#ocean likes me ep8
fanfictionroxs · 9 months
My little thoughts and feelings about each character in Only Friends (post ep7):
Boston - Love him. This guy is single handedly responsible for the drama and glee and joy I get from this show. Of course there are other factors, but ugh Boston what a great guy! Hope he records more of his friends kissing and causes havok and gets more beatings by Mew in swimming pools. Hilarious!
Nick - Pathetic little menace lol. He has a cute vulnerable face that is so damn adorable that I get even Boston falling for it. Complete traitor though. Responsible for all the problems in his love life though he likes to pretend otherwise. I hope Sand fucks him and calms him down. Boston couldn't do it.. maybe Sand can.
Top - Mr. Top tier playboy, whose fame I don't buy because if you don't care for your partner's pleasure, who the FUCK would recommend you LMAO! Anyway, he is actually a fucking romantic at heart with top tier date ideas. This man just needs someone to househusband him and fuck him nice and proper and Mew is just the person for it. But since Mr. Idiot fucked up things big time, who knows if they will even end up together?
Ray - Thailand's gay Devdas. If you don't know who that is, shame on you! Anyway, I have feelings of extreme fury towards him while also wanting to yeet him into rehab asap because this child is not crossing 25 otherwise. Needs to get his behaviour in fucking order and needs to treat Sand better or else I'm jumping in that show to beat him up like Mew jumped in the pool to beat Boston. Also, he's super hot and I totally get Sand, but I would still kick his ass to the curb. But I kind of want to cry at his beauty, bl drama gods have mercy!
Mew - MY SON! I have adored him in his calm era and I adore him in his raging era. Such a self-aware king. Vengeful as FUCK! Calm like the ocean, but if you piss him off.. well be ready for a fucking tsunami. I hope by the end of the show, he is able to find a balance between both sides of his because there is as much strength in being kind as there is in being cunning and sharp. And together, these traits make for a lethal combo! I'm fine whether he takes back Top or not. I just want him happy by the end with that honor student batch and sipping some nice mock-tails with his moms.
Sand - MY SON! Will definitely become Thailand's pansexual/bisexual Taylor Swift with the amount of banger songs he is going to make after all this drama. A self-aware king much like Mew, though I think he has more issues poor boy. I wish he loves himself more and dumps Ray's ass lol (I say that while my RaySand heart cries like a little bitch). Anyway, he is single-handedly responsible for feeding my angsty fanfiction heart. Heartbreak makes him look SO pretty, no wonder Ray keeps doing that to him (I'm a horrible person dont kill me please!). BUTT! I want a happy ending for him whether it's with Ray or not. Also, I need someone to attic husband him (hint hint RAY nudge nudge though in my fanfic Top does it hehe) and take care of him because this man cares for everyone, BUT NO ONE DOES IT FOR HIM! WHERE'S THE LOVING FOR MY LOVEY DOVEY BABY?!
Well that's all folks! Can't wait for ep8 to cry some more!
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carsontumbleweed · 6 months
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So i know I don't shut up about wanting to rewrite clone high but I actually started to put some ideas together. (Only gotten tophers and harriets designs down that's why there's only them. Topher sucks at gym)
But when I started to redesign and rewrite I decided I wanted to go all out cause you know self indulgence
Usually redesigns and yeah I changed the news character a bit. Basically just an au? Sometimes I changed stuff about their designs I didn't even hate like I don't hate the idea of Harriet having poofy pink hair, I don't mind fridas design except the colors I guess, I don't hate tophers design at all but I kind of just ended up changing it anyway for fun so please please please don't see this as me just hating on season two I'm just very obsessed with season one
I didn't make this to particularly hate on season two or anything but I've just been so hyper fixated on clone high recently and rewriting this and putting ideas together for characters I love so much is just so fun?? Like I am so happy doing it I can't even explain it. At first I wasn't sure about actually doing it because some people like season 2 and I think there are alot of things wrong with it but its fine for people to enjoy it of course. But again I'm doing this for fun and mainly kinda self indulgence. Stimming like so much even typing about it ughhh.
So I started to put ideas together. Revamping the new characters in a way. Again please see this as a dumb au this is just my opinions and stuff
Harriet: I actually really enjoy Harriet(not the design) but I was for them to amp her up by a lot? She was quirky she was fun I guess. In the rewrite I took alot of inspo from Ocean from ride the cyclone. I wanted to make her more preppy, more of an overachiever. I imagine she can be a little annoying sometimes but that's the fun of it. I imagine she definitely still talking drama and stuff but she's actually a lot nicer than Cleo was s1(depending if you get on her good side)
Topher: Tophers already an alright written character at least at first before they make him into a plot device to be thrown away easily. Since Abes the main character I guess he'd get more time 'on screen'. He's definitely that weird kid stereotype but I wanted to amp up his meanness, a big thing with clone high is that their stereotypes of teens Abes the awkward teenage guy, Joans the angry emo girl, Cleos popular. So I wanted to go more into his mean aspect and make him kind of 'emo' in a way?? If I had to describe it best it'd be in a 'mom get out of my room!!!!' Sort of way. He makes Abe kind of miserable by being negative and mean and doesn't notice that he brings people down is probably the reason he doesn't have friends. Abe and tophers friendship will most likely be on and off depending on the 'episode' but Topher does end up having an infatuation with Abe despite that.(no the stuff in ep8 doesn't happen don't get me started on the writing) He's annoying about it though. very try hard. Average white male on reddit going 'its fine to kiss your only male friend cause its totally platonic, I'm just preparing to kiss for the women you know. ' the reason he doesn't admit he's gay is cause he thinks being a straight male ally makes him look good despite the fact he's just some annoying and pathetic loser. He also copies Abes homework and steals his stuff.
Abe: I absolutely despise the fact they made him say slurs in the first episode when Cleo Joan and jfk were all right there. S1 clone high condemned them for that too because it was a satire! They literally comment on how bad Cleo is and yet s2 switches that just because it doesn't like Abe. Do not get me wrong Abe is not some perfect angel but I even enjoy when he is frustrating and I hate how the writers just went with the fanon versions of the characters. Okay rant over. Abes still the mc and I do want to comment on how the perception of 'nice guys' have changed. He's not a bad guy, he's just some teenage boy trying to Get a girl though. In the rewrote Abe goes back to being nervous around his crushes(Joan) but he's Still figuring himself out if he truly loves joan(even in the ending cliffhanger he's still unsure!!) I think part of him would be mad that she slept with JFK but also way too awkward to really have an argument about it. Imagine sputtering and stammering and he ends the sentence with hm..... And stares at her longingly and yes there ill be a dumb misunderstanding trope and now she thinks he hates her.
Cleo: girls one of my favorites in season 1 because she's funny to watch however I really hate how its so ignored that she's a bigot to Gandhi and homeless and poor people and lets be real a lot of other people(on the website see how she treats marie curie). Cause she's like that. Something I like about it though is that I always felt it was making fun of HER for being dramatic and shallow, she's a satire of a popular girl who thinks that she's better than everyone and in my opinion she's mainly well written in that way(I do have some problems with the writing obviously but yk) i think I've already explained a little about what will happen to her. When she gets unfrozen, she loses her captain of the cheerleading squad she's no longer the lead if every club and she's no longer the queen bee, her cat dies, her boyfriend breaks up with her and leaves her crying on prom night, and eventually she gets cancelled for saying stuff. I think ill make her kind of become an outcast (it becomes so bad she even resorts to talking to Topher, though its mainly insulting) she actually goes a little crazy and ruins Abes car a little, modern tv dramas usually do go crazy with plots and 'crazy insane girls' is a fair trope so I thinks its a pretty fair thing to say. Also since toots is still dead she still shares a room with Joan. Cleos insanely bitter about it
Frida: fridas basically the cool girl sterotype. She doesn't say much but literally everyone adores her(at least the new clones) ill give her some stuff like she's the class president and she dies run against Abe. She actually has trouble finding meaning in her art cause its kind of bland and she thinks she's living up to her clone mother just fine. She doesn't get with Cleo just yet but this is early in the rewrite and I want to take things slow and let them flow naturally. fridas still friends with harriet, who manages her campaign and stuff and I want to go more into their dynamic.
