#oekaki talk
babbybones · 7 months
Oekaki updatez...
Monster Kidz Oekaki is still up and i'd like to keep it that way, but i need to give it some more attention and keep people updated on what's going on/what my plans are for it. so let me jot some thoughts down...
data scraping for machine learning: this has been a concern for a lot of artists as of late, so I've added a robots.txt file and an ai.txt file (as per the opt-out standard proposed by Spawning.ai) to the site in an effort to keep out as many web crawlers for AI as possible. the site will still be indexed by search engines and the Internet Archive. as an additional measure, later tonight I'll try adding "noai", "noimageai", and "noml" HTML meta tags to the site (this would probably be quick and easy to do but i'm soooo sleepy 🛌)
enabling uploads: right now, most users can only post art by drawing in one of the oekaki applets in the browser. i've already given this some thought for a while now, but it seems like artist-oriented spaces online have been dwindling lately, so i'd like to give upload privileges to anyone who's already made a drawing on the oekaki and make a google form for those who haven't (just to confirm who you are/that you won't use the feature maliciously). i would probably set some ground rules like "don't spam uploads"
rules: i'd like to make the rules a little less anal. like, ok, it's no skin off my ass if some kid draws freddy fazbear even though i hope scott cawthon's whole empire explodes. i should also add rules pertaining to uploads, which means i'm probably going to have to address AI generated content. on one hand i hate how, say, deviantart's front page is loaded with bland, tacky, "trending on artstation"-ass AI generated shit (among other issues i have with the medium) but on the other hand i have no interest in trying to interrogate someone about whether they're a Real Artist or scream at someone with the rage of 1,000 scorned concept artists for referencing an AI generated image someone else posted, or something. so i'm not sure how to tackle this tastefully
"Branding": i'm wondering if i should present this as less of a UTDR Oekaki and more of a General Purpose Oekaki with a monster theming. functionally, there wouldn't be much of a difference, but maybe the oekaki could have its own mascot
fun stuff: is having a poll sort of "obsolete" now because of tumblr polls, or should I keep it...? i'd also like to come up with ideas for Things To Do like weekly/monthly art prompts, or maybe games/events like a splatfest/artfight type thing. if you have any ideas of your own, let me know
boring stuff: i need to figure out how to set up automated backups, so i guess i'll do that sometime soon... i should also update the oekaki software sometime (this is scary because i've made a lot of custom edits to everything)
Money: well this costs money to host so I might put a ko-fi link for donations somewhere... at some point... maybe.......
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xenosagaepisodeone · 1 year
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カグラウイ circa 2006-2009
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bluefuecoco · 1 year
i miss the miiverse a lot, i thrived while drawing little pokemon doodles with just a pen tool and eraser tool. it was honestly so much fun and i felt like i was really good at doing it
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katzirra · 7 months
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garyfischy · 10 months
can we all petition to get the tegaki archive back up plz
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3d-bear · 11 months
My main internet hangouts in my early internet days were oekaki image boards, deviant art chat rooms, and the Doodle page on the now defunct Bennetonplay website. That last one I am feeling very nostalgic for in the moment. It was such a specific thing in a specifc time that hasn't really been recreated.
Benntonplay was an online game website that was made by the fashion brand as an experimental protosocial gaming space. They had a variety of games, that they called toys, that invovled collaborative creation in some form.
The one I spent my time on was simply called "Doodle" How it worked is that you were given a square to draw in and small smattering of colors to use. Once you finished your drawing you would send it and it would go into a big chronological image board along with other people's drawings. You could copy someone else's drawing to edit or add to it. Here is a very old video of it in action.
It was intended as a form of exquisite corpse but it became something else entirely for a small group of people, of which I was included. For about 2 years it became a sort of drawing based online chatroom. You would have an OC that represented you. You would draw them with speech bubbles of text to communicate. You would copy someone else's drawing and add your OC to it so you could interact with other OCs. It was all pretty innocent and mostly us talking about movies, comics, TV shows, that kind of thing. Here we're my OC's -- I don't have any art of them from the time so I redrew them.
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It was a bit rude of us to monopolize this space like that -- since there were no other "rooms." There was only one Doodle. Some people would come in and leave once they realized it was being dominated by middle schoolers RPing with their OCs. Sometimes though people would see what was going on, make their own OCs, and join in.
However, eventually some of us moved on. A few would say official say goodbyes, but mostly we stopped showing up one by one. Sometimes a few of us would check on Doodle and see if anyone was around, sometimes two or three of us would check in at the same time and catch up. Eventually though, we all stopped coming back for good. Then the site was closed down.
That is really not much else to say about it. It was a fun time I am remember fondly. Just wanted to wax nostlagic!
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 4 months
dreamt i was taking a midnight class that taught you how to draw butterflies but the teachers couldnt get their shit together and it was making me impatient. And outside the window everyone was driving huge white escalades. Then i got hired at the art store where the class was taking place, with a guy who kept reminding me he was a libra, We also talked about oekakis and paint bbs.
