bocadosdefilosofia · 1 year
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«Frecuentemente se ha recordado el uso constante que Ockam hace del principio de economía de pensamiento: no hay que multiplicar los seres sin necesidad. Pero el modo tan característico que tiene de emplear ese principio aristotélico, contra el mismo Aristóteles si es preciso, no podría explicarse sin la preminencia indiscutida que Ockam reconoce y desea asegurar al conocimiento experimental. Si nunca se debe afirmar que una cosa existe, cuando no se está obligado a ello, es porque la experiencia directa de la existencia de una cosa constituye la única garantía que podemos tener de su existencia. Por eso, Ockam se dedicará activamente a explicar las cosas del modo más simple posible y a expurgar el campo de la filosofía de las esencias y de las causas imaginarias que lo obstruyen.»
Étienne Gilson: La filosofía en la Edad Media. Editorial Gredos, págs. 594-595.  Madrid, 1989
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this-week-in-rust · 11 months
This Week in Rust 518
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub and archives can be viewed at this-week-in-rust.org. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Project/Tooling Updates
Strobe Crate
System dependencies are hard (so we made them easier)
Trying to invent a better substring search algorithm
Improving Node.js with Rust-Wasm Library
Mixing C# and Rust - Interop
A fresh look on incremental zero copy serialization
Make the Rust compiler 5% faster with this one weird trick
Part 3: Rowing Afloat Datatype Boats
Recreating concurrent futures combinators in smol
Unpacking some Rust ergonomics: getting a single Result from an iterator of them
Idea: "Using Rust", a living document
Object Soup is Made of Indexes
Analyzing Data 180,000x Faster with Rust
Issue #10: Serving HTML
Rust vs C on an ATTiny85; an embedded war story
Rust Walkthroughs
Analyzing Data /,000x Faster with Rust
Fully Automated Releases for Rust Projects
Make your Rust code unit testable with dependency inversion
Nine Rules to Formally Validate Rust Algorithms with Dafny (Part 2): Lessons from Verifying the range-set-blaze Crate
[video] Let's write a message broker using QUIC - Broke But Quick Episode 1
[video] Publishing Messages over QUIC Streams!! - Broke But Quick episode 2
[video] Associated types in Iterator bounds
[video] Rust and the Age of High-Integrity Languages
[video] Implementing (part of) a BitTorrent client in Rust
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is cargo-show-asm, a cargo subcommand to show the optimized assembly of any function.
Thanks to Kornel for the suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
* Hyperswitch (Hacktoberfest)- [FEATURE] separate payments_session from payments core * Hyperswitch (Hacktoberfest)- [NMI] Use connector_response_reference_id as reference to merchant * Hyperswitch (Hacktoberfest)- [Airwallex] Use connector_response_reference_id as reference to merchant * Hyperswitch (Hacktoberfest)- [Worldline] Use connector_response_reference_id as reference to merchant * Ockam - Make ockam project delete (no args) interactive by asking the user to choose from a list of space and project names to delete (tuify) * Ockam - Validate CBOR structs according to the cddl schema for authenticator/direct/types * Ockam - Slim down the NodeManagerWorker for node / node status
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
Updates from the Rust Project
397 pull requests were merged in the last week
rewrite gdb pretty-printer registration
add FileCheck annotations to mir-opt tests
add MonoItems and Instance to stable_mir
add a csky-unknown-linux-gnuabiv2hf target
add a test showing failing closure signature inference in new solver
add new simpler and more explicit syntax for check-cfg
add stable Instance::body() and RustcInternal trait
automatically enable cross-crate inlining for small functions
avoid a track_errors by bubbling up most errors from check_well_formed
avoid having rustc_smir depend on rustc_interface or rustc_driver
coverage: emit mappings for unused functions without generating stubs
coverage: emit the filenames section before encoding per-function mappings
coverage: fix inconsistent handling of function signature spans
coverage: move most per-function coverage info into mir::Body
coverage: simplify the injection of coverage statements
disable missing_copy_implementations lint on non_exhaustive types
do not bold main message in --error-format=short
don't ICE when encountering unresolved regions in fully_resolve
don't compare host param by name
don't crash on empty match in the nonexhaustive_omitted_patterns lint
duplicate ~const bounds with a non-const one in effects desugaring