Confucius: he's mainly the same for some parts, I wanted to make him more than just some stupid tiktok jokes thougjh. I also leaned into more if him being a bad person in a way? (Hint hint Confucius was very into morals) and he'll do just about anything to get clout and stay amount the popular kids. He's in a cringey on and off relayionship with Harriet (think like any highschool couple) they fight a lot but they usually get back together and make out. Its annoying for everyone
Joanfk: I've never been a huge joanfk fan to be honest but since I'm only going off s1 cause s2 joanfk is ooc and soooooo annoying to me. No they don't date immediately, to be honest JFK sleeps with every girl in the school and she was just another one off the list even if he did feel for her issues. Since Joan thinks Abe is mad at her, they do actually end up talking and at first Joan starts to go on about how that was a 'slut thing to do' JFK tries to reassure her and such not trying too much. I do want them to get together for a little bit, Joans probably not used to guys actually liking her so she's a little open to it? But their break up is alot different. I want to go full satire like JFK and her fight like siblings over stiff and they see it as less romantic and more as friends, JFKs very shocked when he actually doesn't want to kiss her and he's all like 'ew!!! I've never liked a girl platonically before!! What the fuck.' (As much as I'm alright with joanfk s1 wise I think liking someone for who they are is the bare minimum in a relationship, its great that JFK likes her for who she is but he also likes every girl for who they are because he's a manwhore and the idea of them being more of a brotp is more fun to me)
Ill still add kahlopatra maybe but slowburn. Cleo IS a bigot though she'll have to real development I'm not just gonna put them together too quickly.
Note if you noticed Topher looks more rat like that is on purpose rats did come over with Columbus in a way and they are also disease carriers. And no he's not skinnier its just more distributed
Forgit to mention a lot more historical jokes cause the fact that they're historical figures just makes everything funnier to me
That being said I kind of hate shipping in clone high cause I always felt it was more about comedy and character dynamics. Shipping is cool I guess but I don't like watching a show just to see two characters kiss
okay I'm done I'm free.
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sokkastyles · 3 months
I enjoyed seeing the gaang participate in the battle, but where are the NWT forces?
I'm not sure why the decision was made to change the dialogue in the goodbye scene with Zuko and Iroh. I doubt viewers new to the story even remember who Lu Ten was. There's also no particular reason for Zuko to say this here other than that we should have him say something sentimental. It's also just that Zuko at this point in the show, even though we know he loves Iroh, isn't really ready to be that emotionally open, and should not be. That was part of the point in the original scene when Iroh is emotional and Zuko shies away from it. You can still feel the love between the characters but the tragedy is in how Zuko isn't ready to accept it yet, and that mirrors how he's choosing to chase Aang, and by extension his father's love, doing what is basically a suicide mission.
All the waterbending women standing together during the battle is what was missing from the original. Emphasizing that this is not just about Katara but everyone.
And Yue being a waterbender and fighting emphasizes that too. Nice touch.
"Yes, Master Katara!"
What Zhao says implies that only the Northern waterbenders draw power from the moon?
We could have learned about the healing Oasis without the uneccesary violence to Momo.
I was worried that the glimpses in the trailer of the spirit oasis looked less natural, but my fears are put to rest here.
Loved the zutara spirit oasis fight.
Zhao realizing that the koi fish are the spirits feels very "old man yells at cloud." Obnoxious man yells at fish.
"Even Ozai wouldn't want that." Are you really sure? The Phoenix King would disagree.
WHY IS THIS SCENE SO STATIC? Iroh and Zhao are supposed to be in a dire struggle but they just stand there talking to each other. In the original, Iroh takes a fighting stance as he delivers the great line about unleashing tenfold on Zhao if he tries to harm the spirit. Here he just stands and shouts, despite how much easier it is for live action to actually have their characters MOVE.
Is it just me or does the show keep contradicting itself on what Zhao's plan is? Previously he said he didn't want to kill all the waterbenders and now he's saying he does. Which, let's be real, the FN absolutely does want to do. Sozin was willing to kill airbenders just to stop the Avatar. And the logical extension is that they would then have to decimate every other nation until nothing was left.
"Do you understand what that's like?" "Yes, I do."
I have to admit, the battle is pretty impressive. The waterbenders losing their bending is a nice touch.
Missing the Zuko/Aang moments and have mixed feelings about Aang purposefully choosing to meld with the Ocean Spirit but the themes of sacrifice are good and am kind of interested to see where this takes the story.
Zuko/Zhao fight good
"It was all a game." Yeah. And Azula identifying the blue spirit as Zuko, which I kinda predicted! But I still maintain she should have recognized the mask, not the sword. This show has shown its willingness to acknowledge the Search's existence, so it should have been the mask that represents their mother that Azula identified.
Did Iroh just kill Zhao?!?
Love the iceberg imagery with Aang imprisoned in the ocean spirit with Katara calling out to him to come back. And here's the "we are your family" speech. Aang sacrificing himself because he feels like he doesn't belong and Katara wanting him to be part of her world. This is good stuff. I just don't really feel why Katara needs Aang here. Even though I don't like KA, at least I get a sense in the original that they are important to each other. That's missing here. I feel like if I hadn't watched the original I would not get it at all.
"My daughter always made her own choices." Look. OG Yue sacrifices herself because that is what she has done her whole life, a girl who lives for her duty. This Yue sacrifices herself because she chooses to, as a spiritual leader of her tribe who rejected an offer of marriage and made her own choices. It feels much less like fridging this way.
The taking of Omashu is great. Awkward that Ozai is explaining it in exposition to the Fire Sage like he wouldn't already know.
I still don't buy that Ozai would be like "well, let's see if Zuko survives." He would want to keep tabs on what Zuko is doing. Especially now. In the original, Iroh's outright treason was a big plot point. The same thing happens here but Ozai just has nothing to say about it? Iroh fights against the Fire Nation, Zuko is legally made a traitor, they vanish under mysterious circumstances, and Ozai is just like "lol that's chill let's see what happens." Even his reasoning, that if Zuko is strong he'll survive, doesn't make much sense. A Zuko who is left to survive is likely to come back stronger and less loyal. Ozai says the things he does are to make Zuko stronger but Ozai really does not want him to be strong, because that means there's a risk that he might develop independence.
Also this contradicts what Zhao said about how Ozai never wanted Zuko to succeed. So what is Ozai's game? I hear we've been renewed so maybe we'll find out, but honestly I don't think the writing on this show is consistent enough to get my hopes up.
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iamsurvivor666 · 1 year
Kim Ji Hyun did not disappoint. He is back to dealing with people he is familiar and comfortable with.
Though, I have to admit... his love struck self is too powerful. But, then again, judging from his character, he does not take feelings and emotions lightly. Which makes the end of EP8 curious to me... I want to know how he'll react now.
And it was so satisfying to see Aeri stand up to the seniors.
One of the highlights? We finally get to see him loosen up around the people he adores. Especially Joon Pyo and his boss.
I did not find his retorts to Eunji weird at all. He wouldn't have snapped, had she not been trying to rub it on his face.
But... somebody gotta check on Jae Won. The dude doesn't look like he is even living in the present world. He is just letting the ocean take him wherever. Eunji is just hanging on one end, but the guy is obviously gone. So, having two people fight for his attention in the middle of an existential crisis looks silly. Ji Hyun is trying, but I'm pretty sure it ain't gonna work. Jae Won only shows some response, either forced or natural when he is there. Like how it said in the trailer: Fear brings pain.
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trigun stampede
vash is waifu material. he's cute i want to eat him
this show has a thing for people losing arms. the village kid lost his arm. mad scientist dude and his cyborg son both lost an arm, bomber dude lost his arms, vash has a cyborg arm
uuuuuggg im getting confused: april/inepril (og anime), may/mei, june/Juneora Rock (og anime, town in stampede), july/julai, august/augusta, september (stampede), october/octovern, november (stampede), december.
