#officer murphy
lonelyfanboy48 · 4 days
We Bare Bears Canadian Freedom Or Hibernation Heartsick Chapter 9 Vilify Perpetrators
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In the San Francisco prison, locked in one of the isolation cells, an ex agent sat down on his bed, looking at the ground in defeat even after all the time that had passed since he got arrested. All he can think of is what he’ll do to the type of animals that got him arrested in the first place, without a reflection that leads to his arrest. His cell didn’t even have a light, nor a window, he slept in total darkness, whilst other criminals actually had lights and some windows in their cells. But at the end of the day, he couldn’t have cared less knowing he can’t escape the prison even if he tried. And if he succeeded, his vengeance won’t happen with the odds against him with society in San Francisco being the opposite of what he sees.
Then Officer Murphy entered the hall of cells, he walked down the hall while hitting the ex agent’s cell with his baton, gently. “Buck Trout.” He called to his attention. “You made bail.”
Buck lifted his head up while turning to the police officer. “I made bail?” He spoked.
“Yes but there’s still conditions for you to follow.” He took out his key to unlock the cell door while taking out his hand cuffs. “We’re having a meeting with the person who bailed you out.”
Buck slowly got up as he turned around, allowing Murphy to handcuff him. Upon going through rooms in the building, he took him to the courtroom where the person who bailed him out, sat down in front of the judge. He turned to him, not giving him a smile but at the same time, he wouldn’t do what he did considering the ex agent hadn't heard of him.
“Please sit down.” Murphy ordered as Buck sat next to the person as Murphy stood next to the judge. “Do the honors.”
The judge looked straight at Buck who he still isn’t on best terms due to his crimes. “Buck Trout, I won’t tolerate that you're getting released, but after talking to Barry Charles, we agreed to it, but you need to follow the conditions.”
When Buck turned to Barry, he precisely stayed on topic. “What are the conditions?” He turned back to the judge.
“There’s three conditions. First condition is that you're banned from San Francisco. Not only are you not allowed to step any feet close to the bears here, we’re not allowing you to cause anymore crises.”
“Trust me, he’ll be in mental control.” Barry replied.
“The second condition is you’re not participating in any wildlife control program with the fake news you made.”
“Just because we’re protecting the animals in San Francisco, doesn’t mean we’re allowing other states to have the same problems.” Murphy added.
Buck knew there’s no way any wildlife company would hire him if they found out about his track record. “I’ll distance myself to any wildlife control facilities, including zoos.”
“The final condition is if you commit the same crimes like before, we’re putting you into solitary confinement, permanently.” The judge laid down the law. “We’re also informing Barry that if he allows you to cause any crisis, he’s also getting arrested.”
“That will never happen.” Barry smiled. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t harm any animal as long as I’m keeping an eye on him.”
“You better because after weeks of discussing this, we won’t hesitate for a second to lock you up.” Murphy pointed at Barry.
“You may have the money to bail out a terrible criminal, but that doesn’t mean he and you are off the hook.” The judge added. “But to be fair…you didn’t commit a crime and the company you work in…doesn’t involve animals so, be smart about it.”
“Don’t worry, I’m more intelligent to keep animals from harm’s way.” Barry replied.
“Then with that, Buck Trout has been released.” The judge hit his board with his gavel, as Murphy uncuffed Buck. Barry and Buck headed outside of the prison while he took the released prisoner to his private jet at the airport. Throughout the whole time upon driving to the airport, Buck didn’t say a word when Barry bailed him out. He wasn’t happy, but wasn't complaining either. He doesn’t even know who Barry Charles is, especially why he’s bailing him out. But every time he looked back at him, he smirked, awaiting the moment to talk to him.
They arrived at the airport as Barry offered him a hood to protect his identity from the public. If he doesn't have a private jet, someone will reorganize him inside the airport, especially no one’s allowed to wear a hood when security's in charge. Upon arriving at the private jet, Barry invited Buck in as he entered last. He closed the jet door as Buck took off his hood with the windows closing off the light.
“I don’t know how or why you’re doing this for me, but this has to be important.” Buck replied.
“Oh trust me.” Barry smirked. “This is more important than you think.” He ordered the pilot to start the plane as the plane began to move. “So how did you get into jail?”
