#off to mac Donald
lorddegroot · 1 year
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Spyper : Going to buy some McDonald's 😎
Ass pancakes : CHICKY NUGGETSSSSS!!!!!!
Intelligent heavy : *scared*😰 um
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blorbofrommyshows · 1 year
god I wish there was someone arnd to bring me hot milk and cookies
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ooh what would each of the boyd boys bring to a potluck?
Steve Murphy: Steve shows up with a freshly made buffalo chicken dip. Steve *is* a pretty good and diligent cook, he just rarely gets many opportunities to show it off! He’s the most try-hard motherfucker at the potluck. Peña, who brought the tortilla chips for dipping, is laughing at him.
Donald Pierce: He actually thought a *lot* about what he was gonna bring, and then got distracted with work, and then distracted thinking about his outfit, and before he knew it it was too late. Pierce ended up making an emergency trip to the store to get soda. It’s Mexican cola though, so, not the worst!!
Cap Hatfield: Cap made his mom’s mac & cheese recipe! It’s… not great. But it’s pretty filling! Cap was also considerate enough to bring plastic utensils and paper plates to go with, which really makes him the MVP.
Clement Mansell: Clement, generously, brings a little baggie of cocaine and spends the potluck trying to find people to take lines with him. The Corinthian and Ty take him up on it.
The Corinthian: He brings a very lovely charcuterie board, complete with a selection of artisanal cheeses, locally-produced soppressata, and a selection of spreads! Everyone is very weirded out by how enthusiastic he is about the pate. Sure, it’s good, but does he have to eat it by the spoonful?
Eli Klaber: He spent the whole morning baking cinnamon roles from scratch!! Half of them were burned and unsalvageable, but he swears that the five that survived are probably really good. Y’all can just divvy them up, yeah?
Ty Shaw: Ty comes hauling a keg of beer!! Bad news though - it’s Bud Light.
Quinn McKenna: You never explicitly told Quinn to bring anything to the potluck, so he didn’t. Why is everyone shooting him dirty looks??
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bluebelline · 8 months
POV: We are in the car about to head out, I suggest we hit up as many fast food places as we can (feeder's choice)) in 1 day (even if I say I can't eat any more). Where do we go?
Fun question! Thank you for asking!
The trick is I'm in Europe (IDK where you are from ;-) ), and in my country drive through are not THAT commun. I mean, off course mac donalds and burger king have some, but that is basically it.
So i guess id take you to a burger place, then a pizza place, and finish it up with doughnuts. :-)
And pat your belly as you eat and start to slow down. :-)
Thank you for the question!
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ackermans-angel · 1 year
No thoughts head empty, just thinking about being a passenger princess in Levi’s car.
His shirt cuffed at his forearms, right hand on your thigh (or holding your hand), and the left steering with ease. You can see the veins on his forearm as he turns the wheel!!!
He’ll let you take control of the radio/music, even if it isn’t his favorite.
If you belt out the lyrics to a song you really like you can sometimes catch him smiling and chuckling under his breath.
He stares at you at red lights and squeezes your thigh (or hand) reassuringly, to let you know he’s listening to whatever you’re talking about. Occasionally, you can get him talking about something he’s passionate about.
Late night drives to Mac Donald’s or 7/11 and him always being super protective of you. He acts annoyed that you’d even suggest to go to a place as dirty as that, but secretly loves how spontaneous the trips are and the extra time he gets to spend with you.
Sometimes he’ll take the long way home just to be with you a little longer. You tease him about it but he just brushes it off and says he took a wrong turn. Like he’d take a wrong turn🙄
HE ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS opens the door for you whether you’re getting in or out of the car.
It doesn’t happen often, but when he can’t keep his eyes off you, he’ll park a few houses down the street before dropping you back at home, and start a slow but steamy make out sesh. The radios turned down enough to where you can hear the little sighs he makes as things start getting more intense, but he always respects you and ends up stopping… Even if you don’t want him too
Inspired by this post by @anviacker
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leeoconnor · 1 year
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This is Red-Quill, former swamp bandit turned freedom fighter against the nefarious Lunar Empire, who is aided by his devotion to the god of thunder!
So I got to draw some duck-men. It was hilarious. It was a blast. They're from the fantasy world of Glorantha and you can play as them (or alongside them) in the RuneQuest TT RPG.
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Here, a duck shaman is sending out her spirit to go and met her mentors’ spirits in the spirit world. Shaman business. Her look is actually based on a real duck breed. (I was thrilled endlessly that all of these fantasy ducks are based on real-world duck breeds.) The big one with the snout is a troll shaman. Also pictured: her pet bullfrog and the sculptures of it that she’s made, because she loves it so much.
So these aren’t furries or anything, they’re more realistic versions of whimsical, hissing cartoon ducks like Marvel’s Howard the Duck or Disney’s Donald Duck. They’re sword and sorcery duck people! More precisely, they’re part of the accepted and generally very well-loved fantasy setting called Glorantha. You will know about Glorantha in a roundabout way I suspect… The Elder Scrolls game Morrowind lovingly ripped off a bunch of it and it was the setting for the indie game legend King of Dragon Pass and its successors. The most popular way for people to experience Glorantha over the years though has probably been the table-top role-playing game RuneQuest.
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Here, a healer initiate of the goddess of mercy Chalana Arroy, tending to some fellow ducks. (The seated guy in the middle with the shoulder bandage is supposed to look like a mandarin duck, I had to tone him down though, otherwise his bright colours would have stolen the show.) 
So Runequest has a very lovely new edition that came out a while ago. It has a unique appeal in that it’s an RPG that lets you play out mythology. Well, kinda. Being a mythology nerd (I have an in-progress Fionn Mac Cumhaill graphic novel as proof) I was powerless to resist. RuneQuest’s storied publisher Chaosium (they of the Call of Cthulhu RPG) run a community content programme for RuneQuest called the Jonstown Compendium (named after a big library in the setting of Glorantha) where people can publish their own adventures and sourcebooks as PDFs via DriveThruRPG and popular titles then become Print-on-Demand books.