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babycharmander · 5 months
take me back to the days of having two or three different IM services running, an IRC window, and multiple firefox windows open to different forums.
the forums have unobtrusive banner ads at the top and bottom. your avatar on one forum is 200x200 and other people are amazed when you tell them the forum allows avatars that big. your forum signature has links to your dA, FFN, the java chat for your chatroom, your personal website, and some adoptable dragon. one user shows off the fact that they just got photoshop by making a newer, fancier signature banner. there's at least six active RP threads in the RP subforum, and a user has started a new sprite comic in the art subforum. there's multiple new threads in the other subforums to check out, and some new posts on that thread about That One Episode. you reply again, notice your forum rank has gone up, and take a screenshot to upload to iownjoo to show your friends later.
your friends have silly goofy animated avatars on AIM and one of them has one of those funky talking ones that reacts to whatever they type. one of your friends on MSN Messenger has sent you the giant laughing head animation again because it makes them laugh. you and your friends change your MSN Messenger names to matching Homestar Runner quotes.
you upload another 100x100 icon to your LiveJournal account, this one an "angry" one featuring another favorite character of yours. new posts from one of the fandom comms excitedly speculate about a new episode. one of the fanfic comms you follow is hosting a new challenge.
the IRC chat is somewhat active at the moment. someone uses a script to announce what music they are listening to on winamp. one person has changed their quit message to another goofy quote. a troll joins, and one of the mods jumps on the chance to use that funny new kick message they'd thought up. someone makes a dumb typo and the channel's topic is changed to incorporate the typo.
you check on some fansites to see if they've gathered any news on the upcoming games. one of them has scans they claim are from a Japanese magazine and are Totally Real. you get the feeling they're not, but you're amused anyway. there's new art on one of the oekaki boards on one site--someone spent three hours on an absolute masterpiece of a drawing, while some kid drew a stick figure and clearly left the window open for fifteen minutes to satisfy the "spend at least 15 minutes on a drawing" rule. another person posts a quick drawing of their persona sobbing because they accidentally refreshed the page and lost the image they'd been working on.
someone jumps on AIM and frantically tells you to check out one of your usual forums. when you refresh the page, you immediately crack up to find every instance of the letter "a" replaced with "BAD WROD" because a moderator accidentally messed up the swear filter. sadly, you and your friends are laughing too hard to think to take any screenshots to immortalize this moment before it's hastily corrected.
the internet at this time is not a perfect place, but you will not realize what you have until it is long, long gone.
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apothecaryscript · 2 days
Episode 22 : Blue Roses / 第22話『青い薔薇(Aoi Sobi)』
Maomao “Haruno mebukio kanjiru koro, Gyokuyou-samano ninshinwa, tashikana monoto natta.”
Maomao “By the time we started to smell spring in the air, it became certain that Lady Gyokuyou was indeed pregnant.”
Rinrī “Aiii, fufu, ai!”
Maomao “Fushigi danaa, akagoga iruto wakaru-noka?”
Maomao “That’s curious. Can she tell there’s a baby inside?”
San-nin “Kawaiiii!”
Three ladies “So cute!”
Hon’nyan “Watashimo soro-soro…”
Hongniang “Maybe I also should start to…”
Maomao (Endanga mochi-komare-temo, zenryokude hikitome-rareru-darona… Yuno sugiru-nomo komari-monoda.)
Maomao (Even if she did get a proposal, they’d probably never let her leave. Being too good at one’s job can be a curse at times.)
Maomao (Mai-nichiga jujitsu shiteruto, yappari higa tatsu-noga hayai… Jinshi-samano muneni ita ni-kagetsuwa mudani naga-katta-noni…)
Maomao (Time flies when every day is so fulfilling. In comparison, the two months spent at Master Jinshi’s offices felt like forever.)
Rinrī “Ai, u.”
Maomao “Mata oekaki shimasuka?”
Maomao “Would you like to draw pictures again?”
Rinrī “Ai!”
Lingli “Yes!”
Rinrī “Aai.”
Yo-nin “Un?”
Maomao “Korewa, karahatsu-take-to-iu doku-kinoko…de”
Maomao “This is the woolly milkcap, a poisonous mushroom― Ow!”
Hon’nyan “Futsuno hana’o kaki-nasai.”
Hongniang “Draw normal flowers, please.”
Maomao (Futsuno hana, nee…)
Maomao (Normal flowers, huh?)
Jinshi “Aoi sobi desuka?”
Jinshi “A blue rose?”
Rakan “Ee. Gozonji arimasen-kana? Meno sameru-yona aoi hana-biraga, utsukushi-kute-ne… Katsute, kyuchuni yoku ikete-ita mono-desuga…”
Lakan “Yes. Perhaps you’ve never seen one before? The striking blue petals are so beautiful. I used to see them in the palace often,”
Jinshi “Yume-demo mitano-dewa? Aoi sobi-nado sonzai shinai desho.”
Jinshi “Perhaps you were dreaming? Blue roses do not exist.”
Rakan “Sorega, aruno-desuyo. Mata minade mede-tai mono desunaa. Ikaga desho? Nantoka nari-masenka? Anata-samade areba, nasenu koto-nado naino-dewa?”
Lakan “But in fact, they do. Oh, how I’d love to appreciate them with everyone again. What do you think? Could it be done? With your power, there must be nothing outside your reach.”
Jinshi “Wakari-mashita. Sono-yona sobiga aruno-nara, watashimo zehi mite-mitai.”
Jinshi “Understood. If such a rose does indeed exist, I’d like to see it as well.”
Rakan “Kimari desuna. Iya-haya, jitsuni tanoshimida… Soredewa. Raigetsuno en’yu-kaide.”
Lakan “Then it’s settled. Goodness, I can’t wait! Excuse me. I hope to see it at next month’s garden party.”
Jinshi “Haa…”
Gaoshun “Tadade-sae oisogashii-noni, yokeina anken’o kakaezu-tomo…”
Gaoshun “You’re already so busy. You didn’t have to take on more work.”
Jinshi “Iuna… Toriaezu kunijuno hanaya’o atatte-kure.”
Jinshi “Don’t rub it in. Please just go ask every florist in the nation about this.”
Gaoshun “Hanayano hanashi-dewa, imawa sobino kisetsu-dewa naito…”
Gaoshun “The florists say that roses are not in season.”
Jinshi “Haa…”
Jinshi “Kyuni yobi-tatete sumanai.”
Jinshi “Sorry to call you up so suddenly.”
Maomao “Fu…”
Jinshi “Kondo, minade aoi sobi’o mede-yoto-iu kotoni nattena…”
Jinshi “We were talking about getting together to admire blue roses.”
