Neptel Design + Build general contractor company is a one-stop shop for all building and renovation projects. They offer solutions ranging from design, construction, electrical, and mechanical works, to maintenance and repair. Neptel can assist you in locating the most qualified construction team to complete your projects. They are based in Makati City and serve areas throughout Metro Manila, Philippines.
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teddy06 · 1 year
The Dagger Squad as things my dad actually did while being in the Navy
(In no particular order)
Rooster: Break into a closed zoo during a sixteen hour stop over in Australia because he and his friends had no where else to be and they wanted to see kangaroos but the zoo wouldn’t open before they left
Phoenix: Ate a live dragonfly to prove a point to a group of recruits he was training, then denied it any time a recruit that hadn’t been in the group asked if it were true, like “where do these rumors even start”
Coyote and Hangman: won too many free pitchers of beer during a competitive darts competition at a bar in the Philippines, to the point where the restaurant ran out of pitchers, they had to start giving away beer to random people, and were forcibly separated and put into new teams
Fanboy: stuck the end of a broom to the back of his helmet, put on a red shirt and painted his face to go to a Halloween party thing with his squad as Marvin the Martian, and ended up being the only person with a real costume
Fritz: Was out too late with a group of friends in San Diego and had like forty minutes to get back to his ship before curfew, but the taxi they called could only fit so many people so he opted to run back, ended up on a random trail going in the wrong direction and almost got caught by boarder patrol trying to get back into the country because he’d gone to far and ended up in Mexico
Yale: peeled an orange so that the peel was all one long piece, ate the orange and then spent several hours crazy gluing the peel back together because he was bored
Bob: was the only person to think to bring a change of clothes in his carry on whilst leaving for a deployment, and when commercial planes ended up getting their luggage mixed up and lost was the only person in his squad to have clean clothes for two weeks
Omaha: was approached multiplie times in multiple different countries by civilians speaking the native language because they had assumed he’d been from there
Payback: got into the officers line at dinner, filled a soup bowl with shrimp and a soup bowl with cocktail sauce and then went and sat with a group of recruits and kept telling them they needed to go up and get some shrimp just to fuck with them
Harvard: meticulously collected sand from ever beach his squad landed on a in little Tabasco bottles only to give up and throw them away because he decided that it was too much work and that he didn’t like Tabasco enough to keep finishing bottles of it
Halo: got so drunk at a bar in the Philippines that he started doing karaoke to a song in Tagalog; he does not speak Tagalog nor has he ever done karaoke since
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I finally get to meet Woody! I didn't know he only appeared in s4!!! I love this guy so much, he is the OG psych-ologically deranged (I mean, not really, look at the characters we have)
So here is my psychfacts masterpost on Woody because I'm insane
He has been playing with dead things since he was a toddler
The second ever episode I see with Woody in it has Shawn bribe Woody with slippers. They were so close & chill & calling each other nicely gelled & stuff, so I thought the first time that I'd seen it that they had been close & had conversations for years. I love them.
I'd be honoured to saw through your chest & remove your good natured heart from its cavity.
Third! "Hello Friend!" he says to Shawn <3
"is that third dead person you?" 'Yeah my daughter took a picture of me playing dead for her photography class"
Up to the elbows in blood "you need to try these french fries"
No fingerprints as there are no fingers. Also calls lassiter lassie.
MY MAN JUST DRAWS A KNIFE ON THIS MAN... & then... licks his finger to rub it off...
He's nice, telling gus to breathe properly. ..& then he unveils the severed leg
Woody may not have his face & voice in the philippines. Protection. He also might be a necrophiliac & mixed up formaldehyde & baking soda to get high. He was also part of a barbershop uartet. & their baritone was not alive. & his passion is skydiving, 42 jumps & 3 chute failure deaths.
Woody has the urge to comb their hair & try on their jewelry. I love this man.
He sent a 911 text trying to be a 7/11 text asking shawn gus & lassie to bring him a quesadilla in the shape of a tube. He also plays shuffleboard on the morgue table. Man I miss Rocketball. We had this weird shuffleboard table that was not like any shuffleboard table I've ever seen (shuffleboard is like mini curling), we had billiard/pool balls, & we would set them up on the opposite end like bowling & try to hit them off. I was a champion. It was shuffleboard/curling crossing with billiards/pool crossed with bowling. Great game.
& he found a jackrabbit in his dishwasher.
Ha. Does the perfectly coiled human intestine fit in a 10 gallon hat? Of course I can. *opens his computer to pleasureguide dot net with the word furries on it*
Wowza. Swan dive out of his bedroom window. I've always wanted to try that.
Woody with ipad shawn XD "Can you see this?" 'just like I'm with you there.' "How about this?" *ipad under the blanket... from the wrong end* *Shawn screams*
WS, holding up a 30yo photo of the vic: She was quite a looker. *looks at the mummified skeleton* Still is.
& proceeds to criticize her fashion. & my man didn't know that smallpox was eradicated.
Calls himself the woodmaster
omg he showed up with a six foot body bag when henry got shot. My dude. & later on my man shows up with a pair of bodybags when shawn & gus sit on a landmine. Dang. JoH: Then why are there two body bags under your arm? WS: No reason, dear *drops them*
WS: Whoever covered this up must have kept the body on ice.
WS: Now, come over here.
WS (when they hesitate): Come on! I want to show you something. It's not like you're gonna catch necrophylopigmentosis.
*Shawn laughs*
WS: Probably not. *He reveals the foot with a flourish*
WS: As anyone good at foreplay can tell you, electricity always leaves a mark. I know, I know. T.M.I. Tell more information. You see, a flashlight battery and a paper clip--
BG: Uh, no need to explain, Woody.
WS: I gotta tell you, I sometimes have trouble reading social cues, especially cross-culturally.
BG: What?
WS: Yeah, it's really starting to hurt me in the dating department. I can't--I can't read alive women anymore. *To Juliet* It's like, you're strobing right now.
Juliet set Woody up with Marlowe's parole officer
Woody tried to slip an illegal substance to Lassiter during his bachelor party. (Later, he bakes a cake with a gun in it to give to the guy who held him hostage. "only insane people do that" *throws it away*)
This man, who used to be married & had a 15yo daughter, is living in some mobile home. & Shawn is now his roommate. (& in the remake of the law episode, he slept with the suspect in his mobile home while he was down from LA)
He does a fair amount of nude sunbathing & goes into the water to rinse off, meaning he has almost been taken out by The Vortex.
He is not bulimic: he ate a donut out of the trash the other day
WS: What we have here is a… Woman. I am guessing by this wound, that she died of blunt force trauma to the back of the head. I would place her at about 27 years of age. SS, looking at her hands: I'm gonna say more like 47, Woody. WS: Trust me, Shawn, I know what a 69 (nice) year-old woman looks like in her birthday suit and this ain't it. SS: I said 47. JoH: She's actually 48 years old. WS: Oh, see? So, we were both wrong.
