falling-pixie · 11 months
Sorry for the word vomit but I need to rant-
As a fanfic writer who only spits out things every once in a while... I can't STOP writing. My fic keeps growing. My one fic is up to 20k+ finished and STILL GROWING. Like, I have to delete scenes to make this work. I've never written this much before and I'm kind of glad and kind of scared that it isn't slowing down
*nervous laughter*
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a-queenoffairys · 7 years
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Well it’s Christmas here, so happy holidays, @me-see-world! I was your secret Santa for @codesecretsanta >:D
Sissi learns that there are probably better times of day to set up a mistletoe trap in Ulrich’s doorway.
I hope 2018 is kind to you, friend! Starting with part 2 of your gift which will be on the way whenever I finally make it to the post office hohoho...
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cloudy-whales · 3 years
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The theme is obscure ships lol we have UlrichxAelita and WilliamxYumi (not sure if this one is obscure but w/e)
Headcanons below:
17 years old
Taller then both his parents, gets it from his papa (Aelita’s dad)
Knows about Lyoko, has been to Lyoko
Sickingly sweet, to the point of naivety
Used to get bullied for his hair color, so he always kept it short. Started growing it out his first year at Kadic and hasn’t cut it since
Works out and plays sports for fun, won’t join a team
15 years old
Has a crush on Eva
Knows about Lyoko, has been
Has a love for automechanics and picked up his moms love of Pencak Silat
Best subject is math, worst is music
Doesn’t want Hana knowing or going anywhere near Lyoko or the Warehouse
14 years old
Classic bookworm, mysteries are her favorite
Usually the lookout for Joey’s pranks
Part of the newspaper club
Hopes to become an investigative reporter after graduating 
Winter is her favorite season
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sheepydraws · 8 years
And So They Lived (6/6)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 
Ulrich pretty much just dropped into bed by the time they got back to their room, but after his mid-freak out nap earlier and the late dinner that Jeremie had squirreled away for him Odd was too wired for sleep. He sat down at his desk and rummaged around for his favorite pen and a fresh notebook. It was spiral bound with a flimsy cardboard cover. Odd dicked around for a few minutes, scratching his name into the purple cover and then the eye of XANA under it, but he was stalling. He knew where he had to begin.
I brought my dog to school with me because I was afraid that I wouldn’t have any friends here. I have plenty now, but only because I brought Kiwi and Ulrich had the balls to dognap him.
Odd wrote all night. He kept expecting to reach a stopping point, but the words kept coming. Perhaps it was because he didn’t just include XANA attacks. He wrote what the world thought really happened, too. He wrote about Sissi, and the shitty things she did to them, and the shitty things they did to her. He spent more ink than he would care to admit on Yumi and Ulrich’s ‘let’s fight-let’s fuck’ relationship. He wrote about William and his betrayal. He wrote right through Lyoko’s final summer as they took everything apart piece by piece.
Something strange happened. A narrative emerged. Events took on a shape. Days didn’t just end, arcs did. Things didn’t just change, they grew. When he stopped to explain what he thought were simple things to someone who might not understand, stuff he had never stopped to think about finally made sense to him. He knew it all sounded crazy, but as a story it was a pretty cool one. He remembered that it had been an adventure.
He finished the dismantling of the supercomputer and the scanners sometime around one in the morning. Then he kept going. He wrote about school, and Elizabeth, and trying to live without Lyoko, and how it should have been easy. He got a bit disgusting and sappy, and may have made some terrible metaphors about Elizabeth’s eyes and the night sky, and he might have cried a bit about how it was never going to be the same between him and his best friends, but they were always going to be his best friends, whether anyone else remembered all they had done for him or not.
Ulrich woke him at seven. He was hunched over his desk, drooling on his own hand.
“I have to give this to Elizabeth.” He said before he had even sat up, although it probably came out more like, “I hafta givisss t’Lizze.”
“What?” Ulrich said as his head popped out the neck of the sweater he was pulling on.
“I said, ‘I love you’.”
Ulrich had just kicked off his pajama pants and stood there in his boxers for a minute, staring at Odd. Then he smiled. “Yeah. I love you, too.”