I can't believe these people don't have solar powered water purification plants. do Plants collect carbon to make biomass or do they like poof it into existence, because if it's the later that could be the basis of terraforming, meat has a lot of water in it and that water doesn't just disappear from existence after you eat it. weird how people have a meat based diet such that plants are a luxury food. what are the sandworms and bird things eating?
where is everyone getting so much blood. humans have like 1.5 gallons max.
why the hell did roberto and merly stick around vash. they even said that if its discovered they're with him they're going to get fired also probably jailed. i wonder what their budget for the trip is like they're going to have to contact their employers eventually. although meryl gives sheltered rich girl vibes so maybe money isn't as much an issue. i find it hard to believe the publishing company is willing to pay for so long a trip.
typhoons are ocean derived phenomena. these people have never had a typhoon.
this is so christian in the least christian way
ep 5: the achronological order of events here made me think very hard. vash knew rollo as a baby and as a child. rollo was experimented on and 5 years later killed everyone in the town. vash returns with medicine at some point after he's taken. 20+ years after the town is wiped vash and co return. so rollo's like 35 or more when we see him. nicholas is the clean up assassin for human experimentation dude and he's probably after vash.
ep6: what is that symbol. its not the 3 cities. its associated with the windmill town cult, the yellow helmet suit people, the sand ship, and the orphanage nicholas lived in. oh ok so we have no idea how old nico is either. if his age could be accelerated the other dude's could have been too. oh not the sandship thats julai's, i got it confused with a flashback. what i dont get is if you dont want anyone to die, why isn't anyone disarming livio like there were at elast 3 opportunities to take his guns.
ep7: you all need deescalation training
huh in most single cour anime these episodes between intro and climax would be the slow section but stampede has done well with the pacing.
ep8: ah i was wondering why they were called Plants and not like Manufactories or Fabricators the double meaning of plant was intentional. so most plants are made clonally so asexual reproduction? but vash and knives were... uh born? sexual reproduction??? reminds me of wolf's rain (both series from the same era of edgy dystopian cyberpunk) and chell who's a human Flower hybrid. "his genetic makeup is very human" uhhh brain hurts. if rem is 29 and born on earth then the seed ships can't have been traveling for more than 1 generation. i was going to say so plants can make electricity and non organics huh but electricity is just chemistry too so it could be organic.
i was wondering if that grey pattern on vash as a kid was clothing or skin. if the later why would it stop at the neck? in his current outfit the only skin below the neck he shows are two fingers on his right hand. ok it was clothing
ep9: the plants are referred to as kanojo (her, women). why did Knives crash the ships. His hatred from the exploitation and use of plants happened 5 years after the fall. its been 150 years guess that answers that question.
Why did the SEED ships leave Earth? If they had Plants the resource scarcity problem would be no worse on Earth than No Man's Land. If they didn't have Plants and developed them while in space how did they survive the initial years in space. Both the above are plausible options, the former it could be because pollution/toxins/not a resource scarcity problem, for the later they could have stocked enough resources for many years while developing Plants or cycled matter in a closed system.
ep10: bro get a bulletproof vest. Everyone get a bulletproof vest. Was wondering if/when meryl's idiocy would come bite her. Poor roberto dying for her character development. Who's that kid? Looks like vash but they never met. Knives? Colors are wrong. More plant kids?
Ep11: a higher dimension... mentioned earlier but still ugg. What is this? promare??? "it was aliens all along" what is this gainx ending
tesl was created 50 years before vash and kni. If Rem is 29 than independent plants were made before seed ships. that or rem cryoslept and 29 is her biological age not her chronological age.
Wow the guilt tripping. "You caused the crashes" to "i crashed them for you". gaslight king
Not the pregnancy metaphor. And did no one notice that the bottom trailing part of Plants looks like legs
12: SEED spent 200 years in space. Weird luida and brad didnt show up as important memories for Vash given that he spent more time with them than anyone else.
Lol they just sent out an intergalactic flare. Ok so cross the wall of light makes me think the higher dimension Plant stuff again but "from earth"? That implies humans werent wiped out on earth and have discovered faster than light travel. This changes the tone of Stampede from gritty apocayptic, brink of extinction, sole survivor vibes to one of empire politics and No Man's Land being a very small part of a whole.
I was wondering if the memory thing would have permanent effects. Because knives deleted/overwrote all vash's memories, but then he remembered rem kinda. its unclear while fighting for the cube how much vash actually remembered or if he just remembered that he had a task to complete and a brother to stop. post timeskip dude didn't even get himself a new arm with his reality/matter manipulation powers.
vash is so cute. He's got that irresistible failboy swag. Pathetic and sopping wet.
Plants vs plants/flora. I find the ideological struggle between Luida and Conrad interesting. Luida is invested in terraforming the planet with plants/flora even if its the slower more risky option that could take hundreds of years or more and humanity could go extinct in the time it takes to accomplish. side note i know its more aesthetics but it sure is weird that all the flora gardens we see in the SEED ships are ornamental species instead of that space, energy, and water being used for food. In contrast Conrad is invested in Plants as the future for humanity, continuing to use Plants to generate the resources needed while modifying humanity to need less resources to survive.
I found the ost to be beautiful but an odd choice aesthetically for the series. the ost was similar in design to a lot of anime osts which are often orchestral with inspiration from the romantic and impressionist periods. And this is my favorite genre of music but given the strong visual identity of Stampede I was expecting a more distinct audio style to match? Like perhaps a mix of jazz and american folk or ragtime to match the Western aesthetic of the planet with some synth or electronica similar to Olafur Arnalds or Carlos Cipa to matching the futuristic space faring aesthetic. The ost reminded me of interstellar's ost at some points.
visual foiling between vash and knives in the finale. Knives is in all white with a sharp, metal, mechanical wing and uses long striings of blades to attack. Vash is in all black with a more organic looking wing and he sprouts root like structures and makes a giant figure out of plants (roots, stems, flowers).
I just learned why roberto de niro sounded familiar. Robert de niro is a famous actor i cant believe studio orange kidnapped a celebrity.
i was so distracted i forgot to write about how vash getting traumatized gave him a fighting game palette swap
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stranger things rewatch details/thoughts pt 3 (s3 ep1-s3 ep8)
-El kept the baby mask from her sister and its up in her room!
- she also has a large poster of a bird on a beach
- the first store when they walk into Starcourt has a very creative name. "Camera Repair"
- the girl behind Max in the movie theater is MAD annoyed at them. they talk (before the movie starts), and she shushes them. they pass snacks, and she shushes them. rude
-the Scoops Ahoy menu sign quite literally calls it an "Ocean of Flavors"
-i wonder if Will remembers much of the events of s2, or at least the possesion/exorcism. it seems to flood back to him in the theater
-ah wait, Yurtle WAS relocated! totally forgot, could've sworn he was a goner.
-poor "lard-ass". hope he's okay
-Hopper's hatred of Mike is too funny I kinda hope it continues, even if he does loosen up
-god Hopper reminds me so much of my dad. he went as him for Halloween a few years back, and I was s3 El :)
-did Dustin follow Steve's advice in getting Suzie? pretend not to care?
-a buck 25 for a scoop of ice cream sounds fantastic
-a lot of cosplayers forget this with "Scoops Ahoy" Robin but the letters on the You Rule/You Suck board are multicolored. red underneath, black traced slightly off. in Graphics that's a technique used to create a 3D effect, and I'd like to think that was her intention bc she seemed that artsy :)
-God I adore how much you can see the amount of love in Hop's eyes when he's watching Joyce help a customer. when will someone look at me like that oml
-Joyce and Bob were watching Fraiser in the flashback
- Mike has some serious nerve telling the father of his girlfriend and the goddamn Chief of Police that he's a "lying piece of shit"
-Max calls Lucas "Don Juan" 🥺
-if you watch the first Russian message scene with English captions it gives away what it says lmao
-Hopper joyfully singing along to You Don't Mess Around With Jim owns my heart
-Steve already HAD chesthair in s3. you can see it if he leans over in the Scoops uniform ;) do with that what you will
-Lucas is continuing his streak of winning Max back after her dumping him. 6 and 0
- when El and Max are playing the spying version of Spin the Bottle, the people on the wheel are Dustin, Mr Clarke, Mrs Wheeler, Mr Wheeler, Steve, Nancy, and (of course) Billy
- Will's persona of "Will the Wise" is a LOT more assertive than he normally is. bet that'll come in clutch in s5
- Hopper has no shame opening the door in just a towel lmao
- happy screams...
-Max using the iconic 80s phrase "ugh, gag me with a spoon!"