“It was the bears…I tried to put them on lockdown under my control and…”
“They exposed you as a criminal who harms bears?”
“How did you know?”
“I saw it live on TV when it happened.”
Buck remembered he was on international television when he got arrested, especially the huge rescue the bears did. “You know those bears?”
“One of them I've encountered twice. And I’ve heard that he and his brothers are going to Canada. Which is where we’re going.” The plane lifted itself off the ground, up in the air as it headed to Canada. Barry took Buck to the other room where he had three other people sitting by the table. One who’s shaking in desperation, the other who has a golf hat on, and the final was a hunter who still takes pleasure in setting up traps. It took Buck by notice even if he doesn’t know any of these people.
As Buck and Barry sat down by the table, the three looked at Buck who they also saw on TV. “Who are you people?” He spoked.
“I’m Dave.” Dave replied. “I was once stranded on an island until Barry rescued me.”
“When did you rescue him?”
“Last week during my travels over the world. He was on that island for far too long, he told me everything.” Barry answered. “Let’s just say cubs ruined his happily ever after.”
“They took the love of my life away from me. No matter how long ago it was, I will never forget what they looked like.” Dave clenched his fist on the table.
“I’m Norm.” Norm introduced himself. “I have been planning on creating golf courses since…I love golf courses and there’s a ton in Canada.”
“He told me he planned on turning the forest in San Francisco into a golf course, but the ranger who lived there along with the other rangers from all over the world, stopped him.” Barry filled in.
“I disguised myself as a ranger when Ranger Tabes left. Those bears knew I wasn’t better than her, but it was never part of my goal.”
“These bears have more enemies than I thought.” Buck replied. “They’ve got into more trouble, outside of San Francisco.”
“You have no idea.” Barry said.
“I’m the yowie hunter, Courtney mate.” Courtney crossed his arms with a grin on his face. “I’ve seen you being thrown in jail the moment it happened.”
“I didn’t look at you, nor the other prisoners.” Buck said.
“I know you didn’t, but I knew those bears were on your mind. Because I haven’t gotten them off my mind, especially that Ranger of theirs.”
“I made my employees bail him a week ago. We needed to keep our plan intact, without anyone in the way, including the bears.”
“We’re lucky they’re busy with their flight to Canada, especially we’ve heard they could be heading to Toronto.”
“Which we’re not going to, Vancouver is where we’re heading, more than forty hours away from Toronto on the road.”
Buck wished he was closer to the city the bears are heading to, but the way Barry and the others are united in revenge as much as he does, he’s not against the idea of heading to Vancouver. “Seems we all have something in common. Our enemies are the same bears, cubs to grow, it’s like they once traveled around the world to stop anyone on their way.” He commented.
“You don’t even know how their teamwork would affect us.” Dave responded.
“Especially with all their friends on their side, it’s impossible to ruin their vacation if one of them interferes.” Norm added.
“I knew that their Ranger would tell their closest friends about us.” Courtney added.
“That is…if they’re aware of us being in Canada, which they don’t.” Barry took the remote from the center on the table as he pressed the button to turn the TV screen on. It showed Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear in bear stack formation. “I may know Ice Bear the most, but I’m slowly getting to know who his brothers are.”
“Panda has a girlfriend.” Dave filled in.
“You mean…his girlfriend is a panda?” Buck replied.
Barry then clicked the button on the remote, revealing a photo of Panda kissing Amanda from Valentine’s Day. “A human as a girlfriend.” He spoked.
“How did society get this way?” Buck twitched his eye.
“The people who respect the bears more than us.” He then pressed another button to turn to the next photo, revealing Grizz on the news, protecting his cave from being destroyed to turn it into a cellphone tower. “They once protected their home when they got the chance. You once took over their home right?”
“Yes. I had the upper hand all the while tracking down the bears.”
“Seems it was a difficult mission for ya?”
“Mostly, it just took a long time when I captured them.”
“It happens when they resist defeat.” Barry then pressed the button again to reveal another photo. This time it’s Ice Bear destroying all the robots from the HQ he got himself into. “And this bear is the definition of resisting defeat.”
