#of course this also means Link who is 12 years old in this comic would have his moment on the bridge
"Ooh that would actually be pretty clever of him. However, giving Link all the rupees he wants would make Link happy, and I don’t know if Ghirahim could go along with that, no matter what the ultimate result would be xD" It would make him happy INITIALLY, until the devaluation of the Rupees makes Ilia's Uncle ask for more to correspond to the devaluation, causing more devaluation as more enters the system, resulting in a cycle of misery. It's the perfect long-term evil plan for him. >:3c
lol very true! ...Now I'm just envisioning this comic after 20 chapters of mostly goofy adventure, suddenly turning into like a Depression-era drama, complete with bank runs like in It's a Wonderful Life... all the while Ghirahim sits cackling in the background like Mr. Potter...
And then before the third act, instead of Jimmy Stewart chewing him out, it'd be Link just going into Ghirahim's office, slicing his desk in half, and leaving 😂
It would be beautiful.
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unu-nunu-art · 4 years
The Gauge Masterpost
April Fools is over - even with the additional day I’ve given her - and I won’t take any more questions. Thank you once again for the massive interest, I’ve gotten so many asks and so many comments and questions about her, it’s been amazing. ♥ 
I will turn this post into some kind of masterpost, linking each and every entry I’ve made about her here so keeping an overview will be a little easier.
Who is Gauge?
To put it nice and simple, Gauge is a - NON CANON - ship kid of Template and Pale I created! She was meant as a one-time April Fools joke character, but while I created her she has grown to me so much that I simply couldn’t dump her after using her only one single day. However, she will always stay non canon.
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Links for Comics and Additional Artworks:
Here you can find every link of asks answered by Gauge
All Responses from 2019:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
All Responses from 2020: 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 
Additional drawings: 
Family Selfie! | Just Gauge 
Lots of additional info can be found under the cut:
(Info added in 2020)
- I forgot to mention this, but her responses in 2020 can be considered post the events in “Somewhere Else”, while her responses in 2019 are previous of this
- A common mistake I’ve found was that a lot of people using male pronouns for Gauge, which is not correct. It’s she/her!
- While she’s not canon, everything she talks about regarding Template and Pale can be taken as canon; the only thing not canon is herself. She has her own impressions of things happening around her however, since Template still keeps secrets from her, so she doesn’t know the answers to everything. Despite this, she still knows these two better than anyone else
- You should take her appearances this way: Gauge sleeps a lot, plus it’s hard to keep track of time in the voids. She’s awake any now and then, so it really doesn’t feel to her like a whole year has passed. Therefore, she’s a little bit confused when someone tells her that it’s her birthday
- She likes hugs, but she’s not much of a fan of getting booped and doesn’t exactly like to get patted on the head. She will let you, but will act a little reluctant
- Template taught her almost everything she knows. Since she never left Template’s or Pale’s place, which Template refers to as the “Art Zone” and “Null Space” respectively, she doesn’t have much knowledge about a lot of things, but isn’t exactly stupid either. She’s gotten a lot of impressions of the universes by watching AUs with Template, which is really similar to watching TV 
(Info added in 2019)
- I’m thinking of her as a 14-16 year old... it’s hard to tell since technically, time and space doesn’t exist in between universes 
- If you consider her parents’ souls, you may realize that she doesn’t have the most powerful soul either. This means that while her soul overall is fully intact, it’s still really weak. This is why she doesn’t have powers or can’t use magic. She cannot even open portals to other AUs like pretty much every other out!code character.
- Her weak soul makes her similar (but not the same!) in behavior as Pale. However, she’s able to boost her perception, which is why she constantly is drinking coffee and is on a sugar high. Without it, she would be quite lethargic.
- Template gave her the eye-patch because her left eye is glitched. While Gauge is under the impression that her left eye is not nice to look at in general (and doesn’t mind it because her vision through this eye is also broken), Template’s intention behind this is that he pretty much avoids to look at it constantly for obvious reasons. 
- Some people might have mistaken Gauge’s dark hand palms as gloves, but that’s not the case. Pale’s palms are grey, hers are black. It just runs in the family. 
- For those still wondering about her mysterious hobby, while others have already guessed it: She loves sewing, crocheting and she can even knit! Yes, she did make the clothes she wears herself, but lied to Template about it because it’s something that would stress him out if he knew. So instead, she just does it whenever Pale is supposed to take care of her. She hides all her sewing materials in Pale’s clothing heaps. Pale, of course, doesn’t mind. 
- The measuring tape on her hoodie suddenly seems less confusing if you consider her hobby, doesn’t it? 
- Gauge never heard of Error because Template of course doesn’t talk about him and often only know about what she’s told or seen herself in AUs. However, she knows about Ink, because Template won’t shut up about him. To her, Ink is some kind of comic book hero she keeps hearing about but never met herself, so her view of him is just as warped as Template’s 
- Gauge is fully aware that something is wrong with Template since she’s bound to experience one of Template’s minor or heavier breakdowns at some point. She merely thinks of it as a disease and that it’s not Template’s fault. She tries to help and prevent things from going wrong as much as she can. She thinks that Template’s determination to keep going in this case is unmatched and admirable.
- Gauge is talking to Pale a lot when she’s with him because he seems to listen and doesn’t judge her for whatever is on her mind. Pale probably knows Gauge better than Template, even if Gauge spends less time with him. 
Aaaaand that’s pretty much all I can think of right now. I hope more questions were answered! The only thing I really can’t answer is how she came to be, haha. I’d love to draw her more but I really can’t tell as other projects have a higher priority. But considering I made her two days before April Fools without even a clue about what to do, she’s really come a long way in just three days… I’m proud of her ;w;
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
DID theory part 3: St novels/comics/spotify list analyses
*read part 2  of DID theory-first! You’ll be lost otherwise, seriously XD. First, I’ll say -I find the ST comics/ books as canon as the st movie inspirations . I don’t consider the books/comics ‘literal canon’ (cause they contradict the show ( like Max and billy meeting a year before s2  in runaway max - but meeting as little kids in s3,  or El’s age being wrong in suspicious minds, in the d&D comic Will’s friends instead of him /Jonathan building castle byers, etc) . 
So I think we shouldn’t take it  literally - but more like the st movie lists - filled with foreshadowing/symbolism and other eastereggs (That the Duffers may have told them to add). So here’s some more (possible) alter / DID hints...
‘Suspicious minds’ novel
- Brenner  equates k*lling rabbits to h*rting kids. And he’ll hurt (kid) Kali (the bunny in the analogy) if Terry tries running away from him . I wonder if Lonnie used a similar threat against jonathan? Jon could be giving only a partial truth to why he cried for a week (about the bunny story)?
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-Kali “hops” like a bunny then talks about tigers obsessively (linking her to rabbits/tigers similar to the other alters/Will/Lonnie). Terry also imagines tigers and kali says to Alice they can all be tigers together.
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- one of the only male psychic experiments (who can see the future) is gay
- Terry is into lord of the rings, like Will. Has her and her boyfriend dress as sam & frodo (m/m ship). Terry calls her and her friends “the fellowship”.
-when Terry/Alice were injected with d**gs -they hallucinated rainbows.yikes.
- Alice (like Lonnie) is a car mechanic. She can see the future like Will the wise and says “monsters of course my mind has them as long as they stayed in there, everything would be alright? Wouldn’t it?” (in her visions she saw the demogorgan).
 (completed) graphic ST novels (by Jody Hozer) so far  (+ other st comics).
*Jody Hozer writes all the graphic novels (every novel is 4 chapters each) - the will byers comic, number 6 comic , into the fire comic, and at the moment she’s writing the d&d series and the summer camp series (which isn’t done yet). Then there’s the occasional 1 chapter st comics not written by her.
- Number 6 has (the ability to foresee the future like Will the wise/Alice) and has an ab*sive dad. 
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When having a nightmare of the demogorgan ...she says as she wakes up “screw you dad” (another hint the demogrgan -aka in d&d means ‘deep father’ ...is Lonnie).
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- when number 6 and others run they say they’re’ “rabbiting”(which yes technically makes sense but I found such an uncommon phrase odd.)
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- The (summer camp and d&d graphic novels aren’t completed yet) but they establish d&d creatures are based off  real life people the boys don’t like in real life. Or that d&d is used as an outlet to explain true events from their pasts -but they just give the true stories a d&d fantasy slant.
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- Which brings me to the halloween oneshot(not by Hozer),taking place before s1. Will tells a scary story told to him by Jonathan, and originally told to him by Lonnie. Says the boys have to keep it a secret cause it was something he was never supposed to tell to anyone. Mike says he has to finish the story he started. It’s about a “ch*lld-eater” monster first attacking a boy near the quarry (like where Will was found) and  attacking kids in a library (where Will was also found in s1).When the child sees the sheriff she bangs on the library door begging for help-he ignores her , walks away, and tells the other cops to never speak of what they saw as she screams for help. Because the previous sheriff was in kahoots with the monster. It def had some ... uh questionable imagery too 0_0
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The vine in the mouth is also like the one in Will’s mouth (when Joyce found him in the library).And of course Dustin asks whether or not something like that could be covered up.
- In the “bully  comic” (about troy) also not by Jody. We focus on Troy and his ab*sive dad (who encourages him to fight/ditch his best friend). The dad has a drinking problem (gets fired), calls Troy a “mess” , pushes him, and constantly encourages Troy to be vi*lent/macho. He pretty much tries sabotaging the relationship Troy has with his friend (which I could see Lonnie doing in the future with byler).The dad/troy is framed similarly to when Billy gives Max a ride home-  after both ab*sers give bad advice saying not to hang out with their friend (after witnessing them fight in the school parking lot). Dad also laughs about almost k*lling a squirrel (a trait we see troy mimic)- and we see El feel guilty about k*lling a squirrel in s2. At the end of the comic- Troy (like Will) after making up with his bff james- moves leaving his best friend behind.
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-  (into the fire) Twins: (one was normal with no powers living in the real world and the twin with fire powers is trapped in a dark sunless “cold” world styled like a psych facility/medieval fantasy) . pics in link.She hated her reflection cause it reminded her of being betrayed by her normal non powered twin who left her behind in the ‘cold’ place. She’d call herself a ‘hunter’ who would defend herself and attack others to never be hurt again. Her powers being unleashed were described like opening “a door.” And she loves her twin deep down and just wants friends . And fire twin goes to the “other side” to reunite with her reflection and find happiness in the real world. *also there’s sunflower/bunny symbols which she lights on fire-which can relate back to Will/Terry/Lonnie etc. The twins = Will & Will the wise (mf)
Mirrors also connect to Will and Will the wise via the canon spotify playlists too.
Will playlist (song: mirror in the bathroom)-Mirror in the bathroom Please talk free.The door is locked -Just you and me.Mirror in the bathroom recompense for all my crimes of self defense.Cures you whisper make no sense!Drift gently into Mental illness.
Demogorgan playlist ( from perspective of Will the wise aka the mf) (song: are you dead yet? )-”polluted soul through a mirror I behold.Throw a punch, shards bleed on the floor. tearing me apart. but I don't care anymore.Should I regret or ask myself are you dead yet?Wake up, don't cry. Regenerate to deny the truth. The fiction you live in blindfolds your eyes. Disclosure, self loathing, this time you've gone too far.Or could it be, my nemesis, that you are me?
(*st ‘into the fire’ comic. the fire powered twin’s thoughts echo the song)
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*I think this foreshadows the later plot points of mf (will the wise ) and Will interacting via mirrors. The fire-wielding twin and the non powered twin had a lot of mirror imagery. Including the fire powered twin (Who denies reality/and imagines herself in a fantasy world) punching her reflection because it reminds her of her non-powered twin. Here’s some cover art from the novels showing how much they emphasize mirrors.
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*And in s4 movies Black swan - “the black and white swan twins (two halves of the same person-Nina)” had creepy mirror imagery. In long kiss goodnight the women with DID talks to her “ (supposed)dark 1/2″  via a mirror (in a dream).  in ‘the visit’ the teen girl who’s dad abandoned her when young-  refuses to look in the mirror (and it’s never explained why she hates her reflection). So yes I think we’ll see this in s4 or 5. We already see the mf take on the appearance of Billy when talking to him.
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- Will in “zombie boy” comic is afraid he’s a monster.
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also lets appreciate the lil byler moment of Mike and Will being the only zombies and mike comforting him. honestly , though, the characters were pretty out of character for most of this 1 ch comic (until the end) tbh.
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- in the “d&d comic” mf is  (possibly) described as a “protector” (aka like how i said the mf is probably a perpetrator alter- which are misguided protectors).
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*update now that it’s finished... hinting Will created everything subconsciously.
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‘Runaway Max’ novel (before s3)
(I didn’t get time to read this book unlike ‘suspicious minds’ -so can’t show screen shots of everything others talked about. May read it eventually)
-Max compares Billy  to ‘her monster’ and a ‘shadow’ that will attack anyone that comes close (mf parallel).
- Dart k*lled a cat,  El’s papa tried to force her to k*ll a cat. And Billy when seeing a d*ad cat lights it on fire for a “viking funeral”. A connection to WW (who has fire powers) and El & dart.
-Max and Billy both are into cars and bond over fixing them (similar to Lonnie’s interest in fixing up cars). And since Lonnie tried to brag to Jonathan about fixing a car up and Will is into tech it wouldn’t be a stretch that Lonnie and Will were into fixing cars together (like Max/billy who would hang out at a autoshop in Cali) .  Similar to Will ,max says hanging with Billy wasn’t always so bad- which made things more confusing to her.
- Max compares Billy being beat up by Neil: to ‘punching a pocket of a baseball glove’. This is interesting since this book was pre-s3 which was when they established the connection of billy and his dad to baseball (similar to s1 saying  Lonnie taught Will baseball).
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-Billy’s friend is a nice ‘music snob’ . He tries distracting Max with music while Billy is burning the cat. Which reminds me of Jonathan trying to distract Will from their parents fighting in the next room-with music
- Max’s bio dad is a criminal who takes her to shady bars, and Max fears he’d ‘get bored of her’. Max also ran away from her mom to her dad’s 2x.Which reminds me of Jonathan thinking Will ran to Lonnie’s in s1.
-Max mentions how Billy misses his friends after moving out of Cali. And he starts acting even worse-after the move. Which will probably be the case for Will (at least a bit) when moving to California.
-Billy tells Max Neil isn’t his ‘real dad’ either because Neil can’t be a father to anyone.
-Billy also tells Max who (at the time ) is 12 years old not to act “easy” and breaks her best friend’s (Nate’s) arm over  someone joking he was Max’s boyfriend and also cause Nate tried to get in between Billy bullying Max. Eventually all her Cali friends ditch her cause they’re afraid of Billy.And Ugh- why could I see Lonnie doing something like this in the future with Will/his new friends. 
- Creepily Max says Billy doesn’t fool around with her like other girls not because of her age or being family. But cause she wasn’t ‘attractive’. This whole excerpt gave me the heeby jeebies,on so many levels, honestly.  Almost like he’s jealous- and controlling her cause he doesn’t want Max to have any love interests. Maybe i’m just missing the context? But ugh... excerpt:
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Will byers secret Files
-Hopper gets scared by a pumpkin-scarecrow. And in Will’s canon journal when talking about the mindflayer and his nightmares draws the same scare-crow , Hopper saw. There’s also a lot of s4-5 foreshadowing in the book... but that’s a post for another day.
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Darkness on the edge of town (Hopper novel)
*didn’t get time to read this (except the preview)
 I think it’s more foreshadowing for future seasons though- cult/supposed ritual k*llings, people being wrongly blamed for those crimes-like the hellfire club , most likely.  (similar to the guy number 3 in the number 6 comic)  saint john in the novel also has the same brain control powers as 3- similar to the mf. .” When a blackout plunges the boroughs into chaos, Hopper must escape the the mobs in the streets to make sure his family is safe and stop Saint John from fulfilling his prophecy.” I already talked about here- how the next few seasons would start having more religious symbolism/a future apocalypse (based on what we’ve seen in the show/s4 movies). Although, i think there’s quite a few differences between (the novel’s) saint john and Will the wise. Hopper is also a star wars nerd like the boys (alter hint)
Canon spotify songs (posted after s2/before s3) hinting at DID/ alter /lonnie stuff-
Will  and Will the wise (aka the mf) being an alter
*Used Will and the demogorgan playlist (which i think has perspectives of Will the wise aka the mf, demogorgan, and Lonnie).
Besides the mirror songs previously mentioned...
