#of the sports/fun ones so 🤷
triangle-dog · 1 year
New session of classes (and hopefully I won't forget to write about half of them this time).
Nova was surprisingly excited when we pulled in. Like, almost 'we've arrived at the park' level of excitement. I guess she missed having class during the break between sessions? She had been being happy to arrive at the building, but it wasn't this level of excited and ready to go.
It's a new area to train in and with new dogs so she was more distracted this time than she had been during the last few classes of last session, but still nothing like that first class where she was very confused and concerned about walking in circles and being followed. She was lagging in her heel - which is unusual because she's typically forging ahead. I think she was trying to take in the new sights/sounds/smells and if so that's a huge improvement in her comfort from trying to pull off to a corner to observe from. Some of it might have been a pacing issue, she kept her heel much better when we were going faster.
Since I mentioned Nova has a decent downstay we're up first to practice the supervised separation next week. Eep. So we'll be trying to practice that in more stressful situations beforehand. Nova will not willingly go with a stranger, but I'm hoping a downstay and just incidentally having a stranger holding the leash will be comfortable enough for her.
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transmurderbug · 6 months
🐛 Weekly Tag Wednesday! 🐛
Thank you for the tags, Kat @mybrainismelted, Kaka @stocious, Evie @energievie, Comet @spacerockwriting, Nosho @creepkinginc, Jess @jrooc and Alice @spookygingerr! So many people! 🥰💙
Weekly Tag Wednesday - Firsts!
Name: Sky 🪲🪨
Age: Nosho divided by zero.
First Pet? My family's German Shepherd named Döme. The first pet that was mine was a guinea pig. His name was Kormos (smoky/sooty).
First Word? As if my mother remembers 😂 All I know is that my father wanted it to be dezoxiribonukleinsav (DNA, but in Hungarian).
First Celebrity Crush? 🤷
First IRL Crush? One of these days I'll need a scientific rundown of what that's supposed to feel like. I never had one, I guess?
First kiss? Sorry, this one is a skip for me. Blah.
First Car? Issss the one I still have! A 2009 Renault Clio Grandtour. My pookie (yes I am THAT person).
First apartment/house/dorm/whatever away from your parents? A small ass apartment I half lived in with someone.
First time on a plane? A family vacation when I was around... 5. It was fun! I've been totally in love with flying ever since.
First cellphone? A "hand me down" from my mother, an old... Nokia? If I remember correctly. Your typical "you're going to school and coming home on your own, here, in case you need it".
First concert? I don't remember... I'm pretty sure some kind of a rock concert though. I was raised on good music. The first one that I excitedly got tickets for on my own was when I was 15, one of my favorite bands was celebrating a birthday.
First foreign country you visited? I think it was Austria when I was a few months old!
First sport you ever played? Athletics from basically the day I could walk. Nothing specific at first, but I ended up being a good jumper and sprinter later. My true calling was probably discus/javelin/hammer, anything you can throw.
First career aspiration? It was constantly changing, but the focus point was always animals.
And finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think "wow" That's a tough one... maybe back when I was doing graphics extracurricular in school and we designed some background set for theatre, more specifically for an Oz play. The yellow brick road I worked on turned out pretty cool! I used to write poems too, some weren't too horrid 👀
Tagging, because I'm on time! Voluntary, as always, if you wanna pass, here, have this apple: 🍏 @ian-galagher @transmickey @deathclassic @gallapiech @look-i-love-u @suzy-queued @mickeysgaymom @sam-loves-seb @heymrspatel @dynamic-power @blue-disco-lights @thepupperino @metalheadmickey @transsexual-dandelions @sgtmickeyslaughter @ms-moonlight-inn @palepinkgoat @krysmiss @callivich @rayrayor @francesrose3 @lee-ow aaaand anyone else my scrambled brain is forgetting.
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You know what I want to see a lot more of? Cultural meshing or whatever the hell you call it. I want to see how human and na'vi culture (among other things) could be learned and respected by both sides. For so long, all the Na'vi have really experienced is the war side of humans, and though I agree that we as a species can be pieces of shit (especially to our planet, etc) I also want to see the highlighting of all of the culture and stuff we've created over the thousands of years we've existed. I want someone to continue what Grace started and could have continued to grow until it flourished if it weren't for that fateful day.
I want to see two friends, one human and one na'vi, speaking to eachother. Only the human is a language nerd/polyglot and is enthusiastically trying to find out everything they can about the Na'vi language and its various dialects while at the same time excitedly introducing their na'vi friend to words in not just English but Spanish, Greek, etc. They're so excited to be teaching their Na'vi friend English while at the same time learning Na'vi and showing them all the cool language families back on Earth. I want them to explain the concept of a dead language, how things can fade with time, how without our ancestors voices there is a constant shift generation after generation, slow but sure. ("Oh, so you guys say herwìva! That's so cool, we call them snowflakes in English. Oh, and look: in French they're called flocon de neige.")
I want to see a bright-eyed young religion/other enthusiast chatting away about Eywa and all of the Na'vi stories all the while having no problem showing their na'vi friend the absolutely ridiculous amount of books on mythology, demonology, christianity, and all that other stuff. Folklore, fairytales, you name it! ("Yeah, and then Zues banged another lady! I know, he never learns!")
I want some random tree-lover fighting for what little trees are still left on Earth to get so excited that he makes entire slideshows about all of the trees they had back on Earth and are fighting to bring back and what so many of them symbolize, etc. ("What's that? Oh, no, you can't really build a home inside a redwood tree. Uh. . . maybe a treehouse? Wait, you guys don't have treehouses? Omg we have to build one! We'll only use fallen branches, I promise! Pretty please!")
I want to see a poet or writer roll up onto Pandora with their ungodly amount of literature who loves reading to the na'vi children and teaching them how to write fun little poems, etc, all while at the same time paying close attention to the na'vi stories and writing them down, compiling them and even memorizing some of them to connect more with her students. ("I am sam, am I am, do you like green eggs and ham?" "And then the brave Entu snook up behind the might Toruk. . ."
I want games of London bridge and ring-around-the-rosie played right alongside traditional na'vi child games, young children connecting with young na'vi. ("And then you bring your arms down around him and boom! He's out!" "Ooh, what's that you're doing? I wanna try! Do all na'vi play this game?")
I want fun cooking/food classes where they alternate between learning about na'vi food culture and human food culture and they get to truly see how rich the na'vi food culture is while at the same time seeing the same thing about people on Earth. ("I promise you, ice cream is man's best fucking invention ever! And there's so many different kinds and so many different ways of making it, too! Hey, what do you guys do for dessert? Are they fruit based?")