WS: Yeah, you are right. There are tiny surgical scars on her scalp. Yeah. This is well done. Clean lines. Nice smooth finish. This is Dr. Joan Diamond's work. I'd know it anywhere. I saw her speak at a symposium of forensic artists. She also appeared on The Love Boat back when she was a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader.
(Good old botulism. I could hyperfixate on that if I wanted to.)
CL: Did you sleep here last night? WS: No. Actually, I… Crash here all the time. Something about the smell of formaldehyde just lulls me to sleep. I think it's the scent.
Woody has an anxiety disorder. I'm just glad he didn't swallow the camera. I should liveblog that episode.
Woody Strode: Wife cheated on him 12 times, with 10 men. (He approved the one with the personal trainer)
Woody has a spell cast on him by his mommy that he's getting broken by a wiccan consultant.
My man goes to putin on the ritz a shady russian club for the buffet.
*giving a report to the detectives while there is no body* Here we have a man, looks to be about six foot two. JoH: Woody, there's no body. WS: Oh what a relief! I thought I was the only one not seeing it!
He... ate applya mushrooms (possibly from under the fingernails of the vic) & says they taste like ass...
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cloutchaserkineme · 2 months
fail, girl!
5:49 p.m. Friday, on a straw mat, with peel-off lipstick on
When we were in a journalism competition, a newspaper columnist came and held a small workshop for us small budding high school students. She was one of those old-Martial Law era types, the ones who got the grit and experience necessary to survive being a journalist here in the Philippines, a dragon with callused wings swanning into a place full of ickle baby lizards with fresh bits of slick membrane still clinging to our scaly lids.
She asked who among those of us competing for the copyreading category in the room wanted to become a journalist. I was the only one who tentatively raised a hand.
She was confused, and a bit disappointed that none of these little reptiles who managed to clear the first two rounds of the competitions wanted to pursue fact-checking and editing and newswriting in totality. I thought she was just reacting as an animal bred for her field- her life was words, and she couldn't fathom anyone else trying so hard to succeed in a field they weren't going to nurture and continue in any way.
At least, that's what I thought she thought then. Now I know she was probably just confused. No other deeper meaning to it.
Like I am right now. I have not been a law student in two to three weeks, just simply going to events and covering them and interviewing clients and transcribing quotes and attempting and failing to write the articles I need to write from them.
I feel impotent and stupid and just plain useless. Those kids who didn't raise their hands... they were smart. They were onto something. They knew that this wasn't a field to pursue if you wanted to be successful in the long term. These smart kids, achievers and top ten placers in their school with their latinate appellations a soft launch for their three-to-four letter profession markers in their certificates.
They were just there because the journalism competition held a lot of points in class and school rankings, not because asking people and getting answers and writing those down and spreading them out was fun and nice to do. They were smart, playing the game like that. I just played with whatever they gave me and never thought to do anything that required higher thinking skills with it.
They gave me a pencil, then a pen, pointed me to people and events and ideas- and I wrote. I didn't think anything beyond that.
Now I type, heavily and with such excess. I don't like what I type, and I think I hate typing...even writing this update is very tiring for me. I don't like it anymore. I don't like the updates getting from my bosses and coworkers, I don't like being jealous and envious of my coworkers having their ducks in their row and effortlessly slaying this industry I thought I was a good fit for. I don't like working for people who use money to do fucking shit in my place, I don't like platforming [type of company redacted for anonymity purposes] on our articles, and I fucking hate talking to people in a large crowd.
A few days ago I met a journalist who never asked questions (fully online desk reporter, though she worked in local print media like I did) and was more anxious than me and I felt a kinship with her and she was nice. Until I saw a friend of mine during the same event, and she congratulated me for getting into law school, and that my cousin from my father's side who failed the bar exam thrice but was married to an attorney he met in law school was surprised that I was still there and why I haven't quit the silly little news writing thing I was doing. And this journalist congratulated me for doing such a good job. I felt like a fraud, like I have inadvertently put her under the same illusion I somehow cast over everyone else- the spell of "oooh look at her she is a competent person who has her ducks in a row".
She has expectations of me that I don't know how to meet!
And I was stressed but I wasn't as stressed as my friends who were also working in offices with solid hours and good career prospects and great work-life-school balance and they had three midterm exams back-to-back.
You know what I did with those same hours? Nothing. Just daydreaming and sleeping thinking about fictional characters being loved and nothing else and I have put off so much. The gig I took, the articles I am three to four days late in passing, the fucking law school!
Killing myself isn't even going to cut it anymore, the phrase has been slicing over so many thoughts in my head for nine months now that the edge of it has dulled and it can't pierce through the brain fog right now.
I want to have my cake and eat it too, like the greedy Jupiter-Venus person that I am (but the Mercury-ruled detriment of both these planets is literally knowing that this isn't practical or realistic or rooted in explainable and measurable actions). So yeah... we go fucking on? I don't know. I don't have much faith in myself any more.
Do I learn how to say no? Or how to stop saying yes?
(30) 6:34 p.m.
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istariray23 · 10 months
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The Axis Tower Alabang is a modern and prestigious high-rise building located in the heart of Alabang, one of the vibrant business districts in Metro Manila, Philippines. This 32-story tower stands as an iconic landmark in the area, offering a mix of residential, office, and commercial spaces.
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Designed with elegance and functionality in mind, the Axis Tower Alabang boasts a sleek and contemporary architectural design. Its glass façade creates a visually appealing structure that stands out amidst the city skyline. The building also features state-of-the-art facilities and amenities to cater to the needs of its residents and tenants.
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For residential purposes, the Axis Tower Alabang offers a variety of well-designed units, ranging from studio apartments to spacious condominiums. These units are equipped with modern fixtures, providing comfort and convenience to its residents. Additionally, the tower provides lifestyle amenities such as a swimming pool, fitness center, function rooms, and landscaped gardens, creating a desirable living environment.
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Apart from its residential component, the Axis Tower Alabang also houses office spaces that cater to businesses and professionals. With its prime location and excellent connectivity, it serves as a strategic hub for various industries. The tower provides flexible office layouts, advanced technological infrastructure, and efficient security systems, contributing to a conducive work environment.
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Furthermore, the Axis Tower Alabang features a retail component on its lower floors, offering a range of dining, shopping, and service establishments. This provides convenience to both residents and visitors, effectively meeting their daily needs.
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In summary, the Axis Tower Alabang stands as a modern and dynamic development in Alabang, embracing the principles of urban living. Whether as a place to call home or a space for business, it offers a blend of style, functionality, and accessibility to cater to the diverse needs of its occupants.
