#of all i was already exhausted second of all the timer after class is six minutes rather than five for some reason.
potpiehead · 1 year
to get some stuff off my mind
#went to the bjj session tonight; was pretty fun in general; i was drilling with a pretty experienced blue belt so i expect her to be way#better than me always so i dont usually get on myself for getting owned by her#i was being hard on myself for a second for repeatedly failing but i told myself; obviously shes dling better; she has literally 4 more#years of experience#and then it was time for open rounds and i got paired with this ~12 year old white belt girl. idk why she was in the adults class but#nonetheless#we are working on back control so i took her back (basically sitting behind them and wrapping your arms and legs around their torso)#and i was thinking about how it literally felt like i was holding a stuffed animal until SHE STARTED FUCKING WINNING ??????#i cannot exaggerate our size difference#she was genuinely tiny AND SHE SAID SHE HAD ONLY BEEN DOING THIS FOR TWO MONTHSSSSSSSS#neither of us won; its easy enough to *defend* myself but to actually advance and get a better position felt genuinely impossible#i also did a round with one of my usual sparring partners after class; i always love rolling with him but it was exhausting because first#of all i was already exhausted second of all the timer after class is six minutes rather than five for some reason.#he is also much better than me so i got stomped#and it was fun anyway but like. man#i dont want to be salty bevause these ppl genuinely have earned their skill level; either by having done it for longer or coming#more frequently#so i dont expect myself to be on the same level with them#it wpuld just be nice if i was on the same level as like. anyone#and i mean i am but it sucks wgen i do pretty well in a round with someone and then i find out its like their first time sparring wver LMAO#and im just thinking. would i enjoy it more if i forced myself to work harder to improve my skill so i could fend for myself; or should i#just like. call it quits lol#because there are some other things i am interested it#*in#i do enjoy it. but being free food has started to wear on me#a big part of me enjoys bjj for kts own sake but an increasingly big part of me is starting to get pissed at myself#on the bright side; the guy i rolled with after class threw me hella hard but i landed good so it didnt hurt a bit 😎#also i did manage to submit that new girl (and my coach but like. hes 60lbs heavier and a brown belt LMAO so he let me win) but its also#that thing where i will do genuinely well and then find out the person is new as fuck#my brain is on fire rn idk
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atlafan · 4 years
My Everything - Part Seventeen
A Take it Slow Sequel
What happens with Harry and Y/N after he proposes? How will the two navigate the engaged life while also continuing to juggle their jobs, friends, and families? Let’s find out.
Warnings: fluff and angst. TW: mentions of past abuse!
Words: 6.7K
a/n: This part is a little more serious, with some fun things sprinkled in between. 
Many things were the same with this pregnancy as they were with Jack. Harry took a picture of you every week to watch your tummy grow, and he also insisted on doing a maternity shoot. You thought it could be even more fun to have Jack involved too. Harry had set up a nice space in your bedroom. You had a robe on and did your hair and makeup nicely. Jack was coloring on the floor sitting next to Buster.
“Ready babe? Drop the robe.” Harry smiles as he finishes getting his setting on the camera just right.
You take a deep breath and let your robe fall. Harry’s eyes grow wide and he clears his throat as he blushes. If Jack wasn’t in the room he probably would have fucked you before taking the pictures.
“How were you able to shave?”
“I didn’t…um…remember when I was with the girls the other day?”
“Well…Rachel bought a home wax kit and she waxed me.”
“The three of you…are a little too close.” Harry chuckles.
“Well at least it looks pretty now!”
“It always looks pretty, hairy or not.”
Harry positions you how he looks, getting a nice side profile. He always took really tasteful photos of you. Jack wasn’t paying much attention until Harry took out some paint. You put on a nude bra and underwear set.
“Jack, wanna come be in the pictures with Mummy?”
“Yeah!” He gets up and gives you a hug.
“Alright, I want you to stick your hands in the paint, and press them gently on Mummy’s tummy, yeah?”
Jack was really excited, he loved paint, and he loved when you and Harry allowed him to be a little messy. Harry lifts him up and helps him press his hands on your stomach, around your belly button. You hold onto Jack so Harry can snap some photos. The hand prints looked really cool, and Harry was able to get a candid shot of you and Jack giggling.
“Were you able to find that crop top for the family photo? I’ll get this on a timer so I can do the paint too.”
“Mhm, let me go put it on.”
You come back out in a black short sleeve crop top and black joggers. Harry dips his hand on the paint and presses them to the sides of where Jack’s hand prints were.
“There, see Jack, it took all of our love to make this baby.”
Jack beams up at his father. Harry scoops him up and they position themselves to take some family photos. You put your hands in the paint and press one hand on Jack’s stomach, and one Harry’s back, making for a very cool shot. Harry had too many tattoos on his stomach for the hand print to be prominent. You get a shot with Buster too, and you all smile as they look them over.
“Pretty, Mumma.” Jack says.
“You think so? I’d say we’re a pretty good looking family.” You look at Harry lovingly. “Thank you so much for convincing me to do this again, it’s so special.”
“Of course, honey.” He kisses your cheek. “You just look so good, it would be a crime not to document it.”
Time was going by way too fast. You were due soon, and you were freaking out because it was only the middle of April. Someone would have to take over your classes for the rest of the semester. You were hoping to hold on for a couple more weeks, but Jessica Rose had other plans for you. You were in the middle of one of your lectures when you felt something.
“Oh my god.” You gasp, and squat. The whole class gasps. Your water had broken and it was seeping down your pant legs. “I’m fine, everyone!”
“Did your water just break?!” One of them shouts.
“Yes.” You breathe and reach for your cell phone. “I need, shit, to call my husband.” You press your phone to your ear. “Class dismissed, uh, Kelly, can you let the admin know what’s going on?”
“Sure thing!”
A few students hang back to make sure you’re okay.
“Hi! Aren’t yeh teachin’? Do yeh miss me?” He chuckles.
“My water just broke in front of my class.”
“Can you get over here? My go bag is in my trunk already, so you just need to, fucking hell, get here.”
“I’m gonna take a cab, I’ll be there in ten minutes. I’ll snatch Jack from day care, just get to your car.”
A couple of your students help you outside to your car. Before you know it you see Harry running towards you with Jack in his arms. He grabs you by the back of your neck to kiss you.
“Okay, uh, I’ll get him strapped in, get in the car, babe.” He says excitedly.
Harry speeds to the hospital. Jack got a little frightened once you were inside and getting wheeled away. Harry called your mom and had her come pick him up.
“Where’s Mumma!?” He sobs.
“She’s…gone to pick up baby Jessica, Jack. And Daddy needs to go help her. But you’re really lucky, you get to spend time with Mimi. I need yeh to be a big boy f’me, can yeh do that?”
“I’ll try.” He sniffles.
Harry gives him a kiss and a hug before handing him off to your mom. He sprints down to your hospital room where you were chewing on ice chips.
“Is he alright?”
“Yeah, he’ll be fine. You know how he is when he first leaves us. I think he was just scared from all the commotion. I’m sure your mum will calm him down.” Harry takes your hand and kisses it. “How are you feelin’ this time around?”
“Remember when I told you what it was like when I got my nipples pierced? The first one didn’t hurt because of the adrenaline, but the second one hurt because I knew what to expect?”
“Welp.” You burst into tears. “I suddenly remembered what it was like to push a giant head out of my vagina, and I’m probably gonna tear open again, and…” You look up at him. “Tell me again, why I wanted to do this?”
“Because you wanted to have another baby around.” He smooths some hair away from your forehead. “And we really like makin’ babies.”
“We do, we really do.”
“It’s gonna be alright, love. I’ve got way more time off from work this go around, and you have the entire summer.”
“What if Jack doesn’t like her? He used to getting all of the attention. He’s only going to be three next month, he won’t understand.”
“Well, he took a liking to those dolls we gave him. Remember how good and gentle he was with the baby? I think he’s excited. He may not like it all the time, but like everything else he’ll get used to it.”
“I can’t wait for them to drug me up soon. I read that sometimes the second kid can come a lot faster.”
“Let’s hope.” He leans in and kisses your forehead.
Thirty-six hours in labor. You had no idea what was going on. Your water had broken, what was the hold up? You were uncomfortable and in pain and you just wanted this baby out.
Dr. Johnson comes in to check on you.
“So…I’d like to talk to you both about a cesarean.”
“You want to cut me open?!” You look at Harry, frightened.
“It’s much less invasive than it used to be, and you’d be in really good hands.”
“I don’t want to have a giant scar across my stomach!”
“You won’t, like I said, it’s not like how it used to be. The recovery time takes a little longer, but your vagina won’t tare open.” She tries to make a joke, but right now you weren’t sure what to say. “It’s up to you, but you’ve been in this hospital for two days.”
“Would I still be able to go in with her?”
“Oh sure! We’ll numb her up, you won’t even feel a thing.”
“What do you wanna do, Y/N?”
“I think I’m ready to meet our daughter.”
“Great, we’ll get everything prepped.”
They let you hold Jessica skin to skin, but Harry wasn’t able to until you were back in the actual hospital room. You felt disgusting. They had to give you a bed pan. You never thought you’d miss the mesh underwear so much. You found yourself crying every few minutes from the pain that was creeping into your body, but Harry would call a nurse and she’d give you some medicine.
You breast fed Jessica just as you did Jack. She was gorgeous. Harry couldn’t stop crying either.
“I just love her so much.” He sobbed as he held her close to him.
Eventually you felt strong enough to use the bathroom, and a nurse helped you through it. After another night of rest you told your mom she could bring Jack in to see you.
“Mumma!” He exclaims as he comes into the room. “Missed you!”
“I missed you too.” You say, tiredly.
“What about me?” Harry pouts at him.
“Missed you too, Daddy.”
Harry scoops him up.
“Come on, we gotta wash your hands. How was he, Lynn?”
“Very good, we had a nice few days together.” She comes over and kisses you on the forehead. “A c-section, huh? Had four of them myself, you know?”
“It’s much different now. I need to stay here a couple extra days, but at least it doesn’t burn when I pee.” You laugh.
“Where’s little Jessica?”
“Down at the nursery. A nurse is going to bring her in soon. We were exhausted.”
A nurse comes in shortly and you take your daughter from her.
“Harry, put Jack on the bed with me.” He does as you say. Jack’s eyes grew wide as he looked at the baby in your arms. “Now, Jack, this is much different than your baby doll. You need to be even more gentle, okay?”
“Meet your baby sister, Jessica Rose.”
You tilt her towards Jack so he can see her face. He gives a gentle stroke on her cheek.
“Baby.” He whispers.
“God, look at them.” Harry blubbers while he takes his phone out. He takes a picture of the three of you.
“Here, let me get one of the four of you.” Your mom says.
Harry picks up Jack and sits on the bed with you. The four of you snuggle up close. It’s a great picture.
“Once you feel up to it, we can get a real portrait done.” He tells you. “What do you think, Jack? Ready to be a big brother?”
“Yeah, she smells good.”
You laugh as you hand Jessica over to your mom.
“That’s that new baby smell, buddy.” Harry says to him.
You had to spend a couple days extra in the hospital to make sure you were healed up properly. Harry was a saint. You were too weak to do much other than feed Jessica when you got back home. You didn’t breast feed much. You just pumped and put everything into the fridge. It allowed harry to feed Jessica much easier.
Jack soon discovered he didn’t like the sound of the baby crying. He also didn’t like how much attention the baby got over him, especially from you.
“Put baby down, Mumma.” He would whine.
“I can’t right now, honey, I’m giving her a bath.” You were bathing her in the sink.
“Jack, I think Jessica has the right idea. Let’s go give you a tubby.” Harry says.
“No, I want Mumma.”
“You can’t fit in the sink anymore, Jack.” You giggle. “You’re gonna be three years old very soon.” You pick Jessica up and boop her nose. You wrap her in a towel and hold her close. “I’ll put her down and then we can give him a tubby together.”
“You heard her.” Harry says to his son. “I’ll get the water started.”
“Why don’t you lull her to sleep? I think Jack needs some alone time with me.”
“Alright.” He kisses your cheek and goes into the baby’s room.
“Okay, baby boy, let’s get you clean.”
You and Jack play with his water toys, and then you scrub his head. Just like Harry, he loved the way your nails felt while you washed his hair.
“Daddy and I have a big surprise for your birthday.”
“Mhm, it’s coming in a couple of weeks.”
“What is it?”
“Can’t say.” You smirk.
“No fair.” He pouts.
“Just know, it’s going to make summers even more fun.”
You wrap him in a towel and lift him out. You get Jack in jammies and get him tucked into bed. You read him one of his favorite stories until he falls asleep. You kiss his forehead before leaving his room. You let out a tired sigh after you close his door.
You go down the stairs to see Harry making dinner. Just a simple salad. He hands you a bowl.
“Thanks, honey.” You yawn.
“Sorry he’s been so clingy lately. I try to keep him busy most of the day. Buster helps tire him out, but it’s like the second he sees you…”
“He wants his, Mumma, I get it. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t like spending so much time with you though.”
“I know.” He sighs. “How are you feeling?”
“Much better. The extra rest you gave me was much appreciated.”
“Well, you needed it.” He sets his bowl down and wraps his arms around you. You rest your head on his shoulder.
“I’m tired.” You groan.
“Wanna turn in early?”
“It’s only seven.”
“So? I’m happy to go crawl into bed if you are.” He chuckles.
“Alright, yeah. Oh! We could watch something on TV and just relax.”
“I like the sound of that.”
“A pool!” Jack squeals when you let him outside.
You and Harry had saved up for over a year to get an above ground pool built in the back yard. You wanted to give Jack a pool party for his third birthday.
“We’re gonna have a big party here next weekend just for you, honey.”
“Just for me?!”
“That’s right.”
“Thank you, Mumma.” He hugs your legs.
“Go thank Daddy too.”
Jack runs over to Harry who was finishing getting the pool filled. He hugs his legs too.
“When can we go in?” Harry scoops Jack up so he can see into the water.
“Not for another few days. Gotta test it and make sure it’s safe.” Harry comes over to you. You were feeding Jessica. “I picked up a heating pad too, you can lay it across the water to make the water warm, just in case it’s too cold.”
“Good thinking, babe.” You hold your daughter up and pat her back to help her burp. “Jack, would you like Daddy to take you to the store so you can pick out some pool toys and floaties?”
“Yeah! Can we, Daddy?”
“Of course. We can head out soon. We can pick out something Mumma would like too.” He winks at you.
You needed a nap. You were exhausted. Even though Harry was more than willing and able to do the night feedings, you found yourself beating him to it. You bring Jessica up to her room and get her settled into her crib. You crawl onto your bed and close your eyes. Your body was still doing a lot of healing. You had started going for walks on the treadmill in the basement. You wouldn’t be able to go for neighborhood walks with Sarah until June when her school year ended. You’d be back in shape in no time.
You woke up about twenty minutes later to the sound of your phone going off. You wondered if Harry had a question about the pool toys. When you see Dr. Mara’s name pop up, you’re slightly confused. She still prescribed you your medication, but you hadn’t had an actual visit with her in quite some time.
“Hi, Y/N, it’s Dr. Mara.”
“Hi, yeah, um, is everything okay?”
“Yes, well, there’s an article I saw online today…I think you should see it, but I wanted to call first before just texting it to you.”
“What does it entail?”
“Jake…” Your eyes grow wide. It was a name you hadn’t even thought about in years. “He’s been arrested recently. I know you never came forward with anything, but sometimes…well, sometimes when more people step forward on these things, it helps. Everything is up to you, of course. I’m going to send you the article. Do with the information what you will.”
“Okay, um, thank you for letting me know.”
You hang up and she sends you the article. He had been arrested on domestic violence charges. Apparently he had been divorced, and he had attacked his ex-wife. She was pressing charges, but the article didn’t get into it.
“Oh my god.” You feel tears prick at the back of your eyes. You lose all control and start sobbing.
Jack couldn’t wait to show you the things him and Harry got at the store. He races upstairs to your bedroom.
“Jack, mummy could be sleeping, hold on.” Harry whispers and picks him up. He opens the door to your room quietly. You were sitting on the edge of the bed, shaking, eyes red and puffy. “Y/N?”
“Mumma! We got so many toys.”
“That’s, that’s great, honey.” Your voice was hoarse and just as shaky as your body.
“Um, Jack, could you go color in your room for a bit?”
“But you said we could show Mumma.” He pouts.
“We will, I just need to talk with mummy alone quick.”
He sets Jack down. He grumbles as he leaves the room. Harry sits down next to you. You flinch when he tries to put his hand on you. You hand him your phone to show him the article. He gasps when he reads it.
“How did you even come across this?”
“Dr. Mara called me.” You say quietly. “She said…if I were to come forward…it could help this woman’s case. Get him locked up.” You sigh. “It’s weird, it’s like, I almost forgot I had been through anything.” You start crying again. “If I had just pressed charges back then this poor woman he married wouldn’t be dealing with this.”
“Y/N.” Harry gently places his hand on your back. “It’s okay.”
“I still have everything. I don’t know if the DNA would even still be on there, but I kept everything in a box just in case. I could go to the police station and give my story. I have to help.”
“You’re sure this is something you want to go through? You may end up needing to testify.”
“I made a mistake by not doing this before.” You put your hand on his knee. “We have children now. If something like this ever happened to either of them…I’d, I’d lose my goddamn mind! I can go to the police station this week. I know it’s cutting it close to Jack’s party, but I should do this sooner rather than later.”
“Do you want me to go with you? We could get a babysitter.”
“No, I should go by myself. You stay home with the kids.”
“I’m so sorry this is all being brought back up. Are you gonna be okay?”
“I don’t think I will be until I know that monster is properly put away.”
The next morning you rummaged in the basement for the box you had kept the bags of the sheets and dress in. You sighed when you found it. You weren’t sure what it would do, but you were thankful you kept it. Harry kisses you goodbye before you go. You wanted to leave before Jack woke up.
You drive out to the police department that had arrested Jake. You take a deep breath before walking in. You walk up to a woman sitting at a desk. There were a ton of people walking around, and loud phones going off. You shake all of the background noise away.
“May I help you?”