I want trips to places like the beach where a sweet instructor brings pictures of beaches on Earth in the past and shows the others where crabs would have been or some other oceanic shit all while the na'vi instructor teaches them about Pandora's beaches. (no reason in particular for this one, I've just been wanting to go to the beach recently 🤷)
I want people who rode horses (both for equestrian sports and pleasure) to be in awe of the pa'li and to show the na'vi various different moves, games, etc, that they did on their horses via pa'li through things such as videos, pictures, all that fun stuff. ("And this right here is called puissance. You have no idea how long me and my horse had to train to make it safely over that jump!")
I want humans explaining the sheer amount of effort it takes in bonding with an animal. Months, years. And even then you can never be too sure. There is no tsaheylu, no "becoming one". We have to work hard, so hard, for every skill. Every trick. Everything. And even when all is done, there is always the chance of miscommunication. Of you making one wrong move and a horse you've known since you were four bucking you off, or your dog biting you if not trained properly. We are never one, always separate, no matter how close we get. Understanding only goes so deep, and yet we take risks day in and day out because we love our dogs and horses and any other animal we may have conflicts with.
I want humans explaining the fear. And yes, everyone feels fear (especially when colonial idiots pull up *cough* Quaritch *cough*), but for humans? It has always been a constant. There is no Eywa. Our perception of everything is completely different from a na'vi, who spends their whole life connected to their planet. We are alone in our minds, in our perception. When we die, there is only death. Our ancestors are lost in the wind. We are each left to interpret everything in the ways we know how, and we are so weak. Killed so easily. Everything is a threat. The ocean, a tree, animals, mountains, nature. Everything that gives us life takes it away, only there is no Eywa telling us that it is alright. That there is balance. For us, there is just panic and pain and fear, as we are attacked from all sides, begging for answers we'll never get. So we protect ourselves in the only ways we know how. Houses. Machines. And the fear, over time, our justification. (Not sure if what I'm trying to say made any sense at all lol.)
And I want na'vi taking this in, not forgiving us for our wrongdoings (because we have no right to ask that of them) but for them to just see us the way they claim to see so much. For them to see us and us to see them and for there to be understanding. No "demons". No "savages". Because that's not how it is. It's just two different mindsets brought on by two very different planets.
But what I want most of all?
A slushy tbh. Gonna go drive to my local 7/11 now. That's enough depression for one day.
Wow what a very emotional ask! I really love this! My favorite human things that fics tend to have Jake bring to the Omaticaya are small but meaningful I think. Curse words, photos and videos, children's games (the marking their height on the wood!!), high fives and pinky swears, flipping people off, books, and slang for sure.
In regards to most of this I think Norm is your GUY. I refuse to believe he doesn't teach his 50 million adopted children to read and write along with history and culture and biology, Earth and Pandora. The rest of the village kids TOTALLY get in on these lessons they all want to learn, they get jealous of their friends. Norm taking over and restructuring Grace's school is my FAVORITE headcanon, I love the idea that Spider joins him in lessons after he gets older if he never gets an avatar or gets Eywa blessed.
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comradejoanmir · 8 months
thank youuuuuuuu @suzuki-ecstar for the tag! saving me from paying attention in class I'm so serious this prof sucks
rules: answer these 15 questions then tag 15 people you'd like to know better 💐
1. are you named after anyone?
not a person no
2. when was the last time you cried?
couple months ago I think, around when I got my internal marks for this really horrific prof's
3. do you have kids?
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
rn I'm on the college volleyball team but before that I used to play badminton, ran relays and smaller marathons, a couple years of table tennis, and a year each of gymnastics, karate, and classical dance; I also played outside like every evening from ages 8-14 hashtag not like other girls in that my apartment literally did not have any girls my age 😔
(note: I wasn't particularly good at any of those except maybe badminton but I had fun so who cares)
5. do you use sarcasm?
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
I have no idea
7. what’s your eye color?
dark brown
8. scary movies or happy endings?
not a horror fan unless I'm making fun of it with friends
9. any talents?
being hot lmao but also ig I'm kinda good at academic writing, essays and the kind
10. where were you born?
tamil nadu, india
11. what are your hobbies
drawing, playing the guitar/ singing usually with my sister (been a while though), reading (trying to get back in) and watching motorsportssss
12. do you have any pets?
13. how tall are you?
5'3 last I checked
14. favorite subject in school?
english, bio, history but no.1 for me and all my classmates was always sports/pe which is a distinctly not-american thing I think
Edit: it might be a distinctly my school thing the more I think- we Loved pe 🤷
15. dream job
don't really have one, I don't Mind my degree but it's not my fav thing in the world. I'd love to work at my first internship place but the pay's not great and more importantly I'll have to live in This state so....hmmm.
Tagging @menstitsillness@gianniisantetokounmpo @lewisfencer and anyone who wants to do this!
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grungelovingrat · 2 years
Random Yuurivoice Powerpuff Boys HCS
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Was in a silly goofy mood (i was bored as shit-) so I came up with some headcanons for Yuuri's powerpuff boys &lt;3
He constantly rants on and on about how terrible black licorice is but behind closed doors he is om-nomming that shit UP same
He's Bi gender (real)
With that being said he actually wears the top from the boy toy stuff and a skirt quite often (slay king)
He's always wanted some sort of pet (mostly a cat) but the poor boy already has a bit of problems so he's just waiting at this point.
He actually needs glasses, like, needs them.
He is horribly near sighted but he's really stubborn so it took him up to his dilf years to actually wear some damn glasses-
He's a good cook, he's trash at baking and some breakfast but he has mastered other foods
But he still only makes kraft mac-n-cheese-
He has a HUGE squishmellow collection
A lot of them are set near his bed but he puts all his favorites on the bed (but don't tell them that ofc-)
This man 100% has everything you'd ever need for an at-home spa day just on hand all the time.
Like- he has a closet just dedicated to it <3
He played volleyball in middle school thru high-school that's why his ass is so thicc
At first he only played it because his parents wanted him to do a sport for at least a year and volleyball looked the easiest to him
Then he played again
And again
All the way up until he graduated hs
He's really good at it too
His attacks in vb are probably enough to turn someone into a donut- Rengoku?
Lemme just say he made fun of Al for playing volleyball just bc-
(He still went to every game)
He was a theater kid you cannot convince me otherwise
He got all the lead roles once he got good
Every single time-
Y'know those little rubber band bracelets you can make? Yeah well he made matching ones for both him and Al when they where kids and he still wears it (Al does too btw)
And if he where to get all the shit he needed he'd make one for you too <3
I swear he is the definition of a Golden Retriever Boyfriend-
He will do absolutely anything for you babes
Oh, you're feeling too sad and tired to do anything today? Suddenly he slipped and he cleaned the entire house, did all the shopping, AND made you your favorite meal 🤷
Also, c u d d l e s
As I've stated before Seth is little spoon..
