#ocd tedtalk
applescabs · 2 months
"you have to pick one" "no nuance" "one option only" stop creating false dichotomies. free your mind.
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mappy-land · 2 years
Donnie is Autistic. Leo and Mikey both have ADHD. And Raph has OCD. Not a single turtle is neurotypical. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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boimgfrog · 3 years
Todoroki is asexual and gay ty for coming to my tedtalk
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cr0wprince · 4 years
I was looking for more things on Twitter people were saying about a TikToker that got cancelled (I hate cancel culture, another conversation, but thrive on the drama) and I found a thread where people were talking about Haikyuu “hot takes” and they were all so fucking bad, not to mention, just overly repeated. They were all so aggressive and it sounds like people just need to lighten up. I mean, ultimately fandom is what you make it (and I went looking through this, so that’s definitely my bad), but I feel like these people would definitely benefit from using filters and just blocking people. You wouldn’t be so stressed out over fandom if you just catered your experience better. I’m so glad I follow the right people on here. I don’t really talk to anyone (thanks anxiety) but you guys always seem so nice and chill and I definitely appreciate that.
#rachel’s rambling#oh god one that’s sticking out to me the most is ‘sakusa can’t have ocd because he plays a sport’#SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP#do you have ocd? like you can fucking do it with ocd??? like fuck off#you sound fucking stupid#I don’t talking about having ocd I’ve suffered since I was like 7 I’ve gotten lots of backlash from people in my personal life#it’s not fucking fun I have my ups and downs where it’s better sometimes#like when I was out of my house for like six months my symptoms cooled a lot and it felt so good#I think meds help too?? but ultimately my meds focus on my depression because like it’s more important I don’t feel suicidal#than like me feeling like I need to wipe my phone down or not being able to sit in certain spots of my home because they feel dirty#but anyway ocd with sports it’s possible!! I did dance for 15 years from the time I was 22 months old to 16#it’s not a clean environment you’re on the floor a lot it’s fucking filthy you’re sweaty it’s disgusting#but it’s fucking possible#I hate the way sakusa’s ocd is portrayed in fanon it’s made to be his whole personality sometimes and it’s just a thing that’s there???#it’s like any other mental illness and like I have a lot of rules for myself and they don’t make sense but it’s not my whole personality#and it shouldn’t be his and it’s totally possible to play sports!! Jesus Christ like people were talking about ableism#and I think that definitely counts#if anyone actually wants my view on my personal experience with ocd I’d be willing to discuss btw it’s not universal though of course#that’s not my only gripe but it’s the one that sticks out the most because it’s so personal#anyone I hate tedtalks but thanks for coming to mine ✌️#also I went back to the thread because I hate myself and they used germaphobe so I shouldn’t be surprised#please don’t use that#I mean maybe it’s just me but i kniw ive had a very negative history with the word and tbh I would assume people similar to me would
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dipplie · 4 years
OCD rant uwu
BRO the whole “water dripping from a faucet” example for OCD? SUCKS! I have better ones.
-Like a scab you have to pick off
-It’s like an itch, that only feels worse if you try to ignore it
-Imagine a puppy feeling anxious, and to deal with that anxiety they lick or scratch themselves to calm themselves. It does this normally now, but soon licking or scratching itself becomes harmful and starts to hurt the puppy, but it does it anyways because if it’s NOT doing it, it feels stressed, uncomfortable, and anxious, or even panicked and overwhelmed. So this habit is both comforting, and hurtful.
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foragecore · 7 years
im on five medications and a veritable smorgasbord of vitamins and supplements and i think it would be okay if it was only temporary... like you know when you go to the doctor and you've got an ear infection or strep throat or something and they say "here's the medication, take it for x weeks and you'll be good"? i wish it was like that but the reality is i might be on all this shit for my whole life and it feels so smothering. sure the idea of being able to leave my house and go to school and talk to people is liberating and all but i wish i didnt need all this help to be able to do it. i wish it was easy
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Look. Ingo and Emmet are autistic. They also have adhd and ocd (yes, both of them have both). Thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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ashdumpsterpile · 3 years
On reflection I do agree with your view that the 4 main characters in Lower Decks are all somewhat neurodivergent. Rutherford is definitely autistic (like me), Tendi comes across to me as autistic possibly with ADHD (I’m the same, along with crippling anxiety), as for Mariner and Boimler, I’m honestly not sure exactly what to say. But they’re definitely in the same metaphorical boat. Also, I don’t have the budget for it right now but I’d TOTALLY do a Tendi cosplay.