Will (cold inside)-Doctor the problem's in my chest.My heart feels cold as ice but it's anybody's guess?Doctor can you help me cause I don't feel right?Better make it fast before I change my mind. Doctor can you help me cause I don't feel right?Better make it fast before I change my mindWell it's cold, cold, cold, cold inside. Darker in the day than the dead of night Cold, cold, cold, cold inside...Counselor give me some advice Tell me how hard will I fall if I live a double life?
El (ghost)-your ghost, the ghost of you.It keeps me awake.My friends had you figured out.Yeah they saw what's inside of you. You tried hiding another you.But your evil was coming through... living in the shade Your cold heart makes my spirit shake.
El (monster Lead me home)-I don't know what, what I was afraid of, I was afraid oooof...Monster take me somewhere...We walk in shadow.Monster lead me home.Where there is no place to hide.Stranger on the other side We walk in shadow.Monster lead me home.
 The’ innerworld’/  other hints Max, El, Hopper, and Billy are alters of Will’s
Max (Logical song)-I know it sounds absurd. Please tell me who I am, who I am, who I am, who I am?
EL(Buzzcut season)-I remember when your head caught flame It kissed your scalp and caressed your brain ...nothing's wrong when nothing's true. I live in a hologram with you Where all the things that we do for fun . Play along (make-believe it's hyper real) But I live in a hologram with you.
Billy (broken bones)-Broken bones.Stay alone. If I see only what I believe -reality's bound by what I conceive
Max (Why can’t i touch it)-Well, it seems so real.I can see it.And it seems so real-I can feel it.And it seems so real-I can taste it.And it seems so real-I can hear it.So why can't I touch it?
Hopper (breakers)-Just to keep me from losing my mind .It's so easy to drown in the dream.Oh, and everything is not what it seems This life is but a dream.Shatter illusions that hold your spirit down ...From the inside, so it seems.Oh, I'm telling you it's all a dream It's all a dream It's all a dream It's all a dream It's all a It's all a dream.”
Max (comfortably numb)-When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse out of the corner of my eye.I turned to look but it was gone.I cannot put my finger on it now.The child is grown.The dream is gone.I have become comfortably numb.
Max (Kids aren’t alright)-Still it's hard Hard to see Fragile lives, shattered dreams...What the hell is going on? The cruelest dream, reality.
El(team)-Livin' in ruins of a palace within my dreams. And you know we're on each other's team
Hopper (denial twist) ( just change ‘she’ to ‘he’)-Just because she makes you feel wrong she don't mean to be mean or hurt you on purpose, boy!Take a tip and do yourself a little service...by playing a different role Ya, by playing a different role, oh.The boat ya you know she's rockin' it.And the truth well ya know there's no stoppin' it.So what, somebody left you in a rut and wants to be the one who's in control.But the feeling that you're under can really make you wonder.How the hell she can be so cold?So now you're mad, denying the truth.And it's getting in the wisdom in the back of your tooth
El (the story)-You see the smile that's on my mouth.It's hiding the words that don't come out.And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed.They don't know my head is a mess.No they don't know who I really am.And they don't know what I've been through
El (hero) ( pretty much alludes to El being a construct of Will’s mind similar to his juju zombies in the d&d story he wrote )-Who knows what you'll find when you look inside (billy’s mind)?Haunted beach (billy flashback), roll the dice.The zombies in the corner aren't amused (d&d ref).Play the part of the blushing bride...Out of view, cloaked by night...My spirit dims, but I feel the force"No longer in my hands,"  (loses powers) .I say to you .I could've been a hero, I could've been a zero.Could've been all these thingsI could've been nothing, I could've had something.Could've been all these things.And if I am unable, tell him that I'll try but underneath the table will spin the wheel and hope for gold. Oh, and where it stops, nobody knows.
Max (it’s real)-I don't know who's behind the wheel.Sometimes I feel like I don't know The deal.But when I tell you how I feel-Believe me when I say It's real.I skated on a frozen Sea.It's real as far as I Can see?
Max (Halloween)-Because your role is planned for you there's nothing you can do.
El (White rabbit... alice and wonderland/lonnie ref)-And if you go chasing rabbits, and you know you're going to fall...When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead.
demogrogan(Dimensions of horror)-Gaze upon the ancient face you dread (lonnie)... Passing through the doors, into Dimensions Of Horror. Haunting visions from the past, rise once more.Realms of darkness, terror, death and gore.Scream in fear, your sanity is lost
demogorgan (SCHORCHED)-Terrorizing madness. Vivid dreams. internal. Hallucinating the unknown. Abstract entities prey.Through superhuman abilities.Fragments of memory erased.
demogrogan (Calling from a dream)-the shadow king...seven spirits (7 ref) Swarming around his head.Close your eyes.Listen to my call. Our bond will bring us together again.I will wait for you. For our hearts still beat as one.Listen to my calling from a dream. (integration?)
 Maybe a coincidence or a hint at Will having both male &female alters?Billy (dude looks like a lady)- What a funky lady...Oh, he was a lady.Dude looks like a lady. Hopper (turn the page)-All the same old cliches,"Is that a woman or a man?" Max ( rebel rebel) (this was on her her pre s3 spotify list + post s3 “wrapped list”)- you got your mother in a whirl, doesn’t know if you’re a boy or girl? 
*trigger w*rning ahead for dark themes like s**ual ab*se
demogorgan (my children)My children I never loved them.Why feel that way when their existence is my business?My children...feral vessals of my selfinterest...So don't lean on me man 'Cause I ain't got nothing to give.Don't lean on me man 'Cause I ain't got nothing to give.My children they're right behind you My children they're gonna beat you.My children if you let them Oh, oh, my children.
demogorgan (black dahlia-window):  I’m not quoting the lyrics you can just look it up.  it’s messed up.Based on the 1st person pov of Gilles de Rais -k**ler and p*d*rest who also kidnapped a cleric.
Will (creature comfort)-Some boys hate themselves.Spend their lives resenting their fathers... hate their bodies .Stand in the mirror (another mirror ref) and wait for the feedback.Some boys get too much, too much love, too much touch.
Jonathan’s Playlist- We’re happy family: “Eating refried beans (poverty). Gulpin’ down Thorazines (pills for a mood disorder). We ain’t got no friends (s2 ref). Our troubles never end. Daddy likes men. Daddy’s telling LIES.”
Jonathan’s playlist-Enter sandman: “Don’t forget my son. Sleep with one eye open. Gripping your pillow tight, Exit light, Enter night. Take my hand, we’re off to never-never land. Something’s wrong, shut the light, heavy thoughts tonight. Dreams of LIARS and of things that will bite, yeah. Hush little baby don’t say a word, and never mind that noise you heard. It’s just the beasts under your bed, in your closet in your head.”
Jonathan (The killing moon-guy sings this)-So soon you'll take me up in your arms. Too late to beg you or cancel it. Against your will!He will wait until you give yourself to him...In starlit nights I saw you.So cruelly you kissed me... unwillingly mine.
jonathan (haunted)-You and I both know that the house is haunted And you and I both know that the ghost is me. You used to catch me in your bed-sheets just a-rattling your chains.Well back then , it didn't seem so strange...In the midnight hour..I was busy trying to charm that snake. When the sun came up we had no place to hide...You and I both know that the house is haunted  yeah you and I both know that the ghost is YOU! You used to walk around screaming, all slamming all 'dem doors Well I'm all grown up now and I don't scare easy no more But you and I both know.
Hopper (Confession)-Now I'm on the low Confession, to a virgin ghost Admission, force you know.
hopper (Tomorrow ) Yeah, and back when s*x and amph*tamines were the staples of our childhood physique.
Max (Last caress)-I got something to say.I k**led your baby today.And it doesn't matter much to me.As long as it's de*d.Well I got something to say.I r*ped your mother today.And it doesn't matter much to me.As long as she spread. (Lonnie pov? Neil?messed up song to be on Max’s list)
hopper House of the rising sun- And my father was a gamblin' man Way down in New Orleans... And the only time he's satisfied Is when he's on a drunk
Max Poor relations-An attitude, no patience, he's paper thin.Talking over everything you have to say...Don't correct the things he said, what's the use?Can't handle violence.Can't handle violence.Learning to love the abuse you can't live without.Your familiar oppression, your daily injustice...That loser man that belongs to you, he's ruling you.
el (sweet dreams are made of this)- Some of them want to use you ...Some of them want to ab*se you.Sweet dreams are made of this...Hold your head up.Keep your head up, movin' on.
Max (Alternative ulster)-They say they're a part of you.And that's not true, you know.They say they've got control of you.And that's a lie, you know.They say you will never Be free, free, free
max In bloom-”Sometimes at night I let it get to me.And last night it had me down and feeling NUMB...And thinking back upon those days Way way back when I was young.I was such a little shit.Cos I was always on the run.Well you know just what they say-Just like father then like son.Don't delude me with your sympathy.Cos I can do this on my own.And this will be the last time-That I break down and wanna crawl to bed. “(since Billy has a playlist I found this song choice being on hers instead of his interesting- in fact almost all of Max’s songs are from the 1st person perspective of a boy unlike the other gals.)
Max (comfortably numb)-The child is grown.The dream is gone.I have become comfortably NUMB.
hopper (numb)-Honey, here I go again Down that crooked road of sin.My momma locked me out again And hung me high to rust under the rain I am NUMB( 8x)....Little bluebird at my window Sing a pretty song for me Don't you know that you can fly, fly, fly away Don't you know that you can leave I am numb.
other psych songs
Hopper (life of sin)-Every morning when I rise I look in the mirror (another mirror ref) and despise the sight of everything and all that I've become. The level of my medicating some might find intimidating But that's alright cause' it don't bother me none.
 Max (Moon over marin)- “Dive in my scalding wooden tub (connects to mf/el)...There, wasn't that a nice visit?Don't forget, a psychiatrist is on duty twenty-four hours a day in the blue room...Drink plenty of water when you take these.Now you can relax.” ( I wonder if stranger writers saying to “drink plenty of water” is secretly a line said by a psych person in s4?)
Max (Feeling ok)-My doctor says that I should take it -At least I won't have to keep faking.I know, someday I'll find it-Where I, I least expect it.Today I know I feel ok.
Max ( Going gets tough)-.No home since the fire.Me and the ash can't settle down...So I sink another round-Placebo for pain.And there's no one for to blame . I refuse to accept-That my work is all in vain...Still always remembering .When the going gets tough .That the labor of our love-Will reward us soon enough.
 Max (Comfortably numb)-Hello? (Hello? Hello? Hello?)Is there anybody in there?Just nod if you can hear me.Is there anyone home?Come on now-I hear you're feeling down.Well I can ease your pain .Get you on your feet again.Relax // Now I've got that feeling once again.I can't explain . you would not understand.This is not how I am. I have become comfortably numb.I have become comfortably numb //Okay (okay, okay, okay)Just a little pinprick.There'll be no more, ah .But you may feel a little sick.Can you stand up?I do believe it's working, good.That'll keep you going through the show.Come on it's time to go// Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.
Explanations of Why the mf  (WIll the wise)behaves the way he does
demogorgan (ww) (Cowards starved)- friends think of me as a priest.I had to show them that the weakest hands Can still make impressive fires. (aka MF = will the wise)
demogorgan (ww) (Unmerciful):I will be reborn...Tranquil demeanor.Now devoured.Surfacing malice...I can't reconcile the torment others bring unto me.I will not take any reproach.Turning the other cheek.Relentless hatred consumes.Control released.Absolved of all compassion.I am free .Look into my hate filled eyes and tell me What do you see?Surging aura of my rage Paralyzing you in fear.
Demogorgan (ww) (bodies-Beaten why for (why for)?Can't take much more.(Here we go, here we go, here we go).One, nothing wrong with me,Two, nothing wrong with me.Three, nothing wrong with me.Four, nothing wrong with me.One, something's got to give.Two, something's got to give.Three, something's got to give now...You're all by yourself but you're not alone...Driven by hate consumed by fear.
demogrgan (ww)-Orbs used as transmitters carry electromagnetic beams from above (affecting magnetic fields in the show).Silence, manipulated, tortured ...How immune is your system of suffering?Its in the blood of suffering (familial ref).Its in the blood.
 Demogrgan (Monster)-I shoot the lights out..Whoa, just another lonely night...None of who you get it, ain't nobody cold as this.A zombie (will ref) with no conscience .Everybody knows I'm a motherfucking monster. Everybody wanna know what my Achilles' heel is? Love I don't get enough of it.
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coruscantguard · 3 years
borrowed hearts
Cloneship Week Day 4 - Undercover - @cloneshipweek
Clone Medic Kix/Sergeant Hound, Ysanne Isard, Grizzer
Warning for references to Order 66, references to carbonite freezing, and Ysanne "Iceheart" Isard (12 year old edition)
(Ao3 Link)
"Maybe this would be going better," Kix says slowly, eyes trained on the security feed, "if you hadn't brought the dog."
"No, I don't think so," Hound cheerfully replies, and Kix reflexively glares at the comm despite the fact that there's no way Hound can see it. "I think the massiff is essential. It’s the massiff that really makes the disguise, actually."
Kix sighs in return, and as Ysanne huffs disdainfully over the comm-- a sound he has learned means "I think this amusing but also am allergic to any feeling besides that of smug superiority and anger"-- he once again wistfully considers the merits of taking off on his own. Because if he was on his own, he wouldn't have to deal with a massiff that has apparently declared him sad, and in desperate need of cuddles, while also trying to track down Jesse and the kriffing Sith Lord he's apparently taken up with now, while also dealing with a former Corrie who's irritatingly charming and the twelve year old natborn he's relatively sure they might've kidnapped.
Of course, if Kix was on his own, he'd also be more alone than he'd ever been before, even when he was still stuck in karking carbonite, which sounds like nothing short of a nightmare, so... it's probably best that he stays.
Plus, Hound's been nothing but kind since waking Kix up, nothing but understanding in wake of Kix's realization that he'd failed all of his vode. The only time Hound has been anything but perfectly solid is when he'd told Kix about what happened to the Republic-- what they all did to the Jedi, how no one knew why they did so, how they'd all somehow lost everything that made them more than what they were engineered to be.
So Hound is fine. And the kid is cute anyway, if a bit bratty and overly fond of murder for his taste.
"Maybe you shouldn't say you're in disguise while undercover," Kix suggests dryly in response. "Just a little helpful hint, you know?"
"Oh come on, no one's listening to us," Hound says back. "Grizzer is intimidating enough that they're leaving us alone."
And it's true that they are being left alone in their little corner of the cafe, but privately, Kix suspects the former Sergeant and the gun he has strapped to his back is what's keeping people at bay, not Grizzer, who's tongue is now lolling out of his mouth as he pants at Ysanne's feet. Ysanne looks comically disgusted at that, but she'd also sneered when taking a sip of her coffee, and looked seconds away from murder while eating a cinnamon roll, so Kix has no idea if she is actually disgusted or not.
"You think Grizzer's scared off your contact, too?" Kix asks, injecting a bit of humor into his tone, and it's worth it for the way Hound flashes a grin up at the camera. He keeps his hood on, of course, and the face that looks up at Kix resembles that of  a natborn, not that of a clone-- courtesy of Alderrann's recent advancements in short-term disguise technology-- but it's still Hound in the way his hair falls into his face, still Hound in the tilt of his head and the squint of his eyes. Still Hound, congenial and painfully enthralling in a way that Kix doesn't know whether he envies or admires.
He thinks Jesse would like Hound. Really like him, not just tolerate for Kix's sake, a distinction that matters.
Or, well, a distinction that hopefully will get to matter. 
Kriff. Kix hopes, fervently, desperately, that they all survive for long enough for it to matter.
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gorogorogorochansan · 3 years
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CP2077 OC ask game *:・゚✧⚔️🤖🔮 [x]
1. what is their full name? do they have any nicknames? what are they and why did they get them? His full name is Maximilian Noirceuil Roquentin Vandermeer. Vandermeer to others, Max to his family. His mother just loves French literature and culture.
2. how old are they? how long have they been living on their own? 33 as of 2077. He’s been living on his own for 15 years since he joined Arasaka.
3. what are their astrology signs? sun/moon/rising. He was born on May 2nd 2044, which makes him a sun Taurus, moon Cancer and ascendant Leo.
4. what tarot card from the major arcana would you associate with them? The Devil.
5. are they religious or spiritual in any way? Not at all. Max is rather materialistic and self-indulgent at times.
6. which of the four elements would you associate with them? Air for intellect and mental intention.
9. which of the nine alignments are they? (lawful good etc) Lawful neutral.