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googiesarakaya · 3 months
Heyy tell us about your top 5 snacks 😋
is she a little bit too sweet and gets me a little too phlegmy? maybe but thats between me and my 2.30am coughing fit
theyre like $3 a bag at the whole foods at wall street and i buy abt four bags a week when i’m forced to go into the office
i just came back from the philippines and i’m running out already. they are way too salty and oily but bc i bought them in cylinder shaped containers i’ve been straight up drinking them
truly sincerely i dont know whats wrong with me. i make these like half a dozen at a time and finish it during the work week. and maybe youre like, oh put some everything but the bagel seasoning, i will smack that egg from you. i just want it a little salty and nothing but egg. cracking a cold one (hard boiled egg) with the boys (just me i live alone)
i have to traverse to the BJs for this one bc nowhere else sells it at the size i need it to consume it decadently. i cant even rec to say its good or healthy. its oily and tastes like green but not in the matcha way
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suckuhoes · 3 months
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aka, the history of the valencia-banks family & how izidora came to be. trigger warnings: m/urder, s/uicide, d/eath, t/rafficking.
izidora's paternal grandmother, tala valencia (b. march 1st 1962), immigrated to new york city from the island of cuyo, palawan in the philippines in 1975 at the age of 13 with her mother, aunt, older brother, and younger cousin due to rising political tensions. at age 15, she fell in love with a classmate by the name of jerome banks — eventually giving birth to her first son, angelo banks, in 1977. jerome & tala married in 1979 at age 18 & went on to have three more sons. tala ran a bodega with her husband & continued to work at her mother and aunt's jewelry / herbal shop heirlooms; where they regularly practiced albularyo & tended to the community via magic.
izidora's father, angelo, was a kind-hearted & courageous boy who did well socially & in school — up until the age of 13, when his father was shot & killed at gunpoint during a robbery gone wrong of the family bodega one night during closing. after this encounter, angelo became more withdrawn; speaking only to family & the few friends that stuck with him after his father's murder. following the loss, the banks family struggled to keep up with the bodega financially, leading angelo to drop out of school at age 16 in order to help supplement their family's income from the jewelry store.
at age 18, angelo begins working as a driver for the post office. he meets a woman named noelle parker during a night out with his co-workers; after a few dates leading to semi-regular sexual encounters, noelle becomes pregnant. she gives birth to their first daughter, izidora korrin banks, on october 17th 1996 when angelo was 19 & noelle was 25. angelo decides to move in with noelle following izidora's birth & tries to develop a serious romantic relationship with noelle, but they eventually break up after a lengthy on/off dynamic in may 1998 when izidora is 2 years old.
two months after this break up, noelle reveals to angelo that she is pregnant again. angelo moves back into the apartment and attempts to reconcile with noelle for the sake of izidora & their unborn baby, with mixed results. by the time their second daughter, carina sinta banks, is born on february 22nd 1999 when angelo is 22 and noelle is 28, their relationship has become volatile & toxic.
angelo resolves to leave noelle for good when izidora is 3 years old & carina is just five months old, during the summer of 1999. tala & the maternal side of angelo’s family have routinely babysat the girls since izidora was first born, so angelo decides to move back home with the girls & stay with tala until he could afford to rent a house to live in with the girls. he attempts to cut noelle out of their lives for good, but when he agrees to meet with her one night at her apartment to pick up the last of his belongings, their conversation turns into an increasingly aggressive argument with noelle refusing to allow angelo to keep her away from the girls. when she is no longer able to manipulate him into staying, noelle grabs a gun as angelo heads for the door — in a fit of rage, she shoots him beneath the chin when he turns to face her, killing him instantly.
after a moment of panic, noelle decides to hysterically report angelo’s death to the police as a suicide over the phone & during interviews. police inform tala of this, who immediately rejects the decision & demands to see his body. angelo’s death remains closed as a suicide based on noelle’s account that his death had been due to their recent break up; despite tala’s adamance that he would never do such a thing to his kids & that angelo made the decision to leave noelle first.
tala & noelle, who never got along in the first place, continue to remain at odds over this due to custody and noelle constantly fighting with the valencia-banks family over the care of izidora & carina. when noelle refuses to tell the truth in public and swears to tala that she will continue to lie about angelo in order to obtain custody of the sisters, tala & the witches of the valencia family resort to the use of a mangkukulam ritual to torment noelle through the use of black magic for her misdeeds. after months of suffering the effects of the curse strengthening over time — becoming increasingly erratic and paranoid as her mental stability & insomnia worsened, noelle turns herself in & finally confesses to angelo’s murder. she is given life in prison in january of 2001, when izidora is 5 & carina is almost 2. noelle eventually commits suicide while in prison just two years later in 2003 — but not before sending a letter to her sister sherise that her daughters were ‘stolen’ from her.
after this, izidora & carina remain in the care of their grandmother tala, who loves & raises them like her own despite the loss of angelo and teaches them how to channel & use the magic they’ve inherited as witches. their aunt, sherise, does not begin to contact the girls until izidora is 8 & carina is 5 — although tala does not like or trust noelle’s side of the family, she reluctantly agrees to let the girls live with their aunt on a 3 week schedule once izidora is 10 & carina is 7. she is not aware of their aunt’s carelessness in raising them until izidora & carina confide in her at ages 12 and 9 that they do not like staying with her.
tala is nearing her 50s by the time the girls are teenagers & nico enters the picture. the rest follows as previously written, with nico hooking sherise on drugs & controlling the household. the girls are not seen for over 3 months since izidora’s 17th birthday in october 2013; in april 2014, after 6 months of no contact or communication, tala files a missing persons report — this gets debunked by nico claiming they are actually in upstate new york & living with his mother (who is actually deceased).
sherise attempts to get clean with tala’s encouragement and tries to get answers from nico. in turn, nico placates sherise with an overwhelming amount of drugs which cause her to eventually OD. with nico’s word against tala’s, no efforts are made to locate the sisters despite being missing with no contact between the girls & their grandmother for nearly 8 months. after a year of the girls being missing, tala suffers a heart attack at age 53 due to stress/overexertion. by year 2, tala is partially paralyzed on the left side of her body after suffering a mini stroke at age 54 & is unable to continue practicing albularyo & kulam full time as she used to due to her limited mobility/use of her left side. she instead has her niece, sampaguita valencia, act in her place — also known as “shah”, who eventually locates/aids izidora in her escape at age 20 by teaching her kulam, paying for the apartment that izidora continues to reside in, and helping her to eventually locate & rescue plenty of other trafficked women — including a drugged, severely beaten, and extremely traumatized carina when she’s 19 & izidora is 22.
as of now, tala is now 61 & lives in a lavish community paid for by izidora — she is cared for when necessary by a private nurse & receives regular visits from shah, izidora, & carina when available. they spend time together, help tala around the house/with errands, and continue with their magic in albularyo & kulam. although she is not as active as a community healer, she continues to be affectionately nicknamed “lola” or “lula” by those she’s helped over the years. she is also the grandmother-in-law to keith lane & great-grandmother of his & izidora’s twins, neji & nami.