Maomao “Aoi sobi? …Watashiwa kusuriya desuga.”
Maomao “Blue roses…? I’m just an apothecary, you know.”
Jinshi “Aa, wakatte-iru…”
Jinshi “Yes, I’m aware…”
Maomao (Nanika wake-arika? Yakeni tsukare-teruna… Sobika… Sukoshi-nara chishikiwa aruga… Gijo-aiteno kozukai-kasegide atsukatta kotoga aru. Daga…)
Maomao (I wonder what prompted this? He seems awfully tired. Roses, huh? I do know a thing or two about them. I’ve sold them before to make some quick cash with the courtesans. But…)
Maomao “Hontoni aoi sobi’o mitato?”
Maomao “They really said they saw a blue rose?”
Jinshi “Aa.”
Jinshi “Yes.”
Maomao “Genkaku-zaiwa, hayatte imasenka?”
Maomao “Is there some new popular hallucinogen, or…?”
Jinshi “N’na-mono mawatte-tara, kuniga horobuwa!”
Jinshi “That’d ruin our whole nation!”
Gaoshum “Jinshi-sama.”
Gaoshun “Master Jinshi.”
壬氏「うっ…… 無理だろうか?」
Jinshi “U…… Muri daroka?”
Jinshi “Is it impossible?”
Maomao “Haa… Dono-yoni sureba yoroshiino-desuka?”
Maomao “What exactly is it that your desire?”
Jinshi “Raigetsuno en’yu-kaini yoi dekiruka?”
Jinshi “Can you find some by next month’s garden party?”
Maomao “Raigetsu? Sobiga saku-nowa, sukunaku-tomo futa-tsuki-ijo saki desu-kedo.”
Maomao “Next month? Roses bloom two months later at the earliest.”
Jinshi “Dayona… Nantoka kotowatte oku…”
Jinshi “I know… I’ll find a way to turn him down.”
Maomao “A…” (Jinshi-samano, kono hanno… Soreni, muri-nandai’o oshi-tsukeru-yona yari-kuchi…)
Maomao (Master Jinshi’s reaction, and this style of forcing people to attempt the impossible…)
Maomao “Kono hanashi, moshika-shite, toaru gunshi-kara mochi-kake-raretano-dewa?”
Maomao “Was this brought up by a certain strategist?”
Jinshi “…Aa…”
Jinshi “Yes.”
Maomao “Wakari-mashita. O-hiki-uke shimasu.
Maomao “Understood. I will take this on.”
Jinshi “Iinoka?”
Jinshi “Are you sure?”
Maomao “Dekiruka wakari-masenga, yaru-dake yatte mimasu.”
Maomao “I don’t know if I can pull it off, but I’ll try my best.”
Maomao (Nigete-iru-dakemo hara-data-shii. Dose-nara, ano niyaketa monokuru’o kachi-watte-yaru…!)
Maomao (I don’t want to just run from him. I might as well take a swing at smashing his creepy monocle.)
Maomao “Jinshi-sama. Ikutsuka onegai shitemo yoroshii desuka?”
Maomao “Master Jinshi, may I make a few requests?”
Maomao “Shiyo’o kyoka shite kudasari, arigato gozai-masu. Rifa-sama.”
Maomao “Thank you for allowing me to use it, Lady Lihua.”
Rifa-hi “Kamawa-nakuteyo. Arewa moto-moto, anataga tsuku-raseta mono damono. Fufufu.”
Concubine Lihua “I don’t mind. You were the one that had it constructed in the first place.”
Maomao (Natsukashii-na… Izen, dokuni fusetta Rifa-hino tameni joki-buro’o tsuku-rasete moratta. Konkai sore’o okari suruno-daga… Sasugani tada-dewa moshi-wake nai.)
Maomao (It’s been a while. I remember back then, I got them to make a steam room for Lady Lihua, who was suffering from poison back then. I’m borrowing it now, but I feel bad using it for free.)
Maomao “Sa. Kochira, mikadono aidoku-sho desu.”
Maomao “This is the emperor’s favorite book.”
Rifa-hi “Arigataku chodai suruwa.”
Concubine Lihua “I appreciate this.”
Maomao (Giro-kara tori-yotese oite yokattaaa.)
Maomao (I’m glad I got it through the brothel.)
Jinshi “Socchi’o tanomu.”
Jinshi “Take that side.”
Kangan-tachi “Hai!”
Eunuchs “Yes, sir!”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “Aa, kitaka. Iwareta-toori, tate-sasetaga… Ittai do surunda?”
Jinshi “Ah, you’re here. I had them build this as you asked, but… What is this for?”
Maomao “Sobi’o kuru-waserun-desu.”
Maomao “We’re going to make the roses go mad.”
Jinshi “Sobi’o kuru-waseru? Do-iu imida? Kusuriya.”
Jinshi “Make the roses go mad? What does that mean, apothecary?”
Maomao “Nikko’o irete, asoko-kara, joki’o koyano nakani okuri-masu. Atatameta heyade sobi’o sodaterun-desu. Hanaga, kaikano kisetsu’o machigaete kureru-kamo shire-masen.”
Maomao “We’re going to let the sunlight in, and blow steam inside through there. The roses will grow in this warmed room. This way, the flowers might mistake it as the time to bloom.”
Jinshi “Sorede, ‘kuru-waseru’ka.”
Jinshi “I see, so they’ll ‘go mad.’”
Maomao “Saku hoshowa arimasenga…”
Maomao “I can’t guarantee it, though.”
Maomao “A…”
Maomao “Oh.”
Jinshi “A!”
Gaoshun “Aa…”
Shaoran “Maomaooo!”
Xiaolan “Maomao!”
Maomao “Shaoran?!”
Maomao “Xiaolan?”
Shaoran “Watashimo tetsudauyo! Ashino kega, daijobu?”