“Um, yes, I…need to report…a few years ago…you recently arrested Jake Robinson, and he raped me a few years ago.” That was the first time you ever actually said something like that out loud.
“Oh my.” The woman says. “You’re not the first person to come in about this. One moment.” She makes a call and a few minutes later a detective come out.
“Hi, I’m Detective Ruiz.” She says to you. “Would you like to come have a chat with me? I’m working the Robinson case.”
You nod and follow her back to her desk.
“These are, um, the sheets…and what I was wearing when it happened.” You place the bags on her desk. “It happened back in 2018, so I don’t know if they’ll be helpful.”
“They definitely will be. We can send everything off to the lab. They’ll be able to tell us what’s on it.”
“The woman up front said I wasn’t the only one to come in…”
“You’re not. We arrested him last week, and three other women came forward.”
“How’s his ex-wife doing?”
“She’s making it through.” She takes a note pad out. “Can you tell me what happened?”
“Of course. We had been on about four dates. He seemed like a really nice guy. We hadn’t been too intimate, mostly just kissing. On our fourth date, I invited him up to my place. We ended up on my bed. I thought we would just get into, um, some heavy petting, but before I knew it my head was being shoved into my pillows and he was just…well, you know. I didn’t feel safe enough to say no. I thought he might do something even more forceful. I certainly didn’t consent to sex. When he left I passed out from the blood on my sheets and the blood between my legs. My best friend, Niall Horan, came and helped me afterwards.”
“Did you happen to take any pictures?”
“No…the only time I used my phone…oh, wait, um…I do have a picture of Jake and I from our date that night. We had gone for a walk and taken a selfie.” You go onto your Instagram and scroll back really far. You weren’t sure why you kept this picture, but right now you were glad you did. “See.” You show her.
“Are you able to send that to me? He may claim he’s never met you before.”
“Of course. I feel terrible. I should have come forward when it happened.”
“All of the other women said the same thing, don’t worry. The others happened before you. It can be hard to talk about these things. Coming to us doesn’t exactly help make it all go away.”
“I just want to do everything I can to help now. I have a soon to be three year old, and an infant to think about.” You think for a moment. “I went to therapy for years. I know there’s doctor patient confidentiality, but I’ll sign whatever waiver that’s needed if you need more information to support the case.”
“Thank you, we really appreciate that. May I ask who you saw?”
“Dr. Pricilla Mara.”
She nods and writes the information down.
“Alright Mrs…?”
“Um, my husband’s last name is Styles, but legally I go by Y/F/N Y/L/N…I’m a PhD as well, that’s why I kept my name.”
“Kept my own name too.” She smirks. “No need to explain that. So, the lab process will take some time. We’ll be in touch, though.”
“Thank you for coming in. You’re definitely making a big difference.”
When you get home you find Harry on the couch with Jessica in the crook of his arm, and Jack nuzzled up close in his other side. He was reading one of his books to them. You giggle slightly and take your phone out to take a picture.
“Mumma!” Jack exclaims and gets up to run over to you. “Where were you?” He pouts.
“I had to run an errand, my doll.” You pick him up and kiss his cheek. “But I’m home now. Can I sit there, Daddy?”
“Sure thing, Mummy.” You sit down and Harry throws his arm around you. He kisses your temple. “Jack really liked the story in this book. I pretended it was about a prince and a princess.”
“Ah, well, let’s keep reading then.”
It was a nice family day. You pushed Jack on the swing outside while Harry took Jessica for a walk in the stroller with Buster. Then he grilled up some food for dinner. Once both kids were down, you told Harry about what happened at the police station.
“So, they’ll call you if they need more from you?”
“You’re being really brave, I hope you know that.”
“Thanks. You had a nice morning with them?”
“It was great. Jack crawled into bed with me and we had a nice snuggle before I had to get Jessica. She was so good for me too. I made Jack pancakes for breakfast after I fed her. We had a nice chat. He misses his friends at day care, but he said he’s excited that we’ll both be home for a bit.”
“Aw, he’s so sweet. We had fun in the backyard earlier. I like that you’ll be home with me a little longer than last time.”
“Me too. Mum and Gem are excited to fly in for the party.”
“They come Friday, right?”
“I can’t wait for them to meet Jessica.” You wrap your arms around his neck, and his hands rest on your waist. “We have a nice life.”
“Wouldn’t trade it for anything else.” He kisses you gently.
“Okay, I’m letting go before you think this is an invitation.” You chuckle.
“What?!” He laughs. “I wasn’t even making a move!”
“I could feel your hands sliding down to my butt, I can read you like a book, Harry. I know your moves.”
“Well, as much as I’d love to get my hands all over you, I know we can’t yet.” He rolls his eyes. “Even though my little friend stayed intact this time.” He wraps his arms back around you and pulls you close.
“Yeah, well, my stomach is still healing up.”
“I’m well aware, angel.” He kisses you again. “Doesn’t mean I can’t kiss you does it?” He mumbles against your lips.
“I suppose that’s okay.”
He leads you over to the couch, and lays you down. He hovers over you and sucks your bottom lip into his mouth. You can’t remember the last time you simply just made out with your husband. After the morning you had this was everything you could have needed. He knew that. He always knew what to do.
He deepens the kiss by licking into your mouth, and you have absolutely no problem with it. Your tongue finds his and you just feel like you’re getting lost in each other like you used to. You’re taken out of your intoxicated state when you hear Jessica cry through the baby monitor. Harry sighs into your neck. He slowly lifts off of you.
“I’ll go check her, why don’t you go take a bath or something. You’ve had a long day.”
“Thanks, yeah, maybe I will.”
You both go upstairs. Harry changes Jessica and rocks her back to sleep. He checks on Jack quick to make sure the baby didn’t wake him. He was sound asleep. Harry goes into the bedroom and sees the bathroom door open a crack, you were just getting into the tub. He opens the door and leans against the frame.
“I’d ask you to join, but I’m still a little self-conscious.” You blush.
“S’alright, can I sit against the tub just to be near you?”
“Of course.”
Harry sits down on the cold tile. You drape your hand over his head and mindlessly play with his hair. Times like these you almost forgot you were a parent. When you’d be able to just sit and talk with Harry about things. He’d be home with you through the end of May and for the month of June. You decided that since Anne and Gemma were coming here, that it would be a good idea to not go to England this summer, and to just make your trip longer in January.
“Are you sure you’re okay with not being able to see your friends?”
“You know that’s not the only reason why we go there right?” He turns slightly to look at you. “I love seeing Louis and all, but we go there to see other family. I go there to get some other work done. Besides, since we’re not going we’re making more money off the flat.” He shrugs. “And traveling with Jack and Jessica right now doesn’t sound all that appealing. It would be a lot. You’re still healing too.”
“I’m just saying, if you wanted to go…”
“You’re crazy if you think I’d use the time off from work that I’m supposed to be here helping to dart off to London.” He takes your hand and kisses it. “I’d never do that.”
“I’m really happy you’re taking so much time off. I appreciate it a lot.”
“And then when I go back I’m only doing half days until you go back to work.”
“Jessica won’t be able to go to daycare until she’s six months, so she’ll need to be with you.”
“That should work fine. Can you believe that Jack only has one more year of daycare until he’s at preschool? Time’s flying.”
“I know.” You sigh. “We should probably start looking at places we want to send him. Sometimes you almost have to book your spot a year in advance.”
“I wish the university had a preschool, we’ve been spoiled.”
“I’m gonna start asking around to see where other people have sent their kids. I don’t want pick up and drop off to be annoying.”
“Well, shouldn’t we look around this area? It would be better for him to meet more of the Milton kids that he’d actually end up going to school with.”
“Good point. I’ll talk to Sarah, she probably knows what preschools are good.” You look at your hands and see they’re getting pruney. “Could you hand me my towel? Think it’s time I get out.”
Harry stands up and hands you your towel. You stand and quickly cover yourself with it.
“You know, a few scars don’t scare me.”
You give him annoyed look as you step out of the tub.
“It’s not about you though. It’s about how I barely recognize my body half the time when I look into the mirror. It was easier this time around since I knew what to expect…but…still.”
You throw on a bed shirt and some shorts, hang up your towel, and crawl into bed. Harry gets in only wearing his boxers.
“I have liked just pumping instead of breastfeeding. I’m way less sore since I don’t have a little mouth nibbling on me.”
“Do you miss the bonding at all?”
“Nah, I mean, I still rub my nipple on her face to help with the acne like I did with Jack.” You giggle and roll on your side to face him. He faces you and puts his hand on your back to rub it up and down.
“I know it’s not about what I think, but you have to know I think you look incredible.”
“You also thought the same when I was as big as a house nine months pregnant.”
“I did! You were glowing, babe. You still are.” He leans in to kiss you, and gently slots a leg between yours to get comfortable.
“I haven’t been cleared by the doctor yet. It hasn’t quite been six weeks.”
“I’m not doing anything, just getting cozy. Just wanna snuggle you.” He pulls you in closer to his chest. “You have an appointment next week, right?”
“Mhm, on Wednesday. And then I’ll probably go back a month or so later for the IUD. I’m just not ready for another invasive procedure just yet.”
“We can just use condoms if you don’t feel like having it put back in.”
“But you hate using them…”
“I know, but if it makes it easier for you, I don’t mind.”
“I love you.” You snuggle into his chest and sigh.
“I love you too.”
The day of Jack’s party, you pulled out all the stops. It was dinosaur themed because he was very into dinosaurs right now. You put up decorations all throughout the house and in the back yard. The pool was ready to use as well. Harry made everyone a nice big breakfast, and once it was done you both creeped into Jack’s room to wake him up. You both sit on the edge of the bed while Gemma takes her phone out to film everything. You all had gone out the night before to eat, it was nice for Jack to be so excited about his Grammy and Auntie.
“Wake up, baby.” You coo as you stroke his cheek.
“Hm.” He mumbles.
“It’s your birthday, darling.” Harry says.
Jack shoots up in his bed and look at the two of you with a big smile on his face.
“I’m three?!”
“You’re three!” You both say at the same time and tackle him with hugs and kisses. His giggles fill the room and it makes you both so incredibly happy.
“Come on, I got you a new bathing suit.” You tell him and show him the new trunks that had dinosaurs on them.
“Oh, wow!” He gazes at them.
“Gotta go potty first though, son.” Harry picks him up and brings him to the hall bath.
You go into Jessica’s room where Anne was sitting with her in the big comfy chair.
“She’s absolutely precious.”
“She really is.”
“Harry made a nice breakfast, mum, let’s head downstairs.” Gemma says. “He’s just getting Jack washed up for the day.”
You all enjoy the breakfast Harry made. There was fresh fruit, pancakes, vegan bacon, and muffins. Something for everyone.
“When’s my party, Mumma?”
“In a few hours. Mimi and Grandpa are coming, and so are your other aunties and uncles. Some friends are coming too.” You smile as his face lights up. You had invited his best friend, Ryan, and his mother Lisa. “And your cousins of course. Michael and Melissa are very excited to see you.”
“Melissa’s party was fun.”
“You remember it, baby?” Anne asks.
“Mhm, we painted.” He points to the paper with splattered paint on the fridge. “It’s Buster.”
“So it is!” She beams. “It’s nice he has a cousin so close in age.”
“I know, they’ll be great friends I think. And Michael loves being the older cousin. I can’t believe my little man is six! He’s going to into the first grade in the fall.” You shake your head.
“He’ll be over here babysitting before we know it.” Harry chuckles.
“God, don’t even say that. You know my brother lets him text me sometimes. He sends me these funny videos of him dancing or just saying hi.”
“Clearly you’re his favorite.” Gemma says. “So, Jack, how do you like being a big brother so far?”
“It’s okay.” He shrugs.
“He think she’s loud and boring.” Harry says.
“Daddy!” He whines.
“Sorry, was that supposed to stay between the two of us?” He laughs.
“You think she’s boring?” You can’t help but laugh too. You look down at the baby in your arms. “Well, I suppose she is, isn’t she?”
“She just sleeps. She can’t even play.” Jack says.
“But she’ll be able to when she gets a little older. And then you can show her how to play nice with all your toys.” You explain. “Won’t that be nice?”
“How come you had a girl and not a boy, Mumma?”
You and Harry look at each other, then to Anne and Gemma who were cracking up, and then back to Jack.
“Well, buddy, Mummy’s and Daddy’s don’t get to decide.” Harry says.
“Why not?”
“It’s just how it works.” You say. “Are you sad you don’t have a little brother?”
“No, I like having a sister.” He gets up out of his seat and crawls up on you and into your lap. “She’s pretty, just boring.” He gives his sister a kiss on the nose and everyone at the table awes.
Your yard was full of people. Plenty of adults keeping their eyes on the kids in the pool. Jack was having a wonderful birthday. It was the first time your extended family got to meet Jessica as well. You were happy to pass her around. Anne and Gemma were big helps in keeping the food outside stocked up.
Harry tells you to sit down with Jack at the table as he comes out with the large cake. Jack blows out the candles when everyone is done singing. It was very cute. Harry cuts the cake for everyone, while you help Jack open up his various presents.
“What do we say?” You say to your son.
“Thank you everyone!”
Jack gets up and gives hugs to his family.
“I can’t believe how big he is.” Rachel says to you as she digs into her cake.
“I know! Too big if you ask me. Wouldn’t mind if he stayed like this.”
“Oh, but it’s fun to watch them grow.” Sarah says. “I love when my students come back to visit me.”
“Mumma, come swim!” Jack says to you.
“I can’t yet, honey. Why don’t you find Uncle Niall, he’ll swim with you.”
“He’s with Daddy.” He points over to Harry and Niall who were deep in conversation.
“Alright.” You squint over at the pool and see Kyle swimming with Michael. “Uncle Kyle’s in the pool with Cousin Michael, you can go in with them.”
“Okay!” He runs off.
“No jumping!” You shake your head.
“I’m glad you guys got one of your own, but you’re still welcome to come over once my school year is over.”
“Thanks, I’m sure we’ll take you up on that. He loves when Harry jumps off the diving board with him.”
“How have you been feeling?” Rachel asks. “Does it take longer to recover after a c-section.”
“Yes and no. I was in the hospital longer. I mean, it’s a major surgery. My scars are healing up nicely though. It’s just been six weeks, I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson on Wednesday. I’m hoping she’ll be able to clear me. I’m in some major need of loving with my husband.”
“I bet.” Sarah giggles. “Niall said he’ staying home the entire month of June with you?”
“Yeah, he said he wanted to be home to help more. He’s the best. He’s going to do half days after that, and then when school starts he’ll take Jessica to work with him until she can go to daycare.”
“You’re going right back in the fall?” Rachel asks.
“Yup, it’s fine though.” You shrug. “I was sort of spoiled last time. I’ve got the hang of things now.”
“Auntie Y/N.” Michael says coming up to you. “Are there any more juice boxes. There’s none in the cooler.”
“Oh! Sure, give me one second I’ll bring some out, my love.”
“Thank you.”
“Excuse me.” You say to the girls and go inside. Your phone had been sitting on the kitchen counter charging. You check and see that Detective Ruiz had called. “Shit.” You swipe your phone to call her back. “Hi Detective, I’m sorry I missed your call…my son’s having a birthday party.”
“No problem. I just wanted to let you know we got the lab results back.”
“We expedited things. His DNA was on there.” You take a deep breath as she continues to speak. “Thank you for bringing that in, it really helps with the case.”
“What are the next steps?”
“We may need you to come in and testify once the case is brought to court.”
“Will I need a lawyer?”
“You’ll want one, yes, just to help you. We’re hoping to get this moving along quickly. The other women have also agreed to testify. We have a strong case against him.”
“So…he would be there…in the courtroom?”
“I know that it won’t be an easy thing to do.”
“I said I wanted to help the best that I can, and that’s what I intend to do.”
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softboywriting · 5 years
Welcome To The Pack | Mendes Triplets Series | Part Five
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Summary: You’re a human who has moved in with the Mendes triplets as their newest housemate. You’ll have to learn to navigate life with werewolves, college classes, and your feelings for each guy. [fluff]
Word Count: 2k
|Masterlist In Bio|
It's early on a Sunday morning when Shawn invites you to go out with them. He says they go on a hike once a week, and you know they go out, but you're pretty sure their idea of a hike and yours is quite different. The four of you head out into the woods down the street from your house, they’re pretty thick and have a creek that runs through the trees. Its nice, even though it’s cold.
Once you get just inside the trees Shawn gives you his zip up jacket and they run off into the woods. You barely get a word out in protest before you’re surrounded by three huge wolves. It’s obviously the boys, but you have no idea which one is which, they all look incredibly similar.
The biggest one of the three bumps against you, pressing his side into your back. He noses under your hand and you pet his head. You would guess it's Shawn since he's the biggest of three as a human.
The one with slightly darker fur circles you, head down as he growls lowly. You watch him, eyes narrowed as he jumps away from your outstretched hand. It's Raul. The slight distrust and standoffishness is apparent.
Then there is the second biggest wolf, nearly identical to the biggest wolf, who is sitting patiently, waiting for you to approach. You think it must be Peter, since he is the only one left, but something about him isn't quite right. He nudges into your hand and you rub his ears. "I'm not sure which one is which."
Raul lets out a sharp bark and you turn to look at him.
"I am well aware which one you are, Raul." You say impatiently and he sits down, looking proud of himself. What a show off, even as a wolf.
The biggest wolf joins the other in front of you. They're so similar, right down to the fur color and markings, but one is clearly larger It must be Shawn, has to be. "Shawn?" You ask, pointing to the biggest one.
The big one lowers his head and whimpers. Obviously not.
"Peter? You're so big though. I thought for sure Shawn would be the biggest." The big one rolls over and you drop to your knees, rubbing his side. "You're such a big boy, how’d you get so big?"
Shawn nudges your back and you hold his head.
"Jealous baby." You laugh and Raul jumps on you, pushing you into Peter and Shawn. "Hey! Jerk, you're squishing me!"
Shawn tackles Raul and you lay down in the leaves watching the two wolves tangle a few feet away. Peter lays his head on your lap and you scratch it. They're just the same as wolves as they are as humans. Go figure.