My personal headcanon is that Rutherford and Boimler are both autistic, with Boimler suffering from OCD and Rutherford from a generalized anxiety disorder. Mariner and Tendi are ADHD queens fr. Tendi probably has some form of bipolar disorder and Mariner canonically has PTSD
Anyway those are my neurodivergent hc for now, thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
Also would die to see you do a Tendi cosplay, godspeed obtaining moneys.
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peachy-pups · 3 years
Andrew Glouberman has OCD
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk
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scrawnytreedemon · 3 years
sorry if its a bit out of line for me to say this, but in the post about being unable to look at your fave characters' face, your reasoning in the tags made me feel like it could be ocd related. im not yet diagnosed but my friend who shares this problem of "if i like something Too Much i feel weirdly guilty/ashamed" is. it could totally not be that but if its a big problem for you (huge one for me, sometimes i get physically ill) it may be worth looking into. in any case know youre not alone!
First off, I want to thank you for your concerns! It means alot that people on this site look out for each other, and try to bring up potential causes. Thank you <3 You are very kind.
To get onto the wider issue, while there are parts of this linked to OCD(namely, Pure O OCD, which I have been struggling with horrendously), and the links to religious ‘sin,’ most of this, I imagine, is because when I was young, my siblings made fun of my hyperfixations-- Not out of any will, they were young children who, really, didn’t know anything better, and I’m a wuss who crumbles under the mere scent of disapproval --By far not the only reason, and, you have raised a good point in this being potentially more linked to OCD than I thought(thank you for that).
Honestly, pleasure being tied with guilt is something that runs so deep in me, I find it hard to even know where to look. Leaving Christianity has helped immensely, and I have uncovered much already, but even still, there’s probably plenty more to uncover.
That, and my favourite characters are edgy twats who I screech at every time they say something stupid-- Honestly, it’s just hit me that the reaction is akin to in-group embarrassment, which means I should look deeper into just how much I’ve attached myself to something this pointless-- Which now leads back into guilt and shame...
In either case, if you’ve read this, thank you fo coming to my TEDTalk.
And, yeah, sometimes it gets so bad I get physically ill, lmao. Not a reaction you should be having to edgy anime villains, honestly.
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feuilly-cakes · 4 years
Twilight: Life and Death - 3* review
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I want to start off on a good note, so I'll say this: I enjoyed this book. It was interesting to read and see all the changes, and there are some parts I actually love that are unique to this book. It's written differently than Twilight, with clunkier storytelling due to the POV and a few instances of Stephenie Meyer stating the obvious by showing and then immediately telling us what we've just seen like we collectively share one braincell between us all, but overall it was a fun read. Beau is his own character separate from the original character of Bella, Edythe is her own character separate from Edward, and from this point on I'll be referring to things in canon Twilight as 'Bella's twilight'. This all being said, there were some issues I found with this book too, and I'll discuss them at the end. Spoilers beyond this point Let's get into it! Beau Swan is bitter and sarcastic, has blue eyes, and self esteem so low it's digging holes. He chose to move to Forks but is also not happy about it. He's uncomfortable and confused that Charlie takes care of him by putting snow tires on his jeep, to the point he is still baffled by it when he nearly gets hit by a van. He's also observant, noticing pretty much everything about Edythe saving him, from her stopping the van with her bare hands to him being dragged out of the way, and the way she lifted the van didn't escape him either. After everything goes down as it did in Bella's twilight, Beau is convinced Edythe is playing a huge joke on him by talking to him at all. This is his character. Edythe is softer than her counterpart. She smiles more, is more relaxed, and swears apparently. We see her through Beau's eyes so we get to see her smaller than him and cuddling into his chest while at the same time having the strength to kill him with one slap. He thinks of her as Royal's little sister at one point. It's both adorable and