But he's also really warm somehow
Like no matter how cold it is outside he's still like a fucking heating pad-
So there's really no need for a blanket w/ him
You can tell when his emotions are heightened bc his accent will begin to slip
(I'm pretty sure that's happened in a lot of the actual videos-)
He's an amazing singer i will not argue with anyone on this-
He really likes playing his instrument, when he's not at his flower shop or in his garden he's playing it
He actually doesn't have a favorite flower, if you where to ask him he'd say a new one every time because he likes them all!
Though he thinks Red Spider Lillies are really beautiful to look at
They're not his favorite favorite but still
He has a bunny named 'Marguerite' or 'Maggie'
(This is what she looks like):
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He always gets so worried when he has late nights at the shop bc like- what if his baby ran out of food or smth?
He has his attic all cleaned out so he can go up there to read or sketch in the sun/moonlight
Anyways that's all I have!
If you have any story ideas make sure you
A: Check out my pinned post and my acc intro if you haven't already
and B: Leave it in my ask box!!
Love ya <33
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chussyracing · 3 months
Max and Lando's nerve makes me laugh so much. They criticize the fact that Charles only had one reprimand and no penalty while Lando was also at fault and blocked 2 cars during practice. And max (the king of nerve) who has often been spared penalties (he has already done worse and received no penalties). Really the nerve of both. It doesn't surprise me that they get along so well
Fun fact about stewards is how they should be objective and independent and then you have QuickGabi telling a story about how she got a 10s penalty last race in Misano which was served during the race. When she got to their office after the race (despite not being summoned) to get explanation how she got a 10s penalty for unsafe release during a period when she was cruising behind a safety car, it turned out they watched wrong footage of a completely different car. If this sport was fair, played by the rules and considered all available data, many things in recent years would happen differently 🤷
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lovethegoalies · 3 months
Get to know me
Tagged by @dewvorce-flowers <3
(3 days late because the end of the year is crazy 👍👍)
Do you make your bed?
Yes, most days. I like to work or organize stuff on my bed so its better to have it made. Plus my bed is visible from the outside, so I like to have it made.
Favorite number?
4 because of my birthday. The number 4 is also heavily linked to death in many culture so 👍. Also one of my favorite football player number is 4. Also I've 3 siblings, so 4 of us.
What's your job?
I am a language assistant and I am finalizing my master degree to become a language teacher. Was supposed to be done in September last year, but I believe for September 2024.
If you could go back to school, would you?
Technically, I'm not out of school because I'm still in Uni and I am working in secondary education and even a little bit with primary.
In some case, I would think of it to study something really different like geopolitics or statistics.
Can you parallel park?
I think... I have not driven since August. Can comeback to edit this, if not in like a month.
Do you think aliens are real?
I mean in the way they are portrayed in movies and stuff: obviously not. But I do believe there is life on other planet / solar systems in our galaxy: yes also obviously.
Can you drive a manual car?
It's the only type of car that I know how to drive 🤷. I've tried driving automatic cars but they stress me out, there is too many informations.
Guilty pleasure?
I like to take two showers a day which I know is bad for the environment so I try to do it less.
Want to but I have commitments issues. I love them but welp can't commit to things.
Favorite color?
Green 💚. I recently discovered I really like purple 💜. And I'm bullying myself into liking yellow 💛 and orange 🧡, because of a Tumblr post. The yellow liking is growing but not really orange.
Favorite type of music?
I guess the longest style of music I've liked is rock, metal core. But I have also been into Kpop for quite a while.
But I'm just into a lot of different genres of various languages
My current top three is :
У мамы есть секрет by Monetochka
Anything > Human by Bad Omens (w/ Erra)
Маніфест by Artem Pivovarov
Do you like puzzles?
Yes, but I'm either really into it or get frustrated.
Any phobias?
Slight agoraphobia. Coulrophobia (clowns) and automatonophobia (human like figures [dolls, mannequins, ...])
Favorite childhood sport?
Archery and equitation, also football in defense. And rugby was really fun too.
Do you talk to yourself?
Yes, and out loud a lot of the time.
Tea or coffee?
Neither. Not even, hot cocoa anymore because of my lactose intolerance.
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
Astronaut. And I wanted to be in the military until I was 9.
What movies do you adore?
Addams Family Values (1993)
Battle royal (2000)
The Virgin suicides (2000)
Train to Busan (2016)
Thank you so much for tagging me. I'm tagging (do it if you want and if you have the time)
@dontknowhockey @mkaugust @mimi-landgraab
Also if you see this and want to do it, tag me :)
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oscar-fastri · 8 months
tagged by @lestappenforever (i'm also very late to this oops?)
1. Who or what got you into F1?
simple answer: ao3
long answer: football summer break in the summer of '23 left me bored and bereft of entertainment. i was browsing on ao3 for stuff to read and somehow landed in f1 rpf and that was the beginning of the end for me
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
lewis hamilton :3 i knew of his existence before i got into f1 because of a feature he did with time magazine so i think i always felt a bit of loyalty to him? also because he advocates for causes i'm passionate about. he's still one of my favorites and i have a lot more context and knowledge about him/his career now!
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
it's a four-way tie between max, charles, oscar, and lewis. i never said i could choose for shit 🤷
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
*climbs onto a table* LESTAPPEN MY BELOVEDS <33
i came for the enemies to lovers and stayed for the lore, poeticism, and homoeroticism 😌
ok but like actual driver pairing-wise... i'd say charles and lewis or max and oscar. i think it would be interesting to see some of the biggest talents on the current grid (and my favorites) match up against each other!
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite driver?
no one i'm close irl with watches f1 :( i do have a baby brother that i'm slowly brainwashing into the sport though!! his current favorite would probably be max (i'm guessing cause he's a toddler and i have no clue what he's saying half the time) but he loves ferrari in general. (really proving seb right here oof)
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH tbh idk :( none of them from this year really stand out and since i'm a new fan i haven't watched any other year!! from 2023 though i really liked interlagos :3
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
also have no clue because i haven't seen all of the circuits. will get back to you later.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
not yet :3 but hopefully i'll be able to go to one of the european races this year!!
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
n o p e. though fun fact if i ever did i would be able to talk to 15/20 of the current drivers in their native language hehe
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
rb19 or w11 ✨
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
blerf idk. i would say oscar except i don't think (and i hope) he won't be a one hit wonder, but at this point in time he's only won one sprint, so i'll still say oscar on a technicality?
also i'm not well-versed in f1 history so i don't even know that many one win wonders lmao
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
so. fucking. many.