Xiaolan “I’ll help, too! Is your leg okay?”
Maomao (A… Moshiya, ometsuke-yakuka? Muri-dakewa surunatte, sanzan iwareta-monna…)
Maomao (Did he summon her to chaperone me? They did repeatedly tell me not to push myself too hard.)
Maomao “Heiki. Tetsuda-wasete gomen.”
Maomao “I’m fine. Sorry to make you help.”
Shaoran “Uun. Hisashi-burini issho-dane! Ehehe.”
Xiaolan “It’s okay. It’s been a while since we’ve worked together, huh?”
Maomao “Fu, sodane.”
Maomao “Yeah, it has.”
Maomao (Mochi-konda sobiwa hyakkabu-ijo… korede saigo.)
Maomao (We brought in over one hundred roses. This is the last one.)
Shaoran “Uwaa, sugoi ryo!”
Xiaolan “Wow, this is a lot!”
Maomao (Shuruiwa barake-sase, dekiru-dake haya-zakino mono’o eranda.)
Maomao (We diversified the species, selecting early-blooming ones where possible.)
Shaoran “Zenbu saku-kana?”
Xiaolan “Will they all bloom?”
Maomao “So-natte-hoshii-kedo…”
Maomao “I hope so.”
Maomao (Ondo-chosei-niwa, saishinno chui’o harau. Hitode’o sumei haken shite-morattaga, tanin’ni makaseru kotowa muzukashii sagyoda. Machigatte subete karashite shimattewa oshimaida.)
Maomao (Temperature control requires utmost care. I got them to send some help, but this is a tough task to delegate to others. If we make a mistake and kill them all, that would be the end of it.)
Maomao (Hareta hiwa sotoni dashite, nikko’o abi-saseru.)
Maomao (On sunny days, we bring them outside to expose them to sunlight.)
Shaoran “Kimochi-yosasooo!”
Xiaolan “That must feel good!”
Maomao “Un.”
Maomao “Yeah.”
Gaoshun “Choshiwa ikaga desuka?”
Gaoshum “How are you doing?”
Futari “N?”
Gaoshun “Sashi-ire desu.”
Gaoshun “Here, a gift.”
Shaoran “Waa!”
Maomao “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Maomao “Thank you very much.”
Shaoran “Shigoto sabo-rete, oyatsu-made moraeru-nante saiko dayo!”
Xiaolan “I get to skip work and eat snacks? This is great!”
Maomao “Koremo shigoto dakedone.”
Maomao “This is work too, though.”
Shaoran “Doshitan-daro?”
Xiaolan “What’s with them?”
Maomao “Saa? Mono-mezurashii-noka?”
Maomao “I don’t know. Maybe they’re just curious.”
Maomao (Soretomo, kowai mono mitasa-ka?)
Maomao (Or they want to be scared.)
Shaoran “Tsugi, nani shitara ii?”
Xiaolan “What should I do next?”
Maomao “Shinmeno ooi naega attara, ikutsuka tsunde kureru? Eiyoga shuchu-shite saki-yasuku nari-masushi, byokino yoboni narun-desu.”
Maomao “If a seedling has a lot of sprouts on it, can you pick a few? It concentrates the nutrients into the remaining sprouts and helps prevent sickness.”
Kangan-tachi “Oo…”
Eunuchs “Ah.”
Kangan “A…”
Eunuch “Whoa!”
Shaoran “Daijobu dayooo. Poi!”
Xiaolan “It’s fine.”
Kangan “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Eunuch “Thank you.”
Shaoran “Iie.”
Xiaolan “Don’t mention it!”
Maomao “Isoide kudasai!”
Maomao “Hurry!”
Shaoran “Tsubomi, naka-naka denaine…”
Xiaolan “It’s taking them a long time to bloom.”
Maomao (Samusaga modotta hiwa… tetsuyade koya’o atatameru. Tenkowa mama-nara-nai.)
Maomao (On days where it gets cold, I stay up all night to maintain the heat. Weather can’t be controlled.)
Shaoran “Kinomo nete-naino?”
Xiaolan “Did you pull another all-nighter?”
Maomao “Netayo… Ake-gata.”
Maomao “I did sleep, around dawn.”
Shaoran “Akegatatte, sakki dayo! Dekiru koto, yattoku-kara… Chotto-dake netara?”
Xiaolan “Dawn was just moments ago! I’ll do what I can, so why don’t you get some sleep?”
Maomao “Me, hanase-naishi…”
Maomao “I can’t leave this alone.”
Shaoran “N? Mata kocchi miterune.”
Xiaolan “They’re looking at us again.”
Maomao (Mai-nichi mai-nichi yoku aki-naina…to-iuka kiga chiru. Nanika kio sorase-tara… Fun…)
Maomao (Every single day. Don’t they get tired of this? It’s irritating. I wonder if I can divert their attention…)
Shaoran “Sugoi! Korega tsuma-kurenai kaaa!”
Xiaolan “Wow! So this is what a manicure is like!”
Maomao “Hana-machi-dewa minna yatteruyo.”
Maomao “Everyone does it in the pleasure district.”
Shaoran “Kirei-damonne!”
Xiaolan “It sure is pretty!”
Guien “A, Maomaomo shiteruno? Kawaiii!”
Guiyuan “Oh, you did it too, Maomao? So cute!”
Airan “Saikin hayatteru-wayone.”
Ailan “It’s been popular recently.”
Maomao “Sodesune.”
Maomao “Indeed.”
Maomao (Mikadono choai’o ukeru jokyu-hiwa, hayarino sai-sentan dakarana…)
Maomao (The high-ranking concubines are always at the cutting edge of fashion.)
Hon’nyan “Hi-koritsu ne…”
Hongniang “Seems like a waste of time.”
Maomao (Hon’nyan-samawa oshare-yori shigotoka.)