amusing, and I genuinely want to read more stories where the mysterious vampire is a girl because of this. I'm all for genderswaps being pretty much exactly the same person no matter the gender, but this was such an interesting dynamic. To see how each character is different because they were socialised differently and have slightly altered life experiences was fascinating. There were a few things that changed that I have big opinions on: - Lady wolves. My opinion is Yes and also Wow. - The Port Angeles scene has Beau almost getting shot by people who thinks he's a police officer. In my opinion this scene didn't need to change like that, as we know being followed by creepy men is less common an experience for men but it still happens. Edythe rescues him and is fully intending on going after them until Beau convinces her not to. It's a huge difference; where Bella was seen as incapable of looking after herself for even a short time by Edward, Edythe intends on leaving Beau to his own devices while she goes on a rampage. - The whole plot with Taylor is different and hilarious. Instead of allowing her to continue to spread rumours about him taking her to prom, Beau publically and loudly 'breaks up' with her and tells her to stop using him to make Logan jealous. It's a wicked thing to do and I just about peed myself laughing. I do annotate my books and that page has QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT all down the margins. - The Queens executing Aro and Caius and becoming better rulers than them made my day. More things I didn't know I needed. - Beau's reasoning for leaving Charlie and fleeing to Arizona was honestly so much better than in Bella's twilight. He actually gives a reason for his leaving and isn't needlessly cruel. The reasoning itself is heartbreaking. The thought of these characters actually having the conversation he said they had made my heart hurt because it could never have happened, Edythe can't have plans to settle down and get married and have kids for obvious reasons, and that is when I realised I shipped it more than I shipped Bella and Edward. In this, Edythe takes over Rosalie's story to an extent, but without the bitterness. - On a happier note, Archie explains to Beau in the Phoenix hotel room that he's already seen them as best friends and some of the things they will do together, and then there's this interaction: '"We're friends?" I asked, my voice full of wonder. "Best friends," he told me. "Someday. It was nice of my favorite sister, don't you think, to fall in love with my best friend? I guess I owe her one."' If heart eyes emoji was an emotion, I am that emotion when reading this back. This didn't happen in Bella's twilight, at least, not at this point. I love a genuine friendship. - The whole ending is changed too. I liked it. It was a bit infodumpy but I didn't mind it, and the sadness Beau felt at leaving his family was not nice but nice to read. It felt more real and the stakes were higher than Bella's twilight. And now onto the negative stuff Most of the offensiveness was not fixed from Twilight, so we get creepy insinuations about children and that joke about suicide, plus the comment about "superstitious natives". Also, if anyone was wondering, the 'watching your love interest sleep' thing is not less creepy when it's a girl doing it. You're welcome for this knowledge. Unfortunately, Stephenie Meyer took all her offensive remarks from Twilight and added to them. Using OCD to mean perfectionism is not appropriate. Cleaning the house isn't OCD. Tidying the cupboards when they're messy isn't OCD. This is a personal rage of mine that I carry with me, but for anyone who doesn't know this: being neat and tidy is not in fact a serious mental disorder that causes intrusive thoughts, panic attacks and often unintentional self harm. Do not conflate the two. Also in the same vein, it is not an OK thing for your character who is psychic and explaining how that works to say "It's hard to explain without sounding slightly schizophrenic..." This book came out in 2015 so there is no excuse for this. All this is to say that Stephenie Meyer has not changed one bit, you can enjoy problematic things as long as you acknowledge the problematic elements, and stop using mental disorders flippantly and as the butt of jokes. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
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oopsbirdficced · 5 years
Today I wanna talk about Lacerta Misty and my childhood!
These are related tangentially, at least in my headcanons. Necessary background: my father has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and through my childhood he was poorly medicated, until he finally got it under control through proper use of prescribed medication. 