Buck remembered how much Ice Bear expressed when it captured him along with his brothers. “Getting on his angry side was something I had to learn the hard way.”
“He’s way smarter when I comforted him the second time.” He then turned to the following photo, revealing Yana by Ice Bear’s side. “I know for a fact she’s coming since I’ve had history with her.”
“We don’t have photos of the other people who’ll come along.” Norm replied. “But if we see them with the bears, we need to prevent them from interfering with our plans.”
“They will never accept us as friends of who we are.” Courtney said.
“Nobody wants us to be their friends if they knew about the terrible things we did.” Dave added. “But it’s not like it’ll stop us forming a revenge team.”
“So you want me to join your crusade?” Buck responded. “For your information, I had everything when I was in control of wildlife.”
“You mean all those bears you put in cages?” Barry asked.
“Yes, if I didn’t underestimate them that led to all of the bears getting released, I would’ve just left them free. Even if they still wouldn’t be able to enter Canada.”
“Leaving them free would’ve solved your problems.” Courtney responded. “But if there’s one thing they should learn, it's what goes around, comes around.”
“They’ve won against us, but we’re still their problems.” Dave replied. “And we’re doing it the hard way.”
Barry turned to the following photo, revealing the building he and his group are going to upon arrival to Vancouver. “This is the new HQ of my company. It has everything we need to put our plan into action.”
“There’s a few people, mostly creatures who'll be waiting for us there.” Dave said. “Let’s say, Panda’s heart will be broken in pieces while…Canada will have another cub near Tornado.”
“You have a bear?” Buck responded.
“Yes. She may not be a person, but she will when the bears meet her.” Barry replied. “It’ll be a surprise once we arrive at our HQ.” He turned off the TV as he got up. “I would love to show more of our plan but it’s still a work in progress.”
“I still can’t believe you bailed me out, but…I’m still new to this crusade.”
“You'll get used to it, especially since you’re just as intelligent as me.”
“With him being a billionaire, anything is possible.” Norm commented.
“This mate’s way of vengeance is vicious.” Courtney grinned.
“Indeed because of what happened to me,” He took off his makeup, revealing the scar he got from his second encounter with Ice Bear. It took Buck by surprise, but not the others, since they saw Barry’s true face when they met him for the first time. “I’ll do anything more horrible to ruin all the goodwill they have in life.”
Buck couldn’t disagree, in fact the scar shows the vengeance in Barry, which slowly grew a sinister grin on his face. “When we arrive at HQ, I’ll think of a strategy that’ll involve one of their friends into our trap.”
“Now that’s the person I want vengeance out of.”
The plane continued to fly higher up the sky, heading to Vancouver in two hours. Barry knows for a fact the more outlaws he recruits with their history of the bears, they will form the most heinous plan to ruin the bears and their friends. With Buck on their side, they know he’s a bigger menace towards the bears more than them. He may not have a plan yet but once he sees the inside of HQ, he’ll go back to his old ways like before, breaking all the conditions as long as he’s hiding from the police in Canada. He’ll make sure no one comes in his way.
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prowl-mun · 2 years
( after seeing the bears being separated) 
Officer Murphy: That was horrible! This reserve is horrible! (points to trout)YOU’RE HORRIBLE! You’re an irredeemable monster!
Agent Trout: Oh! Oh! what took you so long, idiot?!
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thomashelbyswife · 4 months
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Tommy Shelby - Peaky Blinders S5E1
330 notes · View notes
cillianmesoftlyyy · 4 months
What I Want... Pt. 2 | William Killick x fem!reader
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summary: Getting caught by your father was not exactly how you thought your night would end... you can think of a better way but fate has its way of interfering whenever it wants.
warnings: smut, age gap, taboo, war, death, losing one's virginity, body image, insecurity, dub con, penetration, unprotected, semi-public.
*I rewrote this fan fiction to be in the 2nd person because I've been so inspired by @queenshelby's style of writing. Let me know if you like this way better or if you prefer the old narration style ("I" or "she").
word count: 3740k
Just Wait Till Next Year- John Maus 🎵
Moon River- Frank Ocean 🎶
A light in your father’s bedroom switched on, illuminating the lace curtains in the window. Officer Killick looked up and cursed beneath his breath, loudly enough to alert you as you rested beside him. 
