apreciousheart · 2 years
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✨And if I only could I'd make a deal with God And I'd get him to swap our places Be running up that road Be running up that hill Be running up that building Say, if I only could, ooh✨ #vecna #dnd #d #dungeonsanddragons #criticalrole #ttrpg #rpg #aye #gence #ogru #ogrualemi #jiznvoram #baku #dungeonmaster #tabletop #tiamat #hdywtdt #driztt #owlbear #beholder #totalcards #dm #dolyavorovskaya #ravenloft #loqosuz #dungeons #e #brat #gamenights #l (at Stranger Things Experience) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj0EUjODiV0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I Quranda indiyə kimi bilinənin əksinə olaraq, oğrunun əlinin kəsiləcəyinə dair hər hansı bir hökm yoxdur. Qurana görə oğru oğurladıqlarının tam qarşılığı qədər həbslə cəzalandırılır. Bu cəza Qurandakı “cəmiyyətlə əlaqələrini kəsin” əmrinin qarşılığıdır. Oğru əgər ehtiyacı və acizliyi üzündən oğurlayıbsa, buna uyğun cəza verilir (qısa müddətli həbs kimi). Lakin oğru bu işi sistemli və təşkilatlı şəkildə məsləyə çeviribsə, yaxud da dövlətin malını qəsb etməklə bütün cəmiyyətə zərər vermişsə, bunların hamısının cəzası ayrı-ayrıdır. Ayədə Allahın bizə nəsihət etdiyi daşındırıcı sistem “oğrunun cəmiyyətlə əlaqəsinin kəsilməsi” ifadəsidir. Ayədə aşağıdakı kəlmə təhlillərində ətraflı şəkildə açıqladığım kimi, feili olaraq əl kəsməkdən bəhs etmir; ayə oğrunu cəmiyyətdən təcrid etməyi izah edir. “Maidə” surəsinin 38-ci ayəsinin oğrunun əlinin kəsilməsini əmr etdiyi deyilir. Bu ayəyə baxaq və əlaqədar sözləri araşdıraq: جَزَاء cəzaən – qarşılıq بِمَا كَسَبَا bima kəsəba – etdiklərindən dolayı نَكَالاً nəqalən – daşındırma مِّنَ اللّهِ min Allahi – Allahdan Beləliklə, ayənin bu hissəsinə belə bir məal verə bilərik: “(Bu) etdiklərinə qarşı Allahın nəzərdə tutduğu daşındırma üsuludur”. Bəs bu cəza nədir və kim üçündür? Ayənin əvvəlinə baxaq: وَالسَّارِقُ və əs sariqu – oğru kişi وَالسَّارِقَةُ və əs sariqətu – oğru qadın فَاقْطَعُواْ fə iqtəu – (əlaqəni) kəsin (bu sözün üzərində daha sonra dayanacağıq) أَيْدِيَهُمَا əydiyə huma – əsas yer burasıdır. Ayədə keçən “huma” sözü “o ikisinin” mənasını verir və oğru kişi ilə oğru qadının ikisinin “əydini kəsin” deməkdir. “Onların dediklərinə səbir et və ƏYD sahibi bəndəmiz Davudu yadına sal!” (Sad surəsi, 17) Burada “ƏYD” kəlməsi güc, qüvvət mənasında işlənmişdir. ƏYD və bəsirət sahibi olan bəndələrimiz İbrahimi, İshaqı və Yaqubu da yad et! (Sad surəsi, 45) Burada da “ƏYD” kəlməsi güc, qüvvət mənasında işlənmişdir. Biz göyü ƏYDlə yaratdıq və Biz onu genişləndiririk. (Zariyat surəsi, 47) (ardı rəydə) #quran #islam #dinipaylasimlar #Allah #namaz #dua #din #ogru #oğru #həbs https://www.instagram.com/p/Cip2BE8M7ct/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nigrummblog · 9 months
4 gundu rayonda idik evimize ogru girib, goturduyu de yadimnan cixdigi ucun evde qalan kaslokumdu, basga hec neye toxunmayib allah belani versin pislik
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444names · 8 months