- I completely forgot the whole "Dustin wanting Steve and Robin to date" thing happened before s4
-Robin was apparently a theater kid (which made her "weird" in the Old Steve's standards). she also played soccer
-still not over how Mike and Lucas mock Will's DnD game and act all bored with it and then continue to play DnD really seriously in high school
-the whole "Robin being a lesbian and Steve her emotional support himbo" decision really WAS last minute bc there's a few hints pretty early in the season that would normally lead to 2 characters eventually falling in love (aka- on the rooftop of Starcourt when they have to duck down to avoid the Russians, Steve and Robin do the whole "unintentionally holding hands in danger" thing)
-the way Billy is standing and acting in the scene in Heather's house is INSANELY similar to Henry Creel in the rainbow room (down to the creepy smile and the hands clasped in front)
-Hopper breaks the mayor's nose. guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, blood relation or not
- "if you die, I die" - said Dustin, with total seriousness, to Steve. this better NOT be foreshadowing
-when El wears Sarah's hairtie as a bracelet, it covers up her number tattoo
-oh my GOD Jonathan getting whacked with the hospital stool looked WAYYYYY more brutal than I remember... how the hell did he not get paralyzed
-at first i thought that Hopper's eventual escape route from the machine explosion was adding afterwards for Plot Armor, but that's not true! when the Scoops Troop is running from the Russians they take the same escape route underneath the machine
-the door out to Murray's wonderful little "backyard" says "Keep Door Closed"
-I don't blame Alexei, cherry slurpees are far superior to strawberry
-Erica being a total math genius is something that HAS to be brought up again
-when Robin spits in the Russian's face, he says "you're going to regret that, suchka". suchka, translating in the subtitles as "little bitch"
-after the hospital, everyone must've taken a well needed shower before heading to Hop's cabin
-i would die for Karen Wheeler's FunFair dress
-can we talk about the fact that other than El, Dustin is the only kid to ever K1LL SOMEONE??? I mean maybe he just got wiped out but that Russian doctor looked very not alive
-did Todd ever get his car back
-the answer is hopefully no. screw Todd, Steve's her daddy now
-I think if I had to choose one of these monsters to NEVER have to fuck with ever it'd be the flesh monster. sure Vecna can kill you from your own mind but something about fighting melted humans/rats feels so very wrong and traumatizing
-Steve's been in a vehicle poorly driven by children twice
-if Joyce doesn't stick to this Detective Byers plan in s5 I'm gonna cry
-also I need to physically SEE the Enzo's date, even if it's a flashback
-Dustin and Erica staying at the hill means that they had no way of knowing if the Griswold Family was alive, or whether or not Steve and Robin were headed on a su1c1de mission
-I'd be shittin me britches if i was in that mall no lie
- the flesh monster mind flayer must have some sort of eyes in its tentacles because it tried to catch a mannequin that was wearing El's outfit
-662608004 was the code Murray wrote, but the real password was 662607004. all he got wrong was the 7. come on Bald Eagle
-they straight up left Max, El, and Mike at the mall
-according to Hopper, gunfire is the universal language for "EVERYBODY OUT!"
-Max and Billy lived on 4819 Cherry Hill Lane
-on that TV ad, when they suggest a rise in Satanism is cursing the town, they zoom in on a Dungeon Master's Handbook
-the epilogue says it's 3 months after the 4th of July, AKA October. but it's implied that the party is still just them, so maybe they joined the Hellfire Club in the middle of the year
-Dustin doesn't wear his hat when he's sad
-someone actually bought the Byers' house. fuck that, man I'd firmly believe it's cursed
-was El staying in Will's room? because she's seen packing up her stuff but the Byers only had a 3 bedroom house
-we all know that Steve wears lipgloss this season but I'm also convinced that Mike is in the epilogue
-Mike didn't seem to enjoy that goodbye kiss as much as he was expecting...
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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“I listened to that song every day.”
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💫 the favorite anon tag gets me every time pls
Not too much water though, that'll not be good either. Just take care of yourself
I'm on EP8 of Chicago Fire and let me just say, why do they always have a firefighter be a fuck boy? We got Buck 1.0 in the first season of 911 and Kelly so far in S1. I know he eventually gets engaged but still
*heart emoji heart emoji*
It is my life's dream to be a mermaid and if that means I gotta drink the ocean, I'm gonna do it!!!
Very good question tbh! I honestly don't know but I would like to know
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kryativelogos · 4 years
Aisha/Layla’s Wack Love Life (spoilers for S3+)
I’m on a Winx Club roll right now, but I do plan on making a post about Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. ANYWAYS. I just finished rewatching S6 and I can’t really remember if people thought S6 was good or bad but that’s not what I wanted to talk about for this post (although if people are interested I can discuss some of the things I liked and disliked about it) I’m here to talk about Aisha/Layla’s love life that I wish the show took better care of. (NOTE: I will probably be using both Aisha and Layla’s name interchangeably, please realize they are the same person and I am only switching them based on the season I am talking about. For reference, I am using Layla for S3-4 and Aisha for S5+)
I’m going to split this analysis into four parts, the first three will be about the boys they introduced throughout the show to be Aisha’s love interest and my personal opinions about them. The final part will just be final thoughts about what was appropriate for the show plot-wise and their compatibility with Aisha. So yes, warning, this is a long-ass analysis.
NABU: Introduced in S3 as the mysterious Ophir who was stalking Layla for like three (3) episodes before actually talking to the girl. He was arranged to marry Layla and was initially upset over the idea, thus stalking to figure out who the heck this girl was. He lasted for technically a full season before dying in S4, sacrificing himself to stop the Wizards of the Black Circle. I personally really liked the development that Nabu and Layla have throughout the season. From being completely upset over the idea of spying to apologizing and realizing that they had real chemistry. I learned to really love this couple in S4 because as the season goes on and there was the ridiculous drama between Andy + his band vs the specialist, there were small clips that showed that Nabu and Layla still loved each other very much. In one episode after the girls have a fight with the specialists, they walked away from each other, but Nabu and Layla looked back as they split off in (I’m sorry, I can’t think of the episode atm but if I find it, I’ll add it in). Between all the couples, I found Nabu x Layla (and Helia x Flora) to be the least problematic and understanding couple, even going out of their way to help Riven fix his relationship with Musa. He supports Layla in her passion of dancing, and he doesn’t get jealous. Like the man lets his girl go and dance with another guy because he doesn’t dance but he loves seeing Layla dance. He straight up says “Oh, I don’t dance, but Layla would love to.” (again I can’t give you the exact episode but when I rewatch it - since it’s my favorite season - I’ll update this post) I can’t tell you how sad I was when he died. I understood Layla’s pain when he died and the fact that the girls didn’t really sympathize as much as when Tecna “died” to get her enchantix in Ep16 was so annoying. I will even go as far as to say they killed off the most competent man out of the main love interests. He was by far the most impressive between all the men; his magic clearly made him superior but he wasn’t arrogant nor had a leadership complex. Nabu was really out here just trying to support his girl and I was here for it. If there was a boyfriend I would want from Winx, it would be Nabu. His sacrifice is the first hero-death and I’m pretty sure the only hero-death in the show (this may be wrong, I haven’t watched S8). Now, I know there’s a lot of hope for this man in the sense that the direct translation when Morgana says she’ll watch over him until he wakes. I don’t think this will happen and I’ll explain why later on.
ROY: Introduced in S5 as a protector?? of Andros, where he helped the Winx club navigate around the ocean in a yacht. I don’t really have much to say except he was very kind and sympathetic. He was constantly praising Aisha and was capable of supporting the club when necessary. I appreciated him in S6 despite his competition with Nex for allowing Aisha to enjoy herself. Although it was apparent that there was a rivalry between the two, I really liked how he backed down to let Aisha have fun and not be so pissed off of Nex which was common earlier in the season. This was also annoyingly one of those “nice guys finish last” though since he ends up literally vanishing after Nex and Aisha are “confirmed” a couple. This was frustrating because I really liked Roy as a character, he was supportive like Nabu and there was so much development the show could have introduced to him. There was a lack of personality which I think is why they moved away from Roy and more towards Nex. To add, “the nice guys finish last” is such a poor message to send out to kids; having a jerk as your boyfriend who only softens to you, is such a gross depiction of how men should behave and removing Roy solidified the show’s preference to “bad boys” being better boyfriends. 