Maomao (Lady Hongniang prefers work over fashion.)
Maomao “Dokumimo owari-mashita-node, Suisho-Kyuni modori-masu.”
Maomao “I’ve finished tasting for poison, so I’ll go back to the Crystal Pavilion now.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Mo?”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Already?”
Maomao “En’yu-kai-made jikanga nai-node…”
Maomao “The garden party is coming up soon.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Sone…”
Concubine Gyokuyou “I see…”
Hon’nyan “A, so-dawa. Konkai, Gyokuyo-samawa kesseki sareruno. Roran-samano ohiromeni, seki’o oyuzuri suru katachiyo.”
Hongniang “Oh, by the way, Lady Gyokuyou won’t be attending this time around. We’re letting the focus of this event be Lady Loulan’s introduction.”
Maomao (Ninshin’o kakusu tameka…)
Maomao (To hide the pregnancy, right.)
Maomao “Wakari-mashita. Dewa…”
Maomao “Understood. Excuse me.”
Infa “Nee, Suisho-Kyu-dewa daijobu nano?”
Yinghua “Hey, is everything alright at the Crystal Pavilion?”
Guien “Don-don yatsurete itteru-wayoo.”
Guiyuan “You look worse for wear every day.”
Airan “Amari muri shinaidene.”
Ailan “Don’t push yourself too hard, okay?”
Maomao “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Maomao “Thank you.”
Shaoran “Maomaooo!”
Xiaolan “Maomao!”
Maomao “N?”
Shaoran “Maomaooo! Taihen!”
Xiaolan “Maomao! Hurry!”
Maomao “E…”
Maomao “Tsubomi…!”
Maomao “A bud…”
Shaoran “Sakki mitsuke-tano! Yatto hitotsume dayooo! Ahaha!”
Xiaolan “I found it just now. Our first one, finally!”
Maomao (Kono-mama ikeba, nantoka saite-kureru-kamo…)
Maomao (At this rate… We might just make it in time.)
Shaoran “Maomao? Maomao? Maomao!!”
Xiaolan “Maomao? Maomao! Maomao!”
Jinshi “Kusuriya-kara renrakuwa?”
Jinshi “Has the apothecary sent any word?”
Gaoshun “Ie, nanimo. Watashimo koko sujitsu, kao’o dasezu…”
Gaoshun “No, nothing. I haven’t been able to visit her for the past few days.”
Jinshi “Otagai, en’yu-kaino junbini owarete-ita-karana.”
Jinshi “We were both busy preparing for the garden party.”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “A…”
Bukan “Arega Shisho-donono musume, Roran-hika.”
Military officer “So, that’s Concubine Loulan, daughter of Master Shishou.”
Bunkan “Nanto hanayakana…”
Civil official “How splendid.”
Shisho “Roran-hini… Itaranu tenwa arimasen-kana? Nan-demo osshatte kudasai.”
Shishou “Regarding Concubine Loulan, is there anything that needs improvement? Please, hold nothing back.”
Roran-hi “Nan-narito.”
Loulan “Please.”
Kotaigo “Maa…”
Empress dowager “Oh.”
Kokan “Aoi sobi…!”
High-ranking official “Blue roses?!”
Kokan “Masaka…”
High-ranking official “It can’t be…!”
Jinshi “Tsubomi’o mede, saki-hokoru sugatani omoi’o haseru-nomo ikkyo-kato.”
Jinshi “It may be entertaining to enjoy the beauty of these buds while imagining how they look at full bloom.”
Kotei “Umu, utsukushii-na.”
Emperor “Yes. They’re beautiful.”
Kokan “Nn…”
High-ranking official “Hmph.”
Jinshi (Jinshini muke-rareru, arayuru shisen. Ikura hiideta yoshiga aroto, wakazono kanganga deshabaru sama’o konomu-hodo muyokuna kan-bakari dewa nai. Shikijowa ii. Ikura-demo riyo-hoga aru. Shittomo ii. Atsukai-yasui. Yakkai nanowa… nanio kangaete-iru-noka wakara-nai meda. Shisho… Roran-hino jippude, joteino choai’o uketa otoko. Ima-nao, midadowa atamaga agara-nai. Dakara-koso, kochiramo hohoemi’o tayasa-nai. Soreni ima, Shisho-yorimo yakkai nanowa… Rakan. Ano otokoda…)
Jinshi (The attention that ‘Jinshi’ gets. Unlike some of the worthless officials, many don’t appreciate a young eunuch hoarding attention, no matter how beautiful. Lust is fine. It’s easy to exploit that. Envy is fine, too. It’s manageable. What’s really troubling is… When I can’t tell what they’re thinking. Shishou. Concubine Loulan’s father, the man favored by the mother of the former emperor… Even now, the emperor can’t look him in the eye. That’s why I also can’t let my smile fade, either. And besides, the one who’s more worrying than Shishou right now is… That man, Lakan.)
Rakan “Nanto iyamina…”
Lakan “How annoying.”
Infa “Kiga tsuita?”
Yinghua “Are you awake?”
Maomao “Infa-san…”
Maomao “Yinghua.”
Infa “Mo Suisho-Kyuni iccha dameyo. Itsumo yatsure-hatete kaette-kurun-dakara.”
Yinghua “Don’t go to the Crystal Pavilion anymore. You always come back looking so exhausted.”
Maomao “Sumi-masen.”
Maomao “I’m sorry.”
Jinshi “Okitaka.”
Jinshi “You’re up.”
Infa “A… Watashiwa korede.”
Yinghua “Excuse me.”
Jinshi “Suwatta mamade ii.”
Jinshi “You can stay seated.”
Maomao “Muzukashii desune… Kaika-niwa itari-masen-deshita.”
Maomao “It was hard. I couldn’t get them to fully bloom.”
Jinshi “Sorewa, oreni taishite sumanaito iunja naino-darona.”