10. which of the myers-briggs personality types are they? ESTJ, the Executive.
11. do they have any cyberware? is it cosmetic or is it weaponry/armor? He’s not into combat much, he prefers doing his job quietly if he can. Better yet - a silver tongue coupled with unsettling look can achieve a lot more than a weapon. Hands: Smart Link; Ocular system: Kiroshi Optics; Nervous system: Kerenzikov; Cyberdeck: Stephenson Tech Mk.2; Integumentary system: Optical Camo;  Skeleton: Endoskeleton, Bionic Lungs; Legs: Lynx Paws.
12. what is their occupation? He likes to call himself a free artist but technically he’s a solo. Murder, sabotage, thievery, recovery, delivery - you name it and he’ll do it, quick & clean. A man of high standards he prefers to be silent, precise and effective about his work. Even during his Arasaka days he never shied away from hard or morally repulsive (to some) tasks. A job is a job and needs to be done.
13. if you were to choose a class for them, what would it be? The closest would probably be a Stealth Solo.
14. what is their weapon of choice? HJKE-11 Yukimura pistols & Electric Baton.
15. what is their preferred vehicle or transportation of choice? Black Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech.
16. how would you describe their style? Neomilitarism. Corpo chic through and through.
17. are they a early riser or a night owl? Normally he’s an early riser but not averse to adapt if work demands it.
18. share three songs you associate with them. Eisbrecher - Verrückt [translation] Dorothy - Wicked Ones Oomph! - Augen auf! [translation]
19. is your character from night city? if no, where were they born? what brought them to night city? if yes, what area of the city did they grow up? He is from Charter Hill, Night City. His maternal family is from North Oak but his parents moved to something more affordable before he was born. He worked his ass off to stay in Charter Hill on his own but after his boss Jenkins lost the power struggle in Arasaka, Vandermeer had to survive and look for a cheaper place.
20. where do they currently live? describe their home. Watson, Little China, near Sutter Street. He rents a small apartment that satisfies his needs, which turned out to be rather simple - a quiet (as much as possible), clean and efficient space that is suitable for living and working in.
21. do they have any favorite spots around NC? Lele Park in the evening and night. And Dark Matter club.
22. do they like to cook for themselves, or eat out? do they prefer restaurants or street food? and how do they feel about vending machine food? He can cook a few things thanks to his mom but generally prefers street food and restaurants. He finds vending machines repulsive.
23. do they prefer the city or the badlands? The city. He loves comfort, hygiene and availability of things only megalopolis can offer. 
24. what gang/faction/corporation do they align with, if any? He prefers to keep balance and mutually beneficial relationships with everyone strictly for business. He always looks for people reasonable enough to bargain with. 
25. which radio station(s) is their favorite? If it’s a car radio then it’s Vexelstrom most of the times. He likes hearing heavy rhythms in the background. When it comes to listening to music at home he has a variety of genres in his playlists from classics and jazz to heavy metal.
26. if they do merc work, do they have one dedicated fixer? if so, who? It’s Rachel Vogelman (another OC created by @bnbc). They used to be corporate rivals during their Arasaka days. To add fuel to the fire their colleagues believed them to be siblings because of certain visual similarities between the two. When Max lost his job Rachel was the only person he could ask for help. It wasn’t easy, and it still isn’t but they focus on the business side of things. Or at least try to.
27. have they ever had run ins with the badges? He doesn’t like to attract unnecessary attention. Nobody likes when you’re the star of TV news.
28. are they quick to help a stranger in need or do they prefer to stay out of other peoples business? He most likely won’t help unless it can benefit him in any way.
29. do they have any favorite celebrities that frequent or live in NC? how would they feel meeting them? He doesn’t give a shit about celebrities. But he knows Michiko Arasaka, and their first meeting face to face left him baffled to say the least.
30. is your friend a social butterfly or more of a loner? Something in between. He hates useless small talks and fake politeness but understands their necessity when required. 
31. who are their closest chooms in NC? He doesn’t have any. Never cared enough to rely on people and always expected a knife in the back. His most regular stable contact is probably Rachel Vogelman but  they’re not even close to being chooms.
32. do they have anyone they would consider family? His mom and his sister are the only family he needs.
33. what is/was their relationship like with their parents? He loves his mother Jessica who raised him to be a well-rounded personality that can always land on his feet. She’s an economist with a good sense of humor and interest in arts. But he doesn’t have much emotional connection with his father Mark, since the guy is always busy with his retail business.
34. do they have siblings? He has a sister named Brit who is 15 years younger.
35. how would you describe their relationship with their family? Max is close with his family, although they’re all often too busy to meet regularly but they keep in touch.
36. who is their biggest enemy? Detective Marc Sanderson? Hard to say for now because there’s no official lore information on him yet.
37. tell a short story about your character with their best choom. His rivalry with Rachel Vogelman was almost comic at times, which only worked against them as their colleagues called them siblings on purpose. But since the two have mutually beneficial relationships now he can admit Rachel is pretty good at what she does. He won’t tell it to her though to avoid giving her the pleasure. They have both grown up after losing their corporate jobs but some habits die hard.
38. do they have a love interest? if so, who? His current LI is Michiko Arasaka. Initially he'd met her as Ichigo (a Japanese name that means strawberry) in a cyber sex VR club while he still worked in Arasaka. It was a series of encounters they both enjoyed until he abruptly put an end to it during his unemployment. He suspects she started digging info on him because she reached out to him some time after he had made a small name for himself as a solo. 
39. are they in a committed relationship or do they date around? Given the social gap between the two and solely sexual nature of their affair it’s implied they’re in open relationship. Besides it’s unknown if Michiko is still married. However, despite loving sex Max can be picky because he’s slightly fixated on hygiene. Michiko also sparked genuine curiosity and creativity in him with her wild and magnetic personality.
40. has your character ever been in love? if so, with who? No, what is love? He won’t recognize it even if falls in it.
41. do they believe in soulmates? No, he believes in shared goals.
42. do they believe in love at first sight? A ridiculous notion.
43. describe their ideal date. Their idea of romantic evening is to hook up in clubs where it’s noisy and crowded enough to ignore them but also to tickle their nerves. Sometimes they have a follow-up in motels (Michiko knows all the right places) if they can afford it. I don’t mean financially of course. Currently such state of affairs suits both of them perfectly.
44. would your character ever get married? Theoretically he can but marriage is a serious commitment, and right now he’s not interested in making one. And when it comes to Michiko it’s a no-no for a variety of obvious reasons. 
45. what was your characters first impression of their partner(s)? Michiko Arasaka was not someone he expected to see when Ichigo asked for a real life meeting. She definitely enjoyed the effect she made while Max was trying to figure out in his mind if this was a setup. She was bold, straightforward and irresistable - not like anyone he has ever met before. The whole situation felt like getting into a sports car without breaks. Once in a lifetime opportunity, a one-way ticket. And he took it. He suspects he’s not the first and not the last such input for her but life is too short for missing out the fun.
46. are they open about their relationship or low key? how would other people feel about them together? Somewhat semi-open. Max’s mom knows and she’s worried for him, although she knows he can take care of himself. And Michiko doesn’t mind him telling about her to his family as he has no friends and isn’t the type to brag, and she doesn’t care if anyone recognizes her in public. Her social circle wouldn’t care about him, and those who might won’t be able to do a thing about it.
47. share a headcanon about your character and their partner(s). Just one? I’ve already got plenty. • Michiko calls him Max and he calls her Ichigo or Ichi (one) because that’s how they’ve met and it's something of their inside joke, a secret; • Michiko keeps him at distance on purpose. She studied his profile long before they’ve met face to face and probably knows what he wants for breakfast before he even wakes up. So she knows Max has opportunistic tendencies like majority of mid-tier corpos. But another reason is that she also doesn’t want things to get serious and complicated between them because it can ruin the fun. She appreciates he doesn’t ask stupid questions or demands more attention than she can give him; • Michiko likes to подъебывать Max. I guess the closest English equivalent would be to tease - cracking suggestive jokes on him, giving him simple presents she finds hilarious, sending him nudes and demanding payment with his in the most inappropriate times. She is amused Max tolerates her shit so stoically - but she’s never malicious, disrespectful or obnoxious. In return Max knows it’s hard to impress someone who comes from the Arasaka bloodline & that it would be safer not to get on their bad side, so he focuses on making her feel good. And strangely it makes him feel good too.  • Max loves to touch her hair. Michiko always looks flawless when they meet and he adores her for it. • When Arasaka Tower was under attack Max called her until she finally picked up as he was genuinely concerned about her safety. He asked if she was alright and offered to take her home but she refused. She doesn’t know he was waiting outside.
48. share three songs you associate with your character and their partner(s). Garbage - Bad Boyfriend Eisbrecher - Exzess Express [translation] Eisbrecher - Rot wie die Liebe [translation] Bonus: Dinah Washington - Relax, Max - a song Michiko likes to tease him with.
49. name three of your characters biggest turn ons. Mature, confident women who know what they want and don’t waste anyone’s time.
50. name three of your characters biggest kinks. Touching Michiko in public - it’s the kink of kinks.
51. do they like having multiple partners or do they prefer monogamy? He doesn’t like being in relationships. The secret to his successful affair with Michiko is that both are totally free of any commitments and expectations from each other. Normally he prefers flings, BDs and cyber sex. But currently his mind is occupied with one specific woman with blue hair.
52. do they watch porn or braindances? Porn is ancient, BDs are far more superior.
53. would your character ever make an explicit braindance? He doesn’t have the right implant for that. He might though but not with Michiko - he’s not that stupid. 
54. do they have any cybernetic enhancements that serve sexual purposes? He’s no netrunner but he got himself a Stephenson cyberdeck that supposedly prolongs orgasms. Turns out the cyberdeck can be useful for other things as well, even moreso as now he doesn’t have a corpo protection and needs to be more careful.
55. do they have a preference for ‘ganic bodies or do they like modifications? He doesn’t like cheap implants. Other than that he doesn’t care.
56. name three of your characters biggest turn offs. Poor hygiene, naivete and girls who don’t know when to quit. 
57. what is their ultimate fantasy? or ““secret”“ kink? Michiko is his ultimate fantasy now. There’s something liberating and intoxicating about having her at the tips of your fingers moaning your name. He feels like he can try anything with her and she won’t say no, although he is aware it’s an illusory freedom.
58. would they ever use any substances like aphrodisiacs, alcohol or drugs during sex? Yes because why not? It’s not necessary but it can’t hurt.
59. what is their wildest sexual experience? A corpo group sex party. It was fun but he doesn’t like joytoys, even premium ones. Had to do a medical check-up afterwards.
60. are they more submissive or dominant? Dominant. But one time Michiko cuffed him to bed and he didn’t mind.
61. does your character need to have an intimate relationship with someone to have sex? or do they prefer being unattached? Unattached is best at the moment. Though he’s not fully aware he’s currently attached.
62. has your character ever participated in group sex? In the past, during his Arasaka days. 
63. do they like to sext or play over the holo? Why not both, depending on situation. 
64. has your character ever ghosted someone after a sexual encounter? Yes because he doesn’t like attachment. The reason he didn’t ghost Ichigo was that she was always creative during their virtual meetings.
65. how would they react if they were ghosted by someone they like after a sexual encounter? If Michiko ghosted him he’d be probably pissed and then upset. But he suspects she’d tell him first because there’s a certain amount of trust between them.
66. do they prefer kink oriented sex or spontaneous passionate sex? Usually the latter but the former is good too.
67. how do they get down on their own? quick and easy or do they have to romance themselves a little? It depends on a moment.
68. in what outfit do they feel sexiest? how do they dress to impress? Naked is the best. He dresses sharp because that’s how he was raised and also because it makes him feel good about himself. He mostly prefers clean black suits.
69. do they like having music on while they have sex? share three songs they’d play while getting down. He usually doesn’t care but Michiko likes to put on something energetic and loud when they’re in motels. This is just to give the idea of the mood: Fatboy Slim - Ya Mama Beastie Boys - Sabotage Mylène Farmer - Des larmes
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liya4kar · 3 years
Liyada’s Fics Masterpost
It was time I wrote a Fic Masterpost.
So for everyone who is interested by my fics, firstly I invit you on my AO3 where you can litteraly find everythng, especially since I don’t post the fics directly on Tumblr. 
And if you want the details, here we go!
Also here the plan, because the post is really long lmao-
I/ Pokespe
1. Multi-chap fics
a) Three Years
b) The Magical Dexholders
2. AUs
a) Yorozuya no Lack-chan
b) Legendary Dexholders
c) Blonde Family
d) Yokai AU
3. Stand-alone OS and Drabbles
a) OS
b) Drabbles
II/ Other fandoms
a) Champion (Marvel)
I/ Pokespe
1. Multi-Chap Fics
a) Three Years
This one is my baby, the one I had been working on for 2 years and a half, the one I progressed the more in, and also the one I haven’t updated in a year even if I have 6 chapters ready to post, cause I’m lazy af. Also the ones where you can very easily see how much my writing progressed since I started writing for Pokéspe.
Warning: Graphic Description of Violence, Major Character Death (though this one is complicate and don’t fully apply)
Genre: Angst, Adventure.
Words Count: 69,567
Statut: In Progress
Characters: The whole Spe cast up to SM.
Relationship: Background Frantic, Entourage, Agency and Laverree, a lot of other friendships.
Summary: Some secrets should never be revealed. Or should they?
After a strange explosion, X and Y fear the apparition if a new threat for Kalos, and decide to get themselves implicate. But things are not as simple as they look, and nothing will go the way they want. And as those attacks take bigger scales and start to involve a large number of people, they would have no choice but to find the motive behind them to stop them; even if it means getting back on some bitter memories from three years ago they all would have preferred to forget...
List of chapters: Part I: Kalos
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1. The Explosion
2. The Lumiose Badlands
3. Shalour City
4. The Attack
5. Next Action
6. Lumiose City
7. Blackout
8. Chase in Lumiose City
9. The Next Day
10. Couriway Town
11. Sunrise
12. Tic Tac
13. Terminus
Part II: Unova
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14. A Day in Driftveil City I
14.5. A Day in Driftveil City II
15. Welcome to Unova I
15.5. Welcome to Unova II
16. The Twist Mountain I
16.5. The Twist Mountain II
b) The Magical Dexholders
This one is purely self-indulgent fic, where I basically write the dumbest thing that get in my mind. Aka some Dexholders become Magical Girls or Boys, but they’re dumb, but it’s okay because the bad guys, their friends and their world in general is dumb.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Parody, Humor, Friendship
Words Count; 27,944
Statut: In progress
Characters: The whole Spe cast up to SM, and some OCs
Relationship: Diamond & Silver, Blue & Yellow & Gold & Platinum, Green & Crystal & Pearl
It’s an emergency! The Darkness Power Of The Terrible Evil has invading the Pokespe world and take over the region of Kanto! Some magical fluffy creatures needs help in order to stop the Darkness Power Of The Terrible Evil!
The day Dia met a strange professor fan of Magical Boy and a strange pink creature, he knew his life would never be the same...
In the meantime, Blue and Yellow have to face a terrible threat to get back their home, but get new abilities in exchange.
List of chapters:
1.  A story is not interesting if nothing go wrong in it
2.  If you are a Magical Boy, don't forget to take an insurance for building destruction!
3.  If the authorities say that a radioactive cloud did magically stop at the border, you can totally trust them!
4.  You can’t be a protagonist if you don’t have an ultimate move, a dark past or a secret identity!
5.  No matter how good it looks on TV, sh*t stay sh*t!
6.  An homage to a work becomes a fanfiction when it becomes an important part of the plot, you moron!
7. If you update on the 1st April everyone's gonna believe it's a joke, even if it isn't, so update on the 31st March!
2. AUs
Those fics are not multi-chap fics, but more like OS and drabbles that are related between each others.
a) Yorozuya no Lack-chan
Heavily inspired by Gintama, AU where Lack did not get back in Interpol and started doing odd jobs instead. Serie of Drabbles.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Parody, Humor, Friendship
Characters: Lack-Two, Whi-Two, X, Sun
Relationship: Lack-Two & Whi-Two, Lack-Two & X, Lack-Two & Sun
When Whi-Two bumped into Lack-Two after months, she was not expecting him to went from Interpol officer to dog walker. And neither that he’d get her, and this guy from Kalos, to join he’s odd jobs agency.
List of chapters:
Dogwalker Lack-Two in action!
The Blazing Begining of Odd Jobs Yorozuya no Lack-Chan! 
b) Legendary Dexholders
In a world where being a legendary Pokémons can be boring, the legendary Pokémons decides to have a little bit of funs. Shenanigans ensue.