In the cafeteria Odd wolfed down two bowls of cereal and a hot chocolate before Elizabeth arrived. He got up and caught her before she had even gotten in the food line.
“Here.” He said, and he placed the notebook in her hands. “It’s everything.”
She idly flipped through the first few pages and then kept flipping. “Whoa.” She said. “It-“ She stopped on a certain page. “Am I in this?”
“Of course.” Odd said.
She closed the notebook and clasped it to her chest for a minute. She had this little smile that Odd though was going to turn into a laugh, but it became a kiss instead. Not a long kiss, not when Elizabeth was blocking the cafeteria door, and Ulrich, Jeremie, and Aelita needed to be kept from cardiac arrest, but a good one.
“Is that why you’ve been so crazy?” Ulrich said the second Odd was sitting down again. “You’ve been falling for Sissi?”
Odd gave him a mysterious smile. Then, because he hated that kind of bullshit, he said, “It’s why I wasn’t in our room last night.”
Ulrich’s eyes bugged out while Jeremie and Aelita laughed.
“You realize,” Jeremie said, “That once Yumi gets here, you’re going to have to tell us everything.”
“Yeah. I think I can manage that.”
It is impossible to separate this movie from the chaos caused by its trailers. Last year instead of the laughably bad slew of christmas movies everyone seemed to be talking about a trailer that had premiered along side “To The Top” (a movie whose only discerning feature is having ten percent on rotten tomatoes). It was rather tricky to discuss, though, since the trailer did not reveal a plot, title, or release date. It seemed like an advertisement for a boarding school, complete with bored student volunteers, bad lighting, and bland pop songs. The camera recording this waste of tuition runs low on battery and is shuffled around before being plugged in, at which point the screen slowly goes white and a symbol flickers across it before disappearing. Aside from a slide with the words ‘coming soon’ that was the trailer in it’s entirety.
People started talking, but thanks to hefty non-disclosure agreements, no one came forward to explain what was going on. The second and third trailers appeared almost simultaneously a month later, and caused even more confusion. One looked like a sci-fi thriller, the other a young adult romance. However, they shared the same title, Code Lyoko, and the setting and symbol from the first trailer.
Finally, writer and director Odd Della Robbia casually mentioned that he was behind the project while doing an interview with Teen Vouge. The director is best known for his work on Buried in Stars the sleeper hit of the summer movie season two years ago, best described as the surrealist, most vividly technicolor rom-com to ever grace the big screen. When the interviewer asked about the discrepancy between all three trailers, as well as the secrecy that surrounded filming, Della Robbia responded with,
“When I pitched Code Lyoko the first thing they said was, ‘How are we gonna market this? Is it a heartwarming coming of age story or a YA sci-fi thriller?’ and I said, ‘If I can’t convince you it’s both by the end of this, then we might as well scrap the whole project.’ I guess audacity still counts for something.”
‘Genre defying’ is a greatly overused compliment, and in my opinion, it dismisses the importance of genre. There’s something to be said for going into a horror movie and getting a horror. Of course playing too tightly to a genre’s guidelines without shaking something up can be dull, but so can a movie that tries too hard to include many different elements without properly following through on any of them. Code Lyoko, however, does manage to step outside genre lines without over-burdening itself trying to be three stories at once.
Della Robbia deftly mixes over the top action and teenage drama with the keen eyes of someone who has been there before. Though the movie follows several different threads, the core of the story is the small group of friends it follows, and Della Robbia never forgets that. Unlike Della Robbia’s work so far the style is simple and sharp, the colors muted and the lighting high contrast. Even the virtual world of Lyoko, which is a bit brighter and more cartoony, has graphics simplified to the point where they are almost cubist in feel.
This serves the plot well. The main conflict at the beginning of the movie is that Walter (played by John Beck) finds an abandoned computer, which contains a virtual world and Gemma (Gina Pedroza), a young girl who claims that she is a real person who is unable to devirtualize. Walter makes it his mission to fix this, and accidentally begins recruiting people to help his cause. Unfortunately, keeping the computer on so that Walter can attempt to understand the code that will free Gemma allows another program in the computer known as ZENAT to wreak havoc on the outside world. While this could be a movie all on it’s own, the group’s interactions with each other, as well as their parents and other students, along with several satisfying twists, completely fill out the story and make it unforgettable.