eliminate rustc_attrs::builtin::handle_errors in favor of emitting errors directly
fix a performance regression in obligation deduplication
fix implied outlives check for GAT in RPITIT
fix spans for removing .await on for expressions
fix suggestion for renamed coroutines feature
implement an internal lint encouraging use of Span::eq_ctxt
implement jump threading MIR opt
implement rustc part of RFC 3127 trim-paths
improve display of parallel jobs in rustdoc-gui tester script
initiate the inner usage of cfg_match (Compiler)
lint non_exhaustive_omitted_patterns by columns
location-insensitive polonius: consider a loan escaping if an SCC has member constraints applied only
make #[repr(Rust)] incompatible with other (non-modifier) representation hints like C and simd
make rustc_onunimplemented export path agnostic
mention into_iter on borrow errors suggestions when appropriate
mention the syntax for use on mod foo; if foo doesn't exist
panic when the global allocator tries to register a TLS destructor
point at assoc fn definition on type param divergence
preserve unicode escapes in format string literals when pretty-printing AST
properly account for self ty in method disambiguation suggestion
report unused_import for empty reexports even it is pub
special case iterator chain checks for suggestion
strict provenance unwind
suggest ; after bare match expression E0308
suggest constraining assoc types in more cases
suggest relaxing implicit type Assoc: Sized; bound
suggest removing redundant arguments in format!()
uplift movability and mutability, the simple way
miri: avoid a linear scan over the entire int_to_ptr_map on each deallocation
miri: fix rounding mode check in SSE4.1 round functions
miri: intptrcast: remove information about dead allocations
disable effects in libcore again
add #[track_caller] to Option::unwrap_or_else
specialize Bytes<R>::next when R is a BufReader
make TCP connect handle EINTR correctly
on Windows make read_dir error on the empty path
hashbrown: add low-level HashTable API
codegen_gcc: add support for NonNull function attribute
codegen_gcc: fix #[inline(always)] attribute and support unsigned comparison for signed integers
codegen_gcc: fix endianness
codegen_gcc: fix int types alignment
codegen_gcc: optimize popcount implementation
codegen_gcc: optimize u128/i128 popcounts further
cargo add: Preserve more comments
cargo remove: Preserve feature comments
cargo replace: Partial-version spec support
cargo: Provide next steps for bad -Z flag
cargo: Suggest cargo-search on bad commands
cargo: adjust -Zcheck-cfg for new rustc syntax and behavior
cargo: if there's a version in the lock file only use that exact version
cargo: make the precise field of a source an Enum
cargo: print environment variables for build script executions with -vv
cargo: warn about crate name's format when creating new crate
rustdoc: align stability badge to baseline instead of bottom
rustdoc: avoid allocating strings primitive link printing
clippy: map_identity: allow closure with type annotations
clippy: map_identity: recognize tuple identity function
clippy: add lint for struct field names
clippy: don't emit needless_pass_by_ref_mut if the variable is used in an unsafe block or function
clippy: make multiple_unsafe_ops_per_block ignore await desugaring
clippy: needless pass by ref mut closure non async fn
clippy: now declare_interior_mutable_const and borrow_interior_mutable_const respect the ignore-interior-mutability configuration entry
clippy: skip if_not_else lint for '!= 0'-style checks
clippy: suggest passing function instead of calling it in closure for option_if_let_else
clippy: warn missing_enforced_import_renames by default
rust-analyzer: generate descriptors for all unstable features
rust-analyzer: add command for only opening external docs and attempt to fix vscode-remote issue
rust-analyzer: add incorrect case diagnostics for module names
rust-analyzer: fix VS Code detection for Insiders version
rust-analyzer: import trait if needed for unqualify_method_call assist
rust-analyzer: pick a better name for variables introduced by replace_is_some_with_if_let_some
rust-analyzer: store binding mode for each instance of a binding independently
perf: add NES emulation runtime benchmark
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
Add f16 and f128 float types
Unicode and escape codes in literals
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
No RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] Consider alias bounds when computing liveness in NLL (but this time sound hopefully)
[disposition: close] regression: parameter type may not live long enough
[disposition: merge] Remove support for compiler plugins.