"i don't want to mature, i'm happy where i am" - lando norris
"just leave me alone, i know what i'm doing" - kimi raikkonen
"i am stupid, i am stupid" - charles leclerc
"i have it printed out" - torger wolff
"i don't think anymore, i stopped thinking a long time ago" - charles leclerc
"yeah it's on purpose" - carlos sainz jr
okay yeah! that's it *fingerguns* tagging @solaireverie @rinador @scientistsinistral and anyone else who wants to do it!! i'm late af so. have fun lmao
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pigeonwhumps · 2 years
Thanks @whump-or-whatever and @hold-him-down for the tags!
Are you named after anyone? Nope! My parents just liked the name.
When was the last time you cried? Hmm... when I was writing Phoenix's last piece and I really realised they'd been locked in dark spaces for misbehaving and thought it was normal. How much it would take to unpack that. Baby needs a hug.
Do you have kids? Nope!
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Kinda. Depends who I'm with.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Their hair, usually. I don't notice if they've changed it or anything though.
What’s your eye colour? Hazel
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, usually
Any special talents? I can hear the quiet cat meowing outside the window to be let in when no-one else can, does that count?
Where were you born? London, UK
What are your hobbies? Swordfighting, writing (fanfic and obviously whump), drawing
Have you any pets? Three cats, Lilly, Wilbur and Sooty. And I have to take all three for their booster jabs and check-ups this week, which is sure to be so much fun. Also we have three fish and many snails, and my sister's stick insects – none of them have names, though
What sports do you play/have you played? Does swordfighting count? Because otherwise I haven't played sports in years
How tall are you? 5'6"
Favourite subject in school? Depended on the teacher, but usually art or English
Dream job? Something that pays enough that I don't have to worry about money, but 🤷 idk what
My cats! Left to right, Lilly, Wilbur, Mabel
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Tagging @verkja @i-eat-worlds @flowersarefreetherapy with no pressure, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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every-marveler-ever · 2 years
In The Circle
Fluffbruary Day 10 | @fluffbruary | Moment
Marvel Rare Pair Valentine’s Mini Bingo | 💘 @marvelrarepairbingo2022 | Platonic Relationship(s)
All Caps Bingo Round 1 | 🤷 @allcapsbingo | Reality TV AU
masterlist :: (ao3 link)
RATING: General. WARNING(S): Catfishing, Based on 'The Circle' from Netflix
A/N: This story had many interactions including a bachelor interaction with Bucky at the lead, it was a mess. Thank you so much to the Marvel Rare Pair Bingo Discord because without your sprints I don't think I would have ever written this. Thanks to @endlesstwanted for the cheerleading and support.
Peter signed up to the circle for some fun (and because he desperately needed the money) thinking that it would at least be a fun 4 week's vacation, he didn't expect to fall in love with someone over a screen. | peter parker/? (read to find out)
fluffbruary 2023 | mrprb 💘 valentines mini bingo | acb 🤷 round 1
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Peter Parker walks into his room and his reaction is exactly what Netflix shows when he watches it back. He’s incredibly excited for a multitude of reasons, one being that he’s never lived alone before and now he has a whole apartment to himself. Another is that the apartment is incredible because of its blue walls and an awesome red fluffy couch it seems a little too on the nose to the favourite colours he put down on his application, but then there’s a chalkboard wall and it feels like the producers can read his mind. 
It’s perfect, and despite the show not working exactly how it plays out on TV there is an Alexa in the room which makes him feel like people are listening and watching him all day. It’s almost like he has a friend that’s not on a TV screen.
He has one of those too, his name is Harley, he thinks because that’s how the circle works, just because Peter’s telling the truth and he is actually Peter Parker with the birth certificate to match, he has no idea if Harley is the same. 
“Hey Circle message Harley,” this has become a daily routine every morning as Peter brushes his teeth Harley supposedly makes breakfast and Peter is normally the person that initiates the conversation. He knows it’s weird because he has no idea who the man (or woman) on the other side is. Harley gets to wake up to random facts every morning anyway, “did you know there are more than 1,700 references to gems and precious stones in the King James translation of the Bible.”
The little circles that come up and down remind Peter that Harley is responding and has accepted the chat, which if he didn’t producers might have made him anyway. 
Harley's face shows up next to his response, “is that the magical fact that showed up on your calendar today? A biblical one seems like an odd choice?” It’s an honest message because Harley had made it known throughout this season that he is extremely atheist which doesn’t seem like something anybody in the circle would lie about.
Peter doesn’t want to say he was tricking him but the actual fact on his daily calendar today was ‘If you had enough water to fill one million goldfish bowls, you could fill an entire stadium.’ and he didn’t particularly feel like starting off the day with a sports fact. It’s also a fact that he felt Harley would know, it says he is a chemical engineer so that seems pretty reasonable, he’s also a huge fan of the Philidelphia Eagles. 
It seems weird to know facts like that because Peter has no idea if any of them are real. 
“Circle message, Ha I guess you're too hard to trick then, but yes my calendar choose a weird one today. Do you think mantis would appreciate it? It talks about gems.” 
Mantis was their resident crystal healer which sounded cool in theory but once again Peter had no idea if that was real either. She seemed to be good at reading people as she had sent the last two home and both were revealed to be catfish in their final video diaries. Peter was really hoping nobody else that was left was a catfish because they were getting very close to the final. 
Harley pops up again, “I think that is really sweet of you to think of her Peter when reading that, and I do think she would seriously enjoy it.”
That puts a smile on Peter’s face because he had the same thought, he finishes brushing his teeth and ends the conversation, “circle message back, I’ll talk to her soon, you too, hope to talk later,” he’s happy with it adding a smiley face at the end, “circle end conversation.” As the words come out of his mouth the screen goes back to the circle home screen and Peter movies on with his day.
In the end, he doesn’t care if Harley isn’t  Harley if his favourite colour isn’t yellow like he says or if he actually barracks for the New England Patriots, he just hopes he is just as loveable. 
When he makes breakfast he always talks to Tony and Bucky who kind of feel like his parents in this whole situation, which seems strange seeing as he was very sure they were hitting on him previous to them realising he was only 21. It certainly seems that they know each other and that makes Peter trust them. 
Bucky message the group first, “so how did Mr Harley take your morning fact this morning? Did you tell him the biblical one?”
It’s very much like Bucky Barnes, he is ex-military according to his profile and one of the pictures he displays on his profile includes him and a black man, his partner Rhodey, in military gear, Rhodey in blue and Bucky in a green cameo. Peter rolls his eyes as he sees Tony typing next, “let the kid breathe, he’s probably hyperventilating, over sexual attention from Harley.”