Aerpus Agled Annal Anofist Anzhe-o Argrepus Baccus Bazimbus Becarpus Bediflus Bednembus Beng-rē Beng-òng Benircsop Berrud Betbus Biedniaty Bilppus Bulcus Buulpi Bōng-íu Cabus Caremmus Carepus Carus Celtbus Cevrep Chind Chonk Cháng Cilibari Cintu Citilbus Clebus Clerepmi Cotbus Cámángbus Cùn-dhìng Degbus Demirppus Depus Desbus Detag Detangxún Detnamus Detubus Dezin Dhong Dieng-ū Diidius Dingù Dneirepus Dneoll Dnerus Docilin Docrepus Docsus Drembus Dulrembus Duvidrem Duwìe Eatrebrus Ebiragu Ebitperuy Ecajbus Ecobus Ecrepus Edabus Edisop Eetsus Egarpus Egrepus Ekhūn Ekonrepus Ekorepus Elbaragus Elbats Elbisselm Elbiy Elbus Elebus Elitnen Elpbus Emartimb En-dhāng Enilb Ercbus Ercsrepus Erebus Eriws Erufrus Erusi Esabus Esapsbus Esoccus Esorepus Etack Etahtbus Etalcbus Etalus Etarepsus Etarepus Etaus Etibus Etirembus Etirepus Etivrepus Evirorgo Ezilbaung Eziry Ezivrepus Faocbus Fareppus Ferppus Fetbus Fieven Florr Fovitcuri Fulppus Funim Galus Gembus Gemelabus Geonrepus Gezilppus Glevy Gnibmus Gniint Gnilairt Gnirs Gnitisbus Gnitsuou Gnizi Goflus Gropmus Guiti Gunicrus Gò-pén Gòngù Halcbus Heabbus Helcbus Hielk Honipsus Hsitatsy Hsitnatt Hualk Hōng-dhòn Iclumbus Iesbus Iesnus Iessen Ihsenly Ixorrus Iyidbus Jievened Juoul Juout Khenxient Kimrucbus Kotalus Krovi Kà-chèn Lacbus Lacrepus Ladnuoll Ladus Lambus Lamroppus Lang-ēng Lanik Lanir Lanoflu Lanoitius Lanoty Larary Latiul Latrepus Ledbus Lednot Lenimbus Lenitip Lesbus Letanus Lhúrhtell Lhēng Lhōng Liectin Lierpbus Lierus Liond Lisabus Loflup Lonkàn Luccus Luflus Lufrutlus Luvorppus Lynock Memerpus Meng-o Meong-é Metsbus Meyol Mezili Mi-dó Mien-ēn Mievi Migerrus Mimarpbus Misoppus Misseggus Misseng Mocrepus Monhcarri Monrepus Motius Msimbus Mucepus Multbus Mulus Muripsus Mutlus Muuti Nagus Nambus Neerufss Neetu Nevrus Niartbus Nieneccus Nilacbus Noicepus Noicsilt Noilai Noircbus Noironk Noitadnus Noitamus Noitcepus Noiti Noituppus Nombus Nutirt Nuulfnus Ogrus Orepus Oslicipus Peccus Petbus Phenbus Pisbus Piulkcus Plabrus Plaung Pokkus Pong-chè Ponhcnirt Puimi Puiremer Pun-mán Pung-ind Puuki Pūngbus Qaotbus Qaotz Raerm Ralcrus Rasrepus Rebrepus Recit Redbus Rednuout Redrepus Redrop Relibrus Relppus Rhoprupid Rhotsbuck Rhūng Riipsus Roitbus Rositcus Rìunibrus Saerpus Sanadli Sangth Saobus Sarerbus Sargbò Satefnus Scepus Sciti Sduli Sefni Sefnuor Segbus Seggujbus Segrepus Sehrepus Seiccus Seici Seick Seicsus Seirobus Seitpi Seitus Sellibus Semmus Senet Senid Seonbé Seotbus Setemp Seuqest Sfrumbus Sgnizeetu Sgnus Shocbus Slaehsbus Slamel Slaung Slern Snnaerpus Snnambus Snocbus Snocif Snoeng Snoertaus Snoitbus Sognus Somrepus Srepusbus Ssabus Ssalus Ssats Ssechè Sserabrus Sserpus Sserrus Ssery Stnal Stnatt Stnetith Stsbus Stsrettel Sueltup Suerppus Suoirall Suoitaug Suoll Suong Suorepus Swend Tacbus Taody Tekcus Telfrepus Tellepus Tepus Thepus Thielm Thiult Thong Thung Thupi Ticepus Timalp Tinarb Tnarffus Tnatoor Tnats Tneint Tnelibus Tnemb Tnemmu Tnengù Tneve Tnevelt Tnevrus Toitadus Toitcepus Toppus Trepus Trosbus Tsautpmus Tsimmus Tun-rē Turnebus Uarudbus Unlhāng Upirepsus Uttarebus Uttupi Uvivist Viosegbus Vioss Vircbus Vunif Weolt Wevissus Wieck Wienitcus Wongū Wotcati Wulesk Wurhtrus Wurnus Wuuki Wuunibith Wuutcurd Wùnán-ù Xanrepus Xèōng Yaerrus Ycaert Ycamp Yevisseng Ylbus Yllaus Yllevi Ylsufe Ylsus Yrambus Yraoni Yrtal Yrtbus Yrutifni Ysduery Ytegi Yualpbus Zeneggus Zhù-ò Zè-vòn Á-án-á Áng-o É-ūng Éngòng Ò-phíeng Úghō-èn Ún-rà Ān-zín Āngorey Ūngwò
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crossoverworldtree · 2 years