Jinshi “You’re not apologizing to me, are you?”
Maomao “N?”
Jinshi “Nandemo nai. Jubunda. Korewa ittai do-shitanda?”
Jinshi “Never mind. You did well. How did you do it, though?”
Maomao “Someta-dake desuyo.”
Maomao “I just dyed them.”
Jinshi “Someta? Nanimo tsuite-inaizo.”
Jinshi “Dyed? But there’s nothing on them.”
Maomao “Soto-gawa-dewa ari-masen. Uchi-gawa-kara sometano-desu.”
Maomao “Not on the outside. We dyed them from the inside.”
Jinshi “A…”
Maomao “Kono sobiwa, moto-moto subete shiroi hana nano-desu.”
Maomao “All of these roses were originally white.”
Maomao “Sama-zamana iro-mizu’o tsukatte, shiroi tsubomini suwasetan-desu.”
Maomao “We mixed water with several colors and had the white buds suck them up.”
Jinshi “Sorede, ao-dakede-naku ookuno iroga atta-noka.”
Jinshi “So that’s why there are many colors, not just blue.”
Maomao “Hai. Happawa dosu-guroku somaru-node, arakajime subete mushitte oki-mashitaga… Atowa, en’yu-kaino aida, iro-ochi shinai-yo, iro-mizuno shimi-konda wata’o kotei sureba kansei desu. Jitsuni tanjunna hoho desu.”
Maomao “Yes. The leaves ended up coming out black, so we plucked them all. Then all we had to do was to fix cotton soaked in the dyed water to the stems, so they couldn’t lose their vibrancy during the garden party. It really was quite simple.”
Maomao (Jissai, honega oreta-nowa sobino hana’o sakaseru-madeda.)
Maomao (What was actually difficult was getting the roses to bloom at all.)
Jinshi “Tashikani…tanjun dana.”
Jinshi “Simple, indeed.”
Maomao “Desu-node, nani-kashira iigakari’o tsukeru kanga deru-kamo shire-masen. Mikado-niwa, sakini tane-akashi’o shite oki-mashita. Saishoni himitsu’o shiru-noga ureshii rashiku, tanoshi-soni kiite kudasai-mashitayo.”
Maomao “Also, because some officials might have picked a quarrel about this, I went ahead and revealed the trick to the emperor. He seemed to enjoy the fact that he got to know the secret first, and had a good time listening to me explain.”
Jinshi “Dewa mukashi, kyutei-naide aoi sobi’o mitato iu-nowa…”
Jinshi “So, about the story of the blue roses being seen in the palace…”
Maomao “Mai-nichi mai-nichi, aoi iro-mizu’o sobini suwaseru hima-jinga itan-desho.”
Maomao “There must have been someone with a lot of free time feeding blue water to the roses.”
Jinshi “Nande mata, sonna koto’o…”
Jinshi “Who would do something like that?”
Maomao “Saa? Onna’o kudoku dogu-demo hoshi-kattano-dewa?”
Maomao “Who knows? Maybe they wanted a gimmick with which to woo women.”
Jinshi “Mezurashii-na. Tsume’o somete-iru-noka?”
Jinshi “That’s unexpected. Are you painting your nails?”
Maomao “Niai-masen-kedone.”
Maomao “It doesn’t suit me, though.”
Maomao (Hosenka to katabami ga areba, motto kireini somarun-dakedo… Tsuma-benino imyo’o toru hosenkato, neko-ashino imyo’o toru katabami. Futatsu’o neri-awasete tsumeni tsukeruto, azayakana akani naru. Maa, kireini someta-tokorode… Kore-demo matomoni nattan-dakedo…)
Maomao (If I had some balsam and woodsorrel, I could have made them look prettier. Balsam is often used to dye fingernails, and woodsorrel is nicknamed cat’s foot. Mixing them together and applying them on the fingernails creates a vivid red. But then, even if I made them prettier… This is better than it was before.)
Maomao “Gaoshun-sama. Tanonde-ita monowa?”
Maomao “Master Gaoshun, what about the item I requested?”
Gaoshun “Ee, iwareta toorini.”
Gaoshun “Yes, as you wished.”
Maomao “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Maomao “Thank you.”
Maomao (Korede butaiwa totonotta. Atowa… Ike-sukanai yatsuni hito-awa fukaseru dakeda.)
Maomao (Now the stage is set. All I have to do now is catch that nasty creep off guard.)
Rakan (…Ni-shitemo, masaka chohatsuga shippaini owaru-towa…)
Lakan (I didn’t expect my provocation to fail.)
Rakan (Ookuno ningen’no kaowa, go-ishino-yoni-shika mie-nai. Otokowa kuro-ishi, onnawa shiro-ishi. Gunbuno bukano ningen-demo, seizei shanchī no komada. Ookuno monowa hei, sotsude, kaikyuga agaru-hodoni uma, ho-to natte-iku. Gunbuno shigotowa kantanda. Komani miatta haichi’o sureba ii. Teki-zai-teki-sho… Sorede daitaino ikusawa kateru. Muzukashii koto dewa nai. Tatoe jibunga muno-demo, wari-ate-sae yareba, katteni shigoto’o owa-rasete-kureru.)
Lakan (Most humans only look like go stones to me. Men are black stones, women are white stones. Even my subordinates in the military only appear as chess pieces, at best. Most are soldiers, pawns. As they gain ranks, they become cavalry and cannons. Working in the military is easy. I just need to know where to place the pieces. The right pieces in the right places. Most wars can be won by that alone. It’s quite easy. Even if I were completely useless, as long as I placed others in the right places, the work would get done on its own.)