He knew this type of comment would come and according to Bucky Tony has no room to talk because in college he slept with anybody with a working heartbeat. 
Peter still writes down in his notebook that Bucky is still uncertain if Harley is a catfish and Tony, well Tony is being Tony. “Circle message,” Peter says as he snaps close his notebook, “uh we had a great conversation, he questioned the fact that my calendar would give a biblical fact but other than that he seemed to stay on track.” It’s the complete truth because Peter doesn’t really know anything but the truth. 
Peter feels left out It was only an hour ago that the alert had come to prepare to vote for the last round before the final before the final five would meet for the first time in person.
This season you can see who is chatting by the little icon next to their profile head and everybody is chatting but him.
It doesn't mean he'll get voted out, he feels great about the other people in the circle, and he expects that Harley, Bucky or Tony would place him high, Mantis and Wanda he's not as confident. But he has been nice to everyone and completely honest, he is Peter.
When the alert alarm finally comes on his screen Peter feels relieved because all the annoying texting that had been going on was diminished. 
Harley's face comes up first in the 6th spot and Peters follows him not long after in the 4th. Bucky and Mantis become influencers shown by the star next to their name and Peter thinks it's okay they both like him right?
Wrong because he gets left out, not even invited to go to someone else's room, instead told he will meet them at the grand final.
The games are over for him, but it's not for Harley.
When his face shows up on their screens the next morning it's not a shock that he’s real, more of a shock that he's gone.
The final is incredibly scary for Peter because he still hasn’t seen Harley yet, because unlike Peter he made it to the final five and Peter couldn’t be happier with the result. He sits at the bar with everyone else enjoying drinks and dressed in their finest, the suit he’s wearing appeared on his doorstep one day and he thought it came from the producers but the note attached to it proved otherwise, ‘go get him kid - Tony’. 
It feels nice that somebody is rooting for him in the mess that this game subsequently became, but he made so many friends through it all with not much care if they were catfish. He talks to Wade who explains that he’s much more comfortable in his skin since getting caught catfishing as [], because everybody made him feel better.
“And welcome your final five!” Michelle Buteau announcers to the cameras and the past contestant, who all whoop and cheer, “let’s welcome in the illusive, Mr Bucky Barnes,” Bucky comes out just as Peter expected from the photos except with his hair cut short and a much cleaner beard. 1 out of 5, not catfish, pretty good, “and his partner in crime in real life and on-screen Mr Tony Stark, ladies and gentlemen,” Tony is similar as he struts out like he owns the place, with all the confidence in the world as he gives Bucky a hug for the first time in 4 weeks. 
It gives Peter hope.
Mantis comes out next and is actually revealed to be Peter Quill and one of the girls beside Peter, Gamora, starts crying at the shock of it not being the person she expected. Peter remembers them being close in the game and to see such a shock makes his stomach drop. What if that’s him and Harley?
Wanda is completely herself smiling and yet still mystical in a way that you wonder if she could bite your own head off. She talks about her girlfriend at home, Natalie and that she was glad she didn’t come on as single because now she has made countless platonic friendships that mean more to her than she thinks love could have. Peter thinks similarly being able to know Tony and Bucky with promises one day he’ll get to meet Rhodey and talk his head off about Tony and his time at MIT. 
“Last but certainly not least we have our Kentucky lover from Rosefield Tenasse, Harley Keener,” Peter closes his eyes squeezing Gamora's hand, he doesn’t want to open them but Gamora squeezes his hand back and he feels like he has to. The man he opens his eyes to see is not Harley Kenner, at least not the man in the photos Harley Kenner. 
One of the cameras gives a close-up on Peter’s face as it twitches and turns before Michelle Buteau redirects it towards the potential winners, “now Ned isn’t it?” She turns to Harley and the small guy nods his head. Harley and Ned definitely aren’t the same because Ned is quite short and he had described Harley as 6’1 and the guy is more like 5’4. 
Ned keeps smiling over at Peter and Peter just smiles back because this is the guy he’s been talking to every morning for 4 weeks straight nearly. 
“Can I just say,” Ned takes the mic and looks over at Peter, “I am entirely the person I presented on the show, except for the sports, I’ve never been to a football game before,” every body laughs, Peter included, “but I really do want to stay friends with you all and maybe more,” Ned looks directly into Peter’s eyes?
Who cares about the 250,000, Peter has a Ned to meet. 
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
I was tagged by @mangosimoothie! Thank you for thinking of me 💕
15 questions:
1. Are you named after anyone? Yes! I'm named after my grandma. 2. When was the last time you cried? In the spirit of honesty... literally 15 minutes ago. Lmfao 3. Do you have kids? Yes, one child! 4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? No, not really! I'm not good at telling when people are being sarcastic so I don't tend to use sarcasm often. 5. What sports do you play/have you played? I don't do sports lol. I played softball for one year when I was in primary school and after that I danced/performed until college. 6. What's the first thing you notice about other people? Their smile probably? 7. Eye color? Brown! 8. Scary movies or happy endings? Depends on my mood. I hate slasher films/gory stuff, but I like meaningful horror that explores trauma/grief/loss/etc. I also love a good "chick-flick" lmao so 🤷 9. Any special talents? I sing, but as for special talents... I can do a good Mickey Mouse impression lmfao. Idk! 10. Where were you born? The USA 11. What are your hobbies? Writing, reading, baking, Dungeons and Dragons, playing the sims (obviously), and binge-watching tv shows like it is my job. 12. Do you have any pets? Yes, one cat! I treat her like she is also my child, I love her cranky ass.
13. How tall are you? 5'2 (and a half)
14. Favorite subject in school? English, easily. Loved English and loved all the amazing English teachers I had over the years (I was that weird kid who helped my teachers grade papers for fun and ate lunch in their classrooms). 15. Dream job? I dream of being a fiction author and a college professor one day 🖤
I'm not sure who has done this and who hasn't, so I'll tag @wrixie, @xhannahsimssx, @afrolatinotrait, @yooniesim, @cinamun, @simsinfinitylt and uhhhh anyone else who wants to do this!
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sadrockandwaltzes · 1 year
twttin movie comments/review
I present the movie That Was Then This Is Now, this time with commentary.
XD not Bryon being too embarrassed to put on a seatbelt *looks away from Mark's judgement "just slow down, alright?"
Did Mark and Bryon have a friend named Terry? I know there was a Charlie and past that I can't think of any friends at all
Something seriously funny about Mark wearing a modified letterman jacket. Does he even play sports?
"Oh you shouldn't have. You're spending all your money on me" *stolen rose from literally the other room
Sleeps naked??