Millenium a.k.a. Shocker, The Thule Society, Panther Claw
Who, When, and What: After the fall of Berlin, the Nazi Occult circles, and many major Nazi players fled to South America and began to rebuild their forces--focusing solely on their top-secret occult projects rather than anything else. They draw now from Neo-Nazi organizations and others 'sympathetic' for their cause. They also use their technology and occult knowledge to brainwash certain 'accepted soldiers. These were normal people with degenerate diseases or terminal illnesses with no hope for a cure--until the Millennium group stepped in. They are rebuilt--stronger, better, faster--and chemically enslaved to Millennium.
Clout: Criminal 4, Financial 5, Governmental 3, Supernatural 3 (15) Quarters: Huge (5), Multiple Locations (5), Physical Security 4, Supernatural Security 2 (Total: 5. 16-11 from Supernatural, Governmental, and Supernatural Clout) Gear: Computers 4, Lab/Research 5, Medical Facilities 5, Workshop/Repair 5, Occult Archives 5, Full Training Facilities (3), Vehicles (Military/Exotic) (5), Weapons (Full Metal Jacket, Getting Medieval) (6) (Total: 23.  38-15 from Clout) Total Cost: 43
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Major Montana Max Date of Birth: 1902 Motivation: Bring About War Critter Type: Cyborg Attributes: Str 5, Dex 4, Con 5, Int 6, Per 5, Will 5 Ability Scores: Muscle 10, Combat 14, Brains 20 Life Points: 65 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Contacts (Criminal 5, Supernatural 5, Governmental 4), Hard to Kill 5, Shield Chair (AV 20, DC 100), Resources (Rich), Zealot (Nazi), Impaired Senses (Sight, Glasses), Nerves of Steel, Cyborg/Robot Name - Score - Damage - Notes Pistol - 14 - 15 - Bullet Montana Max's humanity can best be described as "completely absent". After the fall of Berlin, his original order to create a 1,000-year reign through Vampires devolved into something far more open: War for the love of War. He usually remains in the organization's shadows, using the others as pawns as he builds his forces for his Endless War.
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Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin Date of Birth: 1869 Motivation: Bring Fourth the Ogrdu Jahad Critter Type: Chosen of the Old Ones Attributes: Str 3, Dex 4, Con 6, Int 5, Per 4, Will 7 Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat14 , Brains 18 Life Points: 61 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Magic 7, Attractiveness +1, Zealot (to the Ogdru-Jahad), Psychic Visions, Resources (Well-Off), Hard to Kill 5, Host-Mother (to Ogru-Hem Behemoth), Contacts (Supernatural 5, Criminal 3, Governmental 2), Situational Awareness Name - Score - Damage - Notes Magic - 25 - Varies - By Spell Deflect - 25 - None - Magical Defense Hold - 24 - None - Magical Defense Dispell - 22 - None - Negate Ongoing Effect Volley - 19 - None - Spell Reflection Rasputin was granted Immortality by the Ogdru-Jahad, so that he could guide Hellboy to release them from its prison. To that end, he joined the Nazis, promising them a Miracle to end the War in their favor. After Berlin's fall, he was thought dead until he returned to torment Hellboy with an Ogdru-Hem in his system. He gathered his Millennium contacts and set out to fulfill his purpose...