Raul walks into your room late one night and looks around. You look up from your laptop. You've been slogging away on an English paper that you don't want to write. It’s the most boring thing on the planet and you would rather pull out your own hair one by one. "Can I help you?"
"I need you."
"Okay? For what?"
Raul crosses his arms. "School work."
"Like...tutoring or?"
"No. Just come with me."
You get up and set aside your laptop. Your English paper can wait until later, it's almost done anyway and you need a break. Raul leads you upstairs to his bedroom and you peek around the doorway into the forbidden territory. You’ve never dared set foot in any of the guys’ rooms without being invited. Though they always seem to invite themselves into your room. You suppose your sense of personal space and theirs is probably pretty different considering your upbringings and cultures. "Should I come in?"
"Yeah, door is open isn’t it?"
You walk in and his room smells like vanilla and sandalwood, soft but rich and heady. It’s so very much like Raul. Honestly you didn't know what to expect. A mess? Stinky boy smell? Everything painted black? What you get is none of those things. In fact, Raul's room is more like a mini art studio with a bed and a dresser in the corner. There is a huge canvas drop cloth on the floor and covering two walls. Somehow in the time you have lived with these guys, you never found out Raul painted.
"What are you doing?" You ask, walking around paint spots on the covered floor. "Why do you need me?"
"I need your picture."
"For what?"
"To paint." He says matter of factly as he grabs a camera off his bed. "I want to use the color of your eyes for something because it’s the perfect color and unless you want to stand here while I color match for who knows how long, I just want a photo."
You shake your head. "I think you're missing something here."
"The fact that I had no idea you were an artist?" You laugh, gesturing to his work station. "How come you never said anything?"
Raul shrugs.  "It wasn't important? Besides...it's not like my major or something. I just take a few classes to help with my art skills for architecture."
“You’re majoring as an architect?”
“Yeah.” He lifts his camera and then lowers it, changing some sort of setting on it you assume.
You walk around and look at the canvases, some half finished, propped against the wall. “Art could be your major.”
"Why not? These are good." You grab a canvas with pink roses on it, they’re very detailed and vibrant, almost like looking at a photograph. "I love this."
"Take it."
"But...you don't want it?"
Raul shrugs again. "It's just stupid flowers. Can I take your photo now?"
You tuck the painting up under your arm. "Fine. But only if you show me the finished product you need my eye color for."
"Okay, but only if you don't keep telling me how good my shit is."
Raul lifts the camera and moves in close for a good picture. He changes angles a few times and then pulls back. He looks at the screen and smiles a little bit. "Wow." He mutters under his breath.
"Nothing. Thanks, you can go now I guess."
You roll your eyes. "Good talk," you say sarcastically and leave his room with your new painting in hand. You don't understand Raul. One minute he's a sweetheart, taking you to lunch, holding hands, and the next he acts tough and indifferent. He's hard to read, and even harder to unpack.
Something has been bothering you since the night of Shawn’s hockey game. It’s not anything anyone has done per say but more of something that they haven’t done. Since you moved in, now almost three months ago, you’ve never seen any of the guys with a significant other. To your knowledge all three boys are in to girls, but you can’t be sure since you’ve never actually asked. Either way, you’ve never heard them talk about going on a date or talk about being with anyone. What really got you thinking about it was how Shawn turned down the three girls after his game in favor of going home for dinner. Why not go to a party, meet someone, get some action? It’s not a big deal, and it’s really none of your business, but you can’t help but think about it.
Peter stands at the stove, stirring some rice in a pot for dinner. It’s his turn to make it and he’s making baked chicken with rice and broccoli. Sounds pretty plain, but Peter makes it taste really good.
“Can I ask you something?” You say, taking a seat at the dining table at the edge of the kitchen.
“Why don’t you have a girlfriend, or boyfriend, whatever.”
Peter lets out a little laugh. “No lead up, just bam, why are you single? Damn.” He turns off the stove and moves the pot of rice to a cool burner. “If you must know, I’m single because it’s hard for me to connect with someone.”
“But you’re so sweet and smart.”
“Thank you, but it’s not just that.” He takes a seat opposite you and leans his head on his chin. “We wolves tend to try to find people who are committed. We don’t like to play games when it comes to relationships. I also have to find someone who understands and accepts me as a werewolf, and that’s not always as easy as it may seem.”
“Yeah, so...”
“You like me though right? We connect?”
Peter flushes, cheeks turning scarlet as he clears his throat. “Of course I like you. As a pack member and my friend. It’s not like...I don’t...not like...y’know. Unless you want that then-”
“Peter.” You start and he freezes, eyes panicked behind his glasses. “I meant as a friend and a pack mate.”
“Y-yes. I like you.”
“Okay, good.” You smile, warmth on your own cheeks. “You should probably check the chicken. The timer has been going off for a minute or so.”
“Shit!” Peter jumps up and you laugh as he scrambles to the oven with a pair of mitts over his hands. He saves the chicken and as soon as its out of the oven, Shawn and Raul appear to get dinner. You laugh to yourself as you watch the three guys argue over whether or not they can start dishing up food. It’s always something in this house.
Shawn knocks on your open bedroom door and you look up from your phone. It’s after nine in the evening and you’re about to go to bed. It’s not like Shawn to be up much later than this either. He gets so exhausted from going to class and then hockey practice nearly every day, he just passes out when he gets home.
“What's up?” you ask, muting the tv.
“My tv is broken. Well, my remote is broken. I sort of stepped on it this morning in a hurry to leave.”
Shawn looks over to your muted TV and then back to you. “Could I...watch my show in here?”
“Why not ask Raul or Peter? Or did they already turn you away?”
“Raul told me to shove it and Peter’s door is locked.” He sighs and hangs his head. “I can just catch it next week. I’ll pick up a remote tomorrow.”
“No, come in.” You pull back the corner of your bedspread and he wastes no time crawling into the bed next to you. You decide to take pity on him. You know what it’s like to miss your favorite show for a week and then not know what anyone is talking about on your social media. “What channel?”
“Thirty six. It’s grey’s anatomy. “
“Ah, gotcha.” You change the channel and Shawn scoots closer, propped against your bed head. “If I fall asleep don’t worry about waking me up okay?
“Mmmhmm.” Shawn grabs the remote and turns up the volume as the opening credits for the show starts to play. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, and you owe me.”
He leans over and kisses your temple. “You have my undying love and gratitude.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that get me? What’s the exchange rate on undying love and gratitude?”
“Whatever you want.”
“That seems like a loaded offer for something as simple as letting you watch a TV show.”
Shawn looks away from the tv and you raise your eyebrows. He lowers his voice, talking soft and sincerely. “I’d give you anything. You should know that.”
“Y-yeah. I’ll have to raincheck you on that.” You feel your stomach clench. That was way more loaded then the offer was. The way he’s looking at you...it’s insane. No. You cannot be feeling some kind of way for Shawn. You live together. Its...no. But what if? You bite your lip thinking about a scenario where you do become more than friends with Shawn. You’d let him do just about anything, and he- no. stop. You have to stop. No more.
End Part Five
Thank you for reading! Please reblog if you enjoyed this and reblog to support and encourage myself and fellow writers. Next part coming soon! - A
Custom header per part made by the incredible delicateshawn
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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oohfluffy · 4 years
Group: EXO
Member: Byun Baekhyun
Theme: Angst | Fluff | Rated M | University!AU | Football!AU
Word Count: 1,951
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chapter 9
It was past six o'clock when your 3-hour class ended. You let out a satisfied sigh as you closed your notebook, which ended up filling 10 pages with lots of notes. Putting down your pen on your desk, you slowly stretched your fingers, feeling the strain on the little muscles as you reached out.
"Is it true that she's being favored by Byun?"
"I'm scared for oppa. He might be preyed on by the bitch."
"She doesn't look that special, to be honest."
"She's not even pretty! She's just all brains."
"Maybe, she did his homework?"
Hearing a batch of laughter in front of the room, you just swallowed the lump on your throat before packing your things. You shook your head as you tried blocking their talks from your hearing, which was to avail. You almost cursed out loud as the pen on your desk rolled down on the floor.
Bending down to pick it up from the aisle, you avoided looking at the people in front. You bit your lip as you touched your pen—
You let out a hiss when a long, thin heel dug its way onto your wrist before you could even grab your pen. A few snickers were let out as Irene looked down at you, her eyes gleaming with hatred and indifference.
"Hi, Saejin-ah. Thought we'd stay away from you, huh?" She chuckled darkly, twisting her red lips into a smirk. "I don't think our friendship is that fragile, do you girls?" Turning her head to the side, her bitches grinned. You looked down as her black heel dug deeper on to your skin, gritting your teeth closely to avoid whimpering.
"You aren't sucking off of Baekhyun oppa, right?" Seulgi spat out as she stood at Irene's side, her pointer finger pushing your forehead up. "Look at me when I talk to you!"
"Don't shout!" Wendy shushed her quietly, looking back at the closed door before turning to you with a smirk.
"You know what he did to us?" Irene raised her eyebrow, her eyes sharp staring at yours. You felt your eyes watering, not only in humiliation but the pain on your almost bleeding wrist. "You know it, don't you? He didn't just shame us, he kicked us out—"
"I'm not part of whatever he did to you, nor do I care." You spoke loud and clear, not breaking your voice as you glared back through the tears. You forced yourself to bear with the stinging sensation on your wrist as you pulled your hand from the weight of her heel. You can feel your skin getting dragged along as the roughness and sharpness of the rubber kept its friction stuck on your flesh.
"Leave. me. the. fuck. alone." You emphasized every word of that sentence as you stared at their bewildered and incredulous expressions. You straightened up your posture, feeling the numbness take over your senses. Irene gasped not just because of your audacity to talk back, but because of your disgusting blood trickling down your fingers. You didn't give her the chance to cut you off though. 
"I don't want to have anything to do with you. You can get all the spotlight for all I care."
Quickly turning back to your seat, you grabbed your bag and walked out of the room, pushing some students who were shamelessly watching the whole thing happen. Your other hand, the one that's not injured, was grasping your bag strap tightly as if you would fall on your knees if you don't. You kept on walking fast as if you can sense that they would seriously run after you.
You are scared.
You breathed out hard as you sharply turned to the corner, hands shaking at the sight of your bleeding hand. You almost tripped over your foot while looking at your hands.
"P-Pull yourself together, Saejin." You mumbled to yourself as you patted your chest with a shaking hand. "Y-You're okay."
Taking one last deep inhalation, you trudged down the stairs with a loud beating heart. You still got an hour and a half to make it to Jiwon's aunt's coffee shop.
It will be alright.
"Saejin-ssi?" Kyungsoo muttered under his breath as he recognized your back on him. His eyes drifted down to your shaking hands, worry filling his system as he spotted something dark crawling down your fingers. "Sae—"
"Man, I swear to God, I'm killing Park when I see him." Baekhyun cursed as he bumped his shoulder to his friend, who was still staring at a space. Baekhyun looked in front of them and wondered what was so interesting in an old staircase. "Yah, Do Kyungsoo."
As if he was brought back to reality, Kyungsoo blinked once before looking at him. The worry and uneasiness were still present and evident in his huge eyes that Baekhyun couldn't help but ask.
"Are you alright?"
Kyungsoo looked down the stairs once again before shaking his head. "It's nothing."
"Uhuh. Staring off a space is nothing. Right." Baekhyun snickered as he wrapped his arm around his friend's shoulders. "Let's just go eat dinner and talk about your nothing, man."
"I just saw Saejin-ssi a minute ago."
Baekhyun stopped on his tracks in surprise. He turned his head to Kyungsoo, tilting as he questioned, "How'd you know her?"
"We formally met yesterday. I think she's a Med student. I saw her Human Anatomy book—"
"Oh good." He hummed as he continued dragging his friend in the hallways.
"I just got worried when I saw her hands shaking. She was even leaning on the wall until she reached the stairs—"
"Shaking?!" Baekhyun incredulously exclaimed, his feet fully stopping on the ground. His slitted eyes were wide open now as he thought about his encounter with you back on the dark restroom by the field. "S-She..."
"Why are you over reacting? Are you her father?" Kyungsoo frowned as he suspiciously looked at his friend. He raised his eyebrow at him. "You didn't do anything to her—"
"Of course not!"
"Tss. If you're planning to," Kyungsoo shook him off of his shoulders, walking ahead of Baekhyun. "don't bother hurting her. I think she got enough pain already."
"Oh! Saejin-ah!"
You forced to lift the side of your lips as Jiwon's aunt, Jinah, welcomed you inside her newly opened coffee shop. She grinned as she tugged you in the counters, talking loudly about how prettier and taller you got since the last time she saw you two years ago.
"I didn't get that much taller, aunt Jinah." You laughed as she rolled her eyes. She was smaller than you by a few inches, which makes you think that Jiwon took after her father's side not her mother's as she was a tall girl. You looked around the place and smiled at the atmosphere it built. "This place looks like a safe haven. So beautiful and peaceful."
"I know right! I really wanted it to be designed like this from the start. You know just a place where you can easily escape from the busy, buzzing, and noisy world out there." Aunt Jinah smiled fondly at her place.
The coffee shop's color theme was a mix of brown and white. The chairs were wooden with white steel foundations, along with the wooden tables. Pieces of fresh tulips placed in a clear bottle at the center of each table, adding a minimalistic design on the table set-up. The counters were all wooden with intricate markings on the surface, and a long curved food cooler display was on top of most counters before the cashier area.
What made the place more relaxing were the hanging flower baskets from the ceiling. Different colors of flowers were on top of viney leaves crawling down the basket. A small fountain can be found by the corner as soon as you enter the place. The relaxing classical music playlist was the icing on top of this beautiful place.
Everything was made to make people release their stress and forget the world for a while.
"I'm so excited to have you on board! I know you loved these kinds of places." Aunt Jinah grinned as she patted your shoulders. She glanced at the clock by the wall. "You're 25 minutes early, which is adorable if I may say, and I can introduce you to the other staff now. I'll let Jisoo, my manager here, talk to you about all the things you'll do."
"Yes, auntie." You smiled as you nodded at her instructions. She made you follow her inside the kitchen, passing by the male cashier guy named Hyunjin.
"He's a newbie and a part-timer too." Hyunjin bowed a bit as he was introduced to you. You just smiled and said your name. "Oh, nice to meet you, Saejin noona." He said as he was 2 years younger than you.
Meeting the rest of the crew was a fun event. There was not much to remember as the crew consists of only 7 members excluding Aunt Jinah and you. The baker, Woobin, was in his forties , but still as lively as a teenager and has been baking since he was one. The baristas were Mingyu, a professional one, and Somi, a beginner. The last two were waiters, and on cleaning tasks, Yeonjun and Rocky, both in their second year in college—part-timers like you and Hyunjin. Jisoo was the manager of the crew, in her late twenties and has been close with Aunt Jinah's family.
"I knew this day was going to be better than I'd expected." Mingyu had a boyish grin as he shook hands with you. "You study at The Eve Acad?"
"Yes, I do." You nodded. "In my third year. Still a lot of years ahead to become a professional tho."
"I'm guessing you are a Med student." He chuckled as he leaned on the counter next to him. Aunt Jinah has left you for a while as she returned to her office to call her son overseas, saying that he only has a freetime at 7 in local time. "Must be hard, huh?"
"Well, I'm managing for now." You sighed as you walked to the staff room, where Jisoo told where you can put your things at. Mingyu followed with a curious hum. "But I can't deny it's going to be tough paying for med school."
"Are you still under your parents' home? They pay your tuition?"
"No parents, no guardian." You open the wooden sliding door with a sigh. "Just me."
"Oh, sorry about that." Mingyu parted his lips as he watched you open an empty locker. "That's..."
"...exhausting? Distressing? Unfortunate?" You chuckled, placing your bag inside the locker. Your eyes set on the keychain hanging from the zipper. "It's not so bad." You mumbled weakly before closing the locker door.
"I didn't mean to make you sad or anything. I was just really curious and I wanted to know more about you. And I don't know what else to ask about you even though I really want to know you. I don't even get myself right now, I just keep blabbering nonsense, and—"
You watched as Mingyu stuttered on his words while he looked away embarrassed like a puppy left on the street on a rainy day. You laughed at his panicking state. He just talks indefinitely, letting his emotions take reign over his rationality.
He reminds you of someone.
"You can start by asking my favorite color, you know." You joked as you walked past him, patting his arm as you did. Mingyu let out a relieved sigh before closing the door after you.
"What's your favorite color, Saejin-ah?"
You looked back at him with a smile.
♫ Ch.10
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bugheadtrash · 5 years
Yeah It’s Always Better When We’re Together
Prompt Request: 82. “Just breathe, okay?” 88. “I’m better now that you’re here.” - Requested by @bugheadobssesed as a peraltiago pregnancy fic. Here you go, love! Hope you enjoy. 
Amy winces as yet another contraction courses through her body. She pushes out a steady stream of air as she looks at her watch, 8 minutes 20 seconds. A little closer together but still... too sporadic. She's fine. She just needs to relax. Deep breaths, Amy. Calm, relax, it's all fine. She repeats this mantra in her head, tapping her fingers against her desk nervously. Admittedly, she isn't sure everything is fine. The baby isn't due for another 3 weeks, Jake left for a stake out with Rosa a little over an hour ago, and Charles is heating up leftovers in the precinct, despite multiple requests from basically everyone to stop doing that.     Needless to say, now is not the time for Baby Santiago-Peralta to make an appearance. She has a plan and today—here, now—is not part of her thorough delivery agenda. 
Another contraction. Just six minutes after the last one and continuing for nearly a minute. She can feel her entire uterus closing in on itself, and its worse than any menstrual cramp she’s ever experienced. She wants to curse whoever told her ‘oh it’s just like PMS-ing’.  Amy bites her lip and clenches her arms around her stomach, trying to avoid yelling out a profanity and causing a scene. She thinks it works until she looks up from her desk to see both Terry and Charles rushing to her desk. She waves them off with a hand, "I'm fine, really." There's that word again. Fine. It's fine. She's fine. Really. 
 The two men standing in front of her clearly are not convinced, but after a signature Santiago glare, they back down. 