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A put-upon member of duck nobility here, she’s a big deal for the duck people, but sadly the humans nearby don’t take her seriously.  The crosses aren’t crucifixes, they’re the rune of death, which is supposed to look like a simplified sword. The runes that look like Ys are the truth rune. These are the runes of her god, Humakt, GOD OF DEATH. And sword fights. The duck people love the god of death. *Falls off chair*
You can buy the book with these guys in as either a PDF or a hardcopy, it’s called ‘Duckpac’ and is from Drew Baker, Neil Gibson and friends at Legion Games. (The title of the book is a bit of a pun on an old RuneQuest book about trolls, which was called ‘Trollpak‘.) This book is for you if you want to play as a fully-realised duck person, with duck-person things to think about, based on a history, genealogy and mythology of duck-people. Yes, really! It’s pretty incredible.
Runequest has a reputation online for being ‘the game with silly duck people in’, which is entirely justified, they’re like the cute mascots of the whole deal. The story goes that back in the late seventies, one of the gang of friends who help make the game world was a Carl Barks Donald Duck comic strip fan, resulting in a town called Duck Point existing on the map. There’s another story that someone involved was making lead miniatures of Carl Barks style Conan the Barbian gag ducks and he needed a game to attach them to so it didn’t look like a straight Disney rip-off. Stories real and apocryphal abound. There’s never been an official book about ducks (or the ‘durulz’ as they call themselves) for the RuneQuest game so this one’s here for you and has background, characters, locations, adventures and more.
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A scarred duck boatman (boatduck?) and diver, initiate of a river god, on his barge, wondering what the heck you’re doing paddling about in his river.
The bit of decorated driftwood in the background above is his effigy of his god. I made him look like a Bronze Age version of a swimming athlete, like Duncan Goodhew with rustic trunks and a swimming hat. I was passed a reference photo of an upright duck (who looked amazing), so this was an upright composition, in a tall portrait frame.
Here’s a little vid of me flipping through the lovely hardback print version of the book. This is the first print volume and then there’ll be another volume of solo and group adventures.
That old love of the UK comics scene Mr. John Freeman even saw this madness and featured it on his Down The Tubes site here, Which Was Nice.
Oh and as if you above verbiage wasn’t enough proof, you can check my RuneQuest nerd chops by looking at my very own RuneQuest campaign log page and wiki here, if you fancy. It’s got more drawings on there!
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
my thoughts on the first two episodes of s16
I don't even know where to begin, so let's start with just opinions: I loved it. Honestly, I've wanted sunny to delve into the characters for years, so this is all I've ever dreamed of. The differences in direction are also stunning and very visually interesting. idk it's great
If you've read my meta post on s14 and s15, you know what I think about the direction of the show, and season 16 is following exactly what I had expected in that regard imo.
It's not just how it revolves around nostalgia and "legacy/history" though. It also manages to do so in the direction and editing style of these two episodes.
Many choices surprised me here: we all know the zooming in during the pulse scene, but also the tendency to move the camera to reveal a previously unseen part of the environment (which has happened... three times! in inflates), the camera following the characters through the environment (dennis going from kitchen to living room, charlie moving from the new room to the entrance) which reminds me of the camera work in charlie work, roller rink and jumper (when they battle for the casaba specifically), all moments that have been praised for being "different" regarding to usual MO for sunny, and many close ups which usually aren't something that's used a lot.
Many times the usual sunny music came on and it felt almost jarring (POSITIVELY!!! intentionally wrong) because of how serious the moment had been. Like old lady house, you know?
So, to me, this is the first season without a structure. Nothing is sacred, especially not the past (dennis and mac get rid of the couch they've rented for 15 years [don't have to explain why 15 is important right], mrs mac wipes her butt with the "legacy of war" [aaah we'll come back to this], frank gives up the gun which is called his legacy and history, etc).
It may seem like s16 is being episodic and "back to past form" but I think that couldn't be further from the truth!! This is a new sunny, and the characters have continuity.
I have a feeling that by the end of the season those new room and bathroom will be used, because there is no "return to status quo", and to pretend there is would just be denial. Frank knows about the rooms now. But ehh anyway.
Something else that really surprised me these new episodes was Mac.
If you know me you know that I think Mac is pretty much the structure. He's the man who carries.
In a season with no structure, Mac is off.
He's unable to see any subtext no matter how obvious (buys literal nuts, doesn't see what Donald means), he's once again in complete denial about everything, he often guesses the complete opposite of what's actually intended ("consider it an offering" "of war?" "of peace- what is going on with you dude?" / "frank just shot us" "AWESOME!"), hyperfocused on the past, on legacy and history, (on winning a prize in risk e. rat?), he honestly seems to embody everything that Big Mo was fighting against.
This isn't entirely new for mac, he's displayed these traits before, but it seems much louder right now and intentional.
Especially if you consider, for example:
"I think it's time that I started sucking down the words of the Bible. And instead of looking for pieces of ass, I'd just look for peace."
Now, here's what I think happened.
He did get unraveled in s15. Not in the sense that he wasn't him anymore, but in the sense that he lost faith in the church, and is now trying to find something else that can "fill him up".
In a continuation of the identity themes in s15, I think Mac doesn't know who he is anymore, and is looking for any sense of meaning. Especially clinging to the past, even if the past was worse.
"This place has a dark past. Murder, betrayal, beheadings."
"Well, you know, it's a castle, Dee. You know, people were going crazy in castles all the time. And beheading people... well, that was just their way of solving problems back then, you know."
Even the letters Mac is so fixated on, written during world war II.
So if the past is war, and the future is peace, Mac is stuck in the past. So he still embodies the structure, it's just... we're not doing things that way anymore.
We may be redefining what legacy is. The gang thinks it's your past, when really, it's your future. It's what YOU pass down. (god stop me from quoting hamilton but... it's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see. cmon it's perfect. anyway)
And when you're so focused on the past, you miss what's happening right in front of you, you don't realize you have everything you've ever wanted right in front of you (like Mac with Donald...).
So what we're doing right now I think, is actually pivoting.
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But... a pivot is also "the most important thing that everything else is based on or arranged around".
I don't know, maybe it's not farfetched to say that it's Mac and Dennis. Being codependent, they revolve around each other, they're each other's pivot.
Dennis is changing, which throws Mac off balance.
What else... uhh the lamp thing, definitely lampshading. And Charlie insisting on the return of the status quo and saying his investment was only "ten dollars a unit", to me that's again the seasons we used to get.
The teeth thing is a lot like the soup... they're being used incorrectly. He should keep them in his mouth... obviously.