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Johann Smitt a.k.a. The Red Skull Date of Birth: 1905 Motivation: The Thousand Year Reign Critter Type: Enhanced Human Attributes: Str 6, Dex 6, Con 6, Int 5, Per 3, Will 5 Ability Scores: Muscle 18, Combat 20, Brains 16 Life Points: 73 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Super Soldier, Hard to Kill 10, Zealot (Nazi), Contacts (Criminal 4, Supernatural 3, Governmental 3), Resistance (Pain and Poison) 5, Fast Reaction Time, Nerves of Steel, Combat Armor (AV 12) Name - Score - Damage - Notes Punch - 20 - 17 - Bash Kick - 19 - 19 - Bash Pistol - 20 - 20 - Bullet Poison - 20 - None - Strength 7, Destroys Constitution The Red Skull was one of the most infamous Nazis during the War. He managed to survive his own death and the fall of Berlin, to continue to be a thorn in Captain America's side to this day. He works as the Major's front and right-hand man. He managed to create a Super-Soldier body for himself, and occasionally, his formula of Super Soldier is used to create more Kaijin Troops. His signature weapon is a poison gas perfected in the Holocaust--one that leaves the victim's face a skull-like visage.
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Doctor Von Richter a.k.a. Dr. Death, Dr. Shinigami, The Doctor Date of Birth: 1880 Motivation: Create New Monsters Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 1, Dex 3, Con 5, Int 5, Per 3, Will 5 Ability Scores: Muscle 8, Combat 12, Brains 18 Life Points: 49 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Deranged Cruelty, Obsession (Monsters!), Brainiac, Hard to Kill 5, Nerves of Steel, Age 1, Immortal, Delusions (Grandeur) Name - Score - Damage - Notes Scalpel - 12 - 2 - Slash/Stab
In order to create the monster army, this mad Doctor was employed and given notes on every method they could find--a few of which he invented himself. In his hands, the human Genome is mere putty.
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Herman Von Klempt a.k.a. The Brain Date of Birth: 1890 Motivation: Make Monsters, Destroy the World Critter Type: Former Human Attributes: Str 3, Dex 2, Con 2, Int 5, Per 3, Will 5 Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 16, Brains 16 Life Points: 30 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Armor Value 10, Supernatural Attack (Minor, Ranged), Flight, Human Disguise, Zealot (Dreams of the Ogdru-Jahad), Delusions (Destruction of Humanity is the ultimate goal of the Ogrdu Jahad), Age 1 Name - Score - Damage - Notes Punch - 16 - 10 - Bash Blaster - 16 - 24 - Plasma Von Klempt is another scientist who aided in the creation of the strange, monster army for Millennium, but more often he acts as an assistant to him, or he is sent out alone for other missions given that he has become nothing more than a head in a floating jar. He loves many of his creations as if they were his own children--a sign of weakness among the party.
Kreigaffe a.k.a. Monsuir Mallah, Mojo-Jojo Date of Birth: Varies by Number. Motivation: Orders Critter Type: Gorram Nazi Frankenstein Monkey Attributes: Str 14, Dex 5, Con 7, Int 1, Per 2, Will 3 Ability Scores: Muscle 34, Combat 18, Brains 10 Life Points: 100 Drama Points: 5 Special Abilities: Cyborg (must repair half life points), Knuckle Walking, +20 speed when on all fours, Gauntlet Arms, Armor Value 5, Natural Toughness, Hard to Kill 2 Name - Score - Damage - Notes Punch - 18 - 37 - Bash Bite - 18 - 19 - Slash/Stab Kreigraffe are Von Klempts most beloved creations, being the only one of his creations to receive affection of any kind from the demented Nazi. In return, Kreigraffe are fiercely loyal to him. He has made 10 so far, several of which have been destroyed by Hellboy.