 It's shortly after the fifth contraction (still over five minutes apart, it's fine) that her cellphone rings and Jake's name appears. Amy takes a deep breath and counts to three before answering the phone. Logically, she knows she should tell Jake what’s going on, but he is going to try to convince her to go to the hospital. Doesn’t he know that she isn’t ready for that yet? There’s no point avoiding him now though because she is sure someone— ahem, Charles—ratted her out.  
 "Ames?" His voice is calm but knowing, like he has already prepared for the protest she is about to give. 
 "Yeah babe, what's up? How's the stakeout?" 
 There is silence and then, "Seriously? 'How's the stakeout' - nice try. How are the contractions, more like it?”
 "Oh. That. Yeah, it's fi-" Amy sucks in quickly, this one comes after four minutes and 57 seconds. Hardly what she would consider under five minutes. Slowly, she exhales and focuses on steadying her breath. In and out, just like she learned in her Lamaze classes.
 "Do you think it's time to go to the hospital? Charles can sub in for me here; I can meet you there.”
Under different circumstances, Amy would be impressed with how cool and collected Jake is (she fully expected him to be freaking out), but she can't think about that right now. Finally, relief comes after just forty-five second. Her uterus relaxes and her organs feel back in place.
"I'm fine. Really, Jake. I promise I will go to the hospital when it's time, but right now there's too much to do. Besides, you aren't here, and we aren't due for three weeks. I only have my just-in-case-emergency hospital bag with me not my it's-time-for-the-baby hospital bag.”
 More silence. 
 "Ames, you know the baby will come when she or he wants to come and not when you feel ready, right? And I hate to say it, but I don't know if we'll ever be as ready as you want. But I promise you, Ames, you are ready for this," his voice is soft and so full of love.
"How can you say that? I'm not ready for this Jake, oh my god. I was supposed to have another three weeks. What if something is wrong? This isn't supposed to happen right now," Amy can feel the tears swelling in her eyes, the hot sting relentless as she desperately tries to get Jake to understand, “We've barely touched the surface of our One-Month-Until-Baby binder, I have more work to do, it's not - I'm not - I just mean, everything is going to change and I'm just not ready and—”
 “Shh, Ames, it’s okay baby. You’re okay, just breathe,” Jake continues to soothe her as more tears fall and she hiccups, trying to catch her breath, “You have to listen to me, okay? Amy… Ames, do you know why I’m not freaking out? Why I’m not scared about becoming a father even though my own dad sucked? Because of you. You have only ever made me a better detective, person, boyfriend, husband and I have no doubt, a better father. You make everything better. This baby is so damn lucky to have you. I know you’re scared and worried about the change and if you’ll be good enough, but you need to take a step back. Yes, everything is going to change, but it’s going to be better. And you are enough, right now. You were enough 9 months ago before you started reading books and planning in your crazy excessive binders and you are enough now. I promise you, you just have to trust me. Can you do that?”
 “I love you so much,” Amy is full on sobbing now, which should be embarrassing given the fact that she is surrounded by cops and criminals alike, but she can’t bring herself to care. Before Jake can respond, another contraction hits and she doesn't need to look at the timer to know it's been less than five minutes. This time, she doesn't try to hide her pain and wails out. 
 She hears Jake hiss on the other line, "It's time, Ames."
The next 20 minutes is a blur. Terry drives her to Brooklyn Methodist while Charles goes to finish Jake's stakeout. Despite Amy's warnings that it's improper use of their authority, Terry throws the sirens on and they get to the hospital in record time. After informing the staff that her contractions have been pushing three minutes apart, she is quickly ushered to the Labor & Delivery Unit. Everything is happening so quickly, and Jake still isn't with her. If the contractions weren't keeping her otherwise preoccupied, she'd be freaking out for that reason alone. But god, she is in so much pain and just wants it to be over. Amy doesn’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that it literally feels like a freight train keeps ramming into her stomach.
 It's not until after they give her the epidural (which Amy describes as the most euphoric experience - sweet relief from the pain) that Jake finally opens the door to her room. He's grinning from ear to ear and holding a bouquet of Amy's favorite flowers, "It's happening!!!" 
 Amy smiles, feeling content as she watches her monitor and sees (note sees-- not feels. This epidural thing is amazing) what looks to be a huge contraction, "Yeah, it is."
 "How are you feeling?" Jake takes the seat next to her bed, kissing her forehead as he sits down. 
 "I'm better now that you're here." 
 Over the course of the hour, members of the squad trickle their way into Amy’s room. Even Gina makes it. When she hugs Amy and murmurs something about how amazing motherhood is, Amy tears up again. She wishes she could capture this moment—a rare ‘Gina is actually my friend’ moment—forever. When Charles and Rosa arrive, they tell her and Jake all about the end of the stakeout. 
 “You should have seen Boyle. Literally crying while reading through the Miranda rights,” Rosa describes, “I’ve never seen anything like it. The perp was so confused.”
 “I can’t help it! We are about to meet the summation of your love for each other, who wouldn’t be emotional?” Charles explains, and the whole room groans.  
 “Ugh, why do you make everything so weird?” Jake is laughing so hard and his eyes are crinkled. Amy takes a mental picture of her husband and their weird co-workers/friends. This baby is going to have the best life with the best people.
 The squad is a good distraction from what's about to happen. Their families arrive too, each taking turns to spend time with Jake and Amy. The entire time, Jake is by her side, grasping her hands in his own. His smile hasn’t faded. She's never seen him quite so giddy. It's a good look on him.
 Eventually, the doctor comes in and tells her it's time. Jake squeezes her hand again before he leaves to get in scrubs. Amy is so scared, but at the same time she’s never experienced such anticipated joy in her life—it’s almost time. She's almost a mom. 
 Several hours later, Amy is leaning against Jake, purely exhausted but running on so much adrenaline she can't sleep. Jake is cradling their baby, a daughter they've named Ella. Visitors have since come and gone, and it's now just their small family. Ella is sleeping soundly, bundled in a soft knitted blanket Karen made for her with a matching bow covering her dark, curly hair. Her eyelashes are long and thick, and Amy is certain she's never seen anything so beautiful. 
 Jake presses a kiss to Amy's temple and speaks so softly, "You did amazing, baby. I'm so proud of you." 
 She blushes, leaning further into his side and gently brushing her finger across Ella's cheek, "You were right, Jake. This is so much better." 
The End. 
Also on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18042836
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Just Us - Kozume Kenma/Reiai
Fluff!!! Non-otome
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Characters: OC/Kenma Written for: @narekashi  Written by: @lokiiwood
A/N: Happy holidays, Reiai! When I saw you write you liked Haikyuu!! I couldn’t help myself. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it ^^ <333
The bus tires finally slowed to a screeching halt and the people's loud murmurs of frustration grew in its place. In her list of top twenty nightmare scenarios, this was one of them. She was living it - experiencing it - and didn't know what to do. Not only had she left her book at home for what was supposed to be a short trip, but she was also trapped on a bus with a bunch of strangers. Reiai stopped considering the things that would make the ordeal worse - the lack of escape route, the blizzard outside… Well, she tried to stop considering it, anyway. She dug herself further in her jacket.
The crying of a microphone denoted the bus driver’s third announcement. The first one was a warning for a possible tire failure and not to panic, the second was its confirmation, and this one was the unfortunate notice that yes, the bus was stopped and no, he had no idea when they would get help. She buried her head in her hands, enjoying the warmth while it lasted. Would she perish here of boredom or of cold? Perhaps a car accident despite being on the side of the road? The possibilities were endless, really!
Sensing movement, Reiai peeked out of her hands to glance at the boy who’d taken the aisle seat beside her. He’d been buried the entire ride in his video game, not looking up even once to at least pretend he was concerned about the situation. He slowly raised his head, the blonde hair covering his face finally parting as he glanced around. Wait...did he really not know what was going on? She’d laugh if she wasn’t so disturbed. After a few seconds of watching and listening to the other passengers, he turned towards her. Reiai quickly glanced out her window.
But there was no way he didn’t catch her staring.
Another top ten nightmare scenario. She squeezed her eyes shut, praying to anyone who would listen for him not to say anything, for the nightmare to end.
His voice was quiet, barely a whisper. If Reiai hadn’t been listening intently, she wouldn’t have even heard him.
“Excuse me sir...do you know where we are?”
Crisis averted.
She gulped and turned to face him, clasping her fidgeting hands together in her lap.
Wait, why did she say that?
She gazed into the boy’s cat-like golden eyes and felt her breath hitch. She had expected them to be red and dry, not for their depth to be a pool of crystal honey ready to suck her in. The boy’s eyebrows furrowed for just a moment at her response before he glanced down at his game and turned it off.
“...Sorry,” he muttered.
“No - I’m - uh, we’re at…” She opened up her phone as she peered out the window, double checking the GPS was even functioning in the storm. “...Highway 32.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
She stared at him as he continued to look at his black screen. Was he okay?
“Um, do you have somewhere to be? Will you be alright?”
Reiai didn’t know why she was prying into this stranger’s life so suddenly. Maybe it was because he looked her age and had no idea what was going on? She’d hate for him to be as miserable as her, even if she didn’t know him at all. She attempted a smile for him.
The boy raised his head again and regarded her with patient eyes. She shifted in her seat, uncomfortable with the silence that accompanied his gaze. But he finally spoke, his words careful and sure.
"Yes. Based on the speed and direction of the snow outside and the road visibility, I think this is only a ground blizzard. If this region has already been like this for two hours, then at a minimum we'll only have an hour left to deal with it and two hours at maximum. The tank was three-quarters when I came onboard, so the fuel should last us if we just use heating."
Reiai blinked at him, her eyes and smile becoming genuine as it widened. That’s what he’d paid attention to? The fuel tank when he got on the bus? The other guests’ passing details of the longevity of this area’s blizzard? Was he some sort of genius?
He quickly looked back down, as if ashamed at her surprise.
“Thank you,” she whispered, giving him her best, reassuring nod even though he wasn’t looking.
Sensing that their limited interaction was done, she sighed and returned her gaze to the window, watching the snow swirl around the black pavement and slow cars pass by. Reiai wondered what it would be like to be a handsome genius with pretty eyes, not noticing that the boy beside her was staring at the back of her head, wondering what it’d be like to be a pretty girl with a disarming smile.
The boy had been right. The blizzard cleared after an hour and mechanics came not even twenty minutes later to replace the faulty tire. Reiai had gone home and enjoyed her following December days without further incident other than the occasional sight of a honey-eyed stray cat that reminded her of a stranger.
“We’ll be having another neighboring school’s sports teams joining us this year for our Winter Sports Festival. That makes six, which means I expect everyone to help.”
The classroom faux groaned in unison but set off to complete their individual tasks with enthusiasm. Reiai volunteered for something new this year, too exhausted from a late night of writing and watching shows to goof off with her classmates - much to their dismay. She made her way to the infrequently used gym closet that was hidden away behind large mats. Grimacing, she pushed past the rusty hinges and crude marker drawings to the equally dusty interior to begin. It was a single-person task away from the loud hubbub of excited students, only requiring her to check inventory on the old volleyballs, bats, and cricket balls.
She finished it early but didn't leave. Reiai set a timer on her phone for when she needed to be back in class and sat in the closet, sipping on her water as she read the novel she brought with her. So engrossed was she, that she didn't notice the door opening and quickly closing back.
His hand rested on the knob. No way. Was he seeing things now? There was no way that girl from the bus ride was in this very closet. This was the worst good karma he could’ve asked for. Strange, either way. Well, not too strange, the probability of seeing her again wasn’t low if he considered that they both were in high school in the same region that enjoyed exchange-like events.
Kenma made up his mind, turning around to return to his friends who were scouting the volleyball court before he heard them shouting amongst each other.
“Anybody found the volleyballs yet?”
He sighed. Right. These people would destroy the place even though they weren’t supposed to be using the court at all. He wanted nothing to do with it. It didn’t occur to him that he might be using it as an excuse until he opened the door again, cold feet making him pause in the doorway as wide, brown eyes stared up at him.
There was still time to go back.
“Oh! You’re...um…!”
She stuttered, quickly closing her book and relocating it behind her back. Was she scared of being caught reading? There had to be a reason she was hiding out in this strange closet. She glanced behind him and worried her lip. He should probably let her be. “I just came to find a volleyball,” he decided on.
She nodded vigorously but kept checking the door.
“Sorry,” he muttered. Kenma quickly jerked it close and she gasped behind him.
“Ah, wait, don’t-!”
A sinking feeling set in as he heard her quickly stand and rush to his side to touch the door. Her hand carefully twisted the knob - and twisted it was, completely off its mantle. Oh no. Kenma glanced at the hinges, rusted and useless, then to the doorknob sitting ominously in the girl’s hand.
“Oh, no..”
Kenma opened his mouth to apologize once more, but sighed instead. Great. She probably thought he was an idiot for not noticing such obvious details like broken door hinges and loose doorknobs.
But she just started to laugh and he blinked over at her, taken back. There was that alarming smile again - it sounded like holiday bells and felt like snowflakes sprinkling on his head. Maybe he was delusional, finally driven mad by his obnoxious volley teammates who demanded so much of his attention.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve stopped you,” she sighed. “Do you have your cell phone?”
Kenma sighed again. “No...I left everything in my bag in the bleachers…”
They both stood there, staring at the door until he cleared his throat. “What’s - um - your name?”
Reiai. A nice name. He felt better now that he knew - a sense of relief that was surely misplaced.
“I’m Kenma.”
She hummed in response, and he tilted his head to look at her just as she did the same. Reiai’s expression changed to something he didn’t recognize, and he watched her curiously as she returned to sit beside her book on the floor.
“Well, we’re going to have to wait until someone finds us then.”
Kenma surveyed the room. It was dusty and unorganized. Being found might take a while, he may as well get comfortable. He sat down against the door, staring at the ground and hoping she didn’t pay him much more attention. He was nervous - beyond nervous - even though it was just one, friendly person in the room with him. He couldn’t accurately describe the feeling of feathers tickling his insides, only that he didn’t like it.
“Kenma, do you play volleyball?”
His head shot up to heed her as she rubbed a volleyball off with a towel.
“I’m...Nekoma’s setter.”
“Oh, that’s so cool! You must be pretty good.”
“It’s nothing...my teammates came to scout your school’s court for the upcoming festival…”
Why was he telling her things she didn't ask? It was just like on the bus when he ran his mouth off about the blizzard. He'd been so shocked at himself then that he couldn't find words to continue the conversation.
“Maybe they’ll come find us, then.”
Doubtful. But he didn’t want to damper the mood even more.
“Do you want to pass the ball?” she asked.
Kenma stared at the dustless ball in her hands as she smiled over at him. Maybe she was trying to uplift the mood in her own way. He didn’t mind playing along.
She tossed it to him - sloppy with no technique but an earnest attempt all the same. He watched its trajectory and waited for it to bounce off the wall before opening his left palm and catching it without much effort.
“Oh wow, you are good!”
She laughed and sat up straighter, her brown eyes glistening like dark caramel as she focused on the ball in his hand. Kenma felt his cheeks growing hot. This kind of attention, he realized, was the precise type he didn’t want. Expectations brought the ability to disappoint. If she could just keep smiling at him, if they could just enjoy their silence together, that would be better. Well, she didn’t have to smile if she didn’t want to, but…
It would be nice if she did.
And she smiled every time he successfully taught her something new about volleyball. So he kept talking - explaining basic techniques and praising her perfect attempts. It was peaceful. Reiai was admittedly fun to be around. Her jokes weren’t obnoxious, and she wasn’t overbearing. In a way, she reminded him of himself when she was honest about also being nervous on that bus and how she liked being comfortable. She even reassured him that when he called her ‘sir’ on the bus, she didn’t even register it. Kenma had been anxious over nothing at all.
“You’re finally smiling.”
He touched a finger to his lips. Sure enough, he was.
“I…” He paused for only a moment, unsure what he was even saying, “...guess I’m glad it’s you I’m stuck here with.”
Reiai's eyes widened and Kenma immediately regretted admitting such an embarrassing thing. Hopefully, she didn't think he was weird?
“I thought the same thing,” she whispered, rolling the volleyball between her hands.
Relief made his shoulders relax again. This wasn’t so bad. Talking and being honest with Reiai wasn’t so bad, anyway.
“Reiai?” He said her name only because he hadn’t before. He wondered what it would feel like to speak it, and now it rolled pleasantly off his tongue.
“I-I was wondering...um...the festival - it’s really nice. There’s lots to do and see, so…”
He lost his mind indeed - agreeing to do something he didn’t even know the details of.
“Oh,” she giggled, holding the ball to her chest. He drank in her sweet laughs, letting the snowfall cool his heated face.
The door opened before she could clarify what she meant.
Lev stood behind him, his tall frame akin to a giant compared to his sitting one as he cheered. “Ah! Kenma, there you are! Were you stuck in he-oh? Handsome!”
Kenma sighed, knowing his ears were probably turning red but too annoyed to care.
“Don’t yell,” he muttered. Lev grinned wide and he frowned as Reiai shrunk away. Kenma slowly stood and glared at him before turning back to her. As he took in those confused eyes, his body acted on its own. Kenma walked over and gently took her hand, the volleyball falling to the floor as he helped Reiai to her feet.
And Kenma didn’t let go, clasping her hand tighter and leading her out the closet past Lev.
“Where are you going now?” he whined. “Aren’t you coming back with us?”
Kenma walked to the bleachers and threw his bag over his shoulder, glancing at Lev before locking his eyes with Reiai. His heart skipped a beat as she watched him, wide-eyed and giving him all of her focus - attention - expectations - the ability to disappoint.
“D-do you want to go back to class now?”
Reiai hesitated before that beautiful smile graced her lips again and her fingers entwined with his.
He inadvertently smiled back, not needing to touch his lips to know he was.
“Then let’s go.”
“W-what about - don’t we need the volleyball?”
Kenma hadn’t even considered it. He shrugged the suggestion off with renewed confidence, the feathers in his stomach feeling less alien and increasingly fun as he stayed by her side.
“No, just us.”