I think that is to say that they're probably gonna find their way back to the structure, like, that it was simply used incorrectly. Like if Mac and Dennis got together for example, that wouldn't be something scandalous and against the structure at all, because it was already built in. Nothing changes. It's like the circle of life, like... it's all a circle (or a hole!), and they're just going round, ending up exactly where they started. Maybe. (!!)
Also ep2 calls back to tends bar:
"You figured out the one thing I wanted more than anything else in the entire world and you got it for me."
And this dialogue
"should we just attack him and take it?" "no he'll mow us down like Scarface, we can't come at him like that, we'll spook him." "you give that dog the best day of his life, and then you turn off the lights when he least expects it..."
Reminds me of season 14. One last classic season before you "turn the lights off" (but dee and dennis never meant to kill frank! just like big mo wasn't the finale). It also reminds me of season 12 now that I think about it, I mean... "turning off the lights", DDL... yeah.
Also reminds me of chop
"He came back! My dog came back!" "How the hell is that dog still alive?" "Yeah, Mac, why don't you just put that poor thing out of its misery?" "Put him down? What, are you crazy? This is my dog, Dee. I love him."
Wait, speaking of "history".
-"I'm the one who stayed, I'm the one who takes care of you, how could you do that?"
[...] -"it's okay, I'm not mad at you. it's fine."
"I love you."
"I love you too. I love you too, you know that."
"I made a mistake."
"you did make a mistake. I didn't mean to upset you"
This dialogue resonates to me as very applicable to Mac and Dennis (so much dialogue tends to 😭), because you know who else "gave away their history"? Dennis, when he went away. Mac stayed, Mac takes care of Dennis... (well, now I'm just hoping we'll finally get a north dakota mention)
Aaaand idk what else. It's never wise to try to read meta when so little of the season is out yet... also I'm tired and rambly and I know a lot of this will be wrong but uh. There's a lot of macdennis in the air. And I also think both Mac and Dennis are at their very lowest points, and they need each other, or things may go south.
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Random Risk E. Rat Notes before I go scrolling my dash at last
-The gang all singing together in the opening, I am kissing them on the lips
-The timing of that opening felt off though, the pacing/timing of the whole episode felt a little off.
-Dennis vaguely mentioning the noises in there, no I am not gonna blow this out of proportion and daydream overstimulation scenarios, I'm not, I'm not (that's a lie).
-Kinda dog-coded Frank again with the water, can't wait to read the essays on that.
-I find it really interesting they decided to team up Dee and Frank once again this season, though I'm too tired to formulate thoughts on why, I just... it's interesting. There's something there... something.
-Charden kicking the wall together, they're so stupid (affectionate) <3
-You can do whatever you want, the parents not around, I wonder if Mac's parents would just like dump him there so they wouldn't have to deal with him for the day and he'd end up in that timeout room a lot because he was angry, he needed a way to let out his anger... the fake gun he wanted to get with the tickets, oh guns again this season, I've got thoughts now for another post, don't mind me, very unrelated.
-I find it interesting the different levels of awareness, how they're all still stuck in the past because it's what they always knew, but on some level can understand why things had to change, especially when confronted with something they recognize as bad that say Frank still doesn't, yet they still cling to it because that's how it's been done, tradition, legacy, they don't actually want what what was there, the punishment? the guilt? even the rat boobs, but they want to cling on to it because they fear change, because if it changed, that means it was wrong, like how it changed from Frank's day, and then they have to face that their childhood memories of this one safe haven were not all roses, so they try to force the past back into the present to prove it was better then... and things go horribly wrong, because some things are better left in the past... seen through rose coloured glasses, but what happens when they do come to the surface, when they see it in new context, just like the whole show lately slowly becoming more tragic in hindsight with each passing detail. This episode reminds me of Big Mo in a way.
-Partly on that above note, for real, Charlie and Dennis sound so unenthusiastic/uninterested in those rat boobs, like an ace and a gay man looking at them just because they think they should, they think that's how it's supposed to be.
-Mac in the feelings room saying he's angry, and he feels misunderstood, unheard, just in this instance or in general, throughout? (Unheard, as he's not supposed to speak.) Misunderstood as our perception of him and his actions this season may not be as it seems. I also find it interesting he's separated from the gang again... And he still feels the need to be punished and feel shameful... maybe he thinks he doesn't deserve that relationship with Donald or Dennis, or... idk, just... much to think about. That theme of denial... needing to deny and look back to cope. To believe his parents still loved him, feeling guilty and being punished is what kids are supposed to go through and he’s not allergic to nuts and Dennis isn’t Johnny. (Also, off topic, Mac with his lil juice box, adorable.)
-Sending Dennis to the Feelings Centre immediately btw
-"I don't 100% understand what satire means." Dee, voice of Reddit today.
-In my mind, Dennis took the ear plugs :) noise sensitive dennis real to me
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dvstinctive · 1 year
Never posted before but I’m still reeling over Frank v Russia like I’m sure many of you are. What’s the consensus on if Mac knew Dennis was Johnny or not? I think he did actually know, based on 2 reasons. First reason, in Frank vs Russia when Charlie is asking Dennis for help, when he learns he can control Frank, he specially says “.. and Frank’s been aware of the puppetry the entire time?” Only then does he decide he wants to help. The 2nd piece of evidence is that in celebrity booze, Mac smirks at getting Dennis all riled up. This to me seems like a very obvious indicator that Mac is purposely getting Dennis worked up, and is enjoying pushing the right buttons to piss off Dennis.
Back to the first piece of evidence. Let’s just say all this is true and Mac did actually know Johnny was Dennis. Does Dennis know that Mac knows? Does Mac know that Dennis knows that he knows?? Maybe this is Dennis’s twisted way of trying to get closer to Mac because he doesn’t have a good grip on what love is or how to properly express it? Maybe he wanted Mac to secretly know and play along with it. Either way I’m so freaking happy. The implications!!!!!!!
I didn’t feel sure that Mac knew that Dennis was trying to catfish him because I think it’s just as believable that he is denying what happened because he’s hurt or doesn’t want to believe it was Dennis and not some beautiful mystery man who was going to sweep him off his feet, which we have seen Mac do multiple times in the series (deny deny deny) (also recently with Uncle Donald as we all know) But after watching him smirk at Dennis’s rising anger makes me really think he’s been messing with him purposely, which is the strongest piece of evidence that he did know what Dennis was doing and is choosing to pretend like he doesn’t to get a reaction out of Dennis.