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
The “V-J Day in Times Square” photo embodies the joy of American troops returning home from World War II. The image depicts a member of the Navy embracing a nurse for a celebratory kiss. Photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt captured the moment on Aug. 14, 1945, the moment the news broke that Japan had surrendered to the Allies. The picture has been celebrated throughout the years and captured in statues and other works of art. But now, the far-left feels it is offensive and must be immediately deleted from the archives of history.
Veterans Affair Official RimaAnn Nelson received bipartisan backlash after sending out an internal memo demanding for the image to be immediately removed from all Veterans Health Administration facilities, claiming “historic perspectives on historical events and their representations evolve,” or in other words, must be rewritten to fit the current narrative. Nelson claimed the picture was promoting non-consensual sexual misconduct and would not be tolerated in the current woke environment.
Republicans and Democrats alike were appalled. The far-left has become so engrossed in woke culture that few can stand behind their ideology. Secretary Denis McDonough immediately redacted Nelson’s memo after public backlash and stated that the image would not be removed. It is unclear whether McDonough initially approved of the memo. Leila Jackson, Director of the Assault and Harassment Prevention Office, was noted as the point of contact at the bottom of the letter but has not spoken out.
Now, Nelson is not some well-meaning, sensitive individual. She was in charge of the VA hospital in St. Louis, which was rated the worst in the nation out of 126 facilities under her reign. The situation at the hospital was so dire that 1,800 troops fell ill with HIV and hepatitis from unsterilized medical and dental equipment. The establishment protects its own, and Nelson was placed in another leading role in a hospital in the Philippines without repercussions. Military families were discouraged from speaking out.
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eloisegrant · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡:
𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐚 𝐃𝐞 𝐥𝐚 𝐇𝐨𝐲𝐚
Mutant!Oc, Filipino!OC, Marvel!OC
NOTE: Due to the lack of Filipino representation in Marvel comics, especially in the mutants catalogue, I decided to create my own. So please, enjoy this angst, action-filled and exciting opening to my original character, Sampaguita De La Hoya.
A lso, please feel free to insert yourself as Sampaguita.
WARNINGS: Swear words, mentions of drugs and alcohol, abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder,
Ganda -> Beautiful
Kuya/Mang/Manong -> term for elder man or brother
Ano? -> What?
(Images are not mine, credit goes to the respective owners xx)
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In the Philippines, certain families stay atop others. Certain individuals have more power and money, that was just how this system worked. Enter, Francisco De la Hoya. He was one of the most influential people in the country. Being the Governor of the city of Manila, meant he was the head honcho of any and all operations in this beautiful exotic country.
Second to only the President.
So when his beautiful daughter was bought into this world, it was only fitting for a gala to take place. Heaven on earth, that was what the aunts, uncles, guests and even common folk called their beautiful daughter.
She was an angel with the prettiest eyes, a fitting addition to the De la Hoya family. As such, the birth of new life is supposed to bring love, health and prosperity.
However, as the night grew darker and the party guests left. A worry-filled revelation came to their attention.
Within the airy halls of the De La Hoya mansion, the echoing murmurs of Francisco De la Hoya and his wife Kristina filled the air. Their family doctor was explaining the horrific discovery made in their 2 week old daughter’s DNA– a mutated form of a Homo-sapiens gene that has been renamed the X-gene.
“No it isn’t possible.” Francisco passes back and forth in his office, cigar in hand, pointing it to his wife to light it up with a lighter.
“She’s what we call a mutant, sir.” Doctor Malayo points at the documents on the table carefully. Kristina gasping in anguish, terrified that she had given birth to a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
“What will the media say if they find out my daughter is one of those-” he exacerbates, “those things!” He slams his fists on his desk, causing the items to rattle. “Magnus, Mystique, Angel… that blasted brotherhood of demons! Those monstrous genetics running within my beautiful baby… It sounds like a joke.” A fumed Francisco runs his fingers through his raven hair.
“They won’t find out…” The doctor stands up and walks towards a large refrigerated case. Opening it, a loud click, a large bright light illuminating several vaccines.
“These are still in the testing phase, but have a 100% success rate.” The couple stare at the small man, prompting him to continue his statement. “It successfully suspends the x-gene for at least 24 hours.” He holds one of the small injections in his hands, “...thereby physically hiding her mutant gene.
“But she will still have the gene?” Kristina pleads to the physician, anxious and grieving at the realization that their life is no longer perfect.
“You will need to administer this vaccine everyday. On the dot, same time, same routine.” Doctor Malayo emphasizes every word. “She will have to believe it’s to keep her alive.”
Ethically speaking, this was a terrible arrangement. Injecting and forcing a child through unusual and downright dangerous substances, just to cover the truth. A las, the De la Hoya’s were willing to do anything to keep their pristine image, pristine.
Francisco and Kristina exchange glances as they hear their dear baby’s coos through the monitor. With a firm nod, they turn to Dr. Malayo, “Give us all you can get.” the patriarch demands.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: 𝐀 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭
“Okay, ganda, this’ll just be a pinch and a burn.” Thea, an elder in house maid of the De la Hoya’s smiles at a now, 21 year old, Sampaguita
“Of course,” she sighs, pulling her sleeve up, “it always is.” she jokes around, rolling her eyes.
Thea could feel her chest clench at the sight of Sam’s arms, the shots would be delivered on either side of her arms, today was the right arm’s turn and it was a horrendous sight. Purple, green and blue veins, some nearly popping out of poor Sampaguita’s arm. The in-house helpers definitely felt bad about this entire situation, but they were on a paycheck.
Money was a difficult find, and they were all desperate for it. But, Thea may just not have the heart to go through with this.
“It just sucks that I have these illnesses you know like…” her words trail as she tries to remember what illness it was– all these shots were making her think woozy, making her paler than usual and made her weak.
Thea is quick to remind her of the fake illness they’ve strategically concocted for the girl, “Ms. Sam, it's for your blood deficiency, Anaemia… these vaccines are iron supplements…”
“Yes of course…” Sam sighs as the shot hits her shoulder for the nth time of her life. Had I just been born normal, I wouldn’t be like this. Poor Sam was just accustomed to the shots, but she still couldn’t accept it.
Thea removes the shot and places it in a metal dish, “Alright, ganda. You can go now.” She stands up, wiping her hands on her apron, “Goodluck today on your thesis defence!” She smiles at her resulting with a big smile coming from Sam’s lips.
Her small frame wears a long black leather cloak over her cream turtleneck, it’s November and Manila has been getting a little chilly. Her heeled footsteps echoed and trailed through the big oak hall, down the massive staircase approaching her father’s office right by the front door.
“Father… Mother…” She knocks shyly, “I’m off to college now.” Her hands do an awkward wave in order to get a little bit of a reaction from her parents.
All she gets is a look and a small nod from both of them, before looking back into their computers.
A deep sigh escapes her lips, they were never the supportive bunch, never even bothered starting a conversation or giving her any type of admiration— but they did provide her with all and more a girl her age could ask for. Nevertheless, she had an important day today and that couldn’t be overshadowed by her petty emotions and issues with mommy and daddy.