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seokmins-thighs · 6 years
[scenario] serendipity
Pairing: reader x S.Coups; a side roommate!seokmin x nct jaehyun, mingyu is here, too!
Genre: soulmate!au, slight!angst
Word Count: 3006w
Warning(s): implied (?) mentions of death; seungcheol is on crutches, mention of alcohol, and some implied nudity eheh nothing big tho
masterlist (but i really should update it) | writing page?
desc:  Soulmate!au in which people have two timers; one says when you will meet your soulmate, but you never find your second timer.
a/n: um idk i kept listening to enchanted by taylor swift while writing this lmao
Incessant taps of the pen against the kitchen table punctuates the kicks to its legs, jarring your line of notes into uncertain knowledge on the page. You pull your pen back, eyes flitting up to your roommate scowling at his notebook and textbook in front of him. You plant a palm on the table to stop the wood from shaking, from scratching the hardwood, and call out his name.
The first "Seokmin" melts right into the yellow lights.
The second "Seokmin" disappears somewhere in the textbook.
The last "Seokmin" is harsh out your throat, but it gets him looking up trepidation. "Let's walk outside."
Spring night heeds no warmth for the two of you, still leaving hints of winter breaths out your lips when you heave exhales after chasing him down the stairs and out to the walkways of the apartment complex. He tucks the hood of your sweatshirt up and behind your ears, mumbling about "keeping the cold away" as he tugs on the drawstrings.
You both head for the fountain, still sending cascades of water at this late hour. "What's on your mind?"
"Is it that obvious?" he sighs, runs a tired hand over his face. His entire smile wipes off with his palm and sears some slow, exhausted blinks behind. "Just school and work and I don't know, life." It hits you that the timer trailing down a vein on the back of his arm will reach down to zeroes soon, but you don't remember how long exactly. Perhaps he remembers; perhaps he forgot.
"Is it about your soulmate, too?" is quiet through bubbles of fountain water.
Seokmin sucks in a breath, grabs your arm, and tells you to stop. "I never thought of that." He loosens the grip on your arm to check, rolling his sleeve up and screeching. "I have four minutes, but there's no one here?"
"Let's just keep walking." And you allow Seokmin to lead the way, weaving closer to the sidewalk. You ask about his work, about the daycare across the university. "I bet the kids would be excited to meet your soulmate."
Seokmin shrugs and his broad shoulders sink heavy at his aching bones. "I don't think I'd be ready. I never have time fo-"
A groan shoots form beside you, followed by a thump, and Seokmin sits on the ground, scratching the heel of his palm. He winces after a drag of his finger over streaks of blood and you kneel down to examine is hand. He dusts stray pebbles off his skin, whispers a "Thank you" without glancing your way, and stands up. He offers back his unscathed hand to hoist you up.
"I am so sorry," you hear someone behind you, voice worn out and huffing. "I wasn't looking where I was going."
"No, no, it's okay," escapes monotone out of Seokmin's mouth and it's nothing of the cheery voice he gives you in the day hours, far from comforting levels he soothes into night hours.
"I'll run to the store, give me five minutes." You look up to Seokmin poking at the back of his forearm, scratching and sending more dry scratches of his nails into his skin.
"Wait, no, come here." After making sure that the timer on Seokmin's arm slices down to zeroes and after the man blushes, confesses that his timer is on his hip, you trail behind Seokmin and the man to the convenience store to buy a first aid kit.
Seokmin settles on the sidewalk with the man, who introduced himself to you as Yoonoh once he sprays antiseptic all over Seokmin's palm. He explains that he jogs at nighttime because the air singes cool into his lungs, nothing warm like the afternoon or evening breezes. No one ever bothers to walk at nighttime and he's usually the only one outside in the neighborhood. He apologizes again for bumping into Seokmin, cheeks blushing under blinking fluorescence of the shop sign--from the slowdown of his jog, Seokmin himself, or the fact that Seokmin is blushing, too; you're not sure why.
The number of your friends without a soulmate starts to dwindle down the closer you get to graduation, and you're one of the few that remains with a ticking timer. Seokmin never minds walking into a dressing room with you or tripping up six flights of stairs to peek at the time on your shoulder blade in the comforts of your shared apartment. He assures you that wearing off some anxiety of waiting for zeroes is something that will never bother him.
"Besides, you do the same thing for me all the time," he always tells you, scratching the back of his head with a one-corner smile.
But what bothers him, that he mentioned to you only once, are the nights where you peel off every piece of clothing to find that second timer lost somewhere on your skin, under your flesh. You remember Seokmin's hesitant fingers trailing down centimeters of your skin to find it. You remember stumbling into a bed, tinges of alcohol infused into your system, with people you met just once. You remember asking them if they can trace time under their fingertips, but their hands are caught at your back and their lips are gone from your shoulder blade. One quick kiss to sleep and you find your bed empty the next morning.
You remember Seokmin's second timer just right. Millimeters away from the base of his hairline, curving some distance beside the shell of his ear. He asked you to read the time, but never tell him how long is left. He asked you to read the time, but pretend you never did. He asked you to read the time, but lie that there is still so much left.
You lose Seokmin and Yoonoh in their conversation. Three in the morning feels much closer to you than Seokmin has this entire night and even if your class starts early into the afternoon, you don't plan on walking around at this hour.
Relief washes down on you that Seokmin found his soulmate, that his months, years of anxiety reward him with this nice guy who jogs at nighttime, who apologizes even when Seokmin dismisses that he's "okay, it's just a scratch." But you know, just like all of your friends, that it means the apartment will be more empty with your presence than with yours and Seokmin. Your nights of studying will be stretched longer without a second person to worry about waking up in the morning. It means coming home to a lonesome front door because Seokmin is stepping into Yoonoh's instead.
Despite the distance of your friends with their soulmates and graduation in front of everyone, you hop into your car and you're pretty sure there aren't enough seats for everyone. Someone probably has to sit on another’s lap in the car ride to the mountains and at this point, no one cares who will sit on someone's legs.
You pull out baskets, folded blankets from your trunk as others find the perfect spot that opens up the stars to the city down below. You and Seokmin help spread the sheets over the grass, drop baskets at each corner to hold them down. You lie down next to Seokmin and you know at the other side, his thumb rubs the back of Yoonoh's hand.
You wonder if you will see each other in a month, a year, two years. With no exams or classes to study for anymore, one of your friends turn on the flashlight of their phone and asks to look for each other's timers. "Of course, those who still have their first timers going."
Everyone lifts their sleeves up or pokes a peek at their hips, rolls the sleeves of their sweatpants up to the knees or tugs the collars of their shirts down. You shy into the restroom because taking your shirt off to find it is not something you're entirely comfortable to do in front of so many eyes. You whisper to Seokmin to help you find it again and when you come back, your fingers dig into his sleeve and your toes jump at your steps.
Your friend sits with a planner on her lap and she flips through, jots down when the first timers will reach zeroes. "Y/n, when will your timer go off?"
"In two months," you whisper, and your heart thumps hard at the thought of meeting your soulmate, especially when more than half of your friends are sitting with theirs right now.
"What happened to you?" she asks another, lifting her hands to wipe your other friend's tears away.
It's not common to find a frozen timer. It's not common, either, to find one already set at zeroes before you realize it.
"Why before graduation? Why when our lives are just about to start?"
A couple of months after walking across the stage, you lie on the couch, one leg hanging off the edge of the cushion and the other toeing the lamp next to the armrest. Seokmin moved in with Yoonoh after graduation, just like you predicted, and they probably spend their nights walking around the city.
So you get up, promise yourself that you will walk around the neighborhood at this much safer hour. You slam down the idea in your brain that you want to absorb the neighborhood after you missed so much of it when burying your eyes in the books.
The flower shop suspends some potted plants outside, leaves only the name of the store on glass in view. The cafe tempts you with a second cup of the day, but you dodge it. The bookstore wafts in scents of yellowed pages, new prints, hard spines trying to keep up with polished paperbacks. Everything screams for a date and you want to run away.
Your eyes fixate on the old woman stacking coins at the register as you walk down, tear your view just before you would have tripped on someone. A shorter guy slings his arm around the taller, scowling at something below him.
"Sorry for blo-" the taller one starts, black hair matching the black marking up his ribs. Tan skin peeks out the low dip of his tank top and shines against spring sunlight.
"Mingyu, check my timer," the shorter one says, wincing when the one named Mingyu lifts his arm off his shoulder to tilt his neck back, to check something there. A pulse, maybe, but why would he do that when the short is still breathing?
"Seungcheol, it's at zero," Mingyu barely breathes.
"I can't believe I meet my soulmate like this," the one named Seungcheol groans and you can't help the laugh escaping your lips. You haven't checked the timer on your shoulder blade, not since Seokmin moved away, because trying to look at it would snap your neck. You think the guy is just messing with you, but you waive a chance.
"What's with the limping?" you ask, pointing at the bandaged heel.
"I will tell you later," he promises. He leans against the car at the curb as his taller friend runs back inside one of the stores and returns with a pair of crutches.
"Would you like to sit at the cafe?" Seungcheol nods for the next door after situating the crutches under his arm and bidding his friend goodbye and thanks.
You open the door for Seungcheol, bell ringing right above you. You pull the chair behind him, lift a hand to his shoulder as he eases into the seat. You head for the counter to order, returning to the table with hot mugs.
The second you sit down, he asks if he can see your timer. Heat rushes to your cheeks before telling him that you'd have to take your shirt off to show him. Heat bounces from your cheeks to his and even teases his ears. He grabs for the mug too quickly and he flinches, flails his hand to rub the cool air onto his skin.
He sighs, apologizes for asking, and props his elbow up on the table. He leans his cheek into his palm. "I'm sorry, I don't even know your name."
He says your name right after you, flat at his voice the first time. He repeats it, but higher, much softer, and tilting his head to the side. Curves of his lashes blink slow at you and a smirk teeters from his lips. Your eyes avoid his, resort to looking down at your lap. You want to hit him, slap his shoulder if you just reach across the table, to get him to stop looking at you, but he doesn't need a second injury.
You glance back up to pick up your mug, tread through the question of what happened to his foot and if he'll be okay.
"I’ll be fine," he assures you, swirling the spoon in his empty mug, "but I want to show you once it's healed."
You lift an arm over the table, pinky out. It pulls a gentle giggle right out of his lips. "This is serious," you affirm, and he drops his smile, loops your pinkies together, and lets your thumbs press together.
"Can we meet again like this?" he asks, low and disappointed that the cafe closes early today. "Can we go somewhere and just talk? Mostly because I can't walk at the moment."
You tell him you'd love to. He saves himself on your phone as a curt Seungcheol and once you save your number on his phone, he calls his friend to pick him up.
"Do you live with someone? Maybe they can help you."
"I live alone, but I'll survive."
"Seungcheol, what if you trip on something?" He chuckles, mumbles that he's grateful to have a soulmate who cares about him already. But you roll your eyes, offer to drop him home if he waits here. "I live nearby, so I can just walk home and drive back here."
Athletic trophies line up his apartment--from the metal baseball bat, basketball, to a black belt. A flimsy picture of a violin as tall as the boy holding it leans on the wall of the kitchen counter and Seungcheol explains that his mother wanted that picture of his violin recital somewhere in his apartment. He situates on a chair at the kitchen table, propping the crutches on the seat beside him.
As if knowing the question before you get the chance to ask, he says he's studying kinesiology and is currently an intern. "I know it doesn't look like it right now, but I want to be a physical therapist." He mentions that he will be graduating next year before turning the unspoken question back to you. When you tell him that you just graduated and are simply waiting for an interview at any of the four places you applied for, he assures you that you'll get into one for sure.
He shifts in his seat, not exactly finding the right place to stay still. "What's wrong?"
He opens his mouth to reply, but a bashful frown makes its way through instead. "I was-uh, planning on taking a shower, but I don't think I can with the bandage on my foot," he admits, pinks winding back to his ears.
Without thinking, you stand up and suggest on helping him into the shower and he blushes harder, more squirming into his seat than before, and mutters that it's okay. "I have to learn more about my soulmate, anyway, so I might as well," from you earns a scoff from him.
"We haven't even been on a proper date."
"It hasn't even been a day since I met you."
"But aren't you glad you did?" through fluttering eyelashes. You cross your arms, roll your eyes, and turn around to leave, but he calls out your name and submits to needing help. "While we're at it, can I see your timer?"
The soft fingertips at your shoulder blade wakes up goosebumps across your skin and you think twice to realize Seungcheol gasps at the zeroes down your skin.
Seungcheol leans back on the chair at the kitchen again as you dry his hair under a towel. His gray shirt clings onto the muscles on his back and you glance down at lean outlines carving through.
"What's wrong with your foot?"
"I got a tattoo before I met you."
"On your foot?"
"Yeah, I didn't think this tattoo through."
"Can I see it?"
"When I take the bandage off, I'll show you."
After drying his hair, Seungcheol hops on one foot to the kitchen, opening the fridge and looking through. He proffers to cook you dinner, but it's cut futile when your phone lights up on his counter and Seokmin's message asks if you met your soulmate today.
"Who's Seokmin?" Seungcheol pouts, shoving all of the ingredients back in the fridge.
"He was my roommate," your voice drowns in a longing of how the apartment used to be filled with laughter at mornings. "He lives with his soulmate now, so I guess it doesn't matter."
Seungcheol nods, finalizes that "you should probably get home, then." You bid him goodnight, but he apologizes for today, for the fact that he can't do much at the moment. He promises that when his tattoo heals, he'll carry you to the car and take you on so many dates. His head loses in his verbal cloud of thoughts of properly making you dinner and dropping you off home, instead of leaving you alone at the parking lot.
You shake your head at his fantasies, but you hope that he will try to bring those fantasies to life. "I'll come over again tomorrow to check up on you, okay?"
Worry kicks the smile off his face, to a slight frown at his lips. "Message me when you get home?"
You lean down, press a kiss to his temple, and swear that you will.
I'm home
Goodnight ❤️
a/n 2: i feel like i mostly spat this out but i have some soulmate!aus i really want to write, even if i think that my writing is going downhill. sdfkjsdlfkj maybe it’s just with scenarios idk. anyway, here’s baby seungcheol with a violin
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themurphyzone · 7 years
Secret Santa Ch 1
Welcome to my first Christmas story in MML! I kind of wanted to do something different and give perspective to Milo’s classmates that have at least had a major supporting role. Well, two of them are fairly minor but I really love writing them anyway. You’ll see what I mean!
I was originally planning to release this story on December 1, but my impatient ass can’t wait any longer. 
Ch 1: Amanda
Amanda was about ready to throw her pen against the wall in frustration. She’d already used up half of the allotted thirty minutes in her schedule for brainstorming ideas for the Secret Santa exchange.
The paper remained devoid of any ideas, apart from a few words that had been neatly scratched out.
It was Lydia’s fault anyway for signing her up without permission. Or Melissa’s. Or both. As far as Amanda was concerned, they were equally suspicious.
What was she even supposed to give Chad? She didn’t know him that well. He was nice enough, but his attempts to prove Mr. Drako was a vampire weirded her out. And he tended to be the first to go down when Murphy’s Law struck.
In other words, he would be the hypothetical first victim in a zombie apocalypse.
Vampires. Zombies. The paranormal.
Amanda’s brain whirred to life as she hastily sketched a bubble map. Chad liked to formulate theories and gather evidence to support them. Conspiracy theories, weird happenings, spooky stuff.
Maybe she could take a page out of his book and collect her own evidence on what he liked.
Her timer went off, and she stored the bubble map in her school folder for later. At least the history worksheet she needed to finish didn’t cause any stress.
“You are not going up to Chad and asking him for a gift idea,” Lydia said, shaking her head in disapproval. “Kinda kills the point of being a Secret Santa.”
“I’m not going to ask him what he wants outright!” Amanda complained. “All I did was dedicate four to six minutes to having a conversation where I subtly lead him into stating his interests! I made a bubble map, Lydia! I am not letting those fifteen minutes go to waste!”
Lydia blinked. “You made a bubble map. For a gift exchange.”
“Yes,” Amanda said. “I wrote down a main idea and added supporting details. I would’ve added color, but I ran out of time.”
“I know what a bubble map is,” Lydia sighed. “It’s just not gonna help me. I think I got the worst recipient of all. Are you sure you don’t want to switch with me? Nobody needs to know!”
She leaned over Amanda’s desk, grinning excitedly. Amanda edged back in her seat, keeping Lydia at arm’s length. “I don’t like doing things spontaneously. Sorry.”
Lydia groaned, backing off so Amanda could have her personal space again. “Okay. FYI, I’m probably procrastinating on this like everything else that doesn’t involve theater club.”
“Procrastinating on important things is just going to-“
“-increase anxiety and throw you down a well of endless despair,” Lydia finished. “I heard the spiel before. Like, fifty-three times now.”
Amanda allowed herself a small smile. “I didn’t know you were keeping track.”
Lydia shrugged. “I have a tally chart.”
“And you were getting on my case about the bubble map?” Amanda giggled.
Before Lydia could reply, Chad entered the classroom behind Milo and his friends. “We’ll finish this conversation some other time,” she whispered, scrambling out of the way before she could be a target within the splatter zone.
“I’m telling you, Mr. Drako doesn’t have a reflection in the mirror!” Chad exclaimed loudly. “How else do you explain the Hall of Mirrors incident at the school fair?”
Melissa rolled her eyes. “He didn’t have a reflection because the school couldn’t afford to supply the mirrors and substituted plastic wrapping instead?”
“I remember that!” Milo said. “Remember when Zack and I were wrapped in the plastic like a double burrito?”
Zack groaned. “Do you have to remind me?”
“Yes,” Melissa replied.
Amanda caught Milo’s eye, and he quickly looked away, his face slightly red. That was…odd. Usually he didn’t pass up a chance to greet her.
She mentally filed ‘wonder what’s up with Milo’ under lunchtime. She had a goal, and she needed to seize this perfect opportunity.
“Chad, how exactly do you know so much about vampires that you’d accuse one of the nicest teachers in the school of being one?” Amanda asked. Everyone stared at her.
Amanda wanted to curl up in the back of the school closet and waste away in the darkness among all the cobwebs and dust bunnies. Did that sound accusatory? That totally sounded less accusatory in her head.