Interestingly, the technology examined in Code Lyoko bears a striking resemblance to advances in virtual reality being proposed by Nintendo that are currently being developed in a team with Aelita Schiffer and Jeremie Belpois [Article Here], and though the technology isn’t the  showcase here, it is rather shocking to think that this film could theoretically happen in five years time. Although that is not the only element that lends Code Lyoko uncanny realism.
The mixture of high school drama and thwarting an evil invasion shouldn’t work this well outside of an after school cartoon, and it’s not just the depth that Della Robbia gives all the story lines, as well as the fantastic acting, which allows these seemingly dissonant themes to gel. In a subsequent interview with The New Yorker after the film’s release Della Robbia said, “I remember when I first asked my wife to read a draft of the story. As soon as I gave it to her I started to overthink. She told me she liked it, but I said, ‘There’s kids fighting giant robots!…Are you sure I shouldn’t take it out? Or make it a metaphor for standardized testing or something?’ and she said, ‘When I think about high school I don’t think about taking standardized tests, I think about fighting monsters.’ so she saved the monsters.”
By injecting it with sci-fi terror Della Robbia has stripped the fantasy from teenage coming of age stories, allowing it to resonate long after you leave the theater. Five stars.
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falling-pixie · 8 months
THE FINAL CHAPTER!! And it is finally finished. The longest story I've ever written and I'm quite proud of myself 😌 I hope CL and OddxSissi fans enjoy! I have about 10 other CL stories in the works but that's the case with most of my ships lol
Never Like That (35410 words) by Falling_Pixie Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Code Lyoko Relationships: Odd Della Robbia/Sissi Delmas Summary: Odd is forced to make a difficult choice after learning that the girl he has been fantasizing about online is the one person he intentionally tries to annoy on a daily basis. Wondering whether he should end all ties with his online partner or continue their flirting to learn more about how complicated their relationship could get, Odd finds himself falling deeper for his loudmouth classmate. (updates once a week)
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cloudy-whales · 3 years
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Screw it, OddxSissi fankids lol
Headcanons below:
16 years old
Eva’s twin, but younger by 12 minutes
Theater Kid™ but works mostly backstage
Loves cartoons, video games and comics like her dad
Dyes half her hair constantly, feeling the blonde this time around
On the girlier side
16 years old
Has a very similar personality to her mom
Ballet dancer
Thinks shes better than everyone else, but has the grades and skills to prove it
Considered the least eccentric of her siblings
Loves going to America to visit her aunts, grandma and grandpa
15 years old
Athletic, but has poor hand eye coordination
Knows about Lyoko, but has never been
Bridgette cuts and dyes her hair
Hot headed and loud, physically trembles when she can’t yell
Secretly collects bunny plushes, fears it will ruin her tough girl look
14 years old
Takes after his uncle Jeremie, very much a brainiac
Will trip on a flat surface
Knows about Lyoko, has been 
His sisters will mockingly call him “Baby Boy”, mimicking their mother
Very quiet and unassuming, but gets away with pranks all the time
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a-queenoffairys · 6 years
Odd and Aelita for the headcanon meme :3
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First up is Odd! (also asked for by @me-see-world)
1: sexuality headcanonBisexual of course
2: otpOddxSissi but OddxSam has been working its way up there. I ship him with a lot of characters though 8T
3: brotpOdd/Ulrich
4: notpI’m not sure I really have a notp per se, I can’t think of any Odd ships I really hate (unless it’s with an adult or something but that goes without saying =w=). Personally I don’t see any chemistry between him and Yumi or Jeremie but it doesn’t bother me if I see content for those ships.
5: first headcanon that pops into my headLater on, he makes a successful YouTube channel mainly featuring let’s plays but also for his short films. Sissi also starts her own YouTube channel where she does make-up and fashion tutorials and reviews. After losing a bet Odd features in one of Sissi’s videos where she does his make-up. He enjoys it so much he starts instigating more bets and losing them on purpose so he gets to do more of those videos. Sissi’s audience catch on long before Sissi does.