His OCD manifests in ways that aren't "typical", and specifically through driving behaviors. As a child me and my sis used to call this "going back and forth". It would sometimes take us an hour to get back home from his workplace, which was only about 15-20 minutes away from home. He also does this while walking, but much less so than he does driving.
So, when looking at Misty's specific scene- you all know the one- I recognized something in Misty that I've seen in my father my entire life. It's a different manifestation again, than my father's or most typical behaviors displayed in media. But Misty's immediate reaction to having blood splashed on him is an overreaction- instead of being able to wipe it off, Misty must immediately completely strip and wash off in the nearest water source. He couches this in terms of not letting his beauty be marred, and maybe I'm reading too far into it, but it feels like the reaction of a person who is struggling with unmanaged or poorly managed OCD.
And this is my headcanon for Misty- that he is struggling with OCD, and maybe doesn't even know that's what he has, because he's 16, and Sanctuary's mental health requirements (at least in canon) don't seem very up to snuff. This OCD manifests in personal hygiene, and the cleanliness of his immediate area, and makes rooming in the Silver Barracks/Dorms/whatever, a very special type of hell, especially when his fellow dormmates don't fucking clean.
Lacerta Misty has OCD, thanks for coming to my tedtalk. 
A couple extra points if y'all want:
Cetus Moses is his closest roommate, and has figured out strategies to help him manage things, though I hc he also doesn't know exactly what it is.
Corvus Jamian also rooms with them, and he and Misty have a mutual loathing incurred through Jamian's general laziness in regards to cleaning up after himself.
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dipplie · 3 years
A lot of people have no idea what OCD is, so let me help ♡
O- Obsessions Things you keep thinking about, can’t stop thinking about, and can’t control what you think about. “Stop thinking about it” never works. Intrusive thoughts is another word for them.
Examples could be: Thinking you’re gonna piss someone off, thinking about uncomfortable sexual situations, thinking about killing someone or getting killed, thinking about getting attacked, thinking someone you love secretly hates your guts, thinking about a traumatic situation.
And these are thoughts that go on so prevalently it makes it hard to get anything else done BESIDES thinking or trying to prevent the fear.
C-Compulsions which is what most people know about. The actions, the habits, the rituals. The C is to try and “prevent” or “reassure against” the Obsessions.
Examples could include: Flipping light switches over and over, hand washing, avoiding certain situations, redoing tasks over and over, picking at hair or skin (trichotillomania and dermatillomania), having to eat a specific way.
However less action based ones could be: Asking if someone is okay over and over, trying to do stuff in order to prevent something bad from happening (to the point of it being unhealthy and exhausting ofc), having either separation anxiety or social anxiety.
Interestingly, it is possible to have a form of OCD when your symptoms are near exclusively the O. However, that makes it harder to diagnose, since it can be confused with PPD, Generalized Anxiety, or other similar anxiety based disorders.
And obviously the requirement for it to be OCD is that it effects your life negativity. Making it hard to get work done, to sleep, to eat, to maintain relationships.
I’ve learned recently that a nickname for OCD is “The Doubters Disease,” since most people with OCD have a hard or near impossible time accepting “it’s okay.” Additionally, OCD affects approximately 1 in 50 people, 2% of the population. Something to take note of is that if a person is diagnosed with one disorder, there is a 50% chance they will be diagnosed with a second, possibly more, a “Comorbid Disorder.”
Don’t think of OCD as “I have to do everything perfect”, think of it as “I have to do this specific thing perfectly, and can’t do other important or even essential things till it’s done.”
More stats for those who like numbers and stuff:
-50.6% of people with OCD have serious impairment in day to day life, whilst 34.8% have moderate impairment.
-A staggeringly high 90% of adults with OCD have had a comorbid disorder aside it.
-The risk of death by suicide for people with OCD is 10x higher, while attempting at suicide was 5x higher.
-About 2 out of 3 people with OCD will suffer a major depressive episode in their life time.