NEX: Introduced in S6 with Thorin. I don’t really know the plot-reason for bringing the “red boys” into the show aside from finalizing Daphne and Aisha’s love interest, which is probably why I disliked the two so much from the start. This guy was just as bad, or worse, than Riven in S1. I absolutely despised how he treated the girls, how competitive he was, and the fact that Aisha called him out on his BS only “turned him on.” This being the only thing going for him, he was obnoxious and wanted to show off around Aisha thinking it would make him look better compared to Roy. The only soft thing I noticed throughout the entire show was in S6Ep24 when Aisha went into the Legendarium and he was “scared.” Like, dude, if that was the only time you were concerned about her safety, your character was very poorly written. I know that maybe in S7 there would be more development in his character, but I honestly don’t recall much about the boys in that season at all. So I’ll stick with his behavior in S6 for this analysis.
I think removing Nabu was a really dumb choice. I also believe that the show thought that Roy was too similar to Nabu, so they nerfed him and introduced Nex. Nabu was too competent and had too little drama for the show’s liking and therefore removed him. I do think that plot-wise Nabu’s sacrifice was a nice touch, however after realizing that the show just wanted a hard reset on Aisha’s love life, I believe there were better ways to do so. Nabu brought out Layla’s soft side, and lead her to live a happy life with an arranged marriage (which in irl, I know of many couples who live happy lives with their arranged spouse). I personally believe that Nabu and Layla were the best couple because they lived like a regular couple irl, they grew to love each so much more organically than Nex. They considered their future together on Earth and were ready to settle down. But with the other boys, I could not see Aisha ever talking about settling down or considering a future together. I didn’t mind Roy being the next potential boyfriend seeing as he wasn’t forceful with his approach to getting to know Aisha. He was gentle with her, and even though he didn’t know her past with Nabu, he was taking it slow with her and giving her space. They had chemistry and although it didn’t last very long, it disappointed me that the show really made Aisha shallow and only noticed Nex for being better athletic-wise and not personality-wise. That being said, I will never ship Aisha and Nex. Aisha clearly disliked him in S6 and yet she tolerated him as he laughed at Roy (S6Ep15) when he messed up and hardly did anything for her. So not only did they make Nex a jerk, but also Aisha so one-dimensional that she let all of the things that she initially called him out for, to slide. I think, the show did a poor job of showing Aisha mourning for Nabu with the exception of S5′s Ep1, Ep7, and Ep8 which is only 3/26 of the episodes, and some of the girls (*cough* Stella in S5Ep8 *cough*) hardly mourned for him at all. Compatibility-wise, Nabu, for me, is and always will be the best choice. Nex, can like, go do more pushups or something. Plot-wise, there was no plot. Nabu’s death moved the storyline to make Nebula a better queen, but aside from that, this whole romance thing was just to make sure all the girls had a partner that “worked” in the show’s favor. Nex will really need to step up in S7+ if he is to ever be like Nabu in that he was supportive, kind, and let Layla be herself around him; because all I see is that Nex is solely attracted to Aisha’s badass side - the side where she’s sporty and athletic, whereas when she was with Nabu she was able to dance - which was her secret passion - and considered settling. Please treat my girl well in S8 nwn
If you guys have any inputs feel free to have a discussion down below! I do sound a bit biased in this, but I hope my analysis explains why. As always this was just a fun post, so please don’t judge me based on this! Thanks~
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sigraskoll-blog · 5 years
Studyblr Introduction
✨Hello!  I’ve been lurking in the studyblr tag for over a year now, but since my gap year is coming to an end soon I have finally made an account! So, as my first post, I thought it was a good idea to introduce myself.
The basic things: 
My name is Rebekka
I’m 19 
She/Her (though I don’t really care, so you can’t go wrong :p)
I live in Oslo, Norway
Got my IB Diploma May 2018👩‍🎓 
Soon-to-be a Psychology student
Applied to OsloMet and University of Oslo. Crossing my fingers for OsloMet though!
Goals and Aspirations:
Be more social (IB’s social plague got to me, among other things) 
Procrastinate less
Learn more
Always do my best, but also realise that sometimes “my best” doesn’t mean 110% all the time
Hopefully finish my book some time this year, even if it’s just the first draft
Reading. I’ve got quite a few to read, and often end up buying more books whenever I pass a book store, so for this year, I really want to get back into it. I don’t really have a favourite book, per se, but ones I can analyse and think about rank high. 
Writing fiction. Which started because the stories I wanted to read wasn’t easy to find, if at all, so I decided to write them for myself and it kinda just took off. I’m not confident enough to post anything I’ve written but some day, it might change. I may be a bit too protective of it too, I guess.
Playing the cornet. If you don’t know what it is, I don’t fault you, since most don’t unless they play in brass bands and such. It’s basically a smaller trumpet, just much nicer :p 
Music in general. Assume something is wrong if I’m not listening to something when appropriate to do so. I’m the type that listens to pretty much everything (and by that, I truly mean pretty much everything). Some current favs are Hozier, BTS, Within Temptation, PVRIS, Bloodborne Soundtrack. Oh! And Wii Music and all the “remixes”. Or the Furret Walk. ‘Cus why not. 
Hiking and camping. I’m not good at sports, but send me into the woods or up a mountain and watch me act like a goat on redbull. As long as there are no moose around, in which case, I’m going straight back home because you don’t mess with the kings of the forest. 
I also watch the new She-Ra, RWBY (🐲🐾), and I’m on ep8 of The Umbrella Academy. I kinda struggle to get into shows and movies, but once I’m into it, I’m hooked. And I love documentaries, especially animal ones and even more so ones about the ocean. Shark-haters are not welcome :p 
I’m quite shy and often don’t know what to answer, but my ask and chat are always open and I’ll try my best. The shyness is only initally though! It just takes some time for me to get comfortable. So if you want someone to talk to about your interests and basically info-dump on someone, I’m totally into that. People who are passionate about something are always nice to talk with😊
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teacup-tyrant · 3 years
On this episode: Warm-up heists before actual heists, a big ol'Kazzy smile, a long complaint about Nina's plotline, and more racist Ravkans.
- Ohhh windmills? Are we in the Kerch countryside? Are we in Kinderdijk in the Netherlands??? Oh ok no, still Ravka.
- One letter for Mikhail and 2 for that other girl, and none for Mal, bye!
- Look at that lovely French bed Alina gets. Is there a name for those? Like... a king Louis-style dining chair. You know, the ones with the round back that’s upholstered in the middle.
- Call me Aleksander ?! WAHT. Already!?
- Time for a heist?! YES, now we’re talkin'
- Jesper and this goat, man. This is almost TOO MUCH. I feel like they're diminishing in a way by making him sooo comic relief-y
- Ben Barnes... has excellent hair.
- Time for a lore dump with some lovely music!
- For real, where can I get one of their fluffy ushankas? I like the texture they have.
- Baghra: "Sorry Alina, your little fireball sucks. Never darken my cave doorway again." Harsh, Baghra.
- AHAHAAAA how do you guys feel about THIS particular Kaz hat?! This little floppy beret-looking thing? Bet you want the fedora back now. This boy and his disguises, I swear.
-ok there's that lovely building with the dome from before. Royal archives. Pretty. I want one for my house.
- OMG KAZ AHAHAHAAH best sculptor ever, amazing, what an act, what a smile (it's kind of frightening. Every time Kaz smiles it's kind of frightening. what is the line? sudden as a thunderclap or something like that? We understand now, Inej.)
- This heisting montage is so Oceans 11. It's an Ice Court warm-up. Just THINK of what The Heist™ would be like on screen. This was my favorite sequence so far. 10/10 would steal shit again.
- Inej walking behind this guard the whole time and not being seen. beautiful. We stan a sneaky Wraith.
- Where can I get a pair of mal’s fluffy winter boots, these look so warm. All the Ravkan uniforms look so warm.
- “He knows his shit” how punny
- Back on the ship: in Jack Sparrow voice “apparently, there’s a leak”
- Idk about the Matthias & Nina scenes. Kind of unnecessary. I feel like they should have saved them for season 2. Sorry. .I feel the same way about her involvement in KoS and RoW. Nina is such a good character and you can tell how much LB loves writing her. Imo, Nina should have had her own series instead of constantly being shoehorned into other peoples' series, you know what I mean? It should be the Nina’s Adventures in Fjerda series. She deserves it.