Fernando, their driver, opens the main door and readily offers to drive the only child to her college, “Thank you Mang Nando but, I’m feeling confident about today and…” she takes the keys from the man’s hands, “I’ll be driving myself!” She cheerfully squeals, running to her car.
What her parents lacked in emotional support they gave back with material things. Sam’s car was the newest Land Cruiser in the classical pearl white, a 21 year old having such things was seen as a little bit of a splurge on their end.
As Sam settled into her seat her phone vibrated, Rodrigo- the caller ID stated.
With a sigh, she starts the car and answers the call through the infotainment system.
“Sammy?” Her friend’s careful voice beamed through the car speakers.
“Ano? What do you want Rodrigo? I’m about to drive.” She buckles her belt and puts the car into drive. Rodrigo had always been a pain in the ass, but Sam loved him for it. They have been friends since the first days of elementary school, so their bond was a very irreplaceable one.
“Ah well I won’t distract you too much…” his breathlessness was abundant, maybe he was running down the halls. “Just called to let you know that you’re after 5 more people so… You’re safe.” He warns Sam causing her to smile as she exits their mansion’s front gate.
“Thank you. I appreciate it.” Her hands clasp the wheel as she makes a hard turn onto the main road. With that, the phone call ends.
The drive was normal, it was supposed to be normal. Heck, it was not a complicated road to drive through. However a growing interruption began to take wing a few minutes in.
Sam’s eyes begin to twitch as she reaches the first stoplight, a little weird for it to happen but she pushes on. It's probably my allergies. Pressing the gas, her head feels a sudden weight, as if it was pushing down into her, causing her to pull the car to the side, the safest area for now. A traffic enforcer notices the abrupt halt of Sam’s car and approaches her window, knocking on it lightly.
With a soft squeak, Sam, breathless due to the sting she feels on her head, looks at the officer and presses the windows down. “Ma’am are you alright? You’re on the freeway.” He leans against the car.
Sam couldn’t even respond, her vision began to get brighter as her breathing began to get heavier.
“Ma’am? Do you need assistance?” He repeated to her, her whole body felt heavier than usual. Am I having a heart attack? Please… Not now.
The enforcer scratches the back of his head, confused with Sam’s irresponsiveness and begins to dial for help, “We’ll see to it that you’re kept safe, Ma’am, just a mome-”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR A FUCKING SECOND!” She shouts at the top of her lungs, glancing to the front, shakily trying to regain power over her body. She half expected the guy to shout back or call for assistance from the other enforcers but heard nothing. Great, I offended the guy.
“Hey listen, Manong I didn’t mean to shout at you-” Her eyes looked back at the enforcer, who was standing impressively still. “Huh?”
She waves her hands in front of the man, “Kuya, don’t be so playful! I didn’t mean to freak out, you were just talking too much.” Exasperated, she tries to lighten the mood. But no, the enforcer was still frozen, impressively still. It almost looked like the guy was playing a joke but it took a fly landing on his hand for Sam to notice, he was really stopped in time.
She heavily breathes as she realises, even the cars surrounding her were in a halt. “What the actual-” Looking up from the sunroof of her car, a bird was also paused in motion. Her back pushes against the seat as she tries to understand what the actual hell was going on.
Were the avengers here? Am I dead? Is there a God? WHat tHE heLL iS HaPpEning??
Her fingers slowly massage her temples, trying to calm herself down and understand what was happening, “There is a perfectly logical explanation…” She bites her fingernails. “Why would the world just stop?” She plops her head down between her shoulders, “How do you fix this?” In a way to cope with this situation, Sam begins to joke around, “Ha, it's not like I can magically tell them to start moving again-” as the words came out of her mouth the enforcer and all the cars, birds, every single object and being, started to move again.
“Just a moment.” The enforcer completes his sentence causing Sam to get shocked at the situation. I… did… that???
“Kuya uhh… No need, please. I’m fine!” She smiles at the man, “See!” She puts two thumbs up to show the man that she was a-okay.
He tries to get a word in but Sam closes the window before she could even hear it.
As she speeds away she couldn’t help but twitch at every slightest sound, it was as if she could hear people’s thoughts, their breathing, the people’s footsteps meeting the pavement and how different shoes would resonate different sounds. To get her mind off of it, she turns on the radio but it blasts too loud causing her to accidentally press the gas a little too harshly.
“Putang-in-!?” She hits the brakes as quickly as possible, upon seeing a group of people crossing the street. Her eyes make their way to look at the volume of the music.
That nearly blew off her eardrums and the sound system was just at SIX? If the world doesn’t begin making any freaking sense she is gonna lose it. Just as she pushes on the gas she spots a pharmacy and decides to parallel park quickly to grab some sort of calming syrup. Something that would calm down her thoughts and just mellow her down for a bit… isn’t that just liquor? Ah, anyhow, she was going to get something to calm her nerves.
Placing the car onto a brake, she leaves swiftly and runs inside the pharmacy, “Hi, umm..” She places her hands on the counter, “Do you have anything to calm a person down, something fast acting and easy?” She jitters between her two toes.
The pharmacist smiles and looks at Sam up and down, “You mean something like liquor?” She distastefully responds.
“No, miss. Medicine.” Her voice was stern and irritated. Sam wasn’t about to deal with this woman’s jokes right now, even if she’s literally shaking with every word, looking like a druggie.
“Well we don’t think you should get some given your…” There the pharmacist was again eyeing her up and down, “...condition.”
Before Sam could respond she heard a thought, literally.
‘How embarrassing.. These kids just do drugs left and right, no care in the world.’
“I’m not a druggie!” She screams upon hearing the thought, “Shut the fuck up and give me something to calm me down!” Her scream causes the woman to fly back to the organized shelves of medicine. The mere voice erupting from Sam’s lips caused what seemed to be a localized earthquake.
Scared and confused, the woman grabs ‘calming pills’ that were purely herbal, “He-here, don’t even pay! Please! Get out!” Sam immediately grabs the box and panics, shuffling out of the pharmacy.
Gaining a few judgemental glances from the elderly people along the aisles, she storms out of the pharmacy to her car.
Just then, Rodrigo rings her up yet again through the car.
“RODRIGO PLEASE!” She grabs her flask and takes 3 herbal calming pills at once, willing to do any and everything to mask this sensation. “I AM NOT OKAY RIGHT NOW.” Quickly, she maneuvers the car back to the road, trying her hardest not to crash into something.
“I’m sorry, so sorry, Sam! It’s just because you’re up after 2 more…” Rodrigo’s nervous voice panicked at both Sam’s angry voice and her thesis defence.
She ends the call, rather than continuing the conversation. Whatever was happening was much more important than this fucking thesis.
Her eyes finally adjusted and cleared back up, making a U-turn back towards her house.
Mr. And Mrs. De la Hoya weren’t expecting anything major to happen this day. With his upcoming announcement to run for president, he was too focused on the paperwork.
So they definitely didn’t expect their daughter to barge through the house, panicking and in tears.