“Easy. My vampire blog requires a lot of research into vampire lore.” Chad replied. “You know, traditional ones like Dracula to more modern portrayals. That sort of thing.”
“Now that sounds like something I have to follow!” Milo exclaimed, pulling out his phone. “What’s the name?”
“Transylvaniaterrors.com,” Chad said. “It’s a forum dedicated to everything paranormal. My blog is-“
Milo held up a hand. “Could you write that on a piece of paper? Sorry, my wi-fi cut out.”
“I’m not getting a signal either,” Melissa said, checking her phone.
Screams erupted from the hallway, followed by the sound of stampeding feet. Melissa shoved Zack in the direction of the door. Zack glared at her, carefully opening the door by a hair.
He shut it again after a few seconds.
“They’re panicking over the wi-fi,” Zack said as he pushed his back against the door as several loud thuds echoed from it. “Gonna need a blockade over here!”
Milo, Chad, and Lydia quickly pushed the teacher’s desk in front of the door. Amanda opened the window, preparing the escape route in case the desk plan didn’t work.
Thankfully, the desk held the door in place just fine.
Unfortunately, third period would probably be delayed for a while. Hopefully the situation didn’t extend into fourth period.
Amanda collapsed on her bed, exhausted. The wi-fi hadn’t come back until the last twenty minutes of the school day, which rendered her Wednesday schedule obsolete. She grabbed a nearby planner and a blue pen, too wiped to properly color-code the box.
She scribbled in ‘Expect Principal Milder to go on a five to seven minute lecture about rampaging in the school hallway during announcements’ under Thursday.
She would think about Chad’s present on Friday once she gave herself enough time to recover from a messed up schedule.
Her inspiration came the next day, when a cabinet in Mr. Drako’s classroom almost fell on top of Chad, revealing dozens of vampire teeth.
Everyone in the class looked at Mr. Drako for an explanation. He shrugged. “My ex-wife worked at an arcade and had a lot of these fake vampire teeth lying around. They’re actually pretty good things to toss into children’s Halloween baskets. Glow in the dark too!”
“I think I’m turning! I’m sorry guys! Tell my turtles I love them! The sun is slowly sucking away at my being!” Chad hissed.
Melissa leaned over and plucked one off his shoulder. “Chad, you’re not a vampire,” she said, shaking her head.
Chad slowly opened his eyes. “I’m not?”
Zack held his phone. “Chad, do you see yourself in the camera?”
His eyes widened. “Stop making me feel better! The undead is my realm now!”
Melissa rolled her eyes. “Tilt the camera down. It’s pointed to the ceiling. There. I see you. You are not a vampire. Can we get back to the lesson now?”
Chad sighed in relief.
While Mr. Drako flipped through his slides to figure out where they’d left off, Amanda took the opportunity to write ‘go to discount bookstore’ in the Saturday afternoon slot.
Unfortunately, Lydia’s idea of helping Amanda decide on a book turned out to be making her read the summaries of YA vampire novels and choose one. While they were all within her price range, she doubted Chad would be interested in poorly written romance.
Besides, she figured he was more into the lore.
“Early Evening?” Lydia suggested, holding up a thick book with a black cover. “Maybe not. The prose really isn’t for everyone.”
Amanda wrinkled her nose. “Definitely not pile.”
“That’s the only pile we have so far,” Lydia sighed, setting Early Evening on top of a stack of five books.
Amanda groaned, regretting not doing any research into vampire books beforehand. “We’re doing it my way now,” she said. “We’ll just put everything on the cart and see if there’s a mythology or paranormal section.”
It took two minutes for Amanda to organize the books in an order that satisfied her. Lydia leaned against the table with her elbow, checking her phone.
“Need help with your gift?” Amanda asked, setting the books into the cart.
“No!” Lydia exclaimed. “I don’t need help! I totally have ideas and I have every intention on following through on at least one of them!”
Amanda raised an eyebrow. “Whose name did you draw anyway?”
“Bradley! I drew Bradley of all people!” Lydia hissed. “He’s going to hate what I get him.”
“I don’t think he will,” Amanda said.
“He hates everything that isn’t a bolted self-serve ice cream machine or people who aren’t named Melissa,” Lydia complained.
Amanda shrugged. “Okay, we’ll figure yours out after this. Just help me find a book for now.”
The paranormal section was two aisles over from the YA novels, and appeared a lot more promising to Amanda.
After five minutes, she selected a rather compact book that held information about vampires and similar creatures from different cultures around the world. “Good choice,” Lydia grinned. “Chad’s definitely gonna love it. Unlike Bradley anyway.”
Amanda nodded. “I hope so. And if he doesn’t like the book, at least he’ll be nice about it.”
“And now you’re just rubbing it in.”
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baahsu · 7 years
Warm-Ups and Cool-Downs (Preview)
18+ Soul mate AU
Jungkook was in his senior year at university, and god was he fucking <i>ready</i> to graduate. He had never been more ready for anything in his entire life. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy more studious pursuits- there were some classes that he really, really enjoyed. But he just felt like he had been in school for his entire life and longed for the freedom of going out on his own. The alarm had been going off for thirteen minutes, but Jungkook couldn’t open his eyes.
  It’s not like he <i>wanted</i> to take an 8 AM class. Even his boyfriend had scoffed <i>”Ungodly.”</i> when he saw his schedule and handed it back as if it were cursed.
  But he was a senior, and that meant he had to take all the stupid required courses he had tried to avoid without success his entire academic career.
  “Why are you taking a Speech class at 8 AM anyway?” Yoongi had asked, pouring himself some coffee. He hadn’t slept yet and Jungkook was just waking up. Their schedules had gotten more and more misaligned which meant Jungkook’s temperature was also fucked. He wasn’t getting nearly the physical attention from Yoongi his little internal timer demanded, and he got randomly cold due to Yoongi’s work.
  “No choice,” Jungkook slipped behind him, kissing the spot just under his earlobe that seemed to set him off like a button. Yoongi rolled back against him, leaning his head on Jungkook’s shoulder.
  “You couldn’t pay me to take a class at eight fucking a m,” Yoongi groaned, half at the thought and half at Jungkook’s well-placed lips.
  “I know you’re tired, but do you have time?” Jungkook breathed into his ear and pressing his hips to Yoongi’s back. It took roughly six seconds of being a meter within Yoongi’s presence for Jungkook to get aroused, and it was driving him <I>crazy</I>.
  “Sorry,” Yoongi turned, planting a firm kiss on Jungkook’s lips, “I can’t this morning.”
  “You’re sweating,” Jungkook protested, sliding his hands to Yoongi’s hips, “I know you want to, too.”
  “Of course, I do,” Yoongi said indignantly, pulling Jungkook’s hands from his waist, “But I’m really fucking exhausted. Rain check?”
  “You said that yesterday,” Jungkook couldn’t hide the aggravated tone, his pitch dropping.
  “As soon as I wake up,” Yoongi kissed him chastely, “You’ll be back from class, right?”
  “I have class in the evenings on Wednesdays,” Jungkook whined, “You’re usually gone when I get home.”
  “I promise,” Yoongi kissed him three more times before taking a step back toward the bedroom, “I’ll stay here tonight.”
  Jungkook sighed, watching the bedroom door click closed. After a few seconds, he walked to the livingroom and sat on the couch- grumbling as he grabbed the box of tissues and wiped a bead of sweat rolling down his temple. He had roughly fifteen minutes before he had to be out the door to make in time for his early morning hell class. More than enough time.
Apparently the word “promise” didn’t mean jackshit to Min Yoongi.
<i>Asshole: sorry kookie</i>
<i>Asshole: ill make it up to you i swear</i>
Jungkook slipped his thumb across his phone.
  <i>Me: don’t bother.</i>
  He chucked the stupid thing across the entire room. Who has emergency work meetings at 11 PM on Wednesdays? Genius-Producer-Min-Fucking-Yoongi, that’s who.
He glared at the thing chiming as he reached for the tissue box, again.
  The next two weeks were like that, too- Jungkook going through three boxes of tissues all by himself. It was terrible. And stupid. And really fucking frustrating.
  Pushing the bedroom door open with take-out in hand for the both of them, he stopped in his tracks and dropped the bags on the floor. Yoongi was asleep with his laptop still perched on his stomach. With a heavy sigh, Jungkook pulled it off of him and tucked him in properly. He bent, placing five small kisses on his cheek.
  “Sleep well, motherfucker,” he mumbled before turning right back around to the living room with his dinner in hand.
  Their schedules were woefully fucked like a dropped baton during the relay at the olympics- each racing to meet the other only to have it fall apart at the most critical time. Jungkook stomped across the campus- not bothering to raise his head as he walked into the Communications building. It was 7:45 in the morning, and Yoongi wasn’t even in the apartment when he woke up. His body was going haywire- sweating from having him close, cold from him disappearing without so much as a kiss. Or even a firm handshake.
  Jungkook walked straight to a desk in the back, not bothering to even take out his headphones. What was the fucking point? It was just a stupid gen ed.
  “I’m thinking about doing my speech on music,” The freshman girl said in front of him, “Especially the influence of Western music on pop in Asia.”
  “That sounds cool,” Her friend answered, swiping through her phone without looking up, “I was thinking about doing mine on our generation and fine dining.”
  They kept chattering on, flipping through their notes. They had <i>notes</i>. Jungkook was so aggravated and tired, he didn’t even have a <i>notebook</i>. He sighed, laying face down.
  He hated this class.
  “Good morning!” The professor slid the door open loudly and stepped in, grinning. He walked over to his desk and put his papers on his desk before lifting his gaze to survey the room, “How’s my favorite group of misanthropic youth on this bright and beautiful day?”
  A half-hearted grumble came from the students and he chuckled.
  “Professor Jung,” A girl raised her hand in the front, “I’m stuck between two topics for our speech themes.”
  “That’s alright,” His smile was dazzling, “When you come up to turn it in, we’ll pick it together.”
  <I>Oh, fucking fuck.</I>
  “Thanks, Professor!” She smiled back, a blush creeping in her cheek. The girl next to her giggled.
  <I>Fuck fuck fuck.</I> The speech topics were due <I>today.</I>
  Jungkook hadn’t lifted his head from his desk, hoping that somehow he could melt into the replicated wood and disappear entirely.
  Oh, how he longed for death.
  “Alright, I’ll call you in alphabetical order. The rest of you, open your textbook to chapter three.”
  Jungkook didn’t even buy the textbook.
  His awful, miserable cold sweat was rolling onto the desk. He spent the majority of the class fantasizing about Yoongi: either fucking him or murdering him for putting him through this hell.
  “Mr. Jeon,” Hoseok called, his smile never fading. Jungkook pulled himself up and walked up to his desk, groaning softly in despair.
  “Professor, I don’t have it,” Jungkook said in a low voice.
  “See me after class,” Hoseok said cheerfully, stacking his papers, “I’d like to talk to you if you have time.”
  “Okay,” Jungkook shifted his weight uncomfortably. He just wanted to go home.
  The last half-hour of class was torture. Jungkook had Yoongi stuck in his brain- his dark eyes burrowing into his own. His soft features turned deadly serious with sweat matting his bangs to his forehead. His perfectly pink lips open and panting as his broad hands and long fingers worked down Jungkook’s very eager body.
  He nearly moaned in class.
  “See you all next week,” Hoseok stood up and walked in front of his desk leaning back onto it, “Start doing some preliminary research into your topics.”
  The class broke out in a murmur, collecting their things and making their way out of the room. Jungkook lumbered slowly to the front, trying to ignore his erection tucked under the band of his boxers. Hoseok waved to the last of the students and shut the door, turning to Jungkook.
  “Mr. Jeon, I’ll make this brief,” his expression turned dark and Jungkook took a step back unconsciously. He had never seen him without his signature smile, and all of his usual mirth evaporated and was chiefly replaced with a stern frown. Jungkook gulped.
  “Just because you’re a senior does not mean you can blow off this class. And do not, I repeat- <I>do not</I> mistake my kindness for weakness. Doing so will cost you your grade and your graduation,” Hoseok warned, his eyes narrowing.
  Jungkook’s eyebrows furrowed. Hoseok was scary.
  “I’m not-” Jungkook protested, wiping the sweat from his brow, “I’m really sorry I didn’t bring a topic today. I know it’s not an excuse, but I’m going through some shit. And-”
  Jungkook hesitated, bouncing on his heels and glancing to the door.
  “What’s the matter?” Hoseok asked concerned, eyeing him up and down.
  “I have stage fright,” Jungkook whispered. Fuck, he hated this class, “I don’t even know what to talk about. The thought of getting up in front of everyone and just-”
  Jungkook took a deep breath, shutting his eyes. His concentration was already shot to hell.
  “Hey, hey- that’s okay. I see that a lot. It’s best not to pick something out of your comfort zone. What do you like? What’s easy for you to talk about?” Hoseok walked back to his desk.
  <i>Easy?</I> Jungkook looked out the window, <I>To talk about?</I>
  <I>”Hyung, please,” Jungkook whined as his lover held him down- the tip of Yoongi’s cock a centimeter inside teasingly with a demonic smirk tugged on his lips. He hated it. He loved it. “I need your cock all the way. Fill me up. I need your cum. Please, Hyung, please.”</I>
  <I>”That’s a good boy,” Yoongi bent and captured his lips, “Tell Hyung exactly what you like.”</I>
  <I>”Yoongi-hyung,” Jungkook moaned his name. It was easy to say exactly what he wanted when Yoongi was like this- dark and in control, “Fuck me hard. Bend me in half and ram your cock into me until I see stars.”</I>
  <I>Yoongi’s smirk disappeared as lust bowled him over. He slid his hands to Jungkook’s thighs, pushing his knees up to his chest.</I>
  <I>“Ah, Hyung-”</I>
  Jungkook snapped out of his daze, refocusing on Hoseok, “-Uhhhh..”
  “Ground control to Major Jeon,” Hoseok waved his hand in front of his face, “You okay there, buddy?”
  Jungkook shivered, sweat pouring down his temple. His cock twitched in his pants.
  “Not fucking really,” He frowned.
  “O-Kay,” Hoseok drew out the word, looking at Jungkook strangely, “I’m not going to pry, I’m just going to make a suggestion. How about the internal thermodynamics of bonding?”
  “What?” Jungkook fumbled for his handkerchief.
  “Like, looking into why our bodies warm up and cool down depending on the proximity of our- and I use the term loosely, ‘soulmates’,” Hoseok’s smile returned, but his look of concern stayed in place.
  “Sounds great, Teach,” Jungkook was shuffling anxiously, “Can ya write that down for me?”
  “Sure,” Hoseok nodded, scribbling on a piece of paper while mumbling to himself, “At least you <I>have</I> a soulmate.”
  “Thanks a million,” Jungkook hurriedly snatched it from his hand and disappeared out the door. He could feel the precum leaking through his boxers.
  By the time he got home, there was a small wet spot at the front of his pants. A trail of clothes led to the bedroom as Jungkook rushed to the empty bed, cumming in less than a minute with his face completely buried in Yoongi’s pillow- the scent of his shampoo still lingering. He rolled over, staring at the ceiling and sighing with sticky hands. The sweating stopped- for now.
  All that was left was the cold.
  He laid there, frustrated, wondering how much longer he could take this. After about ten minutes, his phone chimed from the other room where he had left his pants. Jungkook rolled, grabbing the tissues and walked back to the crumpled clothes and picked it up.
  <I>Jiminie-hyung: Hey. R u busy? ^^</I>
  Jungkook quickly typed out a reply.
  <I>Me: not really. what’s up?</I>
  <I>Jiminie-hyung: Wanna help out your favorite Hyung?</I>
  Jungkook scoffed, smiling at his phone.
  <I>Me: who said you’re my favorite?</I>
  <I>Jiminie-hyung: Im not? :c ???</I>
  <I>Me: what do you need?</I>
  <I>Jiminie-hyung: Thought so~ ^^ Anyway- tae tae and I need ur help.</I>
  <I>Me: what did you guys do now? you didn’t get locked out and stuck on your neighbor’s balcony again, right? I didn’t keep that postal uniform to bail you out. tbqh, I’m not in the mood for jimin and Tae hijinks.</I>
  <I>Jiminie-hyung: Okay !! D: that was ONE time and no, it’s not an adventure with the two most fun hyungs on the planet~ we need help packing the heavy stuff. Tae tried to do it and he wouldn’t listen to me and now he’s got a broken toe.</I>
  <I>Me: uh okay. what are you packing for? I can be over in like 20 minutes.</I>
  <I>Jiminie-hyung: Didnt I tell u?!?! O: We’re moving!!</I>
  <I>Me: no you didn’t fucking tell me, Hyung.</I>
  <I>Jiminie-hyung: Oh oops lol</I>
  Jungkook skipped class the rest of his classes that day- finding himself at Jimin and Taehyung’s doorstep. He rang the doorbell, and he heard Jimin’s distinct tenor muffled from the livingroom.
  “No! Don’t get up. I’ll get it,” Jimin said, shuffling quickly to the entrance. He greeted Jungkook with a dazzling smiling and stepped to the side, letting him in. Half of the apartment was already packed away, taped, and labeled in cardboard boxes. Taehyung sat woefully on the couch, scribbling on the top of one in permanent marker. His left foot was wrapped entirely in gauze.
  “I thought you said his toe,” Jungkook furrowed his brow.
  “I did, he’s just being dramatic,” Jimin shrugged.
  “Don’t talk about me like I’m not here,” Taehyung chimed, replacing the pen cap. Jungkook leaned over and looked at the box.
  “What does ‘blue’ mean?” Jungkook furrowed his brow, reading the top.
  “It’s one of the primary colors, Jungkook-ah,” Taehyung answered, giving him a concerned look.
  “No, I-” Jungkook sighed, “I mean, is it like a code? Is blue for kitchen stuff?”
  “Blue is for blue stuff,” Taehyung answered, stretching for the tape.
  “But what is the blue stuff?” Jungkook glanced at the other boxes. They were labeled with colors as well. Taehyung glanced at Jimin.