Aka the legendary Pokémons decides to become humans, and of course they happen to be our favorite DHs.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Friendship, Family, Supposed to be comic at first but also goes on the character study sometimes
Characters: Silver, Giratina, others for next OS.
Relationship: Implied Preciousmetal, Blue & Silver
When Whi-Two bumped into Lack-Two after months, she was not expecting him to went from Interpol officer to dog walker. And neither that he’d get her, and this guy from Kalos, to join he’s odd jobs agency.
List of chapters: Giratina
c) Blonde Family
In which Yellow, Pearl, Bianca and Y are all cousins. Shenanigans enssue.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Family, Comedy, Crime
Characters: Yellow, Pearl, Bianca, Y
Relationship: Yellow & Pearl & Bianca & Y
Family reunions are rarely all peace and calm. But when, out of four cousins, you have three Dexholders and a clumsy professor assistant, things are bond to be messy.
List of chapters: To be a cousin, Don't listen others confessions or you'll end as responsible as them
d) Yokai AU
What if yokai existed in the Spe universe? 
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Supernatural, Friendship, Adventures
Characters: Pearl, Schilly
Relationship: Pearl & Schilly
Pearl had first seen them when he was four years old. And he had learned to live with this world only he could see, to maintain his balance of a normal life.
He had just not expected one of his junior to also see them.
List of chapters: Chilling Party
3. Stand alone OS and drabbles
a) OS
Here you can find the 1K+ words stand-alone OS. Links are in the tittles!
A Good Christmas Movie is Made of Hot Chocolate and a Fire-Breathing Cat
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Horror, Parody, Christmas, Hallmark Movie, Specord Winter Writing Event 2020
Words count: 4093
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Y, Sun
Relationship: Implied Laverree and Delivery shipping, Y & Sun
Everything is perfect in Y's life. Too perfect, like in a Christmas Hallmark movie. Now, with a fire-breathing cat name Sun, it's up to her to find a way out of this Christmas hell.
One-shot wrote for the Winter Writing Event on the Specord, with the prompt X & Sun, Horror and Parody, My Life is a Hallmark Movie and PMD, and Chuck E Cheese's Ball Pit.
Celebi-rities in Distress
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Parody, Friendship, TV Show
Words Count: 5017
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Sapphire, Lisia, Ruby, Emerald.
Relation Ship: Background Franticshipping, Sapphire & Lisia, Ruby & Emerald
Sometimes, it only takes a silly TV show, weird games and arrogant prissy boys to make a new friends.
Or how Sapphire became friend with Lisia to teach Ruby and Emerald a good lesson.
Bonding on the Grand Line
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: One Piece AU, Pirate
Words Count: 2948
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Pearl, Cheren, Sinnoh and Unova Gym Leaders
Relation Ship: Pearl & Cheren, Mentionned Commoner Shipping, Past Pearl & Diamond & Platinum, Mentionned Cheren & Black
In a world where Gold Roger is still an unknow name, Pearl and his crew left North Blue for the Grand Line. But are they ready for everything waiting them?
Of Swords & Of a Gun
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: AU, Angst, 
Words count: 4209
Statut: Two-Shot, in progress
Characters: Pearl, Cheren, Sinnoh and Unova Gym Leaders
Relation Ship: Soudo & Bede, Bede & Rose, Soudo & Schilly, Schilly/Hop, Bede & Schilly & Hop
In a world where everyone has a Sword, Bede is an abnormality who has a Gun.
In a world where the Tsurugi family is the best blacksmith clan of Galar, Soudo fails to meet people's expectations.
In a world where they have to fight and find their places, will the two of them discover why they exist? Maybe the answer had been in front of their eyes since the beginning.
Pallet Association
Warning: Graphic Description of Violence, Major Character Death <3
Genre: Cyberpunk AU, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Kanto Week, Angst, Dystopia, May be a bit OOC for certain characters
Words count: 3637
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Prof. Chen
Relation Ship: Green & Blue, Green & Blue & Red & Yellow, Green & Prof. Chen
In Pallet City, one of the biggest megalopolis in the world, the Pallet Association controls everything. Blue, Red, Yellow, and Green decide that it needs to change.
But Green may have forgotten to mention a few details to them.
(This OS have two alternative endings because I couldn’t picke one)
Warning: No Warning Applies 
Genre: Fluff, Domestic, Comedy,  Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Johto Week
Words count: 2843
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Silver, Gold, Crystal
Relation Ship: Silver & Crstal & Gold
Silver has apparently never heard a fairytale of his whole life, so Gold and Crystal decide to give him an express fairytale class. Turned out that it was a really bad idea.
Festival War
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Hoenn Week
Words count: 2843
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Emerald, Latias, Ruby, Sapphire
Relation Ship: Franticshipping, Emerald & Latias, Emerald & Ruby & Sapphire
It's the summer, it's time for festivals, but with the Hoenntrio and their love for bets and contests, it could only go wrong.
Family Business
Warning: Craphic Description of Violence, Minor Character Deaths <3
Genre: Angst, Villain AU, tw: Drugs, Weapons, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Sinnoh Week
Words count: 3596
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Platinum, Diamond, Pearl
Relation Ship: Implied Entourage
Because she was the heir of the Berlitz family, she will continue to develop their wealth and their power, no matter what it takes. No matter if the path she’ll take was full of blood and corpses and crimes.
Parent-Teacher Reunion
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, School life (but it’s still in the canon universe), Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Unova Week 1
Words count: 2638
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Cheren, Black, White, Bianca, Iris
Relation Ship: Agency Shipping, Cheren & Black & White & Bianca & Iris
Did you ever wonder how was Black's school life? Well, welcome in this parent-teacher reunion where Cheren have some things to say about his childhood friend... 
Crimes Movies are Sad Except When Everyone is Dumb
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Crime, Comedy, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Unova Week 2
Words count: 5565
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Whi-Two, Lack-Two, Hugh
Relation Ship: Whi-Two & Lack-Two & Whi-Two
It was a normal day for Whi-Two. A casting, a murder, two former classmates coming from nowhere... ... Wait, what?
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Character Study, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Kalos Week
Words count: 2198
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: (Malva’s) Delphox, Trevor, Furfrou, Floette
Relation Ship: Delphox & Trevor, Delphox & Furfrou & Floette
Delphox was strong. Malva was strong, too, but Malva's had lost, so Malva was weak.
Delphox had lost too, but she could not admit she was weak too.
No, she was strong.
It was the boy who was weak.
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Negative Spe AU, Adventure, Friendship, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Alola Week
Words count: 1649
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Sun, Moon
Relation Ship: Sun & Moon
Sun always liked helping at the soup kitchen, seeing the smile and laughs of everybody around him, but the lunch breaks were always the best moment.
Too bad that this girl decided to ruin this one.
The Child of the Outdoor
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Character study, pre-canon, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Galar Week
Words count: 1317
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Schilly, her Pokémons
Relation Ship: Schilly & her Pokémons
Schilly always loved outdoors. It was joy, fun and great memories. It was her Pokémons, too.
Professor Santa
Collab with @coppertrapinch for the Specord Secret Santa Event! (Check her work she’s amazing!)
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, Christmas, Specord Secret Santa Event 2021
Words count: 3623
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Prof. Oak, Prof. Birch, Prof. Samson Oak, Prof. Rowan, Prof. Juniper, Crystal, Gold, Sapphire, Trevor, Soudo, Schilly, Prof. Magnolia
Relation Ship: Prof. Oak & his need for a break
Something was bound to go wrong with Gold organizing a party... but a Secret Santa on top of that? Poor Crystal was just too stressed at work... it was time for Professor Oak to step up to the plate. Can the renowned Professor save Christmas in time without gaining another wrinkle?
...No. No he cannot.
The Christmasly Idiotic Adventures of Pearl and Lack-Two, or the time when two idiots stopped an evil organization while being on a gift hunt
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, Christmas, Specord Secret Santa Event 2021, Crime (??), Adventure
Words count: 5326
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Pearl, Lack-Two
Relation Ship: Pearl & Lack-Two
Pearl liked Christmas. Really. Well, except when some (false) "Gift Fashion Specialist Journalist" disturbs all his plans and ruins his gift hunt. Why do he has to get a present for such a brat anyway? 
Screw up Secret Santa! This year, we're gonna kick some ass for Christmas!
b) Drabbles
Ok no big presentation here cause it’s only very short drabbles (>1K words)
Valentine Day 2020: Laveree Shipping
Valentine Day 2020: Entourage Shipping
X teachs incorrect French words to Gold
Crystal is scary and very powerful
Soudo and Chilly don’t like they English localized name, and Marvin is too young for this
II/ Other fandoms
a) Champions (comics)
Heat-Haze Days
Warning: Graphic Description of Violence, Major Character Death <3
Genre: Angst, inspired by the Kagepro song “Kagerou Days”, Time loop
Words count: 4213
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Miles Morales/Spiderman, Kamala Khan/Miss Marvel, Sam Alexander/Nova
It was a normal summer day, everything was fine... But the heat of haze had decided otherwise, and it was up to Miles to try to find a way out. 
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blue-eyed-korra · 4 years
Is Dylan really Kieran? A Theory Dissection:
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So I’ve taken the time to process everything that’s happened in the amazing season finale of Purple Hyacinth because I didn’t want to rush into posting about it and I really wanted to let my thoughts about it simmer for a bit. I also decided to reread the entire season over the course of a couple days to get the best idea of how it worked as a whole. Once again if you haven’t read this yet please do yourself a favour and check it out it’s really phenomenal.
I’ll probably make a few posts about PH over the next couple weeks as we wait for season 2. However I won’t post an analysis of the finale mainly because Lanxyuu already did an amazing job of that already. Check it out if you’ve got the time, it’s 10000 words of pure analytical gold. Writing about any of that would be redundant. That being said the first thing I’m gonna talk about is the whole ‘Is Kieran actually Dylan’ theory that’s the new hot thing in the fandom, mainly because I’ve received a lot of requests to discuss it and also because I feel like I can add my own points to the debate.
So let’s just get it out of the way: do I think Kieran is Dylan? As of right now the answer is no. I just don’t think we have enough evidence to prove it, and what’s there is more circumstantial. That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy theorizing about it. I’ve found that discussing and sharing theories and ideas is one of my favourite ways to interact with a fandom. So I’m gonna put all of the evidence that I’ve observed in the entire first season both in favour of and against this theory and show why I think we can’t say that Kieran is Dylan. I’m not telling you to not believe it. Believe what you want! Like I said it’s fun to do this. I’ve just been specifically asked my opinion and I want to be able to justify it through what I’ve seen in the comic itself. 
For more of my posts about Purple Hyacinth check out my ‘ph posts’ tag!
So with all of that out of the way, let’s get started!
Evidence in favour of Kieran being Dylan:
One of the things I think most of us can agree on is that Dylan probably isn’t really dead. In general if I’m not shown a body, I don’t believe they’re dead. I’ve seen far too many movies and TV shows and have read far too many novels to be fooled by that. As of right now, in my head, Dylan is alive, or at least wasn’t killed in the bombing. So obviously if he isn’t dead then that frees him up to show up in the plot at some point or maybe he was there all along...?
This kind of ties into my next point: what happened to him then? His hat was found at the scene, so he must have lost it at some point before the explosion. This is all speculative, but he could have been snatched up by Tim and the driver in Lauren’s parents car. We heard Tim mention that children were in the car so it’s somewhat plausible that Dylan could have been kidnapped. Maybe he saw something suspicious and snooped around a bit which lead to him being snatched up or something. From there he’s tortured and broken and made into an assassin for the PS. Only he isn’t broken. He steels his resolve and does as he’s told because he’s now set on biding his time and getting revenge on those who robbed him of his life and humanity. It makes for a pretty compelling character arc.
The tragedy of his character arc could also be supplemented by the fact that when he was young, he wanted to be a doctor and save lives, but they made him into an assassin who takes lives. Brutally. Violently. Painfully. All of this would emphasize why he views himself as such a monster. The person he is now goes against everything the person he once was values. It’s this dichotomy that reinforces his ‘monster’ persona and allows him to justify this view of himself.
Another point is that this could explain why Kieran hesitated when he could have killed Lauren way back in episode 3. Of course he would hesitate to kill someone who was his close friend. Most of his murders were of people he either didn’t know or didn’t know very well. If he’d had a close friendship with her in childhood, it would obviously make him stop for a moment when he realizes who she is, just like he does in that episode. We even see Lauren say that if she knew why he hesitated then ‘everything would be different’. Obviously if she found out that he was her-long-lost-thought-to-be-dead friend, the person who symbolized her guilt for not stopping the bombing, the plot would be waaaaaay different. Just like the line about being the most blind of all in the prologue, the implications of this line are going to play a major role in the story, and this theory could explain that.
Then there’s those god damned purple hyacinths. Obviously Dylan’s knowledge of these flowers, both in their cultivation and meaning, are things that Kieran must know too. We pretty much know that they’re his signature for both their royal symbolism and their use in mourning, and that Kieran must have a stash of them growing somewhere. There’s also the fact that Lauren, who we know is very intelligent and well educated even at 12, doesn’t know the meaning of purple hyacinths other than their use as a symbol by the royal family. This tells me that their symbolism outshines their meaning in the traditional sense within the pop culture. Honestly, I didn’t even know the meanings of most flowers except for roses until I started reading this Webtoon. I’m not saying that people don’t know the meaning at all, I’m just saying it may not be common knowledge.
The final point I wanna talk about in favour of this theory is their appearances, since that will bleed nicely into the points against it for obvious reasons. So many people, myself included, have noticed that if you switch Dylan’s hair and eye colouring for Kieran’s, he’d basically look like little Kieran, and yes, I see it too. You could say that he could be dying his hair, it’s not crazy to believe hair dye exists in this world. How else does Belladonna have pink hair if they didn’t have access to dye? Unless it’s just stains from the blood of her victims… Actually that could be a theory lol but that’s not the point. Point is Kieran could theoretically have his hair dyed black, but it’s a bit of a stretch, as I explain in...
Evidence against Kieran being Dylan:
While he maaaaay be able to change his hair colour from light blond to black, there’s no way for him to change his eye colour from grey to blue. If rectangular glasses don’t even exist in this world yet (thank you Soph for this justification for why you gave him Harry Potter glasses), there’s no way that they’d have access to contact lenses yet. The other argument is that his eye colour changed with age but that feels a bit too... convenient for my taste. Odds are our boy Kieran is sporting the look he was born with.  Additionally, with everything going on in his life and his priorities, when would he have the time to constntly maintain this look, and why would he feel the need to disguise himself in the first place? He already operates in the shadows of the night and none of the authorities, other than Lauren, were able to get close enough to describe his appearance. There would simply be no need for all of that extra disguising.
Speaking of his appearance, we’ve seen one of his victims recognize him before he murders them. He says something interesting: ‘You were that boy’. Now this whole thing is one of my favourite mysteries of the series, so you best believe I am jumping on this shit the second we get more info about it. But for now, I want to use it to show that this aristocrat, who were loyal to the crown and presumably hadn’t seen him in years, took one look at Kieran’s face and immediately recognized him from when he was a child. If this man knew he had these same features as a boy, then it’s safe to assume that he’s always looked like this. This also links him to the aristocracy, since there’s no reason why this man of high status in opposition the PS would know anything about him unless he knew him before he entered the PS. Dylan, on the other hand, was the son of a gardener. He was friends with Lauren sure, but he clearly was of a lower station in society than someone like Lauren or the other aristocratic families. It’s doubtful that he’d leave such an impression on this high society man.
On top of all of that, if he were really Dylan and this man really did see through his change in appearance, why wouldn’t Lauren see through it too? She was one of his best friends and thinks about him constantly. If this man was able to recognize him in a single moment but she still doesn’t recognize him after months, then odds are he just isn’t Dylan.
There’s also the fact that Kieran doesn’t lie when he tells Lauren his name. It’s the same name that people like Belladonna know him by and it’s the name he uses when he becomes the archivist in Lauren’s precinct. Like he said before: there’s no need for him to hide his identity. He’s protected by his reputation and the PS itself. I can see an argument where he could have ‘renounced’ his old name because the person he once was is dead and only the monster remains, which is again a cool theory , or you could say it’s to keep people from knowing that he’s actually alive. But there would be no real need for him to change his name. He could have two names just like the hyacinths have two meanings. I will say that this theory about ‘Kieran White’ not being his true name could also work in favour for him not being Dylan too as, if he was an aristocrat, the PS could have changed his name to hide him from his family as well, but that’s neither here nor there, just something to consider. For now we know that he really is Kieran White and there’s no evidence to disprove that (yet).