[disposition: merge] rustdoc: Document lack of object safety on affected traits
[disposition: merge] Stabilize Ratified RISC-V Target Features
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for const mem::discriminant
New and Updated RFCs
[new] eRFC: #[should_move] attribute for per-function opting out of Copy semantics
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2023-10-25 - 2023-11-22 🦀
2023-10-30 | Virtual (Melbourne, VIC, AU) | Rust Melbourne
(Hybrid - online & in person) October 2023 Rust Melbourne Meetup
2023-10-31 | Virtual (Europe / Africa) | Rust for Lunch
Rust Meet-up
2023-11-01 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK)| Rust and C++ Cardiff
ECS with Bevy Game Engine
2023-11-01 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2023-11-02 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2023-11-07 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror
2023-11-07 | Virtual (Buffalo, NY, US) | Buffalo Rust Meetup
Buffalo Rust User Group, First Tuesdays
2023-11-09 | Virtual (Nuremberg, DE) | Rust Nuremberg
Rust Nürnberg online
2023-11-14 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Second Tuesday
2023-11-15 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK)| Rust and C++ Cardiff
Building Our Own Locks (Atomics & Locks Chapter 9)
2023-11-15 | Virtual (Richmond, VA, US) | Linux Plumbers Conference
Rust Microconference in LPC 2023 (Nov 13-16)
2023-11-15 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
2023-11-16 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2023-11-07 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror
2023-11-21 | Virtual (Washington, DC, US) | Rust DC
Mid-month Rustful
2023-10-25 | Dublin, IE | Rust Dublin
Biome, web development tooling with Rust
2023-10-25 | Paris, FR | Rust Paris
Rust for the web - Paris meetup #61
2023-10-25 | Zagreb, HR | impl Zagreb for Rust
Rust Meetup 2023/10: Lunatic
2023-10-26 | Augsburg, DE | Rust - Modern Systems Programming in Leipzig
Augsburg Rust Meetup #3
2023-10-26 | Copenhagen, DK | Copenhagen Rust Community
Rust metup #41 sponsored by Factbird
2023-10-26 | Delft, NL | Rust Nederland
Rust at TU Delft
2023-10-26 | Lille, FR | Rust Lille
Rust Lille #4 at SFEIR
2022-10-30 | Stockholm, SE | Stockholm Rust
Rust Meetup @Aira + Netlight
2023-11-01 | Cologne, DE | Rust Cologne
Web-applications with axum: Hello CRUD!
2023-11-07 | Bratislava, SK | Bratislava Rust Meetup Group
Rust Meetup by Sonalake
2023-11-07 | Brussels, BE | Rust Aarhus
Rust Aarhus - Rust and Talk beginners edition
2023-11-07 | Lyon, FR | Rust Lyon
Rust Lyon Meetup #7
2023-11-09 | Barcelona, ES | BcnRust
11th BcnRust Meetup
2023-11-09 | Reading, UK | Reading Rust Workshop
Reading Rust Meetup at Browns
2023-11-21 | Augsburg, DE | Rust - Modern Systems Programming in Leipzig
GPU processing in Rust
2023-11-23 | Biel/Bienne, CH | Rust Bern
Rust Talks Bern @ Biel: Embedded Edition
North America
2023-10-25 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch - Fareground
2023-10-25 | Chicago, IL, US | Deep Dish Rust
Rust Happy Hour
2023-11-01 | Brookline, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Boston Common Rust Lunch
2023-11-08 | Boulder, CO, US | Boulder Rust Meetup
Let's make a Discord bot!