“Kuya! Ate! Help me please!” Sam supports herself onto the nearby long table by the foyer. Trembling, Shaky, panicky and terrified. “Please!” Her abrupt tone made Thea and Nando rush to her side, as well as the other household maids.
They rushfully supported her, bringing her to the living room. Causing her parents to follow and observe the situation that was unfolding. Not out of care for her but rather for themselves.
“What’s wrong Miss Sam? Can you breathe properly?” Lily, another housekeeper, grabs a cold pack of ice placing it on Sam’s forehead.
She couldn’t understand why but the sensation of the ice made her forehead twinge and made her scream at a guttaral level. “STOP!”
Her voice, causing the numerous people surrounding her to fly to the opposite sides of the room. The couch she was on slid as well to the far end of the living room.
Francisco and Kristina were taken aback, covering their faces with their arms at Sam’s ridiculous gesture. Fearing the worst, they were worried that the vaccines she has been receiving were no longer working. Or someone chose to keep her from the dosage.
Some of the housekeepers were injured slightly, refusing to stand up. But older maids like Thea, rushed to Sam– still a bit cautious.
“Sampaguita!” It seemed like a miracle for her father to call her name out like that. Like it has never been an action anyone in the household was used to.
Her father’s voice made her trembling calm down, a mix of confusion and fear across her face. “Did you give her the dosage!?” He directs his questioning towards Thea.
“I-I did!” Thea nearly breaks into tears from the demanding voice of Francisco. Unfortunately, he did not believe a single word that came from her mouth.
“Marites, get Sampaguita’s medical basin!” He orders another maid, who rushfully heads up the stairs. His gaze never leaving Thea who was trembling by Sam’s feet.
“Father, don't punish Thea! She gave me the vaccine!” Sam protests, her voice causes another, milder rumble to boom through the house.
He shushes her by narrowing his eyes to her direction.
Marites held in hand a vaccine that had most of its remains in. Causing Francisco to shake his head, gently walking towards Thea before smacking her face with his backhand.
“FATHER!” Sam defends the old maid by standing between her and her father. “So I don’t get the vaccine today, why punish Miss Thea?”
Francisco shakes his head as he looks down to his daughter, “It’s more complicated than just that, Sam.”
She wasn’t interested in banter but rather just getting to the bottom of all this. Why she was exhibiting such abilities, why Thea missing a vaccine was so threatening and why this has been the most conversation her and her father have had.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
The room fell silent. Nobody was willing to say another word. If Sampaguita found out that she was being medically and physically abused all throughout her life; they would be facing several issues.
Her disappointment, her pain, her fury and her powers. What exactly were they and how would they impact all of them?
“You might want to sit down…”
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mayadoesfandomstuff · 2 years
As I'm currently writing a long post right now based on Persona 3, I've decided to take a break and let my brain rot over some old ideas of my cursed "Filo Thieves" AU in which Persona 5 takes place entirely in the Philippines.
It's so stupid of an idea and I cringe at every thought but hey, misery loves company so imma inject these ideas to other people. Here's just random things in word vomiting out in bulleted list format.
The gsme would start at like 2015. Typically this won't matter much, but in the Philippines, there were a lot of major political and academic changes in the Philippines during this time so the year is a bit more important.
The Philippine elections also takes place on May so it would align with the 2016 May elections.
This means that the thieves may be about a year younger than they are in the actual game. This also makes sense since if the were the age they were in the game, most of them would he college-age because of weird school year stuff in the country and the story just won't work as well.
Joker and the other second years would be 10th graders though. This aligns with their canon age anyway.
The thieves are definitely memed on as the "Akyat Bahay Pangmayaman" and has had supporters since the beginning. Like huge supporters.
Because of this, I do think that even if people think they killed Okamura here, they would still have like a shit ton of supporters.
The international community could not give a rat's ass about these people up until the Okamura case. That's what I think would happen in this case. That country is filled with crazy stories anyway and weird criminal groups so why the fuss about them? When a wealthy local CEO got killed, people started paying attention.
With the other cases like Kamoshida and Kaneshiro, it was expected with the climate of the country.
Madarame was a surprise and did cause waves internationally just for a little bit.
The Medjed incident really got people talking but Okumura was the thing that really sensationalized the whole thing internationally.
Side note, of course all of these names would he different in a Filipino AU. Can't figure it out yet.
The PT case is being handled by the DOJ and none other than Prosecutor Nijima, a bright and trailblazer lawyer who graduated from UP Law.
She's not that directly involved in the investigation as she is in-game as Filipino prosecutors don't have the same insane duties as Japanese and Korean prosecutors, but she's pretty involved as she can be. She handles high profile cases but her backlog still has like a shit ton of drug cases and shit.
Joker doesn't get officially arrested but is sent to the DSWD. There's more context to this that I might elaborate on later but just count him lucky that he didn't die.
He gets sent to Manila from the province since his parents wanted to avoid the stigma.
Sojiro is just a close friend of the family who has to take Joker in since they don't have any family in Manila. I'm debating if he runs a karenderya or a private cafe like in-game or just a small private restaurant. Either way, I doubt it would be as atmospheric as it is in-game no matter what it is.
Joker lives not in the attic but some sort of backroom storage thing where typical house employees would have roomed in.
Some of the palaces would definitely look different but some might stay the same.
I definitely think that Kamoshida's palace might retain it's castle status but I'm torn between that and a hacienda but a hacienda might fit Madarame more.
I'm also torn between having Madarame having a hacienda or retaining a museum or maybe something close to the Philippines Culture Center.
Kaneshiro's palace wouldn't be a bank in my opinion but maybe one of those high-end BGC office buildings where millionaires reside in next to lavish shopping malls.
Futaba's palace could be a tomb as well, but if I want to Filo it up I was thinking of making it a deserted island temple or something like that or maybe an elaborate burial cave system kinda like those caves where archeologists keep finding ancient human settlements in the country.
Okumura's whole space thing could definitely be retained but I just gotta add that I find the idea funny that Haru's confidant would be dealing with her trying to keep the company away from the Jollibee Food Corporation.
Sae's palace is just straight up Resorts World Manila. Yep.
Shido's Palace would still be a boat, but I do want to make it that the entirety of Malacañang would be on said boat as sort of a reminder that Malacañang was built near a riverside. The flood that covers the country is polluted like the floods that cover the country regularly.
I have more but that's it for the brainrot for now. See you next time as I vomit up ideas on how Joker's treated as a Filipino palaboy in the big city in his fancy private school!
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eliaspename · 2 years
DAY 1: National Outfits #POSTITNOTEMBER
The national outfits of the Philippines is the Baro't saya and the Barong
•Expensive dresses, the ones made for novelty (mestizos) are made with the fiber of piña, and because of this, the clothes are transparent and people had to wear undergarments (Corpiño and Enaguas for girls and Camisan or camiseta for boys)
•Baro't saya has 4 parts:
a. the baro or camisa (blouse)
b. the saya or falda (skirt)
c. kerchief or panuelo (the cloth placed on the shoulders)
d. tapis or patadyong (the cloth warpped around the waist)
•the 4 types Filipiniana
a. Maria Clara/traje de mestiza - bell shaped sleeves, long saya, aristocratic.
b. Visayan kimona - poncho like baro, patadyong.