Finally, many of the points listed in favour of the theory; the motive, the character arc, the knowledge of flowers, it’s all circumstantial. For all we know, Kieran could be Dylan Rosenthal, or he could be some boy connected to the aristocracy or even the royal family. He could be Dylan Rosenthal, or he could be his own character with his own arc yet to be fully revealed who’s connected to Lauren somehow. The meaning of purple hyacinths could come from Dylan’s prior knowledge, or they could common knowledge and Kieran just bought ‘Gardening for Dummies’ or some shit to make sure he didn’t kill them. Any number of different things could really be at play that we simply don’t know yet. But we do know that a man recognized him at a glance while Lauren, Dylan’s best friend, didn’t recognize him whatsoever. We do know that there’s no proof that hair and especially eye colour can be changed in this world. We do know that we still have quite a ways to go in this story and that the answers aren’t what we expect.
Eph and Soph have done an amazing job of revealing the story to us in disjointed pieces so that when we finally get that one piece that fits, may of them fall into place too. How many of us realized it was her parents’ car in the picture before it was revealed in episode 49? Or thought that Harvey was a spy all along? I don’t think we know nearly enough about him to prove he’s Dylan, but what we do have at this moment is enough to disprove it. What we have now is primarily speculation versus hard physical evidence. We need to accept that we don’t have all the pieces to the puzzle yet and that we’ll only receive new ones little by little.
So, until we learn more about Kieran’s past or until we see ‘changing-eye-colour’ join ‘lie-detecting’ as a new supernatural ability, I’m afraid that I can’t fully get behind this theory. Again, this doesn’t mean I’m telling you not to believe it. Thinking about all the implications of Kieran being Dylan is a lot of fun, just like thinking about Kieran’s backstory and motives is fun. And I could be wrong about all of this, who knows? Writing this just got me really excited to see where his arc will lead us and even more excited for season 2!
Thanks again to everyone who wanted me to discuss this! I had a lot of fun writing it and would love to hear feedback from you guys about any thing you may want to contribute that I may not have mentioned. This post was born of a sleepless night into morning and a need to get all my thoughts out of my brain so it could finally turn off and let me sleep. I already have an idea about what I’m gonna write next so stay tuned and thanks again for all the support!!
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peachade · 4 years
Writing Asks
thank u to sarah @soldouthaz, lily @theisolatedlily and late @tomlinvelvetfics for tagging me !!
1. describe how you first started writing and when you first posted
started in eighth grade after moving which fucked me up (i’m still to recover lmao) n i needed a distraction, reading had always helped but writing is what let me see what the root of my agony was. (im not trying to be pretentious i swear) i first started on wattpad (love hate relationship to this day) and beginning of lockdown this year gravitated to ao3 which has been my saving grace !!!
2. which of your characters do you typically resonate most closely with? do you base any characters off of yourself?
so far i’ve mostly written in louis’ pov. i’ve had to ask this question in the early stages — i resonate the closest to harry. most of my wips are harry centric for that reason. i mean, yes and no — i tend to take some part of me and fit it into the character but at the same time i don’t like seeing me on a page so yes and no.
3. where do you often find inspiration?
EVERYWHERE. mostly others’ stories be it in the way of songs, music, writing, art. usually it’s me coming across a vaguely aesthetic picture and my brain spitting out one or two random scenes and me trying to make that a story.
4. has quarantine helped or hindered your writing process?
both !!! i have new wips but also i lost a lot of motivation to do anything for a bit. school is sucking the soul out of me — it’s both easier and harder with it being online, the worst part is i can never truly feel like i’m getting a break from it. recently it’s been easier for me bc of the friends i made (ily all) it’s hindered a little bit bc i can’t go out and watch people and streetlights and the blur of cars and try to pour out that feeling into words and create something. at the same time it’s helped me gain more perspective on people and relationships which has been a massive help to writing in general.
5. do you listen to music/noise while you write or do you prefer silence?
depending on the number of classes i have/attend, my mental stability, the story and my sensitivity. i often can’t stand loud noises so there’s that but there is always some noise or the other so it’s never truly silent. i like it that way. sometimes i just play intense studying playlist on spotify and write, Lucida by Odin Sørlie and Haunted Heart by Dawn, Dawn, Dawn are my favourites.
6. what is your biggest writing pet peeve in your writing or in general?
excessive usage of the same word in mine. in general, i’m not a fan of stereotypical characters or romanticising harmful themes.
7. describe your ideal writing setup
2 am, in bed, music still ringing in my ears, three texts from my best friend about a story or about their day. under the blanket, the room smelling of chocolate or something sweet.
8. favorite time of day to write?
anytime but afternoon. those hours are for naps.
9. favorite genre to write + one you’d like to try writing in the future?
fiction? i’d love to write a fantasy au 👀
10. do you struggle with writer’s block? how do you typically overcome it?
yep yep. i just edit an old story or read my old works or other writers’ fics. i gave up trying to force myself into writing — i hated the end product and felt bad so.
11. what is the easiest part of your writing process and the most difficult?
probably the emotions? dialogue without a doubt — i dread writing it. it doesn’t come to me naturally. i can write lengths without dialogue tbh. also smut — it’s an eh eh aspect.
12. how do you come up with original characters? (if applicable)
my wonderful friends. they do dumb shit and i want to tell the world about their dumb shit so i make characters out of them.
13. what is your favorite and least favorite word?
as of now it is fucker — delightful word that one. least favourite is probably squelch — just no.
14. what is one thing about your writing that you’re really proud of and one thing you hope to continue working at?
the dreamy feeling i manage to write without a doubt !!!! dialogue and pacing. i don’t have the best dialogue or the pacing or the length for fics but i’m working on all of those !!
15. what work of yours has your favorite ‘verse/world building? how did you come up with it?
still a wip so i can’t tell you much except that it’s a proper treat. will write this once i’ve posted that fic !!
16. what font and size do you write in? single spaced or double?
*nervous laughter* the font changes from fic to fic — crush is comic sans, size 11. October was Lora, 11. Twisted in bedsheets is courier new, 11. stargazing is spectral, 11. so yeah — whatever the fic demands. single spaced !!!! except when i’m overwhelmed i do double spaces.
17. what is a typo(s) you find yourself making consistently?
I Cannot Type. if you think i can — congratulations you were fooled. autocorrect is the loml.
18. (if applicable) do you separate fic writing from fandom?
of course !!!! i basically do not exist out of my writing.
19. what emotion is your favorite to write? which is the most difficult?
pain, pining, longing. lust.
20. what is one thing you hope readers always take away from your works?
we’re all fucked up but we’re trying and trying sometimes is enough. you shouldn’t spend your life carved out around one person. it’s okay to ask for help and need a shoulder to lean on. i hope these come across in my future fics !!!!
21. what is the best and worst writing advice you’ve ever received?
bold of you to assume i’ve ever received advice.
22. which one of your works would you most want to see turned into a film/television show?
a new fic. will update the answer once that fic is out !!!!!
23. do you write scenes chronologically or out of order?
chronologically. i can’t do out of order. i do have a page full of scribbles but they are to tell me the order sjakmd.
24. how do you handle criticism?
if it’s constructive then well. no thick skin tbh. makes me feel as if i need validation from someone else on my art which isn’t necessary but my brain is wired to seek it and it’s a hassle.
25. what is the advice you would give to someone who is looking to start writing?
write everything you would want to read. write it bad, don’t worry about the quality. don’t worry about the audience. end of the day, it should be something you can turn to for comfort not something that makes you feel bad.
26. what kind of feedback on your work always makes your day?
people telling me they like my writing and it could take them out of this world for a few minutes !!!!!
27. which fic ‘verse of your own would you most like to exist in? which fic’s characters would you most like to befriend?
probably crush verse !!!! harry — his is probably the one character where i dump most of me in.
28. what do you always enjoy getting asks about/wish people would ask about more?
rant to me about anything. i enjoy talking. ask me about wips so i can take the little guilt and write more.
29. what has writing added to your life? how has it changed you?
it’s nice to let go and express things and create characters with a better situation than mine.
30. why do you write?
keep myself busy.
boost yourself + tags
1a. share the last sentence you wrote
No kissing. No flashbacks.
2a. describe the wip you’re most excited about
a little something i’m writing inspired by @brickredtoe’s art !!!!
3a. share the piece of dialogue from one of your works you’re most proud of
ok. well. from 5436 miles
“Or we could always add a trail of stars to one of those moons,” he replies, words dragged out, rolling around in his mouth.
He can see the glint in his eyes even behind his closed lids. Everything about Louis is inked and etched into every fiber of his being.
He would’ve kissed him, words pouring from his mouth into Harry’s, only half his.
He snorts. “And make it seem like the moon has a buttplug? No, thanks.”
4a. share the best first and last lines from your work(s)
both my published fics have circular endings.
5436 miles — Louis always had more stars in his eyes.
these tornadoes are for you — His heart beats in peace.
5a. link to the last fic you read.
sugary sweet by the immensely talented @soldouthaz
6a. link the last work you published
7a. link to your ao3 (if applicable)
8a. someone that inspires you
taylor. she’s so so wonderful.
9a. a comfort fic/work that you’ve been grateful for this year
all of riv, sarah, ris and late’s fics. they’ve been so so comforting. Event Horizon by @mercurial-madhouse
10a. other writers that you’d like to tag!
@mercurial-madhouse @harryanthus are the only ones coming to mind atm. i’ve been up for too long apologies.
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jheselbraum · 4 years
Tbh though some of my favorite ATLA episodes to re-watch are The Headband, and The Ember Island Players, because they highlight how other cultures are perceived by the Fire Nation-- particularly The Ember Island Players, as we get a rare glimpse of how the Fire Nation sees their own culture in how their monarchs are portrayed.
Iroh as a lazy traitor, representing the Earth Kingdom, Zuko mocked even before his "heel turn" in the second act (and the power taken away from Zuko's decision to betray his father, presented as wishy washy with little reason given), the almost comical way the Firelord is revered in the play.
But beyond that, the direct link of Jet's brainwashing to serve the Earth King rather than the Dai Li (who are of course now working for the Fire Nation), the costuming choices for Katara and how sexualized they were-- the low neckline and the slits on her dress exposing most of her legs, even in scenes where they're at the North and South Pole, portraying her as throwing herself at every guy she meets (especially Zuko, who in the show she never really showed any romantic interest in sorry zutara fans but like of course the Fire Nation would want to portray their only eligible male firebending character as desirable to this Water Tribe girl whose village has been decimated by the Fire Nation), the opening line where Katara says living in the Water Tribe isn't fulfilling.
Also, as an aside, the decision to portray Aang using a female actress is one of the few things about the play that might not be directly intended as propaganda-- the Fire Nation is a culture that allows women to perform in theater, and doesn't distinguish between women's work and men's work very often, at least not by official mandate, though social pressure could be another story. It's likely that rather than a culture wherein prepubescent boys are cast for female roles, as was done in many cultures historically, children are less likely to be cast (if they're allowed in the theater at all) and women are cast to play prepubescent boys. Considering that Fire Nation children aren't really allowed to express themselves, and even dancing is prohibited, it's possible that children are typically barred from or otherwise not considered for participating in live theater. This practice can be seen in the voice acting industry especially! While there are child voice actors (as well as standard child actors for film, though the restrictions regarding using children in a years long television or film recording is a whole other post), the length of time between and during recording sessions means that casting a 12 year old to play a 12 year old might mean that by the time recording is done, the character's voice at the end of the show or movie will be very different from how they sounded at the beginning depending on the actor's sex. This is usually fixed by hiring older teens who still sound young, or by hiring adult women capable of getting into the register of a young child, particularly popular if you'd like someone able to take on multiple roles, as a younger actor might not have that range. This issue is less pronounced for female characters as afab people undergo a less significant voice change during puberty than amab people
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hellyeahheroes · 5 years
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Heroines of WOCtober: Rose Wilson
On one of his missions Slade Wilson, better known as Deathstroke the Terminator, Wolrd’s Deadliest Assassin, had to escort a Hmong princess Lilian Worth from Cambodia and along the way he slept with her. Because of course he did. The result of this affair was a girl named Rose. She possesses a precognition ability that allows her to see glimpses of a near future. It is theorized to be a result of her brain being alerted due to her father’s modified super-soldier DNA, allowing it to constantly observe all variables around her and predict what is going to happen.
Slade at first wanted to keep her from his life, going as far as sending her to Teen Titans so they can protect her from him and his enemies. At some point (read, when new writers took over) he changed his name and manipulated her into becoming his apprentice as new Ravager. In fact, he drove her to a point she gouged her own eye to be more like him....and then Slade decided to use her eyesocket as a Kryptonite storage without telling her it causes cancer. Father of the year /sarcasm.
Rescued from Slade’s clutches by Nightwing, Rose would join Teen Titans but her relationship with the team would be wonky. The fact her father is a good candidate to “Officially Bigger Piece of Shit Than the Joker” title doesn’t help. Rose might have been tiptoeing the line between hero, anti-hero and villain depending on the writer, but what she really wants is people who could accept her and for her father to love her. Sadly she got an old man whose idea of showing he cares is to put an anonymous hit on her so he can show up and save her life. I’m not even joking.
NOTE: In recommended reading I will not be putting New 52 books. Not only because they whitewashed her but also because said New 52 books just plain sucked.
Recommended Readings:
Deathstroke #15, #0, #42-48, #51, #55 - Rose’s introduction and early stories
New Teen Titans #122-126 - introduced to Titans, issues not avialable on ComiXology.
The Titans #25-38, #44, #50 - Rose becomes the nanny of Roy Harper’s daughter, Lian.
Teen Titans - Rose is featured through this 100 issue series in various ways, so I’ll just link to whole series and below will reference specific arcs.
Teen Titans 1/2, #7-12 - Rose becoming Ravager
Nightwing #112-117 - Dick teaches Rose how to be a hero and helps her break free of Slade’s control
Teen Titans #34-60 - Rose joins the team
Terror Titans #1-6 - Rose-lead team in clutches of Clock King and Dark Side Club
Deathtrap - Crossover between Teen Titans #69-70, Titans #13 and Vigilante #6 (last one not on ComiXology)
Teen Titans #71-76 and #79-82 have Rose in backup stories they were later collected in a standalone graphic novel Ravager: Fresh Hell
Teen Titans #77-78, #88-100 - First pair of issues has Rose fight zombies with her father, from #88 she rejoins the team.
Deathstroke #1-50 - Technically Rose only shows up in issue #2 and she isn’t in every issue but this book is tightly plotted in a manner that means you will probably have to pick it all (except Deathstroke vs Batman or Teen Titans crossovers) to not get lost. 
Guest appearances
Batgirl #64 - Rose as Slade’s apprentice fights Cassandra Cain
Blue Beetle #18 - As a member of Teen Titans helps Blue Beetle against Lobo.
Alternate Universes
Teen Titans #18-19 - Rose from Titans of Tomorrow Timeline
Tiny Titans #1-20, #29-30, #40, #50 - Rose in acclaimed humorous series for kids
Teen Titans Go! #49 - Despite the name, it is set in continuity with 2003 cartoon and has Rose as the daughter of Slade seeking to avenge him.
DC Comics Bombshells #74-75 and Bombshells United #11, #26-33, #38 - Rose is part of a coven with Enchantress and vampire Barbara Gordon and all 3 and Killer Croc are in a polyamorous relationship.
Flashpoint: Deathstroke and the Curse of the Ravager  #1-3 - In this alternate universe Rose is the daughter of Deathstroke the pirate
In other media:
Rose, voiced by Pamela Adlon, shows up in episodes “Cool School” and “Operation Dude Rescue” of Teen Titans Go! cartoon
Freddi Rogers voices a Mirror Universe Rose, who is a kindhearted political activist and daughter of the president Slade Wilson, in Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths animated movie
Rose is played by Chelsea Zhang in second season of Live-Action series Titans, making the character’s first foray into live-action (amusingly enough the name Ravager traveled to silver screen first, being used by a completely unrelated character in Arrow) 
Rose is playable in Lego DC Super-Villains video game
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yume-x-hanabi · 4 years
Writer Meta Meme
I decided to do all the questions on this meme :)
1. Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
My current project is Concubinage, my gaiwin arranged marriage AU. It started as a random, entirely self-indulgent idea, but it has since grown into an actual project. Progress is good, I’ve managed to do bi-monthly updates and I have 30k in my drafts so far.