2023-11-14 | New York, NY, US | Rust NYC
Rust NYC Monthly Mixer: Share, Show, & Tell! 🦀
2023-11-14 | Seattle, WA, US | Cap Hill Rust Coding/Hacking/Learning
Rusty Coding/Hacking/Learning Night
2023-11-15 | Richmond, VA, US + Virtual | Linux Plumbers Conference
Rust Microconference in LPC 2023 (Nov 13-16)
2023-11-16 | Nashville, TN, US | Music City Rust Developers
Python loves Rust!
2023-11-16 | Seattle, WA, US | Seattle Rust User Group
Seattle Rust User Group Meetup
2023-11-21 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
Rust Hacking in Person
2023-11-22 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch - Fareground
2023-10-26 | Brisbane, QLD, AU | Rust Brisbane
October Meetup
2023-10-30 | Melbourne, VIC, AU + Virtual | Rust Melbourne
(Hybrid - in person & online) October 2023 Rust Melbourne Meetup
2023-11-21 | Christchurch, NZ | Christchurch Rust Meetup Group
Christchurch Rust meetup meeting
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
When your Rust build times get slower after adding some procedural macros:
We call that the syn tax :ferris:
– Janet on Fosstodon
Thanks to Jacob Pratt for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
Discuss on r/rust
9 notes · View notes
spoonietimelordy · 1 year
I genuinely cannot understand how schizophrenia could cause the symptoms I have. Like the easier answer is really a dissociative disorder. I've had those symptoms as long as I can remember, I just didn't know that it wasn't normal. And I know in rare case schizophrenia can develop pretty young but in those cases it tend to get worse with time. It's not my case. I'm just dissociated from part of my brain, that's the ockam razor answer.
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elyoul · 8 days
Navaja de Ockham
La navaja de Ockham (a veces escrito Occam u Ockam), principio de economía o principio de parsimonia (lex parsimoniae) es un principio filosófico y metodológico atribuido al fraile franciscano, filósofo y lógico escolástico Guillermo de Ockham (1285-1347) (aunque investigaciones más profundas sugieren que este se puede rastrear más atrás, al menos hasta Aristóteles1​2​3​4​), según el cual «en igualdad de condiciones, la explicación más simple suele ser la más probable». Esto implica que, cuando dos teorías en igualdad de condiciones tienen las mismas consecuencias, la teoría más simple tiene más probabilidades de ser correcta que la compleja.5​
En ciencia, este principio se utiliza como una regla general para guiar a los científicos en el desarrollo de modelos teóricos. En el método científico, la navaja de Ockham no se considera un principio irrefutable y ciertamente no es un resultado científico. «La explicación más simple y suficiente es la más probable, mas no necesariamente la verdadera», según el principio de Ockham. En ciertas ocasiones, la opción compleja puede ser la correcta. Su sentido es que en condiciones idénticas se prefieran las teorías más simples. Otra cuestión diferente serán las evidencias que apoyen la teoría. Así pues, de acuerdo con este principio, no debería preferirse una teoría simple pero con pocas evidencias sobre una teoría compleja pero con mayores pruebas.
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alarrytale · 1 year
But summed up, there are enough facts for every larrie to support the theory that larry is real///
Can you name just one because you seem reluctant to do that.
This is me trying to reason with an anti (or three). If that's not your cup of tea, or antis blind ingnorance makes your sunday not peaceful, then scroll along.
the fact that harry and louis have complimentary tattoos
- they have a few tattoos on a nautical theme in common with 80% of people who have tattoos
the fact that h and l used to live together in princess park
- In a block owned by Sony with the rest of the band. Surely you're not suggesting that a 16 year old boy was allowed to move in with a sexual partner?
the fact that h and l saw ed sheeran play in manchester and louis got a lyric saying 'we saw ed in manchester, i held you while he played'.
the fact that h and l saw ed sheeran play in manchester and louis got a lyric saying 'we saw ed in manchester, i held you while he played'.