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Ilsa Hesputien Date of Birth: 1915 Motivation: The Master Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 3, Dex 5, Con 3, Int 3, Per 2, Will 4 Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 16, Brains 12 Life Points: 49 Drama Points: 5 Special Abilities: Immortal, Love (Rasputin), Zealot (Nazi), Hard to Kill 5, Deranged Cruelty, Occultism +4 Name - Score - Damage - Notes Sledge Hammer - 16 - 20 - Bash Magic - 16 - Varies - By Spell Pistol - 16 - 16 - Bullet Ilsa is in love with Rasputin and will do anything for him and his mad ends. Even sacrifice her life at his command. She resurrected him in 2004 at his order and met her end attempting to bring his dream of a New World to life.
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Karl Ruprecht Kroenen Date of Birth: 1897 Motivation: The Cause Critter Type: Cyborg Zombie Attributes: Str 6, Dex 7, Con 8, Int 3, Per 2, Will 5 Ability Scores: Muscle 18, Combat 20, Brains 12 Life Points: 81 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Cyborg, Armor Value 5, Attractiveness -2/-10, Obsession (Mutilation), deranged Cruelty, Weakness (Must wind up before battle), Hard to Kill 5, Zombie, Nerves of steel, Iron Mind, Age 1, Emotional Problems (pain for pleasure) Name - Score - Damage - Notes Luger - 20 - 20 - Bullet Punch - 20 - 17 - Bash Blade - 20 - 23 - Slash/Stab The Clockwork Man, Hilter's top Assassin and former leader of the Thule Occult Society. As a member of Millennium from the start, he has much clout, but never says anything. He is fanatically devoted to Rasputin, much to Max's annoyance. He created his clockwork form himself after many years of self-inflicted mutilation.
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Fixed Idea a.k.a. Mass Production Frankenstein Motivation: Orders Critter Type: Homunculus Attributes: Str 7, Dex 4, Con 5, Int 1, Per 2, Will 2 Ability Scores: Muscle 20, Combat 16, Brains 9 Life Points: 100 Drama Points: 0-5 Special Abilities: Cyborg, Zealot (Programming), Iron Mind, Nerves of Steel, Natural Toughness, Armor Value 5, Hard to Kill 4, Increased Life Points + 30 Name - Score - Damage - Notes Punch - 16 - 18 - Bash Grapple - 18 - None - Impairments Vary Break Neck - 20 - 33 - Bash, Survival Test -5 Mass Produced Frankenstein Monsters used as Foot soldiers by Millennium next to Kaijin, FREAK Vampires, and Werewolf SS. They are slow-witted but strong and dedicated. FREAK Vampire Motivation: The Cause Attributes: Str 6, Dex 5, Con 5, Int 3, Per 3, Will 3 Ability Scores: Muscle 18, Combat 16, Brains 12 Life Points: 69 Drama Points: 2-4 Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 5, Vampire, Self-Destruct Chip, Ghoul Bite FREAK Vampires all share several characteristics (usually derived from the 'common' Vampire species, but others are known). All of them are Beholden to Millennium, what they see and hear Millennium Knows. All are built with a self-destruct device that incinerates their bodies upon activation. All of them are incapable of siring new vampires all those bitten by FREAK vampires rise as Solanum Ghouls. All but the Solanum Ghoul creation abilities are accomplished by microchip implantation performed on the Vampires. There are approximately 10,000 FREAK Vampires under Millennium's control. FREAK Ghoul Motivation: Orders and FLESH Critter Type: Zombie Attributes: Str 3, Dex 2, Con 2, Int 0, Per 2, Will 1 Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 12, Brains 9 Life Points: 15 Drama Points: 0 Special Abilities: Zombie, Armor Value 12 (Combat Armor and Helmets), Riot Shield (Armor Value 20), Unique Kill (Destroy the Brain, takes no LP damage otherwise), Reduced damage (No multipliers from bullet, slash/stab damage or targeted areas), Immune to Pain, Spread the Love - one bite and your hooked, maddening moan), acute senses (Hearing), Tireless Name - Score - Damage - Notes Bite - 12 - 8 - Slash/Stab Grapple - 14 - None - Impairments Vary, +2 to Bite Machine Gun - 12 - 14 - Bullet, Rapid Fire Shield - 15 - None - Armor Value 20 Imagine a Zombie. Now give it Riot Armor and a Machine Gun. Then give it a basic control chip and send them out into the field en-mass. These are the FREAK Ghouls.