“Oh no,” you gasped and grabbed your romper from the ground. 
“It’s ok. Put on your clothes and do as I say,” William told you softly and buckled his pants. He found his dinner jacket and draped it over his arm, first removing a cigarette from the breast pocket and lighting up. You scrambled into your romper and combed through your hair with your fingers, trying to settle the messy bird’s nest that your hair had become. William puffed on his cigarette briefly and once satisfied that it looked as if it had been smoked for longer than it actually had, gestured to the fountain behind them. 
“Sit on the edge and put your feet in the water.” You did as you were told, swinging your legs over the side of the fountain and letting them sit in the deep water. The wetness between your legs became cold as you arranged herself on the cool stone.
“You came out here to apologize, we’ve been talking, I’ve been smoking. You’be been in the water this whole time, far away from me. Understand?” William spoke calmly and leaned against one of the trees near the fountain. Not so much as a second later, your father stepped through the screen door. 
“Officer Killick, I hope-” your father stopped, having seen his daughter beside the fountain, “Y/N? I was expecting to find Officer Killick out here, not you. What are you doing in the fountain? Come out of there at once!” 
You could almost see the movement of your father’s mustache flick from side to side as he reprimanded you. 
“Yes, sir.” You swung your legs out of the fountain and stood, trying to hide how shaky they were when you stood still. The cover of darkness hid the muscle spasms that rippled across your body just beneath your skin. 
“What were you doing out here?” Your father questioned you, beckoning with his large, doctorly hands. 
“I was apologizing to Officer Killick. I was… rude at the dinner table and I wanted him to know that I was sorry for speaking to him in that way.” You glanced over your shoulder at the young officer, now standing alert, pretending as if the doctor’s presence had surprised him. William’s blue eyes penetrated the darkness, finding yours in the light and smiled. Everything was going to be ok, they said.
“It’s alright,” he looked at your father and nodded curtly, “no hard feelings. I apologize that I haven’t been the most polite to your daughter, sir. I’m afraid the air force has made me impartial to formalities.” His voice sounded easy and dignified, strong against the anxiety you both felt at their predicament. 
“Not at all, Killick. I’m glad my daughter got an opportunity to speak with you. God knows the war’s been hard on all of us. At least you’ve made up.” 
You were too unnerved to snort or laugh at all. All you could manage to do was smile and nod at your father, validating his oblivious perspective. 
“I’ll go to bed now, goodnight Officer Killick, goodnight Papa.” You kissed your father briskly on the cheek and walked as normally as you could to the screen door. Only when you were inside did your legs give out their strength and you had to sit on the bench beside the door. When you were out of sight, your father spoke to the young man. 
“I apologize for my daughter, Killick. She can get over-excited from time to time. Moving out of London seemed to change her in that regard. I hope she didn’t bother you too much out here.”
“Not at all, sir. I just needed a moment alone and the garden was irresistible. I had just finished a cigarette when she found me out here. No harm done.”  
“Good, good.” You heard your father respond and imagined him nodding as William held his second cigarette between two fingers. 
“I came to speak to you about something important,” your father started to break an uncomfortable silence. 
“Yes, sir?” William cleared his throat and stubbed out his cigarette. More silence fell between the two men, you tried to steady your hands on your knees as you listened. 
“After our discussion at dinner, it is hard to approach this topic again but I received a letter this afternoon. I was going to tell you at dinner but the moment seemed inappropriate. I decided I was going to tell you tomorrow or perhaps the day after, but I found that I could not sleep without informing you.” 
You strained your neck towards the door to hear more clearly. Your father cleared his throat and aligned his weight between his feet. William furrowed his stoic brow and braced himself for bad news. All he could think about was the lingering smell of your skin in his nose as he watched the doctor struggle to convey his news. 
“It is my duty to inform you that you have been awarded the George Cross for your bravery and courage in combat.” 
William was silent as he processed what the doctor was saying. He fought against his instinct to spit and reject the award, a phony piece of medal to distract him from what he had done and witnessed in the war. You stopped yourself from gasping as you heard the news through the door. 