- The fact that Louis has stated many times that Eleanor Calder was his girlfriend at the time (and for eight years) whereas he has denied he was ever involved with Harry
the fact that bearding and pr relationships exists in hollywood as a mean to closet and promote celebrities.
the fact that there are hundreds of rumours about them being a couple.
How about the fact that Louis & Harry have never been photographed together since 2016 even though Harry is photographed by fans every few days?
The Santa clause analogy is really weird because it works much better the other way around
Who has the most straight forward belief (ie not in magic, not in someone who can go all around the world in one night delivering presents- Santa's just your dad). Clue- it's not Larries
VS who has a really complicated set of beliefs and coincidences and reads into things as evidence (and who is motivated to grip onto their beliefs, get into echo chambers over them, get aggressive and accusatory with people who don't agree vs believing what they do because it's more logical). Hmmm sounds like Larries
Ockams razor is not cutting your way.
Hi, anon(s),
I'm not here to convince anybody. I have already named several facts that are indesputable. It's how you take these facts, weigh them, put them in the right context and test them out (compare them to you prior knowledge) that makes you form a theory. Several people have done that and ended up with supporting the theory of larry being real. I can't repeat all the facts that i personally see as facts to you. There are 11 years worth of information on my blog to back up the facts and the theory of larry being real. As i said, i'm not here to convince anybody of anything, i'm set in my belief. No one is stopping you from looking into any of this for yourself. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.
To the second anon. You haven't disputed any of the facts, you have just attibuted an explanation for them. So can i, but in favour of larry being real. We could go back and forth all day, giving our interpretations of these facts. But the facts remain facts regardless. You have your interpretations and i have mine.
To the third anon. No, i think my analogy works best. You are the one taking everything they say and do at face value. Not me. We use critical thinking and look at motivation for an action or see things as a mean to achieve a goal. You do have the easiest explanation, but it's not that difficult to see that it's wrong, and contradicting itself on several things. It makes no sense if you see the whole picture. My theory makes sense. If we went with the easiest explanation at all times then people never lie, every rich person must be happy and everyone who doesn’t state otherwise must be straight. The world dosn't work like that. People are more complex. And as long as people don't take things as they are, the ones trying to sell us things needs to use better and better manipulative methods to make us buy what they are selling. That's the world we live in. The only thing we can do is try and try to understand the hows and whys and not let them fool you.
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ericvanderburg · 1 year
Ockam Routing: Building Secure End-to-End Channels
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9kmovies-biz · 1 year
Remote Senior Engineer - Messaging Protocols Job at Ockam -Jobsclub
Ockam is a suite of open source tools, programming libraries, and managed cloud services to orchestrate end-to-end encryption, mutual authentication, key management, credential management, and authorization policy enforcement – at massive scale. Trust for Data-in-Motion Modern applications are distributed and have an unwieldy number of interconnections that must trustfully exchange data. To trust…
View On WordPress
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blogdavania · 1 year
A Navalha de Ockam
O princípio básico da Navalha de Ockham diz que entre duas teorias que explicam igualmente os mesmos fatos, a mais simples é a correta.
Duvidamos do simples e do óbvio, buscamos complexidade onde não existe.
Não faz sentido fazer com mais o que se pode fazer com menos.
Isso é tão libertador e traz em si tanta coerência.
Tudo é tão simples e lógico na estética e harmonia do mundo, na natureza, em nós.
Talvez o ego, tão bem descrito por Freud, exista para complicar tudo.
Lembremos, quando diante do mais cabeludo dos dilemas, que a saída está na mais simples das alternativas e escolhas.
Na simplicidade reside a sabedoria.