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Inhumanoid a.k.a. Kaijin (Strange Person) Motivation: The Cause Critter Type: Cyborg Attributes: Str 8, Dex 7, Con 6, Int 2, Per 4, Will 3 Ability Scores: Muscle 22, Combat 16, Brains 12 Life Points: 81 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 5, Armor Value 12, Zealot (The Cause), Natural Weapons (Various), Cyborg Name - Score - Damage - Notes Punch - 16 - 20 - Bash Kick - 16 - 22 - Bash Claw - 16 - 20 - Slash/Stab Saw - 16 - 48 - Slash/Stab Whip - 16 - 20 - Can grapple/Choke Gun - 16 - 19 - Bullet There are hundreds upon Hundreds of different types of Kaijin--each one a crafted work of art and specialized soldier. They are brainwashed humans. Some were grabbed off the street for their lack of connections to others. Others were grabbed for specific traits. Others were grabbed through the false illusion of a Cure for their ills. All of them are bio-mechanical horrors who will die without regular blood transfusions. Many have strange powers such as Supernatural Attacks, invisibility, Flight or even sticky webbing. Many are based around one or more animals (or even plants), and given abilities related to them.
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4 Chapters: Psalms 123-126
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b-g-o · 8 months
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Ogrus, one of @/bluependaa 's (twitter) ocs
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poorlittleghostboy · 5 years
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I’m a trashbag, and I miss Emet-Selch :(
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ankeny29 · 7 years
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#ootd #mensfashion #rue21 #doyourue #freedomtobe #OGrue #original #fall
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trve-grimdark · 6 years
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Working on Albainn Giant and the last Ogru for darklands!
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I Hədisləri əsas götürərək, mənası dəyişdirilən ayələrdən biri də Maidə surəsi 38-ci ayəsidir. Ayənin hər bir sözünü təhlil edib yazını uzun və maraqsız etmək istəməzdim. Sadəcə Quran çərçivəsində araşdıraraq bunun belə olmadığına şahid olacağıq. Ayəni məzhəbci tərcüməsi belədir: Maidə 38. Oğru kişi ilə oğru qadının gördükləri işin əvəzi kimi Allahdan şiddətli cəza olaraq (sağ) əllərini kəsin (faktau eydiyehuma). Allah yenilməz qüvvət sahibi, hikmət sahibidir! Biz əsasən “əllər”, “kəsin” üzərində dayanaraq bunları digər Quran ayələri ilə qarşılaşdıracağıq. Əgər həqiqətən də fiziki kəsmək varsa, bu ortaya çıxacaq. Sıralama olaraq bəzi arqumentlər qoyaq: 1) Ayədə sağ əl yoxdur. Ümumi mənada əllər var. Mötərizədə olan “sağ” sözünü hədislərdən götürüblər. Hədislərə görə oğrunun sağ əli biləkdən kəsilməlidir. 2) Tutaq ki, oğrunun əli kəsildi. Cəmi bir ayə sonraya baxaq. Maidə surəsi 39-cu ayə. “Lakin hər kəs gördüyü haqsız işdən sonra tövbə edib özünü düzəltsə, Allah onun tövbəsini qəbul edər. Həqiqətən, Allah bağışlayandır, rəhm edəndir.” Oğurluq edənin sağ əlini kəsdilər, sabahı gün tövbə etdi və düzəldi. Sonra? Əl artıq şikəst qalıb. Tövbəsinin nə xeyri oldu? Və səmimi tövbə edə bilərmi? 