- Inej gives Kaz her knives to hold because of course she does. Ouch, my heart.
- UGH I have always wanted to try aerial silks, I am so jealous. I like how Kaz isn’t watching her hahahaha
- Oh no the Darkling is making me feel bad for him
- Yeah, sure, they’re going to stand trial Matthias, you keep telling yourself that
- Did Alina just mentally break up with Mal
- Sure are a lot of people getting shot in the head in this show, eh?
- Mal does not approve of your racist propaganda (fucking racist Ravkans x4) also how tf is he alive right now
...oh no mal, she just broke up with you though, didn’t you know?
ep1 | ep2 | ep3 | ep4 | ep5 | ep6 | ep7 | ep8
0 notes
sueboohscorner · 7 years
OUTLANDER S3 Ep8 : "First Wife" or.....The Bitch Is Back
Okay, so I will admit it.  I didn't hate this episode as much as I thought.  It was actually a pretty good episode, so I give kudos to the new writer who wrote this one.
So, just as we found out at the end of the episode, Jamie and Claire are taking Young Ian back to Lallybroch. We are spared the tedious long journey across the country from Edinburgh and we see them come through the archway.  Claire admits that she never thought to see that place again.  However, the greeting she receives is not as welcoming as she thought.  Jenny makes a few snide comments towards Claire. "So that's why your home, tail dragging and with a stray who's dropped back into our lives after 20 years as though nothing's changed." 
Everyone heads inside and of course Young Ian has to chime in that Auntie Claire killed a man only a day after she arrived.  "Killed him good!" he boasts.  Claire sees the dirty looks and adds that yes, it wasn't her fault, the man attacked her and most importantly it wasn't in front of Young Ian.  Young Ian is ordered from the room and to make sure he is easy to find when it is time for an ass whooping.  
The conversation turns on Jamie and keeping the secret of their son's whereabouts.  Jamie says he thinks of Young Ian as a son himself and would do anything to keep him safe.  Well, Ian speaks up and hands Jamie his belt.  If he thinks of Young Ian so much like a son, then he has to discipline him as such.  In a change from the book (I mean God forbid we see a spanking on screen....especially being in the 1700's!), Jamie suggests that there is another way to punish the boy. Jenny adds a snide remark to her brother, “Listen to you telling me what I should do. You must ken it’s a mortal sin to take another wife while the first still walks the Earth!” Jamie replies that he would have never done such a thing if he had known that Claire was still alive.
 A little while later we see that Young Ian is made to work in the muck and straw which he complains to his sister, hanging out laundry, that it is little kids work.  He's miserable. LOL! Meanwhile, Claire sees that the Fraser/Murray family breeds like freaking rabbits.  She meets a few of Young Jamie and his sister, Margaret's kids running around.  Both Young Jamie and Margaret were just babies themselves when Claire left.
Jamie and Jenny have a moment to themselves and Jenny asks where the hell Claire has been all these years.  Jamie just gives her the half truths as with everyone else.  He got Claire to safety and he went back to Culloden prepared to die.  She, thinking he was dead, boarded a ship and sailed to America and she has been living in Boston until now.
Jenny is not stupid by any means and can smell a lie a mile away.  She tells Jamie, "The Claire I kenned would never have stopped looking for you."  Well, Jenny, it is expensive and dangerous to cross the ocean on those boats and there is no easy way to do research from over there.....so......
In their room later that evening, Claire asks Jamie why they can't just tell Jenny the truth about her time travelling abilities. After all, it worked with Murtagh.  Jamie's answer?  That Murtagh was a worldly man, meaning he has been around and traveled and more open minded. Jenny has never been off the estate and she just wouldn't see it the same way and be as open to it.  In my opinion, that is the DUMBEST answer ever.  Basically calling Jenny a simpleton.  Not cool dude.
Jamie suggests they could build a nice cottage for them both on the outskirts of the estate.  Claire isn't so sure, as Jenny can't even stand the sight of her.  Jamie remembers back to when he thought she might have come back and tells her how he escaped Ardsmuir prison after hearing the ranting of Duncan Kerr about a white witch that guards the treasure.
Here we get to see the part missing from that episode when Jamie swam to Silkie Island to search for Claire.  The swimming of that sea must have been ice cold and in reality you have to think he might have gotten hypothermia or something. However, a wet, distraught, and desperate Jamie climbs up to the old ruins on the island and starts screaming for Claire.  Jamie's voice over is telling Claire that of course he didn't find her, but he turned and looked in just the right direction and saw the McKenzie clan crest etched into a stone.  He removed it and found a box that held ancient coins, some jewelry and some precious stones.  He knew he couldn't take it with him, so he just grabbed one sapphire, which we know is the one he gave to Lord John.
Jamie tells Claire he would have given everything to be with her again.  He tells Claire,  “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you, Sassenach…” We know he is about to admit to Claire about remarrying, but the door bursts open and two girls, one with red hair, are there and one yells "Daddy!" 
Before Claire can totally react to that, the girl's mother appears.....none other that the bitch Laoghaire!  Told you people you wouldn't like it!  She looks at Jamie and then sees Claire and yells about him being with THAT WITCH and some other choice words I am not allowed to repeat here. 
She sees Claire's confused reaction and takes advantage and gloats “He didn’t tell you?” Laoghaire asks. “He’s my husband now.”  Claire is stunned and Jamie rushes Laoghaire out of the room. 
Claire in a shocked stupor, but anger rising by the minute, starts to gather her things to leave.  Jamie re-enters the room and tries to stop her from going.  Claire turns on him saying, “It’s Laoghaire,!“She tried to have me killed!” Jamie answers “You’re the one who told me to be kind to the lass." Claire scoffs and says, “I told you to thank her, not marry her!”
Claire asks the ultimate question we have all been wondering, why did he feel it okay to tell her about Willie, but NOT about his other wife, Laoghaire?  Jamie admits that he was scared that she would be upset and leave and he didn't want to lose her again. 
The fight escalates  and Jamie throws over a washstand and contents.  Then the true feelings are revealed.  Jamie feels abandoned by Claire leaving which she scoffs at since HE is the one that sent her away.  Claire says that she feels betrayed that Jamie was able to move on with his life without her. Jamie replies that he resents the idea of Frank raising his child and screwing his wife.  He asks Claire if she knows what it is like to live without a heart for so long.  Duh!  Claire answers that she does, she and Frank did not have a great marriage but he was a great dad to Bree.  After some more, Claire tries to leave again, Jamie grabs her arm, she demands he get his hands off of her and let her go, he refuses and they end up overcome with passion.  This would have been an awesome fight sex scene. They both end up trying to rip each other's clothing off and are on the floor grunting when none other than Jenny bursts in and throws a bucket of water over them.  She tells them to stop rutting like two wild animals and that the entire household could hear them.  Well, can't tell them to "get a room"....they already were there. Claire walks out leaving Jamie breathless and in shock on the floor.
Downstairs Claire is staring into the fire and is asked if she wants a whiskey.  It is Jenny's other daughter Janet.  She hands Claire the whiskey and asks for her apologies.  She was the one who went to summon Laoghaire.  Claire asks why and Janet admits it was because her mother told her to do it.  
Claire goes to confront Jenny and asks her why she did it.  Jenny said she had to watch her brother suffer all those years and then admits to seeing Claire's ghost (in the book it is her "fetch") inbetween Laoghaire and Jamie at the wedding.  Jenny asks why Claire, in 20 years never bothered to write.  Not once.  Claire tries the excuse that she thought Jamie was dead, but it is evident that Jenny isn't buying it.  Jenny makes a remark and Claire admits to having another husband in Boston as a matter of survival.  That makes Jenny stop.  Jenny admits to seeing Claire as a sister and it hurt that it seemed she wanted nothing to do with the family by not writing.  Jenny says that it is apparent that there is more to the story, but maybe Claire will tell her the rest someday.   It is a good moment between the two.
Claire is walking past the outbuildings heading out.  Jamie yells to her and she ignores him.  He pleads with her not to go, but she says she made a HUGE mistake in coming back here.  She reminds Jamie that he said that he promised not to lie and had her say it too.  He LIED this time. 