-People with OCD are much more likely to self harm/mutilate, however, I couldn’t find a specific percentage, as it ranges from case to case, and while some self harm is intentional, some is not.
“How can one tell if one is suffering from OCD?” It can be tricky to diagnose, it is unfortunately one of the most serious ailments that goes longest without being diagnosed or caught, ironic to the fact it is often brought up or used as a casual descriptor. Not to mention OCD can range in difference wildly between cases. One persons habits could be compulsive cleaning and unintentional self mutilation, while another’s symptoms could be obsessively thinking about harming their sibling, and feeling evil and confused because they’re experiencing “Thought Action Fusion.”
At the end of it all, if you have concerns, try not to self diagnose (HOWEVER I do believe it’s 100% okay to explore possibilities of ailments, and decide what to do from there.) But if there is some concern, it’s good to get in contact with a doctor or therapist if possible.
Anyways that’s my TedTalk :)
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mentallyrecovering · 6 years
I hate when non mentally ill people joke about being mentally ill
���Lol ya I’m really bipolar I got so mad at my husband for not doing the dishes”
• oh so you also have wild mood swings that literally cripple you and you started yelling at your hubby not being able to stop even though you know you should but you can’t control your emotions. You also go out and have the possibility of being manic and spending thousands on clothes/food/items without any self control? You act out sexually, try to quell your mood swings with drugs and alcohol? You get so scared and paranoid when your hubby doesn’t come home that you literally break down crying thinking over and over he’s dead or cheating or gone? Cool me to
“Lol I have OCD I had to fold all my clothes before I went to sleep”
•oh you have OCD so you know the pain of having to take exactly 10 sips of a drink at a time and if you don’t you literally can’t eat anything until you refill your cup and take the rest of the amount of sips because for some reason your brain has to have 10 sips or it can’t function. You also have to wash your hands a billion times a day for 73 seconds exactly because OCD. If you bump your left arm on a rail you are compelled to bump the right just as hard and if you do it to hard then you have to bump the left again to even it out? Okay cool
Like I could do examples for every damn mental illness but it all comes to the same conclusion:
When you aren’t mentally ill and you joke about having a mental illness you trivialize our mental illness and its symptoms and turn it into a sick and twisted reality where it’s romantic to have it or something but if someone shows signs other then the ones joked about they are hated 🙄 stop joking about having a mental illness when you DONT
(The symptoms listed were from my experience as well as some tedtalks I watched they don’t reflect all BPD or ocd peeps)
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eclogues · 6 years
i feel like i’m constantly stuck in this world that’s Not Quite reality but rather one that finds its place in expectations and fears and i can’t reconcile this world only i inhibit with one that has a place in reality because i’m not grounded at all & its ruining all my close relationships thanks for coming to my tedtalk i hate ocd
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theblue-andbold · 7 years
{I love how you think you’re at the top of the pyramid or something like that. You’re a control freak, you need to take it down a notch. You’re really annoying, too. You were fun at first until you decided to murder the Riverdale rp community. Time to face the facts, you’re a horrible blog. Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely ungrateful for your rpers, that’s what you are.}
{honestly, i don’t know why you find it necessary to send such a cruel message over something that’s being handled privately and with diplomacy. Nevertheless, I’ll give you an answer. I could sit here and defend myself and say that the group is relatively diplomatic. If you have problems, you are always welcome to message me or send in anons and I’ll make sure your thoughts and opinions are accounted for. But you, my darling nonnie, are just salty. You want to attack me for a situation you aren’t involved in. So please, go ahead. I have no plans today and reading your messages is at least entertaining. I don’t consider myself a control freak, either, but I do have some slight OCD problems, which is one reason I tag everything on my blog. I feel like we’re beginning an amazing friendship, you and I. With our elicit, secretive messages. We don’t even know who the other is.
I would like to take this time to thank all the roleplayers in this group. You are all amazing in your own ways and I love each and every one of you. Thank you for sticking with the group and giving me your opinions 💕
And, just for you darling, I will say, thank you for coming to my TEDtalk}
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