No matter if he knew or not, that smirk was really interesting because it tells us that he’s messing with Dennis and enjoying getting him angry and we don’t know how long this has been going on. I don’t know about you all, but this season feels different with them. I feel strongly that something is going on between them. It might be a reach but I kinda have a feeling they either have slept together recently or really want to and are playing games with each other instead of just doing it.
In a wonderfully done post analyzing Bryan’s speech at the end of booze, it’s mentioned that Bryan knows about the power balance in his relationship with Aaron, and makes it known that he could change it if he wanted to easily. But he doesn’t because he isn’t interested in changing the dynamic entirely. Is that what is happening with Mac and Dennis? If it’s a true parallel, I can see Mac’s plan being this: He knows Johnny is Dennis. He knew that Dennis would eventually spill the beans after he thought that Mac had fallen into his trap successfully. He knows when he acts “dumb” or annoying it really pisses off Dennis so that is exactly how he acted. He constantly pestered him about Johnny and then acted like he didn’t understand when Dennis finally came clean. So Dennis is going to get all worked up and he will start to wonder why he cares so much that Mac isn’t understanding or believing him. Hence the “… places your head so far out in front of you that you don’t even realize that your neck is exposed” Dennis is going to end up being the one who is all worked up, not Mac. Mac has been in control this entire time. This could be a wake up call for Dennis to see that he doesn’t have a hold over Mac like he thinks he does. I don’t see Mac actually wanting to leave Dennis, but I’m sure he would like to feel more appreciated, and I think that is the true parallel from booze. What do you all think?
Sorry if this was super long but I would love to hear other peoples opinions! Can’t wait for the bowling ep tonight! Hopefully we will get a better feel for the situation before dtamhd.
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Evidence for option 1) Donald was being super obvious and Mac brushed him off including going so far as to lie about not liking sports to get him to leave him alone. He didn’t act interested in the idea of getting closer even a little.
Evidence for option 2) Donald never explicitly said he was gay and wanted he and Mac to have a closer relationship, he just very heavily implied it. Mac has been shown to miss obvious cues like this in multiple episodes (not realizing Dennis’ speech is about him in Dines Out etc).
Evidence for option 3) Mac has always been shown to give his parents the benefit of the doubt and defend them no matter how abusive they are to him. Donald says his father and Luther never liked him, so to Mac bonding with him would mean getting close with someone his dad hates, and he still loves/respects his dad too much to do that, even if a part of him may want to
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cuprohastes · 9 months
Things to Come
It is the year 2024: Amazon wants to have wholly owned company towns to persuade poor people to enter into indentured servitude. There is an election between an old guy who's quietly doing a generally good job, and a very loud serial rapist conman who's being taken to court for his many crimes including treason. Somehow there is still a debate as to who will win.
It is the year 2030: There are now four Amazon towns powered off grid by Tesla batteries. There is no news in or out. People are starting to notice this. Jeff Bezos and Elon musk are having a public fight over who owns Mars. Bezos brought up Twitter and Elon's announced X-Mart a direct competitor to Amazon. The Cybertruck's been recalled again, this time after the 50th person was cooked alive by the burning battery pack, which also locked all the doors.
It is 2040: Elon's died on Mars ina. 8ft cabin from every cancer known to man and three that are getting named after him. Apparently he declared that radiation shielding wasn't needed because Mars is too far from the sun for radiation to reach it. Jeff Bezos freeze dried corpse is still circling hte earth as of two years ago. The world watches with glee as Amazon is torn to shreds by ten thousand parties all of whom are laying claim to the 3 trillion dollars held by the company. Nobody is trying to take over Space-X or Teslas due to the historic 1.4 trillion dollars in fines and debt they collectively owe. Mark Zuckerberg is replacing all his organic parts with life support machines to keep his brain alive until a perfect way to upload himself to the metaverse is available. The metaverse is still shit and has only 1008 concurrent users.
Is tis 2042: Donald Trump has choked to death in his cell. The rumour is it was corpophilia: This will persist even after a FOIA reveals it was a cold two day old Big Mac smuggled in to him. The world rejoices. There is still a 24/7 video feed of Elon musk slowly mummifying in the remains of X-Mars. Questions regarding the rest of the colonists are answered when a Marsbot finally accesses the dome and finds that Elon turned off the oxygen after the twenty three women in the first wave of colonists refused to breed with him. There were twenty eight colonists and four of them had received vasectomies two months before liftoff. They had to take an axe to the thing Zuckerberg because it wouldn't stop screaming. In the UK, all politicians from the last 30 years have been placed in Wadsworth prison and are tried and guillotined daily. The Scottish won't stop laughing. The Irish have been drunk of their tits for the last six months. The Welsh have banned speaking English. This is not going well but they get much respect for taking a stand.
2050: Republicans are now legal to be hunted for food if you have a bow hunting license. Guns are finally restricted. Republicans state that this will result in a civil war. Gun crime and school shootings are down 1000%. The most popular book in the US is "Eating the Rich" a combination how-to on bow hunting, butchering and serving human flesh. The rest of the world is watching this with interest. The Russian federation is taking special notes. This year 80 clones of Vladimir Putin are euthanised in their tubes and eaten.
2055: There is no civil war and surprisingly few instances of Kuru. Texas has built a wall around the entire state to keep "the left" out. All jokes about marrying your cousin are now attributed to Texas, now known as the Lone Surname State. They have still managed not to secede.
2060: Gender is abolished, not through decree but by common agreement of the third generation brought up by Millenials, Gen Z and Gen Blue: The Green Generation. Cities are walkable. It is considered weird if you cannot walk to the shops in bare feet safely for at least half a year. Air quality has improved, winters are returning. Urban deer keep grasses down and provide local meat. Men and women wear dresses, biological sex can now be changed trivially with around 60 months of treatment. Marriage is now merely a fun tradition and churches all pay tax after the 2056 ruling that if they cannot provide evidence for their god that they have no more claim to universal truth than a social club. World hunger is solved by levying back taxes on jsut three megachurches. Summers are brutal but can be managed by passive cooling, and thermal gradient power generators for cooling.