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andreykarlin · 2 years
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The Ockam selected items from AW21
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hackernewsrobot · 2 years
Rust and Elixir libraries for end-to-end encrypted secure communication
https://github.com/build-trust/ockam Comments
0 notes
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Securing trust and identity in IoT with open source – a conversation with Ockam co-founders Last week, Ockam announced that it open sourced the SDK for the foundational technology it is building designed to provide a horizontal approach to securing trust and identity in IoT devices.
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pris-ocs · 6 years
@dr-ockham like the starter call
There was a hiss before the feline could keep her mouth shut, the fur along her back bristling, claws embedding themselves into the wood of the branch she was perched on. this thing wasn’t normal. she wasn’t the most in tune with magical entities, but something... she knew SOMETHING was off about this figure.  perhaps it was instinct, but either way, she stood on the branch glaring, fur bristling, the hiss long silenced. 
She was not letting this figure get much closer.
11 notes · View notes
this-week-in-rust · 8 months
This Week in Rust 533
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub and archives can be viewed at this-week-in-rust.org. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
crates.io: API status code changes
Google Contributes $1M to Rust Foundation to Support C++/Rust "Interop Initiative"
Project/Tooling Updates
Announcing the Tauri v2 Beta Release
Polars — Why we have rewritten the string data type
rust-analyzer changelog #219
Ratatui 0.26.0 - a Rust library for cooking up terminal user interfaces
Will it block?
Embedded Rust in Production ..?
Let futures be futures
Compiling Rust is testing
Rust web frameworks have subpar error reporting
[video] Proving Performance - FOSDEM 2024 - Rust Dev Room
[video] Stefan Baumgartner - Trials, Traits, and Tribulations
[video] Rainer Stropek - Memory Management in Rust
[video] Shachar Langbeheim - Async & FFI - not exactly a love story
[video] Massimiliano Mantione - Object Oriented Programming, and Rust
[audio] Unlocking Rust's power through mentorship and knowledge spreading, with Tim McNamara
[audio] Asciinema with Marcin Kulik
Non-Affine Types, ManuallyDrop and Invariant Lifetimes in Rust - Part One
Nine Rules for Accessing Cloud Files from Your Rust Code: Practical lessons from upgrading Bed-Reader, a bioinformatics library
Rust Walkthroughs
AsyncWrite and a Tale of Four Implementations
Garbage Collection Without Unsafe Code
Fragment specifiers in Rust Macros
Writing a REST API in Rust
[video] Traits and operators
Write a simple netcat client and server in Rust
RustFest 2024 Announcement
Preprocessing trillions of tokens with Rust (case study)
All EuroRust 2023 talks ordered by the view count
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is embedded-cli-rs, a library that makes it easy to create CLIs on embedded devices.
Thanks to Sviatoslav Kokurin for the self-suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation; projects and speakers
CFP - Projects
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
Fluvio - Build a new python wrapping for the fluvio client crate
Fluvio - MQTT Connector: Prefix auto generated Client ID to prevent connection drops
Ockam - Implement events in SqlxDatabase
Ockam - Output for both ockam project ticket and ockam project enroll is improved, with support for --output json
Ockam - Output for ockam project ticket is improved and information is not opaque 
Hyperswitch - [FEATURE]: Setup code coverage for local tests & CI
Hyperswitch - [FEATURE]: Have get_required_value to use ValidationError in OptionExt
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
CFP - Speakers
Are you a new or experienced speaker looking for a place to share something cool? This section highlights events that are being planned and are accepting submissions to join their event as a speaker.
RustNL 2024 CFP closes 2024-02-19 | Delft, The Netherlands | Event date: 2024-05-07 & 2024-05-08
NDC Techtown CFP closes 2024-04-14 | Kongsberg, Norway | Event date: 2024-09-09 to 2024-09-12
If you are an event organizer hoping to expand the reach of your event, please submit a link to the submission website through a PR to TWiR.
