
“Okay, I bet five hypothetical credits that one ends up in the ocean,” Fives amended, “You want in?”
“You don’t even know what ‘hypothetical’ means!”
“I do too, or I wouldn’t have used it!” Fives objected.
“Yeah, what about ‘sacrilegious’? You were using it for at least a week before you knew what it meant.”
“I bet five hypothetical credits that you’re ending up in the ocean, you sacrilegious mir'sheb,”
“That’s still not how you use the word, and you couldn’t lift me,” Echo replied, only half fighting the smile spreading on his face. That was the only good part about perimeter duty, just quiet banter between him and his twin.
 “That a challenge?” Fives asked, raising an eyebrow.
This is from chapter three of my fic Half Pint Full or Empty? I’ll leave the link below if anyone is interested. Fair warning, it is mostly OC-centric so it won’t really feel like this until chapter three. Hope you guys enjoyed this bit though! https://archiveofourown.org/works/42813204/chapters/107550387
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The way I'm outlining this fic *narrows eyes* it feels like it's heading in the direction of a Severitus fic starring Snape's own OC daughter.
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robotslenderman · 2 years
[VTM] Fic: Eagle Eyed
Title: Eagle Eyed
Fandom: Vampire: the Masquerade
Adjacent Sub-Fandoms: Vampire: the Masquerade -- Night Road
Main Characters: Female Nosferatu OC
Summary: Kiwi only wanted to go home, but with her passport and license stolen and her own stubborn refusal to ask for help, she's stuck in the US running drugs to get a ticket back. Shame her employer's gotten her hooked on a brand new street drug Kiwi doesn't even know the name of.
And that's just the beginning of her troubles.
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
I've got one summary for you! “He was just a child when he arrived at the motherlobe. He was just a child when he reunited the psychic seven. He was just a child… when he is now broken… by you.”
TBH, I was struggling with which character I wanted to write this about. Whether it be Ford, one of Raz's family members... but it always felt wrong to go with canon characters. And then... she came back to me. I absolutely love this OC and need to write her story, but I really just want to write the bad scenes of her. Her being an awful person.
Triggers: Gaslighting, Isolation, Abuser POV
Honestly, Sandra Bell had never expected someone to be happy to see her. And yet, here he was. Sandra Bell also never expected someone so young either. Sandra Bell also never expected someone with such strong defenses.
He reached out to her and she felt his previous pain that he would never capitalize on. The words of "mad later, mission first" were imprinted on him. Hopefully, enough of her own words could cover it up to make him forget that.
He was just a child when he faced most of his trauma. A family who loathed him, a small group of friends that... well with how little he saw him could he really say they were his "friends"?, a girlfriend who he desperately loved... but Sandra managed to get him to feel like she was using him (thank goodness for her), a mentor that... well Sandra explained that he was also using him (to much better success given her own experience with Agent Nein), he brought together an old group that he also felt shaky relations with... and again Sandra capitalized on it.
What was one more trauma on top of it? Something to break him. Break him away from the Psychonauts, and the Motherlobe. As long as she was with him, she assured him he could do anything.
Including express himself. And if that included something along the lines of "if they don't want me at my worst, they don't deserve me at my best." She would always be there for him though. Willing to be in his mind and see. Each. Individual. Bridge. Burn.
How she and the Censors danced on the ashes of relationships she encouraged him to leave. Until she was the last remaining.
He was breaking and had no idea.
A toy smashed against the floor, with the smile and face in tact. A bird flying around a domed enclosure.
After all, if the bird doesn't know he's trapped and has enough room to roam, enough food and water to quench the needs, would he really believe he needs to leave?
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choccy-milky · 3 months
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MC doing what we all wished we could do (aka napping on the floor with ominis )😴💕
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cinna-rose · 5 months
Doing Our Life meme/text posts/whatever these are called! :)
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spinchip · 6 months
I keep making ocs with the prime goal of mixing it up and having a fan character that's tied to someone OTHER than Zane. And then they slowly morph into a Zane centric OC. I look at my ocs and go "oh I should make one not Zane focused" okay good luck with that, me. I'll check back in maybe six months from now and see how that's going for you. Oh they're Zanes best friend/ex/sibling? How surprising.
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inkopolis-connection · 9 months
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my half-sanitized agent Nate finally finds someone like him 🩷
(also I'm OBSESSED with the Pearl drone)
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dalvs-wife · 4 months
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was kind of a random venty comic but i think its important to mention that starlo and maiz are good friends !