Rakan (Kyowa, itsumo-ijoni mega itai. Do-nimo akai iroga chira-tsuku. Tsuma-kurenai-ka… Kiokuno nakano tsuma-beniwa, keba-keba-shii aka-dewa nai. Ussura somatta, hosenkano aka…)
Lakan (My eyes hurt more than usual today. A red color keeps flickering into my view. Manicures… The manicures in my memories aren’t this overly flamboyant crimson. They’re the soft color of balsam.)
Rakan “Ha…”
(Continue to episode 23)
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agoddamn · 1 year
I understand what people mean when they're talking about AI-generated image red flags, with talking about architecture that doesn't make sense or books with three covers or wonk perspective. But I also did live the anime fanart oekaki days where you could easily find someone who drew beautiful bishonen every day but had never practiced architectural/technical drawing because it didn't interest them (unlike beautiful bishonen) so all their pictures had finely-formed humans in non-Euclidean spaces where every pillar was a mobius strip. In fact, you could find dozens of that person.
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saltyy-cs · 1 month
Do any of u guys know the user who had like. 9 oekaki posts and they all linked up to be one big piece of shaggy when u looked at their gallery bc i forgot where to find them
I know what ur talking about nonny but I don't remember the username 😔
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hollifo · 2 years
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Oekaki | Copic Markers
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From a simpler time when the internet was young and so was I.
This is my piece for the Art Kids show Nostalgia Baby! Oekaki boards were my home as a kid and where I met some of the most fabulous folk that I still talk to this day, 22 years later.
I tried to capture the essence of the Oekaki UI, with my 12 year old self and my then (and always) obsession with Gatomon. I even gave it the NP signature for old time's sake <3 The second picture is a small selection of my actual Oekaki pieces from 2000-2002ish.
Feast your eyes on some nostalgic eye candy at theartkids.org
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fakemagicjaye · 6 months
i've been meaning to add some kinda comment/guestbook thing to the website since...... i made it :v but. i am afraid of people talking to me :'^) BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT.
LOOK AT THIS???? YOU CAN JUST PUT AN OEKAKI BOARD ON YOUR WEBSITE???? i'm not sure if it's the same one but I saw someone on neocities who had an oekaki board a while back so now i want one u___u;;; but i'm like. it can't actually be that easy to implement, right? or else literally everyone would have one because it's THE COOLEST THING EVER
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pixelquiet · 2 years
Pixel Plays 01: Heisei Pistol Show
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I’ve decided that I wanna write blog posts about games I’ve played recently, how they make me feel, and what lessons I will be taking from them moving forward as a developer.  This entire thing is all because playing this game gave me a ton of brain worms and very few people are talking about it online.  Lets get to it!!!!
I first heard about Heisei Pistol Show (HSP from now on) by the developer Parun in a lovely video by hazel about one of his other games Re:Kinder.  She mentioned it briefly, about how it stars a boy in a lolita dress (which immediately intrigued my gender sense), and how a subbed playthrough could be found on youtube.  I tried watching that playthrough, but honestly, the translation was incredibly rough, not to mention hard to follow with how busy the art style is and how fast paced the recording was.  I decided to wait on it if a fan translation ever came out, and sure enough, just a year later, we got one!  I was super excited that I would finally get the chance to try it out
HSP is primarily exploration based, with Heart, the aforementioned boy in a dress, exploring a strange yume nikki-esque dreamscape with his best and only friend, a talking pistol, by his side.  His goal is to find and kill the top three assassins who are standing in his way from getting revenge on his ex-boyfriend.  The game loop revolves around exploring to find cash, buying a new gun, and using its special properties to defeat the top three in a sort of turn based puzzle fight.  There are no enemies beyond the bosses, so defeating them is more about using the unique properties of the guns to take them down before they can do the same to you.  I ended up just running away from all of them upon first encounter to instead find all the money in the game, using it to buy every pistol, and then using the information memos to figure out which ones to equip.  The boss fights are really clever, seeming impossible at first glace, but not too hard in the end.  The game also offers an easy mode that lets you kill every boss in one normal attack, but where’s the fun in that?!
The part of the game that really gripped me is the art and story.  The artwork feels very homemade, but also exudes effort.  Lots of bright, flashing colors and intricate programmatic animations precede every first encounter with a boss in a little musical number.  The character sprites are very charming in that oekaki sensibility as well.  The characters talk to each other like good friends with a lot of history together, which makes the rest of the story that much more tragic as it unfolds.
I’d like to delve into some spoilers as I describe the story here, so if you are interested in playing this game, please please skip this paragraph.  Heart’s story was really familiar and difficult to me, as a trans woman.  We are shown scenes of his (I will be using he for consistency, but this is debatable in my opinion) childhood in which he wishes to become a princess, and sings along to a princess-themed idol’s song, a pastiche of twinkle twinkle little star.  At first, Heart claims the singing made his father happy, but later on we are shown him being abused by his father, seemingly due to that femininity and it’s resemblance to that of Heart’s cheating mother.  As the story goes on, we can see that this pain led to an inability to form healthy relationships, as Heart attached himself to his clients as a sex worker, to the despair of the Top Three, who are seemingly representations of the other sex workers, and also ambiguously trans in the way Heart is.  Heart’s story is tragic, a trans sex worker, abused and clinging to love, falling to violence and eventually being killed by police.  Despite all of this, Heart never loses his cheery attitude and hope that he can one day find happiness, although this takes a dark turn when he believes revenge on his lover is what will bring that happiness.
I really found the story and it’s themes of clinging to hope and happiness in the face of unending misfortune, as well as its thematic interplay of sex and violence challenging and fascinating, and I think it explores the topics it does with a level of nuance greater than many works made today, despite having been developed in 2008 Japan.  I also think it succeeds in a lot of the ways recent indie darling Omori, fumbles, especially in regards to story and managing to make a dream world have consequences and meaning within the narrative.