“What about my men who died during those days on the Greek islands? Will they be rewarded for their sacrifice?” William tried not to sneer as he asked. He wished he had a cigarette again. 
“The British men who were with you after you crash landed and gave their lives to the crown will receive this award as well, posthumously. You are the only survivor, as you know, so you are the only one who will receive this award in your lifetime. Will you accept it?” Your father sighed as he finished. William looked down at his feet and bit his lip. What kind of Officer would he be if he accepted an award that celebrated his life, his survival when he couldn’t keep his own men alive? 
“I need to think about it,” William responded, suddenly tired and sore, as he remembered the brunt weight of his survivor’s guilt. 
You took your opportunity to climb the stairs and find your bedroom in the dark hallway. Once inside, you stared at yourself in the mirror of your boudoir. Your right hand traced invisible lines around your body as you looked to see if anything had changed. You’d just lost your virginity to a war hero, the thought sounded preposterous, unreal. You looked the same in all ways physically, but you felt like a heavy weight had been taken off your shoulders, as if your own virginity was a chore of its own. What about you had turned him on? Why had he given into your seduction? If one could even call it seduction… You unzipped the romper for a second time that evening and held it between your forefingers and thumbs. 
A part of you never wanted to wash it, just like a part of you never wanted to see the Officer again. How did adults do this? How were you supposed to act like nothing had happened between you? It would be easier if you never had to see him again in your father’s house. His eyes held every memory and image of your body, something no one had ever seen but him. Even you hadn’t seen the entirety of your own naked body, only he had. However, there was an overwhelming part of you that wanted to run to him and feel as close to him as you had minutes before. Not just to be taken once again by him but to be had and held by him. You wanted to be his. 
Don’t be stupid, you scolded yourself. Tearing your eyes from the mirror, you dressed for bed and felt discomforted by the normalcy of the activity. You’d just experienced something incredible, how could you just put on your pajamas and crawl into bed as if nothing had happened. You felt totally different, mature and ready to be a person with confidence and power like any man. Officer Killick had made you feel powerful, he’d shown you that you weren't a child, limited to discussions of table manners and tea sets. You were on your way to university to be your own person, even a sexual person if you so liked. 
Footsteps on the stairs quieted your thoughts. You tried to sit still beneath your obnoxiously large pink comforter but as the minutes dragged on, you found it harder and harder to ignore your proximity to the man you’d just lost your virginity to. Officer Killick climbed the stairs behind the doctor and nodded his head goodnight as he turned into his room down the hallway. The doctor’s door clicked closed and William could hear the lock slip into place before he closed his own door. William leaned his forehead against his bedroom door and sighed hallowly into the grain. The doctor’s news had overshadowed the preceding events of the night, events that had triggered feelings he thought he was no longer capable of. He knew it was wrong of him to have done what he did. He was nearly seven years older than you and he was your first sexual experience. It was only fair that he was met with memories of war, memories of his failure, a failure everyone else refused to acknowledge. He’d led his men into death, he was the reason they were all dead. He was a bad man. He didn’t deserve the award nor that sweet, spoiled brat of a girl who’d come to him in the garden to apologize. He should be apologizing. He should apologize. 
A soft knock on the other side of his bathroom door startled him. William made no rush to open it, already knowing that you would be in the doorway with your bright, beautiful eyes, ready to seduce him for a second time that night. When he opened the door, however, you were on the other side dressed for bed in your red and white striped pajamas. Your hair was brushed and bore no resemblance to the state it had been in before. 
“Y/N,” William whispered your name like an exhale, relieved in some strange way, to see you standing before him. It was an image of normalcy that he craved, a distraction from the memories that clouded his head to the point that he felt he was trapped in a glass prism, seeing everything through a pane of glass. One look at the young Officer was all you needed to know that he was negatively affected by the news your father had told him. What you thought was great news wasn’t so for William. You balanced on the balls of your feet and swung your arms around William’s neck, nestling your face between his neck and collarbone. At first he was stunned. He leaned back in surprise, taking you with him as he did. Your stomach crushed against his as he regained his balance and realized what you were doing. 
You were hugging him. 