(Before the spanish came, women only needed to wear the patadyong, the saya was introduced by the spanish because the patadyong was considered too short)
c. Terno - most modernized, butterfly sleeves, unionized dress, american coloial era. Imelda Marcos style
d. Balintawak - more casual, shorter skirt, butterfly sleeves, colorful, paired with a tapis and a bandana.
•aristocratic women avoided using the tapis/patadyong as it connected to pre colonial roots
•pechara is the rectangular swction on the front of the Barong tagalog
Variations of the Barong Tagalog
•Barong Mahaba- oldest type of baro (spanish colonial era), can be striped with bold colors (RBB), no buttons, high collars and elizabthian ruffs and cravat, worn with trousers, top hats, and corchos shoes.
•Barro Cerrada- mid 19th century, (closed baro), neck collar, opaque material, ussually worn with white pants, untucked
•Pinukpok - coat like, worn by village leaders and governors, abaca material
•Pierre Cardia -Ferdinand Marcos' style, close fitting, oversized collars ( Elvis Presly collars) cuffs, flared sleeves and pants
•Polo Barong- modernized Barong, short sleeves, either made from linen, cotton or ramie. Least formal but is used as uniforms in schools and offices.
•Gusót mayaman - wrinkled shirt of the rich, line barong, can be used as office wear.
During the american colonial era, the Barong fell out of style, the most common attire for filipino men at the time was the Americana and othe western suits and tuxes.
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kshans · 2 years
Day 0 -Cathay Pacific Internship
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No official day shift with Cathay Pacific!!
On this day, on the 26 of September, we had an orientation held at the Pearson airport in the Cathay Pacific office. On the same day, I officially met all my colleagues who also be doing the Internship with Cathay Pacific this Fall semester. As we all got to know together while waiting for Claire to pick us up, we noticed that the airport was getting slightly crowded (as we all expected). People are running to catch their flights; some are trying to figure out where their airline counter for check-in location is, saying goodbye to their loved ones before entering the gates, and some have issues while in the check-in area. And also saw some Flight attendant cabin crews and captains in other airlines (Etihad, Philippine airline, air transat, etc.). It’s pretty mesmerizing, though, to see the cabin crew walking with complete confidence, their faces smiling, and the professionalism they show as a cabin crew ambassador of their airline. The moment I saw them, I felt like I was looking at myself, but I realized that I had imagined things (lol). But imma get there soon.
Around 3’ish, the orientation began; of course, we started with an introduction to getting to know a little bit more about each of us so we could be completely comfortable and connect as a team. The orientation is all about information and details that we need to know about our position as a CSA to prepare us for our first-ever shift and following shifts. Claire also covered some facts about the airlines, such as where Cathay Pacific flies (I was a bit shocked when Claire said they fly all over the continent except Antarctica), talk’s about Cathay dragon (Cathay Pacific sister airlines), etc. After 2 hours and a half, we finally had some time to fit our uniform and guess what!!! Everyone went crazy and was pretty much excited. So am I. While waiting for the others to try on their uniform, Claire gave us our name tags and lanyards. Orientation took about 4hrs. However, it’s pretty enjoyable in the end.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months
You Are A Freelance Creator in Gotham
by AkardKiwi You have multiple skills. Some you are good at, some still needs improvement, but you have multiple skills nonetheless. On the skills you are good at, you make a living out of. One of these skills catches the attention of a family friend with a successful clothing business in America, and you are hired to work for his company. Your main office is now situated in Gotham. You decided to jump at the opportunity of making a living out of your home country, Philippines. Not because you needed the money, nor because you believe that America is a better place, but because you have a really embarrassing past that you REALLY want to escape from. You're even willing to ignore Batman's "No Metas" rule just for the sake of starting fresh. Unfortunately, in a place like Gotham, everyone's past will catch up to them eventually. You are no exception, no matter how much of a well-prepared civilian you are. Yet you'll fit right in. Not with the civilians, but with the misfits that you try so hard to avoid. Words: 1841, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Reader, Joker (DCU), Batman Ensemble, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, more characters to be tagged as fic progresses, John Constantine Relationships: TO BE DETERMINED - Relationship Additional Tags: Filipino Character, Reader-Insert, Minor Injuries, Blood and Injury, Canon-Typical Violence, Joker (DCU) Has Issues, Comedy, BAMF Reader, incompetent reader, you'll see why - Freeform, reader is a meta, reader has ADHD, Author has ADHD, Author has never read a full comic of Batman, I only read bits and pieces but I'll edit as I read more to match the characters' speech patterns, Not Beta Read, We Die Like a Gotham Citizen, Reader Works in Gotham, Reader Has Multiple Skills, Bruce Wayne Angst, Tim Drake Angst, John Constantine Needs A Hug, I have plans for Constantine and Reader's interactions, both funny and sad, This work is not planned, Semi-episodic chapters, Semi-plot, author has not written a proper fic in 4 years, i'm an animation major not a writer via https://ift.tt/2oX6CdT
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selfdefrecation · 3 months
It's the last day of March, 2024 and I felt like reflecting on my 27th year alive.
I started it off with some bad luck in 2023 by getting my brand new 1 month old S23 phone stolen at the Blackpink concert at Philippine Arena. I was traumatized, grieving, and frustrated. I still had to pay for it for the next 11 months at 4,250/mo. And my dumb impulsive response / solution was to find myself a sugar daddy, thinking they could get me a new phone like- jskdfjwakehf. I never got one, but I did sign up on some apps HAHAHA
My next solution months later was to start a t-shirt printing dropshipping business. I still have it shelved until now. But this was the first sign I felt off about my office "friends" after I asked J to help me with it.
Anyways, I ended up not having any other sources of income other than my salary. But it still got me to go overseas TWICE 6 months apart. The downside is I didn't have any savings for the whole year. Only sinking funds and vibes. My daily dose of copium is telling myself that money comes back but the memories will be forever. Cause, I still can't believe I went to Japan and Singapore. <3
Regarding my friendships, cz and I got closer than ever because of the TSwift Eras Tour planning. We chat and send each other memes everyday. kl and I aren't as frequently chatting anymore cause she got a bf now, but we're still cool and supportive of each other. My blinks are still amicable. i love experiencing girlhood with them. <3<3<3
As for my office friends, I guess it never felt the same after I got back from the blackpink concert. And our office seats had new arrangements and older people were brought up as replacements.