I think some of the lessons I’ll be taking from this are in regards to the art and story.  First, I think I will try to allow myself some ambiguity in the stories of my games, especially towards the beginning.  For the majority of the game, I had very little clue what was actually going on, and things became more clear over time in a very satisfying “ah-ha!” moment.  I’d love to replicate something like that in my games in the future.  Secondly, and this is a lesson I’ve learned before, a game having “technically” bad art doesn’t make the art bad.  Parun’s artstyle isn’t the most impressive, but it has a lot of charm and beauty, and is completely unashamed of itself.  The game allows itself to be loud, colorful, and messy, and I think there’s no other way this game could have been made.
All in all, please give this game a shot!  It’s free and pretty short, less than an afternoon’s time (also I need more people to make fanart of Heart he’s so cute).
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warmcoals · 1 year
ooooo i wanna make a neocityz w secret pages and an oekaki and a webring to my friendz sites and bee theming and a fun forum for lps games news discussion anime talk and a stream ticker and a silly character blog and and anddddd!!!
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plushie-neopet · 8 months
I'm going to relive my history with the site a lil, but it's already running long, so I'll put it under a readmore.
When I was first told of Neopets in ~2000 I was frequenting a Digimon oekaki (drawing board) and drawing Lopmon/Floramon/Kiwimon with alarming regularity. I joined Neopets because friends on the oekaki asked me to. I made a blue shoyru, which I painted purple because I liked the user hrobi's purple shoyru Antorcha and the art on the site card for Antikia Lighten. I think at the time I thought the site made the card based on the user's pet.
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I joined my friends' guild, and in a guild event I won a silver paint brush and re-painted my shoyru. It was actually pretty interesting, because I was trying to make her look mirror-shiny in art I made of her, and that taught me a lot about colouring. I played for a bit over a year. I legit talked about 9/11 as it happened in that guilds' lil chat area. I had to calm down an American kid who went by the name 'Piggy' because her parents were REALLY upset about it and she was panicking. And shortly after I lost interest and the login details.
When I came back March 1st 2002, I made my kuroi_muchi account but occasionally I would look up my first account. It was wiped in the purge, however. The first pet I made on my kuroi_muchi account was a gelert... But I didn't connect with the old gelert art and didn't feel inspired by it.. Also, I forgot to capitalise her name, and that bothered me. I pounded her. She still exists on-site, but now she's a Woodland Poogle. As I write this, she is 8005 days old, so she is almost 22 years old, like my account. Her owner plays semi-regularly, but was last spotted about three months ago.
I still have the second pet I ever made on my current main, but she's on a side account. She's a Halloween Aisha named Itla, and given I always drew the red 'outfit' as part of her fur I don't want to remove it to put other clothes on her... She was my first serious roleplay character (a demon catgirl RP'd on MSN messenger) and now I like to joke that she's happily retired.
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Shortly after making kuroi_muchi, I found a Neopet-themed Oekaki called 'Sako's Oekaki'. This drawing board was accessed via Sako the then-shadow aisha's petpage. Sako's petpage is now a jumbled mess of broken script, but it mentions the Oekaki to this day.
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My Halloween aisha was quite popular there! The board focused quite a bit on aishas and roleplay, as well as art. There was an ongoing theme with angel and demon aishas - and my Halloween girl was obviously one of the demons. I'm not even going to say it was cringe - we were kids playing with concepts of belief and morality. I feel like that's pretty important when you are developing your world views. I made a lot of very dear friends there. Actually, I met my first ever girlfriend there. Long distance, but cute and meaningful. One of my friends from that board wanted to make plushie pets together, to match. Plushie grundo/chomby MPs were under 100k np, so we made those. He made a grundo, and I made Kijiwa the plushie chomby. And I kinda fell in love with plushie neopets after that. I wanted to make more... but then conversion happened and they lost a lot of their charm, and gosh they were EXPENSIVE, so I didn't until much later.
When the purge happened a lot of people had long lists of names they wanted, but I only had one. My name is Rain, and I like birds, and I like the meaning of 'rainbird' - a bird that sings to warn of an incoming storm. Rainbird was the only name I grabbed when it was released, and they became the pet to represent me. For a while I lab zapped them, unsure what would work as 'me'... But I eventually decided that they had to be a bird, and I would acknowledge my love of plushies and try to draw them the way they should look. So Rainbird is a plushie bruce. If Toy had been around I might have been tempted, to be honest! But I quite enjoy my fat purple penguin.
Rainbird is female on-site (but uses they/them) because I made them before my own public transition. It's one of the few things I might like to change, if it becomes easier/cheaper in the future. I am aligned more with masculinity than femininity, but... Well, it's fine to have little markers of how I've grown. Hell, I 'announced' my transition subtly with art of Rainbird. Before the pride flags were added to the site, and when discussion of the subject was against the rules. I wasn't discussing it, though. I just... drew a bruce wearing a bow.
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I think I won a gold BC trophy for this picture.
It's probably silly that I can connect a lot of memories to a pet site. It's probably silly that I have a rainbow chomby plushie on my desk right now, when I'm in my mid-30s. It's probably silly how sentimental I'm feeling about all this. It's probably silly to be running a blog dedicated to a 25 year old site and the art that people make based on it. Sometimes it's nice to be silly.
This year I made Teald - based on an OC I have been writing and roleplaying for years. It felt like coming back, looping around to something familiar. I will take inspiration from strange places, and I will bring my inspiration back to places I know. I am glad the NCUCs came back - realistically, that faerie lenny mp probably would have sat in my SDB for years more. I just don't like the converted lenny art. But I knew that if Teal was anything, they'd be a faerie lenny.
I don't know why I felt like sharing all of this. Perhaps this too is a little marker I am leaving online, so I can look at it years from now and remember. If you read it all... well, thanks. Thanks for coming on this stroll down memory lane with me. There's more I didn't add - I have many more Neopets, after all! But this felt worth sharing, or at least writing down somewhere.
Stay excellent.
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