Before they can argue anymore, Laoghaire appears and has a gun which she points at Claire.  "He's mine." comes up (I am getting images of an episode of Bones here....mental lady obsessed with a man).  She is about to shoot and Jamie steps in front of Claire.  Laoghaire accidentally shoots the gun and buckshot gets Jamie's arm.  Laoghaire tries to come to Jamie's side, but Claire turns vehemently on her and actually scares her away.  LOL!! 
Doctor Claire comes out and they get Jamie on a table. Jamie makes a comment and Claire says that she is tempted but will not let him die. Ian is sent for hot water and Claire gets her tools and is assisted by Young Ian.  It is not easy, since it is buckshot and there is one piece lodged near an artery.  However, Claire is successful and gets him bandaged up. 
He is resting with Claire nearby and when he stirs, Claire asks why he married that woman.  He claimed that upon returning from Helwater, he had been away from Lallybroch too long. 
He was like a ghost and not needed.  He felt empty and possibly a little lonely especially at Hogaminy (Christmas  / New Years) when Lallybroch was alive like it was when his parents were alive. Two girls come up to him and ask him to dance and he decides to do so.  Afterward, he discovers that their mother is Laoghaire.  She had been married a couple of times, and now was alone trying to raise her girls by herself.  Jamie continues that it was okay at first, but there were days she wouldn't talk to him and she would recoil at his touch.  He tried to be gentle, but it was never enough.  She must have been sexually abused in her past marriages.  He eventually left and ended up in Edinburgh and would send money home.  Jamie starts to doze and Claire looks at him and feels his forehead.  He has a high fever.  She gets out the penicillin and the needle.  Jamie tries to protest and asks if it will hurt and Claire jabs him in the ass.  Yep.
The next day, Ned Gowan comes to visit and Claire is surprised to see that he is still alive and almost looks exactly the same.  He is there to counsel Jamie on his most unfortunate circumstance named Laoghaire.  Well, the good news is that since Jamie's first wife, Claire has returned, they are still married and the one with the other woman is not.  However, the bitch wants something in restitution.  20 pounds plus 10 pounds a year until the girls are wed.  Jamie and the family discuss the extortion of this woman and Jamie says it is his to bear, not Jenny and Ian's.  He remembers the treasure on the island, but because of his arm, he can't swim across to get it.  Young Ian offers himself, and Jamie admits the boy is a "brawny swimmer".  From there, they will head to France to meet up with cousin Jared who will be able to exchange the goods for sterling which he will send home to get to Laoghaire. Jenny of course, hates this idea, but eventually gives in to allowing her youngest son to be a man and gain experience and adventure (don't worry....lots of that coming up in the future!)
Claire and Jamie stand on a cliff watching Young Ian swim out to the island.    Claire starts to wonder if her and Jamie are still meant to be together.  Jamie tells Claire about a type of bird that when hunting it and you kill one, you must wait until morning for its mate to arrive and then kill it too or it would mourn itself to death. 
He says that Claire and he are mated for life.  He would not live without her (again).  Before they can get any deeper into their conversation, Claire notices something and has Jamie turn around.  It is a ship!  Jamie looks for Ian and sees him coming down from the ruins with the box.  However, the ship has dispatched a boat of men, who come upon the island. 
Jamie and Claire run down to the shoreline and are yelling to Ian when the men grab him, and throw him in the boat.  Great.....Jenny is going to LOVE THIS ONE!  
So that is where it ends this week.  Finally we will be on the open sea next week for more adventure.  
Tell me your thoughts in the comment section below!  Overall I would say a B+ for this episode!
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hotonhoth · 5 years
My 2 cents..
Alright, we finally have a teaser trailer! Woohoo.
As usual, it’s being dissected, but the main thing I’m happy about is that we finally have a title! It was unexpected and I don’t think it refers to anyone new being a Skywalker. It’s more about the legend, I’m thinking.
I’ll go through the characters now. Still awake? 😉
I love Rey, and I love Daisy. Idc what the naysayers think - Luke went to Yoda and learned how to be a Jedi in days, so nooo pointing at Rey saying she got her powers too quickly/easily. It’s so heartwarming to see a generation of little ones see how strong and amazing a woman can be.
Her robes are all white in the teaser, and I believe it is because she has chosen her side now. They match Luke’s which is interesting. Her path seems the clearest, but I think she doesn’t know entirely what she is up against.
Oh Kylo, you’re fixing your helmet!! Again, I think it’s because he had chosen his side. He remains the baddie. I’m guessing he’s either hunting her down or they’re both searching for something. Some of my best buddies think they’re looking for Palpatine’s observatories. In any case, Kylo has definitely chosen the dark side. Whether he will change this by the end, well we’ll see! The Kinghts of Ren are still a mystery but I think JJ will bring them in somewhere.
Finn & Poe
Looks like these two can’t keep away from each other! I love their relationship and it’ll be good to see Finn take ownership of his identity at long last, something I wished for in ep8 that never happened. Poe’s character arc seems less clear to me but I think we’ll see more fun from his character.
Who knows!? When they bring back characters from the original trilogy, I fear for the longevity of their return! They better flipping leave him be, because the Galaxy needs that man and his cape collection. Good to see him on the Falcon again.
She still has had to tell us where she found Luke’s/Anakin’s lightsaber. My guess is her story will send our beloved protagonists off on their quest. At least I hope... again I think this should’ve been in ep8 but Rian seems dead set on not moving much plot along or tying things nicely together.
R2D2, BB8 & C3PO
R2 will be about I guess but it’s gotta be hard for him without Luke now. BB8 should be with our main trio of heroes. It’s formula.
C3PO has a bowcaster in the so called leaked poster. The poster might be made up or for a shop, but the characters have been taken from somewhere. He must be getting involved in the action at last.
Annnd yes the absence of Hux (you thought I forgot)
Sooo I love watching villains. I think they’re fun and there’s no pressure getting emotionally invested in them, because of their ultimate demise. It’s great seeing how they challenge our protagonists. It’s good to see what is actually bad, so we see the good! Driving plot, and a decent portrayal, Domhnall Gleason has been first class. That’s why we love him!
However, I don’t think Hux is a clone of Palpatine. It’s an interesting theory but Disney just aren’t that smart. Personally, I think he wasn’t in filming long enough to be the big bad for ep9. I wasn’t expecting him to be in any posters, teasers or trailers because the films aren’t about him - I’m saying this because of all the stuff that’s come up recently haha. I’m sorry guys, he’s going in either the first 20 mins before the inciting incident orrr possibly in the last act, but the bad man has gotta go.
Whilst on the subject of Palpatine and the Death Star at the end....
Disney are very good at misdirection, so we can’t dissect much more. It looks to be the 2nd Death Star, and on Endor, where the ruin is. Endor does have oceans, so it’s entirely possible this is definitely a scene. Its presence is baffling. Why are we looking at this and why is Palpatine alive/laughing? I think Rey has an ability we saw in TFA that means she can see visions from holding certain items, like the lightsaber for example. It’ll be a clue to something maybe. Palpatine might be in these flashbacks! Again I’m just blurting out my thoughts here. Lots more to discuss when we hopefully get more teasers and trailers! 😊
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What was the meaning of everyone in the Ushiromiya family turning into a rose after Ange left in EP8?
If you ask me...
I would say it’s mostly simbolic/poetic.
The golden roseswere a symbol of the Golden Land. I like to think that everyone turning into arose might imply they all ended up in the Golden Land, or in Beatrice’s realmif you prefer (as they became pieces in Beatrice's game).
The rose is tossed inthe ocean, which is as if to say the truth lies at the bottom of the ocean(which might be a reference to how Sayo drowned), or merely a way to return allthose people to Sayo (it’s Hachijo Tohya who’s tossing the rose, a hint he’sgoing to stop tampering with her gameboard), or just a tribute.
You can view itas you prefer as it’s clearly not meant to be taken literally but justsymbolically.
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evenbechnet · 7 years
Feel free to edit and add!! 00:00- all quiet, everyone finally goes the fuck to sleep
1am- salma, bells and Elliot having a party and crying about the summary, horse Even!?? Why? Animals, farm yard animal, farm discourse TM. Quack quack mother fuckers.