Updates from the Rust Project
309 pull requests were merged in the last week
add avx512fp16 to x86 target features
riscv only supports split_debuginfo=off for now
target: default to the medium code model on LoongArch targets
#![feature(inline_const_pat)] is no longer incomplete
actually abort in -Zpanic-abort-tests
add missing potential_query_instability for keys and values in hashmap
avoid ICE when is_val_statically_known is not of a supported type
be more careful about interpreting a label/lifetime as a mistyped char literal
check RUST_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG in profile_user_dist test
correctly check never_type feature gating
coverage: improve handling of function/closure spans
coverage: use normal edition: headers in coverage tests
deduplicate more sized errors on call exprs
pattern_analysis: Gracefully abort on type incompatibility
pattern_analysis: cleanup manual impls
pattern_analysis: cleanup the contexts
fix BufReader unsoundness by adding a check in default_read_buf
fix ICE on field access on a tainted type after const-eval failure
hir: refactor getters for owner nodes
hir: remove the generic type parameter from MaybeOwned
improve the diagnostics for unused generic parameters
introduce support for async bound modifier on Fn* traits
make matching on NaN a hard error, and remove the rest of illegal_floating_point_literal_pattern
make the coroutine def id of an async closure the child of the closure def id
miscellaneous diagnostics cleanups
move UI issue tests to subdirectories
move predicate, region, and const stuff into their own modules in middle
never patterns: It is correct to lower ! to _
normalize region obligation in lexical region resolution with next-gen solver
only suggest removal of as_* and to_ conversion methods on E0308
provide more context on derived obligation error primary label
suggest changing type to const parameters if we encounter a type in the trait bound position
suppress unhelpful diagnostics for unresolved top level attributes
miri: normalize struct tail in ABI compat check
miri: moving out sched_getaffinity interception from linux'shim, FreeBSD su…
miri: switch over to rustc's tracing crate instead of using our own log crate
revert unsound libcore changes
fix some Arc allocator leaks
use <T, U> for array/slice equality impls
improve io::Read::read_buf_exact error case
reject infinitely-sized reads from io::Repeat
thread_local::register_dtor fix proposal for FreeBSD
add LocalWaker and ContextBuilder types to core, and LocalWake trait to alloc
codegen_gcc: improve iterator for files suppression
cargo: Don't panic on empty spans
cargo: Improve map/sequence error message
cargo: apply -Zpanic-abort-tests to doctests too
cargo: don't print rustdoc command lines on failure by default
cargo: stabilize lockfile v4
cargo: fix markdown line break in cargo-add
cargo: use spec id instead of name to match package
rustdoc: fix footnote handling
rustdoc: correctly handle attribute merge if this is a glob reexport
rustdoc: prevent JS injection from localStorage
rustdoc: trait.impl, type.impl: sort impls to make it not depend on serialization order
clippy: redundant_locals: take by-value closure captures into account
clippy: new lint: manual_c_str_literals
clippy: add lint_groups_priority lint
clippy: add new lint: ref_as_ptr
clippy: add configuration for wildcard_imports to ignore certain imports
clippy: avoid deleting labeled blocks
clippy: fixed FP in unused_io_amount for Ok(lit), unrachable! and unwrap de…
rust-analyzer: "Normalize import" assist and utilities for normalizing use trees
rust-analyzer: enable excluding refs search results in test
rust-analyzer: support for GOTO def from inside files included with include! macro
rust-analyzer: emit parser error for missing argument list
rust-analyzer: swap Subtree::token_trees from Vec to boxed slice
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
Rust's CI was down most of the week, leading to a much smaller collection of commits than usual. Results are mostly neutral for the week.
Triage done by @simulacrum. Revision range: 5c9c3c78..0984bec
0 Regressions, 2 Improvements, 1 Mixed; 1 of them in rollups 17 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
No RFCs were approved this week.