What I love the most about it is that, since it’s an AU, I’m pretty free to do whatever I want. I don’t have to be too careful of timelines and so on. Plus, in this AU, Gaius and Wingul are able to get closer than they otherwise would, due to the different circumstances. They have their own trials, but it’s different than in the canon timeline.
Another current project is Tales of Xillia Week, but I didn’t get much inspiration for it so I think I’m gonna do meta/headcanon posts more than fics ^^;
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
I’m looking forward to getting to the part where it’s just domestic fluff haha. It’ll take a while to reach that point though.
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Not just one scene ig, but I’ve been wanting to write one-shots showing how the Chimeriad survived, and... haven’t gotten around to planning it. So it’s pretty low on my project list tbh.
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
I have... a few, but they’re all spoilers for future chapters XD;;
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
I don’t... really identify with characters. I mean, they’re pretty different than me in personality, life and circumstances...
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
I love writing Gaius and Wingul of course, but Agria’s probably the most fun. She’s completely unrestrained, which makes her pretty easy and fun to let loose XD
7. What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
Exposition and worldbuilding XD
I can’t help it, I always need to develop the setting...
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
Yes. I would love it if more people wrote gaiwin XD
9. Are you more of a drabble or a longfic kind of writer? Pantser or plotter? Do you wish you were the other?
I used to be more of a ficlet writer, but I’m currently doing well with a longfic XD
As for the rest, it varies. I like to plot and outline a bit, but it’s often rather loose and I let inspiration guide me.
10. How would you describe your writing process?
Wait for inspiration time, energy and motivation to align.
11. What do you envy in other writers?
Those who update super long fics every week. How do you do it????
12. Do you want your writing to be famous?
Naah, I’m fine in my corner of fandom. Though I wouldn’t say no to a few more readers, if only to know that the ship still sails xD
13. Do you share your writing online? (Drop a link!) Do you have projects you’ve kept just for yourself?
Yep, I post on AO3. And all projects are meant to be posted one day, but some aren’t simply because they aren’t finished.
14. At what point in writing do you come up with a title?
The beginning, usually, but I might change it
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
Tags are easy. Titles and summaries are hard, and I always end up with something boring but heh, as long as they get the meaning across...
16. Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
It was last year, but I tried first person pov with my Agria fic, because that fits her well. I’d like to try poetry, maybe.
17. Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
I have no idea tbh. When I write, I like to imagine what my readers will think (especially like when I write funny scenes, I hope they’ll make people laugh), but idk if it’s exactly like I think.
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
In Concubinage, I considered adding a plotline where Arst met an ex and had to deal with complicated feelings about it -- being reminded how it was to be in a loving relationship vs political marriage, craving intimacy like he used to have with said ex, etc. I ended up scrapping the idea though.
I also have... two or three possible ways things can play out in a much later plotpoint, and I think I’m pretty sure of which way I’ll go already, but the other possibilities exist. Maybe I’ll make a post about all abandoned plotlines one day...
19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
“And, but, and, but...” XD;
Also characters often find themselves doing something before they knew it...
My style is probably pretty repetitive. I’m not a native speaker, and I feel limited sometimes...
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Concubinage is the result of watching too many sageuk and  taiga drama. No I’m not sorry.
When writing AU, I always like to include “cameo” of the original storyline (for example, as the plot of a book, or treating the canon games as a fractured dimension in Chimeriad Live AU’s, etc)
In Fractured Lives, I try to alternate Wingul and Gaius’ pov. It’s probably gonna bite me in the ass when some plot points work better in one pov but the chapter requires the other. I’ll probably have to come up with some fillers or something...
I have extensive headcanon about Auj Oule’s geography, history etc, which pops up in a lot of (planned) fics. Even if it’s different fics/AU’s (ex. Concubinage vs my pre-game gaiwin project vs the Wingul fic I was writing for the big bang), I reuse the same settings and OC’s. Most of those aren’t written/posted yet so it’s pretty self-contained for now, but if I ever get to completing those projects I hope it won’t be too confusing to readers who don’t follow all the stories...
21. What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
If I had the art skills, I’d love to turn some of them into comics ;A;
22. Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
Sometimes. Usually because I need to refresh my memory before writing a new chapter XD
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
That project to write the whole pre-game Gaius & Wingul history, that’s something I’ve been wanting since forever. Well, I originally wanted to read it, but since no one’s gonna do it, I started thinking I should write it. It’s gonna be a huge project though...
24. Would you say your writing has changed over time?
I honestly have no idea. I do sense a difference in that it’s much easier for me to just write now; I guess habit helps. But I have no idea if style changed or anything lol.
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
Filling the tag with my OTP XD
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monicawoe · 5 years
Supernatural fic masterlist
(updated 10/12/19)
I’ve written over 100 spn fics (ranging from ficlets to 70k big-bangs). Most of them are Sam-centric. The whole collection can be found here on AO3
newest fic:
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His Soul to Keep - art by @sketchydean​ - written for the SPN Eldritch Bang horror event - Dean’s deal is coming due soon. When he finds out from Ruby that Hell will turn him into a demon, he refuses to accept it, even though he can already feel pieces of his soul starting to crumble away. Sam is his only anchor to the world, and Dean finds it harder and harder to leave his side.    After Broward County, after watching Dean die a thousand deaths, Sam decides he’s not going to let Dean go to Hell. He’ll do whatever it takes, even if that means allying himself with Ruby and using the darkness inside of him. Sam casts a soul-binding spell on Dean; they might not be able to break the deal, but they can change who Dean’s soul belongs to. (13k, Sam/Dean, hard-gen, AU of season 3))
Some other favorites, in no particular order:
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Last Drop - art by @quickreaver​ -written for the Twisted Tropes event - Sam/Brady AU set while Sam’s at Stanford:  Sam is slowly adjusting to his new life at Stanford University. He’s left his life of hunting behind, and traded it for endless studying and tests, but he’s plagued by dreams of Dean and Dad in danger, dreams of blood and violence. Then he meets Tyson Brady, who’s always there with a smile and a cup of coffee to get Sam through all-nighters. Sam’s dreams start to fade, but just as he’s getting used to a nice normal life, he starts to develop abilities—powers he can’t control. Brady thinks they’re great, but Sam knows power never comes without a cost. (14k, Sam/Brady)
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Make Angels of Us All - art by @amberdreams1960​  - Sam has a guardian angel. It’s been with him his whole life, trying to keep him safe. The angel gives Sam power he can’t control: power to move things with his mind, power over fire, and wings that nobody else can see—bony and jagged with scaly feathers. Dean says monsters aren't real, but Dad thinks they are. Sam's power scares him, and he’s not always sure what's real, but what he does know is people keep trying to kill the three of them, and he won't let that happen. (~20K, gen)
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Burdens, Doublefold - cowritten with @quickreaver​, art by ileliberte What if Dean left Sam at Stanford after the fire, hoping it would keep his little brother safe and make things better? Somehow, 'better' never seems to be in the Winchester Family cards. Sam gets tangled up with his ex-roommate Brady, tracking psychics, but dealing with demons is never honest business. Dean carries on until his father is put in grave danger. He is left on his own to deal, stumbling into Harvelle's Roadhouse for help, where Dean gets just a little more than he bargained for. Eventually, the brothers’ paths twist and turn their way back to each other, but the results could mean the End of Days. (67k, gen, AU of seasons 1-2)
Before the One You Serve When Dean comes to get Sam at Stanford, he finds him living with Brady. And Dean doesn't trust Brady, even though he can't quite put his finger on why. Not at first. (5k, Sam/Brady)
Many more under the cut:
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He Who Fights Monsters - cowritten with nwspaprtaxis, art by @quickreaver​ AU of the summer between Seasons 3 and 4. Dean's dead, dragged down kicking and screaming to Hell. Sam's not dealing well. And Ruby’s got her work cut out for her. (52K, Sam/Ruby)
John Winchester is Dead They say those Winchester boys're crazy. Drive around in a big black beast and drink too much and laugh about mean things. They say their daddy's worse, but you never see him. He's just a voice on the other end of the phone or a darker shape in the back seat of their dark car. They say John Winchester died two years ago. (2k, gen, horror)
Breathing, Talking, Dead Man Walking   -  John Doe, male, approximately thirty-seven years old. Subject was found by EMTs in close proximity to the site of a sizable explosion in Lebanon, Kansas. (2k, gen, Sam & Dean)
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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea - featuring art by @quickreaver​ When Sam opened Lucifer’s Cage, the only thing he found inside was Lucifer’s grace – his grace. With the return of his grace, Sam remembered his past – his war against the Host, his Fall, and his plans to bring about the End. The thing is…he doesn’t want the Apocalypse anymore. He likes things the way they are, and tries everything to keep his identity a secret- especially from Dean. Of course, the four Horsemen, Hell and Heaven have other ideas. (13K, gen)
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The Last Days in the Land of Nod - comic adaptation by @quickreaver​ The year is 2014. The Devil is wearing his finest, the Angel is human, and the Brother protects the survivors at Camp Chitaqua.
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The Two Ravens - art by @quickreaver​ Your brother he is, and heir to my throne. He’ll feed on the damned and he'll turn them to bone. (4k; fairy-tale)
Counteroffer About two weeks after Sam gutted a hellhound, completing the first trial, he started acting weird. (5k, psychological horror, gore)
Pattern Recognition: A Hannibal/Supernatural fusion AU  -  Sam and Dean split after River Pass, and their confrontation with the Horseman, War. Since Will’s escape from the Baltimore Institute for the Criminally Insane, he and Sam have been in hiding. They have a cabin, in the middle of nowhere, that keeps them off the radar; they find comfort in each other. But they can’t stay off the chessboard forever, especially not when Lucifer, wearing Hannibal Lecter as a vessel, is tearing the world apart around them. (33k, Sam Winchester/Will Graham)
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Impala's Run - cowritten with @quickreaver, art by adrenalineshots Sam and Dean Singer (aka Winchester) aren’t your average young Kansas farmers. Their home is very, very far from Kansas, in fact. Many light-years worth of ‘far’. The boys may look human, but certain talents set them apart: Dean speaks the language of machines, and Sam can heal through manipulating energy. Hidden on Earth by their father, their agricultural lifestyle gets rocked when warring alien races discover where they’ve landed, and Sam and Dean are forced to make the run of their lives. (23k, gen)
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All Our Wrath and Cutting Beauty - art by @quickreaver - Sam killed Alistair, but not before Alistair reminded Dean of who and what he’d become in Hell. Dean knows Sam can take down Lilith, and he’ll make damn sure Sam gets strong enough to do just that. They’ll stop the Apocalypse – together, no matter how many bodies stack up, or how much blood is spilt.(11k, horror) 
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Diary of a Madman -Lydia’s newest patient, Sam Winchester, suffered from hallucinations, delusions, and regular bouts of insomnia. He also thought he was Lucifer. (4k, gen, horror)
Some other bundled links, for your convenience
Demon-blood Sam
King of Hell Sam
Crossovers & Fusion ‘verses
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batbirdies · 5 years
NaNoWriMo 2019 Batfam fic Part 3
I realized I said I was gonna post snippets from my nano and I haven’t for a bit....
Part 3 of my Jason Todd Batfam fic where Jason agrees to dog sit Titus, there are some deep seated issues, unintended animal therapy, snarky text messages between robins and eventually some reconciliation between father and son. Takes place in a murky in between time sometime after Damian was resurrected.
Also I’m sorry guys, I don’t have an actual computer to work on, so I post these from the website on my ipad, so I can use the read more break, but I can’t figure out how to hyperlink on here so I’m not linking the previous installments....but if you search my blog for Jason Todd the first two aren’t far down the list....
Jason swallowed hard and took a breath, set his book down on the coffee table and got up to open the door before he could entertain the idea of pretending he wasn’t actually there and ignoring all attempts to contact him like their conversation the night before had never even happened. For prosperity's sake he did check the peephole before opening the door and nearly had a heart attack because it wasn’t just Bruce standing outside his door.
The demon brat was there too, leash in hand attached to the most massive dog Jason had ever seen. The kid was scowling like no other and the fish eye perspective made it look more comical than annoying. JAson was an idiot, of course the kid was gonna come along, it was his dog. That he was apparently protective enough of that he didn’t want just anyone watching him.
Bruce, next to him, looked enormous, with a blank expression that never failed to make Jason either irritated or nervous. This morning his stomach can’t seem to decide.
Damian glances at Bruce and his frown deepens and Jason realizes he’s been standing at the door for probably too long. “Here goes nothing.” He whispers to himself before stepping back and unlocking the deadbolt. He attempts to smile when he swings the door open but its still really freaking early and Jason’s not really prepared for the way his stomach swoops when he looks at Bruce.
He can’t get that damned card out of his head, can’t help wondering when Bruce wrote it, what he was doing. What he was thinking when he picked up the book and the movie and decided it was a good gift for Jason, whom he hadn’t had more than one pleasant conversation that wasn’t about vigilante business within the last 4 months. And before that….it might have been before he died, not counting any near death experiences where he got weirdly emotional and then regretted every word that came out of his mouth later.
“Hey.” He says lamely, stepping to the side at the expectant huff from Damian. They both walk in, Damian with an air of superiority that Jason’s not sure he knows how to turn off, and Bruce with an awkward sort of shuffle that almost catches him off guard. Jason realizes that without the fish eye lense making him look huge and out of proportion he looks tired.
There are bags under his eyes and a bruise on his cheek that Jason knows he would normally cover with makeup. His hair is mussed and he’s wearing track pants and tennis shoes with a cotton t-shirt and a zip up hoodie. He’s also carrying three enormous shopping bags that he sets on the floor just inside the door. When he straightens his eyes go to Damian before Jason and he realizes he’s staring at Bruce, and obviously so, and snaps his eyes to the kid too.
Damian is taking the dog in loop around the main space while inspecting everything with a sharp eye as Titus noses around his kitchen cabinets and past the glass door to the balcony.
“He better not pee on anything.”
Damian gives him a sharp look and scoffs. “Please, just because you lack proper house training does not mean all animals do.” Jason raises his eyebrows at the acid in the kids tone and nearly bites something nasty back before Bruce speaks up.
“Damian.” The kid stiffens and then slowly lowers his shoulders, staring down at the dog with a deeply unhappy expression and sharp twist to his mouth. Bruce takes a breath and Jason chances a glance over. He’s got his eyes closed, a wrinkled line between eyebrows, before it smooths out and he opens them again, eyes flicking to Jason where he stands, feeling weirdly out of place in his own apartment.
“He’s nervous.”
“I am not-“
“Damian.” They both stare hard at each other for an extended moment, Damian’s posture stretched tight. “Jason is doing you a favor. Act like it.”
“We could just bring him along-“
“We are not bringing a Great Dane to London. We’ve been over this.” And by the droning tone of his voice, they must have been, multiple times. The kid is wringing the leash in his hands and the dog is looking up at him, ears back and tail thumping the ground before he noses at Damian’s clenched fists. Damn this kid actually is nervous.
“He is not well.” He says as he lets the leash go with one hand and sets it gently on the Dane’s head, rubbing back and forth absently, like he doesn’t even realize what he’s doing.
“He has an ear infection Damian. It’s not serious. Jason can handle it.” Bruce’s voice is soft now, cajoling like he’s talking to a kid who’s actually Damian’s age and not some old man stuffed in the skin of a 12 year old. He sounds….gentle, and JAson has to turn away from him entirely to push down on the uncomfortable twist in his chest, busies himself straightening the blanket on the back of the couch that’s clearly already straight.
He remembers that voice, didn't realize Bruce still had it in him.
Damian turns his gaze to Jason finally, glare firmly in place along with a look of deep distrust.
Jason remembers working with the kid. Wearing that ridiculous costume with the fake feathers and he wonders how they made it out the other side of that with less trust than they started with. Damian had been more upset than Jason anticipated when he’d found out who he actually was.
It may have hurt Jason’s feelings, a tad, not that he would ever admit it. - research before posting
Another part of him feels kinda bad for lying to the kid for so long.
“Relax twerp. I’ll take good care of your dog.”
“Tt.” He glances around the apartment again with a look of distaste but the tension in his frame diminishes just a little. “Your apartment is smaller than I anticipated. Titus may require more than two walks a day if he is cooped up in here all the time.”
Jason stiffens, “Well sorry I don’t live in a fucking mansion.” There’s more heat in his voice than he was aiming for and he has to wrestle down anything else he might say before he looks just as defensive as he suddenly feels.
An awkward silence hangs in the air after his outburst, Damian staring at him with that stupid scowl. Bruce takes an awkward step closer to Jason and he has to resist the urge to step back.