Slowly he returned your embrace, running his hands over your back to hug around your waist. His eyes closed as he ducked his head into the shelf of your shoulder and inhaled deeply. William smelled like the backyard and the sultry musk of English cigarettes. 
“What’s this for?” He whispered against your neck, making the hair there prickle as if you had been struck by lightning. 
“Thank you, Killick,” you mumbled without adding any further explanations. William blinked and furrowed his eyebrows, taking a second to understand what you meant. When he did, he pulled away and set you back down gently. You looked up at the Officer, confused and hurt that he’d broken the embrace so soon. William pinched the bridge of his nose and put one hand on his hip, shifting his dinner jacket to the side. 
“Y/N, what we did was a mistake,” he started, his hand still covering his eyes, “that shouldn’t have been how it happened for you.” 
“What do you mean?” You crossed your arms across your chest, hiding the bareness of your breasts beneath the thin cotton shirt. 
William opened his eyes and shook his head. When he finally met your eyes, his voice sounded distracted and unorganized as if we didn’t know what he was saying himself. 
“I’m not a good man, Y/N.” William cut you off as you started to negate his claim. “No, no you need to listen to me. You only know who I am now. You didn’t see who I was in the war. I- I’ve done things, Y/N. Things you should never know about even if you wanted to know. Your first time shouldn’t have been with me because you deserve better. You deserve a good man. A man that, well, a man that killed others with the hands he touches you with now…” William’s blue eyes looked as if they were glowing as a cat’s does in the dark. You shivered despite the heat and bit your lip. When you could tell that he was done, you pressed a hand against his chest. He looked down dumbly at it as you slid it up his lapel to his cheek, no stubble and scars. As you cupped his cheek he closed his eyes and leaned into it, defenseless. 
“I don’t want to say,” you started, “but would it be enough to tell you that I am truly grateful to have met you and done what we did together?” Your voice was soft and childish as you comforted the man who’d grown to mean so much more to you in so little time. William kept his eyes closed, hiding the swell of tears that pooled behind his eyelids. When he didn’t say anything, you continued. 
“A good man cannot be blamed for what he did when the unspeakable was asked and required of him. Would a bad man have taken me so gently and so tenderly as you did? Would a bad man still be recognized for his bravery after losing his entire squadron in a catastrophe?” You asked genuinely and slowly he opened his eyes, and looked deep into your eyes. 
“You don’t know what a bad man can be,” he responded quietly and your heart broke for the man. You two stared at each other in silence for what felt like forever until you wrapped your arms around his neck again and William instinctively picked you up. Still without saying anything, William set you down on his bed, a uniquely shaped bed that was slightly wider than a twin-sized bed. He sat down beside you and you watched calmly as he removed his jacket and folded it over the arm of the chair near the bed. Next he removed his cufflinks and put them inside a small dish on his nightstand. William caught you staring at them and showed one to you. 
“They were from my father. He gave them to me before I shipped out to the continent,” he twirled the small golden knot between his fingers. “There’s a tiny compass in the middle of the knot, do you see?” He gave it to you so you could look closer at the intricate design. 
“It’s beautiful,” you whispered honestly and he nodded thoughtfully.
“They were my father’s in the Great War. He served in the Royal Air Force. I followed in his footsteps and as far as he was concerned, I lived up to his expectations.” 
“Why didn’t you go back home after the war?” You returned the cufflink and William studied it distractedly. 
“He died,” that was all he offered and you resisted the urge to hold him once again. 
“I’m sorry,” you said instead and looked down at your hands. William reached for one of your hands and intertwined his fingers with yours. He stared out the window, directly opposite of him and breathed deeply. You studied his profile in the light, noticing the freckles that dotted his cheekbones. You fought a primal urge to kiss him again, to devour him completely. Finally, he turned his face to meet your gaze and looked down briefly at your lips. To took that as an invitation and kissed him with a short but slow kiss. When you pulled back, William slid his hand into your hair at the back of your head and curled his fingers towards your scalp. You raised up on your knees and moved him further back against the headboard. Then straddling his stomach as he propped himself up against the headboard, you kissed him again. You took your time and you could feel the Officer relax beneath you as you savored the taste of his mouth, the size and softness of his lips, and the intimacy of his tongue as it slipped into your mouth every once in a while. 