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
No RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] Consider principal trait ref's auto-trait super-traits in dyn upcasting
[disposition: merge] remove sub_relations from the InferCtxt
[disposition: merge] Optimize away poison guards when std is built with panic=abort
[disposition: merge] Check normalized call signature for WF in mir typeck
Language Reference
No Language Reference RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Unsafe Code Guidelines
No Unsafe Code Guideline RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
New and Updated RFCs
Nested function scoped type parameters
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2024-02-07 - 2024-03-06 🦀
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Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
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Rust – budowanie narzędzi działających w linii komend
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Introduction and Rust in production
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February 2024 Rust Melbourne Meetup
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Rust for Rustaceans Book Club: Chapter 2 - Types
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Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
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2024-02-15 | Praha, CZ - Virtual + In-person | Rust Czech Republic
Introduction and Rust in production
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Rust Lyon Meetup #8
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2024-02-07 | Brookline, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Coolidge Corner Brookline Rust Lunch, Feb 7
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BEAST: Recreating a classic DOS terminal game in Rust
2024-02-12 | Minneapolis, MN, US | Minneapolis Rust Meetup
Minneapolis Rust: Open Source Contrib Hackathon & Happy Hour
2024-02-13 | New York, NY, US | Rust NYC
Rust NYC Monthly Mixer
2024-02-13 | Seattle, WA, US | Cap Hill Rust Coding/Hacking/Learning
Rusty Coding/Hacking/Learning Night
2024-02-15 | Boston, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Back Bay Rust Lunch, Feb 15
2024-02-15 | Seattle, WA, US | Seattle Rust User Group
Seattle Rust User Group Meetup
2024-02-20 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
Rust Hacking in Person
2024-02-22 | Mountain View, CA, US | Mountain View Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup at Hacker Dojo
2024-02-28 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch - Fareground
2024-02-19 | Melbourne, VIC, AU + Virtual | Rust Melbourne
February 2024 Rust Melbourne Meetup
2024-02-27 | Canberra, ACT, AU | Canberra Rust User Group
February Meetup
2024-02-27 | Sydney, NSW, AU | Rust Sydney
🦀 spire ⚡ & Quick
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
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Quote of the Week
My take on this is that you cannot use async Rust correctly and fluently without understanding Arc, Mutex, the mutability of variables/references, and how async and await syntax compiles in the end. Rust forces you to understand how and why things are the way they are. It gives you minimal abstraction to do things that could’ve been tedious to do yourself.
I got a chance to work on two projects that drastically forced me to understand how async/await works. The first one is to transform a library that is completely sync and only requires a sync trait to talk to the outside service. This all sounds fine, right? Well, this becomes a problem when we try to port it into browsers. The browser is single-threaded and cannot block the JavaScript runtime at all! It is arguably the most weird environment for Rust users. It is simply impossible to rewrite the whole library, as it has already been shipped to production on other platforms.
What we did instead was rewrite the network part using async syntax, but using our own generator. The idea is simple: the generator produces a future when called, and the produced future can be awaited. But! The produced future contains an arc pointer to the generator. That means we can feed the generator the value we are waiting for, then the caller who holds the reference to the generator can feed the result back to the function and resume it. For the browser, we use the native browser API to derive the network communications; for other platforms, we just use regular blocking network calls. The external interface remains unchanged for other platforms.
Honestly, I don’t think any other language out there could possibly do this. Maybe C or C++, but which will never have the same development speed and developer experience.
I believe people have already mentioned it, but the current asynchronous model of Rust is the most reasonable choice. It does create pain for developers, but on the other hand, there is no better asynchronous model for Embedded or WebAssembly.
– /u/Top_Outlandishness78 on /r/rust
Thanks to Brian Kung for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
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djdddsms · 2 years
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Ockam's Conundrum turned 9 today!
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"Ockam is a serverless platform that aims to make it easier for IoT developers to add blockchain-based identity, trust, and interoperability in their IoT devices. Ockam has recently open sources its SDK for Golang. InfoQ has spoken with Ockam CEO and founder Matthew Gregory to learn more". Reblog with caption 🙃
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ericvanderburg · 1 year
The Noonification: Why We Rewrote Ockam in Rust (7/9/2023)
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