“You apartment is fine Jay. Titus sleeps most of the day anyway.” Jason rolls his eyes, telling himself to get a grip.
“Whatever. What’s with the apocalyptic supply stash?” He juts his chin toward the pile of crap by his front door.
The question at least, sends Damian into motion, so he’s not staring around Jason’s apartment like he expects the place to collapse in on itself at any moment. He unhooks Titus’ leash from his collar and coils it up in a loop that he leaves sitting on Jason’s kitchen counter, and then he goes for the first bag.
When Jason says enormous bags, he means it. They are three times the size of regular grocery bags, he didn’t know you could even get bags that size. They all have a logo on the side he doesn’t recognize, something with paw prints, obviously some kind of pet store.
First he pulls out a massive dog bed, which Jason supposes makes sense. Best thing he’s got is the blanket on the back of his couch. The kid looks around while holding it, like he’s gauging the perfect place and finally sets it down next to the gargantuan TV.
Bruce sidles up on Jason’s left side while they both watch Damian unload the bags. Jason is uncomfortably aware of his presence but he doesn’t look over, doesn’t acknowledge him.
“Thank you for doing this.” Bruce says under his breath, while Damian drags a huge, unwieldy bag of dog food across his floor and props it against his kitchen counter. Jason only grunts in return, isn’t sure what to think of this whole thing still.
Next comes a stainless steel water dish and a matching one in porcelain for the food. Then a fresh container of tennis balls, two leashes, some kind of waterproof coat and then a red freaking dog sweater that Jason has to stifle a laugh at. “He really is just nervous.” This is even quieter than the thank you and Jason feels the need to look over. “The infection is minor, but before we took him into the vet he was acting strange, whining and tilting his head back and forth, standing with it at an angle that obviously didn’t look natural. He wouldn’t stay still, would only lie down for a minute at a time before he got up and paced the room. I think he was terrified it was some kind of brain tumor, that he was having complex seizures.”
Jason frowns, watching a white paper bag make its way to his kitchen counter with a prescription tag stapled to the outside. “He’s a good kid, just…” He waits for the word difficult to come out. Just like how people used to describe him, always angry, defensive, annoying. Interacting with the kid he can see why people couldn’t stand him when he was younger but he still gets Damian to a certain degree.
“He’s had a hard time.” Is what he says instead and Jason has to turn away again, decides finally to go introduce himself to the dog to ease the tangled mess in his stomach.
He’s so irritated, two days ago he would never have been this much of a mess over talking to Bruce, even in a casual setting, even in his own apartment. One stupid fucking hint of the man caring about him beyond what he contributes to fighting crime in the city and he’s bending over backwards looking for other signs. He hates his own stupid, dysfunctional brain.
He holds out a hand to Titus, takes a deep breath to let go of the tightness in his chest. Dogs and little kids, they can always tell when you’re upset and he doesn’t want to make him nervous.
Honestly, he’s huge. Like, Jason knew Great Danes were one of the largest breeds of dog but this particular one has to be even bigger than average. He sits on the corner of the living room carpet, watching Jason with alert but friendly eyes and easily sniffs at the hand, then shoves his nose into his palm and butts it up so his hands is resting on the top of his snout. Jason huffs out a laugh and crouches down.
“Like being petted huh?” He scratches behind his ears and is nearly bowled over immediately. Titus twists his head so far to the side Jason doesn’t quite follow with his hand and then shoves forward into Jason’s space, knocking him off balance with his insistence. Then a hand reaches for the collar and draws him back just enough to keep Jason mostly upright. Bruce is standing there, looking mildly amused as he looks at the dog.
“The drops the vet gave him make his ears itch, he can get a little pushy.”
“I can see that.” Jason mutters back. He kneels then, knees on the floor so he’s more stable and reaches out, ready for the sudden twist and shove. “You can let him go, I got it.”
Titus nearly lunges for him, shoves his whole face into Jason’s stomach, making him wheeze out a laugh. He rubs with significant force at his ears and the gargantuan dog goes boneless, flops down across his legs, whip like tail slapping loudly against the side of his coffee table. “Yeah, wow, you’re so big and tough huh? You must get people running for the hills killer.” Jason scratches down his neck and Titus makes a funny little grunting noise and then flops over sideways, belly exposed, head resting in his lap and yeah ok, Jason’s not a monster, he rubs his tummy. “Man you are heavy. Might need to put you on a diet.”
“Apparently, he is on one.” Jason glances up at Bruce, who’s still standing there, arms crossed over his chest, looking down at him with this odd little quirk to his mouth and if Jason had to guess he’d say he looks fond. And he doesn’t know what to do with that so he goes back to the dog, feeling his face flush in discomfort.
Damian clears his throat, pulling Jason’s attention back to him. He’s standing at the edge of his kitchen counter, hands clasped in front of him in a way that reminds Jason starkly of alfred of all people. He still doesn’t look happy, per say, but the anxiety leeching off the kid seems to have gone down and he’s staring at Jason intently.
“Yes. He is on a diet. He has gained weight since the weather started to turn.” With that, the kid launches into a spiel about the do’s and don’t’s of watching Titus. The list is significantly longer than Jason had anticipated, partially due to the ear infection but mostly just because the kid is a little pissant with way too many rules.
Jason takes it all with as much stoicism as he can muster until he pulls out a freaking muffler for the dog.
“What the heck is that?” Jason is still kneeling on the floor, dog laid out half in his lap, lazily wagging his tail and Damian is holding a thick square of black fabric in his hands that turns out to be a tube, it has drawstrings on the top and bottom to adjust the size of the loop.
“It is,” he makes a face here, obviously unhappy about what he’s about to say, “called a Head Muff. It goes over the neck and ears to keep them warm on walks.” He lays it down next to the prescription baggy and Jason has to hold back from a snort and instead looks back at Bruce out of the corner of his eye and finds him already looking down at Jason, expression completely blank and this time Jason chokes when he catches the twitch of Bruce’s lip. Somehow he manages to disguise it as a cough when he looks back but Damian looks suspicious none-the-less.
“I expect hourly update texts with photo’s.”
“Excuse me?”
“You have never owned a dog have you?” The question sounds weirdly accusatory and Jason feels the need to gently push Titus off his lap just so he can stand to his full height for this conversation.
“No, I haven’t but-”
“Then I will need proof that you are capable of the job.”
“Capable of the job? It’s dog sitting, not nuclear fission.”
“The very fact that you are not taking this seriously tells me it is necessary.”
“Well if you don’t fucking trust me then you can get somebody else to watch your damn dog.”
Damian had his arms crossed over his chest tightly, scowl intensifying with every breath. “Because you have shown yourself to be so trustworthy.” Jason clenched his hands into fists, feeling red creep up his neck.
“Damian.” Bruce’s deep voice cut across the room, quiet, but firm. He stepped around Jason, putting himself vaguely between them but not enough to be obvious. “You’re being unreasonable. Jason is perfectly capable of walking, watering, and feeding Titus, along with handling his ear drops.” He glanced over at Jason, eyes uncertain for a moment. “He always wanted a dog when he was younger, he’ll treat Titus well.”
Jason opened his mouth, ready to argue until that last sentence. Instead he blinks back at Bruce for a moment, feeling floored by the simple statement. He doesn’t have a response and quickly breaks eye contact, swinging them back to Damian whose mouth is twisted in a grimace before he finally heaves a sigh and uncrosses his arms.
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kierongillen · 6 years
Writer Notes: The Wicked + the Divine 35
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Spoilers, obv.
I suspect this may be shorter than usual. Or maybe not? When you've been working (and thinking) on something for a long time, you work past the need to talk about it. I've said it to myself so many times, I don't really need to externalise it. Whatever “it” is, is in the book.
I suspect this is going to grow as we progress across the final year. In a real way, we're at the point of the degree course when we're easing off. It's your project now. Make of it what thou wilt. Easy answers are a long way behind us. But there are answers, at least.
Jamie's Cover: with solicits going out earlier, we're always worried about putting something like this on a cover. Ideally, we'd want it to drop after Imperial Phase II dropped, so at least people would be suspicious of Minerva.
But it's a lovely image – I love what Matt's doing with the light, what Jamie's doing with the expression. Great stuff.
Yoshi Yoshitani: More great stuff. The playfulness of Persephone, the pose. It's just total joy.
Page 1-4
This looks familiar. Once more we return, again, right?
We were obviously planning this from the start, but by the time we've reached this point, Jamie's style has evolved to the point where the extra panels we need to add to the sequence would break the coherence entirely. So Jamie insisted on re-inking the whole sequence, and updating the Minerva panels (as she's seen in more panels later). I did say that if we were clever, we'd have drawn the whole thing back when we did issue 1. Jamie noted that he'd never have been happy printing four years old art in a book.
So yes.
I was originally thinking that this sequence would actually be the opening of Year 4, but when I did the tight plotting for this arc, I realised that you had to really start way back around 4000BC, to set certain themes in motion. I had the option to switch them until quite late though – they're similar lengths, and abstractly can be switched, with a few changes.
I didn't. It's the way to go. And it's a good way to make issue 2 hit hard, right?
It's an interesting thing to think about that those who are following this in singles will have read the 1923 special before this, so know exactly why everyone is here, while those following with trades will learn it in the NEXT trade.
Page 5
For those who follow the idea of page budgets, this counted as a half page.
When writing this first time I got the order the wrong way around, so Amaterasu survived rather than Susanoo. Always check this stuff.
It's another tour de force for Matt here, in terms of the intensity of effects going on. I feel terrible for all the people involved. Thinking through the psychology of this was always going to be the hard one. To pull the trigger, who had the hardest job?
Page 6
Yet again, just look at the reds. I've got an issue with a bunch of fire in, and this is really making me look forward to it. Susanoo is a sweet one. Poor fucker.
Minerva saying “Necessity” feels like a necessary beat, right?
Page 7
This counts as a ¾ page for page budget.
Was waiting for the “Minerva emerging from fire” money shot for 34 issues (plus specials) and Jamie doesn't let me down. Had me thinking of “Figure covered in fluids” being one of those recurring beats in Jamie and my work. Persephone in the fourth trade, America in issue 13 of YA, Emily in Phonogram and so on.
It's the billow of the skirt, innit? Nice, Jamie.
Oddly, lettering this so you could work out who was speaking and who to was trickier than you'd think.
Set still getting her digs in now is very set. And, yes, I'm sure people will have a theory on who the fourth head is by now. If not, don't worry, we'll get to it soon enough.
Getting a little quality time with Ananke/Minerva was one of the writing challenges here – this is a scene which is pretty much showing methodology. When the pages came in for this, Chrissy said “I've been trying to make sense of what you meant by this for four years, but now I get it.” So I hope it hits the core beats for most people.
I do love this push and pull between Ananke and Minerva though. It's quietly horrible.
Pop-art head death there, and a return of the flying eyeballs. Also, looking at the various expressions of the heads in the backgrounds on page 9 is pretty impressive. Set in the third panel!
10-11 is the ritual. Trying to work out how much space for this and what you actually needed to show was key. Plus the timing of it – there's an argument you could have taken this longer, or pushed it shorter. Two pages felt right.
Good eye-to-camera at the end, which allows us to...
...Have an interstitial...
PAGE 13-14-15-16-17
...and segue to Minerva's eyes in the present day. Linking sequence between scenes.
Due to the repeated pages in the first half being “free” (They weren't – Jamie chose to kill himself) this means that the issue is considerably longer than usual. Even so, there are a lot of fish to fry. This is obviously the problem of the structure of this arc – yes, there will be past and present content in every issue. Balancing what we do in each is basically the key... but it also means we have to choose our scenes very carefully.
Anyway – Minerva and Woden, facing off. Just letting two characters push and pull against each other – and, for the first time, really being behind the curtain “with” Minerva. Previously Minerva has been presented as a supporting character, based on her interactions with others (1923 is an exception). Here, Minerva is protagonist, and we get to see her work.
Minerva! Love the dyed bangs. Strong look. Also, great thoughtful expression on the end of the last page... and her making her move on the next page.
Woden calling her “Sweetheart” seems to be a minor peak Woden move.
This sequence is making me think that Minerva would be great at playing the party game Resistance. Tricky thing in this sequence is actually signalling lies to readers. Lies are really hard in comics. Like irony (as in, characters saying things they don't believe) there's certain parts of the readership who have huge problems with it. Signalling what you want to do is paramount, and tricky. I'm not sure there's a right answer.
Last two panels of 15 are particularly good for Jamie and Matt – firstly, we get the time based upon the sun coming up, which gives it an odd atmosphere. Guns out in a room? You'd think nighttime. But no, it's something else.
Secondly, with the steady angle, with Minerva having her back to Woden, we get a chance to see her think about what lie to tell. That's an “Okay – Woden knows about the heads. How could he know about the heads?” think...
Then over the page, making the lie, expression hoping she gets away with it... and then relief when she's called it right. Great steady-angle work by Jamie and Matt, and the sort of performance you can get from them. I wouldn't write this for almost anyone else.
(Favourite detail – look at the shoulders. From Woden's perspective, she's not moving at all. She's only giving facial tells.)
This sequence was also particularly picked over with C, in a line by line way, in terms of what information is being imparted. Minerva and Woden are both absolutely drilling each other for all the information they can get, so what IS being implied.
I laugh at Minerva bundling over to the computer the second Woden is gone. Plus great final expression there by Minerva.
In an issue that's set half in the past, and the half the present day stuff is with Minerva, we're in danger of losing our lead – so I definitely try and write Persephone particularly present where she gets it. This is an advantage of the captions coming back in – we can slow sequences down and make them feel like they last longer.
It's fun to do Persephone captions. Well, “fun”. You get to hit certain things directly that normally I'd only ever approach obliquely.
The weirdest thing of rewriting was Jon's line about being trapped underground – which was originally “Buried alive.” The question was whether anyone would take that literally, as the lab hadn't 100% been established as being underground.   (and the stairs from the giant machine that lead to the lab go upwards, even though the whole thing is all underground.)
In short: in a plot as dense as ours, it's important to not confuse in any area except where you have to.
After a scene earlier of lying to someone's face, using the modern communication to do something exploring the same sort of thing seemed interesting. Also, efficient. For those following Page Budgets, the repeating panels of the phone aren't quite “free” panels, but they're relatively low energy panels. Plus it gets a LOT of information exchanged in a direct, quick way. Instead, we spend the effort on the expression panels, to show the journey that's NOT on the screen.
It's not stuff I'd do constantly, but I do like that we do it.
Nice Verðandi-shoulder-touch silent panel too. Yay Jamie and Matt!
I believe I originally wrote this for two pages, but with no captions. Jamie felt it was unnecessary, and they'd get a similar effect in a single page. The reason why I did it with two pages is that I wanted to slow the reader down in the process of discovery – there was a little bit more akin to the Rorschach scene in Watchmen, with the procedural exploration of the environment and trying to find a way in too.
In the script I said I may add captions at lettering, but reduced to a page, that felt like a necessary thing. It slows the eye, and lets us join Persephone in her internality.
(I actually wrote most of this as the opening of the next issue, before realising it didn't fit, which was nicely timed, as I realised that with some edits, it fits perfectly here.)
The mural introduced in issue 4, as coloured by Nathan Fairbairn.
Laura's glimpse back on panel 4 is one of my favourite minor moments – Matt's magenta behind the image really adds to it.
Minerva, in an issue of deniable manipulative shit, this is your most deniable and manipulative thing. Astounded, and I wrote it.
Last two panels call back to Imperial Phase I, for reasons which will become obvious.
Due to the way the pages moved around, Jamie suggested moving the reveal of the skulls to the previous page – they were originally on the final one, but the angle was nearly impossible to pull off, and worked better brought forward. You always want BIG information to be revealed on a page turn, but in this case, the panels are small enough to not register unless you're actively looking at them, plus the REAL meaning of them is only really get-able by those who recall a scene from issue 4.
Hence the flashbacks, to ensure people do recall them. We don't do a lot of this kind of thing, but as this has been a long time back, we felt it was worth really laying out the key facts, step by step. Also, free panels, for the page budget purposes.
(Of course, not for Matt, who is doing a really cool treatment here – the reds and blacks in one timeline, and the pink and blue dots in the flashbacks. Astounding. Give that man another Eisner.)
The “...but everyone else should be” has been sitting in my hard drive all that time too. Odd to hit this stuff as well.