Cathy doesn't look how I imagined her.. actually I think she didn't even look how I imagined her in the book😅I imagine her with straight light brown or strawberry blond hair and M&M with dark brown/black, and one of them was wrong. I really hope M&M isn't blond... he's gonna look like that token kid from the baseball movie
Boy wastes no time flirting
Terry's good! Geez! *Was it a thing for cars to have 3 seats in the front? Or maybe it's a van?
Bryon really just spit in his bag of m&Ms -_- what's wrong with you
NO don't you dare jump my boy m&m!! He's like 12!
That's Curly???
"You're taking M&M's sister? I thought you were going with me and the boys : ( "-Mark to Bryon
Charlie's really too good that he would let Bryon borrow his CAR 😧
That's a snazzy stolen shirt. Wonder where he got it from🤔
The dad has fused with the chair
M&M's name is HOWARD?? XD what do you mean you can't tell him and Cathy apart?? He has short straight blond hair and she has long wavy dark hair. Huh??? *Like in the book I had to change one of their hair colors to make it fit, but I at least imagined them looking alike. They don't look alike and he doesn't look like a girl!
XD is the dad really going to take this time to just complain about M&M?? Bryon's here to pick up Cathy, why would he want to hear a father's grievances about his younger child??
*also though, if they don't want him looking like a girl, don't give him a vest that kinda looks like a woman's exercize top🤷
Like this dad is so focused on his son that he doesn't even have a problem with this boy taking out his daughter and wearing a really flamboyant and revealing top that's 3/4 of the way unbuttoned. I'm shocked.
HAVE HER HOME BY MIDNIGHT?? AND THE DAD IS FINE WITH THAT?? I thought 10 is usually the limit, maybe 11
Seriously where did Cathy get her dark hair genes
Was the door unlocked? Why's she waiting for him to open it?
Mark's pretty jealous huh🙄
Man Angela's pretty.. you can really tell she's a Shepherd 😅why do her clothes and hair look messier for the dance than for school?? She looked pretty neat the first time we saw her
The dance looks kinda fun ngl
Who's the goldjacket?
XD way to try and ruin your boy's chances.
NOT MARK ACTING AS IF HE ARRANGED THE FIGHT TO DISTRACT BRYON FROM HIS DATE *"what?? He's not going to take the bait?? What do you mean his date's more important than his ego??"
XD the fake punches are really getting me.
Aw him and Cathy are pretty cute. Shut up Mark you loser! He's like some kind of dog🙄 She's only gonna steal your boy if you make yourself so unlikable
*evil glare 'Cathy. Ugh. How can I get them to break up?'
She bakes something! And it's carrot cake 😒 but for Bryon AND Mark! Look who's trying to extend the olive branch er carrot stick...
I guess he did get beat up
ASKS HIM OUT!!! she's cool.
??? I wouldn't wanna go near you either bro
*heavy foreshadowing
XD the mom "how'd you do that?" "Fight." "Well did you win??" Did they have headphones like that in the 60s🤨
*Mark playing the good son "I'll stay with you" probably pitying her now that they're both being abandoned by Bryon🙄
*Mark interrupting their kiss
Woww hits my boy with a poster a few times and then has the gall to ask for $10
AND THEN CUFFS HIS EAR AND THREATENS TO RIP IT OFF?? He ain't paying him back.. at least.. not with his own money🙄
Dang, he's inviting these rabble rousers to his wedding? Either he's really generous, or he doesn't have many friends
"It's really incredible, this marriage thing" Oh Boy🙄
These cowboys gonna beat these kids black and blue
What'd I say.
I have NEVER seen such an organized cemetery. They look like dominoes!
Poor guys :/ now the tuxedos will be for his funeral instead of wedding
Lot of nice shirts Mr. Boyfriend🤨
"Why don't you grow up" *bryon while drinking from the carton
Like hey man, y'all just watched your friend die. You can understand why he'd be a little snappy, right?
Bro your friend is in a bad way, heavy eye bags, he's asking to hang out with you cause he's lonely and everyone he loves keeps dying or disappearing. You idiot! Make time for him! I like Cathy, but at least make it brothers and others/lovers! Don't leave him out to dry like this!
Alright... But why would you bring him on your date -_- you know how Cathy and Mark feel about each other. He would push her off a cliff if he thought he wouldn't go to jail and you'd forgive him for it.
Man I love M&M so much
Mark is a bad influence on him😔
"Did I ask for fries, buddy?" "Noo : ( " "Then no fries."
What a weird car.
"Guess we're fighting over you. It's funny, isn't it." Yeah, real funny. Dude being super possessive of his brother/crush/best friend and trying to ruin your lives🙄
Bro where's M&M's necklace?? How are we supposed to know he's a hippie?
Rainbow curtains? What's that about? *I guess the mom likes color..? The rest of the house is kinda boring though
Geez she's angry, huh!
So that's why he works at the grocery store🤨well I think her shirt just looked like his uniform.. she's a waitress after all
So they haven't had the head shaving incident yet or mentioned the principal's car.. and still waiting to meet Ponyboy
Poor Mark :/
"I got it covered"🤨=_= do you now.
"You wanna go look for him with me tonight" *torn between hanging out with Bryon and getting stuck with him and his girl
"She can't go. It's just you and me." *fake Deliberating, but we already know the answer
That's a pretty good smiley face
"Hey, this is great, huh?" "What is?" "You and me together, just like old times" Yeah, if we forget the fact that you're looking for your missing friend
"Yeah, just don't remember it being this boring" BRO THAT WAS COLD what do you want, to start necking with him too? Would that be boring?
and of course Mark takes that as permission to drive recklessly *you asked for it Bryon
*Angela slithering over like a snake, closeup of Mark looking like he's barely restraining himself from busting her head open
guess this is when it happens.
Mark's smart, he knows that if Cathy found out she might break up with his boy, and even if she didn't, they'd get to have some bonding revenge together
XD bro it looked like Bryon just drank washing detergent
Man she's really cuddling up to Mark of all people, not even the ex
Whatchu mean out cold, she's still shaking like a kid pretending to sleep spothat they can eavesdrop on their parents
"I sure hate to see gutsy chicks break. Destroys my faith in human nature." Mine too : (
Man, not even a razor. Gonna leave her looking like a ragdoll. I thought Bryon helped cut off the hair too🤨
least subtle exit ever XD
"It seems like when you try to help people out you just end up getting f#cked, y'know?"- foreshadowing
"Nobody on my side has eyes that color. Nobody on your side neither" No duh, your eyes are golden.