  “It’s stuff that’s blue,” Taehyung said slowly as if Jungkook were in preschool, “Buh-buh-blue.”
  “Shut the fuck up,” Jungkook threw a pillow at Taehyung’s face which he caught easily, “Are you telling me you’re just putting like things that you own that are blue in that box? You’re divvying your stuff up by color?”
  Taehyung and Jimin shared a look before staring at Jungkook, “Yes?”
  “And that makes sense to you two?”  Jungkook looked from one to the other.
  “Yes,” Taehyung said simultaneous to Jimin’s “of course.”
  “For what?” Jungkook blinked, “You know, most people separate it by room or similar stuff like coats or dvds.”
  “Yeah, <i>most</i> people,” Taehyung rolled his eyes, “This makes more sense.”
  All at once, Jungkook completely understood. They were separating all their belongings by color due to entirely separate, incongruently, but completely compatible reasons.
  “We’re going to redecorate the new place,” Jimin added, “We’re going to go to the home improvement store the first week in and look at different palettes.”
  “I know what all the blue things are and where they go,” Taehyung tilted his head.
  Jungkook had known Taehyung and Jimin for about three years- they were both in the music department and wound up going to different campus events. They never had classes together, but Jimin helped coach him in a dance event that the department put on last year. He had always seen them together, but there was something really peculiar about the two of them.
  Jimin walked from the kitchen with an oversized box toward Taehyung and Jungkook rushed to catch the box with his hand, easing it down to the floor.
  “This is really heavy,” Jungkook said, looking up at Jimin, “Be careful.”
  “Ah, thanks,” Jimin stood up straight, stretching his back, “I’ve been moving these all morning.”
  There wasn’t a drop of sweat on his brow.
  “Can I ask you guys something personal?” Jungkook’s eyebrows knit, staring at Jimin’s forehead.
  “What is it?” Jimin tilted his head, his eyebrows knitting in concern, “I mean, sure. Anything.”
  “I’ve never seen you guys, y’know-” Jungkook shifted. Maybe he shouldn’t ask-, “Sweat.”
  Jimin and Taehyung both shot their eyes up and Taehyung started to chuckle.
  “You think we should?” Jimin grinned, “Isn’t that presumptuous?”
  “Don’t tease him, Jiminie,” Taehyung stuck out his tongue, “Remember when we met?”
  “Oh, God-” Jimin rolled his eyes and wretched, “That was so fucking gross.”
  “So- you are, I mean,” Jungkook shifted nervously, “Soul mates?”
  “Yes,” Taehyung answered before Jimin could toy with him more, “We are.”
  “Let’s just say we’re very in tune with each others’, erm, needs,” Jimin winked at Jungkook before wiggling his eyebrows at Taehyung.
  “We fuck a lot,” Taehyung answered, waving his hand ambivalently, “A lot-a lot.”
  “Boy, I’m lucky you’re so romantic,” Jimin laughed and crossed his arms, “What makes you ask, Kookie?”
  “Uh,” <i>Because I can already feel my body starting to get into that fucked up state again.</i> “I’m doing a school project on soul mates.”
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miss-eltoe · 6 years
May 4th (Happy Star Wars Day!)
Brain- Morning Sarah!
Sarah- mhm..let me think, what’s on today’s agenda?
Brain- Give me a few seconds to wake up..ah that’s better. Today you have cross country. You know, the long distance run where everyone basically “dies” of exhaustion?
Sarah- Oh, yeah..great.
Brain- Well, you’d better get a move on.
To start the day, I had bacon, toast and a boiled egg. I’d like to think that breakfast was substantial, delicious and practical for the day ahead.
After breakfast I got changed into my sport uniform. Due to it looking rather cold outside, I came to the conclusion that wearing a sport jacket seemed obvious.
For hair, I wore a high ponytail. Perfect addition to the, already, sporty look.
And finally, my Garmin watch.
The main goal for our cross country was do get across the line before the cutoff time. For girls it was twenty-one minutes and for boys it was twenty-five. This was due to the fact that girls ran 3.2km and boys ran 4km.
When I arrived at school, the first thing I noticed was that a supervison tent was set up out the front of the school. These tents were scattered across the whole course, so that various spectators could cheer you on.
The actual cross country races didn’t start until later, meaning we still had to get through the two first periods. It was just my luck that I had double sport. However, as it was a double period we travelled to the local squash centre.
Squash wasn’t the worst thing in the world. It calmed my nerves a little. But I must admit I was taking it easy to save energy for later.
Once we got back to school, it was recess.
After recess, around one hour until my race, we had some novelty. Novelties were a couple of activities to earn spirit points for your house. My guess is they’re are also just fill in the time.
So for my grade’s novelty event, we did dodgeball. Dodgeball was ok. It served another purpose of calming everyone’s nerves. But before we all knew it it was time to prepare for our race.
Preparing included applying sunscreen (ended up being really hot), drinking water and attaching our timing chips to our shoes.
Then we were called to make our way to the starting line. As we waited for the last few people in the race before us to finish, a nervous atmosphere began to arise. I fiddled with my watch for a few minutes, until it was time to start.
On your marks
Get set
The gun went off, and we all lunged forward. At first we were all laughing and messing about, until the boys and girls went their separate ways.
Some girls were already metres in front of me. It was clear to me that they were the ones going for the win.
I inhaled big gulps of air, I suppose trying to relax my lungs.
When I past a year group, I felt a zap of energy. Keen to impress them.
Thunder by Imagine Dragons was booming in the background.
As I continued to run, I got more and more exhausted.
Brain- you’re so unfit. Just give up. Think about how much further you still have to go. Your mouth is so dry. Just think about how many people are in front of you. A couple of boys are catching up to you.
It was thoughts like these that I had to push aside.
Now I’ll be honest, I did walk a couple of times to catch my breath. But as I did so, I kept an eye on the time. For I was keen to get under the cutoff time.
I was now back on the ovals. I had finished running around the school but I still had a kilometre to go.
Brain- You still have so much more to go. Look at those girls who are about to finish.
But I still had time.
Fast forwarding a bit..
I had been so busy complaining in my head, that I had only just realised there was only about two hundred metres to go. I began to pick up the pace. I could see on the big timer that I was going to make it, but now my goal was to get as far away from that cutoff time as possible.
Brain- you’re so close! Don’t start sprinting too early, or you’ll exhaust yourself. Ok..start sprinting in 3..2..1 NOW!
I sprinted, slowing as I raced across the line.
I felt exhausted and sick to the stomach, but I was so relieved it was done.
I told myself that I never wanted to do cross country again, but knowing that I would have to next year, I enjoyed the moment.
Kilometres (km)- Just under two miles
Cutoff time- The time in which we had to be finished by to earn points for our house (faction).
Periods- Each day we have six classes (periods) that last for fifty minutes each.
Squash- basically tennis but you hit the ball against the wall and it’s an inside sport.
Recess- Morning tea break.
0 notes
atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Nineteen
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
(Fluffy fluff! It’s the Thanksgiving part fam!)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen Part Fifteen Part Sixteen Part Seventeen Part Eighteen
Wednesday was a half day at work. Harry was busy at the beginning of the week, trying to wrap up his work before the holiday. It was a casual day at the office, so you decided to wear jeans and a cardigan. You and Niall walk out to your cars together.
“Have a great time with Sarah this weekend, her family is really nice.”
“Thanks.” He smiles at you. “Good luck tomorrow. I know Harry’ll be with ya, but-“
“I know, if I need you, I’ll call.”
“And don’t forget my dessert.”
“I won’t.” You say, rolling your eyes. You two hug goodbye, and off you go.
You drove right to the grocery store to get everything you needed for tomorrow. You had to make three different kugels. One for your dad, one for your sister’s house, and one to keep in the freezer to bring into work on Monday. Everyone would always beg you for the sweet casserole.
Harry keyed into your apartment around three, and found you cooking up a storm. You had loud music playing while the exhaust fan was on. You had your mixer going to beat all of the wet ingredients together. He smiled when he saw you wearing his apron. He had been leaving more and more of his things at your place. You didn’t mind. He walks over to you and waves hello. You’re startled, only for a second, and pause your music.
“Hi sweetie.” You say with a big smile, kissing him on the cheek. “I’m almost done, just need to pop these in the oven.” You put the casseroles together, put them in the oven, and set the timer. Your kitchen only took a few minutes to clean up since you tended to clean as you went. Harry is leaning against the counter, waiting for you. He opens his arms for you, and you happily go in for his embrace. “How was your day?”
“Good. Got a lot done. I feel good about takin’ a couple days off.”
“Good!” You look up at him.
“How was your day?” He squishes his nose to yours.
“Quick, thank god. We all mostly sat around and chatted. It’s hard to work on a project during a half day.” You brush your lips against his. “I missed you.” You squeak.
“You did?”
“Mhm.” You were trying to be more vocal with him. He needed reassurance just as much as you did. He kisses you, and you kiss him back.
“I like this on you.” He says, tugging at the apron.
“Really? I like it better on you.” You let go of him to untie it. “I couldn’t find mine for some reason. Must’ve gotten mixed in with the laundry.” You place the apron on your island. Harry lifts you up to sit on the counter, standing between your legs. You wrap your arms around his neck, and his go around your back. You liked when you two just hugged. You loved the smell of his cologne and the way his breath always smelled like mint.
“I love you.” You melted every time he said it. It didn’t matter how often he said it, you couldn’t hear it enough if you were being honest.
“I love you too, Harry.” He nestles his face into your neck, just nuzzling in. He was being soft with you today.
You realized that Harry had many personas when it came to you. Sometimes he was just your soft boy, looking for cuddles and small kisses. Your soft boy loved to be held at night. This side of him usually came out when he was tired. Then there was your quiet, yet cranky boy. When Harry was overtired or ravenous, he would get cranky. He would pout his lip out at you, and essentially act like a baby until you figured out how to make things better for him. Another side to Harry was when he was full of lust and domination. You wanted to refer to this as daddy Harry, but you would never tell him that. He was also careful not to be too dominating, in fear of scaring you, but you liked when he would take the lead.
You had your different personalities too that he would pick up on. How you were always so shy after he would make you orgasm, and that shyness seeping into the morning. He was a sucker for when you’d act like the baby. When you just wanted to be carried or taken care of. He also noticed slowly that you liked being in control in the bedroom. You liked telling him what to do and how to do it. Your confidence was so sexy to him.
Today he was being your soft boy, and you couldn’t get enough of it. The attention he craved from you knew no bounds. He picked you up off the counter and brought your over to the couch to lay with him.
“How ‘bout some TV?” He asks, taking the remote in his hand, switching on Parks and Rec. He grabs the blanket from the back of the couch, and throws it over your bodies. You feel cozy and warm laying against him. “Hey, whatever you’re makin’ smells pretty good.”
“Oh, thanks! It’s called kugel, remember?”
“So, just how Jewish is your family? Am I going to look like an idiot if I don’t know much?”
“Not at all baby! My brother married a gentile, and my sister is dating one.” You laugh. “You’ll be in mixed company tomorrow. As for the rest of us, we’re pretty Jewish. We all had bar and bat mitzvahs.”
“You can speak Hebrew?”
“Well, only from the Torah. I haven’t practiced in a while, but I have a lot of the prayers memorized so I don’t really need to read it. I can’t like, ask you how your day was in Hebrew or anything.”
“Did you go to temple a lot as a kid?”
“Yeah, for the most part. I went to Hebrew school on Sundays, and then once I graduated from that, I went to temple on Saturdays and had prep classes on Monday nights…for like two years.
“That’s a lot of work for a thirteen year old.”
“Sure is, why do you think we have such a big party once it’s over?”
“I bet you were so cute, up there, speakin’ Hebrew.” He giggles to himself.
About an hour or so later, the oven goes off, and you peel yourself off of Harry. He helps you get the kugels out of the oven, and he takes a big whiff.
“Oh my god, this smells incredible. I may have to try some tomorrow.” He winks at you.
“What do you wanna do for dinner tonight? I grabbed some fresh veggies and rice, I could whip up a stirfry or something.”
“You’ve been cookin’ all afternoon, let me make dinner.”
“We could cook together.”
You take out the veggies from the fridge while Harry starts a pot of water for the rice. You both chop up some zucchini, asparagus, and mushrooms. It was fun to actually cook together. He let you taste test the veggies in the pan before adding the rice. You both scarfed down the stirfry, and sat back down on the couch.
“So what time do we need leave by in the morning?”
“Um, I’d say nine to get there for ten. Hang out with dad for a few hours then go to Erica’s.” Harry looks at his watch.
“Might turn in early, love. Don’t wanna be too tired.”
“Good idea. Hmmm.” You both stand up and walk to the bedroom.
“I’m trying to decide if I wanna shower tonight, or tomorrow morning. I’ll be able to sleep in a little tomorrow if I shower tonight.”
“Good thinkin’, I’ll join ya.” He’s already taking his clothes off and turning the water on before you can answer him. “Are ya comin’?” You giggle and take your clothes off.
You get your hair wet first, and push it out of your face. You go to grab your shampoo, but Harry snatches it.
“Um, I need that.”
“I wanna do it, like how you do for me.”
“Oh.” You blush. “Alright.”
Harry puts a small bit of shampoo in his hands. You turn around and tilt your head back. His fingers massage into your scalp, and you can’t help but let out a small moan. He reaches above you to grab the shower head so he can scrub the shampoo out of your hair, the way he’s seen you do it a dozen times. Once he’s satisfied with his work, he puts the shower head back.
“Thank you baby.”
“Not done yet, conditioner.” He picks up the other bottle, takes the ends of your hair and works the conditioner in, then he turns you around so the water hits your hair. He grips it and wrings it out for you.
“Quite observant, aren’t you?” You wrap your arms around his neck, and go up on your tiptoes to kiss him. He wraps his arms around you, and gives your bum a squeeze.
“My turn please.” You giggle, but do as he says. He loved when your nails would really rake through his scalp.
Once you’re done with his hair, you take a wash cloth to wash his back and chest. He does the same for you. It was a nice, relaxing shower. You flip your hair over, and wrap it in a towel. You remember the first time Harry actually saw you do this. He laughed hysterically, but you were able to shut him up when you showed him the picture Niall had taken of him when his hair was long, and he would wrap his hair in towel. You wrap another towel around your body while Harry wraps one around his waist.
You brush your hair out after a few minutes, and begin to blow dry it. By the time you come out of the bathroom, Harry is curled up with his phone in bed. You throw a t-shirt on, and climb in with him.
“Goodnight baby.” You say to him with a soft kiss on the lips.
“Goodnight love.” He turns over like you thought he would, so you could spoon him.
Your alarm goes off at 7:30 the next morning. You’re soaked in sweat as Harry yet again managed to roll completely on top of you. He groans into your neck as you turn the alarm off. He rolls onto his back, bringing you with him on top of him, you squeal from the unexpected action.
“Harry, we need to get up. I need to do my hair and makeup. I haven’t picked an outfit out yet either.”
“But I’m so cozy.” He says, voice still thick with sleep.
“Well, you can stay in bed a bit longer, but you need to let go of me.” He groans again, but releases his grasp on you.
You go into the bathroom to do your morning routine. You plug your curling iron in, and get to work on your hair. Once you’re satisfied, you put your makeup on, and go back into your room. You smell nail polish remover and frown at the sight in front of you. Harry is hunched over on the side of the bed, rubbing his nails with a tissue.
“Babe, what are you doing?”
“It was startin’ to get chipped, so I thought I would take it all the way off.” You frown. His nails were still done from when you went away that weekend. He was trying to hold onto the color for as long as he could.
“Well, I have some quick drying polish if you wanna do them up quick.” You go into your dresser and take out some black nail polish. “See?”
“I think it’ll be fine for today if my nails aren’t painted. I don’t want to give off any weird impressions.”
“Oh Harry, I want you to be yourself around my family.”
“I will be. I’m still wearin’ my rings, and s’not like I can take my tattoos off.” He gives you a reassuring smile. “Tell ya what, when we get back tonight I’ll let ya paint my nails for me.”
“Alright.” You smile back at him. You open your closet and furrow your brows. “What dress do you think I should wear?” He gets up and stands next to you to look over the options.
“How ‘bout that navy one?” You liked your navy dress. It covered your breasts, and had a thin belt to help show your curves.
“Excellent choice.” You kiss him on the cheek.
Harry goes into the bathroom to do his thing while you put a lace bra and panties on. You take out some nylons, and roll them onto your legs.
“Holy shit.” You look up and see Harry staring at you.
“You look so…fucking sexy like that.” Your cheeks flush.
“We do not have time for this.” You step into your dress, and pull it up. “Please come help me zip this up.” Harry pads over to you, and slowly zips your dress up, lingering for just a moment to kiss the back of your neck. “What are you going to wear?”
Harry goes to the side of the closet you had cleared for him a while ago. You wanted him to be able to leave some dress shirts and pants at your place. He pulls out a white button up and a pair of green dress pants.
“How ‘bout this?” You loved his green pants. They were a nice forest green that helped bring out the color of his eyes. You also liked when he would wear a white button up, so you could still make out some of the tattoos on his arms.
“I think that would be perfect.” You slip on your navy flats and head into the kitchen. You pull out two casseroles from the fridge and set them on the counter.
Harry comes sauntering out of your room. He has those light brown Chelsea boots on he loves so much. You watch him walk by and can’t help but notice the perfect curve of his butt in his slacks. This was going to be a very long day.
“What?” He asks, noticing you staring.
“Nothing, you just look handsome.” He blushes. He knows she wants him. “Help me carry these down to the car?”
Harry slips his jacket on, and grabs the casseroles from the counter while you put on your p-coat. You grab your keys, much to his dismay. Harry preferred to drive, but you told him since it was your family thing, you would drive.
“Looks like it’ll be a nice day out.” He says looking out the window as you pull out of the parking lot.
“Yup, just a little brisk out.” You hit a spot of traffic thirty minutes into the drive, and you groan. “I hate the way people drive.” This was the first time Harry would see you drive on the highway. You were trying to keep your road rage at bay.
“Holiday traffic, love. Nothin’ we can do about it.”
“I know, we should’ve left earlier. I figured yesterday would be the bigger traffic day.”