His hands settled on your waist beneath your pajama shirt. Your hands sought out the muscles in his arms beneath his dress shirt, tracing the taught ridges with the pads of your fingers. William leaned you back where you rested on his legs as he unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it to the side. His white undershirt further exposed his muscles and you hid a gasp of admiration when you saw them. William saw your reaction and raised a playful eyebrow. 
“My muscles? That’s what you like? Really? Women.” He rolled his eyes in a jovial manner and pulled you back to his chest. Smiling, you stood on his bed, your feet planted on either side of his legs. He looked up at you with a smirk and leaned back against the headboard. Looking down at him, you slowly unbuttoned your top, starting from the bottom. As your shirt opened, William’s pupils grew in size. The soft flesh of your stomach in the light turned him on, the way your hands handled the pearly white buttons…
“What are you doing?” William whispered with a disbelieving smirk. You didn’t answer as you opened the shirt, exposing your breasts to him in the light. The soft pink buds puckered above him and William ran a hand over his mouth, his eyes fixed on your chest. Seeing his reaction, you ran a hand down your chest to the waistband of your bottoms. William gasped softly when your hands disappeared beneath the striped fabric and played with the soft mound of your cunt. 
“Y/N…” William’s voice was harsh and broken as he watched, unable to look away. You slipped a finger into your own cunt, seeing if you could replicate the feeling that he had made you experience before. Adding a second finger, you started to feel it, and moaned softly. Your head fell back and in your moment of weakness, William caught your other wrist and pulled you back down. Removing your fingers quickly, you held him so you wouldn’t fall off the bed as he laid you down beneath him. He’d abandoned any and all reason as he pulled your hands harshly and fumbled with the latch of his trousers. 
You squirmed beneath him as he clamped a hand over your mouth and withdrew his erection with his other hand. Barely spreading your legs for him, he thrusted his cock inside your cunt without any prep. His pants weren’t even off as he started fucking you deeply with the feverish passion of a teenage boy. His face was inches from yours as he panted, glancing down every so often to see how his cock slid inside you. 
“Get a good look, sweetheart. This is what a bad man looks like,” he whispered darkly against your ear and bashed his hips harshly against your pelvis. You moaned behind his large hand. Your own hands gripped the material of his undershirt, your nails penetrating the fabric and pinching his skin. The pain made him fuck you harder and tousling his hair. The hand that wasn’t clamped on your mouth grabbed the top of the headboard. You stared at each other, your eyes connected with some invisible bond, pulling you closer and closer together. 
“Fuck…” William whispered under his unstable breath. When you moaned loudly, he hushed you with a small smirk, “inside voice, sweetheart.” 
You could feel him inside you, hitting the back of something, but you didn’t know what. Each time he did, you wanted to cry out in pleasure. You moaned his name behind his hand but he could still hear you and smiled in response. 
“I’m almost there,” he whispered, holding his mouth open in a silent moan. The bed creaked quietly around you and you wondered if your father would hear it from his room down the hall. You finished twice before he even finished once, your eyes rolling back into your head. You whimpered from the raw and newfound pleasure, more powerful than any sensation you’d ever felt before, even when you finished earlier in the backyard. His ragged breaths grew slightly louder and somehow his cock felt larger as it felt like you were both about to explode. 
“Fuck, I can’t cum inside you,” he realized suddenly and grunted in frustration. Before he could pull out, you wrapped your arms around his back and shifted his hand from your mouth. 
“Do it,’ you pleased as quietly as you could as you panted. William looked into your eyes. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yes,” you nodded what felt like seconds later, he came inside you. It felt warm and sticky inside, satisfying. When he was done, William wiped your hair from your sweaty forehead and kissed you. You had single-handedly saved him, fixed him, recreated him. He felt like a man again. He felt like a human again. 
Keeping himself inside you, William kissed your neck admired your face with visible pleasure etched into the glimmer of his pale blue eyes. 
“Maybe you’re not such a spoiled brat after all,” William smiled down at you. 
“We’ll see about that…” you whispered breathlessly and pulled him in for a kiss.