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veinsfullofstars · 4 months
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“I. Am going. To kill that rat.” “What was that, Boss?” “I said, BACK TO YOUR POSTS NOW!” “Y-Y-Yes, sir, right away, sir!”
(ID: Kirby series fanart comic, Kintsugi AU, four borderless panels featuring Dark Meta Knight, Mirror Axe Knight, and Mirror Mace Knight, in which the latter two comment on their leader’s interesting new battle scars, much to his restrained dismay. Transcript below the cut. END ID.)
Good thing his minions aren’t the brightest bulbs in the bunch - otherwise they’d’ve found out about all the friendly hugs he’s been getting in his off-time.
(… this isn’t too much, is it? Stars, I hope not. I tried to keep it vague enough that it doesn’t have to mean anything spicy. Maybe it was just a very competitive game of tag. Or maybe DMK couldn’t quite reach an itch between his wings and Daroach got a bit overenthusiastic trying to help. Basically anything that could ruin his “big scary cool toughguy” reputation. As long as DMK is too embarrassed to admit to it in front of his crew, they’re all viable options, haha.)
Started 12/25/23, finished 12/28/23, updated 01/04/24. NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 01/04/24.
Panel 1
*DMK walking forward towards our left, M!Axe and M!Mace passing by in the opposite direction, M!Axe waves cheerily to DMK, who glances at them over his shoulder*
M!Axe: Oh, Boss, there you are! Hey, how was the fight? Didja win?
DMK: Hm? What’re you talking about?
Panel 2
*reverse shot of DMK, still glancing over his shoulder, several pink scratch lines can be seen on his back and the base of his wings, each in sets of three*
M!Mace: Got some new scratches on your back, Boss. Nasty ones, too, by the look of it.
M!Axe: (laughing, impressed) Ha! Musta been one heck of a scrap to leave marks like that! I’d hate to see what happened to the other guy, haha!
Panel 3
*front shot of DMK, his eyes shrunk to dots in realization, as a thought bubble hovers over his head - a simple headshot of Daroach, grinning roguishly beneath the shadow of his hat, showing off his claws as they glint sharply*
Panel 4
*front shot of DMK, sweating and glaring fixedly off to the side, eyes still shrunk, a vivid blush inside his visor, while M!Axe and M!Mace stand where they were before behind him, heads tilted in innocent confusion*
DMK: (strained) … … … Yes. … … A fight. … That’s what happened.
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marypsue · 5 months
Because TJ opened the floodgates, have some Fun Facts about the vampire girl gang:
There are three of them, because that's a proud tradition for Evil Woman friend groups from Greek mythology on down through Shakespeare all the way to Mean Girls. (Speaking of which, as of the time of the fic they appear in, they are of course actively engaged in trying to seduce a dark-haired, naïve newcomer to join their group and the Dark Side. What else would they be doing.)
Each of their characters' design is inspired by a specific era of alternative fashion - Leah, the leader, is styled after 2010s nugoth fashion, Taylor after 00s scene and emo, and Shae after Stevie Nicks and also 1990s romantigoth.
Their primary hangout is a dead mall, where they've...extensively redecorated what used to be the food court. They sleep in the service hallways behind the actual storefronts, where no sunlight can get in. Woe betide any urban explorers who break in trying to get cool pictures of the neon lighting and murals, and linger a little too long past sunset.
Of course they ride motorbikes.
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infernal-lamb · 9 months
i’d love to hear more about neves if you’re comfortable sharing :Dc
its so funny to get asked this knowing that I can't reveal too much about Neves without spoiling a bunch of things from my fic, despite that I would love nothing more to spill all her lore......what I CAN tell you is that she was sent to the Lands of the Old Faith for a very particular reason and she's kept safe by the Lamb for a reason too. She comes from a pastoralist/agrarian upbringing and spent the entirety of her life in this profession (hint hint). Livestock, land cultivation, and the demoralizing poverty in a society that does not value such work and considers it a degrading role for outliers! you know, the usual. She talks like a farmer and a butcher, which is how u get silly stuff like THIS happening when she's getting to know the Lamb and their Flock:
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(She's talking like a butcher here, which obviously is off-putting for the Lamb, mostly because they can't quite gather context, and she does....make a lot of jokes like this but. She's just human you know!)
Neves is firm in her convictions and is stubbornly attached to the idea of her own righteousness. She's just too smart to be misled.
She believes herself above indoctrination, of course.