About an hour later, you get off at your town’s exit. Harry looks around, having not explored the area before. It was a good size town, there were lots of shops and places to go. You slowly pull up to your childhood home. It was a large white house with a detached garage and long driveway.
“Well, this is it.” Harry gives your hand a squeeze before getting out of the car. He jogs to your side to open your door. You roll your eyes at him.
“Just in case the old man is watchin’.” He winks at you.
You walk up the steps to your home and open the door. Usually your dad kept the door locked, but unlocked it knowing you were coming.
“Dad! We’re here!” You yell, nearly making Harry drop the food. You shrug and take your coat off, then grab the food from Harry to put in the fridge. Your dad had a huge kitchen, an addition he had put onto the home only a few years before your parents separated. Harry takes his jacket off and hang it up where you put yours. “Where is he?” You sort of ask yourself. You go down the hall to where the basement door is. “Dad! Hello!” You yell again. Harry smirks at your behavior.
“Hi!” You hear your dad yells up.
“Jesus, someday when my voice gives out maybe he’ll get a hearing aid.” Your dad comes up the stairs.
“Sorry, I had the parade on.” You two hug. He gives Harry a look.
“Dad, this is, um, my boyfriend, Harry.”
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” Harry extends his arm out, and gives your father a firm handshake.
“Why don’t you give the boy the tour while I heat up breakfast?” You dad says to you. “Probably the first time I’ve ever let a boy go up to your room.” He laughs to himself, and steps by the two of you.
“As far as he knows.” You whisper to Harry. You take his hand and walk him in the living room.
“What’s down stairs?”
“Just his man cave. I’ll show when we come back down. Figured we could start from the top down.”
“Sounds good to me. Should I take my shoes off?”
“Nah, it’s fine.” Still holding his hand, you walk with him upstairs. He stops to admire the photos of you as a child on the wall.
“Look at that hair! And I thought I had a mess of curls as a kid.”
“Don’t make fun.” You pout, sticking your bottom lip out.
“M’not, you’re just so cute.”
“Jesus, come on.” You drag him up the stairs. You walk him through a room that looks like a den. “So this used to be mine and my sister’s room when we were really little. Then my dad turned our attic into a bedroom for Erica and I, and my other sister kept this room.” You turn to open the door up to the attic.
The stairs going up were really steep. Harry hit his knee twice trying to go up. You were used to the stairs so you practically flew up. The room was pretty bare, having not lived there in years. All that was left were the two twin beds you and your sister used to sleep on.
“Pretty big room!” He says walking all around.
“The desk was over here, and we had three dressers over there. All of our toy boxes were along that wall. We could never keep it clean up here. My sister and I are such packrats.”
“I find that hard to believe, your place is spotless.”
“I have storage unit I keep a lot of my old shit in.” You smile at where you used to keep your Barbie’s. “Erica and I used to dump out this big blue bin that had all of our Barbie’s in it. We would play for hours and just leave them around until we were ready to play again. It drove our parents nuts that we just never cleaned up.” You sit down on the bed, he sits next to you.
“So, this is where the magic happened, yeah?”
“Maybe for my sister, I never brought a guy up here.”
“Why not?”
“Didn’t date much in high school.” You shrug and stand up. “Come on, there’s more to see.”
You both go back downstairs. You show him your brother’s old room, which was now a guest room. Then you brought him back down to the living room. You could smell your dad’s latkes. Then you brought him down to the basement. Your dad had quite the man cave. Big TV, surround sound, and a small bar. There were shelves full of tapes and DVS’s. He had sports paraphernalia everywhere.
“Real New England fan, huh?”
“You have no idea.” There were pictures of you and your siblings everywhere. He stopped to look at a picture of you and your dad with a trophy.
“When was this?”
“Oh! That’s like my favorite pic of me and Dad. The Red Sox had just won the World Series in ’04, and the trophy was on tour. They brought the trophy to the high school, so my dad brought us. They even let us touch it, it was so cool. I think I was like nine or ten.”
“Cute bangs.” You roll your eyes at him.
“Someday I’m going to see where you grew up, and I’m going to make fun the whole time.”
You take him back upstairs to the kitchen where your dad was putting everything on plates.
“Need any help?” You ask.
“Nope, let’s sit at the dining room table.” Your dad brings the last couple of plates over, and the three of your sit down. “So, Harry, what do you do?”
“I’m a photographer for a geographical magazine.” He tugs his shirt sleeve down to try to hide his anchor tattoo. “I also do a lot of freelance work.”
“Harry also has his master’s degree.”
“What does a photographer need a graduate degree for?”
“Well, a couple of reasons. Quite frankly, I wasn’t ready to leave school. My two best mates and I all enrolled to get our MBA’s. It worked out in my favor though because I learned how to properly run my freelance business.”
“Why stay with the magazine then?”
“Health insurance.” Harry shrugs. “And other benefits.”
“Makes sense. I told (y/n) that benefits was one of the most important things when looking for a job. She got lucky where she ended up.”
“I was lucky an alum from the college worked there to help me with the interview.” You all take some food and dig in. “Dad, these are so good.”
“Found a recipe that used parsnips. Ever had potato pancakes before?” He asks Harry.
“Oh sure, never as fresh as this though.” He smiles. Your dad looks down and sees the cross on Harry’s hand, which leads his eyes up to the anchor he was trying to hide on his wrist. Your dad squints at the rings on Harry’s fingers as well.
“Got some tattoos there, I see.”
“Um, yeah, just a few.” Harry’s heart was starting to beat faster. He really did want to make a good impression.
“You know when mum and I were still together we used to joke about getting each other’s names tattooed on our butts.” He starts laughing.
“Dad!” You laugh as well. Harry gives a bit of a nervous laugh.
The conversation stay pleasant from there. You tell your dad about your current project at work, and he fills you in on his volunteer work at the food pantry. Harry helps clean up the dishes when you’re done eating. Your dad turns the parade on in the kitchen. You decide to sit down at the piano in the living room. You open it up and tap on a couple of different keys. Harry hears you from the other room.
“Is that her playing?” He asks your dad.
“Yup, when she was really little she would flip it over and start playing. My wife’s great aunt had that piano and gave it to us. All the girls learned how to play. My son learned how to play the guitar.”
“Musical family.”
“I suppose. I’m hoping someday when she buys a house she’ll take it. She’s the only one that’ll play. Don’t tell ‘em I told you this, but she really is the smartest out of the four. She sees things clearly from every angle.”
“She’s very bright, I’m a lucky guy.”
“Don’t you forget it.”
Harry and your dad come out to the living room to listen to you play more clearly. You’re not playing anything crazy, just some songs you remember learning as a kid. You finish and turn to face them.
“I’m glad you keep this in tune.” You smile at your dad. You look down at your watch. It would take another thirty minutes to get to your sister’s house. “I think we have to get going.” You stand up to give him a hug.
“Happy Thanksgiving honey.”
“Happy Thanksgiving, dad.”
“It was great to meet you Harry.” He shakes Harry’s hand.
“Same to you.”
You both walk out and get into the car. You can’t believe how well that went. You were fully expecting your dad to ask Harry a million different questions.
“I think I sealed the deal with him when I talked about my health insurance.” He chuckles.
“Oh, for sure.” You pull out of the driveway and drive towards Erica’s.
“In all seriousness, how was that? He was sort of quiet at first.”
“He takes some time to warm up to people.”
“You never mentioned you could play the piano.”
“It never came up. It’s not like I’m some prodigy or anything, if I was they would’ve kept paying for lessons.”
You get to Erica’s in exactly thirty minutes. You see your mom’s car is already there. Your brother’s isn’t there, as you assumed because he’s always late. You see your uncle’s car is there already as well. You take a deep breath, and wrap an arm through one of Harry’s.
“It’s gonna be fine.” He smiles down at you.
The door is half open when you walk in. Loud voices roaming through the house. You hear a distinctive, and familiar laugh.
“No fucking way!” You squeal. You run toward the laugh leaving Harry behind to rush back to you. “Nannie!” You throw your arms around you grandmother, tears nearly forming. She wraps her arms around you giving you the best hug possible. “Mom, are kidding me? How could not tell me she was coming?” You say giving your mom a hug and kiss.
“She wanted it to be a surprise.”
“How long are you here for?”
“Just a little over a week, precious.” You give her another hug. You look up and see Harry holding onto the kugel.
“Whoops, sorry, Erica!” You yell for your sister, who comes running into the room to give you a hug. You take the kugel from Harry’s hands, and give it to your sister.
“Yay! Thanks.” She turns around to bring it into the kitchen. You take Harry’s coat, and put yours and his into the coat closet.
“Alright, mom you remember Harry?”
“Of course, hi dear.” She gives him a gentle hug.
“And Harry, this is my Nannie.”
“I’ve heard so much about you.” He gives her a hug and you could nearly cry at the sight.
“I’ve heard about you too.” She takes his hands in hers. “What beautiful rings. I love a man that can wear his jewelry, your papa never left the house without his gold on.” She says to you. Her eyes catch his anchor tattoo. “Oh for the love of god, her uncle will just love you.”
“He’s got quite a few, I’ve seen them.” Your mom says. Erica comes back over to you.
“So, is this him?”
“Yes, this is Harry.”
“Thanks so much for coming. By the way, mom made an extra dessert to bring to Niall.”
“Oh perfect, thanks!”
“Harry, can I get you anything to drink? We have beer and wine, and we have some other alcohol too. Or if you want water or something?”
“Um, a beer would be great actually.”
“We have bud, bud light, corona…”
“Bud light is fine. If you tell me where it is, I can get it.”
“Just through the kitchen, out to the patio.”
“Want anythin’?”
“Glass of wine please.” He walks off to fine the beverages.
“Oh my god, how do you keep finding these crazy attractive guys?” Your sister says to you.
“I told you he was cute, his pictures don’t do him justice.” Your mom says.
“And how polite was he? He seems sweet honey.” Your Nannie says. Harry comes back shortly with a glass of red wine for you, and a bud light in his other hand.
“Harry, you’re a photographer?” Your Nannie asks him.
“What made you want to go into that field?”
“Don’t know really, I just always had a camera in my hand growin’ up. Figured I’d want to get a job doing somethin’ I actually liked.”
“And you grew up in England?”
“Yeah, a few hours outside of London.”
“(y/n), where’s that cute Irish friend of yours today?” She asks you.
“He’s started dating my friend Sarah, so he’s with her this weekend. He sends his love. Harry and him are actually best friends, Niall introduced us.”
“Oh! How nice, well, I definitely know you’re in good hands if Niall had something to do with it.”
Harry snakes an arm around your waist to pull you a little closer to him. This environment was a lot less relaxed than your dad’s house was. About thirty minutes later your brother showed up with his wife and baby. You give them a few minutes to settle in before going over to hold your nephew. You take him in your arms and snuggle him giving him light kisses on his forehead.
“Harry, this is my brother and sister in law.”
“Hi, nice to meet you.” Harry shakes both of their hands. Your brother and sister in law give each other a look.
“Nice to meet you too, man.” You brother says. “Wanna hold him for a bit so we can say hi to everyone. We don’t really want Mike’s family all over him.”
“Well it’ll be torturous, but I’ll manage.” You say sarcastically.
“Mike is Erica’s boyfriend, right?”
“Yup.” Harry watches as you bounce the baby, lightly rocking him from side to side.
“He’s awfully cute.”
“Isn’t he?” She kisses his forehead again. “I could just snuggle him all day.”
Harry loved babies, he had mentioned it to you several times. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but he just had this natural thing with babies and kids. He liked seeing how easy and comfortable you were with your nephew.
“Hey, (y/n), can you come help me in the kitchen?” Erica asks.
“But I’m holding the baby.”
“Have Harry hold him, I need your help.” You suck your teeth and roll your eyes.
“Fine.” You look up to Harry. “Do you mind taking him for a minute?”
“Will your brother mind?”
“No, it’s fine.”
You hand your nephew off to Harry, who is trying to hold his excitement in. Your nephew looked up at him with big blue eyes. Harry walked him into the kitchen to see what your help was needed for. You looked at Harry and smiled. He looked so comfortable carrying your nephew around. You were helping your sister get her buffet table together now that everyone was there.
Your Nannie comes over to help as well.
“I’ll take him.” She says to Harry. He gently passes the baby off her to her. “Isn’t he precious?” She kisses him. “Now that’s delicious.” You giggle. This is going much better than you thought. Your uncle comes walking over. He hasn’t had a chance to meet Harry yet.
“So, this the guy?”
“Yes, this is Harry.” The two shake hands.
“Do you have a sleeve?” He asks, noticing the tattoos peeking through his shirt.
“Um, not technically.”
“And don’t give him any ideas either.” Your Nannie says. You wrap an arm around Harry’s waist, hoping he’s not uncomfortable.
“Oo, you two are so cute, let me take your picture.” Erica says. You hand her your phone, and lean into Harry while she snaps a couple shots. “Everybody! Dinner is good to go!”
“Harry, why don’t you sit down with my grandmother and I’ll make you both a plate. Save me a seat between you two.”
Before he can protest, your Nannie gives the baby to your brother, and grabs Harry to go sit with her. You make up a plate for him with every vegetable you can find, along with some mashes potatoes. Your mom makes up a plate for your Nannie. You stack another plate for yourself and pile on some green bean casserole, vegetables, and mashed potatoes. You put Harry’s plate in front of him, and sit between him and your Nannie.
Harry sits quietly as he eats, listening to the vibrant conversations your family has. He notices that your oldest sister isn’t there, and makes a mental note to ask about it later. Your mom starts telling a story about when her and your uncle  were kids, and your Nannie started choking, and had to slap the back of neck to get the food out. Between tears from laughing your mom says,
“And she says, ‘you ungrateful bastards! I could’ve died!’” Everyone at the table was laughing. Harry started laughing just from the sight of you, tears streaming down your cheeks, trying not to choke on the food you were eating.
“That is the best story.” You say, wiping the tears from your eyes.
“It was scary you know! You two are a couple of bastards.” Your Nannie says, not really meaning it. “Harry, you must think we’re a bunch of lunatics.”
“Not at all, I think it’s great you all seem so close.” He says with a smile.
“I cannot get over that accent.” Erica says. She was sitting across from you. “How come you stayed here and didn’t go back overseas?”
“I just really liked it here. Fell into some good opportunities and didn’t feel the need to leave.”
“So do you have a work visa?” Your brother asks.
“I started off with a student visa, and then had a work visa once I graduated. About a year after that, once I knew I wanted to stay, my mates and I all took citizenship tests, so I have dual citizenship. Annoying process, but it makes it much easier to travel now.”
“How did you two meet again?” Your brother asks you.
“Niall set us up on a blind date a few months ago.” You smile, giving Harry a squeeze on the thigh.
“Where did you guys go a couple weeks ago? The pictures were so pretty.” Your sister in law says.
“We went up to New Hampshire to check out the foliage. It was incredible.”
“Harry, do you do any freelance work?” She asks.
“Quite a bit, yeah.” She looks at your brother.
“Do you ever take pictures of people? We’d love to get a little photoshoot in before Christmas if possible. We’d pay you of course.”
“Sure, I’d love to. Do you have a specific date in mind? I’d have to book it now just cause I’m startin’ to fill up.” He takes out his phone and opens his calendar.
“Um, would two weeks from Saturday work? In the afternoon?” Harry looks at the date.
“I have from like two to four open if that works for you.”
“That should be great! Oh thank you so much. It’ll be nice to have some professional photos to send out. You’re really good, we sorta creeped on your Instagram page.”
“That’s what it’s there for. I’m happy to help.”
After dinner, you all have a little dessert. Most of your immediate family migrated to one part of the house. You were sitting with Harry on the couch when your siblings came over to sit in the same room. Your Nannie sat right next to you. The couch was getting crowded. Without thinking, Harry pulled you onto his lap. You got a few looks, but no one seemed to mind.
“Alright, I’d like to see more of the tattoos.” Erica says, glass of wine in hand.
“I don’t know if your grandmum will appreciate that.”
“Oh go ahead, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious.” He looks at you for approval, and you nod.
Harry adjusts himself so he can untuck his shirt, and unbuttons it. He shimmies his sleeves off. Revealing his heavily tattooed left arm. His right arm only had a couple. He pointed to a few that had meaning, and explained that others were just for fun, or from when friends asked to practice on him. He pointed to where the large butterfly sits just below his breast plate, and the others near his collar bones and hips. He points to where the large tiger is on his thigh.
“Didn’t all of those hurt?” Erica asks.
“Not really, you sorta get used to it after a while.”
“Have you ever done one yourself?” Your sister in law asks.
“Um, yeah, I wrote the word big on my big toe.” Everyone bursts out laughing. “I did say they weren’t all meaningful.” He shrugs his shirt back on, and buttons it up, not bothering to tuck it back in.
“Can I hold the baby again?” You ask. Your brother passes him to you, and you rest his head on your shoulder. “He’s so cozy, I love it. Erica, take my picture with him.” You hand her your phone. She takes one close up, and then backs up a bit to get Harry in the shot. “Thanks.”
After a couple more hours, you both decided to call it a night. You started saying your goodbyes throughout the room.
“Honey, can we come see you Sunday? Nannie hasn’t seen your apartment yet.”
“Sure! You know, I could drive back home tomorrow and stay with you a couple of nights while she’s here. That way she can get around if need be.” Harry tries to hide his slightly fallen face. He wants you to spend time with your grandmother, he was just looking forward to another long weekend with you.
“Don’t be silly, you don’t need to do all that driving.”
“I know, I just want to spend time with her.”
“We can spend the entire day Sunday together.”
“Alright…” You hug your mom, and go to give your Nannie a big hug. “Guess I’ll see you Sunday.”
“Okay darling girl, I love you.” She gives you a big kiss.
“Love you too.”
“Will Harry be around too?” You look over to him and he nods yes. “Wonderful, we can keep getting to know each other.” Harry gives your mom and grandmother a hug goodbye and waves off to everyone else.
“Want me to drive us back, love?” He asks as you walk out into the cold air.
“Would you mind? I’m suddenly realizing how tired I am.”
“Not a problem.” You hand him the keys, and get into the car.
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