6: one way in which I relate to this characterHonestly, school performance is the first thing that comes to mind. The other kids often make him out to be an idiot but the adults sometimes say that he has potential to do well in school and he just chooses not to. Unlike Ulrich who seems to have difficulty learning, Odd can understand things if he wants to, he’s just lazy and disinterested. I never really studied during high school, I managed to pass tests just from remembering what I learnt in class.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterWhen I think of Odd and second-hand embarrassment I think of episode 58. That whole argument with Ulrich about who’s the best fighter, all the boasting he did and that devirtualisation scene… Also a few of the Odd-centric season 4 episodes had plots based on him doing something stupid and those were a bit cringey sometimes.8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?I’m not sure I’d describe him as either. I guess he’s somewhere in between?
1: sexuality headcanonI don’t really have a concrete headcanon for Aelita, but I can easily see her being interested in girls as well as boys.
2: otpAelitaxJeremie before Jeremie became such a jerk in season 4. I really like drawing her with Odd though.
3: brotpAelita/Odd, Aelita/Ulrich, Aelita/Yumi if they would actually get some nice friendship moments together, writers.
4: notpAgain I don’t really have a notp for her, but I don’t see any chemistry with Ulrich or William.
5: first headcanon that pops into my headCats are Aelita’s favourite animal. She fell in love with them after meeting Odd and wanting to learn more about the inspiration for his virtual form. She spent many hours watching early Internet cat videos on the tower interface in between XANA attacks.
6: one way in which I relate to this characterI, too, was trapped inside a virtual world for 10 years. I want to say being nice to people until they give you a reason not to be, and then showing them no mercy. When Aelita’s had enough of someone the sass comes out.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterHonestly not much, but I guess when she could’ve gotten to the tower and she chose not to? In season 1 she has a bad habit of stopping right in front of the tower to catch her breath, in season 4 she often lands a few metres away from the tower and makes her wings disappear when she could’ve just flown straight in and not let XANA-William cut her off because she’s on foot. Or times when the tower’s completely unguarded and she chooses to fight monsters nearby instead 8′)8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?Cinnamon roll, obviously.
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a-queenoffairys · 7 years
For @code-aeyeeta I guess, a list of ship names I see most often! This is by no means a definitive list and some of them might not be the most commonly used name, it’s just the ones I’ve picked up on personally. Feel free to add your own, there’s a lot to remember and a bit of variation haha.
AelitaxJeremie - Jerlita
AelitaxOdd - Oddlita
AelitaxYumi - Yumilita
AelitaxUlrich - Ullita (Ulita?)
AelitaxLaura - Pink lemonade (also Laurilita? Lauralita?)
AelitaxWilliam - Willita
JeremiexAelita - Jerlita
JeremiexOdd - Jerodd (sometimes Oddjer?)
JeremiexLaura - Lauremie
JeremiexYumi - Jerumi
JeremiexUlrich - ???
JeremiexWilliam - Willjer?
OddxSam - Oddsam (sometimes Samodd?)
OddxUlrich - Oddrich, Ulodd
OddxSissi - Oddissi (OxSi is probably more common but come on)
OddxAelita - Oddlita
OddxJeremie - Jerodd (sometimes Oddjer?)
OddxYumi - Oddumi
OddxWilliam - Willodd
UlrichxYumi - Ulumi
UlrichxWilliam - Willrich
UlrichxSissi - ???
UlrichxOdd - Oddrich, Ulodd
UlrichxJeremie - ???
UlrichxAelita - Ullita (Ulita?)
UlrichxYumixWilliam - Willulumi?
YumixUlrich - Ulumi
YumixJeremie - Jerumi
YumixOdd - Oddumi
YumixAelita - Yumilita
YumixSissi - Sissumi
YumixWilliam - Willumi
YumixWilliamxUlrich - Willulumi?
WilliamxYumi - Willumi
WilliamxUlrich - Willrich
WilliamxOdd - Willodd
WilliamxJeremie - Willjer?
WilliamxAelita - Willita
WilliamxSissi - ???
WilliamxYumixUlrich - Willulumi?
LauraxAelita - Pink lemonade (also Laurilita? Lauralita?)
LauraxJeremie - Lauremie
LauraxWillaim - Willaura
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