3) Ayədə işlənən “eydiyə” kəlməsinin əsas iki mənası var. a) Əllər, b) Güc, qüvvət, qüdrət. Quranda bunların hər ikisinə dair çoxlu ayələr var. 4) Güc, qüvvət, qüdrət mənasında işlənərkən: Biz göyü qüdrətlə (bi eydin) yaratdıq və Biz onu genişləndiririk. (Zariyat surəsi, 47) Onların dediklərinə səbr et və qüdrətli (eydi) qulumuz Davudu yadına sal. O, daim Allaha üz tutardı. (Sad surəsi, 17) Güc (eydi) və bəsirət sahibi olan qullarımız İbrahimi, İshaqı və Yəqubu da yada sal. (Sad surəsi, 45) 5) “Əl” kəlməsi tək və cəm formada Quranda 110 ayədə 120 dəfə işlənib. Bunların 30-unda həqiqi əl mənasında, qalanında isə məcazi mənada işlənib. “Əl” kəlməsi cəmdə əsasən məcazi mənalarda işlənir. Məsələn: (ardı rəydə) #quran #ayə #islam #iman #Allah #namaz #din #ogru #oğru https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfju7pxMnsF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sergiogomes12 · 2 years
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29 Outubro 2021 - Sexta feira https://www.instagram.com/p/CY1FmO-OGRU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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444names · 2 years
brythonic deities + mythical humanoids
Abagres Abagrus Abara Abelis Abnos Abusid Aerigo Aerius Agork Agren Agunymp Alafaid Alafang Alahag Alahan Alahaus Alarus Aling Alint Alintar Alios Alita Alkapod Alkimon Alter Amion Amonna Amumork Andar Andius Anerta Aneta Angeid Angeis Angeri Angummy Angusus Annemp Annik Anoba Anociel Anter Anthro Antiano Antisan Antita Antris Ardul Arest Artaur Artina Astan Astenus Astris Avendia Aveter Avetian Avetis Balkap Bangeid Banota Barpy Beannix Beareis Bertres Blafaia Borow Borrie Borrisa Borrus Brios Briter Brius Brollie Brotar Busama Busat Buxent Cadona Cadra Cadros Calich Calie Camna Campus Candrow Canino Canixie Canome Cante Cantia Canusag Capon Carast Caraur Catia Ceard Ceres Chanid Chauns Cichag Cichala Cicon Cidhe Cidheto Cidinni Cidius Cielf Cimon Cimos Ciusag Ciusang Clotou Cluinna Cluis Cocens Cocielf Collo Conak Conis Conix Conixie Conna Conus Corrus Covetia Cycalka Cyclo Cycloto Damappa Damna Damph Damullo Datonos Delat Demeris Demetio Demlios Demlis Dempugo Dente Devinx Donus Draun Draus Drople Dudamp Dudinx Dudius Duduinn Duinus Dwaninx Dwantus Dwardul Dwarpy Dwarus Elent Eliello Emarum Emerius Enaiae Encamos Engel Entiann Entik Eritte Fancan Fanik Fannian Faufaia Fiusa Fiusus Gando Gangela Gangus Ganian Ganid Ganos Ganta Garaus Garnus Garpy Ghoba Ghobito Ghobius Giang Gianta Gnota Gobis Goblamp Gombie Gomer Goyle Goylph Grechan Greman Grena Grenaid Grennix Gress Grusa Grusag Hagobor Halioma Hancubi Hangu Hantiad Haris Harus Hiban Hinos Hobgo Hobie Hobold Hobor Hould Houllos Huete Huetena Huetes Huetija Huetis Huner Huness Hunus Hunyip Imbelin Imonus Inaid Inaidhe Incur India Interis Intio Inymph Jente Jentia Jinnus Jorabus Jorow Jotuta Kapomo Kikit Kimos Kites Kittle Kobor Korito Koron Koutija Lafaia Lafara Lafarne Lahan Lahando Lameri Lanthro Laraus Largo Latou Lennid Lennus Lentinx Lepoden Leton Leuccur Leucie Lincana Lugummy Luraun Lurigar Luxent Lycast Lycata Lyclus Maida Manot Manus Maponni Mappa Margor Marus Mebie Mebis Mentare Menus Merios Meris Merius Merne Mernus Metes Metik Metisad Mettle Monnos Monnot Monnus Monus Moreme Motatyr Motuns Motuta Mullus Mumota Nacis Nagress Neris Netija Nextis Nikban Nineri Nukita Nunus Nunyip Nyernus Nyetes Nyeto Ocelf Ocernus Ocius Ogmina Ogming Ogminus Ogreda Ogrenus Ogres Ogrus Oguner Oreid Orolf Orrio Orris Orrus Orven Panius Panus Pelang Peopel Pesson Pirech Podelf Pollin Pollo Pomaid Pomap Pomaun Ponni Pugbele Pugont Rummy