I think I've said that Baal is one of my favourite characters in the whole series. Obviously much more to come here, and probably down the line. He was a character who was always going to become more central the further we got into this – you know I talk about knowing the characters arcs, but not always when the plots come to the top of the mix? There's certainly a take on WicDiv where this is revealed near the climax of Imperial Phase II along with the rest of it. I suspect that would have overloaded it – it needs space, and I'd hate to leave more than a month between this reveal and the What's-Going-On.
It always surprised me that more close readers didn't jump on a “Baal is Baal Hammon” argument, as there's stuff which I considered considerably more obscure that people were all over. He cries fire in issue 12, for example – though a lot of people were noting that 1920s Baal wasn't much like 2013 Baal after the Special. This stuff is fascinating, from my perspective.
Yes, Baal's hot stuff in the final panel. For those who are wondering about his Inanna tattoo, alternate covers aren’t strictly speaking canon, and gods have all kind of miracles available to them. 
Next issue is two weeks late. As well as being one of the hardest issues we've ever done, there's been several real life disasters. Sorry for the delay, but we'll see you next week.
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creideamhgradochas · 6 years
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Thanks to the lovely @bitsandbobsandstuff for taking the time to answer these! Get to know more about lovely Kris, go give her a follow and then show her some love!
These questions are from this list. You should check it out, there’s 50 questions all together and they’d be great to ask your favorite fic writer!
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fan-fiction?
Looking back, my first attempt at fanfic was probably when I was 11-years-old and I couldn’t wait for the next ‘Babysitters Club’ book to come out, so I wrote my own story. I think it featured Stacey McGill and horses. I really fucking wish I could find it… But honestly, I didn’t really understand the world of fanfiction until I joined Tumblr. So outside of those little forays when I was younger, I’d say it was last year when I realised it was a thing I could do and people might be interested, so let’s say my 30s.
2) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
When it comes to fanfic, I prefer Reader inserts. They feel more inclusive and frankly, even as a writer it can be easier to imagine myself in the shoes of the reader character (so I can understand their thoughts and feelings and motivations), if I don’t have a specific name attached to them.
5) When is your preferred time to write?
Either first thing in the morning (coffee and morning air are excellent inspiration) or Saturday afternoons.
6) Where do you take your inspiration from?
Constant reading. I’m that nerd at the bus stop or waiting at the movie theatre or walking down the street with my nose in a book. I also try to draw on real life experiences/ situations when I can, it gives stories more texture.
7) In your Safe With Me fic, what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
I’m going to be cheeky and say it’s a tie – the dance scene in Chapter 8 and the trigger scene in Chapter 15. The realisations they both had within the few minutes of their dance together felt like such a great payoff for everything up until that point, and I loved imagining Bucky in that black suit (and I just love that song ‘Run to you’). The trigger scene was so much fun just to  resurface and/ or create all Bucky’s memories, especially the ones with the Soldier…they were like mini-stories of their own.
8) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
Nope. Everyone has a different vision and every story is unique for a reason.
9) Who is your favorite character to write for? Why?
Clearly, I’m such a sucker for Bucky Barnes. 😊 His character has been through so many things over his lifetime, you can take him in a hundred directions and they can still feel true to source material (both MCU and comics). He can be a battle-weary soldier or a sassy little shit, and it all links back to some iteration of his personality at some point in his life – whether pre-WW2, Winter Soldier days, or now. I’d like to branch out and try others (or maybe other fandoms) at some point, but I’m content with him for now.
11) How did you come up with the title for the Safe With Me?
I knew I wanted the title to be a line of dialogue, because I like the symmetry of finding titles inserted in a story, and I knew I wanted it to be something ‘safety’ related, since that was the theme of the story. In Chapter 3, Bucky gives the reader a little speech at the end, telling her he’ll do anything he needs to protect her, and after re-working that a little, I came up with the ‘you’re safe with me’ line, and that became the title!
12) How did you come up with the idea for Safe With Me?
I wanted to try a series for a long time, but was always  so intimidated by the idea - I’m blown away by the writers on here who do so many series, the time it takes is nuts. For SWM, there were certain themes I personally wanted to find in a story - what it means to be safe, how sometimes evil people can live right next to you, the importance of mental health...all those concepts were used as foundations to the story and the colour was created around them. Sometimes things went in the direction I wanted, sometimes they took unexpected left turns as I was writing - I think you really have to be okay being led by your gut sometimes. Things like lemon drug or Tony’s tech or changing the purpose of the trigger words were random ideas that fell into place. My brain is a weird place to be sometimes.
14) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
I’ve thought about doing something else with ‘Bless me father’ (still the strangest, weirdest, dirtiest story I’ve written) maybe a prequel or sequel, but still mulling over ideas.
16) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
There are so many on Tumblr I love, but three in particular I would point out.
@a-splash-of-stucky: Elsa is a literal poet. The way she writes, the images she conjures and phrases she uses, are beyond gorgeous.
@justreadingfics: Ally can set up a scene like you wouldn’t believe. I am also in continual awe of someone who can write so beautifully when it’s not their first language.
@4luvofall: Cristina nails the dialogue every single time. Her characters are always a little sassy and a little funny, and I want to go drinking with them (and her). Outside of Tumblr, my favourite book is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and I would be happy to read Harry Potter every day for the rest of my life.
17) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
No stories, although sometimes I’ll read old dialogue or descriptions and roll my eyes a little! I think it’s important to read your old stuff and recognise how far you’ve come or how your style has changed.
18) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?
I have a writing playlist that is mostly Sigur Ros and Sleeping at Last, with a heavy dose of movie soundtracks like Lord of the Rings. But sometimes, I put headphones in and just listen to silence.
19) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
I’ve gotten a little emotional at points, but never full on cried. I have sobbed like a baby while reading though, good lord.
20) Which part of your Safe With Me fic was the hardest to write?
I think the club scene in Chapter 12 was the hardest. The idea was to use the scenery and secondary characters and music to build the tension through the course of the night, until everything collapsed. Finding the right flow and making sure it didn’t feel too rushed was really hard, it took me a long time to work through.
21) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
I tend to make an outline. For one-shots, it’s never long – just listing out the key points and scenes I want to hit. For SWM it was long – the outline was more than 15,000 words. Admittedly, I’m somewhat Type A, so I need structure to function. 😊
23) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
Probably my first Stucky story, ‘The language of a kiss’. I was hesitant to post it – it wasn’t long after I read ‘Not easily conquered’ which was one of the most mind-blowing literary experiences of my life. I love the story and have gotten lovely comments on it, but I think AO3 tends to be a better place for Stucky stories, Tumblr leans more toward Reader insert.
25) Are any of your characters based on real people?
Yes! The reader for ‘Safe with me’ was based heavily on yours truly! Most of her dialogue came very easy because it’s how I speak in real life (full of F-bombs and insults that rarely make sense). Some of Bucky’s dialogue and sass was based on my husband, the way those two bickered in the story was pretty close to real life.
26) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
Some of the compliments I’ve received for ‘Safe with me’ have been genuinely unbelievable. Several people have said the story inspired them to write again, which I’m so excited to hear. The biggest compliment though, was probably someone telling me the story helped ease them through a depressive episode in their life. That hit particularly close to home and I can’t express how happy I was to hear that.
29) Do people know you write fan-fiction?
My husband and a few close friends. The first time I told my best friend, who is not remotely into fandom, I gave her ‘Safe with me’ at chapter 12 and she read the entire thing overnight and by 8a the next morning I was getting texts saying “are you awake and if so are you writing because you can’t do this to me.” Hearing someone with no interest in Marvel say that was pretty fun.
30) What’s you favorite minor character you’ve written?
Definitely Riz in ‘Safe with me’. I picture him hanging out in his little kiosk in downtown Manhattan, playing Candy Crush and watching the world go by. He has to have some great stories.
31) What spurs you on during the writing process?
Deadlines! I work so much better under pressure. If I ever had to write a thesis, I would wait until two days before it’s due.
33) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
I think it was the ‘Worth Fighting For’ series by @serzhantkris. The plot was based on Mulan, and followed the reader who took her brother’s place in the army during WW2 - she went though basic and got deployed and captured as part of the 107th. She was a feisty and amazing character, and I’m always a sucker for 1940s Bucky. The story is broken out across the three Captain America movies and it is seriously breathtaking – sweet, cheeky, full of action, and completely heartbreaking.
34) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
I think I’m going with angst. I like being able to dig into something and maybe cause a little pain in the process. 😉
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Have you already written essays on the idea of Reaper actually being a double-agent Gabe, who merely pretends to hate Overwatch to get into Talon, climb up its ladder, and learn more about what happened to Overwatch? If so, how do I find these essays, or could you link a few of them?
I was going to give you a long, organized reply but then I clicked the “close tab” button like a goddamn moron so now you get uh...this instead.Sorry.General Tags:Resoures and References: a tag I mainly use for my own means.  Has a lot of posts I’ll refer back to. My Essays: mainly used for essay postsChronological order of Reaper and Talon essays and posts:(under the cut)
1. a post about the “Reaper sightings” map in the then-new Necropolis map on the PTR.  Date: May 23, 2017.  Discusses canon locations Reaper had visited between Recall and “Reflections.”  Includes a small discussion Oasis, and why Reaper would go there (well before Moira was revealed).
2. “Talon: Clawing to the Top.”  Date: July 06, 2017.  Written after Doomfist was revealed (July 06, 2017) but before the “Masquerade” comic was released (July 16, 2017).  Is not totally correct (e.g. on the Volskaya part) but more discusses the changing world of Overwatch and why Doomfist is so focused on conflict as a source of growth.  First essay to discuss the implication that Reaper is working with Sombra to bring down Talon.
Reaper in particular has undergone a number of big story shifts.  What is interesting are the two potential hypotheses for this:
Reaper is working to undermine Talon to destroy it from the inside.Reaper is working to undermine Talon’s leadership to orchestrate a coup.Sombra’s goals seem to fall in-line with the latter moreso than the former, and I’m inclined to believe that Reaper - whether he’s being blackmailed or not - is also aiming for that.  But in order to orchestrate a coup from the inside, you have to be willing to push boundaries and shake things up.
3. a post about the significance of Reaper wearing the Red Death disguise at a literal masquerade, and how it compares to Edgar Allan Poe’s short story.  Date: July 16, 2017.
4. “Death Becomes You”.  Date: July 16, 2017.  Analyzed the “Masquerade” comic from the lens of “The Masque of the Red Death.”  Discussed how Doomfist and Reaper compare to the principal characters of the story - Prince Prospero and the Red Death.  Argues that the “main character” who is “masquerading” in Talon is Reaper.
Death leaves no one behind.Not even those who think themselves above him.Death hides himself among the masqueraders - And bides his time.
5. a post about the imagery of Necropolis, and how it appears to symbolize the relationships between Reaper, Soldier: 76, and Ana.  Date: August 01, 2017.  Taken with Number 1, Necropolis seems to hint that there is “more going on” between the three old soldiers, that it’s possible Soldier: 76 and Ana are either trying to help Reaper or are actively working with him, and that Sombra may act as a point of contact between them all.
6. “Devil in the Details.” Date: August 20, 2017.  An essay analyzing the map of active Overwatch investigations, and how one key location (Switzerland) is highly suspicious.  Also discusses if Gabriel and Jack are currently working together in the Recall area.
I’ve been saying for awhile that Reaper’s actions with regards to certain missions are highly suspicious and - to be perfectly honest - pretty damn embarrassing for a man who has done covert operations for like, 30 years.
Unless, of course
That’s exactly what Reaper wants Talon to think.
We are told Reaper “is hunting former Overwatch agents and systematically eliminating them,” but as a reminder - Reaper has failed to kill or even seriously injure any ex-Overwatch agent in any of his canon material appearances.  Soldier: 76, Ana Amari, Winston, and Tracer are all still alive and, honestly, perfectly healthy at the end of their different encounters - hell, Reaper almost goes out of his way to actively piss Winston off (twice) and “throw” the missions.  He claims to have killed Overwatch agents in Masquerade, but as a general reminder, never believe in those “off-screen deaths,” kids.
It’s an easy plot device to bring “old soldiers” back from the dead.
7. “Moira: A Fate Fulfilled.”  Date: November 05, 2017.  Compares a timeline of fan ideas (e.g. “Evil Mercy,” “Mercy failed to resurrect Reyes,” and “we need a Talon support character”) with Moira’s design, her backstory, and her abilities.  Discusses how Moira seemsto fill a “void” that was missing in the plot for a long time, as well as her research on Reaper.
Moira is probably the first character created almost entirely from fan feedback and fan ideas, with the developers’ twists, after all.
When Geoff Goodman says that she was created “completely from scratch,” what he most likely means is that the Overwatch development team had no concept of her at the time of the game’s release.  She did not come from a scrapped Titan hero.  She did not come from a developer’s concept.  She did not come from another hero’s background.
She likely came from fan reactions to three main things: the request for a “morally ambiguous healer,” a “different direction” from the original background plot, and a way to enhance the underlying sinister and darker elements of Oasis (if it was not created in tangent with her ideation).
8. “Everything You Want to Know About Reaper and Soldier: 76.” Date: November 09, 2017.  Reviews and analyzes the then-available information about Reaper and Soldier: 76, particularly in light of Jeff Kaplan’s lecture.  Discusses speculation on the Venice Mission before we fully knew what it would be.  Importantly, it also discusses how Jack Morrison was probably aware of Blackwatch missions, which was later confirmed by “Retribution”.
Jack Morrison, having also been trained in unconventional warfare and different types of special operations, likely would have understood the need for small, highly skilled, highly specialized teams to conducted clandestine and covert operations, intelligence and reconnaissance missions, and other special operations/unconventional warfare tactics.In my opinion, it does not make sense that Jack never knew what was going on with Gabriel’s biology, but rather probably worked with him to use it in a way Gabriel was comfortable with and knowledgeable about.  In other words:2. Gabriel and Jack’s commando backgrounds, along with their early Crisis and OW Strike Team experiences, likely led to the joint decision to form Blackwatch, Overwatch’s covert operations division.
It also discusses Gabriel’s motivations, well before “Retribution”:
“No one left behind” is incredibly interesting because it gives us a glimpse into Gabriel’s mindset - while his background and skills in covert operations may indicate a non-sentimental, calculating special operations leader, his actual dialogue in several places seems to indicate someone who cares a great deal about his teammates, allies, friends - And partners.
9. “Quick Reasons Not to Trust Moira in Retribution.” Date: April 11, 2018.  10. “Long Reasons Not to Trust Moira in Retribution.” Date: April 13, 2018.  Please.  Please read this.  Especially if you have questions at the end of “Quick Reasons.”  For the love of everything, I can guarantee you that if you have a question about Gabriel/Reaper and Moira, I have probably answered it in this essay.  If you ask me “Why would Moira want more funding from Talon if she works for Blackwatch?” I will literally just send you a link to this essay.  
If he is not faking his anger with Jack Morrison, he is furious that Jack and Overwatch let this happen to him, though we don’t know specifically what would cause such a radical shift in his motivations (Jack would have to do something that really upsets Gabriel to lose Gabriel’s loyalty).But Gabriel also probably has very little choice in cooperating with Moira in the present day.
And again - I don’t know if Reaper means this genuinely or sarcastically.  I don’t know what the specific details of his present-day working relationship with Moira are.  I don’t know if she is coercing him into working for Talon, if she is holding up his “cure” as his “reward” for cooperating with her, if he genuinely supports Talon, or if he’s actively using his effective immortality to bring Talon down. 
11. things I found interesting about the Blackwatch Venice memos. Date: April 24, 2018.  Basically summarizes “Long Reasons” but in a lot less detail.  Goes over the “declassified” memos about the Venice Mission.
Moira is implicated as being involved in Talon at the time of Retribution not only because of the Snipers’ abilities, but also because all four Talon minibosses are either stated to possess “genetic” engineering or modifications, or are implied to possess “enhanced” genetic modifications.People keep asking “Why would Moira betray Blackwatch?  They’re funding her.”The issue isn’t directly one of funding.
The issue is that Moira wants to do research on human test subjects without restrictions, safety, or “red tape.”
And Talon will let her do that without consequence.
12. An important detail people are missing.  Date: April 24, 2018.  Reviews both Retribution and “Devil in the Details” but with more current information.
So, even though McCree is angry and furious throughout the Venice mission, whatever he learns during Reyes’ debriefing is enough to convince him to stay in Overwatch for another 1-2 years.
More importantly, whatever Reyes tells Morrison, Amari, and Lacroix is not enough to convince anyone to kick him out of Overwatch.
It is not Reyes’ integrity nor his “trustworthiness” that’s on the line during his debriefing.
It is something else.
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