She has too much wit
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too much rebelliousness
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She would never be a victim! That's Neves for you :) She'll survive the horrors.
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couch-house · 8 months
I figure now that we r in round 3, it would be a good time to expand on dog's deal specifically by explaining his context--bc he's very much defined by that + his story purpose, rather than his concept on its own! Welcome To My Beepo House.
tl;dr i made dog to be a friend-haver and a friend-maker and specifically be a friend for super :) a vote 4 dog in @sonic-oc-showdown is a vote for FRIENDS!
For beginner's context: for just under half the run of Fleetway Sonic the Comic, twisted evil killer Super Sonic is separated from Sonic physically, loses his chaos powers that compel him to violence, and ends up destitute in Metropolis Zone until a couple of minor characters take him in to live + work with them at the jazz cafe the Groovy Train. everyone say hi ebony and pyjamas :) I love the tension between this trio in how they approach the conflict of super sonic Being There, but ebony and pyjamas are also both adults and I see them as having more parental/grandparental relationships with him rather than real equal friends. so that's where dog and bebe come in :)
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this is part of a canon divergence au that keeps the groovy train dynamic largely in place, rather than ending it with the comic. in the canon ending, ebony casts a spell that merges super and sonic back into the same body. sonic conquers super and things are alright for the end of the story. okay well i dont like that so </3 instead in this au, ebony hides super by merging him into *herself.* they struggle to live together for a bit until a minor villain (lord sidewinder) comes in and separates them, once again trying to harness super's power for himself. well he fails and they kick his ass and such. after this, the conflict between super and ebony expands from some of the canon conflict + the new merger conflict annnd now he can go make new friends at the skate park :) by doing what he does best: being sad and wet and pathetic until someone with a big heart tries to help him out.
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i've been developing dog and bebe with the intent to make a nice balanced group between them: bebe is the Instigator, the Active member of the group, the hero-like, the leader. she's competitive, she's right, and she knows it! super's the rookie with crazy power, he's a fish-out-of-water most times but when it comes to a real fight he can be a heavy-hitter. he's cautious and deferential (canon low self-esteem behaviors), but he's coming into his own with the help of those around him. and doggy my special guy doggy is the mediator: she's the wingman and cheerleader, she's the helping hand that keeps everyone's heads cool. she's the first to trust and the first to forgive. she's a capybara: everyone's friend :)
ofc i hope dog's deal on his own is interesting enough to people! what if there was a capybara and he was nice and also silly :) but it feels so wrong to separate her from super... that's her buddy that's the reason i made her. my au characterizaiton of super doesn't get to happen from only knowing an older woman who believes he can do no wrong ever and an even older woman who doesn't quite trust him not to do wrong. he's gotta have a friend who doesn't care about all that super sonic stuff--in fact thinks super is just lying about most of it (that's okay, sometimes people need to lie about their lives and it doesn't make them bad or anything). someone who is willing to meet him without any of that baggage and openly invite him into friendship and a safer life :)
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its-sixxers · 2 years
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My dragonborn’s parents. Signe Tree-Speaker, priestess of Kyne, and Ruaidri of the Reach.
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mipwrites · 7 months
*pokes head in* Somebody order a Batboys snippet?
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airborneice · 6 months
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i'm late to this year’s art review thingy bc I had a reeeally busy december and then left my laptop behind when I came home so couldn’t finish any drawings or get my files 🥲 anyway I’ve been reunited with it now so!!!
it’s been a weird but mostly good year!! i started my first proper job in the anim industry and moved house twice. there’s tons of stuff i wanted to make this year but couldn’t find time for bc of the amount of. everything. going on all the time. it was actually a bit hard finding art to fill the spaces this year, which is why i had to stretch my little amount of sketchbook week stuff over two months. it’s been a little bit frustrating - i feel like i’ve learned so much from my job but i haven’t had much time to do anything to show it, but i guess that’s the trade-off. it’s cool being a small part of someone else’s idea but that means i get less time & energy for my own. i want to try and strike a better balance between the two this year and i really hope that soon i’ll be able to share the thing i’m working on i’m literally gonna die of excitement 😭
it’s been really cool getting to make more content of my ocs and see ppl enjoy it, you guys and the nice comments you leave are everything to me. i hope this new year is kind to everyone and thanks for sticking around <3
some of these i haven't posted so to give due credit -
*feb was a gift for @ewwgene-fitzherbert of our blorbos <3
*september is fanart of @the-hilda-librarians-wife’s amazing OC meiri. there will be more
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