Rusamp Sagane Saganta Sagre Sagus Samore Sannus Sanus Satios Satucan Satyrin Sedamia Seelet Seelf Seelin Seello Segonus Segoyle Segum Segus Sellos Sirios Smeris Sphina Spris Sprito Sprius Sucala Sunna Sylen Syleta Sylete Tarus Taune Teponi Teren Terie Tiantro Tiris Tisamna Tobolf Tonie Tonne Tonus Trebius Trecamo Treisag Trens Tresus Trich Tridia Tronus Tropes Troppa Tyrie Tyrio Undman Unople Valar Valata Valaus Valkyr Vaman Vament Vamia Vamna Vamnaia Vaniad Vanius Vannin Vetios Vette Vhetata Vhetere Vhetik Vhetios Vingu Visanix Vishiba Viura Viurie Wenteng Wenus Werehus Weres Werins Werius Wernus Wertis Yukie Yukiome Zomaia Zomapon
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delta7of96 · 3 years
"Venus Williams’ Dad Gloriously Shuts Down Interviewer In Classic 1995 Video"
: https://share.smartnews.com/kUkB
: https://share.smartnews.com/oGRU
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germaniaone · 4 years
По делу о похищении сына адвоката Константина Скрыпника задержан его коллега
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Правоохранительные органы Московской области задержали по делу о похищении 17-летнего сына адвоката Константина Скрыпника его коллегу Эдуарда Гладилина. Реклама Адвокат задержанного Владислав Ткаченко-Кремер рассказал агентству ТАСС, что минувшей ночью в доме Эдуарда Гладилина в подмосковных Мытищах сотрудники МВД и СКР провели обыск. Сейчас он находится на допросе. По версии следствия, Реклама ((__lxGc__=window.__lxGc__||'s':,'b':0)['s']['_213741']=__lxGc__['s']['_213741']||'b':)['b']['_639289']='i':__lxGc__.b++; ((__lxGc__=window.__lxGc__||'s':,'b':0)['s']['_213741']=__lxGc__['s']['_213741']||'b':)['b']['_639290']='i':__lxGc__.b++; .two-p-block div text-align: center; .two-p-block:after content: ''; display: block; clear: both; #OgRu #Общество #Происшествия
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roselukes-main · 6 years
I was tagged by @queenbeeharry a true homie
1 - nicknames? nennie, nenza, jen
2 - gender? female
3 - star sign? Pisces
4 - height? 5’7”
5 - time? 12:15am
6 - birthday? March 11
7 - favorite bands? One Direction, 5 Seconds of Summer, All Time Low
8 - favorite solo artists? Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Miranda Lambert, Kacey Musgraves
9 - song stuck in my head? Lavender’s Blue from Cinderella
10 - last movie you watched? Cinderella (Live action)
11 - last show you watched? Criminal Minds
12 - when did you create your blog? In like 2012 rip me
13 - what do i post? Liars named Harry, Louis, Niall and Liam
14 - last thing i googled ? Sims 4 cheats
15 - do you have any other blogs? I’ve got one sideblog @lukesback and several saved url blogs
16 - do you get asks? only hate lmao
17 - why did you choose your url? i want louis to hurry up and realease an album so he can go on tour
18 - following? 458
19 - followers? 1463
20 - favorite colors? orange and mint green
21 - average hours of sleep? what is sleep
22 - lucky number? 11
23 - instruments? clarinet and piano
24 - what am i wearing? sweatpants and a bathrobe 
25 - how many blankets do i sleep with? as many as i own
26 - dream job? professional sugar baby
27 - dream vacation? Australia
28 - favorite food ? Olive Garden’s shrimp alfredo
29 - nationality? american
30 - favorite song? Miss You by Louis Tomlinson
I tag the entirety of the Loudmouth gc that thinks Ogru is acceptable
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