"That's just what it sounded like. Fire crackers." He's right though, people always used to do fireworks in and around where I live and it always sounded like gunshots. Every so often when it was a single bang I wondered if it was, but no news reports, or none that I heard of anyway... Not sure about firecrackers though. Aren't those kind of a small bang?
Bryon doesn't even know the story of how he came to live with them? Past the shooting I mean
"I don't like... anybody... hurting me.." watch yourself Bryon
Mark who knows where he is🙄
*Bryon judging people, Mark getting defensive *hey don't judge people*I'm not judging people! *I just don't like to see you judging people Like C'mon Bryon, you're acting like an adult : ( don't you even think about how your friend views himself as similar to these people and you're judging him too without realizing?
Mark probably relates/feels for M&M with the whole father business
They got out of jail fast🤨
They still haven't had the jumping kids and that scene with Mike.. guess jumping kids was skipped
Doing a fight on an apartment's doorstep? That's guys what if someone called the cops?
Seriously, who was that guy in gold?? He just appeared for like 2 seconds
"I have to tell you something.." "what is it, Bryon man??" "I don't.. want anyone to fight the Shepherds." *SHOCK "What're you talking about, man??" "I just had enough of it, getting even" "You're not thinking straight" <- somewhat incorrect quotes. What is this, some huge confession? ("Mom, dad.. I have to tell you something.." "You're a what?!?")
You can tell Mark is gonna get revenge anyway..
>: ( "what're you tryna do to me man? You won't hang out with me, you won't steal or jump kids anymore, don't engage in fights or payback,, you trying to break my heart over here??"*sounds close to tears (<- incorrect quotes)
Aw the real quote's kinda cute
"What the hell you tryna do to me man." "What." "What." "What." "WHAT!" "What the hell you tryna do to me Bryon,*holding back tears* huh?" "How do you think this makes me feel, man. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THIS MAKES ME FEEL! You think I don't know they beat the shit outta you for something I did? HUH? And here you are, man, practically saying you had it coming to you, when it was ME who cut Angela's hair! I PLANNED IT, I DID IT, AND YOU'RE THE ONE WHO GETS NAILED FOR IT! How do you think I feel, Bryon🥺*pregnant pause* Man if they had killed you it would've been my fault.."
*Mark runs from the conversation "and that was the last we saw of him" jk
But what I wanna know, where we're all the hippies when they came earlier? On a field trip? They haven't been in town..
They replaced the spiders with colors?
XD Mark is his favorite "Where's Mark? You guys are always together! Where's Mark? I have to see Mark, I got to see Mark!"
YO! THAT'S A CHANGE! Mark was not this kid's drug dealer! He was _A_ drug dealer!
"He's a f#cken bascket case!" F#CK YOU!!! *Thank you Cathy
Man I remembered Bryon being a lot more sympathetic in the book..
What's up with so many 80s shows with a random stop sign on a kid's wall? Was it trendy or something?
XD Bryon sitting in the mom chair!! ("Where have you been?? It's past midnight!!")
He's so angry he can't even speak
"Jesus.. that's terrible" NO DOI
And then you wonder why he wants you dead
"You're not my brother, man." 'O@O' 😱
"I love you, Bryon" SO! DESPERATE!! "I got nowhere else to go!"
Now I understand why people hate Bryon so much.. I'll have to reread the book to see if he was really this callous
How long passed?? Angela still has a full head of hair, shorter of course, but still
"Y'know you look really good with short hair, Angel" In the book he was feeling empty and meant that genuinely.. this just sounded like he was mad and being rude
Them eyebags. Yeesh. Really ordering anything he can, huh? How much money you got on ya pal?
HEY HOLD UP! THAT'S NOT HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO GO! My boy was supposed to have destroyed all his relationships, burned every bridge (other than his mom's) what's this halfbaked happy ending! We're supposed to go full on tragedy here! And where's Curtis? I haven't seen his ugly mug once this whole movie! What's that about, huh? I'm over here tryna figure out why on earth people are shipping him with Curly, and you can't even do me the honor of seeing him once. I get it, not enough time, right?
Geez that's one dramatic cell. They have this much room for every inmate? Looks like they're about to go ballroom dancing and then pull out knives and slit each others' throats
"How ya doin buddy." BAD START BAD START!!
"How you doin." "It's under control."
"I wanted to see you Bryon."
"Pretty cool place to live in for a while. It's like.. reality, man."
*intense eye contact the whole time* "Oh just commiting your face to memory so I'll remember to kill you later"
*closeup of intense face
Don't get too close to him man!! What if he jumps you??
Not Mark holding back tears : (
Why hasn't he said sorry yet?? Book Bryon was a puddle of guilt at this point!! At least he's holding back tears too now
Bro really just went 'call me' with the hand sign
"Lighten up dude. Everything's gonna turn out ok." FR??? HAPPY ENDING??
Kid got the girl and the boy
Hotwiring a car?? You tryna get thrown in with your buddy? Or maybe you're tryna become him??
??? Watch where you're going doofus
What did I just watch. Was that a happy ending? Will Mark forgive him and go home with him?? You know you'd think being rated R they would've kept the miserable canon ending... can't say I miss it though. BUT WHAT THE HECK! Cut out some scenes I like, an important character, and you got Bryon back with Cathy??? How's that gonna go when Mark comes home because apparently he's coming home?? As a famous author once said, "either this wallpaper or me has got to go." (Oscar Wilde, paraphrased) (full quote is: "My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or the other of us must go." Isn't that just the coolest? I wish my last words could be half as cool as that)
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indira-korr · 2 years
15 questions!
(that are actually just 14 because someone may have dropped one question along the way 🤷)
I got tagged by @imrowanartist and @brokenphoenix99
Are you named after anyone? Haha, maybe… sort of. A family heirloom (my grandma’s locket) has her initials on it. My last name does not fit it, but coincidentally my first name does. And I have a middle name to go with it. I wonder why. 😄
When was the last time you cried? In two minutes when I answer the last question. (Only partially kidding. I really need to find a new job.)
Do you use sarcasm? Yes, I love sarcasm and using it, but I try to limit it to people who will get it and may enjoy it. (Unless I'm really really pissed but not allowed to use violence, then it just slips out.)
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Oof hard to say. A lot, all at once. It's annoying sometimes. Oh and sometimes I don't even see them. No middle ground here 😅
What’s your eye color? Brown
Scary movies or happy endings? Both maybe? Some scary mind-fuck movie that has me sitting there like “What the fuck is going on here?” but in the end they get to be happy. That’s nice.
What are your hobbies? That can change quickly from nothing to everything. At the moment: writing, painting, and leaving long-ass 'live broadcast of my brain' comments on AO3.