2am-killer tire in dessert movie, ohmygid these guys are literally shit posting idk what I’m summarising but I’m laughing, Elliot gets attacked by animals how is he alive?,
3am-9am- wondering about Eva noora discourse, wondering about anteater Wilhelm,
Fic Recs galore: - http://archiveofourown.org/users/rhalei/bookmarks - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8815849 - http://archiveofourown.org/works/8961337 - http://archiveofourown.org/works/8802484/ - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8820784 - http://archiveofourown.org/series/607585 - WIP with 4 chapter no link!???
Talking about terrible FICS again, werewolf isak vs hung horse even, RHAE “instead of biking to the pool ISAK rides on evens back”, furry vs curry discourse, this isn’t VILDUS pls , Taha: someone needs to read it and report back/////
Ao3 FICS are weird, mermaid fic, (someone rec that properly pls I havnt read it -Zaa) , more talking about the trailer dropping and how we gon die, might require spray bottles,
Daf is awake and approves of the FICS, caterpillar on chrispys face in s1 #confirmed, FANART is so sacred , must protect at all costs, so much talent
WHERE IS A SNAKES BUTTHOLE, snakesak has taken over as a horrifying meme, snake tongue compile? Snake videos? Pls provide links, he always licking his lipssss we should have known, WE CANT GO BACK,
10am- if Isak has dry lips Even needs to be licking them for him, JUST COUPLE THINGS EVAK
11am- Shola wages a one man war on the crispy discourse, her soul has been penetrated by p Chris, sprays bottle and despair, Shola tried recalling her fellow demons daf and Rhae for back up, more pchris discourse(more like only pictures), hating on shola )): , everyone being possesed by pchris, FICS discussion, ao3 vs lj vs ffnet, first fandoms?
12am- Harry Potter aus, which houses discourse,slytherin isak and his snake pickup lines, see seperate post.drawings of snakesak with snake.
1pm- ISAK so pale, cafeteria scene creys, that week was too dark, General ep 6 and 7 love, SHOES, halla scene vs hotel room scene, matching boyfriends
2pm- it was defo isaks first time, INFINITE, why was Even hair still perfect, it was the icecream secret, Faiza pray bottle is needed, when even touches isaks Lip in the hotel SCENE, NOSE IN HIS MOUTH, ER DU DANSK, 2pm is Lot okay- AND ISAK BEING SO CLOSE TO HIS MOM LIKE "OK BUT YOU DIDNT PAY ME THIS WEEK AND YOUR SON MADE ME BUY SO MUCH SHIT WITH MYYYYY MONEY???"
Evens mum and isaks mum head canons, Listen someone write a fic where their families have a get together @cz where r u- there is no way to summarise what's happening it's actual chaos.
SHOLA FOLIGH AWAY, more crispy wilhelmmy faces, they never end, will we ever be free? Chris and Eva the new FOLGERS commercial - Dani is leaving to EAT GOOD THINGs - like snakes aka venom!???, HANDS, Evaks hands, who cares about SEX scenes we want hand holding, THERE WAS NO SEX SCENS DISCOURSE GOT TO IRONIC
3pm- PORNHUB talk, dick talk, are dicks ugly or not, what did ISAK do in the shower in ep8, how do ppl not read the texts between clips, Faiza coming for us all with even giving ESKILD sex advice and tips, Rhae throws holy water- OH How THE TURN TABLES, Eskild even Isak hitting gay bars head canons, kitchen sex ftw, they fucked in the kitchen after 5 fine frøkner #confirmed,ILL TATTOO MANNEN I MITT LIV ON MY FOREHEAD, NSFW headcanons: Even probably makes dick jokes while they have sex, probably goes "the millennium falcon isn't the only thing that comes in less than 12 parsecs" when he's close and isak just goes wtf Honestly I can summarise this its just filth about EVAK sex are we any better than the chrispy fan girls!?
just all around terrible EVAK sex headcanons to Justin beibers baby. DONT LOOK AT ME I AM IN THE SHAMECUBE.
Evens SEX playlist;
- My anaconda - nicki - Baby my Justin beiber - Talk dirty to me - Take U down by Chris brown - Lots of years and years
Praise kink Isak, its it's just filth for an hour plus about EVAK sex I'm not gonna lie, ISAK likes scarves because they cover them hickeys
4pm- Faiza telling us a cute EVAK In School making out behind closed class room door, Shola and RHAE span crispy, even tongue is not alone anymore hi isaks tongue, why is this chat so filthy we all need Jesus, multiple holy water GIFS, ocean gif, penetrator ET, HALLA after sex, DAF and Zaa livetexting the awful sleeping beauty fic , let's never speak of it again, more shitting on eyewitness, Talking about good shows, watch merli, the get down,sense8,
5pm- s4 NRK poll, skam saved 2016 y'all, so many feelings, getting pretty sappy, love all y'all, skam as a good and bad coping mechanism the discourse, from dicks to feelings: and EVAK story, even4s4 discourse for the tusen time, crispy Kreme roasting, season 4 trailer contemplation, 8th Jan at 21:21 WHAT LIES, also u; waiting t 21/22 8th Jan refreshing the site,
6pm- we are all hot AF #confirmed, the tollness vs smolness debate, we are all dating now it is decided, crushes and how to flirt, EVAK yoga store, COUPLES yoga, ASK OLD ESKILD typo I love to regret My life, more love life talk, let's take desperate to a whole new level of EVAK could do it so can we
7pm- Evens bipolar diagnosis discourse, fandom before and after ep8 on the subject, bitch we guessed it we was RIGHT, wlw on skam pls, attacking VILDUS smh, vilde Magnus sexuality debate TBH, WILLHELM NOSE CANT FIT INTO CHRISPEE's MOUTH, never gets ask old, look at that washboard ass, crispy again, will we ever be free of crispy, TRIGGERED WILHELMY AND CRISPY
8pm- quotes for edits, poems and writing such talent here u guys
9pm: fic talk, finally the mermaid fic link (http://archiveofourown.org/works/9111700/chapters/20710825), why is there tarjei David friendship discourse why, why are ppl so gross!?,
10pm- hating women who get IinThe way of m/m ships PLS DONT, why must ppl invalidate even and isaks sexualities?, 11pm- all quite on the western front TBH
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eagleowlsounddesign · 4 years
Wounds Of Hate (PostCore) _ Memories Are Scars. 2014. FREEMUSIC 
S1EP8.Bonjour Internet. =) 
Nouvelle Semaine / Nouvel Episode : Saison1.Episode8 : Track4 de cet Opus : Memories Are Scars. 2014 Influences : The Ocean, Isis etc Chant : James Champel. Vous pouvez retrouver les liens vers mon Compte Tipee : https://fr.tipeee.com/eagle-owl-sound... 
 Si le coeur vous en dit, faîtes vous plaisir. Ca m'aide à proposer sans cesse un contenu plus abouti. Plus d'informations via le lien. L'idée de créer des Saisons est aussi de pouvoir mélanger les genres et surprendre chaque semaine. Et ainsi, au fil de ces 90 à 120 Tracks que je vais sortir à raison d'une par semaine, constituer des Playlists par Saisons puis par Groupes. 
Nous pourrons donc nous organiser des Sessions Sondages sur les Saisons que vous avez préférés !!! A la semaine prochaine pour la suite de cette première saison !!! =) FB : http://www.facebook.com/GuillaumePing... Insta : Paradigmusic / eagleowlsounddesign Twitter : https://twitter.com/PingardG Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.fr/EagleOwlSoun... Tumblr : https://eagleowlsounddesign.tumblr.com/ Blogger : https://eagleowlsounddesign.blogspot.... Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/user/EagleOwlS... ------------------------ Hello Internet. =) You can find the links to my Tipee Account: https://fr.tipeee.com/eagle-owl-sound... I
f you feel like it, please yourself. It helps me to constantly offer more mature content. More information via the link. The idea of ​​creating Seasons is also to be able to mix genres and surprise each week. And so, over these 90 to 120 
Tracks that I will release at the rate of one per week, build Playlists by Seasons then by Groups. We can therefore organize Sessions Surveys on the Seasons that you preferred !!! See Ya Next Week !!! =) #WoundsOfHate #FreemusicS1.Ep8
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