2070: Everyone has UBI. Work is 4 hours a day, 4 days a week for most people. Many people have two or three jobs, not for money, but because they have diverse interests. Most companies are profit sharing or Co-operatives. The biggest global trauma is the English wearing socks with sandals. Global temperatures have dropped. The kids are kind and bemused by their aging relatives. Texas is still Republican and angrily making memes about "This is the future the left want" that are still really cool and fun looking suggestions. The southen US has replaced it's statues with Dolly Parton, who's revered as a saint. 40% of men have great tits. The President of the USA is catgirl. Things are going to be OK. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the day the last Boomer died and everyone's going to get their grill out. Life's good: We're going to to be OK.
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
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Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has a line about the state of small-scale agriculture in America these days.
It’s drawn from the National Agricultural Statistics Service, which shows that as the average size of farms has risen, the nation had lost 544,000 of them since 1981.
“That’s every farm today that exists in North Dakota and South Dakota, added to those in Wisconsin and Minnesota, added to those in Nebraska and Colorado, added to those in Oklahoma and Missouri,” Mr. Vilsack told a conference in Washington this spring. “Are we as a country OK with it?”
Even though the United States continues to produce more food on fewer acres, Mr. Vilsack worries that the loss of small farmers has weakened rural economies, and he wants to stop the bleeding. Unlike his last turn in the same job, under former President Barack Obama, this time his department is able to spend billions of dollars in subsidies and incentives passed under three major laws since 2021 — including the biggest investment in conservation programs in U.S. history.
The plan in a nutshell: Multiply and improve revenue streams to bolster farm balance sheets. Rather than just selling crops and livestock, farms of the future could also sell carbon credits, waste products and renewable energy.
“Instead of the farm getting one check, they potentially could get four checks,” Mr. Vilsack said in an interview. He is also helping schools, hospitals and other institutions to buy food grown locally, and investors to build meatpacking plants and other processing facilities to free farmers from powerful middlemen.
But it’s far from clear whether new policies and a cash infusion will be enough to counteract the forces that have pushed farmers off the land for decades — especially since much of the money is aimed at reducing carbon emissions, and so will also go toward large farming operations because they are the biggest polluters.
The number of farms has been declining since the 1930s, in large part because of migration from rural areas to cities and greater mechanization of agriculture, which allowed operators to cultivate larger tracts with fewer people. Over time, the federal government abandoned a policy of managing production to support prices, prompting growers to become more export-oriented while local distribution networks atrophied.
The last half-decade has been more disruptive than most. First came a trade war against China under former President Donald J. Trump, which drew retaliatory tariffs that cut into U.S. exports of farm products like soybeans and pork. Then came the pandemic, which scrambled supply chains and sapped farm labor, leaving crops to rot in the fields.
After Congress cushioned the blow with relief for farmers hurt by pandemic disruptions, things started to turn around. Even as the cost of supplies like fertilizer and seed rose, so did food prices, and farm incomes increased. In 2023, default rates on farm loans neared record lows.
“Farm balance sheets are the healthiest they’ve ever been in the aggregate,” said Brad Nordholm, the chief executive of Farmer Mac, a large secondary market for agricultural credit. “The tools available to American farmers to have a more predictable return, even when commodity prices change and input prices change, is greater than it’s ever been before.”
But wholesale crop prices are expected to decline over the coming year. Rising interest rates have made it more difficult to finance planting and harvesting, borrow for an expansion or just get into agriculture — especially since land values jumped 29 percent from 2020 to 2023.
That’s especially true for the smallest farmers, who are far less likely to be tapped into Department of Agriculture assistance programs and are more vulnerable to adverse weather, labor shortages and consumer whims.
“I think in some ways they’re in a worse position than before the pandemic,” said Benneth Phelps, executive director of the nonprofit Carrot Project, which advises small farmers in New England. “We see a lot of farmers making hard decisions right now about whether to stay in or get out, because they’ve run out of steam.”
That’s where the American Rescue Plan, the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law come in.
The laws have collectively provided about $60 billion to the Agriculture Department, which has parceled it out across a variety of priorities, from relieving farmers’ debt to paying them to reduce their carbon emissions.
The biggest chunk — about $19.5 billion — has breathed new life into subsidies to encourage conservation practices that improve the land, like cutting back on plowing and planting cover crops to sequester carbon in the soil. Some of the programs had shrunk in successive Farm Bills, which are five-year legislative packages that covers most agricultural subsidies, and about two-thirds of farmers who applied each year got nothing.
The new funding has added 16,000 recipients over the past two years. Preliminary data shows the expansion is allowing smaller farms to take part.
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amnesticcc · 2 months
I don’t know if I’ve ever been so depressed or at least it’s been a good few years
I ate SO much food this past weekend and it was just a good reminder that it’s so not worth it. I genuinely really didn’t enjoy it and my stomach went to shit. It also cost so much money and I’m just like - what’s the point?
I ate pizza and Mac Donald’s and toast with butter and sushi (a safe food atm) . The maccies just tasted like shit and the only good part was the salt, the pizza crust was good and the goats cheese was nice but the rest was meh.
My stomach capacity has shrunk a lot and I couldn’t finish a 12” pizza but it really through off all my families concerns about relapsing so I couldn’t have got away with it
667 kcals today and it was easy as fuck I barely had to think about it
No weigh in until the weekend because I think I’ll cry
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On June *28th 1746 Flora MacDonald sailed "over the sea to Skye" from Benbecula with a disguised Bonnie Prince Charlie.
*As usual the date differs by a day or two, but most say late June.
One of the most romanticised stories in Scottish history Flora MacDonald has become a Jacobite heroine over the centuries, what was the real story. After the statement is what happened to her next.
Let's get the story from the woman herself, the first is from the Declaration of Miss MacDonald, Apple Cross Bay, July 12th 1746.
"Miss Mc. Donald, Daughter in Law of Mc. Donald of Milton in Sky, [Skye] being, by General Campbell’s order, made Prisoner for assisting the eldest son [Bonnie Prince Charlie] of the Pretender in his escape from South Uist, & asked to declare the Circumstances thereof, says, That about six weeks ago, she left her Father in Law’s house at Armadach [Armadale] in Sky, & went South to see some friends.