Any special talents? The ability (and urge) to turn pretty much everything into a joke and preferably innuendo. (It may be more of a curse than a talent though) I can also learn new stuff extremely fast until I'm really average (maybe a bit less) and then it's torture to continue. 🤷
Where were you born? In Germany, about half a stone throw away from the Netherlands.
Zonnige groeten aan mijn nederlandse buren 🙋
Do you have any pets? I have a dog. A black lab dalmatian mix. He’s super cute and he knows it (and how to use it). "Look at how cute and poor and hungry and unpetted I am. Give me that Pizza please. 🥺"
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What sports do you play/have played? Not so much at the moment, but I used to love swimming and snorkeling. I did try underwater rugby for a short while. That was fun (and really hard. Try playing a fast team sport but you don’t get to breathe much 🥵)
How tall are you? About 1,75 m (5.75 feet)
Favorite subject in school? Why do I always have to choose things? I don’t want to choose. Top 5 is the best I can do: Biology, Math, Art, Chemistry, Foreign languages.
Dream job? I’m open to suggestions on how to figure that out. (But it’s definitely not middle management, that much is clear 🥲)
Tags: As always, everyone who wants to play too, consider yourself tagged, I'd love to hear from you.
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thef1diary · 9 months
NHL!! Welcome to the actual (sorry F1) coolest sport in the world!!
There's definitely way less cute marketing content compared to F1 but for teams with those hockey pretty boys (Anaheim - Zegras, Devs/Canucks - Hughes, Chicago - Bedard) theres plentiful fan content like edits and stuff. There's also less of those fun friendship/team dynamics as trades will just happen in the middle of the season, most people aren't that attached unless it's like one of the best player on the team? There the same amount of players in a single NHL team as there are drivers on the grid but unlike F1 the majority of them are pretty much ghosts with the exception of 4-5 star players. You don't really get to see all their personalities as well as you do F1 🤷
Games are fun, they're much more cheaper and accessible compared to F1 live events and the experience is just so much more different compared to watching at home.
Jerseys are also cuterrr, still really expensive but much more fashionable compared to the F1 polos and t shirts (sorry, if anyone likes those)
Personally I grew up watching the NY Islanders and I live 15 mins ish from their home arena so I basically go to a game every 2 weeks and just sayinggg we have the hottest player in the NHL Mat Barzal 🤌
Okay okay hold on I still consider f1 as the coolest sport (very biased opinion) but I love this entire message.
I have literally been surviving off of the edits on tiktok (especially of Vince Dunn and Jack Hughes cuz I don't really know anyone else)
At this rate, I will probably go to a hockey game in person before I end up going to an f1 race (hopefully I'll be going to italy next season but nothing's confirmed yet)
I personally hate the f1 team polos but some of the etsy merch is very cute. But I might treat myself and buy a jersey once I find a specific team and player to support.
brb gonna search up Mat Barzal now
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lea-andres · 2 years
🌞⛈🌈⭐️🌊🍉 Vavok :)
*grumbles about Vavok getting more questions than Bugbear now*
🌞Who handles the heat better?
Vector, because he's cold blooded. I'm running with the assumption the Zetis are warm blooded because 🤷
⛈Who’s afraid of thunderstorms?
🌈Who enjoys the longer days the most?
I don't know? 🤔 Vector, because more time for sunbathing in the warmth?
⭐️Who likes to look at stars?
Vector, because he's the cool one. 😂
🌊Freshwater or saltwater?
Crocodiles go either way depending on the type and region they live in! So I'm going to say Vector has no preference.
Zavok probably prefers freshwater. I didn't play Lost World, but I'm assuming the Lost Hex has no oceans on it. But it probably has at least a lake or a pond or something freshwater? 🤷
🍉Which one loves watermelon? Who spits the seeds like it’s a sport? Or who hates the seeds?
Vector definitely spits the seeds like it's a sport and for fun. Zavok probably hates the seeds.
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snekjin · 3 years
Why do you still support toews and kane?
I'm honestly surprised I've never received this question before and I appreciate that you worded it neutrally. I have the weirdest love/hate relationship with these two.
trigger warning for discussion of sa under the cut
I left up most of my initial reactions so if people really want to see how I felt you can go back through the archive and see it. At the time, I honestly thought I would never support the Blackhawks again and I imagine a lot of others here felt the same. I even said as much to people I know IRL.
Over time my anger ebbed and I looked at things a bit differently. A lot of people read the report, heard the comments that Toews and Kane made (I think before they had seen the interview with Kyle?) and pointed fingers. The truth that came out was the result of an investigation that took an entire team of people several months to interview over 100 people and some are reacting as if every detail in it was common knowledge to everybody who was near the Blackhawks organisation at that time.
We can be mad at them for their comments but a lot of people seem to assume that they:
a) knew a non-consensual act had occured
b) partook in/witnessed the bullying.
There is no concrete evidence that either of these are true given a) the different rumours that were floating around and b) the fact that Kyle spent most of his time in Rockford.
I don't mean to sound like I'm diminishing what happened to Kyle. I would love to know who bullied him and will happily castrate them myself (even if it's Kane or Toews).
To be honest my current interest in the pair of them is almost entirely based on the fictional narrative of them and not the real people. I know not everybody makes this distinction the same way.
This wasn't always the case. Before Toews' comments I would have said he was hands down my favourite player, I thought he was an amazing person. I loved how he cared about the environment and all those sorts of things. He was my phone wallpaper and I was so excited for him to come back and play again. And then he went and pissed all over it with that press conference.
When I first starting making gifs I went out of my way to not gif Jonny at all. I think when he got his first goal, I thought it would be weird to just pretend it didn't happen and then it sort of slid into doing a few more. Fast-forward to today when he's pretty regularly featured on this blog.
I shifted to being more of a Kane fan just because I'm more comfortable with the way he addressed the situation and the way he seems to have matured as a person (maybe he's still a piece of shit, who knows🤷)
I only got into the Hawks very recently (around June of last year, I think) so was very deep into the early hyperfixation stages at that time and wasn't quite ready to let them go if that makes any dumb sort of sense? If I had been around a few years and was kind of slowing down in the "fandom lifecycle" I might have just been happy to leave for good like others did.
But in the last few months especially I've interacted with so many people on here, had some fun discussions (and some not so fun discussions) so it's just nice to be part of this little world that we all created together idk.
If anybody is uncomfortable with any of the views expressed above you can unfollow me if you need to. And if you have any other questions or thoughts feel free to drop them in my inbox.
One day I will lose interest in 1988 like I lose interest in other fandoms and just go back to watching the sport without giving a shit about the private lives of the people on the ice. Maybe it will be when they retire or when one of them gets traded. Maybe it will be before then. But for now, I'll be here.
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