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minimalist-daydream · 6 months
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Cillian Murphy in Batman Begins was the original office siren and I will not hear otherwise
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emprcaesar · 4 months
my office siren
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the-autistic-vulcan · 6 months
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he's giving office siren
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alicent-targaryen · 1 year
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TOMMY SHELBY ▸ Peaky Blinders, 3.2
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vervainandspritz · 18 days
Coming soon...
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Where's the thin line between a breathtaking desire and love? Don't keep me in the dark, show me the rules so I don't get lost...
His cold blue eyes glare at her face. She's covered in tears, unable to hold the burning pain in her heart anymore. It shot out like rushing water through an old dam. Y/N's words made his head buzz with pain. He felt paralyzed. The room felt smaller than ever before, almost like it started closing up on them both. The expectant gaze she was shooting him was... Too much. Gaping sadness with a tiny flame of undying hope. His blood ran cold.
"You can find it here" Robert started in a low, shaky voice, pointing at the bed in the middle of his room, breaking her heart with each word. "Or there" He pointed towards the bathroom, where they were intimate just minutes ago. His jaw clenched as her eyes begged him to not say it. Taking a deep breath, he let it go. "But you won't find it here." His shaky hand pointed towards his heart. "You're wasting your time, Y/N."
...and it felt like the sky started falling
Office romance is never a good idea
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Massive thank you to @lau219 for being very supportive and making these wonderful moodboards for me!
...Is anyone interested in reading such a thing? 😉
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humorously-yours · 2 months
Time to accept our REALITY.🥳
Whenever we read naughty smuts, we smile the whole time like an idiot. Whenever we imagine ourselves with our fictional character and reach the darkest erotic part of our imagination, we feel tickling and electrifying sensations in our body, like butterflies in our belly🦋 We don't only see our fictional man as our boyfriend or lover or husband, we just started to imagine him as our world, making our expectations high like the peak of the Mount Everest for the real man existing in our Bluish-green polluted globe🙂. Ugh! It's hard to find the real man like the fictional character We just read or watched in films or shows🥺
They say that Men are the horniest creatures on this planet. Bro, I think you haven't discovered Wattpad stories literally written by 16/17 year old teenage girls. You'll find that Visual Pornography is just too overrated, the real exotic things can be experienced just by reading those (character x reader) fanfics.😏
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They say Size doesn't matter. I mean WTF. Size does matter, It has always been matter. How can I be able to wear an L size Tshirt when my real size is Double XL🤦🏻
Smoking and Drinking is Injurious to health, But My fictional character does these things and God knows, how and why I find him sexy for it??
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I have read too many smuts on Tumblr but they were only written from a Reader's or writer's POV. I want to read something where I can read from the Fictional Character's POV for the same Fanfic. I mean what does that character feel, and thinks and how he uses his wisdom.
Quick question - Do men write Fanfic smuts too?? I mean I haven't discovered it yet on any platform, and I have this prejudice against them that if they do write such type of content, they don't mention any romantic connection between them and the character. Maybe they just want to fuck the character only, not making efforts to feel any emotional connection with the character.🥲
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My singlehood is like cursing to me🫠
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On the other place Women fanfic writers write the whole damn born to die love stories with R-rated Honeymoon stuff in their content. Sometimes it feels like reading extreme hardcore sex with my horse-racing imagination😌 with few romantic lines just for the foundation of the relationship between the characters.
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Enough thoughts for today!🤗
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Okay Bye 💟
Take Care 😘
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saisew · 8 months
The original office siren.
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thenordroom · 1 year
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An Industrial Warehouse Apartment in London
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prowl-mun · 1 year
( when Officer Murphy helps the bears escape the forest fire)
Agent Trout: Murphy, What are you doing?!
Officer Murphy: something i should’ve done, a long time ago! THIS is for the good of the natural order, sir!
Agent Trout ( now enraged) : You useless ungrateful maggot!  I AM THE NATURAL ORDER!
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 5 months
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Robocop (1987) dir. Paul Verhoeven
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movie-magic · 1 year
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Martin Scorsese says the combination of ‘BARBIE’ and ‘OPPENHEIMER’ was something special.
“It does offer some hope for a different cinema to emerge, different from what's been happening in the last 20 years.”
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