Being asked, if she had any Invitation from those who persuaded her to do what she afterwards ingaged [engaged] in for the young Pretender or any Body else, before she left Sky; answered in the Negative, and says that at the time of her leaving Sky, she did know where the young Pretender was, but only heard He was Some where on the long Island: that she stay’d at (what they call) a Sheilling [small hut or cottage] of her brother’s, on the hills, near Ormaclait [Ormacleit] the house of Clan Ronald; and that, about the 21of June, O Neil, or as they call him Nelson, came to where she stay’d, & proposed to her, that as he heard she was going to Sky, that the young Pretender should go with her.
With her in Woman’s cloathes [clothes], as her servant which she agreed to. O Neil then went and fetched the young Pretender who was on the Hills not far off, when they settled the manner of their going.
Miss MacDonald says, that after this she went & stay’d with Lady Clan Ranold [Ronald], at her House, three days, communicated the scheme to her, & desired that she would furnish cloathes for the young Pretender, as her own would be too little. During Miss MacDonald’s stay at Ormaclait, O Neil came frequently from the young Pretender to Clan Ronald’s House to inform her where he was, what stepps had been taken for their voiage [voyage], and at the same time to hasten her to get her affairs in Readiness for going off.
Miss Mac Donald says, that the 27th past, she, Lady Clan Ronald, her eldest Daughter, & one John MacLean, who had by Lady Clan Ronald’s order, acted as Cook to the Pretender, during his stay on the Hills, went to a place called Whea where they expected to meet the young Pretender; but not finding him there, they went on to a Placed called Roychenish, where they found him, taking with them the women’s Apparel furnished by Lady Clan Ronald, he was dressed in. Here they heard of General Campbell’s being come to South Uist, & that Captain Fergussone was within a mile of them. When they got this Information, they were just going to Supper. But then went of very precipitately, & sat up all night at a Sheilling call’d Closchinisch.
Saturday, June 25th: the Cutter and Wherrier, which attended General Campbell having got from Bernera [Berneray], near the Harris, through the last side of the long island, & passing not far from them, put them again into great Fears, least anybody should land there. However, they continued there ’till about 9 at Night, when the Young Pretender, Miss Mac Donald, one MacAchran, with five men for the Boat’s crew, imbarked [embarked] & put to sea, Lady Clan Ronald having provided Provisions for the voyage.
The 29 about 11 in the Morning they got to Sky near Sir Alexander MacDonald’s House. Here Miss Mac Donald and Mac Achran landed, leaving the young Pretender in the Boat, they went to Sir Alexander Mac Donald’s House; and from thence Miss MacDonald sent for one Donald Mac Donald, who had been in the Rebellion, but had delivered up his arms some time ago. She imployed this Person to procure [get] a Boat to carry the young Pretender to Rasay, after acquainting him with their late voyage & where she had left the young Pretender . Miss Mac Donald stay’d & dined with Lady Margaret Mac Donald, but Mac Donald & Mac Achran returned to the Boat, to inform what was done.
Miss Mac Donald being asked why Rasay was pitched upon for the young Pretender to retreat to, she answered that it was in hopes of meeting Rasay himself, with whom he was to consult for his future security.
After dinner, Miss Mac Donald set out for Portree it being resolved that they should lodge there that Night; but on the Road overtook the young Pretender & Mac Anchran of Kingsbury. She told them she must call at Kingsbury’s House, & desired they would go there also. Here, Miss Mac Donald was taken sick, & therefore with the other two, was desired to stay all night, which they agreed to. She had a Room to herself; But the young Pretender & Mac Achran lay in the same Room. At this time he appeared in women’s Cloathes, his Face being partly concealed by a Hood or Cloak.
Being asked, if while they were at Kingsbury’s House, any of the Family inquired who the disguised Person was; answers, that they did not ask; but that she observed the People of the Family whispering as if they suspected him to be some Person that desired not to be known and from the Servants she found they suspected him to be Mac Leod of Bernera, who had been in Rebellion. But, being pressed to declare what she knew or believed of Kingsbury’s knowledge of his Guest, owns, that she believes, he must suspect it was the young Pretender.
The 30th of June, Miss Mac Donald set out on Horseback from Kingsbury’s House for Portree, having first desired the young Pretender might put on his own cloathes somewhere on the Road to Portree, as she had observed that the other dress rather made him more suspected. Miss got to Portree about 12: at night, where she found Donald Mac Donald, who had been sent before to procure a Boat then The young Pretender & Mac Ancran arrived about an Hour after. Here he took some Refreshment, changed a Guinea [twenty-one shillings], paid the Reckoning [bill], took his Leave of Miss Mac Donald & went out with Donald Mac Donald, but who, after seeing him to the Boat returned. She believes he went to Rasay [Raasay, an island between the Isle of Skye and the mainland of Scotland], but cannot tell what is become of him since."
There are differing accounts of all the details of Floras life after her release, this is a general story and when the accounts differ it tells you as much as we can know.
Flora was arrested on Skye and taken to Dunstaffnage Castle for about 10 days, where she was allowed to entertain visitors. Subsequently, she was taken by boat to Glasgow, where she was held on a boat for around 3 months. Again, Flora was allowed to receive visitors and gifts. On November 7, 1746, the ship departed for London.
Flora was held in the Tower of London for a short time, then released into house arrest with friends. Flora was apparently quite popular and entertained frequent visitors. At one point, she met one of George II’s sons (one account said it was Fredrick, the Prince of Wales; another indicated it was the Duke of Cumberland). Supposedly, the prince in question asked her why she aided Prince Charles, and she told him that she would have helped anyone in similar circumstances. It seems she assisted him as a humanitarian, rather than political, obligation. Finally, in June of 1747, George II passed a general free pardon, allowing those who had been convicted of treasonous acts before June 15, 1747 to be released.
Upon her release, she became a guest of a leading Jacobite lady (possibly Lady Primrose of Dunnipace). Flora remained in London for a time, trying to aid other state prisoners, receiving gifts, donations of funds, and many more visitors. After leaving London, her travels took her through England to York and on to Scotland. Apparently Flora travelled for about 12 months, visiting Jacobites on her journey. She finally settled in Skye, after visiting her mother, Lady Clanranald and her brother.
