#ofrenda de dia de muertos
banfrancop · 11 months
Les dejo mi oración para el altar de muertos:
En náhuatl:
-Ni con in tlahpaloa tlanahuatihke Tonatiuhichán, Cihuatlampa, Mictlán ihuan Tlalocan
-Non huei tlanahuatihke ihuan akime on chanchihua
-Ni con zehlia no tlahtol ipam non tlanahuatihke nemiliztli ihuan mikiliztli
-Ni mo tlatzohcamati ihuan nik tlahtlani in nahuak keman ni kin tlamanilis no cohcolhua
-Iehua non ompahuitze can o chanchihke
-Tonantzi Chihuacoatl ma kin huika non keman o chanchihke ipam Tlaltipactle
-Keman mokaki atecocoli ihuan cocoxtza ieliztli ni kin tenehua no cohcolhua
-Iehua ma kicakica no tlahtol ihua ma con mo tekilika tlan o ni kin onmanili
-No ihua copalpoctli ma kin mititi ohtle ihuan cempolxochitl makin tlahuili
-Ihuan nochi tlan oni kinmanili ma con masehuika ihuan ma casika can mo iek zehuiske.
En español:
-Saludo a los señores del Tonatiuhichán, Cihuatlampa, Mictlán y Tlalocan
-A los altos señores y a quienes los habitan
-Hago llegar mis palabras a los señores de la vida y la muerte
-Agradezco y pido permiso para ofrendar este altar a mis ancestros
-Para aquellos que se encuentran en camino a su recinto
-Que la Madre Cihuacóatl lleve consigo a quienes alguna vez habitaron el Tlaltícpac
-Con el sonido del caracol y el ruido de la naturaleza hago mención de mis ancestros
-Para que escuchen mis palabras, para que se sirvan de mi ofrenda
-Que el humo del copal despeje su camino, que la flor del cempoalxóchitl alumbre su trayecto
-Y que todo lo que ofrendo sea de su provecho, para que encuentren al fin el descanso esterno.
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alecz-obssesionz · 11 months
🏵 | ¡ FELIZ DÍA DE MUERTOS ~! | ✝️
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I wanted to make something about them for the date and finally got more inspo to draw at school
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amarantajuvenal · 2 years
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Festival de ofrendas, CDMX.
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sweetdreamsqueen · 2 years
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Día de muertos.
Day of the Dead.
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allthesunlightwecansee · 11 months
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I’m trying to add aspects of my own self and ethnicity into my practice, so I wanted to celebrate Dia de Muertos for the first time. I’ve never done any ancestor work, nor have I celebrate Dia de Muertos because that’s not something that the Mexican side of family does. It felt good to do for the first time, even if my attempts have been a little clumsy so far.
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decarath-s · 11 months
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Today is Day of the Dead Children in México.
I wish I had more time to build something much more beautiful, but despite it's humble set up I still do this wholeheartedly. I put up this offering thinking of all the kids around the world enduring tragedy, all the Mexican kids, all the Palestinian kids, and all the children in Sudan and El Congo, and every other kid who has lost their life to senseless violence and war.
I welcome them all with open arms into our home to feel warmth, to enjoy the flowers and incense and colourful paper, and to fill their souls with food and toys and all the other beautiful things they deserve.
I mourn you, and I'm thinking of you every day.
We will carry this grief and it will remind us to fight for you.
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dorkvania · 11 months
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This year's Community Ofrenda is larger!
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jukeboxofjellycat · 11 months
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pikafaawork · 11 months
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tap-dancing-noses · 11 months
Mexicans when November 1st / Mexicanos cuando 1ro de Noviembre
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yourlocalrabidraccoon · 10 months
i think the qsmp is a torture experiment and i would die. idk how any of the content creators are surviving any of this with the eggs. what do you mean theres a child you have to take care of but theres something actively trying to kill it and sometimes they die?
what do you mean some of the children are permanently gone and you get to see them once a year and never again?
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sugas6thtooth · 11 months
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eastvillagetripster · 11 months
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Welcoming the Dead
Street ofrenda (altar) for Dia de Muertos, zocalo, CDMX (Mexico City), Mexico.
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peculiartraits · 1 year
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It's Spooky Season 👻 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1308011436/dia-de-los-muertos-memory-box-8-x-8
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hepbaestus · 10 months
Tallulah is playing a song on the guitar at the Techno ofrenda.
She's so sweet.
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redwoodfogcatcher · 11 months
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Dia de Los Muertos
This is NOT mexican halloween.
Here, we honor and remember our ancestors. We have offerings for our ancestors on the ofrenda and put their pictures up to remember them. We put things that they liked or enjoyed. Such as pan dulce, candies, foods, or even cerveza, (beer).
The Zempoalxóchitl, (marigolds) flowers represent the sun and the beautiful road it's creates between here and Mictlán (the underworld).
Papel picado, or punched paper, represents the wind, but also decorates the ofrenda and helps make it beautiful for our ancestors.
Candles, represent fire, and light the way for our loved ones.
Water, represents the source of all life. We offer this to our loved ones to quench their thirst from a long journey to visit us.
Ofrendas will be different from family to family and no ofrenda will be the same. There really is no step by step process to make an ofrenda, rather think of the spirirts that will be visiting your house and what you would offer them after such a long journey. How would you want them to feel welcome.
At the same time you want to make sure all spiritual (and, with it, historical) parts of this belief are respected.
Understand that although this is part of a big festivity, most people are mourning loved ones and having an ofrenda is part of the painful process of mourning.
Thank you for letting me share my culture. ❤️
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