Puttin' someone first only works when you're in their top five. (...) Familiarity breeds contempt. - Bejeweled, Taylor Swift
Anyways, I've been kicked out from their top five. It was only exclusive for people who could fit inside a 5-seater car. ksanfvakdjfbak
I ended my 27th year with a full circle moment by getting my brand new Buds2 lost in the van omw home. Taylor Swift and the holy week squeezed my wallet dry with almost nothing left on my ATM. And I wasn't able to celebrate my birthday in the office because I couldn't afford to. But they deserve it cause they didn't even greet me on my birthday, and the last resort pity cake was worse cause they barely gave any effort. It was laughable. And some of the top 5 girlies didn't even greet me in the end.
i'm okay. I'm gwenchana. I'm gonna be fine. I'm doing good. I'm on some new shit. I still have good friends. I will try and push through with my new attempt at getting a second source of income this year so I won't wallow in self pity comparing my income with my older siblings. I will be successful!!!
In conclusion, I'm feeling hopeful for my 28th year.
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takeoffphilippines · 3 months
Celebrating the Allstar Power of Women AirAsia Philippines mounts all-female flight; launches All Women Lane
Manila, 8 March 2024 - Championing Gender Equality and Inclusivity, AirAsia Philippines has mounted an all female flight to kick off the National Women’s Month and in celebration of the International Women’s Day.
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With more than 700 female Allstars or 37% of the whole AirAsia Philippines population, a woman’s contribution to the daily operation of the airline cannot be ignored.
“Gone are the days when women were enclosed in gender biased roles. Today,  you’d see them sweating but never complaining despite being exposed to harsh elements, performing their functions as flight engineers, mechanics, ramp agents, and marshallers. Day in and out, the women of AirAsia always make sure that our beloved guests are all taken care of, leaving no tables unturned to ensure that everyone lives up to the brand promise of being the world’s best,” AirAsia CEO Ricky Isla shares.
Flights Z2-223, Z2-224, Z2-420, and Z2-421 were commanded by Captain Jasmin Timola and First Officer Nicolette Trisha Castaneda, who decided to pursue their career whilst being full-time moms.  Senior Cabin Crew Mhea Salvador, and Cabin Crew Thalia Javier, Demii Marvick Fernando, and Jamessy Lee Asok meanwhile warmly greeted guests who were en route to their weekend vacation in Boracay and Bohol.  The all female flight aims to inspire guests to pursue their dreams and show that women can also excel in a male dominated industry. 
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“A first-time flyer will no longer be terrified during his flight because those in command in the sky, pilots and cabin crew alike will always reassure them that safety is paramount to us, and that they can sleep soundly because we are experts who constantly train and update ourselves with the latest procedures”, Mr. Isla added.
To make the celebration extra special, the World’s Best Low-Cost Airline also dedicated two “All Women (check-in) Lane” at the NAIA Terminal 2 in honor of all the resilient and hardworking women.
In support of the Philippine Commission on Women’s advocacy of promoting women empowerment, a special Women’s Day PAA-Talk session - AirAsia’s internal talk series with the theme “Women make it work: Driving Inclusivity and Championing Equality in the workplace” was also held at the AirAsia Red Point headquarters.  The airline’s big role in empowering female Allstars in the workplace was among the main discussion of the session. 
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PCW Officer-in-Charge, Atty. Khay Ann Magundayao-Borlado lauded AirAsia Philippines’ support to the celebration.  
“AirAsia's initiative to mount an all-female flight to Boracay and Palawan showcases the capabilities and contributions of women in aviation. May this serve as an inspiration for young women and girls that they can thrive even in traditionally male-dominated career options. 
With women juggling various roles at home, work, business, and their communities everyday of their lives, AirAsia’s dedication of "All Women Lanes" is one fitting and symbolic way to ease their multiple burdens and celebrate their contributions in our society, even for just a day. 
This move not only celebrates International Women's Day but also serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of inclusivity in all sectors. #WEcanbeEquALL”, Atty. Magundayao-Borlado shares.
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liceouniversity01 · 8 months
College of Criminal Justice in Shaping Local City Law
The College of Criminal Justice programs provide the vital aspects needed to keep Filipino law enforcement adapting and providing up-to-date and helpful services to society. 
These courses help introduce students to the complex but intriguing field of crime-fighting and researching. This generally influences students on the importance of human rights, upholding laws, and maintaining public safety.
Criminology focuses on studying three related aspects: crime, criminal behavior, and the justice system. This course covers a wide range of associated topics, such as the impact of crime on society and criminal justice policies, to name a few.
This article will provide an introduction to criminology courses in college and how it continues to shape and improve local law enforcement within the city.
Criminology Courses in the Philippines
Criminology has a deep background in the Philippines. During the establishment of the Bureau of Government Laboratories, the facility offered criminal research courses, which evolved, leading to criminology being recognized as a formal academic discipline.
Criminology programs cover various topics and curricula that help students learn about nature and essential fields such as causes of crime, theories, and investigation techniques. Criminology courses in college focus on various topics, each focusing on the necessary skills needed in the field, including law enforcement, courts, and corrections. 
The important subjects also focus on helping students adapt to theoretical knowledge and its practical application, including engagement in fieldwork and internships to develop hands-on and personal experience working with professionals.
Criminology courses in the country are regulated and require the students to pass the Criminologist Licensure Examination to become licensed criminologists.
The Curriculum of Criminology Courses
The curriculums under programs such as the College of Criminal Justice Education focus on various crime-related subjects and topics to help introduce students properly to the field and educate them with a comprehensive understanding of the study.
The curriculum includes foundational courses in criminology, such as basic concepts, criminal theories, and research methods. 
The courses also cover practical aspects of the criminal justice system and specialized areas within the field, including criminal profiling, forensic psychology, and comparative criminology.
Furthermore, it maintains its role as a substantial source of criminologists who play a valuable role in the nation's efforts to reduce crime and maintain peace.
Challenges and Rewards of a Career in Philippine Law Enforcement
Taking career opportunities within Philippine Law Enforcement can be challenging and rewarding upon completing studies. 
The field often faces pressure to ensure public safety and security while upholding the law. Some of the challenges this career comes with include the following:
High-risk Work Environment
Law enforcement officers within Cagayan de Oro (CDO) are properly trained. Though considered rarer, they might face dangerous situations. 
Public Scrutiny and Accountability
Officers are considered to be set at high standards. This means that upholding these high standards is highly needed and challenging.
Third-Party Challenges
There are many moments where local law enforcement potentially encounters obstacles with political interference and other situations. This career requires balancing personal and public safety and commitment to public service. 
Many individuals find this role fulfilling and a fitting profession with their strong sense of justice in carrying out their duties.
In conclusion, the Bachelor Of Science In Criminology, as well as other specialized and advanced programs, provide key factors students can use in helping out local law enforcement and delivering improvements.
These courses help future law enforcers understand the importance of understanding the in-depth knowledge base of criminology and how it affects the prediction and countermeasures of potential crimes.
Liceo de Cagayan University has openings for criminology courses for people passionate about becoming future law enforcers and criminologists. Reach out to us on our official website and start enrolling today!
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