Flora married Allan MacDonald of Kingsburgh, whom she had known since childhood, on November 6, 1750, at the age of 28. She brought with her into the marriage several hundred pounds, and received more money from Jacobite supporters. The couple farmed at Flodigarry, and had seven children, but things did not go well. Whether the result of debts incurred by his father, difficulty in farming, increases in rents, or a combination of all of these factors, the couple experienced increasing difficulties. In 1774, they immigrated to North Carolina in America with their children.
Upon arrival in North Carolina, Flora and her family were welcomed by the Scots community, many of whom had emigrated before, and a ball was given in Flora’s honour in Wilmington. They purchased a plantation in Anson in January 1776, and two of their children died of typhus. Unfortunately, before they had time to get settled, the American Revolution broke out. Flora and her husband were loyalists, her husband having been commissioned an officer in the Royal Highland Emigrant Regiment in 1775. After the war broke out, Allan and several other family members fought, but Allan was captured after the defeat at Moore’s Creek and made prisoner. Their plantation was damaged and ultimately confiscated when Flora refused to take the oath required by the Act of November 1777.
Allan and Flora reunited briefly in 1778 after his release, and they moved to Nova Scotia. Although Alan remained with his regiment in Canada, Flora went back to Skye in 1779. Her surviving two sons and older daughter returned with her, where they were reunited with the youngest daughter. This voyage was more exciting, as the ship was attacked by a French privateer. Accounts indicate that Flora remained on deck and suffered a broken arm. Upon her return, her brother built a cottage for her where she stayed until her husband’s return five years later. It seems she had a sense of humour as she supposedly said that she had fought in the service of both the House of Stuart and the House of Hanover but had been defeated in both endeavours.*
Flora died March 5, 1790, possibly at Kingsburgh, her husband’s family home (accounts differ). Her body was wrapped in a sheet on which Charles Stuart had slept all those years before, and buried at Kilmuir on the north end of Skye in the churchyard. Her funeral was supposedly well attended, and her grave was covered by a thin marble slab. The slab, however, was chipped away within a short time, and the pieces carried away by tourists. Subsequently, public subscriptions allowed a large granite cross on a pedestal to be erected in her memory.
Pics are a portrait of Flora MacDonald by Allan Ramsay, Flora MacDonald's farewell painting by George W. Joy and her Monument in Kilmuir Cemetery where she is buried.
Just like her story there are many versions of The Skye Boat song, they are all good, the one I like best was adapted by Robert Louis Stevenson, it is this version that the Outlander but of course, not to be outdone they also mixed it up a wee bit. Listen to it below.
Sing me a song of a lad that is gone,
Say, could that lad be I?
Merry of soul he sailed on a day
Over the sea to Skye.
Mull was astern, Rum on the port,
Eigg on the starboard bow;
Glory of youth glowed in his soul:
Where is that glory now?
Sing me a song of a lad that is gone,
Say, could that lad be I?
Merry of soul he sailed on a day
Over the sea to Skye.
Give me again all that was there,
Give me the sun that shone!
Give me the eyes, give me the soul,
Give me the lad that's gone!
Sing me a song of a lad that is gone,
Say, could that lad be I?
Merry of soul he sailed on a day
Over the sea to Skye.
Billow and breeze, islands and seas,
Mountains of rain and sun,
All that was good, all that was fair,
All that was me is gone.
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Who all in ur ttte au and tugs au likes hugs? (Or can with stand at least one on certain occasions especially if they usually hate them)
Oh boy; List time! Let’s starts with Ttte:
Gordon/G-1 (He is a gentle Giant)
James (Though he will clean himself off later; Germaphobe)
Percy (Is very bubbly about it)
Salty (Very cheerful with his hugs)
Cranky (May be mean but will stand for hugs; Blame salty)
Bulstrode (He may be high off life but he will give the best hugs)
Peter Sam
Sir Handel
Duncan (Slowly warming up to giving more hugs than before)
Vinnie (Slowly warming up due to Conner and Caitlyn)
Neville (Nervous shy bean likes hugs)
Donald n Douglas
Paxton (Best baby for hugs like Percy)
Diesel 10 (Be careful of Pinchy)
Pinchy (She has a human form for when D-10 isn’t wearing her)
Yong Bao
Flying Scotsman (Be mindful of his weak health)
Arry n Bert (They are touch starved bastards)
Peter (From Victor Tanzig’s series)
Reginald (VT series)
Brian (VT Series)
Bill n Ben (When they aren’t pranking anyone)
Timothy (Both Thomas’s brother and the twins’ babysitter from work)
Sir Topham Hatt (Benjamin and Bertram)
Sara Hatt
Terra Hatt (Daughter to Sir Benjamin Topham)
Dowager Hatt
Lowham Topham Hatt
Bruno (AEG)
Sandy (AEG)
Now time for Tugs:
Ten Cents
Big Mac
Top Hat
Zip n Zug
Big Mickey (he’s in both worlds but he was mostly seen in tugs)
Captain Star
Captain Jason
Izzy Gomez
Maria Gomez (Izzy’s Daughter)
Lillie lightship
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bugsbunnyblogsstuff · 5 months
The Woodchuck Way.
(Took a break from Samurai Quack to at least start this, and an excuse to show my ducktales oc!!!)
(Huey Pov)
I was sprawled on the couch, my red t-shirt all gross and disgusting from it being a hand-me-down, I hated being a triplet.
But clearly, that didn't matter to my hyperactive brother Dewey, who was already begging me to make him breakfast. Uncle Donald wasn't home. He was on his port missions. This one had him taking down a cult? I didn't question it, though.
"Pleeeease, can't you at least make me some Porn Pops or at least some Boob O's?" Before I could speak, he began rambling about different erotic cereals, some that had vibrators as prizes.
"Fine, I'll make you some. But why on earth would they target this cereal for kids?"  I asked as Louie lazily walked downstairs as he turned on the TV, to some 'Saturday Morning Cartoons', but in reality, it was a drama series of murders and femme fatales
I sighed, taking out some Busty Puffs from the cabinet, and poured them into a bowl.
Until I saw the back, it was an advertisement for the Junior Woodchucks?!
"You guys won't believe this!" I excitedly exclaimed, blocking both of my brothers' view of the television.
"You're adopted?" Louie said casually, but I ignored him, "No, I just got invited to be part of the Junior Woodchucks!" I said.
Dewey pretended to be excited, "No way, the box only cares about you, and not the space camp I wanted to go to since I was 5, I was five, may I remind you!"
I sighed, knowing about the Castellean Space Camp, Dewey wanted to go to, to search for our mother.
As Uncle Donald came home early, I excitedly told him the news, "And, they even have canoeing!" I said, as he sighed smoking a pipe. "That's wonderful, but is that really what you wanna do all summer?" He asked, motioning to his gross-out houseboat.
"I'm not cleaning that!" The three of us shouted together, as Uncle Donald chuckled, "Ok, ok, but Huey can't be the only one, doing something for the summer, you two can't sit around forever." He said as Louie groaned.
Later that day, I was in uniform, excitedly bouncing in my car seat as Dewey was buried in comic books, while Louie was trying to convince Uncle Donald that doing nothing was recommended by a professional doctor.
I saw the big brown arch up the driveway and excitedly squealed. This was it!
"Now, promise me you'll behave. There will be a pickup line each day, so try to spot my mini van, kay?" He said as I nodded in my little world of reading.
"Yeah, uh-huh...." I said dismissively as I walked to where the other campers were as the care drove off.
There were many newbies like me, all crowded together, chatting about how excited they were.
The camp list was behind them
Camp Novice List;
Violet Sabrewing
Isabella Finch
Doofus Drake
Cornelius C. Spoon
Forkington A. Sliverworth
Macintosh (Mac) Appleton
Casey Robinson
Huey Duck
Charlie Beatlea
April O'Neil
Camp Counselor List:
Launchpad McQuack
I finished reading as a group of boys were immediately getting a crowd of newbies, I slipped in through the crowd and found a merboy (in human form) with his friends showing some of their treasures.
As they finished, I noticed one of their badges, was that a satanic symbol?
I shrugged it off, watching my childhood friend Violet, writing about how fascinating this was.
"This is so beautiful, Mr. Pacifica, how'd you do it?" Violet Sabrewing, a top A+ student who, along with other refugees, escaped Duckburg during the Marine War.
"Please, just call me Pacifica. I ain't to chill about that. " He said, his piercing glowing. He was a lanky 17 year old, with beach blonde hair, that was damp and curly. He was wearing sunglasses and a shark tooth necklace. His eyes were blue-green, while his white pupils were shaped like waves. He was naked except for some tan cargo shorts and sandals.
He then began to announce the rest of his friends, "Alright, Bros and Betty's, lemme introduce you to some of my camp co-workers..." He said, ignoring Cornelius hand.
"Excuse me, but I asked you a question?" Cornelius snapped, not noticing another counselor, shooting a syringe into his back.
"You bros don't wanna be like Barney over their little dudes and dudettes, Kay?" He said as we all nodded.
"Rules..... Ugh, I told her I don't wanna review this, but fine, Rule One, always expect the unexpected, kay? and
Rule Two, all Junior Woodchucks must be open to the unknown in their quest for the truth?" He said, crumbling the rules paper.
"Alright'o, so we'll do some real activities tomorrow, for now let's meet our staff..." He said, motioning to his friends.
From a punk with skating skills, a hippie, or a mall bimbo, these camp counselors were something.
"And now, Miss Scarlet, the sister of Isabella Finch, has a few words to say."
Miss Scarlet, a Robin, unlike her who was a finch and explorer, was a very rich household executive of the Junior Woodchucks Foundation.
She was a very exclusive woman.
"Greetings, Woodchucks, my name is Scarlet, I'm am the sister of the explorer and founder of the Junior Woodchucks."  She said, turning to the five boys beside her.
"I don't have much to discuss with you all until tomorrow. Mugman, can you watch them while I talk to the others?" She said as Mugman nodded.
Mugman was a skinny 16 year old, with blue highlights in his blonde foam hair.
His eyes were very detailed, a blue and gold color, he had a small blue nose and nose piercings lining it, he wore a crop top, daisy dukes, and white high tops, with goggles on. He almost looked like something out of Disney Channel.
He walked around, his grin getting slightly dark as he watched them leave.
"Ok, campers. Why don't we play a game?" He said, quickly pulling out a toolbox filed with weapons.
"First camper to make a direct hit on me wins!" He said, his eyes gleaming at all the worried looks on their faces.
As he handed each of us a weapon, I looked at Wakko, a fellow camp counselor, who was bewildered by the fact he had a gun.
"Are you sure, dude, this is seeming kinda tight? Just hang loose, man..." he said, trying not to sound so scared.
"Alright, you b*tch, you can go first then..." Mugman said, sitting on the stump, not even protecting himself.
"Kay, I can do that, Bro." He said, trying his best not to hurt him, Mugman rolled his eyes, grabbing the gun and shooting at his head. He was healthy regardless, not a scratch.
"Are you in a cult?" Forkington asked, pointing to his badge. Something must have stirred in Mugman because he brawled Forkington, splitting him open as Forkington's organs squirted out fresh blood all over the grass, drying once it hit the pavement
Forkington's eyes were blood-shot and melted, his mouth slightly open. As you could see his esophagus, by the way, he opened his mouth.
Soon, he was lashing out on other campers. Most were injured, and few died on the scene, I was lucky that I got away, but I had a huge tear in my bill.
The nurse's office was closed, but I could see the pick-up line, I immediately ran to my car, watching Uncle Donald, whip his head around as he saw me breathe heavily.
"Did you have fun o-" he stopped mid-thought as Mugman was on the roof of another campers car, while the four others were destroying the parking lot. Was that a summoning circle?!
Uncle Donald didn't bother to finish his thought as he sped away, as Pacifica jumped onto the roof of our car. Louie and my brother Dewey and I screamed, and his laser gun was putting a hole in our car.
Dot who was swinging from tree to tree using a grappling hook was trying to stop them.
"Like, literally Pacifica, the f*cks, your deal?!" She said, tackling him on the floor. More of his little group showed up. I panicked, I noticed he dropped his Junior Woodchucks Guidebook, and I stole it, I gasped. They were a group of criminals who were anti-heros in the Marine War, each of whom destroyed, manipulated, and started extreme war crimes.
"How about you and your plastic ass move it or lose it!" He barked, grabbing a tranquility gun.
He began shooting it. As I passed out, I as I woke, I was in a summoning circle, I gulped.
"Please, Dot, call us Pacific Rim...."
(My OCs are Pacific Rim and Scarlet Robinson, along with Cornelius C. Spoon. I had a blast making this)
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